“Histopathological study of prostate carcinomas with clinical correlation and correlation with Karnofsky performance status - A Hospital based cross sectional study.” By Reg No - BN0110002 Dissertation submitted to the KLE UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM, KARNATAKA In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF MEDICINE IN PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY J. N. MEDICAL COLLEGE, BELGAUM KARNATAKA APRIL / May 2013 I KLE UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM, KARNATAKA ENDORSEMENT BY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT AND PRINCIPAL / HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Histopathological study of prostate carcinomas with clinical correlation & correlation with Karnofsky performance status - A Hospital based cross sectional study” is a bonafide research work done by the candidate Register no. BN0110002. Dr. Ganga S. Pilli MD, DCP Professor and Head, Department of Pathology J. N. Medical College, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum – 590 010 Dr. A. S. Godhi MS, FICS Principal, J. N. Medical College, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum – 590 010 Date: Place: Belgaum Date: Place: Belgaum II LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AMACR = Alpha Methyl Acyl Co-A NCRP = National Cancer Registry Program Racemase APACHE = Acute Physiology and ng = nanograms Chronic Health Evaluation BPH = Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia PAP = Prostatic Acid Phosphatase CLIA = Chemiluminescence Immuno PAS = Periodic Acid Schiff Assay DF = Degree of Freedom PIN = Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia DRE = Digital Rectal Examination PSA = Prostate Specific Antigen gms = Grams PSAD = Prostate Specific Antigen Density Hb = Hemoglobin PSAV = Prostate Specific Antigen Velocity H&E = Hematoxylin and Eosin PSMA = Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen hK = human kallikrein SD = Standard Deviation ICMR = Indian Council of Medical TRUS = Transrectal Ultrasonography TURP = Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate VACURG = Veteran Administration Co-operative Research KPS = Karnofsky Performance Status ml = Millilitre Urological Research Group MRI = Magnetic Resonance WHO = Imaging III World Health Organization ABSTRACT Background & Objectives: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancer in men. Gleason’s grading system is a globally accepted grading system, for accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer. It also has prognostic significance. Karnofsky performance scale index is a questionnaire based performance scoring system and has been correlated to other prognostic factors in various other studies. Increased total serum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels are seen in majority of prostate carcinoma & helps in decision to undertake needle biopsy. The study was undertaken to evaluate histopathological grading of prostate carcinoma with clinical correlation and correlation with Karnofsky Performance Status as well as preoperative total serum PSA levels. Methodology: A total 33 histopathologically diagnosed patients, attending Urology OPD or admitted in Urology ward, during the study period of 1 year (January 2011December 2011) were included in the study. Detailed clinical history and laboratory investigations including preoperative total serum PSA levels were collected, after obtaining consent from patients. Patients were interviewed with preformed questionnaire to evaluate Karnofsky Performance Status. The needle biopsy & transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) specimens were grossed and microscopically evaluated for the Gleason’s grading. Results: The most prevalent age group for prostate carcinoma was 61-70 years. Most common symptom was frequency of micturition (90%). Majority of the (66.66%) patients (66.66%) showed insidious onset of symptoms. Anemia was observed in 78.78% cases. All the cases in present study showed moderate (45.45%) to high grade (54.55%) adenocarcinoma. The most common grade encountered was grade 4 and IV most common Gleason’s score was score 7. Of the 33 patients 63% showed normal Karnofsky Performance Status. Increasing age showed significant correlation with decreased Performance. No correlation was found between Gleason’s grade and Karnofsky performance status. Serum PSA levels were significantly (>20ng/ml) raised in all cases but did not showed any correlation with differentiation (Grade). Conclusion: Karnofsky performance decreases with increasing age, suggesting that the patients presenting at early age do better than those who present in later ages. As patients in India present at an early age as compared to western population, they are potential candidates for curative treatment. Karnofsky performance is a measure of stage rather than grade. In the present study, most of the prostate carcinomas have shown normal Karnofsky performance scores despite higher grades of Gleason’s score and PSA levels. At present, the preoperative total serum PSA level is a reliable marker for detection of carcinoma prostate, as all the cases in the present study showed significant increase in serum. Key Words: Prostate carcinoma, Gleason’s Grade, Karnofsky Performance Status, Prostate Specific Antigen. V CONTENTS SL. NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5 – 47 4. METHODOLOGY 48 – 51 5. RESULTS 52 – 78 6. DISCUSSION 79 – 87 7. CONCLUSION 88 8. SUMMARY 89 – 91 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY 92 – 109 10. 1–3 4 ANNEXURE 110 - 113 CONSENT FORM PROFORMA 114 - 117 FIXATION, PROCESSING, STAINING PROCEDURES 118 - 120 MASTER CHART 121 - 123 VI LIST OF TABLES No. TITLE PAGE No. 1 2005 ISUP Modified Gleason System 30 2 Stage grouping of Prostate cancer 35 3 Molecular forms of PSA in serum 38 4 Age distribution 53 5 Distribution of prostate carcinoma according to socio-economic status 54 6 Clinical features 55 7 Onset of symptoms 57 8 Addictions 57 9 Digital rectal examination for prostate enlargement 58 10 Haemoglobin levels Distribution 59 11 Serum creatinine level 60 12 Gleason’s Grade (primary pattern) 61 13 Gleason’s Grade (secondary pattern) 61 14 Gleason’s Score Distribution 62 15 Karnofsky Score Distribution 63 16 Serum PSA level Distribution 64 17 Metastasis by radiological diagnosis 66 18 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Karnofsky score 66 VII 19 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with serum PSA levels 68 20 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Haemoglobin levels 69 21 Gleason’s grade and mean serum PSA levels 70 22 Age distribution correlation with Karnofsky score 72 VIII LIST OF GRAPHS No. TITLE PAGE No. 1 Age distribution 53 2 Clinical features 56 3 Haemoglobin Distribution 59 4 Serum creatinine Distribution 60 5 Gleason’s Score Distribution 62 6 Karnofsky Score Distribution 63 7 Serum PSA 65 8 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Karnofsky score 67 9 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with serum PSA levels 68 10 Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Haemoglobin levels 69 11 Gleason’s grade and mean serum PSA levels 71 IX LIST OF FIGURES No. TITLE PAGE No. 1 Male reproductive tract 7 2 Zonal anatomy of prostate 7 3 Whole mount section of prostate 11 4 Normal histology of prostate 11 5 Normal histology of prostate 12 6 Schematic diagram of Gleason’s grading 31 7 8 Gleason’s grade 3A with well formed medium to large glands having hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. (H and E: 100X) Gleason’s grade 3B. Lesion with well formed small glands of equal sizes. (H and E: 100X) 73 73 Gleason’s Grade 4A showing cells arranged in ill defined glands 9 and sheets with stromal invasion. Individual cells are showing large hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to scant 74 amount of cytoplasm. (H and E: 100X) Gleason’s 10 grade 4A. Individual cells showing large hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with moderate to scant amount of cytoplasm. Note stromal invasion by carcinoma cells. 74 (H and E: 400X) 11 12 13 Grade 4A showing cribriform pattern & irregular border. (H and E: 100X) Gleason’s grade 4A showing slit like glands with multilayering of cells. (H and E: 100X) Gleason’s grade 4B with clear cell pattern. (H and E 100X) 75 75 76 Needle biopsy showing Gleason’s score 7 (4+3). Note cribriform 14 pattern of glands with irregular borders (grade 4) and individually placed small glands of equal sizes with back to back arrangement at places (grade 3). (H and E : 40X) X 76 15 16 Grade 5A showing tumour cells arranged in glandular pattern with central comedonecrosis. (H and E : 100X) Gleason’s grade 5B showing sheets of tumour cells with high N: C ratio invading the stroma. (H and E: 400X) 77 77 Signet ring cell variant of prostate carcinoma. Note signet ring 17 cells with clear cytoplasm & peripherally placed hyperchromatic 78 nucleus. (H and E: 400X) 18 Perineural invasion. Note large pleomorphic cells infiltrating into perineurium of the nerve. (H and E : 400X) XI 78 Chapter 1 Introduction Introduction INTRODUCTION Prostate, an accessory gland of male reproductive system, gives rise to various pathological conditions leading to disease related morbidity in considerable number of males in their late adulthood.1 Urinary outflow obstruction is a common presenting symptom in such patients. Various causes leading to urinary outflow obstruction are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), carcinoma prostate and any other disease process leading to prostatic enlargement.1 Many prostatic cancers are relatively slow growing and remain clinically unrecognized. Their course is often unpredictable. An increase in incidence of carcinoma in the last decade has been noted probably owing to the advances made in early detection because of improved diagnostic modalities and to some extent due to increased awareness of prostate cancer, and also due to better management of disease resulting into longevity. This has allowed prostate cancer to become clinically significant in elderly.2 Cancer prostate is most common cancer in men and second most common cause of death due to cancer in men, first being lung cancer.3,4 Histological diagnosis of prostate cancer on biopsy specimens is one of the most difficult challenges for pathologist, because of scant amount of tissue which often contain few malignant glands among many benign glands.3,4 A standard grading system which is accepted universally for prostate carcinoma is Gleason’s grading system, introduced by Donald F Gleason in 1966. 1 Introduction It is based on low power architectural features of prostate cancer. Over a period of time Gleason’s grading is refined depending on the change in diagnostic modalities and previous observations. This refinement in the Gleason grading system is known as migration of Gleason’s grade.1,5 Gleason grading was introduced by Gleason in the era of radical prostatectomy specimen, but now a days most of biopsies are needle biopsies, which make this migration of Gleason’s grading system essential.6,7 Prostate Specific antigen (PSA) is a tumor marker for prostate carcinoma. Normal levels of serum PSA are between 0 – 4 ng/ml. Detection of elevated levels of total serum PSA may help in early detection of prostate carcinoma. PSA is organ specific and not cancer specific. Various benign prostatic diseases like BPH and prostatitis may show elevated serum PSA levels. It may also rise due to iatrogenic manipulation like digital rectal examination (DRE) and needle biopsy.3,4 Therefore utility of serum PSA as a tumor marker in screening and early detection of carcinoma depends on clear understanding of its levels in neoplastic and non neoplastic conditions. This will also help the clinicians in designing treatment strategies for staging and monitoring patient response in cases of carcinoma.2,3,4,5 Various performance scales are in use for stratifying treatment modalities in various debilitating diseases. Karnofsky performance scale is used for measuring performance of patients with disease or those patients who are on 2 Introduction treatment. It is a simple questionnaire based score which indicates quality of life of patients with disease or treatment under study.8 There are many studies in which debilitating diseases like malignancies e.g. carcinoma lung, neoplastic meningitis etc. have used Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) as a measure of performance. Karnofsky Performance Scale has been correlated with other prognostic factors for those diseases.8,,9,10,11 This study will focus on clinical correlation with Gleason’s grading. It will also focus on correlation between Gleason’s grade and Karnofsky performance Scale. It will also focus on correlation between Gleason’s grade and serum PSA levels which will ascertain utility of this tumor marker in diagnosis of carcinoma. This becomes important as majority of studies in this regard have been carried out on western population. This study will throw light on its application in Indian context. 3 Chapter 2 Objectives Objectives OBJECTIVES PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: 1. Clinical correlation with Gleason’s grading. 2. Correlation between Gleason’s grade and Karnofsky performance Scale. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: 1. Correlation between Gleason’s grade and serum PSA levels. 4 Chapter 3 Review of Literature Review of Literature REVIEW OF LITERATURE NORMAL ANATOMY OF PROSTATE GLAND The first description of the prostate was given by Herophilus, an Alexandrian Greek anatomist in the fourth century BC.12 The literal meaning of the word ‘prostate’ is “that which stands before.” As it is an accessory reproductive organ, here it means – prostate stands before male external genitalia.12 The gland is located in deeper pelvis behind inferior border of symphysis pubis. It resembles an inverted pyramid and approximately measures 4x3x2 cms and weighs 10-20 grams in a normal healthy adult. The gland consists of glandular and fibromuscular stromal components.5,12,13 Traditionally gland was divided into five lobes but subsequently a refined zonal model has been proposed from morbid anatomical perspective. This zonal model of prostate was given by McNeal in last quarter of 20th century. According to this model prostatic tissue may be subdivided into following zones.12 1. Peripheral zone (70% by volume) 2. Central zone (25% by volume) 3. Transitional zone (5 – 10% by volume) 4. Anterior fibromuscular stroma.12 Peripheral zone constitutes approximately 70% of the gland and is characterized by ducts radiating laterally from the distal prostatic urethra. 