Administration Brian Jandahl Superintendent Kelly Neill Principal Ervin Gebhart Athletic Director Moe Bruns Business Manager Mark Harming Technology Director March2015Newsletter From the Superintendent March tends to be a transition month with winter coming to end, we hope. It also means the end of the basketball season and the transition to outdoor activities like track and golf. With the amount of snow still on the ground both track and golf teams may be practicing indoors longer than normal. The end of March brings us even closer to spring. Note, Prom will be held this year on April 18th. The month of March also provides opportunities for our students to display their academic talents through Destination Imagination and Science Fair competitions. Spring also means it is time to start planning for next year as we follow pending legislation in Pierre this month, and the effect it will have on our school budget. We will begin to look at the school calendar for next year along with other items. It has been fun watching our student athletes, coaches and fans this year. Our teams have experienced a lot of success and their share of disappointment. The level of support and sportsmanship displayed by Elk fans has been fun to watch. Sportsmanship by our players and fans is contagious. Keep up the good work and good luck to our basketball teams the rest of the season! In the event that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, please continue to listen for school related announcements and updates by phone, television, internet and radio. So far, we have two days to add on in May. I also encourage you to check the school website for announcements posted on the home page. Please don’t hesitate to call the school, if you have questions about events happening during the month of March. Brian Jandahl, Superintendent News from the Principal Spring is on the horizon and in schools that means the beginning of assessment season. Our students in many different grades will be or have been exposed to a variety of national and state assessments. These assessments are only a small snap shot of a child’s ability, but they do provide valuable information to our schools. They allow us to reflect on our teaching practices and re‐evaluate curriculum. They also hold us accountable to the standards for specific subject areas set forth by the state. They also give parents and students a glimpse of the struggles and strengths their student displays in their academic work. Again…this is only a small snapshot of what your child can do. The best information of your child’s performance comes from their teacher. Here is a rundown of a few of the assessments given or to be given to students in the past few months: In January, senior students at Elkton School took part in a pilot for the state of South Dakota in the administration of the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate program (NCRC). The NCRC is an industry‐recognized, portable credential that certifies essential skills needed for workplace success. To earn certification, students must attain at least the lowest certification level on three ACT® WorkKeys assessments: Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information. The NCRC demonstrates that students are ready for the workplace, as they enter the workforce immediately after graduation or pursue further postsecondary education. The National Assessment on Education Progress (NAEP) was given to our 4th and 8th graders in January. NAEP results are designed to provide data on student achievement in various subjects, and are released as The Nation’s Report Card. There are no results for individual students, classrooms, or schools. NAEP reports results for different demographic groups, including gender, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity. Assessments are given most frequently in mathematics, reading, science and writing. Schools are selected randomly for participation in this assessment. All South Dakota students in grades 3‐8 and grade 11 will take the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The Science Dakota STEP will be given in grades 5, 8, and 11. The window of testing for these assessments will begin in April and will conclude the beginning of May. The South Dakota State Test of Educational Progress (Dakota STEP) and the Smart Balanced Assessment measures students' mastery of the South Dakota State Academic Standards. In the coming weeks, you will be receiving information on how to help your child do their best on upcoming assessments. Please share these strategies with your child. Remember to communicate with your child’s teacher about any concerns you have with their academic performance or test anxiety. They can offer you the best insight on struggles and what you can do as a parent to help. As always, if you have any questions on these assessments, please feel free to contact me. Kelly Neill, Principal Preparing students for success on the new Smarter Balanced assessment This spring, South Dakota will begin using a new state assessment, called Smarter