Pesticide Notification Gosforduse City Council Procedure for Outdoor Pesticide Use Notification Procedure Public Places FOR Outdoor Public Places May 2015 INTRODUCTION Gosford City Council ('Council') is responsible for the management of a large area of land within the Gosford local government area. Refer to Appendix 2 for a map of the regional context of the Gosford LGA and Appendix 3 for a register of public places owned or managed by Council for recreation activities. Council is obligated under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (NSW) to control noxious weeds on land for which it is responsible. Under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) Council is also responsible for implementing the actions specified in threat abatement plans to manage key threatening processes, such as predation by the European Red Fox, in order to protect threatened species. A variety of methods are available to control pests, each method has advantages and disadvantages. Before conducting pest control, Council considers the environmental, social and economic aspects of the methods available. Where practical, Council aims to employ methods other than pesticide application to control pests or to minimise the risk of harm from pesticide use by applying the control hierarchy provided in the Safe Use of Pesticides Including Herbicides in Nonagriculture Workplaces (2006) published by Workcover NSW. If pesticide application is determined to be the most efficient and practical method, legislative requirements (including record keeping and trained operators), label instructions, relevant permit requirements and Licence conditions are adhered to. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (formally the Department of Environment and Conservation) defines pesticides as any substance or mixture of substances used to destroy, suppress or alter the life cycle of any pest. Pesticides include herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, fumigants, bactericides, rodenticides, baits, lures, repellents and pesticides used on animals to control external parasites (refer to glossary in Appendix 1). Council's main pesticide uses are herbicide application for weed control and insecticide application for control of certain insect pests in specific locations. Council holds an Environmental Protection Licence (#7643), issued by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, for the application of herbicides to the waterways of Gosford local government area. Bait insecticides are used for termite and ant control to protect structures and public safety wherever this is considered an effective method. Other pesticide uses include fungicides, rodenticides, bird baits and large vertebrate baits. This Pesticide Use Notification Procedure has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Regulation 2009 (NSW). The aim of the procedure is to meet the community's right to know about pesticide applications made to outdoor public places that are owned or controlled by Gosford City Council. The procedure allows members of the community to take action to avoid contact with pesticides, if they wish. The Pesticide Use Notification Procedure describes how Gosford City Council will notify members of the community of pesticide applications it makes or allows to be made to public places that it owns or controls. The procedure describes: o o o o o o Public places covered by this procedure; Who regularly uses these public places, an estimate of the level of use and the types of pesticides Council may use; How and when Council will notify the community of pesticide use in outdoor public places; How the community will be notified of the procedure; How future reviews of the procedure will be conducted; and Contact details for anyone wishing to discuss this procedure with Council. This procedure only applies to pesticides used in outdoor public places and around the exterior of Council buildings. Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 2 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team PUBLIC PLACES COVERED BY THIS PROCEDURE Gosford City Council proposes to use or allow the use of pesticides in the following categories of outdoor public places that it owns or controls in the local government area: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Public gardens; Parks; Playgrounds & BBQ areas (including Mangrove Dam); Sporting fields and exterior of sporting facilities (including courts, skate and bike facilities and stadiums); Golf courses and bowling greens; Camping grounds; Foreshore reserves; Bushland reserves (excluding BBQ areas); Beaches and dunes; Waterways and enclosed water bodies (including drainage channels, coastal lagoons and wetlands); Water supply catchments (Mangrove and Mooney Mooney Creeks); Bridges and wharves; Road verges and reserves (including medians, roundabouts and streetscapes); Laneways and pathways; Easements accessible to the public (including road, water and sewer); Landfills; Council structures (e.g. bus shelters and car parking stations); and Exterior of Council buildings (including amenity blocks, community centres, theatres and galleries, libraries, shopping centres). Gosford City Council's estimate of the level of community use, regular user groups and types of pesticide used in each of the categories of outdoor public places owned or controlled by Council is summarised in the following table. Although not required by the Pesticides Regulation 2009 NSW, a summary of the type of pesticide use in each category of public place is also provided. Note some public places may include crown land under Council's care control and management. Public places Public gardens Parks Playgrounds & BBQ Areas (including Mangrove Creek Dam) Regular user groups General community General community General community Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 Level of use Type of pesticide and application method (glossary in Appendix 1) High Medium High 3 Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of fungicides Spraying of termiticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of fungicides Spraying of termiticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Bait bird control Rodenticides Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Sporting fields and facilities (including courts, skate and bike facilities and stadiums) Golf courses and bowling greens Camping grounds Foreshore reserves Sporting clubs and associations School sports groups General recreational users (e.g. joggers, dogwalker) Members of the golf or bowling club and visitors Customers General community General community High High High High Bushland reserves (excluding BBQ areas) General community Medium Beaches and dunes General community High Waterways and enclosed water bodies (including drainage channels, coastal lagoons and wetlands) Local residents Low Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 4 Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides Spraying of fungicides Spraying of termiticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides Spraying of fungicides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Bait bird control Rodenticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Bait bird control Rodenticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides, Large vertebrate baiting Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Application of algaecides Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Water supply catchments (Mangrove and Mooney Mooney Creeks) Bridges, wharves, road verges and reserves (including medians, roundabouts and streetscapes) Laneways and pathways Easements accessible to the public (including road, water and sewer) Landfills Council structures (including bus shelters) and exterior of Council buildings (including amenity blocks) Campers at Dubbo Gully Walkers Low Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Large vertebrate baiting Local residents or visitors walking or driving on the road Commercial road users Transport industry workers Local residents People who work in the area Visitors to the area Local residents and people who work in the area Low for rural roads and bridges Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Medium to high Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides Low to medium Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides High volume spraying of herbicides Spraying of termiticides High Direct application of herbicides Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Bait rodenticides Bait bird control Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides High volume spraying of insecticides Spraying of termiticides Bait termiticides Bait rodenticides Bait bird control Customers General community Council staff Sporting groups Medium to high for urban roads and wharves High NOTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS This section of the procedure describes how and when Gosford City Council will provide notice of pesticide use in outdoor public places, including special measures for sensitive places that are Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 5 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team adjacent to public places, arrangements for emergency pesticide applications and circumstances where notice will not be given. These notification requirements are based on Gosford City Council’s assessment of: The level of use of public places where pesticides may be used; The extent to which members of the public who are most likely to be sensitive to pesticides (for example children, sick, pregnant or elderly people) use these areas regularly; The extent to which activities generally undertaken in these areas could lead to some direct contact with pesticides (such as BBQ areas where food is consumed, sporting or other recreational activities that result in contact with the ground); and Type of pesticide used. Notice of pesticide use will be provided by one or more of the following methods: Signs; Information on Council's website (which will describe programmed pesticide use in public places); Information on Council’s Gosford Connect newsletter or social media; Letters; Fax and email; A notice in a local newspaper; Door knocking; Letterbox drop; and/or Phone contact. Council will also allow persons and organisations to nominate to have their details placed on a central register which would allow them to be notified of certain types of pesticide uses in particular places, as described in this section of the procedure. Outdoor recreation areas The notification procedures described below will apply to the following public place categories owned or controlled by Council within the local government area: o o o o o o o o o Public gardens; Parks; Playgrounds and BBQ areas; Sporting fields and facilities; Golf courses and bowling greens; Camping grounds; Foreshore reserves; Bushland reserves; and Beaches and dunes. Appendix 3 provides the name and address of Council owned or managed land for recreational use. In these public places, signs will be erected near the application area or main entrance immediately prior to application and removed immediately after application (if label instructions for the selected pesticide provide a withholding period, the signs will be removed after this period has expired) for the following pesticide uses: o Direct application of herbicides; o Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides; o High volume spraying of herbicides and insecticides; o Spraying of fungicides; and Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 6 