FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES GUIDE 2013-2014 How to Find and Apply for Awards, Bursaries, Grants, Loans, & Scholarships Ms. Johal: Counselor / Scholarship Coordinator Ms. Ahooja: Career Facilitator/ Scholarship Coordinator FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION INTRODUCTION WHY DO I NEED TO APPLY FOR MONEY FOR POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION? Grade 12 is the time in your life when you are making decisions that will determine the direction of your post high school years. Today’s changing job market and economy often make postsecondary education a necessary part of life after high school. Given this reality, most students need to be aware of the costs of post-secondary education and potential sources of financial aid to assist them with these expenses. WHAT DOES IT COST? Below are the minimum costs for a single undergraduate first year Art student enrolled in the U.B.C Arts program in the winter session (September to April). Total costs vary according to the institution, program and type of accommodation chosen. EXAMPLE: Educational Costs for a first year Canadian Arts Students with a full course load and shared accommodation is. See UBC Cost Calculator at this link: Educational costs (First year course load – 30 credits) $ 4,794.30 $ 889.00 $ 2,020.00 $ 7,703.30 Tuition Student fees Books /supplies Educational costs subtotal Basic living costs Housing Rent (Shared Accommodation) Utilities Home Insurance Food & groceries Startup costs BC Health Insurance Personal care $ 4,135.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 100.00 $512.00 $400.00 9,147.00 Basic living costs subtotal Other costs $960.00 Phone and Internet Hobbies & Recreation $1,600.00 Clothing 400.00 Other cost subtotal 2960.00 Estimated Total Costs Per Year $19,819.30 Page 2 of 28 Besides holding down a part-time job, having a college/university fund set up by your parents/guardians or inheriting money, the only other way to get funding for your post-secondary education is to apply early for financial aid. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Complete Gleneagle Application Form for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships Complete Personal ‘Brag’ sheet Research scholarships for which you may be eligible Complete application forms for awards, bursaries and scholarship with external sponsors Request letters of reference Obtain or request documents (transcripts) Write or prepare any essays, resumes or goal statements Check into who is responsible for mailing of documents Adhere to the deadline WHO CAN HELP? Counselor: Ms. Johal (Scholarship Coordinator) Career Facilitator/ Scholarship Coordinator: Ms. Ahooja (Career Centre – Room 213) Work Experience Counselor/Transition Coordinator: Ms. Horvath. Principal: Mr. Shong Vice Principals: Mr. Clarke, Mr. Parkins CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF SCHOLARSHIP CANDIDATES In general, the criteria include: Academic excellence Excellence of activities within the school and/or community Leadership in volunteer activities, athletics, or other group endeavors Ability to write a short biographical essay and personal resume If available, performance in external competitions such as those in math, music, performing arts, science, written expression (e.g. Arts Essay Contest, Euclid Math Competition, Physics and Chemistry Olympics, other similar competitions) The competition for scholarships has always been intense. However, as the cost of post-secondary education increases the need to consider scholarships as one source of funding also increases. The staff of Gleneagle are committed to helping students through the scholarship process by providing advice, assistance with applications and letters of reference, and through involvement in collaborative decision making with regard to district and school scholarships. Page 3 of 28 $SHOW ME THE MONEY! (Financial Aid) 2. SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES – AN OVERVIEW Scholarships are a non-repayable sum of money based on merit in areas ranging from academic achievement to athletics and awarded to a student to help finance further education. Typically, scholarships are not based on financial need. Bursaries are non-repayable grants made to students proving financial need and whose academic achievement is satisfactory. Usually official documentation affirming your financial situation is required. Why are scholarships even available? recognize outstanding achievement in a variety of areas from athletics to leadership recruiting qualified candidates as applicants to their institution Which criteria are they looking for? academic achievement community activities leadership qualities athletic ability commendable character ethnic background special needs specific area of study Who is eligible? Any student who meets the criteria for the specific scholarship How do I get a scholarship/bursary? seek out scholarship opportunities – go to Room 213 or Career Centre website find and fill out a scholarship/application – many students don’t take the time application forms are in paper form in the Career Center on-line through navigating Scholarship websites through your parents’ employer or union What do I have to do? The process varies depending upon the scholarship but may include the following: application form, a transcript, interview, 500 word essay or personal statement, letters of reference Page 4 of 28 3. