Vo lu m e 4 0 • N o.2 “Why does anybody tell a story? It does indeed have something to do with faith. faith that the universe has meaning, that our little human lives are not irrelevant, that what we choose or say or do matters, matters cosmically.” Madeleine L'Engle, Author, 1918-2007 Each year, I frantically collect data - how many meals, how many hours, how many dollars. All of the data is required by someone - a funder, a donor, an auditor. And I put that data into reports for foundations, the TRUST churches, donors, the list below for the newsletter. I use the data for TRUST to generate more activity and more funding, and I collect more data. And on and on. L’Engle’s quote reminds me that all of that data is about stories. TRUST has so many stories - stories of giving and receiving. Each meal provided, each chore completed, each hour spent visiting, driving, or building is a story about someone’s life. It may be about the life of someone who would be hard pressed to stay in their home of many years without our services. It may be the story of young people learning service and compassion. It may be the story of someone receiving a prayer shawl in a time of hurt. It may be a story of someone wanting to give of their time and their resources because they have felt blessed. Each of those stories has meaning. Thank you for providing those stories. So here’s the data. Think of the stories the numbers can tell: 378 volunteers delivered 25,228 hot meals for Meals on Wheels; the Chore program served 302 clients with 2,993 jobs; Parish Nursing provided 1,344 hours of visiting, phone calls, church education, and blood pressure clinics; 289 flu shots were given at 10 congregational sites; 21 volunteers provided 4,192 hours for 23 estate sales; Six nights of cooking & serving the hundreds at Loaves & Fishes 125 prayer shawls knitted offering comfort; youth service projects including a mission trip to Washington D.C.; 96 TRUST Builders provided 15 build days for Urban Homeworks; three ten-week grief support groups offering comfort & information; pet food delivered to 22 dogs and 41 cats living with TRUST clients; 346 Christmas gifts for Redeemer residents & TRUST clients; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PAGE 2 M ar ch 2 0 12 TRUST, Inc. 612-827-6159 9 West Rustic Lodge Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55419 Website www.trustinc.org Email [email protected] Nancy Biele Executive Director Chore Program Wendy Taylor Beth Ferkey 612-827-6150 Director Coordinator Parish Nurse Pat McLaughlin 612-822-2394 Trusty Salers Jan Bankey 612-827-6159 Office Coordinator Beth Ferkey 612-827-6159 Grief Coalition Norine Larson 612-827-6159 Meals on Wheels 612-822-6040 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55409 Betsy Peregoy Director Julia Ockuly Coordinator Michael Bayly Coordinator CoAM 612-721-5786 3045 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407 Barb Bittman Grocery Driver In This Issue Parish Nurse ....................................... 3 Meals on Wheels ................................ 4 Chore Program ................................... 5 TRUST Builders……………...…………6 Grief Support ………………..………….6 Caring in the Community……..………11 CoAM ………………………………..8-11 Caritas concert ………………….……...2 Church Events………..…………………7 Donors……………………………12-14 TRUST is an interfaith coalition of south Minneapolis congregations serving families, youth and seniors since 1970. Congregations & Board Members Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bev Robinson and Cindy Tintner First Universalist Church Marjie Smith and Julie Howard Judson Memorial Baptist Church Clay Gustafson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM PAGE 1 200 people registered for 20 Mondays of Life Enrichment classes; forty-five people took 719 round trips to get groceries; three day tours were provided for 120 people; 45 churches that are involved with at least one TRUST program. Thank you for your story. Thank you for your support however you provide it - volunteering, financial support, championing TRUST in your church and the community. I have faith that what we do matters. "What you choose or say or do matters, matters cosmically.” Nancy Biele Lake Harriet Christian Church Lake Harriet United Methodist Church Alan Lee Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church Diane Hansen Linden Hills Congregational UCC Kathryn Lundquist Caritas Vocal Ensemble to perform on behalf of TRUST Parish Nursing at St. John’s on March 11 Join us at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, March 11 at 4 pm Living Spirit United Methodist Church Marie Mellgren Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer Lisa Dunning and Elise Wied Lynnhurst Congregational UCC Mary Faulkner and Dan Kruse Mayflower Congregational UCC Mike Peterson Mount Olive Lutheran Gary Flatgard Richfield United Methodist Church Clarice Lien St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church Jessica Drecktrah St. John’s Lutheran Church St. Leonard’s Catholic Church Karen Virnig St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Terri Keacher CoAM Board Representatives Dorothea Tenney and Dan Burow 2 for a fun, live performance of a capella choral music! Tickets are $15 or $10 for seniors/students, and a Thrivent match for this concert will make your contribution go even farther! Caritas has been performing on behalf of Parish Nursing since the group was formed. Entitled ―Shall We Gather…‖, this year Caritas will perform an exciting and varied program of pop, classical, secular and sacred pieces celebrating rivers, and birds… and the spring that brings them. We are going to continue that theme with a ―gathering‖ of items for a baked goods and dinner basket auction after the concert during the reception. From the Desk of the Parish Nurse Greetings, Recently a faith community nurse friend of mine shared information on ―Cooking Safely‖. I thought she had written an excellent article and I would like to share it with