5 Review of Literature Peripheral zone has smaller acini and less complex ductal branching and sacculations than the central zone. Stroma is loose as compared to the central zone. Ducts of peripheral zone open into prostatic sinuses.12,13 Central zone constitutes 20 – 25% of the prostate. It surrounds the ejaculatory ducts and forms entire base of the prostate. The acini are large and complex with intraluminal ridges and papillary infoldings. Stroma is denser in central zone as compared to other zones of prostate. The normal central zone contains approximately 50% of the prostate epithelium.12,13 Transitional zone constitutes less than 5% of the glandular prostate. Stroma of transition zone continues with preprostatic sphincter stroma medially and bladder neck smooth muscles proximally, that is why the name is transitional zone i.e. transition from prostate to bladder is stromal and not glandular.12,13 Peripheral zone surrounds central, transitional and preprostatic urethra except anteriorly, where the space is filled by anterior fibro muscular stroma.12,13 Prostate is covered by two layers of capsule. The inner true capsule is a condensation of connective tissue at periphery of the gland and the outer false capsule is made up of condensed pelvic fascia. Between these two capsules, lies the prostatic plexus of veins.12,13 The clinical importance of the zonal model given by McNeal is that different diseases have predilection for different zones e.g. benign prostatic hyperplasia is more common in transitional zone and carcinoma is more common in peripheral zone.12 6 Review of Literature Figure 1. Male reproductive tract Source: Nature Reviews Cancer 7, 256-269 (April 2007) Figure 2. Zonal anatomy of prostate Source: Nature Reviews Cancer 7, 256-269 (April 2007) 7 Review of Literature Lymphovascular supply Arterial supply to prostate gland is mainly from prostatic artery, a branch of inferior vesical artery. Other branches from middle rectal and internal pudendal arteries also supply prostate14. Veins run in a plexus between true and false capsule and drain into internal iliac veins. They also communicate with vesical venous plexus and vertebral venous plexus. The communicating veins to vertebral venous plexus do not have valves, which is one of the important reasons for vertebral metastasis in carcinoma prostate.14 The lymphatic vessels drain chiefly into the internal iliac and sacral lymph nodes.14 Nerve supply Acini of prostate gland receive parasympathetic and the stroma receives sympathetic innervation. The nerve supply of the prostate is furnished by paired neurovascular bundles that run along the posterolateral edge of the prostate from apex to base. Surgical sparring of these structures during radical prostatectomy preserves sexual potency. Autonomic ganglia are clustered near the neurovascular bundles sending out small nerve trunks, that arborize over the surface of the prostate penetrating through the capsule and branching to form an extensive network of nerve twigs that are often in intimate contact with wall of the duct and acini.5,14 8 Review of Literature Development Prostatic acini of peripheral zone are formed from the pelvic part of endodermal urogenital sinus.5,12 Acini of central zone are result of dorsal outgrowth above the level of mesonephric duct.5,12 The fibromuscular stroma (term given by McNeal) develops from surrounding mesenchyme. The different sites of origin of inner and outer zone acini may account for different sites of benign and malignant diseases.5,12 Normal Histology of Prostate Prostate is largest accessory sex gland of the male reproductive system. Prostate is composed of glandular and stromal components. Prostate is actually a conglomeration of 30 – 50 individual compound tubulo-alveolar glands that are arranged in three discrete, concentric layers: mucosal, submucosal and glands of outer prostate. The inner prostate is composed of mucosal and submucosal glands which drain via short ducts into urethral sinuses. Glands of outer prostate are large and branched. Their ducts curve backwards and open into prostatic sinuses.15 Prostate consists of epithelial and stromal cells. Epithelial cells are arranged in glands consisting of ducts that branch out from urethra and terminate into the acini. Ducts consist of elongated tubular structures with branching pattern in contrast to acini which are more rounded structures grouped into lobes. 9 Review of Literature The Epithelial cells in the prostate are a. Transitional cells b. Secretory cells c. Basal cells d. Neuroendocrine cells. The proximal portion of prostatic ducts are lined by transitional cells and distal portion lined by columnar cells. Columnar secretory epithelial cells are tall with pale clear cytoplasm. These cells are terminally differentiated and stain positively with prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase. They also produce androgen receptors and acidic mucin. They also express high levels of keratins 8 and 18 but lack keratin 5, keratin 14 and p63.5,16 The basal cells lie beneath the secretory cells. These are cigar shaped or fibroblastic in appearance. It is difficult to distinguish them from stromal fibroblasts. They are oriented parallel to basement membrane. Basal cells may be recognized from their more ovoid nucleus with lighter chromatin in contrast to surrounding fibroblasts, which have a pointed nucleus which is darkly stained. They are identified on immunohistochemical reaction with antibodies to high molecular weight keratins such as clone 34B–E12, a property which is used immnuohistochemically to differentiate benign process (such as atrophy where basal cells are intact) from carcinoma of prostate. Exact function of basal cells is not known, but is thought to replace secretory layer. Basal cells also express high levels of keratins 5 and 14 and also p63, thus acting as a basal cell markers. They lack keratin 8, keratin 18, PSA and prostatic acid phosphatase. Stroma is mainly 10 Review of Literature composed of smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. In apical region of prostate gland skeletal muscle fibers of urogenital diaphragm extend into stroma.5,16 Figure 3. Whole mount section of prostate Source: Youngs et al. Wheater’s functional histology Figure 4. Normal histology of prostate Source: http://www.grin.com/en/doc/277428/analysis of novel targets in the pathobiology of prostate cancer 11 Review of Literature Figure 5. Normal histology of prostate Source: Youngs et al. Wheater’s functional histology Neuroendocrine cells are least common cell type of prostatic epithelium and are usually not identified in routine haematoxylin and eosin stained sections except for rare cells with large eosinophilic granules. These cells co-express PSA and androgen receptors suggesting common cell of origin for epithelial cells and neuroendocrine cells. Serotonin and chromogranin are the best immunohistochemical markers of neuroendocrine cells.5,16 Corpora amylacea are inspissated secretions present within lumina of glands. These are calcified glycoproteins by chemical nature. Exact significance is not known for presence of corpora amylacea but most literatures mention it as age related changes in prostate gland.5,15,16 HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF PROSTATE TUMORS The classification of prostatic tumors has evolved over a period of time. Prostatic tumors are classified on the basis of cell of origin into epithelial tumors and non epithelial neoplasms. 12 Review of Literature Following is the comprehensive classification of prostatic tumours given by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004.17 WHO histological classification of the tumors of the prostate (2004)17 Epithelial tumours Glandular neoplasms Adenocarcinoma (acinar) o Atrophic o Pseudohyperplastic o Foamy o Colloid o Signet ring o Oncocytic o Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma with spindle cell differentiation o Carcinosarcoma o Sarcomatoid carcinoma Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III (PIN III) Ductal adenocarcinoma o Cribriform o Papillary o Solid 13 Review of Literature Urothelial tumours Urothelial carcinoma Squamous tumours Adenosquamous carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell tumours Basal cell adenoma Basal cell carcinoma Neuroendocrine tumours Endocrine differentiation within adenocarcinoma Carcinoid tumour Small cell carcinoma Paraganglioma Neuroblastoma Prostatic stromal tumours Stromal tumour of uncertain malignant potential Stromal sarcoma Mesenchymal tumours Leiomyosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Chondrosarcoma Angiosarcoma Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 14 Review of Literature Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour Haemangioma Chondroma Leiomyoma Granular cell tumour Haemangiopericytoma Solitary fibrous tumour Hematolymphoid tumours Lymphoma Leukaemia Miscellaneous tumours Cystadenoma Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumour) Rhabdoid tumour Germ cell tumours o Yolk sac tumour o Seminoma o Embryonal carcinoma & teratoma o Choriocarcinoma Clear cell adenocarcinoma Melanoma Metastatic tumours 15 Review of Literature TUMOURS OF THE SEMINAL VESICLES Epithelial tumours Adenocarcinoma Cystadenoma Mixed epithelial and stromal tumours Malignant Benign Mesenchymal tumours Leiomyosarcoma Angiosarcoma Liposarcoma Malignant fibrous histiocytoma Solitary fibrous tumour Haemangiopericytoma Leiomyoma Miscellaneous tumours Choriocarcinoma Male adnexal tumour of probable Wolffian origin Metastatic tumours EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PROSTATE CANCER Cancer prostate is the most common cancer in men and second most common cause of death due to cancer in men.3,4 16 Review of Literature Trends in prostate cancer worldwide Prostate cancer has become a major public health burden worldwide with an estimated number of 679,000 new cases in the year 2002.18 The incidence of prostate cancer varies worldwide, with the highest rates found in United States and Canada, and the lowest rates found in China and other parts of Asia. Similarly prostate cancer mortality varies worldwide, with the highest rates reported in Caribbean and Scandinavia, and lowest rates in China and Japan. The worldwide burden of disease is expected to increase in near future.19 In most of the parts of the world, especially in developed countries, the detection rate of prostate cancer has increased owing to the development of test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the 1980s. The detection rate declined from 1997 onwards but again increased in 2000.19,20 Trends in disease stage and mortality With the wide spread use of PSA screening, the mortality rates decreased in 1990-2000 due to early detection of cancer. Marked stage migration was also observed in a series of 2042 patients, presenting with prostate cancer at Walter Reed Army Medical Center between 1988 and 1998. The proportion of metastatic disease also decreased in this period significantly.19 Trends in the Prostate Cancer Incidence in India and South East Asia In the countries of Asia, prostatic cancer incidence rates varied from, as low as 2.0/100,000 in Iran to as high as 20.3/100,000 in the Philippines in the year 2002.18 17 Review of Literature Yeole B made an attempt to study the trends in prostate cancer, in five population based cancer registries (Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi and Bhopal) in India, over a period of last two decades. All these registries are under the network of National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP) of Indian Council of be established in 1964 by Indian Cancer Society.18 The average age adjusted incidence rates for prostate cancer in Indian registries are ranged from 3.38/100,000 for Chennai to 6.98/100,000 for Delhi registry.18,21 The incidence rates at early and late period of study were compared in all five registries. The trend of increase in incidence of prostate cancer was observed in all five registries. The maximum increase in age adjusted incidence rate, over entire period of observation (1982 – 2003), was noted for Chennai registry (4.95%) followed by Bhopal (3.45%), Delhi (2.40%), Bangalore (2.02%) and Mumbai (0.89%) registries. Only Chennai registry shows decline in incidence after 1997.18,21 A study carried out by Rastogi et al. in Indian migrants, in four geographic regions (India, Singapore, UK, US) showed that the incidence of prostate carcinoma, is increased in migrants of India than the natives of India, indicating that the environmental factors play an important role in occurrence of prostate cancer.22 18 Review of Literature RISK FACTORS FOR PROSTATE CANCER The most significant risk factor is age. As age increases the incidence of prostate cancer also increases. Most of the autopsy studies showed 20 to 30% of men aged 50 to 70 years and 50% of those aged 80 years had histological evidence of malignancy.19,20 Even some studies showed up to 80% of incidence of malignancy on autopsy. Thus most of the men die with prostate cancer rather from it and the physicians are yet unable to stratify patients into progressive and non progressive disease.5 Another risk factor is race; African-Americans appear to have worse prognosis.19 Fat intake is directly correlated to prostate carcinoma.19 Family history is also a significant risk factor; which increases the likelihood of cancer prostate by 2 folds when father or brother is affected.19,20 Protective factors like tomatoes (contains bycopene), broccoli and vitamin D3 have also been suggested to play a role. Men with high levels of selenium are at a lower risk of prostate cancer.19,20 Tissue methods of detection There are four methods of tissue sample collection, namely needle core biopsy, trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP), radical prostectomy and fine needle aspiration cytology. 