Residential Tenancy Application Form 10/60 Simpson Street Beerwah, Qld, 4519 (T) 5494 6588 (f) 54940404 (e) [email protected] Important Information In order for Laurie Evans Real Estate to begin processing your Tenancy Application and to avoid unwanted delays please check you have completed the following: Have you inspected the property? Have you fully completed the Tenancy Application Form? Read the terms and conditions Completed the 100 points of ID Provided proof of income If employed-Two most recent pay slips Not Employed-Centrelink income tax statement Self Employed- Bank Statements, group certificate, Tax Return or accountant’s letter. References Two Personal References (Not relatives, another applicant, or partner) Two Personal Representatives (Emergency contacts can be relatives) Pets Please complete if you are intending to have pet/s at the property Registration Number & Location of registration (if registered) Photo of pet Pet Referee (A person who can verify the pet’s behaviour) All Applicants have signed the “Pet Acknowledgement Section” A l Please note the application must be complete with supporting information l for us to proceed with your application. Please note an application takes approx. 48 hours to process. Tenancy Application You must read and fully understand the information below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One application must be completed. Applications that are not correctly completed, will not be processed and this will create delays, which we are not responsible for. Applicants must inspect the inside of the property prior to being approved. If your application is approved and you are successful, you will be required to pay a bond equal to four weeks rent together with the first two weeks’ rent to secure the property. A bank transfer; Direct Deposit or DEFT Payment are the only approved methods of payment accepted. All parties will be required to attend a sign-up appointment within 24-48 hours of acceptance. No Applications will be accepted after 4:00pm Your application must contain copies of current proof of identification and current proof of income. Outlined below are examples of suitable proof. Suitable proof needs to be presented for your application to be processed; A. Identification You as the applicant, are required to provide 100 points of identification as outlined in part twelve and the Terms and Conditions. B. Proof of income You as the applicant, are required to provide a current copy of any one of the following: Your last two payslips Employment Contract Letter of Parental Support (if insufficient independent income) Bank statements showing regular lump sum deposits from your employer Your disclosure required by the Act I, the applicant, declare that the information provided in this document is true and that I have supplied it on my own free will. I authorise you as the Letting Agent, to conduct any enquiries and/ or searches, including any tenancy information databases in order to verify the information I have provided in this document. I acknowledge that any false information I provide in this application could jeopardise this application and any subsequent tenancy agreement I enter into, and approval by the Lessor or Agent. Information already held on tenancy reference databases may also be disclosed to the Agent and/or Lessor. I acknowledge and accept that if this application is rejected, the Agent is not legally obligated to give reasons for the rejection. I, the Applicant, declare that I am not bankrupt and that the rental is within my means of income. Applicant’s Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. I agree to provide proof of income as part of this application, such as recent income verification pay slip, accountant letter or Centrelink statement. 2. I understand that should my application to be accepted, that the Agency (On behalf of the lessor) will require a General Tenancy Agreement signed, monies-rent and bond paid within 24-48 hours of that acceptance. 3. I consent to the use of email or fax before the tenancy commences and during the tenancy (if the application is accepted by the lessor) - I understand that the tenancy agreement and required tenancy information may be emailed to me if I am unable to attend the office at an agreed appointment time. (If you do not consent to the use of email or fax, please cross this term out and initial the paragraph plus insert the date). 4. I understand that should my application be denied by the lessor, that there is not a legal requirement to disclose reasons as to why. 5. I understand that if I have any questions about the tenancy or the application process, that the agency welcomes and encourages enquiries prior to applications being made. I further understand that I can request a copy of the Tenancy Information Statement (Form 17a) prior to making the application. A copy shall be provided if the tenancy application is successful before any monies (rent or bond are taken) 6. I understand that I will be required to pay a full bond equal to four week’s rent and two weeks rent in advance within 24-48 hours of acceptance. (Please ask the property manager if you are unsure of the total amount required to be paid if the application is accepted by the lessor). 