HOW TO CREATE A 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS OR LESS! By Kane Minkus With Jeff Slayter The 7 Steps to Creating or Growing Your Business From Scratch, Making More Money, Building Your Brand, & Becoming a Rockstar in Your Industry 1 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 ABOUT JEFF & KANE Kane Minkus and Jeff Slayter are a new breed of entrepreneurs and trainers. They have: • Built 5 multi-million dollar businesses (two of which have become international brand leaders) • Trained more than 100,000 people worldwide how to use their step-bystep Industry Rockstar model to earn a 7-figure income, become a leader in their field and unlock their million dollar message • Helped, along with their coaching team, 156 entrepreneurs to start business from scratch, grow them and then go on to sell those businesses for multiple millions of dollars • Presented alongside leading entrepreneurs such as Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, Bill Walsh and T Harv Eker. • Shared their strategies with more than 200 corporations worldwide, including Apple, Sony and Disney 2 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 CONTENTS Introduction.........................................................................Page 5 From Broke to 5x Multi-Million Dollar Successes.............Page 6 LESSON 1: Determine “Why” You Are in Your Business..Page 8 LESSON 2: Focus 100% on Your Perfect Customer.........Page 11 LESSON 3: Value is Perceived..............................................Page 13 LESSON 4: Package Up Multiple Solutions.......................Page 20 LESSON 5: Get in Front of Your Target Market.................Page 23 LESSON 6: Ask For the Money!.........................................Page 26 LESSON 7: Have Your Customers Become Your Sales Force...............................Page 29 Case Studies.......................................................................Page 31 What Do the Experts Say?.................................................Page 34 YOUR GIFT: Value $2000....................................................Page 35 Conclusion.........................................................................Page 36 3 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 DISCLAIMER We are not responsible for you creating a 6-figure business in 30 days. However, we are responsible if you create a 7-figure one. In which case you should call us and gloat, and give us 15%. Just kidding. But seriously, be careful with your money, business decisions and risks. Be conservative with your money and take risks with your emotions and communication. Be responsible, and outrageous! 4 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 INTRODUCTION HOW TO Create A 6 Figure Business in 30 Days (The 7 Simple Steps) If you are ready to create a 6 figure business in just 30 days—below are the 7 simple steps. If you follow these steps you will create a six figure business. N 1. Get clear on your story. Determine why you are in your business. Connect to your passion and your purpose for your business RIGHT NOW. ow the first thing you are going to ask is how will we measure your success? Great question! A 6 figure business is turning over at least $100,000 a year… so let’s look at how to do this and then we will even set your targets and get you a road map to get there right now!! 2. Focus 100% on your perfect customer (otherwise known as the Power of One!). 3. Value is Perceived: Find out what your perfect customer will pay a lot of money for. One could say creating a 6 figure business in 30 days would be measured by earning $8,333K in the first 30 days of your business. 4. Package up multiple solutions to the biggest problems of your perfect customers: Multiple Revenue Streams. I say forget that. How about we create a plan to earn 6 figures in 30 days and then take the rest of the year off! 5. Get in front of your target market: Offline and Online to accelerate income. That’s a much more fun challenge! 6. Ask for the money! Create offers that move people to action. So that means we need to average earning at least $3,333 per day for 30 days (this equals our minimum of $100,000). 7. Have your customers become your sales force: whether selling themselves back into new products or services, or getting others involved, your customers MUST become your sales force. Ok so here we go… For those of you who just want to get right to the point… here’s the goods: The 7 simple steps Jeff and I have used to create 5 x multi million dollar businesses. Oh—remember that your intention is to ALWAYS serve and help people. Those 7 steps with that pure intention will work like a charm every time to get you to a 6 figure business in 30 days. 5 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 FROM BROKE TO 5x MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR SUCCESSES Check this out… It wasn’t more than 10 years ago, I was literally broke and homeless, sleeping on a couch in a friend’s office, wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Fast forward 8 years, 5x multi-million dollar/multi-international successes later—and one could say I had a heck of a run at an early age (before I turned 30 years old to be exact). I say, I set out to fail more times then most people in a short amount of time. In fact, although I get to feel great about those 5 successful companies—as it turned out I ran, worked on and was a partner in 24 different companies. So, you guessed it—that means 19 were total duds, wastes of time, and money drains. successes. It comes from the work I have done with 4 massively high powered mentors, 3 hidden gurus, 2 psychotic geniuses, and a partridge in a pair tree! I don’t know if you have been broke (or homeless) before—or even are metaphorically there right now—but it was one of the most uncomfortable… and joyful times of my life. What follows is 7 of the most important lessons from my failures and ultimate You can probably understand the uncomfortable part—but the joyful part? What the heck? The joyful part was the part where I got to start at square one again; start over from scratch and really take stock of where I had been and how I got there. I lived by one core tenet (that pretty much stopped me from killing myself at that major low point)— There is no such thing as failure, it’s only feedback. 6 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 FROM BROKE TO 5x MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR SUCCESSES, CONT. I was good at keeping a future perspective and knowing I had an ultimate purpose and goal in life, and I simply needed some guidance and support to make it to where I wanted to go. and house hold names in the record industry), I was flat broke and had nothing to show for it but a bunch of fun pictures and good stories. I didn’t want that to happen again. Where I wanted to go was to impact the world, help people all over achieve greatness in their life. As luck would have it, not long after I went broke and ended up couch surfing at my friend’s office, I went to a personal development seminar. I initially thought I would do that through music—but after 10 years of touring and performing, producing records and working in the entertainment industry (for big artists In this seminar I met a man who would become a major player in my life and literally created a turning point for me… 7 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 1 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 1 Get clear on your