Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Boise, ID Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam RENDERING-ISOMETRIC NOTES Sheet List 02/10/14 S0.02 STRUCTRURAL DESIGN NOTES 02/10/14 S0.03 STRUCTURAL DESIGN NOTES 02/10/14 S0.04 STRUCTURAL DESIGN NOTES 02/10/14 S1.01 OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN 02/10/14 S1.02 FOUNDATION PLAN - NW QUADRANT 02/20/14 S1.03 FOUNDATION PLAN - NE QUADRANT 02/20/14 S1.04 FOUNDATION PLAN - SW QUADRANT 02/20/14 S1.05 FOUNDATION PLAN - SE QUADRANT 02/20/14 S1.06 OVERALL FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 02/10/14 S1.07 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - NW QUADRANT 02/20/14 S1.08 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - NE QUADRANT 02/21/14 S1.09 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - SW QUADRANT 02/21/14 S1.10 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - SE QUADRANT 02/21/14 S1.11 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 02/10/14 S2.01 ENLARGED PLANS 02/10/14 S2.02 STAIR FRAMING TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S3.01 ELEVATIONS 02/10/14 S4.01 SCHEDULES 02/10/14 S4.02 SCHEDULES - MASONRY PILASTER/LINTEL 02/10/14 S5.01 FOUNDATION TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.02 CONCRETE TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.03 SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.04 SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.11 MASONRY TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.12 MASONRY TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.21 STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.22 STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.23 STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.31 STEEL STUD TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S5.32 STEEL STUD TYPICAL DETAILS 02/10/14 S6.01 FOUNDATION DETAILS 02/10/14 S7.01 FLOOR FRAMING DETAILS 02/10/14 S8.01 ROOF FRAMING DETAILS 02/10/14 ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY STRUCTURAL COVER SHEET PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:29 PM STRUCTURAL COVER SHEET S0.01 REV. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. DRAWING TITLE JOB TITLE DWG # STAMP Description This logo is intended as a place holder for possible future project model renderings or Isometrics. ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL REV. # SHEET TITLE Rendering/ Isometric Notes: 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Date STRUCTURAL COVER SHEET WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY EASTERN AVE. & WIGWAM PKWY. HENDERSON, NEVADA 89074 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S0.01 Structural Loads G. H. All specifications and codes noted shall be the latest approved editions and revisions by the governmental agency having jurisdiction over this project. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Warranty: The EOR has used the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by members of the profession in this locale and no other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made in connection with rendering professional services. Structure noted in the drawings as existing shall be field verified by the contractor and any discrepancies noted shall be reported to the Architect/Structural Engineer. Construction documents include but are not limited to: drawings, plan notes, typical details, general notes, custom details, specifications, etc. In addition to those prepared by other disciplines. Do not scale the drawings for dimensions not shown. 9. Notes and details on the drawings shall take precedence over general notes, typical details, and the project specifications. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:32 PM Summary of Work: Project consists of new construction as shown on these Contract Documents used in coordination with the Architectural and other discipline's documents. See also note 7. 8. 10. I. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions prior to starting construction. The Architect shall be notified of any discrepancies or inconsistencies. Typical details and schedules indicated may not be specifically referenced on the drawings. The contractor is responsible to determine where each typical detail or schedule applies. If locations are found where no typical detail, typical schedule, or specific detail applies, notify the Architect/Structural Engineer. - Drawings indicate general and typical details of construction. Typical details and general notes shall apply even if not specifically denoted on plans, UNO. Where conditions are not specifically indicated similar details of construction shall be used, subject to review and approval by the Architect and the Structural Engineer of Record. The contract Structural drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. They do not indicate the method of construction. Contractor to provide construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures is required. Contractor to provide adequate excavation procedures, shoring, bracing and erection procedures complying with national, state and local safety ordinances. The Contractor shall provide all measures necessary to protect the structure during construction. Such measures shall include, but not be limited to: bracing and shoring for loads due to hydrostatic, earth, wind or seismic forces, construction equipment, temporary loading, etc. Observation visits (site visits) by representatives of Architect/Structural Engineer do not include inspection of construction means and methods. Site visits during construction are not continuous nor detailed inspection services which are to be performed by others. Observations are performed solely for the purpose of determining if the Contractor understands design intent shown in the contract drawings. Observations do not guarantee Contractor's performance and are not to be construed as supervision or verification of construction. Notify the Structural Engineer prior to constructing or fabricating, when drawings by others show openings, pockets, etc., not shown on the structural drawings, but which are located in the structural members. Products that require a report on code compliance shall have an ICC-ES or IAPMO report evaluated for the above listed governing building code. Where required by the governing jurisdiction, a submittal as an alternate material and method is required for all reports evaluated to an earlier edition of the IBC. Reports evaluated to codes other than the above listed code are not permitted, unless allowed by the governing jurisdiction. Contractor shall investigate the site during clearing and earth work operations for filled excavations or buried structures such as cesspools, cisterns, foundations, utilities, etc. If any such structures are found, the Structural Engineer shall be notified immediately. 22. Maintain a copy of all shop drawings accepted by the Architect/Structural Engineer at site during construction period. Structural Engineer requires 10 working days after receipt of shop drawings and calculations for processing. As a minimum submit shop drawing submittals shall include the following items plus, additional items listed in the project specifications for structural review, but not be limited to: a. Concrete mix designs b. Concrete reinforcing bar shop drawings and placing plans c. Non-shrink grout material specifications and manufacturer's installation recommendations d. Masonry materials and mix designs e. Masonry reinforcing bar shop drawings and placing plans. f. Structural steel shop and erection drawings g. Welding Procedure Specifications and certifications h. Metal deck material submittal i. Open web steel joist layout, accessories, and calculations j. Cold-formed steel shown on structural drawings k. Elevator supports and layout l. Tilt-up panel erection procedures including pick points, bracing, additional reinforcing, etc. DEFERRED STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: A. Components referred to as Deferred Structural Components shall comply with these notes. These elements have not been permitted under the base building application. The contractor will be required to submit the component system documents to the building official for approval. The documents shall be stamped and signed by an engineer licensed by the state where the project is located. The deferred structural components shall not be installed until the design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Design Base Shear: Wind X (East-West) X kips Components and Cladding Prior to building department submittal, the deferred structural components submittals shall receive cursory review by Structural Engineer of Record for loads imposed on primary structure and general conformance with design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Structural Contract Documents. Review of submittals does not constitute approval or acceptance of unauthorized deviation from Contract Documents. Submittals of contractor-designed components shall include the designing professional engineer's stamp and signature, as noted above. The submittal shall be approved by the component vendor prior to review by the Structural Engineer of Record. The designing professional is responsible for code conformance and all necessary connections not specifically called out on architectural or structural contract documents. All Wall Surfaces Exterior Cladding Exterior Cladding Uplift at Roof: in Field at Edges at Corner Overhangs: at Edges at Corners Walls: at Field at Edge 3. SEISMIC LOADS: Occupancy Catagory Importance Factor Soil Site Class Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration SS = xxx g Spectral Response Coefficient: SDS = xxx g Seismic Design Criteria: Seismic Responce Coefficient: Seismic Design Category Analysis Procedure Structural System Response Modification Factor V = 90 mph I = 1.0 C GCpi ± 0.18 Wind Y (North-South) X kips The following working loads may be used in lieu of Calculations, at Contractors option = + xxx psf = - xxx psf xxx psf xxx psf I= X - S1 = xxx g SD1 = xxx g Additional Items: Building Location Mean Building Height xxx N, xxx W xxx feet Redundancy Factors: North/South Direction East/West Direction rho = xxx rho = xxx The following list includes the items that are defined as Deferred Structural Components. Additional items may be included in the project specifications. 60 psf (reducible) 100 psf 100 psf 80 psf 40 psf 40 psf 60 psf 100 psf 50 psf 80 psf 2000 lbs 20 psf 50 plf or 200lbs. Weights Furnished by Manufacturer Bottom Board Building Blocking Bottom of Deck Base Plate Bearing Bent C C.G. C.F. CL CLR. COL. CONC. CONN. CONST. CONT. CMU C.Y. Channel Center of Gravity Cubic Foot Center Line Clear Column Concrete Connection Construction Continuous Concrete Masonry Units Cubic Yard DIAG. DIA. DIMS. D.F. DWG. Diagonal Diameter Dimensions Douglas Fir Drawing E. EA. E.J. ELEC. EL. or ELEV. ENGR. EOD EOR E.N. EQ. EQUIP. EST. EXIST. EXT. East Each Expansion Joint Electric or Electrical Elevation or Elevator Engineer Edge of Deck Engineer of Record Edge Nail (Nailing) Equal Equipment Estimate Existing Exterior FAB. F.D. FF FIG. FIN. FLR FND. FS FT. or ' FTG. Fabrication Floor Drain Far Face Figure Finish Floor Foundation Far Side Feet or Foot Footing GA. GALV. G.C. GEN. GLB. GR. or GRD. GRND. Gage or Gauge Galvanize General Contractor General (Notes) Glu Lam Beam Grade Ground H.D. HORIZ. Hold down (Simpson) Horizontal ID IF IN. or " INCL. Inside Diameter Inside Face Inches Include or Included JNT. Joint K K.O. Kip (1,000 lbs.) Knockout LAM. lb. LG. Laminated Pound Long X kips Seismic Y (North-South) See mechanical, plumbing, and electrical drawings for the following: Pipes, sleeves, hangers, trenches, wall, floor, and/or roof openings, duct penetration, electrical conduit runs, boxes, outlets in walls and slabs, concrete inserts for electrical, mechanical or plumbing fixtures, size and location of machine or equipment bases, anchor bolts for mounts, etc., except as shown or noted. See also note 13. 19. For mechanical and electrical equipment anchorage that is to be designed by others, see IBC section 1613 and ASCE 7 chapter 13. Use isolators, fasteners and bracing approved by ICC-ES or approved third party capable of transmitting code required lateral loads. Secure suspended equipment with lateral bracing. 20. For piping and ductwork bracing to be designed by others, see the latest edition of "Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems" by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association. 21. SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Shop drawings and material submittals shall be submitted to the Architect and Structural Engineer of Record prior to any fabrication or construction. Electronic submittals shall be made where possible. Any submittals containing hard copies shall include one reproducible and one copy; reproducible will be marked and returned. Additional copies of reviewed shop drawings are the responsibility of the general contractor. No modifications or substitution of drawings and specifications will be accepted via shop drawing review. Contractor shall review and stamp shop drawings prior to submission to the Architect/Structural Engineer. Contractor shall review for completeness and compliance with contract documents including addendums, clarifications, etc. See also note 7. B. C. Submit shop drawings to the Architect/Structural Engineer as indicated or specified for review prior to fabrication. Review will be for general conformance with design intent conveyed in contract documents. When an engineer is required to sign and stamp shop drawings and calculations, ensure seal indicates engineer as registered in state where project site occurs. M MATL. MAX. M.B. MECH. MED. MET. MEZZ. MIN. MIN. MISC. MIX. MK. MULT. Bending Moment Material Maximum Machine Bolt Mechanical Medium Metal Mezzanine Minimum Minute Miscellaneous Mixture Mark Multiple N NF NO. or # NOM. NTS NS North Near Face Number Nominal Not to Scale Near Side OC OD OPP. ORIG. O.S.B. OVS OWSJ On Center Outside Diameter Opposite Original Oriented Strand Board Oversized Open Web Steel Joist PC. PCF PEN. PERM. PERP. PL P.P. PROJ. PSF PSI P-T P.T. Piece Pounds Per Cubic Foot Penetration Permanent Perpendicular Plate Partial Pen. Project Pounds Per Square Foot Pounds Per Square Inch Post Tension, Post Tensioned Pressure Treated QTR. Quarter RAD. or R. REF. REINF. Radius Reference Reinforce, Reinforced, Reinforcement or Reinforcing Required Revise or Revision Room Rough Opening S S SCHED. S.F. SHT. SHTG. SIM. SK. SPECS. SQ. S.S. SSLT STD. STIR. STK. STRUCT. SYM. South I Beam Schedule Strut Force Sheet Sheathing Similar Sketch Specifications Square Stainless Steel Short Slotted Holes Transverse to Direction of Load Standard Stirrup Stock Structural Symmetrical T AND G T AND B TAN. THK. THRU TJI TO TOC or TO CONC. TOF or TO FTG. TOL. TOM or TO MASONRY TOS or TO STL. TOW or TO WALL TRANSV. TYP. Tongue and Groove Top and Bottom Tangent Thick Through Trus Joist MacMillan I Joist Top Of Top of Concrete Top of Footing Tolerance Top of Masonry Top of Steel Top of Wall Transverse Typical UN UNO Unless Noted Unless Noted Otherwise VERT. V.I.F. VOL. Vertical Verify in the Field Volume W W WD. W.P. WT. West Wide Flange Wood Work Point Weight X-HVY X-STR Extra Heavy Extra Strong YD. Yard 2L Double Angle STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. Symbol Legend Slope Direction (down) Span Direction 99'-10" Deferred structural components: a. Open web steel joist b. Structural Insulated Panel product data, erection and shop drawings Symbols for Concrete per ACI AT Floor or Steel Elevation Limits of Area Covered By Bars or Post Tension Rigid Connection Welding symbols per AWS Symbols for Structural Steel per AISC Brace Frame Brace Down Concrete Wall Change (Step) in Elevation Earth SC 2 - 3 New Construction 1 A _______ - Section Cut A _______ - Elevation Reference Seismic Force Resisting System Slip Critical Connection Number of Bolts per Row Number of Rows Existing Construction SFRS Spacing - Center to Center Direction in Which Bars Extend Miscellaneous Elevation Masonry (CMU) Wall Construction materials shall be spread out when placed on framed floors or roofs. The construction material load shall not exceed the design live load per square foot. Provide adequate shoring and/or bracing where structure has not attained design strength. See the architectural drawings for the following: Size and location of door and window openings, size and location of interior and exterior non-bearing partitions, size and location of concrete curbs, floor drains, slopes, depressed areas, changes in level, chamfers, grooves, inserts, size and location of floor and roof openings, floor and roof finishes, stair framing and details, dimensions not shown on the structural drawings, ceiling assemblies, exterior wall assemblies,etc. Angle Light Gauge Low Hydrogen Electrode Long Leg Back To Back Long Leg Horizontal Long Leg Vertical Longitudinal Laminated Veneer Lumber Light Weight REQD. REV. RM. R.O. X kips 98'-0" 20 psf (reducible) L L.G. L.H.E. LLBB LLH LLV LONG. LVL L.W. Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam B., BOTT. BD. BLDG. BLKG. BOD BPL BRG. BT CS = xxx - Design criteria shall be provided with submittal and calculations shall be made available upon request. Roof Live Loads: Roof Live Load Miscellaneous Live Loads: Guardrails/Balcony Rails Mechanical Equipment xxx psf xxx psf Design Base Shear: Seismic X (East-West) Deferred Structural Components shall be manufactured, delivered, handled, stored, and field erected in conformance with instructions prepared by the component vendor. Office Buildings Live Loads: Lobbies and First Floor Corridor Offices Corridors above the First Floor Concentrated Load (All Conditions) Partition Loading xxx psf xxx psf xxx psf Submittals shall include details of connections to primary structure that indicate magnitude and direction of all loads imposed at point of connection. Refer to other discipline's contract documents for additional deferred components that may require structural design and details. Connections of these elements shall not induce torsion on structural members. Multi-family Live Loads: Roof Live Load (Tenant Accessible) Roof Live Load (Public Accessible) Stair, Corridor, Lobby (at First Floor) & other public rooms Stair, Corridor, Lobby (All other floors) Residential Floor Residential Deck Residentail Balconies 30 psf 40 psf 40 psf Anchor Bolt American Concrete Institute Addition Above Finish Floor Aggregate American Institute of Architects American Institue of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute Alternate Aluminum American National Standards Institute American Plywood Association Approximate Architect or Architectural Asphalt Assembly American Society for Testing and Materials Average American Welding Society 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 ASCE 7-05 NDS-05 TMS 402-08 Submit shop drawings and calculations to governing code authority when specifically indicated or requested. WIND LOADS: Basic Wind Speed (3-Second Gust) Importance Factor Exposure Internal Pressure Coefficient 10 psf 20 psf 20 psf A.B. ACI ADD. AFF AGGR. AIA AISC AISI ALT. AL. ANSI APA APPROX. ARCH. ASPH. ASS'Y. ASTM AVG. AWS WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY F. 2. Residential Live Loads: Uninhabitable Attics w/out Storage Uninhabitable Attics w/ Storage Uninhabitable Attics w/ portions over 4'-0" Habitable Attics and Sleeping Areas Residential Floor Residential Deck 60 psf (reducible) 100 psf (non-reducible) STRUCTRURAL DESIGN NOTES ACI 318-08 AISC 341-05 AISC 360-05 AISI S100-07 Pg = 20 psf I = 1.0 Ce = 1.0 Pf = 20 psf Ct = 1.0 As indicated on drawings. VERTICAL LIVE(Tenant LOADS:Accessible) Roof Live Load Roof Live Load (Public Accessible) Revision Cloud and Number Number of Nelson Studs required W12x19 [10] c=3/4" AISC beam designation Depth of steel joist Uniform live load (PLF) 14K 240/130 Uniform total load (PLF) Series of steel joist This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 5 6 7 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Seismic Provisions For Structural Steel Buildings Specifications For Structural Steel Buildings North American Specifications For The Design Of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members Minimum Design Loads For Buildings And Other Structures National Design Specifications For Wood Construction Building Code Requirements For Masonry Structures Shop drawings will be rejected for incompleteness, lack of coordination with other portions of contract documents, lack of calculations (if required), or where modifications or substitutions are indicated without prior review per paragraph A above. Resubmittals shall be clouded and dated for all changes to the submittal. Only clouded portions of resubmittal will be reviewed and Structural Engineer of Record's review stamp applies to only these areas. 4. SNOW LOADS: Ground Snow Load Importance Factor Exposure Factor Flat Roof Snow Load Thermal Factor Snow Drifts JOB TITLE 1 2 3 4 E. 1. SHEET TITLE References to ASTM and other standards shall refer to the latest edition designated by IBC Chapter 35. Refer to the specifications for information in addition to that covered by these structural notes and drawings. The following standards were used for design. Shop drawings are not a part of contract documents, therefore, Architect's/Structural Engineer's review does not constitute an authorization to deviate from terms and conditions of the contract. See also note 7. Date D. Description 2. All design and construction shall conform to the 2009 International Building Code and local jurisdictional amendments per state, county, city. etc. Rev. 1. Abbreviations 100% DD SET 02/21/14 General DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S0.02 Concrete 1. 1. 1. The foundation system is designed based on the following: 3. - Drainage systems, including foundation, roof and surface drains, shall be installed as directed by the Geotechnical Report and IBC Section 1805. 5. Vapor retarder placed below slab on grade shall conform to ASTM E 1643 and ASTM E 745. Coordinate placement with Geotech and/or Architectural drawings. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4. All concrete shall be ready mix concrete and shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with ATSM C94 or ATSM C685 5. Concrete mix designs shall meet the following minimum exposure requirements per ACI 318 chapter 4. Severity Freezing and Thawing Not Applicable Moderate Severe Very Severe The Contractor shall provide for the installation and design of all cribbing, sheathing and shoring required to safely and adequately retain the earth banks and support any existing structures in accordance with all national, state and local safety ordinances. All abandoned utilities, footings, etc., that interfere with the new construction shall be removed. Notify the Structural Engineer should any foundations for existing structures be encountered that are not shown on the structural drawings. Permability Not Applicable Required Footings shall be placed and estimated according to depths shown on the drawings. Excavations for footings shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing the concrete and reinforcing. The Contractor shall notify the Geotechnical Engineer when the excavations are ready for inspection. The Geotechnical Engineer shall submit a letter of compliance to the Owner. Should soil encountered at these depths not be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, modified footing elevations or footing designs may be subject to additional engineering fees. All excavations shall be properly backfilled. Footing backfill and utility trench backfill within the building perimeter shall be mechanically compacted in layers, to the approval of the Geotechnical Engineer. See Geotechnical report for requirements. Flooding will not be permitted. The Contractor shall not backfill behind retaining walls before the concrete or masonry walls have reached full design strength. The Contractor shall brace or protect all building and pit walls below grade from lateral loads until attaching floors are completely in place and have reached full design strength. The Contractor shall provide for the design, any required permits and the installation of such bracing and protection. Sub-base below, slabs on grade shall be supported on natural grade or structural fill as directed in the Geotechnical report or by a geotchnical engineer. Sub-grade will be compacted per the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer and no sub-grade rutting will be allowed at time of concrete placement under slabs on grade. Unless otherwise noted, footings shall be centered below columns or walls. 13. EXISTING UTILITIES: The contractor shall determine the location of all adjacent underground utilities prior to any excavation, shoring, pile driving, or pier drilling. Any utility information shown on the plans and details are approximate and not verified by the structural Engineer of record. Contractor is to provide protection of any utilities or underground structures during construction. NEW UTILITIES: Contractor to determine the location of all new below grade utilities and coordinate placement with new footings per typical details for foundation at or adjacent to excavations and utilities. All reinforcing steel shall be detailed and placed in accordance with the 'Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete' (ACI 318) and the 'Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction' by CRSI and WCRSI as modified by the project drawings and specifications. 2. Deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615 grade 60 and ASTM A706 grade 60 for deformed weldable bars. 3. Welding of reinforcing is permitted only where shown on the drawings or when approved by the structural engineer. Welding of reinforcing bars shall be with low hydrogen electrodes in accordance with the 'Recommended Practices for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Etc.', American Welding Society, AWS D1.4 and IBC table 1704.4.1 all reinforcing to be welded shall conform to ASTM A706 grade 60 u.n.o. F0 F1 F2 F3 ACI Requirements ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 and 4.4.1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 and 4.4.1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1, 4.4.1, and 4.4.2 S0 S1 S2 S3 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 P0 P1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 Corosion Protection of Reinforcing Not Applicable C0 Moderate C1 Severe C2 Maintain concrete above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and in a moist condition for a minimum of 7 days after placement unless otherwise accepted by Architect/Structural Engineer. If average temperature at the site is below 50°, 2 additional testing cylinders to be provided and field cured. For structural components that are used prior to design strength. 7. Any curing compounds used on concrete that is to receive a resilient tile finish shall be approved by the Finish Applicator before use. 8. Fly ash may be used in concrete mixes. The fly ash shall conform to ASTM C618 Class F. The loss of ignition shall be limited to 2%. The addition rate for fly ash shall be limited to 20% of the cement weight. The contractor shall submit all certificates showing the fly ash is in accordance with the above criteria. 9. Do not use concrete or grout containing chlorides. 10. AGGREGATE: A. Hard rock concrete - aggregate shall conform to all requirements and tests of ASTM C33 and project specifications. Exceptions may be used only with approval of the Structural Engineer. Provide concrete mix design with proven shrinkage characteristics of less than 0.0005 inches/inch. B. Lightweight concrete - aggregate shall be in accordance with ASTM C330 and project specifications. Lightweight concrete mix designs shall be tested prior to approval, for shrinkage in accordance with ASTM C157. Shrinkage shall not exceed 0.00035 inches / inch. 11. At concrete slabs to be exposed, shrinkage limit shall be reduced to 0.00035 inches/inch uno. 12. Structural concrete 28-day strengths & types are as follows: Location of Concrete Lean Mix Footings Slab on Grade (Interior) Slab on Grade (Exterior) Grade Beams Stem Walls Slab on Metal Deck Roof Slab on Metal Deck Tilt-Up Wall Strength, psi 4000 3000 3000 3000 4000 3000 3500 3500 5000 Type Hard Rock Hard Rock Hard Rock Hard Rock Hard Rock Hard Rock Hard Rock Light Weight Hard Rock Exposure Categories F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, F0, S0, P0, C0, 13. The modulus of elasticity of concrete, shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C469 for framed concrete slabs and beams and shall be at least the value given by the equations in section 8.5.1 of ACI 318 for the specified concrete 28-day strength. 14. Dry pack or grout under base plates, sill plates, etc., see specifications. Strength requirements are as required for concrete. Minimum grout strength shall be f'c= 7,000 psi. 4. All reinforcing bar bends shall be made cold. 5. Lap splices made at locations other than those specifically indicated on the drawings shall require approval by engineer prior to any fabrication or construction activities. 6. Reinforcing dowels between footings and walls or columns shall be the same number, size, spacing and grade as the specified vertical reinforcing, u.n.o. 15. Concrete forms shall be laid out and constructed to provide the specified cambers indicated on the structural drawings. 7. All reinforcing bars shall be marked so their identification can be made when the final in-place inspection occurs. 16. 8. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185. 9. Minimum lap of welded wire fabric shall be 6 inches or one full mesh and one half, whichever is greater. Submit shop drawings to Architect/Structural Engineer indicating locations of concrete joints for review prior to placing concrete. Place joints at locations to minimize effects of shrinkage as well as being placed at points of low stress. Locations shown on plans are a minimum. Additional locations may be approved by engineer. Shop drawings shall be developed by referencing all construction documents including, but not limited to: Architectural, Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical. 10. Submit shop drawings to structural engineer: Placing drawings that detail fabrications, bending, and placement. Include bar sizes, lengths, material, grade, bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, bar arrangement, splices and laps, mechanical connections, tie spacing, hoop spacing, and supports for concrete reinforcement. 17. Concrete placement shall be in accordance with ACI standard 304 and project specifications. Provide keys in construction joints unless detailed otherwise. Thoroughly clean, remove laitance and thoroughly wet and remove standing water in construction joints before placing new concrete. At vertical joints, slush with a coat of neat cement before placing new concrete. 11. In addition to all the reinforcing included on the drawings the contractor shall provide for an allowance of 7% of reinforcing bars to be finished, fabricated and placed during the progression as may be directed by the structural engineer. In the event that the allowance is not completely exhausted, the contractor should be prepared to issue a credit to the owner for the remaining portion of the allowance. 1 1/2" 3/4" Beams and Columns: Primary reinforcing, ties, stirrups, spirals. 1 1/2" Slab on grade: 2" clear from top Precast concrete (Manufactured under plant controled conditions): See IBC section 1907.7.3 Prestressed concrete coverage: See IBC section 1907.7.2 21. Prior to concrete placement, all reinforcing bars, anchor bolts and other concrete inserts shall be well secured in position utilizing wire tires or approved alternative. 22. Mechanical pipes or electrical conduit shall not pass through concrete columns or beams unless specifically detailed. 