A Publication for Members of National Kappa Kappa Iota VOLUME XXIII, NO. 3 FALL ISSUE 2010 TEACHERS: “HOW TO” A to Z by Laurie Konrad, National Recording Secretary, Iota State/NE As the new school year begins, educators in all stages of their careers have many things on their minds. For the younger teachers, first starting out, there are the fears that they won't have what it takes. Visions of students running amok and administrators with questioning looks and demands for lesson plans, cloud their thoughts. To help make the first few years more manageable, there are many tips and tricks of the trade, which can be found in books and on websites. A couple of great sites: http:// www.teachingheart.net/newteacher.html and http:// www.sitesforteachers.com/ link other valuable sites for educators within the first three years of their careers. Some useful books are: The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher by Harry Wong, Teaching With Love and Logic by Tim Fay, First Year Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-To-Use Strategies, Tools & Activities for Meeting the Challenges of Each School Day by Julia G. Thompson, and Everything New Teacher Book: Increase Your Confidence, Connect With Your Students, and Deal With the Unexpected by Melissa Kelly. Educators who are beyond those first years and are navigating through the middle years of their careers, have different types of concerns than less experienced teachers. They want to keep their ideas fresh, and fine- tune their skills in the classroom. Some helpful resources for educators striving to become master teachers while dealing with the current “buzzwords” are: http:// www.21stcenturyschools.com, http://www.readingonline.org/ newliteracies/hammer/index.html, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results by Judy Willis, M.D., and “Reading Don't Fix No Chevys” Literacy in the Lives of Young Men by Michael W. Smith and Jeffrey D. Wilhelm. Finally, educators nearing the end of their careers look forward to retirement with anticipation. Ironically, many retired educators end up volunteering their expertise or pursuing second careers. Some suggested resources that may help retired educators balance their lives are www.futureyears.com, www.retirement-cafe.com, Life After Work—Redefining Retirement by Douglas S. Fletcher, Supercharged Retirement: Ditch the Rocking Chair, Trash the Remote, and Do What You Love by Mary Lloyd, and The Joy of Retirement by David C. Borchard. No matter what stage in one's career, there are many great resources available in books and on the internet. Inside this issue: The Kappa Profile is published quarterly by Kappa Kappa Iota National Headquarters. News releases and other information may be submitted for publication consideration to: The Kappa Profile 1875 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 (918)744-0389 or (800)678-0389 Fax: (918)744-0578 Email:[email protected] National President 2 New State Presidents 2 Kappas in the News 3 Scholarship Recipients 4 NEW! Donation Forms 5 Donations Membership Awards 2010-11 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (front row, left to right): Immediate Past President-Linda Hilton, President-Marcelle Bridgeman, 3rd VP-Wanda Huhn. (back row): Recording Sec’y-Laurie Konrad, Parliamentarian-Linda Smith, 2nd VP-Sue Hagan, 1st VP-Christena Poole Not pictured: President-Elect-Jeanne Blain. 6-7 8 The KAPPA PROFILE Page 2 KAPPA’S ROOTS GROW DEEP What a wonderful convention we had in Oklahoma City! All that attended had a great time. It was exciting to stay in such an historic hotel as the Skirvin. The business meetings were productive, the guest speakers were spellbinding, the company congenial, and the food terrific. Jean Adams, Sue Burden, and all the Oklahoma and Kansas Kappas did a marvelous job planning and executing each event. Past National President Charlotte Schneider did an outstanding job writing and planning my installation. My local Kappas, Connie Granade, Janice Morris, Noel