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIP/PROVINCIAL AWARDS PROGRAM Note: (The source of information on Page 5-8 is from Chapter 6 of the “2013/ 2014 BC Ministry of Education’s Handbook of Graduation Procedures” starting on Page 106) Provincial Awards Program The Provincial Awards Program’ is intended to award student achievement, motivate high school students to graduate, and encourage students to pursue further education through post-secondary institutions and job-training programs. The Provincial Awards Program comprises the following components: Graduation Program Examination Scholarships, District/Authority Awards, Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarship (SSA), Passport to Education Awards, and Pathway to Teacher Education (PTE) Scholarships. Graduation Program Examination Scholarship The Graduation Program Examinations Scholarship recognizes students’ academic excellence across a suite of graduation provincial exams. Graduation Program Examination Scholarships are capped at 5,000 ($1000) and 20 ($2500) awards to the top students (based on their exam percentage score). Basic Eligibility Requirements Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of writing the exams. Must be a BC resident. Must be enrolled in a BC public school. Qualifying for a Graduation Program Examination Scholarship A student will receive $1000 Examination Scholarship if he or she: Meets the basic eligibility requirements. Completes the BC graduation requirements. Meets the following requirements: a. Writes and passes one exam in each of the five (5) provincial exam categories) from grades 10- to 12. (See chart on next page for Provincial examinations at Gleneagle Secondary). b. Achieves at least a “B” (73% or above) final mark (provincial mark and school mark combined) in one of the Language Arts 12 (Communications 12, English 12,) c. Has a final course mark (combined final and exam mark) for the exam to be counted towards the scholarship. d. Ranks amongst the top 5000 Grade 12 students in BC (based on their percentage score) on all five exams. Page 5 of 28 Provincial Examinations at Gleneagle School Language Arts 10 English 10 Science 10 Science 10 Math 10*** (only one of these exams qualifies) - Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 - Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 Social Studies 11 Social Studies 11 [Keywords] Language Arts 12 ***(only one of these exams qualifies): -English 12 *** -Communications 12 Note: *** (Only one of the examinations in this category qualifies) A student can receive only one Graduation Program Examinations Scholarship in their lifetime. A student can receive both a Graduation Program Examination Scholarship and District/Authority Award in the same year. A student can redeem an Examination Scholarship by registering and attending, and paying tuition in a regular program (i.e., a program that leads to a credential) or an apprenticeship program at any postsecondary institution in the world that is accredited and designated (approved for Canada Student Loans) by BC To verify if an institution is designated, students can access the website at, under the “Search for Designated Schools: link. Top 20 Scholarship Winners A student will receive a $2500 Scholarship if he or she: meets all of the qualifications for the Graduation Program Examinations Scholarship; Ranks among the top 20scholarship students in BC (based on their grade point average score). A student who receives a perfect score (100%) in all five provincial exams from grades 10-12 (exam mark) will also be awarded an Academic Medal of Excellence. Graduation Program Examinations Scholarship Calculations Policy The Graduation Program Examination Scholarships are awarded based on required provincial examination results from grade 10 – 12 from the following categories: Language Arts 10: Sciences 10; Mathematics 10, Social Studies 11; and Language Arts 12 (see chart above). Page 6 of 28 District/Authority Awards The District/Authority reward graduating students for excellence in their chosen non-academic field(s).These scholarships are intended to assist tuition for furthering students’ post-secondary education. The Ministry will allocate 5,500 awards pro-rated to school districts based on each district’s September 30th Grade 12 enrolment. The $1000 award amount will consist of a $500 cheque and a $500 voucher that can be used toward a student’s post-secondary education tuition. Basic Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of applying for the scholarship. Must be a BC resident. Complete graduation requirements. Not previously received a Dogwood District Award. Qualifying for a District/Authority Award To win a scholarship, a student must apply and: Must meet basic eligibility requirements. Meet the requirements determined by the local District Scholarship Committee which requires a student to demonstrate superior achievement in any one of the following areas: Fine Arts: (e.g..: Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music). Applied Skills: (e.g. Business Education, Technology Education, Home Economics). Physical Activity (e.g. Athletics, Gymnastics, Dance, not limited to Physical Education). Second Languages (including Aboriginal Languages) including AP or IB courses Community Service (Volunteer Activity). Technical and Trades Training (e.g. Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cook Training) Fulfill BC graduation requirements for the 2004 Graduation Program A student may redeem a District/ Authority Award by registering and attending, and paying tuition n a regular program(i.e., a program that leads to a credential) or an apprenticeship program at any postsecondary institution in the world that is accredited and designated (approved for Canada Student Loans) by BC. To verify if an institution is designated, students can access the website at, under the Search for Designated School Link. NOTE: A student can receive both a District/Authority Award and a Graduation Program Scholarship Page 7 of 28 Passport To Education The intent of this award is to motivate all students to study consistently during the years leading to graduation, and to encourage secondary school students to pursue further education through post-secondary institutions and job-training programs. Passport Awards are used to assist students with tuition toward their post-secondary education or job training programs. For each of Grade 11 and 12 there is a set amount of 9000 stamps to be pro-rated amongst eligible BC schools. The allocation of stamps is determined from the annual enrolment count for each of Grades 11 and 12 as at September 30h. It is based on the number of students who are enrolled in five or more courses in one school calendar year in a graded secondary school program, and who are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident at the time of registration The value of the stamps for the 2013/2014 year are: Grade 11 $ 250 Grade 12 $ 500 Total $1,000 Basic Eligibility for the Passport To Education Award For a Grade 11 stamp (worth $250): 1. Two-thirds of the weighting is based on the academic component using a student’s course grades for the best five provincially authorized courses and/or Board Authority Authorized (BAA) courses that result in a percent or letter grade. These grades must be final or projected final grades. External credentials, including AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalureate) courses may not be used. 2. One-third of the weighting recognizes non-academic components such as effort, work habits, citizenship and school/community involvement. 