PAGE 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1986 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT Scholarship pageant planned for May 25 Young ladies in grades seven through twelve arc invited to participate in the 1986 Collegiate Miss New Jersey State Scholarship Pageant, This year's pageant will be held in the Imperial Ballroom of the Trump Plaza on Sunday, May 25, in Atlantic City, Upon acceptance as a contestant, each girl will receive her own tiara and sash on pageant day, The winner will represent the pageant in county and/or state activities throughout her one-year reign, The SCHOOL MENUS WEEK OF Mar. 24 RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL AND RAHWAY JR. HIGH MONDAY Luncheon No. 1: Minute steak on roll. Luncheon No. 2: Cheese dog or frankfurter on roll. Luncheon No. 3: Tuna salad sandwich. Each of the above luncheons will contain your choice of two: potatoes, vegetable, chilled juice. TUESDAY Luncheon No. 1: Oven baked fish filet on bun. Luncheon No. 2: Hot meatball submarine sandwich. Luncheon No. 3: Spiced ham and cheese sandwich. Each of tho above luncheons will contain the choice of two: potatoes, vegetable, fruit. WEDNESDAY Luncheon No. 1: Hamburger on bun. Luncheon No. 2: Macaroni and cheese. Bread and butter, tossed salad w/dresslng, fruit. Luncheon No. 3: Chicken salad sandwich. Luncheons No. 1 and 3 will contain cholco of two: potatoes, tossed salad w/dresslng, fruit. THURSDAY Luncheon No. 1: Pizza. Luncheon No. 2: Chicken Chow Molrr with vegetables, steamed rice, chow meln noodles, fruit. Luncheon No. 3: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Luncheons No. 1 and 3 will contain the cholco of two: carrot coins, vegetable, fruit. FRIDAY SCHOOL CLOSED DAILY SPECIALS Large salad platter with bread and butter, homomade soup, Individual salads and desserts. PRE-ANNOUNCED SPECIALS Menu subject to change. RAHWAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SCIENCE IS ELECTRICALLY CHARGED AT KUMPF . . . Students In Mrs, Dorothy McNulty's sixth grado sclonco class at tho Carl Kumpf School In Clark aro getting a "charge" from tholr lessons as follow student Nick Cucclnlello (second from right) demonstrates tho principles of electrical circuitry. Ho has boon actively toachlng his classmates (loft to right) Joseph Cafloro, Michael Sommor, Donlol Rodzlnlak, and Mlchaol Prossmon tho practical applications of the power of onorgy through tho development of electrical quiz games. His lessons havo "eparkod" atudont Intorost In the study ol physical sclonco and havo shed additional light on Its ovoryday usefulness. As rnuny us 400 students from high schools in Union County will attend the Union County Council on Alcoholism, Inc. two-day Youth Health Awareness Conference at Kcan College on Murch 24 und 25. Entitled "Go To Hculth," the conference will include workshops on fumily rclutions, scxuulity, personal growth und interpersonal relationships, Each workshop is designed to help students explore vulucs, decisions and their consequences through films, speukcrs and theatre improvisations. The conference wus originally conceived to help young people develop u positive self-image which is u first step in prevention of alcohol misuse and ulcoholism. MONDAY Luncheon No. 1: Minute steak on roll. Potatoes, vegetable, chilled juice. Workshop will be fucilLuncheon No. 2: Tuna salad sandwich. itated by experienced proPotatoes, vegetable, chilled Juice. fessionals from u variety of TUESDAY fields including cducution, Luncheon No. 1: Oven baked fish filet on bun. health, alcoholism, drugs, Potatoes, vegetable, fruit. and criminal justice. Luncheon No. 2: Spiced ham and cheese sandwich. The workshop fucilitators Potatoes, vegetable, fruit. include: Gale BarretWEDNESDAY Kuvunugh, N.J, Division of Luncheon No. 1: Hamburger on bun. Narcotics & Drug Abuse; Potatoes, tossed salad w/dresslng, fruit. Judy Curpentier, Union Luncheon No. 2: Chicken salad sandwich. County Council on AlcoPotatoes, tossed salad w/dresslng, fruit. holism; Jcff..4Fipi.ichbaum, THURSDAY Community Mental Health Luncheon No. 1: Pizza. Center, Rutgers