journal and Republican R A VAN NAMEE, local Editor. Mia ••• Mt WfeMii of LowvWe, OCTOBER HOME RELIEF SUPERVISORS MET TESTERMY IN ANNUAL SESSION TOTALED $6,058.29 BIG AIDTOFARMERS Fmrrn Credit Group Shows Urge Increase in Loan* This Year. HOW TO CHANGE RULE OF COUNTY Costs In Lewis County *900 Above Harold D. MaroeUus, Chairman, and September Total—Expenditures M. W. Van Amber, Lowville, During the first nine months of Miss Maxine Barnes is in Syracuse by Towns Given. Clerk. this year the Canton Production Before County Can Fatahllsh Mew taking a course In beauty culture. Mrs. M. W. Van Amber and daugh- Credit Association loaned twlc* as Form, It Musi Be Favored By MaHome relief expenditures in Lewis The Lewis county Board of Supermuch money and enrolled . twice as jority of All Voters In County and county for October totaled $6,068.29, visors met Tuesday'as a board of can- ter a r e spending some time with rela- many farmer-members as during the an increase of $900 over September. vassers, to canvass the votes polled tives in Albany. Get Separate Majorities In City and Miss Mary Rebres attended, the same period of 1934. Whereas 183 The Increase was largely due to In- at the recent election, farmers received loans of $107,000 Outside City. wedding of her brother, Michael, Satcreased demands for fuel and clothThe. Board of Supervisors stands a urday morning a t Oneida. during the first three quarters of last ing. tie politically, nine Republicans and Overwhelming approval by the votMr. and Mrs. George Cornish, of year, this year in the same length of Expenditures by towns were: nine Democrats, and went Into annual time, 366 farmers joined the credit ers of the state on election day of conMeririan, spent the week-end with Mr. Croghan, $180.68; Denmark. $427.19; session yesterday. co-operative to borrow some $255,000. titutlonal amendment * No.l, known pationt in the Lewis County and Mrs. Arthur Robinson. Diana, $1,508.03; Grelg, $198.67; Harr n'-nl Hospital, the county home rule amendment Although the association can lend Members of the Board Miss Angeline Lorenzini and Louis rlsburg, $94; Hlghmarket, nothing; ruvm Christiansen, Bostwick street. to its members for practically any r Fearon amendment, will have n o Meda are spending several days with Croghan—Edward Grunert, D-.;Lewis, $78.89; Leyden, $602.70; Lowcovering from a * operation for friends and relatives in Stanford, purpose, nearly half of t h e advances ffect until the state legislature enDenmark—Walter W. Bchloop, R. ville, $832.68; Lyonsdale, $366.04; Mar" re 4 at the county hospital. were t o pay up and renance current icts a law setting up a number of Conn., and New York. 1 Diana—Charles Mayhew, R. ti nsburg, $434.26; Montague, nothing; Ladies Aid . Society of St. short-term debts, most of which were tptional forms of county' government Mr. and Mrs. C. A. O'Hara, of Inlet, Greig—Frank J. Barnes, D. New Bremen, $180.80; Osceola, noth-, ,r-« church has voted $15 to the for COWB or farm equipment. In ad- o take the place of the old supervisor Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hatten, of EdHarrisburg—William J. Smith, R. ing; Plnckncy, $107.73; Turin, $50; •Listed Welfare League of Lowdition nearly a third of t h e advances form now in force in Jefferson, St. wards, have been recent guests of Hlghmarket—Norvle H. Higby, R. Watson, $242.50; West Turin, $475.08; vile for t h e L e a 8 u e ' 3 Christmas rewere for outright purchases of cows. Lawrence, Lewis and moat of the otJohn O'Hara and family. Lewis—Eugene Ammon, D. county caseis, $284.29. Next was cash crops and market her counties of the state. ff work _ , Mr. and Mrs. Fay L. Parker and Leyden—Otis Munn, R. Seventy-five per cent of this amount When this law is enacted a county " Bastian'5. Silver Slipper Orchestra daughter J a n e t and Mr. and Mrs. gardening, repairs to farm buildings Lowville—Ernest J. Wolfe, R. is reimbursable by TERA and in adand purchases of new equipment. will have opportunity a t a referen• Watertown has been engaged for Grange Sunday Frederick Parker returned Tuesday Lyonsdale—Ralph E. Fruln, R. dition a total of $974.82 was expended *h annuil Lowvitte firemen's dance Martinsburg—Maynard W. Foote, D. from a five days motor trip to New Potato loans amounted to less than um, held a t a general election, to deLowville Grange, P. of H., has been for Items not relmbursible. ermine whether it wants to discard 1%. ,7 be held Nov. 28- at the Academy invited to attend church on Grange York. Montague—Clarence L. Carter, R. x The expenditures were for the care Organized over a year and a half he supervisor form, The voters in t h e Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes, of Arden, New Bremen—LaMont W. Monnat, D. Sunday, November 17th, at