* * * * Morning News • Monday, May 5. 1997 — 3B HANI A worn M A K M OUR COMMUMTY MCTON? Tax ut ABOUT m • torn SwueitA • PHOMI: M2-O330 • PAX: 234-6622. • MAJU P.O. Box 10M, SAVANNAH, CU. 31402-10*8 OUR COMMUNITY REGULAR MEETINGS J first Monday of each month at the ; SotNtial* Fire 9 u « t a , White (Muff ' J R o l a n d area restaunjnU.364-306&. [ K. OANNAM AMMCAN UWON M M } 1*4 AND AUOQUAMY meets MTp.rn.Utt * wcond Thuraday of each month at the post home on Legion Drive m TnundartxA. A meal Mtowfc 3644515, NWYLEAOUE OF M M M A M meats the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Hunter Army Airfield Officer's Club. Social gathering is at 6:15 p m , and oinner is at 7 p.m. A apeaker follows the oinner. Call Mary Miller at 897. 2704 or Joyce Fisher. 651-6770. t f l f t M M H mmnmiB* meets at 5 p.m. the third Sunday of each month at the Mulberry on East Bay St. Anyone . who enjoys telling or listening to a good story is encouraged to attend. 354-7688. T T H i NbAND UNION KMT 154 aid Auxiliary meets at 8 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the poet home. AMERICA* LEMON, AUXUMV POST I t t meets at 7:15 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at 1108 Bull St. Also, the executive committee meets at 7:15 p.m. the fourth Monday of each month. Bingo is played beginning at 3 pjn. each Sunday at the post. SOCIETY meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Savannah Science Museum. Open to the public. SOUTHSIDE OPTIMIST CUM meets for lunch at 12:30 p.m. each Thursday at the Comedy House Theatre. 711 Mall Blvd. There Is a speaker and program each week. The meeting is open to guests and persons interested in youth programs In the community. 9208348. CHATHAM COUNTY SHAA CUJB meets at 7:30 p.m. each Monday at the Savannah Club, 800 E. DeRerme Ave. 356-1400. COASTAL RAM, BUFFS INC., Savannah's model railroad club, meets 6-9 pjn. each Thursday at the Historic Railroad Shops, home of the Georgia State Railroad Museum, 601W. Harris St. The meeting is open to the public. VfcTBUNS OF FOftDQN WARS POST 4 3 t 2 meets at 8 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Community Center of WhJtemarsh Island on Pin Rose Drive. PRAYER BREAKFAST is held at 6:30 a m . each Tuesday at Taylor's restaurant Inside Days Irm on Mall Boulevard. It is presented by the Christian Business Men's Committee of Savannah. For more information, call John Ewaldsen at 352-2183. CHATHAM COUNTY W J U P T * RESERVE o meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the muster room of the sheriffs complex on Carl Griffin Drive. The sheriffs reserve is a volunteer law enforcement organization. For more information, carl 354-2048. KIWAWS CLUB OF SAWNNAH Inc. meets 1-2 p.m. each Tuesday at the Pirates' House restaurant. 964-0514. VETERANS COUNCIL OF CHATHAM COUNTY meets at 8 p.m. the first Monday of each month at American Legion Post 184 In Thunderbolt. 352-0441. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT CROUP meets at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at Hosptee Savannah Inc., 1352 Eisenhower Drive. The free group is facilitated by a nationally certified bereavement counselor. 355-2289. OLD TIMER'S SOFTBALL CLUB meets at 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of each « month at American Legion Post 36, » 2309 E. Victory Drive. Happy Undkw at I 7486635. * ' meets at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of eeth month at Savannah Technical Institute. 5717 White Bluff Road. Room TQM. Meetings feature oTacusston of new programs, information and members helping members. 2344304. tPAMOUCS ANONYMOUS meets weekly m Savannah. For details, call 351- 7440, PARENTS WITHOUT FARTHERS meets at 7:30 p,m. every Thursday at Shoney's on Victory Drive. 9250848. AMBJBOAII FATHERS COALITION Savannah chapter now forming. Memoers are neeoeo. N 3514180. VOLUNTEER CENTER Ave. AM members and visitors are InvRwo. fMnMnffWiiS'wMw tna fflMung. . THE FBJOT CLUB OP SMNISMH. a t e n * * organization, meats at 6:30 pjn. on U » aecond Tuaaday of each month at Holiday I m Mkftown. 808-1901. TWSAWNNAH CHATHAM COUNTY UsV BTOWUN PARTY meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 pjn at The Mill Eatery and Bakery on Abercom Extension. THE COASTAL REPUBLICAN CLUB meets & 8 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at Barnes Restaurant, US. 80 East on Whitemarsh Island. Call EHenSnedeker at 897-4764. TRAVELER'S PRUIBtflVE ASSOCIATION Post A of Georgia Division meet the second Monday of each month. All members are welcome. 