How to stimulate the rooftop PV market in RSA without putting munics’ profits at risk Presentation to SAPVIA networking event 10 December 2013, Johannesburg Dr Tobias Bischof-Niemz Specialist PV: Renewables Unit, Eskom Chief Engineer: Energy Planning & Market Development, Eskom Email: [email protected] Cell: +27 83 403 1108 Back-up Disclaimer This presentation does not reflect an official Eskom opinion, but rather summarises the thoughts of the author with respect to stimulating the embedded PV market in the Republic of South Africa This presentation was not presented to Eskom Executive Committee yet and has therefore neither received approval nor dis-approval so far from executive management level All numbers used in this presentation are either market data to the best of the author’s knowledge (e.g. cost and performance of PV) or they are indicative for demonstration purposes only (e.g. the level of the proposed Net FIT) The business case mentioned in the presentation is a typical business case based on high-level assumptions. It does not recommend any investment into PV and should not be used as a basis for any decisions with respect to investments into PV or other renewables in South Africa Eskom is not a decision-making entity when it comes to Net Metering or Net Feed-in Tariff and can merely make proposals. Any decision with respect to these concepts has to be taken by the relevant authorities (NERSA, Department of Energy, National Treasury, municipalities, etc.) 2 Agenda Status of Embedded PV Installations in South Africa Business Case for a Residential Embedded PV Installation Potential Regulatory Approach for Embedded PV Installations Effects of the Proposed Regulatory Approach Summary 3 Integrated Resource Plan 2010 (IRP 2010) plans generation mix until 2030 – 8.4 GW PV Installed capacity Energy mix Electricity supplied in TWh per year Total installed Capacity in GW 90 86 80 8.4 PV CSP 70 Wind Hydro 60 42 40 Wind 350 Hydro 300 250 Gas 200 Coal 20 Gas 50 0 0 2015 2020 2025 Coal 100 10 2010 Carbon free TWh's in 2030 (34%) Peaking 150 30 Renewable TWh's in 2030 (14%) Nuclear 255 Peaking PV CSP 400 Nuclear 50 436 450 2010 2030 Share renewables 5% 2015 2020 2025 2030 14% 2 The draft of the IRPCO 2010 Update was published a few intensity weeks ago – PV capacity increases to 9.8 GW by 2030 Source: Integrated Resource Plan 2010, as promulgated in 2011; Eskom EPMD analysis 4 Two PV markets in South Africa 1: DoE competitive tender space (REIPPPP) 2: Self-generation, embedded generators Focus of this presentation IRP 2010 assumed a significant share of all 8.4 GW PV capacity to come from embedded generators Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 5 In principle, there are three types of connections for embedded generators Eskom Grid Municipality Grid Off-grid 4 million end customers served by Eskom 8 metropolitan, 44 district, and 226 local municipalities Generally, electrification in South Africa high at ~85% Tariffs published in Eskom‘s tariff book Buy electricity in bulk from Eskom and put mark-up on tariff (few complement with own generation) Some industrial electricity consumers however operate island grids (e.g. mines) High-tariff electricity revenues cross-subsidise lower tariffs Small number of villages / farmers not connected to the grid yet Cost-plus business, i.e. high incentive to help customers save energy 40% of South Africans live in the eight metropolitan munics Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 6 Already today, significant number of selfconsumption PV exists – trend increasing Project Location Province Kriel Mine Med BMS BT WTP Mitchells Plain Hospital Solar Irrigation System GreenPeace Africa Vodacom Dube Trade Port Pick n Pay distribution centre Vrede en Lust Wine Farm Novo Packhouse Leeupan Solar PV project Pick n Pay Distribution Centre Villera Winefarms Stellenbosch Standard Bank PV Installation Pick n Pay Store BP Offices Cavalli Wine & Stud Farm Oldenburg Vineyards Coca Cola water bottling plant Glaxo Smith Kline Impahla Clothing Khayelitsha District Hospital Stellakaya Wine Farm Lelifontein wine cellar and Gropnfontein admin offices Eskom Megawatt Park Rooftop PV Eskom Megawatt Park carport PV Eskom Kendal PV (ground‐mounted, fixed) Eskom Lethabo PV (ground‐mounted, 1‐axis tracking) Eskom Megawatt Park CPV Cronimet Chrome Mining SA (Pty) Ltd Black River Park Bosco Factory PV Plant Ceres Koelkamers Rooibos Storage Facilities TOTAL Kriel Woodmead Woodmead Woodmead Witbank Mitchells Plain Montagu Johannesburg Century City, Cape