Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 How to Establish an Online Innovation Community? The Role of Users and their Innovative Content Julia Hautz University of Innsbruck [email protected] Katja Hutter University of Innsbruck [email protected] Kurt Matzler University of Innsbruck [email protected] Markus Rieger Hyve AG [email protected] Abstract We studied the evolution of an online innovation community and users’ interaction behavior through social network analysis to explore how to build an innovation community and get a better understanding about the role of participating users and their innovative content. Throughout our analysis we explicitly recognize that the primary desired outcome of an online innovation community is the generation of innovation and breakthrough ideas and therefore simultaneously consider the user itself as well as the user generated ideas. Through relying on structural data combined with consideration of the context of our community we were able to identify eight different user types, who have different importance in supporting the health and success of the community. 1. Introduction Today the creation of ideas is no longer the main task of isolated inventors or researchers. Instead, innovation processes are opening up and more and more innovations are created outside the boundaries of firms through networks of various actors from different organizational backgrounds, e.g., customers, suppliers, or other partners selected for their unique capabilities [9]. In this networking world, companies detect the power of the Internet as a platform for collaborative innovation and reaching creative people and customers beyond the organization. Thereby unique opportunities emerge to capitalize on users’ innovative potential and knowledge, resulting in what has been termed as virtual customer integration or co-creation through online communities [10, 42]. For successful virtual co-creation the participation of engaged consumers is crucial. Only when talented users are willing to share their creative ideas and submit their innovative content can significant contribu- Johann Füller University of Innsbruck [email protected] tions to organizations’ innovation activities be expected. It is critical for the success of an online innovation community to identify those valuable key members who are actively contributing to support the needs and health of the community. These members have to be encouraged and even rewarded [37]. More insights into identifying key members and their roles in an online innovation community are needed, as companies’ investments in building virtual co-creation and community platforms are substantial. Knowing which different user types are interested in visiting, joining, and actively participating in virtual innovation communities, organizations learn how to establish and successfully manage online innovation communities in order to enhance their innovation process through valuable consumer contributions. The goal of our study is to explore how to build an innovation community and to get a better understanding about the role participating users and their innovative contributions play for the creation of a lively online innovation community. We apply Social Network Analysis (SNA) to (1) study structure, patterns, evolution, and dynamics of interactions among individuals in order to (2) identify key members, who play critical roles in the success of innovation communities. Unlike previous studies on the identification of critical roles in online communities, we explicitly consider that the primary desired outcome of an online innovation community is the generation of innovation and breakthrough ideas [55]. Therefore, not only the user as a participating member of the online community and his behavior, but also the generated innovative content is at the center of our analysis. By investigating user behavior and user generated content simultaneously, our paper recognizes the particular purpose and context of an online innovation community. The SNA approach provides new insights into members’ roles and reveals their importance. Our findings identify opportunities in community design, architecture, and coordination to create successful places for collaborative idea and innovation generation in the future. 978-0-7695-3869-3/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 The paper is structured as follows: we briefly introduce the relevant literature on online innovation communities and co-creation as means for enhancing the firm’s innovation activities, followed by a discussion of studies on key members in communities. Further, we briefly review social network concepts and social capital theory. Then we describe our network setting, followed by an analysis of the structure and evolution of interaction over time at an overall network level. Based on the findings from the macro level analysis, we identify different user types and further analyze local networks of these key users. Finally, we discuss theoretical as well as practical implications. role in the design of new buildings, new design concepts, or technology inventions in various industries for decades [8, 17]. Nowadays, websites feature online idea contests in different kinds of industries. These virtual platforms not only allow users to disclose their ideas to firms, but to interact with other like-minded peers, build social networks, and establish a sense of community. New technologies enable interested users to create their own profiles, upload their creative content, communicate, discuss and share their insights and experiences with others, interact and collaborate and thereby learn from the aggregate knowledge and feedback of peers. 2.2. 2. Literature Review Terms like crowdsourcing [24, 31], co-creation [56], user innovation [50], virtual customer integration [12], and open innovation [9] characterize a recent movement in innovation management. No longer can innovation be considered as a discrete event resulting from isolate inventors or internal R&D departments. Instead, innovation is considered as an interactive process involving collaborative relationships, interactions, and exchange of knowledge [2, 26, 38]. 