you. Are You Cooking Safely? A workshop sponsored by the MN Department of Health presented food safety training for people who cook and serve food at some faithbased and community events. It is a new requirement in MN state law in order to prevent food borne illness commonly known as food poisoning. Some of the training applied to serving big meals out of church kitchens but there was a lot of important general information that could be helpful for anyone. They pointed out that because our food is coming from all over the world, and that new, stronger bacteria and viruses are finding their way into our food, we have to change the ways we handle food. (Now there is a strong reason for buying locally!!) Anyway, I thought I would share a few of the guidelines that were presented, some of which are not new. ―Two Hour Rule‖ All perishable food should be refrigerated within 2 hours. That means that any food on a buffet table should not be out longer than 2 hours or it is not considered safe to eat. Also, don’t add new food to a dish that has been sitting out of refrigeration. Don’t wash poultry. The bacteria will be killed in cooking and washing a chicken will splash the bacteria around. Clean counters, sinks and cutting boards well after working with raw meat or poultry. Use warm water and soap then sanitize. You can sanitize with 1 Tablespoon of bleach to 1 gallon of water, or buy a commercial sanitizer. There are environmentally safe ones available. Use separate cutting boards for meats and fruits/vegetables. Wooden cutting boards are not recommended for those items because of difficulty cleaning them. Any rough skinned fruit such as cantaloupe should be cleaned with a brush under running water and dried with a clean paper towel before cutting. It should be refrigerated immediately and used with 7 days. Wash fresh produce under cold running water. Firm produce like apples or potatoes can be cleaned with a brush. Do not use detergent or soap. PARISH NURSING CONTINUED plastic bag and submerge in cold water; change the water every 30 minutes. The microwave also works well if you cook the meat immediately after thawing. It was strongly emphasized not to thaw on the counter. Meat and poultry that has been fully defrosted in the refrigerator may be refrozen before or after cooking. Leftovers: Food should not be left on the counter to cool. Hot food can be placed in the refrigerator in small amounts or it can be rapidly chilled in an ice or cold water bath. Divide a large pot of food, like soup or stew, into shallow containers before refrigerating. Remember the 2 hour rule! Leftovers that are mistakenly left out overnight are not considered safe to eat. Hand washing with warm soap and water for 20 seconds before and after food prep was strongly emphasized. Antibacterial soaps are not to be used. These guidelines are the ideal way to work with food and may not always be practical, but they are a safe framework from which to work. They would be important to remember if you were preparing a dish to bring for a potluck. That was one of the intents of the presentation. I hope that you have found them to be helpful. Jeanne Mugge, R.N. Faith Community Nurse There are three safe ways to thaw frozen food because bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature. The safest way to thaw meat or poultry is in the refrigerator. Place it on a plate or pan to catch any juices. For faster thawing, put the frozen package in a watertight PARISH NURSING TO NEXT COLUMN 3 MEALS ON WHEELS CONTINUED TRUST Honors our Meals on Wheels Volunteers During Metro Meals on Wheels Month in March, TRUST celebrates the contributions our Meals on Wheels volunteers make to the community. In the year 2011, over 370 volunteers contributed 4515 hours of service as they delivered 25,228 hot noontime meals to elderly and disabled people in south Minneapolis. On average, 97 meals were delivered each weekday, including holidays! Our dedicated volunteers deserve special recognition and accolades from their congregations and community. We wish to highlight Xcel Energy and nearly 100 of its employees who deliver 20% of our routes each week for TRUST Meals on Wheels. The collective commitment of the Xcel Energy management and volunteers ensures our continued service to homebound people in this community. We trumpet Xcel Energy’s ongoing involvement for over twenty years with Meals on Wheels in the Twin Cities. Ours is a more caring community because of corporations like Xcel Energy. Thank you! We are pleased to welcome our newest meals delivery volunteers, Michelle Swenson and Mike Warman. Michelle was referred to our program by Metro Meals on Wheels, and Mike, who lives right in our neighborhood, was referred by a friend. Both of these volunteers will deliver meals regularly for our program, either along a regular route or as a substitute driver. We welcome you and thank you for joining us to provide this vital community service! And now that Spring has nearly arrived, ―Bouquets!‖ to all of the drivers who weathered the wintry Minnesota elements, bringing our customers nutritious food and a warm smile. Volunteers Are Encouraged to “Plant the Seed of Kindness” This month we invite all current Meals on Wheels volunteers to help us ―Plant the Seed of Kindness‖. Volunteers are asked to bring a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker along on their route during March to try out the meal delivery volunteer experience. Metro Meals on Wheels is hosting this volunteer recruitment promotion and is thanking volunteers who participate by giving them a packet of seeds for their spring gardens. In addition, all participants will be entered into a drawing for a selection of prizes and gift cards! To participate, please speak with one of the TRUST Meals staff members. Food Support Eligibility Guidelines Broadened More Minnesotans may qualify for Food Support (food stamp) benefits due to recent easing of the eligibility requirements for the program. TRUST Meals on