-TJS GAZBTTS P H O W 4- jsPutiiian at ... Palatine Bridge ..•,.* -?.•%," •• i' H'" iIt i T ' V A if ' r*vT LJ1 /*\i - "1;1' 1 f i IfV f *.nvl nr%t\ A w I L 1IVN L U\A c o» Y J\. D\ • « : i 1 ; - ;:: Says Job Bill Puts Premium On Loafing Rfescuis HoyStoii Survivors ... le .GAZETTE PHONE 4-4141 SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31-, 1945 Scholiane OES ^ ^ ^ ^ est Fall Meeting after their return from; P a « l f | | action.:' .' -r--~-^^r'-'-:::'sf!iThe sinkings Jjicluded 30"Japa> nese warships and:'. 49 ^nori-convbatant ships. They brought t * 1,256 the number of Japanese ahlpt sunk by U.S. submarines. The latest bag. included tw* Japanese submarines, one mineWASHINGTON, Aug. 30 (UP)— layer, two minesweepers, two larga U.S. submarines operating in Fa sub-chasers, eight special* aub^chasers, four coastal detensa Eastern waters' in the last three g a t e s ' , and" one ToTpedo boa.", months o^dhe war sank 69 enemy' Non-combatant " ships.. destroyed vessels, the navy announced today. were 18 medium merchant vessels, These sinkings have not been an- 22 email merchant vessels, seven nounced previously in any navy small freighters, two medium pascommuniques. They were com- senger cargo vessels and one small piled from reports of submarines tanker. 69 Vessels Sunk In 3 Months WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 <JP>— CANAJOHARIE — lite* Barbara Chairman Doughton (D-NGJ of the C. Putiman of Fonda, register^ house ways and. means committee nurse at the Montgomery county declared today legislation embodyhome/was married Tuesday aftering President Truman's proposal noon to Merlin C. Porter, aon of for greater unemployment benefits SCHOHARIE—Sharon Mauhs of SCHOHARIE — The first fall Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter of St. —up to $25 a week for 26 weeks— Johnaville. The wedding was held meeting of the Schoharie Valley Cobleskill spoke on the responsi"puts a premium on loafing." at the home of the bride's aunt, OES will be held Tuesday night, bility of this nation in the postwar The legislation encountered vigworld at a recent luncheon meet. Mrs. C. J. GhrUtman, Lafayette Sept. 13, . orous, and possibly- fatal, opposiThe homecoming of Lucy B. For* <{ing of the Rotary club. street, Palatine Bridge, at.4 o'clock. tion on its first appearance before Rev. Frank Shitner, pasto* of St. man, district deputy grand master, It was announced that the Schothe bouse ways and means comMark's Lutheran church, Canajo- wUl be held at Cherry Valley on harie club will hold its annual mittee. harle, performed the ceremony. Sept. 20 and Schoharie members clambake at D. Y. Wright's garage Doughton told Arthur J. AltMrs. Newman Roy of Canajoharle who wish tp attend have been asked, here Wednesday at £ p.m. Many meyer, social security board chairplayed' Lohengrin's "Weddink to make reservations with Secre- Rotarians from ~ Middleburg and man, he introduced the administraMarch", "I Love You Truly" and tary Florence^ Sidney before „Sept. surrounding villages will attend. " tion jobless pay bill only "by re12. '•O Perfect Love". Guests at the meeting were, quest," and he declared that if the Franklin R. Earle of ' Rochester, Guild to Meet The bride U the daughter of Wargovernment is going to pay a man John B. Grant of Corning, and Mr. ren D. Putman of Gwinner, ND, The Ladies' guild of the Commuto sit down in one place he. is not Mauhs of Cobleskill. Visiting Roand .the late Mrs; Myra Chrlstman nity church will hold a luncheon going to another place to look for tarians were Lincoln Field, Carl Putman, Mrs, Blanche Cousart of meeting at the Community house work. » Albany, cousin of the bride, was on Friday, Sept T, at I p.m. Mrs. -£einhardt, Clayton Weller, and "I don't know a single business matron o t honor, and Richard Cos- Robert Borst, president, will ap- Thomas Bush, all of Middleburg. in my part of the country," he said, Annoy