Urol Clin N Am 35 (2008) 117–130 Inflammation and Prostate Cancer: A Future Target for Prevention and Therapy? David Stock, MSca,b, Patti A. Groome, PhDa,b, D. Robert Siemens, MD, FRCSCc,d,* a Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen’s University, Abramsky Hall, Arch Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 b Division of Cancer Care and Epidemiology, Queen’s Cancer Research Institute, Queen’s University, 10 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 c Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen’s University, Botterell Hall, Room 915, Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 d Department of Urology, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, Empire 4, KGH, 76 Stuart St., Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 2V7 Prostate cancer occurs as a consequence of numerous epigenetic and somatic genetic changes, with the subsequent alterations in activation status of a host of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. However, no highly penetrant hereditary cancer genes have been consistently identified, despite the important observations of a genetic component to prostate cancer risk. Furthermore, epidemiologic studies, including those investigating dietary and lifestyle differences and cancer risk, highly suggest that suffering from prostate cancer is not simply a result of aging. The discrepancy between prevalence rates of Asia and the Western world, and the finding that Japanese men develop susceptibility to the disease within one generation of immigrating to westernized countries, indicates an important environmental component to prostate cancer etiology [1,2]. Given its long natural history, prostate cancer has become an ideal model for the clinical and basic science study of these environmental contributions to the neoplastic process in several distinct physiologic phases: tumor initiation, progression, invasion, and metastasis. Tumor * Corresponding author. Department of Urology, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, Empire 4, KGH, 76 Stuart St., Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 2V7. E-mail address: [email protected] (D.R. Siemens). initiation is attributed to the clonal dominance of cells that undergo genetic mutation and epigenetic changes, resulting in unchecked proliferation [3,4]. Mechanisms that regulate epigenetic processes, thereby altering gene expression without directly modifying the host’s genome, are highly sensitive to extrinsic factors, such as diet and related oxidative stress [5]. Stromal facilitation contributes to tumor progression [6], which coupled with insufficient innate tumor suppression and lack of timely clinical intervention, culminates in local invasion and metastasis. Since the first described association between inflammatory infiltrates and proliferative epithelial atrophy in the prostate, a growing body of histopathologic, molecular, and epidemiologic evidence indicates that inflammation plays a key role in the promotion of these neoplastic processes [7–9]. Multiple investigators have demonstrated that prolonged localization of inflammatory cells and mediators can lead to the degradation of tissue architecture, disrupt homeostatic signaling, and cause genomic instability in premalignant, malignant, and stromal tissues. The following overview of the link between inflammation and prostate cancer serves as a background for the summary of experimental and epidemiologic evidence implicating the inflammatory condition as a promoter of abnormal proliferation, tumor initiation, progression, and even metastasis. A substantial proportion of this 0094-0143/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ucl.2007.09.006 urologic.theclinics.com 118 STOCK article is devoted to the discussion of the recent literature on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and prostate cancer. Evidence supporting potential chemoprotective, and even therapeutic, effects of these drugs through the attenuation of inflammatory processes and the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 gives further credence to the association between inflammation and prostate cancer, and sets the stage for consideration of their usefulness in the prevention and management of this disease. Inflammation and prostate cancer A positive association between prostatic inflammation and onset of cancer has been reported in a handful of population studies [8]. Dennis and colleagues [10] summarize corresponding research with a meta-analysis, including all relevant cohort and case-controlled studies published between 1966 and 2000. Out of all included studies (11 case-controlled designs) only three displayed significant findings, though all in the direction of a positive association. The investigators reported an overall increased likelihood of prostate cancer among those with prostatitis. The strength of the association is potentially undermined because of the possibility of a detection bias, given the association between elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic inflammation [11]. In addition, exposure classification for all but two of the comprising studies was based on self-report. Conversely, the association could have also been biased toward the null as a result of past asymptomatic or undiagnosed prostatitis among cases, as such conditions are prevalent in developed countries [8]. A subsequent case-controlled