Mcdicul Carrot coins, vegetable, fruit. This is the second unnuul School; Investigator Joseph Luncheon No. 2: Peanut butter and Jelly sand- conference sponsored by Fitzgerald, Union County wich. the Council and is co- Prosecutor's Office; RoberCarrot coins, vegetable, fruity sponsorcUby the N,J. De- ta- KnuwUon,-Pragram Vinnie "FRIDAY partment of Health, Divi- T A P / S T E P ; LUNCHEON WILL NOT BE SERVED TODAY sion of Alcoholism, Kcan Lucrc/.i, Network AdolesCollege of New Jersey, Cen- cent Program; Sgt. Paula tre Services Inc., Jersey Ci- Lerman, Union County ty, and Schering-Plough Prosecutor's Office; Al McNammara, Century Inc., Springfield. House, Rivcrview Hospital; Angclo Pierre, Crunford A highlight of the con- Township Counselor; ference will be dramatic Suzanne Vircik, St. After the initial eight work toward the resolution presentations by the Teen Elizabeth's Hospital; and Life Theatre of Dwight Frances Wojcik, Roosevelt week session, the Mental of their fears and frustra Morrow High School, En- Hospital. Health Association is conti- lions. nuing its new Kids Coping The next eight week ses glewood, and Pluys for LivTogether support groups for sion begins the week o: ing of New York City, Both children of divorced or March 24. Afternoon und groups will perform a series separated parents. early evening groups are of- of skits or pluys on selfVicki Toole, Director of fered for children according esteem, peer pressure, the program, suys, to their ages, from four to friendship, coping skills and "Children of all ages are af- eighteen. The schedule, fees other topics of interest to fected by parental discord, and registration may be ob teens. The performances Some children keep their tained from the Mcntn will be followed by discusAssociation sion, and the Teen Life feelings inside, others act Health 2720300. The Associalior players will participate them out through behavior at home or at school, In is located at IS Alden St. while remaining in their roles, order to help keep normal Crunford. cmotionul rcuctions from developing into more serious problems, we offer the children more direct outlets for their emotions," CANDIES As a professional urt "Easter Treats for Everyone" therapist, Ms, Toolc creates a supportive atmosphere where the children, who sometimes find (heir feelings too difficult to put into words, can also begin to express themselves through art work. With the support of each other, under the direction of n professional they realize that, although difficult, divorce is not uncommon. Eventually, through talking und sharing their drawings with each other, the children begin to "Kids Coping Together' offers emotional outlets S O'JOHNNIES Hallmark Cards & Gifts 170WESTFIELDAVE. CLARK with illegal DRUGS f The Lady Elizabeth Cartercl Chapter NS Colonial Dames XVII Century will meet on Tuesday, April I at OPEN. MON. TO SAT. 6.3OAM-9PM SUNDAY 6.30AM-3PM newly crowned Collegiate Miss will receive a $3,000 cash scholarship which will be awarded on pageant day, Applicants will be required to be between the ages of 13 through 18, a resident of the state in which they arc applying, and a U,S, Citizen. A sophomore student will Maryland, Pennsylvania, academic disciplines at participate in the spring Ontario Canada, Ohio, Limpscomb, and presents tour of David Lipucomb West Virginia and Ken- numerous concerts in the College's combined A Cap- tucky, Nashville area each year. pclla and Chorale choruses, Miss Paiadino, alto, is the A major tour is planned Llna Ann Paladino will be daughter of Mrs. Millie Bar- for the chorus during Lipsamong 51 voices presenting bra Pescatore, 62 Stone- comb's spring brenk, each concert! in North Carolina, henge Terrace, Clark, year, and the chorus is planThe chorus includes so- ning a tour of nine Euphomores, juniors and ropean countries this sumseniors from a variety of mer. To receive an application, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Collegiate Miss Scholarship Pageant, II Donna Drive, New Fairfield, CT 06812 or phone (203) 746-4369. Clark Democrats plan fashion show with luncheon A 8URPRI8E