WHY DO SOME FIRMS PERSISTENTLY PERFORM R&D ACTIVITIES?* JUAN A. MÁÑEZ-CASTILLEJOa, MARÍA E. ROCHINA-BARRACHINAb, AMPARO SANCHIS-LLOPISb AND JUAN A. SANCHIS-LLOPISb Universitat de València and LINEEX Abstract This paper analyses the determinants of persistence in the firms’ decision to undertake R&D activities using firm level panel data. We estimate three discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazard models accounting for unobserved individual heterogeneity. The data used is a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms drawn from the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales, for the period 1990-2000. Our findings provide evidence supporting the existence of dynamic increasing returns to R&D activities. We also find that a number of firm and industry characteristics affect the firms’ persistence in undertaking R&D activities. Key words: R&D activities, persistence, discrete time survival models JEL classification: C41, L60, O31. * Financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Spain, Project number SEC2002-03812, is gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank Fundación SEPI for providing the data. a Corresponding author: Juan A. Máñez-Castillejo, Universitat de València, Facultad de Economía, Departamento de Economía Aplicada II, Avda. de los Naranjos s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain); telephone: 0034 963828356, fax: 0034 963828354, e-mail address: [email protected]. b Universitat de València, Facultad de Economía, Departamento de Economía Aplicada II, Avda. de los Naranjos s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain). 1 1.- INTRODUCTION Understanding whether innovation is persistent or not at the firm level is an important issue, not only for the analysis of technical progress and economic growth (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995) but also for the theories of industrial dynamics and evolution (Jovanovic, 1982; Nelson and Winter, 1982; Ericson and Pakes, 1995; Dosi et al., 1995). From a theoretical point of view, there are a number of models suggesting that firm’s innovative behaviour should exhibit persistence. According to Nelson and Winter (1982), innovation persistence is the result of a “success-breeds-success” process: innovative success generate profits that may be reinvested in future R&D activities. According to this theory, past innovations raise the probability to innovate again. The cumulative nature of the learning process (Rosenberg, 1976, Nelson and Winter, 1982) may also cause persistence: the generation of knowledge is based on previous knowledge and affects future research. According to this view, innovative activities are subject to dynamic increasing returns in the form of learning-by-doing, learning-to-learn or scope economies, which produce persistence (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989). Finally, innovative persistence may also result from firm organisational capabilities, such as the establishment of an R&D department, the purchasing of specific assets, and/or the hiring and training of specialized workforce, which are sunk costs that firms may spread over a period of time. However, in spite of the theoretical arguments suggesting innovation persistence, existing empirical studies conclude that firms’ innovative persistence is in general rather weak, and that only a reduced number of firms innovate in a persistent way (Geroski et al., 1997; Crépon and Duguet, 1997; Malerba and Orsenigo, 1999; Cefis and Orsenigo, 2001; Cefis, 2003). Nonetheless, this conclusion could be biased by the measures of innovation used to evaluate firms’ innovative persistence. Indeed, these studies use the number of patents and/or major innovations as the measurement of innovation. The main problems of using these measures is that they focus on the generation and the introduction of new technology, and that they could be the result of firms’ strategies aimed at preserving market leadership and/or knowledge intellectual protection (Duguet and Monjon, 2004). Thus, they are somehow related to innovative leadership rather than innovative behaviour per 2 se. In addition, these measures underestimate the number of innovative firms and so the persistence of innovative behaviour.1 This paper differs from previous studies in that we analyse firms’ innovative persistence by focusing on the input side on innovation, and in particular, we investigate to what extent firms undertake R&D activities in a persistent way.2 Thus, in this paper persistency in innovative behaviour measures to what extent firms are continuously engaged in R&D activities. The aim of this paper is to investigate the determinants of the persistence of firms in undertaking R&D activities. In particular, we analyze the determinants of the length of a period uninterrupted realization of R&D activities (which we will call R&D spell, henceforth). We analyze the factors conditioning whether a firm invests on R&D activities in a continuous way by testing the theoretical predictions that have been proposed in the literature as sources of persistency. Our main interest lies on testing the hypothesis of dynamic increasing returns to innovation, or the also called hypothesis of “success-breeds-success” (Nelson and Winter, 1982). We use for this purpose a representative sample of the population of Spanish manufacturing for the period 1990 to 2000. The dataset is drawn from the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE, henceforth), a survey carried out annually since 1990 that provides detailed information at the firm level. We consider both firms that are in the sample in 1990 and firms that are incorporated to the sample along the above referred period to maintain its representativiness. We use survival methods to study firm persistency in R&D activities. The models we use take into account that in our dataset survival times have been grouped into intervals of time. Although the underlying transition process between undertaking and not undertaking R&D happens in a continuous form we only observe these transitions on a yearly basis. Thus R&D spell lengths can be measured as a set of positive integers (number of years). The models we use are also adequate in presence of right-censored observations and easily handle time-varying explanatory variables. In order to avoid left censoring problems, we only consider those R&D spells that start in See Patel and Pavitt (1995) for a discussion of the measurement of technological activity, and Griliches (1990) for a discussion of patents. 2 According to Cefis and Orsenigo (2001), sustained innovative persistence needs to be supported by a systematic and continuous process of accumulation of resources and competencies, so that persistence in carrying out these activities might be even more important than the size of R&D expenditures. 1 3 our observation window (from 1990 to 2000). 3 Furthermore, our estimation methods have two distinctive features with respect to previous analysis of R&D persistency. First, they allow a fully non-parametric specification of the baseline hazard function allowing a full identification of the effect of survival time on duration of R&D spells. Second, the estimation of both parametric and non-parametric survival models with unobserved heterogeneity allows a robust test for the presence of unobserved individual heterogeneity. The contribution of this paper to existing literature is threefold. First, this paper is the first attempt to investigate innovation persistence from an input point of view, and in particular, persistence in the decision to invest in R&D activities. Secondly, we analyse innovation persistence using survival methods. To the best of our knowledge, only Geroski et al. (1997) use survival analysis to investigate innovation persistence, but their analysis is from the point of view of the output (they analyse the persistence in obtaining patents and/or major innovations). Third, in our econometric analysis, our fully non parametric specification of the baseline hazard and the fact of controlling for R&D spells unobserved heterogeneity (both parametrically and non- parametrically) allows fully understanding of the patterns of duration dependence. Once we control for observed spell characteristics, persistence in R&D activities could be due both to the fact that the longer the R&D spell the lower the hazard rate (negative duration dependence), and to the existence of unobserved spell characteristics that cause persistency such as unobserved firm organisational capabilities, purchasing of specific assets, etc. Our results give support to the hypothesis that R&D activities experience dynamic economies of scale (“success-breeds-success” hypothesis). In particular, R&D intensity and innovation results are important drivers of persistence in R&D activities. These results may be considered as giving support to industry dynamic models where the main source of dynamics arises from firms’ active learning (e.g. Ericson and Pakes, 1995). However, our data do not exhibit negative duration dependence, i.e., the probability of ending a firm’s period undertaking R&D activities (which we will call R&D spell) do not decrease with the duration of the period. Nonetheless, we obtain that unobserved heterogeneity is important, probably indicating that persistence is more linked to individual unobserved heterogeneity than to negative duration dependence. This result is consistent with industry dynamic 3 Our sampling scheme is commonly named Inflow sample with follow up (see Jenkins, 2004) 4 models of passive learning (Jovanovic, 1982), in which dynamics is driven by inherent and fairly constant characteristics of the firm (natural endowments, managerial abilities, etc.). We also find that firm size, R&D employment, and export activities affect the continuity in the performance of R&D activities. A number of policy implications arise from the analysis of the determinants driving the persistence of firms’ innovative behaviour. By identifying those factors that increase the propensity of firms to perform R&D activities over a long period of time, we would be able to suggest new institutional arrangements and/or policy measures to strength firms incentives to undertake innovation activities in a continuous way. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the data and section 3 discusses the determinants of the persistence in firms’ R&D activities. Section 4 describes the methodology to be used and section 5 presents the results. Finally, section 6 concludes. 2.- DATA . In order to explore the factors determining the continuity of firms in undertaking R&D activities we begin by exploring the patterns of R&D activities by firms. The dataset has been built up using information from the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE), which is an annual survey of Spanish manufacturing firms sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and carried out since 1990. The ESEE is a representative sample of the population of Spanish manufacturing firms classified by industry and size that provides broad information at the firm level.4 The unit of observation in this study is the R&D spell. We denote an R&D spell as the uninterrupted realization of R&D activities for a given number of years.5 A spell is considered as starting in year j if the firm did not The sampling procedure of the ESEE is as follows. Firms with less than 10 employees are not included from the survey. Firms with 10 to 200 employees were randomly sampled by industry and size strata (according to 21 different productive activities and 4 size intervals), holding around a 4% of the population in 1990. All firms with more than 200 employees were requested to participate, obtaining a participation rate around 60% in 1990. Important efforts have been made to minimise attrition and to annually incorporate new firms with the same sampling criteria as in the base year so that the sample of firms remains representative of the Spanish manufacturing industry over time (see http://www.funep.es for further details). 5 In order to consider that a firm carries out R&D activities in a given year we require two conditions, namely that the firm declares to undertake R&D activities and that the firm has a positive expenditure in R&D. 4 5 undertake R&D in year j-1 but it undertakes in year j. Analogously, a spell is computed to end in year T when this is the first year in which the firm declares not to carry out R&D after a series of one or more consecutive years in which the firm declares to undertake R&D. Thus, in this paper persistency in innovative behaviour measures to what extent firms are continuously engaged in R&D activities. Some features of this dataset make it suitable to examine the determinants of firms’ persistence in R&D activities using survival methods. First, it is comprised by a representative sample of the population of Spanish manufacturing firms classified by industries and size categories in 1990 and by annually incorporated new firms so that the sample of firms remains representative of the Spanish manufacturing industry over time. All these firms are followed up to 2000. Some of the firms in the sample declare to undertake R&D activities the first year they appear in the sample, so that we do not know whether this is the starting year of their R&D spell or this spell started one more years before. Should we had included these spells in the analysis we would incur in a problem of left-censoring that would lead to underestimate the duration of the R&D spells. To avoid this problem of leftcensoring, we only include the spell of a given firm in the analysis if we know the exact year in which the spell initiates, e.g. we include in the analysis a spell that starts in year j if we know that the firm to which corresponds the R&D spell did not carried out R&D in (j-1). Therefore, as we do not consider spells already going on in 1990, the first R&D spells in our sample start in 1991. Secondly, the ESEE provides broad information on characteristics at the firm level on a yearly basis, which may help to unravel the factors driving the length of R&D spells. Thirdly, this survey also allows identifying firms that continue undertaking R&D, quit this activity or stop answering the survey over the observation window (1990-2000). We exclude from the analysis those spells corresponding to firms that fail along the observation window. As for many of these spells the end of the R&D spell is own firm failure, their consideration could bias the results of our analysis. After applying the above mentioned criteria we end up with a sample of 1296 observations corresponding to 481 R&D spells, 48% of which ended during the sample period. The mean and median duration of these spells are 6 4.57 and 3 years, respectively. Moreover, the non-parametric estimate (using the Kaplan-Meier estimator) of the survival function (figure 1) shows that 50% of the R&D spells endure more than 3 years, and that at least 27% of them last more than 10 years. [ Insert Figure 1 about here] The 481 R&D spells correspond to 383 firms. Out of these firms, 285 experienced one R&D spell, 78 two R&D spells and 10 three R&D spells. As it could be expected in our ten-years period of analysis, mean durations of R&D spells decrease with the number of spells by firm. Thus, whereas mean spell duration for a firm with just one spell is 4 years, for firms with two or three spells it is two years. 3.- THE DETERMINANTS OF R&D PERSISTENCE. Economic theory suggests that innovation activity is an inherently dynamic process so that a number of factors may explain why firms should undertake R&D activities in a continuous way, that is, why one should expect to find persistence in the innovation behaviour of firms. For the purposes of this paper, a number of factors may help to explain the duration of an R&D episode/spell. They include dynamic economies of scale, appropriability conditions, firm’s internal capabilities, product market competition and business cycle conditions, among others. In what follows we deal with these factors in turn, using related theoretical models to establish testable hypothesis. 6 [ Insert table I about here] H1: Innovation activities are subject to “dynamic increasing returns to scale”. According to this hypothesis, innovation activities are subject to dynamic increasing returns, in the form of learning-by-doing or learning-tolearn effects (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989). Dynamic economies of scale may also be explained by the argument that “success-breeds-success” (Nelson and Winter, 1982): innovation success produces profits that can be reinvested by the firm in R&D activities. The existence of dynamic economies of scale is also 6 See Table I for a definition of the variables used in our empirical analysis. 7 consistent with industry dynamic models of active learning (Ericson and Pakes, 1995, Pakes and Ericson, 1998). According to these models, firms learn from their experience and knowledge accumulation and so their abilities to succeed in a market (or, in our case, to perform R&D activities) improve as time goes by. To test for the presence of dynamic increasing returns in R&D activities, we use the following three hypotheses: H1.a. The higher the firm’s R&D intensity, the longer the R&D spell. According to this hypothesis, we look at the relationship between R&D INTENSITY (measured by the R&D expenditures to sales ratio) at the beginning and during the R&D spell, and the length of the R&D spell. Dynamic economies of scale may arise from two sources. First, R&D expenditures may be considered as sunk costs that firms may be interested in spread over a period of time (Cohen and Klepper, 1996). Second, learning-bydoing and learning-to learn effects may derive from the accumulation of innovation effort and knowledge, so that research today generates new opportunities to research tomorrow (Rosenberg, 1976; Nelson and Winter, 1982). Therefore, we expect higher R&D effort to be related to a higher length of the R&D spell. H1.b. The R&D spell is longer for those firms with innovation results. The idea behind this hypothesis is the “success-breeds-success” argument of Nelson and Winter (1982) explained above. We will look at the relationship between the innovations results obtained by the firm during the R&D spell, and the length of the spell. Due to the cumulative nature of the learning process, R&D activities are likely to be built upon previous innovation results, giving rise to learning-by-doing and learning-to learn effects that are expected to extend the length of the R&D spell. In order to capture firms innovation results, we use the interaction of two variables: the variable R&D RESULTS (which captures whether the firm has obtained at least one innovation result in year j, either a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), with the variable IND_TECHNOLOGY (indicating whether the firm produces in a low, medium or high technological intensity industry, see table II for industrial classification). These variables may also be considered as capturing technological opportunities, that is, the 8 possibility of converting research resources into new products or superior production techniques, which are also positively related to the probability to perform innovation activities (Scherer, 1965; Lunn and Martin 1986; Cohen and Levinthal, 1989). [ Insert table II about here] H1.c. R&D spells exhibit “negative duration dependence”. According to this hypothesis, the probability that the R&D spell will end at