a PublIcaTIon To by unITEd IndonEsIan canadIan socIETy UNICAS NEWS Inform, To EnlIghTEn and To rEfrEsh GLOBAL WARMING… how to stay healthy in the hot summer months IN THIS ISSUE: Remembering a friend..., What are the essential things, Global Warming and Health Effects, Lead in Drinking Water, Bottled Water vs Tap Water, Take a Critical Look..., You and Your Legacy..., Kampong Ku 8th Annual Community Picnic 2007, Watermelon, SoynJoy UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 1 From the President’s Desk Who’s Who i n u n i c a s President: Maria Cornelisz Vice-President: Sam Kosakoy Treasurer: Philip Wibowo Secretary: Ayrini Undyantara Communications: Giovanna Hardy Mailing Address: 7202 Lulworth Court. Mississauga, ON L5N 7X2 Tel: (905) 565-6423 UNICAS News is published every 2 months. We encourage members to contribute articles (life experiences, stories, jokes, expertise, information etc) as long as it is original and the source is credible. Please send your contributions, letters, and inquiry before the publication month. The newsletter is for members by members. editorial, circulation, change of address please notify: [email protected] 50 Kempsell Crescent, ON, M2J 2Z7 Newsletter: Editors & writers : Giovanna Hardy, Peter Tanur. Lay-out/Design: Sutrisna Wijaya, G.Hardy The views and contents expressed by contributors may not be endorsed or condoned by UNICAS NEWS and its staff, and do not necessarily express or reflect the opinion of the publisher, editorial team or readership of this society. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse publication of submitted articles. Advertising rates are available upon request, please email [email protected] We are not responsible for all the content of our advertisements. The advertisers sell their products or services at their own discretion. UNICAS |JULY–AUG 2007 | 2 The following is the Vice President’s Message in lieu of the President’s Over the last 3 years, UNICAS has pulled its community act together. As you are well aware of, there are new upcoming events apart from the ongoing “Warung Kopi” and the last Spring Bazaar. It was consistently well attended and everyone seems pleased with the activities and the community atmosphere. Thanks to the undiminished enthusiasm and energy of the many volunteers who have made things happen, there are now slowly but surely a steady flow of Membership renewals, which is very much appreciated and most certainly will become more and more substantial as we progress along. If we can put a bright, energetic and hopeful face on the Treasury’s financial health, it would have to be our Members, Patrons and Friends. UNICAS needs the money, just like any other Organization, to maintain a healthy working capital and simultaneously grow to fulfill our Short – Medium – Long term goals. that. You can never take your eye off the ball, because we can't afford to loose money. We just have to do it! People are seeing that when UNICAS provides good events, the funds will follow. Then we will start to enjoy the fruits of our labour. We have lost dearly an outstanding good and exemplary Friend, who had served this Organization as Treasurer for a short time. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Margie Cornelisz and the whole Family of Sander Johannes Rarung, who has left us on Friday, July 6th, 2007. May his soul rest in peace, and may the good Lord grant his wife Yojana and his two sons Leo and Dempsey sustaining strength and comfort! The inspiring words of his son’s eulogy should motivate us to do the right thing and to make this world a better place to live! Sam Kosakoy All the planned events may be nice, but the Board members can’t loose sight of where and how the next revenue might come from. We have to bring along more friends who have never been to our small and big events. I see that as an interesting personal touch. I don't view it as work, because I like to do that. I feel comfortable doing WARUNG KOPI September 22, 2007 from 10 AM to 1 PM at SOUTH COMMON COMMUNITY CENTRE (Gladys Hagen Room) 2233 South Millway, Mississauga directions: from 403 exit Erin Mills Pkwy, go south pass Burnhamthorpe Rd, turn right on College Way, turn right on 2nd light – South Millway. for further infomation please visit www.unicas.ca/warungkopi.html August 9, 1959 – July 6, 2007 possible to try to alleviate the pain until the very end. Sander Johannes Rarung In memoriam s sander came to canada with his c family 6 years ago. born in cirebon, b he was married to ade suharto for a 21 years and had two sons leo and dempsey. d sander was very active in the student’s council and has always been interested in social affairs. It was not long after unIcas, the united Indonesian canadian society, was established in 2004, that many of us began to know sander more closely. When the Treasurer of this new organization had to leave for Indonesia, sander was asked to take his place. he accepted without hesitation, for he sincerely believed in the ambitions of unIcas, i.e. to induce unity to attain higher goals and sensible ideals. sander was a devout man, who always strove “to do the right thing”. Within a short period of time, members of the board found out that sander was dependable and resourceful, a