How to Conduct a Low Energy (Carbon-14) Radiolabel Human AME study: Study preparation and planning, design, clinical procedures, sample collection and mass balance analysis 如何进行C-14人体AME试验 Dennis Heller, Ph.D. XenoBiotic Laboratories, Inc. Human Radiolabel “AD ME” Studies Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion Radiolabel (14C - low energy, long half-life) “Mass Balance” study (what goes in, must come out) Phase I clinical PK study Most drugs will require some type of AME study Other clinical uses of radiolabels (not covered today) Radiopharmaceuticals used in diagnostic Nuclear Medicine (99mTc, 111In, 123I, 67Ga), SPECT, PET imaging (11C, 13N, 18F, 68Ga, 52Fe, 201Tl) Gamma Scintigraphy – follow the drug/formulation transit and dissolution through the body (99mTc, 51Cr, 67Ga, 111In, 123I, 153Sm, 153Gd) Radiopharmaceuticals used in Radiotherapy for cancer (Brachytherapy) (89Sr, 90Y, 131I, , 198Au, 192Ir, 137Cs) Presentation Outline Why we conduct human AME studies When we conduct them How we conduct them – study design and preparation Sample collection and analysis Summary Human 14C-AME Mass Balance Study Primary Objectives • Determine the PK of Total Radioactivity, unchanged drug, and metabolites in plasma (测定血浆中总放射性、受试物和代谢产物的PK) • Determine mass balance and extent of absorption(测定物质平衡和吸收) • Determine the clearance pathways (routes of elimination) and rates of elimination in urine and feces(确定清除途径和从尿粪排除速率) • Profile and identify circulating metabolites in plasma, and excreted metabolites in urine and feces(鉴定血浆中循环代谢产物以及尿粪中排除的代谢产物) • Determine the exposure of the parent compound and its major metabolites – quantify metabolites relative to parent and the total(测定受试物及代谢产物的暴 露量) Pharmacokinetics of Radioactivity in Plasma Why is half-life of TRA longer than metabolites? Total Radioactivity (TRA) Parent M1 M2 Some drug residues are covalently bound to plasma proteins 为什么总放射性的t1/2 长于所有代谢产物 M3 共价键结合 Mass Balance Based on 14C Total Urine Feces It is straightforward to demonstrate rate and extent of recovery, in this case ~95% (排泄和回收率结果直观明了) Human 14C-AME Study Timing 60% 51.9% 50% 40.7% 40% 30% 20% 10% 7.4% 0.0% 0% Early Phase I Early Phase II After POC Phase III N. Penner, L. Klunk, C. Prakash, Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 30:185-203, 2009. Typical ADME Knowledge Base Prior to Human 14C-AME Study (进行人体14C-AME试验前需了解的) • In vitro models for human/preclinical species metabolism – Microsomes, hepatocytes, S9, liver slices – Reaction phenotyping for major anticipated pathways • In vitro models for transport – P-gp, maybe other uptake or efflux transporters • Preclinical radiolabeled ADME studies – May point to a unique biotransformation pathway not detected in vitro – Could indicate the potential for non-metabolic clearance (biliary, renal) • PK parameters of parent drug – Cmax, Tmax, Half-life, etc. • Plasma profiling from non-radiolabeled human studies – Can often identify major circulating human metabolites, single, multidose studies – Preliminary qualitative MIST evaluation Why Conduct Human 14C-AME Studies As Early As Possible? (14C-为什么人体越早进行越好) Definitive Human metabolic pathway – elucidate structures of prominent human metabolites – complete picture Relative exposure of parent & metabolites, %AUC in plasma (%Dose in excreta) identify major and long-lived metabolites Compare quantitative profiles to pre-clinical Tox species (MIST guidance*) and in vitro – help to validate Tox species Identify any unique human biotransformation pathways? Implications for mechanism of action/pharmacology/toxicity – which metabolites should be monitored in clinical trials? Active Metabolites?, QT study? * Metabolites in Safety Testing (MIST): FDA Guidance, 02/2008, ICH M3 Guidelines, 2009, FDA Guidance M3(R2), 01/2010 Why Conduct Human 14C-AME Studies As Early As Possible? (14C-为什么人体越早进行越好) Plan clinical DDI studies, renal/hepatic impaired (肝肾不正常), elderly, pediatric Plan future PK and