some given time falls as the length of the spell raises. We are interested in measuring the sign and amount of the relationship between the length of an R&D spell and the probability that the R&D spell will end at some time t. Since firms perform R&D activities during the spell, this effectively measures the relationship between within-spell accumulation of innovation knowledge and the likelihood that the R&D spell will not continue (a sort of innovation learning curve). Therefore, “negative duration dependence” captures dynamic effects generated within the R&D spell. In order to control for this effects, we estimate a non-parametric baseline hazard function that will allow us fully understanding of the patterns of duration dependence. H2. The length of the R&D spell rises with firm’ appropriability conditions. The incentives to undertake R&D activities in a continuous way depend also on the extent to which the results from these activities can be appropriated by the firm or easily diffused within or across industries. The higher the degree of appropriability of the innovation output, the higher will be the incentives to invest in R&D (Levin et al., 1987, and Levin,1988). However, a low degree of appropriability may have two opposite effects on innovation. On the one hand, low appropriability has a disincentive effect on R&D activities because firms are unable to appropriate the benefits of their investments (Arrow, 1962, and Spence, 1984). On the other hand, when appropriability is low spillovers among firms are high and in order to take advantage of these spillovers firms may need to develop sufficient “absorptive capacity”, which implies own innovation activities (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). To proxy for APPROPRIABILITY conditions we calculate the ratio 9 between total number of patents in the firm’s industry and the total number of firms innovating in that industry. H3. The length of the R&D spell rises with firm’ internal capabilities. The decision to persistently undertake R&D activities is also associated with firm internal capabilities; these can be both observable and unobservable. To account for unobservable characteristics, we control for spell unobserved heterogeneity in our estimation model, which is due in most of the cases to firms’ unobserved heterogeneity caused by factors such as firms’ organisational capabilities or managers’ ability. To account for observable characteristics we control for firm size, specialized R&D workforce, and the nature of R&D activities to be developed by firms. Relating to the association between firm’s SIZE and R&D investment, there is a considerable amount of literature (Schumpeter, 1942; Kamien and Schwartz 1982; Acs and Audretsch, 1987; and Cohen and Levin, 1989, for a review). The exploitation of economies of scale and scope, larger market size, lower risk, higher appropriability possibilities, etc., are the usual arguments used to support a positive association between firm size and innovative activities. The empirical results are mixed but in general they suggest a positive association, although not necessarily linear.7 In order to control for firm’ size we use the number of employees (without considering R&D related workforce) and expect this variable to have a positive and non-linear effect on the length of the R&D spell. Having R&D specialized workforce is expected to raise the probability of both undertaking R&D activities and the length of the R&D spell. We therefore consider the possible effect of the number of R&D related employees by using the variable R&D EMPLOYEES. We also consider that firm’ product DIVERSIFICATION may affect positively to the duration of the R&D spell, since firms with a high degree of product diversification may spread their R&D results among their different products (Chen,1996), and so they may have higher incentives to undertake R&D activities in a persistent way. According to Schmoockler (1962), the incentives to invest in R&D is supposed to depend positively on the economic opportunities faced by firms, that is, the market possibilities to exploit innovation results. In order to check for non-linearities in the relation between size and the probability to invest in R&D, we measure size using a set of six dummy variables according to the number of employees (see Table I for details). 7 10 In addition, we include a variable to control for the foreign content of the firm’s physical capital (FOREIGN PHYSICAL EQUIPMET) in order to check whether foreign technology incorporated in machinery increases technology absorption and stimulates R&D activities, and so whether it positively affects the continuity in performing R&D activities. Finally, we also consider the nature of innovation activities undertaken by the firm. Firms may perform R&D activities internally within the firm, or they may contract these activities externally to the firm. Since internal R&D activities involve both higher set up costs and effort than their external contract, we expect INTERNAL R&D activities (as compared to EXTERNAL R&D) to affect positively to the duration of the R&D spell. H4. The length of the R&D spell is affected by firm’ market competition. We expect the duration of the R&D spell to be influenced by product market conditions. The literature on industrial organization remains controversial on whether market power encourages or inhibits firms from undertaking R&D activities. According to Schumpeter (1942), ex ante market power generates financial means to innovate and reduces risk levels. However, following Arrow (1962) the incentives to innovate are higher in competitive markets because the expected incremental rents from innovating are higher as compared to monopoly conditions. There is empirical evidence on the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between competition and innovation, so that the incentives to innovate are higher when market competition is neither too low nor too high (see, e.g. Scherer, 1967; or more recently, Aghion et al., 2004, and references therein). In order to capture the degree of product market competition, we use two variables, namely, a dummy variable capturing whether the firm claims to enjoy a significant MARKET SHARE, and the dummy variable EXPORTER indicating that the firm is an exporting firm. We consider that exporting firms may need to innovate to face a higher competitive pressure in international markets (Kleinschmidt and Cooper, 1990 and Kotable, 1990). In addition, according to Cohen and Levinnthal (1989), foreign markets may facilitate the transfer of technology and so stimulate firms R&D activities. H5. The length of the R&D spell depends upon the business cycle conditions. 11 We include time-specific effects in order to capture macro-level changes in R&D conditions and institutional factors that are common across firms, such as R&D policy variations, the business cycle, credit-market conditions, etc. 4. ECONOMETRIC METHODOLOGY. Before presenting the methodology we should point out that our sampling process has been one of inflow sampling with right censoring in which we sample out all spells for which we do not know their exact starting year. Hence, we do not have left censoring in our sample. However, there are R&D spells that have not completed their duration by the end of the sample period. Additionally to the incidence of right-censoring, some of the covariates used to explain the duration of R&D spells vary over time (time-varying covariates). The consideration of time-varying covariates allows overcoming the limitation arising from considering firm characteristics previous to the beginning of the period analyzed or at the time of entry as the unique determinants of the firm survival probability across time (see Mata et al., 1995). We consider time as a discrete variable, not because it is intrinsically discrete but because the data is provided on a yearly basis (grouped or banded survival times into number of years performing R&D). Then, our spell lengths are positive integers and we should use econometric models capturing the particular nature of our dataset. Although for some firms we have multiple R&D spells, we assume they are independent, which allows estimation by pooling the spells. Discrete time proportional hazard models In what follows, this section relies heavily on Jenkins (2004), who significantly improves the understanding, both from a theoretical and an applied point of view, of survival analysis. Our intervals of time are of unit length (a year). Then, the interval boundaries are the positive integers j=1, 2, 3, 4,…, and the interval j is ( j − 1, j ] . An R&D spell of a firm can either be complete ( ci = 1 ) or right censored ( ci = 0 ). A firm i censored spell contributes to the likelihood function with the 12 discrete time survivor function (the probability of survival until the end of interval j): j Si ( j ) = Pr (Ti > j ) = ∏ (1 − hik ) , (1) k =1 { } where Ti = min Ti * , Ci* , being Ti * some latent failure time and Ci* some latent ( ) censoring time for firm i, and hik = Pr k − 1 < Ti ≤ k Ti > k − 1 is the discrete hazard (the probability of ending the spell in interval k conditional to the probability of survival at the beginning of this interval). A firm i completed spell contributes to the likelihood with the discrete time density function (the probability of ending the spell within the jth interval): fi ( j ) = Pr ( j − 1 < Ti ≤ j ) = S ( j − 1) − S ( j ) = hij 1 − hij j ∏ (1 − h ) . (2) ik k =1 Using (1) and (2), the whole likelihood function is n L = ∏ Pr ( j − 1 < Ti ≤ j ) Pr (Ti > j ) ci 1− ci i =1 h ij = ∏ − 1 hij i =1 n ci j k =1 ∏ (1 − hik ) (3) and the log likelihood n h log L = ∑ ci log ij 1− h i =1 ij n j + ∑∑ log (1 − hik ) i =1 k =1 (4) Allison (1984) and Jenkins (1995, 2004) show that (4) can be rewritten as the log likelihood function of a binary dependent variable yik with value of one if the firm i spell ends in year k, and zero otherwise: j n h log L = ∑∑ yik log ik i =1 k =1 1 − hik j n n j + − = h log 1 ( ik ) ∑∑ yik log hik + (1 − yik ) log (1 − hik ). ∑∑ i =1 k =1 i =1 k =1 (5) This implies that discrete time hazard models can be “easily” estimated by binary dependent variable models. A prerequisite is the reorganization of data in the following way. For individual 1 of the sample, leaving R&D activities in year four, we have: 13 Table III: Data organization. Identifier of individual Spell interval identifier Created binary for the individual (j) dependent variable (new censoring variable) 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 1 If the individual had not exited the state at the end of the sample period then the binary dependent variable created would have been a 0 also for the fourth year and this would have been an individual censored spell. An uncensored spell of an individual has as many rows as periods until the spell ends. A censored spell of an individual has as many rows as periods up to the end of the sample period. The re-organization of data in Table III will affect every individual in the sample. This allows not only an “easy” estimation method for discrete time hazard models but also it is the way of incorporating time-varying covariates in the analysis. The way the data should be reorganised coincides with the long version re-organisation of data in panel data sets. The next step for estimation is the choice of the functional form of hik . As we are interested in a proportional hazard specification with groupedinterval data8, the complementary log-log is the appropriate one. This is a discrete time representation of an underlying continuous time proportional hazard θ ( t , xit ) = θ 0 ( t ) exp β0 + xit β 9 . To show this let us start with the evaluation of a continuous survivor function at the end of interval j: j j β +x β β +x β S ( j , xij ) = exp − ∫ θ ( ε , x ) d ε = exp − exp 0 ij ⋅ ∫ θ 0 ( ε ) d ε = exp − exp 0 ij H j , 0 0 (6) where H j = ∫ j 0 θ 0 ( ε ) d ε is the integrated baseline hazard evaluated at the end of interval j. The baseline survivor function at j is This specification leads to the most well known duration models based on a specification of the hazard function. It is often used to describe the relation between the empirical exit rate and covariates in a concise way. 9 From here onwards we already incorporate explicitly the role of explanatory variables in the survival analysis. Also notice that in our notation we are considering the possibility of timevarying covariates, assumed to be constant within a given interval. 8 14 S0 ( j ) = exp ( − H j ) . (7) Using (6) the discrete time hazard can be written as ( h ( j , xij ) ≡ h j ( xij ) = Pr j − 1 < Ti ≤ j T > j − 1, xij = ( Pr j − 1 < Ti ≤ j xij ( Pr Ti > j − 1 xij ) ) ) = S ( j − 1, x ) − S ( j, x ) = 1 − exp H ij S ( j − 1, xij ) ( ij j −1 − H j ) exp β0 + xij β (8) where rearranging terms and taking logs, we get ( ) β +x β log 1 − h j ( xij ) = ( H j −1 − H j ) exp 0 ij ⇒ log − log 1 − h j ( xij ) = β 0 + xij β + log ( H j − H j −1 ) (9) The discrete time baseline hazard for interval j is 1 − h0 j = exp ( H j −1 − H j ) (10) then ( ) j log − log 1 − h0 j = log ( H j − H j −1 ) = log ∫ θ 0 ( ε ) d ε = γ j , j −1 (11) where γ j is the interval baseline hazard which specification allows testing for the type of duration dependence. Substituting (11) back into (9): ( ) log − log 1 − h j ( xij ) = β 0 + xij β + γ j ⇒ h j ( xij ) = 1 − exp − exp ( β 0 + xij β + γ j ) , (12) implying that our discrete log ( − log ( ⋅) ) ≡ c log log ( ⋅) once time we hazard have has been assumed that isolated the from a underlying continuous hazard has a proportional form. For this reason this discrete time proportional hazard model is known as a cloglog model. When the underlying continuous proportional hazard is a Weibull model, the corresponding discrete one would specify γ j = (α − 1) ln ( j ) in (12).10 However, in estimation we treat the baseline hazard non-parametrically by creating 10 interval-specific dummy variables (one for each spell year at risk), as the longer observed spell in our data set is 10 years. However, we can only estimate 8 dummy variables because we do not observe any spell completion either in years 8 and 10. The non-parametric approach allows γ j to vary from one interval to another. 10 Where the parameter (α-1) controls for duration dependence on a Weibull specification. 15 Incorporating unobserved heterogeneity the cloglog model in (12) becomes ( ) log − log 1 − h j ( xij ) = β 0 + xij β + γ j + ui ⇒ h j ( xij ) = 1 − exp − exp ( β 0 + xij β + γ j + ui ) (13) being ui ≡ ln (ν i ) , where vi originally enters multiplicatively on the underlying continuous hazard function θ ( t , xit ) = θ 0 ( t ) exp β0 + xit β ν i . Usually the distribution chosen for ν is a Gamma distribution with unit mean and variance σ 2 to be estimated from the data, as well as distributed independently from t and x (Meyer, 1990). This random variable is assumed to be positive. The null hypothesis of variance equal to zero can be tested. Under the null, unobserved heterogeneity is not important and the estimated model will be the model without individual unobserved heterogeneity. The contribution to the sample likelihood for a censored observation with spell length j intervals is ( ) jth interval S j , xij β 0 , β , σ 2 , and the contribution of someone who exits the state in the is ( ) ( ) S j − 1, xij β 0 , β , σ 2 − S j , xij β 0 , β , σ 2 , where S ( j , xij vi ) = S ( j , xij ) . vi Alternatively, parametrically. one Heckman may and treat Singer unobserved (1984) heterogeneity allowed for an non- arbitrary distribution for the individual heterogeneity term. They did this by assuming that there is a number of different types of individuals (or “mass points” in the distribution of individual heterogeneity) and we only can assign individuals to different types according to probabilities. This is reflected in the hazard function incorporating an extra term allowing for different intercepts for different types. For instance, if one assumes a model with two types (type=1, 2), then the hazard will be h j ,type ( xij ) = 1 − exp − exp ( mtype + β 0 + xij β + γ j ) , where mtype (14) characterises the discrete points of support of a bivariate distribution (“mass points”), with mtype =1 normalized to zero and the probability of belonging to type 1 is p1 = 1 − p2 . Mass point 2 equals mtype = 2 + β 0 . All the individual contributions to the likelihood function will be a mixture of contributions assuming type1 individual and type2 individual. This 16 mixture will weight contributions of the two types according to the corresponding associated probabilities ( p1 , p2 ) to the “mass points”. The above discrete time proportional hazard models may be estimated in Stata. The complementary loglog without unobserved individual heterogeneity may be estimated using the cloglog stata command. The complementary loglog model with Gamma distributed unobserved individual heterogeneity may be estimated using Jenkins´s written program pgmhaz8.11 Finally, a model with non-parametric unobserved individual heterogeneity may be estimated using Jenkins´s hshaz program.12 Not controlling for unobserved heterogeneity when it is important may have the following effects. First, the degree of negative duration dependence in the hazard is over-estimated. This is the result of a selection process according to which firms with unobserved heterogeneity correlated with higher exit rates finish the spell more rapidly. Then, as time goes by we have more firms with low v in the group of surviving firms, which implies a lower hazard and so the underestimation of the true hazard. Secondly, the β parameters are underestimated. Then, they do not have anymore an interpretation as the proportionate response of the hazard to a change in a given covariate. However, some empirical results indicate that the more flexible the baseline hazard the less important are the effects of unobserved individual heterogeneity (Dolton and van der Klaauw, 1995). 5. RESULTS. a) Non-parametric tests In order to better understand the effects of the explanatory variables used in the analysis, we carry out non-parametric tests for the equality of survival functions across the r groups in which a number of explanatory variables classify the R&D spells. These tests are extensions of non-parametric rank tests to compare two or more distributions for censored data. Under the null hypothesis, there is no difference in the survival rate of each of the r groups at An up-to-date Stata program elaborated by S. Jenkins that implements this estimator is available from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/p or, inside Stata, typing ssc install pgmhaz8. An initial version of the program was presented in Jenkins (2001). 11 12 A Stata program elaborated by S. Jenkins that implements this estimator is available from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/h , or inside Stata, typing ssc install hshaz. 