“The Signature program applied every 14 days worked beautifully. The turf was green, lush and healthy. By preventing the onset of disease during the summer, the turf went into winter in good enough shape that we didn’t see any associated decline.” Rob Buege, Tara Golf and Country Club, Sarasota, FL WHAT IT IS. Systemic fungicide with StressGard ™ WHAT IT DOES. It’s the foundation turf fungicide for disease management and turf quality in every season. Provides Pythium control Protects turf from stresses during summer and winter decline Improves turf quality-color, vigor, uniformity, playability OTHER BAYER PRODUCTS. To fight summer decline, tank mix with 26 GT,® Banol,® Tartan® or Daconil.® For winter decline and snow mold programs, tank mix with 26 GT and other snow mold fungicides. WHY IT BEATS THE COMPETITION. RELAX. YOU’RE BACKED BY BAYER. Training. Troubleshooting. Innovating. Count on us to stand behind you now and for years to come. Get science and support at BackedbyBayer.com or 1-800-331-2867. Proven, unsurpassed improvement in turf quality during summer stress periods Use it with confidence as your foundation program No disease resistance in over 20 years HOW IT MAKES YOUR JOB EASIER. Chipco Signature is a classic no-worry winner that always comes through and gives you the turf your players and customers want: green, healthy, dense and playable. Bayer Environmental Science, a business division of Bayer CropScience, LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Chipco, 26 GT, Banol and Tartan are registered trademarks of Bayer AG. Daconil is a registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company. Alude is a trademark of Clearly Chemical Corporation. StressGard is a trademark of Bayer AG. Always read and follow label directions carefully. ©2007 Bayer CropScience 089864 10003202 SIG0601 THE SCIENCE OF CHIPCO® SIGNATURE FUNGICIDE. Unlike other fungicides, Chipco Signature is truly systemic, traveling up and down within the plant. It helps turf “selfmanage” stress in several ways: Stimulates production of phytoalexins, the plant’s own natural defense chemicals Increases carbohydrates in plant tissue, which improves growth and recovery under stress Stimulates growth of mycorrhizae, which improves growth and health ® Use Chipco Signature or Chipco Signature tank mixes for: Summer turfgrass decline Pythium diseases Anthracnose Bentgrass deadspot Yellow tuft Product support year round. We’ll help you diagnose problems, troubleshoot issues, and get every product benefit you expect–and even some you don’t. We also offer interactive training throughout the year, to help grow your business and your success. Complete satisfaction guarantee. Bayer guarantees your satisfaction, after all, your success is our success. Any time, any question: 1-800-331-2867 / BackedbyBayer.com Source: Vincelli and Dixon The foundation product. Unsurpassed turf quality Helps turf “self-manage” stress Tank mix options with many fungicides No disease resistance for over 20 years Frequently asked questions. >Q What is turf quality and how does Chipco Signature fungicide affect it? >A Chipco Signature does more than fight disease. In years of research, it’s been proven to enhance turf quality–a measurement of vigor, root development, density, color, uniformity and over-all appearance. What’s your recommended summer decline management program? >A Application timing is critical. For maximum effectiveness, begin making applications before turf is stressed. Continue every 14 days until summer decline is no longer an issue. Chipco Signature applied at 4 oz/1000 sq.ft. in combination with 26 GT at 2 oz/1000 sq.ft. alternated with Daconil at 1.6 oz/1000 sq.ft. Alude applied at 5oz/1000 sq.ft. in combination with 26 GT at 2 oz/1000 sq.ft. alternated with Daconil at 1.6 oz/1000 sq.ft. Applications made every 14 days from May 28 to July 23. Turf quality was scored on a 1-9 scale. >Q Source: Vincelli and Dixon THE SCIENCE OF YOUR PROFESSION. Every ounce of Chipco Signature is Backed by Bayer, and all the science and support you need to get the job done right. That’s what you should expect from an industry leader. Our staff is your staff. No one invests as much in product development as Bayer. Our scientists’ expertise in chemistry and formulation technology is unrivaled around the world. Our field sales and technical representatives are always ready to help you. You’ll find them, along with additional information, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at BackedbyBayer.com. Chipco Signature applied at 4 oz/1000 sq.ft. in combination with 26 GT at 2 oz/1000 sq.ft. alternated with Daconil at 1.6 oz/1000 sq.ft. Alude applied at 5oz/1000 sq.ft. in combination with 26 GT at 2 oz/1000 sq.ft. alternated with Daconil at 1.6 oz/1000 sq.ft. Applications made every 14 days from May 28 to July 23. Turf quality was scored on a 1-9 scale. [CHIPCO® SIGNATURE FUNGICIDE REFERENCE GUIDE] ®
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