y(t) = Cx(t) (7.1) which represents the open-loop system or plant to be controlled. Our focus is on the application of state feedback control laws of the form u(t) = −Kx(t) + r(t) (7.2) with the goal of achieving desired performance characteristics for the closed-loop state equation x(t) ˙ = (A − BK )x(t) + Br(t) Introduction y(t) = Cx(t) D x0 u(t) 150 B x(t) ∫ + + OBSERVABILITY x(t) C + y(t) + A We begin the chapter with an analysis of observability patterned after our introduction to controllability. This suggests a duality that exists between controllability and observability that we develop in detail. This pays immediate dividends in that various observability-related results can be established with modest effort by referring to the corresponding result Observability for controllability and invoking duality. In particular, we investigate relationships between observability and state coordinate transformations as well as formulate Popov-Belevich-Hautus tests for observability. We conInstructor: Dr. Vardy for observability clude the chapter by illustrating theAndrew use of MATLAB analysis and revisit the MATLAB Continuing Example as well as Continuing Examples 1 and 2. Adapted from the notes of Gabriel Oliver Codina 4.1 FUNDAMENTAL RESULTS ENGI 7825: Control Systems II For the n–dimensional linear time-invariant state equation x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bu(t) y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) x(t0 ) = x0 ► If we have a model of ouronsystem, and can apply an input The effect of state feedback the open-loop block diagram of and Figure 1.1 output. is measure shown in the Figure 7.1. Thus the following quantities are known: ■ A,state B, C, feedback and D The control law (7.2) features a constant state feedback u(t) gain■ matrix K of dimension m × n and a new external reference input r(t) ■ y(t) necessarily having the same dimension m × 1 as the open-loop input u(t), ► However, state vector x(t) may notin bethis observable. be as well as thethe same physical units. Later chapter weThis will can modify problematic when trying to design a compensator (K below): D x0 r(t) + we assume that the input signal u(t) and the output signal y(t) can be measured over a finite time interval and seek to deduce the initial state x(t0 ) = x0 by processing this information in some way. As noted earlier, if the initial state can be uniquely determined, then this, along with knowledge of the input signal, yields the entire state trajectory via ► Recall that the state vector’s current value is given by: ! t x(t) = eA(t−t0 ) x0 + eA(t−τ ) Bu(τ ) dτ for t ≥ t0 How to Recover x(t) u(t) − B IfSince the system (i.e.toA,beB,known, C, andthe D), zero-state t0, the input, and output u(t) is model assumed response can beare known then only unknown on y(t), the RHS is x0. Ifinwe knew x0 then extracted from the the complete response also known, order to isolate wezero-input could recover anycomponent value of x(t). the response via "! provides ► The output, y(t), a window on the #system t ) CeA(t−τ Bu(τ )dτ + Du(t) = CeA(t−t0 ) x0 y(t) − t A(t−t ) t0 = Ce y(t) x 0 + ∫ Ce A(t−τ )Bu(τ )d τ + Du(t) t 0 0 which depends directly on the unknown initial state. Consequently, we can assume without loss of generality that u(t) ≡ 0 for all t ≥ t0 and instead zero-input output: y (t) y (t): zero-state output consider the homogeneouszi state equation zs ► We can set u(t) = 0 and try and solve for x0: x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) x(tto x0whether it is even (4.2) 0) = ► In general, we would like a simple test say y(t) = Cx(t) possible to solve for x0. which directly produces the zero-input response component of Equation (4.1). x(t) x(t) C + + y(t) +6.3 Observability 153 K FIGURE 7.1 Closed-loop system block diagram. The concept of observability