2.1. Online Innovation Communities Companies detect the power of the Internet and novel information and communication technologies (ICT) as a platform for new forms of interaction and a source of collaborative innovation. The role of communities in creating, shaping, and disseminating innovation activities is taking on new forms that are transforming the nature of innovation management [42, 50]. In this context, the phenomenon of “online innovation communities” – users as well as manufacturers producing ideas and inspirations for new product development – have become the subject of considerable interest in both research and management [50, 52]. Von Hippel (2005, p. 96) defines innovation communities as “meaning nodes consisting of individuals or firms interconnected by information transfer links which may involve face-to-face, electronic, or other communication.” Innovation communities can be purely functional or may also fulfill the role of social communities defined by networks of interpersonal ties providing support, a sense of belonging, and social identity [50]. Social software applications like web based toolkits [46], virtual concept testing [12], virtual worlds [22] have been introduced as mean to benefit from for collaborative innovation and virtual co-creation. Online idea and design contests are enjoying a renaissance among companies. They have already played a major The Community and its Key Members Websites like,,, or feature one design contest after the other for all kinds of subjects. Although idea and design contests are quite popular, the overwhelming majority is challenged by too few interested users and therefore too few activities that make the platforms a vibrant source of great connections and innovations. A recent study showed that they fail in evoked consumer interest, number of creative contributions as well as quality of ideas [27]. Only when users are qualified and motivated to contribute and spread their promising ideas may they be able to add value to the organization’s innovation activities. Organizations need to find out which participants or which contributions are needed to create a vibrant platform for innovation communities. In the literature a number of approaches are discussed how to establish an online community [15, 25, 41]. For example, Kim [25] presents nine aspects for building a community and out of it five different community roles emerge. Kim recommends an approach of visitors, novices, regulars, leaders, and elders who each have specific tasks, roles, and rights, which enables certain self-control of the community. Much of the current work on identifying key members within an online community has focused on frequency of participation and volume of contributions. In such a way Kozinets (1999) defines four user types in virtual communities of consumption according to their consumption activity and their relation to the community. Furthermore, Füller et al. (2007) categorize three different member types in an online basketball community based on their posting frequency. In contrast to the ethnographic approach applied by Kozinets (1999) and Füller et al. (2007), Nolker and Zhou (2005) view an online community as a social network connected by member-member relationships and try to get new insights into members’ roles by using SNA and behavioral-based measures. They identify leaders, motivators, and chatters as three key member 2 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 roles in an online knowledge sharing community [37]. Similarly, in this study, we consider innovation communities as a particular form of network [40] offering special interaction possibilities [43]. SNA serves as a theoretically and practically appropriate method to answer our research questions. Considering that an online innovation community aims to generate ideas and innovative solutions outside the boundaries of the firm, the key member roles that support these specific needs and the success of the online community can be assumed to be different from other community types serving different purposes [23, 37]. 2.3. Social Networks & Social Capital Theory Social networks are graph theoretical representations of the relationship between social entities (such as people or organization), which are represented by a set of nodes and the relationships between these nodes (such as communication, information flow, or trade), are represented as a set of ties [23]. Hence, social ties are viewed as channels for the flow of information, knowledge, or other resources. In this context the processes and relationships that take place between people facilitating coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit are referred to as social capital [6, 36]. Social capital theory considers the social network as well as the knowledge or other resources that may be transferred through the network [34, 35]. Researchers have recognized the significant overlaps between networks and communities such as the emphasis on reputation, norms of reciprocity, and mutually beneficial interactions. In an online community, social capital is mostly embedded in the communication or messaging activities as these provide participants with opportunities to find social support, to establish new social contacts for collaboration, exchange knowledge and information, and create social wealth [6, 36, 39]. The use of social interaction technologies in online communities inherently creates network data [43]. Various forms of computer-mediated social interaction – like SMS, e-mail, blogs, or chats– create digital records of interaction between the content creator and other creators as they view, reply, annotate, or link to one another’s content. Recent studies support the notion that online communication serves as much social function as face to face conversation and can therefore be used to study the underlying network of social relationships by online communication [5]. Thus, they