5205 New Street Burlington, Ontario, L7L 1V3 905-333-3374 (Telephone) 905-333-9497 (Fax) Website http://schools.hcdsb.org/ascn/default.aspx Principal: Mrs. A. Smith Board Trustee: Ms. S. Trites Secretary: Mrs. L. May SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence (905) 333-3374. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly between 8:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m APRIL and MAY 2015 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The months of April and May promise to be very busy months in both the liturgical lives of our students as well as the many wonderful activities planned in our school community. We would like to offer our prayers and warmest wishes to our Grade 2 students as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Communion. As well, we celebrate the Easter Season as a faith community. Easter weekend Mass times for St. Patrick Parish are listed on the next page. Easter Blessings to all! As we look ahead to many wonderful spring initiatives, we are inspired by the wonderful sense of community here at Ascension Catholic School. We will be recognizing our awesome parent volunteers during National Volunteer Week. A Volunteer Appreciation Tea has been planned for May 6 during Catholic Education Week to celebrate all they do for Ascension Catholic School. We also look forward to a very special occasion for our school community – our 50th Anniversary! We will be celebrating on May 14 with more information to be shared in the weeks to come. We thank our entire school community for their continued support for our staff, students and initiatives. Working together makes all the difference. HAPPY EASTER For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 - Wishing you a Blessed Easter – A. Smith and Staff at Ascension Catholic School LENTEN PRAYER Holy God, during this Lenten season help us to become more trusting, more prayerful, and more open to your grace. Lead us on the path of service, as we use our gifts for the wellbeing of others. Amen ST. PATRICK’S PARISH NEWS St. Patrick Parish Holy Week Worship Schedule Holy Thursday April 2nd 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper Washing of the Feet Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 9:00 p.m. Good Friday April 3rd Solemn Liturgy of the Passion Solemn Liturgy of the Passion Evening Prayer and Stations of the Cross 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday April 4th Easter Vigil 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday April 5th Mass of the Resurrection 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH REGULAR MASS TIMES Saturdays Sundays 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am AUTHOR VISITS We welcome 2 authors to Ascension School in the month of April. For our Primary students (FDK-Grade 3) on April 9th we will have Ruth Ohi, a Canadian author who writes and illustrates her own children’s books. Popular titles include “Fox and Squirrel”, “Shhh, My Brother is Sleeping”, and 2015 Blue Spruce Nominee “Kenta and the Big Wave”. Ruth will be conducting an exciting and interactive presentation. For our Junior and Intermediate students (Grade 4-8) on April 23rd we welcome Kenneth Oppel, Canadian author. Kenneth’s popular titles include “Airborn”, “Silverwing”, and 2015 Red Maple Nominee “Boundless”. Kenneth will be speaking about his journey while writing Boundless. Mrs. Spencer PLANT PURCHASES FOR SPRING April is just around the corner! So is the nice, warmer weather so many of us are waiting for so that we may start gardening. With that in mind, we are excited to let you know that the "Grow for Green" fundraising program we have at The Holland Park Garden Gallery is still active. While shopping there, please mention Ascension school, or provide the school's telephone number (905) 333-3374, and 5% of what you pay will to Ascension. Thank you so much for your support and happy gardening shopping! God Bless, Your Ascension Catholic School Parent Council FIRST COMMUNION DATES First Communion dates for the students at Ascension School will be during St. Patrick’s Church regularly scheduled Masses (Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 11:00 am) on the following dates: April 18/19; April 25/26; May 2/3, 2015. ARE YOU MOVING? If you know that your child(ren) will not be returning to Ascension in September, kindly inform the office in writing as soon as possible. This helps facilitate the planning for the 20152016 School Year. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. WALK WITH JESUS The Halton Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce the annual “Walk with Jesus” event which will take place during Catholic Education Week on Thursday, May 7, 2015. 