A 501(c)(3) TAX EXEMPT ORGANIZATION Volume 33, Issue 3 SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 PROGRAM RUBEN CONTRARES ‘HOW TO FRAME& PRESENT YOUR WORK’ 7:00 PM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 212 W. PLEASANT RUN DESOTO, TEXAS 75115 September’s program will be presented by Ruben Contrares. It will cover the ever present problems of how to present your artwork— whether for viewing for your own pleasure, to enter for competition or for sale exhibits. Ruben is a master framer and works for one of the local art supply firms. Ruben Contreras was born in Guatamala, being the oldest of 14 boys and girls. He now lives in Grand Prairie, Tx. with his wife and children. At an early age he began to develop his artistic talent and the subject of much of his art reveals his passion for nature. His paintings are done primarily in acrylic and he exhibits great skill in capturing realistic images and emotional content. Ruben is a member of the Arlington Visual Arts Association and regularly teaches painting to private students. He actively exhibits his work and has won numerous awards in juried competitions in Arlington, Desoto, Midlothian and Granbury. His recently was a participant in the Heartbeat Invitational Art Show at Arlington Art Museum. We look forward to his demonstration on framing and matting techniques. Lets all come out and help get the new 2012-2013 year kicked off with a ‘bang’. SEPTEMBER 2012 Inside this issue: Notes from the Prez 6 Sunshine List 2 Birthdays 5 Host/Hostesses for Meetings 2 Calendar/Membership 4 Who, What, When, 2, 5 Our Sponsors 2 Officers & Committees 5 Art of the Month 5 September Program 1,5 Nance Farm Paint Out 3 HAPPENING IN October • In April, Bob O”brian will demo using Oils. Artwork of the Month. • Tomas Bustos and Barry Reese will have City Hall Exhibits. Tomas Buston— sculpture and Barry Reese Photographs. BIG PLEIN AIRE PAINT OUT - MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2012 There will be a plein aire paint out at the Historic Nance Farm, 1325 Greenbrook Drive, DeSoto, Tx 75115. This is a contest/prize event. It will be judged and there will be HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF prizes awarded. Lunch will be provided. See inside this newsletter for details. OUR PATRONS AND SUPPORTERS CITY OF DESOTO DESOTO ARTS COMMISSION ASEL ART SUPPLY Dallas, Texas JUDY & GIL BURCH Cedar Hill, Tx PROJECT MANAGEMENT REFRESHMENTS — THE SECOND BEST REASON TO COME TO ART LEAGUE MEETINGS Page 2 Judy Hill is coordinating the refreshments for 2012-2013. Call her at 972-333-8536 to volunteer. Just a reminder, the Art League will reimburse you for the cost of drinks and ice for the meetings. Just provide Cherene Bradshaw (treasurer) with receipts. REFRESHMENTS FOR 2012: September 2012 - Judy Hill and Julie Danford We need volunteers for October, November, January, February, March and April. SERVICES Ovilla, Texas TRINITY CERAMICS If you would like to help with some of these refreshments, just contact Judy Hill. Dallas, Texas WEST-HURTT FUNERAL HOME Michael & Marilyn Hurtt DeSoto, Texas CHEAP JOE’S ART STUFF Boone, N.C. WINDSOR-NEWTON ART SUPPLIES NEWELL RUBBERMAID Shelley Minnis JACK RICHESON COMPANY LOGAN GRAPHICS PRODUCTS DICK BLICK ART MATERIALS SOURCE TEK CANVAS PANELS An Italian tourist asks a blonde, "Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats into the water?" To which the blonde replies, "If they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat." The DeSoto Art League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. All gifts to the DeSoto Art League are tax deductible. All gifts and grants are appreciated. WHO, WHAT,WHEN, WHERE AND SOMETIMES—HOW Joe Blanford has his painting “B&B For Sale” juried into the Wimberley Valley Art League Member Show and won an Honorable Mention. He was also awarded Artist of the Month for “Low Tide” and will be featured in a small one man show at the Wimberley Visitor's Center during the month of September. Joe also received notice from the Texas Watercolor Society that he had been awarded Signature Status after having two works juried into national TWS exhibitions. Joe also participated in Wimberley Valley Art League's "Fall Into Art" 2012 Studio Tour on September 15. Check out Joe’s website at www.joeblanford.com. State Fair results are in and our members did really well. Joyce Price won an Honorable Mention with an Encaustic Painting. Linda Gilpin won three First Place Awards with a glass piece “Texas Summer”, a slumped glass piece “Log Cabin” and a clay piece “Pinched”. Kelly Pevehouse won a First Place with an Abstract Painting, an Honorable Mention with a Clay Bowl, an Honorable Mention with “A Assemblage—3D of Edward Munch the Scream”. And Juliana Simonfalvi, our resident student sweetheart, she won FOUR ribbons!!!!!! She won a 1st prize for her Green-Woman clay sculpture in the Children's Misc. clay category, 2nd prize in Children's Misc. Sculpture for her Florndalyn, 2nd prize for her Dragon Collage in Children's Collage, and a 3rd prize for her candlestick holder in the underglaze category for pottery The two exhibits now on display at the DeSoto City Hall are not to be missed. The exhibits are by Tomas Bustos and Pablo Esparza. Tomas has some of his smaller sculptures on exhibit and Pablo photographs one exhibit that he took while he was making movies in Mexico. Next Month, the wall exhibit will be a photography exhibit by Photographer, Barry Reese. Barry will be showing some of the work he created during his travels the past several years to Southeast Asia, South America and Canada. Be sure to check out the big Plein Aire painting event on October 1. when the Nance Farm will be the location for all day activities. The DeSoto Historical Commission is making the farm available to the DeSoto Art League exclusively for the day. Lunch, painting contests and prizes will be provided. Gene Gregory is loading his paintings to a new site. If you get a chance, please check it out and sign his guestbook! www.zhibit.org/gregory Donna Oliver, one of our newest members, tells us that the Lancaster Town Square is having their October-fest On the second Saturday In October and they want to know if some of our Artists would like to get a booth, free of charge, they are looking for more artists. Continued on page 5 PLEIN AIR PAINT OUT AT HISTORIAL NANCE FARM Page 3 On Monday, October 1, 2012, the DeSoto Historical Commission will host the DeSoto Art League and a big Plein Aire Paint out at the Historic Nance Farm, located at 1325 Greenbrook Drive in the Mantlebrook Subdivision in DeSoto. The event will start at 9:00AM and end at 3:00PM. Lunch will be furnished along with drinks (water, soda). THIS PAINT OUT IS OPEN TO ALL AREA ARTISTS with the DeSoto Art League hosting the event. Parking is available for the handicapped inside the property and other parking is on the street in front. Included in this paint out is a Jack Richeson & Co, Inc painting event. Hundreds of dollars worth of prizes will be awarded at 2:30PM. Jack Richeson is providing gesso’d art panels free to interested participants. VERY valuable gift certificates to Jack Richeson & Co. will be awarded. One panel will be provided free to each participant. All paintings to be considered for the prizes must be painted on the provided gesso’d panels. Nance Farm If the watercolorists want to paint on these gesso’d panels, one method of preparing them is with watercolor ground. Let me know and we will make arrangements to get the panels to you ahead of time so they can be prepared before the paint out. Participation fee for this event is $7.00. This fee includes lunch and refreshments. The Nance Farm was established in 1847. The barn on the property is the original barn from that date. The family lived in the barn for several years until the main house was completed in ?1851. Over the years, this property was farmed and then late last century, it was used for meetings. (The DeSoto Art League was created in a meeting of local artists there in January 1981). Nance Farm Barn Several years ago, the City of DeSoto acquired this property and did some restoration on it. It has recently opened to the public on certain occasions. It is managed by the DeSoto Historical Commission and is supported by funds from the city, the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and other donations. We are very privileged to have the Historical