Volume 27 Issue 11 IN THIS ISSUE November 2013 Humanists of Minnesota Chapter Meeting 2 President’s Column How to Feed the World Without Destroying It 3 Announcements Discussion Groups Events by Emily Cassidy University of Minnesota 4 Come out and see the Stars! 5 Fostering Sexual Wellbeing 6 Oct Chapter Meeting Summary 7 ‘Adrift on a Star’ 10:00 a.m.– Noon Saturday Nov 16, 2013 Monthly Chapter Meeting Saturday, November 16th Global demand for crops and land are increasing rapidly with changing diets and rising incomes around the world. How can we improve our ability to balance human needs with environmental stewardship and promote secure landscapes across the globe? At this month’s chapter meeting Emily Cassidy, research assistant in the Global Landscapes Initiative Lab at the University of Minnesota, will illustrate several strategies to feeding a growing global population without destroying the environment. Focusing on her own research, Emily will talk about these various strategies that investigate the inefficiencies in the way we currently use croplands. She will also discuss the environmental impact of various diet preferences and review some of the latest research on food sourcing for more informed consumer decision-making. Although global environmental issues may be daunting, Emily will show how small changes in our diets can have significant impacts on reducing our environmental footprint. Emily Cassidy is an environmental scientist, defending her master’s in natural resources science on November 18th –just a few days after our meeting. (ChapterMeeting, Continued on page 7) Field Community School 4645 4th Ave S. Minneapolis HUMANISM: A better life for all through education, democracy, free speech, reason, and science, without reliance on arbitrary dogmas, revelations, and faith. Chapter meeting location: Here is a map to the Field Community School, 4645 4th Ave S, Minneapolis. Easiest access is off of 35W at the 46th Street exit, then east to 4th. Note: Doors do not open until 10:00 a.m.! 1 Humanist News & Views affording coverage. The host naturally asked what Humanism is, to which I was able to explain that it is a philosophy of how humans figure out how to get along with each other once we stop believing in a supernatural being. She also asked questions about how Humanists approach other aspects of society to which I answered by explaining how Humanism uses a rational process and that Humanists have a broad approach to politics as well as other subjects. It was refreshing to talk to a host who had checked some basics, was able to articulate our basic principles, and was also not treating those of us who are non-religious as something odd or weird. I was able to get out more information about some of our programs, our cable TV program and the resources on our website. All in all it was a good interview. It can be found under the podcasts for Steele's program for October 20, 2013. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/audio-ondemand/steele-talkin-with-jearlyn-steele/# The board is working on increasing our exposure to the community. Our change in our monthly meeting location is an important part of this effort. We've also made the important step of adding the option for childcare at these meetings. This will increase the number of people that we can reach and get an audience we've not been able serve before. It is an exciting time for our group as we grow and attract new people to Humanism. ◙ PRESIDENT’S C O R N E R Humanists are getting noticed. I'm not sure if it is the rise of the "nones", or news radio looking to expand their audience; however I was invited to be a guest "expert" on the "Jearlyn Steele" show for WCCO radio on Sunday eve, October 20th. The appearance was part of a series on perspectives on health care. Jearlyn asked about the Humanist point of view on the changes occurring in health care coverage due to the Affordable Care Act. I also happen to work in the health insurance industry so I am fairly well informed about what is going on. I was asked about the Humanist perspective on health care to which I answered that Humanists can be diverse in our approach, but support affordable health care for all, as well as special support for those who have trouble Humanists of Minnesota Officers: President Scott Lohman: (612) 521-4766, [email protected] Vice President Kevin Eich: (651) 484-1531, [email protected] Treasurer Brad Bolin: (612) 600-7352, [email protected] Secretary Juliet Branca: (651) 319-2753, [email protected] Members of the board of directors Suellen Carroll: (651)485-4671, [email protected] Joseph Fieber: (651) 414-9462, [email protected] Dale Handeen: (612) 221-8594, [email protected] Audrey Kingstrom: (952) 924-1039, [email protected] Nancy Ruhland: (651) 646-5512, [email protected] Mark Thoson: (612) 226-9132, [email protected] Community Co-ordinator Audrey Kingstrom Member