23. Unless otherwise indicated in the mechanical, electrical drawings or project specifications, mechanical pipes and electrical conduits which pass through slab on grade, concrete on steel deck, framed concrete floors and walls do not require sleeves. If sleeves are required, the sleeves shall be installed prior to placing concrete. Do not cut any reinforcing which may interfere with sleeve placement. Provide concrete clear cover per note 13 for adjacent to sleeves reinforcing. Coring openings in concrete is not permitted. Notify the Structural Engineer in advance of conditions not shown on the structural drawings. 24. With the exception of slabs on grade and concrete on steel deck, the outside diameter of mechanical pipes and/or embedded electrical conduits (other than those passing through) shall not exceed 1/3 of the slab thickness and shall be centered between the top and bottom reinforcing, unless specifically detailed otherwise. Concentrations of mechanical pipes and/or electrical conduits shall be avoided except where detailed openings are provided. Conduit and pipe shall be spaced at 3" or 3 diameters on center, whichever is larger. 25. For slabs on grade and concrete on steel deck no pipes or conduits shall be placed within the indicated concrete slab thickness and shall be located below the slab unless specifically detailed otherwise. 26. The projecting corners of columns, beams, walls, etc., shall be formed with a 3/4 inch chamfer, unless otherwise noted on architectural drawings or specifications. 27. Shoring and re-shoring of elevated members shall be designed and submitted for approval of engineer. 28. Contractor to coordinate floor flatness and levelness with architectural drawings and/or equipment manufacturer's requirements. The following\ table may be used as a minimum: ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 ACI 318 Table 4.3.1 6. Reinforcing Steel (for Concrete & Masonry) 1. Class Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground, UNO: Slabs, walls, and joists: #14 and #18bar #11 bar and smaller STAMP Sulfate Not Applicable Moderate Severe Very Severe 12. 14. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C150 Type I or II concrete minimum, coordinate additional requirements with note 5. The contractor shall provide for proper dewatering of excavations from surface water, ground water, seepage, etc. 4. 6. 3. 2" 1 1/2" PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY T I D OE T RE E IN G EN Concrete exposed to earth or weather: #6 through #18 bar #5 bar and smaller 18. 19. Roughen concrete surface to a full amplitude of 1/4 inch where masonry walls intersect concrete or where new concrete interfaces with existing concrete. If columns and walls are placed with a floor, two hours must elapse between end of column or wall placement and beginning of the floor placement. STRUCTURAL DESIGN NOTES XX" - Concrete mix designs shall be submitted to the Structural Engineer for review. All mix designs shall be designed by a qualified testing laboratory and shall be sealed by an engineer licensed in the appropriate state per the appropriate discipline. Base design mix on field experience or trial mixtures as stipulated in IBC Section 1905.3 3" JOB TITLE Soil Bearing Capacity Frost Depth Equivalent Fluid Pressure Unconstrained Equivalent Fluid Pressure Constrained Passive Pressure Friction Coefficient Retaining Wall Surcharge Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: Composite Composite flatness, FF levelness, FL Typical applications 20 15 Noncritical: mechanical rooms, nonpublic areas, surfaces to have thick-set tile, parking structure slabs 25 20 Carpeted areas of comercial office buildings or lightly-trafficked office/industrial buildings 35 25 Thin set flooring or warehouse floor with moderate or heavy traffic 45 35 Warehouse with air-pallet use, ice, or roller rinks >50 >50 movie or tevevision studios SHEET TITLE 2. Location of Concrete Minimum Concrete Cover Date Structural Observations A. Construction observation by the Structural Engineer of Record is for general conformance with design aspects only and is not intended in any way to review the Contractor's construction procedures. The Structural Engineer of Record has no overall supervisory authority or actual and/or direct responsibility for the specific working conditions at the site and/or for any hazards resulting from the action of any trade contractor. The Structural Engineer of Record has no duty to inspect, supervise, note, correct, or report any health or safety deficiencies to the owner, contractors, or other entities or persons at the project site. B. The contractor shall provide the Structural Engineer of Record adequate notice to schedule appropriate site visits for structural observation. C. Structural observation means the visual observation of the structural system for general conformance to the Contract Documents at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspection required by IBC Section 110 or other sections. D. The owner shall employ a registered design professional to perform structural observation when required by IBC 1710. Observed deficiencies shall be reported in writing to the Architect, special inspector, and contractor. The contractor shall respond to these items in writing indicating how they have been resolved. At the end of the project, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement that the site visits have been made and identify any reported deficiencies that, to the best of the structural observer's knowledge, have not been resolved. have a copy at the jobsite. Clear coverage of concrete over reinforcing bars shall be as follows: This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:37 PM 5. The following inspections are required and shall be performed per the building code or as requested by the engineer of record. See the following for material specific requirements in cases where the requirements listed in the applicable codes and these requirements are redundant the more stringent criteria shall apply: A. Inspection of fabricators per 1704.2 B. Steel construction per 1704.3, and Table 1704.3, and the following: a. Shop welding unless performed on premises of an approved fabricator as defined in IBC Section 1704.2. b. Field welding including shear studs (when permitted) c. Field welding of metal deck per appropriate ICC evaluation report. (Periodic inspection permitted per IBC section 1704.3-2.2.2). d. Welded guardrail e. Light gauge steel f. Inspection of built-up light gauge steel members g. High strength bolting C. Concrete construction and post-tension construction per 1704.4, and Table 1704.4 and the following: a. Testing laboratory will review concrete mix design data and will perform the following concrete tests at frequency indicated in IBC section 1905.6: b. Slump tests in compliance with ASTM C143. c. Prepare four test cylinders for compressive strength testing in compliance with ASTM C39, ACI 318 and IBC section 1905.6 and field cure. Test one cylinder at 7 days, two cylinders at 28 days and retain remaining cylinder for tests until completion of project. Determine concrete compressive strength at 28 days based on average of two cylinders tested. Additional cylinders may be required depending on weather conditions, see structural engineer and concrete general notes. d. Entrained air content in compliance with ASTM C231 for air entrained concrete. e. Bolts, embedded plates and post-installed mechanical anchors (expansion anchors) installed in concrete. f. Special ductile moment-resisting concrete frame. g. Reinforcing, pre-stressing and post-tensioning steel and mechanical reinforcing bar splices: During placement and/or during stressing. h. P-T cables in garages that are driven over i. Shotcrete D. Masonry construction per 1704.5 and Table 1704.5.1 (Category IV Alternate: Table 1704.5.3) E. Soils per 1704.7, Table 1704.7 and the following: a. Excavations and backfills b. Foundation placement c. Piles (auger-cast, helical or driven), piers, and caisson inspections shall be made by the Geotechnical Inspector per IBC table 1704.8, 9 and 10 and Tables 1704.8 and 9 F. Sprayed fire-resistant materials per 1704.12 and .13 (see architectural specifications) G. Exterior Insulation & Finish System (EIFS) per 1704.14 (see architectural specifications) H. Special cases per 1704.15: a. Epoxy and grout set bolts and reinforcing bars. Ten percent of drilled-in, epoxy, or grout set anchors shall be proof tested to 2 times allowable tension. Notify Architect/Structural Engineer of any failures so additional testing of adjacent anchors can be directed. b. Other:_______________________ exposure B, 120mph, exposure C, 110mph or greater. I. Special Inspections for Seismic Requirements per 1707 and 1709 for seismic design categories C, D, E, or F and the following: a. Designated seismic force resisting systems denoted by SFRS on plans, elevations or details. All bolted connections to elements indicated as SFRS to be Slip Critical type connections. b. NOTE: Existing seismic force resisting systems denoted on plans, elevations, or detail by SFRS shall require structural observation performed by a qualified third party, inspection and testing agency in accordance with IBC 1710, any deficiencies or discrepancies from that shown on the structural drawings shall be reported to the engineer of record. 2. 20. Description 4. Material Certification: Submit laboratory test reports certifying materials are of identifiable tested stock to owner, testing laboratory, Architect/Structural Engineer and, upon request, to governing code authority. If laboratory test reports cannot be made available, testing l aboratory \will perform tests as directed by Architect/Structural Engineer. Contractor shall pay testing laboratory for costs related to tests and inspections of unidentifiable materials or materials furnished without laboratory test reports, materials found deficient after initial tests and inspections, or materials replacing deficient materials. DIT Company: E O T Report No. R Dated: -NEE I G N Copies are availableE for review at the Architect's office and contractor shall All aspects of work pertaining to the concrete construction shall be in accordance with ACI 318, 'Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete' and the latest edition of 'Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings', ACI 301, with modifications as noted on the project drawings and\or specifications. ACI 318, section 5.12 for cold weather placement and ACI 318, section 5.13 for hot weather placement. Rev. 3. Testing Laboratory: Retained by owner and satisfactory to Architect/Structural Engineer and governing code authority to perform required tests and inspections of this contract and applicable code. The design of the foundation system is based on the Geotechnical report (and any addenda) prepared by the following company: 100% DD SET 02/21/14 2. Special Inspector shall be hired by the owner to perform the following special inspections per IBC Section 1704. The type and frequency of special inspection, structural testing and subsequent reporting conforming to the requirements of IBC sections 1704, 1706, 1707, or 1708 shall be submitted by the inspection and testing agencies to the architect/structural engineer for approval. Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Foundation 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Quality Assurance and Special Inspection DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S0.03 4. Structural steel not exposed to weather shall be left unpainted unless noted otherwise in the architectural drawings and/or specifications. 5. MATERIALS: A. Structural Steel Shapes Shall Conform to the following: Structural steel "W" shapes shall comply to ASTM Standard A992. E. B. Angles, plates "M" and "S" shapes, channels and bars shall comply to ASTM Standard A36, unless noted otherwise. F. C. Steel pipe shall comply to ASTM Standard A53 grade B (Fy = 35 ksi). D. Rectangular and square Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) shall comply to ASTM Standard A500 grade B (Fy = 46 ksi). E. Round Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) shall comply to ASTM Standard A500 grade B (Fy = 42 ksi). F. Raise - Pattern floor plates shall comply to ASTM A786. 6. 7. Steel grating by the manufacturer, supplier, or contractor designed for loads and deflections as required by the adopted code and as indicated, unless noted otherwise. As a minimum, grating is to be designed for a 300# point load and a maximum deflection of L/360 or 1/4". Submit style and layout for approval. H. For light gauge framing, track and header sizes, spacing and locations, see plans. For conditions not shown, notify engineer. F. For all interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. G. Notching or coping of studs is not allowed, unless specifically noted. H. For all bearing conditions, ends of studs must seat firmly in runner track with full contact between the stud and the adjoining track web. For additional information see note 1.K. I. Framing design assumes all cladding is uniformly laterally attached to each framing member and is limited to a uniform distribution of load to the framing member. The design does not include review of effects of local forces resulting from the attachment of any cladding (brick ties, attachment clips, etc.) Steel joist shall be designed using the following minimum load criteria (All loads shown are UNFACTORED and do/do not include overstrength factor): IT D E XXX psf Top Chord XXX psf Bottom Chord XXX psf Top Chord (Non-Reducible) 10 psf Top Chord (Non- Reducible) XXXXX# O T R E NE I G N E Refer to the framing plans for any additional concentrated or uniform load design requirements (Mechanical units, wind/seismic, screen walls platforms, etc.). J. Punch outs shall not be located within 6" from any support, bearing location or applied load. K. Non-bearing continuous track splices are to be screwed or welded as shown in the construction documents. Wire tying of stud framing components shall not be permitted. L. For ledger track conditions, the supported framing is to be within an 1/8" of track ledger web. M. Contractor shall field install a web member on joists from point of load to nearest panel point on opposite chord when concentrated loads are not applied directly at panel points. See typical details for additional information. For exterior and interior non-load bearing walls use steel structural wall bridging spaced evenly at 8'-0" oc. max., uno. Contractor, at his own option, may use continuous cold rolled channel bridging centered in stud punch outs. Steel structural stud wall bridging shall be a minimum same size and ga. shown on the drawings, through stud punch outs. B. Weld lengths called for on plans are the net effective length required. Weld size shall be AISC minimum unless a larger size is noted. All welds shall use minimum E70XX electrodes. J. All OSHA requirements and standards for Open Web/Bar Joists shall be followed. Such requirements would include but not be limited to; bolted erection connections, bottom chord stability plates, bridging, etc. C. Welding tests and inspections, see specifications. K. D. Filler material covered in ANSI/AWS D1.1 TABLE 3.1. The maximum Open Web Joist live load deflection shall be 1/360 of the span length. L. DO NOT camber or provide reduced camber for joists parallel to bearing walls, flat beams, etc. where the drawings show the supported deck directly attaching to both the joists and other bearing elements. B. Welders shall be qualified in light gage welding. All welding shall be performed in accordance with the latest version of AWS D1.3 specifications for Welding of Sheet Steel Structures. FIREPROOFING: A. The application of the fireproofing to the steel members and steel deck is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor must enforce the requirements of the manufacturer and not impose any additional loads, including construction live loads, during the application and curing of the fireproofing. C. Minimum weld throat thickness (t) must meet or exceed the base steel thickness of the thinnest connected part, unless noted otherwise. BOLTING: A. Anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM F1554, grade 36 unless noted otherwise. Bolts shall conform to ASTM A325-N TYPE 1 less then 1 1/2" dia. uno., see also note 'G' below. Weather or Corrosion Resistance bolts are required to conform to A325-N Type 3. D. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A563. E. Washers shall conform to ASTM F436. Washers used in load transfer on subject to direct tension shall conform to ASTM F844. F. Threaded rods shall comply to ASTM A36 uno. G. Except as subsequently noted, high strength bolts need not be tightened beyond the snug-tight condition, as defined in section 8.(c) of the specifications for structural joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. For connections subject to direct tension, connections for braced frames, and other connections shown or noted on the plans as SC (slip critical) or fully tensioned, bolts shall be tightened by one of the methods described in section (d) and to the minimum tension specified in section 8.(d), Table 4. H. 12. ANCHOR STUDS, SHEAR STUDS, AND DEFORMED ANCHORS: A. Shall be manufactured by Nelson Stud Welding Co. or equal. Headed studs (shear and anchor) shall be made of material conforming to ASTM A108. C. Deformed anchors shall be made of material conforming to ASTM A496. D. Studs and anchors shall be welded according to manufacturer's recommendations. Manual arc (stick) welding of headed studs and/or deformed anchors is not allowed: Paragraphs 7.5.5 to of AWS D1.1, are deleted. Structural framing members have been designed to accommodate a maximum of XX plf of fire proofing per member. Contact engineer if proposed fireproofing system exceeds this value. C. Structural floor system has been designed to accommodate a maximum of XX psf of fire proofing. Contact engineer if proposed fireproofing system exceeds this value. D. For fireproofing requirements, specifications and thickness, refer to the Architectural drawings. E. Bolt holes in steel shall be 1/16 inch larger than nominal side of bolt used, except anchor bolt holes which may be 1/8" larger or as noted on drawings. B. B. Do not prime paint or galvanize steel or decking where fireproofing is to be applied. ARCHITECTURALLY EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL A. Architecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of AISC Section 10. B. All welded joints shall ground smooth UNO. C. See Architectural drawings for additional requirements if no requirements are shown provide mockup for review prior to commencing fabrication. The precast wall panels are intended to be cast directly on a floor slab on grade or on constructed waste slabs and erected by the 'TILT-UP' panel method. Provide a cover/filler in the control joints on the slab on grade. 2. See Concrete and Reinforcing Steel general notes for material requirements. 3. Minimum bearing of steel deck on supports shall be 2 inches. All 3" deep steel deck shall have minimum bearing of 3". Sheets shall be attached to all supporting steel members as indicated on drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The structural drawings do not include temporary bracing and proposed erection procedures for the TILT-UP panels. The reinforcing shown on the structural drawings does not allow for lifting and erection stresses. Details and calculations covering erection procedures, additional reinforcement, lifting hardware and bracing shall be the responsibility of the contractor and shall be prepared and sealed by an engineer licensed in the appropriate state per the appropriate discipline. 4. The TILT-UP panels shall not be lifted until the concrete has reached the plan specified design strength with a minimum panel age of 7 days, uno. C. Minimum deck connection shall be seven 1/2" puddle welds per sheet and 3/16" button punch or welds at 12" oc. uno. 5. D. See architectural, mechanical, electrical, etc., for sizes and locations of deck openings and for deck openings smaller than 12" not shown on the structural drawings. See typical details for framing requirements at deck openings. Openings larger than 12" shall not be placed in deck unless specifically shown on the structural drawings. The parting medium shall be submitted for review by the Structural Engineer and shall be applied in conformance with the Manufacture's recommendations. 6. The TILT-UP panels shall be safely shored during construction of the structure. 7. The TILT-UP panels shall be in final position for 14 days minimum before cast-in-place concrete closures are placed. 8. The Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings of the TILT-UP panels to the Structural Engineer for review prior to construction. B. E. DO NOT hang loads from metal deck. Provide engineered structural system to hang all loads from steel joists or beams. This includes but is not limited to metal stud soffit or ceiling framing, mechanical or plumbing equipment, etc. F. Steel deck manufacturers shall submit shop drawings for approval. G. Steel deck units with concrete fill shall be continuous over three or more spans. If steel deck units with concrete fill span less than 3 spans, the deck units shall be shored, u.n.o. steel roof deck units shall be continuous over two or more spans, u.n.o. H. All exterior exposed or high moisture area decks are to be galvanized. Galvanized deck to be zinc coated steel per ATSM A653, grade 33 minimum (minimum yield of 38 ksi) and ASTM A653, G60 with the profile, depth and uncoated thickness as indicated on the drawings. All metal accessories are to have the same gauge as the decking, uno. Upon completion of erection, all welds on galvanized steel deck areas shall be de-slagged, cleaned and touched-up with a zinc rich primer. 2. 3. Light Gauge trusses shall be designed to support self weight plus live load and superimposed dead loads including all mechanical units, point loads "P" in pounds, chord force "CF" in pounds, lateral force "V" in pounds per foot, and uplift forces "U" in pounds, as specified on the framing plans. Bridging size and spacing shall be specified by the truss manufacturer unless otherwise noted. 3. All truss designs shall comply with ANSI/AISI/COFS/TRUSS-2007 North American standard for cold-formed steel framing-truss design 2007. 4. All trusses are to be engineered by a truss manufacturer. Shop drawings and calculations shall be supplied for each truss and sealed by an engineer licensed in the appropriate state per the appropriate discipline. Submit shop drawings and calculations to the structural engineer for review. 5. Shop drawings shall include the following information: A. The allowable loads in pounds per effective screw for the connections and members used as allowed by ICC-ES and ICC-ES Report Number B. Connections to structure C. Top and bottom chord design loads in psf. D. Size, gauge, and exact location by Dim. of all connectors E. The member gauge shape, yield strength F. The name and trademark of the manufacturer. The truss fabricator and the project name and address G. Computed mid-span deflection (total load) H. Any special details required at bearing points. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Handle and install trusses according to LGSEA-field installation guide for cold-formed steel roof trusses; Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association. 7. Truss designer shall design erection bracing and permanent bridging/bracing of truss chords and webs. 8. Truss manufacturer to design connections to structure uno. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. For exterior and interior load bearing walls use steel structural wall bridging spaced evenly at 4'-0" oc. max., uno. Except as specifically noted on the drawings. Contractor, at his own option, may use continuous cold rolled channel bridging centered in stud punch outs. Steel structural stud wall bridging shall be a minimum same size and ga. shown on the drawings, through stud punch outs. WELDING A. Welding of steel structural members connections shall be done using fillet, plug, butt or seam welds with a minimum as specified in AWS D1.3. Use AWS type 6013 welding rods, minimum. FASTENERS AND HARDWARE A. For exterior walls use #10 HILTI KWIK FLEX self drilling screws or approved equal at spacing noted on plans and details, uno. B. For interior walls use #8 HILTI KWIK-PRO self drilling screws or approved equal at spacing noted on plans and details, uno. C. Anchor light gage framing to base structure with approved expansion bolts, epoxies, screws, actuated fasteners, etc as specified in the construction documents. For additional information see the appropriate fastener notes. D. All screws shall be placed 3/4" min. from any edge of studs. E. Typical top of parapet shall be 1 1/4" track x same ga. stud depth as wall with 1-#10 screw at each side of each stud, uno. F. Specified hardware shall be Simpson Strong-Tie or approved equal installed per manufacturer's recommendations, uno. Precast Concrete Wall Panels (Tilt-up) 1. STEEL DECK: A. Deck shall be cold rolled steel factory primer painted uno., and conforming to ASTM A 1008 grade 33 minimum (minimum yield of 38ksi), with the profile, depth, and uncoated thickness as indicated on the drawings. All metal accessories are to have the same gauge as the decking, uno. N. 2. 6. Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam E. Joist bearings are shown flat in the details. Adjust for slope as required. Provide continuous 14 gage L- shaped strip if supporting steel members are not flat with respect to decking. C. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:40 PM Typical slotted slip track shall be 14 ga. for exterior walls, uno. and 18 ga. for interior walls, uno. I. 11. 9. D. WELDING: A. All welding shall comply to the American Welding Society Standard (AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.8). All welded joints shall be detailed as indicated by the prequalified joint details in the Structural Welding Code. B. 8. Top chords of joists shall be designed for the seismic or wind Axial collector forces (tension or compression) shown on plan. SF = Strut Force. Strut forces shown on plans do not include overstrength or load factors. Dead Load Dead Load Live Loads Uplift Wp (To be used Seismic Axial Force) G. G. Steel joist fabricator shall design joist and joist girder bearings to resist a horizontal force acting parallel to the joist. The force shall be the greater of: The seismic force, Fp=0.8 SDS Wp (per ASCE 7-05 section or 5% of total Dead Load + Live Load (per ASCE 7-05 section Typical gap at slotted slip track shall be 3/4", uno. =XX psf =XX psf =XX psf =XX psf 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 D. C. ROOF WIND LOAD NET (UPLIFT) DEAD LOAD TOP CHORD DEAD LOAD BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY Steel joist fabricator shall design and provide joist bridging as required by current SJI and AISC recommendations. As a minimum contractor is responsible for end bay bridging for wind uplift. All joists 40 feet and longer must have a row of bolted bridging in place prior to slackening of hoisting lines. All cold-formed steel construction shall be in accordance with the latest American Iron and Steel Institute standards and guidelines. Superimposed Design criteria Loads (unless noted otherwise): 9. The Structural Engineer's review of the shop drawings is only for general conformance with design concepts and project requirements, and does not imply approval of any variance from the contract documents. Dimension and quantities will not be checked by the Structural Engineer. STRUCTURAL DESIGN NOTES C. B. 1. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Steel joist fabricator shall submit shop drawings and calculations sealed by an engineer licensed in the appropriate state per the appropriate discipline for EOR records prior to project closeout. GENERAL FRAMING A. Steel structural studs 16 ga. and thicker shall have yield strength Fy = 50 ksi. JOB TITLE In addition to the steel included on the drawings, the contractor shall provide a 5% allowance of steel to be finished, fabricated and installed during the progression as may be directed by the structural engineer. In the event the allowance is not completely exhausted, the contractor should be prepared to issue a credit to the owner for the remaining portion of the allowance. B. 1. SHEET TITLE Designing, detailing, fabrication, and erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (latest edition and supplements). See general notes for additional information. OPEN WEB STEEL JOISTS A. Steel joists and joist girders shall conform to SJI CJ-1.0, SJI K-1.1, SJI LH/DLH-1.1 & SJI JG-1.1 published by the Steel Joint Institute (SJI) and as adopted by the International Building Code Section 2206. Date 3. 10. Description 2. Submit shop drawings to structural engineer indicating fabrication of structural steel components. Include details of cuts, connections, splices, camber, holes and other pertinent data. Include embedment drawings. Indicate welds by standard AWS symbols, distinguishing between shop and field welds,and show size, length and type of each weld. Indicate type, size and length of bolts distinguish between shop and field bolts. Identify retensioned and slip-critical high strength bolted connections. Cold Formed Trusses 100% DD SET 02/21/14 1. Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members Rev. Structural Steel DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S0.04 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES Y NE For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus 5. Slab on grade shall be 4" thick concrete with 4x4 W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric, placed 2" clear from top of concrete. See architectural drawings for slab depressions, slopes, etc. 6. Top of exterior footing shall be elevation 98'-0" min. and top TOF of interior footing shall be 99'-4" min., typ. uno. thus X'-X" 7. Contractor to coordinate slab on grade control joints with 3/S5.01. 8. S 9. For typical concrete/foundation details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. STAMP 11. See Geo-Tech report for underslab and footing requirements. 12. C# 13. F# and CF# Denotes footing type, see footing schedule on sheet S4.01. MATCHLINE B CJ Denotes masonry control joint location, see 3/S5.11 for construction. Coordinate with architectural for locations. Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see 5/S5.01 where applicable. Contractor to coordinate placement of utilities thru or adjacent to the footings or stem walls with detail 1/S5.01 or the footings may be stepped per 2/S2.01 at contractors option, typ. 19. For typical elevated concrete pad or curb construction see 6/S5.02 or 7/S5.02. Coordinate size, location, and thickness with equipment supplier. 20. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 21. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. X Y KEY PLAN 2 S3.01 NORTH NWQ SWQ FOUNDATION PLAN 1 OVERALL 1/8" = 1'-0" N NEQ SEQ This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. SE Rev. MA TC HL INE A C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:42 PM SW 100% DD SET 02/21/14 Description Date SHEET TITLE MATCHLINE A S3.01 MATCHLINE B 8" Masonry wall f'm = 1500 psi #5 vertical at 24" oc., centered 2-#5 horizontal at 48" oc. in bond beam. Provide additional reinforcing at wall openings, ends, corners and intersections per detail sheet S5.11, special inspection is required. See sheet S5.11 for masonry typ. details. Solid grout all cells. All masonry bearing walls are to be considered SFRS . 18. 3 MATCHLINE B Denotes base plate type, see schedule and details on sheet S4.01. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 17. Denotes column type, see column schedule on sheet S4.01. BPL # 15. 16. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN 14. 1 Indicates step(s) in footing, see 2/S5.01. .Denotes holdown per plan or see X/S4.0X for Holdown schedule. 10. S3.01 S JOB TITLE A INE HL TC MA NW 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Foundation Notes: DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.01 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES Y 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus 5. Slab on grade shall be 4" thick concrete with 4x4 W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric, placed 2" clear from top of concrete. See architectural drawings for slab depressions, slopes, etc. 6. Top of exterior footing shall be elevation 98'-0" min. and top TOF of interior footing shall be 99'-4" min., typ. uno. thus X'-X" S 9. For typical concrete/foundation details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. 