study reported an increased likelihood of malignancy among men with acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis [12], bolstering support for the transforming potential of inflammation on prostatic tissue. The investigators claimed that, as a result of the high use of PSA screening, misclassification resulting from undiagnosed prostatic inflammatory conditions was less probable. It has been estimated that as many as 15% of malignancies diagnosed worldwide can be traced to infections [13]. Viruses can facilitate oncogenic initiation directly through modification of the host genome, yet it is plausible that inflammation associated with chronic infection may contribute to the development of prostate cancer [14]. That chronic infections cause inflammation of the prostate is supported by Sutcliffe and colleagues [15], et al who observed substantial increases in PSA concentrations after contraction of sexually transmitted infections in younger men. A recent metaanalysis of 29 case-controlled studies published between 1966 and 2004 reported an overall increased likelihood of prostate cancer among individuals who have had sexually transmitted diseases [16]. Experimental evidence has suggested causative roles of these infections in the etiology of prostate cancer. Moyret-Lalle and colleagues [17] observed human papilloma virus (HPV)-16specific DNA sequences in prostate tumors, while Dillner and colleagues [18] reported a 2.6-fold greater risk of developing prostate cancer among individuals with HPV-18-specific antibodies relative to controls. An association between HPV infections and prostate cancer is further supported by the above meta-analysis that reported increased odds of the malignancy for individuals who claimed to have had previous infections [16]. Inflammation and carcinogenesis The hypothesis that inflammation acts as an intermediary between infection (or other physical or chemical noxious stimuli) and oncogenesis, gains credibility in light of how inflammatory mediators interact with affected tissue. Inflammation, the homeostatic response to tissue insult, results in edema and the localization of hematocytes and inflammatory cells, and the sequestering of cytokines, eicosanoids, and other chemical messengers [19]. Though usually transient, this process can become self-perpetuating in cases where antagonizing stimuli persist. Prolonged exposure to factors designed to access and destroy invading pathogens leads to the degradation of tissue architecture, disruption in homeostatic signaling, and genomic instability, culminating in abnormal proliferation and tumor initiation. Disruption of homeostatic signaling Cell to cell and cell to extra cellular matrix (ECM) contacts within epithelia are crucial in the governance of proliferation [6,20]. Signaling facilitated by these physical interactions, mediated through membrane spanning proteins, has been observed to convey tumor-suppressive functions. The loss of function of one such protein, E-cadherin, is common in epithelial cancers [21] and its role as an inhibitor of progression to a more aggressive phenotype has been observed in vitro, wherein induced functional loss of this integrin INFLAMMATION AND PROSTATE CANCER stimulated invasion and migration of prostate cancer cells [22]. The over-abundance of proteolytic enzymes produced during inflammation is known to disrupt epithelial cell to cell and cell to ECM adhesions. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), notorious degraders of the ECM, released by stromal cells in response to inflammatory response-derived chemical signaling [9], have recently been attributed with multiple functions, including the direct cleavage of integrin molecules such as E-cadherin [23]. Such disruptions in cell to cell signaling is thought to lead to genomic instability and subsequent oncogenic transformation by effecting loss of control over cytokinesis-regulating pathways, such as those mediated by TP53. In support of this, Radisky and colleagues [24] reported a series of experiments demonstrating that addition of MMP-3 to murine mammary cells caused a shift toward malignancy, attributed to altered gene expression, and the resulting increase in reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress Oxidative stress is a well-documented cause of genomic instability and has been implicated in the promotion of tumourigenesis. Activated phagocytes (and potentially epithelial cells) at the site of inflammation produce elevated levels of the superoxide anion, a precursor to a variety of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species [19]. Additional oxidative stress through the accumulation of free radicals from the metabolism of saturated fats and paucity of dietary antioxidants characteristic of Western culture may serve to further disrupt the cellular oxidative balance and increase the likelihood of oncogenic initiation. Peroxidases particular to neutrophils and eosinophils have been observed to be responsible for the production of reactive nitrogen species in murine models of acute inflammation [25], which has additionally been shown to be a precursor of lipid peroxidation [26]. Constant localized exposure to oxidative stress and mediators of the immune response have been implicated in the development of permanent genetic damage and the activation of proto-oncogenes, such as c-fos and c-jun [27]. In a review of a series of human and animal