234-2711. THE ISLAND QUMJERS meet at 3 p.m. the fourth Sunday of each month in the Annex of Wilmington Island Methodist Church. 897-5465. BOOK DISCUSSION SJIOUP meets at 7 p.m. the second Monday of each month at Thunderbolt branch library, 2708 Mechanics Ave. It is open to the public. 652-3600. YOUNG REPUBLICANS: The Chatham County Young Republicans meet at 7 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each • month at Gallaher's Restaurant, 7054 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Call 9659244. ABUSED WOMEN: "Living Without violence," a community approach to working with women in abusive relationships, is a support group for abused women in the Savannah area. Child care is provided. Call 234-9999 for meeting times. US. COAST OUARD AUXUARY FLOTULA 1 0 4 holds its dinner/business meeting at 6 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at Barnes restaurant, 4685 E. U.S. 80. All members and their guests as well as anyone Interested in joining the auxiliary are invited to attend. Call Jack Marvin at 5980082 for more information. TOASTMASTERS offers a communication and leadership program. Visitors are welcome at any of the Toastmasters clubs. The group meets at 6:15 p.m. each Monday at Memorial Medical Center, conference room B. Monthly dues are $10. For more information call 354-7688 or 2384426 during the day and indicate that your call Is regarding Toastmasters. AMERICAN EX-P0WS, Savannah chapter, meets at 11:30 a.m.fora lunch and meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Hunter Army Airfield Officers Club. HUNTER OFFICER WIVES' CLUB meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Hunter Army Airfield Club. Social gathering is at 11 a.m. and lunch is at 11:30 a.m. The program begins at noon. Call Nancy Forrester for reservations, 232-0906. SAWNNAH CHESS CUJB meets at 7 p.m. each Monday at Shoney's on Victory Drive. Players of all ability levels are welcome. For more information call Daniel Lucas at 920-7722. SAWNNAHOOEECHEE CANAL SOCaTTY meets at 7:30 p m on the Tuesday before the second Saturday of each month at Barnes restaurant, 4685 U.S. 80. Whitemarsh Island. Reservations have been made for 6:30 p.m. for those wishing to dine. Members, guests and anyone interested in canal restoration are invited to attend. The regular canal workday is the second Saturday of each month. Volunteers are requested to meet at the intersection of Ga. 204 and Bush Road at 9 a.m.74&8068. Sharing eupport group * * widows and wldowarsjQMU « 0:48 p j a the fourth Thursday of each month at the Tetfalr Pavilion conference room at Candkr Hospital. Call 354-2032. UNMN CAMP M I W I , The Union Camp Hourly Retirees meat at the Union HaN at Bay 9tn»at and August* Avenue at 3 pjn. tne fourtlt Monday of each month. BARBER SHOP SWQERS; The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Staging in America meets at 7:30 p.m. every Monday at Whitefield United M e t h o d * Church. 55th Street and Wate** Avenue. CaH 355-2949. ONADO, Children and Adults with Attention Deflctt Disorder meets thefirstTuesday of each month at Chatham Academy at Royce. 4 Oftiethorpe Professional Wvd. 3544047. SMfCn ADSUNBc Prospective Sweet Adelines . chorus meets at 7:30 pjn. Thursdays at WNtefletd United Method* Church. 55th Street and Waters Avenue. CaH 596-7314 or 356-1488. PURPLE HEART: The Military Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 596, meets the third Tuesday of each month at the Hunter Club at Hunter Army Airfield. Lunch meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. Call Doc Hartey at 2384951. TWELANOS BOARD: The Tkfciands Community Service Board meets at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the Tidelands' Fourth Floor Conference Room, 516 Drayton St. COASTAL REPUBLICAN CLUB meets the fourth Thursday of each month at Barnes Restaurant, U.S. 80 on Whitemarsh Island. All Republicans are welcome. Social chat time is at 6 p.m. and the formal meeting starts at 7 p.m. The speaker is usually an elected official. For more information, call Ellen at 897-4764. SHAQ CLUB: The Little Rascals Shag Club is having Tuesday night socials weekly at Doubles in the Holiday Inn, 7100 Abercom St. No cover charge. MENTATION Association meets at 6 p.m., the second Thursday of each month at Savannah Tech. For more information, call Jim Arnold at 9275421. ext. 4468. CUYLER4ROWNSV1LLE NEIGHBORHOOD Association invites the public to its meetings at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at The Most Pure Heart of Mary Pastoral Center, 812 W. 36th St. 23&O969. ST. PIUS X HMH SCHOOL ALUMNI Association meets at 6 p.m. the third Friday of each month at the St. Pius X Family Resource Center, 705 E. Anderson St. All former students of the high school are encouraged to participate. 