'lllLKSDAV, MAKl THE DULUTH HEKALU, 8 The brother's wife died Sunday of pn«!Umonia and it was feared he was not expected to live. road county's Olivia. -UenviUi^ work this year is to be carried out It has been in a i»ystematic manner. decided that the county aid road plan will be used. ai^arded GOPHER CREAMERIES SAVE. PRIVATE OWNERSHIP MENACED, IN OPINION OF CHICAGO EDITOR Minneapolis. Minn.. March — Abolition of Railroad Icing Charge Is vat« ownership and manatfenient of railroads and "all othor lurgi- businMra concerns"' Is menaced by the agitation for reduced railroad rates with no reduction in wage:* of rail employes, Samuel O. Dunn of ChicaKo. editor of the Railway Age. told the CUlrens" Alliance here last niRht. "Radical labor. ac:rarian and political learfers are concertedly trylnp TO get railway rates and wanes so nxed as not only tu make continuaRC« of private owinrship .ind management of railroads impossible," he said, "but as to start a snat revolution in our entire industrial and political system." Railway waKe.-* must be paid from the rates iharsed, the speaker explained, antt the main reason for ex- ral^way employes in Makm their total $1,000,000,000 li»21. hem that and judge likely to continue more than a few Oakley, S. E. days, according to deputy attorney general. IN KENOSHA UNPOPULAR Kenosha, Wis.. March 23. Con1923 offered to Kenosha KINDNESS TO ANIMALS — teachers who have been reelected have brought a storm of opposition, due to the rh.anges made by the board from the schedule of promotion established by Mr». Mary D. Bradford, former Buperintendent of Minnesota Briefs schools. The new contracts do away with the travel and educational allowances maide by the old one, which provided that If teachers went to summer school or traveled, their pay in the next year would be increased on the grounds that their usefulness to the community had been increased. — — Cole (or ^Hpreme Beach. Biamarck. N. D March 23. A. T. Cole of Fargo, judge of the First judicial di.strlct. will be a candidate — — supreme court of Judge Cole has for for Justice of the the race for the state bench, and announced decision late Monday his Birdzell and J. to do so. with F". E. Robinson alreadv announced as ten days. BankrmptCT Petition. A Winona. Minn.. March 23 Kile I... candidates for -^ ' REDISTRICTING IS PUT UP TO ROTARY CLUBS GOPHER GOVERNOR FOR iichool some time considered entering pistol and. Gleason secured the leaving Miller to hold their captive, went lo telephone tho police. Seeing that Miller was unable to hold tho gunman. Gleason left the phone and went to his aid just as the man broke awav and ran through the door. Gleason "fired one shot and the bandit fell dead with a bullet in his head. The only other shot was fired when Gleason first grappl ed with the youth. Sioux P'alls, S. D.. March 23.— After a spirited debate on the subject of redistricting the Sixteenth district, Rotary conference In session the here late yesterday voted to follow the advice of the international officers and put the question up to each of the sixty-nine clubs to secure an attitude "Neg- expression of tieir Faul. Minn., March 23. St. The proposed redistricting would rather ligence and thoughtlessness, Dakota with Southern Minthan any real desire to cause pain," pat South Western Wisconsin. Iowa and nesota Dr. Preus wrote to Crovernor J. A. O. would get separate Nebraska and of Albany. Y.. N. William O. Stillman districts. Humane president of the American The next convention seat Is to be association, "is the reason for cruel by the board of mandetermined treatment to animals." Sioux City and I>avenwith agers, Governor advised Stillman Dr. S. D., and LinMitchell, Iowa; port, Preus that there is to be a nationthe conference. wide observance of ""Be Kind to