Northeaster Vol. 32, No. 5 • March 8, 2010 Souped up event raised SACA money “Empty Bowls,” full hearts and fun Northeast Minneapolis • St. Anthony • Columbia Heights • Hilltop 15 Why 3 will not run for school bd. Party business story & photos by Margo Ashmore Editor’s Note: Margo Ashmore was a delegate to the District 59 DFL convention. “Stand together in a line, in twos. We’ll be easier to count and they’ll be so impressed.” —continued on page 9 story by That’s approximately what an informal leader of the Margaret Anderson Kelliher/Education, Jobs and Environment subcaucus said at the Senate District 59 DFL (Democratic FarmerLabor) Convention Feb. 27. Nearly 30 adults were standing among the Raised in Northeast, lived in Oregon Jane DeGidio did a lot of good in the world seats in Edison High School’s auditorium, and they then somewhat dutifully followed her directions, congregating in an aisle. 3 Gail Olson Three of the four Minneapolis school board candidates who ran for office four years ago—Pam Costain, Tom Madden and Chris Stewart—say they’re not going to do it again. The trio cited different reasons for quitting. Costain, in a letter printed in the Star Tribune last week, named low pay as a problem. Madden said that doing a good job required working at a “burnout level.” Stewart said he has other things he wants to do. Madden said that when the four of them (the fourth is Theatrice Williams, who has said he will run again) took office together, they had enthusiasm and support from new Superintendent Bill Green. “We had 10 years of cleanup work to do. People [on past boards] either didn’t recognize the problems as being as big as they were, or they hadn’t wanted to deal with them. We met every week and got a ton done, including a strategic plan. But by taking on all the big issues, you upset more people. Everybody agrees that change is needed, but nobody wants it in their back yard. “I had hoped to be transformational,” Madden added. “I think that instead, we Celebrating the peregrine falcon This hooded bird helps tell a story 10 School Board!4 Hart publishes book about war ship days On the Netherlands SS Astrea 12 Letters to the Editor..................2 News Notes...............................5 Event Listings..........start on 6 Business Notes.........................9 Classifieds.......................13-14 Lunda working on two local bridges stories by Kerry Ashmore They’re pile driving for Lowry Bridge Camden Bridge closing mid-April-Oct. 1 “What’s that noise?” The Camden Bridge over the Mississippi River and Interstate 94, which links 37th Avenue NE and 42nd Avenue N, will stay open until mid-April before closing for several months for major repair work. The previous schedule called for the bridge to close March 15. City officials said the change was made at the request of the contractor, Lunda Construction, to allow time for specialty steel fabrication. City Engineer Jack Yuzna said the city agreed to the later start time, as long as the deadline for finishing the project, Oct. 1, was maintained. Yuzna said the contract with Lunda, about $10 million, includes incentives for early com- Construction work is underway on the new Lowry Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi Design for the new Lowry Bridge. (Graphic River, and residents courtesy Hennepin County) have a chance to meet the people behind the proj- already installed cofferdams ect and find out how it will af- (watertight enclosures) and fect them in the coming months. have begun driving the approxHennepin County officials imately 100 32-inch pilings have scheduled an open house down about 130 feet into the Tuesday, March 23, 6:30-8 p.m. river bottom, according to with a short presentation at 7 Hennepin County Construction p.m., at East Side Neighborhood Project Engineer Paul Backer. Services, 1700 Second St. NE. Construction workers have Lowry Bridge!14 6 3/18-3/19, 5:30 p.m. Help Columbia Heights cops “arrest hunger” tails de Tues., 3/16, 6-9 p.m. 15 Waite Park Community School Spring Gala tails de 14 Sat., 3/20, 7-11 p.m. Bottineau Neighborhood Green Gala Sat., 3/20, 7-10 p.m. tails de 14 page on Thurs., 3/11, 7:30 a.m. tails de page on NE Network meeting at East Side tails de Food Co-op 15 Seussical Jr.—play, dinner & auction—at NE Middle School Camden Bridge!8 page on 7 3/11-3/14 page on Timeline tails de pletion and penalties for late completion that could total several hundred thousand dollars. The bottom line, Yuzna said, is “We want this thing open in the winter.” During the construction work, two consecutive Mississippi page on o Northeast 14 Arab Film Festival at Heights Theatre page on Mon., 3/8, 7-8 p.m. tails de page on Congressman Keith Ellison at CH City Hall The Camden Bridge will still be blue. 2 March 8, 2010 Northeaster Think Tank EDITORIAL: Thanks for the start of a great investment We applaud local officials at the city, county, regional, state and federal level who have held firm and insisted that infrastructure investment in Northeast and North Minneapolis buy something that’s more than utilitarian. We see it in plans for the Lowry Avenue, Camden and St. Anthony Parkway bridges. We see it in major improvements to Lowry Avenue North (and planned improvements to Lowry Avenue NE), Central Avenue NE (long-awaited), West Broadway Avenue N and University Avenue NE. We see it in riverfront park developments (slowly but surely), and on the Humboldt Greenway (which is still having its ups and downs). Infrastructure investments that show beauty and artistry in addition to function send a powerful one-word message about the people who support and use those public roadways, bridges and other projects. The word is pride. As with many attributes that are beneficial, pride needs to be applied with moderation; however, we’re in no danger of over-pride-ing ourselves in the near future. Our communities need more and more opportunities to show the world not only how inexpensively we can do things (examples abound), but also how well we can do things. As with most investments, however, an investment in pride needs to be well-managed, well-maintained and well-supported; and officials will likely have to muster up just as much courage and political will to make those support decisions as it took to make the initial investments. And that won’t always be easy. The trees and shrubs that beautify many infrastructure investments typically need more water than what falls from the sky, and human intervention to deal with weeds. The nicest, newest roadway in town will develop potholes that need to be repaired; and will collect dirt, dust and litter that have to be cleaned up. A place that can be called “once beautiful, now neglected” is even more sad than a place that never had the benefit of the beauty. And it creates a justifiable sense of “why bother” among the taxpayer-investors who took the initial beautification plunge. We don’t need that. Beyond the money that’s needed to create and maintain these visible expressions of community pride, more politically-touchy investments are needed. That might involve things we don’t do as well as things we do. For many parts of North Minneapolis, and for continually-increasing areas of Northeast and Columbia Heights, it’s essential to slow, stop and reverse trends that lead toward urban decay, in addition to making the public investments celebrated above. What does this mean in practical terms? It means a continuing commitment to decent, low-rent housing (even if it requires a government subsidy) so that people of limited means don’t need to seek out and support properties that are poorly maintained and contribute to a slum-like appearance in some neighborhoods. It means assertive code enforcement, coupled with assistance for property owners who want to do the right thing but lack the resources to consistently comply with regulations. It means a renewed commitment to a concept that we don’t hear about as often as we once did: preventing the concentrations of poverty that offer various forms of predators easier access to potentially-vulnerable victims. What can the average resident do? Be aware that it’s rare to find a neighborhood that looks clean, well-maintained and classy but is actually a hotbed of crime and misery. Appearances count, and critical aspects of a neighborhood’s appearance happen one house at a time, one yard at a time, one park at a time, one block at a time. As taxpayers, we do our part when we support our government representatives who use our tax dollars to give community-level projects the extra boost that shows off our pride. They also need our guidance and support when they tackle the less-visible challenges to community pride. As individuals, we do our part when we keep our areas clean and well-maintained, and help our neighbors who might need help to do the same. The challenges are constant, the work isn’t easy. In a way, it “helps” that the alternative—continuing urban decay—is intolerable. editorials & reader commentary READER COMMENTARY: On media people’s fear of using certain words Bravo. What a great editorial (Media mustn’t shy away from words, Northeaster, Feb. 22). I applaud you for a very refreshing article that did not offend me at all and I fall into a couple of the “categories.” Joey Webb Columbia Heights Join Heights Police in raising funds and food for the hungry As police officers we have seen first hand the effects of our faltering economy and those who are in need as a result of the economy and many losing their jobs. The need for food and the basics needed for day-to-day living is greater than at any time in recent memory, and community food shelves have been hit hard by many who would not have thought that they would have been in need of assistance just a couple of years ago. Many of those who have bit hit the hardest have been families with young children as well as the elderly and working poor. To do our part and try to help those in need in our community, the Columbia Heights Police Department is hosting an event entitled “Columbia Heights Police to Arrest Hunger” on March 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Columbia Heights Police Department. This is going to be a great, family friendly event with a number of fun activities as well as food, so that you don’t even need to make your family dinner that night. Best of all, we are going to be raising money for a great food shelf, staffed by dedicated workers and community volunteers that serve the Columbia Heights, Hilltop, Fridley, and Spring Lake Park communities. There will be SACA (Southern Anoka County Assistance) staff on-hand to answer questions, assist with the event, and help raise awareness during Minnesota Foodshare month. Donations made to SACA are tax-deductible under some circumstances, and all proceeds from the event will go to SACA. Our goal is to raise at least $1,000, which will buy 8,000 pounds of food for those in need. Please consider spending your evening with the CHPD and making an impact in our community, helping our neighbors and friends during this difficult time. We are suggesting a donation of $10 per person or $20 per family, but no one will be turned away if they cannot afford the donation. Scott Nadeau Chief of Police Columbia Heights Minnesota bonding bill will help with jobs, local projects Job creation is our top priority this session. Last week, the Minnesota Senate passed a comprehensive package of building projects worth $999 million. Economic experts predict this bonding bill could create as many as 10,000 much-needed jobs throughout We welcome your Letters to the Editor! Northeaster Published twice monthly on Mondays Circulation 32,500 Northeast Minneapolis, St. Anthony, Columbia Heights, Hilltop Delivered free to area homes and businesses. Call (612) 788-9003 for a publication schedule, out of area subscriptions and assistance with display or classified advertising. Circulation also available west of the river in the NorthNews. Next issue: March 22, Deadline Tues., March 16 Following issue: April 5, Deadline Tues., March 30 Minnesota as work begins on vital infrastructure improvements, including roads, bridges, wastewater treatment plants, and public buildings across the state. The bill contains $10 million to help with reconstruction of the Lowry Avenue bridge. The new bridge will replace the bridge that was demolished last fall because it was not safe. Theodore Wirth Park also would receive $1 million for its Olympic Training Center, in preparation for the 2011 Junior Olympics. The bill also contains $750,000 for the Minneapolis Emergency Operations Center, which will move from the sub-basement of city hall to the fire training facility just across the Camden Bridge in Northeast Minneapolis. Firefighters from around the state will be able to train and use its resources. The bill contains $5 million to replace the hyperbaric chamber at HCMC. It will be essential in treating patients from around the state who have suffered traumatic brain injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, and other dangerous illnesses that can be treated with pure oxygen. The hyperbaric chamber is located across the street from our district. Elsewhere in Minneapolis, there is funding for a Museum of African-American History near the convention center, a Park Board proposal to redo the sculpture garden at the Walker Theater, funds to replace the St. Anthony Parkway Bridge, and money for the University of Minnesota and state colleges. By funding projects such as these, as well as others across the state, the Senate is taking a proactive approach to boost Minnesota’s economy as we slowly pull ourselves out of this recession. The capital investment package is only the first step in a larger effort we are undertaking this legislative session to reinvest in Minnesota and get Minnesotans back to work. Linda Higgins State Senator North Minneapolis We support the Minnesota News Council If you have a complaint about our news coverage, contact us. If we cannot resolve the problem, contact the News Council at 612-341-9357. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 612-788-3299 Kerry Ashmore Editor.....................................................................K Advertising Manager............................................ M a r g o A s h m o r e Advertising Reps......................... . K e r r y A s h m o r e , B o b G e r m a i n e Vince Brown Classified Advertising....................................................V Gail Olson, Carol Jensen Reporters/Photographers...............G Production, Bookkeeping, Circulation....JJ o y J u d g e , V i n c e B r o w n Kerry & Margo Ashmore Publishers (Pro Media, Inc.) .................K 1620 Central Ave. N.E. #101, Mpls., MN 55413 Phone 612-788-9003 • Fax 612-788-3299 (788-FAXX) Classified Advertising 612-788-9004 Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday E m a i l : [email protected] W e b S i t e: The Northeaster is proud to support community organizations by printing announcements of events and other appropriate material, when and if space allows. (We reserve the right to edit, delay, or reject items.) Story ideas are welcome. Please email, mail, bring or fax complete information to Northeaster, 1620 Central Ave. NE #101, Minneapolis, MN 55413 by the deadline (6 days before publication) to be considered. Fax 612-788-3299. Email: [email protected] Please include a phone number for confirmation. Letters may be edited for length, pertinence and libel. Letters and guest “Community Perspectives” printed here do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinion. Unsigned editorials on the editorial page are the jointly-agreed-upon opinion of the management of the Northeaster. March 8, 2010 Northeaster 3 Jane DeGidio was a champion who “changed the world” ons, working for prisoners’ rights. Her final job before her death from breast cancer at age 63 was working as director of job development at Goodwill Industries in Eugene, Oregon. DeGidio’s mother, Alma Stepanchak, who lives in New Brighton, said that the University of Oregon honored her daughter with a celebration of life on Jan. 28, at Beale Concert Hall. The reception included a greeting, invocation, and story by Gail Olson At Jane DeGidio’s funeral in Oregon on Nov. 20, 2009, her colleagues said that she had changed the world. A long-time champion for women’s rights and racial equality, DeGidio was born in Minneapolis in 1946 and raised near 33rd Avenue and Garfield Street NE. She attended Waite Park Elementary School, Northeast Junior High School and St. Margaret’s Academy, where she taught ballet to inner city youth. After earning a bachelor of arts degree in sociology from the University of Minnesota and serving on the Catholic Inter-racial Council, she went to Oregon, earning a master’s degree and a doctorate in counseling and educational psychology, with an emphasis on women’s and minorities’ issues, from the University of Oregon. DeGidio joined the Peace Corps and worked in Kentucky’s Appalachian mountains in the late 1960s. In 1969, she returned to the University of Oregon as executive director of student affairs. She became dean of student affairs in 1988. She traveled to Zimbabwe on a Fulbright scholarship in 1989, as the visiting dean of student affairs and an academic specialist. She also went to the University of Swaziland with the United States Information Agency, working in the areas of women’s rights, prisoners’ rights, and racial discrimination in educational institutions. She was dean of student affairs at speeches and letters from more than 10 colleagues and family members. DeGidio is survived by her mother; daughter Jomel McNair of Seattle; two sisters, Joanne Stepanchak-McNair of San Diego, Calif. and Jill Parent of Columbia Heights; and a granddaughter, Gabriella McNair of Seattle. The University of Oregon Foundation has established a Dr. Jane DeGidio Memorial Scholarship Fund. Social Anxiety Study Jane DeGidio. (Photo courtesy of her family) Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates from 2002 to 2004, working at universities in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In 2004, she traveled to Toledo, Spain, to serve as a member of the Middle Eastern Education Leadership Institute, an annual Harvard-based educational leadership program. In Eugene, Oregon, DeGidio served on the Eugene Women’s Commission, where she helped organize the city’s sexual assault services. She was the first woman appointed to the State Apprenticeship Commission. She also served on the Board of Sponsors for pris- Do you fear and avoid social situations? If so, you may have Social Anxiety Disorder. Individuals 18-65 years old who suffer from social anxiety disorder are needed for a research study. Call Saaraa at the University of Minnesota at 612-627-4495 or email [email protected] A familiar face at the time of need. Three generations of service in one location. Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, Pre-Need Counseling John & Richard Hunt Jeffery & Robert Hunt We are a family serving families. Front Row: Back Row: Billman-Hunt Tel: 612-789-3535 THE NORTHEASTER Real Estate Address COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 3971 Quincy St NE 5128 4th St NE 3800 Van Buren St NE 1040 49th Ave NE 1630 Innsbruck Pkwy W 1000 41st Ave NE, #118 4312 Quincy St NE 1011 41st Ave NE, #322 1011 41st Ave NE, #211 ZIP BR Price Listing Agent 55421 55421 55421 55421 55421 55421 55421 55421 55421 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 224,888 149,500 224,888 209,888 214,900 128,700 150,000 152,000 74,888 ST. 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It’s the next board that will be transformational. I’m proud of that, though; it came out of four years of hard work.” He said he initially ran because, as the father of three girls in school, he got frustrated with “the lack of stuff going on.” Now that the board is on the right track, the job might be better for future board members. “It’s easier to step on a moving treadmill,” he said. In November’s election—per an amendment approved by voters in 2008—one board seat will be added to the board, and another in the following election, bringing the total to nine. The school board seats will change so that three will be at-large (currently they all are) and six will represent different geographical areas of the city, following the same boundaries as Minneapolis Park and Recreation seats. Madden said the district seats might make running for school board easier, but “I don’t know if the job itself will be any easier. As long as board members have to close schools and change curriculum, people will be unhappy.” Stewart said he got a lot of experience being on the school board, and decided there is much he can do when he leaves the job “to help the community [residents] be better advocates for themselves in education. The system is not real great with people who are detached from the community. They get marginalized.” He said four years of being on the board was enough for him. “I didn’t want to be a career school board member or a politician. With this job, I got a good vision of how much of it is about being a politician. Running again would take a certain level of gluttony for punishment. It wears on you. I don’t think the public is aware of how much work we do. “We had a backlog when we came in, and we tackled a lot in short order. We did the pre-work to one day deliver the stability the school district needs. There was so much to get done. “And yet, no matter how you do the job, it’s not going to be good enough for a large portion of the city,” Stewart added. “People tell you you’re failing their children. They say every kind of cruel, insult- ing thing. The reality is that we are in tough circumstances in urban education. As our core funding continues to erode, the picture’s not getting any better.” Northeast resident and at-large school board member Jill Davis, who is starting the second year of her four-year term, said that after a career in social services (she works for Hennepin County), “I feel like I had somewhat of a handle on the time commitment going in. It’s probably more than you’d realize.” The economy has hit every board member, she added, and “it is a challenge to work full or part time and still handle a board members’ responsibilities. You get invited to every event, things School Board"5 If you would like to see your place of worship listed in this directory, call Bob at 612-788-0187 or Kerry at 612-781-4821. Northeast Area Worship Directory CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-generational congregation. “A high-risk, low-anxiety church” Worship: Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Church School for all ages: 11:45 a.m. Jin S. Kim, Senior Pastor 4301 Benjamin St. NE, Columbia Heights Phone: 763-503-2600 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 4054 Van Buren St. NE (763) 788-3822 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Sunday Night Fellowship Wednesday Family Night: 6:15 p.m. meal, 6:45-8 p.m. programs for all ages Pastor: Dan Thompson COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 950 Gould Ave. NE, Columbia Heights 763-788-9009 GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NORTHEAST COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Sunday School/Bible Study 9 am, Worship 10 am Lowry Ave. at Cleveland St. N.E. 789-7462 Worship 10:30 am • Luncheon 11 am Pastor: Duane A. Lookingbill GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) 27th Ave. & Johnson St. NE 612-789-7256 Worship 10 am (Nursery available) Education following. Reconciling in Christ. All are welcome. Pastor Stefan Rickman • IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL Weekdays: Saturday: Sunday: Masses Tues.-Fri. 7:30 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am & 10:00 am Pre-K through 8th Grade School Reverend Ruth Hograbe Accredited academics • Multi-cultural Athletics • Music programs • Day care THE CRUX ALL ARE WELCOME!! Worship Gathering 5 p.m. on Sunday evenings at DeLaSalle High School on Nicollet Island 1 DeLaSalle Dr., Minneapolis Affiliated with the LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ) ELIM CHURCH An Oasis in the City 685 13th Avenue NE, 612-789-3591 Sunday: Discipleship Hour 9 am The Gathering Coffee 10 am Worship 10:30 am Wednesday: Kids’ Club 6:30 pm Prayer Gathering 6:30 pm Small Groups Available Elim Preschool 612-789-1063 Pastor Kevin Hanson Visit us at FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1555 40th Ave. NE, Columbia Heights 763-788-9653 web site: SUNDAY WORSHIP Worship 8:45 & 11 am; Sunday School 9:55 am; Adult Education & Fellowship Time 10 am WEDNESDAYS: Soup Supper 5-6:30 pm; Choirs, Youth & Adult Activities 5-8:30 pm; Lenten Worship 7 pm IGLESIA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL MONTE HOREB Servicios: Martes 7 pm, Sabado 7 pm, Domingo 12:30 pm GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH 3014 McKinley St. NE, Mpls 612-781-1989 Sunday: Christian Education 8:45 & 11:15 am Worship 10 am Nursery and Crib room available Pastor Dean W. Gade [email protected] Free Monthly Community Dinner, Sat., Mar. 27, 5:30 pm Meal and fellowship with your Northeast neighbors Location change for Sunday activities & Community Dinner: the church building at 724 Lowry Ave. NE. Pastor Craig Pederson N.E. GOSPEL CHAPEL 2749 Ulysses St. NE (612) 781-3541 A Non-Denominational N.T. Assembly 10:20 am Sunday School - All Ages 11:00 am Family Bible Hour - Ministry 06:00 pm Evening Service Wed. 7:00 p.m. Prayer/Bible Study Info Call Brad Biddle (651) 773-3058 763-788-9062 MILL CITY CHURCH A church focused on loving NE in the name of Jesus. Sundays 10 a.m. You are welcome at… OAK HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 4141 University Ave. NE, Columbia Heights (763) 789-4337 Traditional Service 9 am • Contemporary Service 10:30 am Sunday School offered during both services Wed: 6:30 pm Awana club, Jr. & Sr. High Groups 7 pm Adult Bible Study & Prayer Pastors Paul Widen & Dave Briley OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH 701 Fillmore Street NE 623-4019 Sunday Mass at 9:30 am Mass is signed for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Margery E. Powers - Parish Life Administrator Sheridan School 1201 University Ave NE MT. CARMEL LUTHERAN St. Anthony Pkwy. & Ulysses St. 612-781-2796 9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion (Nursery provided) 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am Sunday School, 11 am Adult Forum Weekday Child Care 612-781-2798 Pastors Dodd Lamberton and Melanie Heuiser Hill NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD STRONG TOWER PARISH 1424 Monroe St. NE 612-874-7310 Non-denominational, multi-cultural congregation 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service First Sunday of each month Thanks Giving Service followed by Fellowship and Lunch. Wednesday 7 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Service Last Friday of each month Night Vigil at 10 p.m. Nursery and crib room provided THE NAME OF THE LORD IS A STRONG TOWER Nursery Available Fellowship, Beverages & Snacks Weekday Childcare 612-781-1537 For a listing of classes, events and connections, see our web site or call 612-781-2766 with Adoration 1 hour prior to the 8:30 am Mass Sunday: 9:00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 7:45-8:10 am & 4:30-5:15 pm E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Father Glen Jenson ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass: Saturday 4 pm; Sunday 10 am & 7:45 pm ST. CONSTANTINE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 515 University Ave. NE 612-379-2394 Daily Liturgy: 7:30 am Confessions: Sat. 3 pm Sunday: 8 am (English) 10 am (Sung in Ukrainian) Last Sunday/Month: 9 am (English & Ukrainian) Pastor: Fr. Canon Michael Stelmach ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2215 NE 3rd St. N.E., Mpls 612-789-6252 Liturgy: Sat.-Sun. 9 am; Tue.-Thur. 8:30 am Vespers: Sat. 6 pm; the eve of the Feasts 7 pm ST. MICHAEL’S & ST. GEORGE’S UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 505 4th Street NE 612-379-2695 (English) Pro Liturgy 8:45 a.m. Sundays Divine Liturgy 10 a.m. Sundays Very Reverend Euhen Kumka 379-2280 ST. TIMOTHY’S LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) 825-51st Avenue NE (763) 571-9721 Worship 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Nursery provided Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Lenten Worship 7 p.m. ST. CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATOLICA SAN CIRILIO 1315 2nd St. NE • 612-379-9736 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Saturday / Sábado 4:30 pm English Sunday / Domingo 7:30 & 10:30 am Español 9 am English Wed. & Fri. / Mier. & Vier. 9 am English Revs. Edison Galarza & John Pilaczynski THE SALVATION ARMY CENTRAL CORPS 2727 Central Ave. NE 612-789-2858 [email protected] Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:45 am ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastors: Captains Vong & Ting Luangkhamdeng TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Call for weekday schedules. Broadway & Washington St. NE 612-379-4296 Bible Study & Sunday School 8:45 am Worship 10 am Pastor Daniel Lindner Lowry Ave. at Taylor St. NE 789-7600 Worship 10 am • Fellowship 11 am Children’s Corner provided Free community meals: ST. MARY’S ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 2nd & 3rd Saturday of each month at 6 p.m. THE VINE WORD OF TRUTH 1629 NE 5th St. 612-781-7667 8 am Matins; 9 am Divine Liturgy; 11 am Church School Saturday: 6 pm Vespers Sunday: Please call the church office, 612-781-7667, for other services. 3312 Silver Lake Road 612-781-2766 Welcome to Worship! Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8, 9, 10:30 am 813 Main St. NE • 612-379-2324 Mass: Weekdays: 11:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am & 5:30 pm 629 NE 2nd St. Mpls. 612-379-2761 4030 Jackson St. NE, Col. Heights Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship & Sunday School Centered in Christ~Living on the edge! 13th & Monroe 612-788-2444 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Pastor: Greg Garman Come Worship and Grow in Christ Sunday 10 am Wednesday 7 pm Pastors: Dr. Titus and Gayle Jideofor ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH For special events and more info, call 612-788-1222 3055 Central Ave. NE, Minneapolis MN 55418 1510-33rd Ave. NE at Lincoln St. 612-781-7434 10 AM - English Mass Saturday Worship 5:30 pm Sunday Worship 8 & 10:45 am Sunday Education (all ages) 9:30 am We welcome new parishioners! David’s Christian Learning Center: 763.789.4030 Nursery available for all services Pastor: Duane O. Fisher, Youth: Jesse Mathews SACRED HEART OF JESUS POLISH NAT’L CATHOLIC CHURCH 2200 5th Street N.E. Mpls, MN 55418 (612) 781-9328 4101 Washington Street NE • 763.788.9427 WAITE PARK WESLEYAN Worship Services 10:45 am & 6:00 pm Christian Education Classes 9:30 am Weds. Ministries for ALL ages 7:00 pm March 8, 2010 Northeaster Job demands almost too much for a family person that can happen at any point in the day. Having some flexibility in your job is helpful. This job can be what you make it to be. To feel good about it, you would be working 20 to 30 hours a week on it.” Davis said the board meets three times a month and also holds monthly executive sessions that start at 4 p.m. and might last until 9 or 10 p.m. “There is sub-committee work; those are two-hour meetings once a month or every other month. We also have study sessions, where we meet with staff on a topic and have time to ask questions. “When you add in big changes like Minneapolis has gone through, and initiatives such as Changing School Options [the administration’s plan to deal with declining enrollment, which included closing schools], we were averaging meetings three times a week. Being on the board of an urban district school is very time consuming. “People have different tolerance levels about how much they can balance in their lives,” Davis added. “It can be overwhelming. I haven’t even talked about the e-mails and the school events.” When asked if any constituents criticized her over the board’s decision to hire Bernadeia Johnson as Superintendent (to replace Green) rather than go out for a national search, Davis