POLICY MANUAL How to Ride the T Lift (Paratransit Services) Lawrence Transit System Phone: (785) 312-7054 (785) 312-7063 (TDD) TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CERTIFICATION / ELIGIBILITY 3 TYPES OF ELIGIBILITY 4 T LIFT PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS 4 RECERTIFICATION FOR CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY 5 CERTIFICATION APPEALS PROCESS 5 VISITORS WITH DISABILITIES 5 CONDITIONAL USE AND TRIP-BY-TRIP ELIGIBLE RIDES 6 SERVICE HOURS AND AREA 6 FARES 6 TRIP RESERVATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS 7 HOW DO I MAKE A RESERVATION? 7 Plan Ahead 7 Plan Your Trip Carefully 8 To Schedule A Ride 8 Children 9 Use of Portable Oxygen 10 Pets 10 REVISED 10/25/13 1 Lawrence Transit System Reservations By Fax 10 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE 10 HOW DO I RIDE THE T LIFT? 11 DRIVER ASSISTANCE POLICY 12 WHAT DO I DO IF I MISS MY RIDE? 12 HOW CAN WE ACCOMMODATE YOU? 12 HOW DO I COMMENT ON T LIFT SERVICE? 13 SAFETY 13 CUSTOMER CODE OF CONDUCT 13 Consequences of Misconduct 14 Consequence of Unintentional Misconduct 14 THE T LIFT NO-SHOW & LATE CANCELLATION POLICY 15 THE T LIFT EXCESSIVE CANCELLATION POLICY 15 ACTIONS RESULTING FROM NO-SHOW, EXCESSIVE CANCELLATION, LATE CANCELLATION 15 APPENDIX A - GLOSSARY 16 APPENDIX B - COMPLAINT PROCESS LAWRENCE TRANSIT SYSTEM – T AND T LIFT 18 APPENDIX C - APPEALS PROCESS Appeal of Service Suspension & Eligibility Certifications 19 APPENDIX D 21 REVISED 10/25/13 2 Lawrence Transit System INTRODUCTION T Lift paratransit service is available for transit riders who, because of a disability, are unable to use the regular fixed-route system. T lift is a shared-ride, “door-to-door” service that operates from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. T Lift riders must be certified as eligible to use the service by going through an application process. Riders must meet criteria established by the U.S. Department of Transportation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 to qualify for the service. CERTIFICATION / ELIGIBILITY To ride the T Lift, the Lawrence Transit System must certify you as eligible. To determine eligibility, persons must complete a two-part application and an authorization form for disclosure of protected health information. PART A of the application form is to be completed by the applicant or by someone on behalf of the applicant. PART B must be completed by an independent qualified medical professional who can verify and substantiate the applicant’s functional abilities. The qualified medical professional must fall under one of the following categories: Physician (M.D. or D.O.) or registered nurse Physical or occupational therapist Psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health counselor Ophthalmologist Application forms are available by calling the T Lift Customer Service Line at (785) 3127054 or by visiting our website www.lawrencetransit.org. Assistance may be provided. Applications will be processed within 21 calendar days upon receipt of both the completed application forms PART A and PART B. Once you are certified as eligible for the T Lift, you must notify the Lawrence Transit System of any changes in your address, phone number, or disability. REVISED 10/25/13 3 Lawrence Transit System TYPES OF ELIGIBLITY People who are determined eligible for T Lift paratransit service are assigned an eligibility category. The eligibility category is consistent with the person’s ability to use fixed-route transit. These categories include Unconditional, Conditional, Trip-by-Trip and Temporary. UNCONDITIONAL − Individual is not able to use accessible fixed-route transit under any circumstances and is eligible for all trips on T Lift paratransit service. CONDITIONAL − Individual is not able to use accessible fixed-route transit in specific circumstances and is eligible to use the T Lift paratransit service under limited circumstances identified by the Lawrence Transit System. TRIP-BY-TRIP − Individual is not able to use accessible fixed-route bus service for certain trips due to architectural and/or environmental barriers. The individual is eligible to use T Lift paratransit service for those specific trips identified by the Lawrence Transit System. TEMPORARY − Individual is not able to use accessible fixed route transit at this time, however the condition or circumstance(s) leading to eligibility is reasonably expected to change in the future. For a limited period of time, the individual is typically eligible to use T Lift paratransit service for all trips. Examples of people who may be eligible for T Lift paratransit service are those who, because of a disability, are unable to: Get on or off a regular bus (all Lawrence Transit vehicles are lift-equipped and ADA compliant); Walk two city blocks or more to access a fixed route or unable to grasp coins, tickets, or handles; Read, understand, or follow bus information. Age, distance to a bus stop, or illiteracy, by themselves, are not considered disabilities and therefore do not qualify the person for the T Lift. People who are blind or visually impaired may be eligible if they cannot use the T fixed-route system. People with medical conditions, such as epilepsy, kidney disorders, and diabetes, may be eligible depending upon their ability to use the fixed-route system. T LIFT IDENTIFICATION CARDS Once certified, the Lawrence Transit System will issue a T Lift Identification Card which will be mailed with your certification letter. T Lift identification cards may be used on fixed-route vehicles to receive a reduced fare or for ADA paratransit service in other U.S. cities. Drivers may request personal identification, in addition to T Lift ID, upon boarding fixed-route or T Lift vehicles. REVISED 10/25/13 4 Lawrence Transit System T Lift IDs are good for three years from the date of certification. Each T Lift ID will have