is dual to that of controllability. Roughly speaking, controllability studies the possibility of steering the state from the input; observability studies the possibility of estimating the state from the output. These two concepts are defined under the assumption that the state equation or, equivalently, all A, B, C, and D are known. Thus the problem of observability is different from the problem of realization or identification, which is to determine or estimate A, B, C, and D from the information collected at the input and output terminals. Consider the n-dimensional p-input q-output state equation Observability x˙ = Ax + Bu (6.22) y = Cx + Du t0 ► • + state equation describes. The physical significance of the controllability index is not transparent here; but it becomes obvious in the discrete-timeAcase. As we will discuss in later chapters, the controllability index can also be computed from transfer matrices and dictates the minimum degree required to achieve pole placement and model matching. 6.3 Observability (4.1) (7.3) where A, B, C, and D are, respectively, n × n, n × p, q × n, and q × p constant matrices. Definition 6.O1 The state equation (6.22) is said to be observable if for any unknown initial state x(0), there exists a finite t1 > 0 such that the knowledge of the input u and the output y over [0, t1 ] suffices to determine uniquely the initial state x(0). Otherwise, the equation is said to be unobservable. Example 6.6 Consider the network shown in Fig. 6.5. If the input is zero, no matter what the initial the capacitor the output is is identically zero because of thecan symmetry In voltage otheracross words, the is,system observable if we of the four resistors. We know the input and output (both are identically zero), but we cannot solveuniquely for the initial x(0). determine the initial state.state Thus the network or, more precisely, the state equation that describes the network is not observable. Example 6.7 Consider the network shown in Fig. 6.6(a). The network has two state variables: the current x1 through the inductor and the voltage x2 across the capacitor. The input u is a Figure 6.5 Unobservable network. + + 1! u − 1F 1! + 1! x − 1 y 1! − OBSERVABILITY EXAMPLES 158 Observability matrix tf t0 ⎢ CA ⎥ T ) ⎢ T A⎥ (t0 −τ ) eA(t0 −τ dτ W −1 (t0 , tf )x ⎢ CAe2 ⎥ Q =BB ⎢ ⎥ $ % = eA(tf −t0 ) x − W (t0 , tf )W −1⎢⎢(t0 ,nt−1f⎥⎥)x ⎣CA # ⎦ It can be proved is OBSERVABILITY observable if and only if: rank (Q) = n = 0 that a system 158 that the arbitrarily selected ► thereby For theverifying general multiple-output (p) case, A−1 is state xisn controllable matrix and Ctoisthe p x n. = M (tan, tfn)M(t 0 , tf ) x0 n-1 Then,which Q consists of n matrix blocks C, CA, CA02 …CA , each with ! origin, concludes the proof. dimension p x n, stacked one on top of another. Thus, Q has dimension = x0 Returning to the claim made at the beginning of this section, given anp x n, having more rows than columns. which uniquely recovers the initial left state.to the reader controllable state equation, a straightforward calculation ► For the single-output case, C consists of a single row, yielding a square n x n shows that the matrix input signal defined abysingle-output linear system is observable observability Q. Therefore, if and only ifT the associated observability matrix Q is nonsingular. (|Q|≠0) AT (t −t) −1 A(t −t ) u(t) = B e W 4.2 (t0 , OBSERVABILITY tf )(e 0 f xf − xEXAMPLES 0 ) for t0 ≤ t ≤ tf 0 As it happens for controllability, observability is invariant with respect to steers the state trajectory from the initial state x(t0 ) = x0 to the final state coordinate transformation. xf lying 4.1 anywhere inthe thetwo–dimensional state space. For the x(tf ) = xf , with x0 and Example Consider single-output state equation ► x(t"f!) = x"f is!often special158 case