Master Recherche Sciences de l’Entreprise : Génie Industriel Mémoire thématique Spécialité MoMaC How to develop functional architecture ? Antoine GRANDOU Soutenu le 24 mars 2014 Encadrants : Jurys : Sonia BEN AMIDA Marija JANKOVIC Bernard YANNOU François CLUZEL Marija JANKOVIC Yann LEROY Bernard YANNOU Abstract How to develop functional architectures? 2014 This work is aimed at reviewing different approaches dedicated to the development of systems and artifacts architectures. Function modeling is the first field of study to be reviewed, focusing specifically on the different definitions of function. Then the practicality of function modeling is questioned and the emergence of new concepts such as affordance-based design is developed. Finally a case study on the design of a fridge is conducted based on four approaches, the obtained architectures are then evaluated. Keywords System architecture Function modeling Function-based design Affordance-based design 1 Mémoire Thématique Contents How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Keywords ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3 Part 1: Context and issues ....................................................................................................................... 4 Part 2: State of the art and synthesis ...................................................................................................... 5 1) Eighteen different approaches and representations ...................................................................... 5 2.2) Existence of a solution of disambiguation about functional description..................................... 7 3) Practicality of functional modeling ................................................................................................. 9 4) Affordance based design ............................................................................................................... 10 4.1) Designers-Artifacts-Users model............................................................................................ 10 4.2) Artifact-User Affordance & Artifact-Artifact Affordance ....................................................... 11 Part 3: Case study: The fridge................................................................................................................ 12 1) Selected approach for the study ................................................................................................... 12 1.1) Function-Behavior-State ........................................................................................................ 12 1.2) Functional representation to support idea generation ......................................................... 14 1.3) Finding the right problem ...................................................................................................... 15 1.4) Working with affordances ...................................................................................................... 15 2) Criteria of evaluation..................................................................................................................... 18 Part 4: Application ................................................................................................................................. 20 1) Function-Behavior-State ............................................................................................................... 20 2) Functional representation to support idea generation ................................................................ 20 3) Finding the right problem ............................................................................................................. 22 4) Working with affordances ............................................................................................................. 27 Part 5: Comparison and discussion ....................................................................................................... 32 1) Evaluation of the approaches ....................................................................................................... 32 2) Encountered difficulties ................................................................................................................ 33 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................. 34 References ............................................................................................................................................. 35 Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 38 2 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Introduction System architecture is an essential part of conceptual design. Function, behavior and form are three key aspects of design (Albers et al. (2011)). Form and parts embody the design, while function can be used to describe desired behaviors. Many studies address this subject often using functions and functional decomposition as a principled way of designing systems or artifacts (Pahl & Beitz (1996)) (Hubka & Eder (1996)). Nevertheless, the definition of what is functional and functions in general appears to be vaguer, more blurred. The proof is, for example the eighteen, different approaches of function that (Erden et al. (2007)) found in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to make a review of approaches that enable engineers and designers to develop system architectures and to apply some of these approaches to a case study based on the design of a fridge. Therefore the two first parts to be discussed in this paper deal with the place of function modeling in design and what the definitions of function are. Which approach should be considered to be the most appropriate to work with on systems architecture? The research for a single definition is also reviewed based on the work of (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)).This development will lead to the emergence of a lack of applicability and practicability of function modeling in design. Thus the question of the relevance of the use of function in design and the fact that functions appear to be extremely interesting on a theoretical point of view, but when it comes to the real world of applications in industry, the concept is no longer applicable (Tomiyama et al. (2013)) and (Eckert (2013)).Following the emergence of the lack of applicability of functional architecture it might appear to be interesting to focus on other type of architectures that are not based on functions. The concept of Affordance-based design can then be developed as an alternative as it is developed by (Maier & Fadel (2009a) (2009b)). Affordance then appears to be very interesting with broader applicability to the design process. Then, a case study is realized, four different approaches are implemented on the design of a fridge. Two of those methods are reviewed in the work of (Erden et al. (2007)), the first, one by (Shimomura et al. (1998)), is based on the Function-Behavior-State approach of (Umeda et al. (1990)) and the second is developed by (Chakrabarti & Bligh (2001)). The third approach is entitled “Finding the right problem by (Thuillier & Wippler (2011)) and the last one is based on the work of (Cormier et al. (2013)) on the affordances. Eventually an evaluation of the different architectures of the fridge developed through the implementation of the four approaches is realized. Moreover the encountered difficulties are detailed. 