West Marof 380, of which 112 cases received hundred and ten couples atOntario, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Barker, ago as a credit co-operative to make eferendum. will express their desires Osceola—James H, Barker, D . ' One tlnsburg Methodist church; services both home relief and work relief. The , natu the annual charity ball, spon- at 11:15. All Grangers invited. of Clayton, were week-end guests of short-term loans exclusively to far- >n some one of the new forms of govPlnckney—Henry Baker, D. 380 cases comprised 1,488 individuals. nrfd bv Lowville Post 162, American Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moren, at their mers, the Canton Production Credit >rnmet made available to them by Turin—George F. Hart, R. In addition to the relief given, 19 famAssociation serves St, Lawrence, Jef- he state law. >pion. at ^ e i. O. O. F . rooms cottage on the River.road. Watson—Harold D. Marcellus, D. Johnson Home for Children ilies had sons in OCC camps and 12 ferson, Lewie, Franklin, Clinton and Similar to City Law. UondaY night Mies Louise Wlndecker and Miss West Turin—Nelson G. Hayes, D. The November meeting of the board families had reclpents of old age reEssex counties. I t operates under a v G.rold Dnnnelly, probation offiCora Morris returned Monday to the It is expected those forms will be lief residing with them. of directors of the Johnson Home for Standing Committees home of William S. Windecker, from national charter and obtains its funds ilmilar In structure to the several of I ?wi8? county and a member Forty-two new cases were opened, children, Inc., will be held at the PubThese, standing committees were their camp on Seventh Lake, where by discounting its members' notes forms J',j,' e K of C. of Lowville, addressed He Library on Monday, November 18, 15 causes closed, and 46 old cases reof government which have been named: Footing artd verifying as- they have- been spending Beveral with the Intermediate Credit Bank, available to cities of the state under \,,vtmir of the Holy Name Society at 2:45 p. m. Will each member please opened during the month. sessment rolls, Barnes, Barker, CarSpringfield, Mass. months. £ Monday night. the optional city government act of 20 make a special effort to be present? ter, Foote, Hayes, Hart, Mayhew, According t o Albert W. Hull, assocl- ears ago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goldthrlte will nun.s of 36 trial jurors and 24 Monnat, Munn, Schloop, Wolfe; counleave Friday evening for Syracuse tion secretary at-Canton, the increase uto;^ will be drawn at the Before a county may establish one Pledged to Fraternity ty buildings, Mayhew, Carter, Foote; and Little York, to visit Mrs. F r a n k from 183 to 366 loans from last year oiork's office next Saturday to accounts of sheriff, district attorney Wolcott, sister of Mrs. Goldthrlte. to this Is due to t h e plan on which, of the new forms of government it Bernard J. Rohr, son of Mr. and .> a term of Supreme Cout to Will Present Concert Program at and county clerk, Ammon, Grunert, must be favored by a majority of t h e Mrs. Theodore Rohr, Shady avenue, a Mrs. Wolcott will return with them the association advances its funds. total votes cast on It in the county. If '; ho re beginning Dec. 2. Academy Auditorium for Benefit Munn; accounts of commissioner of on Sunday. freshman at Rider College, has been Loans to grow crops, for instance, do of Associated Welfare League. Mrs Luther B Asklns has been there Is a city in the county having public welfare, Higby, Schloop, Monpledged to the professional fraternity Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sanford, of not come due until the crops are sold, more than 25 per cent of the county's : pom ,.;] chairman of the American of Delta Sigma Pi. This chaped is nat.1 although they must be repaid them. White Plains, spent the week-end oss Unve in the town of LowThe Lowville Civic Club is arrangpopulation, as shown by the figuces Miscellaneous accounts, Foote, one of 54 national chapters. ing a concert program to be present- Hayes, Smith; accounts of justices with Mrs. Sanford's mother Mrs. Mary Loans to buy cows or for equipment f the last federal census, there must ,'-,,, " T!