Ani- coln,' Neb., asking •for mals Week" from April 24 to 29, and that on April 30. thousands of clergymen will deliver sermons on "our duty of kindness to the suffering, were services weak and helpless." Bemidjl Funeral "I trust your efforts will meet with held in the town of Frohn for Mrs success and serve to bring wide at- Albert Radi. wife of Albert Radi of tention to the need for the most con- that town, who died Tuesday at St. siderate treatment of our dumb ani- Anthony's hospital, Bemidji. "Few Bralnerd C. E. Harting has been mals." Governor I*reus wrote. from Virginia, Minn., people are really cruel at heart. Most transferred people know that kindness to ani- territory to Bralnerd, taking the mals Is not only right, but that it place of E. R. Blake, transferred to pays, and anything you do to cause Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Jasper Mrs. L.eo Dnoemers. residpeople to give thought to this matter will. I am sure, bring results that ing near Ihlcn, is believed to have the most profitable flock of hens in are worth while." The forty-sixth annual meeting of this section of the county. On Monassociation, day she sold eighty-eight dozen eggs, the American Humane will be held In St. Paul Oct. 2-5. 1922. which had accumulated in less than — North Dakota. will be before the one instead of three and Is not The hearing would absorb it would mean the . a night. NEW TEACHING CONTRACTS for authorities here. General Clifford L. Hilton said last virtual confiscation of all property for the benefit of the wage earners." tracts according to information received by Judge Tillman D. Johnson of Salt I>ake City. Utah on April 10. Attorney aries, interest, dividends and all other forms, according to the best authorities was in 1919. when it was $66.ooo.oon.ooo. "Therefore, on this theory the payroll of American Industry should be profits, letters lice In his home town and In Fargo In connection with several robberies, nent injunction to the mining companies of Minnesota against the colsoor lection of the occupational called tonnage tax will be in the before Paul Federal court In St. — increased found In a suitcase In a room occupied by the bandit at a local hotel, police believe Uim to have been Kd Jenset. 809 Evergreen avenue. Bralnerd. Minn. Jenset is said to be wanted by po- 23. St. To so From of hearing on the granting the lowest wage labor leaders usually claim is requia family of five «it« to support would make the total payroll J2J560 of industry $96,000,000,000 a year. •^ot the largest total production and Income of the people of the United States, including wages, sal- all night. less in Gleason the last o'clock and Frank Miller in grocery store at 8:30 ONE FEDERAL JUDGE TO HEAR ARGUMENTS ON OCCUPATIONAL TAX — The March Paul. Minn. of perma- Haice I Grantf Forks. N. D.. March XS— young bandit was shot and killed with his own gun after he had been bested in a free-for-all fight when he attempted ti> hold up J. H. Oleason marketing the The young gunman entered the state's dairy products by about 12 per store with the smiling and easy command. "Stick 'em up." Gleason and cent. ^ ,^ Miller, who were seated near the A hearing on this matter was held Chicaco the early part of the door thought It was a practical Joka. in month before a group of railroad offi- Gleason. with his hands in his pockRepresentatives of two farm ets, said he had never "stuck 'em up cials. organizations of Minnesota appeared yet." The desperado knocked Gleason there at the time and argued against from his chair. He sprang from his the proposed increase. position on the floor and grabbed the pun arm of his assailant and phouted to Miller for help. The two men grappled with the bandit and the gun flew from his hand. cost the creased I'ay-roll. **There are 42,00'.