3 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Part 1: Context and issues The term of function is used by engineers in many different meanings thus the hampering of the use of functional description (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)). For example, (Erden et al. (2007)) in a review of function modeling, identify eighteen different approaches based on different definitions of function. Here emergence different issues about the ambiguity around functional description in engineering. The comparative review of the literature realized by (Erden et al. (2007)) is based on the idea that the basic concern of function modeling is how to represent knowledge about function. As (Szykman et al. (2000)) state, “a single designer or design team can no longer manage the complete product development effort”, function modeling provides a framework for overall system description. (Muller (2007)), developed a scheme representing the design process, he aimed at showing the gap between the high-level requirements and the low level details and (Erden et al. (2007)), completed the scheme stating that “function modeling serves as a mean of linking the upper and lower levels of system design and description”. This is illustrated in Fig.1. Nevertheless, the solution to “how to bridge the multitude of models required to support a complex design” (Wang et al. (2002)) is not trivial. Fig.1. The device pyramid of design according to (Erden et al. (2007)) adapted from (Muller (2007)) 4 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Part 2: State of the art and synthesis The review of function modeling approaches of (Erden et al. (2007)) identifies three domains in functional ontology. The device ontology which considers devices as black box modules connected with input and output connections. The process ontology deals with the process rather than the components; it is focused on the participants and the changing entities. And the functional concept ontology that aims at developing a model of a device. Even if function modeling is a tool to define what the system does and what is its purpose, (Umeda et Tomiyama (1995)) state that “there is no clear and uniform definition of a function, and moreover, it seems impossible to describe function objectively”. Then, the semantic definition of function appears to be a point of comparison between approaches. Different points will be discussed in this section; the first one is aiming at establishing a comparison of those eighteen different approaches reusing the comparison points established by (Erden & al (2007)). The second goal of this section will be to see if it is possible to come to a solution of disambiguation about functional descriptions (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)). Then a focus on the practicality of function modeling will be realized followed by a review of an alternative solution for the development of systems architectures. 1) Eighteen different approaches and representations This list is a quote from (Erden et al. (2007)); all the definitions introduce in these approaches are represented in the Tlable.1 of the appendix: 1. In their function–behavior–state (FBS) model, Umeda, Tomiyama, and colleagues (Umeda et al., 1990, 1995a, 1996, 2005; Umeda & Tomiyama, 1995, 1997; Shimomura et al. 1998) develop a function representation in which the subjective and objective realms are related to each other with function–behavior relationship. 2. In ontological engineering of (Kitamura & Mizoguchi (2004)), the functionalities are defined in the basis of “is-a (function abstraction),” “a part of (function composition)” and “is achieved by (relation between function and structure or behavior)” relations. 3. The structure–behavior–function (SBF) model developed by Goel and colleagues (Goel & Bhatta (2004); Bhatta & al. (1991)) considers behavior as an intermediate concept between the structure and subjectively defined functional requirements. 4. The Schemebuilder program developed by (Bracewell & Sharpe (1996)) is based on the bond graph ontology. 5. (Welch & Dixon (1994)) develop behavioral primitives for conceptual mechanical design and name those as “features”. The implementation generates behavior graphs based on knowledge of available combinations of the primitives. 6. In their function–environment–behavior–structure (FEBS) design model, (Deng et al. (2000), Deng (2002)) propose a “working environment” which give a definition of the environmental elements that contribute to the functions of the design. 7. (Chakrabarti et al. (2005)) propose a functional representation to support idea generation for product design using the analogy between the knowledge of natural and artificial systems. 5 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 8. (Van Wie et al. (2005)), develop an approach that adopts direct mapping of functions to components. This method describes the mappings in a matrix. 9. The function–behavior–structure (FBStr) model developed by (Gero (1990)) defines function as an intermediate between the goal of human and the behavior of a system. 10. (Snooke & Price (1998)) introduce the idea of functional label to relate system components to the behaviors at various hierarchical abstraction levels, and apply their scheme to design and diagnose electrical devices (systems) in automotives. 11. (Chandrasekaran & Josephson (2000)) developed the ideas of environment-centric and device-centric views in order to express the mode of deployment in the design process. 12. (Keuneke (1991)) considers functional representation as a means of constructing a new organizational structure. 13. (Pahl &Beitz (1996)), systematic design. 14. (Suh (1990)), axiomatic design. 15. (Miles (1972)), Value engineering. 16. (De Kleer & Brown (1984)), Qualitative physics. 17. (Forbus (1984)), qualitative process theory. 18. (Rausand (1998); Labib (2006); Klein & Lalli (1989)), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis in general. 6 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 In order to realize a comparison between the different approaches (Table.1.), (Erden et al. (2007)) define six main domains of comparison. Among those domains the ontology delineates if the approach follows a device-centered or a process-centered perspective. Semantic definition of function identifies how the term function is defined. Function representation formalism refers to the mode of function representation. The function–context relation identifies if the semantics of function is derived from the context or if it is defined following the no function in structure principle. Under the domain of decomposition and verification it is mentioned if the authors propose methodologies for functional decomposition and verification of the functional design. The criteria named implementation in a programming environment and application aims at checking if a representation scheme for computer programming is proposed and used. Table.1. A comparative view of the eighteen approaches by (Erden et al. (2007)). 2.2) Existence of a solution of disambiguation about functional description Taking into account the eighteen definitions of (Erden et al. (2008))’s review, (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)) try to find a solution of disambiguation about functional description. Their work aims at obtaining a single meaning to function. First, the attempt to converge toward a single meaning appears to be impossible. In fact 7 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 different meanings co-exist without being equivalent or dealing with the same concepts. Therefore “a single concept of function cannot emerge” (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)). The same problem appears in the attempt of imposing a single meaning to function, “arguing for one meaning and thus rejecting the others” (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)). Engineers use different meanings of function side-by-side and those co-existing meanings even seem to be useful for engineers and designers. If a single meaning can’t emerge and can’t be imposed, could it be possible to find an overarching theory? The result seems to be that this approach is useful and relevant if the overarching theory include all the approaches without replacing them. Nevertheless by considering the eighteen different approaches and involving all of them, the concept can’t be applied practically and “it should not be seen as the true concept of function” (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)). The family resemblance concept is the one that “stays close” to engineering practice. Nevertheless it shows the drawback of giving a rather elusive definition that doesn’t fit with a practical use of the definition. The main conclusion of (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)) is that it is a need to keep the co-existing meanings. After the failure of those four different approaches, it appears legitimate to try to explain the coexisting of all those meanings. Going further from the work of (Houkes & Vermaas (2010)) and (Brown & Blessing (2005)), (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)), focus their attention on the device to be design by organizing an iterative process based on the goals, the actions, the functions, the behavior and the structure. Fig.2. Reasoning from a device’s goal to its structure. Those five key terms (Fig.2.) emerge from a comparison of the use of Functional Basis (FB) (Stone and Wood (2000)), Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM) (Lind (1994)) and Function-BehaviorStructure (FBS) (Gero (1990)). Taking into account these key terms (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)) point out that FB, MFM or FBS are just design methods that use some of them. Here we reach an interesting point that consists on showing that even if we can’t manage to come to a single meaning of function, it is possible to find a model that can overarch design methods that are based on functional modeling. Ultimately (Vermaas & Eckert (2013)) give a recap of their findings stating that “function is a term with a number of co-existing meanings and with the common role of relating goal descriptions of devices with structural descriptions of the devices in a general interdisciplinary way”. 