said she hadn’t gotten much feedback. “I abstained on the Bernadeia Johnson vote, not because I didn’t think she was qualified, but because I would have preferred to do a search.” She has encountered some negativity from people on other issues, she added, but “I don’t take it personally, although I think it probably does get wearing over time. Obviously there will always be people who are not happy; they blame the board. Although I understand significant funding limitations, there are people who blame us for it. There are times you feel bad.” Four years ago, she said, the press was much harder on the school board than it seems to be now. “Now other districts are closing schools. When it happened in Minneapolis, it was blamed on poor management. As it turns out, we led the way.” Davis, who is married, said that family support is critical for board members. “I have an 11-year old, and it is hard on him, in a way. If he was younger, the job would probably be impossible for me. I work full time.” She said she thinks that when the board structure changes to geographic areas, it will help. “It will give us a better shot at diversity.” Davis said the board is considering creating new schools, including self-governed schools. It will also discuss high school redesign and implementation. And, there is the question of whether or not the district offices at 807 Broadway St. NE should be relocated; five different sites are under consideration. “It is a horrible building, and the staff needs a better environment. But it will be a tough sell,” Davis said. News Notes by Kerry Ashmore The Minneapolis Riverfront Corporation, a nonprofit created to advance the goals in the City of Minneapolis Above the Falls riverfront development plan, received its status as a 501(c)(3) organization, which is required for many kinds of state and foundation funding. Linda Ernst, Columbia Heights Public Schools’ federal and state programs coordinator, is the first recipient of the district’s Employee of the Year award. Ernst has worked for the district for more than 36 years and provides district-wide coordination in the researching, planning, writing, and application for various state and federal grants, which includes the tracking and monitoring of grant budgets. Northeast resident and visual artist Loretta Bebeau has had four large drawings accepted into the Revealing Culture exhibit that will be held at the Smithsonian Institution's International Gallery, opening June 8. Book artist Chip Schilling, formerly of Northeast, will display work at the 10th anniversary Reader’s Art show at Susan Hensel Gallery, 3441 Cedar Ave. S., March 12-April 23. Jupiter Adams-Phipps of Northeast, a 7th grader at Cyber Village Academy Charter School, advanced to the Twin Cities Regional Science Fair in February. From there, he was selected to compete at the State Science and Engineering Fair to be held March 26-28. His project tests the power of various homemade fruit and vegetable batteries. James Benhardus, Elizabeth Hale, Nicole Hale, Marrissa Henry-Mashuga, Vashti Pearson and Sarah Peterson of Minneapolis and Janet Horsager of St.Anthony were named to the dean’s list at Bethel University, for achieving a 3.6 or higher grade point average. Jessica Singh of Minneapolis received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Bethel University in Roseville. Zoila Guachichulca of Minneapolis was named to the dean’s list at Beloit College in Beloit, Wis., for achieving a 3.4 or higher grade point average. Megan Fellegy a 2007 graduate of Columbia Heights High School, was named to the dean's list at the University of Wisconsin River Falls. Salah Bedeiwi, Eileen Booker, Charles Butterworth, Richard Eddy, Amino Esse, Sean Luopa, Rochelle Mars, Abigail Mode, Loretta Oates, Patrick Parisian and Tenzin Woser of Minneapolis; Andrea Ulland and Alexander Steffenson of St. Anthony; and Barkash Jeylani, Emily Johnson and Lindsay King of Columbia Heights were named to the dean’s list at Normandale Community College, for achieving a 3.5 or higher grade point average. COUPON 9 $ ✃ 4!School Board 5 Car Wash 1814 Central Ave. NE RAINBOW or RAIN-X $2.00 WAX 95 + Tax Full Service Car Wash Reg. $3.00 Expires 3/21/10 NE. Not valid with other coupons or offers. Oversized vehicles extra. COUPON Expires 3/21/10 NE Not valid with other coupons or offers. Oversized vehicles extra. Now offering exterior wash $ only for 8.25+Tax Upgrade to our Protection Package for only $2! A Continuum of Care When You Need it Most Owner/Operators George Welles Certified Arborist #MN-0354 Lynn Welles Certified Arborist #MN-4089A • Expert High Risk & Crane Removals • Free Estimates • Trained & Courteous Staff • Licensed & Insured • Reasonable Rates • Expert Rope & Saddle Pruning/Removals, Minimizing Impact on Trees & Yards • Stump Grinding • Visit for consumer guides Since 1952 Crest View Senior Communities has Provided Senior Services: (612) 789-9255 • Senior Housing 10% discount when you mention this ad. • Assisted Living & Memory Care Now accepting: • Skilled Care Services Including: • Short Term Rehab • Home Health Care FOUNDED BY WORKING PEOPLE for all PEOPLE. There is a bank in your neighborhood that shares your values and is working to make the neighborhood a better place for all of us to live, to work and to be in business. Call Today and Let Us Care for Your Loved One. SENIOR COMMUNITIES If you’d like to bank where you are more than an account number, let us help you with your banking needs. CREST VIEW OFFERS ACTIVE AND CARING COMMUNITIES Full service banking including personal banking, commercial banking, mortgage banking and trust services. Senior Housing 763-782-1601 Skilled Nursing Care 763-782-1626 Assisted Living/Memory Care 763-782-1601 Royce Place Columbia Village Crest View Home Care The Boulevard Crest View Lutheran Home Crest View on 42nd Assisted Living 763-782-1601 Member FDIC 312 Central Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-3222 Equal Housing Lender Senior Housing 763-782-1601 763-782-1605 4444 RESERVOIR BLVD. NE, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421 Become Part of a Caring Community with Traditional Values and an Advanced Philosophy on Serving People 6 March 8, 2010 Northeaster The Northeast EXPERIENCE ____________________________________________________________________ Performance Arts Talent show and film screening at Edison #6650:Come and see the many talents of students and staff on Thursday,Mar.11 at Edison High School,700 22nd Ave.NE.The talent show starts at 3:30 p.m. and the film screening of “Child Soldiers” starts at 5 p.m.This is an educational documentary about child soldiers around the world. The film showing is part of the human rights forum,and the talent show is a service learning project for Ms.Novak’s Humanities class.The cost is $3 for the talent show.The money will go to the “Invisible Children”organization, an organization that builds schools for former child soldiers. For more information, contact Bridget Altmann at 612-668-1375. “Heart and Soul of Russia” #6151:The Midgard Ensemble 4446 Central Ave. NE 763-788-8187 PULL-TABS Open Daily at Noon, Mon.-Sat. Noon on Sunday MN LIC #B-00012-001 BINGO MONDAYS! EVERY MONDAY STARTING AT 1 PM • New Game Packets BAR BINGO SAT., MARCH 13 & MARCH 27 • 2 PM Start NIGHT BINGO – NO NIGHT BINGO IN MARCH Karaoke FRIDAYS, MARCH 12 & MARCH 26 • 8-MIDNIGHT with Dan Reeves Pork Tenderloin Dinner SAT., APRIL 3 • 4:30-7:00 PM $6 w/all the trimmings! Eat-in or To-go MEAT RAFFLES: FRIDAY 5:30 PM-?, SATURDAY NOON-? FRIDAY LENT SPECIAL – LENT – FISH BASKET SPECIAL! $6 HAPPY ST. PAT’S DAY WED., MARCH 17 DRINK SPECIALS ALL DAY CHECK OUR 4-LEAF CLOVER BREAST CANCER BENEFIT SAT., MARCH 20, 4 PM-12 MIDNIGHT (5-7 PM: FOOD, SILENT AUCTION; KARAOKE AT 7 PM) $5 DONATION – TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR returns with a program celebrating the passionate,heartfelt music of Russia.The concert held Sunday, Mar. 14, 4 p.m. at First Lutheran Church,1555 40th Ave.NE,will feature songs by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff’s romantic “Elegiac Trio No.1.”Tickets are $7, available at the door. The concert is sponsored by the Music at First Concert Series at First Lutheran. p.m.Tickets are $5 at the door;cost includes dinner. Menu: Seuss on a Platter,Pulled Roast Beast on a Bun, Green Eggs and Hamlets, Baked Beans, and Seuss Slaw. Beverages and meat-free alternatives will also be provided.For more information, call 612-668-1500. Sebastian Bach’s 325th birthday. Featured organists: Chris Brand, Jeffrey Patry, John Salverson, Brad Schultz and Kraig Windschitl. Free admission; come when you can; stay as long as long as you like. St.Anthony Civic Orchestra spring concert #6655: St. Anthony-New Brighton Community Services Senior Citizen Advisory Council presents a Big Band concert on Tuesday,Mar.30,1-3:30 p.m. featuring the Moonlight Serenaders. Concert will be held in the St. Anthony High School auditorium,3303 33rd Ave.NE.Seating begins at 12:30 p.m.Tickets:$5 when purchased in advance at the Community Services office, 3301 Silver Lake Rd., and $6 at the door the day of the show. For more information, call 612-706-1166. #6687: The St. Anthony Civic Orchestra’s spring concert is set for Sunday, Mar. 21, 3 p.m. at the St. Anthony Community Center, 3301 Silver Lake Rd.NE.Free admission. The program includes selections from Die Fledermaus,Itsy Bitsy Spider, Haydn’s Musical Clock, Auf Der Jagd, Peter and the Wolf and The Toreadors from Carmen.For information,call director Carol Jensen 612-788-3516. Acoustic open mic at Lily’s Coffee #6353:Lily’s Coffee Shop,3301 Central Ave.NE,host san open mic event on the second Friday of each month, 6:30-10 p.m. Those who would like to perform should sign up at 6 p.m. For more information, call 612-789-2158. Seussical the Musical,Jr. at NE Middle School Moonlight Serenaders Big Band concert Organ Recital honoring Bach’s 325th birthday #6664: Northeast Middle School,2955 Hayes St.NE,proudly presents its spring musical, “Seussical Jr.,”Thursday & Friday, Mar.18 & 19, with a dinner & silent auction at 5:30 p.m.,and show at 7 #6647: Church of the Holy Cross,1621 University Ave.NE,will host an organ recital on Sunday, Mar.21,2-5 p.m. honoring Johann More event listings on Page 7 Spring Street Tavern 355 Monroe St. NE (Spring & Monroe) 612.627.9123 CITY PAGES “Best Neighborhood Bar” St. Pat’s Day March 17 Corned Beef & Cabbage Everything Irish on Special The Grant Bros. Moving Co. LIVE MUSIC Upstairs – 6-8:30 p.m., then: NEW! K araoke Weds ostume 9 p.m. – PRIZES available Our costume or yours... or not! Homemade Soups & Daily Specials Breakfast Served All Day! Steak & Eggs $5.99 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. M-F N.Y. Strip Dinner $8.99 After 6 p.m. Vegetarian Items New Wine Selection Happy Hour 3-7 p.m. M-F $4 Bloody Marys & Screwdrivers sample st. patty’s $1 Tacos & $4 Margaritas special st. patty’s four-course menu with fulton beer pairings 8 - 10 a.m. M-F Monday & Tuesday check it out @ regular menu also available Pub Quiz Monday 10 p.m. “Springo” Sat. & Tue. 6 p.m. Comedy Sundays 8:30 p.m. SAMPLE DATE NIGHT starting @ 3pm every Wednesday 1 lb Flintstone Burger + 4 PBR’s OR Spaghetti & Meatballs Platter + Bottle of Wine ONLY $25 Buy 1, Get 1 FREE! BURGER Expires March 21, 2010. lunch, dinner, cocktails daily sat & sun brunch northeast mpls on the river 2124 marshall st 612-789-0333 JOIN US FOR CORN BEEF & CABBAGE FOR ST. PAT’S DAY $9.95 - All you can eat! Lunch Buffet $7.95 Wed.-Fri., 10-2 Salad bar included KARAOKE CONTEST Sundays, 9pm-1am $500 Grand Prize • Weekly Prizes Compete each Sunday for a chance to go to finals in March. Baggan’s Pub Call to join our Mon. or Thur. Night inquire about our banquet room Golf League 763.788.0882 3720 East River Road Fridley, MN 55421 Just Minutes from Downtown Minneapolis March 8, 2010 Northeaster The Northeast ___________ Event listings cont’d from Page 6 Performance Arts (cont’d) Arab Film Festival #6654: The 2010 Arab Film Festival,presented by Mizna,a local Arab American organization,will be held Mar. 11-14 at the historic Heights Theatre,3951 Central Ave. NE,and features a wide-ranging and thought-provoking selection of feature-length and short films made about Arabs and Arab Americans. For more information, contact the theatre at 763-788-9079. St.Anthony Village band and choir concerts #6668: St. Anthony Village Middle and High School invite the community to the following music concerts: Tuesday, Mar. 16: High School Choir; Thursday, Mar. 18: High School Symphonic & Concert Bands; and Monday, Mar. 22: 7th & 8th Grade Band. All concerts begin at 7 p.m. in the St. Anthony Village High School Auditorium, 3303 33rd Ave.NE. Arts Icon Show at Baltic Imports #6665: Baltic Imports, 207 E. Hennepin Ave., presents its 12th annual Icon Show,“Echoes of the Eternal: Contemporary Icons from Poland and Romania,” featuring a selection of contemporary Polish and Romanian icons and crosses, plus Russian miniature masterworks and Greek icons. Education about the icons and the nature of iconography throughout the show. Show runs Mar.14-Apr.3, with an opening reception Sunday, Mar. 14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. A related lecture on the icon vs.religious painting in Eastern European tradition, entitled “Echoes of the Eternal:The Nature of the Icon in Eastern Europe,” will be held Thursday, Mar. 18, 7 p.m. For more information, call 612-331-3296. 10th annual Juried Spiritual Art Show #6648: The 10th annual Juried Spiritual Art Show will be held at Elim Church,685 13th Ave NE from Sunday,Mar.21-Friday,March 26, 3-7 p.m. and features Minnesota artists.The show is a production of the NE Mpls Artist Concierge Service and is a guest of Elim Church for the second time since it began.Admission is free. Wall constructions,jewelry, furniture and paintings #6531: Frank Stone Gallery, 1224 2nd St NE, presents work by Danny Saathoff (wall constructions and jewelry), Scott Albright (furniture) and Farida Hughes (paintings). Scott Albright makes whimsical and functional furniture with hand carved surfaces,found objects,and specialty finishes.Danny Saathoff’s jewelry and wall constructions are rich with detail: miniature painted landscapes, architectural plan details, rusted gears, and moving airplane parts all combine to make delightful,delicate Rube Goldberglike assemblies.Farida Hughes’abstract paintings have bright colorful flocks of shapes that flit over the colorfield like birds,leaves,or landscapes viewed from the air. The exhibit runs Mar.11-21 with an opening reception Friday,March 12, 5-9 p.m. and a special Spring Fling closing event Saturday,March Find out more about these events including web links at Search by Event Number! 