Williamson, and Ann Kaduk attended and assisted as did Past National Presidents Ann Baker and Gail Joiner. Gail wrote and framed a beautiful prayer for the occasion. My husband, Jeff and mother, Mrs. Elsie Clark, were on hand to participate in the installation. What really made my installation perfect was the attendance of my former principal, Allen Martin and his Fall 2010 by Marcelle Bridgeman, National President, Lambda State/GA wife Wendy. Only true friends would travel a thousand miles to deliver a speech and then turn around and drive a thousand miles home. A big thank you goes to all of the Georgia Kappas who made the long trip to Oklahoma City to share this special occasion with me. The post tour was excellent! I have had the privilege of going on several post tours but this was the first for my husband, Jeff. He especially had a great time in Kansas. We experienced things found no where else in our great country. We toured a salt mine in Hutchinson, visited President Eisenhower’s boyhood home and presidential library in Abilene, and we visited the Arabia Steamboat Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. The food was delicious but the camaraderie of our travel companions was even better. Please consider next year’s pre and post tours to experience a really educational and enjoyable time. My theme for the coming year is “Kappa’s Roots Grow Deep” and my symbol is the tree. Our roots are deep. We are the oldest organization for educators in the United States. Our roots reach out to 22 different states and thousands of educators. This year our roots will grow deeper through working together, friendship, empathy and membership. My challenge to you this year is to keep our roots growing. Reach out to your fellow educators and offer them membership in Kappa. If each person gained only one new member, our membership would double in just one year. Remember, ² keep Kappa’s roots growing. KAPPA KAPPA IOTA 2010-11 STATE PRESIDENTS Janice Luce Patricia McFarland Diana Spriggs Mary Burris Roberta Simpson Jennifer Otradovec Mary Margaret David Joan Dryden Jodi Linhart Lori Burks Tommye Walker Phyllis Jiji Pat Davis Bonnie Bell Joan Huffman Elaine Singleton Pam Johnson Teri Imhoff Margaret Young Estelle Cunningham Beverly Bosley Shirley Clark Alpha State/OK Beta State/NM Gamma State/KS Delta State/TX Epsilon State/AR Zeta State/MO Eta State/LA Theta State/AL Iota State/NE Lambda state/GA Mu State/MS Nu State/CA Xi State/FL Omicron State/IA Rho State/NC Tau State/WY Upsilon State/SC Phi State/OH Chi State/HI Psi State/TN Alpha Alpha State/KY Alpha Beta State/IN Please visit nationalkappakappaiota.org for an enhanced version of the Profile, forms, merchandise and other membership information! Back to cover page The KAPPA PROFILE Fall 2010 Page 3 K A P PA S I N T H E N E W S HATS OFF! ZETA CHAPTER, XI STATE/FL SPONSORS NEW ALPHA BETA CHAPTER Abby McNutt, Gamma Lambda, Alpha State/OK, writer and Washington Elementary School teacher of Lawton, Oklahoma, contributed a story published in the latest version of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series entitled “Thanks Dad: 101 Stories of Gratitude, Love and Good Times”. Xi State members enthusiastically welcome the new Alpha Beta Chapter to the ranks! Darlene Dawson, Zeta Chapter and 2009 Xi State President, initiated 25 members to the new group. This group of education professionals come from fourteen different schools in St. Lucie County, Florida. As new Kappa Kappa Iota members, they are excited to build a network to support each other in the profession, as well as uniting for philanthropic goals. As a teacher at a Title I school, Abby is interested in writing non-fiction for children who come from divorced homes as she did. Abby’s father put things on hold and worked overtime to put her through college. She says, “My dad sacrificed so I could go to an expensive private university.” When the Chicken Soup opportunity came up, she knew she had the perfect story which she began in 2006. Her patience was