^ drive for new members or major Improvements, may run as ed at the Academy auditorium early and constables, Smith, Munn, Baker; Garhseyr and attended the Clarkson vVl b<- nuule between now and >e a favoring vote of the majority of Breaks^ Collar Bone in December for the benefit of the treasurer's accounts, Baker, Ammon, St. Lawrence football game at Can- long as three years. "-;;»r.k?i:iving day. the voters of that city who cast their Plans are already being made for ton, Saturday. Richard, 6-year old son of Mr. and Associated Welfare League. The r.l'art daughter of Merton and ballots on the question, and in adHart; accounts of coroners, Carter, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara and son, the association's annual meeting at dition there muBt b^e a favoring vote Harold de LaPorte, Croghan, The league will also benefit from Higby, Hayes; accounts for printing, ir,r aret. Moren Jinks, of Rochester, Mrs. the close of the year, when directors Charles; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hatten, ba;-tis;> on S u n d a y b y R e v . W a l - suffered a fractured collar bone Mon- the annual Christmas party of the f the majority of the voters in the • •r I.eonold Rennet rector of Trinity day evening, when he slipped from a j club to be held December 4 at the Hayes, Grunert, Smith; highways and of Edwards, N. Y., formerly of will be elected for t h e coming sea- :ounty outside the city who ballot on bridges, Monnat, Mayhew, Barker. son. Massena, have returned from a motor r-.^o.;,; clinch. Mrs. Jinks was chair and fell to the floor. home of l5r. and Mrs. Dwight H. :he question. Grand jurors, Schloop, Carter, Bar- trip in Canada. While away they t pt;>o«i and married in the same Dr. D. J. O'Connor was called and Porter, when each member will doIn Jefferson county the city of nes; apportionment of county tax, visited Mr and Mrs. Eugene Sullivan gave first aid. The child was taken | note money or clothing. . -.iircfc Watertown has mbre than 33 per cent Grunert, Munn, Fruin; apportionment Th- following are .among those who to Lewis County Genjeral Hospital, At the regular semi-monthly meet- of state tax, Munn, Wolfe, Barnes; a t Massena, and the Hatten cottage of the population, but if the majority vmrd I he week-end excursion to New Lowville, Tuesday for X-rays. ing of the club, held at the home of corporation taxation, Monnat, Barker, on the St. Lawrence river. ote in Watertown should favor one York city: Mvs. William F. O'Hare, Mrs. Raymond S. Richardson, the Munn; examining books and records, of the new forms when it was put u p Regular Monthly Clinic y <Se? Martha Milligan, Katherlne program was in charge of Mrs. P. G. Fruin, Smith, Foote; county budget, Lowville Grange Leads With 54ft at a referendum, and the majority in y aha as. Holen Jewett, Marjbrie The regular monthly clinic conduct- Williams and included a talk on In- Grunert, Hart, Monnat; apportionMembers — Turin R a n k s Second the rest of the county should be Frown Ev.lyn' Stead, Dolores Mur- ed by the St. Lawrence State Hospital dians and their craft. Mrs. Williams ment of dog tax, Barnes, Barker, With 319 and Copenhagen Third against, a new county government Will be Exemplified at Club Rooms jr.y and Harriett Scholz. plan could not be set up there, will be held in Watertown on Tues- was assisted by Mrs. J. Yale Moore. Foote. With 257. of Watertown Council Sunday Orer. Fenton, \Vho has been guiding day, November 19th, from 9 a. m. to Mrs. H. J. Richardson, accompanied Some Officers Unchanged. Accounts of supervisors, Fruin, ?:r deer hunters in the vicinity of 3:30 p. no., at the House of the Good at the piano by Mrs. H. R. Steele, Hart, Ammon; erroneous tax, Wolfe, That Lewis county granges have a Evenlng, November 17. Regardless of which new form Number Four, was brought out to the Samaritan. The clinic will be con- sang "The Land of the Sky Blue Carter, Hayes; expenses of ' county combined membership of 3,369 and might be adopted county clerks, she'•ome of his daughter, Mrs. Henry ducted by Dr/ Paul C. Lybyer, first Waters." Mrs. R. S. Richardson officers/ Barker, Mayh&w; accounts The third degree of the Order of they have made a gain of 47 during riffs and district attorneys will conFk-haab. East State street, in the assistant physician, and Clara E. Ells- played a number of selections from for lunacy 'examinations, Ammon, the Knights of Columbus will be ex- the year is shown by the annual re- ihue to be nominated in primaries Virkler ambulance Friday afternoon, worth, R. N., Psychiatric social Indian music. Foote, Higby; supplies for county emplified at the club rooms of Wa- port of Deputy Master Edward F. and elected for three-year terms, as : with an intestinal ailment. A report of the mid-year meeting buildings, Wolfe, Higby,* Fruin; ac- tertown Council on Sunday evening, Linstruth. The county has 21 granges they are at the present time. worker. with an average membership of 160. of the Northern New York Federa- counts Other officers may be appointed, or for law books, Barker, November 17, at 8 o'clock. Current Topics Club Lowville, one of the leading granges nominated and elected, accordingly as tion.held in Watertown was given by A class of 75 candidates from the Schloop, Smith. Vote on Amendments Mrs. L. P. M. Gaylord, president of The Current Topics Club will meet Councils In the 51st district will par- of the state, not only in membership he state statute defining the strucLewis county voted in favor of the ticipate. Councils In the'district are: but in the high rank of its work, has ure of the new forms may provide. i the home of Mrs. Arthur MacKen- $55,000,000 bond issue for unemploy- the club. Leray de Chaumont, Rosiere; Car- 545 enrolled. .