start Image Everyday life experiences Finanz How to navigate this brochure Turn the page Play Exhibitor infos Facts & figures Open as PDF To magnify: Please click with the right mouse button on the desired area and select ”Zoom in“ Back to normal view: Please click with the right mouse button on the desired area and select ”Zoom out“ Business Report 2011 2 3 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT AND MANAGEMENT REPORT FACTS & FIGURES of NürnbergMesse GmbH, Nuremberg start The German exhibition market in 2011 Image Image Strong domestic demand and booming exports: The German economy did everything within its power to combat the euro debt crisis and the paralysing world economy in 2011 and – contrary to 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Exhibitors 25,843 27,128 24,628 29,581 25,808 • thereof national 16,730 17,207 16,495 19,053 16,289 9,113 9,921 8,133 10,528 9,519 1,24 Mio, 1,26 Mio, 1,12 Mio, 1,38 Mio, 1,11 Mio, all expectations – grew by 3 % last year. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) thus increased appreciably for the second year in succession and almost reached the record level of 3.7 % in 2006 and Finance Finance KEY EXHIBITION FIGURES FOR NÜRNBERGMESSE GROUP 2010. In 2011, the role of the growth motor increasingly changed from the export industry to • thereof international domestic demand, according to the experts at the Federal Statistics Office. Foreign trade was also Visitors dynamic in 2011 and contributed to the positive economic development ( • thereof trade visitors The exhibitions also returned to their old form in 2011: “The main function of exhibitions is still just as topical, namely to reflect the real economy. Exhibitions are all about real products, real contacts and real business,” is how AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, sums up the 765,000 895,000 805,000 975,000 800,000 • thereof national 615,000 715,000 675,000 775,000 635,000 • thereof international 150,000 180,000 130,000 200,000 165,000 Stand space for exhibitors (m²) 777,000 882,000 738,000 967,000 767,000 12 13 12 14 12 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 12,800 * 254 283 329 442 492 21 30 38 52 56 Turnover ratio of exhibition centre Hall capacity of exhibition centre (m²) exhibition year 2011. According to an initial estimate by AUMA, some 159,000 exhibitors presen- Seating capacity of NürnbergConvention Center* ted their products at the 135 national exhibitions, which was 3 % more than at the comparable Employees previous events. •thereof apprentices and trainees (including DHBW students**) * incl, tiered seats in Frankenhalle ** DHBW: Baden-Württemberg Dual Learning University ”The main function of exhibitions is still just as topical, namely to reflect KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES FOR NÜRNBERGMESSE GROUP the real economy. Exhibitions are all about real products, real contacts in million EUR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Revenue 125,0 153,2 132,7 204,8 173,3 Depreciation, amortization and write-downs 19,0 18,6 19,2 21,2 21,9 Cash flow *** 18,3 18,3 13,0 31,0 16,4 Annual result – 0,7 – 0,3 – 6,2 9,8 – 5,5 EBITDA 27,6 29,0 21,7 41,3 24,3 Investments 15,7 16,3 41,2 26,5 12,9 exhibition countries in Western and Southern Europe have lost their attractiveness especially after Fixed assets 309,3 305,4 327,6 334,9 325,6 the economic crisis of 2009. Liabilities 231,9 234,5 256,0 222,2 213,3 81,5 81,2 74,5 115,7 121,4 327,3 332,5 345,3 354,9 349,8 and real business.” The number of exhibitors from abroad grew by an above-average 4 %. “Many non-European firms wanting to enter the European market head straight for the German exhibitions.” In contrast, other Equity The number of exhibitors from Germany grew by a modest 1 %. It is not possible to mobilize many more extra firms here, according to AUMA. The stand space reached about 6.1 million m², which is 2 % up on the previous events – there had been a decline of 3 % in 2010. Substantial expansion of space is not to be expected in the medium term: “Exhibitors will tend to concentrate more on high quality than larger presentations.” The decline in the number of visitors in the last two years (2010: – 1 %; 2009: – 8 %) were partly compensated by growth of up to 4 % ( Balance sheet total *** simplified: annual result + depreciation, amortization and write-downs KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES FOR NÜRNBERGMESSE GMBH in million EUR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Revenue 119,2 144,6 117,7 173,3 144,0 Depreciation, amortization and write-downs 18,0 18,0 17,4 19,7 18,6 Cash flow *** 18,0 18,0 10,9 28,7 13,9 Annual result 0,0 0,0 – 6,5 9,0 – 4,7 EBITDA 27,4 28,5 19,2 39,4 21,9 Investments 15,7 15,5 40,9 26,5 11,8 Fixed assets 315,4 312,6 335,5 341,3 333,5 Liabilities 232,5 234,5 255,1 219,9 209,1 85,8 85,8 79,3 118,0 125,3 331,9 337,0 347,2 353,7 348,5 Equity Balance sheet total *** simplified: annual result + depreciation, amortization and write-downs Events 22Everyday life experiences 32Exhibitions January - December 54Publishing details 55Overview of 2013 Company development Trade fair year 20 Lifestyle Shaping the future Fairs January – December Corporate Development Imprint 16 Outlook 2013 LETTER FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTORS Twice the leadership, twice the strength Finance Image 8 Letter from the management 5 start 4 6 7 Dear friends and partners of NürnbergMesse! We can look back at the previous financial year and say that it has been grand. This has in fact been Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start Letter from the management Twice the leadership, twice the strength of view of the financial year 2012 and can declare that it will be even grander! The first quarter of 2012 was our strongest ever. More of that next year ... Lifestyle the second best year in the company’s history. We now present you with this report from the point this only exists at exhibitions.“ Dr. Roland Fleck and Peter Ottmann We understand that for a long time now there has been no spontaneous impulse to participate in exhibitions. Today companies have high demands of what exhibitions can bring them. This is a Fairs January – December ”The small in the large; the large in the small: good thing, because only in this way can the marketing instrument that is a trade fair prove its Outlook 2013 exhibit there. Imprint functionality and emotionality as a reliable mirror to hold up to the sector and the companies that Bundling and amplifying strengths: Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Dr. Roland Fleck for orientating oneself in the global village: a village that often enough presents itself as a global Company development where else at this level of quality, authenticity or at this speed. Our exhibitions function as a mirror in their immediacy, clarity and lucidity. For the purposes of the industry, they have the effect of a convex mirror, which captures a wide field in a compact image. An entire industry, spread all over the world, becomes visible at an exhibition. At the same time, our exhibitions have the effect of a concave mirror, such as those used in reflective telescopes: they create a real image from distant objects. Exhibitors can thus zoom directly in on the strengths and become customers. The small in the large; the large in the small: this only works at exhibitions. ”At our exhibitions, information is turned into knowledge; what is experienced externally is turned into something experienced internally, and indi- As the heads of the company we have the opportunity to simultaneously bundle and amplify our vidual contacts become a community.“ strengths for the company. Dr. Roland Fleck Not visiting exhibitions is comparable to hoping to gain information through accounts, reports and ”With your work you are a part of people’s images. It is as if you were to let others describe to you what is in the mirror instead of looking into everyday life experiences“ it yourself. The result would be hypothetical, unsound and vague. Peter Ottmann At our exhibitions, information is turned into knowledge; what is experienced externally is turned Exhibitions reflect your industry and your company. Life itself, the life of every individual person, is into something experienced internally, and individual contacts become a network of real connec- conversely also the reflection of your actual work – in research, production and innovation. What tions, a community. Our exhibitors and visitors regularly experience the energy that flows into and you create and bring to fruition influences and determines the lives of countless people. Your servi- through these exhibitions. We experience this too. The centres of energy that are exhibitions and ces find a way to become part of people’s everyday life experiences congresses are the driving force of our work. We are the best mirror for each other. Fairs January – December is because only well-informed and properly briefed potential clients can make the right decision and Lifestyle Trade fair year features of their company and thus make visitors connoisseurs and customers of their services. This Imprint Finance jungle. The information that you gain at our highly international exhibitions is not available any- Outlook 2013 Image Exhibitions are much more than bringing together supply and demand. Exhibitions are lighthouses Letter from the management 9 start 8 10 11 through our events at the Exhibition and Congress Centre Nuremberg and all over the world. In Company development NürnbergMesse represents a clear profile with professional competence and innovative exhibition concepts: events by specialists for specialists. Our portfolio comprises around 120 international exhibitions and congresses in Nuremberg and around the world. Trade fair year Finance Image … with Peter Ottmann, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse. Together they are the new heads of the company based on the slogan: ”twice the leadership, twice the strength“. Lifestyle start Letter from the management Corporate Development the series of pictures in this business report, we will show you the extent to which you and your Imprint We hope you enjoy reading this report and hope to see you again soon at NürnbergMesse! Fairs January – December products, innovations and research results are a part of people’s lives. Peter Ottmann Outlook 2013 Dr. Roland Fleck 12 13 Domestic Own and Partner Events flect the developments and progress of their industries. Depending on requirements, Strategies are directed towards set goals, but are ultimately always decisively influenced by the people behind we assume the role of organizer, partner or lessor of the halls and congress spaces. them. As part of our NürnbergMesse 2020 Strategy we have consciously decided to split the large Own and Letter from the management Every year the approximately 120 events in the NürnbergMesse Group’s portfolio re- and Claus Rättich will generate almost half the total turnover of the NürnbergMesse Group. Their tasks are varied: Existing exhibitions are to be further developed. This can happen in two ways – one, they will develop of their own accord because market potential has not yet been exhausted. This then requires hard-hitting marketing directly targeting customers. Alternatively relevant areas will be implemented or Company development Partner Events business unit between three people: together with their colleagues, Rolf Keller, Richard Krowoza • Domestic Own and Partner Events ”Excellent marketing means being a good listener for •International Own and Partner Events our customers so that we can structure and further • Guest events at the Exhibition and Congress Centre Nuremberg develop our products appropriately.“ • NürnbergConvention • MesseService – exhibition services Rolf Keller, Member of the Management Board, Head of Own and Partner Events and responsible for MesseService and Domestic Sales Five years ago we implemented our 2020 Strategy for further internal and external development so as to be able to fulfil the associated tasks for our customers in future. When they took over management of Nürnberg- Because exhibitions are subject to a product life cycle and we consequently remove exhibitions from the pro- Messe in August 2011 Dr. Roland Fleck and Peter Ottmann set new focuses within this strategy, which will be gramme that no longer fulfil their function, new topics must be constantly created to allow us to develop our actively shaped by all members of the company’s management team. portfolio sustainably over and above this. This could be new topics in well-known markets or well-known topics in new markets. In 2012, for example, the two exhibitions Mexico Pet Expo and Pet Rio were launched. In both cases – new development and attaching topics – sound and reliable market research is essential in Fairs January – December (with subsidiaries in China, North America, Brazil and Italy) Lifestyle of Enforce Tac and the IWA & OutdoorClassics exhibition, which has existed for almost 40 years. We are also active in five business sectors: Trade fair year attached – either within the exhibition or consciously with our own brand and own presence, as in the case order to be able to foresee developments in the relevant industries early on. Imprint ”Exhibitions have been our core business since the founding of NürnbergMesse – and will remain so! Both above average growth abroad and the development of a congress destination of European standing are part of the strategic accents of this decade.“ Dr. Roland Fleck, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse ”In future we will also develop and market new exhibitions in Nuremberg. In doing so, strong partners also guarantee success.“ Richard Krowoza, Member of the Management Board, Head of Own and Partner Events and responsible for Central Event Support Outlook 2013 Finance Image start Shaping the future Events that we have developed ourselves as well as acquisitions and cooperation form the basis for this. Pre- already has 25 years of sound experience in this field; so sound that we have drawn up our own Mergers & cisely because of the saturation of many traditional foreign markets, our goal is to identify and occupy further Acquisitions team, which focuses on the latter. growth markets in addition to the BRIC states. This will all happen based on the corporate strategy, which is €50 million by 2020. The repercussions for our home location are enormous, not only with regard to exhibi- ”During acquisitions, the ability to integrate new events tors and visitors from these target markets on the exhibitions in Nuremberg. This dynamic area of Nürnberg- in such a way as to increase synergy potentials and still Messe shall be controlled in the best sense of the word. As well as the financial side, legal and tax issues also maintain the identity of the event is more important than play an important role. would probably not exist without important organizers such as Spielwarenmesse eG with the Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg and AFAG with their large public events and rich traditions Consumenta and Freizeit Messe Nürnberg or exhibitions such as HOGA and iENA. Our own event programme essentially began By 2020 we wish to increase our staff correspondingly and invest around €130 million in developing and in the 1980s and 1990s. Guest organizers, such as Mesago, whether with exhibitions or congresses, will there- acquiring exhibitions and exhibition products in Germany and worldwide. In 2011, for example, we acquired fore continue to remain important to us and have a fixed place in our strategic planning. the beverage exhibition interbev in the USA and the IT security exhibition it-sa in Germany. International Own and Partner Events ”Guest events have a place a fixed place both traditio- The NürnbergMesse corporate strategy also defines target markets and topics beyond Germany and Europe. nally and in the NürnbergMesse strategy.