19 Review of Literature 1. Needle core biopsy: The introduction of the fine needle for transrectal biopsy of the prostate in 1980, together with use of serum PSA levels, revolutionized early detection efforts for prostate cancer. Most of the centers for prostate cancer diagnosis use extended sextant biopsy. Extended sextant biopsy includes 6 cores from medial part of peripheral zone and 6 cores from lateral part of peripheral zone i.e. 12 cores. Recently a randomized trial in Mexico by Francisco et al. showed that increasing the number of cores from 12 to 18, increased prostate carcinoma detection rate at first biopsy without increasing morbidity.23,24 18 gauge and 29mm cutting needle is preferred for TRUS (Transrectal ultrasonography) guided needle biopsy and is done under local or short intravenous anesthesia.5 Infection and post biopsy bleeding are most common complications, which are taken care by antibiotic prophylaxis and pressure dressing respectively.1,5 2. Trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP): Transurethral resection specimen usually consist tissue from transitional zone, urethra, periurethral area, bladder neck and anterior fibro muscular stroma. As carcinoma arises most commonly in peripheral zone, there are high chances of missing carcinoma on TURP, as it does not sample the peripheral zone. For suspected carcinoma cases all tissue should be processed.1,5 3. Radical prostatectomy: With the advent of early detection by TRUS guided needle biopsy, routine PSA screening and treatment modalities, the number of radical prostatectomies for prostate carcinoma have come down. The completeness of pathological examination of prostatectomy specimens affects determination of the pathological stage. There was a significant increase in 20 Review of Literature positive surgical margins (12% vs. 59%) and pathologic stage with complete sectioning as compared to limited sampling.25 Desai and colleagues found that complete sectioning showed higher detection rates of extraprostatic extension (34% vs. 55%) and seminal vesicle invasion (8% vs. 15%) than with lesser methods of sampling.26 Sehdev and colleagues compared different methods of prostatectomy sampling using complete sectioning as a gold standard.27 ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE PROSTATE Gross identification of prostate cancer is difficult. In TURP specimens, cancer is difficult to identify because of confounding macroscopic features of BPH. In prostatectomy specimens cancer tends to be multifocal with predilection for peripheral zone. Apparent tumor foci are at least 5 mm in greatest dimension and appear yellowish – white with stony hard consistency due to stromal desmoplasia. Some tumors appear as yellow granular masses which contrast sharply with normal spongy prostatic parenchyma.4,5 Microscopically, diagnosis relies on the combination of architectural and cytologic findings and may be aided by ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry. This includes variation in gland size and irregular glandular contours as contrasted with smooth, round contours of normal glands. Malignant glands often exhibit an irregular haphazard arrangement sometimes with splitting or distortion of muscle fibers in the stroma.4,5 21 Review of Literature Cytological features include nuclear and nucleolar enlargement. Prominent nucleoli are 1.25 to 1.5 µm in diameter and are often eccentrically placed. Identification of more than one nucleolus is virtually diagnostic of malignancy. Another important feature is the loss of basal cell layer in adenocarcinoma.5 There are certain cancer-associated pathologic findings which are not specific but are helpful in diagnosis. These include perineural invasion, microvascular invasion, luminal mucin, crystalloids, collagenous micronodule and increased micro vessel density.5,28 Perineural invasion is the major mechanism of cancer spread outside the prostate and is evident in different studies from 17% to 38% of biopsies. This finding is strong presumptive but not pathognomonic, because it occurs rarely with benign acini. Perineural invasion indicates tumor spread along the path of least resistance and does not represent lymphatic invasion. Half of the patients with perineural invasion on biopsy have extraprostatic extension, but it has no independent predictive value (prognostic value).29,30 Microvascular invasion is important predictor of outcome after radical prostatectomy and carries fourfold greater risk of tumor progression and death.5 Acidic-sulfated and non-sulfated mucin is often seen in the acini of adenocarcinoma. This mucin stains with Alcian blue and is best demonstrated at acidic pH, whereas normal prostatic epithelium contains periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reactive neutral mucin. It is not specific for carcinoma and seen in few cases of PIN and BPH also.31,32,33 22 Review of Literature Salient features of some of the variants of adenocarcinoma: 5,17,34 1. Adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation Neuroendocrine differentiation is present, at least focally, in virtually all cases of prostatic carcinoma. These cells are scattered and are inapparent on light microscopy but revealed by immunoreactivity. Serotonin and chromogranin are best and commonly used markers for these cells. Neuroendocrine cells have no apparent clinical or prognostic significance in benign epithelium, primary prostate cancer or lymph node metastasis.5 2. Mucinous carcinoma of the prostate Mucinous carcinoma of the prostate is defined as adenocarcinoma of prostate with at least 25% of the tumor composed of pools of extracellular mucin. This is a rare and aggressive variant with Gleason’s pattern 3 or 4.5,17 3. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma is a rare and aggressive variant. It is graded as Gleason’s grade 5. It is characterized by clearing of cytoplasm and peripherally placed nucleus. Criteria for diagnosis require 25% or more of tumor composed of signet ring cells. Most of them are PAS positive and Alcian blue negative.5,34 4. Adenoid cystic / Basal cell carcinoma Adenoid cystic / Basal cell carcinoma grossly is white, fleshy and sometimes shows microcysts. Microscopically it shows nests or nodules of varying sizes embedded in desmoplastic stroma. Peripheral palisading like basal 23 Review of Literature cell carcinoma is seen in some cases. Perineural invasion is common. No bony metastases are evident till date.5 5. Atrophic variant Atrophic variant shows decreased cytoplasm and hence can mimic benign atrophy. It usually presents as Gleason’s grade pattern 3. These changes can be seen with hormonal and radiation therapy.17 6. Foamy gland carcinoma Foamy gland carcinoma is characterized by xanthomatous cytoplasm and bland nuclei. These usually fall in to Gleason’s score 5 – 7.5 7. Lymphoepithelioma like carcinoma Lymphoepithelioma like carcinoma is characterized by closely packed glands set in dense lymphocytic stroma.17,34 8. Urothelial carcinoma Urothelial carcinoma may be primary in prostate gland or represents secondary spread from the urinary bladder. The frequency of primary urothelial carcinoma ranges from 0.7 to <4% of prostatic tumors in adult. There is limited data on PSA levels in patients with urothelial carcinoma.5,34 Most cases are diagnosed by transurethral resection or less often by needle biopsy. One should exclude secondaries from primary urothelial neoplasm from bladder before making diagnosis of primary urothelial carcinoma of prostate. It usually arises from prostatic ducts and has the same features as that of 24 Review of Literature the urothelial carcinoma of bladder. It also shows pagetoid spread and comedonecrosis in many cases. It is prognostically important to identify prostatic stromal invasion in case of intraductal transitional cell carcinomas in low-stage bladder tumors, which indicates poor prognosis.1, 34 9. Pseudohyperplastic carcinoma Pseudohyperplastic carcinoma mimics benign hyperplastic glands. Here the glands show complex architecture with papillary projections, branching and cystic dilatation.17 GRADING OF PROSTATE CARCINOMA In 1860, Rudolf Virchow said, “Malignity only differs in degree”. Grading of tumours was introduced about 90 years back by Broders (1925). Broders graded tumours, based on degree of differentiation as well differentiated, moderately differentiated and undifferentiated.35, 36 Ever since the introduction of the first grading system by Broders for prostate adenocarcinoma, many grading systems have been used.36, 37 The characteristic histologic variability exhibited by typical prostatic adenocarcinoma, apparently has served as a major obstacle to the general acceptance of any one amongst many proposed tumor grading protocols. The limitations in the needle biopsy such as small amount of available tissue, tissue sampling error and tumor heterogeneity further compound the difficulty in accurate grading. The histological pattern of prostate cancer correlates strongly 25 Review of Literature with biologic behavior and hence grading is of paramount importance. More than 40 histological grading systems have been proposed for prostatic carcinoma. Gleason’s system and Mostofi (WHO) systems are the two most widely used protocols for grading prostatic carcinoma.37 Gleason’s grading is most widely used method for prostate carcinoma. It was developed by Dr. Donald F Gleason, a pathologist in Minnesota and members of the Veterans Administration Co-operative Urological Research Group (VACURG), based on study of 5000 prostate cancer patients from 1960 to 1975.37 The Gleason’s grading system is based entirely on the histologic pattern of arrangement of carcinoma cells i.e. architecture, in hematoxylin and eosin stained prostatic tissue sections. It is assessed at low power magnification. Nine growth patterns were consolidated into five grades and these were illustrated in drawing by Dr. Gleason.5, 37 The five basic grade patterns are used to generate histological score, which can range from 2 to 10, by adding the primary grade pattern and secondary grade pattern. Grades are allotted from 1 to 5, Grade 1 being well differentiated and grade 5 being undifferentiated. The primary pattern is one that is predominant in the area by simple visual inspection. The secondary pattern is the second most common pattern.5, 37 For example, Gleason’s Grade 3 (primary) + 5 (secondary) = 8 (score). 26 Review of Literature If only a single grade is seen in the section, it is multiplied by 2 to give the score (e.g. 3x2 = 6).6,37 Addition of two grades is unique feature of Gleason’s grading. For other human malignancies, it is the worst grade that determines patient outcome. Peculiarly, for prostatic carcinoma, when there are two different Gleason’s grade patterns, the cancer death rates are intermediate between the rates for patients with only the pure form of each of those two grades.37 The number of grades assigned, depends on tumor sample size and size of the tumor in whole gland. So more than 2 grades is more often observed in TURP chips compared to needle biopsies.38,39 Following are the guidelines for reporting Gleason’s score.40 General features 1. The Gleason’s grading is performed at low magnification using a 4x or 10x objective lens. 2. The primary pattern and secondary pattern is reported and Gleason’s score assigned. 3. If only one pattern is present, double it to yield Gleason’s score. 4. In the needle biopsy with more than two patterns (tertiary pattern), the worst pattern must be reflected in the Gleason’s score even if it is not the predominant or secondary pattern. Use the rule “the most and the worst” as tertiary grade is seen to increase prognosis by one score.40,41,42 27 Review of Literature 5. In radical prostatectomy with more than two patterns, Gleason’s score should be given and tertiary pattern should be given as a note. 6. The Gleason’s score should be given for each separately involved core when identified and give overall Gleason’s score when mixed in one container.43 7. In general a diagnosis of Gleason’s scores 2 – 4 should not be made on needle biopsies. 8. The Gleason’s score should not be reported after hormonal or radiation therapy except if cancer shows no treatment effect. Optional features (Gleason’s differential)44 1. Provide percent of tumor with Gleason’s pattern 4 in score 7. 2. Provide percent of tumor with Gleason’s patterns 4 and 5 in tumors with Gleason’s scores 8 to 10. Gleason’s Grade Migration Gleason’s grade migration refers to the observation that prostate cancers are today commonly graded higher in the contemporary era, than previous decades resulting in greater percentage of higher grade prostate cancers. Many studies have shown Gleason’s grade migration and its impact on important clinical measures such as recurrence and cancer related deaths. According to the study of Albertsen et al. average Gleason’s score increased from 5.9 to 6.8 on comparing the original reading to contemporary reading.7 28 Review of Literature Thus over a period of time Gleason’s grading system has undergone significant changes. The original Gleason’s grading, given in 1966, underwent major changes in 1967, 1974, 1977 and 2005.45 For almost three decades Gleason’s grading system was used and evaluated in several studies and found to be the most significant factor for disease management. Still there were some controversies which were solved by the 2005 International Society of Urologic Pathology (ISUP) consensus conference on Gleason’s grading of prostatic carcinoma”. Following table gives modifications by 2005 ISUP.45, 46, 47 29 Review of Literature Table 1. 2005 ISUP Modified Gleason System Pattern Morphology Pattern 1 Circumscribed nodule of closely packed but separate, uniform, rounded to oval, medium-sized acini (larger glands than pattern 3). Pattern 2 Like pattern 1, fairly circumscribed, yet at the edge of the tumor nodule there may be minimal infiltration. Glands are more loosely arranged and not quite as uniform as Gleason’s pattern 1. Pattern 3 Discrete glandular units. Typically smaller glands than seen in Gleason’s pattern 1 or 2 (3A). Infiltrates in and amongst nonneoplastic prostate acini (3A) Marked variation in size and shape (3B). Smoothly circumscribed small cribriform nodules of tumor (3C). Pattern 4 Fused microacinar glands (4A). Ill-defined glands with poorly formed glandular lumina (4A). Large cribriform glands (4A). Cribriform glands with an irregular border (4A) Hypernephromatoid (4B). Pattern 5 Essentially no glandular differentiation composed of solid sheets, cords, or single cells (5A) Comedocarcinoma with central necrosis surrounded by papillary, cribriform, or solid masses (5A). 