PowerCenter Repository Reports Report Name All Object Version History Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Configuration Management\Object Version <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Report Description Displays all versions of an object by the date the object is saved in the repository. All Objects Used in a Mapplet <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets Displays all transformations used in a mapplet by repository and folder. All Objects Used in a Mapplet <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapplet Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapplet Report displays all transformations used in a mapplet by repository and folder. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays sessions associated with a particular connection by Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution repository by folder. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays the total number of sessions currently running by Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution PowerCenter Server. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays, by group name, type, and creator, the details of the Reports\REPORTS\Configuration deployed objects by a particular deployment group. Management\Deployment <Service Name>\PCMR Displays deployment groups by repository. This report has Reports\REPORTS\Configuration Deployment Details report as a related report. Management\Deployment <Service Name>\PCMR Displays, by group, deployment groups and the dates they were Reports\REPORTS\Configuration deployed. It also displays the source and target repository names Management\Deployment of the deployment group for all deployment dates. All Objects Used in a Mapping Connection Usage Details Currently Active Sessions by Server Deployment Details Deployment Group Deployment Group History Displays source, targets and all transformations used in a mapping by repository and folder. Failed Session Run Details (Yesterday) Failed Session Statistics (Started Yesterday) <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Displays session details, by repository and folder, for sessions that started yesterday and failed. Displays the total number of sessions that started yesterday and resulted in failed statuses by repository by folder. A session can fail due to read login failure or custom select statement error. Invalid Mapping Sessions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays sessions that are created for invalid mappings by repository and folder. Invalid Mapping Targets <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays targets in an invalid mapping by repository and folder. Report Name Invalid Mappings Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Report Description Displays invalid mappings by repository and folder. Invalid Session List <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Displays invalid sessions by repository by folder. Invalid Worklets <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Displays all invalid worklets by repository by folder. Mapping Composite Report <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This composite report consists of subreports that list the sources, called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapping Report targets, and transformations in a mapping. To generate this report, right click a mapping in the PowerCenter Mapping Designer and select View Mapping Report. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays mappings by repository and folder. It also displays Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings properties of the mapping such as the number of sources used in a mapping, the number of transformations, and the number of targets. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays Lookup transformations used in a mapping by repository Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings and folder. Mapping List Mapping Lookup Transformations Mapping Lookup Transformations <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays Lookup transformations used in a mapping by repository and folder. Mapping Mapplets <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays mapplets used in a mapping by repository and folder. Mapping Metadata Extensions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays metadata extensions associated with a mapping and the properties of the metadata extensions. Mapping Object-Level Connections <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Displays all transformations from source to target in a mapping and how they are connected to each other. Mapping Object-Level Connections <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapping Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapping Report displays all transformations from source to target in a mapping and how they are connected to each other. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays all transformations from source to target in a mapping and Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings how they are connected to each other through ports. Mapping Port-Level Connections Mapping Port-Level Connections <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapping Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapping Report displays all transformations from source to target in a mapping and how they are connected to each other through ports. Report Name Mapping Shortcuts Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Mapping Source Field Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Mapping Source Field Details Mapping Sources Displays column names for all sources by repository, folder, and mapping. It also displays properties of these columns such as datatype, precision, and length. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapping Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapping Report displays column names for all sources by repository, folder, and mapping. It also displays properties of these columns such as datatype, precision, and length. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays sources defined in a mapping by repository and folder. Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Mapping Targets <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Mapping Transformation Port Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Mapping Transformation Port Details Mapping Transformations Mapping with no Sessions Mapplet Composite Report Mapplet List Mapplet Shortcuts Report Description Displays mappings defined as a shortcut by repository and folder. Displays targets defined in a mapping by repository and folder. Displays ports in a transformation by repository, folder, and mapping. It also displays properties of the ports. This report is the second node in a workflow associated with the Mapping List primary report. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapping Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapping Report displays ports in a transformation by repository, folder, and mapping. It also displays properties of the ports. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays transformations used in a mapping by repository and Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings folder. This report is the first node in the analytic workflow associated with the Mapping List primary report. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays mappings that do not have any sessions defined by Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings repository and folder. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This composite report consists of subreports that list the sources called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapplet Report and transformations in a mapplet. To generate this report, right click a mapplet in the PowerCenter Mapplet Designer and select View Mapplet Report. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays mapplets available by repository and folder. It displays Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets properties of the mapplet such as the number of sources used in a mapplet, the number of transformations, or the number of targets. This is a primary report in an analytic workflow. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets Displays mapplets defined as a shortcut by repository and folder. Report Name Mapping Source Field Details Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets Mapplet Transformations <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets Mapplet Transformations <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Mapplet Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Designer Mapplet Report displays transformations used in a mapplet by repository and folder. <Service Name>\PCMR Displays all the reusable schedulers defined in the repository and Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows their description and properties by repository by folder. Scheduler (Reusable) List Report Description Displays column names for all sources by repository, folder, and mapplet. It also displays properties for these columns such as datatype, length, and precision. Displays transformations used in a mapplet by repository and folder. Scheduler (Reusable) Workflow Association <Service Name>\PCMR Displays all workflows using a given reusable scheduler by Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows repository by folder. Server Load (Yesterday) <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Displays the total number of sessions that ran and the total session run duration for yesterday by server by repository. Displays the total number of sessions that ran and the total session run duration for any day of week in any given month of the year by server by repository. For example, all Mondays in September are represented in one row if that month had 4 Mondays. Session Components <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Session Configurable Parameters <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Displays, by repository by folder, components included in a workflow, such as pre- and post-session commands and failure and success emails. Displays the configurable attributes and their selected values for each session by repository by folder. Session List <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Displays all sessions and their properties by repository by folder. Session Partitions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Displays transformation instances and the transformation type for a partition by repository by folder. Session Run Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sources <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sources Displays session run details for any start date by repository by folder. Displays all sessions that started yesterday and had rejected rows by repository and folder. Displays relational and non-relational sources by repository and folder. It also shows the source properties. Displays mappings that use a particular source by repository and folder. Server Load by Day of Week Sessions with Rejected Rows (Yesterday) Source List Source Mapping Dependency Report Name Source Shortcuts Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sources <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mappings Report Description Displays sources that are defined as shortcuts by repository and folder. Displays the data flow from the source to the target by repository and folder. The report lists all the source and target ports, the mappings in which the ports are connected, the transformation expression that show how data for the target port is derived. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Targets Target Mapping Dependency <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Targets Target Shortcuts <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Targets Target Table Load Analysis (Last <Service Name>\PCMR Month) Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Todays Failed Session Run Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Todays Failed Session Target Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Top 10 Session with Rejected Rows <Service Name>\PCMR (Yesterday) Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Top 5 Session Error Messages <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Session Execution Transformation Shortcuts <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Transformations Unused Mapplets in Mappings <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Mapplets Displays relational and non-relational targets available by repository and folder. It also displays the target properties. Displays mappings that use a particular target by repository and folder. Displays targets that are defined as shortcuts by repository and folder. Displays the load statistics for each table for last month by repository by folder. Displays, by folder and repository, session details for all sessions that started today and failed. Displays, by folder and repository, the target details for all target instances in sessions that started today and failed. Displays the top 10 sessions that had the most number of rows rejected. Displays by folder the top 5 most common error messages encountered by sessions. Displays transformations that are defined as shortcuts by repository and folder. Unused Sessions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sessions Displays sessions that are not associated with any workflow by repository by folder. Unused Sources <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Sources <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Targets <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Transformations Displays sources that are not used in any mapping or mapplet by repository and folder. Displays targets that are not used in any mapping by repository and folder. Displays transformations that are not used in any mapping or mapplet by repository and folder. Source to Target Dependency Target List Unused Targets Unused Transformations Displays mapplets defined in a folder but not used in any mapping in that folder. Report Name Workflow Composite Report Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports called from PC tools\PC Workflow Manager Workflow Report Workflow Events <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows Workflow Events <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports This is a subreport in the Workflow Composite Report. This report called from PC tools\PC Workflow Manager Workflow displays workflow events and its properties by repository by folder. Report <Service Name>\PCMR Displays workflows and workflow properties by repository by folder. Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows Workflow List Report Description This composite report consists of subreports that display workflow tasks, events, and variables. To generate this report, right click a workflow in the PowerCenter Workflow Designer and select View Workflow Report. Displays workflow events and its properties by repository by folder. Workflow Run Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Workflow Execution Workflow Task Instance Link Conditions <Service Name>\PCMR Displays how tasks are connected to each other in a workflow by Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows repository by folder. Workflow Task Instance Link Conditions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports called from PC tools\PC Workflow Manager Workflow Report <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows This is a subreport in the Workflow Composite Report. This report displays how tasks are connected to each other in a workflow by repository by folder. Displays all tasks created in a workflow by repository by folder. <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports called from PC tools\PC Workflow Manager Workflow Report <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Workflow Execution This is a subreport in the Workflow Composite Report. This report displays all tasks created in a workflow by repository by folder. Workflow Task Instance List Workflow Task Instance List Workflow Task Run Details Displays the run statistics of all workflows by repository by folder. This is a primary report in an analytic workflow. Displays the run statistics of all tasks in a workflow by repository by folder. Workflow Variables <Service Name>\PCMR Displays workflow variables and their properties by repository by Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Workflows folder. Workflow Variables <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Reports called from PC tools\PC Workflow Manager Workflow Report <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Worklet Events This is a subreport in the Workflow Composite Report. This report displays workflow variables and their properties by repository by folder. Displays worklet events and its properties by repository by folder. Report Name Worklet List Report Folder Path <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Report Description Displays worklets and worklet properties by repository by folder. This is a primary report in an analytic workflow. Worklet Run Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Workflow Execution Displays the run statistics of all worklets by repository by folder. Worklet Task Instance Link Conditions <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Displays how tasks are connected to each other in a worklet by repository by folder. Worklet Task Instance List <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Displays all the tasks created in a worklet by repository by folder. Worklet Task Run Details <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\Operations\Workflow Execution Displays the run statistics of all tasks in a worklet by repository by folder. Worklet Variables <Service Name>\PCMR Reports\REPORTS\PowerCenter Objects\Worklets Displays variables defined for a worklet and its properties by repository by folder. This report is the first node in the analytic workflow associated with the Worklet List primary report.
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