• Turin comes second, If appointed the appointive power ment relief by a majority of 153, tabuthage, Carthage; Thousand Island, with a membership of 319, Copen- would rest with the county governingjrogxaru will be in charge of Mrs. lation of returns as made to the LQWVILLE F R E E LIBRARY List of Lewis County Pupils Who Clayton; Watertown, Watertown; C. hagen third with 257 and Denmark body or manager as the state a c t ~ Bvron P.o-.ven. board of election showed. J. McMorrow, Lowville; St. Stephen's, following close with 251. There are would specify. Won Pomona Grange Prizes Book Week, November 18 to 23, proT h e vote on propositions and Croghan. Arrangements are being four granges In t h e 200-300 class, in Lowville. Once a new form is .set up t h e SI.Six) for Building Fund amendments: Proposition 1, yes, mises to be a happy time for children Denmark, Riverbank state act would provide for the transmade to accommodate over 500 mem- Copenhagen, totnI of more than. $1,800 was 3,208; no, 3,055; Amendment 1, yes, in. the Library. There will bevexhlbits and Leyden, the two latter having fer of powers and duties of present ofAt the fall meeting of the Lewis bers who will attend. eive-J d.irinK the year in the "build- 2,782; no, 2,989; Amendment 2, yes, of books, new and old, each afternoon, 222 and 207 members respectively. ficers and departments to officers County Masters' and Lecturers' conferThe degree will be conferred by and members of the Current Topics : fi:ml" *T.\v-lopes. from members of 2,530.- no, 2,602._ amendment 3, yes, In the 100-200 group a r e : Glendale, and departments' established by the Club have kindly consented to be ence, held in Lowville Grange hall, Past District Deputy T. Edward Mc?!>\or'< p:irish. Lowville, according 2,602; no, 2,856. Other district 169 members; Barnes Corners, 144; new form. Certain offices and departpresent to show the books to the there were representatives from ten Dermott, of Utica. the I<?;><>: t issued Sunday by the children^ and to read stories from of the granges in the county, and two deputies expected to attend a r e : D. West Leyden and Osceola, 143 each; ments would likely be abolished and s'ioi. Monsijjnor Murray. Sheffield Milk Prices of the Juvenile granges. There were" F. Champagne, L. A. Conto, A. N. Adirondack, 142; Gardner's Corners, their powers and duties taken over them. Beaver Falls, 109; Harrisburg, by officers and departments under The net cash price to be paid the 19 participants in the annual prize- Tebo, M. T. Paquette, T. J. Enright, 112; The slogan for Book Week this Lou vill<\ Home Bureau Food Lesson members of the Shre (field Producers the new set up. year is "Reading for fun." With this speaking contest for grade children F.. M. Duggah and A. M. Phillips. 100. Food :n relation to health is the Cooperative Association, Inc., for in mind, books of all kinds have been sponsored by the county service and Twenty Grand Knights of neighborGranges having less than 100 memThe amendment makes it possible iopic of ;ht- second fodd lesson to be. grade B milk, testing 3.5% butterfat selected to suit all tastes>and all ages. hospitality committee. Pomona grange ing councils are also expected. "bers are: Kirschnerville, 95; Belfort, for the governing bodies of any two tiven the Lowville Home Bureau In the 201-210 mile zone, Is $1.78 per Among the new books are stories gave money prizes .for first, second • Foliowing_ the degree a buffet 85; P o r t Leyden, 75; Petrie's Corners, or more counties to provide by agreeUonday night, November 18, ln s t h e hundred pounds for milk delivered of our own and other lands; everyday and third prizes in four classes. The luncheon will be served in the club 74; Greig, 64; Erie, 56 and New Bre- ment for the discharge of one or more Academv kitchen by Miss Rhilda during t h e month of October, subject stories and stories of adventure; real following were winners: rooms. men, 55. rovernmental functions within t h e Deputy Linstruth began his work territorial limits of such agreeing 1 Girls in 1 to 5 grades: Marjorie J. All members are urged to to the established freight grade and i happenings and fairy happenings; and as deputy master in 1929 and during counties. butterfat differentials. This is 16% | s o m e delightful picture books for the Grubel, Leyden, first; Marie S. BurMRS. ANNA