How to improve the liquidity of CAC 40 options Market? Alain FRANCOIS-HEUDE & Ouidad YOUSFIy December 28, 2012 Abstract The current paper discusses the features of contracts on CAC 40 index options, namely PXA contracts and focuses particularly on their liquidity. Our results are drawn on all the daily data available between May 2005 and August 2012. At …rst sight, the market looks very liquid but when speci…c liquidity measures are taken into account, like for example the distribution of PXA option maturities, strike price series and moneyness. Our analysis provides evidence that the market displays some illiquidity problems, particularly long term maturity options that are deep out or in the money. To enhance liquidity, we propose the Parity Reverting (PR) options. The idea is to transform all options into At-the-Money (ATM) ones through the reset of the strike price X to the asset price at pre-speci…ed date t, before maturity time T . Strike price is locked in at the then underlying asset price St regardless whether it is above or below St :The reset condition is in exchange for deposit in the Clearing House. Department of …nance at MRM (University of Montpellier, France). Email: [email protected]. y Department of Finance at MRM (University of Montpellier, France). ouidad.yous… 1 Corresponding email: 2 Keywords: strike reset, at-the-money option, liquidity, reset option, CAC 40 index, . JEL Classi…cation codes: G12, G13. 1 Introduction Liquidity in options markets is a major issue that attracts increasing interest. It represents price immediacy: if the market is liquid then investors can buy and sell assets quickly without bearing high transaction costs at a price close to the previously prevailing price (Cho and Engle, 1999) Many studies have been conducted in the microstructure literature to analyze the liquidity determinants for stocks and bonds (see among others Easley and O’Hara, 2003 and Amihud et al. 2005). They use one-dimensional and multidimensional liquidity measures, like for example the bid-ask spread (Amihud and Mendelson, 1986, 1991; Kamara, 1994; Eleswarapu, 1997), the price impact of trades (Brennan and Subrahmanyam, 1996) and volume and turnover ratio (Datar et al. 1998; Haugen and Baker, 1996) and Liu measure (Liu, 2006). However, few studies have been conducted on options liquidity and on the e¤ect of options liquidity on the pricing of options. Most of them are conducted on North American markets; studies on European markets are still limited. The aim of the current paper is to analyze and provide further evidence on the liquidity of the CAC40 index options, namely P XA. This is the …rst paper to study the P XA liquidity. Some papers (Riva and Deville, 2007, Roll et al., 2007, Deville, 2004, Mittnik and Rieken, 2000 and Kamara and Miller, 3 1995) focus on the CAC 40 index market and provide evidence that it displays a high level of liquidity. However they are drawn on a short-term analysis. Despite the fact that Future Contract Exchange, namely FCE, on CAC 40 index, is considered the most liquid derivative in the French market, the current study provides evidence that P XA contracts display some illiquidity problems, particularly long-term maturity PXA options. We examine P XA liquidity over a long period May 2005-April 2012. Our paper is related to three strands of the …nancial literature. First, it is linked to the studies on the liquidity of the underlying asset and options pricing. For instance, in a comparative study, Brenner et al. (2001) consider the non-tradable versus tradable currency options issued by the Bank of Israel. They provide evidence that liquidity has e¤ect on the pricing of these options. Some studies, see among others Bollen and Whaley (2004) and Garleanu et al. (2009), …nd a link between buying and selling ‡ows and the nature of the options (call, index put options or individual or single stock options). As options are contingent assets, other studies argue that the liquidity of the underlying asset may have an e¤ect on the pricing of options. They pay particular attention to the spot liquidity risk into the pricing formulae of options. For instance, Frey (1998) show that large agents, in the sense their trades may lead to a down/upward movements in the asset price, can replicate the payo¤ of a derivative security, thereby deriving a non-linear partial di¤erential equation for the hedging strategy. Cho and Engle (1999) propose the "derivative hedge theory" in which the liquidity and spread can be determined by the spot market if the investors in the derivative market can hedge their positions using the underlying asset. They show that option market spreads are positively related to bid-ask spreads of S&P 100 index options. Second, our paper is related to the extensive literature on valuation problems for options, particularly options with either reset condition or a forward-start feature. Pricing options 4 combining the two features is still an open problem because of the inherent path dependency coming from the di¢ culty of taking jointly into account the two features. Unlike standard options, forward start options will start in a pre-speci…ed date in the future based on a decision of some contractual terms. For instance, the strike price of forward start-options is determined in a pre-speci…ed date in the future. They are also called delayed options. If the strike price is the only contractual term to be determined, the forward start options are called delayed-strike options. In addition, they can be combined in a series to form a ratchet option (also called cliquet option) such that each forward start-option starts with an ATM strike price when the previous one expires. The idea is to enable the investor to lock in pro…t over the life-time of the corresponding option. Ratchet options are commonly used in equity market. Rubinstein (1991) provides a pricing formulae of standard forward-start option for which the strike price is set at a future time point such that the option becomes ATM at that time point. Guo and Hung (2008) generalize the Rubinstein formulae under speci…c conditions. A reset option is a path-dependent option whose strike price can be reset based on a certain criteria. For example, the strike price of a call reset option can be reset downward if the underlying asset price falls below a predetermined value. Reset condition enables to protect investors amid declines (respectively increases) in asset price in reset call (respectively put) option. Reset option can be regarded as an insurance portfolio. In fact, reset option is like a standard option except that the strike price is reset to the minimum (respectively maximum) of the underlying asset price on reset dates for the call (respectively put) reset option. There are single-asset reset options, but reset options can involve two or more risky assets, in this case they are called rainbow options. Rainbow options have been applied to derivative products for many years. 