These men are asked to assist in worship. Thank you for your service. Sunday, March 30 10:00am Worship Announce.: Jeff Foster has been in its present location for 50 years. Our campus opened in 1964, when we moved from the original campus in Manuelito. These photos are posted here to commemorate this anniversary. More photos are posted on the MNCH page on Facebook. Gallup Christian School has been in operation for 33 years. 1000 E. Green Ave. • Gallup, New Mexico 87301 505/722-2937 • Email: [email protected] Join us on Facebook at On the Web at Songs: John Alexander Songs: Merle Roehr 1st Prayer: Clifton Tuggle 1st Prayer: Greg Peterson 2nd Prayer: Jim Christian 2nd Prayer: David Brown Scripture: Jovito Sabal Scripture: Will Barbour Proverbs 2.1-5 Communion: Message: John Alexander 722-9107 David Brown 722-3476 Jeff Foster 405/664-7042 Greg Peterson 863-2051 Merle Roehr 863-4188 Clifton Tuggle 722-6970 M Proverbs 2.1-5 David Brown Greg Peterson Lonnie Martinez Jim Wilson Communion: Jeff Foster 12 Ways To Ruin Your Life Before 25 Message: John Alexander Norman Atchison Sonny DeLong Virgil Morgan Jeff Foster 12 Ways To Ruin Your Life Before 25 Proverbs 4.23 WiFi Network: GCofC Office • Password: manuelito/959-014 Sunday Bible Classes @ 9:00am Sunday Worship @ 10:00am & 6:00pm Wednesday Bible Classes @ 7:00pm Sunday, April 6 10:00am Worship Announce.: Greg Peterson Proverbs 8.13 Cl. Prayer: Merle Roehr Cl. Prayer: Bill Lopez Prayer for Responses: Merle Roehr Prayer for Responses: Clifton Tuggle anuelito Navajo Children’s Home Sunday, March 30 6:00pm Worship Jovito Sabal Sunday, April 6 6:00pm Worship David Brown & Songs: Campus at 12 Theta Street 1st Prayer: John Alexander 1st Prayer: Merle Roehr Message: Jeff Foster The Teacher Takes A Turn Message: Jeff Foster Faith Is NOT Tassels And Phylacteries! PO Box 58 • Gallup, NM 87305 505/863-5530 • Jim Christian, Superintendent Matthew 22.41-46 Board of Directors Norman Atchison 863-9314 Greg Peterson David Brown Lynn Dunson Clifton Tuggle Will Barbour 778-5971 Jeff Foster 405/664-7042 Available for viewing online at Songs: Cl. Prayer: Joel Peterson Wednesday, April 2 Jeff Foster Message: Clifton Tuggle Songs: Communion April: Preparation May: Matthew 23.1-12 Cl. Prayer: Clifton Tuggle Wednesday, April 9 Jeff Foster Message: David Brown Songs: Aaron & Anna Kays Norman & Cathy Atchison My lips will glorify You because Your faithful love is better than life. Psalm 63.3 W hy I W ould N ever F orce M y K ids T o G o T o C hurch M by Ruth Meyer (from 3/24/2014) y parents forced me to eat three times a day growing up. No joke. Three times. Every. Single. Day. And it wasn’t always stuff I liked, either. Matter of fact, I complained a lot about what my mom made. “Ewww, gross! Sautéed zucchini? Seriously? Mom, you know we hate this stuff!” So, as I approached adulthood I made an important decision. Since my parents forced me to eat while I was growing up, I decided I was done with meals. Oh, here and there I’ll eat out of obligation. I mean, family traditions like Thanksgiving and Christmas, yeah, I’m there. But daily eating? No way, I’m done. Set in any other context, excuses people make for not going to church sound completely ridiculous. But set in the context of spirituality, people say these things in all seriousness while others nod sagely in somber agreement. My son told me a few weeks into school that he didn’t like the teacher. He wasn’t getting excited enough about learning, and he didn’t really feel connected to the other kids in his class, so I told him he never had to go back to school again. Who wants to waste their time going somewhere they aren’t being fulfilled? We’ve never forced our daughter to stay off the road when playing. We don’t want to restrict her imagination. We allow her the freedom to make her own choices in life. Okay, Ruth. Come on. That last one was just ridiculous. No loving parent would ever say that. That’s a safety issue—a matter of life and death. Exactly. And that’s just my point. Church isn’t a place you merely “go to” to get pumped up about life. It isn’t