8 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 So far, no proper solution of disambiguation has been found. In fact, it even appears that the different definitions of function are something benefic for designers and engineers. It seems easier to deal with all those different approaches instead of using a single one, it apparently provides more flexibility. 3) Practicality of functional modeling As it has been said above, the implementation of certain approaches is not an easy thing (Albers et al. (2011)). Therefore, the practicality of function modeling in design engineering appears as a real challenge. (Tomiyama et al. (2013)) point out that function modeling is not used by practitioners in reality even if it is taught in educational institutions. (Eckert (2013)) develops this idea stating that “[designers] have to describe that which is not form about a product and don’t have easy and intuitive ways of doing so”. Here again emerges the lack of a single definition of function. (Tomiyama et al. (2013)) focused on this lack of practicality and identified three syndromes that would explain this phenomenon: (1) “Never used it” syndrome. (Or simple neglect): Practitioners have heard of function modeling but don’t think it will bring useful results. They’ve never received any formal training beyond “transformational boxes” or “to do something” verb noun pairs. (2) “No added value” syndrome. Practitioners stay at the same level of knowledge and detail in function modeling without going deeper. (3) “Not practical” syndrome. Practitioners think that function modeling tools are only for academics since they were developed by them. Therefore they believe that no use of that king of tool can be made in industry. Facing this lack of use in the industry, (Eckert (2013)) identified what would be the ideal tool for designers in order to identify the goals to achieve in further tools developments. The main idea is to focus on a user-centered tool. The current need in industry is for methods that are easy to follow with clear and intuitive training materials. Nevertheless new methods should not require huge learning efforts and show immediate benefits, moreover there is a need of entertainment in modeling and also the outcomes of the models should be easy to explain to others. Even though function is a problematic concept for designers, it appears that established approaches are relatively well accepted in industry (Eckert (2013)). Quality function deployment or Failure mode and effect analysis are applied across industry sector taking part in formal processes. In order to tackle the three syndromes, (Tomiyama et al. (2013)) foresee three possible solutions: (1) Demonstrate the interest of deep functional level analysis applied to conceptual design in regard of the “Never use it” syndrome. (2) Proving the useful knowledge and the possibilities to explore other applications is good mean to tackle the preconceived idea that function reasoning doesn’t generate “added value”. (3) Then the “Not practical” syndrome is the proof that easy-to-use tools must be developed and also that effective training methods should be put into practice so that engineers are able to handle different function structures. Even though directions are given in order to develop and perfect the use of function modeling for architectures development among designers and engineers, there is still an issue. In fact function modeling is not something new and after many years of development and deployment it is 9 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 still not very well spread in industry, thus the questioning of a new approach of architecture development; an approach that would be somehow easier and perhaps not based on function modeling. 4) Affordance based design Now that the limits inherent to Function Modeling have been spotted, it may appear interesting to look for different approaches of architecture generation. (Maier & Fadel (2009a) (2009b)) have developed the theory of affordance based design a lot. The introduction of the idea of affordance was realized by the psychologist James J. Gibson; he stated (Gibson (1979)) “The affordances of the environment are what it offers the animal, what it provides or furnishes, either for good or ill. The verb to afford I found in the dictionary, but the noun affordance is not. I have made it up. I mean by it something that refers to both the environment and the animal in a way that no existing term does. It implies the complementarity of the animal and the environment.” 4.1) Designers-Artifacts-Users model In order to develop a relational model of design, (Maier & Fadel (2006)) define three entities: the designer of the artifact, the artifact being designed and the user of the artifact. Moreover they define the relationships: The designer designs that artifact, the user uses the artifact. Nevertheless (Maier & Fadel (2006)) admit that those relationships are entangled since the designer determines how the user uses the artifact through the structure of the artifact itself and the design is also dependent of the users’ own demands and wishes. The three entities defined above and the two relations are represented by the designer-artifact-user (DAU) system (Fig.3) Fig.3. Generic situated design-artifact-user (DAU) system. (Maier & Fadel (2009a)) 10 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 4.2) Artifact-User Affordance & Artifact-Artifact Affordance Affordances describe a potential behavior between two or more subsystems within a larger designer-artifact-user complex system. (Maier & Fadel (2001) (2002) (2003)) identified two different categories of affordances, when interacting subsystems are an artifact or a user. They state that “artifact-user affordance expresses an interactive relationship between an artifact and a user where a behavior may occur between the artifact and user that neither the artifact nor the user could manifest alone”. On the other hand “artifact-artifact affordance is a potential behavior that may be exhibited by the two artifacts together, that could not be manifested by either artifact alone”. There is a close relation between Artifact-Users Affordances and Artifact-Artifact Affordances since ArtifactArtifact Affordances are usually designed to satisfy Artifact-User Affordances. Linking this last point to the Designer-Artifact-User complex system, it appears that the designer’s objective is to define the artifact properties in order to meet the affordances needed desire of the artifact expressed by the user. Fig.4. Affordance related interactions within a designer-artifact-user system. (Maier & Fadel (2009a)) 11 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Part 3: Case study: The fridge Now that some of the different opinions and viewpoints that could be found in the literature have been reviewed, it might appear relevant to try to apply some of the approaches seen earlier. To do so, a case study based on a fridge is going to be developed. 1) Selected approach for the study Four different approaches have been chosen for this study: The Function-Behavior-State approach, developed by (Shimomura et al. (1998)) Functional representation to support idea generation by (Chakrabarti & Bligh (2001)) Finding the right problem by (Thuillier & Wippler (2011)) Formalization of affordance modeling in the early stages of design by (Cormier et al. (20013)) These approaches where chosen because of their points of view on the development of functional architectures, which are very different. For example the ‘Function-Behavior-State’ approach is process-centered whereas ‘Functional representation to support idea generation’ is device-centered. Moreover they don’t share the same definition of function or the same mode of representation of systems architecture. The different characteristics and formalisms of the chosen approaches are detailed below. 