JANE’S FIGHTING STARSHIPS The Marshborn Confederacy “Crusties” version1.0 FIRST CONTACT WITH HUMANITY 2171 Full Thrust- Fleet Book 4 The Alien Menace http://emeraldcoastskunkworks.wordpress.com/ Credits and Thanks Original FULL THRUST designed and written by: Jon Tuffley CROSS DIMENSIONS developed by: Hugh Fisher CONTINUUM: THE CROSS DIMENSIONS SUPPLEMENT by: Jim Klein and the E.C.S.W. THE GAME SPACE of Pensacola, Florida: without whose generous support and encouragement this work would not be possible Thanks to the Gang at Emerald Coast Skunk Works for their diligence in editing this, and everyone who contributed ideas or feedback, and to Jon Tuffley and GZG for permission to distribute this book and for his most gracious support. This version would not exist without the earlier inspiration and hard work of Jon Tuffley and all the previous contributors to FULL THRUST. This publication has been produced as a free, non-commercial project with the agreement of Ground Zero Games. All original text and rules taken from GZG’s Full Thrust rules and supplements are copyright of Jon Tuffley and GZG, additional new material is by Emerald Coast Skunk Works. None of the original Full Thrust material used in this publication may be reused or further modified in any form without the express permission of Jon Tuffley and GZG. Full Thrust is a trademark of Ground Zero Games, and is used here with permission. Owners of this publication are hereby granted permission to print any required System Status Displays or record sheets for personal use only. All artwork and images in this book were found on the internet and are assumed to be in the public domain however they are property of their creators and in no way is claimed by the producers. History and Society: The Marshborn Confederation or ‘Crusties’, as humans tend to call them, are bipedal crustaceans. The Marshborn have been a space faring civilization centuries longer than humans. Several centuries ago they came into conflict with a highly aggressive species and were thrust into a war that lasted decades. The final outcome was the conquest and destruction of all their colonies including the Marshborn home world itself. The Crusties of today are all refugees living a nomadic life and have an almost feudalistic society with at least 6 distinct clans identified. The Marshborn once had an extraordinarily developed high tech society. The ships we see today are all that is left of that technology and some are centuries old. State of the fleet and military: Marshborn ships were once technological marvels but are now cobbled together and heavily jury rigged. Despite this they are not to be underestimated. Their ships, particularly their capital ships, tend to somewhat larger class for class than their human counterparts. The ships employ screens that function in a similar fashion to humans screens. However these defenses are augmented by gravity generators that create powerful force fields around the ship. These fields can regenerate to a small degree during a battle making the ships difficult to destroy. Once these fields are penetrated, however, the Marshborn ships are remarkably fragile mainly due to their age and state of repair. The weapon systems of Marshborn ships tend to fall into two categories: variable fusion beam weapons and expendable rapid fire ‘sprint’ missiles (submunition packs). At one time these weapons had far greater capabilities but centuries of constant repair have taken their toll. Lastly the Marshborn are capable of limited teleportation and almost all their capital ships have teleporters. In most cases these are used to retrieve whatever resources the fleet needs from a planetary surface but it is not unheard of for these to be used in space combat as well. In most clans all of the smaller ships had their Fusion weaponry stripped out ages ago and used to repair lager vessels. The Beam batteries shown in this fleet book were obtained after contact with humanity. Most were obtained in trade while others were captured in raids. Contact with humans: Humanity’s initial contact with the Marshborn occurred over two decades ago. So far most incursions have taken place at the edge of ESU and FSE space. Some of the Clans have been friendly while others downright hostile. the 5 row ships prevents them from mounting overloaded pulse torpedoes. The Regenerative Armor boxes represent the force fields of the Crustie ships. As with all armor it will not protect the aft arc of the ship. The next thing to consider is the Crustie lack of carriers. Utilizing high attrition units (fighters) would be counterproductive for a species that has severe ‘man power’ shortages. It makes sense therefore they would develop a method for dealing with fighter and missile attacks without having significant fighter cover. This is the reason for ‘Grape Shot’ launchers. They will give a Crustie fleet significant protection against ordinance but only for a limited amount of time. Finally it would not be unusual for Crustie ships to go into battle with some, or all, of their expendable munitions depleted. Players should feel free to cross off Grape Shot or Submunition Packs as expended and deduct those points from the cost of the ship. Authors notes: The Crusties were originally developed by GZG for their 15mm Stargrunt range of