entertainment like a movie or concert. It is literally a life and death matter. Eternal life. And just as a loving parent wouldn’t allow their child to play in the road or to quit school, a loving Christian parent also does not give the option to their children about going to church, learning Bible stories at home, and praying together. Do your kids always jump for joy when they hear you say, “Time to get up! Let’s get ready for church.” No. They won’t. But, do they get excited for school every morning? Hardly. But you still make them go. Why? Because you are the parent and you know what’s best. Even when they complain, you serve them healthy meals and limit their consumption of junk foods. You set boundaries for their own safety when playing outside. You insist they go to school because you’re looking at the long term picture. And you are right to do these things. But isn’t it more imperative that you do all you can to secure their eternal well being? Yes, kids can be brought up in a loving Christian home and still turn away later in life. But, that’s on them. While they are in your home you have a task of utmost importance. God has placed these precious children into (Continued on page 2) Puzzles are by Jeff Foster and are based on the NIV Bible. Please let Jeff Foster know of announcements that need to be posted and of updates for our prayer list. Answers will be printed in the next Weekly Update 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Congratulations to T. J. Becenti and Caitlin Ta, son and daughter of DeAnn Sabal, for completing basic training with the United States Air Force. (Correction to what was reported last issue: DeAnn’s daughter, Tiffany Montenegro, is not in the Air Force.) Paul Wilkinson, former preacher for Gallup Church of Christ, passed away on March 1. A memorial service was held yesterday in Cleburne, Texas. Condolences can be sent to Paul’s daughter, Pamala Jones, at [email protected], or to 12204 Hunters Knoll Dr.; Burleson, TX 76028. Wayne Collins, brother of Jerry Collins, is terminally ill with liver cancer. Gina Houghtaling will have a CT Scan on April 21. 11 14 TEEN Movie Night April 2 @ 8:00pm Pizza provided Bring a 2-liter pop For TEENS only! Duane Sadberry will be going In April to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona to test for a possible kidney transplant. Nate Roehr & Haley Rodin Continue to remember . . . Glynn Allsup (cancer) Norine Atchison (health) Melba Brown (health) Gene Chapin (radiation treatments) Colin Graham (blood pressure) Jennifer Harbin (pregnancy) Anna Kays (pregnancy) Carolyn Kays (seriously ill) Joel Peterson (health) Jeremey Richardson (back) Lori Tuson (alcohol) Roy Webster (health) 12 will be married on June 28 at Central Church of Christ in Amarillo, Tex. Nate & Haley will be with us on Sunday, April 13, for worship and potluck, where we will honor them with a Card & Money Shower. A basket will be provided for your gifts. Organizational meeting TONIGHT ALL parents are asked to attend 13 15 16 17 A page in the new directory will be called, “Family & Friends Away from Gallup.” This page will feature grown children of members, former members, and any others who have had an association with our congregation. Do you have people that you would like to have included on this page? If so, please give Jeff their information. Photos can be included, too. Josiah Jones, son of Ken & Lillian Jones, has found a job in his field in Denver. Alyssa Stites, granddaughter of Norman & Cathy Atchison, is having surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids on April 7. 