>,000 person.* gainfully employed in this country. pay each of — than carload lots, according tt> farm buestimated that is It reau officials. this extra expense could have in- when shipments were 'stlnjf rate.s "is that the averapre wajfe per hour of railway employes is 1-0 p«r cent hipher than rtve years ago." "Nevertheless." he continued, "the railway labor leaders are trying to brinjc about both reductions in the rates and the maintenance or incfea.^e w.-iges. They have the present '••f contendetJ railway employes and all other working men should be paid averag^e annual wages varying from If the lowest of $2,260 to $2,660. the«« averages had been paid to all wa^es would have been more than they were. Big Benefit. Paul, Minn., March 23 Minnewill sota's co-operative creameries save more than $200,000 this year on perishable products, as a result of the action of railroad officials in deciding not to charge the shipper of iheao products the cost of icing refrigerator cars, when shipments are in less than carload lots. Minnesota Farm bureau officials said today. territory this Railroads serving proposed to make shippers of perishable products pay the cost of icing, St. l*rt- 23. GRAND FORKS GROCER KILLS YOUNG BANDIT WITH LATTER'S GU.M — peti- has been filed in the United States district court to have the new tion re-.->lection. Manufacturing company declared bankrupt and its affairs placed under the control The estimated indebtof the court. Owatonna *^A$k a Willys-Knight Owner." The Merritt families have three or four Willys-Knight cars. Same cars having been in use five and six years. Do they like them? "M-M " Ask Mutual .^iito rnmpar.y. Adthem. vertisemen of city this edness but it the company $145,000. is claimed by officers of the company their asr^etn -will exi^eed $175. '>00' — of — Cloud Ijeo Steinwarth, for the last year employed at the Consumers' Wholesale Supply company, has gone to Mandan. N. D., where he will become m<anaj?er of one of a chain of stores to be opened throughout the St. is state. Crookston Campion and Mrs. — Mr. Angus were here J. W. on Benton, Mont., where they were called by the serious Illness of Mr. Campion's brother. of way their Fort to for lh,i & Kiopp Cloud St. Son contrtructlon the new were contract Margaret church St. The cliurch site during the winter. church, when complete, will cost about $100,000 Urainerd Mrs. Jennie Furst died at a local hospital from pneumonia. The funeral will not b«> held until relatives In Montana and other states art- heard from. of Dan —Suspension patrolmen, Minneapolis A. C. t^arlwon. by A. I'. Jensen, chief of police, haa been upheld by the civil service commission. The patrolmen were charged with negligence of duty following failure to report an Incident In which three men were arrested when they arrived on a train and six srips of liviuor taken from them. nilworth A special election April 3 to vote on issuing $13,000 worth of bonds for the construction of a waterworks system was called by the village council following an open meeting at which over 100 citizens, in a straw vote, asked that the sys- — tem be Installed. Moorhead Funeral — held at 2 Norwegian Lutheran church stock for Mrs. in the Com- at (Amelia) Cor- A. C. were services Wednesday m. p. iieliussen. 82, of Com.ntock. at her home early Monday who died mf)rnlng. Interment was made at Comstock. East Grand Forks Kenneth Wold, aged 2 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wold, died at the home of his parents Tuesday. Funeral services were held from the home on Wednesday morning. Rev. I Hovland, pastor — of the Norwegian officiating. 