Year 5 Teaching Team: Robin Moodie (TeamLeader) Jenny Rienks Kaylene Bell Sally Hull TERM 1 TERM 2 POSITIVE FOOTPRINT: TERM 3 “SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA” Travel by train to venue Wednesday the 26th of Feb at 1:30 – 3pm for a Year 5 and a Year 6 presentation TERM 4 “’ ART GALLERY and GOMA” Travel by train to venue Year 5: 3 Day Camp “ Mapelton” SCIENCE EXCURSION: Discovering Bowie Flats Environment- plant/animal adaptions C2C ENGLISH C2C SPELLING C2C UNIT 1 -Examining literary texts ( features of fantasy novels) Introduction “Dragon Quest” Unit Novel-“Forest of Silence” C2C SPELLINGprefixes/suffixes Comparative suffixes Silent Letters Word endings C2C UNIT 2 -Write a Character Analysisinvestigating direct and indirect traits reflected in behaviour, relationships, feelings and actions. Study novel:. “Forests of Silence”Create a Spoken Presentation as a character justifying actions and behaviour relating to an issue in text. C2C SPELLING Ambiguous vowels I before e C2C UNIT 3 -Examining media texts, news article and news reports. C2C UNIT 4 Examining characters in animated film -Create a news article from a particular point of view. C2C UNIT 5 Appreciating poetry C2C UNIT 6 Responding to poetry Students review a range of poetry, songs, anthems, odes to create a folio of responses. -Create a narrative from a poem. Poets Corner QAR-Questioning Discussions Visualising Modelled reading Self reflection Guided Reading/Mapping Activating Prior Knowledge Questioning C2C UNIT 8 -Reviewing narrative film -Create a written comparison of novel and film - Storm Boy -create a written movie review (Invite parents) C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING Words for linking text comparative suffixes prefixes Unusual plurals final c words prefixes Hard/soft c hard/soft g prefixes suffixes Difficult words open and closed syllables words from other languages suffixes Consolidate Inferring Activating Prior Knowledge Making Connections Synthesising Inferring Activating Prior Knowledge Evaluating Synthesising Inferring Questioning Inferring Activating Prior Knowledge Evaluating Summarising Inferring Activating Prior Knowledge Questioning Evaluating Synthesising C2C UNIT 3 Number and place value 5 Lessons ( Fractions and decimals 5 Lessons Location and transformation 5 Lessons C2C UNIT 4 Geometric reasoning 10 lessons 5 Lessons Number and place value 5 Lessons Patterns and algebra C2C UNIT 5Chance 9 Lessons Number and place value 5 Lessons Fractions and decimals 9 Lessons Data C2C UNIT 6 Using units of measurement 4 Lessons Fractions and decimals 5 Lessons Patterns and algebra 5 Lessons Number and place C2C UNIT 7 Chance 7 Lessons Data representation and interpretation 3 Lessons Using units of C2C UNIT 8 Money and financial mathematics 3 Lessons Geometric reasoning 10 Lessons Location Homographs Digraphs Confusing words READING STRATEGIES ALIGNED TO C2C UNIT C2C UNIT 7 -Exploring narrative through novels and film → Monday/Wednesday/Friday C2C MATHEMATICS C2C UNIT 1 Chance 9 Lessons Number and place value 5 Lessons Fractions and decimals 9 Lessons Data C2C UNIT 2 Chance 5 Lessons Number and place value 5 Lessons Fractions and decimals 10 Lessons Using units of representation and interpretation. C2C HISTORY measurement C2C UNIT 1 Exploring the development of British colonies in Australia Shape 25 Lessons THE ARTS HEALTH representation and interpretation - value 5 Lessons Using units of measurement measurement 10 Lessons Number and place value - and transformation 5 Lessons Fractions and decimals 5 Lessons Number and place value C2C UNIT 2 Investigating the colonial period in Australia C2C GEOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGY 5 Lessons Data representation and interpretation C2C UNIT 1 Exploring how people and places affect one another C2C UNIT 2 Exploring how places are changed and managed by people Construct a creature with adaptions to a particular environment. (Integrate with science) DANCE-Stage Contact MEDIA-Photography Digital Comic Strip (Integrate with English) Visual Arts: Artist in Residence Drama: To be determined ESMART: Saving Lil & Archie Monday, 18 May 2015 1:20 PM Emotional Interactions Friendships and Relationships ESMART: The Magic Words