phase II/III study dose levels Gender differences Polymorphically expressed enzymes, CYP450, Transporters (e.g. PM, EM subgroups) (多态酶,慢代谢、快代谢) Assist with possible BCS class 1 biowaiver Plan carcinogenicity study – match metabolites Future drug design – protect IP Preliminary understanding of the DMPK properties of a drug from pre-clinical and early clinical work Human 14C-AME Study Mature understanding of DMPK the properties of a drug – recognition of remaining knowledge gaps Human 14C-AME Studies - Preparation - Human 14C-AME Study – Preparation • Radiolabelling (放射性标记) Carbon-14 (14C) preferred isotope. Position of Radiolabel – stable incorporation – follows metabolites – single or multiple positions? Radiopurity and Radiochemical stability (potential for radiolysis) • Formulating/Dose Preparation Solution, suspension, capsule (uniform distribution of hot/cold) Hot and cold compound must be chemically identical (salts, free base or acid, same physical form If suspension, dissolve hot and cold together in suitable solvent, then evaporate solvent GMP cold material, quasi-GMP hot material UK, Europe – final preparation step of dose formulated to GMP Radiolabelling 14C Labeling Replaces 12C within the Molecular Structure OCH3 O O O N S H NH O [14C]Apremilast M. Hoffman et al. Xenobiotica; 41 (12): 1063-1075, 2011 O O * Indicates positions of radiolabel O N O * * O OH N O O O [14C]Peliglitazar Wang L. et. al. Drug Metab Dispos.;39:228-238, 2011. Human 14C-AME Studies - Dosimetry - Dosimetry Analysis (辐射剂量分析) Prediction of the Radiation Absorbed Dose from Internal Exposure to Low Energy Beta Radiation Objective To reasonably (21CFR312.23) predict the radiation absorbed dose to human volunteers (whole body and critical organs) from internal exposure to a radiolabeled drug Dosimetry - Prediction of Human Radiation Absorbed Dose from Animal ADME Data (通过动物ADME试验数据预测人体吸收药物的辐射) Requires • Rodent QWBA or traditional tissue necropsy study – Pigmented animals – melanin binding • Rodent Excretion balance study • Same route of administration as the planned human study QWBA Sections of Pigmented Rat 2 hours 28 days The MIRD System1 D = Ã/m · · D = absorbed dose (rad or Gy) (1 Gy = 100rad = 1 Joule/kg) Ã = cumulative Activity = AUC0- (mCi ·hr) m = mass of the target organ (g) = conversion factor, includes the MeV/transition info specific to each isotope (rad ·g/mCi ·hr) = 0.105 for 14C = absorbed fraction = 1 for non-penetrating emissions 1. MIRD (Medical Internal Radiation Dose) Primer For Absorbed Dose Calculations, Revised Edition, 1991, prepared by R. Loevinger, T. F. Budinger, E.E. Watson, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 136 Madison Ave, New York, NY, 10016 Absorbed Dose per Unit Administered Activity (Ao) for Non-penetration Radiation For Carbon-14 D/Ao = Ã/Ao · 0.105/morgan(target) D/Ao = absorbed dose per unit administered activity (rad/mCi) Ã/Ao = cumulative activity as a fraction of the administered activity (%Ao) = AUC0- of the time activity curve/Ao (mCi·hr/mCi = hr) • AUC0- values calculated using non-compartmental PK software • Prior to calculating AUCs, the animal time activity data may be allometrically scaled by relative organ mass scaling and/or physiological time scaling Calculate Effective Dose (ED)1 • Allows non-uniform internal doses to be expressed as an equivalent whole body dose • Used for setting dose limits for general public, occupation workers, fetus • ED = T Abs. Dose Equivalent* (rem or Sv) ·W T • ED allows the expression of dose estimates from several different organs as a single number – related to overall radiation risk – allows easier comparison of different procedures in nuclear medicine as well as diagnostic x-ray, etc. – Weighting factors are relevant to population averages, thus ED should not be used to evaluate risk to an individual *Absorbed Dose Equivalent: rem (rad equivalent man) = rad x quality factor (= 1.0 for b and g) Sv ‘Sievert’ (1 Sv = 100rem) 1. ICRP Publication 103 (2007), ICRP Publication 60 (1991) After Dosimetry Calculations How much Radioactivity (Ci) to Give? 1. 