5 Many papers propose pricing formulas for reset option. Gray and Whaley (1999) are the …rst to investigate the pricing formulae for put reset option while Haug and Haug (2002) focus on the case of call reset option. Cheng and Zhang (2000) study a reset option with multiple reset dates for which the strike price is reset only if the option is OTM at the reset dates. Liao and Wang (2003) provide a closed-form pricing formulae for reset options with stepped reset of the strike price on pre-speci…ed reset dates. There are also several studies on the valuation of rainbow options. Stultz (1982) use the solution of partial di¤erential equations to derive the pricing formulae for rainbow option on the maximum or minimum of two assets. The general case of rainbow put option with more than two assets was considered by Johnson (1987) based on a previous study of Margrabe (1978). Kargin (2005) propose a numerical pricing method based on sophisticated calculus. All these studies are designed for path independent rainbow options. In a more recent work, Chen and Wang (2008) focus on path dependent rainbow options and study the impact of the forward start feature on rainbow options. They propose a general martingale pricing method to value forward-start rainbow option and derive analytic pricing formulae that is applicable to general settings and covers Johnson (1987), Gray and Whaley (1999) and Black and Scholes (1973). Finally, our paper is also related to the strand of the literature on CAC 40 options market. For instance, Castillan et al. (2012) analyze the link between open interest and volume, and volatility of FCE on CAC 40 index. Their results indicate the presence of speculator investors. But they are not signi…cant. Gregoriou (2011) studies the liquidity e¤ects following CAC 40 index revisions (addition or deletion of stocks) between 1997 and 2001. He provides evidence that direct cost of trading and the asymmetric information cost of transacting explain the variation of stock liquidity. Kermiche (2008) focuses on factors in‡uencing the CAC 40 options implied volatility 6 surface and shows that it displays di¤erent dynamics in the short term and the long term. PCA analysis provides evidence that two-factor model captures the short term volatility while a three-factor model is required for the long term volatility. Furthermore, adding jump component improves signi…cantly the predictive power of her model. This approach was extended to determine the factors that in‡uence the dynamics of the entire risk-neutral density (Kermiche, 2009). Few factors were identi…ed. One of them contains jumps and displays a strong correlation with the distribution variance. These properties are quite useful for options portfolio hedging. Similarly, Cont and Da Fonseca (2002) analyze and study the dynamics of the factors in‡uencing the deformation of implied volatility surface. They propose a simple factor model applied to two data sets: SP500 and FTSE index options and useful for updating implied volatilities calculated by traders. Some studies on options market e¢ ciency are based on tests of arbitrage and on putcall parity deviation. For instance, Capelle-Blancard and Chaudhury (2001) analyzed the e¢ ciency of the Paris traded Options Market (called previously Marché des Options Négociables de Paris MONEP) between January 2, 1997 and December 30, 1999. Their results show that CAC 40 options are "the most heavily traded index options in the world " and support the e¢ ciency hypothesis of the MONEP since the frequency of arbitrage condition violation is low. In addition, the Euro adoption and the setup of new market rules and the PXL contract improved the transaction volume of CAC 40 options but did not necessarily enhance e¢ ciency. They examine the pattern and systematic tendencies of clustering in CAC 40 index option transaction prices between 1997 and 1999 in Capelle-Blancard and Chaudhury (2007). They point out that the level of option premium, option volume and underlying asset volatility are important determinants of CAC 40 index option price clustering. Moreover, they observe a U-shaped patter of clustering based on intraday and intra-year data. Finally, the liquidity e¤ect is explained by the volume e¤ect. 7 In an ex ante approach, Deville (2004) tests the arbitrage relationships on option markets between August 2000 and July 2001 and computes the e¤ective arbitrage pro…ts obtained after constant execution delays. He concludes that pro…ts are decreasing with the length of the delay. To measure the time needed to reach prices of no arbitrage conditions, he develops the "time to e¢ ciency" (TEF) indicator and highlights the positive e¤ect of this indicator on e¢ ciency. They consider a structural approach on the link between the duration of arbitrage opportunities and liquidity factors (Deville and Riva, 2007). They scrutinize the put-call parity deviations and the return to no arbitrage conditions drawn on a sample of intraday CAC 40 index values and transactions data on PXL contracts between August 2000 and July 2001. They conducted a study to measure the market e¢ ciency. They determine the time necessary for index options market to react and reach the no-arbitrage prices, namely "Time to no arbitrage" TTNA. Under speci…c condition, they provide evidence that liquidity linked variables, such as the volume-dimension in the index constituent stocks and in the options market, the imbalance between put and call volume and the time to maturity increase signi…cantly the speed of reversion of arbitrage pro…ts. In the current paper, we examine the option market liquidity drawn on all the data available between May, 2005 and April, 2012. Some of the data were hand-collected and the rest was provided by Euronext data. Our results provide evidence that PXA market displays some illiquidity problems when we consider FCE maturities, strike price series and moneyness. This analysis has never been done before. To enhance PXA liquidity, we propose to automatically reset the strike price to the underlying asset price before maturity regardless the relationship between strike and asset prices. The idea is to adjust the strike price such that the option becomes at-the-money (ATM). We reset the strike price such that out-of-the-money (OTM) or in-the-money (ITM) options become ATM in exchange for deposits received by the Clearing House. These 8 deposits can be the cost paid by the holders of OTM options or the pro…t obtained by the holders of ITM options. Unlike reset European options, the reset condition does not depend on the underlying asset price. At reset time t, the strike price will be equal to the underlying price St whatever its value. This option is similar to a forward start options that come into existence at the reset time when the underlying asset price reaches a certain barrier and expires at maturity time. In the following, we call this option parity reverting (hereafter PR) option. Under speci…c conditions, using the binomial approach of Cox et al. (1979) shows that it converges to standard ones (Black-Scholes-Merton BSM, forward-start, strike reset, lock in, ....). The contribution of this paper is threefold. The …rst is to propose a general analytic pricing formulae to value the class of options whose payo¤ depends on the comparisons between the underlying asset price and the strike price. The second is that the general setting is applicable to the plain vanilla put and call of BSM, reset call option in Gray and Whaley (1999), reset put option in Haug and Haug (2001), lock in option with strike reset as special cases. Third, this is the …rst paper to our knowledge to analyze the liquidity of the French index (CAC 40) options market over a long period of time and to show that it is not as liquid as argued in previous studies. Our analysis is drawn on the data (80 completed options contracts and 13 current options contracts) over a long period between May, 2005 and April, 2012. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present …rst the characteritics of PXA option and FCE contract, and then the data. Section 3 discusses and analyzes the CAC 40 index options market. We review and remind some general settings to which our model is applicable in Section 4. Section 5 presents the parity reverting option and discusses some of its characteristics. Section 6 provides some practical recommendations. We conclude in Section 7. 9 A CAC 40 index option PXA 2 2.1 An overview of PXA option P XA contracts are exclusively for European-style exercise options. P XA underlying asset is the CAC 40 index Future (FCE) with the same maturity. There were 8 FCE open maturities: three spot months, three quarterly maturities of the March, June, September and December cycle, and two half-yearly maturities of the March and September cycle. But in October 1st , 2003, Euronext Paris SA decided to change half-yearly maturity cycles of both FCE and PXA option from March/September to June/December cycles. The number of short term maturities was kept constant. Thus, December 2008 maturity was created and became available for trading in January 2, 2004. Accordingly, FCE trading covers 14 maturities: Two spot months on the January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November cycle that mature after 3 months. Four of the quarterly months on the March and September cycle. They expire after one year. Eight half-yearly maturities on the June and December cycle. They mature in 5 years. The last trading day is the last Friday of the delivery month at 4:00 p.m. A new delivery month is created on the …rst trading day following the closing of the previous delivery month. There is no delivery of shares at expiration; the CAC 40 futures contract is cash-settled. At expiration date, if PXA’s holders exercise their options, they are paid automatically the di¤erence between the option strike price and the liquidation value of the CAC 40 index 10 multiplied by the number of contracts exercised and the contract unit (e 10)1 . Under the demand of clients and to meet international standards, P XL options commonly used from January 1999, have been replaced by P XA options since May 20052 . They are traded until the third Friday of the expiry month. When the option contract expires, a new expiry cycle is open on the next Monday. Between May 9, 2005 and May 18, 2007, trades covered 22 PXA open maturities: 3 monthly (each month) and the following 19 quarterly (March, June, September and December cycle) maturities. Since May 21st , 2007, PXA trading has covered 13 maturities: Cycle Expiry Months Monthly Every Month Quarterly March, June, September, December Yearly December Lifetime (Months) 1; 2; 3 6; 9; 12; 15; 18; 21; 24 36; 48; 60 Table 1: CAC 40 Index options contract (prospectusMonep, Expiration date is the third Friday of the expiration month at 4 p.m. Central European Time. Once maturity expires, a new expiration month is opened the following Monday (see appendix A for more details). Strike prices are standardized according to symmetric intervals around ATM calls and puts that depend closely on the lifetime of the contract (see appendix B). Strike prices and intervals are function of index point (i.p.). There are 6 CAC 40 index intervals according to the variation of the strike price3 : 1 The latter value is the average of the CAC40 index values between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. 2 P XL contract value is equal to the value of the CAC 40 index multiplied by one euro and the tick size is 0; 1 index point. P XA value is equal to 10 index points. 3 For more details, see appendix A and 11 Short term maturity: scale A (25 i.p.) and scale B(50 i.p.). Medium and long term maturity: scale C (100 i.p.), scale D (200 i.p.), scale E (400 i.p.) and scale F (800 i.p.). At time maturity T , ITM options are automatically exercised, unless holders decide not to do so. Then, there is a cash transfer equal to the di¤erence between the option strike and the value of the expiry index, multiplied by the number of contracts exercised and the contract unit (e 10). 2.2 Data Data are hand collected from three sources: Between January, 1999 and April, 2009, data are provided by the MATIF (Marché à Terme International de France) and MONEP. Between December, 1999 and March, 2001, they were collected from the database BDM (Base de Données de Marché) of the SBF (ParisBourse). Between March, 2003 and August, 2012, we rely on NYSE-EURONEXT databases4 . Relying on di¤erent sources enables us to compare and homogenize the data and to …lter out outliers. These sources provide information on P XA option characteristics: trade date, type (call/put), option maturity, strike price, transaction volume, trades, open interest OI, the underlying closing and opening prices, and the highest and lowest prices. 4 Some of Euronext data are available at the following links:¤e-nexthistory-index-derivatives-eod¤¤e/daily-statistics 12 Therefore, there are 1878 trade dates between May, 2005 and August, 2012. But to take into account the e¤ect of the transfer from the existing index option contract P XL to the new index option contract P XA, we screened the data and …ltered out transactions’volume between May 9, 2005 and August 19, 2005 but kept OI of August 22, 2005. In addition, there are no data available on trades between May and December 20095 . The remaining data is organized according to the market months6 and the data that do not belong to the market month were not included in our data analysis: we obtain then 84 market months (1793 trade dates). We structure our data into di¤erent series according to the level of analysis. If we consider maturities per trade dates, there are 27 314 series If we focus on strike series for all the available maturities, we get 821 989 series. If we distinguish between call and put options, the number of series increases signi…cantly to acheive 1 643 978. 84 FCE contracts were expired between September 2005 and August, 2012 while 12 are currently traded 5 Because of the setup of 13 open maturities instead of 22 open maturities, some maturities of the previous regime were kept to facilitate the transfer. However, we delete them of our data. We exclude the following maturities: June 2009, September 2009, March 2010, June 2010 and March 2011. Consequently, our data are missing: The OI of the June 2009 maturity (4250 contracts). The OI (1250 contracts) and the traded volume (253) of the June 2010 maturity. 6 The market month m starts the …rst Monday following the third Friday of the (m ends up the third Friday of the current month (m). 1)th month and 13 We join Capelle-Blancard and Chaudhury (2007) and …nd that the volume of PXA options traded is signi…cantly high (48 164 269): call options represent 44,46% of traded contracts (21 414 872). Put options capture around 55,54% of the total volume (26 749 397) which could be explained by the downward trend of FCE price. The high number of PXA options leads to the trade of 1 675 564 FCE contracts but only 1 659 098 were included in our analysis because of the missing data between May, 2009 and December, 2009 and the data that do not belong to the market month and the transferring positions from PXL to PXA. 3 What do we really know about liquidity of PXA market? 