17 any of the exit times and the t-statistic distributes as χ 2 with r-1 degrees of freedom. At any exit time, the contribution to the t-statistic is obtained as a weighted standardised sum of the difference between the actual and expected number of exits for each of the r groups (Cleves et al., 2004). In table IV we present the results for the log-rank and Wilcoxon tests of equality of R&D spell duration across groups by explanatory variables.13 Our results indicate that there are remarkable differences in the survival prospects across groups of R&D spells for each of the variables considered (except for the variable accounting for product diversification). Thus, focusing on the variables related to the existence of dynamic increasing returns, we get that R&D spells corresponding to firms with high and medium R&D intensity and obtaining innovation results enjoy better survival prospects (at 5% level of significance)14 than R&D spells corresponding to firms with low R&D intensity and not obtaining any innovation result. In addition, firms operating in high and medium technological intensity industries enjoy longer R&D spells than firms operating in low technological intensity industries (at 5% level of significance). The magnitude of these differences can be seen by comparing the mean survival times by group shown in the last column of Table IV.15 With respect to the extent to which the results from the innovative activities can be appropriated by the firm or easily diffused within or across industries we get that spells belonging to firms operating both in low and high appropriability sectors enjoy significant higher survival prospects (at the 5% level). The longer duration of the R&D spells in high appropriability sectors is consistent with the argument of Levin et al. (1987) and Levin (1988), that the higher the appropriability of the innovation output the higher will be the incentives to invest in R&D. The longer duration of R&D spells in low appropriability sectors is in line with the idea that when appropriability is low spillovers among firms are high and in order to take advantage of these 13 We have also carried out the Peto-Peto-Prentice test obtaining similar results. The differences among these test lie on the weights assigned to the differences between actual and predicted number of exits by group. The weight at each distinct failure time is 1 for the long-rank test, whereas it is the number of R&D spells at risk for the Wilcoxon test. See Cleves et al. (2004) for further details. 14 For the R&D intensity variable we get a Wilcoxon text significant at the 17.7% level. For the Peto-Peto-Prentice we obtain a significant difference at the 6.5% level. 15 These mean duration have been calculated taking into account only the R&D spells completed along the years of the sample. 18 spillovers firms may need to develop sufficient “absorptive capacity”, which implies own innovation activities (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). As for firms’ internal capabilities, R&D spells corresponding to firms large in size, with a high number of R&D employees, and undertaking only internal or both internal and external R&D activities (as opposed to contracting R&D activities externally) endure significantly better survival chances than R&D spells corresponding to firms with different characteristics. We further find that R&D spells of firms with a high percentage of foreign physical equipment last longer (at the 1% level of significance). This could indicate that the foreign technology incorporated in machinery is a complement to technology from own R&D that increases firm’s propensity to undertake R&D activities. Finally, regarding to the variables used to proxy market competition, we obtain that the higher the market share of a firm the longer its R&D spells, and that also exporting firms experience longer R&D spells. [Insert table IV about here] b) Estimation results Table V shows estimation results for three discrete time proportional hazard model based on the Prentice-Gloecker (1978) model. In the first column we present the estimates of a complementary log-log (cloglog) model (model 1) that does not considers any potential unobserved individual heterogeneity; in the second column we present the result of a cloglog model assuming a gamma distribution for an included individual heterogeneity term (model 2); finally, in column 3 we present the estimates of a cloglog that includes a discrete mixture distribution to summarise unobserved individual heterogeneity non-parametrically as proposed by Heckman and Singer (1984) (model 3). The three estimators include a non-parametric specification for the shape of the baseline hazard function that allows fully identification of the pattern of duration dependence. When using a fully non-parametric specification for the baseline hazard function one must drop from the sample the observations corresponding to survival years without events (i.e. without spell completions) as the hazard cannot be estimated for these years (exactly 19 as with the non-parametric baseline hazard in the continuous time Cox model). We do not have any event in survival years 8 and 10, thus after dropping the data for these survival years the size of the estimation data get reduced to 1250 observations that correspond to 481 spells. For the same reason, and as explained in the methodological section, we cannot include in the estimation the dummy variables corresponding to survival years 8 and 10 (d8 and d10). It should also be mentioned that as the observational unit of our analysis is the R&D spell, in our estimations we consider unobserved individual heterogeneity at the spell level. Notwithstanding, most of the causes underlying spell unobserved heterogeneity come from the unobserved characteristics of the firms producing the R&D spell. Although in our sample we observe firms with more than one R&D spell, for the estimation we consider the spells belonging to a single firms as independent. In any case, it should be taken into account that almost 60% of the firms in the sample show only one R&D spell. As in any proportional hazard specification, a unit change in a covariate leads to a proportional shift on the hazard rate. Moreover, the assumption of proportionality has been tested using the tests proposed by Grambsch and Therneau (1994). The null hypothesis that the hazard rates are proportional cannot be rejected. Both for models 2 and 3 the tests for individual heterogeneity do not allow us to reject the null hypothesis that individual unobserved heterogeneity is not relevant. For model 2 (parametric specification by a Gamma distributional assumption) we reject the null hypothesis that the unobserved heterogeneity variance component ( σ 2 ) is equal to zero (p-value for the likelihood ratio test is 0.049), indicating statistically significant unobserved heterogeneity.16 For model 3 (non-parametric treatment through “two masspoints”) we reject the null that the mass-point for type 2 is statistically no different to the mass-point for type 1 (the coefficient of the mass-point for type 2 is -2.455 with p-value 0.003),17 what means that there is unobserved individual heterogeneity. The above mentioned results suggest that for our 16 This likelihood ratio tests whether the gamma variance is equal to zero. The reference to a χ2(01) is due to the fact that this test is a “boundary” test that takes account of the fact that the null distribution is a 50:50 mixture of a chi-squared (d.f.=0) variate (which is a point mass at zero) and a chi-squared (d.f.=1) (see Gutiérrez et al., 2001, and Jenkins, 2004) . 17 In this estimation method we set mass point for type 1 spells equal to zero and estimate the second mass point. 20 particular analysis we should mainly rely on the results of the models including unobserved heterogeneity (models 2 and 3). [Insert Table V about here] It should be also mentioned that with the aim of capturing possible non-linear effects of the covariates on duration, all covariates in our model are introduced as sets of dummy variables. The fact that both specifications accounting for unobserved individual heterogeneity yield similar results indicates that our results are robust to any specification controlling for unobserved spell heterogeneity. However, comparison of the estimates of model 1 with models 2 and 3 estimates reveals that the coefficients of the covariates (excluding those that correspond to our non-parametric baseline hazard function) in the models that account for unobserved spell heterogeneity are slightly larger in absolute value. These differences are not unexpected as Jenkins (2004) shows that not accounting for unobserved heterogeneity attenuates the magnitude of the impact of covariates on the hazard rate. Nonetheless the results of the two estimations accounting for unobserved heterogeneity are very similar, our preferred model is model 3 as it does not impose any parametric distribution to unobserved heterogeneity. Thus, we will focus our analysis on the results of this estimation. Notwithstanding, if there is any relevant difference between the estimates of model 2 and 3, we will take notice of it. Analysing the patterns of duration dependence Figure 2 shows the predicted discrete hazard rates obtained from a cloglog model without unobserved heterogeneity (model 1), a cloglog model with gamma distributed heterogeneity (model 2) and a cloglog model in which unobserved heterogeneity is treated non-parametrically assuming that there are two types of individuals (model 3). In all cases, the discrete hazard rates shown correspond to a representative spell for which all covariates except the ones capturing duration dependence have been set at sample mean values.18 18 As in our analysis all the covariates are included as sets of dummy variables, to characterise the representative spell we follow a two stage procedure. First, we calculate the mean value of the continuous variable that we have used to create the corresponding set of dummy variables; 21 Additionally, as we do not observe any event for the eight and the tenth years of survival we set the discrete hazard rates of these survival years equal to zero. For the gamma distributed unobserved heterogeneity model, discrete hazard rates are predicted assuming that the unobserved heterogeneity component is set equal to its mean. For model 3, we have represented both the discrete hazard rates