Balanced, that is based on the state’s standards in English language arts and math. This test is administered to students in grades 3‐8 and 11. It will replace the Dakota STEP test in English and math. The test was developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, a group of 22 states, including South Dakota. More than 100 South Dakota educators served on Smarter Balanced work groups as the test was being developed. The Smarter Balanced assessment was field tested in spring 2014. That practice run gave our district’s teachers and schools a chance to practice test administration procedures, and students the opportunity to experience what will be expected of them on the new assessment. Since the field test, a number of South Dakota educators have served on panels to help set achievement levels for the new test. Delivered entirely online, the Smarter Balanced assessment offers significant improvements over multiple choice, paper‐and‐pencil tests of the past. Students now have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways. Writing is required at every grade level, and performance tasks ask students to demonstrate an array of research, writing and problem solving skills. This variety in test items means test results will provide a more meaningful picture of what students know and can do. The new test also offers expanded accessibility features to better meet the needs of all students. Because the new assessment measures student mastery of new, more rigorous standards, student performance on Smarter Balanced should not be compared to performance on Dakota STEP. Any time a new test is introduced, there will be a period of adjustment as students become familiar with the new concepts being assessed. If you must compare results of the two tests, expect to see a drop in the number of students demonstrating proficiency (Levels 3 and 4). This should not be cause for alarm; it means we are challenging students and preparing them for the rigors of postsecondary education and careers in today’s world. It is also important to remember that your child’s score on the state assessment only reflects their performance at one moment in time. Throughout the school year, your student’s teachers continually measure his or her progress through a variety of methods. If you have questions or concerns about the new test, please contact me or your child’s teacher. I also encourage you to try a practice test by visiting Early Childhood News Little Visitors Week at Preschool April 20, 21, 23, 24 “Learning and Growing through Meaningful Play” Do you know of someone who will be four years old by September 1st, who is interested in attending the Elkton Preschool next fall? We would love to have them come to our Little Visitors Week at the Elkton Preschool and join us for a morning or afternoon of play and time to check out Preschool. Preschool visitation will be the week of April 20‐April 24. Please call the Elkton school office (542‐2541) to sign‐up for the morning or afternoon you want your child to come. Visitation times will be 8:30‐10:30 or 1:00‐3:00. A parent or adult will need to bring the Little Visitors to school and pick them up as bus service cannot be provided for them. We will also start accepting registrations for next fall’s Preschool/Jr Kindergerten classes during this week. You may call Mrs. Fargen, the Preschool teacher, if you have questions. (wk: 542‐2541 ext. 219) We are already beginning to make plans for next year’s Preschool/Jr Kindergarten classes. In April we will have an opportunity for children to come and visit our Preschool classroom. I will also start taking registrations in April for next year’s Preschool/Jr Kindergarten classes. It is not necessary to attend the visitation in order to register for Preschool. You may call the school after April 20th if you would like to register a child who is not attending the visitation. Elkton Preschool Information Class Days and Times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays Morning Class 8:15‐11:00 Afternoon Class 12:45‐3:30 There are class size limits. Children must live in the Elkton School District. Children who live outside the Elkton School District can apply for open enrollment. However, open enrollments will not be considered until later in August when the class numbers have been determined. Preschoolers learning about the Post Office Mrs. Fargen Preschool/Jr. Kindergarten Teacher Preschoolers playing at the Ocean Beach Party March Kindergarten Newsletter We are looking ahead and are VERY excited to see Spring on the calendar! We have read several books in Reading including Flower Garden, In the Rain with Baby Duck, Fiesta, Hush! A Thai Lullaby, Three Little Kittens, and Five Little Ducks. We are working on making predictions before we read, while we read and also at the end of the story. The students are learning how to use the illustrations to make predictions about a story and to figure out unknown words. They also worked on the elements of a story including plot, setting, theme, and character. We have done many activities with the