20 student representatives from each of the 49 schools will participate in this event. Students will exhibit a sense of community, social justice, and solidarity as they walk from Bronte Provincial Park to Corpus Christi Secondary School where they will participate in an outdoor mass led by the Most Reverend Bishop Meihm. All fundraising monies from this day will be directed to the Halton Catholic Children’s Education Foundation. The “Walk with Jesus” event will provide a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate Catholic witness as they walk for social justice. PUBLIC SPEAKING Our Regional Public Speaking Competition was held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at Ascension School. Contestants from our Assumption Family of Schools attended. Caitlyn M. represented Ascension. We are very proud of Caitlyn as she did a fantastic job delivering her speech. Congratulations Caitlyn!!! REMINDER: ONLINE PAYMENTS NOW AVAILABLE School related expenses are now available online for your convenience! MARCH PRINCIPAL AWARDS Each month certain students from every class will be recognized for their positive contributions and achievements at school. Mrs. Smith will make these award presentations in each class. March (Trustworthiness) recipients are: FDK: Hayden B; Liam J; Emma S; Aidan R. Gr. 1: Joseph G; Ethan G; Sebastian U; Petra B. Gr. 2: Gia S. Gr. 3: Joseph S; Carter H; Ciaralyn D; Reese L. Gr. 4: Connor M-H; Isabella C. Please take a few minutes to register! Here’s how: Step1: Please visit: https://hcdsb.schoolcashonline.com Step 2: Register by selecting the “Get Started Now” and following the steps. Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email, please select the “click here” option, sign in and add each of your children to your household account. School Cash Online provides parents with easy access to make online payments for a variety of student activities, providing greater flexibility and control on how payments are made to the school. This new online payment method will also help reduce the risk of theft and cash misplacement. For more information including a FAQ, the benefits of this program, and how to register for School Cash Online, please visit: http://www.hcdsb.org/Parents/Pages/School-CashOnline.aspx. CANADIAN TIRE FUNDRAISING We are continuing to collect Canadian Tire money and we are adding to our gym equipment on a regular basis thanks to your amazing support of this program. 100% of the donations continue to go directly towards equipment. Your donation benefits the entire Ascension student body. We continue to keep the donations in the office in the labelled jug. Gr. 5: Meagan J; Vincent E; Tyrone F. Gr. 6: Myles P; Matthew B; Nick Z. Gr. 7: Andrew V; Luke M; Kristofer C; Chantel J. Gr. 8: Jack R; Thomas V; Samantha D. ESC: Evan H. SCHOOL UNIFORMS Thank you to our parents for your support and to our students for continuing to come in full uniform. We are a full uniform school as mandated by the Halton Catholic District School Board’s Policy 11-41 and all uniform pieces of clothing must be purchased from R. J. McCarthy’s. Any nonuniform pieces of clothing worn by students to supplement the uniform and are visible but layered underneath the uniform (e.g. tights, long sleeved shirt, undershirt) must be navy blue or white. Scarfs and nonuniform sweatshirts may be worn to school but removed, once in school. Please be reminded that students will need as pair of ‘indoor’ shoes to protect their feet once outdoor shoes or boots are taken off (All indoor shoes/running shoes should have non-marking soles). Also at this time of year students and parents should be reminded that closed toe shoes are necessary for safety reasons. Students should avoid wearing “flip flops” and sandals as their toes will be exposed and easily injured. Thank you for your continued support of our school dress code. APRIL PRINCIPAL AWARD FOCUS LEADERSHIP What is Leadership? Leadership is setting good examples and modelling positive Behaviour Leadership is listening and working cooperatively with others Leadership is doing your best and making a difference Leadership is having a positive attitude and encouraging others to do their best Leadership is knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to do the right thing How Can I Be a Leader? You can choose to practice leadership by following rules and modelling positive behavior. You are a leader when you make good choices and you help others to do their best. Younger children learn from watching older students. You are being a leader when you listen to others and encourage them to make good choices. By following rules and choosing to do the right thing, you are being an active leader. MAY PRINCIPAL AWARD FOCUS HONESTY What Is Honesty? An honest person is someone who tells the truth An honest person does not cheat, steal, or lie. How Can I Be an Honest Person? Whether at home, school, or the playground, an honest person always does his best to tell the truth. An honest person does not steal or cheat. He knows that stealing is wrong. He could never take a toy, candy, money, or anything that does not belong to him. Rules and laws about stealing are made to keep everyone’s property safe. An honest person would not want to break these rules or laws. Cheating is also something that an honest person would not do. Copying someone else’s paper is not right. Doing your own work and trying to do your best shows honesty. An honest person keeps his promises. When an honest person says that he will do a chore or job for someone, he always does it to the best of his ability. An honest person makes sure that he completes the job the way that he was asked to. ASCENSION’S GOT TALENT Ascension students are being asked to dust off the old instruments, polish up their dancing shoes, warm up their vocal chords and do whatever they need to do because our school talent show is right around the corner!! Students