studies, Kawanishi and Hiraku [28] report examples of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, as well as noninfectious chronic inflammatory illnesses, that are suspected risk factors for cancer. In these studies, the investigators were able to consistently identify oxidation products of guanine, including 119 those known to comprise mutagenic DNA lesions in inflammatory and epithelial cells at the site of inflammation. The investigators concluded that these oxidative alterations of DNA were probable contributors to the development of carcinomas from chronic or repeated inflammation caused by helicobacter pylori, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, and oral lichen planus, at their respective sites. Though the reviewed body of research did not include inflammation of the prostate, many of the same pathologic processes are present in models of chronic prostatitis. In a recent case-controlled study, Zhou and colleagues [29] compared levels of oxidative stress in 70 subjects with chronic bacterial prostatitis to that of an equal number of healthy controls. The investigators observed increased levels of molecular byproducts of oxidizing reactions and lower activities of prominent antioxidant enzymes among cases. This supports a higher exposure to oxidative stress among the former group, which could potentially result in mutagenic DNA lesions and ultimately, carcinogenesis. Further epidemiologic support for the transforming effect of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in prostate epithelia is found in casecontrolled studies examining the allele frequency of genes encoding enzymes that protect against, and repair, oxidative damage. Manganese superoxide dismutase is an antioxidant enzyme accredited with the detoxification of oxygen-free radicals inside the mitochondria and has been observed to suppress proliferation of prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo [30]. A polymorphism for the encoding gene was discovered that consists of a single valine-alanine substitution, thought to affect the enzyme’s ability to permeate the mitochondrial membrane. Results from a study nested within the a-tocopherol b-carotene Cancer Prevention Study by Woodson and colleagues [31] imply that men homozygous for the alanine allele had an increased risk of prostate cancer. Two independent case-controlled studies reported increased prostate cancer risk with certain polymorphisms of a gene encoding human oxoguanine glycosylase, an enzyme involved in repair of oxidative DNA lesions [32,33]. An increased risk for men with the Ser362Cys polymorphism was common to both. Evidence that reduced functionality of innate antioxidant mechanisms can increase the likelihood of developing prostate cancer coincides with the idea that sustained, elevated oxidative stress, as encountered in chronic inflammation, is a probable potent carcinogen. 120 STOCK Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) are an important family of antioxidant enzymes that, because of their role as detoxifiers of reactive compounds, have been postulated to provide protection against oncogenesis [34]. The enzymes are capable of neutralizing several different forms of potentially damaging reactive products and are basally expressed in normal epithelial cells [35]. However, a recent meta-analysis assessing the association between certain genetic variations of three of the most common GST genes (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) and risk of prostate cancer was unable to detect a statistically significant association [36]. The investigators chose studies that compared null and nondeleted genotypes for GSTM1 and GSTT1, and two common polymorphisms for GSTP1. The quantitative synthesis of cases and controls from 11, 10, and 12 studies on GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1, respectively, failed to show significant allelic differences for the GST genes between cases and healthy controls, yet loss of GST functionality is ubiquitous in prostate [8,37]. The nearly unanimous downregulation of GSTP1 in high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and carcinomas imply a ‘‘caretaker’’ role, described by Kinzler and Vogelstein [38] as a gene whose inactivation facilitates genomic instability, resulting tumor initiation. This loss of function has been attributed to the somatic silencing of GST genes, corroborated by Lin and colleagues [39], who observed that 95% of assessed prostatectomy and lymph node dissection samples exhibited hypermethylation of distinct sequences in the promoter region of GSTP1. Parsons and colleagues [35] observed that GSTP1, the most widely studied of the GST enzymes within the human prostate, is highly expressed in normal prostate epithelium, while GSTPA1 is not. The investigators noted that regions of focal prostatic glandular atrophy, potential precursors to HGPIN, display elevated GSTP1 and GSTPA1 activity, while both are down-regulated in HGPIN and adenocarcinomas. The evidence behind such a prominent group of antioxidant enzymes having this caretaker role in prostate tumourigenesis further upholds the hypothesis of inflammation-induced carcinogenesis via disruption of oxidative balance. Inflammation and progression Recent syntheses of the literature depict chronic or recurrent inflammatory environments wherein persistent leukocyte recruitment and activation et al can stimulate tumor progression