Minetto United Methodist Church “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” VOLUME 1, ISSUE 14 JULY 2011 Minetto United Methodist Church PO Box 217, Minetto, NY 13115 315-343-3465 Pastor Chuck Forbes From the Pastor How to change a church The preacher stepped to the pulpit with dignity and passion. He was articulate. He was persuasive. He was enthusiastic. He was here interviewing to be the new pastor of Old First Church. He was really giving it his best shot. At one point, he got particularly fired up. He raised his voice. He raised both hands high in the air, letting his gestures punctuate his point. "If called, I will lead this church into the twentieth century!" A hush fell over the crowd. Everyone was a little embarrassed for him in making this gaff at such a crucial point in his message. They were all cheering for him to do his best and cringed at this mistake. None were more embarrassed than the would-be pastor's wife. In fact, she couldn't contain her embarrassment and spoke softly to her husband. Yet, most everyone could hear. "Psst! Honey, you mean, 'Twenty-first century.' You said 'twentieth century.'" "We are going to take this one century at a time!" was his quick reply. The story illustrates a basic principle of change. Many church leaders want to change their church, and are deeply convicted that their church needs to change, but they don't know how to change. This story illustrates a one word principle that has two applications. If you want to change your church, do so slowly. The two applications of this one word principle work like this: Don't try to change your church too fast. People will rebel, get mad, and reject the change. Don't ever quit trying to change your church. Keep changing your church--gradually, continually, and forever. The point is not a contemporary church. The point is not to change the church into a contemporary church, or into any particular kind of church. It is not to change the church from this to that. It is that the church is alive and that living things grow, and living things change. Growing relationships change. It is not about moving to some ideal style. It is just that the nature of life demands that we change. Page 2 Minetto United Methodist Church As obvious as the point is, I am always surprised how often this principle is violated. I know churches that have not changed at all in at least thirty years. They feel like the church that I attended when I was in high school which, at the time, felt old fashioned to me. It felt old fashioned thirty years ago, and so many churches feel just like that. They have not changed at all in thirty years, maybe more--maybe much more. Living things change. Juan Carlos Ortiz illustrates this point with an imaginary story. "Imagine," he says, "I go to my wife and say to her after thirty years of marriage what I said to her before our first date, 'Sister Mary, I don't know if you have noticed or not, but I feel differently about you than the other girls in the youth group. Do you think I could take you to dinner some time?'" This is a very normal and appropriate thing for a seventeen year old boy to say to a seventeen year old girl before their first date. But, if he is still talking to her in this stilted way after thirty years of marriage, something is dreadfully wrong. Growth demands change. Relationships change. Living things change. Don't change too fast One of the reasons why churches don't change is because they tried change and it didn't go well. So, they quit changing. They didn't slow down the rate of change. They quit changing altogether. Mark Twain tells a charming story about this. "If a cat sits on a hot stove, you can be sure of one thing. It will never sit on a hot stove again. In fact, it may not sit on any stove ever again." The paraphrase of that for church life works like this. "If a pastor ever tries to change his church, you can be sure of one thing, he will never try that change again. In fact, he may not try any change again. We change too fast--or try to--it doesn't work, so we quit changing altogether. Don't try to change too fast. The key word on how to change a church is slowly. By the way, how many Methodists does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to actually change the light bulb, and four to reminisce about how great the old light bulb was. The other answer works like this: CHANGE? Who said something about change? Don't ever stop changing This principle of constant, incremental, ongoing and forever change is not only my opinion, it is also the opinion of smart people. Jim Collins has a whole chapter on this in the excellent book, Good to Great. He asks the reader to imagine an enormous flywheel--a great rock on a huge, wooden rod. A large work force pushes against the rock for a whole shift and, owing to the enormous mass of the