1 The best show we do in Canada! Bill Rodwancy AutoGate, Inc. As an American manufacturer, I found Security Canada very helpful in understanding the Canadian market. Josh Hauser Resolution Products A great place to meet local integrators and get acquainted with other manufacturers and distributors! Michelle Bishop Etherwan Awesome ratio of visitor/quality, great venue and well run. Norbert Artur Aiphone Corporation 2 securitycanadaexpo.com YOU’RE INVITED For decades, Security Canada Conferences and Expositions have been the nation’s largest showcase of innovations in security technology and services from coast to coast. This achievement is thanks to the efforts of a dedicated team of event professionals and the extraordinary efforts of our industry’s leading firms that continuously surpass expectations by bringing new and exciting products and services to the shows, year after year. For 2015, we will spotlight innovation as the central theme of our shows across Canada. We know how fast the security climate is evolving. We know you have stories to tell about how your firm is meeting new challenges – and we’re going to help you to tell them. Not only will your 2015 exhibit investment put you face-to-face with Canada’s decision-makers and open new opportunities to grow your business, it will put your innovations in the spotlight as never before. Secure your place on the national stage today. We will ensure that your story gets told. JF Champagne Executive Director Steve Basnett, CEM Director, Trade Shows and Events Table of Contents The premier experience for security professionals .....................................4 A national perspective in your back yard .......................................................5 Buyer profile ..............................................................................................................6 Invest in your business ..........................................................................................7 Branding opportunities .......................................................................................9 Security Canada East .......................................................................................... 12 Security Canada Alberta ................................................................................... 14 Security Canada Ottawa ................................................................................... 16 Security Canada West ......................................................................................... 18 Security Canada Atlantic.................................................................................... 20 Security Canada Central..................................................................................... 22 Exposition rules and regulations .................................................................... 26 3 Security Canada is the premier Canadian event experience for security professionals looking to grow their business and generate sales. Produced by the Canadian Security Association (CANASA), Security Canada attracts thousands of decision makers and decision influencers, 76% of whom you will not meet at any other event. Did you attend other security shows in the past year? * Source: Security Canada Central 2014 survey. 24% YES 76% NO Security Canada is the premier Canadian event experience for security professionals looking to grow their business and generate sales. Security Canada Central continues to attract the key decision makers, manufacturers and future installers in one convenient location. W. Scott Hammond Hammond Manufacturing 4 securitycanadaexpo.com We understand the investment required to advance your business, and we have designed Security Canada events to provide easy access to the markets you’re most interested in developing. Security Canada is held at six convenient locations across Canada. No other events offer this kind of national perspective on a regional level. Security Canada East Security Canada West Security Canada Alberta Security Canada Atlantic Sheraton Laval Laval, Quebec April 22, 2015 Marriot River Cree Resort Edmonton, Alberta May 13, 2015 Security Canada Ottawa Ottawa Conference and Event Centre Ottawa, Ontario June 3, 2015 River Rock Casino Resort Richmond, British Columbia June 17, 2015 Holiday Inn Harbourview Halifax, Nova Scotia September 15, 2015 Security Canada Central Toronto Congress Centre Toronto, Ontario October 21 - 22, 2015 5 Security Canada caters to a wide range of professionals within the security industry. Exhibit and gain access to those who can help you generate new sales and grow your business! Projected equipment purchases for next fiscal year* $0 - $49,999 $100,000 - $199,999 $200,000 - $499,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $500,000 + Security Canada attendees by company type* Alarm Company Other Government/Law Enforcement/ Crown Corporation Private Sector/Retail/Corporate End-User Guard Service/Alarm Response/ Private Investigator Security Products and Services/ Distributors/Manufacturers/Agents Locksmith Systems Architects & Engineers/ Consultants Monitoring Station Systems Integrator Job function of Security Canada attendees* Owner/Senior/Executive Management Educator/Student Facility/Loss Prevention Law Enforcement/Public Safety Operations/Personnel/ Management Other 6 * Source: Security Canada Central 2014 survey. Sales/Marketing Security Guard Security Management/IT (CSO) Technician/Installer securitycanadaexpo.com EXHIBIT AT SECURITY CANADA AND INVEST IN YOUR BUSINESS Save time - save money Meet more customers and prospects in one day than you will in six months of personal sales calls. Trade show leads take 40 per cent less time and money to close than traditional sales calls. That reduces your costs, increases your sales, and boosts your profits! Grow market share Only Security Canada events provide access to buyers from across your region as well as senior executives and key decision makers from across Canada. Ninety-five per cent of Security Canada attendees are from the region surrounding the show. This means as an Exhibitor you will see new attendees at each show from coast to coast. Now that’s great exposure! Launch new products before a motivated audience The top reason people attend trade shows is to find new products and suppliers. Exhibiting at Security Canada puts your products and services on a fast track to great sales. Make a difference By spending your marketing dollars exhibiting at Security Canada, you support the industry while funding vital membership initiatives, such as education and advocacy. 