through the overproduction of various inflammatory mediators [7,9,40,41]. Localization of leukocytes to the tumor environment has been recognized for many years, though the implications of this were, for a long time, largely ignored [9,41]. More recently, tumor associated macrophage (TAM) density has been positively correlated with poor clinical outcome at multiple sites [42], yet findings for some cancer types were inconsistent. One of the studies supporting this association reported that increased TAM density was associated with shorter survival time for patients with prostate carcinomas [43]. In addition to the increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species associated with the metabolism of saturated fats, another facet through which the westernized diet may promote prostate cancer via inflammatory processes is through its relatively high content of heterocyclic amines produced from the cooking of meat at high temperatures. Among the proposed mechanisms by which their accumulation contributes to initiation and progression, animal models have indicated selective sequestering of macrophages within the prostate upon exposure to these compounds [44]. The following is a summary of some key inflammatory mediators produced by activated leukocytes and stromal cells that are likely contributors to the progression to a more aggressive tumor phenotype. Tumor associated macrophages Inflammatory factors produced by TAMs directly, through paracrine interaction with other cells or by liberation from the breakdown of stromal tissue, contribute to malignancy by multiple processes, three of the most significant being resistance to apoptosis, induction of proliferation, and angiogenesis [9,45]. Originating from circulating monocytes, TAMs are a major constituent of the leukocytes that infiltrate the tumor microenvironment [45]. TAM function is modified by exposure to various cytokines and has been observed to confer both tumor-suppressing and promoting activity. Two studies exposing macrophages to interleukin (IL)-12, one directly and the other via injection with a vector containing the IL-12 gene, noted a resulting tumouricidal behavior of TAMs, both in vitro and in vivo, toward chemically induced tumors [46,47]. Other research has implicated TAMs as promoters of tumor progression because of the production of proangiogenic growth factors, cytokines, and proteases [9,40,45]. Torisu and INFLAMMATION AND PROSTATE CANCER colleagues [48], observed that the up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a strong promoter of angiogenesis, corresponded with increased production of proinflammatory cytokines produced by activated macrophages. The investigators noted that degree of macrophage infiltration was correlated with microvessel density and depth of tumor invasion in melanomas, directly implicating TAMs in the promotion of angiogenesis and tumor progression. Positive correlations between TAM infiltration of the tumor environment, VEGF levels, and microvessel density have also been observed in human breast and oral cancers [49,50]. That TAMs can behave as both tumor suppressors and promoters is consistent with the current concept of a tumor microenvironment that enlists host immune response mechanisms to enhance malignant progression [45,51]. A key component of this is the reprogramming of TAMs and other immune cells through chronic or recurrent exposure to soluble mediators of inflammation. Soluble inflammatory mediators Chemokines, originally identified as directors of leukocyte migration [52], provide another example of how inflammation-related host systems might promote tumor progression. These soluble mediators have been attributed with a number of homeostatic roles, including mediation of the infiltration and activation of leukocytes during the inflammatory response [52]. Altered chemokine receptor expression has been observed in neoplastic tissue, particularly near tumor and host tissue borders [40]. Evidence for inflammation-associated chemokines as potentiators of malignancy, specific to prostate cancer, is found in recent studies reporting elevated expression of them and their receptors in human prostate cancer cell lines. Increased expression of members of the CXC family of chemokines, implicated in the promotion of angiogenesis, was found to be correlated with invasiveness of prostate cancer cell lines [53]. This was associated with the cytoplasmic relocalization of corresponding CXC receptors from the cell surface. Murphy and colleagues [54] reported a correlation between increased expression of another member of the CXC chemokine family, IL-8, its receptors, and high-grade disease in human biopsies. Recently, Vaday and colleagues [55] discovered the expression of CCL5 and its receptor, CCR5, in human prostate cancer cells, a chemokine known to 121 stimulate cell migration in breast cancer and one that has been correlated with the progression of other malignant diseases. In proof of a similar aggressiveness-enhancing effect in prostate cancer, the investigators reported that incubation with exogenous CCL5 stimulated proliferation and increased invasiveness of prostate cancer cells. Cytokines, other soluble mediators of inflammation, have been implicated in the signaling of malignant progression. A key proinflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), has demonstrated tumor-promoting behavior at multiple cancer sites [56]. TNF-a