rock, are only able to move it one foot. The next crew comes in, and, building on the work of the first crew, they move the rock two feet. After a few days, each crew is moving the rock a quarter of a turn, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 14 Page 3 then half a turn, then a full revolution in one shift, then a full revolution per hour and so forth. Each shift builds on the momentum of the last and is able to push the rock faster and faster and faster until finally it is whirling so that a whole shift could miss a turn and its momentum would still have it spinning like a top. The whirling flywheel is a picture of success. It pictures all the effort necessary to create success, and it pictures the idea that once some success is created, success tends to breed success. Now, imagine someone sees this whirling fly-wheel and says, "Which push was the key push that created this success? Which was the key push?" The question itself makes the point and needs no answer. There is no one thing that creates success for a business, for an individual or for a church. It is the successive effort of thousands and thousands of pushes--those thousands of efforts to change that wheel just a bit that create the enormous, unstoppable, whirling momentum. It is so easy to look at a mega-church and ask the wrong question: "What is the key? What was the change that created all this? What was the push that made it possible? There was no one push. Thousands and thousands of individual, heroic efforts by ordinary people over a long period of time made it possible. Gradual, slight, incremental change, if consistently delivered, can result in monumental change over a period of time. Three inches a week A pastor was fired once for moving the pulpit from the side of the stage, as it is in some churches, to the center of the stage. He moved the pulpit and the church promptly fired him. About a year later, he visited the church. To his shock, the pulpit was resting in the middle of the stage--the very place where he had tried to move the pulpit, only to be fired for doing so. Overcome with curiosity, he waited for a private moment afterwards and asked the pastor, "How did you get the church to go along with moving this pulpit to the center? They fired me for trying. How did you do it?" "Three inches a week," the pastor replied. "They never noticed." Want to know how to change your church? Three inches a week. As easy as that sounds, don't miss the point. You have to change every week. I know churches that have not changed three inches in thirty years. Gradual, incremental, forever change is the sign of life. How do you change your church? Slowly. Shalom, Pastor Chuck (and Tommee) Page 4 Minetto United Methodist Church Table of Contents: From the Pastor Pg 1—3 Hymnal Update Pg 4 Church Milestones Pg 4 Worship Schedule Pg 5 2011 Graduates Pg 5 July Worship Assistants Pg 6 Secret Sister Update Pg 7 First Tuesday Update Pg 7 Free Will Dinner Pg 8 Evangelism Team Update Pg 8 Youth Group Update Pg 8 Finance Update Pg 9 July 2011 Calendar Pg 10 Worship & Song Hymnal The newest hymnal from the United Methodist Church will be purchased for our sanctuary. Eighty copies have been approved for purchase by our Church Council. If you would like to purchase one (or more) of the hymnals and dedicate it in memory of a loved one, please contact Pastor Chuck. Cost for one hymnal is $10.00. Milestones in Our Church The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the families of Leora Van Patten, Karen Bourdon-Clark (Pastor Chuck’s cousin), Doris Welch (Joanne Reidy’s mother), Catherine Seymour (Donna Reed’s mother), Al Graham (brother of Bill Graham) and Helen Pfaff. The congregation welcomes into the family of Jesus Christ through baptism: Sarah Ann Katherine Platten, daughter of Chad and Erin Platten; and, Cooper William Klefbeck, son on Jesse and Tracy Klefbeck. The congregation also welcomes the Platten family as the newest members of our church family. The congregation extends congratulations and blessings on the marriage of Jonathan Edward McLoughlin, Jr. and Jessica Lynn Recore, June 4th, 2011. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 14 Page 5 Worship Schedule for July 2011 Please note that worship will be at 9:30 AM Beginning July 3rd—through Sept. 4th July 3rd 9:30 AM Communion Gospel: Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30 Sermon: Jesus thanks his Father Psalm 72 Lay Reading: Romans 7: 15-25a July 10th 9:30 AM Gospel: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Sermon: Parable of the Sower Psalm 25 Lay Reading: Romans 8: 1-11 July 17th 9:30 AM Noisy Can Offering Gospel: Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 Sermon: Parable of the Weeds Psalm 139: 1-12,23-24 Lay Reading: Romans 8: 12-25 July 24th 9:30 AM Gospel: Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 Sermon: Kingdom of Heaven Psalm 105: 1-11, 45b Lay Reading: Romans 8: 26-39 July 31st 9:30 AM Gospel: Matthew 14: 13-21 Sermon: Feeding the 5000 Psalm 17: 1-7, 15 Lay Reading: Romans 9: 1-5 Congratulations to all our Graduates! Harold & Mildred Clark Memorial Scholarship Graduates: Jennifer Hotchkiss, Oswego HS – attending SUNY Oswego in Fall MacKenzie Dunsmoor, Oswego HS – attending SU in Fall Recognizing other Graduates: Danielle Mather, Oswego HS – attending Gannon Univ. in Fall Eirik Bjorkman, SUNY New Paltz Keating Di Risio, Adelphi Matthew Farden, AAS Degree, OCC Harold & Mildred Clark Memorial Campership: Trevor Burdick Page 6 Minetto United Methodist Church WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ~ JULY 2011 July 3rd : Communion July 24th Greeters: Mary-Lou Carpenter- Greeters: Bjorkman and Linda Rosche Bill Martin and Nancy Prarie Acolyte: Trevor Burdick Acolyte: Amber Tickel Reader: Marilyn Stephens Reader: Frank Bickel Coffee Hour: Friendship Brunch Coffee Hour: Nurture & Care Cmte Counters: TBD Counters: TBD July 10th July 31st Greeters Jeanette Heath and Mary Cipra Greeters Tim Page and Marilyn Stephens Acolyte: Samantha Gardner Acolyte: Cole Rothrock Reader: Gloria Bickel Reader: Trevor Burdick Coffee Hour: Nurture & Care Cmte Coffee Hour: Counters: TBD Counters: Nurture & Care Cmte TBD Altar: Joanne Reidy July 17th Greeters: Frank and Gloria Bickel Acolyte: Riley Jaquin Reader: Jennifer Brown Coffee Hour: Nurture & Care Comte Counters: TBD CONTACTS Nancy Prarie Greeters 342-3915 Mary Cipra Acolytes 342-2889 June Tryon Readers 343-9692 Diana Rockhill Coffee Hour 343-0613 Lucille Becksted Counters 343-4479 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 14 Page 7 SECRET SISTER UPDATE ~ SUMMER 2011 Minetto United Methodist Secret Sister Program Do you want to be a Secret Sister? All are welcomed to participate! W hat is the Secret Sister Program? This program is an outreach ministry for the women in our church fellowship. All of the ladies of our church are invited to participate. If you participate you will draw a name and that woman becomes your Secret Sister for a year. She does not know who you are but she knows you are there. Likewise, someone will be caring for you in that way too. Secret Sisters are about encouraging, praying for and supporting each other in small ways. If you are willing to be a Secret Sister, fill out the “All About Me” form (available at church or on the church website minettoumc.org) and return or mail it to Nancy Prarie by Sunday, July 3. We will draw names for our Secret Sisters on Sunday, July 17. If you are not present that day you may draw the following Sunday. Nancy Prarie’s address is 2949 St. Rt. 48 Oswego, NY 13126, or hand it to Nancy anytime before the cutoff date July 3. If you have any questions about this program please email Nancy at [email protected] or call her at 315-342-3915. FIRST TUESDAY UPDATE ~ SUMMER 2011 First Tuesday will resume in September. To avoid Labor Day, and school opening, the first session will be Tuesday, September 13, at 7 PM in the Mowry Lounge. The topic for the new year will be Managing Your Moods. Marilyn Meberg of Women of Faith says, "As you know, God created us with a broad spectrum of emotional potential. On one end of the spectrum, we experience giggles, gladness, and joy; on the other end, sadness, disappointment, and anger. It is important that we feel all of these emotions, and even express them, but by the same token, we must learn to express them in appropriate ways." The women's First Tuesday study will look at God's perspective on our emotional lives and what He does to help us manage our moods. Save the date, and save the first Tuesday of each month for a time of study, self reflection, and fellowship. Page 8 Minetto United Methodist Church FREE WILL DINNER UPDATE ~ JULY 2011 The free will dinner on May 22, 2011 served 29 persons. Our next dinner is July 24th and will include: sloppy joe sandwiches, salt potatoes, veggies and dessert. The Nurture and Care committee would like to thank everyone that has helped make these dinners a successful ministry EVANGELISM TEAM UPDATE ~ JULY 2011 Your Evangelism Team accepted responsibility for the annual planting of the vegetable garden at Oswego County Opportunities Minetto group home. The seeds, plants, and other items have been graciously donated and received from the congregation. The garden has been planted and is growing. We are grateful to everyone who contributed plants, other needed items, along with thier time and talents. A big Thank you to all. More about this MUMC outreach activity next month. Bill Martin, Team Leader MY GOD ~ MINETTO YOUTH GROUP OF DISCIPLES ~ JULY 2011 UPDATE Our most recent meeting was on June 26th following the service. We are happy to say that great strides