234-0242. SUPPORT GROUP FOR THE FAMLY AND FRIENDS OF MURDER VICTIMS meets at 6 p.m. the third Thursday of each month at the Chatham County Courthouse, 133 Montgomery St. One can park on Montgomery Street: a security guard is on duty at all times. CaH VTctln-vWItness Assistance for more information, 652-7329 or (800) 477-5959. i The Savannah Newcomers CW> meats tor lunch at 10-.45a.rn. the third Wednesday of each month. Women who have ttvad In Savannah for leas than two years are welcome to join. Cafl 351-317 L MCBENnuy is a group of im proprietors who normally meat at 6 pjn. the second Wednesday of each month to network and socialize. This week, the group meets at 6 p.m. on Thursday. For location and other information call Karen at 232-5816. : The JJ. Burke Branch 215 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the Hunter Club at Hunter Army Airfield. Navy, Marina Corps and Coast Guard, active and retired, are Invited. BRUMMAN RETMEE CLUBc Meets at 11 a m the third Wednesday of each month at the Hunter Army Airfield Officers' Club. Lunch is at noon. SAVANNAH PARROTHEADS meet at 7 pjn. the first Friday of each month at the Huntington Apartments' Clubhouse, 505 Mall Blvd. AH jimmy Buffett fans are invited. Call Heidi Thompson at 727-4415 or Tory Fuller. 925-9799. TOP* No. 428 is a ran profit weight toss group that meets weekly for weigh-ins, informative programs and more. Call Debi or Howard at 7486868 for more information. SAVANNAH STRDERS TRACK CLUB meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at Gallaher's restaurant, 7054 Hodgson Memorial Drive. The public is invited. SAVANNAH WOMEN'S NETWORK meets at 5:30 p.m. the fourth Monday of each month at the Comedy House Theatre on Mail Boulevard. 9204041. HOPE ALALON GROUP meets at 1:30 p.m. each Wednesday at the 24-Hour clubhouse. 1501 Eisenhower Drive. 356-3374. B meets at noon the first Wednesday of every other month at Carey Milliards banquet room on Abercom Extension. 3544154. LOCAL P-FLAQ OROUP: (Parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays) meets at 7 p.m. every fourth Thursday at the Unity Church of Savannah, 2320 Sunset Blvd. A teen support group for The Volunteer Center, t service .of the United Way,raeruHsand refers volunteer! to more than 200 nonprofit organizations in the Coastal Empire. The Volunteer Center can match volunteer interests with a community need. Call . 651-7700,0 a.m.-4:30 p.m. MondayFriday, for more information or any volunteer concern. • Assistant for volunteer office: good communications skills required, experience in human resources helpful. Hours: 830 sum.1230 p.m. Monday-Friday. Minimum commitment of one morning each week. • Reading tutors to volunteer one or more hours per week in Savannah-Chatham public schools. Training provided by reading specialists. Volunteer coordinator will match time commitment to needs of schools and location. •Courier needed for nonprofit history organization with multiple sites. Mileage and discounted lunch available. Reliable transportation with insurance and valid driver's license required. Tuesday and Friday mornings. BBBP SOUTH ORCM0 SOOBJTY. meats the aecond Monday of most months between May and September at the Savannah Science Museum, Call 3524424 for more Information. • Alcoholics Anonymous has daily meetings throughout the Coastal Empire. Call 3544)883 for information. • Narcotics Anonymous meets at 8 p.m. each night at Most Pure Heart of Mary Pastoral Center, 812 W. 36th St. For more information call (800) 334-3322. • Overeaters Anonymous meets at noon each Tuesday at St James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave. Call 232-3383. There are no fees. For a list of other area meetings, call 232-3382. • Gay/bi Narcotics Anonymous meeting is at 8 p.m. each Sunday Call 234-4585 for location. • A support group for stroke survivors meets at 2 p.m. each Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave. Call 588-1766. •The Greater Savannah Dementia Association provides two memory loss support group meetings each month. The morning meet- TY BOOSTER CLUB meets at 7:30 p,m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at May Street YMCA. CJUBNt, SHAWNS: The Caring and In BiHrtkNl Clown to a fflREE —mtrmr to /Ms> you mtdtntmnd mfgraknm. JHv tht ftrtt $t0p to foHtH letaktr Or. JL ftffcfUNW Hemphlll, M.D. MomajK May 12 »f 7:00 pm At to NoMday Inn MMtown For further info, call Lo Comt Pharmacy *M17»Oftt7-17« RWfttaM, settingtoM M 4417 SJddmvW.M-Slt 10-5 JSfiSSCPim. ing is at'10 the first Tuesday of each.. month at Christ Church Parish ; House, 18 Abercom St. The evening*meeting is at 7, the second Tuesday of each month at the Jewish — ; Educational Alliance. 