Commission opening this property today just for the artists. In case of inclement weather, the date will be moved to Wednesday, October 3. Please RSVP ASAP to: Ken Reese, [email protected] or 972-217-1546. Nance Farm Carriage House MORE SUNSHINE INFO: We received the following note from Wally & Lorraine Tallent, (Lorraine is Anita Wilson’s daugher): Lorraine and I want to thank all of you for your support at our Art & Craft sale for Mom (Anita Wilson). Many of you have wanted to send a note to Mom but didn’t have her address. She loves to get mail so please distribute this email to your lists so that everyone that wants to send her a card can have the information. Thanks again, Wally & Lorraine Tallent Grace House Page 4 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR THE DESOTO ART LEAGUE • September 2012 DeSoto City Hall Exhibit—Pablo Exparza, Tomas Busto • September 27, 2012 DeSoto Art League Meeting 7:00PM Rueben Contrares Program • October 2012 DeSoto City Hall Exhibit—Barry Reese (Photography), Tomas Bustos • October 25, 2012 DeSoto Art League Meeting 7:00 PM • November 2012 DeSoto City Hall Exhibit - Barry Reese (Photography) Barbara Sutton (Ceramics) • November 22, 2012 Thanksgiving • November 29, 2012 DeSoto Art League Meeting • December 2012 DeSoto City Hall - Member’s Only Show • January 2013 DeSoto City Hall - Cecy Turner - Art Exhibit • January 31, 2012 DeSoto Art League Meeting • February 2013 DeSoto City Hall - Donna Oliver - Art Exhibit • February 28, 2013 DeSoto Art League Meeting • March 2013 DeSoto City Hall Exhibits • March 28, 2013 DeSoto Art League Meeting • April 2013 DeSoto City Hall Exhibits • April 25, 2013 DeSoto Art League Meeting • May 2013 DeSoto City Hall Exhibits • May 30, 2013 DeSoto Art League Meeting—Installation of new Officers Be sure and visit our friends at Asel Art Supply in one of their many stores throughout the metro-plex. Asel is a great supporter of the DeSoto Art League. They are faithful and generous in providing support for all our activities. Thanks to Asel Art Supply and all their crew for their support. DESOTO ART LEAGUE 2012-2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM REGULAR Name:_________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP $30.00 Address:_______________________________________________________________ STUDENT City:___________________________________State:________________Zip:________ MEMBERSHIP $9.00 Tel:_________________________________Wk/Cell____________________________ E-Mail:_____________________________________________Birthdate: Month____Date____ Art Mediums: _________________________________Newsletter by Email: Yes No PATRON MEMBERSHIP $35.00 Are you willing to help? Officer( President, VP Shows, Membership, Programs,Secretary, Treasurer), Committees: Newsletter, Refreshment Coordinator, Sunshine, Christmas Dinner, Installation Dinner, Silent Auction, Publicity, Membership Book, Website …….Circle one or more Mail to: Cayetano ‘Ollie’ Olivarez, 801 Princeton, DeSoto, Tx 75115 972-230-0715 email: [email protected] ARTWORK OF THE MONTH - SEPTEMBER 2012 Be sure and bring your artwork for the monthly mini-show. Prizes and ribbons will be awarded. Christmas Party OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES 2012- Silent Auction— 2013 Website - Ken Reese The following is the slate of officers for the new 2012-2013 year. OFFICERS: Page 5 Historian - Ollie Olivarez Prizes will be furnished by Bill Cicherski and his crew at Asel Art Supply. Remember: If you win prizes other than a ribbon, you are not eligible to compete again for two months. Bring your art work to the March meeting. GOOD NEWS! We are now exhibiting the monthly winners of the Art Work of the Month in the Dallas City Hall. Bring it On!. President - Julie Danford 972-223-5851 SUNSHINE NEWS: VP Shows - Bryan Reynolds 469-337-8367 City Hall Displays - Ken Reese: 972-217-1546 VP Programs - Del Wheat [email protected] Verda Wright is now living at Crescent Place; 225 West Pleasant Run; Cedar Hill, TX 75104. It is an assisted living/memory care facility. Her personal phone number is: 972-293-8786. She is very happy to see or hear from friends and fellow artists. A former member, Bill Ord is in the