Wheels 4 MEALS ON WHEELS CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN staff can help you determine your food support eligibility, and application assistance is also available. Please call the Meals office at (612) 822-6040 for more information. Metro Paint-A-Thon to Provide Exterior Home Painting Metro Paint-A-Thon is a program that helps low-income seniors and people with permanent physical disabilities continue to live independently in their own homes. A volunteer team is matched to scrape, prime and paint the exterior of each eligible home/garage, thereby keeping it well-maintained, beautiful, and an asset to the neighborhood. All of this is done at no cost to the homeowner. The homeowner must be 60 years of age or older or permanently physically disabled. The house must be a single-family home occupied by its owner, in need of exterior paint, and not in need of major repair. Household income must not exceed $1800 for a one-person household, $2500 for two people, or $3100 for a household of three. If you believe you qualify and would like an application, please call Metro Paint-A-Thon at (612) 2761579. The application deadline is May 4, 2012. CHORE CONTINUES March The March wind blows winter away And sweeps the streets from day to day March brings surprises, first the day’s hot Then it starts snowing, likely as not Hurry, March wind, hurry along We like to hear you sing your song. ~ Author Unknown ~ We have some statistics for the year 2011: We served a total of 302 clients in 228 households with 2,993 jobs or 8,208 hours of work. Of these jobs, 2,694 (6,910.50 hours) were for seniors, 299 (1,297.50 hours) were for persons under 60 with disabilities. Volunteers were responsible for 457 jobs (8,208 hours). We used over 24 paid workers and 390 volunteers. We would like to thank all our workers and our volunteers for their help during this last year. You make it possible for us to serve the community. In case we actually get some snow to shovel: As we get closer to those spring snowstorms, I want to remind our snow clients: In the case of a heavy, wet snow or a snowfall over 7 inches, you will be asked to pay the regular amount and then half of that…Example: If your rate is $18, you will be asked to pay $ 27 If the snow is 12 inches or more, you will be asked to pay double your original rate. We at the office will notify the workers when an increased snow rate is in effect. camp come from across the country to work for elderly, disadvantaged, or disabled residents in area neighborhoods helping them with revitalization projects, home beautification and rehab, painting (interior / exterior), and landscaping projects. They can also work in low income daycare and nursery settings, food shelves, shelters, and Boys’ and Girls’ clubs. They send their volunteers out in teams of seven, with at least one of the team members being an adult. The teams will work for four days on their projects, accomplishing amazing things while they are here. Larger projects may require two or more teams. Projects will be assigned on a first come-first serve basis. We would like any projects that you are interested in getting done called into us as soon as possible. We can submit them to Catholic Heart Workcamp up until April 25th but, as was mentioned before, it is on a first come-first serve basis and there are programs throughout the metro area vying for those spots. Catholic HEART Workcamp has let us know that they will be back in the Twin Cities for another week long service camp in June of 2012. The work dates for this year’s camp are June 11-14. The work is done by volunteers… if you want painting; the paint is to be purchased by the client prior to the volunteers’ arrival. If you do not have any way of picking up the paint, let us know as soon as possible, and we will see what we can do. If you have any questions about this program, please give us a call and we will see if it will work out for you. The camp will run, as in the past, with teams comprised of teens and their adult chaperones spreading out into the Twin Cities communities to work on pre-arranged projects provided by the TRUST Chore Program and other similar programs in our area. They are looking for 3 to 4-day work projects. The teens and young adults who attend this NAPIS forms are mandatory. We will continue to send out NAPIS forms to those senior clients who use our services. A new form must be filled out every year. This does not happen often and I know neither the workers nor the clients like to deal with it. It is very hard on the workers and also hard on the snow blowers to remove this kind of snow. It uses much more gas in the snow blowers and takes much longer to remove. If this does happen, remember it may take longer for the workers to get to you depending on how much snow there is. We will get to everybody eventually. CHORE CONTINUES IN NEXT COLUMN CHORE CONTINUES ON PAGE 6 5 CHORE CONTINUES FROM PAGE 5 BORED THIS WINTER? JOIN TRUST BUILDERS! Dates Saturday, March 10 Saturday, April 14 Saturday, April 28 Saturday, May 12 Friday, June 8 Saturday, June 9 Friday, July 13 Saturday, July 14 Friday, August 10 Saturday, August 11 Saturday, October 13 Saturday, November 10 Saturday, December 8 To sign up, email John Corlett, TRUST Builders Coordinator at [email protected] or call him at 612-825-9208. If your church has a TRUST Builders coordinator, sign up there. You don’t have to walk this path alone. Our Chore program is heavily funded by Title III money from the Older Americans Act (OAA). We could not exist without these funds. In order to target services and to justify the receipt and use of these funds, Title III funded programs such as the TRUST Chore Program, are required by the (AOA) Administration on Aging, Minnesota Board on Aging (MBA), and the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging (MAAA), to collect information from you through the NAPIS (National Aging Program Information Systems). Your information is kept very private. It serves