Support Team Lead Linda Zinter Group Photographer Richard Trombley Historian Paul Heffron Cable Program Staff Scott Lohman, Nathan Curland, Brad Bolin, Grant Lohman Humanists of Minnesota is a nonprofit educational corporation and has been granted a 501(c)(3) tax exemption as an educational, scientific and charitable organization. Donations to Humanists of Minnesota are tax deductible. HofM is a chapter of the American Humanist Association (AHA) and an affiliate of the Alliance of Secular Humanist Societies of the Council for Secular Humanism (CSH). Address inquiries to the Humanists of Minnesota, P.O. Box 582997, Minneapolis, MN 55458-2997. E-mail us at [email protected] or visit our web site: www.humanistsofmn.org 2 Humanist News & Views Announcements DISCUSSION GROUPS ETC. Fall Highway Cleanup! Sundays 10:30 a.m-Noon, Blasphemers’ Brunch, Qcumbers, 7465 France Avenue South, Edina, MN 55435 Sundays 6:00-7:00 p.m & Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m., Atheist/Agnostic Alcoholics Anonymous. Men’s Center, 3249 Hennepin Ave So, Suite #55, Minneapolis. Basement of Men’s Center. Open to all genders. For more info contact: [email protected] 1st Sunday, 9:00 a.m.-noon, Lake Superior Freethinkers monthly meeting. Radisson Hotel Duluth, Viking Room. For information contact Bill van Druten, (218) 724-4176. 1st Sunday, 10:00 a.m., Central Minnesota Freethinkers, St. Cloud Coffee Social. Check their website for details: cmfreethinkers.org or co n t a ct t h em at [email protected] Mondays, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Atheists for Human Rights Happy Hour, Ol’ Mexico Restaurant, 1754 Lexington Ave., Roseville (just north of Larpenteur). Tables on terrace level. Call Paul Craven, (763) 788-8918. 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6:00 p.m., Freethought Toastmasters Club, Larpenteur Estates Party Room, 1276 Larpenteur Ave. W., St. Paul. Contact George Kane, [email protected] or (651) 488-8225. 2nd & 4th Mondays, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Freethought Dinner Social, Davanni’s, 8605 Lyndale Ave So, Bloomington. Call Bob/Marilyn Nienkerk, (612) 866-6200. 1st Tuesday, 11:30 a.m.—1:00p.m., Freethought Lunch, Old Country Buffet, County Road B2 between Fairview and Snelling. Call Bob/Marilyn Nienkerk, (612) 866-6200. 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., Freethought Lunch, Dragon House, 3950 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Heights. Call Bill Volna, (612) 781-1420. 2nd Thursday, evening, Rochester Area Freethinkers (RAFT), Downtown Rochester Public Library, Meeting Room A. Contact Bill Kass, [email protected] or (507) 259-4237. Despite the threat of rain, 9 humanists showed up on the morning of October 5th to remove trash from our section of HWY 35W in Lino Lakes. The rain held off until the task was completed (thank Zeus!) and someone even found $2.25! Great job, guys! (l to r.) Richard Trombley, Scott Lohman, Nancy Somers, Brad Bolin, Juliet Branca, Michelle Losey, Jerry Smith and Jordan Parshall (Not shown and taking the picture: Mark Thoson) OTHER EVENTS Maple Grove Discussion Group 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., Humanists of Minnesota Board of Directors meeting. Open to all members. Contact Scott Lohman at [email protected]. Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. (during school year), Campus Atheists, Skeptics and Humanists (CASH) general meeting. 3rd floor Coffman Memorial Union, 300 Washington Ave. SE, Minneapolis. Contact [email protected]. Saturday, October 5th, 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: “MNSure: The New Health Insurance Exchange,” with Mario Vargas, Outreach Analyst, Minnesota Department of Human Services. Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd, Maple Grove 55311, $5 donation. Register at [email protected] or call Laurie at (763) 420-6350. Check out our Meetup events at http://www.meetup.com/humanism-166 “Humanist Views,” our weekly Cable program, airs at 6:30 p.m. Mondays on MTN Channel 75. 3 Humanist News & Views Save the Date! Come out and see the stars! Sunday evening, December 22nd at the Ramada Plaza Minneapolis, Humanists of Minnesota presents: Winter Solstice Banquet 2013 Celebrate the natural universe and the art of human song with Delicious food, good friends and exciting entertainment Our program for the evening will include music by the renowned vocalist Prudence Johnson, who will perform from her remarkable 10 album repertoire. She will share her amazing talent, fine tuned by 25 years experience from honky-tonks to Carnegie Hall. Her music encompasses lullabies to Gershwin, Hoagy Carmichael to the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay. We’re proud to bring her to you. Also, Sally Brummel, the Planetarium Education and Outreach Coordinator at the Bell Museum of Natural History, will present a visual exploration entitled, “Winter and the Cosmos” including images that will “explore astronomically what the Solstice means in terms of the Earth-Sun relationship, and take a look at Earth's place in the cosmos by traveling virtually to the edge of the known universe.” This presentation promises to thrill all who love the night sky. The evening is also a fundraiser for the Bridge for Youth. Join us as we celebrate the longest night of the year. We’d love to see you there! Pre-registration is required, See attached flyer for more information and to register! 