OBSERVABILITY in which x(t0 ) = 0 ∈ Rn , !the final " state ! " 1 5a controllable x1 (t) −2 x˙1 (t) referred to as reachable from the origin. Consequently, state = + u(t) −1 8 4statex2equation. (t) 2 = M (treferred , tfas )x˙x2a0(t)reachable equation is also sometimes 0 , tf )M(t0to 3.2 = x0 which uniquely recovers the initial state. y(t) = [ 2 CONTROLLABILITY EXAMPLES 2] ! " x1 (t) + [0]u(t) x2 (t) which thesingle-input associated (A, B) pair is the same as in Example 3.1. The two–dimensional linear Example 3.1 Given theforfollowing 4.2 OBSERVABILITY EXAMPLES observability matrix Q is found as follows: state equation, we now assess its controllability. ! # ! #! # ! # x˙1 (t) 1 5 x1 (t) −2 C = [ 2 2 ] = + u(t) Example 4.1 single-output state equation x˙2 (t)Consider 8the two–dimensional x2 (t) 4 2 Example 2 ► Consider the following system (same one we sawCA for= controllability): [ 18 18 ] ! " ! "! " ! " so ! " The controllability matrix follows:−2 5 as x1 (t) x˙1 (t) P is 1found 2 u(t) 2 ! x˙2#(t) = 8 !4 x#2 (t) + !2Q = # −2 8 −2 18 8 18 B= AB = ! x1 (t) "P = Clearly = 0 so the state 2equation 2 y(t) −8 is not observable. Because rank 2 ]−8 + [0]u(t) = [ 2 |Q| Q < 2 but Qx2is(t)not the 2 × 2 zero matrix, we have rankQ = 1 and |P | = 0, somatrix the state To see why variables. this nullityQ = 1.ofis1,not ► Clearly, The observability hasequation a rank so controllable. there are unobservable which the associatedTo (A,see B) pairthis is the same as in Example 3.1. The we again use the state is true,for consider a different state definition why state equation is not observable, ► Try using different stateQvariables: observability matrix is found follows: # !as # ! coordinate transformation given by: x1 (t) z1 (t) = ! " ! "! " 2+"] x2 (t) z2 (t) C =x![1z2(t) x1 (t) 1 0 x1 (t) 1 (t) = CA = [ z18(t) 18 ] x (t) + x (t) = The corresponding transform is 2 1 2 The associated coordinate transformation xis(t ) ⎤ ⎡ z!1 (t ) ⎤ (see ⎡1 " 0Section ⎤ ⎡ x1 (t ) ⎤ 2.5) so −1 ⎡ 1 ► 1 1 x2 (t) ⎢ z (the ⎥ = T equation ⎢ x (t )⎥ 2 ⎥ = 2⎢1 1⎥ ⎢ x (t )state which yields ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 t )⎦ transformed ⎣ 2 ⎦ x(t) =Q T=⎣z(t) 116 CONTROLLABILITY 18 ! # ! 18 # ! # ! " ! "! " ! " ► This yields system: (t) state 1 z˙0(t) z1 (t) z1 (t) rank−2 −4 5 Because Clearlythe |Q|transformed = 0 sox1the observable. = equation 1is not= + u(t) x2 (t) z2 (t) Applying this coordinate transformation state Q < 2 but Q is not the 2 yields × 2−1 zerothe we 0have9 rankQ = 1 and 0 (t) transformed z˙12matrix, z2 (t) nullityQ = 1. " ! equation ► is decoupled from ! " To see !y(t), ! equation " " ! The output, z1 (t) why this"state is not observable, we again use the state is−4 further from −2 y(t) = [ 0 2 ] z (t) + [0]u(t) z1 (t) z˙11(t) (t)which 5 decoupled coordinate transformation given+by: 2 = u(t) to determine. z˙ 2 (t) so z1(t) is0 impossible z2 (t) 9 0 ! " ! " ! "! " z1 (t) x1 (t) 1 0 x1 (t) = = z x x (t) (t) + x (t) 1 1 (t) 2 1 2 2 depend on the input u(t), so this state variable We see that z˙ 2 (t) does not is not controllable. which yields the transformed state equation ! " ! "! " x˙1 (t) x˙2 (t) = ' 0 0 ! " 4 4 ► First 0 0 0 1 0 5 (t) calculate ex˙5Ât(t)(t0 = 0): COVERED xON BOARD ► Now solve for z0: COVERED ON BOARD ► We cannot solve for z1(0) because it has no effect on y(t) that a lack of observability is the least of this system’s problems---it is also unstable! (the e9t terms) ► Note ! ! " z1 (t) single-input −4 5 −2 z˙ 1 (t) three-dimensional state Example 3.2 Given the following = + u(t) 0 9 0 z˙ 2 (t) z2 (t) equation, that is, Example 4.3 We investigate the observability of the three-dimensional state equation = M −1 (t0 , tf )M(t0 , tf ) x0 = x0x˙1 (t) x1 (t) 0 0 −a0 b0 which uniquely recovers the initial state. x˙2 (t) = 1 0 −a1 x2 (t) + b1 u(t) x˙2 (t) x2 (t) 0 1 −a2 b2 EXAMPLES 161 OBSERVABILITY (t) x 4.2 OBSERVABILITY EXAMPLES 1 Example 4.3 We investigate ofthe three-dimensional 0 observability 0 1 ] x2 (t) y(t) = [ the state equation x2 (t) the two–dimensional state equation Example 4.1 Consider single-output x˙1 (t) reader 0will0 recall (t) −a0 is ax1state-space b0 which of the transfer " ! " ! " ! " b1 realization ! x˙the u(t) (t) = 1 0 −a1 x (t) + function2 x˙1 (t) 1 5 x1 (t) 2 −2 2 x˙2 (t) x2s(t) b2b =0 1 −a2 + u(t) b + b s + 2 1 0 x˙2 (t) 8 4 x2 (t) 2 H (s)!