is regulated by the proteolytic activity of stromal metalloproteinases that liberate it from membranes of somatic cells [40] and is produced by TAMs directly [9]. Selective blockade of TNFa and TNF-a receptor expression has resulted in resistance to chemically induced epidermal [57] and hepatic [58] cancers, indicating an important role of TNF-a in tumourigenesis at these, and perhaps other sites. Pikarsky and colleagues [59] used Mdr2 knockout mice, artificially provoking inflammation-derived carcinogenesis, to elucidate mediators involved in this process. The researchers discovered that suppression of nuclear transcription factor (NF)-kB through inhibition of TNFa resulted in apoptosis of transformed hepatocytes and the arrest of further progression to carcinogenesis. In addition, it was observed that TNF-a at the site of inflammation was not hepatocyte-derived, and concentrations of the cytokine were five-fold in Mdr2 knockout mice relative to wild types, implicating inflammatory or other parenchymal cells as the source. Recently, Huerta-Yepez and colleagues [60] presented evidence of TNF-a having a role in conveying resistance to Fas-induced apoptosis through a similar pathway involving NF-kB in human prostate cancer cells. NF-kB, known as a master inflammatory transcriptional regulator, has been shown to be activated by reactive oxygen species and various other carcinogens, in addition to pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines such as TNF-a [19,45]. It is a potentially multi-faceted instigator of progression to more aggressive phenotypes because of its regulation of gene products that have been observed to be involved in mediating resistance to apoptosis, insensitivity to growth inhibition, tissue invasion, immortalization, and angiogenesis [45]. NF-kB is constitutively active in many tumor cell lines, including transformed androgen-independent PC-3 and DU-145 prostate cells [61], though not in normal epithelial tissue. 122 STOCK Kukreja and colleagues [62] report findings that implicate NF-kB activity in the increased expression of a particular chemokine receptor, CXCR4, that was observed to confer heightened invasiveness in the former of these cell lineages. Recently, Yemelyanov and colleagues [63], were able to induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation and invasive activity in human androgen-independent prostate carcinoma cell lines using a novel NF-kB inhibitor. The investigators noted that inactivation of NF-kB coincided with reduced production of VEGF from both cell lines, supporting the transcription factor’s positive regulation of angiogenesis. Because of its lowspecificity for activation and multifarious transcriptional regulation of genes that serve to promote survival and proliferation, NF-kB has been regarded as an overall mediator of the stress response [64]. The idea of inflammation as a predominant stressor of the tumor microenvironment portrays the NF-kB pathway as a key enabler of aggressive tumor characteristics. Inflammation and metastatic potential The up-regulation of protease activity has been implicated in invasion and metastasis in addition to oncogenesis. In vitro evidence has shown that interaction between tumor and stromal cells induce phenotypes conducive to invasion through local barriers and metastasis [65]. More specific support for a role of these proteases in invasion is reported by Bair and colleagues [66], who observed that up-regulation of MT1-MMP in prostate cancer cells caused selective degradation of the basement membrane and associated membrane transmigration at cleavage sites. Up-regulation of genes encoding MMPs and other membrane degrading enzymes have additionally been found in prostate tumor cells at distal locations in mice [67,68], implicating a role in metastasis. That increased MMP expression has been associated with elevated levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species [69,70] provides a possible link between oxidative stress produced by mediators of inflammation, the migration of tumor cells from the microenvironment, and increased invasive potential characteristic of metastasis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as chemoprotective agents NSAIDs, among the most widely used medications, are endowed with analgesic, antipyretic, et al and anti-inflammatory actions. Observations that NSAIDs are able to block neutrophil and macrophage accumulation, and repress other crucial inflammatory processes [71], solidify their reputation as effective anti-inflammatory agents. These properties are predominantly, though not exclusively, attributed to their inhibition of COX-2, an enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in prostaglandin and thromboxane production. Evidence for the now widely-accepted notion that COX-2 blockade is responsible for the antiinflammatory properties of NSAIDs stems from animal studies that demonstrated inflammationassociated edema and analgesia correspond to elevated levels of prostaglandin E2 [72]. These symptoms were attenuated after exposure to COX-2 inhibitors. Attenuation of inflammation The previously discussed evidence indicating a causative relationship between inflammation and malignancy makes the ability to suppress inflammatory symptoms enticing in the elucidation of anti-cancer agents. It is this function that has made these medications popular targets in the search for chemopreventative