7 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND TO YOUR BUSINESS TO BE HERE Security Canada shows are firmly established as the leading security industry events in Canada. All six events provide a unique opportunity to meet new clients, bond with existing ones, and showcase your brand across the country. Did you know? WE’RE HONOURING YOUR INVESTMENT BY INVESTING 95% of Exhibitors at Security Canada Central plan to exhibit again in 2015 100% rated show management good or excellent 8 TO MAKE SECURITY CANADA 2015 THE BEST EVER! Security Canada’s aggressive marketing campaign focuses on delivering qualified buyers to your booth at every show through: • Direct mail campaigns that blanket the industry with information about Security Canada • Email campaigns that target the buyers you want to meet • Advertising and editorial coverage in major industry publications • Promotions and special events that put Security Canada on the calendars of the most important buyers throughout the year securitycanadaexpo.com BRANDING OPPORTUNITIES Add a logo to a listing Brand exposure at Security Canada will make a significant and positive statement to the thousands of participants from across Canada, most of whom attend only Security Canada to learn, network, and exchange with industry professionals like you. We look forward to counting you among the leading companies at the forefront of Canada’s security industry. $99 Show Guide Advertising Exclusive for Security Canada Central Contact: Linda Wawryk (905) 513-0622 ext. 227 or 1 (800) 538-9919 ext. 227 or [email protected] Ad Size: No Bleed Full page OBC 1/2 horizontal IFC IBC Logo with listing Exhibitor: ________________________________________________ Contact: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ Province: ______________________Postal code:________________ Telephone:_____________________Fax:_______________________ Unit WidthDepth Full page 5” 8” 1/2 page horizontal 5” 3 7/8” Inside front cover 5” 8” Inside back cover 5” 8” Outside back cover 5” 8” With Bleed WidthDepth 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 5 1/2” 3 7/8” 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 5 1/2” 8 1/2” Price $1,800 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Electronic files: Mac or PC-based. Acceptable software includes: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator. All images must be high resolution, 300 dpi or better. All fonts must be included or embedded. All ads are in full colour. Deadline: Friday, August 28, 2015 Email: ___________________________________________________ Payment enclosed for $ ____________________________________ Charge my: Visa American Express MasterCard Ad cost $ ________________ Card #: __________________________________________________ Add logo ($99) $ ________________ Expiry date: ______________________________________________ Sub-total $ ________________ Card holder name: _________________________________________ HST 13% $ ________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Total $ ________________ (must be signed to be valid) Date: ____________________________________________________ 9 Purchase any National sponsorship and receive the advertising sponsorship FREE as our gift to you! Maximize your ROI by taking advantage of any of these excellent opportunities: 1. Hanging banners* – Multiple hanging banner opportunities are available at Security Canada Central. Five individual sponsorships are available. Item #3 2. Flag banners** – The self-supporting 7’x 3’ flag banners will be positioned in the registration area. Four individual sponsorships are available at the Central show and two individual sponsorships are available at each of the Regional shows. 3. Registration kiosk – There are two kiosks (bottom panels) available and can be purchased alone or together. One sponsorship is available at the Central show. 4. Aisle signs – Your company name and logo will be displayed from each of the nine aisle signs suspended over the show. One sponsorship is available at the Central show. 5. Lanyards – Have your company name around everyone’s neck. Exhibitor supplies the lanyards. One National sponsorship is available. Item #4 6. Parking area shuttle – Sponsor the shuttle bus that brings attendees to the show from the parking area. One sponsorship is available at the Central show. 7. Floor mats – Your logo digitally printed in colour on three 16 square foot mats at the show entrance. Production and installation included. One sponsorship is available at the Central show. Item #6 8. Bag stands at the entrance – Attendees appreciate being able to put everything in one bag. Make sure it is yours by sponsoring the stands right at the show entrance. One sponsorship is available at each show. Exhibitor supplies the bags. 9. Show floor plan – The most recent floor plan with Exhibitor list will be given to all attendees at the registration desk. The sponsor will have the opportunity to prominently display their logo on each copy for all attendees to see as well as highlight their booth on the plan. One sponsorship is available for each show. Item #7 10. Electronic and print advertising sponsorship – Your company logo will be displayed on all electronic communication tools including our website and e-blasts as well as print ads. A total of five spaces are available for each show. If you are interested in any of these sponsorship opportunities, please contact Steve Basnett at (905) 513-0622 x 224. Availability is based on a first-come, first-served policy. * Banners to be provided by Exhibitor. Banners that require suspension will be at the cost of the Exhibitor. ** Flag banners to be provided by Exhibitor. NOTE: All banners must be approved by show management. Item #8 10 Can’t find the opportunity you are looking for? Talk to us! We can help develop the right brand exposure opportunity at any Security Canada event, or at all six. securitycanadaexpo.com Sponsorship Form 2015 The number of available sponsorships are listed below. Not all shows have sponsorships. National sponsorships consist of one item at each show location and also include item #10. AMOUNT 1. Hanging banners – A total of six sponsorships are available. One sponsorship equals one banner. 