as proof that the need is out there…the numbers are important and it is the only way that money is put aside by the Administration for Title III programs and you who are seniors. If you receive the form, please fill it out and return it immediately. South Minneapolis Coalition for Grief Support 2012 WINTER/SPRING SERIES Diamond Lake Lutheran Church 5760 Portland Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55417 612-827-5931 6:15 6:30 – 7:00 PM 7:00 – 8:00 PM March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Registration and refreshments Speaker Facilitated small groups Techniques That Help! Barbara Bender Where Is God in Grief? Pastor Amy Thoren Lessons Learned from Grief Linda Pleissner You Don’t Live without your Loved One! Katie Johnson Service of Remembrance Individuals may join the group at any time. For further information, contact the coordinator, Norine Larson at 952-925-2437. Grief Coalition congregations: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Church of the Annunciation, Diamond Lake Lutheran, Lake Harriet Christian, Our Lady of Peace, Richfield United Methodist, St. Joan of Arc, St. John’s Episcopal and Walker Methodist Health Center Pastoral Care. 6 It is tax time again. If you are a senior and need tax preparation assistance for federal and state taxes, and for rent and property tax credits, you can call the Senior Services Ombudsman at 612673-3004. Any questions or concerns? Please call the Chore Program (612-827-6150). We will try to help in any way we can 5 What's Going On? It's That Time Again! Annual 55+ St. Patrick's Day Luncheon St. Joan of Arc Friday, March 16th 11:30 am service, 12:00 noon lunch RSVP by March 9th to St. Joan of Arc 612-823-8205 TAIZÉ WORSHIP AT RICHFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to a new experience of worship at Richfield UMC. A service of worship in the Taizé tradition will be held the third Sunday evening of each month from February through May. The 45 minute service is held at 5:00 pm in the chapel of Richfield United Methodist Church, 5835 Lyndale Ave. So., Minneapolis. Taizé worship began in France in the WWII era when a Reformed minister, Brother Roger, formed a community of persons desiring to live a life of reflection and service. That community of ―Brothers‖ still exists in the village of Taizé and provides a form of worship that is anchored in simplicity and quietness. Taizé worship consists of prayer, singing, silence, and reading of Scripture. The music is gentle, simple, brief, and written for the style of this service. The songs are sung many times through till one sings them automatically without effort. This repetition leads them to become a prayer that ―says us‖ rather than our saying a prayer. In between each reading or song there is a period of silence for personal and unhurried reflection. This adds to the meaning of the readings or music, as well as having its own richness in opening us more freely to God’s presence. It also brings a wondrous sense of serenity. There is no sermon, formal liturgy, or offering. The atmosphere is peace -giving. The style and content transcend our doctrinal and moral positions. We invite you to come for worship whose only goal is to allow ourselves in simplicity to be open to the peace and leading of God. Phone 612861-6086 for more information or directions. Save these dates!! Caritas concert and auction - Sunday, March 11 (see page 2) Annual Plant Sale & Swap - Saturday, May 12 8:00 - noon, Bethlehem Walker 5k Stroll & Roll for Parish Nursing (and Walker) Saturday, June 9 Watch for details. TRUST Board of Directors member Harold Anderson, 61, died unexpectedly on February 17. He joined the Board in 2005 when Richfield UMC joined TRUST. He most recently had been a community Board member and the Board Secretary. If you won an orchid at the TRUST auction, that was Harold's design. He will be greatly missed. Did you know that TRUST collects coupons to help Store To Door, a nonprofit grocery shopping and delivery service for seniors? Just to clarify what they need: COLLECTING Manufacturer’s grocery coupon booklets from the Sunday paper (SmartSource, Redplum, Procter & Gamble). Only whole, uncut, and un-separated booklets Please do not include coupons that have been separated or cut coupon booklets over a month old Cub Foods, Target, Home Depot, or other business advertisements. Thanks. 7 CoAM Life Enrichment Series — Spring 2012 at Bethel Lutheran Church • 42nd Street E. at 17th Avenue S. • Minneapolis MONDAY, MARCH 19 9:30-10:30 AM GREAT DECISIONS: : Topic to Be Announced TRAVELOGUE: A Journey to the Holy Land: Exploring the Past, Present and People presented by Larry Turner, frequent CoAM presenter. Larry and Sue recently traveled with a group from Augsburg College to visit Galilee, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. He will show you not only the sites, but significant people and the significance of these places in biblical history. 10:50-11:50 AM CURRENT ISSUES: Minnesota Without Poverty by Rev. Nancy Maeker, director of Minnesota Without Poverty, who introduced us to this movement two years ago. Dr. Maeker has served as Dean of Students at Luther Seminary, on the staff at Central Lutheran and as Bishop’s Associate for the St. Paul Area Synod. In today’s program she will update us on what is happening in Minnesota to end poverty. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: The Last Week: A Discussion of the Last Week of Jesus’ Life (3-session series) by retired Methodist pastor Larry Nielsen. The discussion is based on the book The Last Week by theologians Marcus Borg and John Crossan. It is not necessary to own or read this book for the discussion, but it is a good read. Today, Part 1. CoAM Supporting Congregations Bethany Lutheran Bethel Lutheran Bethlehem Covenant Bethlehem Lutheran Calvary Lutheran Christ Church Lutheran 8 Crosstown Covenant Diamond Lake Lutheran El Milagro Lutheran Epworth United Methodist First Church of God Holy Trinity Lutheran MONDAY, MARCH 26 9:30-10:30 AM HUMANITIES: The Wisdom of American Indian Religions by Dr. Duane Addison, Professor Emeritus of Religion, Augustana College of Sioux Falls. We discuss the traditional ways of knowing and living revealed in the spiritual paths of the first Americans, explored in the contexts of oppression and injustice. We do this with special attention to the Dakota and Ojibwa of this region. TRAVELOGUE: Poland, Czech Republic, and Luther’s East Germany explored a year after the Wall came down, presented by Pastor Marion Rova, a frequent CoAM presenter. 