30 Review of Literature Figure 6. Schematic diagram of Gleason’s grading Source: The Journal of Urology 2010;183(2):p.433–440 31 Review of Literature Some important consensus made in ISUP 2005 consensus conference.45 1. Gleason’s score 1+1=2 should not be diagnosed regardless of the type of specimen. 2. Gleason’s scores 3 – 4: Cribriform patterns are not allowed in Gleason pattern 2. Diagnosis of Gleason’s score 3-4 should not be given on needle biopsy because of poor reproducibility, poor correlation with prostatectomy grade and risk of inadequate treatment.7, 45, 46, 47 Gleason score of 3 – 4 on needle biopsy will almost always show higher grade cancer on prostatectomy and hence even if diagnosis of 3 – 4 score is made, a note should be added mentioning that these scores are almost always associated with high grades. 3. Gleason Pattern 3: Cribriform pattern of Gleason 3 has stringent criteria for diagnosis. Only rounded well circumscribed glands of same size as that of normal glands are said to be grade 3. Rest all cribriform patterns are graded as grade 4. 4. Gleason Pattern 4: Fused glands, cribriform pattern, irregular borders and hypernephromatoid cells are accepted as pattern 4. 5. Gleason Pattern 5: Shows solid sheets and comedonecrosis. 6. Special account has been given for the Gleason score 7 which can be 3 + 4 or 4+3. Many studies including a study by Amin et al, indicated that score 7 with 4 as primary pattern behaves prognostically more adverse and hence Gleason score 7 should not be taken as a single entity.40,48 32 Review of Literature TNM CLASSIFICATION OF CARCINOMAS OF THE PROSTATE17 T – Primary tumour TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed T0 No evidence of primary tumour T1 Clinically inapparent tumour not palpable or visible by imaging o T1a Tumour incidental histological finding in 5% or less of tissue resected o T1b Tumour incidental histological finding in more than 5% of tissue resected o T1c Tumour identified by needle biopsy (e.g., because of elevated PSA) T2 Tumour confined within prostate o T2a Tumour involves one half of one lobe or less o T2b Tumour involves more than half of one lobe, but not both lobes o T2c Tumour involves both lobes T3 Tumour extends beyond the prostate o T3a Extracapsular extension (unilateral or bilateral) o T3b Tumour invades seminal vesicle(s) T4 Tumour is fixed or invades adjacent structures other than seminal vesicles: bladder neck, external sphincter, rectum, levator muscles, or pelvic wall. Notes: 1. Tumour found in one or both lobes by needle biopsy, but not palpable or visible by imaging, is classified as T1c. 2. Invasion into the prostatic apex yet not beyond the prostate is not classified as T3, but as T2. 33 Review of Literature 3. There is no pT1 category because there is insufficient tissue to assess the highest pT category. 4. Microscopic bladder neck involvement at radical prostatectomy should be classified as T3a. N – Regional lymph nodes NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed N0 No regional lymph node metastasis N1 Regional lymph node metastasis Note: Metastasis no larger than 0.2cm can be designated pN1mi. M – Distant metastasis MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed M0 No distant metastasis M1 Distant metastasis M1a Non-regional lymph node(s) M1b Bone(s) M1c Other site(s) G - Histopathological grading GX Grade cannot be assessed G1 Well differentiated (Gleason 2-4) G2 Moderately differentiated (Gleason 5-6) G3–4 Poorly differentiated/undifferentiated (Gleason 7-10) 34 Review of Literature Table 2. STAGE GROUPING OF PROSTATE CANCER Stage Tumor Node Metastasis Grade Stage I T1a N0 M0 G1 T1a N0 M0 G2, 3-4 T1b,c N0 M0 Any G T1,T2 N0 M0 Any G T3 N0 M0 Any G T4 N0 M0 Any G Any T N1 M0 Any G Any T Any N M1 Any G Stage II Stage III Stage IV ANCILLARY DIAGNOSTIC AIDS FOR PROSTATE CANCER Immunohistochemistry4, 5, 49 1. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) PSA and PAP are the markers of prostatic cell differentiation. Neuroendocrine cells in the prostate also co-express PSA. Expression of both the markers is generally greater in low grade tumors than in high grade tumors. Decreased expression is seen in PIN as compared to normal epithelium. These markers are also useful in differentiating high grade prostatic cancer from other poorly differentiated tumors.4, 5 35 Review of Literature 2. Basal cell markers Specific monoclonal antibodies directed against high molecular weight keratin (keratin 34B-E12) are useful to evaluate the basal cell layer which is intact in benign glands and completely lacking in carcinoma.4, 5 p63 is a nuclear protein and is a useful basal cell marker. Zhou et al. demonstrated that basal cell cocktail (high molecular weight. keratin and p63) increased sensitivity of basal cell detection and reduced staining variability. Nasir Ud Din et al. concluded in their study that p63 can be used to distinguish prostatic adenocarcinoma from urothelial carcinomas.49 3. α Methylacyl CoA – racemase/P5045 (AMACR) α Methylacyl CoA-racemase was found to be positive in 80-90% of prostate cancer. It’s an enzyme involved in oxidation of branched chain fatty acids.4,5 4. Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) It has 78% amino acid homology with PSA and can be used as a marker for diagnosis and monitoring of prostate cancer.4, 5 5. Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) PSMA is highly specific for benign and malignant prostatic epithelium. The number of immunoreactive cells increases from benign epithelium to high grade PIN and prostatic adenocarcinoma. Most extensive and intense staining is seen in virtually every cell of Gleason’s primary pattern 4 or 5.4,5 36 Review of Literature TUMOR MARKERS FOR PROSTATE CANCER The term ‘tumor marker’ designates a broad category of substances whose increased levels are associated with malignant transformation of cells. Various types of tumor markers are recognized viz. cell surface antigens, cytoplasmic protein, enzymes and hormones. A tumor marker can be detected in solid tumor,circulating tumor cells, peripheral blood, lymph nodes, bone marrow and body fluids (stool, urine). A tumor marker can be used for population screening and for detection, diagnosis, staging, prognosis or follow up of malignant diseases.50 Prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) are used as serum and tissue markers of prostatic carcinoma.4, 5 PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN (PSA) Discovery of PSA produced by prostatic tissue was a major step towards the screening and early detection of prostatic carcinoma. PSA was first identified by the team of Dr. Richard Ablin. Dr. Ablin and his co-workers have published their results in two renowned journals (Journal of Reproduction and Fertility and Journal of Immunology) in 1970.51 PSA was first measured quantitatively in blood by Papsidero (1980). Stamey carried out initial work on clinical use of PSA as tumor marker. It was proved in 1980, that serum PSA is identical to one purified directly from prostatic tissue.51, 52 PSA is a single chain glycoprotein that contains 7% of carbohydrates and 93% amino acids. It is a monomer of 237 amino acid residues and 4 carbohydrate 37 Review of Literature side chains. It has molecular weight of 28,430.53,54 The complete gene encoding PSA has been sequenced and localized to chromosome 19.54,55 Function PSA is a kallikrein like serine protease that is produced exclusively by epithelial cells lining acini and ducts of prostate gland. It liquefies seminal coagulum formed at ejaculation.5, 53 Molecular forms of PSA in serum PSA, a protease, has extensive structural similarity to the kallikreins, and now PSA is also known as human kallikrein 3 ‘hK3’.52 PSA exists in both free and complexed forms in blood circulation. In blood it is complexed with α1 antichymotrypsin and minor fraction with α2 macroglobulin.53, 56 Table 3. Molecular forms of PSA in serum53 Percentage Comments Free PSA 10 – 40% Percentage of free PSA decreases in serum of cancer patients as TPSA increases. PSA – α1 antichymotrypsin 60 – 90% Molecular Form PSA α2 macroglobulin PSA α1 proteinase inhibitor PSA–inter–α trypsin inhibitor <0.1% <1% Present only when PSA exceeds 40µg/L < 0.1% 38 Review of Literature Benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer occur in same age group and both of them can give rise to increased serum PSA levels. It is mandatory to define a tumor marker which can differentiate both diseases clearly, and helps in avoiding unnecessary biopsies as well as under diagnosis of prostate carcinomas.53 In a study conducted in 773 men (379 with prostate cancer and 394 with BPH) having PSA level of 4 to 10ng/ml with palpably benign gland, showed that estimation of free PSA percentage can reduce unnecessary biopsies in patients undergoing evaluation for prostate cancer, with minimal loss in sensitivity in detecting cancer.57 There are many studies which proved, that free PSA is usually associated with benign conditions where as protein bound PSA usually is associated with prostate malignancies.58 Clinical characteristics of PSA To be able to use a serum marker successfully, it is necessary to have the complete understanding of inherent physiological properties of the marker as well as the working knowledge of all the factors that influence its serum concentration.50 1. Half life and metabolic clearance rate: The half life of total PSA in serum was determined to be 3.15 ± 0.09 days59 where as it was 2.2 days by another study.60 39 Review of Literature 2. Lack of diurnal or circadian variation: PSA concentration does not fluctuate unpredictably or in a circadian manner over 24 hours. So there is no fixed timing for obtaining the blood sample for its determination.61 3. Ambulatory versus sedentary concentrations: Serum PSA concentration decreases by a mean of 18% in 24 hours after hospitalization. In some patients decrease approached 50% so it is suggested that all PSA measurements be made on sera collected on the ambulatory basis.5 Variables affecting Serum PSA concentrations 1. Effect of digital rectal examination (DRE): A multicenter prospective trial by Crawford et al., consisting of 2754 healthy men concluded that DRE does not affect serum PSA levels significantly and PSA levels after DRE can be used reliably for patient management.62 2. Cystoscopic examination effect: A study by Oesterling et al (1993) showed no significant difference in total serum PSA levels before and after cystoscopy. They concluded that, the PSA levels after cystoscopy can be reliably used in patient management.63 3. Effect of urinary retention on serum PSA concentration: Patients with acute urinary retention show at least two fold increase in serum PSA levels and this impact will disappear after two weeks. Semjonov and colleagues observed 50% decrease in PSA over 24 to 48 hours after relieving the retention.64 4. Effect of ejaculation on serum PSA concentration: In a study conducted by Herschman J D and colleagues, serum PSA concentration after ejaculation 40 Review of Literature was measured at one hour, six hours and 24 hours. Most of volunteers showed immediate rise in serum PSA which comes down to base line in 24 hours. Hence it was suggested that men abstain from ejaculation for at least 48 hours before serum PSA, to avoid spurious PSA elevation.65 5. Effect of Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS): Klomp et al (1994) found that there was statistically a significant rise in serum PSA of 20% after TRUS. They recommended that serum PSA determination be done before TRUS or seven days after TRUS.66 6. Effect of TURP: Effect of TURP on PSA in benign prostatic hyperplasia was studied by Cetinkaya et al. They found an increase in total PSA level after the procedure but no significant change in free/total PSA ratio. This suggests that estimation of free/total PSA ratio may be more reliable parameter in early period after intervention such as TURP.67 7. Effect of Needle biopsy: Serum PSA level increases immediately after needle biopsy and comes down to baseline in three to four weeks. Hence it is recommended to estimate serum PSA levels after six weeks of biopsy.63 8. Serum PSA and race: Age specific reference ranges for serum PSA are lower in Asians as compared to Caucasians. In Asians, Taiwanese have highest PSA levels and Chinese men have the lowest.68 Age specific reference ranges for serum PSA are lower for Indian men as compared to Caucasians.69 41 Review of Literature IMPLICATIONS OF SERUM PSA IN PROSTATIC PATHOLOGY 1. Serum PSA and benign diseases of prostate Serum PSA is widely used for diagnosis and monitoring of carcinoma prostate. PSA is however not specific for carcinoma and increased levels are also seen in BPH, prostatitis or PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial neoplasia). Increase in serum PSA is however more frequent and high in carcinoma prostate. 5, 15, 17 Amayo and Obara in their study showed that 63% BPH cases had rise in PSA concentrations above cut off value of 4ng/ml and 29% were in the diagnostic gray zone.70 Estimation of free/total PSA ratio helps in identifying more cases of carcinoma as free PSA is raised in benign, while protein bound PSA is raised in carcinoma.57 2. PSA in early detection and screening of prostate cancer PSA is not tumor specific but is tissue specific and as a result benign conditions can influence its serum concentration.52 In a study carried out in Austria 21,078 subjects were screened. 