Town Durban Philippe, Cape Town Franschoek Paarl OR Tambo Precinct, Wattville, Longsmeadow, Johannesburg Cape Town Kingsmead, Durban Hurlingham, Johannesburg V&A Waterfront, Cape Town Stelllenbosch Stellenbosch Heidelberg Cape Town Maitland Cape Town Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Sunninghill, Johannesburg Sunninghill, Johannesburg Eskom’s Kendal coal‐fired power station Eskom’s Lethabo coal‐fired power station Sunninghill, Johannesburg Thabazimbi Cape Town Edenvale Ceres Clanwilliam Mpumulanga Gauteng Gauteng Gauteng Mpumulanga Western Cape Western Cape Gauteng Western Cape Kwazulu Natal Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Gauteng Gauteng Western Cape Kwazulu Natal Gauteng Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Western Cape Gauteng Gauteng Mpumalanga Free State Gauteng Limpopo Western Cape Gauteng Western Cape Western Cape Installed capacity (kWp) When completed 240 31 36 36 30 64 24 10 500 220 300 218 200 200 150 132 105 100 67 51 45 30 30 30 25 10 88 358 398 620 575 26 1,000 (PV) 700 304 505 511 7 MWp Aug.13 Jul.13 Jul.13 Jul.13 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 Unknown 2010 2011 2013 2013 Unknown Unknown Unknown 2011 Unknown 2013 2013 November 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 But: feeding into the grid currently not allowed in most areas or only at unattractive rates – limits the market Source: Internet search (ARUP); Eskom EPMD analysis 7 Agenda Status of Embedded PV Installations in South Africa Business Case for a Residential Embedded PV Installation Potential Regulatory Approach for Embedded PV Installations Effects of the Proposed Regulatory Approach Summary 8 70% cost reduction in just 5 years makes PV now competitive with retail electricity tariffs PV is already today competitive with residential & commercial electricity tariffs … … due to dramatic PV system price decreases in the last five years Residential PV installation LCOE in R/kWh Commercial PV installation 5 - 70% 4 3 2 • Five years ago, a residential PV system of 5 kWp cost R 500,000 • Today, the same system can be installed for R 125,000 or less • Five years ago, a commercial PV system of 200 kWp cost R 15 million • Today, the same system can be installed for R 3.6 million or less • This cost reduction directly leads to reduction of levelised costs of energy (LCOE) in R/kWh 1 0 Jan/08 Jan/09 Jan/10 Jan/11 Jan/12 Jan/13 Jan/14 Time Source: Bundesnetzagentur (German Federal Grid Agency), assumptions: German residential/commercial turnkey prices, translated via historical exchange rate into ZAR-based turnkey prices, assuming 20% CAPEX-premium compared to Germany, VAT added for residential, translated into LCOE, real WACC of 4% for residential & 6% real WACC after tax for commercial customers; tax effects (accelerated 3-year depreciation) considered for commercial; Eskom EPMD analysis Higher CAPEX of residential or commercial PV installations can be over-compensated by lower cost of capital CAPEX in R/Wp 35 30 25 Utility-scale 20 LCOE = 1.2 R/kWh 15 LCOE = 1.0 R/kWh 10 LCOE = 0.8 R/kWh LCOE = 0.6 R/kWh 5 Residential Commercial 0 WACC (nominal) 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% Assumptions: 20 years lifetime, 1,700 kWh/kWp/yr specific energy yield in year 1, 0.8% annual degradation, 200 R/kWp/yr OPEX, 6% inflation Source: Eskom EPMD 10 Residential load profile has peaks in the morning and in the evening (example winter) One-family residential house • 15,000 kWh annual demand Load kW 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Example based on residential case, but similar logic applies for large commercial rooftop PV installations Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 11 Residential load profile generally does not match PV – excess PV to be fed back into grid kW One-family residential house • 15,000 kWh annual demand • 6 kWp PV installation Excess PV power fed into the grid Load supplied by the grid 5.0 Load supplied directly by PV 4.5 Keep in mind: Battery storage not yet an economical option! 