7. I provide consent for the agency as part of the application processing to contact all necessary people (such as referees, other agents, tenancy databases) to verify the application information provided and understand that the Privacy Act requirements will be adhered to by the Agency. A full copy of the Privacy Act is available on request. 8. I consent to my information being passed on during the tenancy (should it commence) to other third parties such as the lessor, trades-people/contractors, sales people, bodies corporate, tenancy databases and other relevant parties in full compliance with the Privacy Act and any other relevant information. 9. Under the Privacy Act, we are obliged to inform you should your application not be successful, your tenancy application form will be shredded within four weeks of advice to you that your application was not successful. Applicants Name__________________________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________________________ Date________________ Applications for Residential Tenancy PART ONE RENTAL PROPERTY DETAILS Property Address Rental Price $ $ $ 1. 2. 3. Requested move in date Length of Lease PART TWO CONTACT DETAILS Applicant 1 Full Name: Contact Numbers: (H) Email Address: Drivers Licence Number Vehicle Registration Number/s Date of Birth: (W) Number of Vehicles Applicant 2 Full Name: Contact Numbers: (H) Email Address: Drivers Licence Number Vehicle Registration Number/s PART THREE DEPENDANTS Do you have any dependants? Dependant Full Name Relationship to Applicant PART FOUR SMOKING Are you or any of the dependants living with you a smoker? (M) Date of Birth: (W) (M) Number of Vehicles Yes Dependant Date of Birth No Age Yes No PART FIVE PETS Do you intend to keep pets at the property? Yes (If yes, please complete pet application form. One application per pet) No PART SIX ADDRESS HISTORY Current residential address Period of occupancy Type of occupancy Rent Current Agent/Lessor (if renting) Agent/Lessor phone Current rent $ A week Owner Other A fortnight A month Owner Other A fortnight A month Previous residential address Period of occupancy Type of occupancy Rent Current Agent/Lessor (if renting) Agent/Lessor phone Current rent $ A week PART SEVEN EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Are you employed? Yes Employment Status Full Time Part Time Date commenced employment (approx.) No Casual Date Contract Self Employed Business Name Address Business phone number If self-employed, Accountant’s Name Accountant’s phone number PART EIGHT CENTRE LINK PAYMENTS Are you receiving any regular Centrelink payments? Yes Total Income (per week) $ Date payments commenced PART NINE STUDENT DETAILS Are you studying full time? Name of education institute you are currently attending Student Identification Number Are you an overseas student Yes No Yes If yes, Visa expiry date No No PART TEN- PERSONAL REFERENCES Please do not list relatives, another applicant or partners and provide business hours contact telephone numbers. Referee 1 Name Relationship Address Phone/Mobile Referee 2 Name Address Relationship Phone/Mobile PART ELEVEN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES I.e. preferred person/s to be contacted in the event of an emergency Representative 1 Name Address Relationship Phone/Mobile Representative 2 Name Address Relationship Phone/Mobile PART TWELVE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Identification You are required to meet a 100 point identification criterion upon submission of your application. The agent/lessor may photocopy any item and retain as part of your application. Please tick the identifying the documents you have provided with your application. IMPORTANT: At least one form of Photo Identification MUST be provided. 70 Points Passport Full Birth Certificate Citizenship certificate Student Photo ID Proof of Age Card Department of Veteran Affairs Card State/Federal Gov Photo ID Medicare Card Council Rates Notice Motor Vehicle Registration Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Gas Bill Tenancy History Ledger Bank Statement Credit Card Statement Last FOUR rent receipts Rent Bond Receipt Previous Tenancy Card 40 Points Australian Drivers Licence Centrelink Card 25 Points PART THIRTEEN PROOF OF INCOME You are also required to supply the agent/lessor with proof of your income upon submission of your application. Employed: Last TWO pay slips. Self employed: Bank Statements, Group Certificate, Tax Return or Accountant’s letter. Not employed: Centrelink Statement. PART FOURTEEN DECLARATION Please declare the following by selecting either TRUE or FALSE I, the Applicant, 1. Have never been evicted by an agent/lessor 2. Have no known reasons that would affect my ability to pay rent 3. Was refunded the rental bond for my last address in full (if applicable) True True True False False False If false, please advise what deductions were made from your last bond? Ssss 4. Have no outstanding debt to another agent/lessor? True False Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No If false, why are you in debt to your past agent/lessor? PART FIFTEEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Please acknowledge the following by selecting either Yes or No I, the Applicant, 1. Acknowledge that my personal contents insurance is not covered under any lessor insurance policy/s and understand that it is my responsibility to insure my own personal belongings. 