3.1 Descriptive statistics The volume and OI display similar trends between May, 2005 and August, 2012. First, they were increasing between September, 2005 and September 2007. Then, the number of OI and PXA volume ‡uctuated until June 2009. Finally, they suddenly decreased (see …gures 1 and 2). 14 Figure 1: Monthly volume statistics of PXA (left-axis) and CAC 40 index (right-axis) between May, 2005 and August 2012. Figure 2: Monthly Statistics of PXA Open interest (left-axis) and CAC40 index (right-axis) between May, 2005 and August, 2012. The descriptive statistics are summarized in tables 2 and 3. Table 2 provides monthly data while table 3 presents daily ones. It is straightforward to see that the CAC 40 index option market displays a high level of liquidity: the volume, number of trades and OI are considerably high. 15 They show that on average there are 48 164 269 traded options per day more than 55; 53 % are put options. Notice that the number of trades varies between 170 (minimum) and 4 367 trades (maximum) which may explain the large standard deviation. We suspect then the presence of high volatility. The market is very active this explains the high number of OI that varies between 312 501 and 1 511 329. Monthly statistics show that monthly CAC 40 index varies between 4 030; 60 in May 2005 and 3 338; 30 in August 2012. The decrease of the CAC 40 index is mainly explained by the subprime …nancial crisis. The highest index value was 6 048; 43 in July 2007 while the lowest value is reached in March 2009 and it is equal to 2 682; 02. The average monthly OI of calls and puts is increasing between September 2005 and March 2009. After that it decreases dramatically. In December 2007, the number of open contracts went up and reached 1 397 427. Also, OI is highly dispersed (283 395) which may con…rm the presence of volatility. M onthly data Volum e Trades O.I. Call Put Call+Put Call Put Call+Put Call Put Call+Put M ean 254 939 318 445 573 384 9 425 10 127 19 552 254 939 318 445 573 384 M edian 239 278 294 068 521 557 8 416 9 192 17 449 239 278 294 068 521 557 Standard deviation 90 797 121 738 198 818 3 515 3 778 7 129 90 797 121 738 198 818 M ax 511 248 734 758 1 073 430 24 598 30 085 54 683 511 248 734 758 1 073 430 M in 123 437 131 256 266 019 5 293 5 437 10 856 123 437 131 256 266 019 Table 2: Descriptive statistics on PXA options over 84 market months between August 22, 2005 and April 20, 2012. Monthly data on Volume (84 obs), trades (78 obs) and OI (84 obs) where obs is the number of observations 16 Daily data Volum e Trades O.I. Call Put Call+Put Call Put Call+Put Call Put Call+Put M ean 11 944 14 919 26 862 442 475 917 392 553 432 067 824 620 M edian 10 359 12 860 23 794 390 409 808 394 934 445 585 846 149 Standard deviation 7 282 10 174 15 255 234 264 472 147 298 144 746 285 304 M ax 82 155 106 871 152 896 1 798 2 704 4 367 817 854 778 441 1 511 329 M in 473 836 1 611 52 93 170 145 223 167 278 312 501 Table 3: Descriptive statistics on PXA options over 1793 market days between August 22, 2005 and April 20, 2012. Daily data on Volume (1793 obs), trades (1620 obs) and OI (1793 obs) where obs is the number of observations In addition, tables 4 and 5 show strong and positive correlation between put and call OI in the daily and the monthly basis. Therefore, the increase of volume of PXA trades increases the number of OI and vice versa. However, when we consider daily statistics, almost all correlation coe¢ cients are diminished. For instance, the linear correlation coe¢ cient of total volume and OI decreases from 0; 70 to 0; 45. At an aggregate level, these analyses show that the CAC 40 index options market is very liquid. Linear Correlation Put Call monthly Vol monthly PO monthly Vol 0,74 0,51 monthly OI 0,67 0,91 Correlation between monthly Vol and OI of call and put options Table 4: Correlation between monthly Volume and monthly OI over 84 market months. 17 Linear correlation Put Call daily Vol daily PO daily Vol 0,51 0,30 daily OI 0,40 0,93 Correlation between daily Vol and OI of call and put options Table 5: Correlation between daily options Volume and OI over 1793 trading days. 3.2 But do statistics tell the whole truth? To deepen our analysis of PXA option liquidity, we look for appropriate measures of liquidity. The survey of the literature on liquidity show the presence of many measures of option liquidity, like for example width, depth and immediacy7 . However, they cannot be used in daily data analysis. First, we use the two following ratios: Trading Volume/Transaction Trades ratio used to capture the average size of a transaction. 7 The main measures of option liquidity are: Width which is captured by the bid-ask spread and other transaction costs generated by the trade of a certain amount of the asset. Depth is the volume that can be traded at the observed bid-ask quotes Immediacy measures how quickly an order with a given size and cost can be executed in the market. Resiliency captures how quickly asset prices and quotes react to large order ‡ow imbalances or under asymmetric information to reach the equilibrium levels. They are used in intraday data given by limit order book. 18 Open Interest/Trading Volume ratio to assess the market trend. However the second ratio has some weaknesses. For instance, OI is calculated end of the day while trading volume is the result of selling and buying orders during the trading day. This is why, it would be interesting to analyze OI variations (see table 5). Monthly Volume/ Trades OI/Volume 80 88 87 Mean 33,88 1,52 0,0051 Median 33,28 1,45 0,0354 Standard deviation 18,77 0,46 0,4201 Max 171,29 2,95 2,5985 Min 15,57 0,70 -1,5204 N OI/Volume Table 5: Descriptive statistics on liquidity measures for call and put options over 84 market months. (No data available between May, 2009 and December, 2009) The monthly average size of trade decreased by 62; 36 % from May, 2005 to August, 2012 (see …gure 3). We recall that there are no available data on trades between May, 2009 and December, 2009. Although they fallen suddenly between May, 2005 and December, 2005, the variations of OI/Volume ratio are more steady than those of OI/Volume ratio. The ratio decreases form 9,1938 in May 2005 to 0,13 in August 2012 but the standard deviation is not very large. The decrease could be explained by the increase of the volume which is faster than the average number of open contracts per day. But we may also suspect illiquidity problems. 19 Figure 3: Variations of Volume/ Trades Vol/TRA (right-axis), OI/Volume OI/Vol and OI/Vol OI/Vol monthly ratios (left-axis) between May, 2005 and August 2012. To go further, this section examines the strike price series, FCE maturities and moneyness. We show that only short term PXA options that are near ATM are liquid. In fact investors who hold no near the money options cannot trade and have to wait until expiration. This could explain the high number of long term maturity PXA options available in the market and their low number of trades. The number of PXA series is the sum of the call and put series. We recall that the number the PXA call series is equal to the PXA put series. They are symmetric with respect to ATM series. The following tables present the PXA series for call or put options. 