1. $500 x (____) = Central $500 per banner 2. Flag banners – A total of four individual sponsorships are available at the Central show. A total of two individual sponsorships are available for each of the Regional shows. If a National sponsorship is purchased, one banner will be displayed at each of the six shows. East $250 Alberta $250 Ottawa $250 Atlantic $250 Central $500 National $1,200 2. $ __________________ West $250 3. Registration kiosk – Available at the Central show only. Sponsors only have the option of purchasing one individual kiosk or both. Front $600 Back $600 3. $ __________________ Both $1,000 4. Aisle signs – One sponsorship available at the Central show only. 4. $ __________________ Central $2,500 5. Lanyards – Includes lanyards for all six shows across Canada. 5. $ __________________ National $6,500 6. Parking area shuttle – One sponsorship available at the Central show only. 6. $ __________________ Central $1,000 7. Floor mats – One sponsorship available at the Central show only. 7. $ __________________ Central $1,600 8. Bag stands at the entrance – One sponsorship available at each show. East $500 Alberta $500 Ottawa $500 Atlantic $250 Central $750 National $2,250 8. $ __________________ West $500 9. Show floor plan – One sponsorship available for each show. East $500 Alberta $250 Ottawa $250 Atlantic $250 Central $1,200 National $2,500 9. $ __________________ West $500 10. $ __________________ 10. Electronic and print advertising sponsorship – A total of five spaces available for each show. East $650 Alberta $500 Ottawa $500 Atlantic $425 Central $3,000 National $4,500 West $500 TAXES $ __________________ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. CONTRACTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT FULL PAYMENT. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT VISA MASTERCARD $ __________________ AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card # _______________________________________________ Expiry _____________________ Cardholder Name ______________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Company Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL $ __________________ * TAX CHART Sales taxes applicable to your province of business must be applied. 5% GST is applied to businesses outside Canada. Taxes applicable at time of printing and may be subject to change. AB BC MB NB NL 5% GST 5% GST 5% GST 13% HST 13% HST NS NT ON PE SK 15% HST 5% GST 13% HST 14% HST 5% GST QC 5% GST +9.975% QST YK 5% GST Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham, ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 Toll Free: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 www.canasa.org Phone __________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________ (must be signed to be valid) 11 securitycanadaexpo.com Tentative schedule Security Canada East Sheraton Laval Laval, Quebec April 22, 2015 Security Canada East is the largest security industry trade show in Canada’s second biggest market. This show will provide face-toface contact with key customers and prospects. Take advantage of meeting several business decision makers all in one day, under one roof! CANASA members SAVE an additional $300 per booth! All booths are 10’ wide x 8’ deep. April 21 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. April 22 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Set-up begins Set-up ends Set-up begins Exposition opens Luncheon on show floor Exposition closes and tear down Free booth extras include: • • • • • • • 6’ draped table Access to electricity Floor covering by venue Five free Exhibitor badges Pipe and drape Listing in show directory Listing on Security Canada website For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] * Floor plan subject to change. securitycanadaexpo.com SECURITY CANADA EAST Sheraton Laval Laval, Quebec • April 22, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ * All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 10’ x 8’ space or table top. (Display may not exceed 8’ in height. Table tops are limited to what will fit on the table.) CANASA member Non-member Table Top (6’ x 2’) Booth (10’ x 8’) Table Top (6’ x2’) Booth (10’ x 8’) $2,130 $1,800 $2,560 $2,230 *All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. B. C. D. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $250 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum one sublet. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) GST: A 5% Goods and Services Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B QST: A 9.975% Provincial Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. Contracts will NOT be processed without full payment. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS GST #R121787402 QST #1015564195 Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted A. $ __________________ B. $ __________________ (if applicable) $ __________________ SUBTOTAL A+B C. GST (5%) $ __________________ D. QST (9.975%) $ __________________ SUBTOTAL x 5% SUBTOTAL x 9.975% Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________________ $ __________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL A+B+C+D) Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 13 Tentative schedule May 13 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Security Canada Alberta Marriot River Cree Resort Edmonton, Alberta May 13, 2015 Free booth extras include: Security Canada Alberta brings together delegates in the fields of logical security, physical security, security management, privacy, law enforcement, and intelligence groups. • • • • • • • CANASA members SAVE an additional $300 per booth! 