an expiration date printed on it, and a new card will be issued upon recertification. There is $5.00 replacement charge for lost or stolen cards. RECERTIFICATION FOR CONTINUED ELIGIBLITY In an effort to keep the certified T Lift rider database current, individuals are required to recertify for continued eligibility every three years. ALL current T Lift riders must complete and submit the recertification forms to continue to be eligible for T Lift service. If certification expires, riders will no longer be able to utilize the service after the expiration date. In addition, those certified T Lift riders who do not recertify will be removed from the system and will be unable to schedule a trip after their expiration date. Lawrence Transit System will mail recertification paperwork to the clients address on file, three months prior to the expiration of your eligibility. It is the client’s responsibility to notify Lawrence Transit System of changes to address, phone number or disability. Failure to do so may result in a lapse of eligibility for T Lift services. Conditional-use riders who are certified for service on a “temporary” basis will be required to re-certify at the end of their temporary period of eligibility if they desire to maintain eligibility of service. These riders must complete a new application, both PART A and PART B, and participate in another evaluation by a qualified health care professional. Persons with permanent disabilities are required to obtain professional verification of their disability to become initially certified. However, subsequent recertification will only require that PART A be completed indicating they still desire to utilize the service. Professional verification will not be required for recertification. CERTIFICATION APPEALS PROCESS Applicants whose requests for certification are denied have the right to appeal. Such appeal must be submitted within sixty days from the date of certification denial. The appeal will be considered by the ADA Eligibility Certification Review Board made up of three persons, one of whom will have a familiarity of the disability in question. For more information, contact the T Lift Customer Service Line at (785) 312-7054 or see Appendix C. VISITORS WITH DISABILTIES Visitors with disabilities who cannot use the fixed-route system are eligible to utilize T Lift service. If the individuals have been certified as “ADA paratransit eligible” by a public transit entity, the Lawrence Transit System will honor the certification and will provide up to 21 days of T Lift paratransit service in a 365-day period. If visitors have REVISED 10/25/13 5 Lawrence Transit System not been certified as eligible by another public entity but claim that they are ADA paratransit eligible, they are entitled to “presumptive eligibility” and shall be provided with 21 days of T Lift service. Visitors who are not certified by another transit provider and who claim presumptive eligibility may be requested to provide certain documentation such as their place of residence and the nature of their disability to the Lawrence Transit System. The “21 days” of service that shall be provided to visitors with disabilities are to be calculated as any combination of 21 days during any 365-day period beginning with the visitor’s first use of the service. For example, a person may visit two days a week. Eligibility would be extended in this case over the eleven week period of time within which 21 days of T Lift service would be offered. Visitors who require more than 21 days of service within a 365-day period shall be required to apply for local eligibility through the T Lift certification process. Visitors with disabilities shall be provided the same level of service as certified T Lift riders and are subject to the same service policy requirements. CONDITIONAL USE AND TRIP-BY-TRIP ELIGIBLE RIDES The Lawrence Transit System reservationists will evaluate the eligibility of trip requests for service by riders certified as Conditional or Trip-by-Trip for T Lift at the time of scheduling due to the conditions listed in their certification. Reservationists will immediately inform the person scheduling the ride if the trip is deemed eligible based on conditions listed in their certification. If the trip is found not to be eligible, reservationists are to inform the rider about the availability of fixed-route service as a viable option to complete the trip. SERVICE HOURS AND AREA Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. No service on Sunday. Service is available within the city limits of Lawrence plus three-quarters of a mile on each side of each fixed-route that is outside of the city limits. For more information, call (785) 312-7054. FARES The fare to ride the T Lift is $2.00. Companions also must pay $2.00 to ride. One Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may travel at no cost. The price of a 10-ride punch ticket is $20.00. A monthly unlimited ride bus pass is $68.00. REVISED 10/25/13 6 Lawrence Transit System Customers are required to pay the appropriate fare upon boarding a T Lift vehicle prior to departure. The fare must be paid in exact cash as the drivers do not carry cash and cannot make change. Checks are not accepted. 