nee Engagement sart of Little Falls was. the best point the committees for the year "that is not in dire need of help. ttan.'v;r &" at this meeting. «Dr. and Mrs. .Harry WT Miers We need farm help, carpenter»„ A reception for- 50 guests was Members of |.he committee serv- have announced the' engagement of Survivors of the Cruiser Houston are shown being picked up at bricklayers, painters, mechanics. f held after the ceremony. Mrs. Wini- ing the luncheon , are Mis. Frank their daughter, Helen 'Winifred sea after they were blown from their ship when a second torpedo Until this need is met how do you fred j>Qulck. Mrs. Ruth Putman, Warner, Mrs. Frank Turner, Mrs. Mlers, to Leonard A. 'Wright, son hit her In October, 1944. Herbert LeRoy Ruff„ chief radio technician, an unemployment problem?" Miss Ethel Mann of Esperance and Martin Rickard, Mrs. Lena Max- of Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Wright son of Mrs. Hattie Ruff of 1138 Albany street, was • one of 200 have Doughton added he did not mean Mrs. Howard Chrlstnian of Little well, Mrs. Allie Kromer. Mrs. Harry No definite date has been set for officers and men who weathered, the two torpedo bits. Twenty men to say there are many, men in the Falls assisted. Howard, Mrs. Ell Shelmandine, the wadding, which will be held were blown Into the sea when* the cruiser, being towed afte.r an country who would rather loaf The bride is a graduate of St. Mrs. Clinton Manchester, Mrs- sometime thiB "fall. initial hit by a torpedo, was struck-again. The Houston stayed than work, but he voiced vigorous John's hospital, Fargo, ND. Mr. Charles Larkin, Mrs. Mauley Bel- '•,. afloat anjd eventually was repaired. (International) —Local Notes opposition €b adoption of a governPorter attended the St. Johnsville linger, Mrs. William .auawortn, Mrs. ment policy t4^t he said would enMrs. E. V. Vedder has returned High school and is the ticket agent Wallace Lamb and Mrs. WWard courage men to loaf. from -Jacksonville/ Fia., where she o f 4 h e New York Central at.Pala- Wright 0 , ,e I e Pike has been visiting her son-in-law Several other members of the tine Bridge. After a wedding trip Reformed Church and daughter, Seaman and Mrs, committee joined in critical* questo Thousand Islands and Canada, Worldwide Communion Sunday tioning when Altmeyer and John they will fce.at home Sept. 8 in the will be observed on Oct. 7 at the Robert Sumner. On Fifth Birthday Miss Kathleen Garrett of ScheShuits apartment, Erie boulevard, Reformed church with HoV ComBALLSTON SPA — A party in W. Snyder, reconversion director, nectady recently visited Mr. and to Capitol hill to plead for Canajoharle. honor of the fifth birthday of went munion. Mrs. James McKinty. liberalization , of jobless-aid, adCharlene Pike was given by Mrs. monishing that Mrs. Charles Funk and Mrs. HarLoren White is a-guest of Mr. 6,000,000 may be Thurman Conde, Fairground ave- unemployed, by Jan. Albany Has Only Three old Ragan will serve as the flower and Mrs. Howard Macomfeer in 1 and 8,000,000 committee, at the church for Sepnue, v Monday afternoon. Games by spring. Regular League Games tember, The first choir rehearsal Tarrytown. BURNT HILLS — Francis L. were played and refreshments Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Casey and Rep. Knutson (R-Minn), senior was held on Wednesday. Stevens, principal, has announced served. daughter, Jean, of Albany were re-, ways and means Republican, asked Remaining at Home William Wersten, violinist, was cent guests of Mr.