2. Justify Use: Risk vs. Benefit Benefit: none for normal healthy volunteers Risk: no detectable adverse effects from quantity administered Optimize Exposure: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) High Enough activity to obtain acceptable signals in biological samples Can be an issue if Specific Activity is too low (e.g. for proteins) Effective Dose ≤ 1 mSv (100 mrem) = ca. 50-125 Ci Carbon-14 administered activity Radiation Dose Limits for An Adult Research Subject - FDA mrem mSv 1. Single Dose 3,000 30 2. Annual and Total Dose Commitment 5,000 50 1. Single Dose 5,000 50 2. Annual and Total Dose Commitment 15,000 150 21CFR361.1 Whole body, active blood-forming organs, lens of eye, gonads Other Organs Risk Classification: ICRP Publication 62, 1992 Level of Risk Risk Category (Total Risk) mSv Level of Social Benefit Needed Trivial (10-6 or less) <0.1 Minor Minor IIa (10-5) 0.1 to 1 Intermediate 1-10 to Moderate to Intermediate IIb (10-4) Moderate III (10-3 or more) > 10 Substantial Average Effective Dose Equivalent per Medical X-ray Exam in US NCRP(93), NCRP (100) Extremities Chest Skull Cervical Spine Kidneys, Uterus, Bladder Pelvis and Hip CT- Head and Body Lumbar Spine IVP (intravenous pyelogram) Biliary tract Upper GI Barium Enema mrem mSv 1 6 20 20 55 65 110 130 160 190 245 405 0.01 0.06 0.20 0.20 0.55 0.65 1.10 1.30 1.60 1.90 2.45 4.05 Average Annual Effective Dose Equivalent for Member of US Population NCRP(93) A. Natural Background 1. Cosmic 2. Cosmogenic radionuclides 3. Terrestrial 4. Internal 5. Inhaled Subtotal Natural B. Man Made 1. Medical a. Diagnostic X-rays b. Nuclear Medicine 2. Consumer Products 3. Other Subtotal Man Made Total mrem mSv 27 1 28 39 200 295 0.27 0.01 0.28 0.39 2.00 2.95 39 14 11 <1 65 0.39 0.14 0.11 <0.01 0.65 360 3.60 Human 14C-AME Studies - Study Design - Human 14C-AME Study – Study Design • Considered a “Phase 1” PK Study • Route of Administration Match intended clinical route – typically oral • • Single Dose Subjects • Drug Dose (mg) – close to predicted efficacious clinical dose Radioactive “Dose” = activity (Ci) – ca. 50-125 Ci Carbon-14 Normal Healthy volunteers (typically) 4-8 males, sometimes females (non-reproductive status) Duration of Stay Depends on drug half-life and clearance Typically 7-28 days (with exit criteria on mass balance) Human 14C-AME Studies Approval and Oversight Due to administration of radioactivity, there is additional oversight and approval compared to typical phase I PK study Dosimetry – requires rodent ADME study data Informed Consent – list Risks from radiation exposure Authorized User (FDA 10CFR35.100) – person trained to administer radioactivity (e.g. Nuclear Medicine Physician) Sometimes, additional approval - ARSAC (UK), RDRC (if no IND) (ARSAC) Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (RDRC) Radioactive Drug Research Committee (FDA Guidance, 2010) Human 14C-AME Protocol Unique Elements • Subject Exclusion Criteria Subject has participated in a radio-labeled clinical trial within the last 12 months prior to the first dose of study medication Subject has had significant radiation exposure (such as serial X-rays, CT scans, barium studies, occupational exposure) within the last 12 months • Other restrictions – Female Subjects – non-reproductive status Surgically sterile (hysterectomy) or post menopausal • Screening Tests – If include Female Subjects Pregnancy Test A serum pregnancy test will be performed on all female subjects at Screening. A urine pregnancy test will be performed on all female subjects at Day –1 (Check-in) and at the end of the study Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Female Subjects Only) - A follicle stimulating hormone test will be performed on female subjects who are less than 1 year postmenopausal at Screening Human 14C-AME Protocol Unique Elements • Informed Consent Includes mention of the use of a small amount of low energy radioactivity to monitor the metabolism and disposition properties of the drug and that the risks due to this small exposure are low. Typically compare exposure to that obtained when receiving routine X-rays to the head or abdomen (per dosimetry analysis). Human 14C-AME Protocol Unique Elements This is a confined study!! • • Exit Criteria – Subjects are finished when... Achieve “mass balance”: 90% of Dose recovered or ≤1% of Dose in excreta in two consecutive 24 hour intervals and < 2 x background in two consecutive PK time points Requires daily analysis of total radioactivity and quick turnaround of results feedback data to clinical team for decision making Human 14C-AME Protocol Sample Collection to Meet Objectives • Protocol Objectives - PK Analysis • Parent Drug concentration in plasma (LC-MS) Total Radioactivity (TR) in whole blood, plasma (LSC) Metabolite profiling/ID and concentrations (AUC) in plasma (whole blood) (Radioprofiling off-line, on-line) Total Radioactivity, metabolite profiling/ID and %Dose in excreta Renal Clearance Sample Collection Blood collection – longer time course than for just parent PK Safety endpoints: typical of a Phase I study Complete excreta (urine and feces) to achieve mass balance: 7-14 days is typical – subject to exit criteria Sometimes expired air Sample Collection and Processing – Blood/Plasma Blood Collection – volumes Whole blood aliquots for TRA analysis – 2 x 1-1.5 mL blood Plasma for TRA analysis – 2 x 3-5 mL blood Plasma for cold LC-MS/MS analysis - 2 x 3-5 mL blood Plasma for metabolite profiling - 2 x 5-10 mL blood only for subset of the time points selected for metabolite profiling Total 24-43 mL per time point (for time points with Radioprofiling sample) Blood Collection/Processing Compound specific stabilizer in blood tube? e.g. citric acid, formic acid? Reserve small aliquot of whole blood for LSC analysis Standard processing of blood to plasma. Prepare small aliquot of plasma for immediate LSC analysis for exit criteria Prepare and store (-20oC or -70oC) remaining plasma subsamples for future assay Sample Collection and Processing – Urine Urine Collection Collect each void – record approximate volume, time and date Add any stabilizer/surfactant if needed e.g. 10% 1M phosphate buffer + 2% Tween-20 Address Non-specific binding to collection containers if needed e.g. pre-rinse all collection containers with 15% Triton-X 100 solution and let dry add each void volume to the 24-hour pooling container and store refrigerated until processing Urine Processing Record total volume (or better - weight) from each collection interval Mix together total volume from each interval thoroughly Prepare small aliquot for immediate LSC analysis for mass balance/exit criteria Prepare and store (-20oC or -70oC) sub-samples (2-4 x 25-50 mL) for future assay Do not discard remaining quantities of original samples Sample Collection and Processing – Feces Fecal Sample Collection Collect each void (entire sample) in separate container/bag – time and date store refrigerated until processing Collect toilet paper in separate container/bag Fecal Sample Processing Combine stool samples from same 24-hour interval if more than one Weigh sample – determine net weight of sample (tare weight) Homogenization 1 to 3x of 1:1 isopropanol:water or 1:1 methanol:water or just water Homogenize in blender/polytron. Add additional aqueous if needed to obtain homogeneous mixture Record all added volumes. Prepare small aliquot for immediate LSC analysis for mass balance/exit criteria Prepare and store (-20oC or -70oC) sub-samples (2 x 20-50 g) for future assay Do not discard remaining quantities of original samples Urine Collection Containers Individual void collection tip – use same container for each subject for duration of study! male female 24-hour collection container tip – may need more than one per person per 