rewarded and her story published. Abby’s book can be found in stores and online. Azelia Sims, Gamma Chapter, Psi State/TN has won Chattanooga’s News Channel 9 Teacher of the Year Award! The newly installed Alpha Beta Chapter officers are: President – Colletta Doran, Vice President – Cheri Maxon, Treasurer – Ellyn Bewes and Secretary – Carolyn Wilkins. Darlene Dawson (above left), 2009 Xi State President, welcomes the new Alpha Beta Chapter to Kappa Kappa Iota. Jennifer Avellino, Zeta and Alpha Beta Chapters, Xi State/FL, was promoted to Principal for Lakewood Park Elementary in St. Lucie, Florida. Jennifer promised, that in her role as principal, she will continue to dedicate her energy to improve the quality of instruction for all children in St. Lucie County and to install strong morale, pride and a desire for continued excellence in the faculty and staff at Lakewood Park Elementary. Dr. Sandra Leder, Alpha Rho and Upsilon Chapters, Eta State/LA was promoted to Associate Professor at McNeese University. She believes her Kappa Kappa Iota work and many awards were instrumental in realizing this achievement. Mildred (Wilson) Boyd, Past State President, Iota Chapter, Iota State/NE was immortalized in the Get to Know... column of the Omaha World-Herald for her contributions as an educator and lifelong passion for teaching. She retired from the Omaha Public Schools in 1985 but had already begun teaching part time in the OPS Adult Education Department. At 90, Mildred continues to teach GED classes and administers the “Test of Adult Basic Education” exams twice a week. Back to cover page New member, Rebecca Goodman (left), listens while Arabelle Dawson (right), Zeta Chapter, Xi State/FL, addresses the group at the meeting to form the new Alpha Beta Chapter in Florida. Mary Waller, Beta Theta Chapter, Eta State/LA was awarded the Loretta Doerr Achievement Award at the Eta State 2010 Convention April 24. This award is the highest honor a member of Eta State can receive. Mary has been a dedicated member of Eta State for more than 35 years and always exemplifies the Kappa ideals as she serves her local chapter, Northwest area, and her state organization. The KAPPA PROFILE Page 4 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2010 NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS RECRUITING COLLEGE P R O F E S S O R S By, Sandra J. Leder, Ph.D. Eta State/LA A Win, Win, Win Situation EDUCATIONAL GRANTS Since membership continues to be a concern, Kappas need to explore some areas in the educational field that may provide new members in several ways. Recruiting from college faculty, especially colleges of education, is a good way to become more diverse in membership as well as provide a connection between teacher education, mentoring, and current teachers in the field. $1,000 Joy Wu Xi State/FL $1,000 Kelly Benne Iota State/NE RETIRED EDUCATOR’S GRANT $1,000 Chris Hockert Gamma, Psi State/TN CAMPUS KAPPA SCHOLARSHIP $2,000 Merry Dawn McCabe Mu State/MS MABLE CALDWELL SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 Kathy Wallace Mu State/MS GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 Lexie LeBouf Eta State/LA BOOKS AND BEARS PROJECT FILLS TINY HEARTS AND MINDS Excited describes how the children at Positive Tomorrows felt when they saw nearly 600 books donated at the 2010 National Convention. They eagerly helped teachers replace their old books on the shelves, then each picked out a book to read. Positive Tomorrows provides private, free education for the special needs of Oklahoma City’s homeless children, K-5. The bears were donated to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol for children who experience trauma from wrecks, abuse, separation from family, and other issues. Thank you Kappas, for your contribution to the 2010 Convention project of books and bears. Your acts of kindness will benefit children who are in need of adult attention, love and kindness. Back to cover page Fall 2010 College and university faculty can benefit from Kappa