story… Determine “why” you are in your business. T Wasn’t I supposed to be opportunistic? he first meeting I had with my first business coach, was less then glamorous to say the least. He wanted to meet at my office—which was my office/ bedroom. As he rolled up in his fancy silver Porsche and nice suit, I could immediately feel the sting of being a loser in the world already. Wasn’t everyone around me always talking about “how to make more money” and looking under every nook and cranny to make more money? At the time (just to survive), I was playing piano at a local piano bar, working as a waiter in a local fancy restaurant, and starting a company to compose music for advertising agencies (for TV). Yet as we kicked off our first meeting, and he started to work with me on what I wanted and how we were going to get there—he noticed something very interesting in my personality. Looking for every opportunity to make money, I was exhausted and worn out, and practically working 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, just to make a few thousand dollars a month. I was very opportunistic and always looking for the next way to make money. He pointed out that this was a major reason that I was not having the success I wanted. So, I asked him, “OK Mr. Smarty Pants, Fancy Porsche Driving Rich Dude, what am I supposed to do?” I was confused. Instead of answering me, he asked me a question (a very coach-like thing for him to do). Quick Epiphany #1: He asked me what did I really love and what did I see myself doing 3-5 years from then. In essence, what was my real vision. If you want to have better results, ask better questions. He had guessed I wasn’t going to be a professional waiter (not that there is anything wrong with that!). 8 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 1, cont: Determine Why You Are In Your Business I shared that with him. And he said, “That’s because you are focusing on the tactics and not the strategy. You are focused on what you are doing, and not how you are doing it.” “Go on”, I said. “If you focus on what you do to earn a living, then you will get just that—a focus on doing stuff. And everyday you will keep doing stuff. At some point the passion will run out, and you will not only be left with a passionless job, but you will also be left with very little to show for it.” He asked me an important question, “Do you want a career or a calling?” Naturally—I said I want a “calling”. I was intrigued to say the least at this point, as he had nailed where I was at—frustrated trying to figure it out, exhausted from all the hard work, a little bitter about having put so much time in and not getting the results I deserved. Then I said, “What the heck is that anyway?” He said, “It is a vision that you put above all else and arrange your life, resources and commitments to serve.” He went on to say, “Most people, whether they own their own business, or have a job, if they are not having the results or life they want, have not chosen their calling, then surrendered to it.” “Ok, so what do I do?” I asked. Quick Epiphany #2: In some odd way it made a lot of sense. I noticed that I was filled with fear when I first thought I would give everything else up to follow my calling. In fact, honestly I was a bit confused at the time with what my real passion was. I mean I had been following my music interests for over a decade, and financially it had not helped me get to a sustainable place—let alone an exciting future! You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you ask for. (Which implies you don’t get what you don’t ask for!) 9 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 1, cont: Determine Why You Are In Your Business “Shift your focus from what you are doing, to why and how you are doing it. These are much more useful perspectives for you and will get you connected to what you want to do much faster.” Ok, so I had heard about this—Simon Sinek (author and speaker) said “Start With The Why.” Steve Jobs (one of my business idols) said it was never about the products it was always about the “Why.” Walt Disney always said it was the “why” that the customers came for. Quick Epiphany #3: Clarity brings inspiration. So what was my Why? After some great processes, questions and discovery with my coach—I came up with why I wanted to run a music company… “To change people’s lives and perspectives through the power of emotional connection.” The pathway? Music—as most people just ignored music, or had no connection with music in ads, video games, films, etc. I had never been so inspired and fired up about my life and future than I was in that moment of getting clear about what my “why” was—essentially my message for the world. I wanted to shout it out form the tops of every building in San Francisco! Although that would have been a little weird (of course there are much weirder things that go on in San Francisco). 10 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 2 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 2 Focus 100% on your perfect customer: otherwise known as “The Power of One.” S But there was a more important question we were facing once I got through all this. Not so much about who we want to serve—but who do we NOT want to serve. The very next thing my coach wanted to know is who do I want to serve? I had never thought about this question before as the landscape seemed too big—but it was a question I was posed in our first meeting. I noticed the way he asked the question—it wasn’t who do I want as a customer, or who do I want to “target”—but who do I want to “serve.” He explained that something the best companies, entrepreneurs and practitioners do is focus on 1 market, 1 customer and 1 message to that market. He called it the Power of One. To be honest I had never thought of it that way until that moment. In fact now I use that principle in every business I run. Whether I’m managing a team, raising capital or designing a marketing campaign—the Power of 1 is a very powerful principle. o, it was nothing short of a few minutes after that conversation about “Why” I was alive and part of the world, (and why I was headed into the business I was heading into), before we turned our focus to who I wanted to serve as a customer. “Who do I want to serve?” I thought. “No one really! It sounds like a servant role! I thought I was becoming an entrepreneur to not have to serve anyone!!” Clearly, years later I realise I was wrong. In fact that is kind of the whole game. To this day customer service has been incredibly important to myself and all my business partners. Obviously it has to be—otherwise we couldn’t be in business. After having worked with over 100,000+ participants worldwide in trainings and seminars, what I’ve noticed about how people often chose their market/customer is by putting together a list of targets from different demographics. For example, a private client of mine is a top Athletic Coach to celebrity athletes, but when we met, he was servicing 11 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 2, cont: Focus 100% on Your Perfect Customer athletes, coaches, budding athletes, Olympic athletes, athletes in training for special events, etc. Although on first glance it sounds logical that this group of people would all be looking for similar solutions—the more you narrow your niche the more you will sell, and grow fastest. The advice I got from my coach that day in my office/bedroom—was to choose and focus on 1 client to provide