SOth ANNIVERSARY PARTY was given in honor of Mr, and Mro, K.M. Hoagland of Rahway, at tho Rahway Elko Club, by tholr chlldron Thomas and Konnoth of Rahway, and daughter Carole Eberhardt of the home of Mrs, Kenneth Wlntor Park, Fla, Tho couplo wao married on March 7;, Freeman at 1 p.m. Mrs, 1936, In Now York City, ; Ruth Cleland will be the cohostcss. The program will be "Branching Out in New Jersey," a mini course in gencalogj/, A report will be given on the State Meeting held March at Forsgatc Country Club at which time a State Mr. und Mrs, Thomas Berry Long Jr, of Cape nominating committee was elected, Mrs, Arthur Zum- Charles, Virginia announce the engagement of their bito, a member of the chap- daughter Marietta Lucttingcr of Richmond, Virginia to ter, was nominated to serve Eric Wuyne Muchmore of Richmond, Virginia, the sonon the State nominating of Mr, and Mrs, Edward R, Muchmore of Clark, New Jersey, committee, Miss Long was graduated from the Medical College of Virginia, and is currently employed by the Medical St. Genevleve's College of Virginia Hospital, Mr. Muchmore was graduated from Bucknell seeks graduates University in Lcwisburg, Pennsylvania, and is currently .,• St, Gcncvieve's School of employed by American Cyanamid Company. ; • '• Elizabeth is establishing an An April wedding is planned. •: ! alumni association and is seeking names, addresses n i w w »•• • • and telephone numbers of graduates from as far buck us the early 1930's. Graduates should mail information to St, Gcncvieve's School, 209 Princeton Rd,, Elizabeth, N.J, 07208, Long - Muchmore Egg action at library The Runway Public Library will present an egg decorating craft program for Kindergarten through 6th Grade on Wcdncsduy, March 26 from 3; 15 p.m, to 4 p,m. Admission will be free and all materials will be provided by the Library. To urrnngc accessibility for. the handicupped, contuct the Children's Department (telephone 381-4110) bv March 24. The Library will be closed on Good Friday, Murch 28, BIO BIRD AND THE LIP8HER8... Big Bird delivers golden daffodils to Carrie, Jennie, Amy and Jodl LIpBher of Elizabeth In eupport of The American Cancer 8ocloty'o Annual Daffodil Festival, Engagements Announced KUMPF 3TUDENT8 PAY TRIBUTE TO CHALLENGER 10 A8TRONAUTS . . . In a symbolic gesturo of remembrance, students at tho Carl Kumpf School In Clark paid tribute to tho Challongor 10 astronauts with a balloon release In Fobruary. Through contributions of 25 cents and moro, studonts and faculty "reachod out" to tho chlldron of our sovon heroes by raising a total of $237 for tho "Spaco Shuttlo Children's Fund," Plcturod aro mombors of tho Balloon Release Commlttoo: (left to right): Robert Quarlno, Mr, Walter Borlght, Paul Condon, Krlston Von St. Paul, Joffroy Jadro, and Carmon Strlllacl. PAGEANT CONTE8TANT . . . Mlso Katherlno Bodlno, daughter ol Mr, and Mro, William C. Bodlno of Rahway, hao boon chooon to bo a flnallot In tho 1986 Mlaa New Joraoy U.S. Toon Pagoant to bo held In Nowark at tho Holiday Inn on April 27. Hor hobbloa aro softball and okllno, Sho lo bolng oponoorod by Main Courso Enterprloo In Clark. Tho Mloo Now Joraoy U,S. Toon Pagoant le tho official otato final to tho Mlso U.S. Toon Pogoant to bo hold In August, Mlso Sally Pottor of Jorooy City lo tho 1986 Mloo Now Jorooy U.S. Toon, Union County will get its first touch of spring on March 18-27, when the American Cancer Society sponsors its Annual Daffodil Days Festival. OUR SPECIALTY 381-2000 Careful drivers never know when they nave their own liven. FREE PARKING • FREE DELIVERY IRVING ST., OPP. ELIZABETH AVE. ULJLJIJLA mjk. •_«.' Come To Pizza And NEWLY ELECTED . . . The nowly elected officers of the Rahway Italian-American Women's Auxiliary are Doloroa Jodie, corresponding secretary; Mary Ann Coppola, i vice prooldont; Barbara Loach, president; Virginia Clbollo, financial socrotary; Elvira j Bontompo, rocordlng socrotary; and Qortrudo Qrlmaldl, treasurer. now the Italian-American Auxiliary plans activities Home of the $ 2.99 Dinner • SPAGHETTI • MANICOTTI • STUFFED SHtllS • BAKID 1ITI PAKMAGIANA • CHHJf HAVIOU^ fCC PLANT PARMAGIANA or Chicken Parmagiana WE ALWAYS^BUY 10 LARGE PIES FEATURE Cancer Society sponsors Daffodil Days Festival BELL DRUGS OF RAHWAY! Veal Parmagiana • GET ONE FREE (Save irm coupon on tho Pliia Box) for Any order over $20. Get a FREE 1 Liter Bottle of Soda X 3.99 Tuesday Is Plzia Day Large Pie "*? Dinners served till 10P.M. Come In and tryus. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! St. Gtorgt Ave. Pattimark Super Ctnttr Rahway/Av«n«l 382-1100 Guaranteed to start on the first or second pull. RHEjNQOLD MICWEtoiB'iv^,. 20684 W, T h e Rahway Italian^American Ladies Auxiliary meeting was held on March 12. President, Barbara >V CARLO ROSSI MINI trVIN M i l lOWUMMCt JTS »<««'"«»wr«nm- liom Simply yyHH new (JTS T ixiwawl ixiwaw Iliro lawn mower ll l i t *IM on om> or two pull* lor J y m n iw 'K reolutionary .y yvillcn revolutionary Kwtrnniw. In fiut, fiu-t, the the (ITS (I itllrtmu HiMr«nicH> votuiionarv ii' ii'ii th thr only r«nicH> w ao rt> votuii l oni« off iu i kiml in ilio imliiMry InHUnt credit. N o m o n e y d o w n , low monthly ixmo i ILivm\ yiHi (bitewithout n'K>n> ktujj enough?' 349 South Avenue E. Westfield LANDSCAPING A IRRIGATION 2 3 3 860H Lcuch presided over the the public. Proceeds will go meeting. to the Bay Scouts Troop A spaghetti dinner will be //40. held on April 18, open to Fiesta Italiana will be on June 7, one duy only. Salvatorc Tanelli will be in charge of tickets. Kay Yula and Mary Conforti were honored as "Life Members," available from NJSC Refreshments were servmembers or at the door. ed by Mary Ann Coppola, Additional information Theresa Stinger, Helen La may be obtained by calling Via, und Mary Nardone. 233-4965, All Mozart concert slated in Plainfield The New Jersey Scliolu 6anlorum, Inc. will present "an all Mozart concert on Saturduy evening, April 19, qt Crescent Avenue Church in Plainfield, at 8 p.m. ', The program will present the music featured in the popular movie, "Amadous." The Piano Concerto in Dm (K.466) will be performed by guest artist, Paul Kuetcr, pianist. Mozart's Solemn Vespers und Requiem in Dm will feature Karen Cullcn, soprano, Sandra West, ulto, James Clurk, tenor und Daniel Pratt, bass. Tickets for the concert are $7 und $4 and are Shrub talk offered free SALES & SERVICE 233 0363 Craig Noha elected president of council Lisa Ann Paladino to sing in tour with Lipscomb chorus Colonial Dames to meet April 1 "Go To Health" is theme of teen conference The conference will provide an opportunity fo; students to discuss issues with peers under the guidance of knowledgeable and sensitive professionals, Euch workshop will stress how to develop coping skills to deal with the problems und stresses young people face. Social Scene THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1986 PAGE 3 : A frco lecture on "Shrub Selection and Care" will be offered by the Union County Cooperative Extension Service on Tucsduy, March 25, from 7:30 to 9 p.m, Stephen Bachcldcr, Union Cpunty Agricultural Agent, will discuss selection and care of these low maintenance plants. T h e talk will be held at the Union County Administration and Service Building, 300 North Avenue, Eiil. Westfield, in the Auditorium, For more info>0}«tlon, please call Thousands of fresh cut daffodils are being transported from the west coast to Union County for sale. According to Mitch Friedman, County Crusade Chairman, the Daffodil is the first flower of spring and symbolizes hope for the cancer patient. During Daffodil Days, volunteers from the Society will deliver orders, dress in costume for special "Big Bird Bunch" deliveries, and sell flowers at selected locations, The Union County Automobile Dealers Association is participating in the event for the third year. On March 22 over 30 dealers will donate $50 for every car they sell that day. "It is a nice gesture on the part of the car dealers to take part in this," said Friedman. Students from Linden High School and Abraham Clark High School in Roselle will blanket the community with gorgeous bouquets of these symbolic flowers. "The students support is an Important factor to the success