1922. He F^ismarck similar to the one at Grand Forks, t. under Olson, collector at internal revonuu. announced today that the office would open April 1 It IS estimated that lledfleld. S. I». fully 15 per cent of the pbaasants In Hpink county, tlie largest proportion in Ashland of them State to — Tho Holstein-Frelslan asilM an- March will officers at which new elected, and the reports for thn will be made. 2!>. weru smothered to heavy snowstorms two months. lieiiH, of the last opposition in H. Dennhardt. J. sociation of Ashland will hold nual meotiiig next Wednesday. — death during run will Senator Mi-nasha tlie — tieorge Tummett, be year aged 70 years, an employe » t tJie i>lanl of the Mena.'-lia Wooifj-nwari) conipajiy. to lUnry, l.ako at constructed be Stearns lounty. -The coulract prl<e ts $61.0'26 and does not Include the building material which has been purchased and was hauled to tho Noonan and 'A II near was found dead A lioine. lils jury brought In a v«r(Jicl from heart failure. Ashland St. Joseph's ho«pttal al La Crosac— Five La Crosse saloon- Its annual mi-etlng elected: Dr. J. V. koepers, arrested lii raids by Federal Wenxel, president; Dr. M. L. Young, officers, were bound over to circuit vice president; Dr. (ieorge W. Haruncfer Brindley court JuilKe by rison, secretary. charges of violating the Volstead act, At the seMsion here of I.,H Crosse each under $500 bunds. The defend- the Western Wisconsin Teachers' asants are John McClathat ban, Henry sociation convention following the Miller. Matt .Neumann, Oscar Schroc- officers I'resldent, bl«»cted; were der. Joseph Hahn. Rlanche Chaniberlaln. Ia Crosse; were Mrs. services Prescott Funeral pre.sldent. Miss Helen Berg Mrs. vice for conducted here Tuesday Whitehall; secretary-treasurer, I. H aged 96. Klrche, Barnes. Caroline Maxson Ija, Crosse; member of execuMinnoMpoHs artist, who died Saturday tive committee. Nlcbolaa Gunderson. at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. had She Minneapolis. Babbrirfge. G. K. b«en a rosident of Minneapolis thirtyThe last twenty years of five years. her life was devoted to artistic work. Ironwood William Martin, 71. Is Ashland— MaJ. Lee Sumner conducted an inspection of the Ashland 111 at Union hospital with sleeping Machine Gun company Monday nignt sickness, with which he has suffered for tho last week. He resides at 74 at the Armory. Milwaukee The traflfio and delivery Aurora location. Calumet Plans for the proT>agacommittee of the Bijperintendents' safety division of the Milwaukee As- tlon of fish In streams here and in sociation of Commerce held a meeting Keweenaw county during the comin« under the direction of H. W. Parker spring and summer were made at a at which a program of *rreator safety meeting of the Calumet Sportsmen's among drivers of commercial vehicles club. Ironwood Illness two of the was <tl8cussed. Butternut The village of Rutter- women members of the board of edunnt Is the only tax-paying district in cation has again postponed the meetAshland county w^hich has turned ing at which the board was schedover a 100 i>er cent tax collection to uled to ad')pt a new salaiTr schedule that will materially reduce teachers' the county treasurer. Neenah Assemblyman Nela Ijarson wages. Crystal Falls Six teams, liichjdlng has announced his candidacy for the one representln^r Richard M. Jopllnj? office of mayor on tiie citizens* ticket. coroner's liisconsin Briefs of death — S: the child's death. and Friday under auspices of the Upper Peninsula Athletic association. Calumet The remains of John Berryman, former local respldent, who recently in died Newberry, were — tirought here to the home of his sister, Mrs. Kdward Hancock, for burial, Hancock —The engagement — the limits of their districts In A general reduction«>"-fares, to take effect April 1. is template* bv the managers of th»* In Bessemer- Ironwood-Wakefield bus 1^ line. — Peninsula Briefs For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, — — — — — — Sour Stomach, BiHous Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative La the your bowels completely by morning, •*Th«y world to physic your liver and bowels and you will feel splendid. Caacarets work Bioop." while you when you have dizzy headache, colds, never stir you up o.'" gripe like Saits. biliousness, indigtstioa, or upset, Pills, Calomel, oi Oi; and they cost acid stomach is candy-like "Caaca- only ten cents a bf v Children love retB." One or two tonight will empty CascaretB, too. \^' — Are They Worth Wait.