11. See Geo-Tech report for underslab and footing requirements. 12. C# 13. F# and CF# Denotes footing type, see footing schedule on sheet S4.01. 14. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 CF3 17. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. Denotes base plate type, see schedule and details on sheet S4.01. 8" Masonry wall f'm = 1500 psi #5 vertical at 24" oc., centered 2-#5 horizontal at 48" oc. in bond beam. Provide additional reinforcing at wall openings, ends, corners and intersections per detail sheet S5.11, special inspection is required. See sheet S5.11 for masonry typ. details. Solid grout all cells. All masonry bearing walls are to be considered SFRS . CF3 16. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Denotes column type, see column schedule on sheet S4.01. BPL # 15. NE Indicates step(s) in footing, see 2/S5.01. .Denotes holdown per plan or see X/S4.0X for Holdown schedule. 10. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 S CJ Denotes masonry control joint location, see 3/S5.11 for construction. Coordinate with architectural for locations. Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see 5/S5.01 where applicable. 18. Contractor to coordinate placement of utilities thru or adjacent to the footings or stem walls with detail 1/S5.01 or the footings may be stepped per 2/S2.01 at contractors option, typ. 19. For typical elevated concrete pad or curb construction see 6/S5.02 or 7/S5.02. Coordinate size, location, and thickness with equipment supplier. 20. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 21. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. F4 F4 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY NW 8. STAMP FOUNDATION PLAN - NW QUADRANT .03 /S1 E1 , SE INE HL TC MA CF 3 Contractor to coordinate slab on grade control joints with 3/S5.01. JOB TITLE CF 3 7. F4 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Foundation Notes: F4 F4 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 Date X SE N KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. FLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN NW QUADRANT 1 FIRST 3/16" = 1'-0" Y 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:43 PM SW Description CF4 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 CF3 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 CF4 S3.01 CF3 1 CF4 CF4 SHEET TITLE 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 MATCHLINE B DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.02 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus 5. Slab on grade shall be 4" thick concrete with 4x4 W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric, placed 2" clear from top of concrete. See architectural drawings for slab depressions, slopes, etc. 6. Top of exterior footing shall be elevation 98'-0" min. and top TOF of interior footing shall be 99'-4" min., typ. uno. thus 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Foundation Notes: X'-X" 8. S 9. For typical concrete/foundation details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. 11. See Geo-Tech report for underslab and footing requirements. 12. C# 13. F# and CF# Denotes footing type, see footing schedule on sheet S4.01. 14. CF3 17. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. Denotes base plate type, see schedule and details on sheet S4.01. 8" Masonry wall f'm = 1500 psi #5 vertical at 24" oc., centered 2-#5 horizontal at 48" oc. in bond beam. Provide additional reinforcing at wall openings, ends, corners and intersections per detail sheet S5.11, special inspection is required. See sheet S5.11 for masonry typ. details. Solid grout all cells. All masonry bearing walls are to be considered SFRS . CJ Denotes masonry control joint location, see 3/S5.11 for construction. Coordinate with architectural for locations. Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see 5/S5.01 where applicable. 18. Contractor to coordinate placement of utilities thru or adjacent to the footings or stem walls with detail 1/S5.01 or the footings may be stepped per 2/S2.01 at contractors option, typ. 19. For typical elevated concrete pad or curb construction see 6/S5.02 or 7/S5.02. Coordinate size, location, and thickness with equipment supplier. 20. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 21. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. CF3 F4 Denotes column type, see column schedule on sheet S4.01. BPL # 15. 16. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY CF3 .02 /S1 E1 , SE INE HL TC MA 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 Indicates step(s) in footing, see 2/S5.01. .Denotes holdown per plan or see X/S4.0X for Holdown schedule. 10. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 S STAMP JOB TITLE NE Contractor to coordinate slab on grade control joints with 3/S5.01. FOUNDATION PLAN - NE QUADRANT 7. CF3 CF3 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 Date CF3 CF3 CF3 3 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 X KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. FLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN NE QUADRANT 1 FIRST 3/16" = 1'-0" N 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:45 PM Description MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 CF3 S3.01 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. SHEET TITLE F4 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.03 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES Y NE For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus 5. Slab on grade shall be 4" thick concrete with 4x4 W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric, placed 2" clear from top of concrete. See architectural drawings for slab depressions, slopes, etc. 6. Top of exterior footing shall be elevation 98'-0" min. and top TOF of interior footing shall be 99'-4" min., typ. uno. thus X'-X" 7. CF4 Contractor to coordinate slab on grade control joints with 3/S5.01. 8. S 9. For typical concrete/foundation details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 CF4 CF4 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 CF3 S3.01 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 X 11. See Geo-Tech report for underslab and footing requirements. 12. C# 13. F# and CF# Denotes footing type, see footing schedule on sheet S4.01. CF4 14. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 Indicates step(s) in footing, see 2/S5.01. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and isMATCHLINE not a final,B signed and sealed document .Denotes holdown per plan or see X/S4.0X for Holdown schedule. 10. 1 S STAMP Denotes column type, see column schedule on sheet S4.01. BPL # 15. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. Denotes base plate type, see schedule and details on sheet S4.01. 8" Masonry wall f'm = 1500 psi #5 vertical at 24" oc., centered 2-#5 horizontal at 48" oc. in bond beam. Provide additional reinforcing at wall openings, ends, corners and intersections per detail sheet S5.11, special inspection is required. See sheet S5.11 for masonry typ. details. Solid grout all cells. All masonry bearing walls are to be considered SFRS . F4 F4 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY NW 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Foundation Notes: F4 17. 18. Contractor to coordinate placement of utilities thru or adjacent to the footings or stem walls with detail 1/S5.01 or the footings may be stepped per 2/S2.01 at contractors option, typ. 19. For typical elevated concrete pad or curb construction see 6/S5.02 or 7/S5.02. Coordinate size, location, and thickness with equipment supplier. 20. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 21. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. F4 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 SHEET TITLE CF 3 Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see 5/S5.01 where applicable. MA TC HL INE , SE E1 /S1 .05 SW Date CF 3 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 3 CF Description 3 CF N KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. FLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN NW QUADRANT 1 FIRST 3/16" = 1'-0" Y 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:46 PM 3 CF This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. CF3 SE Denotes masonry control joint location, see 3/S5.11 for construction. Coordinate with architectural for locations. JOB TITLE F4 CJ FOUNDATION PLAN - SW QUADRANT 16. DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.04 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus 5. Slab on grade shall be 4" thick concrete with 4x4 W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric, placed 2" clear from top of concrete. See architectural drawings for slab depressions, slopes, etc. 6. Top of exterior footing shall be elevation 98'-0" min. and top TOF of interior footing shall be 99'-4" min., typ. uno. thus 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Foundation Notes: X'-X" 8. S 9. For typical concrete/foundation details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 X CF3 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 11. See Geo-Tech report for underslab and footing requirements. 12. C# 13. F# and CF# Denotes footing type, see footing schedule on sheet S4.01. 14. CF 3 17. CF3 CF3 F4 ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. Denotes base plate type, see schedule and details on sheet S4.01. 8" Masonry wall f'm = 1500 psi #5 vertical at 24" oc., centered 2-#5 horizontal at 48" oc. in bond beam. Provide additional reinforcing at wall openings, ends, corners and intersections per detail sheet S5.11, special inspection is required. See sheet S5.11 for masonry typ. details. Solid grout all cells. All masonry bearing walls are to be considered SFRS . F4 16. Denotes column type, see column schedule on sheet S4.01. BPL # 15. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document .Denotes holdown per plan or see X/S4.0X for Holdown schedule. 10. MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 Indicates step(s) in footing, see 2/S5.01. CJ WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY S3.01 S STAMP Denotes masonry control joint location, see 3/S5.11 for construction. Coordinate with architectural for locations. Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see 5/S5.01 where applicable. 18. Contractor to coordinate placement of utilities thru or adjacent to the footings or stem walls with detail 1/S5.01 or the footings may be stepped per 2/S2.01 at contractors option, typ. 19. For typical elevated concrete pad or curb construction see 6/S5.02 or 7/S5.02. Coordinate size, location, and thickness with equipment supplier. 20. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 21. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. FOUNDATION PLAN - SE QUADRANT 3 Contractor to coordinate slab on grade control joints with 3/S5.01. JOB TITLE CF3 7. 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 MA TC HL INE ,S EE 1 Date /S1 .04 CF 3 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SEE NOTE 4 CF 3 Description SE KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. FLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN NW QUADRANT 1 FIRST 3/16" = 1'-0" N 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:48 PM CF3 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. SHEET TITLE CF3 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.05 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES Y NE For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. 5. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus H# Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. 6. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 7. Floor Deck 3/4" APA T & G sheathing 40/20 (sub-floor) Nailing patterns 10d at 6" oc., all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. For additional information, see 6/S5.42 W O O D A INE HL TC MA 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Floor Framing Notes: NW Floor deck shall be 3 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 2"x18 ga. type W2 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 10'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. ST EE L 5 1/ 2" 7. STAMP Floor deck shall be 4 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 3"x18 ga. type W3 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 7 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7. Floor deck shall be 4" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 1 1/2"x18 ga. type B Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. S3.01 1 MATCHLINE B S3.01 MATCHLINE B MATCHLINE B X OVERALL FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 3 JOB TITLE ST EE L 5 1/ 2" ST EE L 7 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 1/ 2" 7. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document SW1 8. X'-X" 9. Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. For constructoion information, see 7/S5.42. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see X/Sx.0x where applicable. 10. Denotes kinked beam, see X/SX.0X. 11. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 12. J1 = Y 2 KEY PLAN S3.01 NORTH NWQ SWQ FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1 OVERALL 1/8" = 1'-0" N NEQ SEQ This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. SE 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:51 PM MA TC HL INE A SW Rev. Description Date SHEET TITLE Open web steel truss 16" deep at 32" oc. DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.06 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. 5. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus H# Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. 6. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 7. Floor Deck 3/4" APA T & G sheathing 40/20 (sub-floor) Nailing patterns 10d at 6" oc., all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. For additional information, see 6/S5.42 W O O D 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Floor Framing Notes: Y PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Floor deck shall be 3 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 2"x18 ga. type W2 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 10'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7. Floor deck shall be 4 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 3"x18 ga. type W3 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 7 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7. Floor deck shall be 4" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 1 1/2"x18 ga. type B Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 1/ 2" ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. 5 J NO 1, S TE EE 12 1/ 2" ST EE L 7 W 12 x2 6 J N O 1, S TE EE 12 NW ST EE L .03 /S1 E1 , SE INE HL TC MA 5 1/ 2" 7. STAMP FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - NW QUADRANT JOB TITLE ST EE L W 12 x2 6 E SE J1, E 12 T NO NE J NO 1, S TE EE 12 SW1 8. X'-X" 6 2x2 W1 W 12 x2 6 Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see X/Sx.0x where applicable. 10. Denotes kinked beam, see X/SX.0X. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 12. J1 = Open web steel truss 16" deep at 32" oc. MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 FRAMING PLAN NW QUADRANT 1 FLOOR 3/16" = 1'-0" Y SE N KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:52 PM SW 100% DD SET 02/21/14 Description MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 W16x26 S3.01 W24x68 1 W16x26 Date 6 6x2 W1 SHEET TITLE J1, SEE NOTE 12 6 2x2 W1 11. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 6 2x2 W1 9. Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. For constructoion information, see 7/S5.42. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.07 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 000# Roof supported mechanical unit with operating weight. Provide double joists at each end of unit and full depth blocking between main framing under mechanical unit curb. Coordinate exact location, size and number of deck penetrations with mechanical. 5. 