the music soundtracks that I had planned on providing. and half running that music company. And I could see it really hinder our growth as a company in hindsight. To be totally honest with you—I completely resisted it, for the fear that there wouldn’t be enough clientele; that I would feel bored or that there wouldn’t be enough money from one market. I didn’t follow that advice for over a year Quick Epiphany #4: So, the action item here is to look into your business and see where you could be focusing your market approach, your messaging or your resources. Saying “No” more will actually help your company grow. Focus is marvelous! (It’s funny because I was just on stage with Sir Richard Branson at a large public event, where Sir Richard says, “Say ‘Yes’ more often—it’s just more fun then ‘No’!” And I thought—oh no! How about that for contradiction! But I do really believe firmly that in an identity molding phase of a business or for a practitioner—you need to say no more then yes…Besides I think he was referring to taking adventures in your life more than anything else! ) My coach used to also say clarity is an act of omission—which means if you want a market to be clear about what you do, and who you serve—make sure you are reducing things, versus adding. 12 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 3 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 3 Value is perceived. O k, so that took us through the first meeting together and started to get the company formed. Simply by determining my “Why” and who I wanted to serve—I was off and running with my business. “This is a common misnomer—which actually causes most people to reduce the effectiveness and growth of their businesses. The worst sales people in the world are always looking at how to convince the customer of the value of something.” Except my natural next question was, what am I going to sell that market? “So what am I supposed to do?” I asked. The first concern came up for me… “What if I don’t provide them enough value?” “Help the customer discover the value that is there for themselves.” So I brought this up right away to my coach. “How do I know if I’m providing enough value?” I asked in our next meeting. Although I sort of knew what he was going to say… “You don’t have to. It’s not your job to provide value.” Really? I thought. It sounds good—but how is that possible? Every book I had read about entrepreneurism said ‘Add Massive Value’ to people. “So what’s up with everyone saying you have to add value to sell stuff?” I questioned again. So I took this simple phrase and took it to heart. Over the years, I cannot tell you how many times this statement has been proved true to me. The customer really does derive the value of everything. This has totally revolutionised how I think about sales, product creation, marketing and one on one consulting. Most entrepreneurs get paralysed wondering what their next product should be and how to build it for their customers. With my own private clients (owners of product businesses), I hear all the time when we first get started, “What should I create, and how much should I charge for it?” Service based professionals are always 13 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived asking me, “How much should I charge for my services?” or “What’s the right package and cost of that package?” I ask them if you charged all your clients $100K a year, would it feel like such hard work? So here’s a really juicy secret from many of the world’s highest paid consultants and coaches (after spending a year interviewing some of the top paid consultants and contractors in their fields in North America): They always say, “No!” So, I always say, “Great, it’s time to raise your rates to $100K!” Because it’s never about the money, it’s always about the value. The value you are providing them, the value you are getting out of the relationship. Set the rate you want to work for. Not for the market. Until you have a cultivated market you are servicing, setting the rate for the market will always put you back into the circle of people you probably don’t want to be servicing. I can’t tell you how many people undervalue their products and services. But why do they do this? Primarily because they have never been taught to sell well. When you are not able to get someone into a value based sales conversation—in other words— engage them in a conversation where you are trading value for dollars (versus time for dollars), then you will always be in a race towards the bottom (the lowest price). I mean often people will spend more money on their holiday than they do on our education. So what’s the difference? It’s all about the value for the experience. So, what’s the big lesson out of all of this? Value is perceived. It is a perception, which means if you want to start selling much higher priced goods and services, you just need to decide how much you want to make, Quick Epiphany #5: When people pay a lot, they A lot of the participants that join Jeff and I in our trainings, say they want residual income. When I ask them why, they say it is because they are tired of working so hard for their clients. pay a lot of attention... on both sides of the equation. 14 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived and then go ask your target market or clients, what they would need to get to invest that kind of money into something. It has worked like a charm every time in my own companies and industries and in those that we have coached. If you are in a service based industry, it is essential to be packaging up your own time for the highest amount possible. And again, charge what you want, and then figure out what people will want in order to pay that. In every industry there are the most successful and unsuccessful. In a field where there are people making very little money—there are also the leaders making a lot of money. For example, I was a musician during my teenage years, touring, performing and working with Pop acts like Mariah Carey, Joe Satriani, etc. While there were lots of musicians making no money at all, there were a lot of musicians making millions. The question of “who” you want to serve should always return to the most successful (especially if you are a service based company or practitioner) in that field. Notice this does not change the category of person (from earlier), but it changes the qualities of the person in that category. One of the first realisations I had while I was working out my products and services was that there are two types of customers out there… There were those who would hire me to do what I was great at—which at that time was to compose music, and then there were those who wanted to learn from me about how to do what I did so well. I called the first type Done For You customers (the people who wanted to hire me to do my service for them) and the second called Do It Yourself customers (those who wanted to learn what I do well, so they could do it themselves). In the first I was really a contractor and in the second I was effectively a teacher. Either way, I was very excited because I realised there were two markets I could be hitting at the same time—and create a massive, and endless amount of possible customers for myself! 