Haysden HaysdenCountry Country CountryPark Park Parkcovers covers coversan an anarea area areaof of ofabout about about65 65 65 Haysden hectares hectares(160 (160 (160acres) acres) acres)in ininthe the theMedway Medway MedwayValley, Valley, Valley,to to tothe the the hectares west west westof of ofTonbridge. Tonbridge. Tonbridge.ItItItincludes includes includesaaarange range rangeof of ofhabitats habitats habitats freshwater freshwaterlakes, lakes, lakes, such such suchas as asriver, river, river,grassland, grassland, grassland,freshwater marshland marshlandand and andwoodland. woodland. woodland.The The Thesite site siteisisisdesignated designated designated marshland as asaaaLocal Local LocalNature Nature NatureReserve. Reserve. Reserve. as The ThePark Park Parkcovers covers coversan an anarea area areaof ofofformer former formeragricultural agricultural agriculturalland land landon on on The the theMedway Medway MedwayFlood Flood FloodPlain. Plain. Plain.The The ThePark Park Parkcontains contains containspart part partof ofofthe the the the Straight StraightMile, Mile, Mile,and and andthe the theStone Stone StoneLock, Lock, Lock,constructed constructed constructedininin1830 1830 1830 Straight as aspart part partof ofofthe the theunsuccessful unsuccessful unsuccessfulMedway Medway MedwayNavigation Navigation Navigation as Channel. Channel.More More Morerecently recently recentlythe the thesite site sitehad had hadbeen been beenused used usedfor for for Channel. sand sand sandand and andgravel gravel gravelextraction, extraction, extraction,which which whichwas was wasprocessed processed processedand and and from fromHaysden Haysden HaysdenWater. Water. Water.These These Theseworks works worksaltered altered altered distributed distributed distributedfrom the thelandscape landscape landscapeof ofofthe the thearea area areaand and andcreated created createdBarden Barden Bardenand and and the Haysden HaysdenLakes. Lakes. Lakes.Once Once Oncethe the thegravel gravel gravelworkings workings workingswere were were Haysden completed completedin inin1988, 1988, 1988,Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge&&&Malling Malling MallingBorough Borough Borough completed Council Councilcreated created createdaaaPark. Park. Park. Council Litter Litter Litter Please Please Pleaseuse use usethe the thebins bins bins provided provided providedor orortake take takeyour your your litter litter litterhome home homewith with withyou. you. you. Volunteer Volunteer VolunteerLitter Litter LitterWardens Wardens Wardens litter litter litterpick pick pickinininthe the thePark Park Park throughout throughout throughoutthe the theyear. year. year. To To Tojoin, join, join,telephone telephone telephonethe the the Medway Medway MedwayValley Valley Valley Countryside Countryside CountrysidePartnership Partnership Partnership 01622 01622 01622683695. 683695. 683695. User User UserPanel Panel Panel Haysden Haysden HaysdenCountry Country CountryPark Park Park User User UserPanel Panel Panelaims aims aimsto totoinvolve involve involve the the thelocal local localcommunity community communityinininthe the the running running runningof ofofthe the thePark. Park. Park. To To Tojoin join joinplease please pleasecontact contact contact 01732 01732 01732876166. 876166. 876166. Haysden Haysden HaysdenPark Park Park Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers The The Thevolunteers volunteers volunteersmeet meet meet out out each each eachmonth month monthto totocarry carry carryout practical practicaltasks tasks tasksin ininthe the the practical Park. Park.For For Formore more moredetails details details Park. contact contactthe the theCouncil Council Councilon on on contact 01732 01732876166. 876166. 876166. 01732 HOW HOW HOWTO TO TOGET GET GETTHERE THERE THERE Road: Road: Road:Follow Follow Followthe the theHaysden Haysden HaysdenCountry Country CountryPark Park Parksigns signs signsfrom from from towncentre, centre,along alongBrook BrookStreet Streetto Lower Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridgetown town centre, along Brook Street totoLower Lower Haysden HaysdenLane Lanewhere whereyou youwill willfind findthe themain mainentrance entranceand and Haysden Lane where you will find the main entrance and car carpark. park.Motor Motorbikes bikesare arepermitted permittedinininthe thecar carpark parkonly. only. car park. Motor bikes are permitted the car park only. Bus: Bus:Arriva ArrivaBus Bus211 211stops stopsat MolescroftWay Wayor Bus: Arriva Bus 211 stops atatMolescroft Molescroft Way oror Chestnut ChestnutWalk. Walk.For Foraaatimetable timetablesee seethe thewebsite website Chestnut Walk. For timetable see the website www.arrivabus.co.uk www.arrivabus.co.ukor telephoneTraveline Travelineon on www.arrivabus.co.uk orortelephone telephone Traveline on 0871 0871200 20022 2233. 