from FDK to Gr. 8 have been asked to sign up if interested and with parent permission, auditions will start soon. LOST AND FOUND If your child is missing clothing, boots, lunch boxes, etc., please encourage them to check the lost and found regularly. We will NOT take uniform pieces of lost clothing to the Salvation Army. IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES *also see April Calendar April 2, 2015 April 3, 2015 April 6, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 17, 2015 April 22, 2015 April 24, 2015 April 29, 2015 April 30, 2015 April 30, 2015 May 4-8, 2015 May 6, 2015 May 6, 2015 May 7, 2015 May 14, 2015 Holy Thursday Good Friday – no school Easter Monday – no school Grade 7 Confirmation Retreat to St. Joseph’s Motherhouse Me to We Walk to Water (a.m.) Grade 7 visit to Assumption TBD Earth Day P.A. Day – No school Grade 4 French Trip to Compass Point “Greg LeRock” Hep B#2 – Grade 7 HPV #3 – Grade 8 Girls Me to We @ Holy Rosary (all day) Education Week Education Week Liturgy 11:00 a.m. Volunteer Tea following the Liturgy Walk with Jesus Ascension 50th Anniversary Mass @ St. Patrick’s Church 10 a.m. Victoria Day – no school Confirmation Practice 1:30 pm Confirmation 3:00 pm. St. Patrick’s May 18, 2015 May 21, 2015 May 23, 2015 May 25, 2015 – June 4, 2015 EQAO – Grades 3 & 6 May 27-29, 2015 Grade 8 Trip to Camp Wanakita June 5, 2015 P.A. Day – No school June 10, 2015 Track & Field June 17, 2015 Whole School Closing Mass St. Patrick’s Church 10:30 a.m. June 17, 2015 Year End BBQ June 19, 2015 Play Day June 22, 2015 Report Cards go home June 22, 2015 Grade 8 Bowling & Lunch June 23, 2015 Grade 8 Graduation 6:30 – 10:00 June 26, 2015 Last Day of School Liturgy & Assembly 11TH ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT AT ASSUMPTION The Assumption Catholic Secondary School Annual Trivia Night will take place on Saturday, April 11 from 7 to 10 pm. Funds go to support local charities. Register your team of 6-8 players. The cost is $15/player. Contact Tina DiClemente at 905-634-1835, ext. 2022 or [email protected]. NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK APRIL 12-18 National Volunteer Week pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who graciously donate their time and talents to our communities. Canada’s volunteers make a tremendous contribution in communities across the country and around the globe. They make our communities resilient and our country vibrant. Every day, Canadians lend a hand to their neighbours and friends. And many of them don’t realize that in doing so they’re volunteering. We sincerely thank all of our wonderful volunteers here at Ascension School, for generously sharing their time and skills to work cooperatively with school staff, for the benefit of our children. Your work is truly appreciated! Ascension staff is very pleased to invite all of our volunteers to a Volunteer Appreciation Tea that will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 during Catholic Education Week. More details to follow. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION Volunteer Appreciation Tea We would like to recognize our wonderful Volunteers ….. Please join us on Wednesday, May 6th in the Library As we celebrate in your honour Following the 11:00 am Education Week Liturgy ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Our next Catholic School Council Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:30 in the school Library. Please mark this date on your calendar and join us. DID YOU KNOW? For parenting information or to speak with a public health nurse or child development staff: Dial 311 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) or visit haltonparents.ca SPIRIT OF INCLUSION AWARD The SPIRIT OF INCLUSION AWARD was established by the school board’s Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.). It is a non-academic award for a student who demonstrates the following: Involved in extra-curricular activities Demonstrates acts of friendship Exhibits strong school spirit committed to school activities the teachers and staff support the nomination the student is a builder of school community the student is involved in the spiritual life of the school the student has an excellent attitude and spirit in meeting challenges the student causes others to be valued and included, recognizing schoolmates as unique, each with contribution to make to the community. Congratulations, Meghan McCormick, the 2015 Ascension Schools’ nominee of the Spirit of Inclusion Award. Her award will be presented at Graduation. We are all very proud of you! NATIONAL WEAR PINK DAY BULLYING AWARENESS In recognition of bullying awareness, Wednesday, April 8, 2015 is designated as National Wear Pink Day. Wear pink and bring in $1.00 to support the Halton Catholic Children’s Foundation to support children in need. The International Day of Pink was started in Nova Scotia when 2 high school students saw another student wearing a pink shirt being bullied. The 2 students intervened, but wanted to do more to prevent bullying. They decided to purchase pink shirts, and a few days later got everyone at school to arrive wearing pink, standing in solidarity. The result was that an entire school took a stand and began working together to prevent bullying. The message was clear: anyone can bully, anyone can