10:50-11:50 AM CURRENT ISSUES: The Civil Rights Movement: What Did We Learn? Is It Still Relevant? By Claire O’Connor, Freedom Rider and Community Organizer. Ms. O’Connor witnessed the Civil Rights movement first-hand, its voter registrations, lunch-counter sit-ins, SNIC, and still works for the disenfranchised and unjustly-treated. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: The Last Week: A Discussion of the Last Week of Jesus’ Life (3-session series) by retired Methodist pastor Larry Nielsen. The discussion is based on the book The Last Week by theologians Marcus Borg and John Crossan. Today, Part 2.: The Last Supper and Good Friday. Hope Lutheran Lake Nokomis Lutheran Lebanon Lutheran Living Spirit UMC Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Minnehaha United Church of Christ Minnehaha United Method- Mount Olive Lutheran Nokomis Heights Lutheran St. Albert the Great Catholic St. Joan of Arc Catholic St. Peder’s Lutheran Trinity Lutheran of Minnehaha Falls Westminster Presbyterian CoAM Life Enrichment, Spring 2012 MONDAY, APRIL 2 9:30-10:30 AM GREAT DECISIONS: Our Border with Mexico: The Challenges of Being Good Neighbors by Hector Garcia whose positive approach to cultural differences is colored by his formation in Business Administration in Mexico City followed by marketing and international business experience, leadership and advocacy for many groups. TRAVELOGUE: The Falklands, St. George’s Island, and Antarctica presented by Lyall Schwarzkopf, who visited these places recently, and fortunately for us, took his camera and photographic skills along. 10:50-11:50 AM COMMUINITY ISSUES: What Is Community Action of Minneapolis? by Brianna Carlson, Family Services Coordinator, Children and Family Development. Ms. Carlson seeks to assist families with significant or multiple barriers to reach self-sufficiency. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: The Last Week: A Discussion of the Last Week of Jesus’ Life (3-session series) by retired Methodist pastor Larry Nielsen. The discussion is based on the book The Last Week by theologians Marcus Borg and John Crossan. Today, Part 3: Pulling the Loose Ends Together and the Great Day of Easter. NO CLASSES ON EASTER MONDAY MONDAY, APRIL 16 9:30-10:30 AM HUMANITIES: Western Civilization (Parts 5-8 in an 8-part series) by James Carlson, founder and president of Spring Arbor Distributors (the world’s largest distributor of Christian books) and developer of the PowerPoint course “A Concise History of Western Civilization.” In this series begun here last Fall he continues today with Part 5: “The Reformation to the Scientific Revolution.” This includes also the Counter Reformation, the age of discovery, and absolute monarchs. TRAVELOGUE: Tours of France with Rick Steves. This time Rick takes us to the French Riviera and Alsace region. With France (and Rick) you just can’t stray from scenic beauty. 10:50-11:50 AM HEALTH ISSUES: Is a Parish Nurse (Faith Community Nurse) Really a Nurse? Pat McLaughlin, head of TRUST’s Parish Nurse Program, is here to help you discover who they are and what they do in this prize program. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: When God Speaks, Does He Use Metaphors? (2-part series) by Dr. Philip Quanbeck, retired professor of religion at Augsburg College and visitation pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran. He also serves on CoAM’s Advisory Board and is a frequent CoAM presenter. Today, Part 1. 9 CoAM Life Enrichment, Spring 2012 MONDAY, APRIL 23 9:30-10:30 AM MONDAY, APRIL 30 9:30-10:30 AM HUMANITIES: Western Civilization (Parts 5-8 in an 8-part series) by James Carlson, founder and president of Spring Arbor Distributors (the world’s largest distributor of Christian books) and developer of the PowerPoint course “A Concise History of Western Civilization.” In this series begun here last Fall he continues today with Part 6: “From the English Revolution to the Rise of Napoleon.” This segment includes the American, French and Industrial revolutions. HUMANITIES: Western Civilization (Parts 5-8 in an 8-part series) by James Carlson, founder and president of Spring Arbor Distributors (the world’s largest distributor of Christian books) and developer of the PowerPoint course “A Concise History of Western Civilization.” In this series begun here last Fall he continues today with Part 7: “From Liberalism to the New Imperialism.” This includes nationalism, socialism, Marxism and Darwinism. TRAVELOGUE: Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa. Come, tiptoe through the tulips photographed in May 2011 by Suzanne Jebe. This annual festival in southeast Iowa celebrates with three days of food, family and fun, and we’ll let the good people there showcase their town and heritage by offering us a real Dutch treat. . 10:50-11:50 AM COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Mary’s Place in Downtown Minneapolis by Charlotte Kinzley, Mary’s Place Family Advocate. Sharing and Caring Hands, run by Mary Jo Copeland, has been serving the needs of the poor in our community for over 25 years. Charlotte Kinzley will show how we can get involved with homelessness in our area. TRAVELOGUE: Adventures in Honduras by recently-retired dentist Rick Sorenson, who has visited Honduras 3 or 4 times a year since 2004, helping with mission work on the island of Roatan. Dr. Sorenson came to faith in Christ at the age of 38 and today is a member of First Presbyterian Church, Stillwater. 