“ It is therefore our goal to expand our existing subsidiaries in international growth regions and to establish new ones. Jan-Gerrit Ebener, Member of the Management Board, Head of Guest Events & Congresses ”Our goal is to identify and occupy further growth Lifestyle Letting our site to guest organizers is the origin of NürnbergMesse. We began doing this in the mid-1970s. We Claus Rättich, Member of the Management Board, Head of Own and Partner Events and responsible for Mergers & Acquisitions and Innovation Management Trade fair year Guest Events at the Exhibition and Congress Centre Nuremberg Fairs January – December lining your pockets.“ Company development attempting to increase the turnover of NürnbergMesse’s international business from a good €20 million to Petra Wolf, Member of the Management Board, Head of International Events Imprint markets in addition to the BRIC states.“ Outlook 2013 Image Finance Another way to integrate new events into the portfolio is to take them over from third parties. NürnbergMesse Letter from the management 15 start 14 become a metropolis for European congresses with an international standing. Our site will thereby grow to feature a gross display space of over 170,000 m². However, in addition to a further modest expansion of the exhibition site, the focus is primarily on increasing the value of the existing site. Since MesseService the early 1970s we have invested a total of around €670 million in the Exhibition and Congress Centre Nurem- The MesseService business unit, which is still new and bundles all our services for exhibiting companies, has berg (i.e. the land, the property on it and the exhibition centre concept). The skill here will be to continue unin- expanded impressively in the last few years. Its growth has thereby developed along the lines of the Own and terrupted investment in single or double million figures in one of the best-equipped exhibition sites in Europe Partner Events business unit. We turned on the turbo with the five percent partnership with exhibition const- during ongoing operation. ruction service provider Holtmann. We generate a total of around €40 million in this business unit – and this trend is continuing to grow. ”In addition to the modest expansion of the exhibiti- Staff as the most important factor for success on and congress capacity, the focus in the coming NürnbergMesse remains well on track for the future. The most important factor for success is and will years will primarily be on demand-orientated replace- remain our colleagues at the NürnbergMesse Group. They remain in contact with our customers, develop the right exhibition concepts and solve large and small customer problems. There are now more than 500 staff based in our home location of Nuremberg and in our German and international subsidiaries. In the past ten years NürnbergMesse has developed into an exceptionally attractive employer. However, the more Gerald Weiß, Member of the Management Board, Head of Facility Management specialised the task, the fewer the applications, in some cases. Demographic development will not improve this, on the contrary. We are adapting to this and have therefore launched the ”Family-Friendly Company“ Lifestyle ment investment.“ Company development lopment. Only recently we agreed with Spielwarenmesse eG that another hall, 3A, will be developed by 2014. Trade fair year gress sector to over €20 million in the long term. With NürnbergConvention, the plan is for Nuremberg to in the summer holidays and on certain holidays, networked telecommuting and part-time team leaders are have begun an energy offensive, which specifically plans to expand renewable energy generation and energy just the beginning of further projects. efficiency. Our experts are currently working on an agenda for the state of the site and the technological potential in these areas. NürnbergConvention ”We want to remain an economic force. This involves Nuremberg is already one of the 15 largest exhibition locations in the world and will continue to grow. Howe- further increasing our profitability and reducing our ver, there is also enormous potential in the congress, or better, convention sector. In order to leverage this, we liabilities.“ marketed the NürnbergConvention brand in the previous year. In doing so we work closely with the Congressund Tourismuszentrale Nürnberg and other partners in the Kongressinitiative Nürnberg and use our bundled marketing power to put Nuremberg on the mental map of the meetings industry. One of the goals of the Dirk Blum, Member of the Management Board, Head of Finance, Administration and Organization Imprint A large part of the investment will also flow into the renovation of our energy system. For this reason we Fairs January – December initiative. Both the metropolitan area of Nuremberg and ourselves have undertaken a great deal. Childcare NürnbergConvention is to bring significantly more events to Nuremberg and double the turnover in the conOutlook 2013 Image Finance Therefore, the services we offer go far beyond our customers’ requirements. They particularly affect site deve- Letter from the management 17 start 16 18 19 Everything in order, then? Not entirely. In its catch-up race in the German and international exhibition indusincurred debts. One of our main goals is to reduce these comparatively quickly. This is because we are no dif- However, whether internal or external, as a company that builds on the future, we have based our dealings and actions on a formula. This is the core of NürnbergMesse’s 2020 Strategy. ”We are working intensively on NürnbergMesse’s future formula, which comprises the triad of networking people, creating experiences and managing knowledge.“ Peter Ottmann, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse In 2011 Nuremberg established itself as one of the most important exhibition centres in Germany and Europe; moreover with its international exhibitions NürnbergMesse has established itself on the international exhibition market. Trade fair year the metropolitan area that are dependent on our success. Lifestyle ves; not only for our customers and shareholders, but also for the many thousands of jobs in Nuremberg and Company development ferent to many of our SME customers: we want to remain an economic force and determine our fate oursel- determined, our driving force remains to be different by: NETWORKING PEOPLE - CREATING EXPERIENCES - MANAGING KNOWLEDGE for our customers, the relevant industries and market players all over the world. Fairs January – December Even if the change of management has meant that some things have altered and new focuses have been Imprint Finance try NürnbergMesse has made many investments for the future and thereby also accrued liabilities. It has Outlook 2013 Image start Letter from the management EVENTS 20 21 Brazilian-bred budgerigar, fed with fine grain, chalk and vitamin suppleLetter from the management start ments – but without vitamin K, of course, which it Image cannot tolerate » Trade fair year Company development Finance Pet South America Clear aluminium colour-intensive, fine-grain lake pigment, weatherproof » Imprint Fairs January – December European Coatings S h o w Lifestyle varnish made from jam with raw cane sugar and high fruit content, 250 g, GMfree BioFach » Outlook 2013 Organic raspberry 22 23 Bar and drinks pavilion, 2 m × 2 m, galvanised steel with bucket and start spade in a practical plastic bag, recommended age 12 PVC-reinforced corners Brau Beviale Transponder with » passive microchip, 12 mm × 2 mm, capable of saving a months – 8 years Image structure, roof with 15-digit identificaSpielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg Sensor + Test » Two-lane road, 3.50 Fairs January – December Lifestyle Trade fair year Company development Finance » tion number Letter from the management Animal sand toy set m, 10 cm asphalt layer, reflective » Outlook 2013 Kommunale Imprint paint lane markings 24 25 Revitalizing hair tonic for strong, thick and healthy hair, increases grey shine (granite), weather- haare face, ideal for outdoor use Company development » water-circulation device with motorized pump, energysaving motor and Trade fair year Timer-controlled SPS IPC Drives » Lifestyle highly effective filter Fairs January – December Stone+tec » Imprint Finance Image proof, non-slip sur- Letter from the management Natural stone slab Outlook 2013 start for a great look 26 27 Satellite with electronically movable start and integrated control system for automatic positioning Outdoor cycling of solar panels Image rucksack, 20 l, waterproof, with optimum back ventilati- embedded world Finance on, comfortable » Letter from the management Ka band antenna belt and mobile » Imprint Fairs January – December Lifestyle Trade fair year iwa & OutdoorClassics Company development phone pocket Robust mountain bike with 27 gears, rear disc brakes for Geodata measuring steep ramps, flat pe- with laser scanner, dalling sections and tilt sensor, 976.000 tricky trails measuring points per second Freizeit Messe Nürnberg » intergeo » Outlook 2013 as well as front and Image Anti-ageing day care, 20 ml, moistu- Polythene flower Vivaness wrapping, reduced by an efficient granulator with highquality grinder Self-tanning lotion, Fairs January – December Lifestyle Trade fair year » grease-free, 150 ml tube, contains conditioning substances, streak-free tan- Imprint powtech » Company development ng sea extracts ning FCE Cosmetique » Outlook 2013 Finance rising with revitalizi- Letter from the management 29 start 28 Letter from the management 16 – 19 February 16 – 19 February 3 – 8 February Events 2011 31 Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 30 BioFach From 16 and 19 February 2011 at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 44,592 visitors attended BioFach, the world’s leading exhibition for organic products, and Viva- Lifestyle ness, the leading exhibition for natural cosmetics and wellbeing. For four days industry specialists from 131 countries discovered innovative organic foodstuffs and eco-friendly textiles as well as natural cosmetics. Around 1,150 members of the press from 37 countries reported all over the world. Inspiring congress events made Fairs January – December for lively exchanges. How can all people in the world be fed using organic and ecofriendly agriculture and production methods at an equal standard of living and nutrition? In 2011 this question came to the fore of the industry’s largest international meeting which focused on global nutrition. The news platform has been keepin the international organic community informed all year round since it was lauched at the end of 2010. The Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg has made a name for itself NEXT DATE: 13 – 16 FEBRUARY 2013 Vivaness worldwide as the leading international exhibition for toys, hobbies and leisure. This is shown by a number of factors including the fact that 54% of visitors come from abroad. A total of 79,000 visitors came to experience the numerous new products at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, all of whose 160,000 m² was used. 2,683 exhibitors from 63 countries offered a comprehensive range of toy trends. The 62nd Spielwarenmesse focused more intensively on the discussion regarding sustainability in the toy industry. The special topic ”Toys go green – natürlich spielen!“ provided examples of ecologically valuable toys – including a bamboo scooter and board games made from recycled paper. In addition to ”Toys go green“ the extensive expertise of ToyKnowHow included the Toy Business Forum and the 2nd Global Toy Conference, which experienced positive feedback from the 200 participants. NEXT DATE: 30 JANUARY – 4 FEBRUARY 2013 On its 5th anniversary the leading exhibition for natural cosmetics and wellbineg ran parallel to BioFach, the leading international exhibition for organic products. In 2011, 198 exhibitors from 22 countries presented their products. Both international market leaders and newcomers could be seen amongst the exhibiting companies. With 15 manufacturers more than in the previous year, the natural beauty of Vivianess showed a clear improvement. The companies took up a net area of almost 5,000 m². 67 novelties, as well as inspiring and innovative new products convinced the industry of Vivianess’ level of innovation. For the first time in 2011 the leading exhibition provided a special platform entitled BREEZE dedicated to fashionable, young labels with unique strategies and concepts. As a supplement to the leading exhibition, 10 innovative firms were able to introduce themselves. A number of products were exhibited, including those with sophisticated and unusual packaging and unique designs. NEXT DATE: 13 – 16 FEBRUARY 2013 Imprint Outlook 2013 Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg Letter from the management 11 – 14 March 2 – 6 March 1 – 3 March Events 2011 33 IWA & OutdoorClassics With seven full halls, 1,166 exhibitors and 35,220 trade visitors, the 38th edition of Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 32 together for all aspects of weapons for hunting, sport and public authorities, outdoor activities and security needs. Three quarters of the exhibitors and over 60% of the trade visitors came from abroad. The high level of internationalism offered a Lifestyle the IWA & OutdoorClassics cemented its global reputation as an international get- good opportunity to secure new markets in Europe and beyond and thus discover embedded world range of products for everything to do with nature adventures: hiking equipment, embedded world continued its success story: Expanding to include 19,025 visitors high-quality lenses for animal watching and archery equipment. However, the range (+ 4%) and 803 exhibitors (+ 10%) it impressively demonstated the dynamism of of options for the police and bodyguards also attracted great interest. the embedded systems industry and again transformed the exhibition location of NEXT DATE: 8 – 11 MARCH 2013 Nuremberg into the most important dialogue platform for the international embed- Fairs January – December new sales potential. As well as the various types of weapons there was a complete electronic displays conference completed the great overall picture with 5% more participants. A particular highlight was the second edition of the embedded world STUDENT DAY: more than 1,000 prospective systems developers from Germany and Shortly before the start of spring the six halls of the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg were Austria were invited to visit the NürnbergMesse in order to establish contacts and transformed into a colourful world of leisure and adventure for the 43rd Freizeit Messe. listen to an exclusive lecture by Prof. Franz Josef Radermacher. He gave an impres- Around 700 exhibitors from 20 countries created a huge leisure paradise covering all sive talk on embedded systems developers’ global responsibility in an increasingly aspects of holidays and travel, home and garden, camping and caravanning, outdoor networked world. sport, exclusive leisure offers and leisure at home. The number of exhibitors thus rose NEXT DATE: 26 – 28 FEBRUARY 2013 by 10% from the previous year. One of the highlights of the Freizeit Messe was the ”Vive la France“ world of adventure, which allowed 90,000 visitors to immerse themselves in the French way of life. The Auto-Salon motor show accompanied the Freizeit Messe for its entire duration. NEXT DATE: 27 FEBRUARY– 3 MARCH 2013 Outlook 2013 Freizeit Messe Nürnberg embedded systems exhibition in the world. The embedded world conference and Imprint ded systems community. embedded world again proved that it is the number one Letter from the management 29 – 31 March 17 – 20 March 15 – 16 March Events 2011 35 Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 34 Werkstätten:Messe The Werkstätten:Messe is a real gem. Everyone says so; both exhibitors and visitors alike. Whether the event is still an insider tip or eventually now more well known is Lifestyle still disputed. In any case the number of visitors rose again at the sixth Werkstätten:Messe in Nuremberg. A good 18,500 people obtained information at the four-day exhibition on products and services from Werkstätten für behinderte In the 2011 the exhibition itself was even larger too and with 235 exhibitors, completely filled Hall 12. As well as the exhibition, many visitors also made use of the specialist lecture programme. Around 4,800 participants visited over 90 lectures. NEXT DATE: 14 – 17 MARCH 2013 European Coatings Show 20 years after its launch the European Coatings Show and the parallel European Coatings CONGRESS still has a few surprises in store. In 2011 the event exceeded its previous best from 2007. In spring 2011, 887 exhibitors from 45 countries presented their product spectrum of high-quality coatings, paints, sealants, construc- Fairs January – December Menschen (The German Association of Workshops for the Disabled) (2010: 17,202). tion chemicals and adhesives over a record net display space of 30,000 m². 25,955 gather information on the latest products and services during the three days of the exhibition. 