^nd Mrs. Frank that the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Attending were Thomas and Snyder: "If we pay a man $25 a soloist at the morning service of Central school will open Tuesday, Carol Irwin, Kenneth Tilsley» Helen week for not working, what will ALBANY^—Only three more regu- the Reformed church last week. Canton. Grupe, Arlene and Eina Conde, we have to pay to get him to Mr. and • Mrs, Frank Robinson with its first session at 10 a.m. lar games of the'Eastern league Miss Nettie Jean Ruland played This will be preceded by a Susan Rennie, NoHta and Joan work?" season remain to be played in the organ during- the absence of the and son, Henry, are vacationing at faculty meeting in the library at 9 Marie Clemens, Betty Bogle, Linda Caroga lake. .Hawkins stadium, home of the Al- regular organist, Alfred Wood. TO B E DISCHARGED a.m. The bus schedule will be the Rose and Charlene Pike. Miss Harriet Dyer of Albany was bany club. All three are with Roy Discharged NEW YORK, Aug. 30 UP)— a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. J. same as last year with the single Hartford, which, is fighting the exception that on Tuesday they will Staff Sgt. John C. Roy, N. Fifth Pitcher Spurgeon (Spud) Chandler, West Fulton Senators and Barons for the runWesley Vibbard. travel the routes one hour later street, Mechanicville, has received who won 20 games and two world ner-up spot. ». . WEST FULTON—Bruc/ Love of than usual. an honorable discharge from the series tilts for the New York One of the three will be played East Cobleskill recently visited Sgt. James Osterhout ".Kindergarten children will be service. He was a member of the Yankees in 1943, will be discharged •undec-'the lights tonight at ,8:30 Kenneth Nosk at the home of Mr. registered in the Gleason school at army air force 814th bomb squad from the army Sept. 13, it was anReceives Discharge o'clock, and this will be the last and Mrs. Samuel Ash. 10 a.m. Only those who will have and was a radar mechanic. He nounced today at the Yankee championship game of the season Donald MacNeil of Schenectady stadium. . in Albany under the arcs as the recently visited his grandmother, COBLESKILL—Master Sgt. James reached their nT+h year by Jan,,. 3, was overseas two years. 1946, are eligible for enrollment. A. Osterhout, a veteran of 38 teams will play a doubleheader Mrs. Wilson MacNeil. His parents, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis MacNeil, were months overseas duty, has received Faculty members are; Francis L. StevenB, supervising an army discharge and is now at way of bringing the regular season also recent guests. principal; Charles F. Wilde, ashis home here. CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW in Albany to a close. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Swart recentsistant principal and senior EngSergeant Osterhout has a total of ly had as guests Mrs. Erwirt Fine112 points. He entered service on lish; J. Eugene ' Van Vranken, Rexford Society Plans'' gan and John Finegan of Troy. science; Mary Quellhorst, junior Mr. and Mrs. Mile- Springstead May 1, 1941, and trained at Fort and senior high English; Mary Jackson, SC. He left for overseas First Fall Meeting of Rlchmondville called on Mr. Healey, social science; Isabelle Springstead's mother, Mrs. Orville on June 31, 1942, arid was stationed Zimpel, languages;. ROsetta Ash-, in Ireland, Scotland and southern „ REXFORD—The Woman's So- Springstead, recently. He landed ih France on worth, high school math; Lloyd ciety of Christian Service of RexRobert Schweigard, U.S. navy, England. ford Methodist church will hold its recently visited his parents, Mr. D-day and participated in five bat- Marshall, industrial arts; James A. tles, Normandy, northern France, Hagan, commercial; Ruth Goodwin, first meeting of the fall and winter and Mrs. Adolph Schweigard. of the Bulge, Rhine river commercial; Walter Beck, music; season Thursday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Morey Battle, home of Mrs. Foster L. Heckeler, and daughter of-Richfield Springs and central Germany; He has five Mary Proter, music; Ruth Bourossa, stars, the bronze star for domestic arts; Marjorie Gunther, River View road. called on Mr. and Mrs. Homer battle meritorious service on D-day, a librarian; Walter R. Reid, physiClub to Meet Clapper recently.