Mass Schedule Fifth Sunday of Easter Weekends May 3, 2015 Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting. Weekdays Holy Days First Friday WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30am 9:30am 5:30pm Daily Morning Prayer – Chapel Recitation of Rosary – Church Daily Evening Prayer – Chapel Saturday Evenings 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday @ 9:00 AM Vigil 7:00 PM; Holy Day 9:00 AM Holy Hour/Confessions at 6:00 PM followed by 7:00 PM Mass and Healing Service Blessed Sacrament Adoration Monday through Saturday …………..6:00 AM to 12 midnight Sunday …………………………………..….Noon to midnight SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:00am First Communion 10:30am First Communion 12:00pm First Communion 5:00pm Fred Rock (r/o Hieronimus Family) Tony Ditri (r/o Julie & Dan Lomas) Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays or by appointment…………………………4:00 PM Sacrament of Baptism SUNDAY, MAY 3 8:00am Karen A. Pinkas (r/o Ed & Sandra Pinkas) Linda Dluoik (r/o Sullivan Family) 9:30am Wanda Makarewicz (r/o Dennis & Pam Murawski) James Zarrilli (r/o Grayson & Gloria Heberley) 11:00am Rita DeCesare-Longo (r/o DeCesare Family) Anna Tedesco (r/o Dennis & Pam Murawski) 5:00pm Stefania Mieszkowska (r/o Sheila & John McCartney) Dorothy Godfrey (r/o Joan & Ralph Halfen) For all Living and Deceased members of our Parish Community Call the Parish Office for instructions. Sacrament of Marriage Call the Parish Office 1 year before the wedding to begin marriage preparations. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound or Hospital Anyone wishing to arrange for a home visit is to contact the Office. MONDAY, MAY 4 9:00am Michael Klokus (r/o Sheila, John McCartney & Boys) Linda Dluoik (r/o John & Sue Bescript) Thank You for Your Generosity TUESDAY, MAY 5 9:00am Margaret A. Painter (r/o SCB Clergy and Parish Community) Michael T. Branca (r/o Gozdan Family) Easter 2014: $59,375. Easter 2015 $60,156. April 27, 2014: $14,405. April 26, 2015: $19,229. Catholic Home Missions: $2.011. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 9:00am Gregorio Bautista (r/o Avellina Dequillo) Louise DiRe (r/o Deacon Jerry & Toni Doughty) THURSDAY, MAY 7 9:00am Ron Broomhead (r/o Ben & Betty) Jennifer C. Leach (r/o Rose & Larry Foglia) God bless you for your love and support of YOUR Church! Please take the time to use your envelopes. It helps tremendously with the tabulation of your donation. FRIDAY, MAY 8 9:00am Della Bouchet (r/o Frank & Terry Dolan) Kenn Parkar (r/o The Dugans) SATURDAY, MAY 9 9:00am May Crowning 2:00pm WEDDING: Pamela Thomas & Michael Gallagher 5:00pm Patrick Casey 10th Anniv. (r/o Paul & Eleanor Paradise) Donnelly Family (r/o Paul & Eleanor Paradise) For all Living and Deceased members of our Parish Community SECOND COLLECTION There will be a second collection next weekend, May 9/10 for the Diocesan Assessment. Did you remember St. Charles Borromeo Parish in your will? BREAD, WINE AND FLOWER DONATION: If you would like to sponsor the purchase of altar bread, wine and flowers in memory of a loved one, please contact Janet at the rectory. SUNDAY, MAY 10 8:00am Mother’s Day Novena Linda Dluoik (r/o Paul & Maryanne Klein)) 9:30am Mother’s Day Novena Andrea G. Hathaway (r/o SCB Clergy & Parish Community) Eleanor St. Clair (r/o John & Eileen Conville) 11:00am Mother’s Day Novena Jean McDonald (r/o Family) Eleanor St. Clair (r/o Margie Cistone) 5:00pm Mother’s Day Novena Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards The Mother’s Day cards are available this weekend in a basket in the gathering space. The intention envelopes will be placed on the altar for the month of May. 2 Letter From the Parochial Vicar Dear Friends in Christ, The Easter season really is a time for celebration. And this weekend here at St. Charles Borromeo is definitely a time for us to celebrate. Our 2nd grade students received their First Holy Communion this weekend – receiving the body and blood of Christ for the first time. This is truly is a special weekend for all our First Communicants and their families. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. Everything leads to the Eucharist and everything flows from it. So the Eucharist needs to be at the center of all our lives. What a blessing it is to be able to receive the Eucharist at mass. It’s something we should want to do every week. You know, going to mass is something we should make sure is in our calendars every weekend, whether it’s Saturday evening, Sunday morning or Sunday evening. Everything in our calendars on the weekend should revolve around going to mass and receiving Holy Communion. Since the Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Christian life – the mass and the Eucharist need to be the center of our weekends and then everything else follows. The Eucharist will then help inform us how we should share our time, treasure and talent with others throughout the week. And speaking of time, treasure and talent, we all know that a big event here at St. Charles Borromeo every year is the carnival. Part of the reason why the carnival is such a big success is because of the hard work put in by all our volunteers. This might be the year you would like to start volunteering, or continuing to volunteer, your time and talents to our carnival. Walt and Jean Fox, our carnival chair couple, are reaching out for volunteers this weekend. This is a great opportunity for you to give back to our parish. God Bless, Fr. Chris A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP O’CONNELL All Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton are asked to pray for the victims of the tragic earthquake in Nepal. The devastation there is almost incomprehensible to us. Anyone able and willing to help is encouraged to contribute directly online: or send contributions directly to: Nepal Earthquake Relief, Catholic Relief Services, PO 17090, Baltimore, MD 21297-0303 MAY 7 MASS IN CHAPEL Due to work on the sanctuary floor, on Thursday, May 7, the normal 9:00am daily mass will be held in the chapel instead of church. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Thomas DiTaranto Geraldine Mertzig Dr. Teresa Ball PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Let us remember the sick of our community that they may receive healing of body, soul and spirit. Alice Furbee, Rita Irwin, Tom King and Mary Ann Moszcynski After one month in the bulletin they will be transferred to the Book of Healing in the Adoration Chapel 3 We Are Called To Sanctify ADORATION CHAPEL Come and receive the special outpouring of God’s grace that many of our parishioners have already experienced by spending time with Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Come and be blessed at your own convenience. The chapel is open from 6AM until Midnight every day except Sunday: Noon to midnight. If you would like any information, please contact Marge at 786-0407; Patty at 7862749 or Bill Gallagher at 609-760-9555. VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE Nearly 150 families, including singles and couples have taken the Blessed Chalice into their homes to pray for vocations once a day for one week. The prayer is furnished. We had one vocation from our parish in 2014. Several have taken it more than once for a special occasion in their home. Each weekend, at a Mass of your choice, a parishioner or parish family is called to the sanctuary after communion to accept the Chalice (or you may take it privately after Mass). The following Saturday the Chalice is returned to the chapel in Marsh Hall and placed on the altar. Please find it in your heart to call or volunteer. Thank you. Please call Pamela and Don Grimme at 856-829-6488 The Prayer Chalice will be in the home of the Huber Family for the week of May 10th. WEEKDAY COMMUNION ANTIPHONS Monday: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you, says the Lord, alleluia. Tuesday: If we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Christ, alleluia. Wednesday: The Lord has risen and shone his light upon us, whom he has redeemed by his Blood, alleluia. Thursday: Christ died for all, that those who live may live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and is risen, alleluia. Friday Entrance Antiphon: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength and honor, alleluia. Friday: The Crucified is risen from the dead and has redeemed us, alleluia. Liturgical Ministers Schedule MAY 9 - MAY 10: SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Eucharistic Minister Chalice Margaret Genzano Regina Hartshorne Louise Houwen James Porter Jim Andorko Albert Bove Donald Grimme Daniel Gaffney Leroy Gallus Kathy Vandegrift NOT FILLED Eucharistic Minister - Bread Bill Ficco Rosalie Hieronimus Gert Stoneback Ray Burzichelli Christy Fitzpatrick Joe Focht Jennifer Ellis John Welsh Eileen Welsh Alicia Gallus Jeanette Kosinski James Smith NOT FILLED Reader 1 Theresa King Joe Jankowski Anthony Fratto Robert Prindible Barbara Hare Reader 2 Francis Dolan Laurie Beck Jeanne McGuire Francine Eisenmann Altar Server Bridget Hartshorne Jason Holmes Eileen Yizzi Daria Black Nicholas DeJesus Scott Fitzpatrick Andrew Donachie Elizabeth Donachie Annemarie Donachie Alexandra Keck Elena Keck Katherine Storti Greeter Richard Strobel Dottie Gerlock Nancy Andorko Mary Ann Corradetti Sacristan Theresa Dolan Jack Hathaway Eileen Welsh Carolyn Witt Christian Hare NOT FILLED Please be there 15 minutes early. If you cannot serve at the time scheduled, it is your responsibility to find a substitute. 4 We Are Called To Evangelize We Are Called To Serve RESPECT LIFE HEALTH MINISTRY Our transportation ministry has been quite active and a help to many. If you need a ride call Allyson Cooney at 609-922-7641. The Outreach program offers meals to needy parishioners on a short term basis. If you are recovering from surgery, have an incapacitating illness, or other problems and are in need of a meal, please call Kathy McCracken at 829-0563. Long before ever being conceived in its mother’s womb, the unborn child was conceived in God’s mind. Who are we to say NO to God by abortion? WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES CASSEROLES FOR THE HUNGRY – Frozen casseroles donated on the second Thursday of each month by St. Charles parishioners are delivered to Catholic Charities Emergency. Anyone interested in joining this worthy endeavor, call Cathy Weir at 764-9277. Next drop off day is May 14. Casseroles may be dropped off in the barn any time between 7am and 9pm. Thank you. May 2015: Light in a Dark World At its best, the family is a school of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, mutual respect, patience and humility in the midst of a world darkened by selfishness and conflict. In these ways, the family teaches what it means to be human. However, many temptations arise which try to coax us into forgetting that male and female are created for covenant and communion. For example, poverty, affluence, pornography, contraception, philosophical and other intellectual mistakes can all create contexts that challenge or threaten healthy family life. The Church resists these things for the sake of protecting the family. FOOD COLLECTION Next weekend, May 9/10, we will conduct our monthly collection of food certificates for the needy of Burlington County. Please place your donation(s) in front of the Blessed Mother statue in church at any mass. ST. CHARLES YOUTH MINISTRY (SCYM) NEWS The final SCYM meeting of the year will be Sunday May 3rd. We are asking that all SCYM members join us for mass at 5pm, followed by a group dinner in McCusker Hall. Dinner will be followed by a brief meeting to reflect on the year. We will conclude around 8pm. We hope everyone can attend to celebrate a great year. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO TOTS PLAYGROUP The Tots Playgroup meets every Wednesday from 9:30AM – 11:15AM. The playgroup meets in the Richard Marsh Center located at St. Charles Borromeo School and Church at 2500 Branch Pike, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077. All caregivers (moms, dads, grandparents, etc) are welcome to attend with children aged anywhere from infants to 5 years of age. We will have playtime, snacks, and crafts. No registration is required. We ask for a $1.00 donation each week per child and the money is used for supplies and snacks for the group. CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact Allison Friebel at [email protected] or Donna Shaw at 856-829-1463. A PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior….Amen. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a weekend full of fresh love, rebirth, and new beginnings. Your marriage deserves it, and so does your home life. Upcoming weekend dates are, May 29-31, July 31August 2, October 23-25, December 11-13. For more information call 609-742-4035 or email [email protected] Visit our website 5 We Are Called to Educate Fourth Grade Fun by Mrs. Nicole Catalina Fourth grade students have been working diligently as they explore the subjects of math, religion, and social studies. The vocabulary is especially challenging in our new math chapter, Number Theory and Patterns. We are learning about factors, multiples, divisibility, prime and composite numbers, and number patterns. The students have been doing well understanding the concepts presented in this chapter. After a quiz on factors, multiples, divisibility, and prime/composite numbers, they explored number patterns, finding the rule, and finishing the pattern by completing the following activity. The students were each given three playing cards. They were asked to flip those cards and use them as the beginning numbers in their pattern. They then had to figure out what the rules were based on the cards they flipped, and add two more numbers to the pattern as well. The students were also asked to write a paragraph describing their thought process throughout the activity. This was a fun and very interesting exercise! We have been learning about the Ten Commandments in religion class. We are currently studying the fifth commandment - You shall not kill. The students each wrote advertisements about the fifth commandment by promoting the positive message about protecting human life. There were a variety of themes displayed in their very creative work. We had songs, interviews, speeches, and even poems. They had so many wonderful ideas! In social studies we are discovering the Declaration of Independence. The students were divided into groups and created their own modern plays based on the Declaration of Independence. Each group had colonists, loyalists, and a controlling leader. The colonists declared independence while the loyalists stayed by the leader’s side. Each group wrote their own rendition of the “Declaration of Independence”. The plays were absolutely excellent! As the year winds down and we prepare for the fun and adventure of summer vacation, we look forward to field day, our class trip and the year long awaited return of our parish carnival. We hope you have enjoyed reading about our discoveries this year. We are looking forward to the challenges of fifth grade, but not before we have some rest and relaxation during the summer months! St. Charles Borromeo Parish School 50th Anniversary Beef and Beer DJ and Dining Saturday, May 16, 2015 in McCusker Hall from 6-9pm Benefits St. Charles Borromeo Parish School $25/per person by 5/4 - $40 per couple by 5/4 $200 per table of 10 by 5/4 $30 per person at the door (Must be 21 to attend) 6 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CARNIVAL JOIN US AT THE 19th HOLE June 8th - 13th 2015 6:00 pm. -11:00 pm. CARNIVAL CONSTRUCTION Come help us with construction so you can really enjoy the 19th Hole. Weeknights 6 pm. To 9 pm. & Weekends 9 am. To 2 pm. St. Charles Borromeo Night at the Phillies Come support the SCB Alumni Association and bring your family to cheer on the Fightin’ Phils! Friday, June 26th 7:05 PM Philadelphia vs. the Washington Nationals Tickets are $20 a person Checks should be made out to St. Charles Borromeo Parish and must be submitted with the bottom portion of this flyer. Orders will be collected after all masses May 2nd and 3rd or dropped off at the Rectory. All orders must be submitted by May 4th. Tickets will need to be picked up after any of the masses on June 20th or 21st Name:_____________________________ Phone Number:________________________ E-mail:_____________________________ Number of Tickets:________ Amount Enclosed:_________ 7 ST. CHARLES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Congratulations