1.1) Function-Behavior-State The first approach is the one of (Shimomura et al. (1998)); it is widely based on the FunctionBehavior-State approach developed by (Umeda et al. (1990)), but offers a more refined representation of systems architectures. In their work, Shimomura et al., define function as “A description of behavior abstracted by human through recognition of the behavior for utilization”. The notion of behavior is introduced as “Sequential changes of state”, while State is “A combination of Entities, attributes of entities and relations among entities”. The main particularity of this approach is to be process centered, whereas most of the eighteen ones reviewed by (Erden et al. (2007)) are device-centered. The architecture provided by this method is represented by three main sets; the Function set, the Behavior set, and the Structure set (Fig. 5). The links between those sets are called Function-Behavior relationship and Behavior-structure relationships. The formalism provided by this method is based on the description of “relations among functions”. In their work, (Shimomura et al (1998)) introduce four types of relations among functions. The first type is “Decomposed-into relation” (Fig. 6), it is the outcome of the ‘decomposedinto operation’ in which the designer decomposes a function into sub-functions. The second type is “Conditioned-by relation” (Fig.7.), it is outcome of the ‘conditioned-by operation’ in which the designer adds a causal relation between two functions because the behavior linked to 12 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 the first function will not occur if the behavior linked to the second function is not observed. The third type is “Enhanced-by relation” (Fig.8.), it is the outcome of the ‘enhanced-by operation’ in which the designer adds a function in order to fulfill of function modifier. A function modifier is an adverb or a group of words that are used to give more information about the function and the expected behavior. During the evaluation of a function, if the designer finds out that a function modifier is not fully satisfied by a function, he will add a new function to the first function in order to improve the level of satisfaction of the provided architecture in regard of the defined function modifiers. Finally the “Described-as relation” (Fig.9.) is the outcome of the ‘described-as operation’ in which the designer gives details on a function modifier. This operation takes place after the decomposed-into operation. The main function that has been decomposed-into had a function modifier to precise it, so the sub-functions that will fulfill the function modifier of the main function will also receive a function modifier. Fig.5.Relationship among Function, Behavior and State (Umeda et al. (1990)) Fig.7.Evolution by Conditioned-by Relation (Shimomura et al. (1998)) Fig.6.Evolution by Decomposed-into Relation (Shimomura et al. (1998)) Fig.8. Evolution by Enhanced-by Relation (Shimomura et al. (1998)) Fig.9. Evolution by Described-as Relation (Shimomura et al. (1998)) 13 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 1.2) Functional representation to support idea generation The “functional representation to support idea generation” approach developed by (Chakrabarti & Bligh (2001)) is based on the work of (Freeman & Newell (1971)). The considered definition of function is “A description of the action or effect required by a design problem, or that supplied by a solution” and it is device-centered. The aim of this method is to represent structures and solutions in terms of the provided and required functions in order to ensure the generation of solutions to a problem. To achieve that purpose it needs a functional maping between the known solutions and the problem. Therefore it works with a known set of solutions and provides a framework for design at a given level but not all levels of conceptual design. The implementation proceeds through several steps. First, the design problem must be defined in terms of a set of functions that have to be fulfilled. Then a knowledge base of known solution is needed in order to provide a structure of solutions concepts. When all those elements are defined and ordered, six steps must be followed; in the beginning the problem has been described and defined by its function so now the problem must be divided in parts representing each function (Step 1). For one part of the problem, that is to say one function, a set of partial alternative solutions is synthesized using the knowledge base of solutions in order to fulfill that function (Step 2). That partial alternative set of solutions is evaluated in regard of the whole problem to see if the selected function has been fulfilled and if some other functions of the problem haven’t also been fulfilled ( a set of solution can fulfill more than one function). Then the problem must be revised considering the remaining functions that, yet, haven’t been fulfilled by the first set of solutions (Step 3). Now, like in step 1, the revised problem must be divided in parts representing each remaining functions and a new set of partial solutions is synthesized, using the knowledge base of solutions like in step 2, to fulfill one of the functions of the revised problem. The new set of solutions is added to the first one and evaluated in regard of the whole problem to see which functions are fulfilled and which aren’t, then the problem is revised again and a new set of solution is synthesize, and so on, until all the functions are fulfilled (Step 4). Now iterations are made going back to the previous step to evaluate another set of partial solutions different from the one that has been chosen and evaluated (Step 5). In Fig.10, the two first steps of the process are represented. In the end, the idea here is to evaluate each set of partial solutions that can be found in the knowledge base of solutions until the solutions tree is completely searched and see which one provides the most relevant solutions regarding the whole problem. Fig.10.The proposed Scheme for Functional reasoning (Chakrabarti & Blight (2001)) 14 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 1.3) Finding the right problem The third approach to be implemented is called “Finding the right problem”. It was developed by (Thuillier & Wippler (2011)) and is the fourth chapter of a book entitled “Complex Systems and Systems of Systems Engineering”. The interesting part of this approach is that, even if it is process centered like the Function-Behavior-Structure by (Shimomura et al. (1998)), it forces the designer to think about the environment of the system and the functions needed in the architecture are not considered until a certain step in the approach, whereas in the two previous methods, the functions provided by the system are needed from the beginning. First the “Finding the right problem approach” asks the designer to focus on the system that will be dealt with, its purpose and mission, its perimeter and its context. Then the system lifecycle is analyzed from its conception to its retirement. A complete analyze of the system’s stakeholders is then conducted to see who the system involves. A working framework is created, followed by different methods and tools to gather information from the stakeholders of the system, this aims at creating mind-maps of the systems, storyboards of the use that will be made of the system and operational scenarios. Later a complete model of the system context in realized using the deferent points seen above. This will help for the understanding and the definition of the system’s goals, the representation of the goals can be realized using KAOS: “Knowledge Acquisition in automated Specification” / “Keep All Objects Satisfied”. The last parts of this approach consist in modeling the domain and defining stakeholders’ requirements and constraints this will allow the representation of detailed entity-relation models, the expression of service requirements, the expression of the functional interface requirements, the physical interfaces that are needed and finally the requirements from the goal model. 