Veterans Hospital and is very, very ill. Telephone May Pot Luck Dinner- VP Membership—Cayetano Olivarez 972-230-0715 Secretary—Joyce Price 214- 417-3188 Treasurer—Cherene Bradshaw 972-291-2368 COMMITTEES: Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service. Mini Show - Jack McPherson Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size. Membership Book 469-643-0215 MORE PERKS OF BEING OLD: Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either. Publicity & Sunshine Refreshments - Judy Hill 972-333-8536 Newsletter - Ken Reese Photos by Barry Reese: [email protected] Images from Peru. See others on Exhibit in October and November iat the DeSoto City Hall 972-217-1546 WHO, WHAT,WHEN, WHERE AND SOMETIMES— HOW (Continued from page 2) SEPTEMBER 2012 BIRTHDAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If your know of any one, please call Pat Wood the coordinator 972218-7033. Our friends at the City of DeSoto want you to know of an opportunity to exhibit your work. Friends of the DeSoto Library are hosting a Harvest Craft Fair & Market on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This will be outside in the Breezeway by the Library. If the weather is not favorable, it will be moved inside. This is a fund raiser for the Friends of the DeSoto Library. We would love to have some local artists to be vendors and sell their unique merchandise. We provide one 6' table and one chair, the space is 10' x 10' and the cost is $20.00. Joyce Price - 9/13 Verna Gheil - 9/28 Tommi Frank - 9/29 Perks of old age: There is nothing left to learn the hard way. Things you buy now won't wear out. NEW MEMBERS & ADDRESS CHANGES Email Address Change: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE MEETINGS AND DON’T WANT TO DRIVE, LET ME KNOW AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RIDE. Send your latest art news and happenings to Ken Reese, 972-2171546 or [email protected] Gene Gregory– New Email: Make it : [email protected] A Page 6 Hello DeSoto Art Leaguers, I am excited to be your President for this year! We have a great team for our 2012 – 2013 year. Bryan Reynolds is staying on as our Vice President of Shows. I am sure that he will, again, have a new record breaking amount of entries for the Summer Art Show. He did an admirable job! Thanks Bryan. We have a new Vice President of Programs, Del Wheat. He has already lined up some new demonstrators for our meetings. Great Del. Cayetano (Ollie) Olivarez is still our Vice President of Memberships. He is also our Historian. Without Ollie we would not have a year book nor would we have any records of what we have accomplished and how our artists have grown through the last several years. And by the way, have any of you seen some of his scrapbooks??? We have a new Secretary this year, Joyce Price. Welcome! Cherene Bradshaw is again our Treasurer. Thank you, thank you, Cherene! We have several new committee chairmen that have volunteered already. But I need several more! Please, please volunteer so I don’t have to do any appointing. I would like to remain in your good graces for a little while, anyway. I want to thank every person that has volunteered for the Board and Committees over the years that the DeSoto Art League has been in existence. Without the volunteers we would not be where we are today. There is one special person that has kept our league totally cohesive. That person is Ken Reese. He has made sure that we have in the last several years had a newsletter, an artist’s work to display in the DeSoto City Hall every month including the displaying of it, written our grants, kept the list of emails for emailings and helped out everywhere else when needed (and so did his wife, Sandra). Ken, we thank you and Sandra. See you all at our first meeting this year on September 27th at 7 PM. Julie Danford, President PUT SOME ART IN YOUR LIFE TODAY! SEPTEMBER 2012 ISSUE DESOTO ART LEAGUE On the web at: desotoartleague.com Kenneth Reese 746 Cockrell Hill Rd. Ovilla, TX 75154 Phone: 972-217-1546 Fax: 972-217-1700 Email: [email protected] PERKS OF BEING OLD: In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. No one expects you to run--anywhere.
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