TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the President........................................... 2 Executive Summary......................................................... 3 History of Nuclear in Canada.......................................... 4 List of Acronyms.............................................................. 6 Nuclear Around the World.............................................. 7 Nuclear and the Environment....................................... 18 Nuclear Science & Technology..................................... 29 Nuclear and the Economy............................................. 38 How Nuclear Works...................................................... 45 Is Radiation Safe?.......................................................... 60 Other Resources............................................................ 67 SUMMARY The information in this book is based on data available as of November 2014. 1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Canada’s nuclear technology delivers value in many ways. Low-carbon nuclear-generated electricity is essential to slowing, even stopping, climate change. Nuclear imaging and radiation therapies have saved millions of lives. Radioisotopes enable advanced manufacturing techniques that deliver better products. ./ 2 Our innovative nuclear technology gives Canada a leading position in the global knowledge economy. Very few countries match Canada’s ability to mine uranium, produce nuclear fuel, design and operate world-leading nuclear reactors, advance nuclear science – all the while managing nuclear operations safely and reliably. Nuclear technology supports some 60,000 Canadian jobs. Its benefits improve all of our lives. Yet the value of our technology is not well understood by the public. It should be. This fact book concisely describes our nuclear industry – its origins, development, and current operations. Its convenient size enables its use anywhere, anytime. Its contents will help inform your understanding. I hope you find this book useful, and that you will contact the Canadian Nuclear Association if you need further information. John Barrett, PhD President and CEO Canadian Nuclear Association This edition of the Canadian Nuclear Factbook, published in 2015, is packed full of up-to-date information on nuclear in Canada and around the world. Some of the highlights include: There are currently 434 operable nuclear reactors worldwide, providing 11.94% of global electricity. Canada is home to 19 reactors, making nuclear Canada’s second-largest clean power source at 16.15%. 72 reactors are currently under construction worldwide, with 92 more planned to begin in the coming decade. Nuclear power helps reduce global CO2 emissions, which hit a record high of 37.0 billion tonnes in 2014. By displacing fossil fuels, nuclear prevents as much CO 2 emissions as are generated by half the world’s cars. Nuclear in Canada is a greater-than $5B industry. It directly employs over 60,000 Canadians, and is a leader in the global supply of uranium and medical isotopes. Canada’s nuclear industry is among the most highly monitored and regulated industries in the world. RICHEST GLOBAL RESERVES! WORLD LEADER! THREE NOBEL PRIZES! GLOBAL PIONEER! 30,000 DIRECT + 30,000 INDIRECT! SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2012 2012 2002 2002 1994 2015 2015 2010 2010 2000 2000 1990 1990 1980 2014 2011 AECL’s Commercial AECL’s Commercial operations operations acquiredacquired by CandubyEnergy. CanduAECL Energy. remains AECL remains a federala federal crown corporation. crown corporation. CanadianCanadian Nuclear Nuclear Laboratories Laboratories (CNL) created (CNL) as created a subsidiary as a subsidiary of AECL.of AECL. SUMMARY 2000 1973 2000 1982 1973 1980 1982 2011 1972 All four units All four at Pickering units at Pickering A come A come CanadianCanadian Nuclear Nuclear Safety Commission Safety Commission (CNSC) (CNSC) online atonline 2060 MWe, at 2060 making MWe, itmaking then it then replacesreplaces the Atomic theEnergy AtomicControl EnergyBoard Control asBoard as the largest thenuclear largest generating nuclear generating Canada’sCanada’s nuclear regulator. nuclear regulator. station instation the world. in the world. 2014 1968 1968 1972 1957 1957 1947 1952 1945 1952 1941 1945 1947 The National The National ResearchResearch Experimental Experimental (NRX) reactor (NRX)–reactor then the – then mostthe most The National The National ResearchResearch powerfulpowerful reactor in reactor the world in the – world – UniversalUniversal (NRU) reactor (NRU) reactor comes into comes operation into operation at Chalk at River. Chalk River. comes into comes operation into operation at at First CANDU First outside CANDU outside Chalk River. Chalk River. ZEEP (Zero ZEEP Energy (ZeroExperimental Energy Experimental Pile) Pile) Canada comes Canadaonline comes online makes Canada makes the Canada second thecountry second to country to at Rajasthan-1 at Rajasthan-1 in India. in India. control acontrol nucleara fission nuclearreaction. fission reaction. Atomic Energy AtomicofEnergy Canada of Canada Douglas Douglas Point – Canada’s Point – Canada’s first full-scale first full-scale George C. George Laurence C. Laurence designs one designs of the one of the Limited (AECL) Limitedcreated. (AECL) created. power reactor power–reactor comes –online comes inonline Kincardine, in Kincardine, world’s first world’s nuclear first reactors nuclear reactors at the at the producing producing 220 MWe.220 MWe. NationalNational ResearchResearch Council in Council Ottawa. in Ottawa. BertramBertram N. Brockhouse N. Brockhouse awardedawarded Refurbishments Refurbishments to Bruceto A Bruce A Nobel Prize Nobel forPrize neutron for scattering neutron scattering complete, complete, making the making Bruce the Bruce researchresearch conducted conducted at Chalk at River. Chalk River. Power facility Powerthe facility largest thenuclear largest nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Fuel Waste Fuel Act Waste passed, Act passed, generating generating station instation the world. in the world. mandating mandating the creation the creation of the Nuclear of the Nuclear Waste Management Waste Management Organization Organization Point Lepreau Point Lepreau (New Brunswick) (New Brunswick) and and (NWMO).(NWMO). In 2007, the In 2007, federal thegovernment federal government Gentilly-2 Gentilly-2 (Quebec)(Quebec) come online come atonline at approvedapproved the NWMO’s the NWMO’s “Adaptive“Adaptive Phased Phased 635 MWe635 each MWe as the each first as Canadian the first Canadian Management” Management” approachapproach for the long-term for the long-term stations stations outside Ontario. outside Ontario. storage of storage spent of nuclear spent fuel. nuclear fuel. 1994 1964 1964 1970 1962 1970 1960 1950 1950 AECL develops AECL develops the the first commercial first commercial cobalt-60cobalt-60 sterilizersterilizer for food and for food and medical medical The Nuclear The Nuclear Power Demonstration Power Demonstration (NPD) – (NPD) – Canada’sCanada’s first electricity-producing first electricity-producing reactor reactor and the prototype and the prototype for the CANDU for thedesign CANDU – design – comes online comes at online a capacity at a of capacity 22 MWe. of 22 MWe. 1960 Teams left Teams by Harold left byE.Harold JohnsE. and Johns Roy and Errington Roy Errington build thebuild world’s thefirst world’s Cobalt-60 first Cobalt-60 radiationradiation therapy therapy unit. Theunit. first The external first external radiationradiation treatment treatment is is delivereddelivered in London, in London, ON. ON. 1962 1954 Wilfrid B.Wilfrid LewisB. initiates Lewis initiates the development the development of the CANDU of the reactor CANDUin reactor collaboration in collaboration with AECL, with Ontario AECL,Hydro, Ontarioand Hydro, Canadian and Canadian General General Electric Company. Electric Company. 1951 1951 1946 Atomic Energy AtomicControl EnergyBoard Control established Board established as Canada’s as Canada’s federal nuclear federal regulator. nuclear regulator. 