10:50-11:50 AM BOOK REVIEWS: CoAM Members Share Recent Reading Experiences. Join the circle and see if any of these books are ones you would like to put on your reading list. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: When God Speaks, Does He Use Metaphors? (2-part series) by Dr. Philip Quebec, retired professor of religion at Augsburg College and visitation pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran. Today, Part 2. 10 TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of 9:30 program. FAITH AND BIBLE: How to Understand the Hard Stuff in the Bible (2-part series) by Greg Meyer, pastor of Jacob’s Well, formerly missionary in Papua New Guinea and Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Today, Part 1. CoAM Life Enrichment, Spring 2012 CARING IN THE COMMUNITY Some of the services available from local congregations: MONDAY, MAY 7 9:30-10:30 AM Free Community Meal at St. John’s Lutheran, 49th & Nicollet on the 4th Saturday of the month from 12—1. HUMANITIES: Western Civilization (Parts 5-8 in an 8-part series) by James Carlson, founder and president of Spring Arbor Distributors (the world’s largest distributor of Christian books) and developer of the PowerPoint course “A Concise History of Western Civilization.” In this series begun here last Fall he continues today with Part 8: “From World Wars to Revolutions.” This final part of the series includes also a brief history of the United States. Richfield Methodist , 5835 Lyndale Avenue S. God's Hands Thrift Store, open every Saturday from 9 AM to Noon, Every item is sold for 25 cents. TRAVELOGUE: The Sydney Area and New Zealand presented by CoAM’s previous executive director Joanne Smallen. Besides her great pictures, she will prove to you once and for all whether whirlpools down under turn the other way around or that is sheer poppycock. 10:50-11:50 AM CURRENT ISSUES: Topic to be named later. Watch for further announcements. TRAVELOGUE: Repeat of program,. 9:30 FAITH AND BIBLE: How to Understand the Hard Stuff in the Bible (2-part series) by Greg Meyer, pastor of Jacob’s Well, formerly missionary in Papua New Guinea and Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Today, Part 2. Minneharvest food giveaway at Minnehaha Methodist, 3701 E. 50th Street on the 4th Saturday of the month. Doors open at 9:00 AM. Each adult can take two bags of groceries. They also provide a Food Shelf on Tuesdays from 10:30 AM -3:00 PM. Doors open at 10:00 AM. They serve Minneapolis households south of Lake Street and east of Cedar Avenue. Call the church at 612 - 721-6231 for information. Calvary Lutheran Food Shelf, 3901 Chicago Ave. S. every Saturday from 9:00 AM - Noon. Call the church at 612827-2504 for more information. Living Spirit UMC Free Wednesday night suppers served weekly from 5:45-6:30 p.m. at 4501 Bloomington Ave. S. Go to www.livingspiritumc.org and to calendar page for menus. Free Community Meal at All God's Children MCC, 3100 Park Avenue S. Third Sunday of the month from 11:0012:30. Contact Brian at 612-824-2673 for information. Free Community Meal at Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church Every second Wednesday of the month beginning at 5:30pm 4104 37th Avenue So. 37th Ave. S. Minneapolis MN 55406 All are welcome. Mount Olive Lutheran church serves two free community meals each month on the first and third Saturdays, 12 noon - 1:00 PM 3045 Chicago Ave. Mount Olive also provides a Diaper Depot. 612-827-5919. Zion Lutheran Church hosts the Lyndale Community Dinner every Wednesday at 6: 00 PM, 128 West 33rd Street, 612-824-1017. Noon Spring Luncheon and Fund-raiser right after Life Enrichment sessions 11 2011 DONORS Please accept our sincere gratitude for your generosity in 2011. We regret any errors or omissions; please inform us if you gave & are not included. This list does not include the auction donors recognized in December's newsletter General TRUST Donors Anonymous Marilyn Abram Nancy Adams David & Barbara Allen Judith R. Ream & Adrienne H. Alexander Barbara & James Alexander Lynn Alexander Sue & Harvey Allison William Alvord Lois Mae Andersen Nadia Anderson Lawrence & Janice Anderson Joann Anderson Margaret Baach Barbara & Thomas Balcom Louise & Donn Barber James & Mary Barrett Sharon Decker & Patrick Bartolomeo John & Clara Mae Baskett Coral & Gregory Bastien Betty Baxter Allan Bernard Nancy Biele Marguerite Blinn Richard Bormes Karen Seashore & Daniel Bratton Raleigh & Ruth Broman Nancy Browne Phyllis Bruce Clarice Burk Patricia & Richard Burnside Norma Burton Margaret & Ralph Buystedt Louise Carlson Elsa Carpenter Celestine Carr Janet & Jim Chandler Kathrine & Robert Christensen Patricia Commerford Allen & Rita Corcoran Alyce Cranston Ruth Davis Irene & Roger Dellert Van Dierauer Gustav & Eunice Dinga Lynn Dixon Ernest Dopp Ardis Dowling Jerry Dudley James & Linda Duncan Richard Dyste Phillip & Sandra Edwardson Linda Hart & William Egbert Southside Electric Owen & Marjorie Erstad Karen Feit Rita Franchett Gero Fuhrmann Jack Funk Mary Ellen Gallick Nancy Garwick Tracy Vacura & David Glanzer David & Nanette Grube Bill & Diane Hansen Kay Halverson Florence & Victor Halverson Nancy Hargrave Ruth Heidelberg Marilyn Heimark Bill & Louise Hiller Carol Hiniker Steven & Geri Hoag Debra & Richard Hoffman Mary Ann & Roger Holtzleiter Virginia Holzer Janette Horman Julie & William Howard Joan Hummel Jack & Janet Ingersoll Paul Jachman Suzanne Jebe Ann & Jon Jensen Kenneth Jerde Cordelia Johnson Jeannine Johnson Fred & Jeanne Johnson Nancy Jones James & Doris Jorgenson Dan Kelley Margaret Kersteter Paul & Nancy Koepcke Frances Spalding & Paulo Kofuji Reiko Komoto Carole & Jerome Kosik Steven Anderson & Carol Kramer Janet Krook Estee Stene Krueger Pearl & Jim Kusunoki Warren & Fumi Kyono Joyce & Merwyn Larson Lois Larson James Larson Thomas Lee Bonnie Lervik Jean Lettner Mark Ablen & Little Mary & Greer Lockhart Tom & Helen Lockhart Jane Lordalen Marylee & Ward Lyndall