20,5-9 p.m. For more information, call 612-617-9965. ..and more art nearby #6522: The Soap Factory, 518 2nd St. SE, 612-623-9176, presents an experiment in communal living, an investigation into the history of Midwestern communes, and an embrace of collaborative artmaking.Show runs through April 4. #6500:The Textile Center Joan Mondale Gallery,3000 University Ave.SE,presents“Metaphoric Fibers: Untamed Knitting and Crochet,”on display through Apr. 17 with an opening event Friday,Mar.12,6-8 p.m.;artists’talk at 7 p.m.The artists featured take the traditional art of knitting and crochet beyond function into art abstraction. For more information, call 612-436-0464. #6677:Gallery 122 at Hang It,122 8th St.SE,presents a group exhibition of the class of 2011 graduate students from MCAD, on view Mar. 19-May 7 with an artist reception Friday,Mar. 19, 7-10 p.m.; music provided by Unicorn Dream Attack. For more information,call 612-874-7222. #6663:Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts, 6666 E. River Rd., Fridley, presents “Collages,”by artist Charles Martin,on view Mar.13-Apr.3,with a free opening reception on Saturday, Mar. 13, 4-6 p.m. For more information,call 763-574-1850. are 15 minutes long.To register, call 763-706-3690.Space is limited. Classes The Family Center Presents! #6617: The Columbia Heights Family Center,1440 49th Ave.NE,offers free monthly presentations for parents.The March event,“Community Baby Shower,”will be held Thursday, Mar.18,6:30-7:30 p.m. in Room 100F. Call 763-528-4517 to register; reference event #1015F.Call 763-528-4515 to reserve childcare. Camden Music School #6634:Registration for Camden Music School’s spring term begins Monday, Mar. 15. Scholarship applications are due Monday, Mar. 29, 5 p.m. CMS offers Musikgarten early childhood classes, vocal and instrumental lessons, music theory , and ensembles for adults and kids. Classes are held in at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church,3751 Sheridan Ave.N.and at Northeast Community Lutheran Church,697 13th Ave.NE.To register,or for more information call 612-618-0219. Youth Activities Kids Read...Dogs Listen #6657: Kids Read... Dogs Listen provides an opportunity for your child to read to a registered therapy dog in the relaxed atmosphere of the library. Dogs will be available at the Columbia Heights Public Library, 820 40th Ave.NE,Mondays,Mar.15Apr. 26, 6-8 p.m. Reading sessions $ EXPERIENCE Chemists in the Library #6379: Pierre Bottineau Library, 55 Broadway St. NE, 952847-2850,will host Chemists in the Library on Saturday,Mar.20,1:303:30 p.m.This program is a volunteer effort of chemistry students, teachers,and professionals to bring the fun and wonder of chemistry to kids age 6 and up.For more information, call the library. Volunteers Edison and North High seek career fair volunteers #6642: Edison High School’s career fair is seeking volunteers for the Friday, Mar. 12, noon-3 p.m. event at Edison High School, 700 22nd Ave. NE. Represent your career, industry or position and join other professionals to help students deepen their awareness of career options and make educated decisions as they prepare for life after high school. #6641: North High School’s career fair is also seeking volunteers for its Monday, Mar. 22, 9-11:30 a.m. event at North Community High School, 1500 James Ave.N. Register online for either event at or contact Alison Criss at 612-455-1571. More event listings on Page 14 1 OFF Any Prime Rib Value Basket Shown: Prime Rib Sandwich Value Basket St. Anthony 3ILVER,AKE2Ds St. Paul /LD(UDSON2Ds Vadnais Heights #ENTERVILLE2Ds Little Canada 2ICE3Ts !"#$%&'(&)*+,-"#$&".&+$/*0"+&1$(* )+2,$3&40$"#$&('&#*5#.2.*.2'(#3& 6'.&7"02%&82.-&"(9&'.-$+&'::$+3&;"0*$&<=>??&,$(.3&@212.&'($&,'*)'(&)$+&)$+#'(&)$+&72#2.3&& ;"02%&'(09&".&A*07$+B#&':&C.3&D(.-'(9E&C.3&4"*0E&;"%("2#&F$2/-.#&"(%&@2..0$&A"("%"3&GH)2+$#&?I=?<=<?3&><IJ?<J<? 7 blarney Bash! Wednesday, March 17 • ALL DAY LONG! Free Chef-Carved Steamship Corned Beef Sandwiches Starting at 1 pm (while supplies last) tom olson cancer benefit saturday, March 27 Buy tickets in advance at Moose or Tom’s Barbershop at 938 Lowry Ave. NE serving breakfast every day 9 am mon.-Fri.; 8am Sat. & sun. 8 oz. Black Angus STEAK & EGGS SPECIAL $5.99 Also offering great daily lunch & dinner specials! Weds. Night’s RIB NIGHT! Full rack of ribs 8 $ .99 We have WIFI Internet for our Customers! BAR BINGO!! Wed., 6:30pm & Sat., 1:30pm $1,000 coverall every session SUNDAY BAR BINGO! NOON! check out our brand new menu! TEXAS HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENTS Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays LOOKING FOR A TEAM SPONSOR? CALL US! every day Happy Hour 2AM OPEN ‘T IL EVERY D AY! Mon.-Fri. 3-7pm Sat. 10am-2pm Sun. 10am-4pm Wed. & Thurs., 5pm Sun., 2:30pm Karaoke Sun., Tues., Wed., Thurs.,& Sat. 9pm-close $2.25 Domestic bottles & rails $1 off all other drinks meat raffles BAR & GRILL 356 Monroe St. • 612-623-4999 Pull Tabs sponsored by The Italian American Club Foundation #00511 T OPEN A & 9AMAM AMT--FSUN S 8 8 March 8, 2010 Northeaster Detour to Plymouth 1!Camden Bridge River bridges that will be “out” (the Lowry Avenue Bridge has already been demolished). Northeast and North Side people will be asked to go as far south as Plymouth Avenue or as far north as Interstate 694 if they want to cross the Mississippi River during construction. Traffic engineers say they are aware that crossing the river at Broadway would be a slightly shorter detour, but say also that the Plymouth Avenue Bridge is much better able to handle the extra traffic than is the Broadway Bridge. Bicyclists will be asked to detour to the north and cross at the Interstate 694 bridge. The construction will include new expansion joints, new lights, a new deck, a new drainage system, and new approach panels, sidewalks, crash railings, and pedestrian railings. The bridge will also be repainted, Yuzna said, retaining the blue color the bridge has now. The repainting work is scheduled for 2011, and the bridge will not have to be closed for that work. Yuzna said workers will also have to rework the bridge’s drainage system. Now, much of the water from rain storms goes directly into the river. The new system, he said, will “capture it into a storm water pipe...and run it off the bridge and into the land.” On the west end of the bridge, south of the bridge and east of the trail, he said, is a natural low point. Now, he said, it’s “all overgrown,” but it will be converted into a settling pond. “A lot of the water runs there already,” he said. On the east end, he said, “there isn’t an opportunity to do that open-air” sediment settling, so they plan to create an underground treatment area for storm water. The bridge’s current pin-and-hanger support system, which has some parts that are fracture-critical, will be replaced with a bearing system, Yuzna said. He said city officials considered trying to keep the bridge open during the work, but concluded that the disruption of closing the bridge couldn’t be avoided. “Trying to do it under traffic,” he said, “would still require a significant amount of closing,” and the work would go slower. “We felt it was more disruptive than just closing it.” First Ward City Council Member Kevin Reich, who represents residents on the east end of the bridge, said, “It will take some time for people to get used to getting across the river without this bridge, but as new traffic patterns settle in, City traffic engineers will be looking for ways to help ease traffic flow as much as possible. Getting through this construction will require some patience, but the benefits will be well worth the disruption.” Fourth Ward City Council Member Barbara Johnson, who represents residents on the west end of the bridge, said, “We know having this bridge closed will be an inconvenience for many people. “But a complete closure means we’ll get through this inconvenience much faster, and it creates a safer working environment. Minneapolis residents have been wonderful in adapting to new routes during major construction we’ve had recently, including the I-35W Bridge and the Crosstown projects.” Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak said, “This project is a great example of how the Recovery Act is making a difference in our city and across the country. It will create about 90 construction jobs this year, and the work they do will benefit us for decades. The life of the bridge will be extended at least 35 years because of this work.” March 8, 2010 Northeaster It’s all about getting counted & heard 1!Convention What’s a subcaucus, and why does the counting matter? How does one of these conventions work? For anyone other than the 369 who attended (and perhaps for a few who did), the political ritual may remain a mystery. Getting just the right count in a subcaucus allows for more representation as coalitions form, because “remainders” get rounded up to whole units. Political parties may not represent every potential voter, but they do provide a structure that vets candidates and rewards them with volunteers and help raising money for their campaign expenses. Behavior and loyalty within the party structure is seen as an indicator of how well a candidate will “play with others.” For example, the smooth running largely shoo-in convention looped off into a series of parliamentary challenges over one potential delegate to a higher gathering: The name of Felix Montez, who was not actually at the convention, was put forward by the nominating committee. A delegate asked if anyone on the nominating committee could speak to knowing him, and how this happened, given that he had been identified as a Republican not long ago. A substitute candidate stepped forward. There were attempts to suspend rules and remove Montez’ name from nomination, and others who said “just take the vote, it will be obvious.” And eventually it was, Montez got no votes, but the hope of wrapping things up by 1 p.m. had gone out the window on the spring breeze. East Minneapolis District 59 State Senator Larry Pogemiller, (voted Legislator of the Year by Politics in Minnesota, the moderator pointed out) was re-endorsed by acclamation as were State Representatives Diane Loeffler (59A) and Phyllis Kahn (59B). In his acceptance speech, Pogemiller pointed out that the Legacy Amendment for arts, culture, history and the environment got more votes in Minnesota than did President Obama. He said “This is the time to build stuff. When interest rates are low and people are out of work, that’s the time to build.” While criticizing Gov. Tim Pawlenty, he alluded to still needing to try to work with him to get things done. “Let’s hope he takes the advice of one of the people he admires, Winston Churchill, and ‘do the right thing when all other options are exhausted.’” Loeffler focused on unemployment, noting that if the federal government doesn’t extend unemployment benefits, there will be 1,000 people per week in Minnesota falling off unemployment with no job to go to. She said “the people of Northeast call me when they are at the end of the line.” Loeffler said there are three things people should do: Check off the campaign finance contribution box on their taxes, fill out their census form, and encourage any snowbirds they know to fill out their census in Minnesota, not the other state where they live in winter. It’s been forecast that Minnesota is within 1,100 to 7,000 residents of losing a Congressional seat because its population hasn’t grown as fast as other states’. Kahn added: “check off the wildlife and environment check box on your taxes.” Kahn, known during her 30-plus years in the Minnesota House for her environment work, said “I get a lot of tolerance from you to work on the kinds of things no one pays attention to.” For example, protecting the Mississippi Flyway bird State Senator Larry Pogemiller, District 59, accepted the party’s nomination and talked about the state’s fiscal situation and the economy. The words in the background are real-time translation from audio (like a court reporter) and assist large groups in seeing what they might not be able to hear. migration route in the metro area. She noted that the emerald ash borer has leapt the St. Paul border and has been spotted in Prospect Park. Other speakers echoed the call for a new, this time DFL, governor. Minneapolis School Board Member Jill Davis: “Who we elect as governor is critical. This governor has borrowed back from our students because we managed our resources correctly.” Rebecca Otto, state auditor: “We’ve got to get people out to vote. If there is a depressed turnout, we’re in trouble.” Actual governor-candidates spoke: R.T. Rybak, who said we need a tough fiscal manager, and to invest in health care and transportation. He said that in his 9 Business Notes Compiled by Northeaster staff News from Northeast Bank: Mark Ethen is the new executive vice president-chief credit officer; Annette Wanchena was recently hired as vice president/cash management; Andrea Murphy was promoted to assistant vice president-commercial loans; Barb Wagner was promoted to vice president-operations. Pamela Harris was recently named to the bank’s board of directors. Harris is a partner with the law firm of Martin & Squires, PA in St. Paul, and is a Falcon Heights city council member. A team of students from the Shorin Ryu Karate School, which is based in Northeast and St. Anthony, won 12 gold, 11 silver, and 10 bronze medals at the AAU Karate State tournament in Milwaukee. Fitness Crossroads in St. Anthony and Total Employee Assistance Management (TEAM) in St. Paul sponsor the team. Fifth District Congressman Keith Ellison told constituents that even if they think he is doing a good job, he needs to hear from them so he can tell his fellow lawmakers he has a mandate from the public. Former 2nd Ward Minneapolis City Council Member Joan Campbell looks on. (Photos by Margo Ashmore) travels he’s found that the mayor of Minneapolis has “tremendous support throughout the state.” Tom Rukavina from the Iron Range gave an energetic speech. A John Marty supporter lauded Marty as the voice of the everyday person and the uninsured, a good listener, and first champion of the Minnesota Health Plan, and “now everyone’s gotten behind it.” A Matt Entenza supporter spoke. When this delegate/reporter left before the resolutions portion of the day, the subcaucus process gave a glimpse of who District 59 committed Democrats most want for governor. Margaret Anderson Kelliher (who has spoken at previous functions) had 89, Rybak 72, others a smattering (including Marty with 17). However, 107 were uncommitted. The local race to watch is the Minneapolis School Board: For the first time, some members will be elected by district. Both announced local candidates seeking DFL endorsement (the city endorsing convention is May 22), Jenny Arneson and Marcia Thomas, spoke to the District 59 group. For information on the candidates, go to their campaign web sites, and Did you see Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn's family displaying the “VONNCOUVER” banner at the winter Olympics? The banner was made right here in Northeast,at Banner Creations,1620 Central Ave.NE. Pinnacle Services, 724 Central Ave. NE, a multiservice provider for children and adults with disabilities, received LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification by the U.S.Green Building Council for the renovation work at the turn-of-the-last-century building. Pinnacle Services moved into the location in November, 2008. Kramarczuk’s, 215 East Hennepin Ave., which is now a food service partner for Target Field (the new Twins stadium), will host the next Northeast Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Getacquainted Breakfast Wednesday, March 24, 7:30-9 a.m. Stop in for a complimentary breakfast, a oneminute commercial for your business and space to display your business promotional materials for other business people to see. Impact Proven Solutions, just across the Mississippi River from Northeast at 4600 Lyndale Ave. N, has acquired Advantage Mailing, Inc. located in Winsted, Minn. It’s Impact’s fourth acquisition in the past two years. Impact CEO Tim Johnson said they plan to continue the Winsted operation and their goal is to retain Advantage’s employees. Stock Watch Company Graco (GGG) Medtronic (MDT) Bemis (BMS) US Bank (USB) Wells Fargo (WFC) Xcel Energy (XEL) Qwest (Q) TechneCorp (TECH) Supervalu (SVU)1 3/5/10 9/4/09 3/5/09 29.64 45.50 29.46 25.20 29.15 21.19 4.66 65.69 15.86 24.98 38.71 26.01 21.45 26.91 19.61 3.46 61.45 14.38 14.99 25.76 17.21 9.01 8.12 16.48 3.14 47.11 15.08 1Supervalu is parent company for Cub Foods Source: 763-781-6976 3844 Central Ave. NE Columbia Heights, 55421 “We Really Care” MATT’S FUNERAL CHAPELS, CEMETERIES AND CREMATION SERVICES We invite you to bring us any competitor’s advertisement or price list and we will show you how we compare. SERVICE We will also explain how a locally-owned funeral chapel can provide quality service and merchandise at a much lower cost. QUALITY WORK AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE This is a promise from our family to yours. REMOVAL • TRIMMING • STUMP GRINDING FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY BONDED & INSURED The McReavy Family Advanced planning seminars held weekly on Thursdays at 10 a.m. at our Hillside location. Walk-in or RSVP 612-781-3391 Northeast Chapel 29th & Johnson St. NE 612-781-6828 TREE Hillside Chapel & Cemetery 2610 19th Ave. NE 612-781-1999 BIG OR SMALL – WE DO THEM ALL! 5% Spring Discount by mentioning this ad. 612 706-8210 ISA Certified Arborist on staff. 