15 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived I went back to my coach and shared this revelation.. Of course he was already two steps ahead of me (like a good coach!) and added this… your perceived value, to court clients at a higher level, and create the trust that needs to be created in the sales process.” “Yes, and the real trick is to position yourself as massively credible to each of those markets. In fact you should know that value is completely perceived. It’s not real. Since you have to get a customer before you can ever really prove what you can do with them and for them—then how good you are actually has very little to do with your ability to get clients.” Ah—nice! I thought. This was a big revelation for me, as I never looked at Value as being a perception. I always thought I had to provide massive value to my clients, and then would sometimes get paralysed by the concern of whether I was doing that or not. I knew two things: 1. I wanted to start at the top. 2. I wanted to know what I needed to do to start there! So as it turns our there are a handful of ways you can position yourself at the top of your industry and, immediately elevate your status in your marketplace. Here’s a few of them, which you can start doing right now: He went on to say, “The customer is always responsible for getting the value out of the relationship! But there are some things you can do to raise 1. Have a system. When you demonstrate a system to your work, like a step by step process or method that people are going to go through—you immediately increase value and trust in your work. 2. Have sets of products. Today building products is easier then ever—in fact it is completely free most of the time. I mean check out this eBook you are reading now! It didn’t cost me anything other then some time to start sharing my experience and wisdom with you. You can do the same thing. As soon as you have products, you have raised your perceived value in the market. Quick Epiphany #6: It’s easy to make a lot of money... But it’s hard to make a little bit of money. 16 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived 3. Share the story of how you got to where you are. I’m going to assert that you have a history and have worked hard to get to where you are now. Most people never share that story (or share too much! ). A good compelling story of how you got to where you are now, and how you arrived at your system, powerfully translates the hard yards you have put in. This immediately boosts your value in any market. His story warmed everyone’s heart and connected us to him at a level we didn’t know before he shared this. Honestly, this young man could have been in the business of ANYTHING, and we would have bought it! Because who he was, was unstoppable! What he was doing in our trainings was working with us on how to package up all his passion around continuing to stay the course during adversity and physical challenges. He wanted to also be a public speaker and trainer for the In one of our recent trainings, we had a gentleman who stood up—he looked like a normal young man, nice looking, athletic, etc. Honestly nobody really thought much of him before he stood up. As he started sharing about himself and his life—who he was completely transformed. Quick Epiphany #7: Perceived results are more He started to share that he had heart problems, and that having been a top athlete in multiple sports, doctors told him he had to stop or he would kill himself by pursuing his sports—his heart couldn’t take it. So he switched to lower impact sports— he became one of the best in the world at shot-put instead of the high contact sports. After a while the doctors told him he would have to stop that, because it would also put a strain on his heart. So he did. Now he was training to become the best in the world in Archery and would be preparing for the Olympics in 2012. important than actual results. This doesn’t mean BS about things—it means that the quality of any results is determined by the perception of the viewer. This means, the most important thing to do with results is portray them in the best light possible. 17 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived Another interesting phenomenon happens when you set high rates. You create massive perceived value for yourself. We always say Rockstars charge Rockstar rates. And as it turns out, the Rockstar rates come before being a Rockstar in business. The perception must be the first. It is really a choice of starting at the bottom or starting at the top! youth so he could inspire them to keep going when times are tough. With CD’s, DVD’s, books, or whatever, this young man will soon become a Rockstar in his industry—I know he will, because he has the commitment to do it. We just worked with him the weekend before I wrote this, so we will track his progress and look forward to seeing how things progress with him after the training and into his journey. There are countless other participants of ours who have used these and other techniques to immediately position themselves at the top of their professions and completely transform their businesses in less than 30 days! Shifting your perceived value in the market place and starting at the top helps you immediately accelerate your success and put together your 6 figure business in 30 days. As it turns out, one can start at the top. However, most people have bought into this idea of starting at the bottom and working their way up. I’m not talking about faking it till you make it by the way. I have rarely ever seen a client that hadn’t already put in the hard hours by the time they reached my training. I mean, most of the time people judge their success based upon their clients’ success. However, as it turns out, the more you charge your clients, the more success they have too. If you charged your clients $100,000 a year to work with you, they will make sure they get results. Especially when they understand that it is their job to get the value from your relationship. Here’s a lesser used technique with clients that helps really set up the structure for a high success rate. 18 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 3, cont: Value is Perceived In your initial meeting with them, make sure you explain, and get their buy-in that they are responsible for getting the value from the relationship. I set it up like this in my meetings… I explain that my job is to make sure they understand everything clearly, and that their job is to get the value they need out of the relationship. Even if you are in a product based business—it is essential that you have a very expensive line so that you are positioned in your customer’s mind as a high end product. The only way to go the inexpensive product route is to have the volume of customers. Which my coaches always referred to as “bait.” I know, not the best of words to appreciate our customers—but never the less the essence is that inexpensive products and services are for database building only. The focus should always be on moving customers to a high price, Quick Epiphany #8: The market has all the answers—you just need to ask. longer touch period so we can change their lives in the positive ways we all intend to. So, with all this in mind, I started to think about where the line is for how high I can price my services. I decided that if most people undervalue themselves—I would just keep going higher until I got 10 out of 10 people saying no. Funny enough I tried that, and continued to get at least 1 or 2 out of ten people always saying yes to my higher prices. I realised quickly that raising my rates had more to do with my own congruence, talking to people who had the finances to pay the higher rates, and becoming better and better at discovering where the greatest value was for someone in a sales conversation. Put your attention in these three areas and your business will thrive quickly. 