10-ride punch cards and monthly passes can be used. Non-payment of fares will result in a denial of your trip. Punch cards and monthly passes can be purchased at The Merc (9th and Iowa), Dillons Stores (all four Lawrence locations), Hy-Vee Stores (both Lawrence locations), and at City Hall in the Finance Department (6 East 6th Street, 2nd Floor). For increased independence, riders are encouraged to take advantage of regular fixed-route service whenever possible. All fixed-route buses are 100% wheelchair equipped. Certified T Lift riders can ride the regular fixed-route service at a reduced fare upon showing the bus driver a valid T Lift identification card. The reduced fare to ride fixed-route service is one half of the regular fare. TRIP RESERVATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS For reservations or cancellations, call (785) 312-7054 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Reservations on Sunday and after hours will be taken by voice mail through the T Lift Customer Service Line, (785) 312-7054. Reservations may be made up to five days in advance or through 5 p.m. the day prior to service. Requests for next-day service received later than 5 p.m. will be handled on a same day, space available basis. In order to provide the greatest service to all passengers, cancellation notice should be made more than one hour prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Cancellations made less than one hour prior to the scheduled pick-up time will be considered a late cancellation. A pattern of late cancellations may result in service penalties. This policy applies to all scheduled trips including subscription trips. HOW DO I MAKE A RESERVATION? Plan ahead: For the most important trips, be sure to make your reservations as early as possible, up to five days in advance. The earlier you schedule your ride, the better your opportunity will be to get the exact time you are requesting, without negotiation. If your requested time is not available, you may be offered a negotiated time of up to one hour before or after your requested time. If an available time within those guidelines is not workable for you, have an alternate plan for other transportation or for rescheduling at another time or on another day. Refusal of an available negotiated time is not considered a denial of service. If your pick-up is at an apartment complex, nursing home, or adult program / day care center, it is the rider’s responsibility to let the scheduler know if any special instructions are needed such as security gated entries, apartment building numbers, or multiple REVISED 10/25/13 7 Lawrence Transit System entrances to large institutions. Otherwise, T Lift drivers will pick-up and drop-off at the main entrance or designated / predetermined points of entry. If the rider fails to inform the reservationist of special instructions and the trip is missed as a result, it will be recorded as a no-show. Plan your trip carefully: Remember to allow up to 45 minutes for time spent picking up and dropping off other customers before reaching your destination, and be prepared for the possibility of delays due to traffic or bad weather. For example, if you must be somewhere at 10 a.m., plan your pickup for 9 a.m. When scheduling a return trip, please consider any unexpected delays you may encounter. For example, if you expect to be ready at 3 p.m., please ask for a 3:45 p.m. return time. At a minimum, if you are sure that no delays will occur when conducting your business, please remember to allow for the 15 minute window (further described on page 7) and schedule your pick-up for 3:15 p.m., which means the bus could arrive as early as 3 p.m. It is better to wait a few minutes than miss your scheduled ride. ALLOW AMPLE TIME TO FINISH APPOINTMENTS. This is important so you will be ready to board the vehicle at your scheduled pick-up time. Be aware of opening or closing times at your destination to avoid waiting outside the building before or after business hours. If you are going to a doctor’s office or other medical appointment, let the person who is making your medical appointment know you will be using T Lift Paratransit Service. Ask them how much time should be allowed for the appointment. This will help you to set your return time. Please allow adequate time for your medical appointment. If you miss your ride home because you under-estimated how long the appointment would take, the needs of other paratransit customers may not allow T Lift to come back a second time. In this case, you will need to find alternative transportation home. If T Lift is able to return a second time, the needs of other customers may require that you wait several hours after you completed your appointment. In this case, please be patient. It is your responsibility to determine with your doctor how much time to allow for the medical appointment. To schedule a ride: The T Lift may be reached at (785) 312-7054 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Reservations on Sunday will be taken by voice mail on the Customer Service Line. 1) Reservations may be made up to five days in advance. Reservations must be made by 5 p.m. the day prior to the trip in order for a trip to be guaranteed. 2) Same day reservations may be available on a space available basis. 3) When making a reservation, we urge you to schedule a time for your return trip. Waiting until the last minute to schedule a return trip could result in a long wait. 4) No changes, except cancellations, may be made to a reservation after 5 p.m. the day before your trip. 5) When making a reservation, please be ready to provide: REVISED 10/25/13 8 Lawrence Transit System Your name; Your pick-up address (exact location of pick-up; for example, apartment building name, which entrance, etc.); Your telephone number; The date on which you wish to ride; The time at which you wish to be picked up at your point of origin. Please allow up to 45 minutes to reach each destination. The T Lift is a shared-ride system; therefore some trips may take longer; Your drop-off address (exact location of destination including telephone number if possible). Certain public locations have specific drop-off and pick-up areas that will have to be observed; The time at which you wish to be picked up for your return trip; Whether you use a wheelchair or other mobility device; A common wheelchair is such a device that does not exceed 30 inches in width and 48 inches in length measured 2 inches above the ground, and does not weigh more than 600 pounds when occupied. Whether a personal care attendant (PCA) will be riding