that correspond to Type 1 spells (mass-point 1) and to Type 2 spells (mass-point 2), taking into account that mtype=1 has been normalized to zero and mtype=2 estimate is -2.455. Observation in Figure 2 of predicted discrete hazard rates corresponding to the model without unobserved heterogeneity (model 1) suggest that they decrease from survival years 1 to 3, then they slightly increase up to survival year 5, and then they decrease again up to survival year 7 (the predicted discrete hazard rate in survival year 9 is very similar to the one corresponding to survival year 7). However the magnitude of these increases and decreases is very small as it shows that the highest discrete hazard rate (corresponding to survival year 1) is 0.172 and the lowest 0.046 (corresponding to survival year 9). To check the significance of these increases and decreases we carry out pairwise comparisons of the duration dependence coefficients. These suggest that not all these increases and decreases are significant, as only the coefficient associated to the survival year 1 is significantly smaller in absolute value to the other duration dependence coefficients. Thus, the results of these pairwise comparisons indicate that after initial decrease in the hazard rates (from survival years 1 to 2), these stay constant along the period of analysis. Hence, in the estimation that does not take into account frailty we do not find evidence of negative duration dependence. Discrete hazard rates corresponding to model 2 and type 1 spells of model 3 (the probability that a spell belongs to type 1 is 0.812 with a p-value close to 5%) are for every survival year, except for survival year 1, above model 1 predicted hazard rates. This result is not unexpected as not controlling for unobserved heterogeneity overestimates the extent to which hazard rates decrease with survival time as it was explained in the methodological section. Notwithstanding, discrete hazard rates for type 2 spells of model 3, are lower than the corresponding to models 1 and 2, and type 1 spells of model 3 as the then, we set equal to 1 the dummy containing this mean value (the dummies take value of 1 for a given range of values of the continuous variable). 22 negative mtype=2 estimate (-2.455) reduces the predicted hazard rates. In any case, it should be taken into account that the probability of a spell being of type 2 is much lower than the probability of being of type 1, 0.18819 and 0.812 respectively. [ Insert figure 2 about here ] Furthermore, both in models 2 and 3 all duration dependence coefficients are not significantly different from zero (at 5% level) and are not significantly different among them.20 Therefore, once we control for unobserved heterogeneity, our results indicate that survival time itself plays no role in explaining the duration of R&D spells. On the basis of the survivor functions predicted by model 2 and type 1 spells of model 3, Figure 3 shows that approximately 50% of the innovative spells endure more than 3 years, and that about 30% of them last more than 10 years.21 These high figures give an idea of the importance of persistence in R&D activities. [ Insert figure 3 about here ] Dynamic increasing returns Our results provide evidence supporting hypothesis one (H1), i.e., that there are dynamic increasing returns to R&D activities. In particular, we obtain a non-linear relationship between firms’ R&D intensity (measured as the ratio of R&D expenditures over sales) and the expected length of the R&D spell. Only those firms belonging to the “medium R&D intensity” group enjoy R&D spells with longer survival prospects that those firms belonging to the “low R&D intensity group” (the coefficient of the R&D INTENSITY2 is negative and significant at 2% level). However, there is no difference between the expected duration of the R&D spells of “high R&D intensity” firms and their “low R&D intensity” counterparts (the coefficient of the R&D INTENSITY3 is not significantly different from zero). However, we cannot distinguish between the expected duration of firms belonging to the “medium and high R&D intensity” groups. This result gives support to hypothesis H1.a, that is, that With a p-value of 1%. d3 is significantly different from zero at 6% level in the mass-points estimation. 21 These figures are much higher for type 2 spells in model 3, however they should not be as representative as the probability of being a type 2 spell is only 18%. 19 20 23 there are learning by doing and learning-to-learn effects in R&D activities (Rosenberg, 1976; Nelson and Winter, 1982). The analysis of the interactions between the degree of technological intensity of the firm industry and the R&D results obtained by the firm (either in the form of patents and utility models or in the form of product and process innovations) leads to a number of interesting results. Firstly, only in medium technological intensity industries the expected duration of R&D spell of firms that obtain innovation results is longer than the spells of firms that do not obtain innovations. Both for low and high technological intensity industries we cannot distinguish between the expected duration of firms obtaining and not obtaining innovations. Second, the expected length of R&D spells corresponding to firms not obtaining innovation results is independent of the technological intensity of the industry they belong to. Third, the R&D spell length prospects of firms obtaining innovations are better in medium and high technological intensity industries than in low-technological industries. However, there is no difference between the expected duration of the R&D spells of firms obtaining innovations in medium and high technological intensity industries. Thus, these results give support to hypothesis H1.b, and in particular, to the argument that “success-breeds-success” (Nelson and Winter, 1982). The results behind hypothesis H1.a and H1.b may also be considered as giving support to industry dynamic models where the main source of dynamics arises from firms’ active learning (Ericson and Pakes, 1995; Pakes and Ericson, 1998). However, as we described above our data do not exhibits negative duration dependence, indicating that the probability of ending of a firm’ R&D spell does not decrease with the duration of the spell. Thus we cannot confirm hypothesis 1.c. Nonetheless, in our data unobserved heterogeneity is important, indicating that persistence is more linked to individual unobserved heterogeneity than to duration dependence. This result is consistent with the industry dynamic models of passive learning (Jovanovic, 1982), in which dynamics is driven by inherent and fairly constant characteristics of the firm (natural endowments, managerial abilities, internal capabilities, etc.). In summary, our analysis provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that increasing returns to scale in innovative activities are an important driver of firms’ innovation persistence. 24 Appropriability conditions As regards to appropriability conditions faced by R&D firms, our results suggest that firms operating in an environment with high appropiability conditions enjoy longer R&D spells as compared to industries with low appropriability conditions (the reference cathegory).22 This result is consistent with Geroski et al. (1997), who found that spillovers affects positively to the length of the innovative spell, and is also in line with Levin et al. (1987) and Levin (1988), who predict that the higher the degree of appropriability of the innovation output, the higher will be the incentives to invest in R&D. Firms’ internal capabilities We now turn to analyse the impact of firm’s internal capabilities on R&D spell duration. First, in relation to firm size and after controlling for all other variables, we obtain that the R&D spells of larger firms have lower chances of ending. The coefficients corresponding to all included size groups (the excluded one is SIZE1, i.e. under 21 employees) are negative and significant, except for the SIZE3 group (firms over 50 and below 101 employees). However, the impact of firm size on the length of the R&D spell is not linear, as pairwise comparisons of the coefficients corresponding to included groups suggest that only R&D spells of firms with more than 200 employees (SIZE 5 and SIZE6 groups) endure better survival prospects.23 Hence, the implication of our results on firm size are twofold: on the one hand, they suggest that survival prospects of the R&D spells produced by the group of the smallest firms are shorter than those spells that correspond to larger firms; on the other hand, they suggest the existence of a size threshold as there is no difference in the expected duration of the R&D spells of firms employing between 21 and 200 workers but, nevertheless, the expected duration of the R&D spells carried out by firms with more than 200 employees is larger. This result is consistent with existing studies of innovation persistence, who have also found that large firms show higher persistence in innovative behaviour (Geroski et al., 1997; Cefis and Orsenigo, 2001; Cefis, 2003). 22 We also find significant differences between the coefficient of APPROPRIABILITY2 and APPROPRIABILITY3, i.e. firms belonging to industries with medium and high appropriability environments. 23 We obtain that, in absolute value, the negative coefficient of SIZE2, SIZE3 and SIZE4 are significantly smaller than the coefficients of Size5 and Size6. However, the coefficients of SIZE5 and SIZE6 are not significantly different. 