63 per cent of them came to Nuremberg from abroad. The visitors The successful première of the Trade Fair with Congress for Preventive Fire Protec- therefore expected a real firework show of interesting products: more than 80 per tion clearly showed how important fire prevention and containment are. The 108 cent of the exhibitors had brought new products and innovations from their portfo- exhibitors presented a wide range of fire doors and blankets, warning systems and lio. The biannual get-together for the international coatings community was com- extinguishing equipment as well as escape and rescue systems. Focusing on „Fire pleted by the award of two important industry prizes: the European Coatings Protection in Special Structures“ the Fire Protection Congress really got to the heart Awards and the 1st Sustainable Chemistry Awards. of the industry. More than 2,300 professional planners and experts, architects and NEXT DATE: 19 – 21 MARCH 2013 civil engineers, public industry employees, fire prevention agencies and fire prevention officers from all over Germany used the two days of the event to bring themselves up to date and to cultivate contacts. NEXT DATE: 20 – 21 FEBRUARY 2013 Outlook 2013 FeuerTRUTZ Imprint trade visitors, 14% more than the previous record of 2007, took the opportunity to Letter from the management 26 – 28 May 24 – 26 May 3 – 5 May Events 2011 12 – 14 April 37 SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING is Europe’s largest event for systems integration in micro- BioFach China in Shanghai celebrated its fifth anniversary with a 27% increase in visi- electronics and has been a fixed event on the Nuremberg exhibition calendar for tors and set new records: 14,613 international organic industry players travelled from many years. In 2011, 537 exhibitors presented their latest products and develop- 33 countries to the most successful edition of the only exhibition for certified organic ments from the entire range of electronics manufacturing on an area of over 27,000 products in China. The organizer, NürnbergMesse China was pleased with its birthday m². Over three days, the exhibition received over 22,000 visitors, of which 26% tra- present – a fully booked exhibition space and an increase in exhibitors: 342 manufactu- velled from abroad. The accompanying congress took place at the same as the exhi- rers, 13% of which came from abroad, presented their organically produced products bition, with over 387 participants. In 2012 SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING celebrates its between 26 and 28 May. Around 300 participants made use of the well-balanced con- 25th anniversary. gress programme to gather information about cutting-edge topics, fresh trends and NEXT DATE: 16 – 18 APRIL 2013 important facts on the national and international organic market. NEXT DATE: 23 – 25 MAY 2013, SHANGHAI, CHINA FCE Cosmetique ALTENPFLEGE Renowned companies from the cosmetics industry and a high-quality congress pro- Because increasingly more older people live in our society, the care market is one of gramme attracted approx. 25,000 trade visitors to FCE Cosmetique, the most the fastest growing sectors. By 2050 the number of those requiring care in Ger- important exhibition for the Latin American cosmetics industry, organized by Nürn- many will have doubled to five million. The controversial questions on the subject of bergMesse Brasil. Over the three days, industry representatives were able to con- care are discussed at the ALTENPFLEGE exhibition and congress, which switches bet- duct market analysis, catch up with extensive information about market move- ween the exhibition venues of Hannover and Nuremberg every year. Between 12 ments and take the opportunity to present new products. FCE Cosmetique hosted and 14 April, 683 exhibitors displayed their products and solutions regarding all numerous international companies and visitors from every continent. A particular aspects of care, therapy, spatial organization, nutrition, cuisine, housekeeping, IT, highlight was the increased involvement of French brands in the pavilion reserved organisation and administration. 34,109 trade visitors, predominantly from inpati- for France. As an exclusive partner, the Brazilian Association of Cosmetology (ABC) ent and outpatient care for the elderly, gathered information not only in the exhibi- organized the 26th Brazilian Congress of Cosmetology, which examined trends and tion halls, but also at the accompanying congresses, forums and special exhibitions. statistics in the cosmetics industry. NEXT DATE: 9 – 11 APRIL 2013 NEXT DATE: 14 – 16 MAY 2013, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL Imprint Outlook 2013 Lifestyle BioFach China Fairs January – December SMT / H YBRID / PACKAGING Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 36 Letter from the management 8 – 9 June 7 – 9 June 30 – 31 May Events 2011 39 Company development Finance Image start 38 Trade fair year SENSOR + T EST DIE MESSTECHNIK-MESSE SENSOR + TEST has firmly established itself in Nuremberg. In 2011 it began under the leitmotif of ”Willkommen zum Innovationsdialog!“ (”Welcome to the Dialogue Lifestyle of Innovation!“). As a complete package of exhibition, congress and action programme, the event is the leading forum for sensorics, measuring and testing technologies worldwide. Over a display space measuring 19,000 m², 577 exhibitors from 28 countries impressively presented the entire spectrum of measurement technology systems competence from sensors to evaluation. The organizer, AMA Fairs January – December Nationaler Radverkehrskongress Service GmbH, was pleased not only with the significant increase in exhibitors On the occasion of the second Nationaler Radverkehrskongress in 2011, Nuremberg (13%), but also with the visitors’ positive feedback. The exhibition registered 8,065 was transformed into Germany’s cycling capital. Around 600 trade visitors from the trade visitors: an increase of 10% on the previous year. government, science and technology visited the congress. The focus of the event NEXT DATE: 14 – 16 MAY 2013 was on the further development of the Nationaler Radverkehrsplan (National Cycle gramme divided into eight forums. Particular attention was given to the bicycle’s sui- mailingtage tability for daily use as a means of transport in both rural areas and in combination conditions and the topic of a culture of mobility were also on the programme of the two-day congress. The programme was completed by three cycling tours, which both made it possible to experience the history of Nuremberg by bicycle and also demonstrated the city’s encouragement of cycle traffic. Modern dialogue with customers promises success for companies. At the 12th edition of mailingtage more than 7,000 marketing and communications professionals gathered information from 380 exhibitors and in 140 lectures on analogue and digital opportunities, such as social networks, printed mail-outs and data management. In the various forums and the new Social Media Area visitors were able to get to grips with practical dialogue marketing. The mailingtage congress and half-day workshops covered a broad range of topics from ”augmented reality“ to ”target group evaluation“ NEXT DATE: 19 – 20 JUNE 2013 Outlook 2013 with the public transport. Cycling tourism as an economic factor, infrastructural pre- Imprint Traffic Plan). Speakers from Germany and neighbouring countries made up a pro- Letter from the management 27 – 29 September 18 – 20 September 22 – 25 June Events 2011 41 INTERGEO Nuremberg plays host to the world: Approximately 14,300 trade visitors came to Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 40 management. Almost a quarter of the visitors travelled from abroad and around 500 exhibitors from every continent presented their products on a space of 28,000 m². International experts made the congress an exchange of knowledge that covered Lifestyle INTERGEO 2011, the congress and exhibition for geodesy, geoinformation and land the world. In 2011, the Navigation Conference of the German Federal Ministry of Stone+tec Nürnberg were at INTERGEO for the first time. In Hall 6, the special exhibition ”Erde im Visier“ Natural stone: a fascinating material with tradition and future that offers many oppor- (”The Earth in Focus“) provided additional visual information about the observation tunities. Stone+tec Nürnberg 2011, the international trade fair for natural stone and and study of the Earth system from space. stone-processing technology, has again asserted itself as the industry’s top meetingplace in Central Europe with 699 exhibitors from 37 countries and over 26,100 trade Award and the Peter Parler Award were announced for the first time for the whole of Europe and the Stone+more Innovation Award was presented for the first time. On the Student Day, architecture students took the opportunity to listen to exciting discussions and take on board valuable suggestions for their own future architectural creations. NEXT DATE: 29 MAY – 1 JUNE 2013 Paddleexpo In early spring the International Paddle Sports Trade Show & Business Forum, the Imprint show was condensed and thus led to a significant upturn. The German Natural Stone international exhibition for canoeing and stand-up paddleboarding, attracted trade visitors from the canoe industry to Nuremberg. 171 exhibitors (a 5% increase on the previous year) presented their products to 1,407 trade visitors from the leisure sports, camping and caravanning, watersports, outdoor and kayak-fishing industries. In 2011 developments in trek kayaks and sea kayaks took centre stage. Standup paddleboarding presented itself as the fastest-growing watersport. Whether as a sporting challenge, family experience or recreational trip, the exhibition showed a varied sport with a future on over 6,628 m². In 2012 the exhibition will take place under the new name of PADDLE expo. NEXT DATE: 18 – 20 SEPTEMBER 2012 Outlook 2013 visitors from 66 countries. In seven halls the consistently large range of products on Fairs January – December Transport, Building and Urban Development and the industry association Bitkom Letter from the management 11 – 13 October 11 – 13 October 9 – 10 October Events 2011 43 Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 42 TechnoPharm TechnoPharm is Europe’s only exhibition that portrays the entire spectrum of cleanroom technology and analytics, as well as packing and production technology for Lifestyle the innovative pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and cosmetics industries. In 2011, the exhibition, which had 301 exhibitors, again focused on the subject of cleanrooms, an important element for GMP-compliant production conditions. With Cleanroom quality lectures over three days) cleanroom technology and sterile processes were given their own forum at TechnoPharm 2011. Visitors were also offered ideal syn- POWTECH ergies by the parallel POWTECH event. POWTECH 2011 in Nuremberg ran for three days with 704 exhibitors, a dozen indust- NEXT DATE: 23 – 25 APRIL 2013 ries, 15,498 trade visitors (in association with TechnoPharm) and a large number of new products covering all aspects of basic mechanical processes from size reduction, to mixing and drying. The exhibitors appeared to be very satisfied with the visitors’ spe- Fairs January – December Village (43 exhibiting companies) and the CleanRoomCongress (around 20 high- cific questions. With its high rate of innovation, the exhibition, which takes place every industries worldwide. Over 65% of visitors declared that the only exhibition in their calendars is POWTECH. The INDEX SAFETY CONGRESS on Explosion Protection, the On 9 and 10 October 2011, the Bavarian Championships for Hairdressing and the special exhibitions Easy-to-Clean and ”Nachhaltigkeit in der Verpackung“ (”Sustainable accompanying exhibition HAARE, was again in convincing form – with not a hair out of Packaging“), and the presentation of the 4th Innovation Awards by the specialist place. It impressively confirmed its top position amongst industry events in Germany. media companies PROCESS, PharmaTec and Schüttgut completed the technology exhi- 125 exhibitors were present on a gross exhibition space of more than 12,000 m² – an bition, which runs parallel to TechnoPharm. increase of more than 20%. Manufacturers and participants at shows and competitions NEXT DATE: 23 – 25 April 2013 were pleased with the packed aisles and stands. Highly qualified trade visitors brought correspondingly good results. A total of 14,487 visitors from Germany and neighbouring countries travelled to gather information about the latest trends, to exchange views with colleagues and test themselves in competitions. NEXT DATE: 21 – 22 OCTOBER 2012 Outlook 2013 HAARE Imprint 18 months, confirmed its reputation as a relevant market for experts from countless Letter from the management 27 – 30 October 19 – 20 October 11 – 13 October Events 2011 45 iENA As a ”Marketing Platform for Inventors“, the 63rd iENA in Nuremberg presented tech- Trade fair year Company development Finance Image start 44 from 30 countries advertised to trade visitors from 41 countries. The spectrum of products presented comprised both practical inventions for everyday life and high-tech developments. Young up-and-coming inventors also presented their sophisticated it-sa The IT-Security Expo developments at the iENA. Since 2011 the iENA has cooperated with the PSI, the leaassociations and inventors with the merchandising products industry, which is very Between 11 and 13 October 2011, Europe’s largest B2B platform for IT security pro- open to new goods. fessionals confirmed its outstanding importance in the professional world. The NEXT DATE: 1 – 4 November 2012 who’s who of the industry met in Nuremberg for an intensive professional exchange more international. Manufacturers and suppliers presented the complete market range to the IT managers and specialists who had travelled there. The product spectrum at it-sa ranged from professional anti-virus software to industrial IT security and network security. The more than 250 lectures on current topics and the numerous accompanying events received particular attention. The extensive and informative supporting programme with five special spaces and live demonstrations provided up-to-date information on topics such as cloud computing and protecting mobile devices. NEXT DATE: 16 – 18 OCTOBER 2012 In its 12th year, Kommunale, the exhibition and congress for municipal requirements, once again demonstated that it is THE communication and information Imprint tion Statistics - FKM-certified for the first time) it-sa has again become larger and Kommunale platform for municipal management in Germany. Just how legitimate this universal claim is, is shown not only by the number of exhibitors (253) and the good, constant number of visitors (over 5,100), but also by the series of special events that run parallel to the exhibition and congress itself: the IT-Fachkonferenz zur Kommunale (Special IT Conference for Municipalities), the Feuerwehrinformationstag (Fire Brigade Information Day) and – for the first time – the Bayerischer Tourismustag (Bavarian Tourism Day). The organizer of the congress and honorary sponsor of Kommunale, the Bayerischer Gemeindetag (Bavarian Municipalities Council), placed the primary focus on the fields of energy policy and civic participation. NEXT DATE: 23 – 24 OCTOBER 2013 Outlook 2013 ous year, and 5,804 trade visitors (Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibi- Fairs January – December ding European merchandising product industry exhibition. The cooperation networks on an expert level. With 322 exhibiting companies, an increase of 6% on the previ- Lifestyle nical innovation and forward-looking ideas. Almost 800 inventions and new products Letter from the management 22 – 24 November 9 – 11 November 1 – 3 November Events 2011 47 Company development Finance Image start 46 Trade fair year Brau Beviale A birthday party with 31,693 guests? Only celebrities can manage that – just like the Brau Beviale, which sent out invitations to its 50th birthday party at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg in November. 