1940 1940 1941 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ./ 4 1954 NRC builds NRC nuclear builds research nuclear research facility infacility Chalk in River, Chalk ON. River, ON. 1944 1946 1944 HISTORY OF NUCLEAR IN CANADA 5 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK LIST OF ACRONYMS ./ 6 AECB Atomic Energy Control Board AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU CANada Deuterium Uranium CNL Canadian Nuclear Laboratories CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission CO2eq Carbon dioxide and carbon dioxideequivalent emissions DGR Deep Geologic Repository GHG Greenhouse gases GWe Gigawatts-electrical IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change kWh Kilowatt-hour (unit of electricity consumed) mSv Millisievert (unit of effective radiation dose) MWe Megawatts-electrical (unit of power production – how much is actually added to the grid, after losses from inefficiencies) NGS Nuclear Generating Station NWMO Nuclear Waste Management Organization OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OPG Ontario Power Generation Solar CSP Concentrated Solar Panels Solar PV Photo Voltaic Solar ./NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD Nuclear power is the largest non-hydro source of low-carbon, clean energy worldwide. In 2011, 11.94% of global electricity was generated by nuclear power. Fossil fuels, including coal, natural gas, diesel, and others, provide a combined 67.28% of global electricity. Currently there are 434 operable reactors worldwide, with a net generating capacity of approximately 372 GWe. This includes 48 Japanese reactors which were taken offline shortly after the 2011 Fukushima accident, but which are being reintroduced to the grid starting in 2015. 72 new reactors are under construction worldwide, offering new capacity of 69 GWe. 92 additional new reactors are planned worldwide, totaling 94 GWe.1 GLOBAL SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY Nuclear 11.94% Wind 2.12% Hydro 16.36% Geothermal 0.32% Coal & other Fossil Fuels 45.68% Solar, Tidal, & Wave 0.28% Natural Gas 21.60% Biomass and Waste 1.70% SOURCE: US Energy Information Administration,2 The World Bank.3 NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD NUCLEAR POWER AROUND THE WORLD 8 CURRENTLY OPERABLE NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS CHINA 20 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK UNITED STATES 100 JAPAN 48 SPAIN 7 INDIA 21 SOURCE: International Atomic Energy Agency.1 ./ 9 Nuclear is among the world’s fastest-growing electricity technologies, with over 30% projected growth in the total number of reactors over the next decade. There are 72 new nuclear reactors under construction in 16 different countries. There are 92 new nuclear reactors planned for construction in eight different countries. Because nuclear quickly provides large volumes of clean electricity, it is a choice technology for growing economies like India and China that want affordable power with better air quality. GLOBAL GROWTH OF NUCLEAR CAPACITY ARGENTINA ARMENIA BELARUS BELGIUM BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA CHINA CZECH REPUBLIC FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY Operable reactors HUNGARY INDIA Reactors in construction IRAN JAPAN Planned reactors MEXICO NETHERLANDS NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD NEW NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD PAKISTAN ROMANIA RUSSIA SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA DID YOU KNOW? SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH KOREA SPAIN ELECTRICITY SUPPLY IN CHINA HAS GROWN BY OVER FOUR TIMES SINCE 2000? THAT’S LIKE ADDING SIX NEW CANADAS TO THE GLOBE! SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UKRAINE UNITED STATES VIETNAM 0 25 50 75 100 120 10 GLOBAL NUCLEAR POWER IN CONTEXT Nuclear generates 11.94% of global electricity. Fossil fuels are the most widely used electricity source by far, at 67.28%, and also remain the fastest growing source in total power. Hydroelectric power continues to be the largest source of low-carbon electricity globally. Renewable sources including wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, and biomass, generate 4.42% combined. GLOBAL ELECTRICITY GENERATION SINCE 1980 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ./ 11 Nuclear Wind Geothermal Hydro Biomass & waste Natural gas Solar, tide, & wave Coal & other fossil fuels SOURCE: U.S. Energy Information Administration,2 The World Bank.3 20 10 20 11 06 08 20 04 20 02 20 20 98 00 20 96 19 94 19 19 90 92 19 19 86 88 19 84 19 19 80 82 0 19 IT IS ESTIMATED THAT IN 2030 THE WORLD WILL DEMAND NEARLY TWICE THE AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY WE USE TODAY. 19 DID YOU KNOW? ELECTRICITY GENERATION IN CANADA IN 2014 There are 19 power reactors currently operating at 4 nuclear power generating stations in Canada. Nuclear power provided approximately 16.15% of Canada’s electricity in 2014. Hydro power is the most utilized source of electricity in Canada, generating approximately 63.32% in 2014. While coal was phased out in Ontario in 2014, it continues to be widely used elsewhere in the country, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Wind, solar, and tidal power combined to provide approximately 1.45% of Canada’s electricity in 2014. Hydro 63.32% Coal 14.65% Nuclear 16.15% Diesel 0.19% Natural gas 4.23% Wind 1.40% Solar 0.05% DID YOU KNOW? IN 2014, ONTARIO BECAME THE FIRST JURISDICTION IN NORTH AMERICA TO COMPLETELY PHASE OUT THE USE OF COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS. SOURCE: Statistics Canada.4 NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD NUCLEAR IN CANADA BY THE NUMBERS 12 CANADA’S NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS Canada was one of the first countries to produce power from nuclear. In 1962, the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) reactor came online, producing 22 MWe. Douglas Point, Canada’s first full-scale power reactor came online in 1968, producing 220 MWe. Today, 19 CANDU reactors are in service at four different sites in Ontario and New Brunswick, supplying over 16% of Canada’s electricity. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK DID YOU KNOW? ./ 13 IN TOTAL, CANADA’S NUCLEAR FLEET PROVIDES ENOUGH ELECTRICITY FOR ALMOST 9 MILLION OF CANADA’S 13.3 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS. FACILITY Bruce A: Unit 1 Bruce A: Unit 2 Bruce A: Unit 3 Bruce A: Unit 4 Bruce B: Unit 5 Bruce B: Unit 6 Bruce B: Unit 7 Bruce B: Unit 8 Darlington: Unit 1 Darlington: Unit 2 Darlington: Unit 3 Darlington: Unit 4 Pickering A: Unit 1 Pickering A: Unit 4 Pickering B: Unit 1 Pickering B: Unit 2 Pickering B: Unit 3 Pickering B: Unit 4 Point Lepreau NET CAPACITY (MWe) 772 772 730 730 817 817 817 817 878 878 878 878 515 515 516 516 516 516 635 OPERATING STATUS Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating START YEAR 1977 1977 1978 1979 1985 1984 1986 1987 1992 1990 1993 1993 1971 1973 1983 1984 1985 1986 1983 Bruce Power NGS is the largest operating nuclear power facility in the world. It is located on the shore of Lake Huron, 190 km from downtown Toronto, Ontario, and first sent energy to the grid in 1977. Currently operating at 6,272 MWe from eight reactors, Bruce Power can generate almost 55 billion kWh per year – enough electricity to power 4.9 million Canadian households. (An average Canadian household consumes about 11,100 kWh per year.8) FACILITY Bruce A: Unit 1 Bruce A: Unit 2 Bruce A: Unit 3 Bruce A: Unit 4 Bruce B: Unit 5 Bruce B: Unit 6 Bruce B: Unit 7 Bruce B: Unit 8 NET CAPACITY (MWe) 772 772 730 730 817 817 817 817 OPERATING STATUS Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating START YEAR 1977 1977 1978 1979 1985 1984 1986 1987 6,272 MWe OUTPUT POWERS 4.9 MILLION CANADIAN HOMES FIRST POWER TO GRID IN 1977 CURRENTLY THE LARGEST OPERATING NGS IN THE WORLD! NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD BRUCE POWER NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION (NGS) 14 DARLINGTON NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION (NGS) Darlington NGS is Canada’s second-largest nuclear facility. It is located on the shore of Lake Ontario, 60 km from downtown Toronto, Ontario. Currently operating at 3,512 MWe from four reactors, Darlington NGS is capable of producing up to 31 billion kWh annually – or enough to power over 2.7 million Canadian households. FACILITY THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Darlington: Unit 1 Darlington: Unit 2 Darlington: Unit 3 Darlington: Unit 4 ./ 15 NET CAPACITY (MWe) 878 878 878 878 OPERATING STATUS Operating Operating Operating Operating START YEAR 1992 1990 1993 1993 3,512 MWe OUTPUT, POTENTIALLY UP TO 5820 MWe POWERS 2.7 MILLION CANADIAN HOMES FIRST POWER TO GRID IN 1990 When Pickering A was completed in 1973, it was the world’s largest nuclear generating station. It is located 30 km from downtown Toronto. Now with a combined six units at Pickering A and B producing 3,094 MWe, Pickering NGS is currently capable of producing up to 27 billion kWh per year, or enough to power 2.4 million Canadian homes. Pickering NGS had 8 reactors in total until Pickering 2 and 3 were put into cold storage in 2005. FACILITY Pickering A: Unit 1 Pickering A: Unit 4 Pickering B: Unit 1 Pickering B: Unit 2 Pickering B: Unit 3 Pickering B: Unit 4 NET CAPACITY (MWe) 515 515 516 516 516 516 OPERATING STATUS Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating START YEAR 1971 1973 1983 1984 1985 1986 3,094 MWe OUTPUT POWERS 2.4 MILLION CANADIAN HOMES FIRST POWER TO GRID IN 1971 NUCLEAR AROUND THE WORLD PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION (NGS) 16 POINT LEPREAU NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION (NGS) THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Point Lepreau NGS is located in New Brunswick, approximately 30 km southwest of Saint John, and was the first CANDU 6 unit to generate electricity commercially. Point Lepreau recently underwent refurbishment to extend its operational lifespan, and returned to service in November 2012 to provide approximately 25% of New Brunswick’s electricity.4 Point Lepreau operates at 635 MWe, producing 5.5 billion kWh per year, or enough to power 500,000 Canadian homes. ./ 17 635 MWe OUTPUT POWERS 500,000 CANADIAN HOMES FIRST POWER TO GRID IN 1983 ./NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE? DID YOU KNOW? NEXT TO HYDROPOWER, NUCLEAR ENERGY IS THE LARGEST SOURCE OF LOW-CARBON ELECTRICITY IN THE WORLD. CLEAN AIR (LOW GHGs) DIRTY AIR (HIGH GHGs) NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT The average temperature of the world is slowly rising, much of which can very likely be attributable to human activities, such as air pollution. This occurs because the earth’s temperature is regulated by the energy it receives from the sun and reflects back out into space. With increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the air, more and more of that energy is absorbed, rather than released. This results in melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and inclement weather conditions that pose serious threats to our well-being. 19 COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE WITH CLEAN ENERGY CO2 EMISSIONS BY ENERGY SOURCE To curb climate change, we need to use low-carbon technologies wherever possible. In the energy sector, nuclear is among the cleanest options. It generates zero CO2eq during operation, with its only carbon footprint attributable to construction and mining activities. Wind THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ./ 20 4 8 12 Nuclear 16 Biomass 18 Solar CSP WHY NOT RENEWABLES ALONE? A grid powered entirely on an intermittent source such as wind would rely on back-up sources 80% of the time.6 With this backup most often coming from natural gas, building wind capacity essentially means building in reliance on fossil fuels. This combination of wind and gas emits much more carbon than either hydro or nuclear. A comprehensive technology mix with various clean sources including nuclear offers the most reliable clean energy system. Hydro Tidal and wave 22 Geothermal 45 Solar PV 46 Wind + gas backup 385 Natural gas 469 Oil Coal Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions (g CO2 equivalent/kWh) SOURCE: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.7 840 1,001 COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE WITH CLEAN ENERGY GLOBAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS BY SOURCE Energy production is the single-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions globally, at 35%. This includes electricity, heat, and fuel production/refining. Advancing technologies such as electric vehicles will allow low-carbon electricity to mitigate other sectors’ emissions as well. Energy supply 35% Transport 14% Residential & commercial buildings 6% Industry 21% IF ALL THE WORLD’S FOSSIL FUEL ELECTRICITY DEMANDS WERE INSTEAD MET BY NUCLEAR, ENERGY SUPPLY WOULD DECREASE FROM 35% OF GLOBAL GHG EMISSIONS TO 14%, ALMOST NONE OF WHICH WOULD BE FROM ELECTRICITY.8 Forestry 13% SOURCE: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.9 NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT Agriculture 11% DID YOU KNOW? 21 HISTORICAL CO2 EMISSION TRENDS Today, by displacing coal and natural gas, nuclear helps avoid about 2.5 billion tonnes of CO 2 eq emissions annually. That’s the same as taking about 520,000,000 cars off the road – or over half of all the cars in the world! Global CO2 emissions reached a record high of 37.0 billion tonnes in 2014 – the fifth year in a row in which a new record has been set.10 If we replaced all the world’s coal and natural gas plants with clean, low-carbon nuclear, we would reduce global CO2 emissions by 22.2%. GLOBAL CO2 EMISSIONS SINCE 1990 40 REPLACING COAL AND NATURAL GAS WITH NUCLEAR WOULD TURN BACK THE CLIMATE CLOCK OVER A DECADE! ./ 22 30 SOURCE: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)/PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.11 4 20 1 0 12 20 08 06 20 1 20 04 20 02 20 20 00 20 19 98 94 19 96 92 19 19 20 90 25 19 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK 35 Nuclear, wind, solar, and hydropower are considered low-carbon sources of electricity, as their lifetime emissions are only about 20 grams of CO2eq per kWh.7 These low-carbon electricity sources produce zero CO2eq emissions during generation, but indirectly produce small amounts due to dependence on fossil fuels during secondary activities such as mining uranium, or constructing windmills. Emissions from low-carbon sources are dramatically lower than those which burn fossil fuels directly. HOW MUCH CO2 DO I GENERATE? As the average Canadian household consumes approximately 30 kWh of electricity each day,5 using electricity from low-carbon sources greatly reduces the impact of your home activities on the climate. MASS OF CO2 RELEASED DAILY PER CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD BY SOURCE Coal 30,030 g/day 65” HDTV IN BOX Natural gas 14,070 g/day ADULT HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Low-carbon sources, such as nuclear ~ 600 g/day LARGE COFFEE NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT CLEAN ELECTRICITY AND YOUR HOME 23 NUCLEAR’S SMALL GEOGRAPHIC FOOTPRINT To power our growing world, we will need to double our electricity production by 2030, which will only be possible with extreme efficiency.12 Nuclear is the most land-efficient means of electricity production. Even when including all aspects of production, such as mining and fuel fabrication, look how nuclear compares against other clean options: THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ELECTRICITY PER KM2 Nuclear 47.6 MWe/km2 Solar 3.1 MWe/km2 Wind 1.6 MWe/km2 ./ 24 SOURCE: McDonald et al.13 If we were to produce 100% of global electricity in 2030 with only one source, nuclear could do it entirely within the borders of Nepal. Meanwhile solar would need all of Greenland, and wind would occupy the entire European Union! NUCLEAR NEPAL SOLAR GREENLAND WIND THE ENTIRE EUROPEAN UNION Used nuclear fuel is the spent fuel that is removed from a nuclear reactor. Nuclear fuel bundles are removed from reactors when the concentration of the Uranium-235 inside becomes too low to sustain the fission reaction at the desired power level. Once removed, used fuel is stored in water-filled pools for seven to ten years, giving it time to cool down and reduce its radioactivity. After about a year, nuclear fuel bundles emit less than 0.1% of the heat generated in the reactor. Once the bundles have cooled down sufficiently, they are put into dry storage: large concrete containers that protect and cool the bundles, and contain the remaining radiation. Used nuclear fuel may be recycled to become usable again. Although this is not currently practised in Canada, fuel recycling is a part of several successful nuclear programs, including France. DID YOU KNOW? ONLY ABOUT 1% OF THE TOTAL ENERGY IN THE URANIUM IS USED BEFORE THE BUNDLES ARE REMOVED FROM THE REACTOR. USED FUEL MAY BE RECYCLED TO BECOME USABLE AGAIN, AS IS DONE IN SOME COUNTRIES. THAT’S WHY SCIENTISTS PREFER TO NOT REFER TO IT AS “WASTE”. NUCLEAR FUEL BUNDLE NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT WHAT IS USED NUCLEAR FUEL? 25 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK WHAT IS USED NUCLEAR FUEL? ./ 26 All of Canada’s used nuclear fuel is safely managed at licensed storage facilities at nuclear generating stations. There are strict security measures in place to ensure there is no threat to public health from stored used fuel bundles. The storage of used nuclear fuel is managed by the utilities that own the fuel, and is closely monitored, regulated, and licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), in direct cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The long-term care of Canada’s used nuclear fuel is managed by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO). Nuclear is the only energy source that produces most of its waste in solid form. Fossil fuels discharge most of their waste into the environment. DID YOU KNOW? NUCLEAR PRODUCES VERY LITTLE WASTE. SO LITTLE, IN FACT, THAT IF ALL THE POWER YOU EVER USED CAME FROM NUCLEAR, YOUR LIFETIME WASTE WOULD FIT IN A SODA CAN. In 2002, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) was established to develop a management approach for the long-term care of Canada’s used nuclear fuel. In 2007, the Government of Canada accepted the NWMO’s recommendation for an Adaptive Phased Management