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 (Continued from page 1) your homes for such a brief time. You have them with you for perhaps 1/5 of their lives. So, set a strong foundation while they are under your roof. Take them to church. Make sure they understand their need for Jesus and that they know that Jesus died for the sins of all people. Children are never too young to learn this. My one-and-a-half year old sees a cross and excitedly shouts, “Jesus!” So, don’t use the excuse, “They won’t understand this.” Try them. I don’t understand it all myself, but I still believe. My children often amaze me with the insights they pick up during Sunday school or devotions and Bible readings. The strength of their faith humbles me. Once when having a terrible day, my oldest asked, “Can I pray with you?” He was 9 years old at the time. He knows there is power in prayer. He perceives that sometimes there’s nothing he can say that will make it better, so he’ll just go straight to the One who does have that power. So, parents, don’t give in to outside pressures telling you not to force your kids to go to church. Don’t give in to your kids, either, when they complain about it. Because at some point an amazing thing happens—that kid who complains about church grows up and takes his or her own kids to church every Sunday. Believe it or not, there came a point in my own life when I realized I actually like sautéed zucchini. So , keep at it, parents. Just as our kids need three square meals a day for physical strength and nourishment, they also need regular worship to refresh an strengthen their souls. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 39 36 37 38 40 41 42 45 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 50 52 53 54 55 57 58 56 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 E C Find And Circle: E 6 Priestly Clothing v.4 I P 5 Gems in vv. 17-20 T S 4 Sons of Aaron A E 3 Gems in vv. 17-20 R 2 On the Breast Piece in v. 30 B R 1 Attached to the Turban in v. 37 B Answers to Last Week’s 6-5-4-3-2-1: 6 S B H J A S P E R L U H L I T U R B A N M U F R S Y O R U B Y F D E T A G A R U D P N M S C R M Z X S E Q J D Z I O O A N A D A B R X A M R C H L L P O B O U Z V D U T G D I O H I R T U L N I M M U H T P H O X K T E R A Z A E L E U Z ACROSS 1- Leah’s lament in 32 (Part 1 of 4) 11- Leah’s lament (2/4) 14- Large tank 16- Tests for HS Jrs./Srs. 17- Leah’s lament (3/4) 21- CPA’s degree, often 22- _______ Thorpe 23- Leah’s lament (4/4) 27- Be like ________! 28- Duke’s conf. 29- Jacob’s uncle 31- Sister to 29-Across 33- A sheep’s “gift” 34- Pen maker 35- Jacob’s promise in 18 (Part 1 of 2) 39- Rural homestead 41- End to 35-Across 44- Bomb, in movie talk 45- Canyon effect 48- Jacob & Leah’s #1 50- Jacob rolled it away 51- Good with milk? 52- Jacob & Leah’s #2 55- Garden pathway 57- Leah’s boast in v. 34 (Part 1 of 2) 61- She was given first, but loved the least 62- End to 57-Across 65- The Little Mermaid 68- Jacob’s retort in v.25 DOWN 59- Deadline pace 60- They had the Nimitz 63- _______ Rogers 64- Bird Down Under 66- Feel angst over 67- Laban’s sin in ch. 29 D A C A N A A N I T E W O M A N O W N W G L A N D O C E A N R R A K E M E A R T H R E R A L B S E S A U N H L T L R E B E K A H T A H E A B L E N M A S A D A A W H A R A N E I A C R I S A A C M I R A F L R M S A T R I A H M DOWN 2- Legend Packer QB 3- Ford flop 4- 16th President 5- The bottom line 6- New York _______ 7- Civil War general 8- The play in Tampa 9- Jacob’s demand in 21 10- Goes with 9-Down 12- Napoleon marshal 13- The Mediterranean 15- Airport hassle? 18- It hangs in the sky? 19- Garden tool 20- Outlaw 22- Becomes a husband and father in ch. 29 23- Location in verse 2 24- Printed slander 25- The Godfather’s gang 26- Celebratory cry 30- Not later 31- A vacation, to some 32- (For starters) Plane that dropped the bomb 36- ______ and only 37- It opens doors 38- Eddie ______, MLB Hall of Famer 40- Jacob’s first love 42- Sewing case 43- Group of sisters? 44- It’s more that serious 46- Doctors frequent ‘em 47- BBQ side 49- Body building block 53- They make a movie 54- Up to the task 55- Indian gooseberry 56- Jacob & Leah’s #3 58- Not a soul R O M A Y M L I S E E T F R U I T F U L A T H T A E B H O W A W E S O M E I S T H I S P L A C E I E A S T N N Q U L H U R O N R O R Y N E U O X E N H I E L I L E J T R I O R R P A D D A N A R A M D S O N L E A V E B H U L U E B E N I B L E S S I N G E O I N I A T A B O C P O P N O O N C B E T H E L R A N D W I L L W A T C H O V E R Y O U A U Z
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