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team o Spraying of termiticides. If a spray vehicle is used, an additional sign will also be attached to the vehicle. If bait termiticides, bait bird control or rodenticides are used in outdoor recreation areas, including outdoor BBQ facilities, signs will be provided to the general community near the application area or main entrance on the day of application and removed seven days following application. Where any of the above pesticide uses occur adjacent to sensitive places (see glossary) the occupiers will be provided with 48 hours prior targeted notice by phone, fax, email or letterbox drop (whichever is most practical). In addition to the notification requirements stated above: For playground and BBQ areas only, signs will be provided to the general community near the application area or main entrance on the day of application and removed the day following application, for all the above pesticide uses (excluding bait termiticides, bait bird control or rodenticides). For sporting fields and facilities only, sporting groups, schools and occupiers of adjacent sensitive places that register interest with Council can also have notice of high volume spraying of herbicide and insecticide programs faxed or emailed at least 48 hours prior to application. For public gardens only, if pesticides must be applied during periods of high use and work cannot be scheduled at another time, a Council employee will be present to observe pedestrian movements and prevent access to the area during application. For bushland reserves only (specifically Katandra Reserve, Kincumber Mountain Reserve and Rumbalara Reserve), signs will be erected at least five days prior to the commencement of large vertebrate baiting. Signs will remain erected during baiting and for a minimum of four weeks from the last day of baiting. Signs will be erected at: o o o o Every man made entrance to the bushland reserve; At every entrance to the baiting location; At the extremities of and at 1km intervals along the boundaries where the bushland reserve adjoins a public thoroughfare; and At the extremities of and at 1km intervals along any public thoroughfare traversing the bushland reserve but not along internal roads, tracks or trails. Public notification will also include an advertisement in a local newspaper at least five days prior to the commencement of baiting. All neighbours immediately adjoining the bushland reserve boundary, within 300m of the site where baits will be laid, will be given a minimum of five days written notice prior to the commencement of the baiting program. Public notification will include details of the baiting program and a reminder that dogs and cats are prohibited in bushland reserves. For golf courses and bowling greens only, information on the quarterly program for all pesticide uses listed in Table 1 shall be available in a printed brochure from the administration office. For Bushcare sites, pesticide use will not be scheduled on days that a group works. In the event that this is not possible, the Bushcare Convener will be notified at least 24 hours prior to application. Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 7 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Waterways and enclosed water bodies For low or high volume spraying of selective herbicides to waterways, notification will be provided in accordance with Environmental Protection Licence #7643 conditions, which include: Information published in a notice in a local newspaper at least 7 days prior to the application to waters, Written notification to any occupiers of waters, or any occupier of land adjacent to the waters, into which herbicides are to be applied at least 7 days in advance, and Erection of a warning sign adjacent to the waters into which herbicides are to be applied, remaining erected until water is safe for use. For application of algaecides to waterways, notification will be provided in accordance with Environmental Protection Licence #12170 conditions, which include: Information published in a notice in a local newspaper at least 7 days prior to the application to waters, Written notification to any occupiers of waters, or any occupier of land adjacent to the waters, into which algaecides are to be applied at least 7 days in advance, and Erection of a warning sign adjacent to the waters into which algaecides are to be applied, remaining erected until water is safe for use. Outdoor public thoroughfares, water supply catchments and certain easements accessible to the public The notification arrangements described below will apply to the following categories of public place owned or controlled by Council within the LGA: Water supply catchments; Bridges and wharves; Road verges and reserves, including table drains not holding water, medians, roundabouts and streetscapes; Laneways and pathways; and Easements. In these public places, information on the forward program of high volume spraying of noxious weeds declared under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 NSW will be posted annually on Council's website. In these public places, where: Direct application of herbicides; Low volume spraying of herbicides; High volume spraying of herbicides; Spraying of termiticides; and Bait termiticides is to take place, signs will be erected immediately prior to spraying and removed immediately after spraying. Signs will be placed at the beginning of the area to be sprayed, except for roundabouts where signs will be placed a major access points. Spraying shall occur at no more than 1km from the sign. Signs will indicate the full product name and contact details for enquiries. An additional sign will also be attached to the spray vehicle during operation. Notice will not be given where occupiers of properties adjacent to Coucil public places use pesticides on parts of these public places adjacent to their properties. Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 8 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Herbicide spraying or termiticide application will not take place on outdoor public thoroughfares, bridges and wharves and easements adjacent to sensitive places when these places are in use. For example, herbicide spraying could occur during school holidays or out of school hours. In addition, prior notice by mail or letterbox drop will be provided at least five days before pesticide application. Certified organic farmers, and/or parties who register interest with Council (for example immunodeficiency), may request that Council does not apply pesticides adjacent to their property, if they supply copies of certification. Council will continue not to apply pesticides adjacent to the property, as long as the property owner eradicates all noxious weeds and maintains the height of grassed verges to a maximum of 25cm. Certified organic farmers are also requested to erect signs at property boundaries indicating 'organic farm'. For water supply catchments only, signs will be erected at every man made entrance into the catchment one week prior to, during and four weeks following large vertebrate baiting. All neighbours immediately adjoining the water supply catchment boundary, within 300m of the site where baits will be laid, will be given a minimum of five days written notice prior to the commencement of the baiting program. Information regarding large vertebrate baiting programs will also be published in a notice in a local newspaper two weeks prior to the commencement of baiting. Council structures, landfills and Council buildings exteriors For pesticide use at Council structures, landfills and building exteriors (including amenity blocks, community centres, theatres and galleries, libraries and shopping centres), signs will be erected near the application area or main entrance immediately prior to application and removed once pesticide application has finished for the following pesticides uses: Direct application of herbicides; Low volume spraying of herbicides or insecticides; Spray termiticides; Bait termiticides; Bait rodenticides; and Bait bird control. For high volume spraying of insecticides or termiticides at Council structures, landfills and building exteriors, signs will be erected near the application area or main entrance immediately prior to application and will remain erected for 24 hours following pesticide application. Council's annual pest and noxious weed control program will also be displayed on Council's website, which will specify the location, type of pesticide to be used and intended period of application. Where any of the above pesticide uses occur adjacent to a sensitive place, the occupiers will be provided with 24 hours prior targeted notice either in person or by phone, fax, mail or letterbox drop (whichever is most practical). Also, signage will remain erected for 24 hours following application. Special measures for sensitive places The Pesticides Regulation 2009 NSW defines a sensitive place to be any: School or pre-school; Kindergarten; Childcare centre; Hospital; Community health centre; Nursing home; and Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 9 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Any additional place declared to be a sensitive place by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. Special notification measures for programmed pesticide use in outdoor public places adjacent to sensitive places, for each category of public place, have already been noted. For non-emergency reactive pesticide use in outdoor public places next to sensitive places, Council will provide concurrent notice shortly before use to the occupier by phone, door-knock or letterbox drop, depending upon what is practical. If a pesticide must be used to deal with an emergency in an outdoor public place that is adjacent to a sensitive place, Council will organise a door-knock of that sensitive place, immediately before application, so people are aware that a pesticide is about to be used to deal with a dangerous pest infestation. Notification of emergency pesticide applications In cases where emergency pesticide applications in public places are required to deal with biting or dangerous pests such as wasps, bees, venomous spiders, fleas, bird mites, ants or rodents (that pose an immediate health hazard), or pests that pose immediate risk of harm to assets (e.g. army grubs at sporting fields), Council will provide notice by erecting signs near the application area or main entrance immediately prior to application, removing them immediately after, for the following pesticide uses: Low volume spraying of insecticides; High volume spraying of insecticides; and Bait rodenticides. A sign will also be attached to the spray vehicle during operation. Pesticide contractors and lessees of public places Gosford City Council may engage contractors to perform maintenance or pest control activities, on its behalf, on public land. As part of these activities, if a contractor must use pesticides on public land, Gosford City Council will ensure that the contractor notifies the community in accordance with the requirements of this procedure. Where persons or organisations hold an existing lease on Gosford City Council land that remains a public place and if they use pesticides in this area, Gosford City Coucil will still require notification in accordance with the requirements of this procedure. Types of pesticide use for which no notice will be provided Notice will not be provided for the use of pesticides (such as chlorine) for the purpose of water treatment in outdoor public places, such as spas, pools and water