be victimized by bullying, but together we can stop it. Each year on the second Wednesday of April, millions of people wear pink and take a stand. The Day of Pink is a symbol, a spark that empowers and inspires youth across Canada to create amazing social change! We as a school community will be taking part in this powerful movement. STUDENT AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE Each year, the Halton Catholic District School Board acknowledges one student in each of our schools through the “Sharing the Spirit” student award of excellence. The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding work and contributions of students in Catholic schools in Halton. This year, the recipient for Ascension Catholic School was selected according to the following criteria: exemplary Catholic leadership qualities, commitment to family, involvement in school affairs, relationship with staff and students, and involvement in community activities. Please join us in extending our congratulations to Marco T. The ceremony will be held on Mon. April 27, 2015, 7:30 at Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School, Burlington. Congratulations Marco! We are all very proud to have you Representing Ascension Catholic School at this prestigious ceremony. EQAO ASSESSMENT OF READING, WRITING AND MATHEMATICS PRIMARY DIVISION (GRADE 1-3) JUNIOR DIVISION (GRADE 4-6) Similar to previous years, our Grade 3 and 6 students will participate in the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary and Junior Division assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics between May 25th and June 4th, 2015. These EQAO assessments will continue to be administered to all students in Grades 3 and 6. Students will be required to complete three test booklets: one mathematics booklet, one reading booklet and one writing booklet. The types of questions in the booklets will be familiar to your child as they are based on the kinds of work your child has been doing throughout the year. The total amount of time that the students will spend on the testing will be six hours that is generally spread over the course of two or three days. Sample questions can be viewed on the EQAO website at www.eqao.com. We ask that you make every effort to avoid holidays during these days and to try to make sure your children are in attendance each day during the assessment, specifically during the week of Monday, May 25th to Thursday, June 4th. In advance, we appreciate your efforts in scheduling appointments around this block of time. The EQAO assessment results help us to continue to improve upon the quality Catholic education offered to your children. Additional specific information regarding the assessments will be sent home to our Grade 3 and 6 parents in the month of May. Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We – parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. And it is the ‘together’ that we grow. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community. Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 in ways that are appropriate to our students’ age. We invite you to participate in one or other of these activities as your personal time and work schedule may permit. There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week: Monday – Walking Together and Sharing our Stories Tuesday – Opening the Scriptures Wednesday – Welcoming Others to the Table Thursday – Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Friday – Proclaiming the Good news Every year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) provides our Catholic schools with a resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic Education Week. Using these resources as well as our own developed activities we have prepared a series of activities which will highlight how our school is ‘Exploring Paths of Joy’. We hope to see many of you during our school celebrations. WEST NILE VIRUS Is my child at risk for becoming infected with West Nile virus while attending school? The mosquitoes that most commonly carry West Nile virus are generally more active during the early evening to early morning. The school yards are mainly located in open areas on asphalt or short grass/dirt – not conducive for harboring mosquitoes. As well, the school is actively involved in reducing mosquito breeding sites (standing water) and resting sites on school property. For information on West Nile virus and how it affects your child at school, on field trips and what precautions to take, refer to West Nile Virus Information Sheet to be found on the school web site. The WNV Information Sheet is a collaborative effort of the Halton Region Health Department and the Halton Catholic District School Board. If you cannot access the West Nile Virus Information Sheet on the school web site please contact the school office for a copy to be sent home. Parents interested in finding out more information can connect to the Halton Region Health Department website: www.halton.ca/wnv or call the Halton Region Health Department at: (905) 825-6000. CAN YOUR CHILD SEE WELL? Children may not know that they have a vision problem. They can’t always tell you what they see. 1 out of 4 children have a significant eye problem that can interfere with learning and development. The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every