Why Jyske Bank joined Bankdata Lene Weldum, General Manager Bankdata Topics The Danish banking sector (from an IT-perspective) Bankdata – in very brief Why Jyske Bank gave up on their in-house development strategy The money-side The Danish banking-sector and the supporting IT-landscape # Danish banks 2007: 147 2013: 89 And counting… (At least 6 banks in process of merging to 3) The IT-landscape in Danish Banks - 2009 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank In house JN Data Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata In house Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC In house Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC IBM The IT-landscape in Danish Banks – spring 2010 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank In house JN Data Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata In house Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC In JNhouse Data Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC JNIBM Data The IT-landscape in Danish Banks – autumn 2010 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank In house Bankdata JN Data Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata In JNhouse Data Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC In JNhouse Data Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC JNIBM Data The IT-landscape in Danish Banks - 2013 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank, Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata JN Data Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC JN Data Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC JN Data Bankdata’s position in the Danish banking sector Jyske Bank 2010 2013 Bankdata Bankdata Danske Bank BEC Danske Bank BEC SDC SDC Nordea Nordea Measurement: Banking-balances in Danish member-banks Bankdata in brief Bankdata – the fundamentals Bankdata is located in Fredericia (HQ) and – as of November 2012 Silkeborg, Denmark. Bankdata was founded in 1966. Bankdata is owned 100% by the members Bankdata has only a few (insignificant) number of servicecustomers Bankdata members ownership Sydbank 41,0% 30,0% Other banks (11) Jyske Bank 29,0% Staffing structure in Bankdata 2013 650 employees 1% 2% 4% Mangement, HR, Admininstration Development and development support Security and Audit Customerservice 92% Jyske Banks strategic decision Why change IT strategy? (From Jyske Banks internal presentation) Challenge Jyske Bank wants to grow substantial in markets share The IT-department does not have the resources to support the business model and the ambition for growth The ongoing consolidation in the financial sector – also in the supporting IT-structure – will cause Jyske Banks relative IT-costs to increase Possible solutions Increase access to IT resources 1. Substantial growth in Jyske Banks development center 2. Collaboration with others Why change IT strategy? (Bankdata’s perspective) Jyske Bank’s IT-solutions were comprehensive and supported the business extremely well From an IT-perspective, the systems were very complex and difficult to manage/enhance Jyske Bank had no recent history of acquiring banks, so the IT-department and IT-solutions were ill prepared for merging data from another bank Rating Concerns regarding collaboration around IT-development Main concerns 1 of 3 Is IT a competitive factor in itself? No! Amongst Bankdata’s members: Ringkjøbing Landbobank. By medias declared “Danish Champion in banking” 4 years in a row Banks who have had to seek mergers Main concerns 2 of 3 Does a bank loose it’s identity when running shared IT? No! Even though the banks are delivering the exact same online-bank to their customers, the customers don’t realize this (partly due to “colors and visuals”) Online banking – perception (2007) Main concerns 3 of 3 Is collaborating with other banks around IT-development an uphill and ongoing battle? Yes and no The banks do have to spend time at meetings and finding common ground (“mid/high” common denominator) But they also derive benefit from other banks ideas Competitiveness The major up’s! 1 of 2 A large and technological sound IT-system A much better IT-solution for the business customers Significant cost reduction (numbers later) Significant growth in IT resources available for “free” development A large chunk of anyone's IT resources now a days held up in supporting/managing old IT-systems and complying with new legislation The major up’s! 2 of 2 A setup geared for merging banks Since decision to move to Bankdata, Jyske Bank has acquired two banks. The first one is merged into Jyske Banks IT-system; the second one scheduled for may 