features. Council may use small quantities of some pesticides that are widely available in retail outlets and ordinarily used for domestic purposes (including home gardening). Examples include control of minor outbreaks of outdoor insect pests using baits or aerosol cans and spot weed control using a hand-held applicator or paint brush for cut and paint technique (see 'direct application' in glossary in Appendix 1). The Pesticide Regulation 2009 clause 13(2)(c) provides a small-scale exemption for record keeping if the pesticide: Is ordinarily used for domestic purposes (including home gardening); and Is widely available to the general public at retail outlets (for example, at supermarkets); and Is being applied by hand or hand-held applicator; and Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 10 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Is being used in a quantity that in the case of outdoor use is appropriate for outdoor domestic purposes (so long as it does not exceed 20 litres or 20 kilograms of 'ready-to-use' product or 5 litres or 5 kilograms of concentrated product). The small-scale exemption will be adopted for the purposes of this notification procedure. Notice of pesticide use in outdoor public places will not be provided if all of the conditions listed above are met. If a team of workers apply pesticides, the small-scale exemption applies to each individual user. That is, notification will not be provided if each individual meets the conditions listed above. WHAT INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED In accordance with clause 20(1)(h) of the Pesticides Regulation 2009 NSW, notice of pesticide uses will include the following information: The full product name of the pesticide to be used. The purpose for which the pesticide to be used. The dates on which, or the range of dates during which, the pesticide is to be used. The places where the pesticide is to be used. Any warnings about limitations on the subsequent use of or entry onto the land if such warnings are specified on the approved label for the pesticide or in the permit for use of the pesticide. A contact telephone number or email address for the officer of the public authority whom the affected persons can contact to discuss the notice. HOW THE COMMUNITY WILL BE INFORMED OF THIS PROCEDURE Gosford City Council will advise residents of this procedure and its contents by: Making a copy of the procedure available for public viewing, free of charge, at its main customer service centre at 49 Mann Street, Gosford, during office hours; Placing a copy of the procedure on the Council website at; Placing a notice in Express Advocate - Gosford Edition; and Placing a notice in the NSW Government Gazette. FUTURE REVIEWS OF THE PROCEDURE The notification procedure will be reviewed every three years or when circumstances require a review of the procedure. The review will be co-ordinated by the Environment Officer (IMS). The review will include: A report on progress of implementing the procedure; Placing the procedure on public exhibition, with any proposed changes and calling for public submissions; and In light of public submissions, making recommendations for alterations (if applicable) to the procedure. CONTACT DETAILS Anyone wishing to contact Gosford City Council to discuss the notification procedure or to obtain details of pesticide applications in public places should contact: Team Leader - Culture 49 Mann St, Gosford. NSW. 2250. Phone: (02) 4325 8222 Fax: (02) 4323 2477 Email: [email protected] or access the website Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 11 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team APPENDIX 1 GLOSSARY Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 12 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team GLOSSARY (Sourced from Algaecides - These are pesticides used specifically for controlling algae blooms, for example in waterways. Bactericides - These destroy, suppress or prevent the spread of bacteria. Examples are swimming pool chemicals containing chlorine, and products used to control black spot (bacterial blight) on garden plants or in orchards. Disinfectants for household and industrial use are excluded and are not considered pesticides. Baits - These are ready-prepared products or products which need to be mixed with a food to control a pest. This category includes baits prepared for the control of large animals, such as foxes and rabbits, and baits for insects, such as cockroaches and ants. Direct application - Method of applying concentrated liquid immediately onto target, for example cut and paint technique whereby concentrated herbicide is directly painted onto the cut stump of a plant, or drill and fill technique whereby holes are drilled in woody stump and filled with a small volume of concentrated herbicide. Fungicides - These control, destroy, render ineffective or regulate the effect of a fungus; for example, fungicides are used to treat grey mould on grape vines and fruit trees. Herbicides - These destroy, suppress or prevent the spread of a weed or other unwanted vegetation; for example, the herbicide glyphosate is used to control a range of weeds in home gardens, bushland and agricultural situations. High volume spraying - Method of applying a high volume of a liquid through the use of a motorised mechanical pump. Insecticides - These destroy, suppress, stupefy, inhibit the feeding of, or prevent infestations or attacks by, an insect. Insecticides are used to control a wide variety of insect pests, including thrips, aphids, moths, fruit flies and locusts. In NSW, pesticides include products such as flea powders and liquids used externally on animals. Injections or other medicines administered internally to treat animals are veterinary medicines and are excluded. Low