Polly Mann Timothy Marburger Kenneth & Kathleen Marsh JoBeth Marshall Marjorie Masem Kenneth & Carol Masters Virginia McAninch Jane McDonald Pat & Patrick McLaughlin Jean McGrath Mary Ann McGuire Jeanne McKusick Margaret Meier Wes & Marie Mellgren Dianne Mills Amy Mitchell Sidney Monroe Geraldine Mooers Sylvia Myren Florence Myslajek Ronald & Marlene Nauman Helen Nelsestuen Helen Nelson Kathryn Nelson Lucille Nichols Mary & Irving Nielsen Richard & Joan Niemiec Frances & James O'Brian Rita & Ben Olk Marjorie Jean Olson Carl Olson Loyce O'Shea Murray Owens Jr Doug & Suzanne Owens-Pike Barbara Patterson Barbara Patterson E. Jeanne Paulson Russell & Delores Pearson Felix Perry Alfa D. Peterson Beverly Peterson Shirley Peterson Jane Petrich Shirley Poliquin Elaine & Gordon Qualey Barbara Raddatz Delores Randby Jo Reisdorfer Curt & Bev Robinson Jean & Martin Roessler Bill & Margaret Rosen Dorothy Rossing Judith Roy Kurt & Pat Ruppel Marjorie & Dudley Ruch Patricia Scanlon Kathryn Scharf Betty & Ralph Schibilla Norleen Schmidt Jeanette Sullivan & Gregg Shadduck Betty Shannon Lisa Sinclair Sharon & Rick Slettehaugh Lawrence Smith Leslie Smith Joan Spell Lisa & Donald Stellmaker Margaret Stoick Geraldine Strand Margaret & Daniel Swalm Thomas Swanson Glenn & Elaine Taylor Anne Thirsten Cynthia Tintner Jane Truhlar Lawrence & Gail Turner Dan Vogel Shirley Walker Sondra Wandmacher Nancy Ward Susan & James Welna Parish Nurse Donors (Donors to Walker 5K for Parish Nursing are featured in Walker Methodist Materials Lynne Alexander Dave & Ruth Arnold Kathy Arnold Nancy & Leon Erstad Clay & Lisa Gustafson Jane & Charles Lentz Darleen Meyer Carolyn & David Moe Linda Nash Avis & Ken Reed Joyce Schowalter Maxene Schwanke Mary & William Scott Jeanne & Jeff Zlonis The Douglas & Mary Staughton Jones Foundation Judson Baptist Lake Harriet UMC Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Women Living Spirit UMC Mayflower UCC St. John's Missionary Circle Meals on Wheels Program Donors Barbara B. Allen Sue & Harvey Allison James Burns Sharon L. Carlson Ruth Chrissinger John & Adele Davis 12 Delores Feran Johanna Gibbs Shirley Isaboke Suzanne Jebe William Kinkel Carole J. Larson Jill Marks Jane McDonald Patrick & Patricia McLaughlin Dianne M. Mills Rosalind Robbins John Salminen Stella Symanitz Mavonne Thomasberg Jane Truhlar Florence Wicklander Chore Program Donors Gayle Adelsman Mary Anderson Joann Anderson Joyce Baago Mary Banyard Ruby Barnes Joanna Barnett Kathleen Bedor Lois Bernhardson Byron Bissonnette Patricia & Howard Brahmstedt Clarice Burk Nancy Creger Sabir & Bilquis Dairkee Rose Isaacson Isaacson Betty Dexter Levon Dinter Mary Drouchas Janet Eastberg Anita Edwards Shirley Elavsky Mary Pat Eliason Margaret Esslinger Suzanne Ferkey Lorraine Frykman Frank Gargas Vicki & Gary Gilmer Helen Graning Dorothy Gustafson LaVerne Halverson Barbara Hannan Rose & David Hanson Marie Hanson Norma Hopson David Hudson Carol Hughes Harold Ireton Kathryn Jeffries Beth Jensen Loretta Johns Ruby Johnson Janet Johnson Irene Jones Florence Judy Gordan King Florence Kirkey Mary Ann & John Kosmas Darlene Krueger Phyllis Krull Darrell Larson Dorothy Larson Vernon Maetzold Ramona & William Martin Donald McElmury Sr. Jean McGrath Marguerita Moen Ella Mogilevsky Lucille Nichols Marilyn Onken Loyce O'Shea Russell & Delores Pearson M Elizabeth Peterson Shirley Poliquin Avis & Ken Reed Karen Salo Martha Schaefer Nancy Schafer Elsbeth Sipple Diane Siverson Deborah Sussman Pauline Swanson Mary Eve Thomas Agnes Tilbury Alan Torney Joseph & Jean Urista Carole Watkins CoAM Donors Mavis & Conrad Aas Ruth Aaskov Edith & James Adams Shirley Adler Emeline Almquist Barbara Anderson Doris Anderson Dorothy L. Anderson Forrest & Harriet Anderson Judith Anderson Marian & James Anderson Martha Anderson Roberta & Earl Anderson Theresa Atkinson Muriel Barrie Ruby Bauer Joanne Becklund Rose Beckstrom Andrew & Audrey Benjamin Carolyn Bliss Nancy & Mark Bjork Gerald & Elsa Bloedow Virginia Born Al & Margaret Bostelmann Raleigh & Ruth Broman Dan & Marcia Burow Edwina Carlson Herbert Carlson Patricia Carter Regina Christopher John T. Clawson Kit Clayton Helen Conway Ida Mae & T Cornelius Barbara Cracraft Shirley Crittenden Lu Ellen Curran George & Beverly Dahl Addell Dahlen Ruth Dahlgren Audrey Damon Janet Daniels Gertraud Daugherty Winona Davis Patricia & Patrick Day Betty Deane Antoinette Dombeck Hila Draving Audrey & Richard Dronen Winfred Ducklow Shirley Elavsky Mary Pat Eliason Carol & Fred Epp Eltune Erickson Marilyn & Theodore Erickson Sylvia (Sally) Erickson June Esty Ruth Fardig Sheila Fitzgerald Nancy Flatgard Richard Franson Lois Fremming Nancy Garwick Mary Goldstrand Helen Gossell Charles Grimes Alice Guiher Ruth Haas Ernest & Katherine Hallgren Florence Halverson Margaret & William Handt Elaine Hannon Enid Hansing Arvid & Mildred Hanson Maxine Hanson Laila Haroldson James Hartsoe Ruby Hass Earl Hatten Marjorie Hauge Lila Hertzberg Martha Hinckle Margaret Holmberg Josephine Jacobs Beverly Johnson Clarice Johnson Darold & Carol Johnson Edith Johnson Elnora Johnson Geneva Johnson Joyce & Richard Johnson Margaret Johnson Wayne Johnson James & Doris Jorgenson Phyllis Just Betty Kinsey Eleanor Koch Barbara Koenig Elizabeth Koenig Janet Kolve Estee Stene Krueger Norma Lanning Lois Larson Dorothy Leigh Faith & Carl Lindell Mary & John Lindell Betty Lindquist Jennie Lorentson Jean Lowman Ruth Lunde La Vonne Mahoney Mary Ann Matson Janis & Ralph Mayer Thomas & Dorothy McCoy Henrietta McLean Vernon & Vi Michaelson Eunice Milbrath Freda Miller Marguerita Moen Rosella Mulcahy Sarah Musgrave Shirley Myers Sylvia Myren Rosemary Nebergall Carol Nelson Herbert & Laverne Nelson Mary Ellen & Karen Nelson Newell & Lois Nelson Helen Neselstuen Charles & Alice Norman Edith Nutwick Virginia Ochsendorf Ethel Ofstehage Melvin Olson Mildred Olson Angie O'Neill Walter & Lois Ortman Brad & Phyllis Ostrander Joann Otterness Omar Otterness Arlo & Jan Pannkuk Barbara Patterson Phyllis Paul Mary