approach now being implemented by the NWMO. The Adaptive Phased Management approach end point is the centralized containment and isolation of used nuclear fuel in a suitable rock formation. The process for selecting a site for a deep geological repository (DGR) has been designed to ensure, above all, that the site chosen is safe and secure. The site will be located in an informed and willing host community. The goal will be reached through steps and decision points that can be adapted as required: Citizens will be involved throughout implementation and have the opportunity to provide input. The facility will allow for access if necessary. Adaptive Phased Management includes the provision of financial surety – as required by law – and longterm program funding to ensure sufficient funds will be available for the long-term care of the used fuel. For more information about the Adaptive Phased Management approach and the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel in Canada, please visit DID YOU KNOW? THE MANAGEMENT OF FUTURE NUCLEAR WASTE IS ALREADY PAID FOR AS IT IS GENERATED. PRODUCERS OF USED FUEL ARE REQUIRED BY THE NUCLEAR FUEL WASTE ACT TO CONTRIBUTE TO TRUST FUNDS THAT ENSURE THE LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT OF CANADA’S USED NUCLEAR FUEL. NUCLEAR AND THE ENVIRONMENT NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 27 DEEP GEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ./ 28 0.5 m SURFACE FACILITIES 2 MAIN SHAFT COMPLEX 4m 500 m 1 Used nuclear fuel stored in a DGR will be placed in secure containers 500 metres underground. Advanced containers and secure geology will ensure there is no radiation exposure to the public or environment from used nuclear fuel. BENTONITE CLAY ROCK 3 PLACEMENT ROOMS 0.1 m FUEL BUNDLES 1.2 m USED FUEL CONTAINERS PLACEMENT ROOM VERTICAL IN-FLOOR BOREHOLE ./NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Nuclear science and technology (S&T) is essential to the health, safety, and prosperity of every Canadian. That is why the Government of Canada and Canada’s nuclear industry have a long history of investing in nuclear S&T. Research initiatives at our national laboratories, universities, and research reactors across the country support affordable electricity, product improvements, medical services, training, and other activities. Canada is a historic leader in nuclear research, and is home to three Nobel prizes related to nuclear S&T: Ernest Rutherford in 1908 for his work at McGill on radioactive decay. Richard E. Taylor in 1990 for early understandings of quarks in particle physics. Bertram N. Brockhouse in 1994 for developing new neutron scattering techniques. Nuclear technology plays an important role in almost every technical field across Canada, including: Advanced electronics Advanced material development Aerospace and automotive technology Earth science & archaeology Environmental technology Food processing Mining and natural resources Nuclear medicine Pharmaceutical and medical devices NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NUCLEAR S&T OVERVIEW 30 NUCLEAR MEDICINE One of the most valuable applications of nuclear technology is the use of radioactive substances (called radioisotopes) for the diagnosis of various diseases and the treatment of certain cancers. Over 40 million nuclear medicine procedures are performed annually, with 30-40% of the radioisotopes originating from Canadian reactors. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK HOW DOES NUCLEAR MEDICINE WORK? ./ 31 Diagnostic Radioisotopes injected into the patient collect in important tissues, such as organs, or a tumor, and emit radiation which is picked up by a detector outside the body to help produce a diagnosis. Therapeutic Radioisotopes injected into the patient collect in the tumor and emit radiation into it, destroying the cancerous cells, and allowing the healthy tissue to heal. RADIOISOTOPES ARE OFTEN CHEMICALLY ATTACHED TO OTHER COMPOUNDS TO TRANSPORT THEM TO A SPECIFIC PLACE IN THE BODY. FOR EXAMPLE, SUGAR-BOUND ISOTOPES COLLECT READILY IN CANCER TISSUE AS WELL AS THE BRAIN! NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DID YOU KNOW? 32 WHAT’S A RADIOISOTOPE? Atoms exist in various versions of themselves called isotopes, some of which have either too few or too many neutrons. In some cases, this neutron imbalance causes the atom to be unstable, and it will undergo a change (or “decay”) to become stable, emitting radiation while doing so. These are called radioisotopes. Some radioisotopes decay faster than others. Radioisotopes with short half-lives decay more quickly. RADIOISOTOPES COMMONLY USED IN MEDICINE RADIOISOTOPE Iodine-131 Fluorine-18 Technetium-99m Cobalt-60 NUCLEAR DECAY PROCESS THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Unstable Radioisotope ./ 33 Stable isotope RADIATION HALF-LIFE 8.02 days COMMON USES Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders and cancers 109.77 minutes Used to detect cancers in PET scans when incorporated as FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) 6.0058 hours 5.27 years Bone scan, functional heart or brain imaging, cancer detection. Tc-99m is very diverse and the most widely used radioisotope. Powerful cancer treatment delivered from outside of the body. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR S&T APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR IMAGING RADIATION SOURCE DETECTOR EXAMPLE OF NUCLEAR GAUGE Automotive Reduces defects and improves road safety and vehicle reliability. Natural Resources Prevents defective pipe use and prevents oil spills or gas leaks. Medical Devices Detects surface irregularities on devices like pacemakers prior to implantation. Advanced Pharmaceuticals Neutron scattering makes it possible to develop sophisticated delivery systems for pharmaceuticals that can reduce side effects and improve effectiveness. NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Nuclear technology also offers various techniques used in industry to ensure the integrity of important mechanical components without damaging them. This is a form of “non-destructive testing”. High-power neutrons can penetrate solid steel to a depth of about half a meter to image thick pipes and even entire engines, or simulate their response to stress. This type of testing is critical to ensure the safety of many common items. Nuclear imaging can also be used in a gauge, for example, to detect how full a pipe or canister is. Aerospace Detects microscopic flaws in wings, rotors, and landing gear before assembly. 34 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK AGRICULTURE, FOOD, AND HEALTH ./ 35 Radiation from nuclear sources is also widely used to sterilize much of the food and products we consume today. Gamma rays from powerful sources are used to kill bacteria and other threats while leaving the product safe and unchanged. Cobalt-60 is the primary source used for sterilization. It is also used for radiation therapy treatments, although this use is being gradually replaced by linear accelerators. Cobalt-60 is manufactured by exposing ‘pencils’ of cobalt-59 – the non-radioactive isotope of cobalt – to high doses of neutron radiation inside a nuclear power reactor. DID YOU KNOW? ALMOST ALL OF GLOBAL COBALT-60 SUPPLY IS PRODUCED BY CANDU REACTORS, INCLUDING THE PICKERING AND BRUCE POWER NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONS. APPLICATIONS OF STERLIZATION WITH RADIATION Food Eliminates dangerous pathogens to reduce food poisoning and delay spoilage. Agriculture Increases yield and pest-resistance of crops. This has saved hundreds of millions of lives. Health and Beauty Supplies Ensures safety of contact lenses and other personal items. Cancer Treatment Since cancer cells are more sensitive to radiation than healthy cells, gamma rays from cobalt-60 are used to treat cancer. Cobalt-60 treatment units are among the most common technologies for external beam radiation therapy worldwide. Medical Supplies Ensures the sterility of one-use items such as syringes, gloves, tubes, and sutures. Nuclear research centres are key facilities for promoting nuclear S&T. There are twelve major nuclear research centres in Canada. Seven of them use research reactors, and five are based on cyclotron technology. The NRU is Canada’s most powerful research reactor, and the third-most powerful research reactor in the world.14 It generates neutrons for neutron scattering, and produces cobalt-60 and other radioisotopes for the imaging and treatment of diseases. TRIUMF operates the world’s most powerful cyclotron, enabling leading research in atomic physics as well as new methods of producing radioisotopes. DID YOU KNOW? THREE NOBEL PRIZES HAVE BEEN AWARDED FOR CANADIAN NUCLEAR RESEARCH. NOBEL-WINNING CANADIAN NUCLEAR RESEARCH 1908 1990 1994 Ernest Rutherford discovered the concept of radioactive half-life, and differentiated