with you. If you are registered with the T Lift as needing a PCA, he or she may accompany you at no additional cost, and; Whether a companion will be riding with you. Companions are welcome to ride with you if space is available, and are required to pay the full T Lift fare. For PCAs and Companions, please note: Companions and personal care attendants MUST have the same origin and destination as the customer they are accompanying. The T Lift requires you to reserve a space for your companion(s) or personal care attendant (PCA) when scheduling your reservation. If more than one person accompanying you is designated as your PCA, only one will be allowed to ride at no fare. To maximize the space available, accommodations for more than one traveling companion are granted on a space available basis. Please remember, the request should be made when scheduling your reservation. To inquire about space availability, call T Lift Reservations at (785) 312-7054. Children: Certified users of all ages must pay the full fare. When an eligible child is traveling with an adult (who is serving as a PCA), a fare must be paid for the child, and the adult attendant rides free. Children accompanying a certified rider are considered traveling companions, and a space must be reserved for them when scheduling a trip. Children riding as companions who are age 6 and over must pay the full fare. Companions under age 6 ride free. An adult accompanying a child on Paratransit is responsible for the child. Drivers are not permitted to carry children on or off the vehicle. If you will need assistance with the child, please bring someone else along to assist you. REVISED 10/25/13 9 Lawrence Transit System If the child is 6 years of age or younger, or weighs less than 40 pounds, Lawrence Transit System strongly recommends that the child be secured in a child safety seat. LAWRENCE TRANSIT SYSTEM DOES NOT PROVIDE SAFETY SEATS FOR CHILDREN. Use of Portable Oxygen: The ADA provides that transportation service must be provided to a rider who needs to bring along an oxygen bottle. For safety reasons, it is required that the rider be able to maintain control of the oxygen bottle. If the rider cannot pull an oxygen bottle cart or carry or maintain control of the bottle by himself or herself, then the rider shall provide a Personal Care Attendant to perform those functions. WHEN CHOOSING TO RIDE SHARED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RIDER TO SELECT A SIZE OF OXYGEN BOTTLE THAT THEY CAN CONTROL. Pets: Animals that are not service animals may ride on Paratransit only if they are properly secured in a cage or kennel. For safety reasons, drivers are not permitted to carry cages or kennels on or off of Paratransit vehicles. If you need assistance with a pet, please arrange to travel with someone who can help you. Reservations by Fax: An individual and/or agency may fax a ride reservation between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Reservations may be made from 5 days in advance up to 5 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled trip. The requesting agency and/or individual is responsible for verifying through the Customer Service Line, (785) 312-7054 − within 24 hours or by 5 p.m. the day prior to requested service, whichever is earlier − that the fax was received by Lawrence Transit and that the ride can be scheduled as requested or negotiated per ADA guidelines. Same day reservations, changes or cancellations will not be allowed via fax. Please Keep In Mind: It is our goal to provide the greatest number of customers with prompt, efficient, friendly service. Therefore, we are unable to honor specific requests for the following: more than six round-trip requests per phone call specific drivers specific seats a particular vehicle specific routes with certain customers SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Subscription service is designed to accommodate customers with a regular, recurring ride schedule (same time(s), same day(s) for work, school, dialysis, etc.). Once a subscription ride schedule is set up, that schedule will continue without further reservations by phone. Customers will not need to call except to notify us of REVISED 10/25/13 10 Lawrence Transit System cancellations, changes or additional ride requests. The ADA has strict requirements for subscription service and there is a waiting list for this service. You may request that your name be placed on our subscription service waiting list, and we will contact you when the service becomes available to you. To request that your name be put on the T Lift subscription service waiting list, call the T Lift Customer Service Line at (785) 312-7054. HOW DO I RIDE THE T LIFT? Riding the T Lift is equivalent to riding the fixed-route system in that there is a scheduled arrival time and you must be ready when the vehicle arrives. Also, there may be additional stops before reaching your destination. Please remember: The T Lift is a Door-to-Door service. The T Lift is a Shared Ride Service. The driver may not make unscheduled stops. If other customers get on or off the vehicle before your stop, you may need to temporarily move to accommodate these passengers. No assistance will be provided beyond the door of your destination. If you require further assistance, a personal care attendant should accompany you. You may ride from any origin in the T Lift service area for any purpose as long as a reservation has been made. The vehicle may arrive 15 minutes before or after your scheduled pick-up time. For example, if your pick-up time is scheduled for 8 a.m., the vehicle may arrive any time between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. The vehicle will wait 5 minutes after arrival at the designated pick-up site. It is the passenger’s responsibility to be available to board the vehicle at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. You (and your