continue to be made with our participating members and that they are doing a great job! We have planted the garden to benefit the church's monthly freewill dinner. THANKS to the men who prepared the soil (could not have done this without your help). Also, THANKS to those who planted: Cole Rothrock and Linda McFall as well as youth group leaders, Randy Dohse and Debbie Daby. The yummy vegetables that We have planted: are tomatos, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, green beans, carrots, radishes and gourds. THANKS also to Pastor Chuck for his assistance with the watering, etc. We are looking for more youth to help throughout the summer with the weeding and the vegetable gathering. As always any youth in 5th grade or above are welcome to join us. Plans going into this summer include: scheduling time for carwash fundraiser this summer and other activities during the summer break from school. Please refer to the weekly bulletin for our scheduled meetings, contact the church office Wednesday through Friday or contact Debbie Daby or Randy Dohse. If you have any questions about MY GOD (or ideas of things we might want to do over the summer and early fall), please contact Debbie Daby (343-8301 / [email protected]) VOLUME 1, ISSUE 14 Page 9 FINANCE COMMITTEE UPDATE ~ MAY 2011 Finance & Stewardship Committee Report for May 2011 O ur current expenses and shared ministry obligations for the month of May 2011 amounted to $8731.48. Our current expense income from all sources was $9,343.47; giving us a $611.99 surplus for the month. Our income was $374.86 less than we projected for the month and our expenditures were $1,641.81 less than we forecast. All bills, including our Ministry Shares assessment, were paid in full. Our year-to-date current expense income at the end of May totaled $49,783.09 – $386.58 less than we expected, while expenditures were $42,621.94 – $9,244.76 less than we budgeted. The members of the Finance & Stewardship Committee thank you for your faithful stewardship of the financial support of our church. We welcome your suggestions and questions and invite you to attend any of our meetings. We normally meet at 7:00 P.M., on the third Wednesday of each month except November and December when we meet on the second Wednesday. Our next meeting has been changed to Tuesday, July 19, in order for Mr. Keith Muhleman, President of the United Methodist Frontier Foundation to meet with us to explain the possibility of investing our reserve funds with the Foundation and to answer our questions. He will also describe the procedures for establishing an endowment fund for our church that could provide earnings to supplement our income in future years. The purpose of the meeting is purely to gather information and get answers to our questions. Our reserve funds are presently held in certificates of deposit and, because their earnings are very small, the members of the Finance Committee felt that good stewardship dictates that we investigate other options. All members of our congregation are welcome to attend the meeting. We especially encourage all members of the Church Council and Board of Trustees to attend since they would be the ones to make any decision to change our procedures and to execute them. Copies of our reports or the budget will be provided upon request. A copy of the treasurer’s complete monthly report may be found on the literature rack beside the sanctuary doors. Finance & Stewardship Committee members for 2011 are: Frank Bickel; Mary Cipra; Debbie Daby; Dennis Dumas, financial secretary (598-9770); William Martin; Bill Rockhill, treasurer; Steve Salisbury; Vernon Tryon, chairman (343-9692 or [email protected]); and Rick VanPatten. 4:30-6:30 Free Meal 31 9:30 AM Worship 9:30 AM Worship 24 Noisy Can Offering 9:30 AM Worship 17 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 Friendship Luncheon 9:30 AM Worship Communion 10 3 NHS=New Horizon Singers NHB=New Horizon Band PC = Pastor Chuck Sun Office Closed 4th of July Holiday 7 PM Transition Team 25 18 11 4 Mon 9 AM NHB 9 AM NHS 10:30 AM Osteo Group 6:30 PM Concinnity 9 AM NHS 10:30 AM Osteo Group 26 9 AM NHB 27 9 AM NHB 9 AM NHS 10:30 AM Osteo Group 6:30 PM Concinnity 7 PM Finance 20 19 6:30 PM Concinnity 13 12 No Chapter 9 AM NHB 6:30 PM Concinnity 6 9 AM NHS 10:30 AM Osteo Group Wed 5 Tue Thu 10 AM UR Prayer Group 1-3 Disciple I Study 28 Reese-Brown Wedding Rehearsal 10 AM UR Prayer Group 1-3 Disciple I Study 21 10 AM UR Prayer Group 1-3 Disciple I Study 14 10 AM UR Prayer Group 1-3 Disciple I Study 7 July 2011 Oswego Harbor Fest 29 Reese-Brown Wedding Fallbrook 22 15 8 Canada Day 1 Fri Oswego Harbor Fest 30 23 16 10-12:30 PC at Africa University Endowment Fund 9 2 Sat PAGE 10 MINETTO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
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