letters C and D. The students are able to read simple stories and pick out many words. In math, we have been working on measuring with objects such as linking cubes and popsicle sticks. They have been doing addition problems with pictures and determining which number is greater. During Social Studies, we studied the various presidents and focused on Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. In Science, we have been covering weather and seasons. We talked about Groundhog Day in the beginning of February and made predictions about how much longer winter would be. We also discussed clothing for winter, signs of winter, and activities to do during the winter. Mrs. Jensen Kindergarten Screening Who: All children that will be 5 years old by September 1, 2015 that plan to attend Kindergarten 2015‐2016. When: Thursday, April 9th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Where: Elkton Public School Please call the Elkton Public School at 542‐2541 by Friday, March 27 to set up an appointment with Karla or Annette. Mark your calendars: *Kindergarten Visitation is Monday, May 18 from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. in the Kindergarten room. This is for children age 5 (by September 1st) that will be attending Kindergarten in the Fall 2015 in Elkton. *Kindergarten Graduation is scheduled for Friday, May 15th at 9:15 a.m. in the North Gym. 1st Grade – McCutcheon I want to thank all the parents for all the wonderful treats that were sent to school on Valentine's Day and a special thanks to Jezra Kinner, Melissa Wiskur, and Stephanie Kuemper-Tibbs for the refreshments in the Cafeteria. We appreciate the time you took to help make the occasion extra special. The students had a great time! Our school year is rapidly going by. As we continue throughout the year, I would like to thank the parents for their help with Star Reading (listening to your child read every night), helping your child learn their Spelling words and most recently Journal Writing. The Journal that is sent home every week is a very important tool in helping your child with their writing skills. When your child writes, they are putting down on paper "what they want to tell." The skills needed to do this are handwriting, spelling, language, sentence order, vocabulary, and reading. Writing is such an important part of your child's growth in 1st grade, so the help that you are giving them on this one assignment carries over to all of the above areas. We have recently finished a Math unit in measurement and will start a new unit working more in depth with numbers and story problems. Conferences will be on March 17. I am looking forward to talking with you at that time about your child's progress. Thanks once again for your help and support. 1st Grade – Gunderson February, which is the shortest month and also had a four‐day weekend, came and went quickly! We learned about and celebrated several special days during this short time, including Groundhog Day, Valentines Day, Presidents Day, and Chinese New Year. We had a really fun Valentines Day part, and we thank the parents who were able to help out. We have been learning a lot in our special classes and in the classroom. For example, in math, we are just finishing up a measurement unit during which we were able to find out which fish were “keepers”. We will next learn more advanced addition and subtraction. Having worked on addition and subtraction facts at home with our families each week will help us with this next unit. We continue to read about a variety of topics at school and at home. In addition to writing at school, we are now writing in our draw and write journals at home and sharing our writing with our classmates at school on Fridays. We continue to learn about the sounds and spellings of the English language, and we are especially focusing on short versus long vowels and finding each in our books. A highlight of each month is show and tell, which takes place on the last Friday in each month. We enjoy sharing information about something that is important to us, as well as listening to others describe something that is important to them. 3rd Grade Fun! 3rd grade tied 2nd grade in the hungry games competition. They win ICE CREAM PARTY! The weather is starting to warm up a little. Please continue to send your child with a coat, hat, gloves, snow pants, and snow boots! Also, don’t forget to sign your child’s assignment sheet! For Math, students have working on making and reading graphs. If you see graphs in papers or magazine encourage your child to look at those items. Also, encourage your child to use multiplication and division when possible. For Reading, students are still working on picking their own books! They have developed a love for chapter books! Students are also taking Accelerated Reading tests over their own books and the books I read to them. Please encourage your child to read at home and test over those books as well. For Spelling, students practice their spelling words at school. The still enjoy doing word searches the most! Please have your child study their words at home. For English, students completed a packet about President’s Day. We also read a book filled with President’s facts! In writing, they are writing short papers which allow them to be creative. If you would like to view their animal video you can visit this link:‐15.htm and click animal video. Important Dates for March: March 6th: Anything for Show and Tell March 13th: Something Green for Show and Tell March 20st: No School March 27th: Something that start with M for Show and Tell If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 605‐690‐3361 or [email protected]. 