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Monday + Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Household: ~30-50% = Self-consumption rate How much of my PV energy can I consume directly on site? PV business case Friday + Saturday Sunday Household: ~20-30% = Self-sufficiency degree How much does PV contribute to my overall electricity demand? PV relevance If self-consumption rate is low & excess energy is not financially compensated, it kills the business case Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 12 Grid connection and annual load of a typical residential household Grid Residential load 15,000 kWh/yr Consumption meter 15,000 kWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh Owned by electricity customer Owned by Municipality or Eskom Distribution Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 13 Levelised cost of energy for a typical residential PV installation (without subsidies) CAPEX PV system (6 kWp @ 20 R/Wp) R 120,000 OPEX O&M, insurance (200 R/kWp/yr) R 1,200/yr PV system (6 kWp) – 10,000 kWh/yr Energy yield ~1,700 kWh/kWp/yr (-0.8%/yr) 10,000 kWh/yr Cost of capital WACC of a private individual 7% Inflation Average inflation over lifetime 6% ~ Levelised cost of energy (LCOE) = 0.8 R/kWh annual cost of PV system ~ 8,000 R/yr Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 14 Low self-consumption rate of residential customers (typically) kills the PV business case Owned by PV owner (in many cases the same entity as the electricity customer) PV system (6 kWp) Curtailment 6,000 kWh/yr – 10,000 kWh/yr ~ 40% Self consumption Grid 4,000 kWh/yr Residential load 15,000 kWh/yr Consumption meter 11,000 kWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh Owned by Municipality or Eskom Distribution Net loss of 3,200 R/yr Source: Eskom EPMD analysis Owned by electricity customer Annual Income Statement Revenues … from curtailed PV energy … from avoided energy charges Expenses Annual costs of PV system Profit/(loss) R0 R 4,800 (R 8,000) (R 3,200) 15 Agenda Status of Embedded PV Installations in South Africa Business Case for a Residential Embedded PV Installation Potential Regulatory Approach for Embedded PV Installations Effects of the Proposed Regulatory Approach Summary 16 How to deal with this situation? The business case logic is true for commercial and residential rooftop PV likewise Null Option: doing nothing or trying to avoid embedded generators • Commercial and residential customers will most likely install PV anyways – Highest-value customers with high consumption & highest tariffs will do it first – They will therefore opt out of the cross-subsidisation mechanism – Increasing electricity tariffs for poorer customers! • No control over magnitude of the development • Even worse: No knowledge about the magnitude of the development Some conservative numbers about the potential of rooftop PV: • 1 million households with 5 kWp each 5 GWp! • 10,000 commercial properties with 200 kWp each another 2 GWp! Better embrace the development! Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 17 How to overcome the hurdles for residential customers? Proposal: Net Feed-in Tariff Approach 1: Net Metering (potential “first step”) Approach 2: Net Feed-in Tariff with central off-taker (end state?) Bi-directional: importing and exporting of energy allowed Bi-directional: importing and exporting of energy allowed Tariff Structure Tariff for import and export can be different (e.g., export tariff lower than import tariff) Tariff for import and export can be different (e.g., export tariff lower than import tariff) Energy Balance Must be a net energy consumer over an energy-balancing cycle (typically one year) Net energy consumer or producer over an energy-balancing cycle (typically one year) Financial Balance Must be a net payer over a billing cycle (i.e. no cash payments back to the customer) Can be a net receiver of payments over a billing cycle (i.e. cash payments to the customer PV as a business) Off-taker Local authority (i.e. municipality or Eskom Distribution) Nationwide central off-taker Power Flows Proposal in this presentation Source: M.P.E. GmbH proposal on net metering; Eskom Pricing proposal on net metering; Net FIT proposal by Eskom EPMD 18 Proposal: Net Feed-in Tariff with nationwide central off-taker (“CPPA”) & compensation for munics to make them profit-neutral Create a “Central Power Purchasing Agency” (CPPA), which would be the nation-wide sole offtaker for all energy spilled into the grid from embedded generators • CPPA compensates the embedded generator with a Feed-in Tariff on the net energy spilled into the grid (generation minus self-consumption) for 20 years at a predefined tariff path Net FIT • CPPA compensates the municipality for lost gross margins due to self-consumed PV energy and makes it therefore profit-neutral to embedded PV that essentially pays for all fixed costs Dramatically reduced PV system costs make financial implications of Net FIT very manageable • A Net FIT of ~0.7 R/kWh paid by CPPA