1.4) Working with affordances Developing the work of Maier & Fadel, (Cormier et al. (2013)) detailed the classification of the user categories, the artifact-artifact relationships and the artifact-user relationships. Their work intended to formalize an affordance-based method for capturing consumers’ needs. In regard to the Designer-Artifact-User complex system that has been seen above, (Cormier et al. (2013)) use the concept of Desired Affordance Model (DAM) which is a structure for organizing users, artifacts and affordances. It enables engineers to proceed from the identification and development of general requirements to move on to generating design specification. To do so, (Cormier et al. (2013)) based there approach on the four steps described by (Maier & Fadel (2013)): - Step 1: Understanding, Gathering and Expressing User Needs in term of Affordances Step 2: Apply Generic Affordance Structure Template Fig.11. Step 3: Prioritize Affordances Step 4: Organize the Affordance into a Structure 15 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Fig.11.Generic affordance Structure (Cormier et al. (2013)) Moreover the Desired Affordance Model can be used at different stages in the design process (Fig.12.) and it can be used in addition to other tools such as the House of quality, as (Cormier et al. (2013)) state, “the Desired Affordance Model helps identify and organize benefits from different users, while the House of Quality traditionally has focused on developing the required performance characteristics of the solution.” Fig.12. Desired Affordances model in a design process (Cormier et al. (2013)). The most interesting part of (Cormier et al. (2013))’s work has been to try to explicit and summarize the concepts of Affordance-Based Design into tables and figures. Moreover it also appears that they have managed to define a standard and specific vocabulary for describing the different stakeholders and this new process of design (Fig.13.Table.2.Table.3). More detailed tables from the literature appear in the Appendix (Table.2. Table.3. of the Appendix) 16 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Fig.13. Affordance Model Structure (Cormier et al. (2013)) Class Production Usage End of Life 17 Potential Users Category Definition Examples Manufacturer Users involved in the Factory worker, production of the artifact packager Delivery User involved in Installer, delivery transferring the artifact person, distributor from the design firm to the end user Operator User who control the Operator, driver, artifact doctor Client Users who receive the Client, passenger, purpose of the artifact patient but do not control it Collateral Users who are in the Pedestrians, operating environment bystanders, other but do not directly participants in an activity interact with the artifact Support User involved in assisting Technical support other users with work, maintenance problems with the artifact Removal Users involved taking the Delivery person, product out of usage sanitation worker Disposal Users involved with the Recycler, sanitation recycling, destroying, or worker end of life storing of the product Table.2. User Classification and examples (Cormier et al. (2013)) Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Category Support Definition An artifact which supports the capabilities of another artifact, either adding or enhancing performance Examples A computer support the iPod Classic by allowing a user to manage media, a coffee grinder supports a coffee maker; a dust separator supports a shop vacuum Dependent An artifact which is dependent The iPod Classic is dependent upon another artifact upon a computer for managing media Environmental An artifact which exists in the A microwave in an office may same environment or is issued interfere with other devices in in conjunction (either in parallel the environment (e.g., laptop) or series) with the principal that use wireless signals; artifact sanding devices are often used after sawing to improve the surface finish of a cut Table.3. Artifact-Artifact Relationship Categories (Cormier et al. (2013)) 2) Criteria of evaluation In order to compare those four approaches, criteria of evaluation have been selected (Table.4.), those criteria have been provided by ASTRIUM ST. Quality characteristic (ISO 25010) Criteria Type Criterion Number Criterion Description Associated SMS Voice of customers’ needs Means of evaluation Possible way to measure this Satisfaction of usability Use/Ergono mics US1 Ease of use/Ergonomics Test along the SMS process Satisfaction of usability Use/Ergono mics US2 Customization Capability Ease of use by system designers: Graphical User Interface, Powerful editing capabilities (copy/paste, drag/drop, search...), level of knowledge necessary Customization of the tool to Airbus processes Test see step in evaluation process Satisfaction of usability Documentati on US3 Quality of user documentation Analysis & test Satisfaction of usability Use/Ergono mics US4 Efficiency Vendor & tool information RE1 Readability of models (easiness to review , communicate and present to non-specialist) Maturity of the software product incl. Product reliability Level of tool support (documentation, trainings, hotline, ...) readability of the models 18 Mémoire Thématique Analysis & test Test Number of crash, Number of worldwide users (OoM) How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Efficiency Robustness RE2 Scalability Tool scalability: is the tool ready to manage 10000 objects? Analysis or test Efficiency Performance s Performance s EF1 Verification capabilities (consistency checks) Performance/efficiency when simulating Capability to import and export requirements from DOORS Verification capabilities (checks) Verification capabilities (simulation...) Transversal services: link to requirements, Test IO2 Support for standardized exchange formats (model content and simulation results) Transversal services: import/export Test CM1 Support for Configuration Management Transversal services: configuration management Test Efficiency Context coverage EF2 IO1 Interoperabil ity Context coverage Interoperabil ity Context coverage Interoperabil ity Context coverage Test Analysis & Test CM2 Support for Change Management Transversal services Test or analysis Effectiveness Interoperabil ity SMS process M1 SMS process M2 See SMS Process and Tool Requirements Ability to manage the required data: compliance of the data model to the activity Test Effectiveness Effectiveness SMS process M3 Effectiveness SMS process M4 Effectiveness SMS process M5 Effectiveness SMS process M6 Effectiveness SMS process M7 Refine operational scenario until elementary operation and function Specifies functional interface between elementary functions Specifies behavior of elementary function Specifies Physical Platform Architecture Map Elementary function and flow on physical items and links Interoperate with Common Data Referential (import/export model element) Document generation Test Effectiveness SMS process SIM1 Simulate simple behavior Transversal services: doc generation See SMS Process and Tool Requirements Table.4. Criteria of evaluation 19 Mémoire Thématique Generate through the API as many as elements as identified Capacity of checking, Test to export to detailed design tool (Simulink, SCADE, etc.) or simulation environment Capability to connect to CMS See evaluation process How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Part 4: Application In order to apply those four approaches on the case study of the fridge, five key performances indicators have been chosen. The system to be designed must have low energy consumption, a low economic cost; also it must minimize food wastes, provide comfort of use and allow the user to save his time for other activities. The four selected approach have been implemented taking those five elements into account, the outcomes are shown below. 1) Function-Behavior-State Ds: Described- Fig.14.Extraction of Functional Evolution in Design of a fridge 2) Functional representation to support idea generation 20 Mémoire Thématique Fig.15.The proposed scheme for a Standard fridge/ advanced fridge Output: How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Input: KPI - Energy consumption - Economic cost - Food waste - Comfort of use - Time Overall function of the problem: Provide an efficient mean of food conservation A satisfied consumer/user Input: KPI - Energy consumption - Economic cost - Food waste - Comfort of use - Time Problem redefinition Input: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use - Time Remaining Function of the Problem Output: A satisfied consumer/user Solution redefinition Input: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use - Time Problem redefinition Input: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) Remaining Function of the Problem Input: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) Input: KPI - Food waste (partially satisfied) - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) 21 Remaining Function of the Problem Efficient cooling system + insulating materials Shelves + Transparent materials + Food preview system Output: A satisfied consumer/user Problem redefinition Input: KPI - Food waste (partially satisfied) - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) Output: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) Solution redefinition Efficient cooling system + insulating materials Shelves + Transparent materials + Food preview system Output: A satisfied consumer/user Mémoire Thématique Output: KPI - Economic cost (partially satisfied) - Food waste - Comfort of use - Time Efficient cooling system + insulating materials Reusable materials + Colorful indicators of fridge settings Output: KPI - Food waste (partially satisfied) - Comfort of use (partially satisfied) Solution redefinition Efficient cooling system + insulating materials Shelves + Transparent materials + Food preview system Reusable materials + Colorful indicators of fridge settings Analyzer of earlier expiration date of foods + Ergonomic features Output: A satisfied customer/user How to develop functional architectures? 