-r 1> In Protecting — If they are they are worth — Dakota Northwestern will meet In annual convention here Tuesday. Experts from the t'argo branch are expected to attend and outline 1922 business plans. A banquet will be a feature of the program. Devils Uike. N. D. Great Northern trains No. 201 and 202. called the "dinky," operatirug between Grand Forks and Devils Lake, which were discontinued March 6, must be restored under an order Issued by protecting well — the state railway fective March 2(. in Mtnot the- Say "Bayer" when you buy WARNING! — Aspirin. and expense Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for — coming season The loss of some of the following would mean total loss of somethingyou now possess; of others, difficulty commissiouer, ef- Turtle I.,ake, N. D. Fire, caused bv the explosion of a easoline stove, Jestoryed the general store of A. A. Haas & Son, the general store of Andrew Froehllck and the residence of C. L. Foster, whose wife received severe burns. Mlnot. N. D. About 2,460 acres of prospective potato planting for the Colds Toothache Earache —Funeral services for Plumraer of Chicago, a for- were held at Moore's hapel Tuesday iu charge of the Kargo corps of the G. A. R. Mr. Plummer came to Fargro in 1872 and about twenty-five years later moved to Chicago, IlL, where he was assoresident, i Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Pain, Handy "^ayer" boxes Asplriu — Is the tx.iJe mirk — them. Insurance papers. — — — Deeds Contracts. Mortgages Leases. Bonds Stocks. Discharges from army or navy. Pain Wedding and birth certificates. reports. Income Tax Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper ciated In the typewriter distributing business with his son. William. Mr. Plummer died Saturday. Grand Forks, N. D. Miss 'Vemice Aldrich of Grand Forks was named editor-in-chief and Paul Sarauelson of Campbell, Minn., business manager of the Student, university weekly, at a meetlnjt of the board of publications control of the University of North I>akota Tuesday noon. The new staff Is to assume uutiea following the Easter vacation. Bismarck, N. D. The United State* treasury department h;is had established a zone office of the treasury in replacinj^ Your WiD. district at a farmers' mceiins here. Fararo. N. D. mer Fargo in — M. Fisher, MInot. was brought to Far^o and arraigned before Judge A. T. Cole and was held to the district court of Cass county on a charge of forgery In the third degree. Sheriff Fred Kraemer brought the man to Fargo. Mlnot, N. D. Ford dealers of Alonzo "'""^er of, one d^y J" *^^« bookK given out of history of the Carnegie library Ironwood was given out Monday, when 587 books were loaned.in eacn Houghton— Supervisors township in Michigan are required take this year, for the first time, to a complete centus of each farm wiinlargest Ironwood-The Lutheran church, who was arrested was reported of Mis.s Katherlne O'Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry O'ljeary of Ripley, to Leo Paquette of L'Anse has been anuounced. Uams.-Ly E5>i.rl Ray Mooney, 10month-'>ld nan of Mr and Mrs. John Dakota Briefs Fargo, N. Mooney ol K^n.-^.o. 'i^^^ TUf.