Pepple Alfa Peterson Naomi Peterson Betty Jean Pomeroy Gretchen Porter Robert & Ardis Prosser Philip & Dora Quanbeck Barbara Raddatz Doris Ripczinski Alice Ristrom Elaine & Rey Ristrom Curt & Bev Robinson Sharon & Eugene Rodi Kenneth Rosvold Irene Rye Marcia Scheele William Schlichting Beverly Shupe June & Wallace Sibell Richard & Carol Sisler James & Joanne Smallen Dianne & Robert Smedstad Olga Stone Howard & June Straiton June & John Straiton Alice Streed Carolyn & James Struve Evelyn Swanson Charles Sweningsen Barbara Taft John & Jacqueline Teisberg Dorothea Tenney Roger Tenney Mary L. Thompson Valborg Tollefsrud Rosalyn Trachy Marilyn Tummelson Carol Whalen Charles Maurice & Romell White Mattie Widen Irene Williams Marlys Wilson Joan Winn Anne Zustiak 13 TRUST Memorials and Honors In Honor of Kathryn Lundquist Jane Ranum In Memory of Barb Allen Gerhard & Janet Johnson Marylee & Ward Lyndall In Memory of Myrl Wiggens Barbara Vieburg In Memory of Delores Mickelson Dan & Marcia Burow Gail Fride Karen Virnig In Memory of Don Schultz Jan Bankey Rosalie Byklum Mark & Marcia Cherniack Richard & Mavis Collins John & Jeanne Cummings Kiem Engelen Kathleen Fischer Judy & Robert Fleming Les & Donna Heimark Rolland & Joan Hokanson Bill & Jule Howard Jean Jachman Elaine Klaustermeier Bonnie Lervik Kathryn Lundquist Marylee & Ward Lyndall John Freese & Helen McEvoy-Freese Patrick & Pat McLaughlin Wes & Marie Mellgren Mary Gail Meyer Joan & Dick Niemic Mike Peterson Lance & Julie Swanson, Polar Plumbing Carolyn Prin Delores Randby Bev & Curt Robinson Bill & Margaret Rosen Tom & Dee Rux Ralph & Kathy Schermann Dorothy Schrupp George & Susan Selcke Shaw/Stewart Lumber Co. Del & Diana Spitzer Sharon & Daniel Stanek Kurt & Susan Sundeen Dan & Trudy Thompson Cindy Tintner Sue Wittkop, Tonka Equipment Co. Merrylin Trethewey Karen Virnig Earl & Sue Wildenberg CoAM Memorials, Honors and Patrons In Memory of Arlene Stenberg Ruth Aaskov Dan & Marcia Burow Edith Johnson Bev & Curt Robinson Joanne & James Smallen Donna & Dale Smith Ruth Aaskov In Memory of June Lewis Dave & Ann Swanson Fall Patrons Ruth Aaskov Dan & Marcia Burow Pat Carter Marilyn Holm Ken Rosvold Dave & Ann Swanson In Memory of Mabel Nelson Dave & Ann Swanson In Memory of Bob Nelson Kenneth Beenkin In Honor of June Estey Dave & Gretchen Porter In Memory of Don Smith Sylvia Myren Fall Action Donors Ruth Aaskov Elise Anderson Marian Anderson Nancy Biele Regina Christopher Helen Gossell Ruby Hass Kaarube Kotkavuori Ethel Ofstehage Nancy Ohrn Jan Pannkuk Ken Rosvold Donna Smith Ann Swanson Dorothea Tenney Glen Wheeler Mattie Widen TRUST, Inc. Spring Patrons Ruth Aaskov Dan & Marcia Burow John Groos Thelma Hardman Ruby Hass Ruth Hass Marilyn Holm June Husom Dave & Ann Swanson Martin Luther King, Celebration Donors Anonymous Andrea Allie Robert & Cynthia Clague Johnny Jones & Becky Coleman Scott Johnson & Ruth Hvidson Suzanne Jebe Patricia Johnson Hertha & Chuck Lutz Eileen McLaughlin Wes & Marie Mellgren Joseph & Deadra Moore Leon & Loretta Patterson David Hilden & Julie Railsback Delores Randby Bev & Curt Robinson Don Schultz Michelle Sims Leah Springer Joyce Tesarek Cindy Tintner Karen Virnig Thanks to the TRUST congregations that provide financial, in-kind, administrative and volunteer help. Bethlehem Lutheran Church First Universalist Church Judson Memorial Baptist Church Lake Harriet Christian Church Lake Harriet United Methodist Church Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church Linden Hills Congregational UCC Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer Lynnhurst Congregational UCC Mayflower Congregation UCC Mount Olive Lutheran Church Living Spirit United Methodist Church Richfield United Methodist Church St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church St. John's Episcopal Church St. John's Lutheran Church St. Leonard's Catholic Church St. Luke's Episcopal Church Thanks to the CoAM congregations that provide financial and in-kind support Bethany Lutheran Bethel Lutheran Bethlehem Covenant Bethlehem Lutheran Calvary Lutheran Crosstown Covenant Holy Trinity Lutheran Lake Nokomis Lutheran Living Spirit UMC Mount Olive Lutheran Nokomis Heights Lutheran Westminster Presbyterian Thanks to the South Minneapolis Coalition for Grief Support congregations that provide financial support Annunciation Diamond Lake Lutheran Lake Harriet Christian Our Lady of Peace St. Joan of Arc St. John's Episcopal St. Thomas the Apostle Walker Methodist Pastoral Care Thanks to the Foundations and Groups that provided financial support last year Blue Cross Blue Shield Das Gupta Endowment Dorsey Whitney Foundation 14 Kopp Family Foundation Margaret Rivers Fund Metro Meals on Wheels Nash Foundation Thrivent Financial WCA Foundation Walker Methodist Foundation Westminster Community Partners Xcel Energy TRUST, Inc. (M) NONPROFIT US POSTAGE 9 W. Rustic Lodge Ave. S. Minneapolis MN 55419 PAID TWIN CITIES MN Permit No. 1884 Address Service Requested REGISTRATION CoAM Life Enrichment Series — Spring 2012 held at Bethel Lutheran Church 42nd St. E &17th Ave. S • Minneapolis, MN 55407 Name __________________________________ Cost: Phone ____________________ • for the entire series (7 days, 14 classes) $40 X _____ persons ………........$ _________ Address ________________________________ City ___________________State____ Zip______ • for single day (2 classes) $6 X ____ persons …………........$ _________ Church attending _________________________ • TOTAL Please check the dates you are registering for: (If in need of scholarship, simply print SCH instead of dollar amount in TOTAL space above. Your scholarship will be automatically accepted.) ___ March 19 ____ April 16 ___ March 26 ____ April 23 ___ April 2 ____ April 30 No class Monday after Easter _____ May 7 ……………….…….…. …. $ __________ Make check payable to CoAM and mail to CoAM office 3045 Chicago Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55407 Phone 612-721-5786
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