applied SNA to investigate the social capital of online communities [18, 20, 37, 39]. In the community context, it is the mutual support, contact to others, exchange of knowledge and information which creates social capital for its members [6, 36, 39]. SNA is a quantitative method for studying complex social phenomena such as community structure and groups of interacting individuals [19]. So far SNA has been applied to study virtual communities designed with a clear emphasis on the social aspect of interactions like social friendship networks, Internet dating communities, or online communication networks. No study exists which is exploring innovation communities from a SNA perspective. Therefore, in our analysis we viewed the Swarovski EnlightenedTM innovation community as a social network connected by member-member relationships. This approach allows taking advantage of SNA, which reveals patterns that are not discernable with other methods and which provides new insights into the member’s roles in an online innovation community, thereby revealing the importance of members that would otherwise be misinterpreted [18]. In our study, we explore the relevance of members as well as the importance of their contributions – ideas and comments in our case – to establish a lively innovation community. 3. Network Data and Method Our study is based on the data from an online innovation community in which the users are participants in an online idea and design contest established by the world leading crystal producer. 3.1. Design Contest Swarovski EnlightenedTM invited designers and creative consumers from all over the world to engage in the jewelry-design community (see Figure 1). The community creation was based on a design-contest, which was open for designers (e.g., design students) but also for people who are generally interested in jewelry, gemstones, and related topics. The contest was conducted within two categories: With the jewelry configuration toolkit, participants were able to create their own jewelry selecting from 24 components in various colors and through the selection and free placement of 108 different EnlightenedTM gemstones. In the second category, freely created jewelry designs could be uploaded. More than 1,700 participants joined the community to showcase their talent and submit their designs. In total, they created over 3,100 pieces of jewelry in different segments ranging from classic to sporty and from abstract to realistic. A lively community evolved across cultural boundaries. The contest spread from Austria to the US and further to Brazil and created a buzz in countries such as China, India, Russia, Turkey and Iran. The website created more than 770,000 page impressions. 3 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 TM Figure 1: Enlightened Design Competition Participants uploaded their own avatars and pictures and evaluated the configured and freely created designs either with short evaluations (1-5 points) or with “vote&win” evaluations within different categories (from “The design of jewelry looks good” to “In particular I like the shape”). Further, comments on designs and suggestions for improvements have been provided. An emotional but also detailed voting took place. Community members placed 147,000 gemstones, made more than 33,000 evaluations and contributed 2,900 qualitative comments. A brief exploratory content analysis of these comments revealed that the vast majority were not competitive but rather of a supportive nature. Hence, as shown by the examples below, members supported and inspired each other, explored relationships, and provided feedback and ideas for further improvements for each other: “… its very beautiful! I like the diagonal symmetry. Blue and gold is very Egyptian and very in,” suggests designer212 “… I have got inspiration from this design.nice one,” says designer427 “… like this one best out of your designs. maybe you could use cooler colors,” argues designer100 “… very very interesting...the idea that your design allows multiple combinations for each user taste (maybe you can add a wider range of passion colors),” suggests designer290 “… when can I see a photo from the dot-designer? - I love your lovely dot´s” answers designer385 3.2. Network Setting In the analysis each registered user represents a node (vertex) in the network. The users in the network are connected through their interactions. A relationship (edge) between two users was established when one user commented on the design of another participant. Therefore relationships between users are directional, whereas the direction of an edge indicates who com- mented and who received the comment. In defining the network, we adopted a weak notion of social relationship [19]. In this context a directed tie is established between two users, if the former user writes a comment for the latter one. This implies that a relationship is already established if only one single comment has been sent from one user to another, even if no answer to this initial contact occurs. By adopting this network definition, we do not follow the approach of Kossinets and Watts [28], who only focus on reciprocated ties and transform them into undirected ones. However, as our goal is to investigate the expected differences in user behavior in our community, mainly captured by directed network measures, it is essential for us to maintain the directionality of ties. A further reason for choosing such a low threshold of one contact already representing a relationship is the very low average strength of a directed tie of 1.15 (defined as the ratio of all comments sent and number of directed ties in the network). Further, more than 95% of all directed edges in the network have a strength of three or less (measured as the number of comments sent along one particular tie). Setting higher limits in spite of these low strength measures would have resulted in a high number of isolated users, which would have substantially reduced the connectivity in the network and our ability to investigate the role of interaction in the community [39]. These facts justified our adoption of the notion of weak social relationships between users. Our network dataset covers the period from the beginning of the design contest on the 24th October 2008 until the 15th February 2009. Although the contest itself ended on 31st December 2008, we did not stop our analysis, but continued to collect data on interaction and communication, since the participants still contributed in discussions about the designs and new members attended. During the fifteen weeks of our analysis, all users who participated in the interaction in the network by either sending or receiving one comment were included. Users who simply registered, but did not participate in the interaction were not included in the analysis. 