2. Understand that you as the agent/lessor have collected this information for the purpose of determining whether I am a suitable tenant for the property- in particular to check my identification, my ability to care for the property, my character and my creditworthiness. 2.1 For such purposes, I authorise you to contact the persons named in this application, and to undertake such enquires and searches (Including tenancy databases searches) as you consider reasonably necessary. 2.2 In doing so, I understand that information provided by me may be disclosed to, and further information obtained from, referees named in this application and other relevant third parties. 3. Acknowledge and accept that if this application is denied, the agent is not legally obliged to provide reasons as to why. 4. Consent and understand that should my tenancy be accepted and upon commencement of the tenancy agreement, there may be cause for the agent/lessor to pass my details onto others which may include (but is not limited to) insurance companies, body corporates, contractors, other real estate agents, salespeople and tenancy default databases. 5. Acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the General Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a). The standard terms and any special terms before completing this application. 6. Acknowledge that I have received or have available the Information Statement (Form 17a). Body corporate by-laws (if applicable) before completing this application. 7. Acknowledge that I have been made aware of the Agency’s Privacy Policy. (This is also available on our website in full). 8. Acknowledge that the lessor and applicant (tenant) are bound by this agreement immediately upon communication of either the lessor or the agent’s acceptance of the application. 9. Consent to the use of email, fax and SMS in accordance with the provisions set out in Chapter 2 of the Electronic Transmissions (Queensland) Act 2001 (QLD) and the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth); 10. Declare that the above information is true & correct and that I have supplied it of my own free will. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Name of Applicant Signature Date PTO PET APPLICATION FORM This form is to be completed when the owner of the property has indicated pets may be approved to reside at the property. One application per pet. Property Address: Town Postcode Type Pet (Example, Cat, Dog, Bird Breed of Pet Name of Pet Age of Pet (approx.) Is the pet de-sexed Council Registration number of Pet Name of Council where the Pet is registered Description of Pet (Please be descriptive as possible) Please supply Photo of pet with this application Yes No Photo Supplied Yes No Name of Emergency Pet Carer (In case of emergency) Address of Emergency Pet Carer Phone Number of Emergency Pet Carer Mobile Number of Emergency Pet Carer Pet Referee Name (Please supply name and contact details of a person who can provide a reference regarding the pet) Pet referee Phone Number Pet Referee Mobile Number Pet Acknowledgement The pet/s (Separate form for each pet to be provided) are to be outside at all times. The tenant/s shall be liable for any damage caused by the pet/s whilst residing in the property. If damage occurs during the tenancy, our agency is to be advised as per the terms of the tenancy agreement and the damage rectified within a reasonable timeframe. The tenant/s understand and agree that a full FLEA fumigation must take place at the end of the tenancy (And during the tenancy if necessary); and upon vacation of the property a receipt must be provided from a reputable pest company. We can provide you with details of our preferred suppliers. Tenant Name Tenant Signature Date 1 2 3 Agency Use Only Is photo of Pet attached? Are all required areas completed by the applicant and form signed? Yes/No Yes/No Privacy Notice and Consent Consent I, (Full name) of (Residential Address) have read and understood the attached information. I authorise employees of Laurie Evans Real Estate, and independent contractors of Laurie Evans Real Estate including their directors, officers and employees, to obtain relevant information from, and release relevant information to, the parties described on page 2 to assist with my involvement with Laurie Evans Real Estate. I understand that I can revoke my authority at any time. I acknowledge that if I revoke my authority, or if I decline to provide information as requested by Laurie Evans Real Estate, Laurie Evans Real Estate may be unable to provide the products or services I have requested. Signed: Date: / / 2 0 Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18 years of age) Privacy Bernardes Services Pty Ltd (ACN 165 684 195) trading as Laurie Evans Real Estate is committed to protecting your privacy in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). This document sets out Laurie Evans Real Estate’s condensed Privacy Notice. Laurie Evans Real Estate also has