Kenmore Elementary School March/April PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE It is hard to believe that spring is upon us! We are certainly ready for some warmer temperatures and plenty of sunshine. Our students have been very patient during the frigid days of January and February that have prevented them from going outside! We will begin administration of the PARCC assessment on March 16th. PARCC is taking place of MSA testing for grades 3, 4, and 5. PARCC is similar to MSA in that students will be asked to complete a math portion and a reading portion. One major difference is that all students will be testing on the computer. If your child is in grade 3, 4, or 5 and participating in testing, you will receive a letter with more information. In addition, you may have heard some things from school, around the community, or read in the Whig about our CCPS budget. This year we are placing a specific emphasis on speaking to the County Council members, as well as the County Executive, in support of fully funding our budget. Members of the Kenmore community have written letters and spoken at County Council meetings to share the importance of our message. If the budget is not funded it will have a major impact on our schools and your child. We will be organizing a group to attend a council meeting on March 17, 2015. Please look for more information to come. Kenmore and the CCPS community greatly appreciate your support. As always please feel free to contact us at any time. We are always happy to speak with parents, listen to your suggestions or concerns as well as share your celebrations and successes. Kenmore is a wonderful place to work and learn! Have a wonderful spring! Josh Mangold Principal Stacey Rominski Assistant Principal PRE-KINDERGARTEN We are officially 100 days smarter! Pre-K celebrated 100 days of school and Valentine’s Day on the same day! First, Mrs. D and I would like to thank our friends for the wonderful collection of Valentines. So many of you are doing a great job with writing your names and that just makes our hearts “pitter pat!” Thank you for making us feel so special! Our next unit of study will be called Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We will explore the many different ways this topic impacts our world and even though we are “short,” we can still do things as a group or as individuals that will make a difference. Also, we are going to have a visit from Elkton Recycling Center to find out what happens right here in our own back yard. Our number of fridge words will continue to grow and we are finding them everywhere! In the next few months we will use them to read and construct some simple sentences as well as adding new ones to the list. Remember trimester two reports will go out on or about March 2nd. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. DiFilippo KINDERGARTEN It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the third marking period! The kids continue to grow and learn so much! We are very proud of how far they’ve come. During our “Econ and Me” unit of study, students will learn about: different types of farms, products we get from farms, animals that live on farms, crops that are grown on farms, the jobs of a farmer, and the machinery used on farms. We will read many fiction and non-fiction books to help us during this unit. Our dramatic play area will also be turned into a farm for the children to work and play. We will also learn about other community helpers during this unit. In math, we are learning about two and three-dimensional shapes. Students will learn the names of the shapes and identify if they are flat or solid. We will also identify things that are in our classroom that are 2D and 3D. We will give the Unit 3 assessment at the end of March. Students will count orally to 75 starting from 1 and from a given number. Students will also write teen numbers and show a given teen number as a group of ten and extra ones. Mrs. Heckert and Ms. Hobson FIRST GRADE In reading, we have learned that information can be found in the pictures and from the text in a book. Our math unit has us learning how to compare two digit and three digit numbers, add two digit numbers using tools, compare 2-D and 3-D shapes, and measure the length of objects using nonstandard and standard units. We are finishing our unit on “Pebbles, Sand, and Silt” in science. In social studies, we started a new unit about economics. Students will learn about wants, needs, goods, and services. Please continue to work on spelling words and reading our word wall words! Mrs. English, Mrs. Mullinix, and Mrs. Oswald SECOND GRADE Second graders are eager to be back in the routine of school and are making great strides to continue learning more each and every day! We have been making connections in different genres of literature and non-fiction text in reading. We have discovered new ways to solve different types of problems in math; and have been practicing using multiplication with arrays. We continue to see most of our second graders making good choices to be positive, prepared, and productive in class each day. Thanks so much for your continued support at home and school. Please remind your children to bring their homework folders back to school on the last day of the school week, and read with your child every school night. We can’t wait to see the sunshine and welcome spring! Mrs. Fetterolf, Mrs. Quinn, and Mrs. Rose THIRD GRADE Wow! We can’t believe it is March already. Students are busy getting ready for the PARCC assessment. We are continuing with the concept of relationships in language arts. Our essential question is, “Why are relationships important”? Try talking to your child about different relationships they experience in their lives. We will be continuing with fractions in math. In social studies we have started the exciting Economics unit. Information for mini-society will be coming home soon. In science we are currently learning about the “Physics of Sound” and will be studying “Structures of Life”. Each student will grow his or her own plant hydroponically! Remember to read 15 minutes each night, study the weekly spelling words, and memorize the multiplication facts. Third grade is looking forward to a very exciting spring! Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Woollens FOURTH GRADE Fourth grade would like to thank everyone who supported Jump Rope for Heart and visited our classrooms for Reader’s Theater. The students were eager to read their part for our visitors. In math, the students will continue to practice decimals and fractions and begin focusing on measurement. We will solve problems using time, liquid measurement, and area. We are excited to be studying Greek Mythology in our English Language Arts Block. Students will be learning the characteristics of a myth and will be introduced to many of the different gods and goddesses. In social studies, we have been learning about the history of Maryland and will be focusing on Maryland’s government throughout the rest of the marking period. In science, we will be learning about the mechanics of motion. We will learn about speed and then graph the data we collect. Thank you for your continued support! Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Ide, and Mrs. Sessions FIFTH GRADE We are continuing to identify the theme in stories and multimedia in language arts. The students will also be drawing conclusions as they read. In math we will be continuing our fractions unit by multiplying and dividing fractions. I hope your child has shared with you some of the original ways we have worked with fractions throughout this unit. The students will be learning more about the Revolutionary War and will head towards learning about the Declaration of Independence and our government. We are working with our “Cells” unit in science. The students will be learning about types of cells and their functions as well as looking at cells through a microscope. The fifth grade trip to Washington D.C. is on Friday, May 15th. Look for information to come home soon. Mrs. Bosler, Mrs. Hayman, and Mrs. Combs MEDIA CENTER Fourth & Fifth Grade Book Club It has been busy, even as the snow flies. Our book club has been hugely successful, and the students have been complaining that the snow has caused them to miss some of their Tuesday book club dates. Weather is always an issue this time of year so the book club will be extending its run an extra week into March to give the students extra time to read and enjoy a chance to meet their reading goals. Media Our first graders are finishing their first model research unit by making a book, complete with bibliography, thanking the author of the book that taught them the basics of research skills. Similar units are also done in each grade level during the school year, with gradually increasing depth and complexity added to each grade level's work. Our second, fourth, and fifth graders also recently took a mid-year benchmark to measure their learning. Fourth and fifth graders looked at the data generated to make a personal action plan so they'll be ready for the end of year assessment. Mr. Mychalus School Librarian PHYSICAL EDUCATION/INTEGRATED ARTS We would like to welcome Ms. Kelsey Johnson to Kenmore Elementary. Ms. Johnson is a student from the University of Delaware doing her student teaching with Mrs. Roy. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART!! A big thank you goes out to our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders who raised $7,000 for the American Heart Association on Friday, February 13th at our annual Jump Rope for Heart event. The 3 top fundraisers were: 1: Lexi Bunk - $450 2: Kimmie Ball - $375 3: Will Shockley - $350 Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make this event so successful! Mrs. Roy FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Congratulations to the following students for participating in the All County Elementary Honor Chorus: Alexis Bunk Zachary Crowl Abby Mahoney Madeline Moore Mackenzie Simpers These 5 students, along with others from all across the county, will be performing a concert at Elkton High School on March 24th at 7:00 PM. This year our Kenmore Chorus will be performing the Star Spangled Banner at an Aberdeen Ironbirds game on Monday, June 29th. All ticket forms/money are due by Wednesday, April 1st so that we can ensure tickets will be distributed prior to the end of the school year. You can buy tickets through the school or through School Cash Online. Our KES Spring Concert will be on Tuesday, May 12th, 2015. Mr. Kyle McFadden COUNSELOR Kenmore Elementary is participating in two before school-based programs this year. The programs are imom and All Pro Dads. These programs meet monthly at 8:15 AM. During the program parents and children enjoy a light breakfast and discuss topics relevant to school age children. Each program provides fun bonding activities for you and your child. You will also leave with some practical parenting tips that you can implement immediately at home. Please look for invitations to come home with your child. For more information, please feel free to contacts Mrs. Simpson or visit the websites, and . In classroom lessons the students have begun, or will soon begin, Personal Safety. This is a county-wide curriculum which teaches students how to take care of their body and keep their body safe. The following topics will be covered at each grade level. ◊ Stranger Awareness and Safety Rules (PK-5) ◊ “No, Go, Tell” Response (PK-5) ◊ Identifying Good and Bad Touches (K-5) ◊ Good Secrets vs. Bad Secrets (K-5) ◊ Examples of Lures (1-5) ◊ The “Uh-oh Feeling” (2-5) ◊ Internet Safety Rules (3-5) ◊ Personal Safety Rules (3-5) ◊ Personal Safety Vocabulary (4-5) ◊ Communication Styles (5) If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to contact me at, 410996-5060. PBIS News Please continue to encourage your child to show the 3P’s at school and to keep getting Pride Tickets! PBIS Data as of February 25, 2013 Month Number of MIR’s Number of ODR’s Number of Pride Tickets August/September 1,673 23 2 October 1,846 23 1 November 984 11 4 December 928 9 3 January 1,001 7 2 Mrs. Simpson UPCOMING EVENTS March 2nd March 13th March 16th March 20th March 24th March 27th April 1st April 2nd April 2nd April 3rd – 6th April 13th April 14th April 24th TBD Mid-term reports issued School will be in session – inclement weather make-up day PTO meeting 6:30 PM in the media center Deadline for ordering a Kenmore yearbook All County Chorus performs at Elkton High – 7:00 PM Kenmore Karnival 5:00 – 8:00 PM Spring pictures and class pictures School will be in session – inclement weather make-up day Marking period ends Spring holiday – schools closed Report cards issued PTO meeting 6:30 PM in the media center PTO family game night – more information to follow Roma’s Night KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015 - 2016 Kindergarten registration for the 2015-16 school year will be held March 9 – 13, 2015. Kindergarten is mandatory for children who will be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2015. Exemptions are accepted for children attending kindergarten in a private school or you may request a maturity waiver which allows your child to be exempt from kindergarten for one year due to his/her maturity level. Waiver forms will be available in the school office and must be completed and returned for approval by Cecil County Public Schools. If you, a relative, or a friend, have a child who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2015, please notify the school office at 410-996-5060. Registration packets will be mailed prior to registration week. PRE-K APPLICATION 2015 - 2016 Applications will be available in the office beginning March 23, 2015. If your child will be four (4) years old on or before September 1, 2015 (and potty trained), you may stop in and pick up an application on or after March 23, 2015. KENMORE’S YEARBOOK! Our yearbook this year will be a full size, paperback version with 44 pages full of memories. The deadline to order a Kenmore Elementary School yearbook is coming soon! Order by March 20th so that your student(s) will have their copy at the end of the school year. The children love to have their books signed by friends, and they are a great memento of the school year!
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