19 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 4 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 4 Package up multiple solutions P eople love this saying… “Multiple Revenue Streams.” Of course people are also infatuated with the saying “Residual Income” these days as well. Except these are both often approached in the wrong way and are two of the things that can cripple a business in the first 30 days, preventing it from reaching 6 figures quickly. The basic idea of developing multiple income streams doesn’t work! What I mean by that, is that every successful business owner I know who has multiple streams of income, has never thought of it as multiple streams. They have always thought of having one success at a time and then sustaining those streams of income, while they systemise and the move on. know about you, but I much prefer one constant stream of income versus many that I have to manage. That being said, I do have 6 companies currently that I make money from. But each time I set each company up—my coach’s advice was focus, focus, focus. I would get that company going (always with a business partner—always), and then hand it off to my business partner to run, taking a minor or nonexistent operational role. Sometimes giving up equity too, but either way, able to move on and focus on the next business. So one of the lessons I learned was, focus on one thing at a time. More than one business at a time—where you have an operational role—is an absolute recipe for low results. It is really Sustained Streams of Income (versus multiple). It’s not so much about the semantics, as much as the fact that the orientation is all wrong. When people think they want multiple streams of income, it usually drives them to having several businesses or practices, that are all making them very little money. Quick Epiphany #9: Multiple streams of income should leverage off each other. For some reason we got this culture going around multiple streams. I don’t 20 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 4, cont: Package Up Multiple Solutions Seriously, if you look at successful people who have multiple companies, many times it is because they feed each other, or where one business is born out of the need to take care of something in another of their businesses. In other words their multiple businesses are leveraged off each other. It’s like a client of mine who started an online business teaching how to have healthy relationships—she is a relationship coach. Shortly after serving clients online through eBooks and eProducts, she found through surveys of her clients that they really wanted luxury vacations that were preplanned with their partners. So she started a high end vacation planning business. This business fed off the other business she had selling eProducts, which is where she drew a lot of her clients. Then over time, she was approached by a complimentary product company in the same space of couples and romance—a lingerie company—that did some affiliate relationships with her and marketed to her database of people who bought her eBooks. So the point is, the best way to look at making as much money in your business is likely to be in this order: 1. Establish one problem to solve for your customer. 2. Create different tiers financially to solve that problem, based upon how much personal time the client gets with you. 3. Sell until you reach 6 figures. Quick Epiphany #10: 4. Systemise the marketing, sales and fulfillment of that product (even if it is a service). Being wealthy is better than being able to say you have multiple streams of income 5. Find a different problem that customer has and create another product to serve that different problem. (which are not producing very 6. Sell until you reach 6 figures on that one. much). 7. Repeat this process. 21 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 4, cont: Package Up Multiple Solutions my customers were having and built services for all of them. You might know those business owners who hand you a card at a networking event that says: Chiropractor/Coach/Inventor Or something like that…I’m not picking on those professions—just the concept of having multiple foci. Nine times out of ten that person is not having success with any. Not to mention, when they are all service businesses, I’m always crystal clear they are not making any money in any without being totally exhausted. My coach came in and looked at what I was doing, had me chose one problem to solve, and build all my products and services around that one problem—at different price points. This way, no matter who I was talking to, if they had a certain problem I could help them, and I had the right price point for the solution they were interested in investing in. So the essence of building a 6-figure business in 30 days is to make sure you are focusing on solving a problem for some type of customer and building a set of price point options to solve that same problem. Quick Epiphany #11: Focus is about using the This was the first mistake I made when starting my first business—I decided I would solve 4 different problems power of one thing at a time. 22 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 5 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 5 Get in front of your target market (offline and online). S friends, family or current customers to ask for new business or referrals—but that’s really where it’s at! o this should go without saying that now is the time to get in front of the potential customers. I’ve always used this model for thinking about where I am in building my businesses. It’s a simple one, but is important to keep present: That’s where 90% of new business will come from always anyway. Most business is quickly spread by word of mouth—hence the whole social media craze as a way of marketing. L —S—F It stands for Leads, Sales & Fulfillment. Without leads for our business, we can’t close sales. Ultimately the fulfillment is just delivering whatever we sold our customers. Every business follows this model. There are two paths to quickly getting in front of customers and getting a company off the ground—or creating 6 figures in a business: Yet offline, the fastest traction you will get to build a 6-figure business in 30 days will be in your phone book or database. Time to get on the phone and call everyone in your phone book to let them know what you are doing and that you are looking for new customers! Oh, did I mention this 6-figure business in 30 days will take some effort? 