figures. Ambush Alley Games utilized them in their Tomorrow’s War game and developed much of the back ground for them. GZG then produced a line of star ships to go with them. It is this background that formed the basis for this fleet book. Players will note many ships have 5 rows versus the usual 4. This is to represent ships that are in bad shape with extensive jury rigged equipment. While equipment in this condition may function perfectly well even under stress, it is usually more easily damaged and thus the reason for the 5 row hulls. The structural weakness of MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CANADASPIS CLASS SUPER DREADNAUGHT (Compromised hull) 740NPV/1004CPV (+Marines) 220 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY SHELLACK CLASS LIGHT CARRIER 608NPV/629CPV (+ fighters) 167 Mass Hangar Bays DO NOT use the Critical Hits to Hangar Bays rules REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields *Ship may upgrade its Pulse Torpedoes to fire Overload Torps for +10 points MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY SHELLACK CLASS MEDIUM CARRIER (compromised hull) 591NPV/612CPV (+fighters) 167 Mass Hangar Bays DO use the Critical Hits to Hangar Bays rules REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY SESSILIA CLASS BATTLECRUISER 478 NPV/517 CPV (+Marines) 130 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. *Ship may upgrade its Pulse Torpedoes to fire Overload Torps for +10 points MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY SESSILIA CLASS BATTLECRUISER (compromised hull) 463NPV/502CPV (+Marines) 130 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CRAB CLASS STRIKE CRUISER 398NPV/410CPV (+Marines) 111 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). SHORT RANGE PULSE TORPEDO (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding Party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CRAB CLASS STRIKE CRUISER (compromised hull) 386NPV/398CPV (+Marines) 111 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). SHORT RANGE PULSE TORPEDO (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY MORAY CLASS HEAVY CRUISER (compromised hull) 303NPV/290 CPV (+Marines) 85 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CRITTER CLASS LIGHT CRUISER 246NPV/224 CPV 66 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields *Ship may upgrade its Pulse Torpedo to fire Overloaded Torps for +6 points MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CRITTER CLASS LIGHT CRUISER (compromised hull) 239NPV/217CPV 66 Mass REGENERATING FORCE FIELDS Roll 1D6. 1-not repairable, 2-4 no effect, 5-6 field regenerates GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). PULSE TORPEDOES (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY PRAWN CLASS HEAVY DESTROYER (compromised hull) 130NPV/106CPV 42 Mass GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). SHORT RANGE PULSE TORPEDO (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields BEAM BATTERIES Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 Class 2 Battery 2 1 MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY CRAWFISH CLASS DESTROYER (compromised hull) 82NPV/62CPV 28 Mass GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). SHORT RANGE PULSE TORPEDO (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields BEAM BATTERIES Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 Class 2 Battery 2 1 Submunition Packs 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields Note: 4 mass not used to show portions of the ship cannibalized to repair larger vessels MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY HERMIT CLASS FRIGATE 42NPV/31CPV 12 Mass GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). BEAM BATTERIES Dice at range: 0-12 Class 1 Battery 1 MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY GOBI CLASS ASSAULT FRIGATE 41NPV/30 CPV (+ Marines) 12 Mass GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). TRANSPORTERS Range 12MU Roll 1D as for beam batteries. Every HIT generated allows player to send one Boarding party or Marine unit. MARSHBORN CONFEDERACY MINNOW CLASS CORVETTE 35NPV/26 CPV 10 Mass GRAPESHOT (ONE SHOT) PDS (POINT DEFENCE SYSTEM) Each shot roll 4 PDS. Against Fighters or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first die roll). SHORT RANGE PULSE TORPEDO (Semi Armor Piercing) Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu DP 1D6, ignores shields BEAM BATTERIES Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 Class 2 Battery 2 1 SUBMUNITIONS PACKS 3BD* hits to 6 mu, 2 BD* to 12 mu, and 1 BD* to 18 mu. By passes standard shields. Advanced shields work as standard shields Marshborn Star Fighters Standard Fighters 18 points Attack Fighters 24 points Heavy Attack Fighters Heavy Torpedo Fighters 42 points 54 points Crusties Model Range http://www.groundzerogames.co.uk/index.php?_a=category&cat_ id=129 FT-1606 Crusty LIGHT CRUISER, Sss'Ka'Tk'Tk class (UNSC codename "CRAKE"). Single 3-part model, incl… FT-1603 Crusty Attack Craft (Corvette-sized), K'Knn'TK class (UNSC codename "CATFISH"). Pack of THREE m… FT-1620 "CRUSTY" HEAVY BATTLESHIP Vk'ca'tk'Knn class (UNSC codename "CROWBAR"). Includes meta… FT-1618 "CRUSTY" HEAVY CRUISER, Tk'ch'ch'Ksss class (UNSC codename "CUTLASS"). 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