6’ draped table Access to electricity Floor covering by venue Five free Exhibitor badges Pipe and drape Listing in show directory Listing on Security Canada website For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] All booths are 10’ wide x 10’ deep. 116 Set-up begins Set-up ends Exposition opens with luncheon on show floor Exposition closes and tear down 115 214 215 314 315 414 113 212 213 312 313 412 111 210 211 310 311 410 114 417 415 112 413 110 411 108 107 206 207 306 307 406 106 105 204 205 304 305 404 104 103 202 203 302 303 402 102 101 200 201 300 301 400 EXIT ONLY MAIN ENTRANCE EXIT ONLY 409 407 405 403 * Floor plan subject to change. 14 securitycanadaexpo.com SECURITY CANADA ALBERTA Marriot River Cree Resort Edmonton, Alberta • May 13, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ * All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 10’ x 10’ space. GST #R121787402 (Displays must not exceed 8' in height.) CANASA member $2,020 Non-member $2,330 *All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted A. $ ____________________ B. $ ____________________ B. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $250 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum one sublet. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) C. GST: A 5% Goods and Services Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B $ ____________________ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. Contracts will NOT be processed without full payment. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD (if applicable) SUBTOTAL A+B C. GST (5%) $ ____________________ AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________________ $ ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL A+B+C) Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 15 Tentative schedule Security Canada Ottawa June 3 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Security Canada Ottawa, in partnership with ASIS International 140 Ottawa, attracts decision makers from the government sector as well as those from more traditional segments of our industry. If you are interested in growing your share of business from Canada’s National Capital Region, you should be at Security Canada Ottawa. Free booth extras include: Ottawa Conference and Event Centre Ottawa, Ontario June 3, 2015 CANASA members SAVE an additional $300 per booth! All booths are 10’ wide x 8’ deep. • • • • • • • Set-up begins Set-up ends Exposition opens with luncheon on show floor Exposition closes and tear down 6’ draped table Access to electricity Floor covering by venue Five free Exhibitor badges Pipe and drape Listing in show directory Listing on Security Canada website For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] * Floor plan subject to change. 16 securitycanadaexpo.com SECURITY CANADA OTTAWA Ottawa Conference and Event Centre Ottawa, Ontario • June 3, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ *All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 10’ x 8’ space. (Displays must not exceed 8’ in height.) ASIS & CANASA members Non-member $1,700 $2,030 *All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. HST #R121787402 Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted A. $ ____________________ B. $ ____________________ B. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $250 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum one sublet. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) C. HST: A 13% Harmonized Sales Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B $ ____________________ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. Contracts will NOT be processed without full payment. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD (if applicable) SUBTOTAL A+B C. HST (13%) $ ____________________ AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________________ $ ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL A+B+C) Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 17 Security Canada West Tentative schedule June 17 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. River Rock Casino Resort Richmond, British Columbia June 17, 2015 Security Canada West will be the security event that you cannot afford to miss! This is an ideal opportunity to display a wide variety of products to industry professionals and key decision makers to a growing audience throughout Western Canada and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Raise the profile of your business and connect with new and existing prospects at one of Canada’s premier security events. Set-up begins Set-up ends Exposition opens with luncheon on show floor Exposition closes and tear down Free booth extras include: • 6’ draped table • Access to electricity • Floor covering by venue • Five free Exhibitor badges • Pipe and drape • Listing in show directory • Listing on Security Canada website CANASA members SAVE an additional $300 per booth! For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] Security Canada West June 17, 2015 River Rock Casino Resort Show Theatre, Richmond B.C. All booths are 10’ wide x 6’ deep. 606 604 EXIT 610 608 211 310 311 410 209 308 309 408 EXIT 612 513 WASH VESTIBULE 114 511 509 112 VESTIBULE 507 110 505 108 105 204 205 304 305 404 405 504 106 103 202 203 302 303 402 403 502 104 101 200 201 300 301 400 401 500 ENTRANCE 701 703 705 707 709 711 TT802 TT804 TT806 TT808 TT810 TT812 TT801 TT803 TT805 TT807 TT809 TT811 717 EXIT * Floor plan subject to change. 18 securitycanadaexpo.com SECURITY CANADA WEST River Rock Casino Resort Richmond, British Columbia June 17, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ *All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 10’ x 6’ space or table top. (Display may not exceed 8’ in height. Table tops are limited to what will fit on the table.) CANASA member Non-member Booth (10’ x 6’) Table Top (800 Aisle Only) Booth (10’ x 6’) Table Top (800 Aisle Only) $2,120 $1,670 $2,430 $1,975 *All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. B. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $250 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum one sublet. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) GST #R121787402 Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted A. $ ____________________ B. $ ____________________ (if applicable) C. GST: A 5% Goods and Services Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. Contracts will NOT be processed without full payment. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD $ ____________________ SUBTOTAL A+B C. GST (5%) $ ____________________ AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________________ $ ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL A+B+C) Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 19 Tentative schedule Security Canada Atlantic September 15 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Security Canada Atlantic draws Exhibitors and attendees from all over the Atlantic Seaboard and Eastern Canada. Security decision makers gather at this event to learn about the latest products and services the industry has to offer. Free booth extras include: Holiday Inn Harbourview Halifax, Nova Scotia September 15, 2015 • • • • • • • CANASA members SAVE an additional $200 per booth! 509 506 407 507 405 504 406 608 404 307 305 306 207 606 304 206 202 200 604 205 107 105 204 103 101 WALL STORAGE 502 501 503 403 500 402 400 401 303 302 300 301 203 201 100 102 505 104 106 602 6’ draped table Access to electricity Floor covering by venue Three free Exhibitor badges Pipe and drape Listing in show directory Listing on Security Canada website For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] This is a table top only event. All displays must fit on the table provided. WALL STORAGE Set-up begins Set-up ends Exposition opens with luncheon on show floor Expositon closes and tear down 601 20 WALL STORAGE 603 605 ENTRANCE 607 WALL STORAGE 609 611 securitycanadaexpo.com securitycanadaexpo.com * Floor plan subject to change. Total Tables = 51 SECURITY CANADA ATLANTIC Holiday Inn Harbourview Halifax, Nova Scotia • September 15, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ *All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor’s manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 6’ x 2’ table. This is a table top only event. (All display material must fit on the table and not exceed 8’ in height, measured from the ground up.) CANASA member HST #R121787402 Non-member $1,270 Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted $1,475 *All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. B. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $250 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum one sublet. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) C. HST: A 15% Harmonized Sales Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B A. $ ____________________ B. $ ____________________ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY CONTRACT. Contracts will NOT be processed without full payment. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________________ (if applicable) $ ____________________ SUBTOTAL A+B C. HST (15%) $ ____________________ $ ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL A+B+C) Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 21 22 securitycanadaexpo.com Tentative schedule Security Canada Central Toronto Congress Centre Toronto, Ontario October 21-22, 2015 Security Canada Central is the largest security industry trade show in Canada, attracting a growing number of Exhibitors and thousands of attendees from all across North America. This is where major purchasing decisions about security by corporate and government customers are made. We offer more space, more education, and more opportunities to grow your business. CANASA members SAVE an additional $400 per booth! All booths are 10’ wide x 10’ deep. 23 October 20 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Set-up begins Set-up ends October 21 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Set-up begins Exposition opens Exposition closes October 22 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Exposition opens Exposition closes & tear down Free booth extras include: • • • • • Booth carpet and daily vacuuming Five free Exhibitor badges Pipe and drape Listing in show directory Listing on Security Canada website For more information please contact Steve Basnett, CEM, Director, Trade Shows and Events T: (905) 513-0622 ext 224 F: (905) 513-0624 E: [email protected] securitycanadaexpo.com Toronto Congress Centre C M Y CM MY CY CMY K * Floor plan subject to change Please visit www.securitycanadaexpo.com for the most up-to-date floor plan. 24 securitycanadaexpo.com SECURITY CANADA CENTRAL Toronto Congress Centre Toronto, Ontario • October 21-22, 2015 INVOICE and CONTRACT for EXPOSITION (The “Trade Show Contract”) between the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”) and the Exhibitor described below (the “Company”). Company ______________________________________________________ My Company is a CANASA member YES NO Street ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province/State _______________________________________ Postal Code/Zip ______________ Country ____________________ Show Co-ordinator* ________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Web ___________________________________________________ * All Exhibitor information is sent via email to the show co-ordinator. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the contract has been received by CANASA. Location: I would like _________ booth(s). Please indicate booth # preference 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ Products and services: I plan to exhibit ______________________________________________________________________ Note: CANASA recommends you regularly visit the latest floor plans online to review changes in configurations and Exhibitors in neighbouring booths. Exhibit booth space rental must be paid in full before the Company is permitted to install its display. The Company acknowledges having read the exposition rules and regulations contained in this brochure, the Exhibitor manual, and the health and safety policy as posted on the Security Canada website, all of which are incorporated by reference herein and form part of this trade show contract. The Company agrees to be bound by all of the above and to ensure that its employees, agents, and assigns also act in accordance with the above. A. Investment: Based on a 10’ x 10’ booth. (All single and in-line booth back walls are restricted to 8’ in height. No part of the structural display at its full 8’ height may extend out more than 5’ from the back wall at that height.) HST #R121787402 CANASA member Non-member Before June 30, 2015 After June 30, 2015 $3,450 $3,750 Cheques, Direct Deposit, VISA, MasterCard or AMEX accepted $3,870 $4,170 A. $ ____________________ B. $ ____________________ C. $ ____________________ * All prices in Canadian dollars. U.S. Exhibitors please use the daily conversion rate if paying by U.S. cheque. Island booths can be created by purchasing and removing surrounding booths at 1/2 price. B. Administrative surcharge for subletting: $500 per company Surcharge applicable only if more than one company is sharing a booth. Maximum two sublets. (Note: A separate contract must be completed for every company that sublets from you.) C. Premium for front booth positioning: $900 per company (See shaded area of floor plan) Applies only to booths in the front row. D. HST: A 13% Harmonized Sales Tax is applied to the total cost of A+B+C Reserve by February 28, 2015, with a 25% deposit. After March 1, 2015, reservations require a 50% deposit. Contracts will NOT be processed without deposit amount. All booth balances are due by July 5, 2015. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS (if applicable) (if applicable) $ ____________________ SUBTOTAL A+B+C D. HST $ ____________________ (13%) $ ____________________ TOTAL A+B+C+D Deposit $ ____________________ Credit Card # __________________________________________ Expiry ____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ I authorize CANASA to debit my credit card for the TOTAL dollar amount shown above. Please make cheques payable to “CANASA”. This is your invoice. Additional invoices will not be issued. Signature ___________________________________ Date ___________________________ $ ____________________ BALANCE OWING Canadian Security Association 50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201 Markham ON L3R 0B3 Tel: (905) 513-0622 TF: 1 (800) 538-9919 Fax: (905) 513-0624 Email: [email protected] www.canasa.org www.securitycanadaexpo.com Submission of this form either signed or unsigned, by email, by fax or by personal delivery, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract. You agree that you have read, understood and accepted the information provided to you for reserving exhibit booth space at Security Canada and you agree to all payments as detailed in this contract. 25 Exposition Rules and Regulations The basic concept of the Security Canada Conference(s) and Exposition(s) [the “Show(s)”] is to make exhibit areas open, accessible and visually appealing to attendees. The floor plans have been designed so that all exhibit booth spaces will be convenient and equally visible to attendees. The following exposition rules and regulations will apply in order to provide each Exhibitor the opportunity to make effective use of this space without infringing the rights of other Exhibitors. For the purposes of this trade show contract, the Exhibitor is one and the same as the company. 1. Management. In these rules and regulations, “show management” shall mean the Canadian Security Association (“CANASA”), its Board of Directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns, and any persons appointed, delegated, or hired by CANASA to manage any or all aspects of the Security Canada conferences or expositions. 2. Payment Terms. The trade show contract must be paid in full before any Exhibitor is permitted to install its display. If full payment is not made by the payment deadline date indicated on the front page hereof, the company will be deemed to have abandoned its exhibit booth space and will forfeit (i.e., lose) any deposit(s). 3. Occupancy. The actual occupancy of the exhibit booth space rented by the company is ‘of the essence’ in this trade show contract, and if the company does not occupy such space, the show management (defined below) is authorized to occupy such space or cause it to be occupied as the show management, at its sole discretion, deems best, without releasing the company from any liability hereunder. 4. Eligible Exhibits. Exhibits will be limited to those companies or other entities offering materials, products or services of specific interest to registrants. Show management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product for display. The Exhibitor agrees that its exhibit shall be admitted and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with these rules and regulations. 5. Limitation of Liability. The company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the show management, CANASA, exhibition hall facility (the “facility”), and city in which this exhibition is being held, and their officers, directors, agents, employees, successors, and assigns, against all claims, losses, suits, damages, judgments, expenses and costs and charges of every kind resulting from its occupancy of the exhibit booth space herein contracted for, by reason of personal injuries, death, property damage, loss, or any other cause sustained by the company, its officers, directors, agents, employees, and subletting tenants, and all third parties. The show management shall not be responsible for loss or damage to displays, lights, goods, equipment or machinery belonging to Exhibitors, whether resulting from criminal or terrorist acts, strikes, fire, floods, storms, acts of God, air conditioning or heating failure, theft, pilferage, mischief, mysterious disappearance, bomb threats or any other causes. All items brought to the exhibition are displayed at Exhibitor’s own risk, and should be safeguarded by the company at all times. The company also agrees that the provisions of this paragraph shall apply if loss, damage or injury, irrespective of cause or origin, results directly or indirectly to person or property from performance or nonperformance of obligations imposed by this trade show contract or from negligence, active or otherwise, strict liability, violation of any applicable laws or any other alleged fault on the part of Show management. In no event shall show management be responsible for any claim for punitive, exemplary or aggravated damages, damages for loss of profits or revenue, indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind or any damages whatsoever relating to the loss of, or loss of use of, displays, lights, goods, equipment or machinery belonging to Exhibitors. 