20 21 Between May 9, 2005 and May 17, 2007, the number of quarterly maturities was 19 (see table 6). After May 21, 2007, the quarterly maturities that last more than 2 years Ti ; i = 8; :::; 20 were replaced by 3-year maturities Yi , i = 3; 4; 5 (see table 7). Then, the number of strike price series decreased dramatically from 242 to 97 strike series but it rose again and becomes 193. It is straightforward to see that strikes series decrease when open maturities become longer (more than 2 years) despite the fact that these maturities become more concentrated (see table 8). Also, tables 6, 7 and 8 show that strike price interval increased signi…cantly. For instance, for the spot monthly maturity m1 , the interval scale becomes three time what is was under the 22 open maturities scheme. The intuition is to enable traders to take into account the high volatility of CAC40 index: when it varies, this leads to the creation of new strike series around ATM strike to adjust traders’positions. Indeed, as long as open position exists, the strike series will not disappear. FCE m aturity m1 m2 m3 T2 T3 T4 . S3 . S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S 10 PXA m aturity m1 m2 m3 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 . Y3 . Y3 . Y3 Table 9 : Comparison between PXA and FCE open maturities Table 9 shows that there are no underlying FCE contracts that suit the PXA quarterly maturities T5 and T7 . One explanation could be that the value of FCE contract is well estimated. In conclusion, the data show that FCE contract and their correspondent PXA are very liquid: 11 944 PXA call options (14 919 PXA put options) on average are traded every day. 22 3.3 FCE Maturities/Strike price series/Moneyness As call and put options are symmetric, we focus on the distribution of one type of PXA options. The following …gure provides a summary of the distribution of series and maturities between September 2005 and August 2012. The number of quoted series is signi…cantly superior to the theoretical number of series (242, 97 and 193 given respectively by tables 6, 7 and 8). It suddenly decreased in May 2007. One explanation is the transferring of positions from PXL to PXA. In addition, series that did not expire before 2005, were kept which may increase the volatility. Another explanation is the setup of new PXA maturity scheme: since 2005, the number of maturity contracts has been decreased from 22 to 13. Unlike the distribution of PXA contracts with positive OI, the variations of PXA contracts with positive volume were stable over the whole period. However, the number of illiquid series is signi…cantly superior to liquid series. All these …ndings highlight the presence of illiquidity problems. Figure 4: Distribution of PXA series between May, 2005 and August, 2012. 23 To examine these issues, we divide PXA maturities into 5 categories according to the following criteria: Term Category delivery date 22 scheme Short 1 0<T [0, 3m[ 2 1m<T 3m m2 and m3 Medium 3 3m<T 1y T2 , T3 and T4 Long 4 1y<T 3y T5 -T12 T5 -T8 and Y3 [1 y-5y[ 5 3y<T 5y T13 -T22 Y4 et Y5 1m 13 scheme m1 Table 10 : Categories of FCE open maturities (m: month , y: year) Adding these criteria changes the distribution of PXA call and put series and provides interesting results. Short term maturity categories (1 and 2) capture the highest number of PXA contracts: 83,37 % of PXA options mature before 3 months (see table 11). Long maturity index options display some liquidity problems: less than 3,5 % of PXA contracts in our data belong to the categories 4 and 5 (see appendix B for further statistics on call/put distribution). M aturity category 1 2 3 4 5 M ean 43, 71 % 39, 66 % 13, 50 % 2, 70 % 0, 44 % M edian 44, 12 % 38, 46 % 13, 46 % 1, 70 % 0, 05 % Standard deviation 7, 67 % 8, 80 % 5, 17 % 2, 83 % 0, 79 % M ax 60, 95 % 60, 00 % 29, 56 % 13, 65 % 4, 15 % M in 27, 97 % 22, 12 % 4, 35 % 0, 02 % 0, 00 % Average cumulative frequency 43, 71 % 83, 37 % 96, 87 % 99, 56 % 100 % Table 11 : Descriptive statistics on the distribution of PXA options 24 Hereafter, we focus on the moneyness of PXA options and analyze the distribution of near money options. Strike series are similar for PXA call and put options and are symmetric with respect to ATM strike. Let us assume that S is the underlying index price, X is the strike price and is the interval scale. We calculate the percentage of volume of near the money options in the following: jS Xj 2 where 2N 25 26 However, table 12 provides aggregate results for both PXA call and put options. To examine closely the distribution of ATM options, we focus on the distribution of the PXA volume and OI with respect to the 5 categories of maturity. First, we calculate the underlying CAC 40 index value and strike price ratio consider that the interval scale unit is = 0; 1:A PXA option is ATM if S X= 1 S X and 5 %. The main result of table 13 is that only 12,27 % (respectively 37,63%) of call (respectively put) options are ATM while almost 72% (respectively 33%) are OTM. In conclusion, 65,95% of PXA options are near the money. It would be better to reset all the OTM options into ATM ones to improve the PXA liquidity. Table 14 shows that 65, 31% (respectively 54,76%) of PXA call (respectively put) series are OTM. Unlike PXA volume, OI are widely dispersed across the moneyness scale . For instance, 12,32 % of OI are ATM, 21,93% are near the money options and 20,71 % are deep in and out of the money. The recommendation to replace all the OTM options with ATM ones seems again very intuitive. Appendix D provides more details on the distributions of the volume and OI across maturity categories. 4 Reset versus non reset options: when to become ATM? Before de…ning and valuing the PR call option we present a brief reminder of the main options discussed in this paper. For the sake of simplicity, we focus on the particular case of call options but provide closed-form solutions for put options.8 Consider a standard European call option with maturity T and the exercise price X. The underlying asset price at date t = 0 is denoted S0 and its volatility per year is . We will assume r the risk free-interest rate and d the dividend yield, such that r 8 Further details about put options are available upon request. d. The 27 underlying asset price at maturity is denoted ST . Let C (S0 , X , 0, T ) denotes the call option price at time 0. 4.1 Black-Scholes-Merton call option According to Black, Scholes and Merton (1973), the pricing formulae of a standard call option is written: CBSM (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (ST = S0 e X) P (ST dT N (d1;T ) X) (1) rT Xe N (d2;T ) where ln d1;T = S0 X + r d+ p T 2 2 T p and d2;T = d1;T T and N (a) is a univariate cumulative normal distribution function with upper integral limit a: Let CBSM (St , X, t, T ) denotes the call option price at date t. Then, we can write CBSM (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E [CBSM (St , X , t, T )] e rt In a vanilla call option, the strike price does not depend on the underlying asset price until maturity time T , then we decide or not to exercise the option according to the value of ST . At time t (0 < t < T ), the option’s holder does not expect any payment. The closed-form of pricing a put option is written PBSM (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (X = Xe rT ST ) P (ST N ( d2;T ) X) Se dT N ( d1;T ) 28 4.2 Forward-start European call option A forward-start European call option is option that will start in the future. To value this option, we rely on BSM pricing formulae. At time t, the call price becomes ATM but expires at (T t). As noticed before, Rubinstein (1991) valued forward start call option at time 0. CF (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (ST X) P (ST X) = E (C (St , St , t, T )) e C rt t e = E (St ) dt = e rt (2) C (St , St , t, T ) where C t = e d(T t) E (St ) = e(r N (c1, d)t T T t = e r(T t) N (c2,T t ) St 2 c1, t) r d+ 2 (T p T t t) and c2, T t = r d 2 2 (T T t p t) To value forward-start European put option, we use PF (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (St = Se where p t= e r(T t) N ( c2,T t ) e d(T t) ST ) P (ST X) dt p t N ( c1, T t) : Figure 5 compares the strike prices of the standard call and forward-start call options. Notice that the exercise price does not change over [0, T ] in the BSM model contrary to the forward-start option. 