alpha and beta particles at McGill University. Alberta-born Richard E. Taylor discovers essential concepts to the understanding of quarks in particle physics. McMaster University’s Bertram N. Brockhouse develops neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter. NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTRES 36 LOCATION OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTRES IN CANADA THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK MEDICAL ISOTOPE AND CYCLOTRON FACILITY (start date: 2013) ./ 37 TRIUMF 500 MeV CYCLOTRON Reactor (start date: 1974) CENTRE FOR CYCLOTRON SCIENCES 24 MeV CYCLOTRON Reactor (start date: 2014) CENTRE HOSPITALIER UNIVERSITAIRE DE SHERBROOKE (CHUS) 24 MeV CYCLOTRON Reactor (start date: 2012) CENTRE FOR PROBE DEVELOPMENT AND COMMERCIALIZATION (start date: 2008) ./NUCLEAR AND THE ECONOMY JOBS SUPPORTED BY NUCLEAR IN CANADA Nuclear technology is an integral part of any advanced economy. It supports medicine, materials science, advanced manufacturing, food safety, and energy production. Nuclear in Canada is a GREATER THAN $5B industry with reliable well-paid employment. Nuclear power generation directly and indirectly supports a total of 60,000 Canadian jobs. Over 4,000 of these jobs are held by highly qualified personnel who form a large and integral part of Canada’s innovative capacity. SOURCE: Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters15 Power generation 25,000 Mining 5,000 Indirect 30,000 NUCLEAR AND THE ECONOMY NUCLEAR AND THE CANADIAN ECONOMY 39 AFFORDABLE POWER Nuclear remains one of the most affordable electricity sources worldwide. While nuclear generating stations require high up-front capital investment, their long life and low costs for fuel, operations, and maintenance lead to low power costs in the long run. Even without carbon-pricing, nuclear is among the most affordable electricity options. When you add in carbon pricing of up to $30 USD/tonne, nuclear compares even more favorably. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK DID YOU KNOW? ./ 40 ABOUT 60% OF THE COST OF NUCLEAR IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO FACILITY CONSTRUCTION. ONCE BUILT, NUCLEAR HAS TREMENDOUSLY LOW FUEL AND MAINTENANCE PRICES, PROVIDING STABLE ELECTRICAL PRICES DURING THE PLANT LIFETIME OF UP TO 60 YEARS OR MORE. COSTS IN ¢ USD PER kWh onshore wind cost in ¢USD/kWh 5.8 nuclear 6.2 natural gas 6.4 hydro 7.3 biopower 7.6 coal enhanced geothermal offshore wind extra cost from carbon pricing up to $30/tonne 8.3 9.0 12.2 solar pv SOURCE: OpenEI Transparent Cost Database.16 30.1 CLEAN GDP GROWTH AVERAGE GDP GROWTH FROM 2003-201317 7.6% 10.3% 3.7% 1.8% REGION North America # NEW/UNDER CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR PLANTS 5 1 10 12 (5,633 MWe) (1,245 MWe) (4,308 MWe) (10,048 MWe) CO2 OFFSET ANNUALLY (MTONNES) 48.6 Brazil 10.7 SOURCE: International Monetary Fund.17 India 37.2 China 86.7 These three countries, which represent over 39% of the world’s population, have economies growing at between two to six times the rate of North America. This is creating an enormous amount of new demand for electricity. DID YOU KNOW? IN BRAZIL, INDIA, AND CHINA, NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONS BUILT OR BEING BUILT SINCE 2003 OFFSET 135 MILLION TONNES OF CO2 ANNUALLY. NUCLEAR AND THE ECONOMY Countries with quickly growing economies depend on rapid expansion in base load electrical generation. The world’s fastest growing large economies of Brazil, India, and China have depended heavily on nuclear to fuel their growth. Nuclear and coal tend to be the most popular power options in these growth scenarios, and the choice between them has huge implications for the environmental footprint of economic growth. 41 URANIUM AND THE CANADIAN ECONOMY Canada is the second-largest uranium producer in the world, with Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada as its two primary uranium mining companies. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK 2013 ACTIVE GLOBAL URANIUM MINE PRODUCTION ./ 42 Canada McArthur River Rabbit Lake Kazakhstan Australia Niger Namibia Russia Uzbekistan United States China TONNES U PRODUCED % OF GLOBAL 9,331 7,744 1,587 22,451 6,350 4,518 4,323 3,135 2,400 1,792 1,500 16% 13% 3% 38% 11% 8% 7% 5% 4% 4% 3% SOURCE: World Nuclear Association.18 Uranium mining and fuel processing in Canada generates over $700M in salaries and benefits to contractors and employers. Uranium exports add $1.2B to the Canadian economy. Uranium mining is the leading industrial employer of Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan. DID YOU KNOW? CIGAR LAKE, ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST HIGHGRADE URANIUM DEPOSITS BEGAN PRODUCTION IN 2014. IT IS EXPECTED TO ADD APPROXIMATELY ANOTHER 8000 TONNES TO CANADA’S ANNUAL PRODUCTION BY 2018. WHERE DOES URANIUM IN CANADA COME FROM? MCCLEAN LAKE RABBIT LAKE COBOURG SPECIAL METAL FABRICATION PLANT KEY LAKE CIGAR LAKE PORT HOPE CONVERSION FACILITY CAMECO FUEL MANUFACTURING BLIND RIVER URANIUM REFINERY MCARTHUR RIVER MINE LEGEND ACTIVE MINE ACTIVE MILL ONLY TORONTO NUCLEAR FUEL FACILITY PETERBOROUGH FUEL BUNDLE PRODUCTION FACILITY NUCLEAR AND THE ECONOMY Uranium is mined and milled in Saskatchewan at five different sites. Blind River, Ontario, is home to Canada’s only uranium refining facility. Owned and operated by Cameco, it is the largest such facility in the world. Port Hope is home to Canada’s only uranium conversion facility, also owned and operated by Cameco. Plants that process natural uranium powder, and assumble CANDU fuel bundles are located in Port Hope (Cameco), as well as Toronto and Peterborough (GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Canada). 43 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND THE CANADIAN ECONOMY ./ 44 The global medical isotope market is worth approximately $4B USD in 2014. It is expected to grow to $7-8B by the end of the decade. The most commonly used diagnostic isotope is Molybdenum-99, used in over 30 million medical procedures annually. It has a global market valued at approximately $550M USD. Canada is the leading supplier of this isotope, at 30-40%, adding an estimated $200M to the Canadian economy. The two primary methods for isotope production use reactors or cyclotrons. Canada is one of few countries with expertise in isotope development with both methods, and is well-positioned to remain a global leader in isotope production. Over 10,000 hospitals worldwide use radioisotopes for medicine. ./HOW NUCLEAR WORKS Uranium is a heavy metal, and one of many naturally occurring radioactive elements. It exists in most rock concentrations at approximately two to four parts per million – about the same amount as tin. Similar to other elements, uranium occurs in several different forms, known as “isotopes.” The most common isotope of uranium is U-238 (99.28 of uranium atoms), followed by U-235 (0.71%). The number following the “U” indicates the atomic weight of the isotope, in atomic mass units (amu). U-235 is the primary isotope of uranium that is used to generate electricity, because it is fissile (i.e., can be easily “fissioned”). Fission splits the U-235 into smaller fragments and releases 100 million times more energy than splitting a chemical bond during combustion. DID YOU KNOW? CANDU REACTORS USE U-235 IN ITS NATURAL CONCENTRATION, WHEREAS OTHER REACTOR DESIGNS USE U-235 ENRICHED IN CONCENTRATION TO ABOUT 3% OR HIGHER. ATOMIC NUMBER ATOMIC MASS ATOMIC SYMBOL HOW NUCLEAR WORKS WHAT IS URANIUM? 46 CANDU REACTOR SCHEMATIC SCHEMATIC OF A CANDU REACTOR A nuclear reactor is a highly sophisticated steam engine turning an electrical generator. The heat used to generate the steam comes from the energy produced from the fission reaction (see page 54). 1 Energy released from fission heats water in this primary sealed cycle. 2 That heat then boils the water in the steam generator, creating pressurized steam. 