THE Page Two RHINEBECK GAZETTE, RHINEBECK, N E W YORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, Wurtemburg Created by BUD FISHER MUTT AND JEFF—It's a honey of an idea if it works! r Messiah Guild Mrs. Frank Rlon TRlnity 6-6229 To Meet On 4th supper The Committee for the turkey met Monday evening to * I ' L L HAVE THE L I T T L E STINGERS WORKIN' FOR ME NI6HTAND DAV How to send your baby to college for $959 a week about one-fourth of your total comes from the interest on your money. It's like getting a year of college free. Other advantages of U.S. Savings Bonds v^ A good college can cost as much as $65 a week now. But, the same fine education can be bought with much less financial strain if you start utting $9.50 a week into U.S. avings Bonds. In a month y o u can buy a $37.50 Bond. Keep it up until your baby is ready for college and you'll have enough in Bonds to send him on his way. C The best part of it is that • You can save automatically with the Payroll Savings Plan. • You now get 3%% interest to maturity (Now every Savings Bond you own — old or new — earns Vz% more than ever before). • You invest without risk under a U.S. Government guarantee. Your money can't be lost or stolen. • You can get your money, with interest, anytime you want it. • You save more than money — you're helping your Government pay for peace. Here's how you can reach your savings with U.S. Savings Bonds in just 7 years, 9 months If you want about goal $2,500 $S,000 $10,000 $5.45 $10.85 $21.70 •ach w«*k tav* You save more than money with 17. S. Savings Bonds Buy them where you work or The annual test for intermediate Pony Club members was held at Leeward Farm on Saturday, SeptJ ember 17. The test included horseI manship on the flat, (and for C'2's | a dressing test), jumping, stable I management and horse care as well as written test. The Pony Clubbers were rated on a point system. Those who passed, in order of merit are: D2's, Timothy Wheeler, Aline Meyer; CI, Theora Ward, Lyn Adams, Pamela Bontecou, Barbara Grissy, PrisciUa Kerbin, John Sillin, Charles Reilly, as C2, Nancy Rathkopf, Faith Tyldsley. Judges of the mounted phases were Miss Louise Metcalf and Peggy Holt. Peggy Crist acted as secretary. Judging the written test were Mrs. Frederic Bontecou and Mrs. David Coleman. Judging stable management was Mrs. James Tellerday. Miss Katherine Wisbauer of Stanfordville, who is employed by the First National Bank of Rhinebeck, is spending her vacation in Seattle, Wash., with relatives. A Youth Fellowship of Bangall Methodist Church has been reorganized with the Rev. Raymond Ward as leader. Meetings are held on Sunday evenings. Officers are: Valerie Horton, president; William Conover, vice-president and Frances Shook, secretary-treasurer. Fifteen members are in the group. Pfc. Raymond Ball has completed his basic training at Fort bank D. F. WOLCOTT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF RHINEBECK Established 1853 BANKING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday Evenings: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Building Contractor TR 6-3804 RHINEBECK, N. Y. Help Boost Your Home Town By Patronizing Its Tradesmen T h e firms below have unfailing faith in the future of Rhinebeck. They are cooperating to boost this locality. You can boost by cooperating with them. Estimates Cheerfully Given A. WALSH T.l. TRtalty 6-3300 Rhteobock NORTHERN DUTCHESS HOME IMPROVEMENT ASS'N Plumbing — Heating Air Conditioning — Water Supplies — Alterations — Construction TR 6-S883 Box 125, Rhinebeck, New York J. Russell Applegate Diamonds - Watches - Silverware De'S JEWELERS E. Market St., Rhinebeck T E L . TRlnity 6 3388 Complete Jewelry A Watch Repair Service Homer K. Staley Insurance For Every Need Real Estate Broker Telephone TRlnity 6-4101 15 MIU St.. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Insurance of Evert Type Phone TRlnity 6-3513 51 E. Market St„ Rhinebeck Real Estate Rroker RHINEBECK KANE BROTHERS Country Real Estate and Insurance TEL. TR 6-310S. RHINEBECK Millard W. Linville GENERAL BUILDING Tal. TRtalty CONTRACTOR Rhinebeck 6-4.71. RHINEBECK DAIRY MUk. Cr»w» « • * Dairy Pro4««*» EARLY MORNING DELIVERY Tel. TRlnity Stephen i-«Il Marchess, Prop. The Village of Rhinebeck is 203 feet above sea level; population 2,129; 12 miles of s t r e e t s , the village of homes and business combined; the parlor of Dutchess county. Every corner of Rhinebeck is a beauty spot. The village public square is located at 41 deg. 5 mln. 88 see. North Latitude and 78 deg. 64 min. 47 see. West Longitude. It is on U.S. Route 9. Rhinebeck has paved streets, two banks, six churches, Starr Institute, public library and recreation center; The Northern Dutchess Health Center, a well equipped hospital; Beekman Arms, the oldest hotel In America; a modern post office building and town hall. Legion Memorial Park, electrie light and power service, pure artesian well water from its own Municipal Water Company, up-to-date business places, modern motion picture theatre, a new, modern Central School and fire protection. The Rhinebeck Oasetti la The community newspaper, now in its 115th year of publication. Rhinebeck Is the center of the violet growing Industry and supplies all markets east of the Mississippi river with blooms. Hybrid anemones and other flowers are grown here and shipped throughout the country. The N e w York Central railroad passes through the town limits. Population in the Town of Rhinebeck in I f « 0 , 4,554; Village of Rhinebeck, 2.129. Electrical Contractors RHINEBECK, N. Y. P h o n e s TR 6-4601 and TR 6-4271 Electric Construction Service — Repairs Lighting Fixturss and Appliances Wm. Carroll & Son Tel. TRtalty 6-4111 Furniture Since 1844 Coshman Colonial Furniture Simmons Bedding Lee* Carpets Rhinebeck, New York Welch TR 6-4581 TR 6-3848 General Building Contractors M M TELEVISION ELECTRONICS t . awstfc e« village TRtasty S-S1W R H I N E B E C K . N. Y Heeb and Marks, Inc. Brtgra Rhinebeck. N. Y. HOBSON RADIO E s t i m a t e s Promptly Furnished Tel. TRtalty 8-3925 48 Mulberry S t . Brigirs & Welch BUILDER Manor Road Phone TRtaltT JOSEPH R. WHITE Sanitary Plumbing Tlnnlnr and Heating Oil Burners •Build Right - First Time" JAMES H. WETZLER AS YOUR BROKER our experience will be valuable to you. C M . DRPKW, Aseney Phone TR 6-3000 — 3813 St Se«rtli St.. Rhinebeck. N T . Ignorance causes estlng arguments. FORCED WARM AIR Heating Installation F H W I I laternattaoal Ofl Burntag Units WILLIAM LATSCH TR 6-3414 ma « y inter- tVME To CWvG£ make plans for the affair which will take place October 22, at O u t l i n e T h e H i s t o r y O f I St. Pauls Church Hall. » I Mrs. Sam Frazer was a recent Liturgy T o G r o u p I guest at Frostlands. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Roesch have On Tuesday, October 4, the moved their trailer from Slate Messiah Guild will hold a covered- Quarry road to route 9G near dish supper at 6:30 p. m. in the I Wurtemburg. Mrs. LaVergne Couse and Mrs. parish house, for members and Rlon called on Mrs. Ira Rion in guests. The Rev. Rufus Lee Page from Kingston Saturday. Mrs. Lee Sampson returned home Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, will alter helping her son move from be the speaker, his topic being Elmira to Binghamton. "The History of the Liturgy." Mrs. Ruth Teator, Mrs. Rossa Mrs. Melvin Ickes, chairman of and Mrs. Frank Rion attended the the square dance to be held on October 15 will make at installation dinner of the American Legion Auxiliary, which was this meeting. held at Beekman Arms Monday. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Gerald Hahn, Mrs. Adam Vonder Linden, Mrs. Stephen NROTC Exam Forms Out Social Security Bomersback, Mrs. H. Lew , SeyLet us show you how easy ft The 15th annual National Commour, Mrs. Harold Welch and Question Box ia to change to International petitive Examination for the regof Utica oil heat. Doesn't Miss Lillian Loweth. Question: My husband died ular Naval Reserve Officers Traincoat a fortune . . . heats like 5 years ago. I'm 61 now, but • million. Sound Investment ing Corps will be given to eligible understand I can collect too—with International's unhigh school seniors and graduates Sill, Okla., where he will remain paralleled 20-YEAR WARm o n t h l y social security on December 10. until some time. in December, RANTY! Come in . . . or call Mrs. Francesca Murphy checks on his record when Application forms are available when he will return to the National for free heating survey. No TUrner 9-3642 I am 62. What proofs will obligation. at high schools or from the U . S . Guard Unit In Poughkeepsie. Herbert Ingersol Jr. and Robert I need? W. S. C. S. Meets N a v y Recruiting Station, Post S t u m left for Rochester Institute Answer: Proof of your age Mrs. Louis Huber was hostess of Technology last Wednesday to Office b u i l d i n g , Poughkeepsie. and your marriage certifiat the Wednesday meeting of the Forms must be mailed by Novembegin their freshman year. cate. If you have trouble W. S. C. S. Mrs. Alfred Dillinger ber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horan left getting proof of your age, TR 6-3414 Rhinebeck. reported on the food sale which Monday for their home in St. see your local social security took place on Community Day. Petersburg, Fla., after spending the office now. Mrs. Raymond Ward and Miss Summer at Cozy Inn. Dorothy Layton were in charge of Mrs. Ethel Smith of Luther, the stand which was reported as a Iowa and Roy Page of Whitefish, success. It was announced that the Kenneth Hunt, special fund treasDistrict fall meeting would be held urer. Mrs. Willig presided over the Mont, were recent visitors of their in Fishkill on October 4 at the meeting and read a proposed new nephew Lloyd Barton and family at Cozy Inn. Methodist Church. A turkey supper constitution and by-laws. The The annual dinner meeting of and bazaar have been planned for next meeting will be in the Social the Altar Society of St. Paul's Saturday, October 29, in the Catholic Church was held at TalGrange Hall. The group will meet room on October 17. Annette and Louise Stemmer- bot's restaurant in Pleasant Valley next on October 5, at the parsonmann and Mrs. Sophie Rogers of last Thursday. Fifty attended. Monage. Bangall have returned home after sig»or Rigo was guest speaker. Stanford "Personals spending ten days with relatives Mrs. Gerald Glass introduced the Announcement has been made of in Stroudsburg, Pa. new officers: Mrs. Nicholas Theothe recent marriage of Miss Elaine Mrs. Raymond F. Long has re- doseau, president; Mrs. Thomas Messari of Connecticut, to Peter turned home after spending the Murphy, vice-president; Mrs. LeoW. Replogle of Stanford, on Sept- summer at Martha's Vineyard. She nard Peluso, treasurer and Mrs. ember 7 at Grace Episcopal Church has resumed her church activities George McLain, secretary. Mrs. in Millbrook. j in Poughkeepsie and Stanford- Robert McPeck is sunshine chairMr. and Mrs. Harold Case have ville. man. Mrs. Theodoseau presented returned from a ten-day motor Mrs. E. P. Height Mrs. Glass, retiring president, with trip to Gettysburg, Mount Vernon a gift. Mrs. McPeck and Mrs.' Volunteer 8-4765 and other points of interest. Peluso were in cnarge of arrangePamela Simmons, Virginia Valments. The October meeting will entine, Karen L'ALlemand, Lynne be at the home of Mrs. Samuel and Nancy Creswell were partiGermano, Old Post road. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Route 9 North cipants in the horse show on ComThe first regular fall meeting of munity Day in Clinton Corners. In the Home Demonstration unit was Tel. TR 6-4311—After Hours TR 6-4522 the model ponies class, Nancy held last Monday night at the Cresswell placed first in horsefirehouse. Mrs. David Horn, presmanship under 18. The Stanford ident, discussed projects for the Miss Kathleen Welch Given PTA float won first place in the year and appointed leaders for parade. Party In Poughkeepsie each. "Beginning KniUing" will James Geddes of Lynbrook, who be the first, to be taught by Mrs. By Mrs. Proctor has been a recent guest at the Edward Haug. After the business home of H. F. Friedah, underwent session there was a public cooking Miss Kathleen Welch, daughter demonstration by Central Hudson surgery for hernia at Vassar Hospital and is back at the Friedah of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welch of Gas and Electric Corporation. A CLASSIC Rhinebeck was recently honored Chinese Auction will be held at home since Wednesday. Pfc. James Spohr, who has been at a bridal shower at the home of the October 17 meeting. in Army service for two years, Mrs. Adeline Proctor of PoughJoseph Finan Jr. of New York stationed in the Tenth Field Hos- keepsie. Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. city was at his home on Mulford pital in Wurzburg, Germany, is Anthony DiGregorio were co- avenue last weekend. now at the home of his parents, hostesses. Stephen Butler of West Elm Mr. and Mrs. George Spohr of A buffet supper was served and Salt Point. The family formerly decorations were pink and white. avenue was absent from school last week due to a severe cold. lived in Bangall and Hunns Lake. Miss Welch will be married to Area students returning to' or Robert DiGregorio on October 22 James Kendall was also home from entering college this Fall are: Joan at the Church of Good Shepherd. school with a virus. Mrs. Elizabeth Crane of Mulford Kolster, and David Crystal, freshThose attending the bridal show- avenue attended the wedding of men at State University College for Teachers in Albany; Bruce er were Miss Betty Pottenburgh, her nephew John Crane Jr. in I Simmons, freshman at Houghton Mrs. Walter Welch, Mrs. Mary Spring Valley Friday. Mrs. George R. Hess has recollege; Albert Sauter, freshman White, Miss Karen Welch, Miss at St. Michael's college in Ver- Marie Spadaro, Mrs. Jean Spadaro, turned to her home in Fortj mont; Beverly, Cookingham, fresh- Miss Gloria DiGregorio. Miss Pierce, Fla., accompanied by her man at State University for Joann Castlglione, Mrs. Margaret BOD Roger, after visiting Mr. and plus the Teachers at New Paltz; Kenneth Castiglione, Mrs. Blanche Malena, Mrs. Harry Hess of Hughes ave-1 H O T N E W NUMBER nue. Miss Lirida Malena, Mrs. Joan Knapp, freshman at State Univin the Low-Prlce Field ersity Agricultural and Technical Lafftn, Mrs. Katherine DiGregorio, Mrs. Angela DiGregorio, Mrs. New production techniques and Institute at Cobleskill; James Shook, sophomore at the Agri- Mathilda DiGregorio, Mrs. Jose- new products are the result of cultural Institute at Cobleskill; phine Savelli, Mrs. Genevieve Sam- long-term investment in research Peter Coffin, Middlesex School at pere, Mrs. Ann Volino, Miss Marie and development. More and more Concord, Mass.; Janet Thorpe, Castigilione, Miss Regina Andretta individual producers are