true “organization-man”. There was a mini crisis in the preparations of a “four-day festival” in 2006, for due to an oversight the committee could not use the hotel ballroom on the important first evening of the festival. sander found an ‘innovative way out’, and the memorable first evening of the festival set the tone for the many other events that was still to follow. he also played several music-instruments and sang with the newly created band ‘origin’ at the “gala dinner dance”. sander was quite versatile, and his pleasant demeanor made it a joy to work with him. In early august 2006, sander was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which caused him a lot of pain; especially when it had spread to his liver about 3-4 months ago. It was very hard on his wife and children and his very close-knit family to see him suffer so much and they tried to do everything humanly Continuous inking supply systems DESIGN FOR INDIVIDUAL INKJET PRINTER: HP, EPSON, CANON, BROTHER A continuous inking system can save you a bundle of money and time, and can save you up to 90% over cartridges. • • • • • NO more ink CARTRIDGE purchases NO more CARTRIDGE replacement NO drilled holes SAVE UP TO $700 EASY Installation* Find out how you can save money, Visit our website: www.webart-solution.com or email to [email protected] Call Ferdi and start saving money 905-837-2939 * FREE installation and delivery for selected area. father aegidius Warsito scJ, sc performed the last rites, and on July 6th, at 5.25 Pm, surrounded by his dearest family members and close friends, sander died peacefully in the arms of his loving wife ade. The family’s choice as a memento at the funeral home, was the following poem: god knew that you were weary, he knew you felt much pain, he knew that you would never be well on this earth again, he saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb, so he closed your weary eyelids and whispered, “Peace be thine”, now your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part, god has you in his keeping, and we have you in our hearts. We at unIcas salute you sander; you will be sorely missed, rest in peace, my friend. Toronto, July 22, 2007, GL What are the essential things in Life that I like to keep and remember ? Here is my List of essential things that will keep me on an even keel throughout Life’s journey. The most destructive habit – Worry The greatest Joy – Giving The greatest Loss – Loss of self-respect The most satisfying work – Helping others The ugliest personality trait – Selfishness The most endangered species – Dedicated Leaders Our greatest natural resource – Our youth The greatest “shot in the arm” – Encouragement The greatest problem to overcome – Fear The most effective sleeping pill – Peace of mind The most crippling failure disease – Excuses The most powerful Force in Life – Love The most dangerous pariah – Gossiper The world’s most incredible computer – The Brain The worst thing to be without – Hope The deadliest weapon – The tounge The two most power-filled Words “I Can” The greatest asset – Faith Continued to page 5, What are… UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 3 Global Warming and Health Effects How do stay healthy and cool in the hot summer months without compromising your eco values? Unless you’re living in the Arctic you’ve probably noticed that summer is here. But your melting ice cream and soaking brow aren’t the only indicators: with continuous use of the air conditioner, you might also have an increase in your electric bill. Scientists have reported that the temperature of the earth has risen and as a result of that the icecaps and glaciers are melting, seas are rising, there are more strange and violent weather conditions, and an increased in droughts and floods. People are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas and cutting down the forest (excessively). These activities are pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than was ever released hundreds of thousands of years. Global warming is the earth’s increase in temperature due to the build up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities. How can we stay cool and healthy in the hot summer and stay “green” at the same time? Your body will gradually perspire more efficiently as you adjust to hot environments, but heat illnesses continues to be a risk, especially for the very young, the elderly and people who have chronic illnesses. Heat illness occurs when the body can’t compensate for high temperatures, so its cooling mechanism begins to shut down. What kind of practical things will help you through the hot summer? Follow the same guidelines as you would normally do when you are in warm climates: • Heat exhaustion causes dizziness, fatigue, heavy sweating, muscle cramps, headache, nausea and cool clammy skin. • Hot and dry skin, diminished sweating, high fever, dilated pupils, confusion, convulsion and loss of consciousness are signs of heat stroke. Please seek medical attention immediately for these symptoms. • Extreme heat is dangerous too, for those who work outdoors. If possible, they should take more breaks, drink more fluids, and try to get more work done during the cooler early morning hours. Drinking more fluids is critical. If people don’t keep their body hydrated, they can become susceptible to heat stroke, which can cause brain damage and even death. There are plenty of cheap, easy, and fun ways to stay healthy and beat the summer heat without beating the environment or your wallet. Green isn’t just cool: cool is green. Here are some ideas: 1. Always wear sunscreen outdoors and re-apply every two hours. Wear lightweight, light coloured, loosefitting clothing and a hat. 2. E at small, light meals, and foods high in water content, like fruits such as watermelon (see page 10) & vegetables. Also, don’t you forget the ice cream and sorbets. If you worry about the calories when you consume ice cream, take a look at this low calorie soy based ice cream on page 11. 3. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of plain water regardless of your activity. Don’t wait till you are thirsty to take a drink. Consume enough so that your urine remains clear. Avoid beverages containing alcohol or large amounts of sugar because they dehydrate the body. A huge study in the US of middle age adults has found that drinking more than one soft drink a day - even sugar free brands - increases your risk of new onset metabolic syndrome by 45%. Metabolic syndrome is associated with excess abdominal fat; high blood sugar; high triglycerides; low level of the good cholesterol HDL; and elevated blood pressure thus boosts the chance of having a heart attack or stroke and developing diabetes. 4. Avoid very cold drinks because they can cause stomach cramps. 5. Heat rises, so try to stay on the lower floors of the house or building. 6. Circulate air by opening windows, especially those on the north and south side of your house or apartment. Keep the heat out with white shades to deflect the sun. 7. Take a cool shower, or give yourself Continued to page 10 UNICAS |JULY–AUG 2007 | 4 Lead in Drinking Water by GH, source: MOE info session. What is lead and how can I be exposed? Lead is a naturally occurring substance present in our soil, food and air. Lead is rarely found in source water, but enters tap water through corrosion of plumbing materials. Lead has many industrial uses and was used in water systems to make service lines since the late 1880s. Older buildings (generally considered as built before 1955) are more likely to have lead connections and plumbing fixtures containing lead. Over the past few decades, the level of lead to which the general public is exposed has significantly decreased due to restrictions in the use of lead as an additive in gasoline, paint and solder. For example, lead in gasoline was eliminated for use in domestic cars by the early 1990s, limited in paint by the mid 1970s and eliminated in solder for plumbing by the mid to late 1980s. While lead can leach into drinking water from lead service lines and plumbing, the bulk of adult human exposure is usually from other sources (e.g. soil,food and air). The greatest exposure to lead is swallowing or breathing in lead chips and dust.(e.g. soil, food and air). In general, lead in drinking water provides about 10% of the total amount of lead to which adults are exposed. Does Ontario have a Drinking-Water Quality Standard for lead? Yes. The Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard for lead is 10 micrograms per litre or 10 parts per billion (ppb). The drinking water regulatory limit is related to an estimate of the amount that drinking water can contribute to a child’s total exposure to lead from all sources. Because this standard is protective of children, it would also be even more protective of adults. What if lead is found to be present in drinking water at my home or workplace? If lead is found to be present in drinking water at levels greater than the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard, tap water at these locations can continue to be used for hand washing, dish washing and toilet facilities. Children age 6 and under and pregnant women should drink bottled water (see article on page 6) or use an approved filter. Make sure any filtration product you use is certified as meeting the NSF international NSF 53 standard for reducing lead. The protocol for certifying a product as meeting the NSF53 standard was recently amended and some products already on the market may not meet the new standard. (Caution: there is no approved home lead test kits available in the market yet, August 2007). Therefore, if you are using a filter for the purpose of removing lead, it is important to confirm current certification of your filter. This recommendation is particularly important for infants whose formula is prepared by adding tap water to liquid concentrate or powder. An up to date list of filters that meet the NSF 53 standard can be found on the NSF* website at: http://www.nsf. org/certified/dwtu. Select the “lead reduction” box under the “Reduction Claims for Drinking Water Treatment Units – Health Effects” section, then click “Search” to see the status of specific products Lead in water is a minor contributor to your overall exposure to lead as an adult. Medical experts advise that it is unlikely that drinking water above the standard of 10 ppb will result in unacceptably elevated blood lead levels in adults. In