agents [73], supported by the recognition of inflammatory disorders as risk factors for cancer [19]. Their observed inhibition of COX further strengthens this hypothesis and provides a corresponding mechanistic framework. Fig. 1 provides an overview of inflammation-derived mechanisms that facilitate tumor initiation and progression and depicts NSAIDs as potential inhibitors of these processes. COX-2, up-regulated during the inflammatory response, is thought to be inducible by a number of proinflammatory cytokines, including TNFa [74,75]. An example of this relationship in the prostate was presented by Subbarayan and colleagues [76], who found that TNF-a could induce COX-2 expression in both normal prostate and androgen-unresponsive prostate cancer cells. The investigators confirmed that up-regulation of COX-2 was related to increases in cellular levels of prostaglandins. COX-2 expression has been suggested to be dependent on inflammatory cytokine/NF-kB pathways in prostate cancer [77] and other normal cell types [78–80], supporting a possible positive feedback between carcinogenic inflammatory mediators and prostaglandin production. Support for the relationship between chronic inflammation and the up-regulation of 123 INFLAMMATION AND PROSTATE CANCER Inflammation COX-2 NSAIDS Disruption of homeostatic signaling NSAIDS Oxidative Stress Oncogenic Initiation Angiogenesis Resistance to apoptosis Increased proteolytic activity Recurrence & Metastasis Local Invasion Tumour Progression Death Curative Treatment Prevention Diagnosis Disease Management Fig. 1. Contribution of inflammation in the initiation and progression of neoplastic disease and the possible roles of anti-inflammatory medications as therapy. Summary of the potential carcinogenic effects of inflammation over preclinical and clinical phases of the natural history of prostate cancer. NSAIDs, largely through the inhibition COX-2, attenuate inflammatory processes that promote tumor initiation and progression. COX-2 in the prostate can be observed in series of experiments by Wang and colleagues [81]. The investigators found that foci of chronic inflammation within human samples of benign prostate hyperplasia were associated with accumulation of inflammatory cells. Moderate to high permeation of these cells, particularly T-lymphocytes and macrophages, were highly correlated with positive staining for COX-2. Though the above provides compelling evidence for a potentially protective action against initiation and progression of prostate cancer through the attenuation of inflammation, more direct means by which the up-regulation of COX-2 promotes these processes have been demonstrated. Inhibition of COX-2 Genetic variation of COX-2 has been associated with differential prostate cancer risk. In their examination of 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Shahedi and colleagues discovered a significant difference in expression between 1,378 prostate cancer patients and 782 controls at two COX-2 loci. These findings could support a role of COX-2 in the development of prostate cancer if one or both of these SNPs were to confer heightened enzyme activity. The conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins by COX-2 liberates free radicals [27], suggesting a direct oxidizing, and therefore oncogenic, effect of elevated COX-2 activity. Recently, COX-2 inhibitors have been associated with reduced DNA damage in human mucosal cells after exposure to reactive oxygen species [82]. Such findings are indicative of a contributory role in oncogenic transformation and, by the same token, a potential protective effect of NSAIDs on tumor initiation. Superficial evidence for COX-2 as a promoter of prostatic tumor progression is presented in studies reporting increased expression of the enzyme in human prostate cancer tissue samples [83–88], though at least one such study has reported to the contrary [89]. In addition, Cohen and colleagues [90] determined that COX-2 expression was an independent predictor of 124 STOCK disease progression from a multivariate analysis of samples from 60 prostate cancer patients following radical prostatectomy. The potential benefit of COX-2 inhibition in prostate cancer management stems from the enzyme’s apparent tumourigenic properties, more specifically its roles in proliferation, angiogenesis, and resistance to apoptosis. The idea of COX-2 as a promoter of proliferation in prostate cancer is solidified by literature consistently showing that increased expression of the enzyme is correlated with tumor progression. During their in vivo investigation of the effects of COX-2 inhibition on tumor proliferation, Liu and colleagues [91] observed that mice inoculated with human prostate cancer cells produced tumors of markedly reduced surface area when treated with a selective NSAIDs. In a related study, increased prostaglandin E2 production, corresponding with up-regulation of COX-2, was found to induce prostate intraepithelial neoplasia cell growth in vitro [92]. In addition, the investigators were able to stimulate this behavior using IL-6, a notorious proinflammatory cytokine, and inhibit it with selective NSAID treatment. In a second in vitro study, COX-2 blockade by both COX-1 and COX-2-specific inhibitors in DU145, LnCaP, and PC3 prostate cancer cells corresponded with reduced growth in all three lineages [93]. Focusing on the proliferative effects of COX-2, Fujita and colleagues [94] reported that gene amplification of the enzyme in LnCaP cells corresponded with augmented proliferation in vitro and faster growing tumors upon incubation into severe combined immunodeficiency disease mice. The investigators noted that VEGF expression in LnCaP cells with artificially up-regulated COX-2 was significantly higher than in normal cells, and speculated that the larger tumors may be a result of COX-2-induced angiogenesis. A recent study investigating the correlation between expression levels of COX-2 and VEGF within nonsmall cell lung cancer tumors resected from 60 lung cancer patients, observed a significant increase in VEGF mRNA in samples with higher concentrations of COX-2 gene transcripts [95]. Researchers additionally reported a significant, direct correlation between increased VEGF mRNA and the extent of microvascularization in excised tissue. From follow-up of these patients, investigators discovered a significant inverse trend relating detected concentrations of COX-2 mRNA with patient survival. A correlation et al between the up-regulation of COX-2 in response to hypoxia and resulting increased VEGF expression have also been demonstrated in prostate cancer cell lines [96]. Strong support for COX-2 mediated angiogenesis within an inflammatory microenvironment is found in the recent work of Wang and colleagues [83]. The investigators discovered that COX-2 expression, elevated around foci of inflammation, was significantly correlated with increased microvessel density. The induction of COX-2 has additionally been linked to the blockade of apoptosis. Though this has shown to be mediated through Bcl-2 and Akt signaling [97], the complete delineation of this antiapoptotic effect is arguably elusive. Liu and colleagues [98] studied the tumourigenic potential of COX-2 over-expression in transgenic mice and observed that up-regulation of the enzyme coincided with elevated levels of the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2. In a related study, treatment of prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) with a selective COX-2 inhibitor was shown to similarly reduce Bcl-2 expression. This was associated with chromosomal degradation and a subsequent increase in apoptosis [99]. Dandekar and Lokeshwar [100] observed that phosphorylation (and subsequent activation) of Akt, a protein involved in apoptosis resistance, was decreased in COX-2 depleted prostate cancer cells relative to controls. The investigators concluded that apoptosis in COX-2 deficient PC-3 mL cells occurred eight times more frequently, while microvessel density was three times lower compared with cells expressing high levels of COX-2, providing additional support for a promoting role of COX-2 in both angiogenesis and overall tumor progression. Further evidence that induced COX-2 conveys apoptotic resistance to prostate tumors comes from Huh and colleagues [101], who demonstrated that sanguinarine-induced apoptosis of LNCaP cells, constitutively low COX-2 producers, was decreased in cell variants with amplified COX-2 genes. The investigators observed that the apoptotic effect of sanguinarine was accompanied with increased nitric oxide (NO) production, that apoptosis could be attenuated with a NO synthase inhibitor, and that COX-2 transfection of LNCaP cells corresponded to lower NO formation. This indicates that COX-2-mediated apoptotic resistance was attributed, at least in part, to the inhibition of NO production. The antiapoptotic effects of COX-2 have also been postulated to be mediated through suppression of TP53 [99,102]. INFLAMMATION AND PROSTATE CANCER There have been indications that COX-2 may also contribute to invasive potential, shown to be largely a factor of net proteolytic activity, of a given tumor cell. Similarly, the abundance of active proteases, particularly MMPs, may also have bearing on metastatic propensity. Assessing the effect of prostaglandin synthesis on the invasiveness of prostate tumor cells, Attiga and colleagues [103] observed that DU-145 cell invasion through a solubilized basement membrane preparation was reduced after treatment with both ibuprophen and a selective COX-2 inhibitor, in comparison with controls, the latter producing the effect in a dose-dependent manner. Using electrophoretic techniques, investigators noted that this attenuated invasiveness was associated with a reduction in the concentration of pro-MMP-2 and MMP-2 secreted into the culture medium. That invasive behavior could be reestablished by incubation with prostaglandin E2, the immediate downstream product of the enzyme, indicates that the anti-invasive effect of NSAID treatment was COX-2 dependent. NSAIDs and risk of prostate cancer There have been numerous epidemiologic studies investigating the association between NSAID use and risk of cancer, particularly at colorectal, breast, and prostatic sites. In their review and synthesis of 91 relevant epidemiologic studies, Harris and colleagues [104] found a significant exponential decrease in cancer risk with heavier NSAID regimens for 7 out of 10 cancer types. The researchers reported a significantly declining risk of prostate cancer with increasing number of pills taken per week. Some of the most dramatic evidence supporting reduced prostate cancer risk with NSAID use was presented by Roberts and colleagues [105] and Nelson and Harris [106], who found overall reductions in likelihood of disease of 