14. Fire Regulations. Fire-retardant materials must be used. No inflammable fluids or substances may be used or shown in booths. No fire exits are to be blocked, and access to fire protection equipment including sprinkler control valves, fire hose stations, portable extinguishers, and fire alarm stations must not be restricted. 15. Electrical. All operating electrical equipment used in the exhibit must have CSA or equivalent provincial power authority approval. 16. Insurance. The Exhibitor is responsible for the placement and cost of (general and third party liability) insurance related to its participation in the show. In addition, should the Exhibitor contract for services with “non-official show contractors”, said contractors must also provide proof of (general and third party liability) insurance as well as provide evidence of compliance with provincial requirements with respect to workers’ compensation insurance prior to being permitted entry to the facility. 17. Liability & Damage to Property. Neither show management nor the facility will be responsible for loss or damage to displays while at the show, or while being brought into or out of the show facility. In all cases, the Exhibitor will assume responsibility for damage, howsoever caused, to property, accidents and/or injuries to Exhibitors or employees. All space is leased subject to the facility rules and regulations, and those outlined in the Exhibitors manual. 18. Lotteries/Contests. Exhibitors shall not operate draws or lotteries without the express written permission of show management. If permitted, the obligation is on the Exhibitor to ensure that it adheres to the applicable laws governing draws and/or lotteries. Show management reserves the right to ban objectionable premiums and novelties and to prevent the sale or distribution of any articles or products which it believes might endanger the health and safety of those attending the show. 19. Demonstrations. Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. Demonstrations must be conducted within the aisle line of the exhibit space. If several spectators are expected to congregate at one time, space must be left within each exhibit area in which an audience may gather. Should spectators interfere with normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into the aisle, show management reserves the right to request that such presentations be limited or discontinued. 20. Sound Levels. The noise level of any demonstrations or sound systems or equipment must be kept to a minimum in order not to interfere with others. Show management reserves the right to determine the sound level at which the noise interferes with others and may require the Exhibitor to discontinue. 21. Food & Beverages. Exhibitors are not permitted to serve food or beverages in their exhibit area unless expressly permitted in writing by show management. 22. Hospitality Suites, Exhibitor Functions. Show management requires that Exhibitors limit hospitality suites, social functions and off-floor seminars to times not in conflict with any CANASA functions as listed in the show guide. In addition, Exhibitor agrees to not remove attendees from the show floor area during regular show hours. 23. Admission. Show management shall have sole control over admission policies at all times. 6. General Rules. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by show management in the best interests of the show and agrees that show management shall have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed necessary prior to, during and after the show. Show management reserves the right at any time to alter or remove exhibits or any part thereof, including printed materials, product, signs, lights or sound, and to expel Exhibitors or their personnel if, in the opinion of show management, their conduct or presentation is objectionable to show management, other show participants or to the public. 24. Cancellation. This trade show contract may be cancelled by either party upon giving written notice at least 90 days prior to the first day of the Show. If show management cancels, it will refund all monies paid by the Exhibitor unless said cancellation was caused by the Exhibitor’s failure to pay the amounts due and owing in accordance with the payment schedule, in which case show management will impose a cancellation fee equal to 25% of the contracted space costs. If it is the Exhibitor who has canceled, then the Exhibitor shall pay an amount equal to 25% of the contracted space costs to show management, which cancellation fee may be deducted from any deposit held by show management. If the Exhibitor cancels between 60 and 90 days prior to the show, then it will be liable for 50% of the contracted space costs; if cancellation is done less than 60 days prior to the show, no refund will be given. The parties hereto agree that the aforementioned cancellation fee is not a penalty but a genuine pre-estimate of damages. Cancellation of this trade show contract, means that the Exhibitor forfeits all rights or claims to the allocated space and show management is free to rent it to others and collect the cost of the space as damages. Show management reserves the right at its sole discretion to change the date or dates upon which the show is held and shall not be liable for damages or otherwise by reason of such change. In addition, show management shall not be liable in damage or otherwise for failure to carry out the terms of this agreement in whole or in part where caused directly or indirectly by or in consequence of criminal or terrorist act, acts of God, fire, storm, flood, war, rebellion, insurrection, riot, civil commotion, strike or by any cause whatever beyond the control of show management. In the event that the exhibit space to be used by the Exhibitor should in any way be rendered unusable, the Exhibitor shall pay for such space only for the period during which it was or could have been used as determined within the sole discretion of show management. 