addition, when you consider the amount of water you may have consumed from a workplace source it is unlikely that your exposure to lead from drinking water would have been significant. The concern arises from prolonged exposure to lead, particularly in high risk groups such as children 6 years and under, and pregnant women. Unless you fall within one of these groups, it is unlikely that the risk to you from drinking water with lead levels exceeding the drinking water standard would have a significant impact. How does lead in drinking water affect the health of children and the fetus? Children are more sensitive to the effects of lead because they are still developing and able to absorb ingested lead more easily than adults. Increased exposure to lead may cause the impairment of intellectual development. Similarly, pregnant women need to limit their lead intake as much as possible to protect the fetus. Because the current drinking water standard for lead is protective of children and fetuses, it would be even more protective of adults. What should I do if I have concerns about lead exposure from drinking water at work if the lead level is higher than the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard? If the test results have identified lead levels above the Ontario Drinking Water Standard and you have concerns you should advise your manager and consult with your health practitioner on personal health issues as necessary. Upon the recommendation of a physician, OHIP covers the testing of blood lead if it is a health concern to the patient. If your work location was built prior to 1990 it is recommended that you speak with your manager and health practitioner. You may wish to make alternate arrangements for your drinking water at work until test results are available for your workplace. To review the Ontario Ministry of Environment internet site on lead in drinking water,go to http://www. e n e . g o v. o n . c a / p u b l i c a t i o n s / l e a d / SummaryTable.php *NSF International (National Sanitation Foundation International) Continued from page 2 What are the essential things… The most worthless emotion – Self-Pity The most beautiful attire – Smile! The most prized possession – Integrity The most powerful channel of communication – Prayer The most contagious spirit – Enthusiasm To the world, YOU may be ONE person; but to ONE person you may be the WORLD. Another essential Ingredient in one’s Life is Staying Power: Staying and Holding on to Principle and to its Values - even when some or many are running away and abandoning because of lack of interest, commitment and misplaced ego or pride. To stay put, even when everybody else is running away. You call it “Staying Power”, I call it “STAMINA”. SAM KOSAKOY UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 5 BOTTLED WATER VS TAP WATER Many people think that bottled water is much purer and much healthier than tap water. While many bottled waters may "taste better," than your tap water, they do not have to meet the same strict standards of the Drinking Water Standard. In fact, bottled water often contains higher levels of bacteria than normal tap water (not that the bacteria is necessarily dangerous). Also the levels of minerals in many of the "mineral waters" are no higher than those of tap water. Spring and table waters can legally come from any source, ranging from natural springs to municipal water main taps. They are generally filtered for sediment and/or other contaminants, and perhaps carbonated and/or have flavor enhancements added before being bottled and sold. The level of nitrates in bottled water is not necessarily lower than normal tap water. There appears to be no legal limit of nitrate levels in natural mineral water, while there is a limit of 10mgs per litre in tap water. Infants below the age of 6 months who drinks water containing Nitrate in excess of the maximum contaminant level could become seriously ill, and if untreated may die. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome. Bottled waters and certain soda waters are often high in sodium, which in the long term can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Imported bottled waters generally only have to meet the stardards of the country of their origin. Most of these standards, are far below the standards of Canada or the US.Many of these waters, when tested, have shown to be heavily contaminated. So domestically, it may be more dangerous drinking imported bottled water than your own tap water. However, it may be sensible to choose bottled water over tap water when travelling in countries where the tap water may be contaminated, or when there is a risk of water born diseases or high levels of harmful chemicals in drinking water. Therefore in most cases, there is no real health reason to drink UNICAS |JULY–AUG 2007 | 6 bottled water in preference to normal tap water. Particularly when the cost to the consumer for bottled water is typically higher than the cost of gasoline for your car! sources: Bottled water vs tap water, MOE and EPA Drinking Water Standard Anthony’s Cake 8 Worsley Crt., Markham, ON L3R 1V4 • 905-513-1086 Black Forest Sacher Cheese Cake with Fresh Fruit Marble Cheese Cake Chocolate Truffle Mango Mousse