18% had elevated serum PSA levels. Out of these patients, 25% showed positive prostate biopsy for cancer, 70% were missed by DRE and detected solely by PSA. TRUS was normal in 65% of cancer patients. Over all 10% staged lesions were found to be organ confined. Of these lesions 90% were missed by digital rectal examination and detected by estimation of PSA alone.71 42 Review of Literature A study consisting of 10251 men aged 50 years and above showed screening based on PSA identifies significant number of organ confined tumors compared to those detected by abnormal digital rectal examination alone.72 The metanalysis for PSA and digital rectal examination (DRE), as a screening test by Kishor Mistry and Greg Cable showed 83.4% of total prostate cancers were localized. When patient has abnormal PSA value chance of having cancer is one in four or five and when PSA levels are normal the chance of missing cancer is about 10%.73 A study was conducted to predict occurrence of carcinoma prostate 20 – 30 years later based on single estimation of serum PSA at or before 50 years of age. For this study blood was collected from 21,277 men during 1974 – 86 and in 2006 cancer was diagnosed in 1408 participants. Age group of 44 – 50 was specifically assessed. The risk of subsequent clinically diagnosed prostate cancer was low for men with PSA < 0.5ng/ml and risk was high for PSA values above 1.50 ng/ml.74 All the above evidences prove the importance of PSA estimation in early detection of carcinoma prostate. Several studies showed PSA levels of 4–10 ng/ml as gray zone where considerable number of BPH and prostate carcinoma cases overlap. Thus Serum PSA lacks sufficient sensitivity and specificity to be an ideal marker. 53, 59, 72 Several concepts have been developed in recent years to improve ability of Serum PSA to identify clinically significant prostate cancers at curable stage. 43 Review of Literature These include PSA density, PSA velocity, age specific reference ranges and ratio of free to total PSA concentration. PSA Density (PSAD) It is defined as quotient of Serum PSA and prostate volume measured by MRI. The normal value is 0.05 or less, intermediate when the value is >0.05 but less than 0.2 and abnormal if the value is > 0.1.1, 5 These values might help in distinguishing BPH and prostate cancer.75 It also gives us information about aggressiveness of the tumor.76 PSA Velocity It is defined as rate of change of serum PSA concentration over period of time. It can be used to distinguish an expected rise in PSA that occurs with the age and rise in PSA that suggests cancer. It helps in early diagnosis. Less than 5% men without prostate cancer will have PSAV of 0.75ng/ml/year.77 Percentage and ratio of different forms of PSA Serum free PSA levels rise in benign diseases while protein bound PSA rise in carcinoma and helps distinguishing benign lesions from carcinoma, especially in gray zone values.57 Non prostatic sources of PSA Periurethral glands in females are found to produce PSA. Subsequently it is found in many tissues like, breast, amniotic fluid, ovarian and lung cancer.52 44 Review of Literature Other applications of total serum PSA estimation59, 78 Serum PSA levels correlates with stage of carcinoma but cannot accurately predict pathological stage in localized prostate cancer because of two reasons. 1. Unpredictable contribution from BPH component. 2. Decreasing production of PSA by higher grade lesions. Serum PSA and treatment modalities Detectable serum PSA after radical prostatectomy has been shown to be an indicator of residual or metastatic disease. Rising titers of PSA levels after radical prostatectomy also means recurrence and chemical recurrence precedes clinical signs of recurrence which provides time to plan treatment against recurrence.58,60 Increasing PSA levels after radiotherapy is an ominous sign. Men with increasing PSA levels after hormonal therapy indicates progressive disease.5, 58 KARNOFSKY PERFORMANCE STATUS The Karnofsky performance status scale (KPS) was designed to measure the level of patient activity and medical care requirement.79, 80 This performance scale which is a measure of physical activity was given by Karnofsky in 1949. Since its inception the scale was widely accepted and used for making clinical decisions.79, 80 45 Review of Literature It is used for stratification of patients on clinical trials and to monitor the quality of life in cancer patients who are on chemotherapy.81 Cyndie and Richard in 1984 had conducted study to test reliability, validity and guidelines for use of Karnofsky performance score. They found validity of KPS is good but reliability is poor in terms of reproducibility. They recommend need for more accurate KPS scoring system.79 Yates et al. in 1980 showed KPS as valid reliable and simple performance scale. He also proved strong association of death with low KPS score.80 KPS is a simple questionnaire based assessment of physical performance of the individual. The score ranges from 0 – 100 (100 = normal and 0 = death).6 Many studies used KPS to correlate other prognostically significant systems like Gleason grade in prostate carcinoma, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) and infection probability score for blood stream infections. 81, 82, 83 It has been also used to correlate for the study in circulating tumor cells in prostate carcinoma which showed that, baseline Hemoglobin, KPS and bone scan index were strongly associated with survival time but not the Gleason’s grading.84 Karnofsky performance score should not be used for evaluation of benign diseases. However, Elieni et al. have used it for comparison with infection probability score in condition like infection in hematologic malignancies.83 46 Review of Literature It has also been used in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial tumors and neoplastic meningitis to predict survival. So over all, above studies show that KPS scores are reliable, valid and can be compared with other clinical factors.10, 85 47 Chapter 4 Methodology Methodology METHODOLOGY The present study was a cross sectional study carried out on patients attending outpatient department of Department of Urology or admitted in Urology wards and Department of Pathology for a period of one year from January 2011 to December 2011. Source of data Patients presenting with urinary complaints, prostate enlargement and having carcinoma prostate proved on biopsy were included in study group. Sample size A total of 33 prostate carcinoma cases were studied. Sampling procedure Based on the 80% of average for the past three years hospital statistics the sample was calculated as 30. However during the study period 33 patients satisfied the selection criteria hence 33 patients were included in the study. Selection criteria Inclusion Patients presenting with urinary complaints, prostate enlargement and histopathologically diagnosed carcinoma prostate on biopsy. 48 Methodology Exclusion Other lesions of prostate such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis and granulomas. Ethical Clearance Ethical clearance for the study was obtained from Institutional Ethics Committee on Human Subjects Research. Informed Consent Based on the selection criteria, patients with histologically diagnosed carcinoma prostate were briefed about the nature of the study and a written informed consent was obtained from the selected patients (Annexure I). Data collection Patients details such as age, socioeconomic status and thorough history such as presenting complaints, onset and addictions was taken and findings were recorded on predesigned and pretested proforma (Annexure II). Investigations Routine investigations such as hemoglobin and serum creatinine were performed along with pre-operative total serum PSA levels. Biopsy and postoperative histopathological evaluation was done on the prostatic tissue submitted, using Gleason’s grading system. 49 Methodology Study variables Determination of serum PSA levels Blood sample for total serum PSA estimation was collected in plain vacutainer. Quantitative estimation of total serum PSA was done by using Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) on Immunospec Corporation. The minimum detectable concentration of PSA on this assay is 0.5 ng/ml.86 Determination of Karnofsky Performance Status Score Patients were interviewed with the help of questionnaire and Karnofsky performance score was determined and classified into normal (100-80), reduced (70-50) and severely reduced (40-0).5,6 Histopathological examination of Prostate tissue specimens Prostate tissue specimens were received in 10% formalin (Annexure IIIA). Prostatic tissue was grossly examined first and findings were noted. In case of needle biopsy, all the tissue sent was submitted for processing (Annexure IIIB). Transurethral Resection of Prostate chips were carefully examined. Any tissue suspicious of carcinoma (yellow and firm to hard in consistency) was identified and submitted for processing and subsequent histopathological examination. Otherwise tissue was submitted till four cassettes were filled and one additional cassette was submitted for each additional 10 grams of tissue.5 50 Methodology Thin sections, 3-4 microns thick, were cut from the paraffin block. The slides prepared were routinely stained by Harris’ Hematoxylin and Eosin stain107 (Annexure IIIC) and evaluated by light microscopy Statistical analysis Data obtained was coded and entered into Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (Annexure IV). The continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and categorical data was analyzed by rates, ratios and percentages. The correlation for categorical data was done by chi-square test and correlation of continuous data was done by student ‘t’ test and Fischer exact test. A probability value ‘p’ of less than or equal to 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. 51 Chapter 5 Results Results RESULTS The present one year hospital based prospective study was carried out on 33 patients with urinary complaints, prostate enlargement and having carcinoma prostate proved on biopsy at Department of Pathology for a period of one year from January 2011 to December 2011. Data obtained was coded and entered into Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet and analyzed as follows. 52 Results Table 4. Age distribution Distribution (n=33) Age group (Years) Number Percent 50 to 60 10 30.30 61 to 70 12 36.36 71 to 80 10 30.30 > 80 1 3.03 Total 33 100.00 Graph 1. Age distribution 40% 35% 36.36% 30.30% 30.30% Distribution 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 3.03% 5% 0% 50 to 60 61 to 70 71 to 80 > 80 Age group (Years) Age of patients in our study ranged from 55-85 years. The mean (± SD) age of presentation for carcinoma prostate was 67.00 (± 7.90) years and the most prevalent age group was 61-70 years accounting for 12 cases (36.36%). This was followed in descending order by, 71-80 years and 51-61 years age group with 10 cases (30.30%) respectively and 81-89 year age group with one case (03.03%). 53 Results Table 5. Distribution of prostate carcinoma according to socio-economic status Distribution (n=33) Socio economic status Number Percent Class I 1 3.03 Class II 2 6.06 Class III 6 18.18 Class IV 13 39.39 Class V 10 30.30 Class VI 1 3.03 Total 33 100.00 Cases participated were categorized into six socioeconomic strata according to modified B.G Prasad classification.87 as shown in the table. Carcinoma prostate was more prevalent in class 4 and class 5 individuals accounting for 13(39.39%) and 10(30.30%) cases respectively. 54 Results Table 6. Clinical features Distribution (n=33) Clinical features Number Percent Frequency 30 90.91 Urgency 22 66.67 Nocturia 22 66.67 Difficulty in micturation 21 63.64 Weight loss 16 48.48 Dysuria 9 27.27 Hematuria 8 24.24 Retention 5 15.15 Back/Bone pain 2 6.06 55 Results Graph 2. Clinical features Back/Bone pain 6.06% Retention 15.15% Clinical features Hematuria 24.24% Dysuria 27.27% Weight loss 48.48% Difficulty in micturation 63.64% Nocturia 66.67% Urgency 66.67% Frequency 90.91% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Distribution Out of 33 patients, 30 (90.91%) presented with complaint of frequency of micturition, 22 (66.67%) with urgency, 22 (66.67%) with nocturia, 21(63.64%) with difficulty in micturition, 16 (48.48%) with weight loss, nine (27.27%) with dysuria, eight (24.24%) with haematuria, five (15.15%) with retention and two (6.06%) with back/bone pain. Thus the frequency of micturition was the most common presenting complaint & back/bone pain was the least common complaint. 56 Results Table 7. Onset of symptoms Distribution (n=33) Onset Number Percent Acute 11 33.33 Insidious 22 66.67 Total 33 100.00 Out of 33 patients, 11 (33.33%) presented with acute onset and 22 (66.67%) presented with insidious onset of complaints. Table 8. Addictions Distribution (n=33) Addictions Number Percent Tobacco 18 54.55 Alcohol 5 15.15 Out of 33 patients, 18 (54.55%) were addicted to tobacco in the form of smoking or chewing and five (15.15%) were addicted to alcohol for a minimum period of 15 years. 57 Results Table 9. Digital rectal examination for prostate enlargement88 Distribution (n=33) Prostatomegaly Number Percent Grade I 0 0.00 Grade II 26 78.79 Grade III 7 21.21 Total 33 100.00 Out of 33 patients, 26 (78.79%) showed grade 2 asymmetric enlargement and remaining seven (21.21%) patients showed grade 3 asymmetric enlargement of prostate. Thus about 80% of the prostate carcinomas present with grade 2 asymmetric enlargement. 58 Results Table 10. Haemoglobin levels Distribution (n=33) Haemoglobin levels (gm%) Number Percent > 13.0 7 21.21 11.0 to 12.9 10 30.30 8.0 to 10.9 16 48.48 Total 33 100.00 Graph 3. Haemoglobin 60% 48.48% Distribution 50% 40% 30.30% 30% 21.21% 20% 10% 0% > 13.0 11.0 to 12.9 8.0 to 10.9 Haemoglobin levels (gm%) Haemoglobin values were grouped into four groups according to World Health Organization (WHO)89 recommendation, as normal (>13 gm%), mild anemia (11-12.9 gm%), moderate anemia (8-10.9 gm%) and severe anemia (<8 gm%).89 59 Results In our study, mild and moderate anemia was observed in 10 (30.30%) and 16 (48.48%) patients of prostate carcinoma respectively. Normal haemoglobin levels were observed in seven (21.21%) patients. Table 11. Serum creatinine level Distribution (n=33) Serum creatinine (mg/dL) Number Percent 0.3 to 1.3 29 87.88 > 1.3 4 12.12 Total 33 100.00 Graph 4. Serum creatinine 12.12% 87.88% 0.3 to 1.3 > 1.3 Serum creatinine was elevated in 4 (12.12%) patients. In all other patients serum creatinine was in normal range of 0.3 – 1.3mg/dl. The mean serum creatinine value was 1.1 ± 0.9 mg/dl with minimum value of 0.8 mg/dl & maximum of 6 mg/dl. 60 Results Table 12. Gleason’s Grade (primary pattern) Distribution (n=33) Primary Pattern Number Percent Three 7 21.21 Four 15 45.45 Five 11 33.33 Total 33 100.00 Gleason’s primary pattern represents the dominant grade observed in the given histological section. In the present study only three grades were observed namely 3, 4 and 5. Gleason’s primary pattern 3 was seen in seven (21.21%) cases, 4 in 15 (45.45%) cases and 5 in 11 (33.33%) cases. Table 13. Gleason’s Grade (secondary pattern) Distribution (n=33) Secondary pattern Number Percent Three 11 33.33 Four 16 48.48 Five 06 18.18 Total 33 100.00 Gleason’s secondary pattern is the non dominant grade in the given histological section. Gleason’s secondary pattern 3 was seen in 11 (33.33%) cases, 4 in 16 (48.48%) cases and 5 in six (18.18%) cases. 