HOW TO RUN A ROACH YULIY BARYSHNIKOV AND BORIS SHAPIRO Abstract. In this paper we study the topology of the configuration space of a device with d legs (alias ’roach’) such that at most k of them are allowed to be off the ground. We suggest control strategies providing that this roach moves stably forward starting from a ’maximal’ subset of admissible initial positions of legs. The meaning of the term ’maximal’ will be explained below. Advantages of the suggested control strategies are their simplicity in realization and stability. 1. Introduction Consider a device which we call a roach whose primary goal is to move forward using its legs. Each leg is a single limb rotating around its horizontal axis. Mechanics of a such motion suggests that there exists a ’forbidden’ subset of the configuration space, e.g. if more than a certain number of legs points up (i.e. are sufficiently close to the vertical direction) then our device fails. Our objective is to find a controlling strategy for rotation of roach’s legs to provide its stable forward motion starting from a largest possible set in the configuration space of the initial position of legs. In order to describe our set-up mathematically we assume that the total number of roach’s legs is d and we will concentrate here on the situation when at least k ≤ d legs up leads to a failure. This means that on the d-dimensional torus T d which is the configuration space of legs positions we have a chosen set of failure positions Fk ⊂ T d which is a certain open domain with the smooth boundary which retracts to the k-skeleton Skk ⊂ T d (w.r.t. the standard cell stratification of T d ). In other words, Fk is the set of all legs positions where at least k angles are close to π2 . Its complement Ωk = T d \ Fk is called the set of admissible initial positions. By a autonomous stable control we mean a piecewise smooth vector field V defined at least in Ωk ⊂ T d (including its boundary ∂Ωk ) and such that: a) V points inside Ωk on ∂Ωk ; Date: September 24, 2009. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 93D25. Key words and phrases. stable control, attractor, configuration of tori. 1 2 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO b) as large subset Ak ⊂ Ωk as possible is the basin of a single attractor of V’s trajectories, this attractor being is a simple closed curve in Ωk with the winding number (1, ..., 1). If these requirements are met then V provides a control strategy such that the roach stably runs forward when the initial position of its legs belongs to Ak . We are deliberately vague here about the meaning of the expression ’as large as possible’ which will be clarified below. The set Ak will be further referred to as the set of controllable initial positions and its complement Bk = Ωk \ Ak is called the set of uncontrollable initial positions. By a time-dependent stable control we mean a vector field Vt in Ωk × [0, ∞) which has similar properties to the above one but, in general, is time-dependent. Below we describe what we think is a natural choice of Ak , a timedependent and an autonomous controls, which work for a wide class of choices of Fk . Finally, we describe an intriguing discrete dynamical system associated with our choice of Ak . The structure of the paper is as follows. In § 2 we describe important topological preliminaries. In § 3-4 we describe a non-autonomous and an autonomous controls for the suggested device respectively for the case when Fk is exactly the k-skeleton of T d . Finally, in § 6 we describe our discrete dynamical system. Acknowledgements. The authors want to thank Prof. D. Koditschek and F. Cohen for important discussions of the topic. The second author want to acknowledge the financial support provided by ... for funding his visit to ... 