companion) should meet the vehicle when it arrives. If the vehicle is more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled time, please call T Lift Reservations at (785) 312-7054 and a dispatcher will check the arrival time. The passenger is required to pay a fare of $2.00 or present a T Lift pass or punch card prior to departure. If paying cash, please have exact change ready. Drivers do not have access to cash and cannot make change. Checks are not accepted. If your need for a personal care attendant has been registered with the T Lift, there is no charge for him or her. Non-payment of fares will result in a denial of your trip. Prior to departure, the driver will: 1) Fasten your seat belt and shoulder strap; 2) Ask a passenger in a three-wheeled mobility device if he/she would like to transfer to a seat in the vehicle; 3) Secure your mobility device whether the passenger transfers to a seat or not. REVISED 10/25/13 11 Lawrence Transit System NOTE: All T Lift vehicles are equipped with seat belts for your safety. The use of seat belts is required. Eating, drinking (including consumption of alcohol), chewing tobacco, smoking, littering or listening to audio devices without earphones will not be permitted. Shirts and shoes (or equivalent) must be worn. Passengers should refrain from engaging in inappropriate/distracting conversation with the driver. DRIVER ASSISTANCE POLICY Drivers are not permitted to enter any home or go beyond the threshold of any building. Drivers are required to maintain visual contact with vehicles at all times. Drivers may enter into the main lobby of a business for the exclusive purpose of notifying a patron that the vehicle is available for boarding, provided they are able to maintain line-of-sight contact with the vehicle at all times. In locations where drivers cannot maintain line-of-sight with their vehicle and go to the door to notify passengers of the arrival of their ride, passengers may request telephone notification of the bus’s arrival for that specific location. As this request may require special arrangements with third parties and is subject to review, please contact us through the T Lift Customer Service Line, (785) 312-7054 to make the request. In order to provide door-to-door assistance to persons using mobility devices, ground surfaces must be stable and ramps must be in compliance with ADA requirements. Drivers are not permitted to maneuver a mobility device up or down stairs. Drivers are not permitted to physically lift passengers. Drivers are not permitted to carry objects over 15 pounds. Passengers needing more assistance than drivers are allowed to provide are encouraged to make other arrangements for assistance at their pick-up and drop-off points. WHAT DO I DO IF I MISS MY RIDE? If you miss your scheduled ride, contact T Lift Reservations at (785) 312-7054 to request a new trip on a space available basis. HOW CAN WE ACCOMMODATE YOU? 1) In order to provide for the safety of our drivers and passengers, your carry-on items are limited to what can easily be contained and controlled by you and/or your companion(s). Items too large or too numerous to be reasonably controlled, carried or handled by a passenger are prohibited. Generally, packages with a combined weight of no more than 30 pounds are welcome on the T Lift. All items must be stowed out of the aisle or walkways, may not be placed in unoccupied seats and must remain within the passenger’s immediate control. Shopping carts, etc., will not be tied down elsewhere within the vehicle. REVISED 10/25/13 12 Lawrence Transit System a) b) c) 2) 3) 4) Hazardous materials or firearms are not allowed. No additional packages will be transported. The driver will assist with the loading and unloading of packages between the vehicle and the door. Drivers are not permitted to carry over 15 pounds. d) Customers (or PCA/companions) are responsible for getting packages into their destination. Visitors from other cities who are eligible under ADA criteria are welcome to use the T Lift during their visit to Lawrence for up to 21 days. Please call the T Lift Customer Service Line at (785) 312-7054, if you are an out-of-town visitor wishing to register. T Lift customers should be offered the same complementary ADA service in other cities that provide fixed-route services upon showing a rider identification card. Service animals are allowed to accompany you if such a need was indicated on your T Lift application. Please inform the T Lift reservationist when scheduling your trip that a service animal will be accompanying. HOW DO I COMMENT ON T LIFT SERVICE? We can only resolve problems if we are informed, so please do not hesitate to call. Should you have questions or complaints about service, please call the T Lift Customer Service Line at (785) 312-7054. Please review the Complaint Process found in Appendix B. SAFETY A customer may be subject to any reasonable accommodation requirement that will ensure the safety for themselves, other customers and drivers. For example, a customer may be required to ride with a personal care attendant if he or she is unable to safely board the vehicle. CUSTOMER CODE OF CONDUCT It is the T Lift’s policy to provide the safest and most efficient service to our customers. Customers who abuse the following Code of Conduct guidelines can adversely affect the T Lift program as a whole. For the safety and comfort of all customers, the T Lift has established these policies that address instances when a customer's conduct may adversely affect others involved with the T Lift program. The following identifies the T Lift's policy on customer misconduct. 