61 Results Table 14. Gleason’s Score Distribution (n=33) Gleason's Score Number Percent Well differentiated (2 to 5) 0 0.00 Moderately differentiated(6 to 7) 15 45.45 Poorly differentiated (8 to 10) 18 54.55 Total 33 100.00 Graph 5. Gleason's score 0.00% 45.45% 54.45% Well differentiated Moderate Poorly differentiated Gleason’s score for each case was calculated by adding primary and secondary pattern. Out of 33 cases, 15 (45.45%) cases showed moderately differentiated carcinoma with score of 7 and 18 (54.54%) cases showed poorly differentiated carcinoma with Gleason’s score of 8-10. Most common Gleason’s score observed was 7 accounting for 15 (45.45%) cases and most common grade observed was 4 in 28 (84.84%) cases. 62 Results Of the 15 cases where Gleason’s score was 7, six (40%) cases showed pattern 3+4 and nine (60%) cases showed pattern 4+3. Gleason’s grade 5A was seen as primary pattern in three cases and as a secondary pattern in one case. Only one case showed Gleason’s grade 4B (clear cell pattern) as secondary pattern. Similarly only one case of signet ring carcinoma with grade 5 was observed in the study. Perineural invasion was demonstrated in 30 out of 33 cases. Table 15. Karnofsky Score Distribution (n=33) Karnofsky Score Number Percent Normal (100 - 80) 21 63.64 Reduced (70-50) 12 36.36 Severely Reduced (0 - 40) 0 0.00 Total 33 100.00 Graph 6. Karnofsky Score 0.00% 36.36% 63.64% Normal Reduced Severely reduced 63 Results Karnofsky performance score is a simple questionnaire based scoring system & is classified into normal (100-80), reduced (70-50) & severely reduced (40-00) performance. Karnofsky performance score in our study ranged from 6090 with median score of 80. Out of 33 cases 21 (63.64%) showed normal performance & 12 (36.36%) showed reduced performance. None of the patients showed severely reduced performance. Table 16. Serum PSA level Distribution (n=33) Serum PSA levels Number Percent Normal (0 to 4) 0 0.00 Grey zone (5 to10) 0 0.00 Significant zone (>10) 33 100.00 Total 33 100.00 64 Results Graph 7. Serum PSA 0.00% 100.00% Normal Grey zone Significant zone All 33 cases showed rise in total serum PSA levels above 20 ng/ml. Thus all the cases in our study are in the significant zone of > 10ng/ml. The total preoperative serum PSA value in our study ranged from 21.4 to 1014.0 ng/ml with an overall mean of 112.4 ng/ml. 65 Results Table 17. Metastasis by radiological diagnosis Distribution (n=33) Diagnosis Number Percent Positive 5 15.15 Negative 28 84.85 Total 33 100.00 Out of 33 patients, five (15.15%) cases of prostatic carcinomas showed evidence of bony metastasis by radiological means like computerized tomography or bone scan. Out of these, five patients two gave history of bone/back pain. Table 18. Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Karnofsky score Karnofsky Score Normal (n=21) Gleason's grade Reduced (n=12) Severely reduced (n=0) Total (n=33) No. % No. % No. % No. % Well differentiated (2-5) 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 Moderate (6-7) 12 57.14 3 25 0 0.00 15 45.45 Poorly differentiated (8-10) 9 42.86 9 75 0 0.00 18 54.55 Total 21 100 12 100 0 0 33 100 x2=3.182 DF=1 p=0.74 66 Results Graph 8. Correlation of Gleason's grade with Karnofsky score Number of patients 20 15 9 10 5 9 12 3 0 Normal Reduced Karnofsky performance status Moderate Poorly differentiated Twenty one patients had normal Karnofsky score, of which 12 (57.14%) were diagnosed with moderately differentiated carcinoma (Gleason’s score 6-7) and nine (42.86%) patients had poorly differentiated carcinoma (Gleason’s score 8-10). Twelve patients had reduced Karnofsky score of which three (25%) had moderately differentiated carcinoma and nine (75%) had poorly differentiated carcinoma. Chi-square test was applied to see the correlation between Gleason’s score & Karnofsky performance score. The results obtained showed chi square value of 3.82 and p value of 0.074 which was not significant, indicating that there is no correlation between Gleason’s score and Karnofsky performance status. 67 Results Table 19. Correlation of Gleason’s grade with serum PSA levels Serum PSA levels Normal (n=0) Gleason's grade Grey zone (n=0) Significant (n=33) Total (n=33) No. % No. % No. % No. % Well differentiated (2-5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Moderate (6-7) 0 0 0 0 15 45.45 15 45.45 Poorly differentiated (8-10) 0 0 0 0 18 54.55 18 54.55 Total 0 0 0 0 33 100 33 100 45.45% Graph 9. Correlation of Gleason's grade with serum PSA levels 60% 40% 30% Well differentiated Moderate 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% 0.00% 10% 0.00% 20% 0.00% Distribution 50% 54.55% p=1 (Fisher’s Exact test) Poorly differentiated Gleason's grade Normal Grey zone Significant All the 33 cases included in our study had total serum PSA levels of more than 20ng/ml. Fifteen cases (45.45%) were diagnosed as moderately differentiated and 18 (54.55%) were diagnosed as poorly differentiated carcinoma. Fisher exact test was applied to see the correlation between Gleason’s 68 Results score and serum PSA values. The ‘p’ value calculated was 1 which is more than 0.05 and hence is not significant. This suggests that no significant correlation exists between Gleason’s score and the levels of total serum PSA. Table 20. Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Haemoglobin levels Haemoglobin levels (gm%) Gleason's grade > 13 (n=7) 11 – 12.9 (n=10) 8 – 10.9 (n=16) No. % No. % No. % Well differentiated (2-5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moderate (6-7) 3 42.85 4 40.00 9 56.25 Poorly differentiated (8-10) 4 57.15 6 60.00 7 43.75 Total 7 100 10 100 16 100 x2=0.761 DF=2 p=0.683 43.75% 56.25% 40.00% 50% 40% 10% 0.00% 20% 0.00% 30% 0.00% Distribution 60% 57.15% 42.85% 70% 60.00% Graph 10. Correlation of Gleason’s grade with Haemoglobin levels 0% > 13.00 11 to 12.9 8.00 to 10.09 Haemoglobin Levels (gm%) Well differentiated Moderatele differentiated Pooly differentiated Haemoglobin levels were normal in seven (21.21%) of the 33 cases, of which 3 had moderately differentiated and four had poorly differentiated 69 Results carcinomas. Ten patients (30.30%) had mild anemia of which four had moderately differentiated and six had poorly differentiated carcinoma. Sixteen patients (48.48%) had moderate anemia of which nine had moderately differentiated and seven had poorly differentiated carcinoma. Above table shows distribution of prostate carcinomas according to Gleason’s score and hemoglobin levels. Chi –square test was applied to see the correlation between the Gleason’s score and hemoglobin levels (severity of anemia). The ‘p’ value calculated was 0.683, which indicates a non significant correlation between Gleason’s score and severity of anemia Table 21. Gleason’s grade and mean serum PSA levels Distribution (n=33) Gleason's grade Mean SD Well differentiated (2 to 5) - - Moderate (6 to 7) 92.05 115.32 Poorly differentiated (8 to 10) 129.44 229.77 t = 0.572 DF = 31 p = 0.571 70 Results 129.44 Graph 11. Gleason's grade and mean serum PSA levels 140 92.05 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.00 Distribution 120 Well differentiated Moderate Poorly differentiated Gleason's grade Pre operative total serum PSA levels ranged from 21.4ng/ml to 1014ng/ml. Overall mean total serum PSA level was 112ng/ml. Mean total serum PSA level for moderately differentiated (Gleason’s score 6-7) carcinomas & poorly differentiated (Gleason’s score 8-10) carcinomas were 92ng/ml & 129ng/ml respectively. Student ‘t’ test was applied to see correlation between Gleason’s score and preoperative total serum PSA levels. The ‘t’ value was 0.572 and the ‘p’ value calculated was 0.571, which is not significant. Non significant p value indicates that no significant correlation exists between Gleason’s score and serum total PSA values. 71 Results Table 22. Age distribution correlation with Karnofsky score Age group Normal (n=21) (Years) Karnofsky Score Severely Reduced reduced (n=12) (n=00) Total (n=33) No. % No. % No. % No. % 50 to 60 7 33.33 3 25.00 0 0 10 30.30 61 to 70 11 52.38 1 8.33 0 0 12 36.36 71 to 80 3 14.28 7 58.33 0 0 10 30.30 > 80 0 0 1 8.33 0 0 1 3.03 Total 21 100 12 100 0 0 33 100 x2=10.535 DF=2 p=0.005 The normal Karnofsky performance was seen in 21 cases of which seven (33.33%) were in the age group of 50-60 years, 11 (52.38%) were in the age group of 61-70 yrs and three (14.28%) cases were in the age group 71-80 yrs. The reduced Karnofsky performance score was seen in 12 cases of which three were in the age group of 50-60 yrs, one case in the age group of 61-70 yrs, seven in the age group of 71-80 yrs and one case in the age group of above 81 years. Chisquare test was applied to see correlation of Karnofsky performance score with increasing age. The ‘p’ value obtained was 0.005 which is significant indicating that, as age increases, performance decreases. 72 Results PHOTOGRAPHS Figure 7: Gleason’s grade 3A with well formed medium to large glands having hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. (H and E: 100X) Figure 8: Gleason’s grade 3B. Lesion with well formed small glands of equal sizes (H and E: 100X) 73 Results Figure 9: Gleason’s Grade 4A showing cells arranged in ill defined glands and sheets with stromal invasion. Individual cells are showing large hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to scant amount of cytoplasm (H and E: 100X) Figure 10: Gleason’s grade 4A. Individual cells showing large hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with moderate to scant amount of cytoplasm. Note stromal invasion by carcinoma cells (H and E: 400X) 74 Results Figure 11: Grade 4A showing cribriform pattern & irregular borders. (H and E: 100X) Figure 12: Gleason’s grade 4A showing slit like glands with multilayering of cells. (H and E: 100X) 75 Results Figure 13: Gleason’s grade 4B with clear cell pattern. (H and E 100X) Figure 14: Needle biopsy showing Gleason’s score 7 (4+3). Note cribriform pattern of glands with irregular borders (grade 4; thick arrow) and individually placed small glands of equal sizes with back to back arrangement at places (grade 3; thin arrow). (H and E : 40X) 76 Results Figure 15: Grade 5A showing tumour cells arranged in glandular pattern with central comedonecrosis. (H and E : 100X) Figure 16: Gleason’s grade 5B showing sheets of tumour cells with high N: C ratio invading the stroma. (H and E: 400X) 77 Results Figure 17: Signet ring cell variant of prostate carcinoma. Note signet ring cells with clear cytoplasm & peripherally placed hyperchromatic nucleus. (H and E: 400X) Figure 18: Perineural invasion. Note large pleomorphic cells infiltrating into perineurium of the nerve. (H and E : 400X) 78 Chapter 6 Discussion Discussion DISCUSSION The present study consisted of 33 patients, attending Urology OPD or admitted in Urology ward over a period of one year i.e. between January 2011 to December 2011. Only histopathologically diagnosed cases of carcinoma prostate were included in this study. Detailed clinical history was obtained with laboratory investigations. Total serum PSA levels were determined preoperatively by obtaining blood samples on ambulatory basis from the patients. Patients were interviewed for determining Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) score. Biopsies from all 33 patients were studied histopathologically to determine Gleason’s grade and score. The most prevalent age group for carcinoma of prostate in our study was 6170 years. The mean age at diagnosis was 67 years as compared to western literature where median age at diagnosis was 72 years.58,64,90 Other Indian or Asian studies have shown that the mean age at diagnosis was 67 years which is in concordance with our study.91,92,93,94 Carcinoma prostate cases were more prevalent in class IV (lower middle) and class V (poor) socioeconomic status accounting for about 70% of total cases. A study carried out in Netherland showed a slight but statistically non significant higher risk of prostate cancer in low socioeconomic status. 95 One of the recent study also states that, the patients of prostate cancer belonging to low socioeconomic class were found to be at increased risk of death.96 In a review of about 42 studies of different malignancies, poor survival rates were correlated 79 Discussion with low socioeconomic status.97 An Indian study showed correlation of low socioeconomic status with disease status in case of cervical carcinoma.98 After 1995 the incidence of prostate carcinoma showed positive correlation with higher socioeconomic status.99 In our study frequency was the most common presenting complaint accounting for 90% cases and bone pain was the least common with 6.06% cases. In a population based case control study frequency (35%) was the most common presentation followed by urgency, haematuria and nocturia resembling our study.100 In an another study similar symptoms were observed, with hesitancy as the most common symptom.101 In our study eighteen (54.55%) patients were addicted to tobacco mostly in the form of smoking and tobacco chewing. Five patients were addicted to alcohol with a minimum duration of 15 years. In various studies including a case control study conducted in Delhi proved that, smoking as an important risk factor for prostate carcinoma and its recurrence.92,102,103,104 There are studies which disagree, with the role of smoking and alcohol as risk factors for prostate cancer.105,106 Studies have shown mild anemia in 78% of prostate cancer patients.107,108 In our study 78.78% patients showed mild to moderate anemia. Serum creatinine was raised in 4 patients. Of which 2 patients showed primary renal disease on ultrasonographic examination. In a nested case control study carried out in Finnish men, serum creatinine concentration was higher among 79% of men with symptomatic prostate cancer than non symptomatic 80 Discussion men, suggesting that high serum creatinine was associated with a significantly greater risk of prostate cancer. In most of the cases serum creatinine levels ranged from 0.1 to 2.3 mg/dl with median of 1.15 in symptomatic cancers. Serum creatinine levels did not show any correlation with the stage of the disease .109 Five (15.15%) patients in our study who had underwent a bone scan showed evidence of bony metastasis. Four of these cases had metastasis in the thoracolumbar vertebrae and one had metastasis in the ribs. Two of these patients gave history of bone pain. An autopsy study on prostate carcinoma deaths from 1967-1995 showed spine as the most common site of metastasis in 90% cases. 