2. Topology of Ak and its complement in Ωk 2.1. Basic facts. To start with notice that the set Fk of failure positions is retractible to the k-skeleton Skk ⊂ T d and thus the embedding of its complement Ωk to T d \ Skk is a homotopy equivalence. The later space T d \ Skk is in its turn is retractible to Skd−k−1 , see e.g. [1]. In particular, the integer (co)homology groups of Ωk coincide with these of T d up to the dimension d−k −1 and are trivial otherwise. The latter isomorphism of (co)homology groups is simply induces by the inclusion Ωk ⊂ T d . Also the fundamental group π1 (Ωk ) of Ωk is isomorphic to that of T d and thus it s coincides with Zd for k ≤ d − 2 and is the free group with d generators for k = d − 1. Recall that, by our assumptions the flow defined by V should retract Ak to a single closed trajectory with the winding number (1, ..., 1) and thus Ak has the homotopy type of S 1 . Choose some closed simple oriented curve Γ in Ωk (referred further as ’gait’) with the winding number (1, ..., 1). If Fk is a sufficiently small neighborhood of Skk then we can choose Γ among the geodesics of the HOW TO RUN A ROACH 3 flat metrics on T d , i.e. among curves of the form Γγ = γ + t(1, ..., 1) on T d where t ∈ R and γ is a sufficiently generic point in T d . Definition 1. We say that Γ is unknotted if it is homotopy equivalent as a knot to the flat curve above (i.e. there exists a diffeomorphism of the ambient space Ωk sending one curve to the other disregarding there parametrizations). We say that the set Ak is unknotted if it is homotopy equivalent to some δ-neighborhood of an unknotted Γ in Ωk . Definition 2. A set Ak of controllable initial positions is called settheoretically maximal in Ωk if no proper superset of Ak in Ωk has the same the homotopy type as Ak . In what follows we will restrict our attention only to the class of unknotted Ak ’s and to the set-theoretical maximality of Ak although other more geometrical versions of this notion make perfect sense. Let us present our construction of Ak in the basic case Fk = Skk and, therefore, Ωk = T d \Skk for some 0 ≤ k ≤ d−2. (WHAT ABOUT OUR ASSUMPTION THAT Fk IS AN OPEN DOMAIN? Main construction. Represent T d as the d-dimensional cube Kd = [−1, 1]d with its parallel sides pairwise identified. We use the agreement that the origin O = (0, 0, ..., 0) ∈ Kd corresponds to the position ’all legs down’. Take the cone Cd in T d over the skeleton Skd−2 with the vertex at O. This cone Cd is a singular hypersurface in T d stratified by the cones over different coordinate subtori contained in Skd−2 . Notice that Cd contains d2 strata of maximal dimension which are cones over d individual coordinate subtori of codimension 2. The complement 2 d T \ Cd consists of d ’polytopes’ each being the union of two pyramids over (d − 1)-dimensional base cubes, see Fig.1. The closure of each such cube coincides with one of the coordinate tori of codimension 1. Let us denote these polytopes as P yri , i = 1, ..., d where i is the coordinate missing in the (d − 1)-dimensional cube which is coned. The gait Γ hits the boundary of each P yri in two points belonging to some faces on Cd . Each such face is the cone over some (d − 2)-dimensional open cube. The face where Γ enters (resp. leaves) P yri is called the ith entrance face Fi (resp. the ith exit face Gi ) and the corresponding points are called the entrance/exit points. Another important point within P yri is the point where Γ hits the base of P yri , i.e. the corresponding (d − 1)-dimensional cube, see Fig. 2. Notice also that Γ defines a cyclic order on the set of all P yri according to the cyclic order in which it hits them, see Fig.1. Note that the exit face for any pyramid is at the same time the entrance face of the next one in this cyclic order. Wlog let us assume that after we fix Γ we can enumerate the coordinates (x1 , ..., xd ) on T d in such a way that this cyclic order is x1 < x2 < x3 < ... < xd < x1 . 