2014 3) Finding the right problem Creating a working framework - Operational perimeter of the system: Why? What for? : Allow a person to manage efficiently or as he/she is pleased his/her food consumption - Principal missions of the Intelligent fridge: Provide the necessary means to reduce food wastes Provide comfort of use Provide a mean to reduce energy consumption Provide a mean to reduce the financial expenses linked to the fridge Provide mean to reduce time wasting when using the fridge - With whom/what does the system interact? This aims at identifying external entities in the periphery of the system. The Foods The environment (Some) external entities Operational context of the system Fridge The user Energy supply System boundary Fig.16. Context of the fridge - What will the system chronology look like? Definition of the system life cycle Conception Development Production Fig.17. System Life-cycle 22 Mémoire Thématique Use/Support Retirement How to develop functional architectures? 2014 - Structure data :{ stakeholders}*{external entities}*{phases and situations of lifecycle}: Defining the framework for the direction of activities: Define a set of external entities with which the system interacts, which may limit the system or be limited by the presence of the system They are defined for one or more situation in the system life cycle. Stakeholder Consumer Manufacturers Environment Type Stakeholder representing the main user of the intelligent fridge Stakeholder representing an actor from the conception/development/production/retirement phase Stakeholder that shows specific needs that must be satisfied by the intelligent fridge Stakeholder representing must-have constraints Informative stakeholder during the phase of definition Stakeholder representing regulatory constraints Supplier of technologic data (RFID, specific materials, Wi-Fi-system…) Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development Table.5.Different stakeholders Gathering information -5Why (food waste) In UK each household throw away an average estimate £480 of food per year. Why? The foods are expired. Why? The expiration date came too quick. Why? There was a poor management of the amount of food left in the fridge (too much of something) Why? The consumer didn’t know what he needed when he went shopping. Why? He didn’t checked what was left in the fridge before he went shopping. Fig.18Example of the use the 5Why 23 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 -Ishikawa diagram to analyze the problem Fig.19.Example of the use of an Ishikawa diagram - Who what where when how why - mind map of the needs Fig.20.Example of the use of mind mapping 24 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 -story style approach The aim of all those questions is to produce a short narrative summary, a story board Fig.21. Graph of the main “goals” of the intelligent fridge 25 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Fig.22. Extraction of the expression of service requirements Fig.23. Extraction of requirements from the goal model 26 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 4) Working with affordances Sep 1: Identifying the needs linked to the Key Performance indicators: Afford low energy consumption Afford low economic cost Afford low food waste Afford comfort of use Afford time saving Step 2: Apply Generic affordance Structure templates Fig.24. Application of generic affordance Structure in regard of the KPI (the shadowed areas are the ones concerned by the KPI) Table.6.Application of working affordance basis in regard of a standard fridge/advanced fridge Affordance Definition Description for the fridge Augmentation Improve an object’s existing capabilities Afford the augmentation of the during interaction with the principal artifact duration of food/ food life expectancy Production Allow an object to create another object Afford production of cold Provisioning Allow an object to provide or supply something to another object Transformation Allow an object to change or significantly alter the state of another object or resource Conditioning Allow an object to put another object into its 27 Mémoire Thématique Shaping Incorporation Separation Capture Storage Aestheticization How to develop functional architectures? 2014 proper state Allow an object to give definite form to an object (itself or a different object) Allow an object to combine two or more objects or resources into a single mixture of entity Allow an object to divide an assemblage into individual units, components, or elements Allow an object to gain control or exert influence over another object by force or stratagem; allow an object to represent or record information in lasting form Allow an object to accumulate or put away objects, set of objects, or resources for future use Make an object visually pleasing (relative to the user) Communication To take information (condition, status, intent) or data known to an object Organization Allow the user to arrange objects systematically Transportation Afford an object the ability to transport one or more objects Preserve an object, environmental entity, or resource from injury, damage, theft, contamination, embarrassment, discovery, etc. Allow an object the ability to hold the attention of a user pleasantly or agreeably Protection Entertainment Control Cleaning 28 Allow an object to exercise restraint or direction over another object’s operation, movement, behavior, etc. Allow an object to clean an object or environmental entity Mémoire Thématique Allow storage of food The fridge afford to make the room look nicer, A fridge skin could afford users the ability to aestheticize their fridge Give indications on the temperature inside the fridge, in the different compartments, to indicate the users if the fridge is well set (alarm,…) Cleanliness of the fridge (level of bacteria) Allow the user to store foods on shelves Afford organizing the food by earlier expiration date Protect food from external and internal hazards (bacteria, dust, pollution, temperature) Magnetic surface for kids’ magnets News, weather forecast, important things display Regulate inside temperature, Control food consumption of users in regard of physiological needs Clean users hands Clean vegetables How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Auto-cleaning Afford positioning of food No need for the user to organize the fridge (optimization of food position) Positioning Allow an object the ability to physically place the object in a specific location; this could be the principal artifact, another artifact, or a user Orientation Allow an object the ability to physically place the object relative to a frame of reference Table.6.Application of working affordance basis in regard of a standard fridge/advanced fridge 3. AFFORD IMPROVEMENT 1. AFFORD MANUFACTURE 3. AFFORD MAINTENANCE 2. AFFORD AESTHETICS 4. AFFORD RETIREMENT Artifact 2. Comfort of 2. AFFORD SUSTAINABILIT Y 2. Injuring users 1. Preserve f d 2. Damaging the food 2. Allow the user to save time AFFORD DESIRED PURPOSES 3. Communicate information on DO NOT AFFORD UNDESIRED PURPOSES 2. Low energy consumption 3. Pollution to the environment 3. Degradation of itself 2. Low economic cost 2. Low quantity of wasted food 3. Frustration of user Fig.25.Affordance Structure with order of priority for a fridge 29 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Fridge Owner Food consumer Repairman Food buyer/fridge filler Fig.26. User group for a fridge Fig.27. Food consumer portion of the fridge Desired Affordance Model 30 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Fig.28. Fridge owner portion of the fridge Desired Affordance model Fig.29. Food buyer/ Fridge filler portion of the fridge desired affordance Model 