10 March 8, 2010 Northeaster Falconers, watchers celebrate the species’ return story by Margo Ashmore “We may love them, they tolerate us but they don’t love us.” Teenagers? No, peregrine falcons, red tail hawks, and other birds falconers relate to. Jacquelyn Fallon’s talk at the Carl Kroening Interpretive Center in North Mississippi Regional Park Feb. 20 covered a global story of the peregrine, once nearly extinct and now no longer listed as endangered. “Falconers started this” comeback, and “Minneapolis started it all,” she said, talking about her organization, the Midwest Peregrine Society’s, successful efforts in captive breeding and monitoring the birds after DDT-weakened shells led to an 80 to 90 percent decline in the species worldwide and almost wiped out the American peregrine. In 1973, America stopped using the pesticide, though it is still used elsewhere in the world and endangers birds who migrate. The species name “peregrinus” is Latin for “wandering” and has come to mean “migration.” The birds will travel 20,000 miles and are one of the world’s most widely dispersed species. Many midwest urban peregrines don’t migrate, accord- OIL CHANGE $1695 Disposal Extra Lube, oil & filter change. Check fluids. Up to 5 quarts 5W30 oil. Most cars/light trucks. Expires 3/31/10. Mon-Fri 7am-7pm; Saturday 8am-4pm 1227 Central Ave. NE (Central & Broadway) 612-623-3700 ing to the website “Falco,” the root of falcon, means “sickle,” for the shape the bird’s fully extended wings make. Until the recent construction and conversion at the Xcel Energy Riverside Plant, there was a falcon nesting box with a webcam on the smokestack there. These days, the Multifoods Tower in downtown Minneapolis is the closest site, and bird banders put on quite a show at lunchtime in the second week in June, when young birds are just old enough to handle and band, not old enough to be dangerous to the banders. Otherwise, a webcam keeps fans up to date at www.thefalcons don’t continue to thrive. What would you see and hear if you went along with these veteran falcon watchers? You might see the falcons, about the size of pigeons, sitting on cliffs, corners of buildings, towers, or bridges. “They like height and water,” Fallon said. You might see them diving at speeds over 200 miles per hour, using their very long toes to get past the feathers and hang onto the smaller birds they prey on, until they can land, bite the Michelle held Jackie Fallon’s neck to kill the prey and start peregrine falcon so the crowd of 30 peoeating, or return to the nest ple at Kroening Center could watch how to provide food for (in seathe bird eats raw meat. Fallon had many son) mother and babies. A tales of special birds she’s observed lot of their hunting is done during her volunteer career. (Photos by Margo Ashmore) at night, and bats are a favorite. Public viewing sites include Lock and You’d hear everyday terms such as Dam 1 (on the Mississippi River near the “rake” and “hack” used in very different Ford Bridge), the Mendota Bridge, and ways. Rake refers to the action of the the Canadian Pacific Railroad Bridge in feet catching prey, and hack refers to the Prescott, Wisconsin. Public peregrine release of young of fledgling age, enbanding sites include Mayo Clinic in couraging them to fly. Rochester and the City Center in What is a falconer? Generally, a person Minneapolis. Fallon, who now lives in who uses trained birds to hunt for them. Pacific, Missouri, came back to Michelle, a falconer, said she saves Minnesota to observe the earliest birds anything her bird brings back, to feed migrating back this month. As a volunteer, the bird. She said there’s success in she’s put many miles on her car help- “weight management. You want the bird ing to track and band these birds through to be just hungry enough—not too hunthe years. gry as to be weak. We’re not interested She said that even though they have in food for ourselves. We’re just happy been delisted as an endangered species, they tolerate us, and we’re in it to be part they need to be monitored in case they of the cycle.” HENNEPIN COUNTY TAXPAYER SERVICES DEPARTMENT A-600 Gov’t Ctr., 300 So. 6th Street, Mpls., MN 55487 Tax Forfeited Real Estate Management Section’s SPRING 2010 PUBLIC AUCTION (Vacant Land & Land with Buildings) Friday, March 26, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. In the A-Level Auditorium of the Hennepin County Government Center in Downtown Minneapolis For Details call: 612-348-3734 AUCTIONEER: Col. Rory Lucas, Lic. # 27-35 2317 84th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 ELIM PRESCHOOL Corner of 13th Ave and Madison St NE Elim Preschool “A Foundation of Faith for Life” • • • • • 612.789.1063 Register NOW for Fall 2010 Ages 3-5 years for half-days or full days Affordable tuition – sliding fee scale Core Knowledge® Curriculum Lunch Bunch & Morning Romp for extended days When was the last time you were in a REAL BARBER SHOP? Hot Lather Shaves Tonic & Massages • Men’s Cuts Senior & Children’s Discounts Lowry Avenue Barbers Tue-Fri 8-6 Sat 8-4 Flat Top and Short Hair Experts! 2413 Lowry Avenue NE Lowry & Stinson — next to bank 612-789-2171 Invites Caregivers and Their Loved Ones To: ~Renewal for Caregivers~ Saturday, April 10th, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. At Catholic Eldercare On Main ~ In the Atrium 817 Main Street N.E., Minneapolis Please call Sandi by April 1st to reserve at 612-362-2430 Your loved ones will enjoy activities in our Adult Day Program while the Caregivers enjoy time for: Relaxation • Reflection • Education • Discussion EOE ~Lunch will be served~ ~There is no cost for this event • See you there!~ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY March 8, 2010 Northeaster 11 Ask The Professionals Q: One Source of Workplace Stress? A: You’re staring at it. Computers. For most of us, it’s hard to remember how we ever got our job done without them. More than 143 million Americans use a computer at work every day. And if you spend more than two hours a day in front of a computer, you could be among the estimated 125 million people suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. CVS is caused by the eye constantly focusing and refocusing on the characters on a computer screen. As a result, you may experience symptoms that include: headache, loss of focus, burning/tired eyes, blurred vision and shoulder/back aches. Call our office for an appointment to determine if you have CVS and to learn what solutions we can provide. St. Anthony Eye Clinic Dr. Todd J. Hanson, O.D. 2929 Pentagon Drive St. Anthony, MN 55418 612-781-4730 Q: “C” or “S”? A: Did you know that every mammal has seven vertebrae in their neck? It true! Humans, giraffes, or even flamingos all have seven vertebrae in their cervical spine! The difference is in the curve. Humans have a “C” shaped curve in their neck - we can look up and down or side-to-side; giraffes have a very straight neck and can only move them up and down. Flamingos, well, you know how they can move their neck “every which way but loose”, they have an “S” curve in their neck. That’s how they can reach around with their beak to scratch their behinds. And, as handy as that might be, I’m glad humans only have a “C” curve. WARNER CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Leanne Warner • Dr. Mark Lampman 612-789-1010 2726 Johnson Street NE Dr. Buzz Hellickson of the Advanced Dental Group Dear Dr. Hellickson: I have been wearing dentures for a number of years. Recently the corners of my mouth have become red, dry, cracked and very sore. What causes this, and can I cure or prevent this condition? It does not look or feel good. Thanks for your help. Dear Denture Wearer: A number of things might be at work producing this condition. The length of time you’ve been wearing your dentures and the method in which you are cleaning the denture surfaces. Long-term denture wearers frequently have what is called reduced vertical dimension. This is shrinkage of the foundation of bone that results in the nose and chin becoming closer together. The collapse of the facial structure creates folds in the corners of the mouth where saliva and its contents can accumulate. The solution to this facial shrinkage is new dentures. However, you could have a fungal infection [thrush], which also produces those symptoms. Cleanliness is next to Godliness to solve this issue. Use a clean toothbrush, as mold and bacteria grow on toothbrushes. Clean your toothbrush with Listerine: swirl it, rinse it off, and air dry. Use xylitol to heal the corners of your mouth and to eliminate the thrush. Take 7 to 8 grams of xylitol [about two teaspoons] per day. Best to take a little after each meal. Xylitol is found at a health food stores or my dental practice, which offers a complete oral care system for denture wearers as well as those who have their teeth. Mention this column when you call 612-789-3573, and we’ll give you a 5% savings off of your kit. Advanced Dental Group Implants, Esthetic, and General Dentistry 3909 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony • 612-789-3573 Q: How can I be sure that my funeral expenses will be taken care of? A: : Irrevocable Funeral Trust (IFT) policies are a great way of making sure your final expenses are paid. The maximum allowed is $15,000 and any unused money after final expenses is sent to the designated beneficiary. This policy is exempt from Medicaid. You can also do a 1035 exchange where you can do a transfer from an existing policy to a IFT. No charge for this transfer. You also accumulate interest on this policy. NO FEES FOR THIS POLICY. PROTECT YOUR MONEY. You can also transfer an existing life insurance policy to a IFT. Don't hesitate. CALL NOW and find out additional reasons why you would want to do this. ASSET STRATEGIES GROUP Craig Gordon – President Office: 763-571-8285 Q: How do I start to research the process of remodeling my bathroom? Q: So, Central Liquors is now locally owned; what brews do you offer that are also locally owned? A: One way to start learning about remodeling your bathroom is to attend the upcoming educational class at Castle on Tuesday, March 16th, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This class is not a sales pitch, but is designed to be informative and educational. Design ideas, timelines, budgets, and planning tips are some of the items covered. Wine and hors d'oeuvres are provided by Pop! Restaurant. Space is limited to 12 people. If you would like to attend one of our classes, please RSVP as soon as possible to Loren at 612789-8509 ext 2# or fill out the registration form on our website at A: You are right. Central Liquors is now locally owned and offers local products, including a number of Minnesota-bred brews. The newest selections of craft beers are all produced within a 50 mile radius of Central Avenue NE. The newest bad-boy of beers, Surly, (Brooklyn Center) is receiving local & national attention. For those interested in a lesser known but fabulous savory local brew, try the husband-wife brewing team from Flat Earth Brewing Company (at West 7th in downtown St. Paul). For a refreshing fresh flavor, try the newest kid on the block is Lift Bridge, produced by 5 guys from Stillwater. Looking for an even more socially conscious experience? Try Finnegan’s (St. Paul) where 100% of the profits go to help the working poor and at risk youth. With these great local choices, you can’t go wrong. 2600 Johnson St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-8509 Do you have a question for one of the professionals on this page? Contact them directly, or write to the newspaper at [email protected] or Northeaster 1620 Central Ave. NE #101 Minneapolis, MN 55413 CENTRAL • AVENUE NORTHEAST • MINNEAPOLIS LIQUORS 2538 central ave. @ lowry (across from co-op) LIVE NORTHEAST • LOVE NORTHEAST • SHOP NORTHEAST When you contact or patronize these businesses, please mention that you saw them in the Northeaster. Thank you. Professionals, inquire about this exclusive opportunity. Call Margo Ashmore 612-867-4874 or Bob Germaine 612-788-0187 Q: Why do hearing aids cost so much? A: The cost of hearing aids must be evaluated by how long they last, and how much you value being able to hearing better. Most audiologists include years of follow-up visits in the cost of the hearing aids, which will be necessary to maintain optimal functioning and programming throughout the life of the aids, around 5 years. There are different levels of technology available— highest technology hearing aids will cost more, sometimes around $5,800/pair. Even the most advanced hearing aids are a compromise of what our ears can do naturally, assuming one is born with normal hearing. Always get the best hearing aids that you can afford and recognize that you will still miss words now and then, as we all do. Use visual cues whenever possible and turn down the background noise when you can—this will help everyone hear better. Hearing Help Audiology at Johnson Street Clinic Dr. Shirley Fors MN Licensed Doctor of Audiology 2904 Johnson St NE 763.559.0603 Q: I’d like to get a good price on a house, and I know that buying a short sale is one way to do that. But should I feel like I’m taking advantage of someone in a tough situation if I buy a short sale? A: While I understand this perspective, the answer is “absolutely not.” The reason why someone is doing a “short sale” (when a person has to sell their house, but the value of the house isn't as high as what the person owes) is to avoid foreclosure—and the devastating consequences that accompany it. The short sale is the way out. The truth is, without an offer on the house, there can be no short sale. Without a short sale, the homeowner will go into foreclosure. And since short sales can take a long time, Sellers in this situation are usually happy to see a buyer who is willing to make an offer and stick it out through the process of the short sale. While these Sellers would love to see an offer high enough to pay off their mortgage, we’ve all lost value on our homes, and no one can be expected to pay more than market value. When a homeowner is doing a short sale, their credit often recovers much faster, so they'll be back; owning a home before you know it. Every one can win. To gain access to all of the short sales, foreclosures, REOs, HUD homes (and more) on the market today, visit I can even a tailor a list to fit your specific search criteria and update you daily. Tim Kindem 651-259-4668 [email protected] “Your home SOLD in 88 days or less —GUARANTEED—or I’ll sell it for FREE!” Q: Can my dog get Lyme Disease? A: Yes, but it is very likely to go un-noticed because often the dog will not show any symptoms of being sick. Usually dogs get sick so gradually that most people do not notice anything wrong, occasionally dogs limp or go lame. When we test dogs yearly for Heartworm disease we run a 4DX test which also tests for Lyme, Ehlrichia and Anaplasmosis. These last 3 diseases are all spread by ticks. We find that 40% of dogs not currently vaccinated for Lyme disease test positive even if they never leave the city. Most of these dogs appear normal and have no symptoms. With treatment it takes about 3 years to test negative. We strongly advise you to vaccinate all dogs for Lyme Disease and use a tick preventative such as Frontline monthly on all dogs. Pet Central Animal Hospital 2700 Central Ave. NE 612-781-6941 Dr. Philip Nelson, DVM Dr. Mary Ngo, DVM Open M-F 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Q: I’m thinking of putting some of my ad budget into donations. Is that a good idea? A: It’s good that you’re thinking in terms of an advertising budget, and recognizing that donations are something different. Too often, businesses confuse the two, and then are disappointed. Advertising is often offered as a perk to recognize sponsorship, but be aware that such recognition usually has a limited audience and is intended to say “Thank you,” not primarily to build your business. Some give anonymously because they don’t want to be known for their giving. It’s important to support causes that speak to your values or goals, it’s also important to invest in advertising that