4 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO Finally, let Ced = Cd \ ∪di=1 Fi = Cd \ ∪dj=1 Ej be the cone with all open entrance (or, equivalently, exit) faces removed and define the universal set of controllable positions Aed as Aed = T d \ Ced . Notice that Aed belongs to Ωk for all k ≥ 2. We set Ak = Aed for any such k. r r L A L r Br L rP r PP LO r PPL r r PP C P , D r Pr , D , D , , Dr r L L L P PPP L PLr PP PP , D , D , D , D, r Figure 1. T 3 represented as the 3-cube and the cone C3 . Entrance face r l D l D r D r llr D Base cube D Dr r r l l Exit face llr Fragment of Γγ Figure 2. A single pyramid P yri in three dimensions. Description of Aed in terms of leg positions. For the sake of clarity let us present a simple description of Aed in terms of configurations of legs. Let (x1 , ..., xd ), −3π/2 ≤ xi ≤ π/2 be the usual angular coordinates on the torus T d . Notice that we assume we have a cyclic order on x1 < x2 < ... < xd < x1 defined by the gait Γ, see above. The unusual interval −3π/2 ≤ xi ≤ π/2 is motivated by the fact that the origin of the above cube Kd is chosen at the position ’all legs down’, i.e. xi = −π/2. The coordinates (t1 , ..., td ) on Kd are thus given by ti = (xi + π/2)/π, i = 1, ..., d. The i-th open pyramid P yri consists then of exactly those leg positions, (i.e. d-tuples of labelled points on S 1 ) for which the i-th leg has the maximal height, i.e. sin xi > sin xj , ∀j 6= i. Its entrance face is the set of all leg positions when exactly the (i − 1)-st leg and the i-th leg are at the maximal height among all legs. Additionally, they are not allowed to coincide and they are in the correct cyclic position. Analogously. its exit face is the set of all leg positions when exactly the i-th and the (i + 1)-st leg are at HOW TO RUN A ROACH 5 the maximal height among all legs. As before, they are not allowed to coincide and they are in the correct cyclic position, see below. '$ ri r i-1'$ r ri i '$ r r i+1 r r r &% r r r &% r r r &% P yri r entrance face r exit face Figure 3. Intrepretation P yri in terms of leg configurations. Proposition 1. The set Aed retracts in Ωk to Γ (and is, therefore, homeomorphic to S 1 × B d−1 ) and is set-theoretically maximal in T d and, therefore, in each Ωk ⊂ T d . Proof. The argument proving the retraction is the same for all k and is as follows. Recall that Aed is glued of a chain of d open convex and cyclically ordered polytopes P yri , i = 1, ..., d where each P yri is glued to the next one along their common face. The curve Γ can be thought as a piecewise linear closed curve within Aed . We define a certain piecewise linear and continuous on the whole Aed ’projection’ retracting it to Γ. Namely, identify the pyramid P yri with a convex polytope in Rd as on Fig.2. Take two affine hyperplanes which are the linear spans of the entrance and exit faces respectively and intersect them. This intersection is an affine subspace H of codimension 2 in Rd which lies outside the open pyramid and intersects it in the cube of codimension 3. Finally, consider the family of all hyperplanes containing H. This family foliates P yri is such a way that the entrance and exit faces are two of the fibers. Each fiber is a convex polytope intersecting Γ at a single point. Project now each fiber on this unique point of Γ. This map is the required retraction of P yri . Notice that since it sends the entrance face to the entrance point and the exit face to the exit point one each pyramid these maps together define a continuous map from Aed to Γ. Let us show now that any proper superset of Aed in T d has a different homotopy type than Aed . In fact, we show that adding any point to Aed in T d we create a new element in H1 (T d ) in addition to the element (1, 1, 1, ..., 1) realized by H1 (Aed ). Since this new element is nontrivial already in T d it can not disappear if we add to Aed more points. The problem is, therefore, reduced to adding a single point to Aed . Assume that we glue to Aed some point p ∈ T d which is not in Aed . Notice that 6 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO by our construction any such point p belongs to the common boundary of at least two pyramids P yri and P yrj which are not neighbors in the cyclic order. Using the above realization of each pyramid as a usual polytope in Rd connect p within P yri and P yrj respectively to the intersection points of Γ with the i-th and j-th base cubes Bi and Bj respectively along the straight segments. Obviously, these segments belong to Aed (except for the point p itself). The union of Γ and these