Opera Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Take a criTical look aT Your financial healTh y you work and you plan and you save – to pay everyday expenses and to achieve your longer term financial goals, whatever they may be. and everything is going well. Then, on one extra-stressful day at work, your heart says, “I’ve had enough for now, thank you.” heart attack – but you know the symptoms and get fast medical attention. your doctor is confident you’ll be fine… y after a few months of quiet recuperation away from work. but in the meantime, the bills will keep coming in and how will you pay them? how will you pay for the many costs of your medical care that are not covered by your provincial health plan? Who will support your family? That’s the kind of stress you really don’t need at a critical time – and there is a solution: crITIcal IllnEss InsurancE. Think iT can’T happen To you? y might think that you’re immune to you a critical illness or that it is only older people who need protection but… • 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are predicted to develop heart disease in their lifetime. • There are 40,000 to 50,000 strokes in canada each year. • During their lifetime: - 1 in 2.3 men and 1 in 2.6 women living in canada will develop cancer. critical illness Insurance does not replace your basic medical coverage. rather, it pays a lump sum of money if you contract a specified illness. There are no strings attached – once you qualify for the payout, you get a cheque to use any way you wish: y you can seek private or out-of-country treatment, keep a business running, or pay debts including your mortgage – it’s your call. Insure that a life-altering critical illness won’t cause a critical blow to your financial life. Talk to a licensed insurance consultant. [1] Sources: Heart and Stroke Foundation 2005; National Cancer Institute of Canada; Canadian Cancer Statistics 2005. [2] Sources: Health Affairs, The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere, February 2, 2005. “Protect what your family values most. YOU.” If you are an income earner for your family. I can help you determine if you have the right combination of insurance: LIFE CRIT AB ILIT ILL N INSURANCE MILA IE Consultant Tel. 416 836 0060 - 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer. - 1 in 12 canadians will develop lung cancer[1] SOL YOU ™ I.G. Financial Services Inc. over 400,000 canadians will suffer from a critical illness this year. mortgage experts[2] tell us that more than 40% of home foreclosures are due to a critical illness. The good news is that with the tremendous strides in medical technology, you are far less likely to die from a critical illness and may even make a full recovery. The problem is that most people don’t have the money to keep going until they can once again earn a living – and that’s where critical illness insurance comes in. financial safety net when you need it ™ Trademarks owned by Investors Group Inc. and licensed to its affiliated corporation. * Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. Insurance License sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. ** Brokerage services offered through Investors Group Securities Inc. You and your legacy – putting new life into your life insurance did you know that life insurance can breathe new life into your estate by helping to ensure your legacy lives on exactly as you wish? It can also provide the peace of mind that comes with confidence that your heirs will have the resources to live the life you want for them. here’s how … let’s start with estate planning: It’s important because it ensures that your legacy will be transferred to the heirs you choose in the most effective way. Without an estate plan, your assets may not be distributed as you wish and fees and taxes may reduce the value of your estate. life insurance can play a significant role in your estate plan because it can help you reach a number of important legacy objectives by providing: 1. a source of funds available to pay off estate liabilities such as probate fees and mortgages or any capital gains taxes – ensuring that a cottage, business or other assets do not have to be sold to cover these costs and can be left intact to your beneficiaries. 2. a source of funds to generate an ongoing income for an heir (or heirs) you wish to support – perhaps a spouse, a child who is still in school, a child with special needs or even an ageing parent who outlives you. 3. a way to ensure estate fairness – for example, you may wish to leave the cottage or your farm or business to one child and use the proceeds of your life insurance policy to provide a suitable amount for another child. 4. a donation to the charity of your choice that is tax-free to the charity and can be tax-advantageous to you while you live and/or to your estate. 