1,384 exhibitors created the perfect atmosphere Lifestyle with their innovations. Over the last five decades, the exhibition has transformed from a marriage market for brewers to an international market place, but has always remained the best possible source of information and is valued as a highly emotional were again satisfied with the products presented. In 2011, significantly more (36%) SPS IPC Drives international guests travelled to the world’s most important investment goods exhibi- The SPS IPC Drives exhibition fascinates its audience every year in Nuremberg with tion for the industry than in the previous year. innovations in the electrical automation of systems and components. In 2011 it NEXT DATE: 13 – 15 NOVEMBER 2012 (new: Tuesday to Thursday) BioFach Japan attracted more than 56,000 trade visitors from all over the world to twelve full halls – a record. The 8% increase in the number of exhibitors to 1,429 and a considerable 10.5% increase in space to 104,000 m² reflects the exhibition’s high market value. The number of participants at the congress that accompanies the exhibition also increased by 16%. The exhibition organizer is Mesago Messemanagement Between 1 and 3 November, BioFach Japan invited the international organic industry GmbH. to Tokyo for the eleventh time. 16,119 visitors streamed into the Tokyo Big Sight Next date: 27 – 29 November 2012 exhibition centre to the biggest Japanese exhibition for organic and natural products, green cosmetics and eco-friendly textiles. In 2011, there was a great deal of interest in healthy eating and the demand for organic foodstuffs in Japan. The Japanese subsidiary of the world’s leading exhibition for organic products, BioFach Nürnberg is also the oldest and visitors received information from 168 exhibitors who travelled from 10 countries and presented their products in four thematic worlds: Organic Food Gallery, Vivaness Cosmetic Parlour, Organic Textile Street and Natural Eco Plaza. NEXT DATE: 21 – 23 NOVEMBER 2012, TOKYO, JAPAN Imprint from dairies, wine-growers and suppliers to the brewing and beverage industries Outlook 2013 ting plants, specialists from companies producing non-alcoholic beverages, experts Fairs January – December experience. Thus an unbelievable 98% of the trade visitors from breweries and mal- Letter from the management May / June May April March February January Events 2011 49 akademika Next date: 29 – 31 January 2013 Leipzig CACIB HOGA Next date: 13 – 16 January 2013 19 – 21 ACREX India Chillventa Rossija 4. – 6 BNC Federal Congress / BDCChirurgentag / BAO Annual Conference fensterbau / frontale india Next date: 7 – 9 March 2013 Mumbai, India 18 – 19 inviva Next date: 15 – 16 March 2013 HOSPITAL BUILD EUROPE 6 – 7 Bulk Solids India 12 Next date: 9 – 11 October 2013 Mumbai, India 11 – 14 Next date: 16 – 18 January 2013 17 – 19 22 – 25 REVESTIR São Paulo, Brazil PCIM Europe COM 11 Next date: 14 – 16 May 2013 19 – 22 25 – 26 International Congress of German Ophthalmic Surgeons akademika Next date: 5 – 6 June 2013 Juni 15 – 17 AUTOMATION SHANGHAI - IAC, TME + SENSOR Shanghai, China Next date: 13 – 15 June 2013 Kitchen & Bath Expo Next date: 3 – 5 July 2013 São Paulo, Brazil LEONI General Meeting ELTEC 22 – 25 START Bayern Next date: 6 – 7 July 2012 6 – 8 Next date: 1 – 3 March 2013 24 – 26 4 – 6 Next date: 5 – 7 February 2013 Moscow, Russia Next date: 7 – 9 March 2013 Mumbai, India Next date: 12 – 13 January 2013 16 – 19 1– 3 24 – 26 15 – 16 International German Die Casting Day Lifestyle 22 – 23 FCE Pharma Fairs January – December BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair Bulk Solids India Imprint 11 – 13 inviva 24 – 26 FCE Pharma Next date: 14 – 16 May 2013 São Paulo, Brazil Outlook 2013 Eltec Trade fair year fensterbau / frontale india Company development Finance Image start 48 Letter from the management December November October October September July Events 2011 51 Holiday on Ice Lokalrundfunktage 22 – 24 BioFach America – All Things Organic 8 24 – 25 15 – 16 FEMATEC abi pure Wetten, dass ..? 15 – 16 18 – 20 27 – 29 International Powder / Bulk Conference & Exhibition Next date: 17 – 19 October 2012 Shanghai, China 28 – 29 European Heat Pump Summit Next date: 15 – 16 October 2013 Hochzeitsmesse 19 – 21 International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians 10 – 12 BioFach India together with India Organic Next date: 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2012 Bangalore, India 15 – 18 Next date: 20 – 22 November 2012 16 – 19 Next date: 14 December 2012 15 – 19 Holiday on Ice Next date: 21 – 26 December 2012 China International Pet Show Next date: 1 – 4 November 2012 Beijing, China 30 – 2 Sternstunden-Gala DOAG – Conference and Exhibition Consumenta Next date: 27 October – 4 November 2012 9 Next date: 7 – 8 November 2012 Next date: 16 – 18 October 2013 26 – 1 ConSozial Pet South America Next date: 16 – 18 October 2012 São Paulo, Brazil Next date: 6 – 7 October 2012 BRK Menschenrechtskonferenz 2 – 3 Next date: 27 – 28 October 2012 15 Evenord / evenord Next date: 13 – 14 October 2012 Next date: 31 October – 3 November 2012 Buenos Aires, Argentina Next date: 20 – 22 September 2012 Baltimore, USA Asia Pacific Forum Bavaria CRM-expo 5 – 8 Next date: 10 – 11 July 2012 20 5 – 6 Next date: 24 – 26 September 2013 São Paulo, Brazil Next date: 4 – 5 July 2013 5 – 6 Analítica Latin America Lifestyle 20 – 22 Fairs January – December GfK Annual Conference BioFach India Evenord Imprint 1 Wetten, dass ..? Arthroscopy Course Next date: 5 – 7 December 2012 Outlook 2013 European Heat Pump Summit Trade fair year Lokalrundfunktage Company development Finance Image start 50 52 53 OVERVIEW OF 2013 24 9 – 26 9 15 10 – 16 10 European Heat Pump Summit 73– 9 3 14 5 – 16 5 HOGA ACREX India FCE Cosmetique Analítica Latin America 16 10 – 18 10 (Mumbai, India) (São Paulo, Brasilien) (São Paulo, Brasilien) International Congress of 7 3 – 9 3 14 5 – 16 5 24 9 – 26 9 fensterbau / frontale india FCE Pharma FachPack (Mumbai, Indien) (São Paulo, Brasilien) Hearing Aid Acousticians eltec 23 10 – 24 10 Kommunale 26 9 – 28 9 BIOGAS Convention 8 3 – 11 3 14 5 – 16 5 BioFach America – IWA & OutdoorClassics ° SENSOR + TEST All Things Organic Spielwarenmesse 14 3 – 17 3 23 5 – 25 5 International Toy Fair Werkstätten:Messe BioFach China September / October (Shanghai, China) IPB (Shanghai, China) and Trade Fair (Leipzig) 30 1 – 4 2 Letter from the management Paddleexpo Company development September Oktober PCIM Europe September 14 5 – 16 5 13 1 – 16 1 29 1 – 31 1 29 10 – 31 10 Pet South America (Moscow, Russia) 13 2 – 16 2 iENA October European Coatings Show HAARE BioFach ° it-sa June April 8 10 – 10 10 ALTENPFLEGE 5 6 – 6 6 31 10 – 3 11 Argentinien) 19 3 – 21 3 9 4 – 11 4 (São Paulo, Brasilien) FEMATEC (Buenos Aires, The IT-Security Expo akademika 6 11 – 7 11 ConSozial 26 11 – 28 11 SPS IPC Drives 16 4 – 18 4 SMT Hybrid Packaging 13 6 – 15 6 November / December International BioFach India together 23 4 – 25 4 Congress of German with India Organic Vivaness ° POWTECH Ophthalmic Surgeons (Bangalore, India) 20 2 – 21 2 23 4 – 25 4 19 6 – 20 6 9 10 – 11 10 FeuerTRUTZ TechnoPharm mailingtage Powder & Bulk Solids 26.2. – 28.2. embedded world 3 7 – 5 7 12 10 – 13 10 Kitchen & Bath Expo Evenord (São Paulo, Brasilien) ° Only for trade buyers with proof of eligibility. Extract from the programme of events. No responsibility accepted for errors. Subject to change. December 13.2. – 16.2. India (Mumbai, Indien) Lifestyle Chillventa Rossija October 5 12 – 7 12 BioFach Japan Fairs January – December Stone+tec Nürnberg November 5 2 – 7 2 October 29 5 – 1 6 Imprint Nürnberg ° Trade fair year (Baltimore, USA) July No responsibility accepted for errors. Subject to change. Enforce Tac ° 16 1. – 18 1 Printing and processing: osterchrist druck und medien GmbH, Nuremberg Photos: AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH, Nuremberg akademika Nürnberg AMA Service GmbH Bischof & Broel KG , Nuremberg BMVBS / Deckbar Photographie ErickN / (title) EYE-D-PHOTODESIGN, Nuremberg FotoDesign Heiko Stahl, Nuremberg Gabi Hartmann Getty Images / Christian Hoehn (p. 20) Gute Fotografie, Uwe Niklas, Nuremberg HINTE GmbH Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Stuttgart Mesago Messemanagement GmbH, Stuttgart Outdoor-Archiv / Eisele-Hein Norbert (p. 22) PADDLEexpo / Photopool GmbH, Hersbruck plainpicture / Bäcker, Anja (p. 18) plainpicture / Westend61 (p. 16) plainpicture / Design Pics (p. 16) Jan Scheutzow, Munich Stage Entertainment STUDIO F – São Paulo, Brazil Spielwarenmesse eG, Nuremberg vario images (p. 24) ZDF / Carmen Sauerbrei 7 3 – 8 3 May RemaDays Europe (Tokio, Japan) Outlook 2013 Design concept and production: Hilger & Boie Design, Wiesbaden 7 1 – 9 1 March Concept and contents: NürnbergMesse January Publishing details February Finance Image start / termine 55 Image 204,8 173,3 International Exhibition Services 95,2 101,4 Profit and loss statement 23 % 35 % 132,7 125,7 125,0 108,1 96,1 Guest events and NCC 31 % * The charts are for explanatory purposes only and are not part of the certified management report. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 NÜRNBERGMESSE GROUP: SECOND-BEST YEAR IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANY NürnbergMesse GmbH is the organizer of international trade fairs and exhibitions in the fields of Consumer Goods, Processing + Packaging, Building + Construction, IT + Electronics and Health + Public Sector. The NCC NürnbergConvention Center, previously called the CCN CongressCenter Nürnberg, organizes congresses and accompanying events. NürnbergMesse GmbH together with its international subsidiaries NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd., NürnbergMesse North America Inc., NürnbergMesse Brasil Ltda. and NürnbergMesse Italia S.r.l. forms the NürnbergMesse Group and operates in key international exhibition markets. NürnbergMesse expanded its strategic business Cash flow statement Own and partner events in Germany 153,2 field of Exhibition Services on a long-term basis by purchasing a 50 % holding in the well-known exhibition construction services provider Holtmann. Changes in equity Finance 11 % Balance Status report Revenue development of NürnbergMesse Group* in million EUR Development of fixed assets Shares of group revenue* Financial year 2011 Appendix start 54 The degree of utilization of facilities in the exhibition industry is measured by the so-called tur- than 60 of its own international events and partner events take place in Nuremberg and world- nover ratio. This indicates how often an exhibition site is turned over per year, i.e. how often wide, plus 6 international guest events at the Nuremberg venue, over three dozen congresses, the whole site was hired. The average turnover ratio in Germany is between 9 and 10. Nurem- usually with accompanying exhibitions, and some 50 other events in Nuremberg and throug- berg has always had between 12 and 15 in the past years and its average of 13 is therefore dis- hout the world. This limits the economic risk of individual events, as it is tempered against the tinctly above the German average. The turnover ratio of 12 in 2011, a year with fewer events, is background of the complete portfolio. This effect is strengthened by the high degree of interna- unchanged over 2009 with its more comparable load due to event cycles. tionality of the trade fairs, which in individual cases reaches over 80 % for exhibitors and Exhibitions and congresses are increasingly growing together. At the same time, Nuremberg still possesses appreciable potential in the congress business field. NürnbergMesse has therefore The NürnbergMesse Group achieved a revenue of 173.3 million EUR in the financial year, inclu- planned a long-term expansion of this segment and together with the Nuremberg Convention ding 61.1 million EUR for its own and partner events in Germany, 39.4 million EUR for guest and Tourist Office has set up the new NürnbergConvention brand. This brand is to stand for a events and 13.2 million EUR for NCC NürnbergConvention Center, 39.7 million EUR for Exhibi- full line of services for organizers in future, as NürnbergMesse and the colleagues from the city tion Services (including Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG) and 19.9 million EUR for the International are working hand in hand. The long-term goal is to permanently anchor Nuremberg on the Division. This is a drop of 15.4 % over the previous year, but an impressive rise of 30.6 % in mental map of national and international congress and event organizers. The previous Congress- revenue compared with 2009, a more comparable year in terms of event cycles. The company Center Nürnberg has therefore been logically renamed NürnbergConvention Center. Profit and loss statement around 60 % for visitors. Balance The portfolio of the NürnbergMesse Group is characterized by a broad spread of risks. More Status report 57 ”The long-term goal is to permanently anchor Nuremberg on the mental the additional services offered. map of national and international congress and event organizers.”