Cities on the Move: Images of the Urban Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (100%) eikones, the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) for iconic criticism, was jointly founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the University of Basel in 2005. The interdisciplinary research program runs in its third 4-year phase since October 2013. The module “Cities on the Move: Images of the Urban” is headed by Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zürich, Dr. Stefan Neuner, SNSF Iconic Criticism, University of Basel as well as Prof. Dr. Martino Stierli, Institute of Art History, University of Zurich. The module advertises the position of a post-doctorial researcher for the period September 1, 2015 to September 30, 2017. Interested junior researchers are invited to apply with a project sketch. Module Abstract: This module focuses on the relationship of the image and the urban in art, architecture, and urban development with an emphasis on modernity and the present day. The objective is to outline a contemporary theoretical concept of the “urban image” based on urban construction since the 19th century, its thematization in the arts, and from the perspective of image and architectural theories. We begin from the premise that urban centers have no single “urban image” that can be discussed empirically, as Kevin Lynch would have it. Rather there exist a multiplicity of competing outlines circulated in the arts and mass-media that shape the image of a specific city and inform its collective perception. To this end we intend to pursue a political perspective: Attention will be paid not to the view points of specific social instances that shape and change the physical space of the urban image, but to the perspective of simple city dwellers in so far as they are articulated pictorially. The urban image is to be situated within the context of social debates: Our interest is those instances in which the urban image is being disputed and opposing images of urbanity collide. Particular attention will be paid to the following topics: The crisis of the traditional urban image in modernity due to the modern traffic system, to processes of industrialization and de-industrialization, the emergence of urban waste-lands, suburbanization, the rise of global mega-cities and their unchecked growth, etc., as well as the reception of these development by architecture, urban development, the arts, and theories of art and architecture to the extent that these concern concepts of the image. Personal project suggestions pertaining to the topic of this module are expressly encouraged. Above average academic achievements as well as the willingness to engage productively and critically with the interdisciplinary discourse of iconic criticism are preconditions. Collaboration on project organization as well as close cooperation with the other eikones research groups is expected. Specific prerequisites for this project – Degree in Art History, Architecture, or neighboring studies. – Excellent knowledge of aesthetics and art theory. Postdocs – Doctoral degree, no more than 5 years past. General – Willingness to familiarize oneself with new areas of knowledge and concepts and an interdisciplinary outlook. – Position (100%) is limited to max. September 30, 2017. – Start date: September 1, 2015 or by arrangement. Your dossier must include: – Cover letter, cv, copies of certificates – Project sketch (ca. 3 – 5 pages) – Writing sample (e. g. chapter from phd; 20 pages max.) – Contact details of 2 people for letters of recommendation Please submit your complete dossier to [email protected] no later than May 1, 2015 in a single pdf-file. Information Dr. Orlando Budelacci, +41 61 267 18 05, [email protected]
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