4th Grade News By Mr. Clark Our 4th graders continue their hard work. In reading, students work in their Daily Five groups. They are enjoying short stories and working on specialized vocabulary. They are also focusing on expanding vocabulary, comprehension, accuracy, and fluency skills. In English, students continue working on their grammar skills, spelling skills, book review skills, and writing skills. In writing, students are working on their persuasive writing skills. In science, 4th graders are learning about changes to the Earth’s surface. In social studies, students will continue learning about the land and the people of the Midwest. In math, students are working on their geometry, pattern hunting, daily drills, math power, math investigations, and story problems. To all friends, relatives, and parents, we hope you have a great March!! Box Tops for Education REMINDER: Box Tops have an expiration date, so please turn them in on time or we are throwing “dimes” in the trash. Thank you for your help with this fundraiser. th 5 Grade News Spelling By: Isaac, Charlie, and Tori In spelling we have been working on spelling assignments and tests. Mr.E gives us a pretest on Mondays and if you ace it you don’t have to take the test on Friday. He gives us assignments during the week and if there is a lot of questions it is due Thursday. We are in unit 17 and it is about irregular plurals. That is what we are doing in spelling. Science By: Lane, Cameron, Aiden We have been learning about a lot of stuff from our teacher Mrs. Hegerfeld. We have learned many types of energy we use every day. Like hydroelectric, geothermal, wind energy, and solar. We will have another test on 2/27/15. Computers By: Hannah, Portia, TJ In computer class we did presentations on NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, we got a chance to do something we wanted to type about, and we did a poem. We went on for a while, but we are done with that now. We did worksheets on different things and had to look up the stuff on the paper Mr. Erickson gave us. We did documents about stories like we did a scary story and what we would be in like a fairytale also we did what type of store we would have. English By: EllaMae, Jack, & Michael We learned a lot of things like what different types of sentences. How to use punctuation like periods, exclamation points, commas, and an apostrophe. We also learned plural nouns, possessive nouns, nouns, common nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, action verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs, and capitalization. We learned a lot so far, but we have a lot more stuff to go through. Social Studies By: Miles,Izzy,Aiyanna We have learned about the 13 colonies. They were the first Americans, and first states in the USA. Also, that all of the colonies had slavery but Georgia. Georgia also banned alcohol. The majority of the 13 colonies were Presbyterian. Reading By: Martin Davis, Riley Hunter, Jaime Barrera We just got done reading Where the Red Fern Grows. The book is about a boy whose family is poor but he wants dogs. He works very hard for two years to get enough to buy two dogs for $50. He doesn’t want his family to know so he sneaks off and gets them because his dad want’s a mule. On his journey he gets the puppies, he is going home when a gang of boys pull his dogs ears and Billy hits them and starts a fight then the Marshall comes and breaks up the fight. He buys him a soda and offers him a ride home but Billy says no. He was in the cave and heard a mountain lion. Then the next day he goes to the campsite where he found the ad for the two dogs. And he sees a tree that has Dan and Ann carved in it. After he got home he started training them with a coon hide. The first night they went hunting the dogs treed a coon into the biggest tree around. Then Billy tried to cut it down but it took days to cut down. Then he went to his grandpa’s shop and before he left the Pritchard boys made a bet that Billy dogs can’t catch the ghost coon for $2. Then Billy is at the Pritchard boys house and they chase the coon down into the tree but the coon disappears and Billy looks for the coon and its in a hollow post the coon jumps out and Little Ann chases it but it got away the the Pritchard boy’s dog got out and Old Dan and Little Ann attack it Rubin tries killing Old Dan and Little Ann but Rubin trips and the axe kills Rubin. Then Billy decides to enter the Coon Championship and he won a bunch of