1. Use your current phone book and database Quick Epiphany #12: 2. Start profit speaking I was always looking for the fastest path to acceleration and am pretty convinced at this point that the fastest path to immediate customers is in your current phone book. No matter how big a company gets, it all comes down to L, S & F—leads, sales & fulfillment! So many people resist calling up their 23 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 5, cont: Get in Front of Your Target Market The next best way of being in front of potential customers offline is to be giving presentations and public speaking. product path to provide solutions to your customers and that means you need time to cultivate a relationship with them through your database. Hands down this is the best way to leverage your time offline for more customers. I look at it this way—there are only four places to put your attention on line these days for traffic: YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. If you just focus on mastering these four areas, you will be on track to 6 figures. Start asking yourself—where you can be speaking and selling your services and products. There are opportunities everywhere, and when you have the right techniques, you can be turning 90 minute speaking opportunities in to tens of thousands of dollars every time. Online is a whole different animal, to be honest. Without going into a long online strategy here, the short of it is— it’s time to start building your database online. The most important asset you will ever have is your database and relationships. Everything online leads back to this— media buying, traffic, facebook, twitter, etc. Exposure is useless without a Quick Epiphany #13: You are sitting on a gold mine of customers, in your very own phone book. Google optimization is fine too, but really, most people are targeting referrals and stuff they hear about from friends. Even if they are finding you through an organic search (which is less and less these days), they are asking their friends what they think about you! Stick to what I call the “Big 4,” and that will do the trick for endless amounts of traffic online. It pretty much comes down to two things for these online traffic sources: Media buying and Viral Campaigns. The fastest place to success on the web for traffic is going to again come from your phone book. We were recently speaking at a large conference with over 8000 people (sharing the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, etc), and we pulled a young kid onto stage to demonstrate how quickly you could go from zero to creating an income stream online. He was just 19 years old. By hanging a couple of splash (landing) pages, and doing some joint venture marketing 24 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 5, cont: Get in Front of Your Target Market campaigns with his existing contacts on Facebook and in his phone book, he was able to generate $1000 in 12 hours, while he was sleeping. On face value this is not a lot of money—but there is nothing wrong with having a $30,000 a month business working while you sleep! The power of people’s databases is key these days, and you not only have access to hundreds of them around you—but you also probably have one yourself… even if you don’t have a massive list. If you are on Facebook and have friends you have a start. Marketing Email/Media Buy We just need to show you how to get the data off of Facebook, as Facebook really owns all the relationships and that means you need to get the info into your own database to be able to market and provide solutions to those people. Cool Online Free Stuff (videos, eBook, etc) Strategy Session Assuming you are selling a higher price point product or service (especially after this book!), you will likely want to move people online in this specific sequence: Final product Sale Quick Epiphany #14: There’s nothing wrong with residual income—no matter how small. (phone call) You are reading this eBook—likely in our way of meeting you, getting a chance to provide you cool free stuff—and then spending time with you in a free/ inexpensive strategy session (which for us is usually a weekend event together). This gives everyone an opportunity to know if it is a match to work together on bigger games. 25 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 6 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 6 Ask for the money! T condescendingly to them—quite the contrary, what I means is speak to them in simple, clear and opportunistic language. he biggest reason small businesses (or practitioners/ contractors, etc.) don’t make money online or offline is because the customer is actually unclear about what to do next and how to purchase your service or product. If you did nothing else this year except made sure all your marketing campaigns and literature gave explicit and clear instructions to the customer about what to do next and how to buy from you, your business would thrive! To build a 6-figure business in 30 days, we must make sure all our “Calls to Action” have the following: • Clear—They are crystal clear about what the customer should do next • Simple—it is easy to understand and easy to do • Opportunity—there is great opportunity to take the next step I often work with private clients where, after I review their email marketing and online websites, we discover that their call to action is very soft, or unclear. You always want to communicate to your customers with the clarity and simplicity of speaking to a 5-year-old. And I do not mean speak Try this on this week: speak to everyone you meet like they are 5 years old and see how simple life gets. This was a piece of coaching that I received years ago—and resisted. It cost me millions to resist that one! You are often competing for people’s time and attention with other opportunities. The one they are going to take action on is the one where they have the most pre-existing relationship and then where they most clearly understand the opportunity and action steps to take advantage of that opportunity. By the way—are you asking for your customers’ business? I had a client who was a public speaker, who needed to sell his programs in training rooms and in front of public seminars. He engaged me to watch him sell one time and debrief his offer with him—so he could increase his effectiveness. The overall offer was pretty good, but I noticed that he never actually asked people for their business, or ever said he 26 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 6, cont: Ask For the Money! would like to do business with them. I encouraged him to add that to his next few presentations and see what the results were—and he noticed that he practically doubled his closing figures. All because he asked people for their business! Are you saying to people that you would like to do business with them? And requesting that they commit to doing business with you? This simple change can increase conversion of clients from leads into actual paying customers and accelerate your results quickly. The last question you should ask yourself around asking for money is: Are you buying into your customers’ concerns? This is a whole body of work that we are not going to necessarily cover here, but it is a good thing to start asking yourself. If you are not earning what you want yet, I can assume that you ARE buying into your customers’ concerns… and it is likely costing you money. I realised he was dead on—we had bought into the audience’s concerns about their ability to make the time, money and or successfully do the techniques we were teaching. I remembered when I had a coach that was working with me around raising my rates, and I was giving him the “story” that my clients couldn’t afford me doubling my rates. He wasn’t willing to buy into my story—even though I was convinced that that belief was right. He said, “Call one of your prospective clients and I will sell them your services for 3 times what you currently sell your service for!” I thought he was nuts—and yet, when we called, he ended up selling my services as a coach for three times what I believed I could sell my services for. It completely dashed my beliefs about what is real, and what is all made up by me. There’s nothing better than having someone around you that does not Quick Epiphany #15: We once brought in a sales trainer to one of our trainings to help us understand how we could better present and sell our programs. Customers need you to ask for After 20 minutes of watching us he came up and said, “Man you guys have totally bought into their concerns! You are treating them like they are real!” their business. 