3.3. Network Evolution Analysis To the best of our knowledge, online innovation communities have not yet been the subject of SNA, in which user activity as well as provided content have been considered simultaneously. Due to this lack of existing analyses we studied the interaction network of our innovation community at the macro level as a first explorative step to grasp basic insights into its overall structure (see Table 1) Basic properties of social networks include size, defined as the count of the number of nodes [21, 53]. During the observation period a total of 1,127 users were recorded, who wrote a total of 3,275 4 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 comments. In addition, overall network density – the ratio of the number of ties actually observed to the number of ties theoretically possible – provides a measure on the extent to which a user’s contacts are connected among themselves [45, 53]. As density is a decreasing function of network size, in our large network only 0.25% of the theoretically possible ties are realized. However, this absolute number is of little value. It would be more informative to compare the density of different online innovation communities set up slightly differently, which is intended to be done in future studies. Figure 3: Interactions until 29.12.2008 Table 1: Overall Network Metrics Unique Edges Edges with Duplicates Total Edges Self Loops Vertices Graph Density 1,841.0 1,434.0 3,275.0 44 1,127.0 0.00254609 The next step in our analysis involved the observation of the evolution of the innovation community over time. The reliance on the exact time point at which each tie is formed allows to examine the evolution of the users’ behavior. Through this approach to social networks as evolving systems, interesting patterns of interactions between users or content attracting the attention of other users can be identified [3, 44, 57]. The graphs displayed in Figures 2-4 illustrate the establishment of relationships in the overall network over time. From this visualization it can be observed that communication and interactions start within a smaller user group, which seems to be very highly connected. However, over time more and more peripheral users engage in interaction by commenting only once on a particular design without participating in further relationships [11]. From the illustrations, this kind of evolution of the network can be assumed to continue nearly until the official deadline of the design contest. Figure 2: Interactions until 14.11.2008 Figure 4: Interactions until 15.02.2009 However, two days before the contest closed, the dynamic analysis revealed a single user who was at the center of high interaction activity, thereby also attracting the attention of users who had not participated in the network before. 3.4. Different Roles of User and Content The first exploratory evolution analysis at the overall network level shows that some network users are involved in a higher number of relationships than others. Further, it reveals that some nodes are the origin of ties, while others seem to be mainly the goal of comments. These observations raise the following question: Is it the user and his interaction behavior, or rather the content generated by a particular user, hence the attractiveness of designs that is responsible for arousing interaction? To answer this question it is investigated if heterogeneity in the way nodes generate or attract relationships can be found. If differences among users exist it will be difficult to use average properties to describe the behavior of a “typical, prototype” user [39]. While in randomly generated networks any two nodes are connected with equal probability, in most real word networks it is very likely to find the majority of nodes poorly connected with a minority of nodes many times better con- 5 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 nected than the average, constituting key users [1, 14]. Key members are defined as those who contribute to the success and health of the community. By identifying those key members particular traits and characteristics which promote health and success of the community can be encouraged and even rewarded [18, 37]. In order to detect the degree of variation in user behavior, structural properties on the micro level - the individual user level - have to be analyzed. A first rough statistical analysis of the two user level indices in-degree centrality (the number of ingoing relationships of a node) and out-degree-centrality (the number of outgoing relationships of a node) reveals that on average a member posted around three comments Further an “average user” submitted around two designs (see Table 2). Table 2: Statistical indicators in- and out-degree, number of designs Mean Median Std Deviation Variance Kurtosis Skewness Minimum Maximum in-degree 2.91 0.00 32.81 1076.47 1030.30 31.46 0.00 1079.00 out-degree nr of designs 2.91 2.34 2.00 0.00 5.90 7.64 34.85 182.61 344.64 10.66 15.32 162.00 0.00 0.00 149.00 162.00 However, the zero median of in-degree-centrality shows that a very large proportion of users in the community didn’t receive any comments at all. The large standard deviation of in-degree compared to outdegree further indicates that some designs elicit a lot of comments from many different