3. A student does not have to be a graduated to have earned a Grade 11 stamp. For a Grade 12stamp (worth $500): 1. Two-thirds of the weighting is based on the academic component using a student’s course grades for the best five provincially authorized courses and/or Board Authority Authorized (BAA) courses that result in a percent or letter grade. These grades must be final or projected final grades. External credentials including AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalureate) courses may not be used. 2. One-third of the weighting recognizes non-academic components such as effort, work habits, citizenship and school/community involvement. 3. A student must graduate to earn a Grade 12 stamp. Awarding a Passport to Education Stamp (s) At the end of the school year, allocated stamps are awarded by the school to those students meeting the established criteria. The stamps are affixed in the student’s Passport to Education Award booklet and the booklet is marked with the Secondary School’s stamp or seal. Note: The Ministry of Education is phasing out the Passport of Education Program. The allocation of Passport to Education stamps will be phased out over a three-year-period, beginning in September 2013 for Grade 10 Passport stamps, followed by Grade 11 Passport stamps in September 2014 and Grade 12 Passport stamps in September 2015. Students who have already received a Passport to Education Award (stamps) will continue to be able to redeem their award towards tuition at their designated post-secondary institution until the expiry date stated on the stamps. Page 8 of 28 Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarships (SSA) Website: To qualify for the $1000 SSA scholarship, the student must: Be a registered youth apprentice with the Industry Training Authority. Be enrolled in a BC public school. Complete Ministry of Education Graduation Requirements for Grade 12. Maintain a C+ average in Grade 12 number courses Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarships (SSA) (continued) Successfully complete 16 credits of Ministry-Authorized SSA courses including SSA 11A, SSA 11B, SSA 12A, and SSA 12B which are based on 480 hours of paid work-based training, no later than three months after graduation. Report a minimum of 900 work-based training hours to the ITA (Industry Training Authority) within six months of graduation. *A student participating in the SSA program is required to be registered with the school district authority (i.e., in an SSA course) and the Industry Training Authority (i.e., have a trade worker number) prior to graduation. Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship (PTES) IS A $5000 annual scholarship that recognizes exceptional Grade 12 students planning to enter the field of teaching. The PTES will be awarded to 20 graduating students intending to enter a BC faculty of education program. This new scholarship will support outstanding students in pursuing a career path in teaching. Scholarship winners will be awarded a $5000 voucher to redeem upon entrance to one of BC’s faculty of education programs. The application deadline is March 31, 2014. The Ministry will not accept applications unless they are received by March 31, 2014. Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of writing the provincial exam. Must be a BC resident. Must be enrolled in a BC Grade 12 graduation program and be eligible for a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) by August 31 st of the school year in which you are applying. Be in your graduating year with graduation to occur by August 31 or sooner of the year in which you are applying Have at least a B in your Language Arts 11 final mark and have at least a B average in the three Grade 11 final course marks that fulfill the graduation requirements of Science11, Math 11 and Social Studies 11, with no more than one C+ final course mark. Please note: marks lower than C+ are not accepted Maintain a “B” average in all Grade 11 and Grade 12 final course marks required for graduation, Complete a resume. Provide two references, one from your community and one from your school Show evidence of your commitment to and aptitude for a teaching career by responding to a written response question. Page 9 of 28 4 POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTION SCHOLARSHIPS Post-Secondary Institution Scholarship/Bursary and Financial Aid Web Links UBC: SFU: UVIC: Douglas: BCIT: UFV *NOTE that application deadlines are subject to change UBC Entrance Awards Major Entrance Scholarships & Bursaries – apply online by December 10, 2013 (Students are no longer nominated for the award.) Students will be automatically considered for a Major Entrance Scholarship if they apply to UBC through the online application by December 10, 2013. This is the only way to apply for a Major Entrance Scholarshi p. The MES is based on grades/school & community involvement. Information that students submit their Personal Profile will be used for Major entrance Scholarship consideration. Students that wish to be considered for this award must apply online by December 10, 2013 SFU Entrance Awards Major Entrance Scholarships - apply by Feb. 28, 2014 (Download an application from the SFU website) UVIC Entrance Awards Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships & Bursaries – apply by March 31, 2014 BCIT Entrance Awards The BCIT Entrance Awards program has two distinct deadlines which depend on when you begin your full-time studies at BCIT, and what program you are registered in. Several BCIT Entrance Awards have a specific, singular deadline to apply for. The deadline for each BCIT Entrance Award is listed in the