volume spraying - Method of applying a low volume of a liquid using a hand pump applicator. Lures - These are chemicals that attract a pest to a pesticide for the purpose of its destruction. Solely food-based lures, for example cheese in a mousetrap, are excluded and are not considered pesticides. Rodenticides - These are pesticides used specifically for controlling rodents such as mice and rats. Repellents - These repel rather than destroy a pest. Included in this category are personal insect repellents used to repel biting insects. Sensitive place - School or pre-school, kindergarten, childcare centre, hospital, community health centre, nursing home, or any additional place declared to be a sensitive place by the Environment Protection Authority (now a part of the Department of Environment and Conservation), as declared under clause 11J(1) of the Pesticides Regulation 1995 NSW. Termiticides - These are pesticides used specifically for controlling termites, which may be applied as a spray or deployed as a bait. Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 13 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team APPENDIX 2 MAP OF GOSFORD CITY LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 14 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 15 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team APPENDIX 3 REGISTER OF PUBLIC PLACES OWNED OR MANAGED BY GOSFORD CITY COUNCIL FOR RECREATION ACTIVITIES Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 16 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team AKUNA ROAD RESERVE ALAN DAVIDSON PARK ALAN STREET BUSH RESERVE ALAN STREET RESERVE ALANNA STREET RESERVE ALBANY STREET RESERVE ALBATROSS CLOSE RESERVE ALBION STREET RESERVE ALDINGA DRIVE RESERVE AMETHYST AVENUE RESERVE ANDERSON MEMORIAL PARK ANGLER STREET RESERVE ANNE CLOSE RESERVE ANNIVERSARY AVENUE ACCESS RESERVE ANNIVERSARY AVENUE PLAYGROUND APARA CLOSE RESERVE ARALUEN DRIVE RESERVE ARALUEN DRIVE ROAD RESERVE ARCHBOLD PARK ARNOLD CLOSE ACCESS RESERVE ARRAWARRA STREET ACCESS RESERVE ATTUNGA CLOSE PARK AUSTIN BUTLER OVAL AUSTRALIA AVENUE PLAYGROUND AVOCA BEACH AVOCA BEACH SHOP RESERVE AVOCA DRIVE BUSH RESERVE AVOCA DRIVE FOOTPATH RESERVE AVOCA DRIVE WETLANDS AWABAKIL ROAD BUSH RESERVE BADEN STREET PLAYGROUND BALOO ROAD RESERVE BAR POINT RESERVE BARDO PARK BAREENA ISLAND BARINYA LANE BUSH RESERVE BARINYA LANE BUSHLAND BARWON ROAD RESERVE BAYSIDE DRIVE RESERVE BEACH DRIVE CARPARK BEACHFRONT PARADE RESERVE BEACHVIEW ESPLANADE BUSH RESERVE BELLBIRD PARK BELROSE PLACE BUSH RESERVE BEN DAVIS RESERVE BENAVIE RESERVE BENJAMIN PARKER RESERVE BENSVILLE GREEN BENTLEY ROAD PARK Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 BERRY'S HEAD RESERVE BERRYS HEAD ROAD RESERVE BINNOWEE PARK BLACKWALL MOUNTAIN BLESSINGTON RESERVE BLOODTREE OVAL BLUEGUM CLOSE RESERVE BLUEGUM PARK BLUEWAVE CRESCENT RESERVE BONNAL ROAD RESERVE BOOLARI ROAD BUSH RESERVE BOORALIE ROAD RESERVE BRADLEYS ROAD BUSHLAND BRADYS GULLY PARK BRANCOURT CIRCUIT RESERVE BRENDAN FRANKLIN OVAL BRICK WHARF ROAD WATERFRONT BRIE CLOSE RESERVE BRISBANE AVENUE PLAYGROUND BRISBANE WATER DRIVE RESERVE BRISBANE/BATHURST STREET RESERVE BROADWATER DRIVE RESERVE BROADWATER DRIVE WETLAND BROADWATER PARK BRONZEWING DRIVE RESERVE BROULA CLOSE ACCESS RESERVE BRUSH/MATCHAM ROAD RESERVE BUNGOONA ROAD RESERVE BURNS PARK BUSHLANDS AVENUE PLAYGROUND BUYUMA PARK BYLTH STREET CEMETERY CABBAGE TREE AVENUE RESERVE CAMBOURN DRIVE PLAYGROUND CANNING PARK CAPE THREE POINT ROAD RESERVE CAPTAIN COOK LOOKOUT CAPTAIN COOK MEMORIAL RESERVE CARAWAH RESERVE CARBEEN ROAD RESERVE CARLISLE CLOSE BUSH RESERVE CARLO CLOSE PLAYGROUND CAROLINA/ROUND DRIVE RESERVE CAROLINE BAY RESERVE CAROLINE COX RESERVE CARRABELLA AVENUE RESERVE CARRAK ROAD BOATRAMP CARRAK ROAD RESERVE CARRINGTON AVENUE PLAYGROUND 17 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team CARRINGTON STREET BUSH RESERVE CARRINGTON STREET RESERVE CARRINGTON/PANDALA SPORTS GROUND CARY STREET RESERVE CASINO STREET ACCESS RESERVE CASTLE CCT/HOMAN CL BUSH RESERVE CASTLE CIRCUIT BUSH RESERVE CATHY CRESCENT ACCESS RESERVE CENTENNIAL AVENUE BOATRAMP CHAMBERLAIN ROAD BUSH RESERVE CHAMBERLAIN ROAD RESERVE CHAPMAN CRESCENT RESERVE CHAPMAN CRESENT BUSH RESERVE CHARLES KAY DRIVE RESERVE CHEERO POINT PLAYGROUND CHERYL AVENUE PLAYGROUND CHISHOLM CLOSE ACCESS RESERVE CLIFF AVENUE RESERVE COACHWOOD ROAD RESERVE COAST ROAD BUSH RESERVE COCHRONE STREET BUSH RESERVE COCKRONE LAGOON COCKRONE LAGOON FORESHORE COGRA ROAD RESERVE COMMONNAME COMO PARADE BUSH RESERVE COMPTON STREET RESERVE CONDULA PARK CONNEX PARK COOMAL AVENUE WETLAND COPACABANA / SUSAN FAHEY PARK COPACABANA BEACH COPACABANA BEACH LOOKOUT COPACABANA DRIVE BUSH RESERVE COPACABANA SLSC COPACABANA SLSC CARPARK CORAL CRESCENT PLAYGROUND CORREA BAY BUSH RESERVE CORREA BAY RESERVE CORRIBEG RESERVE COTTESLOE AVENUE BUSH RESERVE COTTESLOE AVENUE RESERVE COUCHE PARK COULTER ROAD RESERVE COURTNEY PLACE RESERVE COWPER ROAD PLAYGROUND CRANBROOK STREET RESERVE CREIGHTON LANE RESERVE CULLENS ROAD BUSH RESERVE Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 CULLENS ROAD BUSHLAND CULLENS ROAD BUSHLAND RESERVE CUTROCK ROAD RESERVE DAINTREE PLACE RESERVE DAKARA AVENUE RESERVE DALEYS AVENUE RESERVE DALEYS POINT RIDGE DALEYS POINT RIDGE ACCESS DALGETY/AVOCA DRIVE RESERVE DAVID STREET PLAYGROUND DAVISTOWN MEMORIAL OVAL DAVISTOWN ROAD BUSHLAND DAVISTOWN ROAD RESERVE DAY STREET RESERVE DE LA SALLE RECREATION AREA DEERUBBUN RESERVE DEL MONTE PLACE RESERVE DELAWARE ROAD PLAYGROUND DELL ROAD RESERVE DENISON CLOSE RESERVE DEODAR ROAD RESERVE DIGNITY CRESENT RESERVE DIOR CLOSE RESERVE DONNA CLOSE RESERVE DOYLE STREET BUSH RESERVE DOYLE STREET BUSHLAND DRUMMER PARRY PARK DUFFYS RESERVE DULKARA ROAD PLAYGROUND DULWICH/ENTRANCE ROAD RESERVE EAGLE CLOSE RESERVE EDGEWATER AVENUE RESERVE ELAROO ROAD RESERVE