users. When analyzing the number of submitted designs per user, again the median of zero highlights that a large portion of community members didn’t contribute through submitted a design, but only through posting comments. Previous empirical research on network structure has shown that many real-world networks share fattailed out- and in-degree distributions as structural property [4]. In these networks some nodes are acting as hubs, with out- and in-degrees far above the mean. In the case where the degree distribution of a network can be formalized by a power-law function, the network is said to be ‘‘scale-free’’, indicating a high level of heterogeneity in the way nodes generate or attract connections [4]. For directed networks, the power law distribution takes the following form: p(kO) ∼ (kO)−τ (out-degree) p(kI ) ∼ (kI )−τ (in-degree) Figure 5 illustrates the empirical out- and in-degree distributions of our network. Both distributions are well approximated by the linear behavior on the double logarithmic scale, as indicated by the straight lines. The distributions can be fitted by power-law functions with an exponent τ of 1.5 for the out-degree distribution, and 1.5 as well for the in-degree distribution. These power-law exponents below two are a distinctive signature of a network structure that is dominated by a few highly connected nodes, while the vast majority of nodes remain poorly connected [7, 14]. out-degree in-degree Figure 5: Out- and In-degree distribution (log-values) However, this distribution analysis only indicates different importance of users, but it is not sufficient to identify important key members. Rather, the different roles within a community can be defined by relations between different users, their behavior, or a combination of these two aspects [18, 37]. Relationship-based roles follow the traditional network node structures of hub, broker, and bridge [13]. Behavioral roles are defined on the basis of an individual behavioral pattern as, for example, debater, motivator, or spammer [49]. Overall, it has to be kept in mind that the identification of roles is more a point of reference than a factual statement. However, it has to be considered that different communities have different needs and the roles that support these needs are different as well [37]. In the case of our innovation community with the goal to generate new breakthrough innovations, this analysis should not only focus on the interaction behavior of participating users but also on the user generated content. Thus, based on the review of relevant literature, the data from our online community setting and the considerations discussed above, we identified different types of roles, based on a combination of user behavior, user relationships, and the attractiveness of user generated content (see Table 3). In this context, the social network constructs, indegree and out-degree centrality are used for identification of key member roles. Prior research shows that these measures are useful predictors of the importance of an individual in a network, as both capture how active an individual user is and how central he is positioned in the network [23, 33, 37, 39, 58]. However, unlike the previous studies, we do not use in-degree centrality to define the popularity of a user itself [39]. As the comments a user receives are directed to the particular designs he has submitted, we instead applied in-degree to measure the potential of a user’s ideas to generate a high level of attention. Thus, the 6 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 number of comments a user receives can be seen as an indication for the future ability of his idea to capture customer attention and arouse their curiosity. Out-degree centrality, in contrast, is used to measure the level of how actively a user participates in giving feedback, suggesting enhancements and motivating others to further improve the submitted designs. Hence, a high out-degree of a user indicates that he is actively involved in information transfer and knowledge sharing between users. Finally, the number of designs uploaded by a single user is used to capture his idea generating ability. Modern design literature supports the assumption that a person’s creativity is based on idea quality as well as on idea quantity [33]. In this context it has to be kept in mind that the number of submitted designs does not reveal if the user submitted all of his ideas or only his “final, best idea.” Based on these three characteristics, eight different types of users were identified, which are associated with different responsibilities in the network and to which varying importance for the success of the online innovation community can be attributed. A user was categorized as a key user if he was ranked high on at least one of the three criteria. A high level was defined as being part of the highest 1.5% percent based on the respective measure. Figure 8 visualizes those identified key community members in the network structure: Table 3: Types of User roles ROLES Motivator, attention-grabbing Motivator Attention attractor passive User Attention attractor, motivating idea generating Motivator, idea generating Attention attractor, idea generating Idea generator communication (out-degree) idea design generation atractiveness (designcount) (in-degree) color high high low low low low low low high low high low violett blue green others high high high orange high high low black low high high red low high low brown Figure 6: Key members in the Innovation Community When superficially observed, it could be easily as- sumed that users who submit the highest number of designs, the idea generators, provide the highest commitment to goal of the online innovation community as a high number of ideas increases the probability to find a new breakthrough innovation. However, users who are able to attract a high level of attention in the community through their designs, attention grabbing users, can be regarded as very valuable and useful. They allow a first verification about how much attention a