builds business. Your Northeaster advertising builds your business and pays for the many, many announcements given free to local charitable and arts organizations, all while providing regular, frequent, retail appeal to your potential customers. It’s a win-win. Bob Germaine 612-788-0187 Your advertising professional 12 March 8, 2010 Northeaster Hart: “I am the only one left who sailed in the war” story by Gail Olson In 1940, the third mate on the Royal Netherlands Steamship Company’s SS Astrea said it best, after the sailors got news of the latest German invasion. “It must be terrible for those Norwegian soldiers, to hear that your country is occupied and you can’t go home,” he said. A month later, that scenario came true for Hollander Johan Hart, when Germany invaded his home country. A Merchant Marine seaman, Hart had shipped out in March, 1939. He was at sea on six different ships through all of World War II. After the invasion, he didn’t see his parents for six years; it was 10 years before he saw his brother Jan again. His travels, from 1939 to 1947, included New York, London, East Africa, India, Indonesia, Australia and New Hebrides. Hart, who lives in Northeast’s Audubon neighborhood and recently turned 90, has written and self-published a book, Under the Crown Flag, about his experiences as a seaman. He held a book signing last Saturday at Macalester Plymouth Church in St. Paul; he and his wife Florence Hart said they sent word of it to family members, friends, and Scottish Club and Dutch Club members. Hart said it took him 20 years to write the book, which is packed with photographs, letters, postcards, and many documents from the Merchant Marine. His adventures Hart followed in his brother’s footsteps, going to sea at 19 as an engineer. In the book’s foreword, he wrote, “We were not heroes, we did not belong to the Armed Forces, and we could not fight the enemy, but they definitely tried to kill us. However, I lived to tell my part of the story and am happy about that!” Life on the ship was not easy: he typically worked more than 10-hour days and his jobs included lubricating the main engine by hand every half hour “with a limited amount of oil;” at the same time he was looking after the pumps, generators, and refrigeration systems and keeping the water evenly divided in two boilers. He looked after the propeller shaft bearings in the tunnel and kept the engine room log. He also stood watch every day, walking on deck in rolling seas in limited space. When they were in the tropics, temperatures in the engine room could reach 130 to 140 degrees; in the North Sea, the ship deck was covered in ice. In addition to worrying about underwater mines, U-Boats and enemy planes, Hart had some harrowing experiences on board ship, two on the SS Astrea. One night while taking the temperature of the refrigeration room, the door slammed and locked behind him. He rang the bell for help but there was no one in the engine room to hear. After half an hour he was nearly frozen; finally the fireman came to the engine room, heard the bell and let him out. Not only was he in physical trouble at that point, but the engine wasn’t doing too well, either: its lubrication was past due and the water in the boilers was too high in one and too low in the other. He worked frantically for nearly an hour to get the engine back to normal. The second incident resulted in injury, when he was trying to connect a six inch oil line to the ship (to fuel the boilers). “This connection was about 12 feet above the oil barge. To make the connection, I had to stand on a small platform made of two planks which hung from the ship by two ropes. Because the oil line was heavy and had a large steel coupling, it was hoisted by a pulley to the height where I was to connect it to the ship. “However, just as I got hold of the coupling, the rope holding the oil line broke and the heavy coupling hit the plank on which I was standing. The planks were old and they broke. I fell about 10 feet onto the steel barge, the coupling missing me by a few inches.” He had to climb up a rope ladder to the ship’s deck, with a splitting headache, sore back and leg. The chief steward brought him two aspirins and a glass of orange juice. “That was it,” he wrote. No doctor check up, and at 8 p.m. he was back on duty in the engine room. His third close call was on land, when he was taking engineering classes in London and got caught in an air raid. A V1 flying bomb, also called a doodle bug, dropped 50 yards in front of him. “I saw it coming. I hit the ground and covered my head and ears. I survived, but half the roof of the house I was staying in got blown off.” Clockwise: Hendrik Goor and Johan Hart on the SS Astrea in March 1941, Johan Hart in 1946, and today. (Photos courtesy of Johan Hart, and by Gail Olson) His studies didn’t go so well after that, he said, because of the constant air raids in England. He was relieved to go back to his ship. The trips out to sea were long, some of them lasting six to seven months. He counts himself very lucky, because he seemed to have had a knack for getting transferred off ships that later blew up. Only two of the six ships he served on lasted long enough to be scrapped after the war; the other four, including the SS Simon Bolivar, SS Astrea, SS Ulysses, and SS Bodegraven, were torpedoed or hit mines. Everything in those days wasn’t work for him, though. He often got leave at port in New York in the heydays of the Roxy Theater and Radio City. He saw the Dorsey Brothers, Gene Krupa, and Glen Miller and his band. He ate his first hot dog at Coney Island and had a Manhattan cocktail (which he liked much better than the hot dog), experienced spaghetti (didn’t like it), and danced with girls at a dime-a-dance dance hall. He and his mates met girls and went back to their apartments, where they had some drinks and laughs and played Bing Crosby records on a portable gramophone with a crank handle. He saw Alice Faye and Phil Harris dancing at a nightclub in Atlantic City, where he went because men in uniform got discounts. Hart left the Royal Netherlands Steamship Company in July, 1947. He worked at a chemical plant in Holland for a while before coming to the United States (brother Jan was already here) in 1953. He worked as a boiler inspector for a company that sent him to Minnesota in 1956. His first wife, Millicent, died after a heart operation in 1957. He worked for several companies as a boiler inspector, he said, but they “kept going out of business.” He found longtime employment with St. Paul Fire and Marine and later Kemper Insurance, where he stayed until retiring in 1985. He married his wife Florence, who is from Scotland, in 1962 and introduced her to a hobby he had in Holland: Volksmarching, international hiking (typically 20 miles a day for four days). They have hiked in Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria. Florence, a professional dancer, taught Scottish Highland dancing at Macalester College for 38 years, and Johan—also a dancer—made Scottish dance swords of aluminum and steel, which he sold to people all over the world. For seven years, he took on a part time job inspecting boilers at prisons, which he retired from at age 84. He now volunteers once a week at a local thrift store. The Harts have three children and six grandchildren. For his family, he wrote another book, Under the Light of Lange Jaap [a Holland lighthouse], a memoir about growing up in Holland from 1920 to 1939. The couple plans to attend a Royal Netherlands Steamship Company reunion in late April, and will spend time in Amsterdam. Although they are looking forward to it, Hart said the reunion will be bittersweet for him. “I am the only one left who sailed in the war,” he said. An independent 55+ senior housing development at 19th and Central Avenues NE, offering comfort, convenience and quality. Call for Winter special on beautiful 2 bedroom apartment home. • Spacious one, one-plus den, two bedroom/two bath apartment homes. • Individual heating and air conditioning • Full-size washer and dryer in each unit • Controlled access at all entrances • On the busline Find out how one of these beautiful apartment homes can be yours! Monroe Village is owned by Volunteers of America Minnesota. For more information Call 612-789-6066 or email: [email protected] March 8, 2010 Northeaster Announcements OPEN HOUSES Wanted Classifieds ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES Open House - 2601 Kenzie Terrace The Kenzington of St Anthony Active, independent 55+ adult living Sunday, March 14, 1-4pm Light lunch served Get the word out. Advertise your Business in the Northeaster Call the Classified Line at 612-788-9004 to place your ad. AUTOS WANTED BUYING COINS & PAPER MONEY Cash Paid. Experienced, Honest. Call Andrew 612-770-6578 Cash for Cars Junkers towed free 763-843-8498 Buying Antiques Furniture, rugs, lamps, paintings Cash pd, 30 yrs Exp. NE buyer. 651-734-5144 or 651-497-9616 $$ Top Cash for Junkers $$ More for Repairables Fast pickup, Entire metro 612-330-0013 - 24 hours Deadline for Ads in the next Northeaster: Tuesday, March 16. $$ Junk cars wanted $$ Free tow aways small cars ok Fast pickup, call today 612-759-9039 or 612-750-2487 For Sale AUTOS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED I ’L L HO I ’OLK L YOU H OUOPK! YOU UP! $$$ FOR CARS PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL 612.788.1975 $$$ FOR CARS 612.788.1975 OWNER Frank Scott OPERATED 13 Buying: LP Records, 45s, music memorabilia, t-shirts & similar. All types. Ken 612-600-7075 or [email protected] **Wanted** Old stereos, HiFi’s, & ham equip., etc., need not work. Andy 651-329-0515 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED: Sngle fam. or duplex, cash as-is, fair prices, fast closing, Dan, 1-800-791-4974 x 1001 24hrs MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Manufactured homes in the Fridley area. Like new, financing available. $17,500. Call Merle at 612-781-3149. Northeaster We take Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express Rentals Classified Advertising APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Columbia Heights, 1 & 2 BR, ht/wtr paid, nr bus, $550-$700 + 1 mo dep, no smk/pets, off st. prkg. 612-270-0287 lv name & #. 629 5th St NE, 2BR, Hdwd fl, laund, cat ok, off st. pkg., close to U & DT, avail now. $300 off 1st mo. $800/mo. + dep. 763-535-3746 CH 42xx 3rd St NE, 2BR, quiet, Ht pd, Nr park, $575. 3BR $695. 612-298-4421 117 Mississippi Place, Fridley, 2BR, $750+dep., W/D, A/C, off st parking. 612-308-5396 Clean, Affordable 1BR, Busline, Univ. & 694. $560/mo. Ht incl. Senior bldg avail. 952-239-5310 St. Anthony Caravelle Apts Small Complex Quiet Neighborhood 1 BR $675 2 BR $800 3 BR $975 Under new management First Month Free! (with 12 month lease) 612-788-8377 Deadline for Ads in the next Northeaster: Tuesday, March 16. 646 22nd Ave NE Squeaky clean, all new, quiet corner apt, locked entrance, very safe, laundry, busline, 612-789-9507 parking. or Apl952-890-9000 fee $0 1BR $750 Section 8 approved 612-789-9507 or 952-890-9000 APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Up to One Month Free! Beautiful Apartments! Arden Court Apartments 346 Cleveland Ave SW 1 & 2 BR’s from $600-$825 • Reduced Rents • 1 BR from $600 • 2 BR from $700 • Reduced Deposits • Free Garage • Heat Incl. • Lots of Amenities Long Lake Estates Quarry Place 4200 3rd St. NE Diamond 8 Terrace 651-633-5183 612-782-9707 763-572-9400 612-788-2005 *restrictions apply call for details Apache Village Apartments 3-8 p.m. Mon-Fri ; 12-5 p.m. Sat 651-636-8018 612-308-3023 weekends. 3839 Hart Boulevard 3940 Peters Place NE Reduced rent & deposit. 1 BR remodeled apartment. Heat incl, Controlled entry, off street parking. Near bus line, school, & shopping. Seniors welcome. 651-636-8018 3-8 p.m. Mon thru Fri 12-6 p.m. Sat 612-308-3023 weekends. Senior Building - 1&2 BR fr $740 Ask about SPECIALS Elevators-near Silver Lake Village shopping Center Controlled access, Heated parking avail. Indoor pool, spa & activity room. No pets $30 app fee & 1 yr lease 763-788-2626 Columbia Park Apartments 1 & 2 BR units Ask about Move in Specials Across from golf course On bus line Available 612-788-4447 COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Office/Studio for rent. 375 Sq for $300 util incl. Free parking. close to 35W. 651-295-4700 AFFORDABLE RATES! RETAIL-OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE NOW 612-781-2607 *931-20th Ave. NE (1455 sf) 5-6 private offices w/large windows Spacious common area *2111 Central Ave. NE (1000 sf) 2 private offices w/conference room Large windows facing Central Ave. Off-street parking On the bus line Do you have a local property to rent? Why not advertise with the Northeaster? We’re cheaper than the big papers & get great results. Call 612-788-9004 to set up an ad today! DUPLEXES FOR RENT 8xx 5th St. NE, upr, lg 2 BR, appl, new porch & windows, pantry off KT, $850/mo +dep. 612-636-0229 13xx Grand St NE, lg 2 BR, $925/mo. incl all util, w/bsmt, W/D, oak flrs & wdwk, front/side porch, avail 4-1. Gary 612-702-2473 Great NE Mpls 2 BR duplex, new paint, carpet, fridge, $700. Marion 612-789-8039 36xx 3rd St NE, large 1BR upper, off st park, on bus, no pets, $650 + gas. 612-706-9356 evenings. 5xx 4th St. NE, 3 BR, close to bus, no smk/pets, no Sec. 8, $850 + util. 763-208-7820 FOURPLEXES FOR RENT 15th Ave SE & E. Hennepin Near U, 2BR Upper, $595+util. 612-825-6283 HOUSES FOR RENT 6XX 20th Ave NE, 3BR, 1BA, pets OK, Lrg KT, W/D. $1100/mo +dep & util. No Sec. 8. 612-987-3748. ROOMS FOR RENT NE Mpls, males only, furnished, Common LR, Kit, bath & W/D, $100 wk+$150 dep. 763-732-0811 NE Mpls share kitch & Ba, no drugs or alcohol. util, W/D incl. $400 mo./deposit. 612-788-1212 Home Repair & Remodeling Classified Advertising BUILDING & REMODELING * A1 HANDYMAN SERVICES * Plumbing repairs & installation, Doors, Windows. Tile, & Wall repair Lic. #BC20527740. 612-819-4966 DETAILS . . . details Countertops, Cabinets, Furniture Repurpose, Repair, Upgrade, Windows, Doors, etc. Phone: 612-706-6196 / Fax: 4107 4 R’s Remodeling – Basements, doors, floors, woodwork, trimwork, sm. jobs. Susie 612-220-4986 Ceramic Tile repair, regrout & remodel. 46 yrs exp, insured, Free estimates. Bill 952-922-2417 REMODELING Kitch, additions, bath, bsmnt remod, INTEGRITY ceramic tile, plaster repr. cabinetry, drywall, exterior repr, pnting. lic bond, ins. Straitline 612-789-4252 INTEGRITY 763-744-6221 Home Solutions Doors, windows, decks, baths, basements, attics, tile, siding & wrap! Anything else? Just Ask! Certified in Lead-safe Work. Quality Workmanship. CONCRETE & MASONRY Concrete work – steps, sidewalks, patio’s, driveway. Call Tom Seemon 612-721-2530 I REPAIR CONCRETE Save big $$$ over new & tear-out. Bring life back to your old steps, walk, foundation, drive, basement walls, brick, stone or block. Repair or build new railings or trellises also any welding projects. New & Old Repair ~Free Estimate~ Family Owned since 1890 In Business 110 Years! Northeast & North Mpls. Insured & Bonded VIC OSHESKI 612-788-0322 763-744-6221 Lic. #20595022 Free estimates. Insured Visa, MC, & Discover accepted Handyman Big & Small Jobs Done with You in Mind! • General Home Repair • Interior / Exterior • Repair / Replace / Remodel • Carpentry • Windows / Doors Free Estimates 763-913-9555 Licensed & Insured Licensed Bonded HERIK JOHNSONH Concrete • Masonry Waterproofing Licensed • Bonded • Insured Driveways • Steps • Core Fills Sidewalks • Retaining Walls Drain Tile for Wet Basements Curb Cuts • City Sidewalks Wrought Iron Railings Extensive Northeast References We Bid NRP 612-781-5822 The very best in quality, design, value & experience FREE ESTIMATES 612-781-5822 Lifelong Northeast Resident H FREE ESTIMATES H ELECTRICAL B.C. ANDERSON ELECTRIC, INC. ELECTRICAL WORK Serving the NE area for the last 25 yrs. Senior Dscnt. 612-986-6625 or 612-781-7242 N.E. ELECTRIC Your neighborhood electrician since 1977. 