matches then got to the championship but the weather was bad but Billy didn’t give up Ann and Dan treed 3 coons but Grandpa got lost so they looked for them. They found Grandpa then got a fire going and Billy warmed coon hides and put them around Grandpas foot. Then the next day they were announcing the winner Billy won the trophies and $300 dollars then Billy’s dad bought a mule. Then they went hunting again and Dan and Ann found a mountain lion but the mountain lion injured the dogs then Billy killed it with the axe. Then the next day Old Dan died then Little Ann died then they got buried by a red fern. Math By: Tyler B, Matthew, David Today at math we had a math test. We've been taught fractions, decimals, order of operations, a new way to divide etc. Everyday we’re supposed to do xtra math and also we’ve learned geometry too. 6th Grade News In math we are still working on area and perimeter of triangles and parallelograms. We have been studying the vocabulary for the unit also. We have been studying the ancient Americas in social studies. Did you know that instead of pyramids they used burial mounds? They were also very skilled builders. There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar is the book that we are reading in reading class. It is about a boy named Bradley Chalkers. He is trying to change his ways to be more accepted by his classmates. The February birthdays include: Zoey, Brendon, and Megan. Our top three AR point earners for the month of February include: Tyler R (31.8 points,) Brendon B (9.5 points,) and Mason M (5 points.) Mrs. Mortland’s ASL class came in to teach the 5th and 6th graders how to sign the Pledge of Allegiance. In this picture Elizabeth Hegerfeld is work with Hannah, Ella Mae, and Jack. XTRAMATH FINISHERS! These 5th and 6th graders have passed all levels of the xtramath program: Back row from left to right: Jack, William, Tyler, Megan, and Brady. Middle row from left to right: Damian, Lane, Isaac, Martin, and EllaMae. Front row from left to right: Ryan, Tyler, Riley, Marcus, Portia, and Brendon Notes from the Nurse March is National Nutritional Month; this annual event reinforces the importance of developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The theme for 2015 is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle”, which encourages everyone to adopt eating and physical activity plans that are focused on consuming fewer calories, making informed food choices and getting daily exercise in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote overall health. A healthful lifestyle, with regular physical activity and an eating pattern chosen to meet individual nutrient needs within calorie limits, is vital to maintaining food health and quality of life. A healthy eating plan emphasizes beverages, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat‐free or low‐fat milk and milk products, seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, bean, nuts and limits foods with added fats, sugars and salt. Nutrient needs should be met primarily through consuming foods. Foods provide an array of nutrients and fibers that have beneficial effects on health. An eating pattern based on the Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate recommendations can accommodate the food preferences, cultural traditions and customs of many diverse groups. The website has the most current nutrition guide published by the USDA. MyPlate can help you use the Dietary Guidelines to: *Find your balance between food and physical activity to manage your weight *Reduce food and food components linked to increased health risks * Increase food and nutrients that promote health while staying with your calorie needs *Build a healthful eating pattern FCCLA News The Elkton FCCLA Chapter has had a busy past month. The February Meeting was held on February 2nd in the FACS Room. National FCCLA Week was held the following week from February 9th‐13th. This included many activities including the Steal‐A‐Heart Days, Red Day, the 6th Grade Recruitment Party, the Member and Teacher Recognition Meals, Valentines Sales, and The Canned Food Drive. All events went very well. Thank you to everyone who contributed and/or donated food items! During the last couple of weeks, members of the Parenting Class have been busy making posters to raise awareness about two trending topics: teen pregnancy and drug abuse. The posters that they made, loaded with facts and statistics about these topics, were hung around the school to raise awareness. Joanna Boll, as a member of the South Dakota FCCLA Trends Team, led the project. The Chapter plans to pursue more projects in these areas of concern. Huge thank you goes out to the students in the Parenting Class who took initiative in making posters and also to those who hung them up. The March Meeting will be held March 16th in the FACS Room. Members who attend will not only be able to contribute conversation in the important topics, but will also receive participation points in the point system, which are needed to attend the State Leadership Conference. The