new idea will arouse among potential customers. If a user’s design attracts a high degree of curiosity among community members, it can be assumed that it has the potential to arouse the attention and catch the eye of future customers. Further, through the high number of ingoing comments, this attention grabbing user receives a high number of valuable feedback, which yield the potential for further enhancement of his idea. Finally, users, who do not participate in the actual contest through the upload of a self created design, could be easily regarded as playing no active or valuable role in the online innovation community. However, the community of practice literature points out that knowledge transfer, sharing of information, giving feedback, sharing experiences, and discussions are the key prerequisite to pool, refine, and disseminate ideas and new product developments. Thus, only those users who actively comment on the designs posted by others, the socalled motivators, enable the online community to be more than just an open innovation tool, which allows users to disclose their ideas to a firm. Rather, through their active feedback, their approval, disapproval and their suggestions, users with a high out-degree centrality provide the opportunity to collaborate in the creative process and to enhance and perfect individual ideas through their collaborative interactions. To point out the differences between the identified user types, which might initially be evaluated as equally important for the network, we investigated the egocentric networks of typical motivators, passive users, idea generators, and attention attractors. The visualization of local networks that center around a particular node allow identifying patterns of interaction behavior associated with particular roles [54]. Figures 7 and 8 show the local network patterns of a typical attention attractor with numerous inward connections. Although both users have only submitted a relatively low number of designs, they were able to attract a lot of attention among the other community members, indicating that the designs submitted by those two users have the potential to arouse discussion and curiosity, both supporting fast dissemination and adoption of innovation. In Figure 8 it can be also seen that the ego-centric network of this user is not very dense, which means that the numerous commentators did not engage in discussions among themselves, which can be 7 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 seen from the low number of existing triangles. Further, it has to be noticed that even though these users receive a high amount of feedback and attention, they do not participate in this kind of network interaction, which can be seen from the few, if any, outgoing relationships. Figure 7: User 2254 5 designs Figure 8: User 2913 2 designs Figures 9 and 10 show the egocentric network that is associated with a motivator and feedback giver. It is characterized by its very high number of outgoing ties, indicating that those users are actively engaged in commenting on many different designs and providing a high amount of feedback inside the network. Compared to Figure 8, these local networks are dense with many interconnected ties and triangles. tions nor does it automatically lead to high attention and curiosity from other community members. Although User 2091 and User 2345 submitted a very high number of ideas they were only able to attract a very low number of comments, shown by the low number of ingoing relationships. Therefore, it can be assumed that their ideas, despite their vast number, do not have the potential to make people curious, to initiate discussion and spread word about them. These are very important implications for new product development, which crucially depends on fast dissemination and adoption. But these users are not only unable to benefit the community through attractive ideas, they also missed participating actively in giving feedback and evaluating the design of others and thereby disregard this important possibility to add value to the community. These observations show that the sheer amount of designs is no indicator for identifying crucial key players in an online innovation community. Figure 11: User 2091 162 designs Figure 9: User 2109 3 designs Figure 10: User 1921 34 designs However, very important differences can be detected when further investigating these two motivators. Although User 2109 contributed through his feedback, he was not able to attract a high level of attention with his three designs. User 1921, in contrast, not only actively engaged in sharing his knowledge and but also received a high number of comments for his designs. This way this user benefits the online innovative community in two very important ways. He represents a very valuable user type, the motivating, idea generating attention attractor, which is critically necessary for the communities’ success. Figures 11 and 12 impressively highlight that a high number of uploaded designs does not necessarily indicate either a high user participation in network interaction like feedback giving or improvement sugges- Figure 12: User 2345 44 designs To investigate if users who post a high number of designs inevitably get more attention for their ideas, we calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between the number of designs a user submitted and the number of comments he attracted with all his ideas [39]. The pairwise correlation of 0.115 (see Table 4) shows that people submit a high number of new ideas do not necessarily attract the most attention. Further, the relationships between nodes’ out- and in-degree as well as between out-degree and number of designs were investigated in the Correlation analysis. Again, the low correlation coefficients suggest that users who actively comment on ideas, give feedback, encourage improvements and give suggestions for further development of posted ideas do not have to be those who attract interest and arouse curiosity through their design. Table 4: Pearson Correlation Coefficients