763-789-4800 [email protected] Home & Property Services CONCRETE & MASONRY Insured Call for Free Estimates 763-434-1169 Voss Electric Service, Residentl. Commercial, Remodel, Service upgrades, ceiling fans, garages, bsmnts, All your electrical needs. Quality work/Low rates. Lic., bonded, Ins. 26 yrs exp. 612-483-1727 Concrete Specialties Room Additions 3 Season Porches New Homes - Decks General Contractors Over 40 Years Experience State Lic# 8782 Northeaster We take Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express REMINGTON ELECTRIC SERVICE UPGRADES REWIRE OLDER HOMES Call for All Your Electrical Needs! 651-762-7543 PLUMBING FLOORING ROOFING Hardwood Floors install, repair, refinish, fully insured. Free estimates, Ref. Sean 612-270-3237 Burkhardt Plumbing serving NE since 1910. Old home specialist. 612-781-1973 Restore Your Floor’s Natural Beauty! Geno’s Geno’s Sewer & Drain Cleaning Sewer & Drain • Sanding • Stairs • Repair • Install • Re-Coating • Existing Floor Removal Cleaning Quinlan Roofing Shingles, metal, rubber & rolled roofing. Gutter/GutterGuard installation/cleaning. Ice dam & snow removal. Insulation/ventilation. 10 yrs exp. Free estimates. Lic & ins. Taylor 612-239-4779 SIDING $79 Any inside drain NEW SIDING INSTALLED ONLY $79 612-290-1533 INSULATION Insulation - Thermal Mineral Rock Wool. Windows new/repair. Free estimates. Call 612-825-6616 PAINTING & WALLPAPER Ornelas Painting, fine house painting, interior and exterior, Reasonable prices 612-385-4434 Painting GR’S PAINTING & REPAIR. Free Estimates & Low Rates. Col. Heights, Grant 763-789-2510 McCloskey 763-792-2999 Reserve your space in the next Northeaster by Tuesday, March 16. Call 612-788-9004 Est. 1977 Neat Work on All Phases of Interior & Exterior Res. & Comm. • 30+ Years Experience Free Estimates Licensed • Bonded • Insured 651-638-3993 Thinking about Spring Home Repairs? Call one of our advertisers and get an estimate. $3750 Call Thad, an Edison grad, for your free estimate and consultation! 612-232-2405 Hurry! Limited time offer! Please tell our Advertisers you found them here, in the Northeaster • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Gutters and more! McCloskey Painting REPAIR KING Install now and save big money! Reside your house with new premium vinyl siding for only $3750. Price based on typical NE exterior size of 1000 sq.ft. Quality Workmanship Refreshing Customer Service Licensed & Insured Call for a Free Estimate 763-788-0092 MN License #20635444 14 March 8, 2010 Northeaster The Northeast Event listings cont’d from Page 7 Bulletin Board Musical instruments needed at Mpls.Schools #6671: Ear Candy Charity will collect donations of musical instruments to help music programs in the Mpls. Public Schools (MPS). Donations may be dropped off at any of the 19 Minneapolis fire stations Mar.8-13,9 a.m.-6 p.m.MPS is unable to accept pianos or organs, but all other types of musical instruments and equipment are acceptable for donation.For more information,visit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification #6495:Free monthly meetings will be held at the Minnesota Department of Transportation,Conference Room 120A, 395 John Ireland Blvd. in Saint Paul,to teach business people how to get their business certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,Mar.18, 9-10 a.m. Contact Angela Finn at 651-366-3073 to RSVP. Rec Plus summer childcare #6546: The Rec Plus school-age childcare program is taking applications for its summer program beginning Tuesday, Mar. 16, at 5:30 EXPERIENCE__________________ p.m. The program is offered Monday-Friday, June 14-Aug. 20, 7 a.m.-6 16 Minneapolis recreation centers,including:Bottineau, 2000 2nd St.NE,612-370-4958;and Waite,1810 34th Ave.NE,612 3704959.Activities include games and sports,swim lessons,arts and crafts, two park classes per day, and one field trip a week.Fee waivers can be requested by qualified Minneapolis residents upon availability.Parents should contact their desired Rec Plus+ site for fees, availability and complete registration information. Summer childcare at Immaculate Conception #6658:Immaculate Conception School, 4030 Jackson St. NE, offers summer child care for students K5th grade. The program includes quality teachers, enrichment activities, field trips and more. Registration deadline is March 31. For questions,registration information, or a tour of the facility,contact Jodie Bunish at 763-788-9062 ext.225. Eastside Parks spring sports registration #6681: Eastside Parks spring sports registration begins Monday, Mar.8 and will continue until May 10 or until the teams are full. The first 75 people who register in person at Audubon Park, 1320 29th Ave.NE,612-370-4910,on Monday, Mar. 8, 6-8 p.m. will receive a free dilly bar and will be entered in a drawing to win free Twins tickets. Register at Logan, 690 13th Ave. NE, 612-370-4927, or Bottineau Park, 2000 2nd St. NE, 612-3704958,before April 1 and receive $5 off the registration fee. Call your local park for more details. No-Cost Home Repair applications due Mar.15 #6661:The Windom Park Neighborhood Organization and Rebuilding Together Twin Cities (RTTC) are seeking qualified homeowners for no-cost home repair for Fall 2010 Rebuilding Day. Deadline to apply is March 15. RTTC, a nonprofit home renovation organization, provides no-cost home renovations for qualified homeowners. The renovations are performed by teams of volunteers focusing around one Saturday in the spring and one Saturday in the fall each year. For more information,contact Rebuilding Together Twin Cities at 651-776-4273 or WPCiA at 612-788-2192. Events Keith Ellison to address Heights City Council “We’re working right now on the two waterborne piers” that will support the bridge, he said, one near each end of the 400-plus foot long bridge structure. How long will the loud noise last? “We anticipate loud pile driving noise for the next three months, roughly. That’s our best estimate so far,” he said. A county news release said the pile driving work will continue during the day, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. When the demolition work is finished on the SuperAmerica building at Lowry and Marshall, and the debris removed, a chain-link fence will be built to keep people out of the work area. During 2010, Backer said, he expects the pier legs to be built up above the water surface, and some of the bridge’s ground-based concrete support elements to be finished. Crews will likely also finish some temporary support work they will use while constructing the bridge deck. The new bridge will have wider sidewalks with unobstructed views of the Mississippi River; a high-efficiency, color-adjustable LED lighting system for the bridge’s steel arch; an automated remote-controllable anti-icing system that will dispense de-icer as needed #6652: Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) will address the Columbia Heights City Council on Monday, Mar. 8, 7-8 p.m. at Columbia Heights City Hall, 590 40th Ave.NE,to give an update on federal legislation and hear from council members about issues concerning the city and region. For more information, contact Alison Harris at 612-522-1212. across the bridge surface; and an underground storm water treatment system that will also serve a wider area on the east side of the bridge. The system, which will filter storm water through sand to remove pollutants before storm water reaches the river, will be “below ground, out of sight,” Backer said, and will serve an 80-acre watershed area on the east side of the bridge. On the west side, a “smaller but effective” underground treatment facility is planned. Backer said he is pleased that Lunda Construction, which is also handling the Camden Bridge renovation, is the contractor for the Lowry Bridge replacement. “They do a very fine job on bridge construction,” he said, and they have “a great reputation in the industry.” Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Stenglein said, “We are excited to move forward with this project, and it is great to see work crews in the Mississippi River. It might get noisy at times in the next few months, but the noise means people are working and Hennepin County is going to get a new bridge. We appreciate the community’s patience and continued support.” With funding from federal, state and county sources, the total cost of the project is about $80 million. People Person. Seeking individuals with great customer & leadership skills. 651-697-7017 ALTERATIONS & SEWING JOETTE DESIGN Formal Gowns for Sale, & Tailoring 838 40th Ave NE, Col Hts 612-789-7230 STORE SUPERVISORS (PT) Performs admin/supervisory retail sales work in serving customers of municipal off-sale liquor facilities. Visit our website at for job description & app. Req'd qual: HS grad or equiv, 1 yr retail sales work or other merchandising exp involving public contact. Desired qual: 2 yrs retail sales work or other merchandising exp involving public contact, 1 yr supervisory exp, 1 yr exp working in liquor industry. Wage: $15.42 to $17.52/hr. Hrs: Stores open MonSat, 9 am-10 pm. 16-18 hrs/wk. Submit completed City application to: HR Dir, 590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights (763)706-3616 TDD: (763)706-3692. Applications accepted until 4:45 pm 3/19/10. The Census Bureau is recruiting people to help find the hard-to-count, and nonprofit organizations are trying to get the word out, that it’s important to be counted, so as not to miss out on the government aid that’s attached to population. In mid-March, a form will arrive in your mail, and it just takes “10 minutes for 10 questions in 2010, and it’s confidential” organizers say. More info: #6554: The Bottineau Neighborhood Association will hold its third annual Green Gala fundraiser on Saturday,Mar.20,7-10 p.m. at the California Building Gallery, 2205 California St. NE. The Green Gala is a family oriented event built around a full blown fashion show featuring neighborhood people as the models,and highlighting clothing and accessories from area thrift stores and reuse shops. Event attendees can expect a not too serious evening with hors d’ouvres and drink for all ages, live jazz from the Greg Schaefer Trio and new this year, a silent auction. Additionally, fashion suppliers will have many of their own products available for purchase at the event. Tickets are $20 and are available online at 12 and under are admitted free. Proceeds from this event are used by the neighborhood association to fund its annual Earth Day 5K and Watershed Clean Up. Waite Park Community School Spring Gala #6667: Join the Waite Park School Community Saturday,Mar. 20, 7-11 p.m. for their 2nd annual Spring Gala being held at East Side Neighborhood Services,1700 2nd St. NE, 612-781-6011.There will be a silent auction presented by the Waite Park PTA,a meat raffle,a wine raffle,plus food and beverages donated by a variety of local eateries. Tickets are $15/person in advance (available at Waite Park school or park); $20/person at the door. Childcare is available during the event through Mpls.Park and Rec at Waite Park from 6-11 p.m. Cost is $15/child and includes games, crafts & movies. Children must be over age 3 and toilet trained. Call 612-370-4959 to reserve a spot. Alumni Floor Hockey Tournament at IC School #6680:Immaculate Conception Catholic School, 4030 Jackson St. NE will host its first ever Alumni Floor Hockey Tournament on Friday,Mar. 19,5-9 p.m. and Saturday,Mar.20, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The tournament is open to anyone who attended ICS for a least one year and is currently high school age or older;is a parent of an ICS student, past or present; or is married to an ICS alumnus.Cost to play is $10 per person with 3 games guaranteed.To enter a team, or for more information, call 763788-9062 ext.223. Ukrainian Easter bazaar #6682:Enjoy an afternoon of festive family fun Sunday,Mar.21,11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Ukrainian Event Center, 301 Main St. NE. Ukrainian Easter Eggs, fresh Paska (Ukrainian Easter Bread) and Ukrainian food will be available for purchase as well as an Easter dinner of pierogies, cabbage rolls,sausage and borscht.Free admission and onsite parking. For more information,call 612-379-1956. Kenzington open house #6666: The Kenzington of St. Anthony, a 55+ independent and active adult community, will host an open house Sunday, Mar. 14, 1-4 p.m. featuring tours of individual units,woodworking workshop, community room and guest rooms. A light lunch will be served. The Kenzington is located at 2601 Kenzie Terrace. For more information, call 612-788-7525. IC School open house #6679:Learn about affordable Pre K- Grade 8 education, plus before and after school extended day care at Immaculate Conception Catholic School, 4030 Jackson St. NE on Saturday, Mar. 20, noon-3 p.m.Tuition assistance available.For more information,call 763-788-9065. Church Events Ham and Cash Bingo #6646: Attend the annual Ham and Cash Bingo event at Kolbe Center,1630 4th St.NE,on Sunday, Mar. 21, 2-5 p.m. for a chance to win an Easter ham.Bingo is 25 cents per card. Door prizes also given out. Pot O’Gold bingo and corned beef dinner #6678:Immaculate Conception Church, 4030 Jackson St. NE, will host its Pot O’ Gold bingo event along with a dinner Saturday,Mar. 20. Corned beef and cabbage, hot dogs, shamrock shakes and more will be available to purchase beginning at noon and at 6 p.m. To go meals will be available. Bingo sessions will be held 1-4 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. Bingo cards are 50 cents,or 3 for $1.00.For more information,call 763-788-9062. Journey of Faith #6576:The Church of All Saints, 435 4th St.NE,612-379-4996,is hosting a Mission Course, led by Paulist Fr. Bob O’Donnell, St. Lawrence Parish and Newman Center on Mondays,March 15,22,& 29,6:308:15 p.m. Renew your knowledge of Catholic basics and your enthusiasm to live and share Catholic faith. Sponsored by Northeast Catholic parishes,for all Catholics of the area and any and all interested neighbors and friends. Learn, reflect, and pray,and together,celebrate the gift of faith.Free-will offering. More event listings on Page 15 Services Classifieds Employment FULL & PART TIME Left: Recruiting at Cub on West Broadway March 6. Right: Pop signs at East Side Neighborhood Services. (Photos by Margo Ashmore) 3rd annual Green Gala Working 7 a.m.-4 p.m. 1!Lowry Bridge “Help count!” GRAPHICS LAWN, YARD, & GARDEN Ads, flyers, or brochures. Reas. rates, 12+ years exp. NE loc. Call Vince at 651-303-2462 (cell) 24 Hr. Mobile Service CHILDCARE SERVICES Col. Hgts. lic. daycare 25 yrs exp. Food prgm, Fencd yd. Preschool curric. Sandy 763-789-3867. CLEANING SERVICES Esprit Cleaning Services - Spring Cleaning Special! General home cleaning & lawn care. 20 years exp, contact Deborah 612-735-6139 Housekeeping – Need help getting your home to sparkle? Routine or special projects. 763-785-0075 Northeaster We take Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. LAWN SERVICE Quality care at a Reasonable Price Mowing Spring763-561-0711 & Fall Cleanups Bush & Hedge Trimming Multiple Services Call 763-561-0711 Licensed & Insured Serving the Community for Over 20 Years Deadline for Ads in the next Northeaster: Tuesday, March 16. B Bonded • Insured -SAFE LAWN, YARD, & GARDEN YARDWORKS LAWN SERVICE YARDWORKS LOCKSMITHS Licensed • Insured Reasonable Rates Free Estimate 612-789-9255 LOCK & ALARM 4757 Lyndale Ave. N [email protected] 612-588-3270 Do you have a service-oriented business? Advertise in the Northeaster! Call 612-788-9004 and place your ad today! PIANO TUNING & REPAIR Quality Piano Tuning & Repair Reasonable rates, Robert Clough [email protected], 612-722-7586 Over 30 yrs expr. work with all makes. Registered Piano Technician w/Piano Technicians Guild. Ron Poire 612-812-5901 SNOW PLOWING Mike’s Snow Plowing, Residential, Commercial. No shoveling. Insured/Bonded. Per month or per time. NE area 651-638-3993 TAX PREPARATION RELIABLE Tax Preparation Free e-filing Adrian: 612-782-8820 Please tell our Advertisers you found them here, in the Northeaster March 8, 2010 Northeaster Find out more about these events at —Search by Event Number! Event listings cont’d from Page 14 Werman,and features karaoke,free raffles, food served 5-7 p.m. followed by a silent auction.