4 Humanist News & Views New HofMn Young Adults Series: Humanists of Minnesota Sponsors Emergency Foodshelf Network Fundraiser “Fostering Sexual Well-Being” Has its Inaugural Meeting by Jill Carlson Fall is the time for the annual Humanists of Minnesota Food Shelf Drive. This year we have again chosen the Emergency Foodshelf Network (EFN) of New Hope as our recipient. It has no religious affiliation and has been serving those in need for over three decades throughout Minnesota. It was formed in 1976 when 12 food shelves banded together to create the Hennepin County Emergency Food Shelves. Last year EFN provided nearly $9.5 million worth of food and services to people and families in need through its network of over 200 food shelves, hot meal programs and community partners. In addition, through its Lost Harvest program, hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh food is rescued that would normally go into landfills. (Visit emergencyfoodshelf.org for more information.) Soon you will receive your donation reminder envelope. Please be generous and let’s beat last year’s $1600 total! (If you don’t receive an envelope you can still donate. Send your check to Humanists of MN, PO Box 582997, Minneapolis, MN 55458-2997. Make a note on your check that this is for EFN network.) Thanks for your support! ◙ On the last Saturday of September, Minnesota Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (MVUUF) hosted its first night for young adults (ages 21-40) to discuss contemporary sexuality issues. A collaboration with Humanists of Minnesota (HofMn), the event attracted about 40 people with a fairly even split of guests from the two participating organizations. The initial session of this monthly year-long series was focused on the topic of polyamory and humanist values. Guest panelists from the non-profit advocacy group, MNPoly, started the talk with an introduction about their family and living arrangements. They defined polyamorous relationships as romantic partnerships that involve more than two people. The guests were clear that polyamorous relationships are different from couples who participate in infidelity because everyone involved agrees to everyone else's involvement in each relationship. Interestingly, much of the discussion did not focus on sexual behavior; rather the conversation was about how to navigate solid relationships and foster good communication. The audience learned that polyamory is not “free love”. The core message was that polyamory is about building relationships, not just about sex. Why is this monthly series only open to only 21-40 year olds? The primary reason these sessions are limited to younger adults is because a grant was obtained from the Unitarian Universalist Association to increase participation of young adults in the Minnesota UU community. The grant pays for childcare and dinner. MVUUF is a church that has about a dozen committed young adults wanting programming. The collaboration with HofMN developed to provide programming for younger adults that would be of interest to both groups and to leverage resources designed to keep attendance viable. What’s on the agenda for future meetings? Topics include “Sexuality throughout the Lifespan (a conversation with older adults)”, Gender Reassignment Surgery” and “Sex Toys with Smitten Kitten”. Thank you for your support. ◙ Upcoming Critical Thinking Club Meetings St. Paul Chapter. Sunday, November 3rd, 10:00 a.m. to noon: “Confessions of a Liberal,” by Kevin Hawkins. Kelly Inn, Hwy. I-94, St. Paul. Breakfast $11, lecture and coffee only $3. RSVP [email protected] West Metro Chapter. Saturday, November 23rd, 10:00 a.m. to noon: “Invisible Children,” by Mike Tikkanen. Ridge Point Apts. Meeting Room, 12800 Marion Lane W., Minnetonka. Stillwater Chapter. Monday, November 11th, 7:00 p.m.: “Ethics for Spies: What Americans Need to Know,” Michael Andregg. Family Means Bldg., 1875 Northwestern Ave, Stillwater. For additional information, visit: www.meetup.com/Critical-Thinking-Club/calendar 5 Humanist News & Views October Chapter Meeting “Broken Justice: Moving Beyond Punishment” Summarized by Nathan Curland On Saturday October 19th, 45 humanists, freethinkers and friends turned out to hear Sarah Walker, founder of the Minnesota Second Chance Coalition (MSCC), talk to us about the issues with our criminal