award description. If there is not a specific deadline, the following general deadlines will apply for entrance awards: August 5, 2013 for those applicants entering their BCIT program April1, 2013 to November 30 2013. January 6, 2014 for those applicants entering their BCIT program December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 Other Post-Secondary Institution Sponsored Bursaries Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic promise Check the web site of your chosen post-secondary institution Bursary amounts are given to students to cover the financial need not met by a BC/Canada student loan. Note* Students must be the recipient of a loan before they can apply for a bursary. Affiliation Scholarships and Bursaries Criteria is very specific Administered by post-secondary institutions on behalf of private donor organizations Apply through college/university you have applied to Page 10 of 28 EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS & Financial Aid (Government Student Loans) CAREER CENTRE ADMINISTERED SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES External Scholarships Information is available from: Ms. Ahooja The white binder in the Career Centre, Room 213 Research Scholarships online Access the Career Web site:, (From the Main Menu, select Programs& Services, and then “Career Centre than the 1Financial Aid button. Daily scholarships received by the school are posted here. and Career Website at this link: (From the Main Menu, select Programs& Services, then “Career Centre than select the “District button Local Scholarships and Bursaries Attend the Local Scholarship Meeting in September and March See Ms. Johal or Ms. Ahooja for assistance Apply through the school for Awards given only to Gleneagle students by local organizations 1 Page 11 of 28 5. GOVERNMENT STUDENT LOANS & GRANTS Student loans are repayable financial assistance. Grants are non-repayable financial assistance. Full-time Students: The federal government’s Canada Student Loan program is administered by and in conjunction with provincial governments. Students complete only one application to be considered for both federal and provincial loans and grants for full-time study. BC residents will apply to the StudentAid BC, administered by the Ministry of Advanced Education. (Payment of principal and interest on student loan commences six months after the student ceases full-time studies) All full-time students are automatically assessed for the following: Canada student loan BC student loan Grant for students from Low Income Families Grant for students from Middle Income Families Grant for students with Dependents Part-time Students: The federal government provides loan funding through the National Student Loans Service Center. Part-time loans are interest bearing, which means that interest accumulates while you are studying. BC students can apply on-line at (Go to and visit the Student Loan Estimator to calculate how much you may be eligible for) 6. BANK LOANS FOR STUDENTS Many chartered banks now offer student loans or lines of credit. Unlike the government loans, which are interest-free while you are a full-time student, the banks do charge interest while the student is in school. 7 FINANCIAL AID Work Study Programs at BC Universities Some institutions offer work study programs to help students’ make up the difference between their expenses and resources, as well as to provide valuable career experience. To be eligible, students must submit an application to the institution financial aid office for assessment of financial need. Programs run from Sept. until April. The Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) The Regular Officer-training plan is available to students who wish to have a career in the military as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Undergraduate university training takes place at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario. Some students may have to relocate and receive their undergraduate degree at a Canadian University. Page 12 of 28 Terms: The Department of National Defense pays all expenses (uniforms, books, tuition, medical/dental and instruments), excluding room and board and receive a monthly salary. Cadets must serve during the summer months as Officer Cadets and, upon graduation; they must serve five years as an officer. Procedure: Applicants may apply any time during their graduating year prior to April 1st of the year they wish to enroll. Interested students should apply early in the fall. Applicants must submit a personal history essay, letters of reference, record of marks for Grades 10, 11 and 12 and a Cadet or Reserve Service records where applicable. Candidates must also undergo a medical exam, aptitude test, and interview. Contact: Canadian Forces Recruiting Center 1040 West Georgia St. Suite 800 Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4H1 Telephone: 604-694-6390 Email:[email protected] House of Commons Page Program First-year university students are employed to provide a messenger service to Members of Parliament in the Chamber while the House is in session. Students must apply either to the University of Ottawa or Carleton University and have a good knowledge of both official languages. Applications are due in the Fall of your graduating year. 8 AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIPS & UNIVERSITIES 1. 2. 3. Must write the SAT exam early in fall. Apply individually to each institution. Go to for SAT/Scholarships/Financial Aid/University Information Page 13 of 28 RESEARCHING SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 1. Check out the Resources in the Career Center: Scholarships/Awards binders Websites Scholarship bulletin boards (in Counseling Center and Career Resource Center) Career Center website Access the Career Web site: Go to From the Main Menu, select Programs& Services, than “Career Center” from the drop down menu. Now select the “Financial Aid” button Daily scholarships received by the school are posted here. Access the Career Web site: Go to From the Main Menu, select Programs& Services, than “Career Center” from the drop down menu. Now select the “District” button Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships available District Wide are posted here. 2. Ask parents, coaches, employers, and volunteer agencies with whom you are associated about scholarships, awards or bursary opportunities. 