ENGR 2100, Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics Fall Term 2015 Prerequisite: PHYS 1600, Engineering Physics I Required Text: The textbook required for ENGR 2100, Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics, during Fall Semester 2015 will be: David A. Cicci, Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials," 14th Edition, Version 1, Dynamic Solutions Publishing, 2015. Earlier editions and versions of this text are obsolete and should not be used for this course. The textbook is NOT available at any of the campus bookstores. It is ONLY available at: Sofy Copy & Fax Service, 145 E Magnolia Avenue, (334) 821-4657. You should purchase this textbook prior to the first class as you will be expected to read Lessons #1 and #2 prior to class. Instructor: Prof. Peter Schwartz 2322 Shelby Center 844-4121 [email protected] Office hours: M-F 10:00-11:00. (I’m generally around most mornings, so if the door is open just come in.) Course HomePage: http://schwartz.eng.auburn.edu/2100/ENGR2100.pdf Attendance: With a single exception as noted in the Course Schedule, lectures will always be on Wednesdays and Fridays and recitation sessions will be held on Mondays. Attendance is not required, but is very strongly urged. You are responsible for all material and announcements presented in the lecture sessions. Course Objective: To provide the student with the fundamentals of engineering mechanics, especially for students planning to take the FE examination. Student Outcome: The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. [ABET outcome 3(e)] Assessment: There will be no examinations nor will there be a comprehensive final examination. Your entire grade will be determined by your performance on 14 weekly, in-class, 15-minute quizzes given each Wednesday during the last 15 minutes of the class. You will be expected to take every quiz at the scheduled time but will be allowed to make up one, and only one, missed quiz. In this case, you must contact me and arrange a make-up no later than one week after the quiz to be made up was given. Also, it is my policy to drop the lowest quiz grade before determining the final grade. Homework: You are expected to know how to solve the six (6) problems at the end of each lesson. Homework will NOT be collected nor graded, but these problems will be the basis for most, if not all, of the in-class quizzes given during the semester. Academic Integrity: The highest standards of academic integrity are expected. You are free to work with one another to solve the homework problems, but the quizzes are expected to be your individual effort. Consult the Tiger Cub, or speak to me if there are any questions. Special Accommodations: Students requiring special accommodations should contact the Director of the Program for Students with Disabilities, located in 1232 Haley Center. Grading Policy: The following scale will be used to determine your grade: A (100-90); B (89-80); C (79-65); D (64-50); F (< 50). Your numerical score (NS) will be calculated using Excel® 2010 as follows: NS = Quiz grade average x 10 rounded (by Excel®) to the nearest integer. Academic Contingency: If normal class and/or lab activities are disrupted due to pestilence, civil emergency (WW Z), or crisis situation (e.g., flu outbreak, plague of locusts, hurricane, Martian invasion, etc.), the syllabus and other course plans and assignments may be modified to allow completion of the course. If this occurs, a modification to your syllabus and/or course assignments will replace the original materials. ENGR 2100 – Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics Fall Term 2015 8/17 8/19 8/21 COURSE SCHEDULE LESSON #(s) Lesson1 #3 Lesson #4 Lessons #5 & #6 QUIZ? None None None Monday Wednesday Friday 8/24 8/26 8/28 Recitation Lesson #7 & Lesson #8 Recitation None Quiz #1 (3,4,5,6) None Monday Wednesday Friday (15th Class Day) 8/31 9/2 9/4 Recitation Lesson #9 Lesson #9 None Quiz #2 (7,8) None Monday 9/7 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY – NO CLASS Wednesday Friday 9/9 9/11 Lesson #10 Lesson #12 None Quiz #3 (9) None Monday Wednesday Friday 9/14 9/16 9/18 Recitation Lesson #14 Lesson #15 None Quiz #4 (10,12) None Monday Wednesday Friday 9/21 9/23 9/25 Recitation Lesson #17 Lessons #18 & #19 None Quiz #5 (14,15) None Monday Wednesday Friday 9/29 10/1 10/3 Recitation Lesson #20 Lesson #21 None Quiz #6 (17-19) None Monday 36th Class Day (10/6) Wednesday Friday 10/5 Recitation None 10/7 10/9 Lesson #22 Lesson #24 Quiz #7 (20, 21) None Monday Wednesday Friday 10/12 10/14 10/16 Recitation Lesson #25 FALL BREAK – NO CLASS None Quiz #8 (22, 24) Monday Wednesday Friday 10/19 10/21 10/23 Recitation Lesson #26 Lesson #27 None Quiz #9 (25) None DATE Monday Wednesday Friday 1 You are expected to have read Lessons #1 and #2 prior to the first class period. None DATE Monday Wednesday Friday 10/26 10/28 10/30 LESSON #(s) Recitation Lessons #28 & #29 Lessons #30 & #31 QUIZ? None Quiz #10 (26, 27) None Monday Wednesday Friday 11/2 11/4 11/6 Recitation Lessons #32 & #33 Lessons #33 & #34 None Quiz #11 (28-31) None Monday Wednesday 11/9 11/11 Recitation Lesson #35 None Quiz #12 (32-34) Friday 11/13 Lessons #35 & #36 None Monday Wednesday Friday 11/16 11/18 11/20 Recitation Lessons #37 & #38 Lessons #39 & #40 None Quiz #13 (35, 36) None Monday 11/23 THANKSGIVING BREAK – NO CLASS Wednesday Friday 11/25 11/27 THANKSGIVING BREAK – NO CLASS THANKSGIVING BREAK – NO CLASS None None None Monday Wednesday Friday 11/30 12/2 12/4 Recitation Quiz only NO CLASS None Quiz #14 (37-40) None Created: 04 MAY 2015
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