justice system (both nationally and here in Minnesota) and what her organization, and others, are trying to do about it. Ms. Walker started by telling us something about herself, specifically, that she is an atheist and was very pleased to be addressing us. She originally comes from Zambia and is of mixed race (her father was black). These factors plus having direct observation in her childhood of the disproportionate effect our incarceration system was having on minority populations, instilled a belief in her to work toward mitigating suffering. Walker noted that we would all agree that slavery is something to be despised, but if one reviews the historical definition of slavery we find a system which ‘alienates the individual from society; subjects the individual to violence; and, in general, dishonors the individual.’ But the same definition can be used to describe treatment given to our prison population in this country. She saw that this was essentially an invisible problem in our society and, in 2008, decided to do something about it by forming the Second Chance Coalition. During her talk, Walker saturated us with numerous statistics that she had at her fingertips (such as the fact that the US has 8 times the incarceration rate of the average of the rest of the world) which greatly enhanced our appreciation of the problems inherent in the system. She noted that our criminal justice system has become more punitive in the last 30 years despite the decrease in the number of crimes committed (a factor 278x increase in incarcerations since 1982.) Furthermore, the high incarceration rate has a huge impact not just on the individuals incarcerated but on families (more than 2 million children in Minnesota have a parent in prison) and the community (especially African-American communities.) Pictures by Richard Trombley Walker stated that the criminal justice system has become the ‘default’ system for dealing with social issues and that this has led to a large disparity of minorities being in the system. Despite public perception, the vast majority of the prison population is nonviolent. Furthermore, victims of murder are much more likely to be either black-on-black males or females than any other demographic. On a positive tone, she noted that fixing these problems is a bipartisan issue and she has found support from both Democratic and Republican legislators. Besides ‘fairness’, cost is a driving issue: In Minnesota it costs $36K/year to incarcerate an adult; $75K/year for a juvenile. The MSCC has a number of goals: Maximizing the ability for ‘reformed citizens’ to return to society. This is made difficult by the fact that in our current digital age, criminal records follow people for the rest of their lives. Even juvenile records can be used to bar hiring many decades after the youthful mistake was made. Walker noted that an ‘Expungement’ taskforce will be meeting this year to address this issue. Assure that juvenile offenders can become successful adults. For example, currently 16-17 year olds who engage in consensual sex can be charged with a felony and labeled ‘sex offenders’ for the rest of their lives. Limit the adverse impact of the criminal justice system on children and families. Walker ended by listing a number of accomplishments of the MSCC in Minnesota. “Ban the Box” initiatives have removed the question of criminal record (Recap, Continued on page 7) 6 Humanist News & Views CD Review: (ChapterMeeting, Continued from page 1) She is a graduate research assistant at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Her research focuses on the environmental impact of global food production. Her master’s thesis got media attention from NBC News, Scientific American, Science Daily, MPR, and others. It was also chosen as one of Environmental Research Letters’ ‘Research Highlights’. Note: Childcare for our chapter meeting is available from 10am-noon. Please RSVP on our Meetup site. Also, everyone is invited to our community luncheon which will follow the meeting. Watch for details, also on our Meetup site. ◙ ‘Adrift on a Star’ by Dan Barker, FFRF 2012 Reviewed by Paul Heffron This album, Adrift on a Star: Irreverent Songs by Dan Barker and Friends Shelley Segal, Joe Taylor, Susan Hofer, is a major achievement in popular music. Unfortunately, this CD will probably not receive the acclaim it deserves in contemporary music because of its classification: Freethought Music. Dan’s previous CDs (Friendly Neighborhood Atheist and Beware of Dogma (available at ffrf.org) were in a similar vein with many creative and provocative songs by him but with much collaboration with other musicians, vocalists, and composers. The current album is a culmination of that trend, reaching a new height of excellence and an even broader range of freethought musical expression. In this CD of 17 selections, Dan Barker is joined by two bands and jazz singer