M. OASSNEB •tend. The amendment does not impair or his Jong service he h a s built up dick, Greig, second; Dorothy M. Bockcents per hundred pounds above the children's reading- table. W. C. T. U. price for September, 1935. I t is the Best of all, because of its everyday enhelm, Kirschnerville, third. Boys Born In West Leyden September 29, grange condition in this county to a restrict the existing: power of the state very satisfactory position, making an legislature to enact laws relating to a Richard Zecher, The retular social and business highest price for October milk since: helpfulness, Is our new Brittanica in same grades: 1879; Died in Utica, November Increase in membership during the county, its cities, towns, villages or first; Hugh Patterson, Junior. With its blue and silver cov- Denmark, r-.eetin.? of the W. C. T. U. will be 1931. 9, 1935. other units until one of the new forms past three years of 154. ers, fine paper, good pictures, handy Greig, second. Girls in grades 6 to 8: •eld Morv.lay evening. Nov." 18th, at Deputy Linstruth h a s declined to is established. Index, and the best material attrac- Winifred Camp, Denmark, first; Rose Girls Basket Ball Teams the hnn? m" Mrs. Eugene McOmber, Mrs. Anna M. Gassner, 56, widow After that, however,, the state legis- ' Dayan s-jv^t_Ho3tesses Mrs. Charles Girls basket ball practice has start- tively and simply presented for young Bauer, Greig, second; ~MaroIyn Terry, of Urban Gassner, died unexpectedly serve longer and will be succeeded by RittL?. chtirnian; Mrs. 'E. M. Sheldon, ed with 40 high school girls report- students, this set fills mosfTsatlsfactor- Lowville, third. Boys in same grades: Saturday, November 9, a t her home, Past Pomona Master John Peterson, lature may not enact any special laws L'rs J C Otis. Ml33 Florence John- ing. There are only four members lly a long-empty place in our childrens Claude Bockenheim, Kirschnerville, 1553 Lincoln avenue, Utica, Death who has been recommended for ap- for a county or Its governmental units first; Milton Mattls, Denmark, secpointment by the Lewis County but may enact general laws applicable •on Plf\i.'C- notice change In date. of last year's championship squad re- I reference-room. was due to natural causes. to all counties in the state. The only Pomona Grange. Except for reference volumes and ond; Donald 'Xerry, Lowville, third. turning this season. The veterans are Anna Fey Gassner was the daughexception made is that when an emerThe contest was an unusually good table-books, these new books will go Dorothy Gordon, Betty Steele, Altsie With Bird Shot gency exists. Then on special message one, and Lewis county Pomona ter of the late Peter G. and Anna SCHWENDY—SNYDER into circulation on Saturday, NovemRaymond Campany, son of Mr. and Fairchlld and Genevieve McCarthy, of the governor and a two-thirds vote . grange is doing a very commendable Miller Fey and was born in West Leyden, September 29, 1879. Her Francis B. Schwendy a n d Miss I r e n e of each house of the state legislature Urs. Francis Campany, was shot by but remaining from last year's subs ber 23rd. work In sponsoring these contests. girlhood woe spent In Port Leyden t. fellow hunt<,r in the left a r m and are Ethel Boshart, Joan Marie Lynch, necessary legislation to meet t h e Snyder Married Tuesday' Still Confined to His Bed and she went to Utica a t the age of MI the left side of his chest while Mary O'Conner, Frances Ross, Grace needs of the situation may be enacted. -' Morning. Edwin Guepe, who was accidentally Attends National Convention Tanner, Esther Whitehead and Leona 14, and had since resided there. She bird hunting Sunday afternoon in the The amendment makes a special shot by a hunting companion at the De Witt C. LeFevre, Beaver Falls, was married to Mr. Gassner Septemvicinity of the Flat Rock road. He Wood. Miss Peggy Smith, senior, is beginning of the partridge season, is provision of counties within the city Francis B. Schwendy, Croghan, and Lewis county governor of the New ber 6, 1911. He died five years ago. vas broupht to the Lewis County manager with Catherine Owens, 3d, still confined to his bed at his home York State Association of Young Re- She was a member of S t Joseph's Miss Irene Snyder, Naumburg, were of New York. 'General Hospital, where the shots assistant manager. married Tuesday morning in the recin Elm street The shot entered the publican Clubs, attended the national •were removed by Dr. E. O. Boggs and DEMICK—SURACE tory of St. Stephen's church, Croghan left leg just below the knee and felnce convention of young Republicans a t Dr Porter, and he was re- Rev. a n d Mrs. Profio Give Luncheon that time a blood clot has formed Des Molnes, la., Saturday, Sunday the Original Ladies Nest of Owls, Father Martin O'Kane officiated. ; Rev. Mr. and His. B. D. Proflo en- both above the knee and below where and Monday. The other thr^e repre- 1080. x.ovecl to his home on Rural avenue. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Miss Vivian T. Surace, Carthage, Mrs. Gassner leaves two daughters, tertained a t a buffet luncheon a t the the shot entered the leg. F r a n k Snyder, was attended by Bride of Ralph Dlmick, sentatives were State President Wal- Agnes M. and Catherine C. Gassner, Mrs. Baptist parsonage Wednesday the Education Week ter J. Mahoney, Buffalo; Paul Lock- and one son, Rubert J. Gassner, all of Miss Mary Schwendy, sister of the Castorland. The American Legion Auxiliary, the ministers and their wives, also sevNeedle—Murphy wood, New York, and Miss Helen Utica; one sister, Mrs. Terrence bridegroom. Arthur Hamblin, Loweral laymen of the Baptist Monthly ville, was best man. Civic and Current Topics Clubs sponMiss Evelyn Murphy, daughter of Goeckler, Westchester county. George In a quiet ceremony performed in -ored a program at the Academy Fellowship of Jefferson county. Guesta Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murphy, Pots- H. Slbley, New York, past state O'Neil, Georgetown, N. Y.; one brothThe bride was attired in blue silk St. James' Catholic church, Carthage, er, Louis C. Fey, West Leyden, and with matching accessories and the at high noon Sunday, Miss Vivian T. auditorium Wednesday night In ob- present1 were: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. dam, and Joseph Needle, Jr., son of president, also attended the conven- several nephews and nieces. bridesmaid wore- brown silk and Surace, daughter of Antonio Surace, w/ance of Educational week. Dr. George Upham and guest, of Phila- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Needle, Ogdens- tion. matching^accessorles. Breakfaal^was of 97 State street, became the bride James S. Thomas, president of Clark- delphia; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. burg, were marrfed Saturday a t the l on College*. Potsdam, was the guest Gri8wold and Mrs. August Kreuger, Lowville Presbyterian manse by the Johnson Home For Children, Inc., PERMITS O F DRIVERS REVOKED served In the home of the bride- of Ralph Dimick, of Castorland, son The high school orchestra Castorland; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Rev. O. T. Anderson, N The members of the finance com- Four Drivers Charged With Driving groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solo- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Charles mon Schwendy, Croghan. They were attended by Mr. and mittee of the Johnson Home wish to Dimick. Rev. Patrick M. O'Shea, a s j-layd Car While Intoxicated. This propram followed the first Williams, Clayton; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. After a trip to Massachusetts, the sistant pastor of t h e church, conWilliam Wilson, this village, express publicly their appreciation of couple will reside in Croghan. Mr. ducted the service, which was witParent-Teachers' night observance of Ivan Cash and family, Adams Center; iincle and aunt of the bridegroom. the flnanceal help received from the During the two weeks ended OctoRev, Charlea Stanford, Belleville; They will reside in Potsdam. friends of the home in the village of ber 26, the state motor vehicle bu- Schwendy is employed in Beaver nessed only by members of the two "he vear. Rev. Lorimer W. Grippen, Carthage; families and close friends. Lowville, and from the other villages reau reports that in t h e Utica dis- Falls. Rev. Fred Robert Tiffany, WaterKnights of ColumbusLegion Charity Ball in the county in the last year. Mrs. Jane Delessio, of Carthage, a trict, of which Lewis and nearby town. P. S. C. E X C E E D E D P O W E R 3ister of the bride, attended Miss About a year ago the finance com- counties are a part, there were 24 The American Legion Charity ball Members of Lowville Council, K. of Albany. — The Appellate Division Surace as matron of honor. Malcolm on Armistice night was such a success mittee inaugurated a compaign to revocations and 21 suspensions of 0., attended trie exemplification of the Official Referee that the Lowville Post is planning an- raise funds to pay the bills, some of certificates of automobile registration of t h e Supreme Court ruled Wednes- Hlrschey, of Castorland, a friend of second degree at Watertown, Tuesday The Watertown Times says: 'For other dance in the near future. Near- long standing incurred by the home. and licenses to drive, due to various day that municipally owned electric the bridegroom, served as best man. Jiijrht. and will attend the third deIn the afternoon the members of vre? :n that city, November 17. About some time there has been a persistent