110 In another study for prostate carcinomas with 8q24 variation conducted in north India showed 79% prevalence of bone metastasis.111 In our study all the 33 cases had preoperative total serum PSA levels above 20ng/ml. The PSA value in our study ranged from 21.4ng/ml to 1014.0ng/ml. The overall mean was 112.4ng/ml. Our analysis of preoperative total serum PSA levels shows interesting differences from reports of non-Asian population. In a study conducted at Indianapolis preoperative serum PSA values were available in 370 men. Of these 226 (61%) had PSA values less than 10 ng/ml, 100 (27%) had values between 10-20 ng/ml and 44 (12%) had PSA of more than 20 ng/ml.112 81 Discussion In a Korean study it was demonstrated that, the PSA levels of more than 20 ng/ml, independent of digital rectal examination (DRE) was 81% accurate in predicting presence of prostate cancer on biopsy.113 In a study conducted at Hyderabad (India) prostate cancer was found in only about 7% of patients with PSA less than 20 ng/ml as compared to 52.2% patients with PSA more than 20 ng/ml. similar findings were confirmed in a study conducted in Mumbai. It showed that about 90% of carcinoma prostate cases had preoperative total serum PSA levels of more than 20 ng/ml.91,113 In contrast, a study from North Indian tertiary center, men with PSA levels of 4-10 ng/ml were positive for cancer in 24% cases.91 This difference of cancer detection rate in India can be explained on the basis of heterogeneity of population. Thus we should not assume India as a homogenous population and extrapolate data from one part to other part of country. Some studies have recommended a higher cut off value of 20ng/ml in case of Indian population.113 While our data also agrees that, the pickup rate for cancer was low in men with PSA levels of less than 20 ng/ml, as we did not found any case of prostate cancer below PSA levels of 20 ng/ml. Such recommendation of higher cut off of 20ng/ml would need data showing that, raising the cut off is not impacting the stage of diagnosis and disease specific mortality significantly. Such data is not available currently for our patients. Two Indian studies have proved that, the prostate cancers are of a higher stage at the time of diagnosis as compared to western population.94, 114 82 Discussion Most of the studies have also proved that when PSA estimation was combined with DRE, preoperative total PSA showed higher detection rates for carcinoma prostate as compared to preoperative total serum PSA estimation alone.69, 72, 91 In our study all the patients had increased PSA levels as well as palpable enlarged asymmetric hard prostate on DRE. The higher serum PSA levels in the Indian context, in contrast to western population can be attributed to overall low incidence of carcinoma prostate in Asians, indolent nature of prostate cancer and lack of awareness about the disease115. As seen in our study most of the patients of carcinoma prostate belong to lower middle (class IV) or poor (class V) socioeconomic group, 95 who are less educated and hence unaware of the health related aspects. This explains the presentation of patients, in later stages94, 116 , when the volume of tumor is increased leading to higher PSA levels at diagnosis than the western recommendation. In our study the prostatic biopsies had Gleason’s grade 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The most common Gleason’s grade was 4 (84.84%) and most common Gleason’s score was 7 (45.45%). The mean serum PSA levels were slightly higher in poorly differentiated carcinomas (Gleason’s score 8-10) as compared to moderately differentiated carcinomas (Gleason’s score 7). The statistical analysis showed no significant correlation of Gleason’s score with total serum PSA levels. 83 Discussion A study conducted in Hyderabad showed similar findings, in which distribution of high grades did not showed any statistical correlation with serum PSA levels suggesting that there was no difference in the overall distribution of Gleason’s grade based on serum PSA levels.91 Similar findings were noted in a Jamaican study where the serum PSA levels were increased with the increase in Gleason’s score but the difference was not statistically significant.117 In contrast a Brazilian study on radical prostatectomy showed a positive correlation in high grade Gleason’s score in surgical specimens with higher preoperative serum PSA.118 A study from Serbia consisting of 40 prostate carcinoma cases showed significant positive correlation of preoperative PSA with Gleason’s grade. 119 It also mentions that the determination coefficient is low and PSA levels in men with carcinoma prostate is determined in 18.7% by tumor grade while 81.3% represent other factors like age or tumor volume.119 In a study done at Stanford Medical Centre, California, serum PSA levels were strongly correlated with volume of prostate cancer. Thus it is the tumor volume and not the grade which primarily determines the serum PSA levels.120 As our study lacks information regarding volume of tumor, no comment can be made regarding this issue. Most common grade observed in our study was grade 4 (84.84%). In contrasts grade 3 was the most common grade observed in most of the studies. 84 Discussion Most common score in our study was Gleason’s score 7 (45.45%) which is comparable with other studies.37,47 In case of Gleason’s score 7, 6 (40%) cases showed pattern 3+4 & 9(60%) cases showed pattern 4+3. There is a conflicting data on the prognostic difference of Gleason’s score 7 on whether primary pattern is 3 or 4.40 The recent study at Johns Hopkins Medical Center based on very large number of patients concluded that the Gleason’s score 7 should not be considered as a homogeneous group for purpose of disease management and prognosis.48 In present study the sample size was very small and no comment can be made about this issue. The Karnofsky performance status (KPS) scores were determined and classified into 3 groups as normal (KPS of 80-100), reduced (KPS of 50-70) and severely reduced (KPS <40). The Karnofsky performance status has been related to other prognostic factors like grade, stage, hemoglobin, APACHE score and survival in other malignancies like lung carcinoma and intracranial tumors. 81, 82, 83 In our study we analyzed correlation of Gleason’s score with Karnofsky performance score and found that there is no significant correlation. In a retrospective study conducted in Spain on 170 patients of progressive prostate cancer treated with androgen blockade, showed no significant correlation between stage of the disease, Gleason’s grade or Karnofsky performance score and clinical benefit (confirmed PSA decline of 50%).82 A study conducted in Alabama in the year 1985 showed that there is no correlation of Gleason’s grade with patient survival.121 85 Discussion In another study conducted in New York to determine prognostic significance of circulating tumor cells in prognosis of castration resistant prostate cancer showed that, the circulating tumor cells, PSA, Karnofsky Performance Status, baseline hemoglobin, albumin, alkaline phosphatase and bone scan index were all strongly associated with survival time. The Gleason’s score at the time of diagnosis was not associated with survival time. This is in contrast to several studies which showed significant correlation between Gleason’s grade and survival. In this study multiple variables were correlated to survival and some of them help in staging the carcinoma e.g. bone scan index. In contrast this study also showed no correlation of Gleason’s grading with the survival. It indicates that survival is significantly associated with Karnofsky performance score as well as stage but not with the grade. In the same study KPS and base line hemoglobin were correlated to survival. 44, 122 Thus Karnofsky performance and hemoglobin may show indirect correlation. This view can be supported by the studies on newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer and stage III / IV squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck, which, showed that low hemoglobin levels were associated with low Karnofsky performance score.108 Similar findings were also noted in women with breast or gynaecological malignancy in which low hemoglobin and poor Karnofsky performance status were correlated significantly. In our study we did not found any statistically significant correlation of Gleason’s score (grade) with Karnofsky performance status or hemoglobin levels. In our study, the median Karnofsky performance score was 80 which is comparable with other studies. A study which was conducted at various centers 86 Discussion worldwide have shown that, a lower Karnofsky performance status is a well accepted strong risk factor for reduced overall median survival.85 In a Serbian study, conducted on locally advanced non small cell lung cancer, statistically significant correlation was observed between stage of disease and Karnofsky performance status. In our study the stage at diagnosis data was not available. The same study also showed that, the lower values of Karnofsky performance score corresponded with higher age of the patient, which is comparable with our study.123 In a study conducted in China to know prognostic significance of Neuroepithelial transforming protein-1 (NET-1) expression in human Gliomas, showed that there is significant correlation between NET-1 expression with high grade tumors and lower Karnofsky performance score.124 Many prostate carcinomas were downgraded in needle biopsy. The accuracy of Gleason scores determined by needle biopsy in patients with prostate cancer seems to be unreliable, as proved by correlation study between needle biopsy and total prostatectomy in Taiwan. Gleason’s grading on needle biopsy alone is not reliable in predicting a pathological stage, as 40% of needle biopsies were downgraded.125 Karnofsky performance status is a measure of pathological stage and age rather than grade alone, as stated by one of the studies.123 The statistical power of this study was not very significant as sample size was small. The other factor which can influence statistical significance of the present study is limited sensitivity of Karnofsky performance status in evaluating community dwelling elderly patients with cancer.108 87 Chapter 7 Conclusions Conclusions CONCLUSIONS In conclusion Karnofsky performance decreases with increasing age, suggesting that the patients presenting at early age do better than those who present at a later age. As patients in India present at an early age as compared to western population, they are potential candidates for curative treatment. Karnofsky performance is a measure of stage rather than grade. In the present study, most of the prostate carcinomas have shown normal Karnofsky performance scores despite higher grades of Gleason’s score and PSA levels. At present, the preoperative total serum PSA level is a reliable marker for detection of carcinoma prostate, as all the cases in the present study showed significantly elevated values. 88 Chapter 8 Summary Summary SUMMARY The present work was a descriptive study carried out at a tertiary care hospital to observe clinical correlation with Gleason’s grading. It was also carried out to know the correlation between Gleason’s grading with Karnofsky Performance Status and preoperative total serum PSA levels. The present study consisted of 33 histopathologically confirmed cases of prostate carcinoma. Detailed clinical history and lab diagnosis including preoperative total serum PSA levels were obtained in all cases. The patients were interviewed in accordance with the format for determining Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS). The most prevalent age group for prostate carcinoma was 61-70 years. About 70% prostate carcinomas were seen in lower middle to poor socioeconomic strata. Out of 33 patients, 18 (54.55%) were addicted to tobacco in the form of smoking or chewing and five (15.15%) were addicted to alcohol with a minimum period of 15 years. Frequency of micturation (90%) was the most common symptom and bone/back pain (6%) was the least common presentation. Of the 33 cases, 11 (33.33%) presented with acute onset and 22 (66.66%) presented with insidious onset. All the patients showed prostatomegaly on DRE. In our study 78.78% of the patients with prostate carcinoma showed mild (30.30%) to moderate (48.48%) anemia. Serum creatinine levels were raised in 89 Summary four (12%) patients of whom two patients had primary renal pathology. In the remaining two patients, the values were 1.4 mg/dl and 1.5 mg/dl respectively. All the cases in present study showed moderate to high grade adenocarcinoma. Fifteen (45.45%) cases of moderately differentiated and 18 (54.55%) cases of poorly differentiated carcinomas were diagnosed. The most common grade encountered was grade 4 and most common Gleason’s score was score 7. Out of 33 cases, 21 (63.64%) showed normal and 12 (36.36%) showed reduced Karnofsky performance score respectively. None of the patients showed severely reduced performance. The age distribution of Karnofsky performance status showed significant correlation between increasing age and reduced Karnofsky performance status. However there was no significant correlation between Gleason’s score and Karnofsky performance score. No significant correlation was found between Gleason’s score and the hemoglobin levels. Preoperative total serum PSA levels were elevated significantly in all the cases. Mean total serum PSA value was high in poorly differentiated carcinomas as compared to moderately differentiated carcinomas, but no significant correlation was found between Gleason’s score and preoperative total serum PSA levels. Thus in conclusion Karnofsky performance decreases with increasing age, suggesting that the patients presenting at early age do better than those who 90 Summary present in later ages. As patients in India present at an early age as compared to western population, they are potential candidates for curative treatment. Karnofsky performance in a measure of stage rather than grade. In the present study, most of the prostate carcinomas have shown normal Karnofsky performance scores despite higher grades of Gleason’s score and PSA levels. At present, the preoprative total serum PSA level is a reliable marker for detection of carcinoma prostate, as all the cases in the present study showed significant increase in serum PSA levels, but histopathological examination remains the gold standard for deciding aggressiveness (differentiation) of the carcinoma. 