000# Roof supported mechanical unit with operating weight. Provide C6X8.2 minimum framing under mechanical unit curb. Coordinate exact location, size and number of deck penetrations with mechanical. For additional information see 7/S5.21 uno. W O O D 5. H1 NE 7. Roof Deck, 19/32" APA sheathing 40/20 (exterior) Nailing patterns: 10d at 6" oc, all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. H1 W O O D Contractor to field coordinate roof openings and support framing locations. For typical deck reinforcing at deck penetrations, see 7/S5.21 Denotes snow drift area to be included in joist design by manufacturer. Loads are as indicated on the snow drift schedule S4.0x. 6 2x2 W1 E SE J1, E 12 T NO 10. 6 2x2 W1 For beam to beam or beam to column connection see 1/S5.21 and 2/S5.22 unless specifically detailed. X'-X" H# 11. W12x40 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY W12x40 6 2x2 W1 E SE J1, E 12 T NO Roof deck shall be 1 1/2" x 18 ga. Verco HSB36 deck or equal. Deck shall span continuous over 3 or more spans (4 supports). (UNO) Shore single spans where they exceed 8'-0". See architectural drawings for insulation, roofing, etc. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2” dia. net effective puddle welds. A. Perpendicular bearings: 7 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 12" oc. C. 3/16” dia. Button punch: side lap at 12” oc. 8. 9. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. ST EE L 7. J1, SEE NOTE 12 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Roof hung mechanical with operating weight. Provide unit support, see x/Sx.0x. 000# 6. W12x40 Denotes bottom of deck elevation. Work point is a projection up from grid or the center of framing/wall below. Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. SW1 E SE J1, E 12 T NO 12. 13. X'-X" Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . Shading denotes overbuild framing, see x and x/Sx.0x. 6 2x2 W1 Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 15. RJ = Pre-Manufactured light gauge trusses at 24" oc. W12x40 0 2x3 W1 14. 2 2x2 W1 W14x26 SHEET TITLE J1, SEE NOTE 12 0 2x3 W1 2 2x2 W1 3 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 X KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1 PRELIMINARY 3/16" = 1'-0" N 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:56 PM Description MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 Date W12x40 S3.01 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. .02 /S1 E1 , SE INE HL TC MA 6 2x2 W1 5. STAMP FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - NE QUADRANT H2 2. JOB TITLE H2 For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. ST EE L H1 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Roof Framing Notes: DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.08 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. 5. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus H# Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. 6. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 7. Floor Deck 3/4" APA T & G sheathing 40/20 (sub-floor) Nailing patterns 10d at 6" oc., all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. For additional information, see 6/S5.42 NE W O O D MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.05 1/ 2" X Floor deck shall be 4 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 3"x18 ga. type W3 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 7 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7. Floor deck shall be 4" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 1 1/2"x18 ga. type B Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY ST EE L 7 W1 2x2 6 1/ 2" SW1 EE 2 ,S 1 J1 TE NO 8. X'-X" 9. Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. For constructoion information, see 7/S5.42. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see X/Sx.0x where applicable. 10. Denotes kinked beam, see X/SX.0X. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 12. J1 = 6 x2 12 W 11. Open web steel truss 16" deep at 32" oc. SHEET TITLE EE 2 ,S 1 J1 TE NO Description MA TC HL INE , SE E1 /S1 .05 Date SW KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. N 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:58:58 PM Y PLAN SW QUADRANT 1 FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0" FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - SW QUADRANT J1 NO , SEE TE 12 JOB TITLE ST EE L 5 J1 NO , SEE TE 12 W1 2x2 6 6 x2 12 W W1 2x2 6 ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. 1/ 2" J1, SEE NOTE 12 7. SE 6 x2 12 W EE 2 ,SE 1 1 J T NO Floor deck shall be 3 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 2"x18 ga. type W2 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 10'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 5 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ST EE L MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 W1 6x2 6 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 W16x26 S3.01 W24x68 1 W16x26 7. STAMP This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. NW Y 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Floor Framing Notes: DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.09 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see Architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. 5. Top of concrete floor reference elevation = X'-X" 100'-0" typical uno thus H# Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. 6. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 7. Floor Deck 3/4" APA T & G sheathing 40/20 (sub-floor) Nailing patterns 10d at 6" oc., all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. For additional information, see 6/S5.42 W O O D 1. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Floor Framing Notes: STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.03 X W14x26 ST EE L MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.04 Floor deck shall be 3 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 2"x18 ga. type W2 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 10'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 5 MATCHLINE, SEE 1/S1.02 7. 1/ 2" W12x40 3 S3.01 7. Floor deck shall be 4 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 3"x18 ga. type W3 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 7 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7. Floor deck shall be 4" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 1 1/2"x18 ga. type B Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. For negative reinforcing over girder supports, see 6/S5.21. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 8'-0". For typical composite slab construction, see 4/S5.21. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21.Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. 7 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 1/ 2" W12x40 W1 2x3 0 J1, SEE NOTE 12 W1 2x2 2 ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. FLOOR FRAMING PLAN - SE QUADRANT JOB TITLE ST EE L W1 2x2 6 W12x40 J1 NO , SEE TE 12 5 1/ 2" W1 2x2 6 W1 2x3 0 ST EE L W1 2x2 2 8. W1 2x2 6 J1, SEE NOTE 12 Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. For constructoion information, see 7/S5.42. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . Denotes recess, sloped or elevated floor elevations, coordinate size and location with arch. Also see X/Sx.0x where applicable. 10. Denotes kinked beam, see X/SX.0X. 11. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 12. J1 = Open web steel truss 16" deep at 32" oc. N KEY PLAN NORTH NWQ SWQ NEQ SEQ Rev. PLAN SE QUADRANT 1 FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0" H1 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:00 PM H1 Description SE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. W1 2x2 6 MA TC HL INE ,S EE 1 Date /S1 .04 W12x40 SHEET TITLE W1 2x2 6 J1 NO , SEE TE 12 X'-X" 9. W12x40 J1 NO , SEE TE 12 SW1 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.10 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For typical framing details, see sheets Sx.0x thru Sx.0x. 000# Roof supported mechanical unit with operating weight. Provide double joists at each end of unit and full depth blocking between main framing under mechanical unit curb. Coordinate exact location, size and number of deck penetrations with mechanical. 5. 000# Roof supported mechanical unit with operating weight. Provide C6X8.2 minimum framing under mechanical unit curb. Coordinate exact location, size and number of deck penetrations with mechanical. For additional information see 7/S5.21 uno. W O O D 5. Y NE ST EE L RJ, SEE NOTE 15 RJ, SEE NOTE 15 5. NW Roof hung mechanical with operating weight. Provide unit support, see x/Sx.0x. 000# 6. Contractor to field coordinate roof openings and support framing locations. For typical deck reinforcing at deck penetrations, see 7/S5.21 7. Roof Deck, 19/32" APA sheathing 40/20 (exterior) Nailing patterns: 10d at 6" oc, all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document W O O D ROOF TRUSSES AT 24" OC. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Roof Framing Notes: ROOF TRUSSES AT 24" OC. RJ, SEE NOTE 15 Roof deck shall be 1 1/2" x 18 ga. Verco HSB36 deck or equal. Deck shall span continuous over 3 or more spans (4 supports). (UNO) Shore single spans where they exceed 8'-0". See architectural drawings for insulation, roofing, etc. For support of steel deck at columns, see 3/S5.21. Weld deck using 1/2” dia. net effective puddle welds. A. Perpendicular bearings: 7 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 12" oc. C. 3/16” dia. Button punch: side lap at 12” oc. 8. 9. 10. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 7. RJ, SEE NOTE 15 ST EE L RJ, SEE NOTE 15 Denotes snow drift area to be included in joist design by manufacturer. Loads are as indicated on the snow drift schedule S4.0x. For beam to beam or beam to column connection see 1/S5.21 and 2/S5.22 unless specifically detailed. X'-X" H# 11. Denotes bottom of deck elevation. Work point is a projection up from grid or the center of framing/wall below. Denotes header/beam, see schedule on S4.01. SW1 1 S3.01 13. RJ, SEE NOTE 15 Denotes shearwall, see schedule x/Sx.0x. All shearwalls are to be considered SFRS . Shading denotes overbuild framing, see x and x/Sx.0x. 14. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. 15. RJ = Pre-Manufactured light gauge trusses at 24" oc. ROOF FRAMING PLAN S3.01 X'-X" JOB TITLE 12. 3 RJ, SEE NOTE 15 RJ, SEE NOTE 15 RJ, SEE NOTE 15 Date RJ, SEE NOTE 15 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:04 PM RJ, SEE NOTE 15 RJ, SEE NOTE 15 SE Y 2 S3.01 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 1 PRELIMINARY 1/8" = 1'-0" N 100% DD SET 02/21/14 SW Rev. Description ROOF TRUSSES AT 24" OC. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. SHEET TITLE ROOF TRUSSES AT 24" OC. DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S1.11 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam PLAN NOTES 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For stair framing typical details, see S2.02. 5. Landings shall be: 3/4" APA T & G sheathing 40/20 (sub-floor) Nailing patterns 10d at 6" oc., all panel edges 10d at 12" oc. at intermediate supports stagger panel joints. 6. Landings shall be 3 1/2" hardrock concrete over the flutes of 2"x18 ga. type W2 Verco steel deck, or approved equal. Total thickness = 5 1/2". Reinforce with 6x6 W2.9xW2.9 WWF placed 1 1/2" clear from top of concrete. Deck shall be continuous for 3 or more spans (4-supports) where possible, shore deck where single spans exceed 10'-0". Weld deck using 1/2" diameter net effective puddle welds: A. Perpendicular bearings: 4 welds per sheet per support. B. Parallel edges at 18" oc. C. Side seams: Button punch side seams at 24" oc. NE 7. STAIR 1 FRAMING PLAN NE QUADRANT 1 ENLARGED 1/4" = 1'-0" N STAIR 2 FRAMING PLAN SE QUADRANT 2 ENLARGED 1/4" = 1'-0" N 8. 9. 10. STAMP Treads shall be 12 ga. pans filled with 2" of hardrock concrete min. uno. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document Denotes kinked beam, see X/SX.XX. Exterior non-structural light gauge framing shown for reference only. For additional information see LG series light gauge framing drawings. Typical non-bearing cold form stud framing details are shown on S5.31 and S5.32. Sizes as follows: A. Headers - 2-600S137-54 and 600T150-54 uno. see 16/S5.05. B. Typical exterior framing - 600S137-33 at 16" oc uno. C. Jamb stud - 2-600S137-54 uno. D. Horizontal Bridging - see 2, 3, or 4/S5.32. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY SE 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Stair Plan Notes: JOB TITLE SW STAIR 4 FRAMING PLAN NW QUADRANT 4 ENLARGED 1/4" = 1'-0" N This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:08 PM Description Date SHEET TITLE STAIR 3 FRAMING PLAN SW QUADRANT 3 ENLARGED 1/4" = 1'-0" N ENLARGED PLANS NW DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S2.01 MC12x10.6 TYP. OF 3 1" SEE SEE PLAN 3/16 L3x3x1/4 x0'-3" LONG WITH 5/8" DIA. E.B. EACH STRINGER CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE SEE PLAN The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see architectural plans for dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For concrete and foundation typical details, see sheets S5.01 and S5.02. 5. Slab on grade construction is called out on plans. Coordinate slab on grade construction with sheet S5.01. 11" 4 LANDING SUPPORT BEAM, SEE PLAN 6. Coordinate top of footing and top of slab elevations with foundation plans. 7. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 8. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 9. Coordinate non-shrink grout under steel columns with base plate schedule on sheet S4.01. 10. All rebar to maintain clear distances per concrete notes on sheet S0.04. 11. All hooked dowels are shown with 90° std. hook, see 5/S5.02. uno. 12. All rebar shall maintain tension lap splice, see 3/S5.02. 13. All dowels shall maintain development lengths, see 1/S5.02. 14. Concrete strengths are provided in notes on sheet S5.01. 1/4 4 1' - 6" 2 POST TO SLAB NO SCALE 16GA. BENT CLOSURE PLATE 12GA. STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL SEE PLAN CONCRETE. OVER STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN SEE PLAN 12GA STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL LANDING SUPPORT BEAM, SEE PLAN CJP 4 NO SCALE STRINGER, SEE PLAN SEE PLAN CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN SEE PLAN CONNECTION, SEE _______ 1 STRINGER, SEE PLAN CONCRETE/STEEL PAN STAIR UP FROM LANDING 12 GA STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL LANDING SUPPORT BEAM, SEE PLAN SEE PLAN 3 NO SCALE SEE PLAN 1/2 CONCRETE/STEEL PAN STAIR DOWN FROM LANDING S5.21 LANDING SUPPORT BEAM, SEE PLAN WEB EXTENSION AS REQUIRED FOR BOLTED CONNECTION 15. For structural steel typical details, see sheets S5.21 and S5.22. 16. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 17. For all top of steel, bottom of deck or finish floor elevations, see framing plans. 18. For floor deck size, attachment and span direction, see plans. DECK SEE PLAN SEE PLAN STRINGER, SEE PLAN 5 1/2" 1 NO SCALE PLATE 3/16" , CONT. WEB EXTENSION AS REQUIRED FOR BOLTED CONNECTION 3/16 3/16 2-12 2-12 STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. BEAM, SEE PLAN CONNECTION, 1 SEE_______ S5.21 NO SCALE 8 DECK CLOSURE 9 NO SCALE STAIR FRAMING TYPICAL DETAILS NO SCALE 7 CONCRETE/STEEL PAN STAIR UP FROM LANDING, WIDE FLANGE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:10 PM Description Date SHEET TITLE 6 CONCRETE/STEEL PAN STAIR DOWN FROM LANDING, WIDE FLANGE JOB TITLE 4 CONCRETE/STEEL PAN STAIR WITH OFFSET UP FROM LANDING NO SCALE 2. SEE PLAN 2-#5 CONT. STEEL PAN STAIR AT CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE 1/4 For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.04. STRINGER EXTENSION 1/4 EXTEND THICKENED SLAB FOR STAIR WIDTH PLUS 1'-6" ON EACH SIDE 1. CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN LANDING SUPPORT BEAM, SEE PLAN SEE SEE PLAN CONCRETE SLAB, SEE PLAN PLATE 5/8"x9"x0'-9" WITH 4-5/8" DIA. x3" EMBED EXPANSION BOLTS ON 1 1/2" NON-SHRINK GROUT 12GA STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL SEE PLAN 12GA STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL ARCH. 3/16 EACH FLUTE STRINGER, SEE PLAN SEE PLAN 1/2 Stair Detail Notes: 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 HSS COLUMN SEE PLAN EACH FLUTE ARCH. 12 GA. STEEL PAN STAIRS WITH CONCRETE FILL STRINGER SEE PLAN WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam DETAIL NOTES DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S2.02 UP TO 16" 1 1/2" 17" TO 23" 2" 24" TO 35" 2 1/2" 36" AND OVER 3" DESIGNER, MAKE SURE YOU "SAVE AS" THIS FAMILY INTO THE PROJECT'S XREF FOLDER. DO NOT OVERIDE THE FAMILY IN TEMPLATE. DESIGNER TO COORDINATE THIS SCHEDULE WITH LIVE SCHEDULE. REMOVE / UNCHECK THIS NOTE WHEN PLOTTING BPL# THICKNESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" BASE PLATE SCHEDULE DIM 'B' DIM 'N' ANCHOR BOLT 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" BASE PLATE, SEE SCHEDULE PROVIDE 3" DIA. GROUT HOLE NEAR CENTER OF BASE PLATE TOP OF CONCRETE 2 _______ NON-SHRINK GROUT, SEE _______ S4.01 LEVELING NUT MAY BE PROVIDED IF REQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR TYPE 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 4-3/4" DIA. x 9" EMBED. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 MINIMUM NON-SHRINK GROUT THICKNESS * PROVIDE BOLT WITH HEAVY HEX-HEAD AND NUT OR PLAIN BAR THREADED AT BOTH ENDS WITH HEAVY HEX NUT AT EACH END SEE SCHEDULE BASE PLATE MINIMUM WIDTH ANCHOR BOLTS, SEE SCHEDULE Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam NON-SHRINK GROUT SCHEDULE SPOIL THREADS TWO PLACES BELOW NUT A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A STAMP NOTES: 1. Minimum grout thickness shall be 2 times the anchor bolts diameter. 2. Minimum grout strength shall be f'c= 7,000 psi. TYPICAL NON-SHRINK GROUT AT BASE PLATE HEAVY HEX NUT OR BOLT HEAD 2 TYPICAL HEADED ANCHOR BOLT NO SCALE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document 3 NO SCALE ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. NOTES: 2 1. For grout thickness see schedule on _______ . S4.01 "B" SEE SCHEDULE "B" SEE SCHEDULE 1 1/2" TYP. TYPE "B" SEE SCHEDULE "B" SEE SCHEDULE HSS COLUMN 1/4 BASE PLATE DETAIL C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:12 PM NO SCALE C WIDTH CF3 CF4 F4 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 4' - 0" CONT. CONT. 4' - 0" 1' - 0" 1' - 0" 1' - 0" - REMARKS 4-#5 CONT. 5-#5 CONT. 5-#5 EACH WAY OR AISC MIN. WIDE FLANGE COLUMN TYPE NOTES: 1. All rebar to be evenly distributed in footing with minimum required clearances from edges. 2. Footing intersections and corners, see _______ 3 CENTERLINE OF COLUMN CENTERLINE OF COLUMN TYPE MARK Schedule-FOOTING (30x42) Live SIZE REINFORCING LENGTH THICKNESS TOP BOTTOM SHEET TITLE OR AISC MIN. "N" SEE SCHEDULE 1/4 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 3" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. "N" SEE SCHEDULE 3" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. B SCHEDULES A CENTERLINE OF COLUMN S5.02 D 1 FOOTING SCHEDULE 4 NO SCALE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. CENTERLINE OF COLUMN HSS COLUMN Date HSS COLUMN OR AISC MIN. JOB TITLE 1/4 Description OR AISC MIN. Rev. 1 1/2" TYP. 1/4 TYPE 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. "N" SEE SCHEDULE 1 1/2" TYP. 1 1/2" TYP. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 1 1/2" TYP. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY typ. for bolt grade, see steel notes on sheet S5.22. "N" SEE SCHEDULE 2. Anchor bolt detail, see 3 _______ S4.01 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S4.01 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam LINTEL SCHEDULE MARK OPENING WIDTH HEIGHT "H" - 0'-0" - 4'-0" 24" 2-#5 2-#5 - 1500 - - - 4'-1" - 6'-0" 32" 2-#5 2-#5 - 1500 - - - 6'-1" - 8'-0" 48" 2-#5 2-#5 - 1500 - - L1 SEE PLAN 16" 2-#5 2-#5 - 1500 A - L2 SEE PLAN 40" 4-#5 4-#5 #3 AT 8" OC 1500 B - L3 SEE PLAN 56" L4 SEE PLAN 64" O T R E E N I G N E PLAN 2-#5 2-#3 AT 8" OC 1500 C 2-12" SIDE BY SIDE 2-#5 2-#5 2-#3 AT 8" OC 1500 D - . SEE PLAN TOP OF WALL OR SILL ETC. U-BARS TO MATCH VERT. WALL REINF. TYP. SEE TOP OF WALL OR SILL ETC. PLAN 1 1/2" CLR. SEE PLAN STIRRUPS REINF. TOP OF WALL OR SILL ETC. MARK "t" "w" C1 1'-4" 1'-4" C2 1'-6" 3'-0" C3 8'-0" 7'-7 3/8" C4 2'-0" 2'-0" REINFORCING VERTICAL HORIZONTAL 1-#6 EACH CORNER 1-#4 AT 12" OC. O T R E E N I G N E STRENGTH F'm/F'c (psi) T I D E REMARKS TYPE 4000 A - 4000 C - 10-#6 EVENLY 5-EACH FACE 1-#4 AT 12" OC. 1-#7 AT 12" OC. 1-#4 AT 12" OC. 4000 D INNER AND OUTER LAYER BARS 3-#5 1-#4 AT 12" OC. 4000 B - STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document NOTES: 1. For reinforcing placement, see . 2. All rebar centered in each cell, uno. 3. Pilasters shown on 2nd floor are to be cont to foundation uno. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. "w" STIRRUPS REINF. ALT. SIDES "w" "t" WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY "t" LINTEL REINF. U-BARS TO MATCH VERT. WALL REINF. TYP. HORIZ. WALL REINF. STIRRUPS REINF. ALT. SIDES "H" 1 1/2" CLR. "H" HORIZ. WALL REINF. LINTEL REINF. CONCRETE COLUMN SCHEDULE 2-#5 TOP OF WALL OR SILL ETC. STIRRUPS REINF. T I D E "H" SEE STRENGTH F'm/F'c (psi) TYPE "H" NOTES: 1. Typical lintel jamb construction, see 2. 1-#5 each face horizontal bars at 16" oc. F'm = STIRRIPS 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 REINFORCING BOTTOM BARS TOP BARS 2" CLR. MIN. 180° HOOK TYPE A TYPE LINTEL SCHEDULE AND SECTIONS B 2" CLR. MIN. TYPE LINTEL REINF. C 2" CLR. MIN. TYPE TYPE D 1 A TYPE B CONCRETE COLUMN SCHEDULE AND SECTIONS 2 NO SCALE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:13 PM Description Date SHEET TITLE SCHEDULES - MASONRY PILASTER/LINTEL JOB TITLE NO SCALE LINTEL REINF. DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S4.02 BOTTOM OF FOOTING ELEVATION 5. 1 _______ S5.01 SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR EXISTING UTILITIES 6. 2 7. 1 EXISTING UTILITY PARALLEL TO FOUNDATION 9" SLEEVE SEE NOTE 5 AND 6 2x"S" MIN. ELEVATION SECTION UTILITY (PIPES) THROUGH FOUNDATIONS PILASTER, SEE PLAN OR SCHED. GRID "t" EQ 18" 7" - 8" 3/8"x4 1/2"x4 1/2" 18" 9" - 11" 3/4"x4 1/2"x4 1/2" 20" DIAMOND LOAD PLATE SPACING CENTER TO CENTER - INCHES SECTION X 3" MIN. CONC. COVER AT STRUCTURAL STEEL 4 CURB WHERE OCCURS, 6 SEE DETAIL _______ 18 #4 S5.01 AT 24" OC. 18 SLAB ON GRADE 1-#4xCONT. WITH 1'-6" BENDS OR 1'-6"x1'-6" DWLS. AT CORNERS AND ENDS 2 TOP OF CONC. = Second Strips to be divided by construction joints at the centerline of columns where they occur and subdivided as required into areas not exceeding 225 sqft. by construction joints. In areas where columns do not occur provide construction and contraction joints as above. Contractors shall obtain architect's approval for all joint locations. Diamond dowel system R is manufactured by PNA Construction Technologies, Inc. or Engineered approved Equivalent. Comply with ACI302.IR04, ACI360R-06 and ACI detailing material (SP66). Use internal vibration to consolidate concrete around diamond shear plate, per industry guidelines. SUB-GRADE, SEE GEO-TECH. REPORT 1'-6" MIN. OR 6(t) WHICH EVER IS GREATER 1' - 6" 3 GREATER THAN 8" 1'-8" MAX. #4 DWLS. AT 24" OC. 1" CLR. SLAB ON GRADE TOP OF CONC. #4 DWLS. AT 16" OC. RECTANGULAR OR ROUND OPENING SLAB ON GRADE 2-#5 CONT. 6" WALL WITH #4 AT 24" OC EACH WAY, MIN. HORIZ. REINF. 1-#4 TOP AND BOT. NOTES: 1. For location and depth or Arch. dwgs. STEP IN SLAB ON GRADE NO SCALE 5 16" MIN. 2-#4 CONT. WITH 1'-6" BENDS OR 1'-6"x1'-6" DWLS. AT CORNERS AND AT END OR CURB WHERE CONC. OR CMU WALL OCCURS 2-#4x 4'-0" AT CENTERLINE OF SLAB, TYPICAL AT ALL SLAB CORNERS NO SCALE PLAN . 3" REINF. BARS CLEAN AND ROUGHEN JOINT TYP. NOTES: 1. Size and locate curbs as required. 2. Provide inserts in curbs as per Arch. and Mech. dwgs. 3. For height see Arch. or Mech. 10" max. CONCRETE CURB A SHEET TITLE = First FOR DIMENSIONS, SEE PLAN, ARCH., MECH., ETC. CURB WIDTH AS REQ'D. 8" OR LESS, 4" MIN. SECTION 6 A OPENING IN SLAB ON GRADE 7 NO SCALE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:16 PM COLUMN OR WALL FACE NO SCALE 1' - 0" NO SCALE ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. SECTION Y STD. 90° HOOK SLAB JOINT INFORMATION For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. PLAN C COLUMN ISOLATION JOINTS 1' - 0" 7. 11. 3" MIN. CONC. COVER AT STRUCT. STEEL NOTES: 1. Slab shall be placed in strip pattern. 6. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. Date 225 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM, TYPICAL 10. Description 2 For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document FOUNDATION TYPICAL DETAILS 1/4"x4 1/2"x4 1/2" 4. 5. 9. STAMP Rev. SEE DETAIL A B For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. JOB TITLE < 6" 3. 8. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 S5.01 For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 0" 1 7. EDGE OF SLAB OR PIT WALL ETC., SEE PLAN DIAMOND LOAD PLATE DIMENSIONS - INCHES 2. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 2' - ISOLATION JOINT AT COLUMNS, SEE 4 DETAIL_______ VARIES SEE NOTE 3 SLAB DEPTH - INCHES 1 6. GRID SEE NOTE 3 2 SUB-GRADE SEE GEO-TECH. REPORT ALT. CONSTRUCTION JOINT REINF. C COLUMN CENTERLINE WHERE OCCUR Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. SUB-GRADE SEE GEO-TECH. REPORT SEE BELOW 1 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION R DOWEL SIZE AND SPACING FOR DIAMOND-SHAPED LOAD PLATES B FIRST POUR SLAB ON GRADE 3" MIN. WHERE POSSIBLE OTHERWISE PLACE IN CENTER OF SLAB CONTRACTION JOINT DIAMOND DOWEL PLATE SIZE AND SPACING, SEE TABLE DEPRESSION "t",8" MAX. SEE PLAN OR ARCH. DRAWINGS 2" CLR. UNO "t" NOTE: 1. CONTRACTION JOINT SPACING TO BE MAX. 12 FT FOR 4" SLABS 14 FT FOR 6" SLABS OR AS DIRECTED PER ACI 360 For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. R VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT, SAW CUT 1/8" WIDE x 1" DEEP MIN. SAWING MUST OCCUR AS SOON AS CONCRETE SURFACE IS FIRM ENOUGH SO CONCRETE WILL NOT BE DAMAGED, BUT NO LATER THAN 12 HOURS AFTER CONCRETE HAS BEEN PLACED A FINISH GRADE SEE ARCH. 4. S5.01 TYP. EDGE OF SLAB BARS CONT. SLAB ON GRADE EMBEDDED DIAMOND DOWEL POCKET CONSTRUCTION OR CONTRACTION JOINT, SEE _______ 3 PLAN B #4x4'-0" LONG SUB-GRADE SEE GEOTECH. REPORT CONSTRUCTION JOINT PLAN A Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. CONSTRUCTION JOINT NOTE: 1. Plan is similar at corners. _______ S5.01 6 MI " N. 3/4" DIA. x 16" LONG SMOOTH BAR DOWELS AT 24" OC, GREASE DOWELS ONE SIDE OF JOINT ONLY 30'-0" MAX. CONSTRUCTION OR CONTRACTION JOINT, SEE 3 3. TOOLED JOINTS AT EXPOSED AREAS Y 2'-6" MAX. SLAB BARS EQ 2" CLR. 2" #4x4'-0" LONG SP E SP CIF SE AC IED E T ING AB LE EDGE OF SLAB, SEE 00° 45. 2" NOTES: 1. Contractors shall obtain architect's approval for all joint locations. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 4" N. I M CONSTRUCTION JOINT 2. WALL 90.00° . IN . M 4" TYP 90.00° W COL., HSS TUBE, PIPE OR CONC. COL. SEE PLAN OR SCHED. X CONT. BARS CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 2 STEPPED FOOTING NO SCALE GRID CONTRACTION JOINTS FOR LAP LENGTH SEE 2 _______ S5.02 NO SCALE REINF. BARS, SEE PLAN 3" CLR. TYP. REINF. SHALL MATCH LONGIT. FOOTING REINF. SIZE AND NUMBER 1 FOUNDATION AT OR ADJACENT TO EXCAVATIONS AND UTILITIES "t" MIN. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 0" FOUNDATION PARALLEL TO EXCAVATION Sleeves shall be minimum 1" clear all around pipes, conduit etc. 9" For pipes etc. within the footing thickness, step footing as required to pass pipes through stem wall. SLEEVE DIA. SEE NOTE 6 EXTEND CONC. AROUND SLEEVE SEE NOTE 5 1. 2' - BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION SHALL NOT EXTEND BELOW THIS LINE 3" C TY LR., P. 1'-6" MIN. 1 3" CLR. 1 "S" 2'-0" MAX. 2 Contractor shall adhere to the recommendations in the Geotechnical Notes, for all excavations, backfill requirements etc. Pipes passing through footings: Less than 3'-0" below foundation, provide sleeve and concrete. More than 3'-0" below foundation, step foundation per to 2 maintain 3'-0" Maximum. _______ "t" 4. Typical Detail Notes: S S SHOWN ON PLAN INDICATES THIS POINT OF THE STEPPED FOOTING S5.01 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam EXCAVATION PROVIDE DOWELS TO MATCH VERT. WALL REINF., SPACING, SIZE AND NUMBER BEND AS REQ'D. "t" MIN. FINISH GRADE TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES _______ S5.02 SEE NOTE 5 FINISH GRADE NOTES: 1. Contractor shall locate bottom of excavation to avoid surcharge on utilities and other foundations. 2. Contractor shall coordinate all excavations with foundation with foundation requirements. 2 3. Step foundation as required per _______ 3'-0" MAX. FOUNDATION 9" FOUNDATION FOR LAP. LENGTH SEE _______ 2 PIPES THRU FOUNDATION WALL 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 CONT. FOOTING SEE NOTE 7 .10'-0" DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.01 25 19 28 15 22 #4 29 43 22 33 25 37 19 29 #5 36 54 28 41 31 47 24 36 #6 43 64 33 50 37 56 29 43 #7 63 94 48 72 54 81 42 63 #8 72 107 55 82 62 93 48 71 #9 81 121 62 93 70 105 54 81 #10 91 136 70 105 79 118 61 91 #11 101 151 78 116 87 131 67 101 #14 121 181 93 139 105 157 81 121 #18 161 241 124 186 139 209 107 161 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 EXTEND BAR AS FAR AS POSSIBLE AND BEND WITH 90º STANDARD HOOK WHERE ℓd CANNOT BE ACHIEVED FACE OF SUPPORT ℓd TENSION DEVELOPMENT LENGTH (CONCRETE ONLY) #4 1 28 36 37 48 47 60 56 72 81 106 93 121 105 136 118 153 131 170 15 19 19 25 24 31 29 37 42 54 48 62 54 70 61 79 67 87 TENSION LAP SPLICE (CONCRETE ONLY) TENSION LAP SPLICE LENGTHS, (IN INCHES) FOR GRADE 60 UNCOATED BARS CONDUIT IN SLAB OR WALL 12d LAP SPLICE 135° STD HOOK NOTE: 1. USE TENSION LAP SPLICES, SEE REINFORCING AT WALL INTERSECTIONS 3 NO SCALE 4 NO SCALE 5 BAR BENDS NO SCALE AS NECESSARY, EXTEND AS FAR AS POSSIBLE AND BEND TO OBTAIN ℓd HORIZ. WALL REINF. ℓ VERTICAL REINF. CONT. THRU JOINT Y X FORMS EDGE KEY 2x4 CONT. REMOVE BEFORE PLACING CONCRETE ABOVE CONSTRUCTION JOINT Z ℓd Y 2-#5 CONCRETE WALL X 2-#5 EACH JAMB TYP. Y REINF. 2-#5 2-#6 2-#7 NOTE: 1. Provide edge key on both faces when both faces are exposed. 7 Fc' = 5000 Fc' = 6000 Fc' = 7000 Fc' = 8000 #3 60 8 7 6 1/2 6 1/2 6 6 6 #4 60 11 9 1/2 9 8 1/2 7 1/2 7 6 1/2 #5 60 13 1/2 12 11 10 1/2 9 1/2 9 8 1/2 #6 60 16 1/2 14 13 1/2 12 1/2 11 1/2 11 10 #7 60 19 16 1/2 15 1/2 15 13 1/2 12 1/2 11 1/2 #8 60 22 19 18 17 15 1/2 14 1/2 13 1/2 #9 60 24 1/2 21 1/2 20 19 17 1/2 16 15 #10 60 31 6 6 6 6 6 6 #11 60 37 32 30 1/2 28 1/2 26 24 1/2 22 1/2 #14 60 49 1/2 43 40 1/2 38 1/2 35 32 1/2 30 1/2 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. 6 1 For ℓd see _______ Z S5.02 CONCRETE RAD. 1 1/2" BOLT DIA. LINTEL SECTION EMBEDMENT SCHEDULE BOLT DIA. MIN. EMBED UNO 1/2" 4" 5/8" 5" 3/4" 6" 7/8" 6" NOTE: 1. Minimum bolt spacing shall be 12 bolt diameters, minimum edge distance shall be 6 bolt diameters S5.02 DOUBLE CURTAIN 8 ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT 9 NO SCALE Notes: 1. Table for use with normal weight hardrock concrete. For lightweight aggregate use 1.3ℓdh. 2. Table for use with uncoated reinforcement. For coated reinforcement, use 1.5ℓdh. 3. Effects of light weight aggregate and epoxy coating are cumulative. 4. For typical bar bends, see ℓdh CRITICAL SECTION (COLD JOINT) ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. Description N 1. ote C st 2. a hec o E H nd k n 3. c ook st AC gin Fo apa s h irru I 1 eer ra r ℓ cit av ps 2.5 : fo tio dh y f e n re .4 r m is < or o q'd fo in all sho co de . r co . c ow w m le ve ov e n pre lop r er d w red ss m , e it u io en tc h e ce n. t ng d c . c ap he ac ck ity Idh (in) Fc' = 3000 Fc' = 4000 Fc' = 4500 JAMB, LINTEL OR END OF WALL SINGLE CURTAIN PLAN SECTION 2-#5 MIN. Notes: 2 1. For ℓ see _______ 2. 6. EMBEDMENT MINIMUM U-BARS, MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF VERT. NO SCALE GRADE Y 2-#5 TYP. CONCRETE WALL OPENINGS AND DETAILS NO SCALE PIPING CONDUIT IN OR THRU SLAB OR WALL JAMB OR END OF WALL DOUBLE CURTAIN PLAN SECTION ALTERNATE BENDS 4" BEND MIN. SKEW 2-#5 MIN. AS REQD. FLOOR LINE DOWELS OR BEND FROM BELOW TO MATCH VERT. WALL REINF. WIDTH < 5'-0" 5'-0" - 7'-0" 7'-0" - 10'-0" Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. NOTE: 1. Where clear distance between sleeves is impossible this area shall be treated as a slab opening or as a wall opening. ANCHOR BOLT TYP. ℓ WALL REINF. LINTEL REINFORCING HORIZONTAL WALL CONSTRUCTION JOINT X 5. 