segments is topologically a circle with a chord connecting its two distinct points and the cycle (1, 1, ..., 1) in H1 (T d ) represented by Γ is now the sum of two cycles where we use the new chord as the shortcut. Notice, finally, that neither of these two cycles is homologically trivial and, therefore, both of them represent elements in H1 (T d ) different from (1, 1, ..., 1). Indeed, each base cube Bi is the (d − 1)-cycle in T d representing the homology class dual to the corresponding 1-cocycle in H 1 (T d ) and the pairing of H1 (T d ) and H 1 (T d ) can be realized using the intersection indices of a curve in T d with the base cubes. Finally, we notice that each of the shortcuts cross some nonempty and not complete (which follows from the assumption that P yri and P yrj are not neighbors) subset of the base cubes once each. ♦ 3. Time-dependent continuous control In the case of Fk = Skk ⊂ T d and the above choice of Aed let us present a simple time-dependent control which converges starting with any initial leg configuration belonging to Aed to the rotation of the equally spaced and cyclically ordered according to a given in advance cyclic order leg configuration, this rotation being performed with a constant angle speed. (As we just mentioned our control depends on an arbitrary but fixed in advance choice of a cyclic order of legs.) We prefer to present our control in the form of an algorithm which uses essentially three legs at a time: the leading leg (i.e. the one with the maximal sine of its angle), its consecutive leg in the chosen cyclic order, and the leg which is geometrically next after the leading leg in the clockwise direction. (We are assuming that the forward motion of a roach corresponds to the counterclockwise rotation of legs.) Initial step. At the initial time moment we check the initial position of legs. If it belongs to the set Fk of failure positions then our roach can not start moving and the control terminates. Otherwise, the initial position is admissible and can be either controllable or uncontrollable. If it is uncontrollable go to the accidental displacement step below. Otherwise, since it is controllable we find in which P yri it belongs. (Here we for each i = 1, ..., d include its entrance face into P yri .) The we declare the i-th leg leading and proceed to the forward motion step below. HOW TO RUN A ROACH 7 Forward motion step. A) All legs except the (i + 1)-st leg (in the cyclic order) start moving forward with the unit speed. B) Determine the length of the period of the leadership of the i-th leg and the speed Vi+1 of the (i + 1)-st leg during this period as follows. (i) To calculate Ti let the j-th leg be the geometrically next leg after the i-th leg in the clockwise direction and which is different from the (i + 1)-st leg. (In other words, if if the (i + 1)-st leg is geometrically next after the i-th leg clockwise then the j-th leg is the next one after the (i + 1)-st. Notice that if there are several legs at the same position as the j-th leg we can choose any of them as the j-th.) Calculate the leadership time Ti for the i-th leg by the formula: π − xi − xj Ti = . 2 (Recall that by our assumptions on i and j one has that −π/2 < xj < xi < π/2.) One can easily see that Ti is exactly the time required for the legs i and j moving forward with the unit speed to reach the same (and maximal among all the legs except possibly for the (i+1)-st) height. At this moment the i-th leg will be located in the left half-circle while the j-th leg will still be in the right half-circle. (ii) Set the constant speed Vi+1 of the (i + 1)-st leg during the period i+1 Ti to be equal to π/2−x . Ti (Notice that this choice of constant speed provides that after time Ti , i.e. when the i-th and the j-th legs reach equal height the (i + 1)-st leg will reach the 12 o’clock position.) C) Reenter the substep A of the forward motion step with the (i+1)st leg chosen as leading. Accidental displacement step. Make a random displacement of the initial position of legs within the admissible set Ωk and return to the initial step above. Proposition 