7. Primary Exhibitors. Space shall be contracted and paid for only by the company making application and occupying assigned space according to company name shown on contract. Only the company name shown on contract will appear in printed material relating to the show - including promotions, signage and name badges. 25. Exceptions. While exceptions to these rules and regulations are not anticipated or encouraged, any such requests must be submitted to show management in writing at least 60 days prior to the trade show. Show management will rule on such requests and respond in writing no later than 20 days after receipt of the request. 8. Subletting of Space. Space contracted by the Exhibitor shall not be sublet nor shared with non-Exhibitors without the prior written permission of show management. 9. Premium Booth Space. Premium prices may be applied to preferred locations and specialized booth space. 26. Amendment to Rules. Any matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules shall be subject solely to the decision of show management. The show management shall have full power in the matter of interpretation, amendment and enforcement of all said rules and regulations, and that any such amendments, when made and brought to the notice of the said Exhibitor, shall be and become part hereof as though duly incorporated herein and subject to each and every one of the terms and conditions herein set forth. The company further agrees that show management shall not be responsible in the event of any errors or omissions in the listings in the Exhibitors’ official directory and in any promotional material. The company agrees to indemnify show management against, and hold it harmless for, any claims and for all damages, costs, and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable lawyers fees (on a substantial indemnity/solicitor-client basis) and amounts paid in settlement incurred in connection with such claims arising out of the acts (whether intentional or accidental) or negligence of the Exhibitor, its officers, directors, employees, agents, assigns, successors, contractors, subcontractors, and those for whom at the law the Exhibitor is responsible. 10. Booth Representatives. Booth representatives shall be restricted to Exhibitor’s employees and their authorized representatives. All booths must be staffed by the Exhibitor during all open show hours. 11. Exhibitor Conduct. Retail sales are absolutely prohibited during the course of the show. Infraction of this rule will result in the closure of your exhibit. Subject to the foregoing, the distribution of samples, souvenirs, publications, etc., or other sales or sales promotion activities must be conducted by Exhibitor only from within their booth. The distribution of any articles that interfere with the activities or obstruct access to neighboring booths, or that impedes aisles, is prohibited. No article containing any product other than the product or materials made or processed or used or sold by Exhibitor in their products or service may be distributed except by written permission of show management. 12. Exhibit Space Allocation. Booth space will be assigned by show management in consideration of the following: a) membership in CANASA, b) number of booths requested, c) prior history of exhibiting, and d) date application with deposit is received by CANASA. 13. Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits. The Exhibitor agrees to have his exhibit set-up and staffed in time for the opening of the show. The Exhibitor shall not remove any part of his display or product until the show is officially closed and failure to comply, without the express written consent of show management, will result in a fine of $500 being imposed, which will be invoiced after the show, and immediately payable. In addition, removal without consent may result in the loss of future exhibition privileges. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove his exhibit and equipment from the show facility by the final move-out time limit or, in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor shall be responsible for any additional costs incurred. 26 27. Health and Safety Policy. A health and safety policy agreement, obtained from the Security Canada website, must be signed by an authorized representative of the company and returned to show management along with a signed copy of the trade show contract. The company agrees to comply with all applicable sections of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, which among other things requires that the company, its employees and contractors, take all reasonable steps and precautions to protect the health and ensure the safety of all persons involved in the show. 28. Exhibit Guidelines. All single and in-line booth back walls are restricted to 8 ft. in height and the dividers between the booths to 3 ft. in height. No part of the structural display at its full 8 ft. height may extend out more that 5 ft. from the back wall at that height. All sides and surfaces of exhibit (booth and signs), which are exposed to a view, must be properly finished and decorated. Failure to provide a finished surface may result in a charge to mask off the surface. 29. Photography. No photographs or video may be shot on the show floor without written permission of show management. Show management reserves the right to confiscate or delete images taken without permission and to ban the responsible parties from the show floor. securitycanadaexpo.com securitycanadaexpo.com 27 securitycanadaexpo.com
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