-. plaque for the Battle of the Bulge, cal education director;, Jeanette Rexford Woman's club will meet ' Mrs. Fred Clapper was at Albany the good conduct medal, American- Rounds, girls' physical education; Wednesday at the home of Mrs. hospital Tuesday for observation. defense medal, and the European- Thomas C. Jones, social studies; Mrs. John Hyer and daughter re- African-Middle East ribbon. Hattie Wetsel, junior higrf* math; Harold G. Hllderbrand at 6 p.m. Ethel Myers, sixth grade boys; There will.be a picnic supper on turned to Taylor Sunday after visitHis company, the 56th signal bat- Mildred Belton, sixth grade girls; the lawn, followed by a brief busi- ing her mother, Mrs. Nellie McKis- talion, took Pil2en, Czechoslovakia, M. Bernadine O'Hearn, fifth grade; sick, and family. ness meeting and cards. Club mem| two days before the war ended. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller of Gertrude E. Rice, fourth grade; bers will bring a covered dish, Prior to entering service he was bread or rolls, and table^ service. Troy and Mrs. Ella Letts of Delan-j employed at the- New York Power Harriet Stanton, third grade; son w e r e recent guests of Mr. and Helens Kramer, second grade; Olive ;:i£School to Open •*/« ^ ; ; Eldridge, first grade; Jeanette DeMrs. Fred Miller. ~ rr~ and Light .Co. here/ •: Rexford school is being renovatschool' nurse. Kathryh Woodman and sister of ed; preparatory to the opening of Central Bridge are guests of Mrs. Bienville district 8, Carolyn B. EastCobleski.il ' classes on Tuesday. Harry Noxom EAST COBLESKILL-rMrs. Edna I-Yjjimaris, pre-flrstnnd first grades; Beginners entering the school on Harry Noxon left recent for Dan- Rickard of Cobleskill Is a guest of Winifred Boliver/second and third that date have been requested to ville, where he is.employed by the grades; 'Mildred Wolfe, fourth and bring birth certificates with them. New York Power and Light Corp. Mrs. Una Cain. . ' • Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. fifth grades. Local Notes Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacNeil and George Stevens were LeRoy MafcMrs. Adolph Behrmann of Bluff family of East Cobleskill were reand daughter, road, Rexf ord, has returned home cent guests of Mr, MacNeil's ley grandson, Richard Marcley of Sche•rifter visiting her father, F. H. Luff, mother, Mrs. Wilson MacNeil. nectady. I who 'is ill at his home in Palisade Mrs. Edward Schweigard and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dumond Park, NJ. daughter have returned to New arid sons of Schenectady recently •, Mrs. W. Reeves Congdon is con- York after visiting Mr. and Mrs. visited Mrs. Dumond's parents, Mr. fined to the Ellis hospital following Adolph Schweigard. and Mrs, Edwin Dumond. Schenectady FC will meet the a recent operation. Mr. Congdon is Mrs. Gould Meade and daughter, Mrs. William Walker jand daughr ill at his home on Glenridge road. Janet, of Cobleskill were guests re- ter, Carol, of Texas have been RPI soccer team in a. practice Miss Sally Gaul has returned to cently of Mrs, Blanche PeRue and guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. game in Troy tonight under^ the Brooklyn after visiting her parents, Mrs. Minnie' Hoose. lights at 7:30 o'clock. The local [Grover Guernsey. .*. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond tl. Gaul. club will leave from Turner hall Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller have reMr. and Mrs. George Haines of • Her sister, Miss Janeth Gaul, re- ceived word from their son, Pfc. Fultonham were recent guests of at 6:45 o'clock. turned to Brooklyn with here Tor a Ralph Miller, that he is leaving for- Mrs. Haines' sister, ,(Mrs. Celinda Manager Eddie Davies wants all short visit players and any others desiring Camp Dix, where he will receive Coons. «' » »Miss Frances Travis has returned an honorable discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morse of tryouts to be on hand on time. home after vacationing at ShipbotMrs. Ray Lawson and children of Schenectady visited Mrs. < Morse's Playing with the Jocals will be ] torn, N.J. Wihsted are guests of her'mother,' parents, Mr.' and Mrs. William Earl, Pierce Tolson, formerly of the - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart-Giles and Mrs. Harry Noxon. Amsterdam Sanfords who was rerecently. daughter, Shirley- Giles, have moved Frank Ruland. has returned to cently ' discharged from the army, Mrs. Minnie - Hoose and Mrs. . to Saratoga Spring*, • where Mr. Blanche FeR&e were guests recent- his home here after visiting his and Bob Craig, erstwhile CosmoGiles is how employed with S t ly of Mr. and Mrs. Gould Meade in daughter, Mrs. Harry Campbell. politan and Aniline star. Faith's school. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilty recently Cobleskill. Robert I* Mitchell and family of visited Mrs. Wilty's mother, Mrs. » • WANTS SERIES WINNER Rexford are now residing on River Hannah Romeyn,. at Amsterdam, WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 UF>— and uncle and aunt, Romeyn and j Real Estate Transfers j road, Rexford, In the house formerJ ly occupied by Stewart Giles and The navj' wants the world series Elizabeth Swart, on' Swart Hill L winner and not just a major league road, family. Phyllis Kassebaum, Cecilia Knight all-star team to tour advanced PaMrs. Elizabeth West of Cobleskill and* Florence Smith to Adamena bases at the end of the present recently called on Mra Ada Rick- Van Vranken, Town of Niskayuna, Entries for Tri-County cific baseball season. This was learned ard. lots 90 and 91 north side the Plaza, also lot 92 north side the Plaza. .Tourney Close Tonight today as .naval recreation and ath, ,, FORTE WINS letic officers continued a five-day Hazel Eldred to Myron L. and ALBANY—Entries for the 40th conference on plans for entertain- . FAL.L RlVER, Mass., Aug. 30 Katherine A. Salsburg, Town of tri-county tennis tournament on ing Pacific personnel, especially (UP)—Ernie Forte, 148, of Provi- Rotterdam, lot 14 north side Louisa t h t Rldgefield YMCA courts will during the demobilization period. j-dence, RI, score a unanimous, de- avenue. close today at 6 p,m. when Art Lee, Secretary of. Navy Forrestal and cision over Leon Kennedy, 149, of Edward A. and Imogene Burin charge of the tourney,.will an- Admiral Chester W. Nimlta recently | ^Washington In "a 10-round feature roughs to Ruth P. Lohncr, Town nounce the draw. Invited the world series winner to bout at the Casino tonight'before of Rotterdam, north part of lot 38 A weal side Sunrise boulevard. , The meet, comprising singles make a 90~day trip in the Pacific. 1,100 fans. » Adamena Van Vranken to George competition only, Is open to ama~ teur players. « . W. and Dorothy F. Bee, Town of Niskayuna, lots 90 and 91 north Matches will begin tomorrow aft-1 side the Plaza; •moon at St p.m. and resume Sun-' Schenectady Savings and Loan day afternoon at 2 p.m. Monday'* Association to Dolph L. and Mary contests will get underway at 10 ~a,m. E. Mecler, Jot 260 south side Alexander street, Entries ar* belnf accepted: by George H. and Bertha S. Brewster Art Lee at th« Rldgsftsld YMCA to Albert T. and Edith Jane Kimball, Town or Glenvitle, 4.1 acres Schrader, Hilsinger 4 map of Q. H, Brewster. ST. MARY'ftSL-A Barney exclusive . * . Hotm* Owners' Loan Corp. to Arrive in Uniled Stales The Tropic Weave blanket, perfect for cool Frederick and Oora Luther, Town IMIOWAVH of Rotterdam, east line Schemer•ummer' nights and as an additional winCOBLESKILL — T w * oversea! horn road. veterans, Staff S g t Rogar Schrsder ter cover. Of 1007c tvooJ, in Alpine pink, Arthur G. DeLapp to Harvey Q. of Cobleskill, and Corp, Htrichal ceil blue, peachbloom and white with DeLapp, east *4 of lot fl^i msp of • Hflalmar of Hyndtvttla, tew-M" matching Tfy.cn satin binding; 72x84 cemetery grounds of Grove CemeH rived In, toll country arid *ra ax* tery association at Quaker Street. inches ..... .,.., ,-.,.... 