a full Privacy Policy, which contains information about how you can complain about any breach by Laurie Evans Real Estate of the APPs or an applicable APP Code. A full copy of our Privacy Policy can be accessed at our office or on our website . Information Collection, Use and Disclosure During the course of your involvement with Laurie Evans Real Estate, we may collect, use or disclose personal information about you for the following purposes: Assisting you to sell your property; Assisting you to purchase a property; Assisting you to lease a property (either as lessor or lessee); Assisting you to obtain a loan; Assisting you with payment or refund of a bond; Assisting you with tenancy disputes; Coordinating repairs or maintenance of a property owned or leased by you; Recording or accessing information at the Titles Registry Office or other government agency; Recording or accessing information at the Residential Tenancies Authority; Recording or accessing information on tenancy information services or databases; Client and business relationship management; Marketing of products and services to you; The types of personal information we may collect, use or disclose about you includes but is not limited to: Your full name; Your date of birth; Your residential address; Your postal address; Your email address; Your home telephone number; Your work telephone number; Your mobile telephone number; Your occupation and business address; Financial information including details of your employer, income, name of bank or financial institution; Details of your spouse, de facto, dependent children, and roommates; Details of properties owned by you; Details of Family Members and / or Referees that you have provided. In order to provide products and services to you, we may disclose your personal information to the persons/organisations described below: In the event that you are a seller or a lessee, we may disclose your personal information to prospective buyers of the property owned or leased by you; In the event that you are a buyer or a lessee, we may disclose your personal information to the sellers of the property you are purchasing or leasing; Your legal advisor(s) and the legal advisor(s) representing the other party(s) involved in your transaction; Your financial institution and/or financial advisor; Insurance providers and brokers; Utility providers and utility connection service providers; Persons or organisations involved in providing, managing or administering your product or service including independent contractors engaged by us as real estate agents; Tradespeople engaged by us to repair or maintain a property owned or leased by you; Organisations involved in maintaining, reviewing and developing our business systems, procedures and infrastructure including maintaining or upgrading our computer systems; Persons or organisations involved in purchasing part or all of our business; Our related companies; Organisations involved in the payments systems including financial institutions, merchants and payment organisations; The Titles Registry Office or other government agencies; The Residential Tenancies Authority; Police; Tenancy information services or databases; Real estate websites; Real estate peak bodies; Whenever it is reasonable or practicable to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you. Sometimes it will be necessary for us to collect information from a third party or a publicly available source, such as a credit reporting agency, your legal adviser, your past or current employers, your previous lessors or property managers, and tenancy information services or databases. In the course of providing services to you, it may be necessary for us to enter your personal information into forms generation software and real estate websites. Depending on the terms of use of such software and websites, a third party may acquire rights to use or disclose information entered into the relevant forms or websites. We may disclose your personal information to recipients within Australia or to overseas recipients . Should information be required to be sent interstate or overseas, we will take steps to protect the privacy of your information. We need your permission to collect, use and disclose your personal information, and we therefore ask that you sign the consent on the first page of this document to indicate your consent. In the event that you do not consent to Laurie Evans Real Estate collecting and releasing your personal information as described above, we may be unable to provide the services requested by you. Access to, and correction of personal information You have the right to request access to your information and to request that Laurie Evans Real Estate update or correct your personal information. A charge may apply for providing access to your information. Our Privacy Policy contains further information about how you may request access to, and correction of, your personal information. Contacting Us You may contact us by mail, email or telephone as follows: Mr Rod Bowden Director Laurie Evans Real Estate Shop 10/60 Simpson Street Beerwah,Qld . 4519 07 5494 6588 Mobile: 0438 138 [email protected]
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