3 That steam turns a turbine which is connected to a generator, sending power straight to the grid. 4 An outside source of water cools the steam, condensing it back into water, allowing the system to repeat. STEAM GENERATOR (BOILER) 2 SHIELDING STEAM TRANSFORMER WATER CONTROL ROOM REACTOR CORE STEAM TURBINE 1 3 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK USED FUEL MANAGEMENT ./ 47 ELECTRICAL GENERATOR 4 COOLANT (HEAVY WATER) CONTROL RODS FUEL (URANIUM) FUELING MACHINE MODERATOR (HEAVY WATER) CONDENSER CONDENSER COOLING WATER ELECTRICAL GRID HOW NUCLEAR WORKS HOW REACTORS WORK 48 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK HOW FISSION WORKS ./ 49 Uranium, in both of its main isotopes, U-235 and U-238, is relatively stable before entering the reactor, meaning it does not emit very much radiation – so little that unused fuel bundles are safe to handle. When a U-235 atom is bombarded with a neutron, however, it undergoes fission, splitting into several pieces, including two or three extra neutrons, and released heat which is converted into electricity in a power reactor. These neutrons interact with other nearby U-235 atoms and allow the effect to continue, similar to how heat from a candle wick allows it to continue burning. Nuclear reactors control this “chain reaction” to the desired stable state. This process produces smaller isotopes as useful byproducts – such as iodine-131, cesium-137, and molybdenum-99 – for use in medicine and industry. FISSION NUCLEAR FISSION NEUTRON 131 53 I PROTON NEUTRON ENERGY 235 92 U 99 42 Mo DID YOU KNOW? THE NEUTRONS PRODUCED DURING FISSION GO ON TO PRODUCE FURTHER FISSION REACTIONS IN OTHER NEARBY URANIUM ATOMS. NEUTRON URANIUM AS NUCLEAR FUEL Nuclear fission is a very efficient source of energy, so a nuclear reactor requires very little fuel. Uranium pellets are approximately 20 grams each, and less than ten are needed to power the average Canadian household for a year. To provide the same amount of electricity as one 20 g uranium pellet, one would have to burn: 400 kg of coal 410 l of oil 350 m3 of natural gas ONE 20 G URANIUM PELLET IS EQUIVALENT TO THE ENERGY PROVIDED BY: 400 KILOGRAMS OF COAL OR 410 LITRES OF OIL THE AMOUNT OF URANIUM NEEDED TO POWER YOUR HOME FOR A YEAR CAN FIT IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND! OR 350 CUBIC METRES OF NATURAL GAS HOW NUCLEAR WORKS DID YOU KNOW? 50 CONVERTING URANIUM INTO NUCLEAR FUEL FOR CANDU REACTORS 2 1 Uranium dioxide (UO2) powder is delivered to a fuel fabrication facility by truck. The material is put into processing containers and then blended to condition the powder. 1 3 2 UO2 powder is compressed in a die to produce cylindrical pellets. 3 Pellets pass through a high-temperature electric sintering* furnace with a hydrogen atmosphere to harden them. 4 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK 4 Pellets are loaded into a fuel tube which is sealed by welded end caps. ./ 51 5 Fuel tubes are assembled into bundles and zircaloy end plates are attached by resistance welding. 6 After inspection and cleaning, the fuel bundles are packaged for shipment. * Sintering is a process by which powder is turned into solid objects. 5 WHAT IS A CANDU REACTOR? CANDU stands for CANada Deuterium Uranium, because it was invented in Canada, uses deuterium oxide (also known as “heavy water”) as a moderator, and uranium as a fuel. WHY USE CANDU REACTORS? CANDU reactors are unique in that they use natural, unenriched uranium as a fuel, and with some modification can also use enriched uranium, mixed fuels, and even thorium. CANDU reactors can be refuelled while operating at full power, while most other designs must be shut down for refuelling. CANDU reactors are ideally suited for using material from nuclear weapons as fuel, helping to reduce the global stockpile of nuclear weapons. BRUCE A UNIT 2 IS A 480-CHANNEL CANDU REACTOR PRODUCING 772 MWE OF ELECTRICITY. EACH CHANNEL HOLDS 13 FUEL BUNDLES. Photo credit: Bruce Power CANDU reactors are exceptionally safe. The safety systems are independent from the rest of the plant, and each key safety component has three backups. This multiplication of safety measures is often referred to as ‘redundancy’ or ‘defence in depth’. Not only does this increase the overall safety of the system, but it also makes it possible to test the safety system while the reactor is operating under full power. HOW NUCLEAR WORKS Since natural uranium does not require enrichment, fuel costs for CANDU reactors are very low. 52 WHICH COUNTRIES USE CANDU REACTORS? THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Canada has exported CANDU reactors to Argentina, China, India, Pakistan, Romania, and South Korea. In total, there are 31 CANDU reactors in operation globally, not including 16 reactors built in India which are based on the CANDU design but are not technically CANDUs. ./ 53 MAP OF CANDU REACTORS WORLDWIDE CANDU AND CANDU-DERIVED REACTORS AROUND THE WORLD 8 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 6,272 MWe DARLINGTON, CANADA 4 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 3,512 MWe PICKERING, CANADA 6 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 3,094 MWe POINT LEPREAU, CANADA 1 operating CANDU Reactor Net Capacity: 635 MWe EMBALSE, ARGENTINA KAIGA, INDIA TARAPUR, INDIA 1 operating CANDU Reactor Net Capacity: 600 MWe 4 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 808 MWe 2 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 980 MWe KAKRAPAR, INDIA QINSHAN, CHINA 2 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 404 MWe 2 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 1,280 MWe CERNAVODA, ROMANIA 2 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 1,305 MWe KARACHI, PAKISTAN 1 operating CANDU Reactor Net Capacity: 125 MWe RAJASTHAN, INDIA 2 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity: 277 MWe 4 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 480 MWe DID YOU KNOW? 60% OF OPERATING CANDU-TECHNOLOGY REACTORS WORLDWIDE ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF CANADA. MADRAS, INDIA 2 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 404 MWe WOLSONG, SOUTH KOREA 4 operating CANDU Reactors Net Capacity 2,579 MWe NARORA, INDIA 2 operating CANDUderived Reactors Net Capacity: 404 MWe HOW NUCLEAR WORKS BRUCE POWER, CANADA 54 REACTOR DESIGNS IN USE TODAY POWER REACTOR TYPES USED AROUND THE WORLD CANDU reactors are one of many power reactor designs currently used worldwide. Different designs use different concentrations of uranium for fuel, and different moderators in the reactor core. The most common reactor type worldwide is the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), representing 273 of the world’s 434 currently operable nuclear power reactors. PWR: 273 (63%) BWR: 81 (19%) GCR: 15 (3%) PHWR: 48 (11%) LWGR: 15 (3%) THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK FBR: 2 (1%) ./ 55 CANDU and CANDU-derived! PWR Pressurized water reactor BWR Boiling water reactor GCR Gas-cooled reactor SOURCE: International Atomic Energy Agency.1 PHWR Pressurized heavy water reactor LWGR Light water graphite reactor FBR Fast breeder reactor Pressurized heavy water reactors | Also known as CANDU reactors, PHWRs use heavy water as both coolant and moderator, and use natural uranium as fuel. The coolant is used to boil ordinary water in a separate loop. CANDU reactors can be refuelled without shutting the reaction down. Pressurized water reactors | PWRs use ordinary (or “light”) water as both coolant and moderator. The coolant is pressurized to keep it liquid during operation. Pumps circulate the water through pipes, transferring heat that boils water in a separate loop. Boiling water reactors | In a BWR, light water acts as both coolant and moderator. The coolant is kept at a lower pressure than in a PWR, allowing it to boil. The steam is passed directly to the turbine generators to produce electricity. While the absence of a steam generator simplifies the design, radioactivity can contaminate the turbine. Gas-cooled reactors | The two types of GCRs, the Magnox and the advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR), both use carbon dioxide as the coolant and graphite as the moderator. The Magnox uses natural uranium as fuel, while the AGR uses enriched uranium. Like CANDU reactors, these designs can be refueled while operating. Light water graphite reactors | LWGRs use light water as coolant and graphite as the moderator. The coolant boils as it passes through the reactor and the steam is fed directly to turbine generators. Some early LWGR designs were built and operated without the safety features required elsewhere. The well-known 1986 accident at Chernobyl (Ukraine) happened to a reactor of this type. Fast breeder reactors | FBRs use fast neutrons to convert materials such as uranium-238 and thorium-232 into fissile materials, which then fuel the reactor. This process, combined with recycling, has the potential to increase available nuclear fuel resources in the very long term. HOW NUCLEAR WORKS DIFFERENCES AMONG REACTOR DESIGNS 56 SMALL MODULAR REACTORS SCHEMATIC OF WESTINGHOUSE SMR CONCEPT THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Small modular reactors (SMRs) are modern reactors designed to be built economically in factory-like conditions (rather than fully constructed on site), with capacities ranging from approximately 10 MWe to 300 MWe. There is growing interest in SMRs to provide electricity to smaller and/or remote communities, and to provide process heat for resource industries such as mining, or Alberta’s oil sands. Currently there are more than 45 SMR designs under development, including four already under construction in Argentina, Russia, and China. The IAEA estimates that as many as 96 SMRs could be operational worldwide by 2030.19 ./ 57 DID YOU KNOW? TWO SMR UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN RUSSIA WILL BE FLOATING ABOARD THE AKADEMIK LOMONOSOV, DUE FOR COMPLETION IN 2016. THE FLOATING POWER PLANT WILL PRODUCE ENOUGH POWER FOR 200,000 HOMES.20 © Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Ongoing innovation ensures that nuclear remains among our best options for safe, reliable, affordable power. Advanced reactor designs (which offer either evolutions over predecessors, or new concepts entirely) are becoming increasingly available, with 59 either under design, under construction, or in operation at the end of 2014. These new designs offer many improvements, such as output flexibility, fuel options, and greatly reduced waste streams.21 Advanced fuel cycles are another innovative method of improving nuclear technology currently under development. Advances in fuel processing allow for the recycling of spent fuel, decommissioned militarygrade uranium and plutonium, and new fuels such as thorium to be used to power existing reactors. Existing CANDU reactors are already capable of using various alternative fuels. EXAMPLES OF ADVANCED FUELS MOX “Mixed Oxide Fuel” is manufactured from plutonium recovered from used nuclear fuel, and provides almost 5% of the nuclear fuel used today. REPROCESSED URANIUM Used nuclear fuel which is reprocessed to remove elements which interfere with the fission process and bring the concentration of U-235 back up to the needed level. THORIUM A naturally occurring element more abundant in nature than uranium that can be used in various kinds of reactors. DID YOU KNOW? FROM 1993-2003, THE MEGATONS TO MEGAWATTS PROGRAM WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONVERTING THE EQUIVALENT OF 20,008 NUCLEAR WARHEADS TO LOW ENRICHED URANIUM THAT SUPPLIED APPROXIMATELY 10% OF ELECTRICITY IN THE USA OVER THIS PERIOD.22 HOW NUCLEAR WORKS ADVANCED REACTORS AND FUEL CYCLES 58 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK FUSION ./ 59 Fusion is a form of nuclear energy with the potential to create massive amounts of heat by forcing atomic nuclei together. It is essentially the opposite of fission, which involves splitting atoms apart. In the sun, gravity creates the conditions for fusion. Here on earth, the challenge is to create these same conditions by using magnetic fields and inertia. One of the most efficient fuels for fusion power is a mix of heavy hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium), which means that water could become a primary fuel source. In addition to having an abundant fuel source, fusion has the potential for relatively clean operation and relatively short-lived radioactive waste. Fusion research has been underway for many decades, with a lot of exciting progress in recent years, including at Canadian institutions. Once commercialized, this technology holds the potential to revolutionize the efficiency with which humanity is capable of generating electricity, far FUSION beyond even what fission has already achieved. DEUTERIUM PROTON HELIUM ENERGY TRITIUM NEUTRON ./IS RADIATION SAFE? WHAT IS RADIATION? WHAT IS IONIZING RADIATION? Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or particles. It can be found everywhere in the universe, including rocks on the earth and in deep space. Ionizing radiation is released when atoms ‘decay,’ as they do during fission reactions in a nuclear reactor. Ionizing radiation is a highly energetic type of radiation that can detach electrons from atoms. Some types of radiation that can be directly observed by humans are sound, light, and heat. Other types can only be observed indirectly, including microwaves, radio waves, and ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation occurs naturally, and can be found everywhere in the universe. The normal level of radiation at any given location is called background radiation. When radiation is discussed in the context of nuclear energy, it is typically referring to ionizing radiation. Within the context of nuclear safety and human health, the most relevant types of radiation are alpha and beta particles and gamma rays. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM 103 102 101 1 10-1 10-3 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 LONGER 10-12 SHORTER RADIO WAVES INFRARED MICROWAVES VISIBLE Common name of wave ULTRAVIOLET “SOFT” X RAYS “HARD” X RAYS GAMMA RAYS Sources AM RADIO FM RADIO MICROWAVE OVEN RADAR PEOPLE LIGHT BULB X-RAY RADIOACTIVE MACHINES ELEMENTS * X-rays and gamma rays are defined by coming from man-made devices (x-rays) or from radioactive elements (gamma-rays). X-rays can have energies in the indicated gamma range, but tend not to except in high-power radiation therapy treatments. * IS RADIATION SAFE? Wavelength (in meters) 61 IS IONIZING RADIATION DANGEROUS? There are many different ways of measuring radiation. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation can be counted with a Geiger counter. Accumulated radiation dose can be measured over time with a personal dosimeter. Ionizing radiation cannot make non-radioactive material radioactive. This makes it possible to use in sterilizing food and medical supplies. Different types of ionizing radiation have different biological effects. To account for these differences, the biological effects of ionizing radiation are generally measured in units called millisieverts (mSv). While a safe level of radiation has not been conclusively established, research shows that radiation doses of up to 100 mSv/year have no measureable health effects in humans. High doses of ionizing radiation, however, can damage healthy tissues and cause serious illness. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK ./ 62 RADIATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES IS EASILY PROTECTED AGAINST WITH COMMON MATERIALS. LEAD AND CONCRETE ARE COMMON EFFECTIVE SHIELDS FOR X-RAYS, GAMMA RAYS, AND NEUTRONS, BETA PARTICLES ARE EASILY STOPPED BY PLASTIC, AND ALPHA PARTICLES CAN’T EVEN GET PAST YOUR OUTER LAYER OF SKIN. LEAD DID YOU KNOW? ALPHA BETA GAMMA, X-RAYS NEUTRONS CONCRETE HOW IS RADIATION MEASURED? While natural background radiation worldwide is on average 2.4 mSv/year,20 local variations can be significant. In some places, such as Ramsar, Iran, natural radiation levels can reach 260 mSv/year – thirteen times more than allowed for workers in Canadian nuclear facilities.21 RADIATION SOURCES IN CANADA 0.07% Canadian nuclear power plants External 8% Cosmos 12% Canadians on average are naturally exposed to about 2.1 mSv/year. Local levels vary significantly, from about 1.6 mSv in Toronto to about 4.1 mSv in Winnipeg. Most of this radiation comes from rocks in the ground and naturally occurring radon gas. Medical radiological procedures account for an additional estimated 1.4 mSv. Radiation from nuclear power reactors generally adds less than 0.1% to the background radiation around nuclear facilities in Canada. DID YOU KNOW? WE RECEIVE OVER 100 TIMES MORE RADIATION DOSE NATURALLY THROUGH THE FOOD WE EAT THAN FROM CANADA’S NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Internal (food or beverages) 8% Inhalation (primarily radon inhalation) 31% Medical 40% SOURCE: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.23 IS RADIATION SAFE? NATURAL BACKGROUND RADIATION 63 RADIATION EFFECTS ON THE BODY While the low doses we receive naturally and through medical procedures pose little risk to our health, high doses can be very dangerous if received quickly. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK Doses at these magnitudes occur only in extreme circumstances, such as in emergency workers at Chernobyl. No event producing doses of this magnitude has ever occurred in Canada. ./ 64 Low doses of radiation received over time do not accumulate to produce these effects. This is because radiation produces the same chemical effects within the body as exercising and breathing (called “oxidative stress”), which the body is very adept at responding to. mSv 10,000 EFFECT Fatal within weeks 6,000 Average dose to Chernobyl emergency workers who died within a month 5,000 Single dose which would kill half of those exposed to it within a month 1,000 Single dose which would cause radiation sickness, nausea, but not death 400 Maximum hourly radiation levels recorded at Fukushima on March 14, 2011 350 Exposure of Chernobyl residents who were relocated 100 Lowest level linked to increased cancer risk 10 Full-body CT scan 2.4 Natural radiation to which we are all exposed, per year 0.1 Chest x-ray 0.01 0.001 Dental x-ray Annual public dose due to nuclear power reactors in Canada The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is an independent regulatory agency that reports to Parliament through the Minister of Natural Resources. The CNSC has quasi-judicial powers, similar to a court of law, and can impose legal penalties on individuals and organizations. Canada’s nuclear industry is among the most highly monitored and regulated