to our second grade students from Religious Education and St. Charles school who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday. They worked very hard and were truly ready to receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time. Many thanks to all the second grade teachers, Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. Elliott for all their help in making First Eucharist such a beautiful ceremony. This Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5th & 6th are the last classes for the year in Religious Education. We ask all our families to send in their re-registration forms as soon as possible. We also ask everyone to consider helping out in some way, either as a teacher, teacher’s aide or hall monitor for next year. We have almost 500 children and need lots of assistance to make the program run smoothly. We look forward to everyone’s return in September. Sunday school registration forms are available in the Religious Education office. Our program is for 3,4,5 year old children and takes place during the 9:30 am mass each Sunday. Thank you to all our Catechists for a wonderful year! A Mary Day in May Please come and join St. Charles Borromeo Rosary group on Saturday, May 9th, at 9:00 AM for our Mary Day in May. Mass is at 9:00 AM, followed by meditated Rosary with singing, followed by a May Crowning. After there will be a great, mostly homemade breakfast in McCusker Hall. For additional information call Celeste at 786-0219. No reservations needed. A MESSAGE FROM FR. BOB SCHECKER After serving parishioners in five parishes within the four counties of the Diocese of Trenton for the past forty-four years, Bishop O’Connell has approved my retirement from active parish ministry effective June 30, 2015. Beginning on June 30th, I will be living with my sister in a retirement community in Brick Town, NJ. The Church of the Nativity, 180 Ridge Road, Fair Haven, NJ 07704, my present pastoral assignment, will be hosting catered gatherings after each weekend Mass of June 13-14 (Sat. 5pm Mass, Sun. 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am Masses) in the Parish Hall located downstairs from the Worship Area. You are invited to participate in any of those weekend prayerful/social/catered gatherings as an opportunity for me to see and thank YOU for allowing me to serve you as a parish priest over the years. Whether or not you are able to attend the gatherings, nonetheless, I want to thank you now for having had the opportunity to serve you as a parish priest in the parish of St. Charles Borromeo from 1972 to 1975. Gratefully, Fr. Bob Schecker. WOMEN’S CIRCLE NEWS As we continue to celebrate the joy of the Easter season, our April theme was "Bread Blessed and Broken". Different types of bread, representing many kinds of people in our lives were blessed and broken, as stories were shared and gratitude expressed. Our last gathering for our fifteenth season will be held on Monday evening, May 4th from 7:309:30 PM in Marsh Hall. We will be enjoying our annual "Sundae on Monday" special treat! Please remember to bring your favorite ice cream or topping. We look forward to seeing you and invite you to bring a friend. Phone Lila Graziano 829-2125 or Marie Serfling 829-4626 for information. 8 St. Charles Borromeo PTA Board May Newsletter Issue #9: May 1, 2015 May Feel free to e-mail [email protected] with any PTA related requests or questions and the appropriate board member will get back to you. Also, please check the PTA News section of the school website Labels Contest Calendar Reminders st st Our LABELS competition will run from May 1 through May 1 : Service Day - All students wear gym May 30th. Send your trimmed Labels for Education in a uniforms bag labeled with your child’s name May 4th: Spring / Summer uniform begins and homeroom to: Michele Holmes May 5th: Field Day for Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 (rain date c/o Jason 6A. The TOP 3 May 12th). WINNERS will receive one sheet of Carnival Tickets. A May 8th: May Crowning (after 9AM Mass) reminder for all parishioners, there is a container placed May 15th: Field Day for Grades K – 8 (rain outside the school office for your convenience to drop date: May 18th) off any clipped Box Tops and Labels for Education. May 15th: 8th Grade Parent Volleyball game Seeking Chairpersons Mother Son Outing We have an open chair position for Santa's Secret Shop. The Mother Son Outing is scheduled for Sunday, May Grab a friend and co-chair together! Santa's 17th from 5pm to 7:30pm at Pinsetters Secret Shop is held the week after bowling alley in Merchantville. Forms will Thanksgiving break. Feel free to contact Lisa be sent home to reserve your spot. Please contact Colleen Crandall with any questions Begley at [email protected] if you are interested. at [email protected]. Dine and Donate This month’s Dine and Donate will be held on Thursday, May 14th at Chick-Fil-A in Delran from 5PM – 8PM. They will donate 20% of all food purchases for either dine-in or carryout when you present a flyer. Flyers will be sent home. Hope to see you there! Fall Fundraiser Planning Planning will begin for our fall fundraisers. If you would like to be part of the Planning Teams, please contact: Angie Wojnar at [email protected] for the Run Back to School or Shaun McDevitt at [email protected] for the Golf Outing. Liturgies and May Crowning Feel free to join us as part of the Parish Liturgy at 9AM on May 14th (celebrating Ascension Thursday) and Friday, May 15th. May Crowning will be held after the 9AM Mass on Friday, May 8th. Everyone is welcome to join us. Uniform Exchange Just a reminder about our Uniform Exchange. We have a limited amount of donated uniform items that are available free to anyone that has a need for them. We can also accept uniform items so we can make them available to others. Please email [email protected] with the item and size that you need or if you have items to donate. Thanks for your support! St. Charles Borromeo PTA Board (2014 – 2016) Lisa Begley (President), Sarina Corbett (Vice President), Angie Wojnar (Vice President), Jacqui Swift (Recording Secretary), Maria McDonough (Treasurer), Cathie Sabatino (Athletic Director), Christina Buser (Hospitality Chair), Colleen Drach (Lunch Chair), Michele Sherlock (Publicity Chair), Cheryl Sgroi (Spirituality Chair) 9 B C CH CL FL H L 10 18 7:00pm Evangelization (W) 25 17 9:30am Children’s Lit 12:15pm Baptisms 7:30pm Holy Name Mtg. (M) 24 Habitat/Nail Sale 9:30am Children’s Lit 31 KofC-Raffle/Seminarians 9:30am Children’s Lit 7:30pm Nurses Mtg. (M) Mother’s Day 2nd coll.—Dioc. Assess’t Food Collection Respect Life: Roses 9:30am Children’s Lit Happy Memorial Day Rectory Closed 11 10 5pm SCYM (C/Mc) Tue Wed 7pm Barn Crew (M) 26 7pm Barn Crew (M) 19 6:30pm School Board (R) 7:00pm Stewardship Mtg. (W) 7pm Barn Crew (M) 12 4:10pm RE Class (C/S/Mc) 7pm Barn Crew (M) 7:00pm Lit. Mtg. (W) 5 9:30 Tots Playgroup (M) 27 7pm Men’s Group (M) 9:30 Tots Playgroup (M) 20 7pm Vigil Mass 9:30 Tots Playgroup (M) 13 Ascension of the Lord Holyday of Obligation 9am Mass Rectory Closed Casseroles for the Poor 7:30pm Choir Prac. (C) 28 7:30pm Choir Prac. (C) 21 7:30pm Choir Prac. (C) 14 9am Mass will be held in the Chapel. (work being done in Church) 7:30pm Choir Prac. (C) 9:30 Tots Playgroup (M) 4:10pm RE Class (C/S/Mc) 7:10pm RE Class (C/S/Mc) 7 6 Thu May 2015 Carnival Construction begins May 1st. 7:30pm Women’s Cir. (M) 4 3 2nd coll.—Ren. Fund 1st Way Baby Shower 9:30am Children’s Lit Baptisms Mon M Marsh Hall Mc McCusker Hall R Rectory RA Related Arts Room RR Resource Room S School W Wagner House Sun Barn Church Chapel Choir Loft Faculty Lounge Home of parishioner Library, school NA 8pm (M) 29 NA 8pm (M) 22 NA 8pm (M) 15 NA 8pm (M) 8 NA 8pm (M) 8pm AA (M) Habitat/Nail Sale 30 8pm AA (M) KofC-Raffle/Seminarians 23 8pm AA (M) 5:00pm—50th Anniv. School Mass (C/Mc) 16 2nd coll.—Dioc. Assess’t Food Collection 9am Mass/May Crowning (C/Mc) Respect Life: Roses 8am Barn Crew (M) 2pm-Wedding 8pm AA (M) 9 2nd coll.—Ren. Fund 1st Way Baby Shower Food Collection First Communion at 9:00am; 10:30am and 12:00 noon 8am Barn Crew (M) 8pm AA (M) 2 1 Holy Hr 6pm (C) Healing Mass 7pm (C) Sat Fri St. Charles Borromeo Cinnaminson, NJ
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