«e*of Pneumonia was given as the cause of post of Marquette, havo enlisted the first annual biisket ball tournament to be held In Crystal Falls Thursday C-opies of receipts. direction.s. Tax — Druggists. Also bottles of 24 and 100 of 12 tablets oX Bayer Manafaclure of MonoaceUoarulf«U'r of SaJicyllrac: Valuable jewelry. Heirlooms. 1 Articles of value for reason of sentiment, — Ix>cked in yoiir safe deposit box here they have the protection of science, steel and the granite of our hills. See cost of these boxes is from $3.00 a year up, according to size. The Vatdt for SUvcr and Trunk Siorage C*1^ JL JL L| 1l4 ^ Mm^ JL^ a 10- Shave Pages 78 and 79 Tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream At the stores listed below The The Sa tu rday of Capital, Stirplns Member Practical Opinions Today 130 Laboratory Experiments And before w« perfected this ideal sKaving cream- wast«d in it These were Firstf Reconuuauued by royMninw M»0 ikhI wTXD«>ti to (wrwy wsii of Mfe tr*o all. IQce Then they wanted a lather which maintains cated razor, no acts in one minute. Within that 15% of water. This result is due absorbs beard average time the to almost instant removal of the oil that coats the beard. So a cream was made which its creamy wanted a little of the palm •etp to go tar. So we developed a cream which multiplies itself 250 times in A bit on the brush only one-half inch suffices for a lather. shave. A single tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream serves for many weeks ot shaving comfort. — — soap making. But it took us that long to Step by step its supremacies attain this iaeal shaving cream. were attained, and finally the best shaving cream in existence. are experts How To ask you to test it Learn in how many ways will lead the way to a lifetime of delightful shaves. Present the cotipon for a trial tube. it excels. Nothing you can do will so effpctnaJly proteci you affainst tlifl InfliJpnMi or Gnppe epidetnir, a,<( kcepmc your orpann of di(7<*stJon and T 1 r1 g The stores 0-Shave Tube Free Present this coupon, with your Cream I dress good named below will supply the Free Tube on this Coupon filled in, to name and any of the stores named. It is Tube of Palmolive Shaving I Cream. and A. Abbett, Brown & Toonen, Edw. A. Grochau, Lyceum Drug Co. I Boyce Drug Store, Grand Avenue Pharmacy, A. C. Swenson, Wirth's Drug Store. * I ,1 ., , Y and -Vto "ptip" BBiJ tlrpd sl'waT* (wys « NK cause uiprdy p'*op|p <A ai-tiori. On! nary laxatives, I juiriTi^ I ishmont from all givet* yon a daj-'B M itiility. stich ricrht Your Weight Indicatea Yo«r Strengfth Are Yo« Lotting Or Gtaning? more than bowel Thl« nia»tr»tion cl««Hr b««Bc«*»« what a rsmnrkabte iitipro'v»i»Hrnt aiiditioDal pounds of rood firm ae»h may maka in your health anJ appearance. If yw* want to get more "pep" and enenry '»*l boild wp a strong, *>>«* rnaka* yon <««1 and well-drvdoped b^ look lOO* bettw. »tart takiiix MASTIfirS VITAMIN TABLETS today and w»tch tfaa easy aixmthe torlay and pt*t ymir shape that yoa can Ced t}n< ftxwl yon liearty g'lod, conir-tJ bili(ni.sm*s, and bowel ai-tion regulat<»s kidnoy and gives the wiiole This thoroucli rleaning out. nccompIiBht-d you will not have to take me<lii"int> every <iay. An otVAsional TaMet will kfvni your Ivrniy in contlition Kiid viHican a! wavi* fe«>| \'onr l>eat. Boid and reoonunended by druggists. boiiy a NH t4«) TONIGHTTomorrow Oct A 25^ Alright |:Wf Box t--- work." — truly am^rlny tain n.H form cif oaijr ti«» p«rv>«t conrr5r»tTS<s>^ v*>-sst Itlnp brain, bone and ti»ene-bnUdiiijf «l<>a>c>ftn of X&tnre »rhl«* your body BhouJd hawB to prcxtoce nre younw^t wiMvh ahow yon exactly whM M .V8TIN-8 VTT AMOWTAB- rasulta. MASTTN ain \\\ S Next take ii.nd yoniwelf ami In VlT.VMON TAIILRTS \'.i^jrht. "jkt" and ywL Fli« <V> for ^""^Irh yottrwif and two taib4«4a with MAFTTWS VTTAMON— nityvmir^> r.'iciilarfy 1n)pr>>vif>ii evwy roes^L wvwk. and «>nt1na«» taMiur until yoa are Battefled wBfc yoS- eei'4i appearaiK^e. M.