Kappa Iota through the emphasis on professional development. When applying for tenure or promotions faculty include activities in professional organizations. Awards from professional organizations are also part of tenure and promotion applications. Please let teachers in higher education know this and use it as a recruiting tool. It would be beneficial to all of the organization to have articles submitted to The Kappa Profile by these educators. The college faculty would WIN! Consider Campus Kappa Chapters. Who better to start a campus chapter than a faculty member? It is much easier to accomplish this if the sponsor is already on campus. Faculty members get merit points for sponsoring student organizations. These professors would also have ready access to potential members for Campus Kappas who would also WIN! Campus Kappas who graduate make excellent candidates for established chapters or new chapters. Campus Kappas from Louisiana State University at Shreveport have been joining Alpha Chapter in Shreveport and McNeese State University Campus Kappa graduates have continued to join Upsilon Chapter in Lake Charles. Kappas in Alexandria and Houma are working on establishing campus chapters. In this way the local chapters would WIN! Kappa Kappa Iota needs teachers of all ages and in a variety of positions. New teachers of all ages need Kappa! The challenges of teaching are greater today than ever before and one mission of Kappa should be to support teachers. Let’s go and WIN new Kappas! IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR. FILE NOW! DON’T BE LATE! Each state and local chapter, and all councils must file an annual 990-N e-Postcard, via the Internet, with the IRS to maintain your tax-exempt status as a 501 (c) (3) organization. This should be completed by November 15th for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Contact Linda Smith, with any questions: 1-330-633-3118 [email protected] Fall 2010 The KAPPA PROFILE Page 5 Please note: Donations to the Kempe Foundation are now being sent DIRECTLY to Kempe (see new form below) Each and every donation is very important. In order to ensure your donation is properly acknowledged, an official donation form should be completed. Forms are available below, as well as from each State and Local President, and online at: nationalkappakappaiota.org. Check # Check # Back to cover page Page 6 The KAPPA PROFILE Fall 2010 T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G E N E R O U S D O N A T I O N S (04/01/10 – 06/30/10) GENERAL FUND DONATIONS Any Budgeted Area of Need Past Presidents, Alpha State/OK in memory of Jean Evelyn and Imogene Allison Alpha, Zeta State/MO Linda Smith, Phi State/OH in memory of Maxine Combs Mary Lou Hughes, Eta State/LA in honor of Charlotte Schneider and Molly Blanchard Rho, Rho State/NC in honor of Betty Ross Laurie Konrad, Iota State/NE in memory of Jackie Cairns Alpha, Upsilon State/SC in memory of Ruth Thrash Mary Lou Hughes, Eta State/LA in memory of Mark Garrett Hughes and in honor of All LA Kappas Rho State/NC in honor of Betty Ross Wilma Nugen, Gamma State/KS General Headquarters Maintenance Mu, Rho State/NC Blue Mountain Campus Kappas, Mu State/MS in honor of Imogene Hardon Mu State/MS in honor of Eudora Kemp Gail Joiner, Theta State/AL in memory of Edie Bonner, Amie Hubbard, Sylvia Sims Stephanie Kern, Delta State/TX in memory of Mary Beth Reddell Phi State/OH Kay Raab, Gamma State/KS in honor of Linda Hilton Alpha, Zeta State/MO Memorial Garden Nu, Beta State/NM in memory of Rebecca Davison Kappa, Beta State/NM in memory of Rebecca Davison Loueen Morgan, Charlotte Cobb, Alpha State/OK in memory of Helen Gray CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Any Capital Improvement Linda Smith, Phi State/OH in memory of Helen Corbissero Gail Joiner, Theta State/AL in memory of Edie Bonner, Amie Hubbard, and Sylvia Sims Back to cover page Alpha, Epsilon State/AR Gamma, Theta State/AL Gamma State/KS Linda Hilton, Gamma State/KS in honor of 2009-2010 State