young child has complete eye examinations at ages 6 months, 3 years and every year thereafter. Visit www.EyeSeeEyeLearn.ca ABORIGINAL AWARNESS MONTH April is Aboriginal Education Awareness Month at the Halton Catholic District School Board, and throughout the month, students and staff across the district will honour and celebrate the contributions and the legacy of First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples in Canada. “We look forward each April to celebrating Aboriginal Education Awareness Month," says Sherry Saevil, Aboriginal Liaison for the Board. "In partnership with community organizations we've planned a number of events and activities this year that will honour and recognize Aboriginal perspectives, cultures, and the entwined histories of Aboriginal and nonAboriginal peoples in Canada." LIFE-THREATENING ALLERGIES Food and Peanut Allergies We ask that you join our staff in taking care to ensure the safety of all students in the school. As a number of our students have a potentially life-threatening allergy, we ask for your cooperation by not sending any snacks or lunches containing peanut or nut products to school with your child. Other allergens will be dealt with on an “as needed” basis. The following guidelines must be strictly adhered to by all the students in the school: All foods must be eaten in the classroom – absolutely no food is to be consumed outside or on the bus. Snacks are not to be shared with other students. Utensils are not to be shared with other students. Hands are to be washed before and after eating anything that may contain peanut products (this is also important to remember if students go home for lunch). Traces of peanut butter or oil can transfer from hands to bus seats or playground equipment, desks, and personal belongings. Parents are asked to read labels carefully for the following products that may contain nut products: granola bars, crackers, chocolate bars and cookies, some cereals, store baked goods or snacks. While we realize that this request may pose somewhat of a challenge for you when packing your child’s snack and lunch, we wish to express sincere appreciation for your support and understanding. The following is a partial list of ingredients on the labels that will tell you peanut – tree nut protein could be in the product: Peanuts: Arachis oil, cold pressed peanut oil; Goober nuts, goober peanuts, goober peas; Hydrolyzed peanut protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, sweet lupine flour; Nu-nuts, Beer nuts, ground nuts, mandolena nuts, mixed nuts, nuts, peanuts; Peanut butter, peanut flour, peanut meal, peanut oil, peanut protein. Tree Nuts: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Filberts/ hazelnuts, Hickory nuts, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Pine nuts, pinon, pignolias, Pistachios, Shea nuts, Walnuts; Mixed nuts, nut butters, nut oils, nut paste, chocolate nut spreads, mandelonas, marzipan, nu-nuts, nut meats www.assumptionsportscamp.weebly.com ASSUMPTION CRUSADERS SUMMER SPORTS CAMP AUGUST 17-21, 2015 Speedball, badminton, water games/activities, basketball, volleyball, obstacle courses, bocce ball, dodgeball, tchouk ball, ultimate frisbee, floor hockey, soccer, softball/t-ball, fitness, dance, gymnastics, special guest instructors, arts and crafts and songs. Assumption Catholic secondary school 3230 Woodward Avenue Burlington, Ontario L7N 3P1 Call 905-634-5243 www.gobluego.ca Please see April and May Calendars below. SCENSION SCHOOL APRIL 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Popcorn Day Thursday 2 Holy Thursday St. Patrick Mass Times 7:00 pm Friday 3GOOD FRIDAY(noschool) Saturday 4 HOLY SATURDAY St. Patrick Mass Times 7:00 pm – Easter Vigil Lunch Basket St. Patrick Mass Times 10:30am Liturgy – Passion 3:00 pm Liturgy – Passion 7:00 pm–Stations of the Cross 5 EASTER SUNDAY 6 EASTER MONDAY (No School) 7 8 Pizza International Pink Day St. Patrick Mass Times 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 12 19 13 20 27 10 11 17 Lunch Basket 18 24 25 14 15 Popcorn 16 Me to We Walk (am) to Water Grade 7 Retreat To St. Joseph Mother House 21 Grade 5/6 Trip to Mountsberg Council Meeting 6:30pm 22Pizza Kindergarten Parent Orientation Night 6:30 pm Earth Day 26 9 Author visit Ruth Ohi JK/SK – Grade 3 (a.m.) 28 29 Chips & Drink Grade 4 French Trip To Compass Point Gregg LeRock 23 Author visit Kenneth Oppel Grades 4 – 8 (a.m.) 30 Hep B#2 GR. 7 HPV#3 Gr. 8 Girls Me to We @ Holy Rosary (all day) PA Day (No school) ASCENSION SCHOOL MAY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 7 Walk with Jesus 8 9 Police Day 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bronte Region Bronte Road CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK May 4 - 8 3 4 5 6 Pizza Education Week Liturgy 11:00 am GYM Volunteer Tea to follow 11 12 13 Popcorn 14 Ascension School 50th Anniversary Mass at St. Patrick’s Church 10:00 am Talent Show 6:30 Gym 15 16 17 18 Victoria Day (no school) 19 20 Pizza 21 Confirmation Practice 1:30 pm Church 22 23 Confirmation 3:00 pm St. Patrick’s Church 24 25 26 29 30 10 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY EQAO TESTING May 25 – June 4 27 Popcorn 28 Marian Liturgy 11:00 a.m. Gym Grade 8 Trip to Camp Wanakita May 27 - 29 31
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