25 Second, as regards to the impact of the number of R&D employees on the R&D spell duration, we obtain that, as expected, firms with larger R&D departments experience R&D spells with longer survival prospects. However, this relationship is not linear. The expected duration of the R&D spells of firms that employ R&D workers is greater than the one of firms with no R&D workers (the coefficients of both R&D EMPLOYMENT1 and R&D EMPLOYMENT2 are negative and significant, although the first one only at 9% level). Nevertheless, the number of R&D workers does not seem to have an impact on the expected duration of the innovative spell (the coefficients of R&D EMPLOYEMENT1 and R&D EMPLOYMENT2 are not significantly different).24. Third, in relation to product diversification, our results suggest that the R&D spells corresponding to firms producing a larger number of products have higher chances of ending (the coefficient of the variable DIVERSIFICATION is positive and significant). This finding is not in line with Chen (1996), who argues that diversified firms have usually higher incentives to perform R&D since they may spread their innovative results among all their products. Fourth and interestingly, we find that the internal/external nature of R&D activities has an important impact on the length prospects of the R&D spell. Our results suggest that firms undertaking both internal and external R&D activities enjoy better innovative survival prospects than firms contracting externally these activities. We also obtain that undertaking these activities both internal and externally is significantly better for the R&D spell length than doing these activities only internally. Firms’ market competition In relation to firm market share, we do not find that this variable affects its expected R&D spell length. However, we find that firms’ export participation extends R&D spell survival prospects (the coefficient of the Exporter dummy variable is negative and significant). This result may indicate that firms in more competitive markets have greater incentives to undertake R&D activities in a continuous way in order to maintain market competitiveness and the high quality standard products demanded in international markets. 24 In the estimation of the model with gamma distributed unobserved heterogeneity, the coefficient of R&D EMPLOYMENT2 is not significant at 10% level. 26 Business cycle Regarding the year dummies introduced to capture for the business cycle, we find that the larger probability of ending corresponds to 1991 (the omitted year in the estimation). In addition, pairwise comparisons between year dummies do not reveal any business cycle effect as in most cases the coefficient of a given year is not significantly different to the coefficient of any other year. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS. This paper has investigated the determinants of the persistence of firms in undertaking R&D activities. Unless previous studies, that have focused on firms’ innovation persistence by analysing the number of innovation results obtained by firms (either patents and/or major innovations), we have examined persistence from an input point of view, and in particular, persistence in the firms’ decision to invest in R&D activities. Our main interest has been testing the hypothesis of dynamic increasing returns to innovation, or the also called hypothesis of “success-breeds-success” (Nelson and Winter, 1982). In order to do so, we have used survival methods, including nonparametric tests and the estimation of three discrete time proportional hazard models. The advantages of our estimation methods, as compared to previous analysis of innovation persistence, is that they have allowed for a fully nonparametric estimation of the baseline hazard function, permitting a full identification of the effect of survival time on the length of the R&D spell. In addition, the estimation of both parametric and non-parametric frailty survival models has allowed a robust test for the presence of unobserved individual heterogeneity. We have used for this purpose a representative sample of the population of Spanish manufacturing for the period 1990 to 2000. The dataset has been drawn from the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales, a survey carried out annually since 1990 that provides broad information at the firm level. Our findings may be considered as giving support to the hypothesis that R&D activities are subject to dynamic economies of scale (“success-breedssuccess” hypothesis). In particular, R&D intensity and innovation results are 27 important drivers of persistence in R&D activities. These results may be considered as giving support to industry dynamic models where the main source of dynamics arises from firms’ active learning (e.g. Ericson and Pakes, 1995). Our data has not exhibited negative duration dependence, indicating that the probability of ending a firm’ R&D spell do not decrease as the period goes on. However, we have obtained that unobserved heterogeneity is important, indicating that persistence is more linked to individual unobserved heterogeneity than to duration dependence. This result is consistent with the industry dynamic models of passive learning (Jovanovic, 1982), in which dynamics is driven by inherent and fairly constant characteristics of the firm (natural endowments, managerial abilities, etc.). We have also found that firm size, R&D employment, the nature of R&D activities, and export activities affect the continuity in the performance of R&D activities. Our findings make an important contribution to the understanding of the determinants of firms’ persistency in R&D activities. Furthermore, as it is generally accepted that the achievement of innovations (both product and process innovations) depends crucially on the persistency in the realization of R&D activities, our results are susceptible to have important implications both for public policy and firm managers. As for public policies, actions addressed to increase firms’ R&D intensity, favouring the appropriability of the innovations, subsidizing the creation of R&D departments and the undertaking of internal R&D, or the participation of firms in the export markets could have a positive impact on the persistency of R&D activities and foster the achievement of innovations. As for managers, our results suggest that although undertaking internal R&D (versus external contracting) and creating an own R&D department may increase the sunk costs associated to perform R&D, they are also factors that increase the propensity to perform R&D persistently, and persistent R&D eases the achievement of innovation that are the final aim of R&D activities. 28 Table I. Variable definitions Duration Spells duration in years Dynamic increasing returns R&D intensity Variable taking value 1 if the firm R&D expenditure (including imported technology) normalized by sales (in %) is lower than 0.5%, value of 2 if the firm R&D expenditure is greater than 0.5% and lower than 2.5%, and value of 3 if the firm R&D expenditure is greater than 2.5%. R&D intensity1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm R&D expenditure is lower than 0.5% and 0 otherwise. R&D intensity2 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm R&D expenditure is greater than 0.5%, and lower than 2.5%, and 0 otherwise. R&D intensity3 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm R&D expenditure is greater than 2.5% and 0 otherwise. R&D results Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm obtains at least an innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. Ind_technology Variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a low-technological intensity industry, value 2 if the firm belongs to a mediumtechnological intensity industry, and value 3 if the firm belongs to a high-technological intensity industry. (See table A.2. for the industry classification). Low_tech_R&D0 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a lowtechnological intensity industry and does not have any innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. Low_tech_R&D1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a lowtechnological intensity industry and has at least an innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. Medium_tech_R&D0 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a mediumtechnological intensity industry and does not have any innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. Medium_tech_R&D1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a mediumtechnological intensity industry and has at least an innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. High_tech_R&D0 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a hightechnological intensity industry and does not have any innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. High_tech_R&D1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to a hightechnological intensity industry and has at least an innovation result (a patent, a utility model, a product innovation or a process innovation), and 0 otherwise. Appropriability conditions Appropriability Variable taking value 1 if the firm total number of patents and utility models over the total number of firms that assert to have achieved innovations in the firm industrial sector (20 sectors of the two-digit NACE-93 classification) belongs to the first tercile of the distribution, 29 value 2 if belongs to the second tercile of the distribution, and value 3 if belongs to the last tercile of the distribution. Appropiability1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm total number of patents and utility models over the total number of firms that assert to have achieved innovations in the firm industrial sector belongs to the first tercile of the distribution, and 0 otherwise. Appropiability2 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm total number of patents and utility models over the total number of firms that assert to have achieved innovations in the firm industrial sector belongs to the second