“ The sold space of 767,000 m² in 2011 was some 3.9 % above the figure for the more comparable year 2009. This space was booked by a total of 25,808 exhibitors, which corresponds to a rise of 4.8 % over 2009. The share of international visitors at the exhibitions in Nuremberg rose Nuremberg is now one of the 15 largest exhibition venues in the world, is in the Top Ten in by 27 % to 165,663, the number of international exhibitors was up 17 % to 9,519 and the net Europe and holds 7th place in the ranking of German exhibition companies after Frankfurt, Düs- space for international exhibitors increased by 21 % to 210,353 m². So the share of internatio- seldorf, Munich, Hanover, Berlin and Cologne, but well ahead of Stuttgart, Leipzig, Essen and nal exhibitors at 10 of the events at the Nuremberg venue was above the Germany-wide ave- Hamburg. rage of 53 %. In terms of the share of visitors, as many as 15 events exceeded the average of 25 % for exhibitions in Germany. This fact is an appreciable overcompensation within the other- NÜRNBERGMESSE (FINANCIAL STATEMENT) wise rather stable development. Altogether 1.11 million visitors (2009: 1.12 million) attended The revenue of the private limited company is 144.0 million EUR (2010: 173.3 million EUR). After the 172 trade fairs, congresses, public events and company events in the portfolio of the Nürn- deduction of event expenses, personnel expenses, depreciation, amortization and write-downs, and bergMesse Group. other operating expenses and inclusion of the income from long-term equity investments, the com- Cash flow statement This was mainly due to the steady to slightly improving development of sold display space and Development of fixed assets thus achieved its second-best revenue since it was founded in 1974. taxation and extraordinary result of 3.1 million EUR (2010: + 11.7 million EUR). The EBITDA is 21.9 million EUR (2010: 39.4 million EUR). Changes in equity pany achieved an operating result of 3.4 million EUR (2010: 21.0 million EUR) and a loss before Appendix Finance Image start 56 58 59 Group structure of NürnbergMesse GmbH Status report NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd. (NMC) was founded in 2006 as the first independent subsidiary of own events and several pavilions. The company also acquires exhibitors and visitors for the events in NürnbergMesse GmbH NürnbergMesse Brasil Ltda. NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd. NürnbergMesse Italia S.r.l. NürnbergMesse North America, Inc. NürnbergMesse BeteiligungsGmbH NürnbergMesse Service GmbH Holtmann Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG AMA Service GmbH 100 % * 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 50 % 50 % 49 % company also acquires exhibitors and visitors for the events in Nuremberg and for the whole group. The revenue in the financial year 2011 was 0.2 million EUR (2010: 2.0 million EUR). “NürnbergMesse GmbH invested some 11.8 million EUR in the exhibition site, event rights and holdings in 2011.” * NürnbergMesse GmbH: 99,99 % NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH: 0,01 % SMT / ASIC / Hybrid Mesago Messe & Kongreß GmbH & Co. oHG mesomondo GmbH 25 % 100 % Group company as of 31.12.2011 NürnbergMesse Brasil Ltda. was purchased under the name of Nielsen Business Media Brasil from the North American Nielsen Group in 2009. The portfolio of NürnbergMesse Brasil comprises 6 events. The company also acquires exhibitors and visitors for the events in Nuremberg and for the In 2010, NürnbergMesse GmbH acquired a 50 % holding in exhibition construction services provi- whole group. The revenue in the financial year 2011 was 10.7 million EUR (2010: 8.5 million EUR). In der Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG and in Holtmann Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH based in Langen- the course of the purchase, an event in Argentina was also acquired from Nielsen. This event is hagen near Hanover. Holtmann achieved a revenue of 18.5 million EUR in 2011 (2010: 21.3 mil- licensed to an Argentine exhibition organizer. lion EUR) with some 107 employees. Holtmann has also been one of three service partners in the Development of fixed assets every two years was extended in 2011 with an annual event and another two-yearly event. The exhibition construction segment at the Nuremberg exhibition centre since 2009. Holtmann NürnbergMesse Service GmbH with headquarters in Nuremberg is a 100 % subsidiary of Nürnberg- GmbH & Co. KG purchased the remaining shares of Mesomondo GmbH in 2011. Messe GmbH. The company is a 25 % partner of SMT/ASIC/Hybrid MESAGO Messe & Kongreß GmbH & Co. oHG based in Nuremberg, which is the owner of the exhibition rights of the SMT/HYB- NürnbergMesse GmbH also holds a minority stake of 48.97 % in AMA Service GmbH, which RID/PACKAGING exhibition held annually in Nuremberg. NürnbergMesse Service GmbH is also the organizes the SENSOR+TEST exhibition in Nuremberg. organizer of special shows for the hunting and sporting guns industry at the “Hunting & Dogs” exhibition in Dortmund and the “Horse & Hunting” in Hanover. INVESTMENTS IN FIXED ASSETS REGARDING THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL Cash flow statement Finance NürnbergMesse North America Inc. was founded in 2007. The previous event portfolio of one event National Profit and loss statement International (2010: 1.5 million EUR). Balance Nuremberg and for the whole group. The revenue in the financial year 2011 was 1.8 million EUR STATEMENTS AND THE PARENT’S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The market activities of NürnbergMesse GmbH are also supported by NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs- NürnbergMesse GmbH invested some 11.8 million EUR in the exhibition site, event rights and GmbH, with which a profit and loss transfer agreement has been concluded. The company also holdings in 2011. owns the exhibition rights to the fensterbau/frontale, BioFach and EUROGUSS exhibitions. oe-concept GmbH of Nuremberg was merged with NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH in 2009. As in the previous years, especially the investment in the expansion and quality of the exhibition centre was financed to a large extent by external loans. The interest and depreciation, amortiza- Changes in equity Image NürnbergMesse GmbH outside Germany. The event portfolio of NMC currently includes three of its tion and write-downs resulting from the previous investments are the reason for the accumulated loss of 12.2 million EUR acquired by NürnbergMesse GmbH in the previous years. Appendix start SUBSIDIARIES 61 NürnbergMesse GmbH has conducted systematic analysis and assessment of the risk situation in the assessed and aggregated and the economic impacts on the company determined on this basis. The “The people working for NürnbergMesse are its most vital resource and a key competitive advantage.” The risk analysis report is discussed and noted annually by the supervisory board of NürnbergMesse GmbH. Risks with a high probability of threatening the continued existence of the company were Profit and loss statement Messe Group. The group employs forward exchange dealing to protect against currency risks for foreign currency items. Derivative financial instruments like swaps and caps are used to protect against interest risks arising from existing loans or new loans taken out in the future. Outlook on 2012 Development of fixed assets not detected and are not foreseeable in 2012. GENERAL OUTLOOK ON THE SECTOR The German exhibition organizers are planning 160 inland exhibitions of national importance in 2012. The industry association AUMA (Association of the German Trade Fair Industry) again expects slight growth in the number of exhibitors and visitors compared with the previous events. Cash flow statement Finance instructions of the supervisory board, this system has been extended to cover the whole Nürnberg- Balance results are used for developing a value-orientated risk management system. In accordance with the Changes in equity Image company since 2000. Various individual risks at the operating and strategic level are examined, Appendix start RISK MANAGEMENT Status report 60 According to forecasts by AUMA, some 182,000 exhibitors and 10.3 million visitors will take part in But NürnbergMesse not only shows its presence abroad with its own and partner events. In the the 160 exhibitions, in each case just under 2 % more than at the previous events. The stand space event year 2012, NürnbergMesse will organize 31 pavilions for the German federal and state will probably only grow slightly to 6.8 million m². The expected weakening of the economy should governments in booming economic regions like Brazil, Russia, China and India. not affect the exhibition industry to a great extent in 2012. The exhibition organizers will generate a “The NürnbergMesse Group is again aiming to top 200 million EUR The financial situation for NürnbergMesse GmbH is improved by the willingness of the shareholders revenue in the financial year 2012.” to improve the medium-term equity of NürnbergMesse GmbH in the period 2010 to 2015. The shareholders placed previous loans of 6 million EUR and 6 million EUR of additional cash funds in the capital reserves for this purpose in 2011, which increased the company’s equity. OUTLOOK ON THE NÜRNBERGMESSE GROUP The NürnbergMesse Group is again aiming to top 200 million EUR revenue in the financial year 2012. The NürnbergMesse Group is organizing a total of more than 50 international trade fairs Nuremberg, 4 May 2012 and some 50 congresses, public events and company events in the year ahead. New events in the exhibition and congress portfolio at the Nuremberg location include Enforce Tac, an exhibition for law enforcement, security and tactical solutions, which supplements the established IWA & OutdoorClassics. This development – in addition to FeuerTRUTZ, it-sa and Perimeter Protection – supplements the security theme. RemaDays, which covers the entire segment of the advertising aids industry, has also been acquired as a new guest event. The international portfolio is also being extended with new events. InterBev, one of the best- Managing Director Managing Director Development of fixed assets Dr. Roland FleckPeter Ottmann known beverage trade shows in the USA, which was acquired by the North American subsidiary in Brau Beviale in Nuremberg, opens its doors in the autumn. The Mexico Pet Expo & Conference starts in Mexico and Pet Rio in Rio de Janerio (Brazil) is also the first event for the pet market. In China, NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd. is responsible for the trade fair accompanying the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress in Beijing and is organizing an international pavilion at CHINA Cash flow statement 2011 and corresponds with the many years of experience and industry knowledge gained from DIECASTING 2012, a trade fair for the die casting industry that is linked with EUROGUSS. Changes in equity Finance that the 2012 Business Plan is likely to be achieved. Balance The overall distinctly positive bookings for the group’s own events in the first half of 2012 indicate Profit and loss statement revenue of some 2.9 billion EUR in 2012, similar to 2010. Status report 63 Appendix Image start 62 64 65 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2011 Finance 3. Goodwill 4.Prepayments 5. Client base and other rights 753,752.71 8,896,434.61 6,758,181.42 II. Capital reserves III. Revenue reserves IV. Adjustment item for foreign currency translation 10,438,240.20 V. Accumulated losses 11,395,808.60 VI.Net income/net loss of NürnbergMesse Group for the financial year 29,715.00 1,197,285.12 21,188,278.58 1,616,895.22 20,524,637.95 II.Tangible fixed assets 1.Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 2.Technical equipment and machinery 279,414,442.45 289,254,639,65 15,079,919.98 16,919,136.92 7,873,730.48 7,060,606.97 4.Prepayments and assets under construction 1,063,553.75 303,431,646.66 16,005.59 28,750.00 22,500.00 283,398.78 270,898.78 3.Investments in associates 353,364.94 447,181.04 4.Other loans 348,290.00 313,250,389.13 . /. less advance payments received 6,474.46 334,707.00 1,020,278.18 931,886.05 6,054.62 1,081,341.44 3.Receivables from other long-term investees and investors thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 0.00 (Vj, EUR 0.00) 10,692.80 C. PREPAID EXPENSES 9,791,994.07 402,827.12 IX.Net loss attributable to minority interests – 276,492.56 5,270,737.44 121,446,876.00 – 350,924.37 88,750.00 115,665,768.32 80,750.00 2.Provisions for taxes 3,033,931.00 2,258,006.00 860,815.96 11,083,722.64 1,230,412.48 14,978,469.60 13,477,294.07 16,965,712.55 146,088,008.85 160,079,375.37 32,785,634.23 19,723,466.19 9,931,369.17 10,387,028.66 245,576.60 246,219.32 5.Liabilities to partners thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 3,063,773.78 (Vj. EUR 7,257,051.64) 12,999,365.90 19,692,643.76 6.Other liabilities thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 3,160,149.93 (Vj. EUR 5,462,731.75) of which taxes: EUR 770,145.35 (Vj. EUR 2,926,132.26) of which relating to social security and similar obligations: EUR 101,164.42 (Vj. EUR 89,985.29) 11,253,173.74 2.Payments received on account of orders thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 32,132,164.43 (Vj. EUR 19,723,466.19) 3,160,082.85 931,886.05 4,601,618.43 135,454.83 III.Cash-in-hand, bank balances and cheques – 5,497,159.35 1,386,877.74 3.Trade payables thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 9,717,633.41 (Vj. EUR 10,041,199.59) 726,011.72 3,435,949.50 – 3,435,949.50 2.Receivables from affiliated companies thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 0.00 (Vj. EUR 0.00) 4.Other assets thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 1,019,796.18 (Vj. EUR 631,690.47) – 25,833,628.75 402,827.12 1.Liabilities to banks thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 16,231,608.70 (Vj. EUR 19,658,506,09) – 3,160,082.85 726,011.72 II. Receivables and other assets 1.Trade receivables thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 0.00 (Vj. EUR 0.00) – 16,392,559.05 D. LIABILITIES B. CURRENT ASSETS – 254,028.02 1,386,877.74 1.Provisions for pensions and similar obligations I.Inventories 2. Work in progress 622,765.19 – 699,268.43 VIII.Revaluation reserves attributable to minority interests 3.Other provisions 2.Other long-term equity investments 1. Raw materials, consumables and supplies 29,694,985.34 622,765.19 C. PROVISIONS III. Long-term financial assets 5. Cooperative shares 100,204,900.00 41,694,985.34 B. DEPOSITS OF SILENT PARTNERS 3.Other equipment, operating and office equipment 1.Shares in affiliated companies VII. Minority interests 100,204,900.00 2,221,633.26 0.00 10,327.90 10,018,503.50 5,929,004.47 8,160,965.63 4.Liabilities to affiliated companies thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 245,576.60 (Vj. EUR 246,219.32) 213,303,128.49 349,817,224.09 10,342,277.55 9,054,194.61 2,884,353.57 2,159,105.15 349,817,224.09 354,956,645.63 Status report I.Subscribed capital 626,603.65 Balance 2.Event rights thereof from capital consolidation: EUR 2,766,357,06 (Vj, 3,587,271,06 EUR) As of 31.12.2010 EUR A. EQUITY I.Intangible fixed assets 1.Software As of 31.12.2011 EUR 12,115,681.46 Cash flow statement Image A. FIXED ASSETS Equity and liabilities Profit and loss statement As of 31.12.2010 EUR Development of fixed assets As of 31.12.2011 EUR 222,244,414.76 354,956,645.63 Changes in equity Assets Appendix start NürnbergMesse GmbH 66 67 BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2011 4,445,577.00 2,591,288.00 29,715.00 5,016,388.00 0.00 II. Capital reserves III. Revenue reserves 3,196,441.00 2.Technical equipment and machinery 3.Other equipment, operating and office equipment 4.Prepayments and assets under construction V.Net income/net loss for the financial year 279,414,442.45 1.Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 15,067,358.00 16,885,948.00 4,966,587.87 5,263,263.40 1,063,553.75 300,511,942.07 16,005.59 1.Shares in affiliated companies 26,452,528.94 2. Loans to affiliated companies 0.00 829,810.00 1,145,953.20 1,145,953.20 4.Other loans 337,725.00 2.Provisions for taxes 3.Other provisions 311,419,856.64 24,389,200.94 27,936,207.14 321,642.00 26,686,606.14 B. CURRENT ASSETS I.Inventories 1. Raw materials, consumables and supplies 2. Work in progress . /. less advance payments received 85,989.32 85,989.32 2,725,941.35 1,931,023.99 – 2,725,941.35 85,989.32 – 1,931,023.99 100,204,900.00 41,658,115.34 29,658,115.34 344,301.09 344,301.09 – 12,189,234.26 – 21,219,209.81 – 4,694,846.27 125,323,235.90 9,029,975.55 118,018,082.17 B. PROVISIONS 289,254,639.65 III. Long-term financial assets 3.Other long-term equity investments IV. Accumulated losses 100,204,900.00 Balance 605,153.00 85,989.32 3,008,602.00 2,252,592.00 639,123.00 793,697.00 10,452,453.62 14,100,178.62 12,765,844.89 15,812,133.89 C. LIABILITIES 145,948,890.97 160,079,375.37 26,676,347.45 16,893,081.64 3.Trade payables thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 8,021,211.12 (Vj. EUR 8,838,442.42) 8,021,211.12 9,138,903.71 4.Liabilities to affiliated companies thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 5,193,107.53 (Vj. EUR 2,742,758.42) 5,193,107.53 2,742,758.42 5.Liabilities to partners thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 3,089,208.67 (Vj. EUR 6,872,413.25) 12,524,800.79 19,308,005.37 6.Other liabilities thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 2,809,415.81 (Vj. EUR 5,111,038.46) of which taxes: EUR 573,414.56 (Vj. EUR 2,735,904.07) of which relating to social security and similar obligations: EUR 559.44 (Vj. EUR 0.00) 10,708,066.36 1.Liabilities to banks thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 16,092,490.82 (Vj. EUR 19,658,506.09) 2.Payments received on account of orders thereof with residual term of up to one year: EUR 26,676,347.45 (Vj. EUR 16,893,081.64) II. Receivables and other assets 1.Trade receivables thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 142,667.00 (Vj. EUR 27,785.00) 2,950,631.62 1,173,124.92 2.Receivables from affiliated companies thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 500,000.00 (Vj. EUR 220,085.80) 1,165,236.36 763,005.30 3.Other assets thereof with residual term of more than one year: EUR 314,323.12 (Vj. EUR 384,483.12) 4,102,170.30 8,218,038.28 4,558,085.15 6,494,215.37 III.Cash-in-hand, bank balances and cheques 2,215,324.24 3,724,350.19 C. PREPAID EXPENSES 4,511,949.69 2,147,576.98 348,495,838.74 353,755,035.64 209,072,424.22 348,495,838.74 11,762,695.07 Profit and loss statement 541,096.00 II.Tangible fixed assets 1.Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land As of 31.12.2010 EUR Development of fixed assets Image 3.Prepayments Finance I.Subscribed capital I.Intangible fixed assets 2.Event rights As of 31.12.2011 EUR A. EQUITY A. FIXED ASSETS 1.Software Equity and liabilities Status report As of 31.12.2010 EUR 219,924,819.58 Cash flow statement As of 31.12.2011 EUR 353,755,035.64 Changes in equity Assets Appendix start NürnbergMesse GmbH 3.Internally produced and capitalized assets 4.Other operating income thereof from foreign currency translation: EUR,115,090.35 (Vj. EUR 37,897.36) 173,273,630.79 204,764,370.92 636,835.29 310,413.80 0.00 50,475.00 2,632,739.79 1,770,135.79 5.Event-related expenses 176,543,205.87 206,895,395.51 – 98,769,459.58 – 111,432,521.33 b)Social security, post-employment and other employee benefit costs of which in respect of oldage pensions: EUR 2,093,538.50 (Vj. EUR 1,274,392.15) – 21,200,833.72 – 5,892,020.20 – 27,092,853.92 – 21,928,568.09 8.Other operating expenses thereof from foreign currency translation: EUR 19,859.60 (Vj. EUR 9,264.50) – 26,425,081.89 – 5,094,286.13 18.Expenses from profit transfer 19.Transfer to reserves – 19,439,964.84 16,144,081.36 609,615.16 325,624.45 1,062,159.80 4,587,339.01 55,338.72 90,655.18 182,115.94 82,064.20 0.00 – 1,273,120.00 13.Interest and similar expenses of which to affiliated companies: EUR 164,472.32 (Vj. EUR,189,529.26) of which from discount: EUR 0,0 0 (Vj. EUR 0.00) – 6,734,887.58 – 8,246,250.89 1 4.RESULT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES – 3,129,066.74 11,710,393.31 0.00 – 147,089.00 867,099.55 775,139.86 – 6,615,786.83 – 8,078,230.40 28,617.92 – 9,353.80 – 3,288,126.10 12,869,764.43 0.00 –,147,089.00 – 816,675.36 – 1,555,535.76 – 1,717,035.00 – 1,554,048.62 0.00 – 4,037.50 – 5,821,836.46 9,609,053.55 0.00 – 36,870.00 21.Transfer to shareholders’ accounts – 1,362.57 – 131,113.85 – 5,773,651.91 9,441,069.70 – 276,492.56 – 350,924.37 – 5,497,159.35 9,791,994.07 2 4.NET INCOME/NET LOSS OF NÜRNBERGMESSE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR – 3,908,782.54 – 156,535,099.64 49,547.12 23.Net loss attributable to minority interests – 15,531,182.30 – 20,721,291.99 1,696,591.22 20.Transfers from shareholders’ accounts 22. NET INCOME/NET LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR – 4,648,737.83 – 145,028,411.64 74,333.61 17.Other taxes – 16,072,554.16 – 28,958,382.30 66,086.69 16.Taxes on income – 94,330,173.49 5.Personnel expenses – 24,379,480.52 10.Income from other securities and long-term loans 15.Extraordinary expenses – 84,230,026.23 4.Event-related expenses – 21,503,597.09 38,902.08 1 4.RESULT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 172,679,181.00 7.Other operating expenses thereof from foreign currency translation: EUR 19,859.60 (Vj. EUR 9,264.50) 38,614.18 13.Profit from associates 146,725,002.86 TOTAL 1 – 3 – 21,226,552.30 9.Income from long-term equity investments 12.Interest and similar expenses 560,818.07 – 18,385,480.79 20,068,973.08 11.Other interest and similar income, of which from discount: EUR 103,439.79 (Vj. EUR 24,025.91) 1,640,123.74 – 18,573,496.33 2,327,242.39 OPERATING RESULTS 3.Other operating income thereof from foreign currency translation: EUR,115,090.35 (Vj. EUR 37,897.36) 6.Amortization and write-downs of intangible fixed assets, depreciation and write-downs of tangible fixed assets – 186,826,422.43 – 1,222,564.62 – 25,208,966.50 – 174,215,963.48 TOTAL 5 – 8 173,340,927.55 1,130,745.84 b) Social security, post-employment and other employee benefit costs of which in respect of oldage pensions: EUR 2,016,306.05 (Vj. EUR 1,187,475.65) – 20,114,680.37 7.Amortization and write-downs of intangible fixed assets, depreciation and write-downs of tangible fixed assets 143,954,133.28 a) Wages and salaries 6.Personnel expenses 2010 EUR 2.Increase or decrease in work in progress TOTAL 1 – 4 a) Wages and salaries 1. Revenues 2011 EUR TOTAL 4 – 7 OPERATING RESULTS 8.Income from long-term equity investments of which from affiliated companies: EUR 487,181.14 (Vj. EUR,203,190.43) 9.Income from profit transfer agreements 10.Income from other securities and long-term loans of which from affiliated companies : EUR 39,255.72 (Vj. EUR 73,331.18) 11.Other interest and similar income of which from affiliated companies : EUR 16,404.29 (Vj. EUR 88.52) of which from discount: EUR 103,439.79 (Vj. EUR 24,025.91) 12.Write-downs of long-term financial assets and marketable securities 15.Extraordinary expenses 16.Taxes on income 57,859.92 – 1,059,685.20 17.Other taxes – 1,623,639.45 – 1,473,643.56 18. NET INCOME/NET LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR – 4,694,846.27 9,029,975.55 Balance 2.Increase or decrease in work in progress 2010 EUR Profit and loss statement Finance Image 1. Revenues 2011 EUR Development of fixed assets NürnbergMesse GmbH Cash flow statement NürnbergMesse GmbH Changes in equity INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 start CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 Status report 69 Appendix 68 70 71 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 A.Fixed assets As of 31.12.2011 EUR Additions 2011 EUR Disposals 2011 EUR Foreign currency translation EUR 6,829,771.80 346,703.16 – 67,879.55 – 10,679.45 7,097,915.96 19,777,442.42 4,104,992.31 0.00 4,800.88 23,887,235.62 As of 1.1.2011 EUR CARRYING AMOUNTS As of 31.12.2011 EUR As of 31.12.2011 EUR As of 31.12.2010 EUR Additions 2011 EUR Disposals 2011 EUR 6,076,019.09 465,833.80 – 70,540.58 6,471,312.31 626,603.65 753,752.71 13,019,261.00 1,971,540.00 0.00 14,990,801.01 8,896,434.61 6,758,181.42 As of 1.1.2011 EUR 3. Films 4.Goodwill 5.Client base and other rights 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 214,696.88 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 13,037,608.25 150.00 0.00 0.00 13,037,758.25 1,641,799.65 957,718.40 0.00 2,599,518.05 10,438,240.20 11,395,808.60 1,990,198.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,990,198.48 373,303.26 419,610.10 0.00 792,913.36 1,197,285.12 1,616,895.22 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 41,849,717.83 4,481,560.47 – 67,879.55 – 5,878.57 46,257,520.19 21,325,079.88 3,814,702.30 – 70,540.58 25,069,241.61 21,188,278.58 20,524,637.95 1.Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 471,700,405.45 3,421,785.60 0.00 0.00 475,122,191.05 182,445,765.80 13,261,982.80 0.00 195,707,748.60 279,414,442.45 289,254,639.65 2.Technical equipment and machinery 50,635,191.07 772,691.12 – 308,384.96 0.00 51,099,497.23 33,716,054.15 2,595,288.06 – 291,764.96 36,019,577.25 15,079,919.98 16,919,136.92 3.Other equipment, operating and office equipment 31,937,302.02 3,150,676.84 – 339,569.41 – 31,103.87 34,717,305.58 24,876,695.05 2,256,594.93 – 289,714.88 26,843,575.10 7,873,730.48 7,060,606.97 16,005.59 1,047,548.16 0.00 0.00 1,063,553.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,063,553.75 16,005.59 554,288,904.13 8,392,701.72 – 647,954.37 – 31,103.87 562,002,547.61 241,038,515.00 18,113,865.79 – 581,479.84 258,570,900.95 303,431,646.66 313,250,389.13 1.Shares in affiliated companies 372,500.00 6,250.00 0.00 0.00 378,750.00 350,000.00 0.00 0.00 350,000.00 28,750.00 22,500.00 2.Other long-term equity investments 270,898.78 12,500.00 0.00 0.00 283,398.78 6.Prepayments TOTAL INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Profit and loss statement 2.Event rights Balance I.Intangible fixed assets 1.Software 4.Prepayments and assets under construction TOTAL TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Development of fixed assets II.Tangible fixed assets 3.Investments in associates (AMA) 4.Other loans 5.Cooperative shares TOTAL LONG-TERM FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL A I. – III. OF STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS 1,248,350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,248,350.00 334,707.00 16,083.00 – 2,500.00 0.00 348,290.00 6,054.62 419.84 0.00 0.00 6,474.46 2,232,510.40 35,252.84 – 2,500.00 0.00 2,265,263.24 598,371,132.36 12,909,515.03 – 718,333.92 – 36,982.44 610,525,331.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 283,398.78 270,898.78 801,168.96 93,816.10 0.00 894,985.06 353,364.94 447,181.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 348,290.00 334,707.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,474.46 6,054.62 1,151,168.96 93,816.10 0.00 1,244,985.06 1,020,278.18 1,081,341.44 263,514,763.84 22,022,384.19 – 652,020.42 284,885,127.62 325,640,203.42 334,856,368.52 Cash flow statement III. Long-term financial assets Changes in equity Finance DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND WRITE-DOWNS Status report PURCHASE AND PRODUCTION COST Appendix Image start NürnbergMesse GmbH 72 73 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 A.Fixed assets As of 1.1.2011 EUR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND WRITE-DOWNS CARRYING AMOUNTS Additions 2011 EUR Disposals 2011 EUR As of 31.12.2011 EUR As of 1.1.2011 EUR Additions 2011 EUR Disposals 2011 EUR As of 31.12.2011 EUR As of 31.12.2011 EUR As of 31.12.2010 EUR Status report PURCHASE AND PRODUCTION COST 6,481,317.09 5,549,384.37 390,836.72 0.00 5,940,221.09 541,096.00 605,153.00 0.00 9,072,147.41 3,815,374.39 811,196.02 0.00 4,626,570.41 4,445,577.00 2,591,288.00 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 214,696.88 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 214,696.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,715.00 0.00 12,775,896.64 3,021,979.74 0.00 15,797,876.38 9,579,455.64 1,202,032.74 0.00 10,781,488.38 5,016,388.00 3,196,441.00 471,700,405.45 3,421,785.60 0.00 475,122,191.05 182,445,765.80 13,261,982.80 0.00 195,707,748.60 279,414,442.45 289,254,639.65 3. Films 4.Prepayments TOTAL INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS II.Tangible fixed assets 1.Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 2.Technical equipment and machinery 50,274,625.59 772,691.12 – 43,480.00 51,003,836.71 33,388,677.59 2,579,324.12 – 31,523.00 35,936,478.71 15,067,358.00 16,885,948.00 3.Other equipment, operating and office equipment g 25,438,691.07 1,265,376.80 – 167,139.96 26,536,927.91 20,175,427.67 1,530,156.67 – 135,244.30 21,570,340.04 4,966,587.87 5,263,263.40 16,005.59 1,047,548.16 0.00 1,063,553.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,063,553.75 16,005.59 547,429,727.70 6,507,401.68 – 210,619.96 553,726,509.42 236,009,871.06 17,371,463.59 – 166,767.30 253,214,567.35 300,511,942.07 311,419,856.64 26,012,320.94 2,063,328.00 0.00 28,075,648.94 1,623,120.00 0.00 0.00 1,623,120.00 26,452,528.94 24,389,200.94 829,810.00 142,653.82 – 972,463.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 829,810.00 1,268,378.20 0.00 0.00 1,268,378.20 122,425.00 0.00 0.00 122,425.00 1,145,953.20 1,145,953.20 4.Prepayments and assets under construction TOTAL TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS III. Long-term financial assets 1.Shares in affiliated companies 2.Loans to affiliated companies 3.Other long-term equity investments 4.Other loans TOTAL LONG-TERM FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL A I. – III. OF STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS 321,642.00 16,083.00 0.00 337,725.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 337,725.00 321,642.00 28,432,151.14 2,222,064.82 – 972,463.82 29,681,752.14 1,745,545.00 0.00 0.00 1,745,545.00 27,936,207.14 26,686,606.14 588,637,775.48 11,751,446.24 – 1,183,083.78 599,206,137.94 247,334,871.70 18,573,496.33 – 166,767.30 265,741,600.73 333,464,537.21 341,302,903.78 Profit and loss statement 0.00 2,665,485.02 Development of fixed assets 326,779.72 6,406,662.39 Cash flow statement 6,154,537.37 2.Event rights Changes in equity 1.Software Balance I.Intangible fixed assets Appendix Finance Image start NürnbergMesse GmbH NET INCOME/NET LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR – 5,773 9,441 + / – Depreciation, amortization and write-downs/appreciation of fixed assets Image Finance 22,024 21,358 + / –Increase/decrease of non-current provisions 559 – 910 + / –Other non-cash expenses and revenues 582 811 17,392 30,700 CASH FLOW AS PER DVFA/SG METHOD – / +Profit/loss from disposal of fixed assets – / +Increase/decrease of inventories – / +Increase/decrease of trade receivables – / +Increase/decrease of other assets – 4,695 9,030 + / – Depreciation, amortization and write-downs/appreciation of fixed assets 18,573 19,659 + / –Increase/decrease of non-current provisions 539 – 531 + / –Other non-cash expenses and revenues 439 605 14,856 28,763 – 9 128 CASH FLOW AS PER DVFA/SG METHOD 134 – / +Profit/loss from disposal of fixed assets 360 – / +Increase/decrease of inventories – 2,380 867 – / +Increase/decrease of trade receivables 658 – 976 – 1,323 – 2,546 – / +Increase/decrease of other assets – 113 – 2,251 3,021 + / –Increase/decrease of trade payables – 1,118 1,584 9,783 – 8,473 – 2,360 2,641 14,617 27,530 + / –Increase/decrease of other liabilities – 2,168 2,338 0 – 1,062 22,024 27,079 74 904 –Payments made for investment in tangible fixed assets – 8,362 – 25,235 –Payments made for investment in intangible fixed assets – 3,171 – 940 – 19 – 1,565 – 136 412 – 11,614 – 26,424 6,000 3,000 0 0 + / –Increase/decrease of advance payments received + / –Increase/decrease of other liabilities 1. CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES +Payments received from disposal of fixed assets +Payments received from partners –Payments made to partners + / –Payments received/made due to financial liabilities from/to partners – 693 571 5,139 24,823 – 19,130 – 29,972 2 240 – 8,682 – 1,338 NET CHANGE IN CASH FUNDS 1,728 – 683 + / –Changes to cash funds caused by exchange rate, consolidated group and valuation – 440 1,617 + 9,054 8,120 10,342 9,054 + / –Increase/decrease of liabilities to affiliated companies and other long-term equity investments 3. CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash funds at the beginning of the period 4. CASH FUNDS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 1,026 902 –Payments made for investment in tangible fixed assets – 6,507 – 23,903 –Payments made for investment in intangible fixed assets – 1,717 – 401 –Payments made for investment in long-term financial assets – 2,063 – 1,552 – 402 – 188 – 9,663 – 25,142 +Payments received from partners 6,000 3,000 + / –Payments received/made due to financial liabilities from/to partners – 783 849 +Payments received from loans and borrowings 