is sufficient to stimulate the embedded PV market • Gross-margin compensation from CPPA to munics would be ~0.6 R/kWh for all lost kWh sales • The weighted average of payments triggered by CPPA are therefore between 0.6-0.7 R/kWh • From a system perspective, the effective tariff (weighted average of Net FIT and avoided energy tariff due to self-consumption) would be in the order of 0.9 R/kWh (below comparable IPP tariffs) • The funding for Net FIT & gross-margin compensation could come from a mark-up on all kWh (or only “premium” kWh > 200 kWh/month per supply point) 500 MWp of PV incur 0.2 ct/kWh Reminder: renewables do still increase the average tariff (slightly). IRP 2010 Update plans for 9.8 GW of PV by 2030; the question is therefore not if, but rather how to get these 9.8 GW cheapest Note: It is assumed that the Net FIT is inflated with 3% p.a. (fixed) and not with CPI, whereas the gross-margin compensation is inflated with CPI or it is linked to the 19 average electricity tariff increase Source: Eskom EPMD analysis How would the business case for a residential customer look like with Net FIT? Owned by PV owner (in many cases the same entity as the electricity customer) Owned by CPPA PV panels (6 kWp) Net FIT meter 6,000 kWh/yr @ 0.7 R/kWh – 10,000 kWh/yr ~ Self consumption Grid 4,000 kWh/yr 40% Consumption meter 11,000 kWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh Owned by Municipality or Eskom Distribution Net profit of 1,000 R/yr Source: Eskom EPMD analysis Residential load 15,000 kWh/yr Owned by electricity customer Annual Income Statement for PV System Revenues … from Net FIT R 4,200 … from avoided energy charges R 4,800 Expenses Annual costs of PV system Profit/(loss) (R 8,000) R 1,000 20 Similar logic applies for commercial customers – with typically higher self consumption rate Owned by PV owner (in commercial cases can be a “micro-utility” with PPA to load) Owned by CPPA PV panels (200 kWp) Net FIT meter 150,000 kWh/yr @ 0.7 R/kWh – 350,000 kWh/yr ~ Self consumption Grid 200,000 kWh/yr 57% Consumption meter 300,000 kWh/yr @ 1.0 R/kWh Owned by Municipality or Eskom Distribution Net profit of 25,000 R/yr Source: Eskom EPMD analysis Commercial load 500,000 kWh/yr Owned by electricity customer Annual Income Statement for PV System Revenues … from Net FIT R 105,000 … from avoided energy charges R 200,000 Expenses Annual costs of PV system Profit/(loss) (R 280,000) R 25,000 21 Municipalities would be made profit-neutral by CPPA via a gross-margin compensation for all self-consumed PV energy in the supply area Mark-up could be put on only those kWh that are in excess of e.g. 200 kWh/month per supply point Mark-up on every kWh sold in South Africa (500 MWp +0.2 ct/kWh) CPPA Municipality Gross-margin compensation @ 0.6 R/kWh for self-consumption Municipality supply area Gross-margin compensation essentially pays for fixed admin and grid costs. It is defined as: = Self-consumption part of the energy from embedded generators * 0.6 R/kWh = [Sum of all energy generated from embedded generators registered under the Net FIT scheme (estimate or inverter-based readings) – sum of all energy compensated via the Net FIT scheme] * 0.6 R/kWh Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 22 Once Net FIT mechanism is in place, it can be utilised to control size of embedded PV market Targets and level of Net FIT could also be defined on provincial level in order to steer the spatial distribution of PV Target Set by DoE; for example: 500 MWp of new rooftop PV installations per year Compare target & actuals Adjustment of Net FIT for new installations only! Existing installations are guaranteed the Net FIT that was valid at the time of commissioning for 20 years. Adjust Net FIT quarterly Actuals New installations in the South African rooftop PV market in MWp per year Measure via NetFIT registry Feedback loop Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 23 Agenda Status of Embedded PV Installations in South Africa Business Case for a Residential Embedded PV Installation Potential Regulatory Approach for Embedded PV Installations Effects of the Proposed Regulatory Approach Summary 24 Gross margin of a fictitious munic, which is needed to cover all fixed costs, stays constant Status Quo Embedded PV without Net FIT and gross-margin compensation Embedded PV with Net FIT and grossmargin compensation Customer base 100,000 customers with 15,000 kWh/yr each = 1.5 TWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh 50,000 customers with 11,000 & 50,000 with 15,000 kWh/yr = 