27 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 6, cont: Ask For the Money! buy into your “stories” about how life is, and pushes you to test out different beliefs. It literally shifts your entire sense of what’s possible. If you don’t have a great business coach, it’s time to get one. And if you want something to get started doing now—try this. Write down all of your concerns about your customers buying your service or product. Then try this week stepping into a character who doesn’t believe those stories are true. Take one at a time and role play someone who simply believes the opposite. What would that person say? What would that person do? What would that person ask for or negotiate for? Quick Epiphany #16: Customers are using you to Building a 6-figure business in 30 days requires you to give up a lot of beliefs that you have bought into about how things are done. In fact, think of one or two of the beliefs you had when you read the title of this report? Maybe it was something like, “Yeah right! That can’t really be done—but I’ll read this anyway…” or maybe it was something like, “Oh great, this is for someone else, much luckier then me…” Imagine what life would be like if you believed the opposite? prove they can’t have what they want in their lives. As soon as you buy into their story you have lost usefulness for them. 28 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 7 6-FIGURE BUSINESS IN 30 DAYS LESSON 7 Have your customers become your sales force. H ere’s where we see massive acceleration in your business idea and traction to hit the 6-figure mark in 30 days. The fastest way I’ve ever seen companies built is when the customers become the sales force, affiliates or advocates of any business. All that’s needed to do that is the following: • Customers that get kick butt results (make sure to get those video testimonials!) • A clear pathway for how an excited customer will refer people • A cool incentive plan (not just any type—but a cool one) The first question you should ask yourself is how often do you ask your customers to spread the good word Quick Epiphany #17: Devoted customers are better sales people then hired sales people. about your business? In other words, have you asked for referrals recently? If not—time to get on the phone right now and ask your satisfied customers about “Who they know that should know about me?” This is hands down the best and most under utilised source of good leads for your business. The next set of great leads and accelerators for your business is JVs/ Promotional Partners/Affiliates. These are people who can market for your business and help you bring in new leads. Start to make an immediate list of possible JV partners who have a complimentary product/service and similar target market as you. We teach whole sections in our trainings on how to manage and execute on successful joint venture relationships, but to just get started now—get your target list done of the top 10 JVs of people around you, that you think would be interested in doing some immediate business. Refrain from putting massive corporations on your list, unless you have dealt with them before, or have a good network of decision makers 29 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 LESSON 7, cont: Have Your Customers Become Your Sales Force in those organisations. You can have VERY good results and traction with small businesses and other practitioner friends—or similar sized organisations as yours. You will need to formulate a set of emails and marketing materials to hand off for them to promote you through their channels, but the results are often awesome. Here’s another million dollar tip for you. A great strategy through your JVs is to offer a complimentary strategy session with your team or company. It’s an excellent way to get people to try you out and consider your products and services without having to commit to a company they might not know too well already. We have built several companies, in just a few weeks, using a couple of key JV partners that were colleagues of mine, doing a successful email launch, having dozens of strategy sessions and selling into products and services that generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few weeks. implementing our techniques, that show up ready for some hands on, coaching on how to continue to further their businesses. When you work directly with us, we focus on getting you across the 7-figure line, having you create the life you want, love and dream of now. Then going on to create a global message, help people internationally and travel the world (either physically or virtually), moving communities forward with your expertise and advice. We can’t wait to get a chance to meet you in person, work on your business and empower you—like our coaches empowered us—to create your legacy right now, earn the money you want, and provide for the people you love today. It’s an honor and a privilege to have you read this report, and we look forward to working with you soon. Jeff & Kane Quick Epiphany #18: If you have never developed a 6 figure business in just a few weeks, get ready to be shocked! If you take the steps in this report, and really apply them, you can get those results consistently. Others who have already paved the path are great Also—come along and join us at an upcoming event. In fact, we love participants who have already started business partners. 30 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 CASE STUDIES Creating a 6-figure business in 30 days or less is not some pipe dream. I have clients who do it all the time, many of them starting from scratch, others taking an existing business and pumping up the volume. They each follow the steps outlined in this ebook. T he difference between those who succeed and get to 6 figures quickly and easily, and those who don’t is simple: Action. Those who take these concepts and IMPLEMENT are rewarded… fast. You might be saying, “Yes, well, I have heard a lot of this before.” Sure, many successful people have a similar formula—but have you ACTED on these strategies and adopted these fundamental behaviours? Here are some recent success stories from people who have created 6 figure incomes in just the past few months: I made $150,000 in less than 24 hours using what Jeff & Kane taught me! By using Jeff and Kane’s process for my consulting business, I was able to go from a $100,000 contract to a $250,000 contract in less than 24 hours. Basically, they taught me this stuff, I called my client, she LOVED what I proposed and she said YES straight away. That’s $150,000 in a day! These guys are the real deal—they completely rock! They will make you a rockstar like you couldn’t believe! Robyn Lui, Social Change Strategist When I met Jeff & Kane I was completely broke and my business was worth absolutely nothing. After learning their strategies I was able to generate a $100,000 a year business in just 6 weeks! Since then I’ve created a SECOND business using their techniques in just 3 weeks I’ve created $30,000 in income. Thank you so much, Jeff & Kane! TIFFANY