31 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Part 5: Comparison and discussion 1) Evaluation of the approaches The evaluation realized below is completely subjective since no evaluation method was provided. The marks given are based on the author’s feelings related to the different difficulties that he had to face while implementing the four approaches. Shimomura et al. (1998) FunctionBehavior-State Chakrabarti & Bligh (2001) Function repres. To support idea generation Thuillier & Wippler (2001) Complex systems and systems of systems Engineering Cormier et al. (2013) Formalizat ion of ABD Preferred means of evaluation Weight US2 M1 M2 Customization Capability 5,00% Refine operational scenario until elementary operation and function 6,00% Specifies functional interface between elementary functions 6,00% Specifies behavior of elementary function 6,00% Specifies Physical Platform Architecture 6,00% Map Elementary function and flow on physical items and links 6,00% Interoperate with Common Data Referential (import/export model element) 6,00% Verification capabilities (consistency checks) 6,00% Simulate simple behavior 6,00% Readability of models (easiness to review , communicate and present to non-specialist) 6,00% Document generation 5,00% Ease of use/Ergonomics 6,00% Maturity of the software product incl. Product reliability 6,00% Support for standardized exchange formats (model content and simulation results) 4,00% Support for Configuration Management 4,00% Scalability 6,00% Performance/efficiency when simulating 4,00% Support for Change Management 6,00% Global score 100,00% M3 M4 M5 M6 EF1 SIM1 US4 M7 US1 RE1 IO2 CM1 3,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 5,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 5,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 5,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 5,0 5,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 3,58 3,58 4,07 4,17 3,28 3,28 3,67 3,71 RE2 EF2 CM2 TOT AL 32 Mémoire Thématique Test Test Test Test Analysis & test Test Test Test Test Test Analysis or test Test Test or analysis How to develop functional architectures? 2014 2) Encountered difficulties The application of those four approaches revealed to be quite difficult for many reasons. First the Function-Behavior-State approach and the Functional representation to support idea generation approach both require the problem to be described in term of functions. This suggests that all the main functions provided by the system are known, but most of the time they aren’t. For example, here in this case study, the only known functions that the system must provide are the ones directly linked to the Key Performance Indicators, but those approaches implies that the main function of the system are known precisely. In their article (Shimomura et al. (1998)) propose a representation of a Weighting scale taking as the main function: “to visualize weight”. Here we can notice that this approach considers as the main function of a system a function that somehow is linked to a known solution, there is no process of redefinition of the system to be designed. This phenomenon can be observed in the approach of (Chakrabarti & Bligh (2001)) where it is even more obvious. In fact this method asks from the beginning for a complete knowledge-base of solutions and, like the previous approach, it needs the problem to be completely defined by the functions it must provide. Thinking of the problematic of the development of functional architecture here emerges an issue. The notion of development implies that idea of representation which is well satisfied by those two approaches but there is also the idea of innovation, improvement, but here none of these approaches allow that. In fact since they need from the beginning the problem to be defined by its functions, and those functions are defined by the designer but are already dealing with a solution, when the approach asks for a set of functions, this implies that the solution has also been chosen. For example here, for the fridge, the designer is forced to think about the system as a device that conserves food using cold, it is the first function of the system. Those two approaches take as a main function of the system that it conserves food and the solution for that is using cold. Those two approaches don’t allow a rethinking of the problem, they are efficient for representing the architecture of the system when it has completely been defined, but they don’t help defining and developing the main functions that it has to provide. On the other hand the third approach, “Finding the right problem” by (Thuillier & Wippler (2011)), propose several steps that will help the designer to come up with new ideas of the system to be designed. Nevertheless, even if it forces the designers to think about the whole problem, all the questions that must be asked to the different users of the device, the ‘Why questions’ focus on the way they use the system but not on the way they would like to be able to use it. Moreover, in the last steps of this method, the designer has to provide the functional and the physical interfaces of the system but this is linked to the solution-defining part of the problem and it shouldn’t be necessary to provide those interfaces when the designer is in the “Problem finding” stage of design. Another issue that the designer will have to deal with while applying this method is that it is a process-centered approach and many graphs and schemes that this approach helps to represent are difficult to realize when the system to be designed is a device; many adjustments need to be realized in order to provide a relevant architecture. Eventually, the affordance based approach proposes a very efficient way to consider the system, it appears like a more bottom-up method whereas to three previous ones were more top-down like. Here the focus is mainly on the different users of the device especially with (Cormier et al. (2013)) approach. On the other hand, because the affordance propose a bottom-up approach, it implies that the designer start with a solution and evaluates it in regard of the different templates provided by the method, therefore the designer will face the issue of been limited to consider preconceived 33 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 solutions and it will be difficult to propose a radical type of innovation. This last problem appears in all of the approaches reviewed and developed here; in fact, since they all consider the problem in term of its functions, the designer is forced, from the beginning of the implementation of these methods, to consider suggested solutions, without being able to rethink the problem from the beginning. Conclusion In this work a review of two main types of design approaches is realized. The review of Function modeling shows that a lot of different definitions exist in the literature, a comparison of the eighteen definitions is given. Moreover it appears that Function modeling is not widely used by designers and engineers in the industry in relation with three main aspect; the “Never used it” syndrome, the “No added value” syndrome and the “Not practical” syndrome. Nevertheless for those of them whom do use function modeling, the multiple definitions of function appear as a need and an opportunity and converging toward a single meaning to function wouldn’t be of any good for them. Then this paper enlightens a new approach, Affordance-based design. This approach is rather young; it has been going on for only fourteen years, thus the need to define it properly. Nevertheless the use of affordance-based design shows great opportunities for the design process. The emergence of Artifact-User Affordances, Artifact-Artifact Affordances and the Designer-User-Artifact system allows designers and engineers to broader their point of view on the system to be designed. Eventually the case study revealed that all those approaches show a lack of concern on how to consider the problem. They are widely “solution oriented” approaches and they only afford a low level of innovation. In the issue of developing architectures, there is the idea of representing architectures and also the notion of creating something new, bringing an innovation of some sort, but through the case study this innovation doesn’t appear. A further work could be to associate those approaches to innovative processes such as Radical Innovation Design Process and combine them in order to innovate and represent systems architecture. Acknowledgments The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance gained from personal communication with M. Jankovic, S. Ben Hamida and B. Yannou, as well as the comments by the reviewers. 