In-Degree In-Degree Out-Degree Nr. of designs Out-Degree nr of designs 1 0.12989811 1 0.11542744 0.21884588 1 8 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 4. Discussion In this article, we studied the patterns in the evolution of an online innovation community and users’ interaction behavior. In our analysis we recognized that an online innovation community has a very specific purpose and therefore requires a special kind of user participation and interaction. Thus, we simultaneously considered the user itself as well as the user generated ideas. We found users to be heterogeneous in the way they participate in the community. Through relying on structural data combined with consideration of the context of our community we identified eight different user types who have different levels of importance in supporting the health and success of the innovation community. By viewing our online community as a social network connected by member-member relationships, we took advantage of SNA, which revealed important key members that would otherwise have been misidentified. Our findings show that the sheer amount of contributed designs should not be regarded as the only indicator to identify the key players in an online innovation community and therefore it is not the pure idea generating behavior which should be encouraged in the community. To be able to benefit from the interaction between users and be more than just a platform of presenting an idea to a firm, it is rather essential for the community to attract people who are interested in evaluating ideas and sharing their knowledge. Through their active feedback, their approval, disapproval, their suggestions, and votes this users activate the knowledge transfer, sharing of information and experiences within the community and therefore also contribute in pooling, refining, and disseminating ideas and new product developments. Further, users should be encouraged who are able to attract a high level of attention in through their designs as a lot of community members start to vote and discuss their ideas thereby providing valuable feedback and suggestions for further enhancement. It is critical to be able to identify, encourage and reward these members as their ideas yield high probabilities for successful new products. In the future, more and more companies may consider using the enormous creative potential of online innovation communities to enrich their product development process. This affects the work of classical new product development as Swarovski managers, for example, had to interact with the community but also had to come up with a process to effectively integrate the community generated ideas and to use the design to its full extent. Based on our results, in the future, companies can devise and align their actions regarding an appropriate management and leadership approach of online innovation communities, community rules, and norms. Based on our identified community member types, strategies can be developed for either supporting different users in their behavior, or for transforming them, for example, form passive users to motivators. It gives also practical implications for appropriate rewards and encouragement for users who are actively contributing to supporting different needs and the health of the community. In this context, different user types have to be considered differently based on their very specific contributions to the community. But also implications for technical design and inclusion of special, critical functionalities of the web platforms and software applications are given. Our study shows that only computer-mediated interaction allows turning innovation by a community without intra-community interaction where users only disclose their ideas to firms, into innovation within the community. Communication and interaction between users enable information and knowledge sharing resulting in collaborative and more creative innovation. One limitation of our study and, therefore, potential for future research is the investigation of the content of given comments. A netnographic approach, the qualitative assessment of explicitly verbalized and implicitly existing attitudes, perceptions, imagery, and feelings of community members [29, 30] could enable us to gain further insight into the behavior of innovation community members. Users could not only be evaluated based on the number of comments but also based on the length and value of their suggestions. This way, the type and quality of the knowledge shared and transferred could be studied. Also, comments not containing sense-making messages could be excluded from the analysis. A further interesting way for future research could be the investigation of the motives and personalities hidden behind individual community member types and how these personal characteristics affect the quantity and quality of contributed content. Although several studies have engaged in identifying different member types in online communities, so far very little research investigates the actual motivation of users behind those types. To capture participants’ motives and personal characteristics, it is planned to conduct an online survey among the members of the Swarovski EnlightenedTM Community to be able to further investigate personal motivations and characteristics of the particular key user types. 5. References [1] Albert, R., and Barabasi, A.: ‘Statistical mechanics of complex networks’, Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002, 74, (1), pp. 47-97. [2] Almeida, P., Phene, A., and Grant, R.: ‘Innovation and Knowledge Management: Scanning, Sourcing, and Integra- 9 Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 tion’, in Easterby-Smith, M., and Lyles, M.A. (Eds.): ‘Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management’ (Blackwell, 2003), pp. 357-371. [17] Fullerton, R., Linster, B.G., MCKee, M., and Slate, S.: ‘An experimental investigation of research tournaments’, Economic Inquiry, 1999, 37, (4), pp. 624-636. 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