5,000 24,823 – 19,130 – 29,572 2,450 – 2,001 – 6,463 – 2,901 – 1,509 – 513 3,724 4,174 0 63 2,215 3,724 + / –Payments received/made due to financial assets as part of short-term financial arrangements with affiliated companies and other long-term equity investments 2. CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES +Payments received from loans and borrowings –Payments made for repayment of loans and borrowings – 809 – 2,962 1,922 2. CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 456 + / –Increase/decrease of current provisions – 9,979 + / –Payments received/made due to financial assets as part of short-term financial arrangements with affiliated companies and other long-term equity investments 788 49 – 456 –Payments made for investment in long-term financial assets 0 – 1,788 2,726 13,062 +Payments received from disposal of fixed assets 0 – / +Increase/decrease of prepaid expenses + / –Increase/decrease of advance payments received 1. CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCOME/NET LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR – 9 + / –Increase/decrease of current provisions + / –Increase/decrease of deferred income 2010 kEUR – 206 – / +Increase/decrease of prepaid expenses + / –Increase/decrease of trade payables 2011 kEUR –Payments made for repayment of loans and borrowings + / –Increase/decrease of liabilities to affiliated companies and other long-term equity investments 3. CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES NET CHANGE IN CASH FUNDS + Cash funds at the beginning of the period + Change due to merging 4. CASH FUNDS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD Balance 2010 kEUR start 2011 kEUR Profit and loss statement NürnbergMesse GmbH Development of fixed assets NürnbergMesse GmbH Cash flow statement CASH FLOW STATEMENT Changes in equity CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Status report 75 Appendix 74 76 77 NürnbergMesse Group Subscribed capital Revenue reserves EUR EUR EUR EUR 100,204,900.00 29,694,985.34 622,765.19 – 254,028.02 – 16,041,634.68 114,226,987.83 Currency translation differences 0.00 0.00 0.00 – 445,240.41 0.00 – 445,240.41 Consolidated net income/net loss for the financial year 0.00 accordance with Art. 274 Para. 1 p. 2 HGB has not been used. accordance with Art. 242 ff. of the German Commercial Code (HGB), the regulations governing capital companies (Art. 264 ff. The company is a large limited company as defined in Art. 267 HGB) and the relevant regulations of the German Limited Liabi- Para. 3 HGB. The income statement has been prepared on the lity Corporations Act (GmbHG). The consolidated financial state- basis of the expenditure format. Art. 290 ff. HGB. A. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT NürnbergMesse GmbH prepares a consolidated financial state- 0.00 12,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000,000.00 100,204,900.00 41,694,985.34 622,765.19 – 699,268.43 – 21,538,794.03 120,284,588.07 NürnbergMesse Group AS OF 31.12.2010 Currency translation differences Consolidated net income/net loss for the financial year Equity attributable to minority interests GROUP Equity Group equity NürnbergMesse GmbH and its subsidiaries included in the con- ment in accordance with Art. 290 ff. HGB. solidated financial statement have applied the regulations of the German Accounting Law Modernization Act (BilMoG) since the B. CONSOLIDATED GROUP/LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES financial year 2010. Deferred tax assets result first from accu- The consolidated financial statement of NürnbergMesse includes mulated losses from the valuation of provisions and second the following subsidiaries: from the valuation of loans. Deferred tax liabilities result from the assessment of the fixed assets. EUR EUR EUR 1,438,780.49 1,438,780.49 115,665,768.32 0.00 0.00 –,445,240.41 – 276,492.56 – 276,492.56 – 5,773,651.91 0.00 0.00 12,000,000.00 1,162,287.93 1,162,287.93 121,446,876.00 profit and loss statement – 5,497,159.35 Equity (Commercial balance sheet I) EUR Share of nominal capital % NürnbergMesse Service GmbH, Nuremberg 1,415,695.09 100,0 NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH, Nuremberg 1,659,060.84 100,0 454,667.07 100,0 NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd., Shanghai NürnbergMesse North America Inc., Atlanta 1,082,587.51 100,0 NürnbergMesse Brasil Feiras E Congressos Ltda., São Paulo * 3,759,513.77 100,0 * 804,470.00 50,0 Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG, Langenhagen * NürnbergMesse GmbH: 99.99 % NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH: 0.01 % Development of fixed assets – 5,497,159.35 Cash flow statement 0.00 NürnbergMesse GmbH holds the following shares in associates: Share of nominal capital % SMT/ASIC/Hybrid MESAGO Messe & Kongreß GmbH & Co. oHG, Nuremberg AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf 25.0 Changes in equity 0.00 48.97 Appendix 0.00 MINORITY INTERESTS AS OF 31.12.2011 This annual financial statement has been prepared in ment has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Transfers Transfers The deferred tax assets exceed the deferred tax liabilities. The possibility of creating deferred taxes from an asset item in Equity EUR AS OF 31.12.2011 Capital reserves Generated group equity Adjustment item for foreign currency translation EUR AS OF 31.12.2010 Finance 1.General disclosures PARENT Image start NürnbergMesse GmbH Status report COMBINED NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES TO THE PARENT’S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 Balance CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 79 NürnbergMesse Italia S.r.l., Milan 232,890.79 100.0 Mesomondo GmbH, Nuremberg 26,767.59 50.0 Holtmann Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, Langenhagen 31,610.90 50.0 ment and for all subsidiaries included in the financial state- off on a straight line basis over four years in line with the use- ment is 31 December 2011. The balance sheets have been ful life of the event rights. The residual useful life was exten- drawn up in accordance with standard accounting policies. ded to 6 years in 2006 due to the early extension of the licensing agreement. The capital consolidation of the subsidiaries purchased prior to 1 January 2010 is based on the carrying amount method by The receivables and liabilities between the companies included offsetting the purchase prices of the holdings against the in the consolidated financial statement are offset. The diffe- share of equity on the acquisition date or at the time of initial rences resulting from offsetting receivables and liabilities in inclusion of the subsidiary in the consolidated financial state- foreign currencies have been accounted for under “Adjust- ment. The capital consolidation of Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG, ment item for foreign currency translation” and are not reflec- The limited partner’s holdings of 50 % of the limited liability NürnbergMesse Italia S.r.l., founded on 11 May 2009, is not the subsidiary purchased in the financial year 2010, is based ted in profit or loss. capital of Holtmann GmbH & Co. KG and 50 % of Holtmann included in the consolidated financial statement for 2011 due to on the new valuation method in accordance with Art. 301 Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH (corporate general partner) its insignificance in accordance with Art. 296 Para. 2 HGB. HGB. solidated financial statement for 2011 due to their insignificance NürnbergMesse North America Inc., founded on 21 September The asset balances resulting from capital consolidation are eit- on an accrual basis in the reporting year are reversed in the in accordance with Art. 296 Para. 2 HGB. 2007, and NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd., founded on 31 Octo- her assigned to the event rights of these subsidiaries or consolidated financial statement and cause a difference in the consolidation of expenses and income. The relevant expenses are offset against internal group booked as goodwill and written off either over four years or, ment on the basis of the carrying amount method in 2008 in as in the case of the additionally purchased NürnbergMesse financial statement for 2011 due to its insignificance in accordance with Art. 301 Para. 1 HGB. Brasil and NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH, over 15 years. The modified closing rate method is used for foreign currency The useful life was estimated at 15 years on the assumption translation in the balance sheets and income statement of the SMT/ASIC/Hybrid MESAGO Messe & Kongreß GmbH & Co. oHG that trade fair operations have a long-term orientation and international subsidiaries included. With the exception of the NürnbergMesse GmbH purchased a 99.99 % share of Nürnberg- is not incorporated in the consolidated financial statement in the goodwill can be used over this period. The asset balance annual result, the equity is then converted at historical Messe Brasil Feiras e Congressos Ltda. (formerly Nielsen Business accordance with Art. 311 Para. 2 HGB due to minor importance resulting from capital consolidation of Holtmann GmbH & Co. exchange rates and the remaining assets and liabilities – Media Brasil Feiras e Congressos Ltda.) in 2009. The remaining of the small profit contributed. KG will be written off over 5 years. except for depreciation of fixed assets – are converted at the In accordance with Art. 301 Para. 1 HGB, the Brazilian subsidiary C.C ONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES NürnbergMesse North America Inc. and NürnbergMesse China ted income statement, the items are converted at the average was first included in the consolidated financial statement on the Of the inland subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial Co., Ltd. were initially consolidated on 31 December 2008. annual exchange rates. The annual result from the converted basis of the carrying amount method with effect from 7 April statement, a control and profit and loss transfer agreement 2009, the date of purchase. exists only with NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH. average exchange rates on the balance date. In the consolida- 0.01 % was purchased by NürnbergMesse Beteiligungs-GmbH. income statement is transferred to the consolidated balance AMA Service GmbH was first included in the consolidated sheet and the difference is not reflected in profit or loss. financial statement using the carrying amount method in 2004. The initial consolidation of the associate was completed at the time of acquiring the shares (1 January 2004). The same date was defined for determining the balance. Changes in equity accordance with Art. 296 Para. 2 HGB. Cash flow statement ber 2006, were first included in the consolidated financial stateMesomondo GmbH has not been included in the consolidated Development of fixed assets income. Profit distributions booked by NürnbergMesse GmbH acquired on 1 January 2010 have not been included in the con- Appendix Finance The asset balance of the equity share was originally written Balance EUR Share of nominal capital % Image Equity The balance sheet date for the consolidated financial state- profit and loss statement start The following subsidiaries have not been included in the consolidated financial statement: Status report 78 81 Liabilities The tax provisions are created to meet the expected burden from taxes not yet assessed and take into account the advance The advance payments received for the inventories are deduc- A.EQUITY in the reporting year. The inventories include an amount of The subscribed capital remained unchanged in the reporting 934,101.58 EUR for shares of manufacturing overheads. year. payments made. Receivables and other assets are rated at nominal value less The increase in capital reserves results from the conversion of a For provisions with a residual term of more than one year, future pro rata temporis. appropriate adjustments. partner’s loan from the Free State of Bavaria and from a cash increases in prices and costs are taken into account and dis- contribution made by the City of Nuremberg. counted on the balance date. They cover group provisions for Tangible fixed assets are valued at the cost of purchase or With the exception of advances for wages and travel expenses manufacture in line with trading and fiscal accounting regulati- and a premium for interest rate caps, the other assets contain ons and subject to scheduled depreciation according to the only receivables with a residual term of less than one year. estimated useful life. personnel (4,540 kEUR), maintenance (3,394 kEUR), outstanding The revenue reserves were created in the previous years. invoices (1,673 kEUR) and adjustment claims from commercial agents (180 kEUR). The accumulated losses resulting from the previous years are C. LIQUID ASSETS The provisions also include maintenance provisions in brought forward. Buildings are accounted for at the cost of construction. In some The liquid assets are rated at nominal values and are available for cases, the interest incurred on borrowed capital over the period expenditure due shortly after the balance date. of construction is capitalized. accordance with Art. 249 Para. 1 p. 3 HGB (old version) and Art. B.PROVISIONS 249 Para. 2 HGB (old version), which are retained in accordance The accounting of the provisions for employer pension plans is with Art. 67 Para. 3 Clause 1 EGHGB (Introductory Act to German Commercial Code). D.PREPAID EXPENSES based on a mathematical insurance report in accordance with Low-value assets with a net value of up to 410 EUR are written The prepaid expenses are valued at the nominal amount and the regulations of the German Accounting Law Modernization off immediately in the year of purchase. amortized annually distributed over the term. They consist Act (BilMoG). The calculations are based on the guide tables Obligations of 1,834 kEUR for partial retirement provisions are mainly of expenses for grants paid towards costs and rental prepared by Dr. Klaus Heubeck in 2005. The pension provisions secured by a fixed term deposit account of 930 kEUR. The liabi- payments. have been determined using the projected unit credit method. lity arising from partial retirement obligation was offset against The calculation was based on the following assumptions: the corresponding asset in accordance with Art. 246 Para. 2 p. 2 Actuarial interest rate 5.13 % p. a. HGB. Expected pension trend 2.00 % p. a Financial assets are rated at the cost of purchase or at the lower fair value. B. CURRENT ASSETS Inventories comprise work in progress, which is valued at the The interest share of the change in provisions in the reporting cost of manufacture including reasonable shares of the overheads in accordance with Art. 255 Para. 2 HGB, and advertising aids. The advertising aids have been assessed at a fixed Prepaid expenses by residual terms up to 1 year kEUR 1 to 5 years kEUR more than 5 years kEUR 3,547 559 406 year is shown under the item “Interest and similar expenses”. Development of fixed assets Finance scheduled amortization. Amortization in the year of purchase is profit and loss statement principles and based on the estimated amount of the obligation. Intangible fixed assets are valued at the cost of purchase less Balance The other provisions are determined in line with commercial Cash flow statement A. FIXED ASSETS ted. The calculation of the overhead rates has been updated Changes in equity Assets Image value in accordance with Art. 240 Para. 3 HGB since 2005. Appendix start 2.Notes to consolidated balance sheet Status report 80 3.Notes to consolidated income statement Liabilities are recognized at their repayment amount. EVENT-RELATED EXPENSES The event costs especially include costs for press/information more than 5 years kEUR up to 1 year kEUR 1 to 5 years kEUR more than 5 years kEUR 1. Liabilities to banks 16,232 67,951 61,905 16,093 67,951 61,905 2.Payments received on account of orders 32,132 653 0 26,676 0 0 9,717 214 0 8,021 0 0 245 0 0 5,193 0 0 5. Liabilities to partners 3,064 9,936 0 3,089 9,436 0 6.Other liabilities 3,161 5,021 3,072 2,809 4,827 3,072 64,551 83,775 64,977 61,881 82,214 64,977 3.Trade payables 4. Liabilities to affiliated companies TOTAL markets are as follows: year 2011. DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND WRITEDOWNS Group kEUR NürnbergMesse kEUR Own and partner events in Germany 61,144 61,806 Guest events / NCC 52,559 52,559 International 19,866 7,531 The other operating expenses cover mainly the costs of service Exhibition services/others 39,705 22,058 improvements and maintenance measures, services and general 173,274 143,954 administration expenses. The total auditing fees for 2011 are 22 By fields of business: These comprise amortization of intangible fixed assets and depreciation on tangible fixed assets. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES kEUR for the financial statement of NürnbergMesse GmbH, 31.5 The liabilities to affiliated companies include trade payables There were no liabilities secured by rights of lien or similar amounting to 1,097 kEUR. rights on the balance date. kEUR for the consolidated financial statement and the German Group kEUR NürnbergMesse kEUR 153,408 136,423 Europe excl. Germany 2,129 2,129 Asia 5,564 3,909 11,909 1,229 264 264 173,274 143,954 America Other countries abroad and 13 kEUR for the review and the annual financial statement of the three foreign subsidiaries (NürnbergMesse China Co., By region: Germany subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statement, Ltd., NürnbergMesse Brasil Ltda. and NürnbergMesse North America Inc.). TAXES ON INCOME/OTHER TAXES The taxes on income are mainly the corporation tax for 2011 and the trade tax on profits. Other taxes are mainly real estate tax. OTHER OPERATING INCOME profit and loss statement 1 to 5 years kEUR tocol and remuneration of partners for events in the business Development of fixed assets up to 1 year kEUR Liabilities by residual terms Finance NürnbergMesse GmbH organization, technical organization, general material costs, pro- The revenues by areas of activity and geographically defined Cash flow statement GROUP REVENUES The other operating income of the group is mainly non-current income of 772 kEUR relating to other periods, which results from the reversal of provisions. Changes in equity Image events, exhibitor and visitor promotion, congress and conference Appendix start C. LIABILITIES Status report 83 Balance 82 85 Foreign currency receivables with a residual term of one year or total fair value of 1,539.50 EUR compared with a carrying less have been translated in accordance with Art. 256a HGB amount of 97,203.00 EUR. using the average closing spot rate disregarding the historical 2011 2010 Employees 436 390 303 283 Foreign currency liabilities with a residual term of one year or transaction and have a nominal volume of 25,467 kEUR and a Apprentices 39 39 21 24 less have been translated in accordance with Art. 256a HGB total negative market value of 3,672 kEUR. There were no for- Students studying for a BA degree in exhibition, congress and event management at the Ravensburg Dual Learning University 11 8 11 8 using the average closing spot rate disregarding the highest ward exchange transactions in the reporting year. The market or value principle and the realization principle. fair values have been obtained from bank reports. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS LIST OF SHARES OWNED Derivative financial instruments are used in the group to protect An up-to-date list of shares owned is held by the Nuremberg dis- against currency risks for items in foreign currencies and interest trict court under registration number HRB 761. Trainees TOTAL 6 5 6 5 492 442 341 320 There were no contingent liabilities to external third parties and The pension entitlements of the bodies result from contractual affiliated companies as per Art. 251 HGB on the balance date. agreements with present and former members of the management. Other group financial commitments on the balance date amoun- date form an accounting unit with loan liabilities as underlying Balance The swap agreements existing with the parent on the balance 2010 profit and loss statement cost principle and the realization principle. 2011 risks for loans taken out. Cap deals to limit interest payments existed on the balance date. All caps are part of a hedge and together with their underlying ted to a total of 9,874 kEUR from rental, leasing and other con- No advances or loans have been granted to the managing direc- transaction (loan) form an accounting unit. Three interest caps tracts. tors of NürnbergMesse GmbH or the subsidiaries. each of originally 5,000 kEUR have a total fair value of 4,094.94 EUR compared with a carrying amount of 71,899.00 EUR. Development of fixed assets NürnbergMesse Cash flow statement Employees (average over year) Two other interest caps each of originally 10.000 kEUR have a Changes in equity GROUP FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION Appendix Finance Image start 4.Other disclosures Status report 84 86 87 together with the appraisal of the overall presentation of the balance sheet, income statement and notes – based on the annual financial statement and management report. We consi- bookkeeping and management report of NürnbergMesse GmbH der that our audit forms a sufficiently reliable basis for our assessment. Diplom-Ökonom Bernd A. Diederichs, Nuremberg (until 31.7.2011) Diplom-Kaufmann Dr. rer. pol. Roland Fleck, Nuremberg (w.e.f. 1.8.2011) of Nuremberg for the financial year from 1 January 2011 to 31 Schnaittach (w.e.f. 1.8.2011) December 2011. There were no objections to our audit. SUPERVISORY BOARD The responsibility for bookkeeping and preparation of the The supervisory board of NürnbergMesse GmbH comprised the following members in 2011: annual financial statement and management report in According to our assessment based on knowledge gained accordance with German trading regulations and the supple- during the audit, the annual financial statement has been prepa- mentary provisions of the Articles of Association rests with the red in accordance with the principles of correct accounting, legal representatives of the company. Our task is to assess the complies with the statutory regulations and supplementary pro- DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD annual financial statement including bookkeeping and the visions of the Articles of Association and presents a true and fair Dr. Markus Söder Bavarian State Minister of Financial Affairs, Munich management report on the basis of an audit carried out by us. view of the net assets, financial position and results of opera- Dr. Roland Fleck Councillor, Head of Department for Economic Affairs, Nuremberg (until 31.7.2011) Prof. Dr. jur. Elmar Forster Director of Central Franconian Chamber of Craft Trades, Nuremberg Arno Hamburger Councillor, self-employed trader, Nuremberg Claudia Arabackyj CHAIRMAN OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Dr. Ulrich Maly Lord Mayor of Nuremberg tions of the company. The management report is consistent with We have conducted our audit of the annual financial statement the annual financial statement, provides an overall accurate pic- in accordance with Art. 317 of the German Commercial Code ture of the situation of the company and accurately describes Councillor, advertising consultant, Nuremberg (HGB) and in line with the principles defined by the German Ins- the opportunities and risks of future development. Hans Paul Seel Councillor, accountant, Nuremberg titute of Accountants (IDW) for the correct auditing of German Dr. Michael Fraas financial statements. These state that the audit is to be planned Markus Lötzsch Councillor, Head of Department for Economic Affairs, Nuremberg (w.e.f. 15.9.2011) Chief Executive Officer, Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nuremberg Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk Assistant Head of Department, Bavarian State Chancellery, Munich (until 8.12.2011) Franz Josef Pschierer State Secretary, Bavarian State Ministry of Financial Affairs, Munich Katja Hessel and executed in such a way that it sufficiently reliably detects Nuremberg, 4 May 2012 mistakes and irregularities that have a major impact on the view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations Rödl & Partner GmbH State Secretary, Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Munich conveyed by the annual financial statement prepared in Auditors accordance with the principles of correct accounting and by the Accountants Marianne Stenek-Flaig Undersecretary, Bavarian State Ministry of Financial Affairs, Munich management report. The audit actions are defined on the basis signed Wambach, Auditor Martina Maschauer Undersecretary, Bavarian State Chancellery, Munich (w.e.f. 9.12.2011) of knowledge of the business activity, the economic and legal signed Hahn, Auditor environment of the company and the expected possible errors. No remuneration was paid to the members of the supervisory board in the financial year. Balance We have audited the annual financial statement – consisting of profit and loss statement ting and the major valuations of the legal representatives The Managing Directors of NürnbergMesse GmbH in the financial year were: Diplom-Kaufmann Peter Ottmann, audit covers the assessment of the applied principles of accoun- The effectiveness of the internal accounting control system and 6.Management proposal for appropriation of net loss The management proposes that the annual result of -4,694,846.27 EUR as of 31 December 2011 be adopted and brought forward. statement and management report are assessed mainly on the Changes in equity proof of the disclosures in the bookkeeping, annual financial Nuremberg, 4 May 2012 Dr. Roland Fleck Peter Ottmann Managing Director Managing Director Appendix Finance Image MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD basis of random checks conducted as part of the audit. The Development of fixed assets start Audit certificate for NürnbergMesse GmbH * Cash flow statement 5.Company bodies Status report AUDIT CERTIFICATES 88 89 audit. The audit covers the assessment of the annual financial company and group affairs by the management in written and ments of the company. The supervisory board supports the statements of the companies included in the consolidated finan- oral form during the reporting period and has been briefed on management’s proposal for the appropriation of net loss. We have audited the consolidated financial statement – consis- cial statement, the definition of the consolidation group, the the results achieved during the financial year. The board has dis- ting of balance sheet, income statement, notes, cash flow state- applied principles of accounting and consolidation, the major cussed all the important affairs concerning the company and The audit conducted by auditors Rödl & Partner GmbH of ment and change in equity – and the group management report valuations by the legal representatives and the appraisal of the group at its meetings, especially at the meetings of its commit- Nuremberg as part of the audit in accordance with Art. 53 of drawn up by NürnbergMesse GmbH of Nuremberg for the finan- overall presentation of the consolidated financial statement and tees, and has approved the necessary resolutions in accordance the Budgetary Procedures Act (German HGrG) has also shown cial year from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011. The respon- group management report. We consider that our audit forms a with the law and the Articles of Association. that the management has implemented the measures required sibility for the preparation of the consolidated financial statement sufficiently reliable basis for our assessment. and group management report in accordance with German trading regulations and the supplementary provisions of the Articles There were no objections to our audit. of Association rests with the legal representatives of the com- by the Limited Liability Corporations Act (German GmbHG) in The bookkeeping, annual financial statement, consolidated conjunction with Art. 91 Para. 2 of the Companies Act (German financial statement, management report and group manage- AktG) for setting up an early warning system for risks, and that ment report for 2011 have been audited by auditors Rödl & this early warning and monitoring system is basically suitable for pany. Our task is to assess the consolidated financial statement According to our assessment based on knowledge gained during Partner GmbH of Nuremberg and an unconditional audit certifi- early detection of developments that threaten the continued and group management report on the basis of an audit carried the audit, the consolidated financial statement has been prepa- cate issued in each case. The supervisory board approves the existence of the company. out by us. red in accordance with the principles of correct accounting, com- results of these audits. Nuremberg, 4 May 2012 plies with the statutory regulations and supplementary provisions We have conducted our audit of the consolidated financial state- of the Articles of Association and presents a true and fair view of The supervisory board has inspected the annual financial state- ment in accordance with Art. 317 of the German Commercial the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the ments and management reports of the company and group. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Code (HGB) and in line with the principles defined by the German group. The group management report is consistent with the con- After conclusive inspection, the board has no objections and Dr. Ulrich Maly Institute of Accountants (IDW) for the correct auditing of German solidated financial statement, provides an overall accurate picture approves the annual financial statement and consolidated finan- Lord Mayor financial statements. These state that the audit is to be planned of the group situation and accurately describes the opportunities cial statement as of 31 December 2011 and recommends that and executed in such a way that it sufficiently reliably detects and risks of future development. mistakes and irregularities that have a major impact on the view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of Status report the shareholder’s meeting adopts the annual financial state- Balance The supervisory board has been kept continuously informed of profit and loss statement mainly on the basis of random checks conducted as part of the Development of fixed assets BAudit certificate for NürnbergMesse GmbH Group* Nuremberg, 4 May 2012 prepared in accordance with the principles of correct accounting Rödl & Partner GmbH and by the group management report. The audit actions are defi- Auditors ned on the basis of knowledge of the business activity, the eco- Accountants nomic and legal environment of the group and the possible signed Wambach, Auditor errors expected. The effectiveness of the internal accounting signed Hahn, Auditor Cash flow statement the group as conveyed by the consolidated financial statement control system and proof of the disclosures in the consolidated Changes in equity financial statement and group management report are assessed Appendix Finance Image start Report of the supervisory board * The audit certificates refer to the complete annual financial statement and consolidated financial statement respectively. start Image NürnbergMesse GmbH Messezentrum 90471 Nürnberg Tel + 49 (0) 9 11. 86 06 - 0 Fax + 49 (0) 9 11. 86 06 - 82 28 [email protected] The NürnbergMesse business report is also available on the Internet: / geschaeftsbericht NMGB-01.4-DEU-07.12 Finanz Any time:
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