ELFIN HILL ROAD RESERVE ELGATA AVENUE RESERVE ELIZABETH ROSS PARK ELM ROAD RESERVE ELVYS AVENUE RESERVE EMMA JAMES STREET RESERVE EMMA STREET WETLANDS EMPIRE BAY CENOTAPH EMPIRE BAY DRIVE BUSH RESERVE EMPIRE BAY TENNIS COURTS ENID CRESCENT RESERVE ERIC CLOSE RESERVE ERINA OVAL ETTALONG BEACH WATERFRONT RESERVE ETTALONG OVAL EVE WILLIAMS OVAL 18 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team FAGAN PARK FARRAND CRESCENT WETLAND FERNTREE CLOSE RESERVE FICUS AVENUE CARPARK FIG TREE RESERVE FITZGIBBON CLOSE RESERVE FLETCHERS GLEN BUSH RESERVE FLORIDA AVENUE PLAYGROUND FORRESTERS BEACH FOSTER FAMILY PARK FOX CLOSE GARDEN FRASER ROAD BUSH RESERVE FRASER ROAD RESERVE FRED PINKSTONE OVAL FREDERICK STREET RESERVE FROST RESERVE GARNET ADCOCK MEMORIAL PARK GAVENLOCK OVAL GILFORD AVENUE RESERVE GINDURRA ROAD RESERVE GLENROCK/JOHNS ROAD RESERVE GLENROCK/MOWARRA CLOSE RESERVE GLENWOOD ROAD RESERVE GLENWORTH CLOSE RESERVE GOLDEN GROVE PLAYGROUND GOLDSMITHS ROAD BUSH RESERVE GOODAYWANG RESERVE GOONAK PARADE PLAYGROUND GOONAK PARADE RESERVE GOONDARI RESERVE GOSFORD CITY PARK GOSFORD EDOGOWA COMMEMORATIVE GARDEN GOSFORD LIONS PARK GOSFORD TENNIS CENTRE GOSFORD TENNIS CENTRE GOSFORD WATERFRONT RESERVE GRAHAME PARK GRANT CLOSE RESERVE GREEN PLATEAU ROAD RESERVE GREENHAVEN DRIVE BUSH RESERVE GREENHAVEN DRIVE RESERVE GREENVALE ROAD PLAYGROUND GREGORY STREET ACCESS RESERVE GURDON RESERVE HAGGERTY CLOSE RESERVE HALCYON STREET RESERVE HAMILTON CLOSE RESERVE HARGRAVES PARK Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 HART CLOSE PLAYGROUND HASTINGS WHARF RESERVE HAWKE HEAD DRIVE BUSH RESERVE HAWKE STREET BOATRAMP HAYDEN ROAD RESERVE HEATH ROAD BUSH RESERVE HEAZLETT PARK HELMSMAN BOULEVARDE RESERVE HELY STREET PLAYGROUND HELYS GRAVE HENRY KENDALL STREET RESERVE HENRY PARRY/JOHN STREET FOOTPATH HENZEL ROAD BUSH RESERVE HILLVIEW STREET BUSH RESERVE HORSFIELD BAY WETLAND HOWARD AVENUE RESERVE HOWARD/HENZEL ROAD RESERVE HUMPHREYS ROAD BUSH RESERVE HUMPHREYS ROAD WETLAND HUNTER PARK HYLTON MOORE PARK ILLOURA RESERVE ILLOURA RESERVE AMY STREET ILLYA AVENUE RESERVE ILUKA/KAHIBAH CREEK WETLANDS ILUMBA AVENUE RESERVE ILUMBA/KINCUMBER CRESENT WETLANDS INDRA ROAD ACCESS RESERVE IRONBARK CREEK RESERVE IRWAN STREET RESERVE ISIS STREET RESERVE JACANA AVENUE RESERVE JACK MULLER PARK JACQUELINE AVENUE BUSH RESERVE JAMES BROWNE OVAL JAMES NORTON ROAD RESERVE JAMES SEA/VERDEN CLOSE RESERVE JANE YOUNG RESERVE JANINE CLOSE RESERVE JANINE/DONNA CLOSE RESERVE JARRAH PARK JARRETT STREET PLAYGROUND JERRIBIN STREET RESERVE JIRRAMBAH AVENUE PLAYGROUND JIRRANG ROAD RESERVE JOHN GRAY CLOSE RESERVE JOHN WHITEWAY DRIVE BUSH RESERVE JUDY ANNE CLOSE RESERVE JUMBUCK CLOSE RESERVE 19 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team KALAKAU AVENUE RESERVE KALLAROO ROAD BUSH RESERVE KAREEL CLOSE RESERVE KAREN CLOSE RESERVE KARINA DRIVE PLAYGROUND KARIONG PROGRESS HALL PLAYGROUND KARIONG RECREATION AREA KARWIN AVENUE BUSH RESERVE KATANDRA RESERVE KENDALLS ROCK BUSH RESERVE KENMARE ROAD RESERVE KIBBLE PARK KILLCARE SURF CLUB KILLCARE/PUTTY BEACH KINCUMBA MOUNTAIN RESERVE KINCUMBER CRESENT WETLAND KINGSVIEW DRIVE BUSH RESERVE KITCHENER PARK KOALA CRESENT RESERVE KOOLEWONG WATERFRONT RESERVE KOORIN ROAD RESERVE KOORIN/OAK ROAD RESERVE KYLIE CLOSE WETLANDS LADY PENRHYN RESERVE LAKESHORE DRIVE EAST LAKESHORE DRIVE PLAYGROUND LAKESHORE DRIVE WEST LAKESIDE DRIVE BUSH RESERVE LAKESIDE DRIVE RESERVE LAKESIDE DRIVE WETLAND LANCE WEBB RESERVE LANGFORD DRIVE ENTRY GARDEN LANGFORD DRIVE RESERVE LEAGUES CLUB FIELD LEGGE PLACE RESERVE LEMON GROVE PARK LEMON TREE STREET RESERVE LENTARA ROAD PLAYGROUND LETT PARK LISAROW WETLAND RESERVE LITTLE CLOSE RESERVE LITTLE WOBBY LONG ARM PARADE RESERVE LUMEAH/BUNDARA AVENUE WETLAND LUSHINGTON STREET RESERVE MACDONALDS ROAD RESERVE MACKENZIE AVENUE RESERVE MACLEAY AVENUE RESERVE MACMASTERS BEACH Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 MAGNOLIA AVENUE WETLAND MAHOGANY CLOSE PLAYGROUND MAIDENS BRUSH OVAL MAIDENS BRUSH RESERVE MAIDENS BRUSH ROAD BUSH RESERVE MAITLAND BAY DRIVE BUSH RESERVE MAITLAND BAY DRIVE BUSHLAND MALINYA ROAD RESERVE MALIWA ROAD RESERVE MALIWA ROAD WETLAND MANGROVE ROAD RESERVE MANNS ROAD BUSH RESERVE MANOOKA ROAD BUSH RESERVE MANOR HILL CLOSE RESERVE MARANOA STREET RESERVE MARIE BYLES LOOKOUT MARLOO ROAD RESERVE MARLOW RESERVE MARRIL ROAD RESERVE MASONS PARADE RESERVE McEVOY AVENUE WETLANDS McEVOY OVAL MCGRATH CLOSE RESERVE MELALEUCA CRESENT BUSH RESERVE MEMORIAL PARK MEMORIAL PARK GOSFORD MERIDETH PLACE PLAYGROUND MERINDAH AVENUE RESERVE MERRITS ROAD WETLANDS MILPERA ROAD BUSH RESERVE MILPERA ROAD RESERVE MILYERRA ROAD RESERVE MIMOSA AVENUE ACCESS RESERVE MITCHELL PARK MOANA STREET RESERVE MONASTIR ROAD BUSH RESERVE MOONEY MOONEY PLAYGROUND MOORAMBA AVENUE RESERVE MOORES ROAD RESERVE MORO CLOSE RESERVE MORTON CRESCENT RESERVE MORTON CRESENT WETLAND MOUNT ETTALONG MOUNT PLEASANT RESERVE MOUNT WHITE BUSH RESERVE MT ETTALONG ROAD WETLAND RESERVE MULAWA CLOSE RESERVE MULHALL HALL MUNDOORA ROAD RESERVE 20 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team MURRUMBOOEE PLACE PLAYGROUND NAGARI ROAD BUSH RESERVE NAMBUCCA DRIVE PLAYGROUND NARARA MODEL RAILWAY NARARA VALLEY DRIVE RESERVE NERISSA AVENUE RESERVE NEWMAN PARK NIAGARA PARK RECREATION AREA NICHOLII CLOSE RESERVE NIJORIE PARK NOOREE LANE RESERVE NORTH AVOCA BEACH NORTH AVOCA SURF CLUB NORTH BURGE ROAD RESERVE NORTHWIND AVENUE RESERVE NULLAWA PARK NURSERY STREET BUSH RESERVE NYEENA ROAD BUSH RESERVE OAK ROAD RESERVE OAK/COACHWOOD ROAD RESERVE OAKGLEN ROAD RESERVE OBERTON STREET RESERVE OCEAN BEACH OCEAN VIEW DRIVE RESERVE OCEANO STREET BUSH RESERVE OGILVIE STREET RESERVE OGILVIE STREET WETLAND OKANAGAN CLOSE RESERVE OLD WAMBERAL SAND QUARRY ONTHONNA TERRACE BUSH RESERVE ORANGE PARADE PLAYGROUND PACIFIC HIGHWAY RESERVE PACIFIC VIEW STREET RESERVE PACIFIC/CHAMBERLAIN