Presidents “Teddy Bears” Zeta State/MO in honor of Jennifer Otradovec Janice Jones, Rho State/NC in honor of Judy Craig and Psi State Delta State/TX Charlotte Schneider, Martha Higgins & Cheryl Lafargue, Eta State/LA in memory of Phyllis Thomas’ father, Henry Creel Lambda State/GA in memory of Carolyn Clark, Zell Grant, Doris Hardee Eta State/LA Past State Presidents in memory of Ramona Wigley Anne Baker, Eta State/LA in honor of Charlotte Schneider and Wanda Huhn Linda Smith, Phi State/OH in memory of Virginia Burmeister Barbara Garrison, Psi State/TN in memory of Virginia Burmeister “89ers” Past State Presidents in memory of Virginia Burmeister Anonymous cash donations NEC Fund Raiser Estelle Cunningham, Psi State/TN Kappa, Zeta State/MO Beta State/NM Upsilon, Zeta State/MO Phi, Zeta State/MO Xi State/FL Kappa, Iota State/NE Phyllis Thomas, Eta State/LA Christine Hockert, Psi State/TN Nancy Houston, Delta State/TX Helen Peters, Alpha State/OK Lorene Behrends, Iota State/NE Jane Johnson, Alpha Alpha State/KY Louise Read, Alpha State/OK Charlotte Travis, Delta State/TX Beverly Bosley, Alpha Alpha State/KY Jane Newman, Alpha Alpha State/KY Elsie Clark, Lambda State/GA Sherry Read, Alpha State/OK Loretta Vail, Lambda State/ GA Linda Pearce, Eta State/LA Mildred Boyd, Iota State/NE Janis Brown, Omicron State/IA Jean Adams, Alpha State/OK Katherine Pohl Smith, Theta State/AL Barbara Garrison, Psi State/TN Laurie Brown, Xi State/FL Sue Burden, Alpha State/OK Carolyn Dye, Zeta State/MO Lorene Leder, Epsilon State/AR Patricia Sibley, Delta State/TX Laurie Konrad, Iota State/NE Frances Terry, Theta State/AL Janet Ulrich, Zeta State/MO Wanda Huhn, Eta State, LA Marsha Coffee, Delta State/TX Anne Burks, Lambda State/GA Peggy Davis, Beta State/NM Teri Imhoff, Phi State/OH Patricia McFarland, Beta State/NM Bonnie Bell, Omicron State/IA Christena Poole, Omicron State/IA Cathe Kehe, Alpha State/OK Connie Schobert, Omicron State/IA Carolyn Rockwood, Nu State/CA Linda Hilton, Gamma State/KS Linda Smith, Phi State/OH Virginia Smith, Iota State/NE Nancy Johnson, Iota State/NE JoAnn Velemirov, Phi State/OH Janice Luce, Alpha State/OK Upsilon State/SC Sandra Leder, Eta State/LA Margaret Gund, Alpha State/OK Marie Norris, Alpha State/OK Phoebe Tenney, Phi State/OH Alpha Rho, Alpha State/OK Phyllis Jiji, Zeta State/MO Sallie Kilgore, Phi State/OH Anonymous cash donations Current Special Projects Committee Frances Barrier, Rho State/NC in memory of son, Jerry Barrier Tau State/WY Gamma State/KS Upsilon State/SC Iota State/NE Theta State/AL Beta State/NM Rho State/NC Every effort is made to Lambda State/GA correctly list donations. If you feel an error has Alpha State/OK been made, Alpha Beta State/IN contact National Delta State/TX Headquarters at: Eta State/LA 1.800.678.0389, Xi State/FL 918.744.0389 or Epsilon State/AR [email protected] Fall 2010 Mu State/MS Omicron State/IA Zeta State/MO Phi State/OH Nu State/CA Chi State/HI Alpha Alpha State/KY Psi State/TN All who sold and purchased tickets SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONATIONS Undesignated/General Beta, Omicron State/IA in memory of Trudy Kirchner Mu State/MS in honor of Eudora Kemp Phi, Zeta State/MO in memory of Beulah Jones and Margaret Cruts Zeta, Zeta State/MO Mable Caldwell Epsilon, Nu State/CA in memory of Dorothy Schafer Cox 2010 Post Tour Convention Participants Ruth Foster McClain Alpha, Zeta State/MO Jean Terrell Jean Terrell, Gamma State/KS E. Sallie Kilgore, Phi State/OH in memory of Maxine Combs Kay Raab, Gamma State/KS in honor of Linda Hilton Diane Cox, Iota State/NE in honor of Virginia Moomey Lambda, Psi State/TN in memory of Elizabeth Fitch Ida West, Psi State/TN in memory of Betty Fitch Sara Sunderman Campus Kappa Kathy Widick, Delta, Alpha Beta/IN in memory of Sara Sunderman The KAPPA PROFILE Past State Presidents Scholarship Bonnie Bell, Omicron State/IA in memory of Aileen Seabury Beta State/NM in memory of Leona Gordon, Rebecca Davison Patricia S. Fleming, Upsilon State/SC in memory