\RMKtJI You iniij« INSIST n^>oo the name MASTOTS to iret the Cnni VITAMl^N TAPT.RT.S. aa U Is- oT»ly In tJila wny ctm t<mi protert yowm^M ajTHiiurt rhefii) imltjitlona, wit>«£Hiites and «>-«ilk»d "ymst vitamine t^bieCa" wh1f<*i iiMiy ofbrai do nH>n» harm than good. Yoa oaa get MASTIJ^S VITAMOn •-^>— wn TA1U>KTS at all jrood dnufgiata. awdi aa l>><-rit llron., — —-II r»ii.l "stay «K>r«>- iw^jrht, st^sosrth end enenrT. Her* Is a elmj^te test iimt v4n L»TS will 'Hii'ii — TlOuniiKw bm an lAryieVuaDilneB, sci«ntlfK^ny coroblned vtth ^veoialiy pr^ pnrod o>>raAl« troo for yovc bUxKi, the Derrwrnrr mno salts ami other trw y^^l- V Vblu'U"*, Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon Tbfl Palmoljvtt Company, Milwaukee, U, 3- A., l>ept. 1>-I2fi. and the lube will bti sent by mail. af of A STI N'R TKAST VTT.^A!ON TABT.BTS foty- appelitfs Btrcngthens the liver, over- ami and tin are g(MMi tmotiph to rlt*an out tiie BVnU^m, but do noi alr»Mipt}if»ii the wfak<^n»'<i organs; Uaey do not build up Jx^in rmich Mc. I^ night elnninatiTO afl wt^li a.^ organs, proJiK)t»¥( good digt^stion, causes th»' body to get the nour- liiiM, yoti do pleatianL, txvL" M.^.J'TI^-S VITAMON TAB"><*« 1.BTS. at my omial wTpigiit. lots of "pep" ami it's e taw aad prewt pVvaarp to »iart a good each "HiiB iiie«iicine n»>w eat. eatliartica, paJln, oil«. fajjont* one my Ohicasro jaan. i^x>rsrp IL P«Ty, on* X\\* inll?1on* of TU»frf« RetDedy (Ml take ,, I\a „ JIattire's for a while. Tahk'ls r*-i,''Jiarty. system in Address. 25c. l^ablets) (rf Wid \Shv don't - fnuri Bnthf>ritu« h>'alth to ovt-rfoiiif roii«ti{'>ati()n DULUTH. MINN. DEFLOTiVE PAG Your Name frv»? ixix I poands onder iS7 I aJ-wsyw fiett weak fHxm rettUu; from naaontvMy sore of resifitinj^ diseane. You can do »o if yon will jnrt gfX. a dig«'»tive \ W. Avoid the dancr of (viii!<tii>ation, aiid advisinp, arid nrginsf cvprvnno to (<•» that tJi*' howeli and otlitT Himinativi* orj^ana a<-t frw!y ad- for a 10-Shave elimination system yi)ur active ami jwisonoul! amimulatKins. Dot-tors I welfrtit, INFLUENZA ererywhfTe are warninij PAL Vi in Now we It & cp VTTAMO!? Tato»K» lubri- best way ever known to those ends is the blend of olive oils. The lather is a lotion in itself. We a boUdlitg' "At the ttnw of t»»- dry- 18 months of experiment Next, liberal lather Next, ther wanted liberal lather. They wanted and fitrons. weii-de^Bijoiw*! tvody are new findlnfr fc MASTIN-S TRAiTP bad ktnsBd for, bat D^>«r expected to tbid to pot «c poooda a< firra Qe«b and Im lUii fullness The and r*- enerjry. itself withotrt a soothing shaving cream. They irritation, a pleasant after-effect They wanted «vw exactly tb« beU> tt>e7 ing on the face. long brushing, finger rubbing, hot towels, delay. d*«pelpe<i of gaUoing perfM« beaJtti VTTAMON TABLKTS A soothing soap Did not b&ve been thin and ran-iVrwri for jrart end Lather that remains a quick shave The«« men wanted quick shaves, above . tested So we perfected a lather which maintains for ten mmutes. their reqtiirements: Resmt Weight To N<xrmal Increases Remarkable Truths Contained Therein a^ Federal MASTIIfS VTTAMON TABLETS ask you lo try it-^ at our experue we dedded to make a shavteg cream. We had A ixroi years •Irc&dT aichieTcd the ideal totlet soap by blending palm and olive Otis. So we embodied this blend in a shaving cream. And otn- first step was to ask a thousand men the virtues they Profits, $4,OCK),000 Qniddjr and Easfly by Simply Taking Now we 130 formulae actually and Puts On 49 Pounds Of Firm Solid Flesh and made up and Duluth Hhening Post 1000 ^y^k Bank First National l.joruiu l>ruK Morr. AKt MaSTINS isntVlTANON TheWorlds Standard-UscdbyMillions f ' -
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