establishing research facilities looking tofreshman at Hunter College in and Mrs. Helen Haddon. ward the improvement of producNew York; Francis Coleman, junA T YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED tive processes and the developior at Franklin and Marshall ColCranberries Are Goodment of products that may not be lege in Lancaster, Pa. in production for several years to And Plentiful This Year come. QUALITY DEALER'S Also, James Coleman continues Cranberries are among the his work at Moral Rearmament Film and Television Studio at easiest and most successful fruits Mackinac Island, Mich.; Betty to freeze. It is only necessary to Eisen, freshman and John Koch, wash, drain, and seal them In Oliver Orton, John Egan, Judith freezer bags or other freezer conBrennan, sophomores at Dutchess tainers. Then throughout the year Community College; Patricia Val- they will be on hand to use for entine, sophomore at Russell Sage making sauce, jelly, pie, or dessert College in Troy; Margaret Ham- toppings. brecht, sophomore at Wellesley The best berries are firm with College, Mass.; David Roy, senior glossy skins. Their color and at Cornell; Ronald Chaika, junior characteristic tart flavor make 28 EAST M A R K E T STREET at University of Arizona in Phoen- them a popular addition to any R H I N E B E C K , N. Y. ix; Matthew Sabra, freshman, and meal. ! Wilson Shook, sophomore at State i University of Agriculture at Farm1 PHONE T R 6-3223 ington; Ross Williams, who would have been a senior at Columbia I University has enlisted in the Navy j for four years; Katherine Wisbauer, evening student at Dutchess Thursday thru Saturday Community College and Theodore Chlttick, sophomore at George Washington University, D. C. I Teachers from this area who DIETARY FOR WEIGHT have positions elsewhere are: CONTROL Irene Burkowske at Colonie Cen| tral School in Albany, Mrs. Rodney 8 oz. can 88c Harrison, Primary School in Mill- Protecal brook; Mrs. Ellen Beckwith and Protecal 3«4 lb. can 4 . 3 9 Mrs. Archie Lawson, Pine Plains; Mary Bird, Easthampton, L. I.j Aspirin 5 gr. 100's 8c Harry Sheldon, Colonie Central ; School in Albany; Margaret Hal- 10c Shoe Laces 3 prs. 8c i liday, Bellmore, L. I.; Mrs, Thor I Henrickaon, New Orleans, Ls.; 69c Bean Bag Ash Trays 38c J Patricia Brennan, West Babylon, 16" 1.18 I L. I.; Richard Spohr, Guilderland; 1.98 Gym Bags | Mrs. Hugh Brennan, Hyde Park 1.49 Peasant Dolls 16" 88c and Elizabeth Layton, staatsburg Mrs. Keene Richards, who was $1 Schick Razor & Blades 79c a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Peterson in Englewood, N. J., has returned home. Evening Circle Electa Prescription Phone The Evening Circle of ConTR S-3839 gregational-Christian Church held NORTHERN DUTCHESS its election of officers at the Sept"A man who has taste in dress will ember 19 meeting, as follows: Mrs. PHARMACY Robert Coffin, president; Mrs. Ann automatically have taste in everything' Gardner, vice-president; Mrs. 18-20 East Market S t Helen WllUg, secretary, Mrs. Roy RHINEBECK. N.T. Tallman, treasurer and Mrs. TU » Open Wednesday and PrMar The Rev. Rufus Page Will Stanford Pony Club * Members Are Tested 1%» U.t. Gorwnmtnt do,, ml pa* lot fait arfnri/iina. Tfta Trtaturf Dtparlmtnl thanki, for thmlr patriotic do. M l H « f»o AoVwtiung Council and Painting and Papering 1960 oil heat Staatsburg William Latsch SPACE HEATERS FOR SALE A good assortment of new and used heaters in stock SPECIALLY PRICED BUY NOW AND SAVE DUTCHESS UTILITIES CORP. Local Girl Has Bridal Shower me&mp/ OCT. 6 *%£ S6&u*uZi>t Siui Weekend Specials To Go smartly any where P8 SERVICE Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 in winning
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