24 hr interval! Urine Processing Containers Beakers to mix and measure total volume per interval Various sizes (2, 4, 6 L) HDPE or PP, or glass Sub-sampling – Tip – do not fill to top! Fecal Collection Containers “Hat” configuration for toilet seat insert – with our without plastic bag insert Fecal Homogenization Wide mouth blending containers Various sizes (0.5, 1, 2, 4L) HDPE or PP Polytron homogenizer Sub-sampling – Tip – do not fill to top! Human 14C-AME Study Preparation at the Clinic • Clinical Unit/Subject Training • Procedures in place to ensure collection of all urine and feces Strict procedures and instructions to Subjects to achieve 100% compliance with sample collection – emphasis on collecting entire void, not just a portion! Facilities Licensed to handle and use radioactivity Radiation Safety Officer, Radiation Safety training, Radiation Safety Program Special areas for radioactive Dose preparation, sample processing Housing areas for subject confinement for 1- 3 weeks Strict control of urine and faecal collection No ability to flush toilets or discard samples Sufficient freezer/refrigerator space to stored collected samples RAD Waste disposal procedures Human 14C-AME Study Successful Outcome? • Achieve Mass Balance (达到物质平衡)? 90+ % average recovery is considered successful Typically, individual subject recoveries range from 80-95%. Typically higher values if Drug mostly excreted in urine and lower values if Drug mostly excreted in feces Why? Human 14C-AME Study Successful Outcome? • Reasons for Low Recovery (回收率低的原因) Inaccuracies in dose (preparation of delivery, and/or analysis Incomplete collection of excreta or missed samples Emesis (non collected), especially after dosing Inaccuracies in sample processing (mixing, weights and volumes) and analysis (LSC counting) Radiolabel lost in expired air – can measure if a possible route of elimination - based on pre-clinical ADME study Drug still remaining in body – even if exit criteria met Long plasma t½ Tissue binding (covalent binding or non-covalent sequestration) Human AME Studies - Sample Analysis - Human 14C-AME Mass Balance Study Primary Objectives • Determine the PK of Total Radioactivity, unchanged drug, and metabolites in plasma (测定血浆中总放射性、受试物和代谢产物的PK) • Determine mass balance and extent of absorption(测定物质平衡和吸收) • Determine the clearance pathways (routes of elimination) and rates of elimination in urine and feces(确定清除途径和从尿粪排除速率) • Profile and identify circulating metabolites in plasma, and excreted metabolites in urine and feces(鉴定血浆中循环代谢产物以及尿粪中排除的代谢产物) • Determine the exposure of the parent compound and its major metabolites – quantify metabolites relative to parent and the total(测定受试物及代谢产物的暴 露量) Analytical challenges of AME Studies • Low level radioactivity detection required – The specific activity(total radioactivity in dose/total mass of dose) used in AME studies is typically 20-100 times lower than those used for radiolabeled studies conducted in preclinical species. • Limited sample availability (plasma/blood) – AME studies are clinical studies (limited number of subjects, limited plasma per time point) • Novel Metabolites – Some metabolites may be detected for the first time in the course of conducting a human AME study (human unique/prevalent, unusual structure, highly polar or non-polar) – Lack of analytical standards – Often requires adjustments of bioanalytical methods. Challenges are overcome with modern instrumentation and analytical techniques Human 14C-AME: Analytical Activities Study Planning Dose Preparation Dosing/ Sample Collection Total Radioactivity Measurement Metabolite Profiling / Met ID/Quantitation • How much sample is needed to perform various analyses? • Does the test compound have any properties that require special consideration (binding to plastic, unstable metabolites, sensitivity to light, etc.) Characterization of dose (specific activity, radiochemical purity) Dose concentration of Delivered dose (pre &post), sample weights/volumes, interval pooling stabilizers, additives to containers to prevent NSB • Liquid scintillation counting (LSC), plasma and urine directly • Combustion of feces, whole blood • What sample pooling method is appropriate? • How should samples be extracted prior to metabolite profiling? • What radioprofiling method(s) to use? • Quantitation of parent & metabolites of interest in plasma (and occasionally excreta) by LC-MS? • What mass spectrometry method(s) to use? • What “quality control” measures are appropriate? Total Radioactivity Analysis (TRA) • Sample Processing/Counting • Pre-study preparation • Plasma and Urine – counted directly by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) Blood and fecal homogenate – combusted/oxidized first Check counting recoveries – spike dosing solution into matrices at several concentrations and check recoveries – use as future QCs in the run. Sample Collection Stabilizers in blood tube, urine; e.g. citric acid? Non-specific binding to collection containers for urine? Procedures to be established & verified prior to study start Metabolite Profiling(代谢物谱) • There are two primary objectives of metabolite profiling 1. To obtain estimates of the relative abundance of metabolites For excreta - estimate percent of administered dose. For plasma - estimate percent of circulating drug-related material (%AUC of TRA) 2. To structurally characterize metabolites The abundance of a metabolite will determine the extent of characterization required (MIST, institutional guidelines) • Metabolite profiling steps include: – – – – Sample pooling Sample extraction Radio-profiling Metabolite identification Sample Pooling (Plasma)/AUC Pooling • parent DPM • • Due to issues common to AME studies (low plasma radioactivity, limited plasma sample availability and large amount of samples) plasma samples are often pooled to reduce the number of analyses that need to be conducted A common approach is “AUC pooling” (also known as Hamilton1 pooling) The pooling method is essentially a mathematical transformation of the trapezoidal method of calculating AUC The relative concentrations of drug and metabolites in an AUC pooled sample should approximate the relative exposure of drug and metabolites within the time range of the samples pooled [drug, metabolite] • t0 t1 t2 Time tn Time Point Amount of plasma to add to pool is proportional to t0 t1-t0 intermediate points (tx) tX+1-tX-1 tn tn-tn-1 metabolite Retention Time 1. Hamilton et al., Clin Pharmacol Ther. 29:408-413, 1981 Time Point 001 Plasma Concentration (ng equivalents/mL) Subject Number 002 003 004 005 Mean Predose BLQ BLQ 0.50 h 75.7 33.3 1h 257 159 1.50 h 245 177 2h 231 172 3h 188 142 4h 153 115 6h 105 76.1 8h 70.2 52.8 10 h 60.5 41.3 12 h 54.5 40.4 24 h 23.6 14.5 48 h 6.99 BLQ 72 h BLQ BLQ 96 h BLQ BLQ 120 h BLQ BLQ 144 h BLQ BLQ 168 h D BLQ D 192 h BLQ D D 216 h D D 240 h D D 264 h D D 288 h BLQ Below the limit of quantitation. D Subject discharged from clinical unit BLQ 38.4 140 179 183 141 120 78.8 58.5 50.3 34.8 16.6 BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ D D D D BLQ 138 156 185 188 151 140 87.4 75.2 64.3 41.7 19.4 7.41 BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ D D D D D D BLQ 143 180 153 114 102 89.1 54.3 41.8 36.5 31.2 13.7 BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ BLQ 0.00 85.6 178 188 177 145 124 80.2 59.7 50.6 40.5 17.6 2.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SD 0.00 52.6 46.1 34.3 41.8 30.5 24.6 18.2 13.4 11.9 8.88 4.01 3.