33. 0871 200 22 33. entrances are marked Walking Walking&&&Cycling: Cycling:Pedestrian Pedestrianentrances entrancesare aremarked marked Walking Cycling: Pedestrian on the map overleaf. Regional Cycle Route 12 on onthe themap mapoverleaf. overleaf.Regional RegionalCycle CycleRoute Route12 12isisis signposted signpostedto thePark Parkfrom fromTonbridge TonbridgeRacecourse Racecourse signposted totothe the Park from Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsgound. Sportsgound. Sportsgound. Events Events Events We Weencourage encourage encouragethe the theuse use useof ofof We the thePark Park Parkfor for forappropriate appropriate appropriate the countryside countrysiderelated related related countryside events eventswhich which whichshould should shouldbe be be events booked bookedin ininadvance advance advanceby by by booked completing completingan an an“Events “Events “Events completing on onOpen Open OpenSpaces” Spaces” Spaces”form form form on available availableeither either eitherby by bycalling calling calling available Leisure LeisureServices Services Serviceson on on Leisure 01732 01732876166 876166 876166or ororby by by 01732 downloading downloading downloadingthe the theform form form www.tmbc.gov.uk www.tmbc.gov.uk www.tmbc.gov.uk Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Barden Barden BardenLake Lake Lakecan can canbe be be accessed accessed accessedmore more moreeasily easily easilyby by by RADAR RADARkey key keyto toto using using usingaaaRADAR open openthe the thebarrier barrier barrierby by bythe the the open toilets, toilets,to totoaccess access accessthe the the toilets, viewpoint viewpointoverlooking overlooking overlookingthe the the viewpoint lake. lake.Many Many Manyof ofofthe the thepaths paths paths lake. around aroundthe the thePark Park Parkare are are around surfaced, surfaced,some some someseats seats seatsare are are surfaced, also alsoprovided provided providedaround around around also Barden BardenLake. Lake. Lake. Barden RADAR RADARkeys keys keysare are are RADAR available availableby by bycontacting contacting contacting available 01732 01732876147. 876147. 876147. 01732 Opening Openingtimes times Opening times Open Opendaily dailyat 7.30am.Closes Closesat dusk.Actual Actualclosing closing Open daily atat7.30am. 7.30am. Closes atatdusk. dusk. Actual closing times timesare aredisplayed displayedat theentrances. entrances. times are displayed atatthe the entrances. AAAtwo-metre two-metreheight heightbarrier barrierisisispresent presentat eachentrance. entrance. two-metre height barrier present atateach each entrance. Limited Limitedparking parkingisisisavailable availableoutside outsidethe thebarrier barrierfor foroveroverLimited parking available outside the barrier for overheight heightvehicles. vehicles. height vehicles. Malling The ThePark Parkisisisowned ownedand andmanaged managedby byTonbridge Tonbridge&&&Malling Malling The Park owned and managed by Tonbridge Borough Council. Borough BoroughCouncil. Council. This This Thisinformation information informationis isisavailable available availablein ininother other other formats, formats, formats,please please pleasecontact contact contactLeisure Leisure LeisureServices Services Services on on on01732 01732 01732876166 876166 876166or or oremail email email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JUNE JUNE JUNE2012 2012 2012 LesserCelandine Celandine Lesser Lesser Celandine Courtesy Courtesy Courtesyofof ofSustrans Sustrans Sustrans AA family family day day out out Walking Walking Many Many of of the the main main paths paths around around the the Park Park are are surfaced, surfaced, although although in in wet wet weather, weather, puddles puddles do do occur. occur. AA number number of of Public Public Rights Rights of of Way Way the Park Park cross cross the including the the including Wealdway and and the the Wealdway Eden Valley Valley Walk. Walk. Eden Children’s Children’s play play area area The The children’s children’s play play area area offers offers aa variety variety of of play play equipment equipment for for of ages. ages. aa range range of Dog walking walking Dog Dogs are are welcome welcome Dogs but we we do do ask ask that that but they are are kept kept under under they control and and that that control owners clean clean up up any any owners fouling -- putting putting bags bags fouling into the the bins bins into provided. Dogs Dogs are are provided. not allowed in the not allowed in the children’s play play area. area. children’s Horse riding riding Horse There isis aa short short There Bridle Route Route in in the the Bridle Park (See (See map map Park enclosed), but but users users enclosed), are