2014 A setup where other banks (= Sydbank) contributes with business knowledge in the IT-development projects Jyske Bank does not have to participate in all projects Especially attractive when dealing with the many legislationprojects The major down’s! Jyske Bank lost their 100 % influence on every aspect of IT! They gave up a lot of business functionality But they gained a lot of new and improved stuff as well A large upfront negative response from the private customers Consumer-organisation, ”TÆNK”, test June 2010 Danske Bank Navigation Nykredit Jyske Bank 6 9 Ease of read 7 Userneeds Sydbank Amagerbanken Nordea Lån&Spar bank 7 9 10 6 10 8 7 9 8 8 9 3 7 7 7 9 4 9 Userexperience 3 7 3 7 5 4 3 Communication 8 10 5 9 10 9 8 Design and clarity 6 8 3 9 8 3 10 33 49 32 50 50 34 49 Total Onlinebanking in DK May 2010 The major down’s! Jyske Bank lost their 100 % influence on every aspect of IT! They gave up a lot of business functionality But they gained a lot of new and improved stuff as well A large upfront negative response from the private customers Quickly subdued with a few improvements An enormous task with preparing to migrate a complete bank in a “big bang” On the positive side: They have a very “clean” bank today The numbers Cost - Savings (million Euros per year) Savings estimated at time of signing (1.9.2010) 2013 2014 2015 35 37 38 Cost - Savings (million Euros per year) 2013 2014 2015 Savings estimated at time of signing (1.9.2010) 35 37 38 Savings estimated 1.9.2011 35 39 41 Cost - Savings (million Euros per year) 2013 2014 2015 Savings estimated at time of signing (1.9.2010) 35 37 38 Savings estimated 1.9.2011 35 39 41 Savings estimated 1.9.2012 36 45 52 Thank you Lene Weldum, [email protected] Appendix Collaboration model in Bankdata Collaboration model Board of directors Advisory Committee Resorts – 9 in total Bankbasics Selfservice DW/ BI Markets xx Bankbasics Selfservice DW/ BI Markets xx Product management councils – 9 in total Collaboration model The board of directors is led by the chairman of the board. All other governance groups are led by Bankdata The banks have enormous influence on Bankdata’s development plans But in the end Bankdata will take responsibility for outlining the total development plan, because Bankdata is the one, objective part Bankdata has to take responsibility for matching the demands for development with the resources and competencies Collaboration model Board of Directors CEO’s of 6 banks Chairman of the board: CEO of Sydbank Bankdata rep.’s: CEO & CTO/COO Responsibilities: Strategies for Bankdata (as a company) The economic framework for Bankdata Rolling 3 years strategic budget Uphold the principles for collaboration – amongst themselves and in their respective banks Collaboration model Advisory committee CIO’s of 6 banks (same banks as board of directors) Led by: Bankdata’s CEO & CTO/COO Responsibilities: Advise Bankdata’s management about overall priorities for use of Bankdata’s resources Oversee the project-portfolio and follow up on implementation (benefits realization) Uphold the principles for collaboration Collaboration model Resorts (9 in total) Each resort covers a “Line of Business” (LoB) E.g. “Markets”, “Selvservice”, “Credit/lending”… Each resort led by a development manager of the respective line of business in Bankdata Members: Line of business responsible from 3 or4 banks Jyske Bank and Sydbank are members in all resorts Each resort has a “Primary resort-responsible sponsor” This is always either Jyske Bank or Sydbank Responsibilities: Outline the strategy for development in the LoB within the resource-limitation set out by the advisory committee Ensuring that applications/systems within LoB are maintainable and supporting the business needs Ensuring cost/benefit is estimated for all projects in the resort Following all development projects within the resort Follow up on implementation and benefit realization on delivery Collaboration model Product Management Councils (PMC) Each PMC covers a “coherent product suite” E.g.: Accounts, Payments & Cards, Each PMC refers to a resort Led by: Product department manager from the LoB of Bankdata Members: Subject/product leaders from 3 or 4 banks Jyske Bank and Sydbank are members in all PMC’s Responsibilities: Making sure the systems are functioning and supporting the day to day use in the banks Propose “maintenance-projects” to the resort in order to keep the systems “fit and proper” for ongoing use Proposing renovation-projects for systems which are considered not fit for longtime use or further development
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