Susan Hofer. There are recordings by the Australian singer-composerguitarist Shelley Segal, who has been performing at national humanist/atheist conventions, and by Joe Taylor, a former Christian musician. There is a new Broadway quality song by Dan with Charles Strouse, the Broadway composer of Annie and Bye, Bye Birdie. “Adrift on a Star” and “One Sweet Morning” offer lyrics and poetry by Yip Harburg (of “Over the Rainbow” fame) as well as a profound poem, “In a Dark Time”, by Philip Appleman, all set to music and sung by Dan. If I had to single out my top choice, it would be the last number on the CD, “It’s Only Natural,” which comes before the three bonus tracks. Dan took up Richard Dawkins’ challenge to combine science and art, to do a love song using the language of biology and evolution. The result was what I think should be regarded as another great standard of American popular music. I have played and sung this for musician friends and asked if they could identify it. They naturally assumed it was by one of the well known American composers of the standards and wondered how they missed this one. This ballad, with its sophisticated chord structure, melody, and lyric, is the type that jazz pianists and vocalists love to render and improvise on. Susan Hofer and the combo further demonstrate this in their version of the song on a bonus track. Watch for the punch line from Darwin toward the end of the song. It will bring a smile to your face. ◙ (Recap, Continued from page 6) from initial job screening applications. The “Safe Hiring” law protects employers from lawsuits if they hire ex-cons. “Juvenile Records Reform” seals juvenile records for lower level crimes. Here is a list of websites and resources for more information: www.secondchancecoalition.org; www.rightoncrime.com; www.crimeandjustice.org; criminal records info: 612 353-3024 (or go to the Second Chance website.) Following the presentation (and extended Q & A session) about 25 folks stayed for an excellent gourmet lunch, from the Blackbird Restaurant, organized by Mark Thoson. ◙ HUMANIST NEWS & VIEWS Editor, Nathan Curland Editorial Committee - Brad Bolin, Dale Handeen, Mark Thoson Articles, letters, event notices and other writings are welcome. Send to: [email protected] with the word “newsletter” in the subject line, or to P.O. Box 582997, Minneapolis, MN 55458-2997. (E-mail submissions are preferred.) All submissions must include the writer’s full name, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address. All submissions become the property of this newsletter and cannot be returned. Submission deadline is the 22nd of the prior month. Humanist News & Views (ISSN 1054-9633) is published monthly by Humanists of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of this organization or the AHA or CSH. Reproduction of any part of this newsletter is hereby granted, provided the following language accompanies the reproduction: “This article originally appeared in the (month/year) issue of Humanist News & Views, a publication of the Humanists of Minnesota.” Reproduction of any part of this issue for commercial purposes is prohibited. 7 HUMANISTS OF MINNESOTA PO Box 582997 Minneapolis, MN 55458-2997 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Mailing Address Goes Here Time-Sensitive Mail Please Don’t Delay November 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OR RENEWAL Your membership is vital to the growth of Humanism and the Humanist community. Our membership categories are: (For categories at RH and above, married couples or domestic partners will be considered as one membership, if you so indicate. ) ( ) (B) Budget, $25.00 ( ) (RI) Regular Individual, $40.00 ( ) (RH) Regular Household, $60.00 ( ) (S) Sustaining, $100.00 ( ) (P) Patron, $250.00 ( ) (BN) Benefactor, $500.00 ( ) (L) Life Membership, $1000.00 ( ) (T) Trial subscription for 3 months, just ask *Full time students at an accredited institution can receive a complimentary subscription Visit our website at: www.humanistsofmn.org Please check the appropriate box, complete the information and mail with your check to Humanists of Minnesota, P.O. Box 582997, Minneapolis, MN 55458-2997. Name: ___________________________________ For national or international membership write to: Address:_________________________________ American Humanist Association 1777 T Street NW Washington, DC 20009-7125 www.americanhumanist.org Council for Secular Humanism PO Box 664 Amherst, NY 14226 www.secularhumanism.org City/State/Zip:______________________________ Phone number:____________________________ e-mail:___________________________________ (for special announcements, blogs etc. Keeps you in touch!) I would like my newsletter sent via email ( ) (in color!) 8 Second Member at same address (for RH and above): ___________________________________________
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