2. For any initial leg position in A˜d the motion will converge to the motion with the constant unit speed and equally spaced leg for which their internal cyclic order coincides with their cyclic order on the circle. Proof. Our algorithm keeps us within A˜d . Namely, at each moment one either has a single leg at the maximal height or the i-th and the (i + 1)st legs at the maximal height with the correct clockwise order. When some leg makes a complete turn then the clockwise order of all legs will coincide with their cyclic order which we have chosen in advance. But their positions can be very closely grouped together on the circle. What remains to observe that after the first turn the relative position of all legs will quickly converge to the equally spaced situation. This follows 8 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO immediately from the circumstance that starting from the second turn during the period of leadership of the i-th leg one places the (+1)-st leg in the position of the bisector of the angle between the i-th and the (i + 2)-nd legs. This averaging process quickly converges to the equally spaced and rotating at the unit speed configuration of legs. ♦ Remark 1. The above dynamics consists of two phases: the 1st turn of the legs and the remaining motion. During the first turn all the legs are placed in the clockwise order coinciding with their cyclic order. This is done within a rather small time interval and might be difficult to technically realize in practice since it requires quick motions of legs and quick stops. One observes that small measurement mistakes can result in the instability of the motion since the order of leading legs can experience big changes. The second phase, on the other hand, presents no difficulties, and the motion quickly converges to the rotation of the equally spaced legs with the unit speed. 4. Autonomous continuous control The next stable vector field V on A˜d was recently suggested by the first author. It is piece-wise smooth and analytic in each of the open pyramids where the single leg is the highest one. (In principle, the idea behind this dynamics is very similar to that of the time-dependent dynamics described in the next section.) Take a pyramid P yri where the i-th leg has the strictly largest height among all legs, i.e. hi = sin xi is greater than all the other hj ’s. (Here xj , j = 1, ..., d are the angle coordinates on our torus T d . Define V as ( x˙j = 1 for j 6= i + 1, C x˙ i+1 = √ . hi −maxj6=i,i+1 hj In other words, the heir-apparent of the current leader is hurried forward, with a singular velocity if there is a competitor (the exponent 1/2 is to avoid some non-complete flows; the constant C should be chosen large enough to ensure overtaking of all the competitors). It seems that this choice of a vector field works! To be continued ... 5. Final remarks and open problems 1. Different types of failure sets different from Skk and their tubular neighborhoods might be natural to impose on the roach motion. For example, since a roach has left and right legs it seems natural to forbid that too many right or left legs should be off the ground. However the same universal set Aed of controllable leg positions does the job for HOW TO RUN A ROACH 9 any set of failure positions within Skd−2 . Repeating word by word the proof of Proposition 1 we get the following. Lemma 1. For any failure set F ⊆ Skd−2 the set Aed is set-theoretically maximal. 2. In the present note we introduced and discussed the notion of a set-theoretical maximality of the set Ak of controllable positions. As an example of another notion of maximality that makes sense one can suggest the volume maximality of Ak ⊂ T d , i.e. one requires that the volume of its complement in the flat metric on T d should be minimal. In case, when the complement has positive codimension one should consider the volume form of the appropriate dimension. Notice that the set Ak which was constructed and used in § 2 is not volume minimal in the above sense since the (d−1)-dimensional volume of the set Ced can be made smaller by local smoothening. The problem of finding of the set Ak of the maximal volume is very tempting even in the standard case Fk = Skk considered above. 