Parent‐Teacher Conferences will be held on March 17th. Members are excited about the opportunity to babysit kids whose parents are meeting with the teachers. The service is free of charge to parents and will include many engaging games and activities for children. The STAR Event Open House will take place on April 9th in the FACS Room, an event which anyone is welcome to attend. The will provide an opportunity for members to showcase their work as they prepare to compete at the State Leadership Conference, which will be held from April 26th‐29th. Members who win in their STAR Event division at State will advance to the National Leadership Conference, which will be held in July in Washington D.C. Dates to Remember: March Meeting: March 16th Parent‐Teacher Conferences: March 17th STAR Event Open House: April 9th State Leadership Conference: April 26th‐28th SCHOOL LIBRARY NEWS State reading programs: Prairie Bud, Prairie Pasque and YARP (Young Adult Reading Program) are all wrapping up. All voting ends March 31 and votes from across South Dakota will be tallied and the winners will be announced during National Library Week in April. A note on Accelerated Reading: Do you want to know if a certain book is “testing?” Log onto and type in the title to see the reading level, point value and interest level. Interest Level is based on a book’s content-its themes and ideas-not its reading level. For example, a book may have a 4.3 reading level, but have content that is better suited for 8th grade. Interest Level does not equal Grade Level. Interest Level is grouped into these categories: LG=Lower Grades (K-3); MG=Middle Grades (4-8); MG+ =Upper Middle Grades (6 & up); and UG=Upper Grades (9-12). Community Library News Story Hour is held every Monday morning at 9:30 with stories, themed activities and check out time. Children age 2 and up are welcome with adult supervision. Call Miss Sherry @ 605-542-4591 with any questions. EBooks: You can borrow and read or listen to eBooks for FREE, from OverDrive at our South Dakota Titles to Go website: You will need a valid library number in order to download to your device, so stop in and see Sherry to start reading on the go! Community Library Hours: Monday & Wednesday 9:00am-1:00pm Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-7:00pm Phone: 605-542-4591 Email: [email protected] Online card catalog: South Dakota Titles to Go: Webpage: Art News Kindergarten through high school art students have been busy working on a variety of projects. Please stop in and see what your child has been doing during conferences Tuesday, March 17 from 3:45 pm to 8 pm. My conferences are held in the art room, room 106 in the northeast corner of the school building. On Friday, March 6 the 7th graders will be going on a field trip to South Dakota State University in Brookings. We will visit the South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum and the Art Department and Ritz Gallery on campus. We will also visit the Brookings Arts Council where the middle school art exhibit with art work from area schools is taking place. The high school art exhibit at the Brookings Arts Council will be March 18 through April 10. The Arts Council is open from noon to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday, and is located on 4th Street across from the Brookings Children’s Museum. March 2015 Bonnie Yackley, K-12 Counselor Events: March 3, 2015 – ND State College of Science rep in Elkton @ 12:00 PM April 7-10, 2015 – State Science Testing for grades 5, 8, and 11 April 13-May 8, 2015 – Smarter Balanced ELA & Math Testing for grades 3-8 & 11 April 20, 2015 – 8th Grade Parent & Student High School Orientation Night @ 7:00 PM in Elkton Telecom Room Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents!! – April 20th at 7:00 pm will be orientation/registration night for 8th graders and their parents. I will be going over the SD state & Elkton High School graduation requirements to prepare parents and students. We will also be reviewing the results of your 8th grader’s interest inventory and his/her Personal Learning Plan for high school along with other relevant information to help your student get ready for high school. Students will then be able to request their courses for next year. Join me in the Telecom Room to gear up for high school!! State Testing Time Rolls Around Again! This year’s State SCIENCE testing window is from April 7-10, 2015. Smarter Balanced Testing for English/Language Arts & Math will take place from April 13-May 8, 2015. Please do your best to avoid student appointments/absences during the testing windows! A letter regarding these required state tests will be sent out to students in the tested grades (3-8 & 11) in the coming weeks. Feel free to contact me or your child’s teacher if you have questions about state testing. Course Requests for 2014-2015: We’re already starting to think about next year! The end of February and beginning of March is when students start making requests for the courses they would like to take for next school year. Students consult their