1) Electronic Equipment - Customers may not operate any audio or visual equipment that infringes upon other customers' comfort or safety or impairs the driver's ability to transport passengers safely. Examples include audio/visual devices without headsets, portable video games that have sound effects, etc. 2) Hazardous Conduct – Any act that creates the potential for injury or death to any customer, driver or the general public. REVISED 10/25/13 13 Lawrence Transit System 3) Abusive Conduct – Any abusive, offensive, or threatening act or behavior that affects the safety or security of the driver and/or the passengers, or invades the privacy rights of others such as touching another person in a rude, insolent or angry manner. Sexual harassment, verbal or physical, will not be tolerated. Examples also include profanity, screaming, hitting, etc. Consequences of Misconduct 1) A first offense may result in suspension of service up to 30 days. 2) A second offense within a one-year period may result in suspension of service for up to 60 days. 3) A third offense within a one-year period may result in suspension of service for up to one year. At the end of the suspension period, a customer must update his/her eligibility application for T Lift service. No rider whose access to paratransit service has been suspended for any reason shall lose his or her certificate of eligibility for paratransit services by reason of said suspension. You will be notified in writing before the T Lift takes any of these steps. An eligible customer whose service is to be suspended because of misconduct has a right to request a hearing through an appeals process, see Appendix C. Consequence of Unintentional Misconduct Any act that would qualify as misconduct, but is the direct and immediate consequence of the customer's disability, such as abusive language that is the consequence of Tourette's Syndrome or socially unacceptable behavior brought on by a mental illness, shall be considered unintentional misconduct. Consequences of unintentional misconduct will be addressed as noted below after counseling with the passenger. 1) 2) 3) 4) A customer may be subject to any reasonable accommodation requirement that will ensure the safety of all customers and drivers. A customer may be required to ride with a personal care attendant. A customer may be required to attend training or receive additional counseling in proper transit conduct. The accommodation requirement may last for a time period sufficient to allow the customer to learn appropriate behavior. The accommodation requirement may be permanent if the conduct is beyond the customer's control. If a customer commits an act of misconduct that he or she has been trained is inappropriate, that act is considered intentional. No rider whose access to paratransit service has been suspended for any reason shall lose his or her certificate of eligibility for paratransit services by reason of said suspension. You will be notified in writing before the T Lift takes any of these steps. An eligible customer whose service is to be suspended because of misconduct has a right to request a hearing through an appeals process, see Appendix C. REVISED 10/25/13 14 Lawrence Transit System THE T LIFT NO-SHOW & LATE CANCELLATION POLICY Because cancellations may cause lost trips and/or rides for other patrons, it is necessary to enforce a cancellation policy. Six no-shows and/or late cancellations within a 90-day period will result in suspension of service for 30 days. This policy prevents excessive bookings and cancellations of rides that deny other passengers needed transportation services. A cancellation or no-show that is disability related will not be counted, if you notify the T Lift between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. by calling the Customer Service Line. Documentation may be required. Cancellations should be made at least one hour before the scheduled pick-up time. Cancellations made less than one hour prior to the scheduled pick-up time will be considered a late cancellation. This policy applies to all scheduled trips including subscription trips. THE T LIFT EXCESSIVE CANCELLATION POLICY Even when a trip is cancelled a day in advance or at least one hour before the established pick-up window, a pattern of excessive cancellations causes the paratransit service not to be available at the time other customers desire service. The policy is as follows: Riders canceling 50% or more of their (non-subscription) trips scheduled, with a minimum of six cancellations within a 90-day period, will be subject to a 30-day suspension from service. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM NO-SHOW, EXCESSIVE CANCELLATION, LATE CANCELLATION You will be notified in writing before the T Lift takes any of these steps. A T Lift eligible customer whose service is to be suspended because of no-shows has a right to request a hearing through an appeals process, see Appendix C. An appeal may be filed at any level of suspension. There will be no loss of service while an appeal is in progress. REVISED 10/25/13 15 Lawrence Transit System APPENDIX A GLOSSARY ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act signed into law in 1990, making it illegal to discriminate against persons with disabilities regarding employment, public services, public accommodations, and telecommunications. The intent of this law is to provide equal opportunity to persons with disabilities, allowing them to fully participate in society and live independently and with economic self-sufficiency. COMPANION - A fare-paying person accompanying the T Lift rider. CONDITIONAL USE ELIGIBILITY - Individual is not able to use accessible T fixedroute transit in specific circumstances and is eligible to use the T Lift paratransit service under limited circumstances identified by the Lawrence Transit System. DOOR TO DOOR - The T Lift vehicle will pick up and drop off the passenger at the door of the address of their origin and destination. DISABILITY (as defined by ADA, see Appendix D) - A person with a disability is defined as: 1) A person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or 2) A person with a record of such a physical or