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Pooling Strategies for Radioprofiling: Review of Total Radioactivity Data PK results Concentration versus time curves for radioactivity in plasma and blood and parent drug (cold assay) in plasma Parent Drug Cumulative elimination of radioactivity in urine and feces Majority of the radioactivity (>90%) was recovered within 4 days Plasma Sample Pooling Time points (hr) Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 ... Subject N 1 2 4 8 12 24 … A “AUC Pooling” across time points for each subject • Can observe differences between subjects • Potential to dilute minor metabolites • No time course information – only AUCs C “AUC Pooling” across time points and across subjects • Cannot observe differences between subjects • Potential to dilute minor metabolites • No time course information – only global AUC • Least amount of samples - most cost efficient, but least amount of information B Pooling across subjects for each time point • Cannot observe differences between subjects • Time course information – Full PK parameters *No pooling* • Observe differences between subjects • Time course information – Full PK parameters • Most amount of samples and highest cost Adapted from: N. Penner, L. Klunk, C. Prakash, Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 30:185-203, 2009 Urine and Feces Sample Pooling Time intervals(hr) 0-6 6-12 12-24 Subject 1 Subject 2 24-48 … A Equal mass/vol pooling across time intervals for each subject to 90% excreted • Can observe differences between subjects • Potential to dilute minor metabolites • No time course information Subject 3 ... Subject N B Pooling across subjects for each time interval • Cannot observe differences between subjects • Time course information – temporal appearance of metabolites in excreta C Equal mass/vol pooling across time intervals for each subject to 90% excreted and across subjects • Cannot observe differences between subjects • Potential to dilute minor metabolites • No time course information • Least amount of samples - most cost efficient, but least amount of information *No pooling* • Observe differences between subjects • Time course information • Most amount of samples and highest cost Sample Pooling – Typical Selection Plasma –no pooling = full profiling = max number of samples • 6 subjects x 7 time points = 42 samples OR Plasma – some pooling = less samples (13 samples) • 6 subjects x 1 AUC pooled sample/subject = 6, AND • 1 pooled sample across all subjects/time point x 7 time points = 7 Urine - pooling across subjects • 1 pooled sample across all subjects x 5 time intervals = 5 samples AND/OR Urine - pooling across time intervals to 90% excretion • 6 subjects x 1 pooled sample/subject = 6 samples Feces - pooling across subjects • 1 pooled sample across all subjects x 4 time intervals = 4 samples AND/OR Feces - pooling across time intervals to 90% elimination • 6 subjects x 1 pooled sample/subject = 6 samples Metabolite Profiling and Identification LTQ-Orbitrap XL FTMS full scan 2 DDA MS (CID or HCD) 1/10 Column 1:10 splitter 9/10 (enough radioactivity to radio-detectors) 1:1 splitter Analogue signal vA RC Dynamic Flow Radio-detector On-line radio-signal for MS data Off-line 96-well plate collection for Topcount Radio-chromatogram HPLC/TopCount Plasma – 3 hour time point How Many Radiopeaks to Identify? • Each metabolite 10% of total radioactivity (TR) – based on plasma AUCs • Need to identify 80-90% of the TR in plasma • Single vs. multiple Dose (steady state)? MIST guidance Typically = all radiopeaks >5% of TR (AUCs) including parent Sometimes includes radiopeaks between 1-5% if critical to the metabolic pathway Need to identify 80-90% of TR in excreta Typically = all radiopeaks >5% of TR (%Dose) including parent How Many Radiopeaks to Identify? 