5. a way to pay for business succession requirements – such as legal and financial obligations under a shareholder or buy/sell agreement. In most cases, your life insurance premiums are not tax deductible, but the benefits of your policy usually flow tax-free to your estate or named beneficiaries. There are two basic types of life insurance: Term and Permanent. Within these basic categories are many types of plans – some like universal life or Whole life that can actually provide tax-advantaged death benefits to your beneficiaries while allowing you to build a tax-sheltered investment fund that is readily accessible to you should you need it Continued to page 10, You and your... UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 7 kampong ku 8th Annual Community by gh PICNIC 2007 It was seven o’clock in the morning of July 21st, 2007 and a few members of the singaporean, malaysian and Indonesian organizations were already at Wilket creek park, picnic area #2 to gather as many picnic tables as possible. under the directions of Kampong Ku director Puan malar and Encik daud, many preparations must be made before the members started to show up. Putting the tarps up(to protect the food table from falling debris from the leaves above), erecting the shelters for the reception and food area, putting table cloths on the picnic tables, posting signs by the tables and entrance of the picnic area, putting the singaporean, malaysian and Indonesian flags and banners up, preparing the guests reception area, and so forth... by 10:30 am a few members and their friends started to arrive and they were invited to register themselves and register the food they brought , and name tags distributed. The purpose of this joint picnic (besides that unIcas “lost” its picnic place due to construction work at cherry beach) was to have fun with old and new friends. from the registry we knew that some guests were not members of any of the organizations but saw the announcement on the (unIcas) website, and decided join in. We also had the pleasure to have guests from the dutch community. by twelve thirty, Encik daud from the Kampong Ku radio (and the pinic organizer), with a bull horn in his hand, welcomed everyone and invited everyone to start the potluck lunch. There were so many different varieties of food that one can be easily be carrried away to sample each of them. There were sayur asem, telor belado, lalap, ikan asin, rica rica, nasi goreng, mie and mihun goreng, ayam panggang, nasi hitam, nasi goreng petai, mie “gajah mada”, nasi tim ayam, samosa, fish pakora, biryani rice, chicken tandoori, dumplings, chicken in a claypot rice dish ... and so forth to name a few. UNICAS |JULY–AUG 2007 | 8 At 6:00 PM Encik Daud officially closed the picnic and thanked everyone for participating. Many of us stayed to help clean up left-over food and drinks from the picnic tables. Thanks to Encik Daud and Puan Malar who received UNICAS and its members to their 8th annual picnic with open hands. We have met many people and made many new acquaintances at this occasion. Although we were very tired by 6:15 PM, we were happy that many people were so positive and expressed their enjoyment at the picnic. KAMPONG KU RADIO A radio broadcast dedicated to bringing together Malaysians, Singaporeans, and Bruneians since 1977 in Bahasa Melayu and English. The broadcast is on early Sunday mornings at your AM 1430 Toronto (06:00 to 08:00 EST), AM 1470 Vancouver (Sunday 07:00 - 08:00 PST) and FM 97.4 Calgary (Sunday 08:00 - 09:00 MST). Puan Malar Rajaram is the executive producer who took over the helm of Kampong Ku in 1998. Now the radio is running very well with funding from many sponsors. After lunch, Ravi ,the games’ master called the children to start the Picnic Game Challenge. After the children, the adults got their turn too. There was “tug of war” ladies against men and the ladies won, (raw) egg toss, wrap a person with a roll of toilet paper without breaking the sheets, a ladies only game, a medley of put on a sarong, krupuk eating on a string race (Trisna was the last one to finish his krupuk because he said he wants to enjoy it!), potato sack race, ended with a marble picking with chopsticks game. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the games, fun and competition. Still many more people arrived after one o’clock. They brought a new variety of food and desserts. We have a registered attendance of 275 people, not counting those who arrive a lot later and didn’t come by the reception table. The picnic was a great success, and the weather was cooperating. Kampong Ku is interested in the mission and vision of UNICAS and had interviewed UNICAS’ president, Margie Cornelisz, in the Spring 2007. When Mother Nature is not playing nice... then Follow the Sun to the... ORILLIA 5850 Rama Road Orillia, ON L3V 6H6 Toll free 1-877-326-8288 Bet you can't read this without singing! It wouldn’t be funny if it wasn’t so true... To commemorate her 69th birthday on October 1st, actress/vocalist, Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan’s Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP. One of the musical numbers she performed was “My Favorite Things” from the legendary movie “Sound Of Music”. Here are the lyrics she used: Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting, Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings, Bundles of magazines tied up in string, These are a few of my favorite things. Cadillac’s and cataracts, and hearing aids and glasses, Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses, Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, These are a few of my favorite things. When the pipes leak, when the bones creak, when the knees go bad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don’t feel so bad. Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions, Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring, These are a few of my favorite things. Back pains, confused brains, and no need for sinnin’, Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin’, And we won’t mention our short shrunken frames, when we remember our favorite things. When the joints ache, when the hips break, when the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I’ve had, And then I don’t feel so bad. Located accross from Casino Rama, we offer free continental breakfast, swimming pool and whirlpool for your enjoyment Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores. Please share Ms. Andrews’ clever wit and humor with others who would appreciate it. Submitted by:NK UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 9 Watermelons are not just for picnics. Source: the watermelon board. Watermelon is a fruit of a plant in the cucumber family, and it grows to a variety and sizes and shape. Heard about the seedless, yellow or square watermelon? Watermelon is the Lycopene Leader in fresh produce, having higher concentrations of lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. In fact, fresh watermelon contains higher levels of lycopene than fresh tomatoes - a 2-cup serving of watermelon contains and average of 18.16 mg and one mediumsized tomato contains 4 mg. Watermelon has heart healthy properties because it is naturally low in saturated fat, total fat and cholesterol. A recent study by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) about watermelon consumption and heart healthy benefits was completed and published March 2007. The NWPB has three new structure-function claims derived from this study: 1. W atermelon consumption increases free arginine and citrulline, which can help maintain cardiovascular function. 2. W atermelon has amino acids such as citrulline and arginine that help maintain the arteries. 3. W atermelon amino acids citruline and arginine can help maintain blood flow and heart health. Vitamins and in watermelon Vitamin B6 found in watermelon is used by the body to manufacture brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), such as serotonin, melatonin and dopamine, which preliminary research shows may help the body cope with anxiety and panic. Vitamin C in watermelons can help to bolster your immune system’s defenses against infections and viruses and is known to stimulate the immune system and protect against free radical damage. Potassium A two-cup serving of watermelon is also a source of potassium*, a mineral necessary for water balance and found inside of every cell. People with low potassium levels can experience muscle cramps. A two-cup serving has less than 10 percent of the daily reference value for potassium. Availability Top quality watermelon is available 12 months out of the year in today’s global market, and is especially plentiful during the peak season from April through October. Selection Look the watermelon over. You are looking for a firm, symmetrical watermelon that is free from bruises, cuts or dents. Lift it up. The watermelon should be heavy for it’s size. Watermelon is 92% water, most of the weight is water. Turn it over. The underside of the watermelon should have a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun. Safe Handling Practices You should wash all fruits and vegetables, including all melons, in clean, running water before eating them. This is true of all fruits and vegetables, rinds or not. You should also use clean knives and cutting surfaces. Additionally, persons preparing melons, fruits, vegetables or other foodstuffs should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water prior to preparing the food for eating. • Continued from page 4, Global... a light misting of water now and then. Go for a swim in an indoor public pool. 8. P ut a cold wet towel around your neck, and on your head. 9. I nstead of turning on the air conditioner, consider to install a ceiling fan. It uses less energy than an air conditioner, it is easy to install, and it cools down the temperature in the house. 10.Limit or avoid strenuous outdoor activity. 11.Go to an air conditioned shopping mall or a public library to stay cool. 12.If you live in a house, planting trees on the south and west sides of your home will provide enough shade in the summer (and wind blockage in the winter) to save energy costs annually. sources : Dr.Elisabeth S, internet research. • Continued from page 7, You and your legacy... during your lifetime. What you need is dependent on whatever your unique goals are for your estate. A financial advisor can help you make the right choices for your life. For more information on this topic or on any other investment or financial matters, please contact: Minerals Watermelon Is Practically A Multivitamin Unto Itself A 2-cup serving of watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamins A, B6 & C. UNICAS |JULY–AUG 2007 | 10 Vitamin A found in watermelon is important for optimal eye health. MILA IE, MBA, Investors Group Consultant at 416 836 0060 or 416 491 