3. Application Form - Scholarship application forms should be requested well in advance of the deadline for submitting completed forms. As not all application forms are available in the Career Center, students should research where and how applications forms may be obtained. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain application forms and complete the necessary documentation. 4. Deadlines – These dates are set in stone. Some scholarships specify the ‘date as postmarked’; some as ‘received by’. Avoid disqualifying your application. Prepare and mail your applications early. 5. Essays – If specific information is required, pay careful attention that all details are covered. The criterion has been established, and the committee screening the applications will be looking for that information. Keep the tone of the letter or essay business-like. Be straightforward, concise and unemotional. Avoid a folksy-type approach. If it is a letter, use a standard business letter format. If it is an essay, use all the essay skills you have acquired at school. The committee will be looking for content but they will be influenced by style. Have your English teacher proofread your essay. 6. Content: 7. If there are no specific requirements for an essay or letter, you should consider the following: Include identity, academic standing Reflect how specific subjects have influenced you A brief outline of your interests, hobbies and activities A brief summary of positions and offices held by you in school, youth organizations and/or the community A short statement of your purpose in seeking to attend a specific post-secondary institution (include future plans) Information concerning awards, scholarships and prizes won by you in any field Details of employment in the last two years, during vacations or after school Details of any volunteer work you have done Format: If instructions do not specify that the letter or essay be handwritten, type the document, use standard business style. If you are handwriting the final copy, make certain it is neat and legible. Use 8 ½x 11-inch paper, one side only. Page 14 of 28 8. References – Unless it is specified, try to get a mix of supporting letters, i.e. a teacher, an employer, a coach, someone from the community. Make certain that the people you choose will speak positively about you. It is difficult to write a letter for someone about whom you have reservations. The tone will likely be evident in the letter. Ask the person if they have any reservations about writing a letter of recommendation or support on your behalf. Please give referees two weeks’ notice. 9. If you are applying for several scholarships, ask the person writing the letter to use either a “To Whom It May Concern” introduction, or ask them to put it on a word processor so that they can redo the letter several times without having to rewrite it every time. 10. Personal ‘Brag’ Sheet – provide the person with a summary of details about yourself. Even if they do not use all the information, it will help them to make general statements about you. 11. Provide the criteria of the scholarship. - Specify those things that you would like to see included in the letter. Among these might be: your accomplishments unique characteristics Service, clubs, etc. awards and prizes academic standing if it is relevant to that person academic qualities if it is relevant Interests as they relate to the letter writer (Note: It is common courtesy to provide as much information as possible, and to request as early as possible any documentation or reference letters you may require.) 12. Letters from Teachers – No more than two letters of reference should be submitted. Letters from teachers who are subject specialists are preferable. In general, students applying to enter Arts or Science should consider selecting letters from teachers within these disciplines. 13. Letters from the Principal or Designate – These letters generally provide a brief profile of the student within the school as well as an indication of predicted rank of the student within the graduating class. 14. Requests for Transcripts – Your counselor can issue you your transcript. 15. High academic marks - Make sure you know what is being measured: i.e. average of all courses in grade 12, average of grade 11 and 12 marks, only “academic” courses, GPA (Grade Point Average), top percentile of graduating class, etc. 16. Service – More scholarships/awards/bursaries are now including service in their criteria. Service may include volunteer activities in school or in the community. Brainstorm, check with a friend. Quite often, we do not give ourselves credit for what we have accomplished or contributed. 17. Exams – Some scholarships require the writing of government exams. High academic criteria scholarships may require specific exam results, i.e. Euclid Math Exam results: S.F.U.’s P.D. McTaggart Cowan Scholarships in Math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry have explicit requirements. 18. Nomination – Some scholarships, usually high academic or entrance scholarships require that the school or principal nominate a student (normally one) for a specific award. The principal may be unaware of the post-secondary institutions students are considering applying to, so inform your counselor and take the time to discuss your options with the principal. Scholarships which require nominations usually have early application deadlines. Page 15 of 28 19. Projected letter grades/marks – Most scholarships/awards request projected letter grades or percentages. It is your responsibility to write your name, the teacher’s name and the subject on each form (6 to 8 forms). If you have the same teacher for more than one subject, both marks can be placed on the one form. Your teacher will be responsible for returning it to either Ms. Ahooja or Ms. Johal. Page 16 of 28 FINANCIAL CHECKLIST & TIMELINE For scholarship updates… Always check your daily Talon Talk and video monitors Always check the white scholarship binder in the Career Center Always check the Scholarship section of Career Center