ROAD RESERVE PADDY CLIFTON OVAL PALERMO RESERVE PALM GULLY PARK PALMGROVE PLACE RESERVE PALMTREE GROVE BUSH RESERVE PANGARI CLOSE PLAYGROUND PANORAMA PARK PAROO/WATTLE TREE ROAD BUSH RESERVE PARRY PARK PATONGA BEACH FORESHORE PATONGA CARAVAN AND CAMPING AREA PATONGA CREEK BUSH RESERVE PATONGA CREEK FORESHORE PATRICIA PLACE ACCESS RESERVE Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 PATRICK CROKE OVAL PAUL LANDA PARK PAUL OVAL PAUL STREET PLAYGROUND PEACE PARK PEARL BEACH PEARL BEACH DRIVE BUSH RESERVE PEARL BEACH NATIVE ABORETUM PEARL BEACH TENNIS PEARL PARADE PLAYGROUND PELICAN PARK PENINSULA LEISURE CENTRE PEPPERMINT PARK PERRATT CLOSE ACCESS RESERVE PERRATT CLOSE BUSH RESERVE PERRATT CLOSE RESERVE PHEGANS BAY ROAD RESERVE PHEGANS/RAYMOND ROAD RESERVE PHYLLIS BENNETT RESERVE PHYLLIS LOVELL RESERVE PICKETTS VALLEY ROAD RESERVE PIER AVENUE RESERVE PIERCE STREET RESERVE PILE ROAD RESERVE PILES CREEK RESERVE PINAROO ROAD RESERVE PINE AVENUE RESERVE PINETOP STREET RESERVE PINYARI CLOSE PLAYGROUND PIONEER PARK PIXIE AVENUE BUSHLAND POINT CLARE WATERFRONT POZIERERS AVENUE RESERVE PRETTY BEACH BOAT RAMP PRIESTLEY PARADE RESERVE PUTTY BEACH RESERVE PUTTY BEACH ROAD RESERVE QUARANG ROAD RESERVE RAILWAY CRESCENT RESERVE RAINFOREST ROAD RESERVE READS ROAD BUSH RESERVE REES STREET RESERVE REEVES STREET BUSH RESERVE REEVES STREET BUSH RESERVE REEVES STREET RESERVE REEVES/CROSS STREET RESERVE REEVES/DAWSON STREET BUSH RESERVE REMEMBRANCE DRIVE RESERVE RICHARD STREET RESERVE 21 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team RICHARD WOODBURY RESERVE RICKARD ROAD WETLAND RIDGEWAY/AWABAKIL BUSH RESERVE RIDGWAY ROAD BUSH RESERVE RIP ROAD RESERVE RIVIERA AVENUE ACCESS RESERVE RIVIERA AVENUE RESERVE ROBSON CLOSE RESERVE ROGERS PARK ROMFORD CLOSE RESERVE ROSS PARK ROTARY PARK GOSFORD ROUND DRIVE PLAYGROUND RUMBALARA RESERVE RYANS ROAD RESERVE RYSDYK PARADE PLAYGROUND SALISBURY DRIVE RESERVE SARATOGA OVAL SEABROOK RESERVE SENSORY PARK SHAKEYS FOREST RESERVE SHAUN BRINKLOW PARK SHERWOOD DRIVE RESERVE SHERWOOD FOREST SIERRA CRESCENT RESERVE SILETTA ROAD BUSH RESERVE SILETTA ROAD RESERVE SINGLETON ROAD RESERVE SOLSTICE PLACE RESERVE SORRENTO ROAD RESERVE SOUTH END PARK SOUTH PACIFIC DRIVE BUSH RESERVE SPECTRUM ROAD RESERVE SPENCER WATERFRONT SPOON BAY ROAD RESERVE SPRINGFIELD ROAD BUSH RESERVE SPRINGFIELD ROAD RESERVE ST HUBERTS ISLAND BRIDGE RESERVE STACHON STREET RESERVE STANLEY STREET PLAYGROUND STATION STREET RESERVE STEWART STREET BUSH RESERVE STEYNE ROAD RESERVE STONEY PARK STRAND AVENUE RESERVE STRATFORD PARK ENTRY SULLENS AVENUE PLAYGROUND SUN VALLEY PARK SUNNYBANK ROAD RESERVE Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 SUNNYSIDE AVENUE RESERVE SYD SHERAR PARK SYDNEY 2000 PARK SYLVAN VALLEY CLOSE RESERVE TAPLEY ROAD RESERVE TARUN ROAD BEACH SHOWER TASCOTT SHOPS RESERVE TERRIGAL BEACH TERRIGAL BOWLING CLUB TERRIGAL HAVEN TERRIGAL LAGOON RESERVE TERRIGAL LAGOON WETLAND TERRIGAL PALM GROVE RESERVE TERRIGAL ROTARY PARK TERRIGAL WATERFRONT TERRY OVAL THAMES DRIVE RESERVE THE ARENA THE ARENA BUSH RESERVE THE ENTRANCE ROAD STRAIGHT NORTH THE ENTRANCE ROAD STRAIGHT SOUTH THE EVERGLADES WETLANDS THE LAVENDER PATCH THE PINES PLAYGROUND THE RAMPART BUSH RESERVE THE RIDGEWAY RESERVE THE ROUND DRIVE BUSH RESERVE THE ROUND DRIVE WETLANDS THE RUINS DUNE RESERVE THE SCENIC HWY HILLTOP RESERVE THE SCENIC HWY WETLAND THE SCENIC ROAD BUSHLAND THE SCENIC ROAD RESERVE THISTLE GLEN CLOSE RESERVE TIARRI/SCENIC HWY RESERVE TIMBERTOP DRIVE BUSH RESERVE TORA AVENUE SCHOOL OF ARTS TOWNSEND AVENUE BUSH RESERVE TRACIE CLOSE RESERVE TRAFALGAR AVENUE PLAYGROUND TRAMWAY ROAD RESERVE TREELINE CLOSE PLAYGROUND TRIPLE SPRINGS BUSH RESERVE TUDIBARING HEAD TULANI AVENUE RESERVE TUMBI ROAD RESERVE TUMBI ROAD RESERVE/FIRE STATION TURO RESERVE TUROSS CLOSE RESERVE 22 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team UMINA BEACH UMINA RECREATION AREA URATTA STREET PLAYGROUND VERNON PARK VERON ROAD BUSH RESERVE VERON/HILLVIEW STREET RESERVE VETERAN HALL CEMETERY VICTORIA PARK GOLF LINKS VICTORIA PARK OVAL VIEW PARADE RESERVE W L LLOYD PARK WAKARA ROAD RESERVE WALDER CRESCENT PLAYGROUND WALDER CRESENT BUSH RESERVE WALDRON ROAD RESERVE WALLABY PLAYGROUND WAMBERAL BEACH WAMBERAL CEMETERY RESERVE WAMBERAL MEMORIAL HALL WAMBERAL PARK WAMBERAL PARK GOLF LINKS WAMBERAL RESERVIOR WAMBINA ROAD RESERVE WAMBINA/MATCHAM ROAD RESERVE WARRANA ROAD RESERVE WARRAWILLA ROAD PLAYGROUND WARREN AVENUE RESERVE WARRINGAH CLOSE RESERVE WATERVIEW PARK WATTLETREE ROAD RESERVE WATTLETREE/KOORIN ROAD RESERVE WB GRAHAM PARK WELLS STREET BUSH RESERVE WELLS/COBURG STREET RESERVE WELLS/MORELLA CLOSE RESERVE WENDOREE PARK PLAYGROUND WENDY DRIVE BUSH RESERVE WENDY DRIVE PLAYGROUND WEST STREET RESERVE WESTON STREET BUSHLAND WETLANDS MCDONALDS PACIFIC HWY WHARF RESERVE WILLARI AVENUE PLAYGROUND WILLOW GLEN CLOSE RESERVE WILSON ROAD RESERVE WINDSOR ROAD ACCESS RESERVE WINNEY BAY RESERVE WINTER CLOSE PARK WISEMANS FERRY ROAD BUSH RESERVE Issue date: May 2015 Date of next review: May 2017 WISEMANS FERRY ROAD RESERVE WONGARRI ROAD BUSH RESERVE WOODPORT PARK WOODVIEW AVENUE RESERVE WOODVIEW ROAD RESERVE WORRELL CIRCUIT RESERVE WORTHING CREEK RETENTION BASIN WOY WOY BAY ROAD RESERVE WOY WOY LIONS PARK WOY WOY OVAL WOY WOY WATERFRONT WYCOMBE ROAD PLAYGROUND WYOMING ROAD RESERVE WYUNDA COURT PLAYGROUND YARANG CLOSE RESERVE YARINGA PARADE RESERVE YARRAM ROAD PLAYGROUND YEO STREET BUSH RESERVE YEO STREET RESERVE YERAMBA CRESCENT ACCESS RESERVE YIRIK CLOSE RESERVE YUROKA STREET PLAYGROUND YURUNGA AVENUE RESERVE 23 Version 2 Authorised by: Executive Leadership Team Published by: Gosford City Council 49 Mann St, Gosford. NSW. 2250. Phone: (02) 4325 8222 Fax: (02) 4323 2477 Email: [email protected] Website: Printed by Gosford City Council (May 2015)
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