3. WHAT ABOUT THE FACT THAT WE ASSUMED IN THE BEGINNING THAT Fk IS AN OPEN DOMAIN? WHAT ABOUT LARGE NEIGHBORHOODS? 6. Appendix. Discrete autonomous control Below we describe an interesting discrete dynamical system associated with our construction in § 2. It does not immediately solve our problem since it does not have a single attractor but it has many remarkable mathematical features and can be easily modified to serve our purposes. Notice that we want to construct a flow through the union of the pyramids P yri such that on each individual open pyramid this flow enters only through its entrance face, say F and leaves through the exit face, say G, see Fig.2. Both faces are cones over different and intersecting (d−2)-dimensional cubes and the flow should move from the entrance face F through the (d − 1)-cube which is the base B of the whole pyramid and then further to the exit face F . Let us define two natural maps from the (open) entrance face F to the (open) base cube B and then from B to the (open) exit face G. Each such map can be transformed into a (continuous) flow by connecting the preimage and its image by a straight line within the pyramid. Thus each trajectory of such a flow within P yri will be the union of two straight segments. The most natural way to do it is by using the so-called blow-up/blow down rational transformations. We present these transformations explicitly below for the cases d = 3 and d ≥ 4. (The essential distinction of these two cases is explained by the fact that for d = 3 the entrance/exit faces are the usual triangles and, therefore, they allow additional symmetry transformations unavailable for d ≥ 4.) 10 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO Case d = 3. The entrance/exit faces F and G are usual triangles and the base cube B is a usual square. Let us identify the entrance triangle F with the triangle with the vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1) in R2 ; the base square B with the square whose vertices are (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1) and, finally, the exit triangle G with the triangle with the vertices (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1). The blow-up map Φ : (x, y) → (x, xy ) sends F to B. (It sends the pencil of lines through the origin to the pencil of horizontal lines.) Its inverse blow-down map Ψ : (s, t) → (st, t) maps B to G. It sends the pencil of vertical lines to the pencil of lines through the origin. Their composition χ = Ψ ◦ Φ : (x, y) → (y, xy ) sends F to G, see Fig. 4. (1,1) (0,1) F (0,0) Φ- B (1,0) (0,0) (1,1) (0,1) (1,1) Ψ -G (1,0) (0,0) Figure 4. Blow-up and blow-down transformations. To get the complete discrete dynamical system assume that the three (since d = 3) pyramids P yr1 , P yr2 , P yr3 are cyclically ordered as 1 < 2 < 3 < 1 by the choice of Γ. Denote their entrance faces as F1 , F2 , F3 and their exit faces as G1 , G2 , G3 . (One has, F1 = G2 , F2 = G3 , F3 = G1 .) Assume now that we apply our transformation χ three times consecutively, i.e first from F1 to G1 = F2 , then from F2 to G2 = F3 , and, finally back to G3 = F1 . The resulting self-map Θ : F1 → F1 is classically referred to as the Poincare return map of the dynamical system. To calculate it explicitly we need to find a suitable affine transformation A sending G back to F in the above example. Then we get the self-map Θ by composing χ with A and taking the 3-rd power of the resulting composition. As such a map A one can choose A : (u, v) → (1 − u, 1 − v) which implies that the required Poincare return map is the third power of Θ = A ◦ χ where: y Θ : (x, y) → 1 − y, 1 − . x Lemma 2. The above map Θ has and unique fixed point within the triangle F1 and its fifth power is identity. Proof. The system of equations defining fixed points reads as ( x = 1 − y, y = 1 − xy HOW TO RUN A ROACH √ √ 11 √ and√its two solutions are x1 = 2 22−1 , y1 = 3−22 2 and x2 = − 1+22 2 , y2 = 3+2 2 . One can easily check that only the first solution belongs to F1 . 