$5 donation.For more information,contact the VFW at 763-788-8187. Fundraisers Geezer Gala: Sock Hop & Alzheimer’s fundraiser Help Columbia Heights cops “arrest hunger” #6685: Officers and staff from CHPD will be partnering with SACA food shelf and other community and emergency services partners to tackle the problems of hunger Tuesday, Mar. 16, 6-9 p.m. at the Columbia Heights Public Safety Center,825 41st Ave.NE.The event will include tours of the police and fire departments; crime scene demos;food;mock police booking; child fingerprint kits,and other family friendly activities. The suggested donation is $10 per person to a maximum of $20 per family and will include all the family activities as well as food and beverage; no one will be turned away if they can’t afford the donation. For more information, contact Officer Joseph Sturdevant at 763-706-8100. Wilshire Park silent auction #6527:The Wilshire Park Parents Association is hosting a silent auction for adults at the New Brighton Community Center, 803 Old Hwy. 8 NW, on Friday, Mar. 19, 6-8 p.m. A dinner buffet will be available for $10 a person from 6-7 p.m. The silent auction planning committee is requesting the donation of community auction items.If you or someone you know has a community auction item they’d be willing to donate, please contact Tessie Rodkewich at [email protected] or Carolie Carlson at [email protected]. Think Pink cancer benefit at Columbia Heights VFW #6662: The Columbia Heights VFW, 4446 Central Ave. NE, presents a Think Pink cancer benefit on Saturday, Mar. 20, 4 p.m.-midnight. Event will be hosted by member of Ladies Auxiliary 230 and “Walk for the Cure”participant Lisa the #6498: Two Right Feet Dance will hold its 2nd annual fund-raising event to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota Saturday, Mar. 20, 7-10 p.m. at St. Clement’s Catholic Church,911 24th Ave.NE.The event features music by Rick and the Resistors, a silent auction, drive-in movie photo ops with local Bmovie filmmaker Christopher Mihm and contests to choose the Best ’50s-style Costumes and Best Dancers.Snacks and root beer floats will be available for purchase. Tickets are $15 if preordered by Mar.15,or $20 at the door.Fifty percent of ticket sales and photo shoot proceeds,and 100 percent of funds raised in the silent auction,will go to support the Alzheimer’s Association Minnesota-North Dakota’s programs and services.For more information, call 612-824-1800. And coming up soon: #6584:A Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction will be held Saturday, Mar. 27, 6-9 p.m. at the Moose on Monroe,356 Monroe St. NE, to benefit Tom Olsen, owner of Tom’s Style and Tanning,who was diagnosed with throat cancer in October of 2009.Tickets are $20 for adults,$10 for children 12 and under, free for children under 5,and can be purchased at the door or in advance at Tom’s Style and Tanning, 938 Lowry Ave.NE,and at the Moose.For more information,call 612-789-8134. #6526:The Lions Club of Northeast Minneapolis will hold its 41st annual Pot o’Gold dinner and raffle fundraiser Wednesday,March 24 at Jax Café, 1928 University Ave. NE with a social at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Raffle prizes: $2,500, $1,500, $500, and five prizes of $150.There will also be a silent auction and music by the Overland Quartet.Tickets cost $150 and include dinner for two plus a chance in the drawing. Tickets can be purchased __________________ from any Lions Club member at LaMere Concrete, 714 18-1/2 Ave. NE, 612-789-8171 or at Jax,612-789-7297. The group is also seeking items for the silent auction; call LaMere Concrete or Jax if you’re interested. Meetings EXPERIENCE “The whole town is here” at Empty Bowls event NE Network meeting #6538:The Eastside Food Co-op, 2551 Central Ave.NE, and its board of directors invites the Northeast community to a monthly conversation between Northeast’s organizations,businesses,educators,elected officials, police, art collectives, and various groups in the faith community. The topic for the next gathering on Thursday, Mar. 11, is public education,with a focus on K-12 education in Northeast. Joining the panel discussion will be: Carla Steinbach, Principal of Edison High School;Dr.Padmini Udupa,Principal of Northeast Middle School;and Dr. Pao Vue,Principal of Pillsbury Middle School.Please call 612-788-0950 to RSVP by Tuesday,Mar.9. Youth from several cities got involved in making placemats, providing the musical entertainment, and building the small glazed clay “Empty Bowls” at the fundraising event for Southern Anoka Community Assistance March 1 at Murzyn Hall. Local restaurants and caterers provided soup and fixins, there was a silent auction and raffles. Attendees could pay what they were willing to, and take a reminder that there are still empty bowls—hunger—in the community. The crowded event, on track to top last year’s donations (goal $6,000+) was such a hit, several people were on cell phones telling their friends to “come on over, the soup’s great and the whole town is here!” (Photos by Margo Ashmore) Get Acquainted Breakfast #6656:Join the Northeast Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce for a Get Acquainted Breakfast on Wednesday,Mar.24,7:30-9 a.m.,at Kramarczuk’s Eastern European Deli, 215 E. Hennepin Ave. This free networking event features a complimentary breakfast, the “one minute commercial,”and space for your businesses promotional materials. For more information or to register, call Christine Levens at 612-378-0050. Alley Cat Community Garden meetings #6400:Lily’s Coffee Shop,3301 Central Ave.NE,hosts the Alley Cat Community Garden meeting on the 2nd Sunday each month,3-4 p.m. Next meeting is Sunday,Mar. 14.This is a start up community garden located in the alley between 3600 block of Van Buren St.NE and Architect Ave. Please come if you are interested in garden space,and want to plan for the garden. For more information, contact Margo at 612-789-0525. Homepage PEN: Public Education Northeast #6269: PEN is a collaborative effort between parents, teachers and community members, sharing energy and ideas that will lead to stronger public schools in Northeast Minneapolis. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m. in the Edison High School Media Center. Next meeting: Mar. 15. For more information, contact Dean DeGroot at 612-789-7629. Senior Scene The Joy of Aging – Part II: Reach for the Stars #6621: Using ideas from two books,“Tuesdays with Morrie” and “The Virtues of Aging,”explore the truths,myths,and wisdoms as well as the values of aging. You do not need to read the two books in order to participate. Class will be held Monday, Mar. 15, 1:30- 3 p.m. at the MainStreet Lodge, 909 Main St.NE;call 612-379-8454 to register. Stretch & Tone #6683: New Brighton’s Family Service Center Fitness Center, 400 10th St.NW,offers a total fitness program designed especially for older adults Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mar. 9-25, 9-10 a.m. For more information, call 651-638-2130. 55+ Driver Improvement People age 55 and older who complete an eight-hour course can qualify for a discount on their auto insurance premiums.A four hour refresher course is needed every three years thereafter.Find a course near you: #6659:The MN Highway Safety Center will offer a 55+ Driver Improvement Courses on the following dates:Saturday,Mar.13,9 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday, Mar. 22, 15 p.m. and Wednesday, Mar. 24, 5:30-9:30 p.m. (four-hour refresher course), and Tuesday, Mar. 23 and Thursday, Mar. 25, 5-9 p.m. (eight-hour full course) at East Side W NE T LIS New $6K downpayment assistance to owner occupants available now to buy any Columbia Heights single family home needing rehab. Because the March 22 is your next Neighborhood Services,1700 2nd St NE; and Thursday, Mar. 11, 1-5 p.m. (four-hour refresher course) at The Senior’s Place,1801 Central Ave. NE. The fee for the four-hour course is $20 and the eight-hour course is $24.For more information or to register call 1-888-234-1294. #6645: The Falldin American Legion Post #555 hosts a four-hour drivers improvement course held Friday,Mar.26,1-5 p.m. at Audubon Park, 1320 29th Ave. NE. A registration fee of $12/AARP members, $14/non-members, must be paid in advance. Call Virgil Persing at 763788-5570 for more information. #6684: AARP drivers safety classes will be held at the Family Service Center,400 10th St.NW,New Brighton. Eight-hour classes will be held April 26 & 28 and August 23 & 25. Fourhour refresher classes will be held on March 29,April 12,May 10,May 24, June 14 and July 12.The eight hour class fee is $22,or $20/AARP members. The four hour refresher course is $18, or $16/AARP members. For more information,call 651-638-2130. Make Heights Your Home! ING NORTHEASTER s it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation origin, or an intention to make such preference, for real estate which is in violation of the law. The Northeast 15 Call for details. Get started on your search today. 628 13th Ave NE THINK SPRING! opportunity to get noticed! Call by Tuesday, March 16 to save your spot. Bob Germaine, 612-788-0187 • Margo Ashmore, 612-788-0185 R “Mickey” Rooney Team” Between Logan Park and Ritz Theater on 13th Ave NE in the NE Arts District. This is a 10! 3 BR,2BA, Gorgeous details and wood work. Call for appt. 612-202-7459 763-229-1133 Hurry…the Tax credit Credit Expires on April 30th! $8,000 First Time Buyers, $6,500 Move Up Buyers. NEW LISTING 1938 BENJAMIN STREET NE KATHY BORYS 651-628-5616 [email protected] Exceptional 3BR, 3BA all brick two story boasts gorgeous, original wdwk, refinished hdwd flrs, master suite, completely remodeled kitchen, updated baths & fabulous space. $499,000 NEW LISTING SUPERB UPDATES NEW PRICE UNFINISHED EXPANSION 3106 CLEVELAND STREET NE 3051 BENJAMIN STREET NE 2648 HAYES STREET NE Superb, move-in condition 3BR, 2BA home with beautiful hdwd floors, formal dining room, natural woodwork, brand new furnace and updated kitchen and baths. $189,900 P E N D I N G 3130 CLEVELAND STREET NE Charming 3BR 1 1/2 story offers a remodeled KT & updated bath with top of the line Kohler fixtures, hdwd flrs, tasteful décor, drain tiled LL, comfortable layout & exceptional price. $229,900 3014 CLEVELAND STREET NE Fantastic 3BR, 2BA 1 1/2 story home. A great opportunity to build equity! Brick front, hdwd flrs, 2 wood-burning fireplaces, formal DR, eat-in kitchen and comfortable space. $189,900 Affordable, move-in condition 2BR home offers unfinished expansion to build equity, updated kitchen & bath, refinished hdwd flrs, charming front porch & beautiful wide oak wdwk. $174,900 1411 – 3RD STREET NE w w w. T E A M B O R Y S . c o m KATHY SHELLY PATTY STEVE VIDA Owned And Operated By NRT LLC March 8, 2010 Northeaster 16 Michael Gacek I EAT NE, SLEEP NE, DRINK NE cated! ever dupli N • d te imita fO ten Since Since 1958 1958 Home Seller Marketing At Its BEST! G TIN LE SA00 SGL FAM LIS W NE G TIN W NE R 5 FO$199, LE SA50 LE SA50 SGL FAM LIS LE SA50 SGL FAM R 8 FO$199, R 8 FO$189, Since 1985 1985 LIST NE AND SELL NE! Since The best darn buyers agent in the business! SGL FAM R 8 FO$139, Sarah Richard 612-781-9544 E-mail: VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR ALL DETAILS & MANY PHOTOS! 3210 McKinley St. NE VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR ALL DETAILS & MANY PHOTOS! 668 47th Ave. NE Hotline #45710 VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR ALL DETAILS & MANY PHOTOS! Hotline #45709 1431 4th St. NE [email protected] Sarah Wolsfeld VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR ALL DETAILS & MANY PHOTOS! 2526 University Ave. NE Hotline #45703 Home Mortgage Consultant Hotline #45687 Direct: Cell: ! SGL FAM LD SO ! ! ED SGL FAM LD SO OS CL ! ED SGL FAM OS CL DUPLEX E-mail: = 1 YEAR HOME WARRANTY 1407 Adams St. NE 2914 Randolph St. NE Thinking of selling? You may want to expedite your plans due to a homebuyer tax credit deadline of 4/30/2010! Over 820 "NE" homes SOLD! Look at my homes $25!!* TO LAST ISSUE’S CONTEST WINNER: Edina resident Donna W.! Michael Gacek 781-1337 LD SO CE PRI GALA OPEN HOUSE NCR I (612) 781-6200 Commercial & Residential Wiring OUT! G N I N N U R E TI M g: 763-574-6976 LE EDIB 824-2656 Licensed • Bonded • Insured VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT BILLANDKATHYDANIELS.COM EMAIL: [email protected] LD (612) • 612-676 -1300 Only email responses qualify. You are only eligible to win 1 time per 12 month period. Bill & Kathy Daniels SO 302-13 th A ve. NE Look at my homes for sale & find the framed picture of me! The 10th person to email me the correct answer wins! Thanks for your business – Now and in the Future! LD The Standard of Heating & Cooling Since 1930 [email protected] And while you’re visiting, sign up for my monthly e-newsletter! SO LD *Win a $2 Gift Certific 5 ate to: Just visit my website: SO @NEmplshomes CONGRATULATIONS (612) MLS & follow me on Call me today! EMAIL: WEB SITE: is now on Enter code and hear recorded information. Talk to no agent! 435 Madison St. NE online and win [email protected] NEmplshomes Call the Home Hotline 952-858-5858! 3012 Taylor St. NE 651-639-6380 651-247-7677 W NE ays remainin d 0 5 n a th s s e L omebuyers h e m ti t s r fi 0 $8,00 omeowners h g n ti is x e 0 0 $6,5 info. Call for more T LIS W NE LD SO LD ONLY $150,000 SUN, MARCH 14, 1-4 PM OPEN SUN, MARCH 14, 1-4 PM OPEN SUN, MARCH 21, 12-2 PM AWESOME RAMBLER KENZINGTON OF ST. ANTHONY GORGEOUS WOODWORK BIRCH POND - 20 WINDSOR LN 3 car heated gar. w/loft area for workshop. 3 BR, formal dining, ceramic bath, LL w/fam. rm & wet bar to entertain, close to shopping & busline. 4312 Quincy St. NE. 1, 1+, 2, & 2+ BR available. FOOD & TOURS available, several units open along with resident condos to view. Come enjoy the lunch and stay for the fun! 2601 Kenzie Terrace NE. Remodeled kitcen, full walk-out LL & partially fenced. 3 BR, high efficiency furnace & C/A, 2 1/2 car garage & deck to entertain. 2626 Ulysses St. NE. OM Gosh what a deal. Quiet building in great area of New Brighton. Open floor plan w/LR, DR & porch to enjoy. Priced below most rent. Call for private show. Clean & tidy. Only $109,900. BILL & KATHY DANIELS 763-574-6976 BILL & KATHY DANIELS 763-574-6975 BILL & KATHY DANIELS 763-574-6976 BILL & KATHY DANIELS 763-574-6975 E-mail: [email protected] SO ! E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] PERFECTION RESTORED+++ Call to see! No.1 house in Northeast. 2 Story/4 BR’s up white colonial. New Kitchen/ hdwd flrs., main flr,upper hall & stair carpet, new upper bath. Dramatic glass dining area. Picture perfect! 4915 Fillmore - $259K. ARLENE WMS. 763-574-6942 CE LD T HO I PR EW N T LIS OPEN SUN, MARCH 14, 3-5 PM D OL S BIRCH POND CONDO 10 Windsor Ct #213, $140,000. Great association and amenities: elevator, exercise room, party room, guest roon, 2 BR, 2 BA, underground parking. FRITZ BREDENBECK 763-574-6910 ATTN:SNOWBIRDS & 1ST TIME BUYERS Can close Quickly! Great Location in PECKS WOODS!! 2 BR's +Loft, 3 Baths, 2 Car Gar. Main Floor Laundry, Vault Ceilings & Skylights. Large Family Room. #621 Schools. 3219 Pecks Woods Turn. $165,000!! JOE KASEL 612-532-1177 TERRY ANDERSON 651-442-6610 SO LD LD SO SO LD LD SO SO LD LD LD SO LD LD SO SO E-mail: [email protected] SO LD LD LD LD SO SO T LIS SO SO LD SO Nick Fairbanks Our 'KASELS' are SELLING! ***FREE STAGING & HI-DEF/HD FULL SCREEN VIRTUAL TOURS *** St Anthony Village-3308 Skycroft Dr /SOLD FEB. 2010. Search for Opens, Foreclosures, Homes for Sale at JOE KASEL 612-532-1177 TERRY ANDERSON 651-442-6610 SO PRICED TO SELL! WALK-OUT RAMBLER $149,900 Not a foreclosure or short sale! Ready to move into. 3 BR, double garage, wrap-around deck, hardwood floors. Very convenient location in Fridley. CALL STEVE VARICHAK 763-574-6969 or email [email protected] 651-486-5640 Direct 651-628-5557 Fax Sr. Mortgage Consultant PHH dba Burnet Home Loans [email protected] MAJESTIC OAKS GOLF COURSE TOWNHOME Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA, 1 level w/full bsmt, 2604 FSF, eat-in KT w/center island, frml din., gas fplc, main laundry, master suite w/Whirlpool bath, 2+ car gar, 2 maint. free deck! Call today. DARLENE HAFNER 612-360-0292 SO LD LD SO SO LD LD SO
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