55% and 66%, respectively, for users of these medications. To ascertain whether epidemiologic evidence was reflective of experimental findings suggestive of a protective capacity of these drugs, Mahmud and colleagues [107] conducted a meta-analysis of relevant studies published before 2003. The combination of the nine studies that investigated aspirin usage alone demonstrated reduced odds of prostate cancer. The amalgamation of results from studies investigating total NSAID use or nonacetylsalicylic acid NSAIDs yielded risk estimates denoting a similar trend, but were not 125 statistically significant. The instability of the risk estimates is likely accounted for, at least in part, by the heterogeneity of the comprising data: parameters such as duration and dosage were measured differently across the included studies. Out of the relevant studies published after the above meta-analysis, one has produced results which, though suggestive of a possible protective effect, are not statistically significant [108], while two recent case-controlled studies have achieved results that are contradictory [109,110]. It is important to note, however, that exposure classification for the latter two case-controlled studies are suspect, as it was based on retrospective self-reported aspirin use. As aspirin is one of the most easily accessible and widely consumed of the nonprescription NSAIDs, there may be some potential for misclassification and recall bias. Five additional studies upheld a protective effect of NSAIDs [108,111–114]. The largest (70,144 men included in the analysis) and most recent of these reported that a long duration and regular use of NSAIDs (at least 30 pills per month for 5 years) was associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer [114]. NSAIDs and prostate cancer outcomes Epidemiologic research assessing the effect of NSAIDs on the progression of prostate cancer is sparse. Mahmud and colleagues [113], in corroboration with the authors’ own unpublished results, found that there was a reduced likelihood of highly aggressive disease (total Gleason score of 8 or higher) at diagnosis for NSAID users. While there have been a handful of pilot and phase II clinical trials looking at the effects of COX-2 inhibitors on advanced stage colon and breast cancers [97], there have only been two groups that have published comparable studies on prostate cancer outcomes. Both, investigating celecoxib in the prevention of biochemical failure, found that selective COX-2 inhibition was able to suppress the rate of PSA increase in prostate cancer patients after curative treatment. A pilot study on the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitors on the doubling time of PSA levels after biochemical failure found that 8 of the 12 subjects experienced a significant attenuation of increasing PSA concentration [115]. In the subsequent phase II randomized trial, 36 out of 40 subjects showed a drop in the rate of PSA increase [116], while 8 of these subjects responded with stabilization of PSA levels and 11 demonstrated absolute 126 STOCK decreases in PSA concentrations. Smith and colleagues [117] reported on the effects of celecoxib in the prevention of metastatic progression in men with recurrent disease. Fifteen out of 38 men randomly assigned to receive celecoxib, compared with the 8 out of 40 who received a placebo, achieved a 200% increase in PSA doubling time without detection of metastasis. Men taking celecoxib also demonstrated a slightly slower rate of PSA increase. Though this may indicate some benefit of NSAIDs to patients with advanced disease, the implications of these findings are uncertain. Furthermore, the latter-most study was terminated early because of discovery of potential cardiac side effects of selective-COX-2 inhibitors. Though PSA metrics are of proven prognostic importance, the biologic implication of such changes in PSA concentrations have yet to be fully delineated. Summary Though there is strong evidence implicating individual inflammatory mediators and byproducts as promoters of tumor initiation and disease progression, the overall impact of inflammation on prostate cancer is complex and continues to be elusive. It is perhaps possible that inflammation is merely symptomatic of a tissue environment more susceptible to malignancy, given the activation or silencing of other related factors, rather than a direct intermediary between extrinsic insult and prostate cancer. However, until prostate carcinogenesis is better understood, the potential for interventions that successfully inhibit inflammatory processes cannot be ignored. Though their efficacy in the prevention of adverse disease outcomes is unclear, the literature has consistently demonstrated reduced cancer risk, at the prostate and other sites, for people using NSAIDs. The usefulness of interventions such as NSAIDs in prostate cancer management can only be substantiated by larger cohort studies and clinical trials that focus on endpoints that are established indicators of disease invasiveness. References [1] Crawford ED. Epidemiology of prostate cancer. Urology 2003;62(6 Suppl 1):3–12. [2] Pu YS, Chiang HS, Lin CC, et al. Changing trends of prostate cancer in Asia. Aging Male 2004;7(2): 120–32. et al [3] Nowell PC. Mechanisms of tumor progression. Cancer Res 1986;46(5):2203–7. [4] Kerbel RS, Waghorne C, Korczak B, et al. 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