ly 200 couples enjoyed the music of The committee raised in Lowville infractions of the motor vehicle laws. power plants are entitled to a "fair profit" and may use the bridal party and a few friends -00 ni'-mhers from councils of the 51st report in legal circles that Justice Ted Grave's orchestra. The permanent $330.30. Included In the list of motorists who and"~reasonable their profits' to reduce munlclpa The members of the advisory com- were penalized during this period for drove to Watertown, where a sevendistrict were guests of the Lowville Frank J. Cregg, Syracuse, Democrat, wave donated every year by Mrs. H. taxes. home law violations were: course dinner was served at the hotel Council Wednesday evening, when the would be assigned by the governor M. Donahoe, was won by Mrs. A. J. mittee in their respective The court in its ruling held that the Srst drKree was conferred under the to replace Justice Men-ell in the first Bradly, of Ilion. The turkey raffle was towns in the county raised $181.90, Revocations: Charged with driving Public Service Commission had ex- Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Dimick left on a short direction of Grand Knight James M. department, appellate division, which won by Assemblyman Fred A. Young. making a grand total of $512.20. The a c a r while intoxicated, Albert BirchD. E. Griffith, D. D. Klngsbury, Clar- committee is happy to announce that enough, Gouverneur; Alfred Weiler, ceeded its power in ordering a rate wedding trip, and upon their r e t u r n O'Connor. District Deputy A. M sits In New York. reduction for the municipally owned the bills will all be paid by the end of "It Is the belief of Jefferson county ence Young and Levl P . M. Gaylord. Phillips, Watertown, was guest of Constableville; Merl Crisman. South village of Boonville electric power will make their home in Castorland, where Mr. Dimick conducts a meat lawyers that Justice Merrell will be had charge of the arrangements for this month. Rutland; Charles Bumham, Philadel- plant. We hope that the Home will be able phia. market. Mr. Dimick graduated from made an official referee at a salary the dance. T h e decision upheld an earlier one Lowville Academy with t h e class of to run on its Income in the future, unof $10,000 a year, and will thereby be I O. O. F. Quoits Team by Supreme Court Justice Gilbert V. '29. less a serious emergency arises. Armistice Day Dinner League Fays $1.52 The quoits team from the Lowville able to ease the burden of equity Schenck that profits from a municipal Over 150. people attended the 4th an- Donations of vegetables, canned n cases now piled on thei shoulders of New York. — The palrymen's power plant may be used for tax re3d Fellows lodge won from the goods, fruit etc., a r e always greatnual Armistice day dinner, given by Open Bids Today League Co-operative Association, Inc., duction purposes. Evans Mills lodge team on the local the active justices. Justice Schenck fully received by the home. "Since the death of Judge William the American Legion Auxiliary to the Today the board of education eafMonday announced its members will «ourt at Indoor quoits 'Wednesday held that since taxpayers raised th The finance Committee: Mrs. Berex-service men and women of Lewis I h t This was the 15th contest the M. Ross,' Syracuse, the fifth Judlolal county. Mrs. O. O. Smith Unit presi- nard Babel, Mrs. Gilbert E . . Black- receive a basic net pool return of money to build t h e plant and were pects to let the contract for t h e team has won out of 20 pitched district has been without an official dent, welcomed the guest and short mon, Mrs. George-B. Morse, Mrs. Os- $1.52 per 100 pounds for 3.5 milk de- liable for any loss resulting from its school Improvement project Sealed bids will be opened today In Principal refereet. At one time the district had livered during October. Ttye basic *y them this year. speeches were given by officers of car G. Smith, Misa Jessie A. Beach, price, which applies a t the 201-210 operation, they were likewise entitled Davis' office at the Academy. The local team is a membec of the several official referees." to any profits. both the Lowville Post and the Coun- Chairman. mile zone, includes a deduction of Odd Fellows quoit league of the JefThe Appellate Court ruling annulled ty organization. Rev. B. D. Profio Snyder's One Cent Sale Born seven cents per 100 pounds for certi- the P. S. C. rate reduction order and ferson-Lewis district. The team is Free Program at Moose Hall gave the invocation. The guest of F C Snyder's one cent sale opened born at the Lewis ficates of indebtedness. composed of Frank and Louis Baucus, A son was A sound picture program, consistdirected that the m a t t e r be remitted honor, Lewis county's Gold Star Milk