of Ruth Thrash Carolyn Rockwood, Nu State/CA in memory of Dorothy Cox, Betty Nuttall, Sybil Beach Mildred Boyd, Iota State/NE Louise Read, Alpha State/OK Jane Johnson, Alpha Alpha State/KY Ann Jones, Lambda State/GA Laurie Brown, Xi State/FL Sandra Leder, Eta State/LA Jane Otradovec, Zeta State/MO Diana Glaze, Epsilon State/AR Lenora Mahan, Member-at-Large Wanda Huhn, Eta State/LA Charlotte Travis, Delta State/TX Loretta Vail, Lambda State/GA Keren Miller, Alpha State/OK Helen Tate, Alpha State/OK Bonnie Bell, Omicron State/IA Sandra Cross, Upsilon State/SC Linda Smith, Phi State/OH Mary Margaret Kelch, Gamma State/KS Christena Poole, Omicron State/IA Agnes Wright, Delta State/TX Mildred Boyd, Iota State/NE Anne Burks, Lambda State/GA Phyllis Thomas, Eta State/LA Connie Schobert, Omicron State/IA Carolyn Rockwood, Nu State/CA Ellen Patterson, Theta State/AL Frances Terry, Theta State/AL Teri Imhoff, Phi State/OH Laurie Konrad, Iota State/NE 2010 NATIONAL CONVENTION DONATIONS General Fund Memorial Garden Headquarters' Maintenance Any Budgeted Area of Need TOTAL GENERAL FUND $100.00 $255.00 $200.00 $555.00 Capital Improvements Capital Improvements Special Projects Any Capital Improvement National Executive Committee Fundraiser TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $3,514.00 $1,851.00 $3,875.00 $9,240.00 Scholarship Jean Terrell Undesignated Mable Caldwell Past State Presidents TOTAL SCHOLARSHIPS $360.00 $200.00 $575.00 $1,641.00 $2,776.00 TOTAL KAPPA KAPPA IOTA DONATIONS KEMPE FOUNDATION DONATIONS Back to cover page $12,571.00 $135.00 Page 7 Janice Jones, Rho State/ NC Pat Southerland, Delta State/TX Edna Sharp, Delta State/TX Carolyn Dye, Zeta State/MO Sue Burden, Alpha State/OK Genevia Koch, Alpha State/OK Patricia Hopkins, Delta State/TX Patricia Sibley, Delta State/TX Nancy Johnson, Iota State/NE Jo Klingman, Alpha State/OK Jean Adams, Alpha State/OK Linda Pearce, Eta State/LA Stephanie Kern, Delta State/TX Jackie Braun, Xi State/FL Margie Aguayo, Beta State/NM Laura Still, Beta State/NM Anonymous cash donations THE KEMPE CENTER DONATIONS Tau, Theta State/AL Anne Baker, Eta State/LA in memory of Ramona Wigley Delta, Chi State/HI Zeta, Chi State/HI Gamma Beta, Alpha State/OK Alpha Beta, Alpha State/OK Nu, Phi State/OH Iota, Lambda State/GA Beta, Phi State/OH Iota, Upsilon State/SC Alpha, Epsilon State/AR Beta Kappa, Delta State/TX Blue Mountain Campus Kappas, Mu State/MS Xi, Phi State Gamma Mu, Delta State/TX Gamma, Gamma State/KS Beta Pi, Delta State/TX Alpha Beta State/IN Rho, Theta State/AL Alpha Alpha State/KY Nu, Theta State/AL Pi, Rho State/NC Gamma, Omicron State/IA Lambda, Psi State/TN Mu, Rho State/NC Beta Delta, Alpha State/OK Mu, Lambda State/GA Alpha Pi, Eta State/LA Upsilon, Xi State/FL Gamma, Theta State/AL Alpha Rho, Alpha State/OK Elaine Babcock, Theta, Phi State/OH Gamma Mu, Delta State/TX in memory of Marianna Temme Nu, Upsilon State National Kappa Kappa Iota The KAPPA PROFILE Page 8 Fall 2010 V . I . P. 2009-2010 MEMBERSHIP AWARDS: WAY TO GO KAPPAS! V.I.P. WINNERS (left to right) Wanda Huhn (LA) Martha Higgins (LA) Gail Joiner (AL) Margaret Cooley (AL) Laurie Konrad (NE) Linda Hilton (KS) Cheryl Lafargue (LA) Mary Lou Hughes (LA) SPECIAL RECOGNITION SPECIAL RECOGNITION FL Gulf Coast University Campus Kappa New Chapter Organizers Mary Jane Robling (IN/FL) Carol Neary (LA/FL) Back to cover page Mary Jane Robling (IN/FL) Pat Southerland (TX) Connie Schobert (IA) Christena Poole (IA) REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP I KK REGION V MEMBERSHIP TROPHY WINNERS Martha Higgins (LA) Diane Carter (MS) Jennifer Otradovec (MO) Jane Otradovec (MO) Janice Luce (OK) Sue Hagan (SC) not pictured: JoAnn Collett (OK) Joan E. Dryden (AL) Dr. Sandra Leder (LA) INCENTIVE INCENTIVE WINNERS (left to right) Gail Joiner (AL) Winifred Shahan (OH) Mary Jane Robling (IN/FL) Carol Neary (LA/FL) not pictured: Elaine Babcock (OH) Sue Bell (OH) Dr. Sandra Leder (LA) Michelle McAffrey (OK)
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