Thursday, 6 August 2015 1:20 PM Preventative health to maintain Health and wellbeing Community resources to support health and wellbeing Strategies to promote and maintain health and wellbeing SUBJECT AREA OR KLA TERM 1 ENGLISH ASSESSMENT TASKS Monitoring - Analysing a main character from The Forests of Silence SPELLING Words their Way Diagnostic Assessment task READING STRATEGIES aligned to C2C unit and reading AC content descriptors Pat-R test MATHS ASSESSMENT TASKS – C2C Written – Digging through data Monitoring- exploring understanding PAT M Term1 Term 4 SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASKS Oral Presentation-based on a character from Forest in Silence Exam/Test -Comprehend a feature article Written - Create a multimodal feature article TERM 3 Multimedia - Short story animation THE ARTS ASSESSMENT TASKS Poster/multi-modal presentation Digital multimodal narrative Monitoring - Accent on area Monitoring - Conducting a chance experiment Monitoring - Perfecting perimeter Monitoring - Ticking away with time Short answer questions – Number crunch Survival in the Australian environment Monitoring – camouflage investigation Monitoring - create a creature: Find a home Poster/multi-modal presentation - Create a Creature Unit 1 Assignment/Project - Collection of Work – Colonial life in Moreton Bay Monitoring - Delivering decimals Monitoring - Mastering multiples and factors Monitoring - Sailing through symmetry Monitoring - Shaping up Written - Generation Geometry Written – Chance and data mathematical guided inquiries Our place in the solar system Assignment/Project – Assessment task - Assessment template: Exploration of the solar system Monitoring - Apollo 11 (Lesson 9: Exploring the Earth's Moon) Monitoring - Planetary Data: Recording sheet (Lesson 3: Focusing on planetary data) Monitoring - The transit of Venus (Lesson 6: Explaining the importance of Earth-based observations) Unit 2 Assignment/Project - Assessment Research: The gold rush Students design a creature and create adaptions for survival in a particular environment. Stage Contact Students create a dance sequence in response to steps learnt in stage contact. Students reflect on their response and the response of others through participation in group performance(4-5) using the language dance and movement. Year level together in hall.. TERM 4 Written - Written comparison of a novel and film Monitoring - Panel discussion Monitoring - Written film review Pat-R test Running Record Short answer questions – Fantastic factors and magnificent multiples Short answer questions What is the chance of that? Monitoring - 12 and 24 hour time Written - Measurement and location mathematical guided inquiries Words their Way Diagnostic Assessment task GEOGRAPHY ASSESSMENT TASKS TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT TASKS Monitoring - Create a poetry analysis folio Running Record Excursion: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASKS TERM 2 Create 3D visual using photography Digitall media. Students provide peer feedback responding to the use of digital media to produce individual object for presentation. Short answer questions – George and Janelle's Eggscellent Idea Monitoring – Look at location Monitoring – Stuart’s simple savings plan Short answer questions – Perfecting patterns Short answer questions Year 5’s Great Garden Monitoring task Investigating the size of an object Monitoring task - Reactions to fractions Now you see it Assignment/Project – The aMAZEing trick Monitoring – Planning, conducting and reporting on investigations Monitoring - Student response to activity - Lessons 13-15 Periscope construction and investigation Matter matters Assignment/Project – Investigating rates of evaporation and explaining solids liquids and gases Monitoring – Investigating condensation (Lesson 9 & 10) Monitoring – Investigating evaporation (Lesson 7 & 8) Unit 1 Portfolio – collection of work Unit 2 Assignment/Project – Research (Multimodal) Students create a digital comic strip through the use of a comic maker programme “Art Journey” Students create a visual diary of excursionsSymphony Orchestra and Art Gallery/Goma To be integrated in other subject areas
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