containing 3.5 per cent of to the commission. Justice Schenck County General Hospital, last ThursHerbert Goodrich, William Denning yesterday and closes next Saturday. Mother, Mrs. Mary Cook, was present- ing of "Tomorrow's Citijen," "The James O. Evans, Harold Lewis and It Is an exceptional opportunity to ed with a corsage of roses by Mrs. Greatest Crime," and a comedy reel, butter fat Is known as 3.5 milk. had previously enjoined the commis- day to Mr. and Mrs. Noel Pommerv obtain two articles for the price of Aden Allen. will be presented at Moose hall, Frision from enforcing the lower rate vllle, Glenfleld. Smith. Stewart Harris, county comone, plus one cent To Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Zehr, of West Lowville Home Bureau order pending a review of the case. mander, and Mrs. R. S. Richardson, day evening, Nov. 22, at 8 o'clock. All Moose members and their friends The West Lowville Home Bureau An appeal from Justice Schenck' Croghan, November 7, at Idle Ease, a of Iwahffilla Banquet directed the musical program. Dinner C. I* Carter Thanks Voters daughter Muriel Louise; weight 7 % The annual banquet of S t Ann's was served by the daughters of the are urged to be present. This pro- will hold a progressive euchre party order carried the case to the Appel pounds. I wish to thank the voters of the veterans, under the direction of Mrs gran) Is absolutely free. Friday evening, Nov. 15th, at the late Division. I t Is expected that t h Circle, Daughters of Isabella, was home of Mrs. George A. Fitch. At case will ultimately reach the Court Tuesday evening a t the Central town of Montague for the support Evelyn Lewis. D*r. Ide's Louse Killer for All Aniwi«jff Food Sale this time the Home Bureau quilt will of Appeals. with 60 present. The regent, given -me on election day as candidate Mr The Woman's Bible Class of the One lb. sifter top can, 50c; five 1 be given away. for supervisor. « A. S. Cannan, was toaatmistress Public Supper Clarence L. Carter. Lowville Chapter, D. A. R. Ib. cans, $2.00 post-paid. Quality i» Each lady is requested to bring: a on'l the program Included remarks by The World-Wide Guild will hold a Presbyterian Church wUl hold a food Lowville Chapter, D. A. R., me remembered long after price Is for•Vorajirnor George L. Murray, pastor public cafeteria supper In the dining sale. Saturday November 23 at the dish of food and every card player 10 The Ladles' Aid Society of the J. S. Boweh store. Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Ar- gotten. Address Dr. Ide, Veterinacents. Rolls and coffee will be fur^ St. Peter's church; vocal solos by room of the Baptist church Tuesday nished by the u n i t The public is thur C. MacKenzle, Trinity avenue. rian, Lowville, N. Y.—adv. ••!>•*. S. B . Fini|«gan and a* talk on Presbyterian church will hold its an- evening. Nov, 19th between the houre Rummage Sale The early history of Houseville w a s invited.* by Miss Madeline Hoffman nual fall rummage sale Nov. 16 in of 5:30 and 7. Hr the store in the Taylor block, owned given by Mrs. Oscar Price and Miss Modern hypodermic needles were The Ladies' Aid Socletiy* of the PresMrs. Geo. A. Fitch. ;° toured Europe this summer. Nellie C. House, and t h a t of Turin probably patterned after the stinger of T;i' fonimittoe in charge was com- by Max Coahn. The Christmas sale At the Mickey Mouse studios two byterian church will hold a rummage Buzzards will not eat cows killed by by Mrs. William H a r t and Mra the bee, which pierces the skin and p ^ - i of Mr3. Sarah Monnat, Miss will be held by the society Dec. 5-6. lads get $20 a week for doing noth-1 sale Saturday, November 16, In the George H. Seaver. The society voted $10 to the Associatj deposits the poison or venom. lightning. ing but putting eye-lashes on Mickey. \ William Taylor block. *• -I'-'r. j Shepard, Miss Grace Kotary, i! ed Welfare League. ^ J.i:nt-s M, O'Connor. rphone - - ~ NO. Miss Madeline M. Wynn, daughter of Mrs. Eva N.'Wynn, 801 Washington avenue, Oneida, and Michael Rebres* of Lowville, were married Saturday morning in St. Patrick'* church, Oneida, by the Rev. Edward P. Keneflc. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Hanno, were attendants. The couple will live In Oneida. The bridegroom is employed by py by the the Smltb> Smltb> I e e Bottle B t t l Cap C C I-ee Company and the brid h b b bride has been bookkeeper at the Ryan Motor Sales. _ Takes Brooklyn Position Margaret Schwendy, y, R. N., ., daughter S c h d l f last week of Joseph Schwendy, left for Brooklyn, where she has accepted a position at the Long Island College hospital. LOWVILLE CIVIC CLUB I LEWIS COUNTY GRANGE ENROLLMENT TOTALS 3,369 K. OF C. THIRD DEGREE SPEAKING CONTBT I , -/ft.
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