29 Figure 5: Sensitivity of strike prices of (a) BSM European call option and (b) a ATM European call option to changes in underlying asset price at date t. 4.3 Reset-out call option As explained before, a reset call option protects investors amid declines in asset price through the reset of the strike price to the underlying asset price if the option becomes OTM at the reset date t. In other words, when St < X, it is replaced by an ATM call option with the same maturity. Notice that if St X, the call option is ITM and does not need to be replaced. Figure 6 presents the payments of reset out call option. Figure 6: The pay o¤s of rest call option (Gray and Whaley, 1999). 30 Gray and Whaley (1999) derive a closed-form solution for the pricing of reset-in put option PIn (S0 , X, 0, T ) = E (St ST ) Pr (St rt P t N = Se rT +Xe where d1;i = ln( S0 X )+ r d+ p i 2 2 ( d1;t ) X, ST Se dT M2 d2;t ; d2;T ; i St ) + E (X M2 d1;t , ST ) Pr (St > X, ST d1;T p t=T p , d2;i = d1;i X) p t=T (3) i, i = t; T and M2 a; b; p t=T is the bivariate cumulative normal distribution function with upper integral limits a and b and p t=T such that correlation coe¢ cient M2 a; b; M2 and M1 a; b; p t=T a; b; p t=T p t=T = N ( b) M1 a; b; = N (a) M1 a; b; = N (b) M1 a; b; = N ( a) M1 p t=T p t=T p t=T a; b; p t=T = P (X > a; St > b). We rely therefore on (3) to derive a closed-form solution for the pricing of reset-out call options COut (S0 , X, 0, T ) = E (ST = Se dT + Se = Se St ) Pr (St < X, ST N ( d1;t ) N (c1;T dT M1 d1;t , d1;T rt c tN Xe rT ( d1;t ) + Se M1 d2;t , d2;T t) St ) + E (ST Se dt qp t=T , dT e r(T Xe M1 d1;t , d1;T qp , t=T X) Pr (St t) X, ST N ( d1;t ) N (c2;T rT X) t) M1 d2;t , d2;T , qp , t=T qp t=T (4) The option price given by (4) consists on a …xed and variable price components that F depend closely on the value of the strike price when it is not modi…ed COut and when it 31 V is adjusted COut . They are written: V COut = E (ST St ) Pr (St < X, ST St ) F COut = E (ST X) Pr (St X) X, ST V where the variable component COut comes from the adjustment of the strike price when it is OTM and replaced by an ATM one. However, Gray and Whaley solution presents the same weaknesses of closed-form solutions, i.e. the lack of ‡exibility. It means that if payo¤s change, we need to …nd a new solution-if it exists. This is why Haug and Haug (2001) consider an extension of the binomial tree of Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979) in the setting of Rendleman and Batter (1980). They conclude that the value of a reset call option is equal to the sum of payo¤s multiplied by the corresponding probabilities, discounted at the risk free interest rate such that the probability of going up or down is set equal to time steps 1 2. Let n denotes the number of t to maturity, m is the number of time steps to reset time (m < n), i the state at maturity and j the state at time step m. CHH (S0 , X, 0, T ) = e rT m+j m nX X j=0 2 2 where u = e r d Xc = min Sui dm t+ i p t i=j j! (m ,d=e r d , X . The constant m! (n m)! j)! (i j)! (n m 2 2 t p t i + j)! 1 2 , g (S , X) = max (S n g Sui dn i , Xc X , 0) and indicates how much OTM or ITM the reset strike is. It is straightforward to see that the price of a reset out call option is equal to the price of a BSM call option with strike price X at time 0. The alternative strategy would be to buy a BSM option with strike price X and to sell at t only if it becomes OTM. The potential gain will enable the investor to buy a more expensive BSM one but which is ATM. 32 Therefore, replacing OTM option by an ATM one is costly, in the sense, the option’s holder has to make a deposit in the clearing house. At time t, it costs Dtout = CBSM (St , X, t, T ) CBSM (St , St , t, T ) , if St < X (5) The investor can pay that deposit at time 0 D0out = e rt Dtout If the call option is deep OTM, in the sense St < X where 0 < < X, the value of call option is given by: COut (S0 , X, 0, T ) = E (ST = Se dT + Se = Se S0 where d1 = ln( X r )+(p decreases, while when St ) Pr (St < X N dT d1;t N (c1;T M1 d1;t , d1;T rt c tN Xe rT d+0;5 2 d1;t + Se M1 d2;t , d2;T )t t and d2 = d1 , ST t) Se St ) + E (ST dt qp t=T , dT e r(T t) Xe rT M1 d1;t , d1;T qp , t=T p t. If N X) Pr (St X d1;t N (c2;T M1 d2;t , d2;T , qp t=T , t) qp > 0, the reset-out call price converges to X, COut (S0 , X, 0, T ) tends to the value of BSM call option. 4.4 Reset-in call option Unlike reset-out call option, reset-in call option (called also lock-in call option) enables to lock in the obtained pro…t of ATM option at a pre-speci…ed time point. When St > X, the investor replaces ITM option with an ATM one at time t. The asset’s holders have to meet their commitment at the option maturity T . , ST t=T X ) 33 The value of the PR call option is given by CIn (S0 , X, 0, T ) = E (ST = Se dT +Se = Se St ) Pr (St N (d1;t ) N (c1;T dT M2 rt c tN Xe X, ST rT t) d1;t , d1;T (d1;t ) + Se M2 d2;t dT St ) + E (ST Se dt e qp t=T , r(T t) X) Pr (St < X, ST N (d1;t ) N (c2;T rT Xe M2 t) d2;t , d2;T , qp M2 d1;t , d1;T , qp , d2;T , t=T t=T X) qp t=T (6) Similarly, we derive the closed-form solution for the pricing of reset-out put option (called also lock-out put option): POut (S0 , X, 0, T ) = = E (St = Se + Xe ST ) Pr (St > X, ST rt P t N rT (d1;t ) M1 Se dT d2;t ; d2;T ; St ) + E (X M1 d1;t , d1;T p t=T ST ) Pr (St p X, ST t=T As noticed before, we distinguish …xed and variable parts in CIn (S0 , X, 0, T ) given respectively by V CIn = E (ST St ) Pr (St < X, ST St ) F = E (ST CIn X) Pr (St X) X, ST such that the variable part comes from the adjustment of the ITM strike price and resetting it to an ATM one. In such case, the option’s holder has a positive payo¤ DtIn = CBSM (St , X, t, T ) CBSM (St , St , t, T ) , if St > X At time 0, the gain of replacing ITM option with an ATM one is e rt DtIn , if St > X (7) The reset-in call price at time zero is equal to a vanilla call price with strike X. It can be implemented by buying a vanilla call at time zero and sell it when it becomes ITM at X) 34 time t. The obtained gain could be used to acquire an ATM call option that matures at time T . The reset-in call price is equal to the BSM call price (with the strike X) diminished by the payment (7). Figure 7 shows the change of strike prices in both cases with respect to changes in the underlying asset price at time t, St . Figure 7: Sensitivity of strike prices of (1) reset out call option and (2) reset in call option to changes in St . If the underlying price is signi…cantly superior to the strike price, in the sense St > X + where > 0, the ATM option is reset at a higher price X + . This is more advantageous for the option’s holder than getting a strike price X. CIn (S0 , X, 0, T ) = E (ST = Se dT +Se = Se St ) Pr (St N d1;t N (c1;T dT rT where ln d1;t = M2 rt c tN Xe X + , ST S0 X+ d1;t , d1;T d1;t + Se M2 t) d2;t dT St ) + E (ST Se dt e qp t=T , r(T t) N d1;t N (c2;T Xe M2 d1;t , d1;T , qp , d2;T , t=T + r d + 0; 5 p t 2 X) Pr (St < X + , ST rT M2 d2;t , d2;T , qp t=T i and d2;t = d1;t p t) t qp t=T X) 35 The option price depends closely on the value of . If > 0, the value of reset-in call option increases dramatically. Otherwise, it becomes to close to the value of BSM call option. 