mental impairment; or 3) A person who is regarded as having such impairment. It should be noted that the ADA definition of disability is not the same as other definitions of disability used in other federal laws and programs such as Social Security, workers compensation, veterans programs, etc. FIXED-ROUTE - A route in which the bus operates along prescribed routes according to fixed schedules. JURISDICTION - The total area within which the provider is authorized to operate, not the sub-area designated as the ADA paratransit service area. In joint paratransit plans, the jurisdiction is considered the total area of all partners in the plan. REDUCED FARE - Only applicable for riding the fixed-route system. NO-SHOW - Failure to give any notice of cancellation within at least one hour prior to the scheduled pick-up time. PARATRANSIT - Comparable transportation for individuals who, because of a physical or mental impairment, cannot use a regular fixed-route system. PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT (PCA) - An individual who accompanies the paratransit eligible individual who requires more assistance than that provided by the REVISED 10/25/13 16 Lawrence Transit System driver. Examples of PCA activities performed on behalf of the passenger may include mobility assistance, personal care, or communication. SERVICE ANIMAL - Any guide dog, signal dog, service dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. SERVICE AREA - Area in which the T Lift may pick up or drop off individuals. Currently the Service Area contains the entire city limits of Lawrence plus three-quarters of a mile on each side of each fixed-route that is outside of the city limits. T - The marketing name for the fixed-route public transportation system in Lawrence. TEMPORARY ELIGIBILTY - Individual is not able to use accessible fixed-route transit at this time, however the condition or circumstance(s) leading to eligibility is reasonably expected to change in the future. For a limited period of time, such as while a person has a broken limb that prevents them from walking to a T fixed-route bus stop, the individual is typically eligible to use the T Lift paratransit service for all trips. T LIFT - The marketing name for ADA complementary paratransit public transportation service in Lawrence. TRIP-by-TRIP - Individual is not able to use accessible T fixed route bus service for certain trips due to architectural and/or environmental barriers. The individual is eligible to use T Lift paratransit service for those specific trips identified by the Lawrence Transit System. UNCONDITIONAL USE ELIGIBILITY - Individual is not able to use accessible T fixedroute transit under any circumstances and is eligible for all trips on T Lift paratransit service. VISITOR - Someone who does not reside in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions served by the Lawrence Transit System or other public entities with which it coordinates paratransit service. REVISED 10/25/13 17 Lawrence Transit System APPENDIX B COMPLAINT PROCESS LAWRENCE TRANSIT SYSTEM – T AND T LIFT In keeping with the overall mission of the Lawrence Transit System, we seek to provide a user-friendly method of resolving your concerns fairly and efficiently. However, we can only resolve problems if we are informed, so please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have a complaint about service, please call the Lawrence Transit System at (785) 312-7054 or (785) 312-7063 for TDD and TDD Voice. Be prepared to provide your name, address, phone number and a detailed explanation of your complaint, e.g., route, time, bus number, etc. This will allow staff to more completely investigate and respond to your complaint. If a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction after five working days, please call the Public Transit Administrator at (785) 832-3465. Be prepared to again provide the information outlined above plus details of your interaction with the provider. If the complaint is still not resolved to your satisfaction within five working days you may submit the complaint in writing to the Public Transit Administrator’s office at PO Box 708, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 or e-mail at [email protected]. Be prepared to again provide the information outlined above plus details of your interaction with the provider and the Public Transit Administrator. This writing may include a request to meet face to face with the Public Transit Administrator to discuss the problem and/or request a written response within ten working days. The Public Transit Administrator has discretion to enlist the assistance of other resources, as appropriate, in resolving your problem, e.g., the Public Transit Advisory Committee, the Lawrence City Manager, other city staff, the management and staff of MV Transit, Inc., as appropriate. If the meeting and/or the response are not scheduled/received within ten working days from the date your request is received by the City or if the meeting/response does not resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you may file a formal complaint with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), (816) 329-3920. More complex issues, such as an alleged violation of one or more highly technical aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are usually best handled by FTA. If your complaint is in regard to alleged discrimination, a formal complaint can be made to the appropriate federal, state or local agencies handling such complaints. The City Attorney’s Office can be reached at (785) 832-3475. For Hearing and Speech Impaired: City T.D.D. Line: (785) 832-3205 Kansas Telecom Relay Service: (800) 766-3777 REVISED 10/25/13 18 Lawrence Transit System APPENDIX C APPEALS PROCESS Appeal of Service Suspension & Eligibility Certifications REQUESTS FOR HEARING A hearing to appeal a decision to suspend complementary paratransit (T T Lift) service will be held only after receipt of a written Request for Hearing, filed with the Public Transit Administrator. Requests for Hearing must be in writing and must contain the name, address, and telephone number of the person(s) requesting the hearing (Requester), and the name of the T Lift service user if different from the Requester. Persons submitting a Request for Hearing are strongly encouraged to include a statement of the reason(s) why they believe the decision to suspend service is inappropriate. Requests for Hearings must be filed within sixty calendar days after a person has received written notice of suspension and will be deemed filed when received by the Public Transit Administrator. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PUBLIC TRANSIT ADMINISTRATOR AND REQUESTER The Public Transit Administrator will set the time and place of the hearing when the request is filed (received) and will notify the Requester. The time of the hearing will be within 30 days after the time the Request for Hearing was filed (excluding holidays). Hearings may be postponed or rescheduled only upon written request to the Public Transit Administrator and for good cause. A person requesting a hearing may waive personal appearance at the hearing and have the matter determined based on the record, but must do so by filing a written request with the Public Transit Administrator before the hearing. A person waiving personal appearance may submit to the Public Transit Administrator documents and other information to be included with the record and considered in deciding the appeal. If the Requester fails to appear at the hearing, and gives no prior notice, the Public Transit Administrator may determine that the suspension is appropriate and make further findings, as appropriate. CONDUCT OF HEARINGS The manner of conducting hearings is under the direction, control and discretion of the Public Transit Administrator. These guidelines govern issues, evidence, and documents: The issues to be decided at the hearing are limited to those set forth in the notice of service suspension and the Request for Hearing. Evidence commonly relied upon by reasonable, prudent persons will be heard and considered. Specifically, this includes statements (oral and written), REVISED 10/25/13 19 Lawrence Transit System documents and copies of documents, official and business reports, and records not certified as such. Irrelevant, immaterial, redundant or unduly repetitious evidence will be excluded. A record of the hearing (electronic or otherwise) will be kept, as determined by the Public Transit Administrator. DECISIONS All decisions will be in writing. Decisions will be rendered at the conclusion of the hearing or as soon thereafter as a decision can be made. The Public Transit Administrator will notify the Requester in writing of the decision and the reasons for the decision. GENERAL The Public Transit Administrator may designate one or more individuals as Acting Hearing Officers, with all the powers and duties of the Public Transit Administrator. The Acting Hearings Officer may perform any act or duty performed by the Public Transit Administrator. The Public Transit Administrator may modify or waive any of these rules in the interest of fairness or justice for good cause shown. Eligibility Certification appeals will be considered by the ADA Eligibility Certification Review Board made up of three persons, the Public Transit Administrator of the City or his/her designee, the Chair of the Lawrence Public Transportation Advisory Committee or his/her designee, and an individual who is knowledgeable in the limitations of the disability in question. The Lawrence Transit System is not required to provide ADA complementary paratransit service to the individual for the duration of the certification appeal process unless the decision of the Review Board exceeds the thirty-day limit. REVISED 10/25/13 20 Lawrence Transit System APPENDIX D Disability means, with respect to an individual, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment. 1. The phrase physical or mental impairment means – a. Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory including speech organs, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin, and endocrine; b. Any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities; c. The term physical or mental impairment includes, but is not limited to such contagious or non-contagious diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, specific learning disabilities, HIV disease, tuberculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism; d. The phrase physical or mental impairment does not include homosexuality or bisexuality. 2. The phrase major life activities means functions such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and work. 3. The phrase has a record of such an impairment means has a history of, or has been misclassified as having, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. 4. The phrase is regarded as having such an impairment means – a. Has a physical or mental impairment that does not substantially limit major life activities, but which is treated by a public or private entity as constituting such a limitation; b. Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such an impairment; or c. Has none of the impairments defined paragraph (1) of this definition but is treated by a public or private entity as having such an impairment. 5. The term disability does not include – a. Transvestism, transsexualism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, gender identity disorders not resulting from physical impairments, or other sexual behavior disorders; b. Compulsive gambling, kleptomania, or pyromania; c. Psychoactive substance abuse disorders resulting from the current illegal use of drugs. REVISED 10/25/13 21 Lawrence Transit System
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