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B3 Behavior any behavior to another device Function Teleological interpretation of B1 Behavior under a given goal (Sasajima et al. 1995) Structure a hierarchical structure according to the grain size in the lowest level [of design] Function Teleological of a behavior under an intended goal SOFTWARE SOFAST: Sumitomo Osaka-university Function Analysis and Systematization Tool Structure constituent component and substances and the interactions between them Behavior sequences of state transitions behavioral states Function Schema that specifies the behavioral state the function takes as input, the behavioral state it gives as output, and the pointer to the internal causal behavior of the design that achieves the function Structure Constituted of component and substance Function Schema that specifies the behavioral state the function takes as input, the behavioral state it gives as output, and the pointer to the internal causal behavior of the design that achieves the function Behavior DSSBF Specify and explain how the functions of structural elements in the device get composed into device functions Drawing Shape Structure Behavior Function SOFTWARE KRTIK IDEAL Function Classified as a data function, an energy function or a mass transfer function. Functions communicate with each other and with components via links FESTER Functional Embodiment Structure - Extended Recursively SOFTWARE Schemebuilder Function A set of causal relationships between physical parameters. Describing the outward physical action of a device Behavior Mean the detailed description of internal physical action based on established physical principles phenomena No Name 200 4 199 4 200 4 200 6 199 6 199 4 SOFTWARE 39 Mémoire Thématique 6 Deng Britton Tor How to develop functional architectures? 2014 200 0 Simple Function specifying a set of physical structures (objects) that can achieve that function Complex function Requires a full specification of the behavioral process that can produce the function, the physical structure that can perform the process, and the working environment represented by a set of driving inputs (required physical interactions from its source environment to the design), and a set of functional output (desired physical interactions from the design to its target environment Geometric relations and physical interactions are defined within the structure, that is, between the physical components of the design Behavior Structure Deng 7 8 9 ChakrabartiBlig h Van Wie Bryant Bohm McAdams Gero Tham Lee Rosenman Gero 40 200 2 200 1 200 5 199 2 199 8 Action A physical interaction between two objects of interest, each if which may be a component of a design or the design itself and its environment Purpose Function A description of the designer's intention or the purpose if the design Action function an abstraction of intended and useful behavior that an artifact exhibits Semantic repres An action function can be represented by an input-output flow transformation (energy, material, and signal) and an initial-ending state transformation Syntactic repres The instantiation and embodiment of a semantic representation Behavior 3 semantic representation of behavior: 1) Input-output flow of object: intended/unintended input, intended/unintended output (object=energy/material/signal) 2) input-output flow of action: driving input, harmful input, functional output, side effect 3) State transition: a chain or a network of physical states SOFTWARE No Name Function A description of the action or effect required by a design problem, or that supplied by a solution Functional representation Describe design problems and solutions in term of their functions 1) natural-language-like 2)mathematical representation SOFTWARE IDEA-INSPIRE Function Physical effect imposed on an energy or a material flow by a design entity without regard of the working principles or physical solutions used to accomplish this effect Behavior Physical events associated with physical artifact (or hypothesized concept) overt time (or simulated time) as perceived by an observer Structure Most tangible concept, partitions of an artifact into meaningful constituents such as features, Wirk elements, and interfaces in addition to the widely used assemblies and components Function The design intentions or purpose Behavior How the structure of an artifact achieves its functions Structure The components which make up an artifact and their relationships Function The result of the artifact's behaviors Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Gero 10 11 Snooke Price Chandrasekara n Josephson 200 2 199 8 200 0 Behavior The artifact's actions or processes in given circumstances of the natural environment Structure Functions The elements of the artifact, the material arrangement of these elements and their connectivity The purpose of the design being used, i.e. its teleology Behavior Attributes derivable from structure or expected of structure Structure The elements of an artifacts and their relationships Functional label Provide an abstraction of some aspects of what a system is designed for AutoSteve syst Single level of functional abstraction to summaries the state of a circuit in the a car Structure relations Categories the relations in the initial configuration into those that remain stable through causal interactions of interest, and those that can change during such interactions Structure Basic interaction framework, within which other, temporary, interactions take place Behavior 1 The values or relations between values of state variables of interest at a particular instant Behavior 2 The values or relations between values of properties of an object Behavior 3 The values of state variables of interest over an interval of time Behavior 4 The values of state variables specifically labeled 'output' state variables, either et an instant or over an interval of time The values of all the state variables in the object description, either at an instant or over an interval of time The causal rules that describe the values of the variables under various conditions Behavior 5 Behavior 6 Function 1)Device-centric: device's properties or behavior 2) Environment-centric: What the device might help achieve in the world outside it Function Relationship between inputs and outputs, and hence changes in the magnitudes of the system variables Behavior Boundaries which cut across the system's links with the environment. These links determine the external behavior of the system, so that it is possible to define a function Structure Sizes and arrangements of parts assemblies are varied within the limits set by the designed product The independence axiom Alternate statement 1: An optimal design always maintain the independence of FRs Alternate statement 2: In an acceptable design, the DPs and the FRs are related in such way that specific DP can be adjusted to satisfy its corresponding FR without affecting other functional requirements 12 13 14 15 16 Pahl Beitz Suh 199 0 Miles De Kleer Brown 41 198 8 197 2 198 4 Axiom 1 Axiom 2 The information axiom Alternate statement: The best design in a functionally uncoupled design that has minimum information content Function To do something Value Price Value Engineering Comparing the value of function with respect to the cost of the product Function What the device is for Behavior What the device does Structure What the device is Mémoire Thématique 17 Forbus 18 How to develop functional architectures? 2014 198 4 Qualitative process theory 1) Means to draw several types of basic, qualitative, deduction, including describing what is happening in a physical situation 2) model several interesting physical phenomena for commonsense reasoning 3) Provides highly constrained account of physical causality changes 4) Provides a structured role for the use of experiential and default knowledge in physical reasoning 5) Partially specifies a language for writing qualitative dynamics theories. Klein Lalli 198 9 FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Labib 200 8 NGMS Next Generation Maintenance Systems 42 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Table.2. Working Affordance Basis (Cormier et al. (2013)) 43 Mémoire Thématique How to develop functional architectures? 2014 Table.3. Adaptation of the Generic Affordance Structure from Maier and Fadel into the Affordance Basis (Cormier et al. (2013)) 44 Mémoire Thématique
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