1.3 TWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh 100,000 customers with 11,000 kWh/yr each = 1.1 TWh/yr @ 1.2 R/kWh Revenues from electricity sales R 1.8 billion per year R 1.56 billion per year R 1.32 billion per year (bulk electricity purchase from Eskom) 1.5 TWh/yr @ 0.6 R/kWh = (R 0.9 billion per year) 1.3 TWh/yr @ 0.6 R/kWh = (R 0.78 billion per year) 1.1 TWh/yr @ 0.6 R/kWh = (R 0.66 billion per year) Gross Margin R 0.9 billion per year R 0.78 billion per year R 0.66 billion per year Gross Margin Compensation N/A N/A 0.4 TWh/yr @ 0.6 R/kWh from CPPA = R 0.24 billion per year Gross Margin after compensation R 0.9 billion per year R 0.78 billion per year R 0.9 billion per year COGS 25 Further advantages of a Net FIT-based incentive scheme for residential PV + Transparency & Safety • All embedded PV generators would be centrally registered: because no registration no Net FIT money • Distribution grid operators are fully aware of all embedded PV generators, which increases maintenance safety + Job creation & local content • Potential for rural enterprises to run a “micro-utility business” with small-scale PV generators wherever there is a grid, there is a PV business opportunity! • Huge potential for SMMEs in PV design, installation & verification for residential & commercial customers • Government subsidised loans to fund the PV installations could be linked to high local content + Reduced grid losses and system costs • Embedded PV is close to the load, i.e. grid losses are low (saves add. up to 5% of costs) • Generally only very little grid strengthening and no grid extension required (PV follows the grid) • Lower export than import tariff incentivises load-shifting & peak-shaving to better match PV supply and onsite demand; good for the system: matching onsite supply & demand reduces grid losses & need for peaking power • Aggregated supply profile of spatially distributed embedded PV generators is very smooth and highly predictable + Reduced transaction costs • Project development costs, legal fees, environmental assessment, etc. are all reduced or non existent for embedded PV as compared to large PV installations + Funding easier due to granularity (small project size, R 100,000 to few millions) • With a proper standard offer and Net FIT defined, rooftop PV installation would become bankable • Banks could put the asset into the home loan (with residual Net FIT revenues as collateral) for easy financing • Net FIT payments are linked to the asset, not to the PV owner roof-lease business models become viable Source: Eskom EPMD analysis 26 Renewables are very capital intensive, thus cost of financing them needs to come down – this only happens if uncertainties are reduced Risk Who should own the risk? Solar insulation PV asset owner Technology performance PV asset owner Tariff (i.e. financial Electricity System compensation per kWh) Off-take Electricity System Inflation Electricity System Guiding principle: A risk should always be owned by the entity that can best control it. This way the risk allocation will lead to lowest total cost to the system. Net metering Net FIT Net FIT (CPI-linked tariff) (pre-defined tariff path) Cost of financing LCOE A predefined tariff path leads to lowest uncertainties, hence lowest cost of financing, and hence to lowest LCOE / costs to the system 27 Guiding principle must be to de-risk the PV investment in order to reduce overall costs Many would say in order to stimulate the market, PV needs to be more profitable with a payback of 5-7 years But, an analogy: What payback does a private individual require when purchasing a house? 20 years? Definitely more than 10 years. And a house comes with quite substantial running costs attached to it (levies, repairs, etc.) The perception of the asset class of PV has to change. It is not a short-term consumable good, but rather an infrastructure-type of investment (like a house/road). Infrastructure investments never give <10 years payback Reducing the payback period of a PV investment by giving it a very high Net FIT will create windfall profits • The lifetime costs of PV and their nature need to be considered: PV has >20 years lifetime and a cost structure that is almost purely capital (running costs during the asset’s life are very low) • That means that if the Net FIT was high enough to give a 5-7 years payback, from year 7 onwards the PV investor would make windfall profits until the end of life of the asset. The situation would then be: – PV asset is paid off, and the running costs are very