55.00 In vivo feces sample: 48 % of the dose 50.00 78 metabolites detected in this sample if >1% 45.00 40.00 35.00 mV 30.00 5% dose 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 1% dose 5.00 0.00 12.00 14.00 16 .00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 Minutes R317573; Faeces Rat m pH=7.5 10%CH3OH 80%CH3CN 32 .00 34.00 36.00 38.00 Metabolite Characterization and Identification Propose and Confirm Structures • LC/MS/MS (product ion scan, neutral loss, parent ions scan, mass defect, high resolution accurate mass) • • • • • D2O exchange Chemical derivatization HPLC mobile phase pH adjustment Nano- or Micro-spray technology for improved mass data quality Isotope patterns • Isolation and purification >10-25 μg • From in vivo source – urine, feces, plasma, bile • From in vitro source – microsomes, hepatocytes, microbial, recombinant • NMR (1H, 13C, 1D, 2D, COSY, NOESY, HMBC, HMQC, etc.) Human 14C-AME Studies - Special Cases - Traditional 14C-AME study – a single dose study in 4-6 male healthy volunteers – ? What about understanding the AME properties of a drug in… • Patient populations – oncology • Renal or hepatic impaired • Genetic polymorphisms – e.g. study CYP2D6 variants • Drug interaction studies • Age specific studies – pediatrics, elderly • Multi-dose to steady state In above special cases, may be practical to use ≤ 1 Ci per subject and use AMS as the detector no special dosimetry requirements no special facility requirements for use of radioactivity Cost considerations Detecting low levels of radioactivity If have very low levels of radioactivity, e.g. at later time points for drugs with large volume of distribution and slow clearance, or If traditional level of activity per subject (50-125 Ci) is prohibitive due to dosimetry or low SA (with polypeptide/protein for example) use Low Background LSC counting Use AMS as detector Not routine, but may be employed as needed Human 14C-AME Studies - Summary - Primary Objectives of a Typical 14C-AME Study • Determine routes and rates of elimination of drug-related material – Registration requirement • Potential effects of organ impairment (renal) • Pharmacokinetics of drug-related material – Long-lived metabolites, covalent binding • Identify metabolites (circulatory, excretory) – AME studies are particularly well suited to do this – Information for MIST assessment – Determine Clearance Pathways • DDI potential • Role of polymorphically expressed enzymes – Identify metabolites that may contribute to pharmacology/toxicology • Metabolites contribute to the pharmacological effect of >20% of marketed drugs1. • Understand PK/PD • Plan Carcinogenicity study • Protect IP 1. Fura et. al. Drug Discov Today; 11: 133-142, 2006. Additional Information Provided by a Typical Human 14C-AME Study • Basic knowledge about absorption – Radioactivity detected in urine following an oral dose must have been absorbed – In some cases the extent of metabolism can provide information about the extent of absorption – Can sometimes support biowaiver (not discussed) • Basic knowledge of the relative importance of various clearance pathways – Radiolabel allows (rough) quantitation of all excreted metabolites – In some cases estimates of fraction metabolized (fm) by a given pathway can be made – Especially useful when non-P450 routes of clearance are involved – Can help modeling and simulation of DDI Human 14C-AME – Considerations and Limitations • Requires synthesis of radiolabel material • Time consuming and cost Regulations Requires specialized clinical site Specialized licensing of clinic for use and administration of radioactivity to humans Facilities for dose prep (nuclear pharmacist), radioactive dose verification Housing area for subject confinement for several weeks with restricted toilet areas Collection and storage of excreta (refrigerators and freezers) Continuous analysis of radioactivity in samples for subject release criteria Staff training – collection procedures, radiation safety Radiation safety program (need RSO), radiation surveys, SOPs Human 14C-AME – Considerations and Limitations • RAD waste disposal • • Separate waste streams – regulated, cost Administration of Radioactivity to humans Potential health risk Cultural, ethical considerations Additional oversight and approval of clinical trial Dosimetry – requires rodent ADME studies Radiation risks listed in informed consent, Authorized User (FDA 10CFR35.100), ARSAC (UK), RDRC (if no IND) Thank you
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