BAKER, The Business Kitty, NSW 31 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 CASE STUDIES, CONT. On Day 1 of Jeff & Kane’s training I picked up a concept that made me $280,000 that SAME day and I’ve gone on to make more than half a million dollars already this year from this idea! I’ve been a consultant and speaker for the last 22 years, doing things the same old way, all the time. Since attending Jeff & Kane’s events, I have changed my thinking. On Day 1 of the first event I ever went to, they taught me to change from billing for my time, to billing for value. That very same day I stitched up a deal that was worth $120,000 and turned it into a $400,000 using that concept. And I’ve gone on to make another deal for $342,000 using Jeff & Kane’s strategies—I’m already half a million dollars better off after just a few months! Toby Travanner, Consultant & Public Speaker I made more than $45,000 before I even left Jeff & Kane’s trainings—this works, and it works fast! I made $45,000 even before I left Jeff & Kane’s training! They’ve given me the systems, the tools and the techniques I needed. I’m so excited about where this is going and what I can do with the content, information and the abilities they have honed in me. Thank you Jeff & Kane, you are amazing! Swan Montague, Holistic Health Practitioner $30,000 in just 2 days! Although I was focussed on “making a difference,” my business also needed to focus on “making a dollar.” Now I can do both! I got so much more from Jeff & Kane’s course than I could have imagined. It’s been a complete turnaround for me. Not only have I got some amazing strategies, I also made $30,000 after just 2 days working with Jeff & Kane.Recently we were named Australia’s Most Socially Responsible Business in the Telstra Business Awards, so things are really look up for us! Melina Schamroth, Founder & CEO M.A.D. Woman 32 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 CASE STUDIES, CONT. $1750 in 1 day, $11,000 within 3 weeks and I’m on track for another $80,000 in the next 6 months. Using just one thing Jeff & Kane taught me I made $1750 on the spot. Within 3 weeks I had $11,000 in the bank and I’m looking forward to the $80,000 I am on track to make in the next 6 months using their Industry Rockstar system. I am so grateful—thanks Jeff & Kane! Rossco Paddison, Consultant, QLD I sold 2000 ebooks in 1 day using just one idea Jeff & Kane gave me—they are fantastic! During the training, Jeff & Kane talked about pricing and packaging online products and I noticed my ebooks were a little cheaper than what Jeff and Kane recommended, so, on the Sunday morning before I went back in to complete my training, I sent an email to my list of 2000 subscribers advising them of a small price rise in the next 24 hours. Whilst in the training, I sold 2000 ebooks! And that was just the start! Imogen Lamport, Image Consultant 33 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 WHAT DO THE EXPERTS SAY? J eff and Kane have worked with many of the world’s leading entrepreneurs, speakers and marketers. Here’s what they have to say about the methods they use to create 6- and 7-figure incomes fast. “I can’t personally say enough good things about these guys. I think you should pay close attention to what they say—it’ll change your life!” Frank Kern The World’s #1 Internet Marketing Direct Response Consultant “If you are looking to transform your life and to live your dreams I highly recommend Jeff & Kane! They will give you methods and techniques for you to reinvent yourself and your business!” Les Brown, The World’s #1 Motivational Speake “I tell everyone, these guys are my new ‘Secret Weapon’” Dr Brenda Wade Celebrity Psychologist (Oprah, Good Morning America’s Today Show), Author, Speaker & Coach “Jeff & Kane are the REAL DEAL. They are experts at getting business transformation in record time with sustainable results.” Christine comaford, Serial Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist (invested in Google as a startup) “The work Jeff & Kane do is ‘classic’. If you can get an opportunity to work with them—pick it up fast!” Bob proctor, Speaker, Coach and star of “The Secret” 34 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 H100001 You must register online to reserve your seat. Visit: www.jeffandkanel ONE D AN BR EW! N 00 FREE TICKET –H1 ADMIT 001 online You must register Visit: www.jeffandka MIT ONE FREE TICKET – AD e your seat. erv res to YOUR GIFT: Value $2000! ND BRAEW! N $2000 PAID RELEASE Y$O20U0R0 PAID INNER RRELOEACKSESTYOAR UR INNER ROCKSTAR availab Seating is limited. For le dates or to reserv www.jeffandkaneliv Seating is limi ted. For availab e your seat online, vis it: le dates or to reserve www.jeffandkanelive.coyour seat online, visit: Here’s YOUR Ticket to join Jeff & Kane for their LIVE 2-day event Release Your Inner Rockstar! • Become a leading light in YOUR industry • Grow a 6- to 7-figure income quickly and easily • Share your message with the world! VISIT: to claim your complimentary tickets, valued at $2000 TODAY! Strictly limited tickets available. 35 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 CONCLUSION: I f you’re a business owner... you’ve probably seen your sales slump sharply, profits dwindle and had sleepless nights wondering how you were going to survive into the future. Once you know the Industry Rockstar system, you too can be enjoying the benefits of: •Increasing your income and influence If you’re an investor... you’ve no doubt been battered from pillar to post by the markets, seen the equity in your portfolio disappear and pulled your hair out trying to decide whether to buy, sell or hold. •Attracting your ideal clients •Creating your own unique products •Developing new income streams such as speaking engagements, online sales etc •Growing powerful networks and strategic alliances If you’re a salesperson... you’ve probably watched helplessly as your leads dried up, customers shopped around and sales took frustratingly longer to close. •Gaining clarity around your niche •Doing what you love •Making a difference! And if you’re an employee... you’ve probably worried about your job security, gone through brutal budget cuts and downsizing, watched your friends lose their jobs and seen your opportunities for promotion wither away. Just like the thousands of people who’ve already enjoyed massive and rapid changes using the Industry Rockstar strategies! It doesn’t have to be this way! Claim your complimentary tickets, valued at $2000 TODAY! 36 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011 ONE H100001 001 00 FREE TICKET –H1 ADMIT You must register onlin e to reserve Visit: www.jeffandkanelive. your seat. online You must register Visit: www.jeffandk MIT ONE FREE TICKET – AD . to reserve your seat D AN BR EW! N ND BRAEW! N $2000 PAID UR RELEASE YO $2000 PAID ROCKSTAR INNER RE LEASE YOUR INNER ROCKSTAR Seating is limi ted. For available dates or to reserve your seat onli www.jeffandkaneli Seating is limited. For avail ne, visi t: able dates or to reserve www.jeffandkanelive.coyour seat online, visit: Here’s YOUR Ticket to join Jeff & Kane for their LIVE 2-day event Release Your Inner Rockstar! • Become a leading light in YOUR industry • Grow a 6- to 7-figure income quickly and easily • Share your message with the world! VISIT: to claim your complimentary tickets, valued at $2000 TODAY! Strictly limited tickets available. 37 Copyright Jeff & Kane 2011
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