7400 ext 519 or [email protected]. What is Soy-n-Joy? soy-n-Joy is about very healthy foods that taste very good. soy-n-Joy is low-fat, low-calorie, lowglycemic, and diabetic-friendly tasty “ice cream” made from certified organic tofu. all 32 flavors are dairy-free, lactosefree, cholesterol-free, trans-fat-free, and guilt-free! The high satiety and low calories help people manage weight. These attributes make soy-n-Joy the healthiest tasty “ice cream” on earth today! and when made into “ice cream” cakes, a treat for celebrations with Experience the 32 exciting flavors at soy-n-Joy on finch, between leslie and bayview: soy-n-Joy, 664 finch avenue East, Toronto, on m2K 2E6. Tel: 416-218-0255; Website: www.soynjoy.net; e-mail: [email protected] suree and KK would be happy to answer your questions in relation to food and nutrition. y you may download the glycemic Index Table of common foods from www.soynjoy.net. link to soy-n-Joy’s website can also be found at www.unicas.ca/classified.html ACCTAX Tax & Accounting Services KRISHNAN I Income Tax Returns (Personal & Corporate) 416-732-3211 I GST & PST Returns 416-261-6464 I Bookkeeping and Payroll services 58 Tansley Ave, Scarborough I Small Business Accounting Needs ON, M1J 1P3 I Incorporation of New Business I Accounting & Tax Consultation e-mail: [email protected] Elisabeth Tan Registered Physiotherapist • Specializing in Orthopaedic & Sport Injury by registered Physiotherapist • Manual Therapy & Taping • Extended Health/Car Insurance & WSIB • Custom Orthotics/Shoes & Braces • Gaitscan Analysis • Day, Evening & Saturday Appointments 905 513 1086 • • 8 Worsley Crt. Sciberras Rd. Fred Varley Dr. Kennedy Rd. organic whole-soy tofu made from organic soybeans is very healthy, not only because soy helps reduce the risks of heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, and post-menopausal syndrome, but also soy is very lowglycemic (glycemic index or gI of 15 compared to 100 for glucose), making it very friendly to people concerned with the metabolic syndrome (expressed as central obesity, glucose intolerance, hypertension, high ldl-cholesterol, and high blood triglycerides). In addition, firm tofu is a high-protein, lowcarbohydrate, high-satiety, calcium-rich cheese-like food from which much of the flatulent sugars have been removed. no wonder people equate the soybean in the orient to the dairy cow in the West. and choosing organic soy removes worries about gmo, pesticides and herbicides. environment for better compatibility with our genes in the fight against obesity (and its natural consequences like type-2 diabetes and heart disease). Rycroft Dr. one friday afternoon, while thinking about what to buy for a friend who has invited me for lunch, I remembered that another friend has told me about this soy icecream. so, I went to the store, but instead of just picking up a tub of soy ice cream, I stayed a lot longer to sample the many flavours they offered, and unofficially "interviewed" suree and KK. here is what they told me: friends andsfamilies! soy-n-Joy is invented by suree chengpiphat, a nutritionist from bangkok, Thailand, and Kai-kong ng, a food scientist and mba from hong Kong. They both graduated from the university of Wisconsin-madison in the u.s. With the soyn-Joy concept, they have won the british columbia business Proposal contest 2001 as champion of the Tourism, hospitality, and food category, and overall champion of all entry categories. They love to help people live a healthier and more enjoyable life, while contributing to changing our food Warden Ave. Soy-n-Joy: Enjoyable Health in ActioN HWY - 7 8 Worsley Crt., MarkhaM Located in the “Heart of Old Unionville” UNICAS | JULY–AUG 2007 | 11 � Glad Tidings “Il Tempo di Musica” proudly presents: This premium DINNER CONCERT BALL event, to benefit a Retirement Facility Thanksgiving DINNER CONCERT BALL FRIDAy, RIDAy, NOv RIDA O EmBER 30, 2007 AT VERSAILLES ConVEnTIon CEnTRE, 6721 Edw EdwARdS BLVd., MISSISSAUGA ARTIsTs Robert Boniface, Leader/Pianist MBBJE Suzanne Brown, Soprano Caroline Kuehn, Soprano Sam Kosakoy, Pianist BOOK y yOuR TICKET(s) – ONLy NLy $55/pERsON NL Ayrini Undyantara 416-494-2844 Giovanna Hardy 647-220-2430 Leny Gan 905-812-8985 Lisa Setiawan 905-471-8516 Erna Tjoa 905-277-9668 Margie Cornelisz 416-948-5465 Mei Lan Tan 416-493-0045 Sarinita Kosakoy 905-565-6423 For more inFormation – please visit www.unicas.ca $5.00* for an advertisement on the website? UNICAS is offering this incredible low price to place your advertisement on the web at: www.unicas.ca/Classified.html *a “button” and a link to your website . many other options are available at an affordable low price. For information e-mail us at [email protected], [email protected] Tuti (Wang) Widjaja TW Insurance Broker, Financial Service Advisor Investment Market Inc. True Wealth Investment Market TW INVESTMENT MARKET INC. Are you looking to... q Protect the interests of you and the ones you love? q Earn a higher return on your investments? q Start saving for your child's education? q Reduce the amount of tax that you're currently paying? + My Goal is to help people build a financially sound future for themselves as well as their loved ones. 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