bulletin board Always check the Career Center website September and October Start a Financial Aid/Post Secondary file now – keep all information re: post secondary institutions and financial aid. Note down scholarship deadlines Start with this booklet Prepare a personal letter for applications (essay) Keep copies of reference letters requested (Ensure that reference letters from volunteer activities include the number of hours for the organization) Fill out a ‘Brag Sheet’ for letters of reference from teachers Be sure you have a Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.) Book an appointment with the principal or vice-principals to discuss the letter of reference with you if you have a 4.0 GPA Correspond with and attend all information meetings of all universities/colleges you plan to attend for financial aid information. Ask your parents to check with their employers, unions and any organizations to which they belong as to whether there are any scholarships or bursaries available through them. DO THIS NOW. Sometimes you have to apply early for these, particularly if they are administered through an American company or union, i.e. International Teamsters’ Union. You may also have to write a special test for eligibility (S.A.T. or A.C.T.) November and December Go to the Career Resource website To access online scholarship from the Career Web site select “SCHOLARSHIPS” or “RECOMMENDED LINKS” from the grey navigation bar. Under the “RECOMMEDED LINKS & DOCS” click on links under the “FIND SCHOLARSHIPS” section and “APPLICATION PACKAGES FOR GLENEAGLE SCHOLARSHIPS” Watch for University of Alberta Scholarship deadlines January and February Watch for announcements for special entrance scholarships for S.F.U., U.B.C., and U.VIC. Be sure to respond at once Watch for Ontario University Award deadlines March and April Local scholarships and bursaries will be available now. Start preparing to apply having compiled the following: financial statement, a personal profile, transition plan essay, letters of reference and transcript. This is a crucial time. Many external awards will be advertised now Douglas College Entrance Awards deadline approaches Watch for Vancouver Community College and Capilano University Award application deadlines Due date for all local Group 1 & 2 scholarships are on March 10, 2014 May Nomination process for District Scholarship awards Page 17 of 28 June Apply for student loans now Commencement Ceremony IMPORTANT FINAL NOTE If you win a scholarship, bursary or award – a letter of thanks to the Sponsoring Person, Club, or Institution is an important communication of your appreciation. Also, give a ‘thank you’ to the school secretary working with scholarships.* Please let Ms. Johal or Ms. Ahooja know as soon as possible when you win an award so that we may acknowledge you at your Commencement ceremonies in June. Page 18 of 28 Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA January 10 VALUE BURGER KING SCHOLARS PROGRAM pursuing 2-year or 4-year postsecondary program Must be in financial need and be working part-time a min. of 15 hours/week have a min. 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale January 20 TOP 20 UNDER 20 AWARDS PROGRAM Under age of 20 prior to as December 31 prior to application Demonstrated achievement, innovation 20 awards up to $2000 and leadership engHome.htm January 31 DB PERKS & AWARDS LIFESAVING holders of lifesaving society awards Actively employed as Lifeguard or Lifesaving Instructor by BC or Yukon affiliate Proceeding to post-secondary Actively employed as Lifeguard or 4 X $500 Lifesaving Instructor by BC or Yukon affiliate Proceeding to post-secondary education in subsequent school tern DB Perks Scholarship | Lifesaving Society - BC and Yukon January 31 TEAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION DAVID C. LAM SCHOLARSHIP High school BC graduates proceeding to post –secondary education Academic competence 2 x $2500 School/ community Involvement ESL coursework at the secondary level BY NOMINATION Essay February 1 KIN CANADA BURSARY Be in financial need High school BC graduates proceeding to full-time postsecondary education Demonstrate community/volunteer involvement knowledge of Kin Canada. $1,000 $1,000 To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 19 of 2828 APPLICATION http://www.bkmclamorefoun Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD February 1 @ 4:30 PM EST RBC ROYAL BANK SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA VALUE APPLICATION Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have immigrated on or after January 1, 2000 High school graduates proceeding to full=time post-secondary education in Fall 2014 Graduating from a Canadian High $3,500 School 70% minimum average. Must write 2 essays; one of 250 words and the other of 350 words or less By nomination from school larships/newcanadians/ $7,000 annually (renewable for 4 years) Approx. 20 awards available Link to Application Form February 1 TERRY FOX HUMANITARIAN AWARD PROGRAM Graduating student proceeding to post-secondary education Satisfactory academic standing Continued involvement in voluntary humanitarian and community work February 4 BRITISH COLUMBIA INNOVATION COUNCIL YOUNG INNOVATOR SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION Grade 12 student enrolled in science, technology, engineering , mathematics, digital arts) media+design, or business entrepreneurship programs Grade 12 student who has developed a $2000 per recipient science and technology innovation with the potential to benefit British Columbia For more information February 14th @ 4:00 PM THE COQUITLAM FOUNDATION BURSARIES AND R.A LECLAIR SCHOLARSHIPS Coquitlam resident Show financial need for postsecondary support Demonstrate history of school and community involvement. $500 to $50,000 m February 28 BCGEU (BC GOVERNMENT AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION) SCHOLARSHIPS Members or relatives of the BCGEU members or staff Min. 70% academic achievement Essay Click here to view complete Criteria Details $2,000 (full-time)/ $1,000 (part-time) fault/files/2014Scholarshipbr ochure.pdf To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 20 of 2828 Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA VALUE February 28 TOYOTA EARTH DAY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2014 Canadian students entering first year of postsecondary studies Demonstrated commitment and service 20 scholarships of $5,000 to community environmental issues, each high level of academic achievement, leadership Essay required February 28 BC GOVERNMENT AND EMPLOYEE UNION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2014 Members of the BCGEU in good standing are eligible to apply living in Canada Registered at a recognized postUp to $45,000 secondary education institution Have a letter-grade standing of C or better. Copies of the grade standing which must be included with the scholarship application double-spaced, typed essay of 1,250 (minimum) to 1,750 (maximum) words. No hand-written essays will be accepted. ources_scholar April 1 PDK PROSPECTIVE EDUCATOR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM High school senior intending to major in education: member of a Future Educators Association® and chapter or child or grandchild of a Kappan member in good standing Essay required 2 Reference Letters (should address your interest in teaching and the qualities that would make you a good educator) Transcript which must be faxed $1000 March 10 RE/MAX QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE BURSARIES Grade 12 students Must write a short essay on one of the following chosen topics: Leadership, Sports, Performing Arts, Technology or Trades, Fine Arts or Community/Volunteer Service. $ 1,000 (16 awards) /2014QuestforExcellenceinfof lyer.pdf To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 21 of 2828 APPLICATION Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA March 13 FEDERATION OF BC YOUTH IN CARE NETWORKS DREAM FUND BURSARIES Young people in and from government care Award must be used towards post-secondary education at a recognized and registered institution Education Achievement Bursary Reach for Success Bursary Youth in a from government care Award that can be put towards the registration costs of one time courses such as writing courses, driving lessons, art classes, etc. March 15 MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Closed Nov. 2013 Canadian graduating students attending Canadian postsecondary institution in Fall 2014 High level of academic achievement Positive contribution to school through extra-curricular activities and community involvement March 29 THE W. GARFIELD WESTON AWARDS Entering studies at a college, not a university Note: university-transfer programs, traditional degree programs, post-graduate, and pre-university DEC programs are not eligible. Min average of 75% in his or her program of choice Application must be sent using Canada Post only VALUE Up to $2500 $1000 (200 recipients) (up to 25): Tuition waiver from a participating college renewable for up to three years $8000 stipend renewable for three additional years; access to summer program funding up to $3500; and mentorship. To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 22 of 2828 APPLICATION n/dream-fund/ To Apply Online Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY March 31 COAST CAPITAL SAVINGS EDUCATION AWARDS Financial Need Students whom have overcome significant life obstacles or students whom have made a positive impact on their communities CRITERIA 32 Citizenship Awards Applicants must take a leadership role in their communities while balancing their personal and academic lives. Must be a BC resident planning to attend an accredited Canadian university or technical college in Fall 2014 VALUE 32 Citizenship Awards @ $2000 APPLICATION 16 Standing Tall Awards@ $5000 16 Standing Tall Awards Students who are working hard to overcome significant personal challenges and achieve their dreams. . March 31 THE BC ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH CARE AUXILIARIES BURSARY Must be BC student enrolling in studies in the human healthcare field at an accredited Canadian post -secondary institution. The recipient must attend first year upon graduation from Secondary School $1,000 holarships/tribute_fund_appllicati on.pdf S_view_maint.php?AMASPage= 4&ID=101 Transcripts and 2 letters of recommendation required. March 31 THE CANADIAN IRANIAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Canadian or permanent status between 18-25 years old Demonstrate effort to integrate into Canadian society by volunteering for 100 hours of community service Proceeding to full-time postsecondary program after high school graduation Demonstrates academic excellence. $1 Must write a 300 word essay 2 letters of recommendation with your application. . $1,000 To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 23 of 2828 ions/scholarships/ Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Various dates depending on Semester VALUE ENVISION FINANCIAL EDUCATION AWARDS Graduating from Gr. 12 in 2014 min. 67% or C+ averaged based on current year's marks to date Extensive community and/or school involvement. $2000 (16 awards) https://www.envisionfinancial. ca/Personal/Community/Edu cationAwards/Scholarships/ April 1 GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA SCHOLARSHIPS Registered members of Girl Guides of Canada Proceeding to post-secondary education in a full-time program $1000-$2000 /Programs/Scholarships/GGC /Programs/Opportunities/Sch olarships.aspx May 2 THE AL GRIST, BC HYDRO ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD Applicant must graduate in 2014 and study environmental stewardship in university. studies may include forestry, agriculture, fisheries, environmental management and any other studies. $500 April 8 GOLDEN SPUR YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD Canadian youth who has overcome major life obstacles and demonstrated admirable leadership and initiative in their community, outstanding involvement in their community A nomination letter from a community group or RCMP member, employee or volunteer In 250 words or less the nomination letter must highlight how the nominee has shown leadership and initiative in their community and everyday life. Not a monetary award. See Ms. Ahooja-Anderson for Nomination Forms April 15 BC CATTLEMEN;S ASSOCIATION BURSARIES Financial Need Living in a rural area