= 3 " x s(t)+ a s 2 + a1 s + a0 x11(t) 2 0 [ 20 21 ]] x2 (t) + [0]u(t) y(t)y(t) = [= (t) The observability matrix Q xis found as follows: x22 (t) as in Example 3.1. The is the same for which the associated (A, B) pair Determine matrix: C whichthe theobservability reader will recall is a state-space realization of the transfer observability matrix Q is found as follows: function CA Q= 2 b2 s + b12s + b0 H (s) = C3= [ 2 CA 22 ] s + a 2 s + a1 s + a0 1 CA = [ 180 18 ]0 The observability matrix Q is found as follows: −a2 = so ! 0 "1 2 2 2 Q =C 1 −a2 a2 − a1 18 18 CA =independent ThisClearly matrix hasobservability ofQ3,state the characteristic polynomial This matrix is to the controllability matrix P from |Q| =a 0rank so the equation isofnot observable. Because rank 2 identical CA coefficients a2 , Q a2,is3.3. a0.notSo the system fully observable. We could solve for The observability matrix Qhave is independent the transfer Q < 2Example but the 2 × 2 zeroismatrix, we rankQ = 1 of and x0 through: function-numerator coefficients b0 ,1b1 , and b2 . The determinant of the 0 0 nullityQ = 1. 0|Q|is = 1 −1 −a0,2 sothe To see why this state equation not observable, we state again equation use the state = is observability matrix "= is observable. coordinate given1 by: a22 − a1 of the characteristic polynomial Notetransformation that this outcome is−a independent 2 coefficients a0 , a!1 , and a2 , so" a state-space in this form is ! " ! " ! realization " This observability identical to the P from (t) matrix x1 (t) 1for0 anyx1system 1 (t)matrix isThis always zobservable. is also truecontrollability order n, as we will = = Example 3.3. zThe x1 (t) +matrix x2 (t) of the transfer x2 (t) Q is 1independent 1 2 (t) observability demonstrate shortly. ! function-numerator coefficients b0 , b1 , and b2 . The determinant of the observability matrix is |Q| = −1 0, so the state equation is observable. whichExample yields the transformed state" = equation 4.4 Consider the five-dimensional, two-output homogeneous Note that this outcome is independent of the characteristic polynomial ! " ! "! " ! " state equation coefficients a0 , az˙ 11(t) , and a2 ,−4 so a5 state-space in this form is z1 (t) realization −2 u(t) always observable. any +system order = is also true will for n, as we 0 9 (t) 0 z˙ 2 (t)This z 2 (t) x ˙ 0 0 0 0 0 x1 (t) 1 demonstrate shortly. ! " ! 1 0 0 0 0 x2 (t) x˙2 (t) z 1 (t) 0 2 + [0]u(t) y(t) = [ ] x3 (t) (t) =z(t) 0 0 0 two-output 0 0 homogeneous x˙3the Example 4.4 Consider 2 x˙ (t)five-dimensional, 0 0 1 0 0 x4 (t) 4 state equation x˙5 (t)observable? x (t) 0 0 0 1If observable 0 ► Why is this system we not 5 x˙1 (t) 0 0 0 0 0 x1 (t) should be able to solve for z given the output y(t) 0 x˙2 (t) 1 0 0 0 0 x2 (t) x˙3 (t) = 0 0 0 0 0 x3 (t) x˙ (t) 0 0 1 0 0 x (t) Example 1 OBSERVABILITY TEST Given a system defined by its linear state equation, the observability CONTROLLABILITY EXAMPLES matrix 115 is defined as: ⎡ C ⎤ ! " = eA(tf −t0 ) x − 161 OBSERVABILITY z1 (t) '+ [0]u(t) ( y(t) ( = [0 2] x1 (t) z2 (t) 1 0 0 x2 (t) + 0 1 1 u(t) 2 Determining Observability through Matlab Matlab function: obsv() calculates the obsevability matrix for state-space systems. Syntax Q=obsv(sys)! ! !Q=obsv(A, C) or Q=obsv(sys.A, sys.C) ■ 3
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