5111 \ Abercom St. For more information call 233-9786. -• • A support group for anyone . . . experiencing grief and loss meets at! 8 p.m. each Tuesday at Hospice ; Savannah, 1352 Eisenhower Drive. : A certified bereavement counselor will lead the group. Call 355-2289. . •Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. , 404, for people trying to lose weigtiC meets at 6:30 p.m. each Tuesday in the annex to Windsor Forest Baptist Church, 12532 White Bluff Road. Call 355-2068 or 920-7480. •The Head Injury Support Group meets at 6 p.m. the second Thursday of each month for a covered dish dinner followed by a meeting at 7 p.m. at Goodwill Industries. 7220 Sallie Mood Drive. How ToWrite Real Estate Ads That Work! 3-Hours Credit Court* approved by trw'Qoorgla Roal Estate Commlaslon In-Class Coufte • School Sponsor: Succsss Ssmlnars In this fast-paced workshop you will learn: 4 • 4 4 How to create dynamic personal promotion How to write powerful ads that grab attention How to gain more qualified buyers & sellers The newest marketing trends to increase sales Write Ads That Make Your Telephone Ring! Acclaimed International Speaker Dennis Crops BVJI IflMRP • Project clerk for agency serving. seniors, to assist in office during .' afternoons three times per moath. ' Experience in working with special'. events and fund-raising helpful. f Community resource referral _] specialists with strong communica-' "* tions, public relations and decision-, making skills needed to provide .;; information and referral by telephone. Commitment of one afternoon per week. (1-5 p.m. Monday- ~ Friday.) Training provided. •Literacy program tutors to * : work one-on-one with young mothers and older women who want to ' improve their reading and math .', skills, study for a GED or work on . job skills. Tuesday and Thursdays. 530-7:30 p.m. Reading, math, or computer skills desired. •Teacher's aides needed to assist with storytelling, arts and . crafts, small group activities, supervision of outdoor play. Held trips.. serving lunch and classroom cleanup. Morning or afternoon shifts available. Monday-Friday. • Tutors needed for mentally p . challenged persons. Times to be • t negotiated by volunteer and client WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUPS VETERANS OF FOREMN WARS Post 6 6 0 meets at 8 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at 5115 Ogeechee Road. 925-5270. POOLS ft SPAS I meet* «t 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Tutadays of each month at Ibrk (We Temelf, 2001E. OeRervte Who we are; what brings us together. Pick up valuable tips from someone who really knows real estate markets. Creps, CEO of Success Seminars, is an experienced real estate broker/ owner anil full-time trainer and consultant., For eleven years, he has been invited to speak at the National Association of Realtors Annual Convention. Audiences enjoy his up-beat and humorous presentations plus his businessboosting ideas. "19% was a spectacular year. I created ads from some of your ideas and went over 100f transactions. "After taking your course, " I sold a house off the very next adsI ran. The buyers said I was the only onewho gave them the information they needed." Thinks for your help." Richard A. Mathct Redky Group JayZemlicka Redty ExeatHm Phoenix, AZ Mason City, IA OMMW point your MOMMF MK nnarmowxonV—mlnar Wednesday, May 14 9AM-12.15PM State ContinentalBmikfas*8:30AM {City Phone:, I Check Eadoied: $_ AIM* I Bxp • Mail to SAIJE 4 Tops N* Bottoms Ends Today! WllfTthMitoo Island M M 897-3982 • l O l N C J f S A V A N N AH FURNITURE A .U DISCOVER QVISAQMASTERCARH Card*. Strwm•• Mfhsg Newi I n Sponsored by Saftfflte, &Fhof Cowering Of 31 G t f l " Hwy 21 * Springfield, GA • (912) 754-3343 Call 912-652-0236 to register or for more information
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