tercile of the distribution Appropiability3 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm total number of patents and utility models over the total number of firms that assert to have achieved innovations in the firm industrial sector belongs to the third tercile of the distribution Firms’ internal capabilities Size Variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is lower than 21, value 2 if the number of employees is greater than 20 and lower than 51, value of 3 if the number of employees is greater than 50 and lower than 101, value of 4 if the number of employees is greater than 100 and lower than 201, value of 5 if the number of employees is greater than 200 and lower than 501, and value of 6 if the number of employees is greater than 500. To calculate the number of employees we do not account for R&D employment. Size1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is lower than 21 and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. Size2 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is greater than 20 and lower than 51 and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. Size3 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is greater than 50, and lower than 101and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. Size4 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is greater than 100 and lower than 201 and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. Size5 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is greater than 200 and lower than 501 and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. Size6 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the number of employees of the firm is greater than 500 and 0 otherwise. We do not account for R&D employment. R&D employees Variable taking value 1 if the firm number of R&D employees is 0, value of 2 if the number of R&D employees is greater than 0 and lower than 11 and value of 3 if the number of R&D employees is greater than 10. R&D employees1 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm number of R&D employees is 0 and 0 otherwise. R&D employees2 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm number of R&D employees is greater than 0 and lower than 11, and 0 otherwise. R&D employees3 Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm number of R&D employees is greater than 10 and 0 otherwise. Diversification This variable tries to approximate the degree of differentiation of the firm line of business. The ESEE provides information about the main 30 products offered by the firm that account for at least the 50% of its total amount of sales. Using such information, this variable has been defined as the number of products (from 1 to 5) that account for at least this percentage. Foreign Physical Variable taking value 1 if the firm average percentage of foreign Equipment physical equipment is 0, value of 2 if the average percentage of foreign physical equipment is greater than 0 and lower than 51%, and value of 3 if the average percentage of foreign physical equipment is greater than 50%. Foreign Physical Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm average percentage of Equipment 1 foreign physical equipment is 0, and 0 otherwise Foreign Physical Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm average percentage of Equipment 2 foreign physical equipment is greater than 0 and lower than 51%, and 0 otherwise Foreign Physical Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm average percentage of Equipment 3 foreign physical equipment is greater than 50% and 0 otherwise. R&D type Variable taking value 1 if the firm undertakes only internal R&D, value 2 if the firm only contracts R&D externally, and value 3 if the firm both performs internal R&D and contracts R&D externally. Internal R&D Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm undertakes only internal R&D and 0 otherwise. External R&D Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm undertakes only contracts R&D externally and 0 otherwise. Internal and Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm both performs internal R&D external R&D and contracts R&D externally, and 0 otherwise. Firms’ market competition Market share Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm asserts to account for a significant market share in its main market, and 0 otherwise. Exporter Dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm declares to export a positive amount and 0 otherwise. Business cycle Year dummies Dummy variables taking value 1 for the corresponding year and 0 otherwise. 31 Table II Industrial technological classification) Industry Meat industry Food and tobacco Beverages Textiles and clothing Leather and shoes Timber Paper industry Printing and printing products Chemical products Rubber and plastic Non metallic mineral products Ferrous and non-ferrous metals Metallic products Industrial and agricultural machinery Office machines Electric and electronic machinery and material Vehicles, cars and motors Other transport equipment Furniture Other manufacturing goods intensity (NACE-93 2-digits industrial Industrial technological intensity Low Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low High Medium Low Medium Low High High High High High Low Low 32 Table IV. Non-parametric tests of equality of survival functions and mean duration by explanatory variables. Log-rank Wilcoxon Mean duration Dynamic increasing returns R&D intensity 7.47 (0.024) 3.46 (0.177) R&D intensity=1 3.83 R&D intensity=2 5.06 R&D intensity=3 5.10 R&D results 7.83 (0.005) 3.68 (0.055) R&D results=0 1.79 R&D results=1 2.40 Industry 6.09 (0.047) 6.98 (0.031) Ind_tech.=1 2.52 technological Ind_tech.=2 2.81 intensity Ind_tech.=3 3.12 (Ind_technology) Appropriability conditions Appropriability 7.94 (0.019) 7.13 (0.028) Appropriability=1 2.04 Appropriability=2 1.60 Appropriability=3 1.85 Firms’ internal capabilities Size 38.84 (0.000) 34.72 (0.000) Size=1 1.94 Size=2 1.93 Size=3 2.10 Size=4 2.48 Size=5 3.08 Size=6 3.24 R&D employees 13.09 (0.001) 8.30 (0.016) R&D employ.=1 1.80 R&D employ.=2 2.94 R&D employ.=3 3.96 Diversification 4.12 (0.389) 3.81 (0.432) Diversification=1 2.69 Diversification=2 1.82 Diversification=3 1.62 Diversification=4 1.00 Diversification=5 1.50 Foreign Physical 14.90 (0.000) 12.09 (0.002) Foreign Equip.=1 1.98 Equipment Foreign Equip.=2 2.46 Foreign Equip.=3 2.69 R&D type 32.77 (0.000) 24.57 (0.000) R&D internally=1 2.03 R&D externally=2 1.68 R&D internally & 2.43 externally=3 Firms’ market competition Market share 9.48 (0.002) 9.68 (0.002) Market share=0 2.13 Market share=1 2.59 Exporter 30.49 (0.000) 24.46 (0.000) Exporter=0 1.97 Exporter=1 2.82 Notes: 1. Mean duration calculated considering only completed spells. 33 Table V. Maximum likelihood estimates for the discrete time proportional hazards models. No Unobserved Gamma unobserved Two-mass points heterogeneity heterogeneity estimates Coefficient p-value Coefficient p-value Coefficient p-value R&D intensity2 -0.329 0.020 -0.418 0.020 -0.399 0.014 R&D intensity3 Low_tech_RD1 -0.102 0.599 -0.221 0.386 -0.254 0.268 -0.037 0.829 -0.061 0.772 -0.062 0.759 Medium_tech_RD0 -0.024 0.919 -0.206 0.516 -0.239 0.391 Medium_tech_RD1 -0.509 0.015 -0.706 0.015 -0.681 0.007 High_tech_RD0 -0.225 0.400 -0.437 0.230 -0.438 0.167 High_tech_RD1 -0.539 0.090 -0.808 0.053 -0.749 0.034 Aproppiability2 0.111 0.482 0.101 0.588 0.069 0.707 Aproppiability3 -0.314 0.072 -0.383 0.067 -0.417 0.038 Size2 -0.231 0.186 -0.386 0.121 -0.450 0.047 Size3 -0.081 0.722 -0.266 0.412 -0.362 0.221 Size4 -0.462 0.040 -0.740 0.034 -0.793 0.007 Size5 -0.704 0.003 -1.048 0.005 -1.102 0.000 Size6 -0.727 0.050 -1.131 0.029 -1.141 0.008 R&D employment2 -0.196 0.258 -0.281 0.189 -0.351 0.086 R&D employment3 -1.114 0.070 -1.299 0.053 -1.332 0.04 Diversification 0.211 0.078 0.308 0.073 0.334 0.03 Foreign physical equipment2 0.010 0.953 0.033 0.874 0.062 0.751 Foreign physical equipment3 -0.256 0.122 -0.297 0.168 -0.312 0.115 R&D internally -0.080 0.617 -0.077 0.698 -0.107 0.558 R&D internally & externally -0.647 0.002 -0.692 0.004 -0.685 0.002 Market share -0.176 0.192 -0.207 0.228 -0.172 0.293 Exporter Year 1992 -0.287 0.043 -0.395 0.046 -0.335 0.048 1.420 0.000 1.389 0.000 1.322 0.000 Year 1993 1.574 0.000 1.673 0.000 1.587 0.000 Year 1994 1.451 0.000 1.563 0.000 1.52 0.000 Year 1995 1.064 0.001 1.198 0.001 1.102 0.001 Year 1996 1.357 0.000 1.448 0.000 1.372 0.000 Year 1997 0.986 0.002 1.094 0.002 0.988 0.003 Year 1998 1.364 0.000 1.506 0.000 1.484 0.000 Year 1999 1.431 0.000 1.681 0.000 1.640 0.000 d1 -1.022 0.004 -0.595 0.237 -0.468 0.258 d2 -1.479 0.000 -0.815 0.193 -0.756 0.100 d3 -1.832 0.000 -1.023 0.153 -0.960 0.058 d4 -1.693 0.000 -0.722 0.372 -0.623 0.269 d5 -1.693 0.000 -0.621 0.479 -0.459 0.452 d6 -2.135 0.000 -0.980 0.323 -0.812 0.274 d7 -2.366 0.003 -1.227 0.279 -1.076 0.250 -2.407 0.024 -1.341 0.317 -1.216 0.304 d9 Log-likelihood N. of observations N. of spells Test for unobserved individual heterogeneity -542.500 -541.130 -539.938 1250 1250 1250 480 480 480 LR test of Gamma mtype1 = 0 variance=0 mtype2= -2.455 with Chibar2(01)=2.742 p-value=0.003 p-value =0.049 34 Figures 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier Survival estimate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Survival time 7 8 9 10 0 Predicted hazard rate, h(j) .05 .1 .15 .2 Figure 2: Predicted discrete hazard rates, all estimations 0 2 4 Survival time No unobs. heterogeneity Discrete mixture type 1 6 8 10 Gamma unobserved heterogeneity Discrete mixture type 2 .2 .4 S(j) .6 .8 1 Figure 3: Predicted survivor function , all estimations 0 2 4 Survival time No unobs. heterogeneity Discrete mixture type 1 6 8 10 Gamma unobserved heterogeneity Discrete mixture type 2 36 REFERENCES. 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