low – PV owner still gets the tariffs and/or the benefits of avoided energy charges without facing cost items that counter-balance the benefits Hence, attractiveness of an investment into PV should be increased by de-risking it during the full lifetime, rather than giving high (and potentially too high) upfront incentives in form of high Net FIT and/or CAPEX subsidies • Net FIT path needs to be defined upfront for the full 20 years & guaranteed/backed by government guarantees • Government banks could offer loans with subsidised interest rates and/or very long terms to fund the PV assets • Keep in mind: If Net FIT turns out to be too low, the feedback loop will allow an increase for new installations 28 Beneficiaries of the proposed Net FIT approach with compensation for munics Beneficiary Benefit NERSA • Up-to-date registry of all embedded PV generators • Therefore full transparency over the magnitude of the embedded PV market • Full control over the speed and magnitude of the development by adjusting the Net FIT according to the actual market development compared to government targets • If the target is for example 500 MWp per year, the Net FIT can be steered to reach that • Embedded PV market will be funded by private individuals, small commercial customers and SMMEs essentially breaking down power generator investments into many small pieces and utilising crowd funding to raise the money for it • Business and income-generating opportunities through “micro-utility” business in case the PV site is a net exporter of energy • PV business opportunity wherever there is an existing grid very widespread reach! • Benefit from large amounts of PV at very competitive prices due to the lower return expectations of private individuals as compared to large companies • Full transparency of embedded PV market makes PV forecasting very easy, which enables the System Operator to schedule the conventional fleet day- and week-ahead accordingly • Full certainty future PV penetration makes long-term planning for conventional fleet easier (choice of type of generators is, amongst others, informed by PV penetration in the system) • Lower export than import tariff incentivises load-shifting and peak-shaving • No administrative burden apart from technical grid connection (metering done by CPPA) • No profit losses due to embedded PV generators and therefore no threat of embedded PV to the munics’ service-delivery and electricity-cross-subsidisation model • Upside from embedded PV: green image, local job creation through design & installation • Huge SMME job creation potential in design, installation & certification of PV installations • Certainty about market size (e.g. 500 MWp/yr) gives confidence to module/inverter players to set up manufacturing in South Africa Department of Energy National Treasury Rural areas Electricity customers System Operator Municipalities Department of Trade and Industry 29 Agenda Status of Embedded PV Installations in South Africa Business Case for a Residential Embedded PV Installation Potential Regulatory Approach for Embedded PV Installations Effects of the Proposed Regulatory Approach Summary 30 Summary Business case for PV on rooftop of residential customers could be profitable without subsidies already today in some munics’ and Eskom’s supply areas (residential/commercial “grid parity”) The stumbling block however is that feeding into the grid is not allowed / not compensated removing this stumbling block will let rooftop PV installations grow quickly in RSA Many municipalities will fear these embedded generators for valid reasons as they deteriorate the munic’s revenue base but munic still needs to pay for fixed admin and network costs! It is better to embrace this development than to fight it, as an “under the radar” embedded PV market is suboptimal for cost, safety, cross-subsidisation, and system operations reasons No admin burden for munics! Therefore, a nation-wide standardised approach should be applied to this downstream market • Nationwide central off-taker for grid feed-in of all embedded generators (“CPPA”) • CPPA pays a Net FIT to the PV asset owner and a gross-margin compensation to munics • CPPA funded via mark-up on all (or only “premium”) kWh sold in RSA (~0.2 Rct/kWh per 500 MW of PV) • Net FIT approach will allow “micro-utility” business (PV business opportunity where there is grid) This approach should be seen as complimentary to the large-scale IPP programme No profit impact for munics! 31 Thank you
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