where cattle are raised Proceeding to full-time postsecondary education 12 months after application deadline 3 Awards @ $$1000 ygrant.htm To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 24 of 2828 APPLICATION Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD April 15 JACK FARLEY YOUTH SPORTS AWARD February 14 ELIGIBILITY Applicants must be graduating from grade 12 demonstrate that they plan to attend a registered college or university in British Columbia within 12 months of graduation BCSSA (BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION) 2010 GRADE 6-12 TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA VALUE APPLICATION Outstanding male and one outstanding 2 X $2000 female amateur athlete graduating from a BC secondary school excel in a particular sport and exemplify the values, commitment and contribution to the community 011/02/15/jack-farley-youthsports-achievement-award/ Outstanding achievement in $ x $1,000 technology-based learning. 5 X $500 BC public school students in grades 612 are invited to design a website for an opportunity to receive a scholarship prize es/scholarships/ April 23 BC & YUKON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS Children of BCYCNA Employees 2 awards at $1000 and $1500 April 30 BC HOCKEY SCHOLARSHIPS Current registered Members former members playing in the Western Hockey League April 30 CANADIAN TOURISM SCHOLARSHIP Applicant must be in Grade 12 and planning to attend the Canadian Tourism College in Sept. 2013. A 500 word essay about the Travel and $150-$10,000 Tourism Industry and your future goals olarship-application May 26 B. DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP All high school juniors and seniors. essay of less than 1000 words on three $ 1,000 qualities of leadership that you value http://www.scholarshipquesthelper .com/scholarships.htm demonstrating academic achievement, sportsmanship, hockey participation Contribution to school /community service. Monetary awards vary from $500 to $1000. To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 25 of 2828 bcycna-scholarships-stillavailable Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA May 31 ASSOCIATION OF BC DRAMA EDUCATORS SCHOLARSHIP By nomination of Drama teacher Drama teacher must be a current member of the ABCDE June 13 BC EXCLUDED EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES Children, grand-children or legal Outstanding academic achievement dependents of BCEEA members in Personal achievements good standing One or two awards valued at $1000 217 June 27 ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND GEOSCIENTISTS Financial Need British Columbia high school graduates entering engineering or geoscience programs at the University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Victoria, British Columbian Institute of Technology or Simon Fraser University Several awards valued at $1000-$2000 each June 30 NUPGE (National Union of Public and General Employees) NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS Students must be the child of a NUPGE member $1,500 (many awards / 4 different award categories) July 15 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CANADA SCHOLARSHIPS Registered member of Muscular Dystrophy BC Resident Successful completion of high school / theatre drama classes Participation in school and or community drama, film or television work Contribution to school and community Academic Standing Extra-Curricular Activities VALUE $750 Selection of recipients is based on 2 x $1000 career goals, community involvement and leisure lifestyle goals KIT DAVID BURSARY ENDOWMENT FUND To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 26 of 2828 APPLICATION http://www.bcdramateachers. com/abcde-studentscholarship.html Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site DUE DATE NAME OF AWARD June 30 HOSPITAL EMPLOYEESÈ UNION BURSARIES October 6 AES SCHOLARSHIP Nov 30 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Children of hospital employees union Financial need Demonstrated satisfactory academic achievement VALUE $350-$1000 Students will submit an essay on one of $500 the two topics that appear on the scholarship page of our web site Submit essay to: [email protected] LORAN AWARDS Graduating Student proceeding to post-secondary education talented young Canadians on the basis of character, service and leadership potential October 19: Application Due Date for (sponsored applicants) October 26: Application Due Date (nonsponsored applicants) Loran Award (up to 30 available, 15 of which are W. Garfield Weston Loran Awards; $75,000) four years of funding for undergraduate studies and a comprehensive enrichment program. APPLICATION m/scholarships.htm December 1 THE SOROPOMIST VIOLET RICHARDSON AWARD 14-17 years old Demonstrated significant and noteworthy volunteer contributions to community volunteer efforts include: helping other disadvantaged girls; fighting drugs, crime and violence; cleaning up the environment; and working to end discrimination and poverty $1000 /or $2500 depending on whether applicant is a Soroptimist Club member or not http://www.soroptimisttricitie December 7 TD CANADA TRUST SCHOLARSHIP FOR COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Graduating student proceeding to post-secondary Final year of high school Outstanding community leadership Academic skills to successfully enter and complete university min 75% average Essay of up to 600 words Up to $70000 olarship December 31 BC COWBOY HERITAGE SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIPS BC resident About to enter, or continue fulltime study at a post-secondary institution full-time Write a short story or poem not exceeding 1500 words 3x$500 To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 27 of 2828 s.html Secondary School Gleneagle EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS REPORT AS A GUIDE OF ANNUAL EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Since Scholarship availability and Due Dates MAY change from year to year, check the scholarship link under the “APPLICATION COLUMN” in this report. Also check the Career Web site To surf for dollars on the internet visit this link Page 28 of 2828
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