New Arrangements for Training Product Development for Australian Industry The Australian Government is committed to training that is high quality and delivers real skills for jobs. In an increasingly competitive, globalised and technologicallyadvanced economy, Australian industry needs skills training that meets the demands of modern workplaces. Industry has told us that in order to do this, the national training system has to be more responsive and flexible enough to satisfy the needs of employers of all sizes, across all industry sectors, and that the point of exchange between the training system, industry bodies and other key players needs to be retained. A new model New approaches to the development of training products are required to ensure training continues to respond to rapid changes in demand by industry for skills and ensure the skills of Australian workers meet world-class standards. To this end, the Australian Government is introducing a new model for engaging Australian industry in the development of training products that guide the delivery of vocational education and training (VET). The new model is further evidence of the Government’s commitment to building the skills of Australians to enhance competitiveness and deliver on the Government’s commitment to smaller government and industry leadership. What does the new model look like? The new approach will place industry engagement at the centre of training product development and will cement industry’s role in overseeing training product content. The new model will also: yy engage more employer feedback in training product development yy embed the national character of qualifications, not only for the benefit of seamless operations across borders, but also enhanced career opportunities for graduates of VET yy ensure the quality of VET qualifications is retained Australian Training Packages There are approximately 60 training packages containing over 1600 qualifications which cover around 85 per cent of Australian occupations. Training packages and their development are matters of importance to Australia’s industry. Training packages define the competencies required by different occupations and industries and they describe how these competencies may be packaged into nationally recognised and portable qualifications that comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework. Training packages are updated in response to industry feedback on the skills and competencies required to perform effectively in the workplace. From training packages, training providers design courses that deliver the skills and knowledge identified in the training package and tailor it to local industry, employer and learner needs. Specifically, the new model will support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) as the conduit for industry intelligence into training policy and practice and to guide the development of industry-based training products (including training packages and support materials). These IRCs will be convened as required in response to industry identified needs and government priority. The IRCs will be supported by Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) which will be funded by the Australian Government to provide administrative, technical and operational support to assist IRCs in their engagement with industries. SSOs will be governed by professional boards with demonstrated independence and strategic and professional skills. The strengths of the current system won’t be lost in the new approach. The Government remains committed to supporting high quality training that is internationally regarded, with industry engagement setting training priorities and products as part of a system of nationally regulated standards. The new arrangements will find efficiencies through cutting administration and duplication, and by prioritising work schedules to industry needs, rather than updating training products for the sake of it. How will the new model be set up? On behalf of the Australian Government, the Department of Education and Training will advertise an open competitive grants process to select suitable organisations to offer SSO services to IRCs for their chosen industries. To ensure continuity and stability of the training products system there will be an orderly transition to the new model. A small number of SSOs will be established from October 2015, with the new model commencing full operations from 1 January 2016. The process will find organisations that are best placed to service the IRCs to lead industry through engagement and development of training products. It is industry that will measure how effective that engagement is. The IRCs, supported by the SSOs will ensure that industry is leading the development and updating of training products that: yy set the outcomes of training that employers expect of their workers yy give learners skills at an accepted Australia-wide industry standard and improve their chances of securing a job or moving up in their career yy offer employers an assurance that employees have been trained to an industry standard and bring the skills needed to boost workplace productivity ED15-0079 The new model has robust mechanisms for incentivising and enforcing expectations and performance. The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Charter and the IRC code of conduct will outline the expectations and processes for the operation of the IRCs, supported by the SSOs within the training product development system. Ultimately if an SSO is not meeting expectations, an IRC will have the ability, following due process, including agreement from the Minister, to work with an alternative SSO. These arrangements ensure that each industry sector, via their IRCs, is clearly responsible for their training products. How are IRCs formed? IRCs are alliances of eminent persons with demonstrated experience, skills and knowledge to represent the issues of their sector. The relevant SSO will facilitate and support the forming of these IRCs to ensure that the final alliance is truly representing industry, is able to speak with a national voice, and is credentialed in the relevant issues. IRCs through their SSO will approach the AISC with a business case for the development or reform of training products. The AISC will then assign work to the IRC with support from the SSO on a prioritised basis. How do I get something updated urgently, eg if there is an urgent safety issue that needs to be dealt with? Until a new model is implemented, if there is an urgent issue, this should be raised with the relevant current Industry Skills Council to be addressed through existing processes. More Information For more information please email [email protected] New Arrangements for Training Product New Arrangements for Training Product Development for Australian Industry Industry New Arrangements for Training Product Development forfor Australian Industry The Australian Government’s newDevelopment model for training product development willAustralian place industry engagement at the centre of training package development. Thenew model will for support industry reference committees (IRCs) as theengagement conduit for industry intelligence into package training policy and practice The Australian Government’s model training product development will place industry at the centre of training andThe to model guide the of industry-based training products packages and support materials). development. will development support industry reference committees (IRCs) as (including the conduittraining for industry intelligence into training policy and practice Industry and to guide the development of industry-based training products (including training packages and support materials). Skills Service Organisation TheyIndustry will be supported by skills service organisations Reference (SSOs) which 2 will be funded by 3the Government to provide IRCs with administrative, Australian Professional Board and to engage withwhich industry SSOs will be by professional boards demonstrated independence and Committee 1 will. be TheySkills will be technical supported by operational skills servicesupport organisations (SSOs) funded by governed the Government to provide IRCs with administrative, and Committee strategic and professional skills. with industry . SSOs will be governed by professional boards with demonstrated independence and technical and operational support to engage • strategic Advise on VET quality instruments and professional skills. Industry The national overseeing the national training system, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) will play (Provider Standards andindustry Trainingbody responsible forReference Skills Service Organisation 2 by prioritising and3 scheduling this work 4 on the basis of industry 5 aindustry central role the new approach to training The national bodyinresponsible for overseeing the product nationaldevelopment training system, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) will play demand and Professional Board Package Standards) Committee 1 government central role in the new priority. approach to training product development by prioritising and scheduling this work on the basis of industry demand and • aEndorse qualifications priority. • government Provide industry input to guide Industry VET research Skills Service Organisation Reference 2 3 4 • Provide industry input to Professional Board Committee 1 ministerial council • Assess business cases from IRCs for training product review • Allocate work to SSOs and quality assure results • Consider need for additional materials to support training products (eg companion volumes) • Assign new IRCs or re-assign IRC Industry Reference Committee 1 Skills Service Organisation 2 Professional Board ^ Each box represents different clusters of industries Skills Service Organisations are not limited to 4 Industry Engagement • Gather industry intelligence to inform training product review • Training product development oversight • Other support to VET sector Existing IRC may seek to change SSO on performance grounds or to align skills with other sectors *Training Products = training packages and qualifications New industry sector can apply for coverage by an SSO Enabling Services • Committee management • Technical specifications for training product development • Co-ordination services to support the work of IRCs
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