5 Parity reverting call option 5.1 De…nition In the following, we assume that: 8 > > > ITM > > > < The call option is OTM > > > > > > : ATM if St > X + if St < X ; ( , ) 2 R2+ otherwise Consider now that at time t, we reset the strike price such that if the call is ITM or OTM, it becomes ATM9 . Payo¤s and call option prices at date t are summarized in …gures 8 and 9. 9 First, we consider that there is a single reset time t, 0 reset dates will be discussed later. t T . The general case with multiple strike 36 Figure 8: The pay o¤s of PR call option with respect to di¤erent cases ( 0 , 0). To deduce a closed-form solution for the pricing of PR call option, we rely on Gray and Whaley (1999) approach. CP R (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (ST St ) [P (St +E (ST rt = S0 e Xe X+ , ST St ) + P (St X , ST St )] X) P (X < St < X + , ST X) h i p C d1;t + S0 e dT M3 d1;t , d1;T , t=T t N d1;t + N rT M3 d2;t ; d2;T , p t=T (8) where ln d1;i = S0 X+ M3 dj;t , dj;T 2 + r d + 0; 5 p i p , t=T = M2 i ln and d1;i = dj;t , dj;T , +M1 dj;t , dj;T , S0 X p t=T M2 p t=T M1 + r d + 0; 5 2 i p , i = t; T i p dj;t , dj;T , t=T , j = 1, 2 p dj;t , dj;T , t=T while the value of PR put option can be written PP R (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (St ST ) [P (St +E (X = Se rt P t +Xe rT X+ , ST St ) + P (St X , ST St )] ST ) P (X < St < X + , ST X) h i p N d1;t + N d1;t Se dT M3 d1;t , d1;T , t=T M3 d2;t ; d2;T , p t=T (9) The strike price is reset to the underlying asset price. The amount of the deposit depends on how much the call is OTM or ITM. If the underlying asset price St is signi…cantly larger than the strike price, in the sense St X + , the option’s holder expects a positive payo¤ CBSM (St , St , t, T ) CBSM (St , X , t, T ) On the contrary, if it is signi…cantly lower than X, in the sense St X , the holder 37 has to pay CBSM (St , X , t, T ) CBSM (St , St , t, T ) to replace the OTM call option with an ATM call option. However, when X < St < X+ , the strike price does not depend on the asset price like in a standard BSM call option. The alternative strategy could be to buy at time 0 a vanilla call option with strike X that expires at T . At time t, we sell the option only if it becomes ITM (St OTM (St X X + ) or ) and we use the obtained gain to buy an ATM option that matures at T. Figure 9: Sensitivity of PR call option to changes in the underlying asset price St . Similarly, we derive the closed-form solution for pricing PR put option. It is written PP R (S0 , X , 0, T ) = E (ST St ) [P (St +E (ST = S0 e Xe rt X+ , ST St ) + P (St X , ST St )] X) P (X < St < X + , ST X) i h p C d1;t + S0 e dT M3 d1;t , d1;T , t=T t N d1;t + N rT M3 d2;t ; d2;T , p t=T (10) This model is applicable to many settings and covers the formulas of the options discussed above. According to the values of and : 38 If ! +1 and = X, (8) becomes (1). Under these conditions, the PR call option becomes a standard BSM call option which implies that there is no rebate at the reset time t. If = = 0, (8) is written (2). This means that the call option is a forward-start European call option and the option’s holder can expect a positive or negative rebate. If ! +1 and = 0, the PR call option becomes a reset out call option (reset strike call option). Replacing OTM option at reset time t is costly for the option’s holder. The cost is paid at time 0. If = 0 and = X, this is a reset-in call option. As explained before, the pro…t is locked in when the option is ITM. This pro…t can be paid at the reset time t or until maturity T . 5.2 10 Application We adopt a binomial pricing approach to propose analytic pricing formulae inspired by Cox et al. (1979) and Haug and Haug (2001). To overcome one of the weaknesses of this approach, we consider a large number of time steps n = 5000 time steps. Tables 15 and 16 compare analytic pricing formulas and closed-form solutions for both call and put options in the settings discussed previously: BSM, forward-start, reset-out, reset-in and PR. The parameters used are S = X = 1000 euros, r = 4%, d = 2%, 1 0 If = 30%, we consider a put option, – If – If = 0 and = X, this a reset-out put and the assets’buyer has a gain at reset time t. ! +1 and option ATM. = 0, this a reset-in put option. The assets’buyer has to pay in order to reset the 39 t = 0; 25 and T = 1 (year) and = = 100 for PR options. Closed-form solution Analytic solution CF S AS BSM 125; 6770 125; 6712 0; 005 % Forward-start 108; 0199 108; 0200 0; 000 % Reset-out 144; 2763 144; 2680 0; 006 % Reset-in 89; 4206 89; 4232 0; 003 % PR 108; 3568 108; 5477 0; 176 % Call option CF S AS AS Table 15: Call models comparison Closed-form solution Analytic solution CF S AS BSM 106; 6277 106; 2619 0; 005 % Forward-start 93; 4267 93; 4267 0; 000 % Reset-out 69; 6581 69; 6613 0; 007 % Reset-in 130; 0363 130; 0274 PR 95; 4858 95; 3582 Put option CF S AS AS 0; 005 % 0; 134 % Table 16: Put models comparison In both cases the percentage of error does not exceed 0; 15% . One explanation could be errors generated by the estimation of bivariate cumulative normal distribution functions in the presence of correlation between the strike and underlying asset prices. We recall that q the correlation coe¢ cient is equal to Tt . 40 5.2.1 When to reset the strike price? We analyze the sensitivity of PR call and put options to variation of reset date (see table 17).We consider analytic and closed-form solutions for the following reset dates t1 = 0; 25, t1 = 0; 50 and t1 = 0; 75. The two approaches provide very close results: the di¤erence is less than 0; 2 %. Reset date PR call option PR put option CF S AS CF S AS 0,25 108,357 108,548 95,486 95,358 0,5 87,758 87,915 79,378 79,288 0,75 61,606 61,753 57,883 57,822 Table 17: Sensitivity of PR option prices to reset date. Figure 10: Sensitivity of PR call and put options to reset time. Unlike reset options, the price of PR option decreases when the reset time becomes close to maturity (see …gure 10). However, when the option is OTM, in the sense St X , considering multiple reset dates to commence each subperiod with an ATM option is not value-enhancing. Only the last adjustment will determine the cost to be paid at time 0 to replace OTM option with an ATM one. When the option is ITM, a multiple reset dates is advantageous for the option’s holder as it enables him to lock the gains until maturity even 41 if the option is not exercised at T . As the value of option contract is equal to the sum of the current values of the gains (for the holders of ITM options) and costs (for the holders of OTM options), it does depend on the number of reset dates. The option value has, however an e¤ect on the gain generated by the option. For instance, when this value is positive (respectively negative), the strike price is augmented (respectively diminished) which decreases (respectively increases) the probability of exercising the option and the gain expected from buying the option is then reduced (respectively augmented). 