2 Direct calculations show that y y(1 − x) x−y x−y 2 3 Θ : (x, y) → , , Θ : (x, y) → , x x(1 − y) x(1 − y) (1 − x) 1−x 4 Θ : (x, y) → , 1 − x , Θ5 : (x, y) → (x, y). 1−y ♦ x−y x−y The Poincare return map is thus equals to Θ3 : (x, y) → x(1−y) , (1−x) . Case d ≥ 4. Analogously, we have d pyramids each being a cone over a (d − 1)-cube. Their entrance and exit faces are cones over (d − 2)-cubes respectively. We need a map Φ sending the open entrance face F to the open base (d − 1)-cube B and a map Ψ sending the open base cube B to the open exit face G. They can be given explicitly as follows. Let us identify F with the domain {0 < x2 < x1 < 1; 0 < x3 < x1 < 1; ... 0 < xd−1 < x1 < 1}, i.e. with the cone over the square {0 < x2 < 1, 0 < xd−1 < 1} with the vertex at the origin. The base B will be identified with the cube {0 < x1 < 1, 0 < x2 < 1, 0 < xd−1 < 1}, and, finally, the exit face G with {0 < x1 < x2 < 1; 0 < x3 < x2 < 1, ...., 0 < xd−1 < x2 < 1}. Then the blow-up map Φ and the blow-down map Ψ can be chosen as follows: x2 x3 xd−1 Φ : (x1 , x2 , ..., xd−1 ) → x1 , , , ..., x1 x1 x1 Ψ : (y1 , y2 , ..., yd−1 ) → (y1 y2 , y2 , ..., yd−1 y2 ) . Their composition χ : F → G coincides with x2 x2 x3 x2 xd−1 χ : (x1 , x2 , ..., xd−1 ) → x2 , , 2 , ..., . x1 x1 x21 An appropriate linear map A sending G back to F is just a cyclic permutation of coordinates: A : (z1 , z2 , ..., zd−1 ) → (z2 , z3 , ..., z1 ). Thus we get the composition Θ = A ◦ χ : F → F (whose d-th power is the Poincare return map) given by: x2 xd−1 x2 x2 x3 Θ : (x1 , x2 , ..., xd−1 ) → , , ..., , x2 . x1 x21 x21 Proposition 3. The above map Θ has a curve of fixed points parameterized by (t, t2 , t2 , ..., t2 ), t ∈ R. Moreover, for any d ≥ 3 one has that Θd−1 = id. 12 Y. BARYSHNIKOV AND B. SHAPIRO Proof. Indeed, the system of equations defining fixed points reads as x2 x2 x 3 x2 x4 x2 xd−1 x1 = , x2 = 2 , x3 = 2 , · · · xd−2 = , xd−1 = x2 . x1 x1 x1 x21 which immediately implies x21 = x2 = x3 = ... = xd−1 . To show that Θd−1 = id notice that since Θ is a monomial map it suffices to show that Mdd−1 = idd−1 where Md is the matrix of the exponents of the map Θ and idd−1 is the identity matrix of size d − 1. (Indeed, the matrix of exponents for Θi coincides with Mdi .) This is done in the following lemma. Lemma 3. The characteristic polynomial of the (d−1)×(d−1)-matrix Md equals (−1)d (1 − td−1 ). Therefore, by the Hamilton-Cayley theorem Mdd−1 = idd−1 . Proof. Looking at the exponents of Θ we see that the matrix Md has the form −1 1 0 0 ... 0 1 0 ... 0 −2 1 0 1 ... 0 −2 1 Md = . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · −2 1 0 0 ... 1 0 1 0 ··· ··· 0 To make our calculations easy we introduce two families of (k × k)matrices Dk and Ek given by: 2 1 0 0 ... 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 0 2 −t 1 1 −t 1 0 −t 1 . . . 0 0 −t 1 . . . 0 2 1 Dk = . , Ek = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 1 0 0 · · · −t 1 0 0 · · · −t 1 0 0 0 · · · 0 −t 1 0 0 · · · · · · −t Expanding by the first row one obtains the following recurrences Det(Dk ) = (−t)k−1 − Det(Dk−1 ) Det(Ek ) = 2(−t)k−1 − Det(Ek−1 ) resulting in the formulas Det(Dk ) = (−1)k−1 (tk−1 +tk−2 +...+1), Det(Ek ) = (−1)k−1 2(tk−1 +tk−2 +...+t). Expanding now the characteristic polynomial Chd (t) of Md by the first row (after the sign change in the first row) we get the relation −Chd (t) = (t + 1)[(1 − t)(−t)d−3 − Det(Dd−3 )] − Det(Ed−2 ). Substituting of the expressions for Det(Dd−3 ) and Det(Ed−2 ) in the latter formula one gets Chd (t) = (−1)d (1 − td−1 ). ♦ Proposition 3 is now settled. ♦ Corollary 1. For d ≥ 4 the Poincare return map of our dynamical system equals Θd = Θ. HOW TO RUN A ROACH 13 References [1] G. Denham, A. Suciu, Moment-angle complexes, monomial ideals and Massey products. Pure Appl. Math. Q. 3 (2007), no. 1, part 3, 25–60. Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636, USA E-mail address: [email protected] Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden E-mail address: [email protected]
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