8.98 y pectad horn* soon. William „J. and Loretta F. - Sergaant Scbradar arrived at San Frankeiv to William J. snd Lucy Ffsnolaeo Monday, according to a Ferri Carhidl, lot 434 and 438 south jreport received fey hit mother, Mr*. side Van Corllandt slreet. Batty Schrsdar, Ha baa basn based LADY S&YM0UR*-A very fine blanket .iJUusSriUiJJwwitH Jacob W. and Addle V. Wilbur on SAlpan" for Hha past yaar and .m w • . »s^^ of 100% wool; in- gold, white, i*osedust, to Bernhard Kihven, 11 Mcrlllne has complttad about M musion* avenue, -Scotia,'also 10, Marcclls fireen or blue jwiih matching rayon satin over Tokyo*. He holds tba air medal avenue. binding; offered in a choke of two sixes wfth.aavsral iotJc laa* olnatari and Ruby fimst (o Leon *W. and , . ."the 72x84 inch at*7.98 . * . and the tht DlitlnguiShad Flyinf Cross J Wlllodwn Bak«r» 31*33 Vassar H« is a radfo operator and igunner extra long 80x90 inch at 9.98.' street, ". • »•' * ! i *W V AtotAi* cb ^Oatrll'a Dairght," a ,B-».» Waiter WHkowskl and Carrl« • J l SOIOMON ». NAURV Cotporai Hilainfcr, a metnbar of Sch&po-lo Walter WHkowskl. lot lb* ground craw ot'(ha' air forca 3«4 east side Chiswell road, KIAO baaed in India, anived at CharlaaIota I4S and. 449 west side ManCHATHAM—The "Woolwich/5 a 100% ton, SC, Saturday. H« naa bean In -§UAOAiCAN*0 ggj chester road, also lot* S60\ S«l, 8S2, wool blanket, available in lovely shades of | tha army for thre* years and overand 36.1 osat Ride Chlswell road. • *m n i green, rose, cedar and blue with matching BArtiet Englebardt lo Alfred W. Reed,.north Side Union street. rayon satin binding. An extra long blanket, Wfttte croiMK* on lb« abon* map Indiest« the first J*p-<-onq,\iered 1«* v i a jrottf* Hoap|ial Pts'dg* la? If Alfred H. Reed to E. Glen W*lls; 72x90 inches ,£t . . , . , . . . . . . i . . . ^.».10,^5 land*of iht l?*eiri« group* to surrender* ttrwk, Rots, Yap »nd Jfalut^ i not, Pliona »-S«4t. Adv. ' 223 Union 'street <««o subjecf to stll by-paswdl during th« Yank march to Tokyo, began to pull up the easement). r ;• ' :, whit* flag m soon a* hcwH o? V-^l" d'ay wan dropped from lh« sky. *,/ * ' —BUiikcl*, Strict FJoor. JltWrcd IT. Seta'bf E.Qlen WeHs, Few realJps that <JtM»m |J), atthongh Ihe Am*ricsn he*d4wart*r«i northu side Union str«et, . " "I'sks Dtadhftonte SMW: X*p* t<* rotm4 «p from the b*ck country. While Mack crosses Indicate tbo«ei whore cotnpWe Burr^nder hsu not been /INTEttSJATIfiN'kL LEAGUE (nrranged, this li l*rar«ly «0e t o dllfflctUty In getting word to them. Wfll T*t* Mm-* H**Uf, 8*>t» Baltimore (KB, SSTawarlc l-7» . : Thttft Wotleuajaa Maloelap, a!why-p*s»eJ, *r* |ust preparing t o <quli. l f i k ^ i ! « w Aft' -jRtvJlivAiSyYacus* €, ^«tafey <Aly 0. .< , "X jiavy |wtrol boat.bus Ijeen Snaking sfound*. p*mphl«tA are beJng ! » i * | A»r»H W W will"irielsff. ron BH-BL School Works like* a charm The New CHARM LIGHTER Sure action'. . * simple, construction streamline beauty. It weighs next to nothing, for it's precisionconstructed of light weight aluminum . . . won't stain, won't tarnish. I** ™'? " , \ WillOpen Tues< Extremely compact, only 21/kxlx^/fe inches. 4.50 —Tobacco, Street floor. ;^al.>Miia«:.a>^ AND MONDAY, LABOR DAY * jSch'dyFC in Troy Tonight How to be sure oi plenty of First Jap-Held Isles to Give Up 'FACIfiCOteAN - - buy them now ' through Barneys' BLANKET CLUB m • . ..." • " ¥ ' . - . " Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com • * : . We've made it easy for you to own all the warm handsome blankets you'll need next winter, it's like this . . . c6me in and select as many as you want Pay< 1.00 down and 3.00 a week oh each of them, and by the time you need, them they'll be paid for.
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