of the event," said Friedman. Seven area restaurants have joined Daffodil Days by agreeing to donate 10% of ones day's proceeds to the American Cancer Society. The daffodil drive is also supported by area businesses, who buy the flowers to give to their employees or for distribution in nursing homes and hospitals. Daffodil Days is co-sponsored by WJDM Radio in Elizabeth, The organizacrs of the event hope to top last year's total of $20,000, "All money raised will support lifesaving programs in patient service, public and professional education, and research," explained Friedman, A bunch of daffodils is available for $4. Larger orders are also welcome, Big Bird bunches of 50 daffodils arc available for $50. Orders of $75 will be delivered. To place un order call the American Cancer Society at 354-7373. " H a p p i n o i i it a c t i v i t y , " Arlitotle The Clark Democratic Committee has announced plans to present a fashion show and luncheon on Sunday, April 6, at 1 p.m. in the newly decorated Grand Ballroom of the Ramada Hotel, Valley Road and Walnut Ave,, Clark, Last years event, which showcased Flemington Furs, and Fashions by Francesco's, Clark, has agreed to a repeat performance, A spokesperson reports the latest in spring and summer fashions, highlighted by luxurious fabrics, exclusive prints and classic feminine lines, will be presented by local female models. They will be joined by male models in presenting exclusive furs by Flemington Fura, Special door prizes will be awarded. Gentlemen are welcome, Tickets at $15 will be available at Francesco's, 1067 Raritan Rd., Clark and the Ramada'Hotel, A limited amount of tickets will be available at the door. For ticket information, please call 381-5910, 499-7151 or 4990972, Craig Naha, a 1983 graduate of Arthur L, Johnson Regional in Clark, was recently elected President of the Inter-Fraternity Council at Virginia Polytechnic Institute und State University. He is u Junior mujoring in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and a member of Thctu Chi Fraternity, Tho median age lor the entire population of tho world Is 23.5. INTERNATIONAL HOT a COLD GALA BUFFET EASTER SUNDAY BY RESERVATIONS 12:30 PM • 3PM-S:30 PM ADULTS S 13 9 5 CBUDHEN UNOU 10 $495 HATUKIHG • Fresh Shrimp • Crab lag* & Claws • Clami on 'A Shell CARVID BY THI CHlf • N.Y, Sttamthip Round • Roait Turkey • Baked Virginia Ham also • 14 Different Ethnic Delicacies Hut 50 kiiWtnt\ fftmi Assorted Puddings, French Pastries, Coffeo, Tea, Sonka 541-9500 § United Counties Trust Company Knows How to Help You Plan for Your Retirement Needs Why you should consider our Individual Retirement Account: • Two inveatment plans to choose from.,, —18 month variable rate account —Fixed rate certificates of deposit with terms of 1 to 10 years • FDIC Insurance to PROTECT your long term investment Professional management of your IRA with HQ service or transaction fees 1 We accept rollover accounts Irom your employer's retirement plan or other IRAs If you wish to obtain the current interest rates or additional information, contact one of our IRA specialists at 931-6935 or mail in the coupon. to Substantial Interest penalty Is required tor early withdrawal. 15% OFF Now thru June 30, 1986 If you have a specific style and wording in mind for your invitations, we invite you to stop in. We can show you an extensive selec-' tion and you're sure to find "your style." ^w I I Detach and tend to: UNITED COUNTIES TRUST COMPANY Marketing Department Four Commerce Drive, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 Ptoasa send me additional Information on IRAs. I Nam«:, Addr»«i: Stale:. Zip: ..... UNITED COUNTIES TRUST COMPANY MEMBER, UNITED COUNTIES BANCORPOFWION MEMBER, FDIC . 8*9 O7OSS I £ m o t l o n i are v«lu• K M , but civilisation teachei lelfcontrol, 574-420C • Boltord • Bttrk«l«y H j t o h r t . Chapel Hill • Clark. Crtntord • Elizabeth • Hlllskto • Koansbtirg • Kenllworth • Llncrott • Llndon • Modlaon MKWI««own • North PtalntfcW • O*khur»t • Port Monmouth • Shrewsbury • Springtloki • Summit mm
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