Personal Learning Plans when making these requests, but I also encourage them to share their requests at home. If you wish to see what your child is requesting for next year’s classes, please have them show you by logging into their Infinite Campus student portal account during the request window. Information about state and Elkton High School requirements for graduation, along with course descriptions, can be found on my website ( - Click “Elkton High School Course Registration & High School Planning Manual”). If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Juniors: Don’t forget to sign up for the ACT for this spring or summer! See the sign across from the counseling office for sign up info and deadlines, or check it out at!! 2/27/2015 Activities Calender Elkton Activities Calendar March 2015 <February SUNDAY MONDAY 1.JO Volleyball 2.7:00 1st @ Elkton Round Boys Districts TUESDAY 3.7:00 2nd Round Boys Districts @ Elkton 10.8:00 FFA Invite @ DeSmet 5:00 Festival for You Voices Concert SDSU Performing Arts Center 7:00 Boys Regions @ Madison 17.Parent Teacher Conferences 3:458:00 WEDNESDAY 4.School Dismisses @ 2:15 8. 9. 7:00 School Board Meeting 15. 16. 22. 23.6:00 Local 24. State 25.School Science Fair @ Science Fair Dismisses @ Elkton @ Brookings 2:15 29.JO Volleyball @ Elkton 30. 31. 11.School Dismisses @ 2:15 End of 3rd Quarter 18.School Dismisses @ 2:15 April > THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 5.7:00 Girls Basketball Regions @ Madison 12.Girls Basketball State B's @ Huron 6.6:30 Boys District Finals @ Dell Rapids 7. 19.Boys Basketball State B's @ Aberdeen 20.Boys 21.Boys Basketball State Basketball State B's @ Aberdeen B's @ Aberdeen NO SCHOOL 13.Girls 14.Girls Basketball State Basketball State B's @ Huron B's @ Huron 26.AllStar 27. Basketball Game 5:45 Coaches Game 6:30 Girls Game 7:45 Boys Game Adults $4.00 Students $2.00 28.JO Volleyball @ Elkton 6:00 Elkton Nation Hall Fame Banquet Community Center 1/1 2/27/2015 Menu ELKTON MENU March <February April> Salad Bar Served Daily Milk Included Chocolate milk available on Wednesday MONDAY 2. Breakfast: Cereal Toast Jelly Juice Milk TUESDAY 3. Lunch: Chicken on a Biscuit Peas & Carrots Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: French Toast Sticks Syrup Fruit Juice Milk WEDNESDAY 4. Lunch: Goulash Corn Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Egg & Cheese Biscuit Fruit Juice Milk THURSDAY 5. Lunch: Hot dog Bun Baked Beans Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza Fruit Juice Milk FRIDAY 6. Lunch: Chili Corn Bread Fruit Crackers Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Assorted Strudel Juice Fruit Milk Lunch: Cheese Pizza Peas Fruit Salad Bar Milk 9. Breakfast: Cereal Toast Jelly Juice Milk 10. Lunch: Teriyaki Chicken rice Broc. & Cauliflower Fruit Salad Bar Milk 16. Breakfast: Cereal Toast Jelly Juice Milk Lunch: Chicken Alfredo Garlic Toast Corn Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Waffles Syrup Sausage Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Spaghetti Garlic Bread Mixed Veg. Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick Syrup Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Beef Fajitas Shell Mixed Salad Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: French Toast Sticks Syrup Sausage Fruit Juice Milk 12. Lunch: Pork Patty Baked Potato Beets Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Egg & Cheese Omelet Toast Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup" Cheese Sandwich Crackers Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: :Yogurt Muffin Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Chicken NuggetsBaked Beans Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Lunch: Company French Toast Sausage Tri tater Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Coffee Cake String Cheese Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Chicken Sandwich Bun Tater Tots Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Skillet Frittata Toast Fruit Juice Milk Lunch: Tater Tot Hot dish Peas Homemade Bread Fruit Salad Bar Milk Lunch: Potato Soup Egg salad Sandwich Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Lunch: Fruit Milk Fruit Salad Bar Milk 27. Lunch: BBQ's Bun Green Beans Fruit Salad Bar Milk Lunch: Breakfast: Long John Juice Fruit Milk 20.NO SCHOOL 26. Lunch: Hamburger/Gravy Corn Bread Fruit Salad Bar Milk 13. Breakfast: Biscuit & Gravy Fruit Juice Milk 19. 25. 31. Lunch: Corn Dog TriTater Birthday Cake Fruit Birthday Cake Salad Bar Milk Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Ham Toast Fruit Juice Milk 18. 24. 30. Breakfast Cereal Toast Jelly Juice Milk 11. Lunch: Tetrazzini Ham Dinner Corn Fruit Bread Salad Bar Milk 17. 23. Breakfast: Cereal Toast Jelly Juice Milk Breakfast: Pancake Syrup Sausage Fruit Juice Milk Breakfast: Sugar Donut Fruit Fruit Milk Lunch: Maxi Cheese Sticks Sauce Corn Fruit Salad Bar Milk Breakfast Lunch Breakfast Lunch Breakfast: Lunch: Breakfast: Lunch: Breakfast: Lunch: Breakfast: Lunch: Breakfast: Lunch: 1/1
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