6 Recommendations to improve PXA liquidity Regarding the liquidity problems discussed in section 3, we advance three practical recommendations to improve the liquidity of CAC 40 index options. First, we propose to introduce the Parity-reverting condition. In other words, we reset, each third Friday, the strike price to the current value of the underlying index. Second, we keep 5 scales A, B, C, D and E such that the interval scale is 25 i.p. Third, we propose to set up 10 PXA maturities instead of the 13. Then, PXA trading will cover: Three spot contracts that mature before 3 months; Three quarterly contracts that mature between 3 months and 1 year (March, June and September cycles); Four yearly contracts that expire between 2 years and 5 years (December cycles). 42 Finally, we reduce the number of strike price series. For each maturity, we keep only three strike series (ATM, ITM and OTM). Scale Interval A 25 B 50 C 100 D 200 E 400 m1 m2 , m 3 T2 , T3 , T4 Y2 , Y3 Y4 , Y5 01-12 01-12 03-06-09 Dec Dec ATM 1 ATM 1 ATM 1 ATM 1 ATM 1 Table 18: The distribution of PXA strike price series. To analyze the consequences of these recommendations, we identify open positions of P XA series that are not ATM. August series that mature in 2012, expired in August 17th , 2012. There are still open positions for the remaining 12 PXA maturities. For each contract, we de…ne the ATM strike price. 43 Table 19: The distribution of OI of PXA contracts under the 13 maturity scheme (a) and 10 maturity scheme (b) with respect to di¤erent values of . It is straightforward to see that the distribution of OI is less dispersed when maturities are grouped in 5 rather than with 13 PXA contracts. However, we cannot deepen more our analysis as the …nal impact depends on the variation of the CAC 40 index and the variations of the moneyness scale . 7 Conclusion Our study provided evidence that the CAC 40 index options displays some illiquidity issues when some speci…c criteria are considered like for example strike price series, FCE maturities and moneyness. Then, we proposed (1) to diminish the PXA maturity contracts from 13 to 10, (2) to keep 44 only 3 strike price series (ATM, OTM and ITM) per interval scale and (3) parity reverting option which consists in resetting the PXA strike price at the value of the underlying FCE in exchange for deposit in the Clearing House. Under speci…c conditions, we show that this condition is applicable to several general settings. Third, we derived general analytic pricing formulae to value this option inspired by among others, Gray and Whaley (1999), Haug and Haug (2001) and Cox et al. (1973), and used it to compare our model with BSM, Reset-in and reset-out. Results are quite satisfying. In future research, several issues related to the liquidity of the CAC 40 index should be developped to improve our results. For instance, it would be interesting to study several extensions of the current paper. First, for simplicity we assumed that the risk free-interest rate, dividend yield rate and volatility are …xed until maturity but considering variable parameters will allow for a more ‡exibility of our model. For instance, we could suppose that before reset date t, we have rt , dt and t, and r(T t) , d(T t) and (T t) after reset. Finally, we focused only on European style option but we did not derive valuation for American style options. This would be quite useful to study the liquidity of the French equity options. Further research should be conducted on when to reset the strike option as the option could be exercised before it matures. . 45 Appendix Appendix A The minimum number of strike price series per interval scale depend on the remaining lifetime of an option. Let consider an option matures at T : If the remaining lifetime (T t) 1 month, there are 5 strike prices around the money in interval scale A and 6 others in interval scale B. If 1 < (T t) 3 months, there are 3 strike prices in interval scale B and 6 others in t) 9 months, there are 3 strike prices in interval scale C and 6 others in t) 24 months, there are 3 strike prices in interval scale D and 4 others scale C. If 3 < (T scale D. If 9 < (T in scale E. If (T t) > 24 months, there are 3 strike prices in interval scale E and 2 others in scale F . 46 Appendix B The number of PXA call series is equal to those of PXA put options. Let consider the change of PXA call series over May, 2005 and August, 2012. 3M Scale Interval 7T 1 2, 3 6,9,12 15, 18, 21, 24 36,48,60 01-12 01-12 03-06-09 03-06-09 12 ATM 3 A 25 B 50 3 C 100 2 4 3 D 200 2 2 2 E 400 1 2 F 800 Call & Put options 3A ATM 3 ATM 3 ATM 2 2 21 21 21 13 2 ATM 1 5 Table 1: Strike price series between March 8th , 2010 and August 17th , 2012. 1 47 3M Scale Interval A 25 B 50 C 100 D 200 E 400 F 800 7T 3A 1 2, 3 6,9 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 36,48,60 01-12 01-12 03-06-09 03-06-09 12 ATM 3 2 ATM 3 1 ATM 1 3 ATM 2 1 ATM 1 Call & Put options 11 9 9 7 Table 2: Strike price series between May 15th , 2007 and March 8th , 2010. Scale Interval A 25 B 50 C 100 D 200 E 400 3M 19 T 1, 2, 3 6, 9, ..., 60 01-12 03-06-09 ATM 5 ATM 5 F Call & Put options 11 11 Table 3: Strike price series between May 9th , 2005 and May 21st , 2007. 5 1 48 Appendix C Maturity category 1 2 3 4 5 Mean 43, 60 % 38, 88 % 14, 18 % 2, 86 % 0, 47 % Mediane 44, 44 % 38, 82 % 13, 20 % 1, 82 % 0, 00 % Standard deviation 8, 03 % 9, 30 % 6, 13 % 3, 22 % 0, 89 % Max 61, 09 % 62, 65 % 37, 77 % 17, 58 % 4, 91 % Min 23, 65 % 18, 13 % 4, 26 % 0, 00 % 0, 00 % Average cumultaive frequency 43, 60 % 82, 49 % 96, 67 % 99, 53 % 100 % Table 1: Descriptive statistics on the distribution of PXA call options Maturity category 1 2 3 4 5 Mean 43, 79 % 40, 29 % 12, 95 % 2, 57 % 0, 41 % Mediane 43, 27 % 39, 01 % 12, 09 % 1, 51 % 0, 07 % Standard deviation 8, 57 % 9, 56 % 5, 02 % 2, 77 % 0, 73 % Max 61, 46 % 64, 44 % 27, 07 % 15, 72 % 3, 59 % Min 23, 52 % 21, 33 % 3, 93 % 0, 01 % 0, 00 % Average cumultaive frequency 43, 79 % 84, 08 % 97, 02 % 99, 59 % 100 % Table 2: Descriptive statistics on the distribution of PXA put options The distributions of PXA call and put options are quite similar and show the same downward trend from categories 1 to 5. Long maturity options display illiquidity problems. Appendix D The distribution Of PXA volume according to maturity categories: 49 Table 1: The distribution of the volume of PXA series according to the maturity categories ( = 0; 1) : The distribution Of PXA OI according to maturity categories: Table 2: The distribution of the OI of PXA series according to the maturity categories ( = 0; 1) : 50 References [1] Amihud, Y., and H. Mendelson, 1986, "Asset Pricing and the Bid-Ask Spread", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 17, pp. 223-49. [2] Amihud, Y., and H. Mendelson, 1991, "Liquidity, Maturity and the Yields on US Treasury Securities", Journal of Finance, Vol. 46, pp. 1411-25. [3] Amihud, Y., H. Mendelson, and L.H. Pedersen, 2005, "Liquidity and Asset Prices", Foundations and Trends in Finance, Vol. 1, pp. 269-364. [4] Balck, F. and M. Scholes, 1973, "The pricing of options and corporate liabilities", Journal of political Economics, Vol. 81, pp. 637-659. [5] Bollen, N.P., and R.E. 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