industries in the world. THE CNSC AND CANADA’S NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING INDUSTRY The CNSC oversees the ongoing operations of Canada’s nuclear power facilities, the refurbishment of existing nuclear power facilities, and is currently assessing proposed new nuclear projects, including: a new nuclear power facility at the Darlington site, a uranium mine in Nunavut, and a deep geologic repository for nuclear waste at the Bruce Power site. The CNSC also works collaboratively with the federal government’s Major Projects Management Office under Natural Resources Canada in regulating these major resource projects. CNSC staff are located on-site at each of Canada’s four operating nuclear generating stations, as well as the AECL Chalk River Laboratories, the recently shut-down Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station, and across Canada in four regional offices (Calgary, Saskatoon, Mississauga, and Laval). IS RADIATION SAFE? THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMISSION 65 WHAT DOES THE CNSC DO? The CNSC is mandated to monitor and regulate the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect the health, safety, and security of Canadians and the environment. THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK The CNSC monitors and regulates the entire nuclear fuel chain and other uses of nuclear material, including uranium mines, mills, and processing facilities, fuel fabrication plants, nuclear power facilities, radioactive waste management facilities, nuclear research facilities, and nuclear substances processing facilities. ./ 66 Any person or organization that wants to possess, use, transport, or store nuclear material; or build, operate, decommission, or abandon a nuclear facility – including a nuclear power facility – must first obtain a license issued by the CNSC. The CNSC also implements Canada’s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The CNSC has a long-standing history of international bilateral and multilateral cooperation. International peer reviews and shared practices are frequently conducted through the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO). DID YOU KNOW? CNSC STAFF ARE LOCATED ON-SITE AT EVERY CANADIAN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION. ./OTHER RESOURCES International Atomic Energy Agency. Power Reactor Information System. 2014. URL: aspx?Menu=STANDARD+REPORTS. McDonald RI, Fargione J, Kiesecker J, Miller WM, Powell J. Energy Sprawl or Energy Efficiency: Climate Policy Impacts on Natural Habitat for the United States of America. PLoS ONE. 2009. 13 1 International Atomic Energy Agency. Research Reactor Database. 2014. URL: 14 U.S. Energy Information Administration. International Energy Statistics. 2014. URL: 15 The World Bank. Electricity Production from Natural Gas Sources (% of Total). 2014. URL: 16 2 Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters. Nuclear: A Canadian Strategy for Energy, Jobs, and Innovation. Ottawa; 2012. 3 Statistics Canada. Electric power generation, by class of electricity producer. 2014. URL: 4 Statistics Canada. Households and the Environment: Energy Use. 2011. URL: 5 Hatch. Lifecycle Assessment Literature Review of Nuclear, Wind, and Natural Gas Power Generation. 2014. URL: Hatch-CNA-Report-RevE.pdf. 6 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Geneva; 2011. 7 European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)/PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), release version 4.2. 2011. URL: 8 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report. Geneva; 2014. 9 Global Carbon Project. Carbon Budget 2014. Canberra; 2014. 10 European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)/PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Trends in Global CO2 Emissions: 2013 Report. The Hague; 2013. 11 International Atomic Energy Agency. Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050. Vienna; 2013. 12 OpenEI. Transparent Cost Database. 2014. URL: International Monetary Fund. World Economic Outlook Database. 2014. URL: 17 World Nuclear Association. World Uranium Mining Production. 2014. URL: World-Uranium-Mining-Production/. 18 World Nuclear Association. Small Nuclear Power Reactors. 2014. URL: small-nuclear-power-reactors/. 19 International Atomic Energy Agency. Advances in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments. Vienna; 2014. 20 International Atomic Energy Agency. Advanced Reactor Information System. 2014. URL: 21 Centrus Energy. Megatons to Megawatts. 2014. URL: resources/radiation/introduction-to-radiation/radiation-doses.cfm. 22 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Radiation Doses. 2014. URL: radiation-doses.cfm. 23 OTHER RESOURCES CITATION LIST 68 THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK CNA MEMBER AND AFFILIATE RESOURCES ./ 69 AREVA Canada.................................................... Natural Resources Bruce Power....................................................... New Brunswick Cameco............................................................... Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering........ North American Young Generation in Canadian Nuclear Association........................... Nuclear Energy Canadian Nuclear Laboratories........................ Nuclear Industry Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.............. Nuclear Waste Management Canadian Nuclear Society.................................. OECD Nuclear Energy Candian Nuclear Workers Council.................... Ontario Power Candu Energy Inc............................................... Organization of Canadian Nuclear CANDU Owners Group....................................... Power Workers’ Centre for Energy............................................... SNC-Lavalin DOE – Energy Information Administration........ Statistics Hydro-Québec..................................................... United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Independent Electricity Systems Operator......... International Atomic Energy Agency................. International Commission on Radiological Protection...................................... International Energy Agency.............................. Women in World Health .......................................................................ionizing_radiation/en World Nuclear CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES WITH NUCLEAR RESEARCH PROGRAMS Algonquin Carleton DID YOU KNOW? THE REACTOR CORE AT MCMASTER UNIVERSITY IS AMONG FEW WORLDWIDE THAT ARE VISIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE DURING OPERATION. École Polyté McMaster Queen’s Royal Military College University of Guelph . University of New University of Ontario Institute of University of Saskatchewan . University of University of University of Windsor . SHOULD YOUR SCHOOL BE LISTED HERE? IF WE’VE MISSED A PROGRAM WITH NUCLEAR-RELATED EDUCATION, LET US KNOW AT [email protected]! OTHER RESOURCES University of Western 70 ABOUT THE CNA THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is a nonprofit organization established in 1960 to represent the nuclear industry in Canada and promote the development and growth of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes. Our opportunity is to build a better world by applying nuclear science to a broad range of peaceful purposes. We are more than 60,000 Canadians, supporting nuclear medicine, exploring and mining uranium, generating power, and advancing Canada’s nuclear advantage worldwide. Please visit us online at and follow us on our TalkNUclear social media channels and join the conversation. ./ 71 ABOUT THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR FACTBOOK The Canadian Nuclear Factbook has been published regularly since 2004 by the Canadian Nuclear Association. Every year, 30,000 copies are distributed to schools, universities, information centres at nuclear facilities, industry associations, parliamentarians, and many others. Thousands of copies are distributed free of charge nationally and internationally to individuals and organizations on request. If you wish to order one or more copies of the Canadian Nuclear Factbook free of charge for yourself, or an organization, or to access an electronic version, please visit JOIN THE TALKNUCLEAR CONVERSATION CHECK OUT OUR BLOG WATCH US ON YOUTUBE FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @TalkNuclear JOIN US ON FACEBOOK COME TO OUR ANNUAL CONFERENCE © Canadian Nuclear Association 2015 130 Albert Street, Suite 1610 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 t 613.237.4262 f 613.237.0989 [email protected] DOCUMENT DESIGN AND LAYOUT BY XQUISIT COMMUNICATIONS WANT TO TALK AND TEACH NUCLEAR? CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE CURRICULUM RESOURCES AT TEACHNUCLEAR.CA We’ll make you look sharp.
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