91 Chapter 9 Bibliography Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPGY 1 Wein A, Kavoussi L, Novick A, Partin A, Peters C, editors. Campbell Walsh Urology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2007. 2 Ian T, Martin R, Eric K, editors. Prostate cancer screening. Philadelphia: Humana press; 2001. 3 Epstein J. The lower urinary tract & male genital system. In Kumar V, Abbas A, Fausto N, Aster J, editors. Robins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2010. 4 Rosai J, editor. Rosai & Ackerman’s surgical pathology. 9thed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004. 5 Bostwick D, Liang C. Urologic surgical pathology. 2nd ed. Mosby; 2008. 6 Shah R. 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Introduction and Purpose: Prostate cancer is most common cancer in men & 2nd most common cause of death due to cancer in men. Histopathological study of prostate specimens helps in early diagnosis as well as grading of malignancies. Gleason’s grading system is globally accepted grading system for prostate cancer, which in addition has prognostic significance. Patients with Early diagnosis & low grade of tumor will have better outcome of disease on treatment. It also helps in line of disease management. Karnofsky performance scale index allows cancer patients to be classified using standard way of measuring ability to perform ordinary task. This study presumes that the patients with low grade prostate cancer will perform better than high grade cancers, hence this study is undertaken to test this presumption 110 Annexure (correlation). This study is also undertaken to correlate histopathological findings with clinical findings. The clinical utility of histopathology is increased by effective communication between clinician & pathologist with appropriate attention to the clinical & epidemiological context of the lesions under study. Procedure involved: The surgically resected specimens of prostate (needle biopsy, TURP, total prostatectomy) are sent to histopathology for microscopic examination. If you agree to be a part of the study, you will be asked to give a detailed history of your disease, undergo a physical examination & consent to routine investigations. Surgically resected specimens of prostate, transurethral resection of prostate or TRUS guided needle biopsy will then be sent to the Department of Pathology for histopathological examination. Risks and benefits involved: Benefits: 1. Early diagnosis will have better prognosis i.e outcome of disease on treatment. 2. Accurate grading will help in disease management 3. The result of you taking part in this research would help health care providers towards a better understanding of this disease, and thus we will be able to provide improved patient care. Risks: No risk is involved in participation for this study. 111 Annexure Alternatives: Yours participation in this study is totally a voluntary decision. If you don’t want to be a part of the study, you may refuse for the same or if you are already a part of the study and if you want to withdraw from the study for any reason, you may do so without any hesitation. Discontinuation from the study for any reason will not affect your current or future relationship with the hospital. Privacy and confidentiality: The information provided by you will be known to the principle investigator and the members of the research team. This information will remain confidential. Your identity will remain undisclosed and will be disclosed to others only with your written permission or if required by the law. Financial incentives for participation: You will not be paid / offered any gifts for participation in the research. There will not be any remuneration for participating in the research and you will not be reimbursed for any expenses, such as bus/train/companion/assistant etc. Authorization to publish results: When the results of the research are to be published or discussed in conferences by the PI, no information will be disclosed that will reveal your identity. 112 Annexure STATEMENT OF CONSENT: I, Mr._________________________ have read and have completely understood the entire information given in the consent form which explains all the details of the study like the purpose, procedure involved, risks & benefits, privacy & confidentiality, incentives and the authorization to publish the results of the study. My signature in the space provided for signature below indicates that I have voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. I may withdraw my participation myself for any reason or may be withdrawn by the investigator from the study for any reason at any time. I am not giving up any of my legal rights by signing this consent form. I will be given a copy of this consent form. Signature of the participant with date: ________________________ Name of the participant : __________________________________ Signature of the authorized representative with date: ______________ Name of the authorized representative: _________________________ Signature of the witness with date: _____________________________ Name of the witness: ________________________________________ Signature of the Investigator with date: _________________________ 113 Annexure ANNEXURE II: DATA COLLECTION PROFORMA Title: "Histopathological study of prostate carcinomas with clinical correlation & correlation with Karnofsky performance status -A Hospital based cross sectional study.” Name: Case No: Age: Sex: Date: OPD/IP NO: Address with Phone Number: Occupation: Income status (According to modified B.G. Prasad’s classification): 1. Upper high 5. Poor 2. High 6. Very poor (BPL) 3. Upper middle 4. Lower middle PRESENT HISTORY Present Complaints: Frequency of micturition Urgency of micturition Difficulty in micturition Retention of urine Haematuria Back pain/ bone pain 114 Annexure Associated symptoms: Weight loss Present / Absent Anemia Present / Absent Malaise Present / Absent General debility Present / Absent Loss of apetite Present / Absent Pathological fracture Present / Absent Headache Present / Absent Vomiting Present / Absent Drowsiness Present / Absent If Any other: ____________________________ Past History: Family History: Personal History: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Built: Weight: Vital Signs: Pulse: ___ /min B.P: __________mm of Hg R/R: ___ /min Temp: _________ oF Pallor Edema Lymphadenopathy Icterus Cyanosis Clubbing 115 Annexure SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: Respiratory system: Cardiovascular system: Per Abdomen: Central nervous system: LOCAL EXAMINATION: P/R: prostate: palpable / non palpable If palpable: regular bilobed/ irregular nodular Rectal mucosa: tethered / movable INVESTIGATIONS: Hemoglobin: __________gm% Serum creatinine: ___________ mg/dl PSA: ___________ ng/ml BIOPSY: 1. Gross: 2. Microscopy: 3. Final histopathological diagnosis: 116 Annexure KARNOFSKY PERFORMANCE SCALE INDEX Normal: Able to carry on normal activity and to work; no special care needed. 100 Normal no complaints; no evidence of disease. 90 Able to carry on normal activity; minor signs or symptoms of disease. 80 Normal activity with effort; some signs or symptoms of disease. Reduced: Unable to work; able to live at home and care for most personal needs; varying amount of assistance needed. 70 Cares for self; unable to carry on normal activity or to do active work. 60 Requires occasional assistance, but is able to care for most of his personal needs 50 Requires considerable assistance and frequent medical care. Severely Unable to care for self; requires equivalent of institutional or Reduced: hospital care; disease may be progressing rapidly. 40 Disabled; requires special care and assistance. 30 Severely disabled; hospital admission is indicated although death not imminent. 20 Very sick; hospital admission necessary; active supportive treatment necessary. 10 Moribund; fatal processes progressing rapidly. 0 Dead 117 Annexure ANNEXURE III: FIXATION, PROCESSING, STAINING PROCEDURES A. 10% FORMALIN (FIXATIVE)126 Composition Volume (ml) 40% formaldehyde 100 Tap water 900 Volume of the formalin used for fixation is ten times the volume of the specimen. B. PROTOCOL OF TISSUE PROCESSING126 Reagents 1. 10% formalin 2. Alcohol – 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, absolute alcohol 3. Acetone 4. Xylene 5. Paraffin wax Steps of processing 1. The tissues were fixed in 10% formalin for 6 to 8 hours. 2. After fixation, tissues were dehydrated by passing through a series of ascending grades of alcohol. 3. Then clearing was done by passing the tissues through two changes of xylene. 4. Tissue impregnation followed by embedding was done in molten paraffin wax. Wax blocks were made using Leuckhart’s mould. 118 Annexure 5. Sections, 3 to 4 microns thick, were cut and mounted onto albumin coated glass slides. Processing agent Timings (hours) 10% Formalin 6-8 hours 70% Alcohol 1 hour 80% Alcohol 1 hour 90% Alcohol 1 hour 95% Alcohol 1 hour Absolute Alcohol 1 hour Acetone 1 hour Xylene 1 hour Paraffin wax 1 hour Paraffin wax 2 hours C. HARRIS’S HEMATOXYLIN AND EOSIN (H&E) STAIN126 Reagents: 1. Harris’s hematoxylin 2. 1% eosin 3. 1% acid alcohol Procedure of H&E staining: 1. The sections were deparaffinised in xylene and hydrated through graded alcohols. 2. The sections are stained in Harris’s haematoxylin for 3-5 minutes. 3. The slides are washed thoroughly in running tap water, until sections ‘blue’ for 5 minutes or less. 119 Annexure 4. The sections are differentiated in 1% acid alcohol for 5-10 seconds, if required and rinsed in running tap water, until the sections are again ‘blue’. 5. The sections are counter stained with 1% eosin. 6. The sections are washed in running tap water, dehydrated through graded alcohol, cleared in xylene and mounted. 120 ANNEXURE IV: MASTER CHART Investigations Previous Pallor Oedema Lymphadenopathy Serum PSA (ng/mL) KPS Primary Secondary 439.0 80 NB AC 4a 3a 7 + + + - 62 64 - - - NAD Gr III 13.7 0.9 47.7 80 NB AC 4a 4a 8 + - + + - 61 63 + - - NAD Gr II 9.6 1.0 62.0 80 NB AC 4a 3a 7 - - + - + + 58 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.2 0.9 24.0 80 NB AC 3c 4a 7 - - - + + + - 60 63 + + - NAD Gr II 9.0 1.3 21.4 80 NB AC 4a 3a 7 - - - - + - - - 58 - - - - NAD Gr III 11.5 0.9 84.0 70 NB AC 5b 4a 9 + + + - + - - + + 70 - - - - BD Gr II 11.8 1.2 100.0 70 NB AC 5b 4a 9 - - - + + + - + - + 68 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.6 1.0 50.0 70 TURP AC 5a 4a 9 - + + + + - + - - - - 77 80 - - - BD Gr III 12.0 0.8 37.0 90 TURP AC 4a 5a 9 - - + - - - - + - - - - 53 - + - - NAD Gr II 11.0 0.9 66.0 70 NB AC 3c 4a 7 + + + - - - - - - + - + + 55 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.6 1.1 114.0 60 NB AC 3c 4a 7 III + + - - + - - - - + - - - 70 71 - - - NAD Gr III 12.0 - 45.6 80 NB AC 3c 4a 7 70 V + + + - + - - - - + - + - 58 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.8 0.9 62.4 80 NB AC 4a 3b 7 14 62 II - + + - + - + - + - - - - 60 - - - - NAD Gr II 12.5 1.4 74.0 80 NB AC 5b 3b 8 15 72 V + + + - - - - - + + + - 54 56 + - - NAD Gr II 10.0 0.9 40.0 70 NB AC 5b 5b 7 1.5 1014. 0 70 NB AC 4a 5b 9 + - + - - - 2 55 V + - + - + - - - 3 75 IV + + + + + - - - 4 75 IV + - + + + + - 5 58 III + - + + - + 6 72 IV + + + - + 7 75 III + - - - 8 71 V + - - 9 63 IV - - 10 70 I - 11 85 V 12 65 13 16 121 58 V + - + - - + - - + - + + - 62 65 + - - NAD Gr III 11.0 Gleason Grade Gleason's score - Histopathological diagnosis Present 6.0 + Preoperative Type of biopsy/surgery Alcohol 8.8 IV Sr. Creatinine (%) Smoking Gr III 65 Haemoglobin (gm%) History of weight loss PE 1 Wt (Kgs) DRE Insidious onset - Back/Bone pain + Retension + Dysuria 70 Difficulty in micturation 66 Hematuria - Nocturia - Urgency + Frequency - Age (Years) + Serial Number Acute onset Socio Economic Status Physical examination Systemic examination Addictions Presenting complaints 17 60 II + + + - - - - - + + + - 60 63 - - - NAD Gr II 12.2 1.0 87.2 80 NB AC 3c 4a 7 18 60 V + + + - - - - - - + + + - 54 56 + + - NAD Gr II 9.8 0.9 166.3 70 NB SR 5 5 10 19 70 V + + + - - - - - - + - - - 58 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.8 0.8 52.4 90 NB AC 5b 4a 9 20 64 III + + - - - - - - + - - - 58 59 - - - NAD Gr II 11.2 0.9 38.4 80 NB AC 4a 3c 7 21 72 III + + - + + - - - + + - - 62 64 - - - NAD Gr II 14.6 1.0 57.0 80 NB AC 5b 3c 8 22 80 IV + + - + - - + + - + - - 42 45 + - - NAD Gr II 9.6 0.9 22.0 70 NB AC 4a 4a 8 23 60 V + + + - - - + - - + - + - 60 - - - - NAD Gr II 12.6 0.8 161.2 80 NB AC 4a 4b 8 24 65 VI + - - - + + - - - + - + - 56 - - - - NAD Gr II 14.9 0.8 279.0 80 NB AC 4a 3c 7 25 65 IV + + + - + + - - - + + - - 62 - - - - NAD Gr II 13.2 0.8 35.6 80 NB AC 4a 3b 7 26 60 III + + + + + - - - + - - + + 64 - + - - NAD Gr II 9.8 3.1 39.2 70 NB AC 5a 4a 9 27 68 IV + - + - + + - - - + - + - 58 - - - - NAD Gr II 13.0 0.9 273.0 80 NB AC 5a 4a 9 28 59 IV + + - - + - - - - + + - - 66 68 - - - NAD Gr II 13.5 1.0 35.2 90 TURP AC 3c 4a 7 29 59 IV + + + - + - - - - + - + - 60 - - - - NAD Gr II 13.6 0.9 24.0 90 NB AC 3a 5b 8 30 55 V + + + - + - - - - + + - - 58 60 + - - NAD Gr II 10.2 0.9 21.4 80 NB AC 4a 3c 7 31 80 IV + + + - + - - - - + - + - 56 - + - - NAD Gr III 9.3 1.0 42.0 70 NB AC 4a 5b 9 32 63 IV + + + - - - - + - - + - 62 - + - - NAD Gr II 10.5 0.9 46.2 80 NB AC 5b 4a 9 33 80 IV + + - + - - - - + + - - 59 62 + - - NAD Gr II 9.6 0.8 49.5 70 NB AC 4a 3b 7 122 + + KEY TO MASTER CHART AC = Adenocarcinoma BD = Bladder distension BL PE = Bilateral pleural effusion Gr = Grade NAD = No abnormality detected NB = Needle biopsy SC = Signet ring cell variant of adenocarcinoma 123
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