asked asked to to keep keep to to are the marked marked route route the only and and respect respect only other users. users. other Dog Control Control Orders Orders Dog in this park see apply in this park see apply our our website website www.tmbc.gov.uk www.tmbc.gov.uk Refreshments Refreshments catering unit unit isis AA catering located by by the the main main located building. This This isis open open building. at the the advertised advertised at times. times. cycle route route through through cycle the Park), Park), itit isis the possible to to cycle cycle possible through to to Penshurst Penshurst through Place to to the the west west or or Place Tonbridge to to the the Tonbridge east. Cycling Cycling isis not not east. allowed in in any any other other allowed area of of the the Park. Park. area Nature and and Nature Historic Trails Trails Historic Two free free leaflets leaflets for for Two self-guided trail trail self-guided walks are are available available at at walks the Park. Park. the Sailing Sailing The Tonbridge Tonbridge Town Town The Sailing Club Club uses uses Sailing Haysden Water. Water. Haysden To join join the the club club call call To 01622 01622 817127. 817127. Fishing Fishing Day Day tickets tickets are are available available at at Barden Barden Lake Lake or or alternatively alternatively take up up membership membership take with the the Tonbridge Tonbridge && with District Angling Angling && District Fish Preservation Preservation Fish Society. For For more more Society. details call: call: details 01732 359385. 359385. 01732 Your Enjoyment Enjoyment Your For your your safety safety and and For enjoyment and and that that enjoyment of other other park park users, users, of please observe observe the the please Countryside Code. Code. Countryside No public public swimming, swimming, No barbeques, barbeques, unauthorised unauthorised boating, model model boating, boating, camping, camping, or or boating, motorbikes are are motorbikes allowed in in the the Park. Park. allowed Thank Thank you you for for your your co-operation co-operation Cycling Cycling Cycle racks racks are are Cycle provided provided beside beside the the toilets. toilets. Using Using Regional Regional Cycle Cycle Route Route 12 12 (the (the permitted permitted Photo Photo PhotoCredits Credits Credits Sustrans, Sustrans, Sustrans,Andy Andy AndyVidler, Vidler, Vidler,Ted Ted TedColeman, Coleman, Coleman,Bill Bill BillMilton, Milton, Milton,Kent Kent KentWildlife Wildlife WildlifeTrust, Trust, Trust,David David DavidHodgkinson. Hodgkinson. Hodgkinson. Red Red RedAdmiral Admiral AdmiralCourtesy Courtesy Courtesyofof ofAndy Andy AndyVidler Vidler Vidler Blackberry Blackberry Blackberry Spring Spring Autumn Autumn && Summer Summer && Winter Winter In In spring spring the the Park Park comes comes alive alive with with spring spring flowers. flowers. Many Many birds birds can can also also be be heard heard in in full full song song -some some nest nest in in the the park. park. In In summer summer look look for for damsel damsel and and dragonflies dragonflies which which hunt hunt along along the the damp damp shady shady areas areas of of the the Straight Straight Mile Mile and and The The Shallows. Shallows. During During the the summer summer months months butterflies butterflies can can regularly regularly be be seen seen along along the the Straight Straight Mile. Mile. With With many many different different trees trees and and shrubs shrubs established established in in the the Park Park the the autumn autumn from colours colours range range from the yellow yellow of of the the the Field Field Maple Maple and and Ash Ash to to the the amber amber and and reds reds of of Oak. Oak. There There are are also also many many autumn autumn fruits fruits and and seeds seeds around around the the Park. Park. Please Please do do not not collect collect the the berries berries and and seeds seeds as as some some are are poisonous. poisonous. As As winter winter arrives, arrives, migrant migrant birds birds find find their their way way to to the the Park. Park. Useful Useful Information Information Toilets Toilets are are located located in in the the main main car car park. park. The The main main car car park park isis ‘Pay ‘Pay && Display’ Display’ and and isis in in operation operation at at all all times. times. (Season (Season tickets tickets are are also also available available see see website website www.tmbc.gov.uk) www.tmbc.gov.uk) Office: Office: 01732 01732 876166 876166 Website: Website: www.tmbc.gov.uk/HCP www.tmbc.gov.uk/HCP Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Banded Demmoiselle Courtesy of Andy Vidler Knapweed Hawthorn Birds-Foot-Trefoil
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