2-#5 MIN. ℓd TYP. EXPOSED EDGE TYP. TYP. ℓd 1 1/2" ℓ ℓd CONSTRUCTION JOINT ℓd For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 3D OR 4" THE LARGER ℓ 2-#5 EACH JAMB TYP. 4. U-BARS, MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF HORIZ. 2-#5 x 36" AT 45° TYP. Z Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. NO SCALE ℓd Y LINTEL REINFORCING SEE SCHEDULE 3. PIPING THRU SLAB OR WALL 1 1/2" BOLT DIA. REINFORCING AT FOOTING INTERSECTIONS NOTES: 1. All bends shall be made cold. 2. #14 and #18 bars shall be bend tested and lab approved prior to bending. 2 _______ S5.02 The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. SHEET TITLE 2 _______ S5.02 D STIRRUPS AND TIES INTERSECTION DOUBLE MAT SINGLE MAT NOTE: 1. Use tension lap splices per d . IN M 3" LAP SPLICE CORNER BARS (L) MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF BEN WALL REINF. FOR LAP SPLICES R O CORNER MIN. D=1 1/2" FOR #3 MIN. D=2" FOR #4 MIN. D=2 1/2" FOR #5 D 4 VERT. BARS TYP. 3D OR 4" THE LARGER D 6d STD HOOK INTERSECTION C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:19 PM MAX. OFFSET BEND PRINCIPAL REINFORCING 2-TYP. WALL VERT. UNO BEND ALT. WAYS SEE NOTE 1 180° STD HOOK 2. CENTERLINE SLAB OR WALL D=6d FOR #3 TO #8 D=8d FOR #9 TO #11 D=10d FOR #14 TO #18 CORNER STD HOOK 90° STD HOOK For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. Date SEE NOTE 1 2-TYP. WALL VERT. UNO 1 4d OR 2 1/2" MIN. D LAP SPLICE d d 6 1. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY STD. HOOK D CORNER BARS (L) MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF BENT REINFORCING BARS FOR LAP SPLICES NO SCALE 2 NO SCALE 4 VERT. BARS TYP. BAR SIZE 22 28 29 37 36 47 43 56 63 81 71 93 81 105 91 118 101 131 MAX. D=T/5 OR 2" WHICHEVER IS SMALLER NO SCALE 19 24 25 32 31 40 37 48 54 70 62 80 70 91 79 102 87 113 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 17 25 32 33 43 41 54 50 64 72 94 82 107 93 121 105 136 116 151 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 32 17 22 22 29 28 36 33 43 48 63 55 72 62 81 70 91 78 101 CONCRETE TYPICAL DETAILS 22 32 42 43 56 54 70 64 84 94 122 107 139 121 157 136 177 151 196 10 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. #3 22 28 29 37 36 47 43 56 63 81 72 93 81 105 91 118 101 131 JOB TITLE CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B #3 Typical Detail Notes: Rev. f'c = 4000 psi TOP BARS OTHER BARS TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES 100% DD SET 02/21/14 f'c = 3000 psi TOP BARS OTHER BARS BAR LAP SIZE CLASS f'c = 3000 psi f'c = 4000 psi TOP BARS OTHER BARS TOP BARS OTHER BARS CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 1 CASE 2 Notes: 1. Table for use with normal weight hardrock concrete and grade 60 uncoated reinforcing bars. For lightweight aggregate use 1.3ℓ. 2. Class A - Half or less of the bars are spliced within a required lap length. Class B - More than half of the bars are spliced within a required lap length. 3. Top bars are horizontal bars with 12" or more of concrete cast in the member below the bar. 4. For bars enclosed in standard column spirals, use 0.75ℓ or 12" min. 5. Lap splices of individual bars with a bundle shall be 1.2ℓ for that bar in a 3-bar bundle and 1.33ℓ for a 4-bar bundle. Entire bundles shall not be staggered such that they do not overlap. 6. ℓ - Basic lap length, shown at left. 7. Case Selection -For foundation reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For column reinforcement and dowels use Case 1 uno. -For beam reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For structural slab reinforcement use Case 2 uno. -For slab on grade reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For wall reinforcement and dowels use Case 1 (Except as noted below) uno. -For walls with a single mat of steel centered in the wall, use Case 1 for wall reinforcement and dowels uno. -For chord steel reinforcement use Case 2 uno. T BAR SIZE Notes: 1. Table for use with normal weight hardrock concrete and grade 60 uncoated reinforcing bars. For lightweight aggregate use 1.3ℓ. 2. Top bars are horizontal bars with 12" or more of concrete cast in the member below the bar. 3. For bars enclosed in standard column spirals, use 0.75 ℓ or 12" min. 4. Development length of individual bars within a bundle shall be 1.2 ℓd for that bar in a 3-bar bundle and 1.33 ℓd for a 4-bar bundle. 5. Compression development length (only where indicated on drawings) For grade 60 bars use 22 bar diameters. 6. Case Selection -For foundation reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For column reinforcement and dowels use Case 1 uno. -For beam reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For structural slab reinforcement use Case 2 uno. -For slab on grade reinforcement use Case 1 uno. -For wall reinforcement and dowels use Case 1 (Except as noted below) uno. -For walls with a single mat of steel centered in the wall, use Case 1 for wall reinforcement and dowels uno. -For chord steel reinforcement use Case 2 uno. DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.02 6x6 W4.4xW4.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC 3" OR 4" NON-STRUCTURAL (ARCHITECTURAL) EXTERIOR PANEL, COORDINATE WITH ARCH. 1'-0" MIN. COORD. WITH ELEVATIONS 5/16 2" MAX. INSULATION WITH STANDARD CONNECTORS EQ. 2" 3" 2-SIDES TYP. 5/16 TYP. FS 4 REBAR TO EMBED PLATE PLATE 5/8x5x1'-2" SPLICE PLATE EQ. 5/16 3/8 1 BUTTERFLY CONNECTION PLATE 3/8" THK. WITH 1/2" SLOT AND 3/4" DIA. HOLE, BEND TOP AND BOTTOM LEGS ALT WAYS TO FILL JNT. 4" 1 1/2" 2 LEDGER SPLICE DETAIL NO SCALE TOF 2" 1 1/2" S5.03 INTERIOR FACE OF WALL ANCHOR BOLTS CENTERED IN 3" SSLT HOLE AT PANEL EDGES ONLY ANGLE LEDGER SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE_______ 1 1 1/2" NOTE: 1. For typical panel information not shown, see TYPICAL PANEL CONSTRUCTION NO SCALE 1 _______ S5.03 EQUAL 8" EQUAL EMBED. PLATE 3/8x12x1'-0" WITH 4-3/4" DIA. x 8" NELSON STUDS 2-#5x9'-0" AT 6" GA. DOUBLE BENT DEFORMED WELDABLE REBAR . PLAN VIEW-PANEL TO PANEL CONNECTION 3 NO SCALE 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 4 BASE CONNECTION AT PANEL ENDS 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. NO SCALE STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document WIDTH TYP. EXTERIOR PANEL FOOTING AND POUR STRIP 10" S5.04 11 12 STEPPED FOOTING NO SCALE 2-#4x2'-0" DEFORMED WELDABLE BARS 3" 4" 3" TYP. CHORD REINFORCING WELDABLE REBAR SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP 1 PANEL,SEE _______ 1' - 0" 3-SIDES DRYPACK AFTER WELDING SPLICE CONNECTION 4 4 L6x4x3/8x0'-9" WITH 2-3/4" DIA. x5" LG. NELSON HEADED STUDS VERT. GAGE =6" 2-#5 EACH FACE TYP. PANEL EDGE REINF. S5.03 NOTE: 1. Some information not shown for clarity. For more information see_______ 1 14 PANEL TO PANEL CHORD CONNECTION NO SCALE Date POUR STRIP SEE PLAN COLD JOINT 3 SEE _______ S5.01 FINISHED GRADE SEE ARCH. TYP. PLATE 3/8x6x0'-9" WITH 2-3/4" DIA. x5" LG. NELSON HEADED STUDS. VERT. GAGE = 6" 90° STANDARD HOOK, TYP. SKEW AS REQUIRED L3x3x3/8x0'-6" CONC. TILT-UP PANEL WHERE OCCURS 15 SECTION AT PANEL TO PANEL CHORD 16 CONNECTION PLAN VIEW- PANEL TO PANEL CONNECTION NO SCALE NO SCALE DOWEL TO MATCH SLAB ON GRADE REINF. CONT. FTG. SEE PLAN OR SCHED. FOR SIZE AND REINF. 2" CLEAR FORMED 3" CLEAR AGAINST EARTH NOTES: 1 _______ 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 3. Reference panel elevations for panel connections to footing information. TYP. NOTE: 1 _______ 1. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . S5.03 JOIST CONNECTION AT PANEL JOINT WELDABLE CHORD REINF. BARS SEE PANEL ELEVATIONS FOR SIZE AND NUMBER L2x2x1/4x1'-8" 4 4 1' - 0" 5/16 2-#4x2'-0" DEFORMED WELDABLE BARS PANEL JOINT 16 _______ S5.03 13 1/4 ~ 2-3/4" DIA. A325 THREADED BOLTS WELDED TO EMBED. WITH SSLT HOLES S5.03 S5.03 3 3 L6x4x1/2x1'-2 3/4" LLH WITH 3/8" STIFF PLATE CENTERED ON PANEL JOINT PLATES FOR PANEL BASE CONNECTION NO SCALE SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP 1 PANEL, SEE_______ SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE _______ 1 2" 10" L2x2x1/4 TYP. SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL DETAILS 4" 2'-0" MIN. 1" MIN. NONSHRINK GROUT PANEL EMBED. 1 PLATE, SEE _______ 4" 1 NO SCALE 1 1/2" 2 1/2" 3/8" PLATE "t" BUT NOT LESS THAN EXTERIOR PANEL AND FOOTING AT OPENING PJ 3/16 3/16 PLATE 1/2x12x1'-0" WITH 4-3/4" DIA. NELSON STUDS AT 6" GA. 1 NOTES: 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 _______ 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 10 3/16 3/16 3/8" PLATE 2" CLEAR FORMED 3" CLEAR AGAINST EARTH CONT. FTG. SEE PLAN OR SCHED. FOR SIZE AND REINF. 10" FOOTING REINFORCING BARS AS REQUIRED TYP. 3" CLR. S5.03 NO SCALE 1 1/2" 2-#4x2'-0" DEFORMED WELDABLE BARS 1' - 0 1/2" 8" 1" MIN. NONSHRINK GROUT 3" CLR. PORTION OF SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP 1 PANEL, SEE_______ S5.03 4" SEE PLAN S5.01 CONT. FTG. SEE 2" CLEAR FORMED PLAN OR SCHED. 3" CLEAR AGAINST EARTH EPOXY GROUT THE FOR SIZE AND REINF. WELD PLATE 1/2x4 1/2x0'-10" BLOCK-OUT AFTER NOTES: PANEL INSTALLATION 1 _______ 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. TYP. 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 3. Reference panel elevations for panel connections NOTES: to footing information. 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 _______ 4. For slab on grade to panel connection 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 18 dowel requirement, see panel elevation and _______ . NO SCALE COLD JOINT SEE_______ 3 PROVIDE TOP REINFORCING TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF BOTTOM BARS WHERE FOOTING STEP EXCEEDS 12" 17 PANEL REBAR PLACEMENT NO SCALE 18 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. FINISHED GRADE SEE ARCH. 9 POUR STRIP FINISHED GRADE SEE ARCH. S S SHOWN ON PLAN INDICATES THIS POINT OF THE STEPPED FOOTING SHEET TITLE 1-#4 CONT. S5.01 DEFORMED WELDABLE REBAR PLAN BASE CONNECTION AT PANEL ENDS PANEL JOINT SEE PLAN Description SEE PLAN Rev. COLD JOINT SEE _______ 3 100% DD SET 02/21/14 POUR STRIP S5.03 1 1/2" DEPTH NO SCALE CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL BEYOND S5.03 INSIDE FACE OF PANEL 8 SECTION C NO SCALE SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE_______ 1 4 7 SECTION C NO SCALE SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE _______ 1 S5.03 "t" NO SCALE 6 SECTION A NOTES: 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 2. For typical panel information not shown, see _______ . 3" CLR., TYP. 5 BASE CONNECTION AT PANEL ENDS EMBED PLATE 3/8"x12"x1'-6" WELD REBAR RODS ATTACHED TO BASE PLATE NOTES: 1 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. _______ 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 2-#5 DEFORMED WELDABLE U BARS INSIDE FACE OF PANEL 2'-0" MIN. 8 2" WELD REBAR RODS ATTACHED TO BASE PLATE S5.03 2-#5x4'-6" AT 6" GA. WELDABLE REBAR CENTERLINE OF BASE PLATE EMBED PLATE 3/8"x12"x1'-6" NOTES: 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 2. For typical panel information not shown, see _______ . ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. S5.03 INSIDE FACE OF PANEL 1" MIN. NONSHRINK GROUT 90° STANDARD HOOK 2" EMBED PLATE 3/8"x12"X1'-0" 8" 8" 1" TYP. WELDABLE REBAR, TYP. WELDABLE REBAR 2" TOF 6 8 7 _______ ______________ S5.03 S5.03 S5.03 SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, 1 SEE _______ 3" 2" 1" MIN. NON-SHRINK GROUT INSIDE FACE OF PANEL WIDTH CONTINUOUS WALL PANEL, WHERE OCCURS _______ S5.03 CENTERLINE OF BASE PLATE 3" 3 SIDES TYP. 1/4 SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE _______ 1 3" 3/8 EMBED PLATE, SEE PLAN VIEW, WITH 4-3/4" DIA. x8" LONG HEADED STUDS _______ S5.03 2" WELD PLATE 1/2x4 1/2x0'-6" CENTERED ON PANEL EMBED PLATE WIDTH WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY TYP. FS 4 REBARS TO EMBED PLATE PANEL WIDTH TO EDGE OF PLATE DEPTH 3" DEPTH 2" PANEL EMBED PLATE 1/2x8x0'-8" SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE_______ 1 JOB TITLE 2" PANEL WIDTH TO EDGE OF PLATE 3" CLR. 2-#5x2'-2" VERT. AND HORIZ. DEFORMED WELDABLE REBAR NO SCALE For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 8" ANCHOR BOLTS 4" 90° STANDARD HOOK TYP. SKEW AS REQUIRED FIBER COMPOSITE CONNECTOR BY THERMOMASS OR SIMILAR AT 16"OC. EACH WAY, MANUF. TO VERIFY 1. 7 NOTE: 1. For additional panel reinforcing, see panel elevations. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:22 PM 2-#5x2'-2" VERT, AND HORIZ. DEFORMED WELDABLE REBAR INTERIOR FACE OF WALL 2" TYP. 1 3/4" CLR., TYP. 1 REBAR BEYOND Typical Detail Notes: INTERIOR FACE OF WALL 3/4" MAX. ARCH. REVEAL SEE ARCH FOR LOCATIONS 4 L2x2x3/8x1'-0" LONG WITH 2-#4 x 24" LONG DEFORMED WELDABLE BARS TYP. 1-#4x3'-0" TYP. 1-#5 AT 12" OC. VERT., TYP., UNO. 1-#5 AT 18" OC. HORIZ., TYP., UNO. LINE OF 3" WALL CONDITION 4 2-#5 EACH FACE, TYP. PANEL EDGE REINF. 6 1/2" THICK STRUCTURAL INTERIOR PANEL - f'c=5000 psi EXTERIOR FACE OF WALL 1/4 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam GRID TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES 3/16 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 WELD EACH LEG OF PLATE DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.03 3 1/2" EMBED, SEE SECTION X 2 2 3/16 AISC MIN., TYP. B.O. DECK SEE PLAN 2" 8" 2" JOIST SEE PLAN 1/4 L6x6x1/2x0'-10" WITH 3/8" STIFF. PLATE CENTERED ON EMBED. 6" 2" EMBED PLATE 1/2" WITH 6-3/4" DIA. x5" LONG NELSON HEADED STUDS AND 2-#4x2'-0" DEFORMED WELDABLE A706 BARS L4x4x5/16xCONT. SEE NOTE 3 PLATE 3/8x4x0'-8" AT 24" OC. AND 1-BETWEEN JOISTS/ BEAMS WITH 2-3/4" DIA. x5" EMBED WITH 6" GA. SECTION X NOTES: 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 _______ 2. For typical panel information not shown, see S5.03 . 3. . SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL, SEE _______ 1 S5.03 S5.03 1 DECK LEDGER 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document 2 NO SCALE ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:24 PM Description Date SHEET TITLE SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL DETAILS JOB TITLE WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY NO SCALE S5.03 For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. BOD NOTES: 1. Panel reinforcing not shown for clarity. 1 2. For typical panel information not shown, see _______ . S5.03 3. Angle splice, see _______ . 2 14 For joist / embed occurring at panel joint, see_______ JOIST SEAT CONNECTION CENTER LINE OF EMBED PLATE BOT. OF DECK SEE PLAN 2" CHORD BARS, SEE ELEVATIONS 1. CHORD BARS, SEE ELEVATION STEEL DECK SEE PLAN CENTER LINE OF EMBED PLATE 4-SIDES 4 SEE FRAMING PLAN NOTES FOR WELDING STEEL DECK, SEE PLAN 1' - 4" BOD S5.04 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 S5.03 Typical Detail Notes: 1 5/8" SANDWICH CONCRETE TILT-UP 1 PANEL, SEE_______ ANGLE AND ATTACHMENT, SEE _______ 2 Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.04 #3 15.1 15.1 13.1 13.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 NOTES: 1. All lengths are in inches. #4 20.1 23.7 17.4 20.5 15.6 18.4 14.2 16.8 2. #5 25.2 38.1 21.8 33.0 19.5 29.5 17.8 27.0 #6 42.8 NP 37.1 NP 33.2 NP 30.3 NP #7 59.4 NP 51.4 NP 46.0 NP 42.0 NP #3 15.1 15.1 13.1 13.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 #4 20.1 23.7 17.4 20.5 15.6 18.4 14.2 16.8 #5 25.2 38.1 21.8 33.0 19.5 29.5 17.8 27.0 #6 39.3 54.0 34.0 54.0 30.4 54.0 27.8 52.1 #7 45.8 63.0 39.7 63.0 35.5 63.0 32.4 63.0 OPEN END BLOCK, TYP. BREAK SHELL AT HORIZ. REINF., TYP. _______ S5.11 3. Where 2 bars per cell occur they shall be placed per edge condition see note 2. 4. 6" CMU 2 bars per cell is not permitted. 8" CMU 2 bars per cell up to #5 are permitted. 10" CMU 2 bars per cell up to #7 are permitted. 5. NP indicates Not Permitted. 6. #10 and #11 bars where shown on plans or details require a mechanical splice. PREFORMED RUBBER FILLER TYP. INTERSECTION TENSION LAP SPLICE SEE NOTE 3 OPEN END BLOCK, TYP. PLAN SINGLE MAT TENSION LAP SPLICE BEND ALT. WAYS DOUBLE MAT STOP EVERY OTHER HORIZ. BAR EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW TYP. PLAN DOUBLE MAT NOTES: 1. Contractor shall obtain architect's approval of joint locations, which shall not exceed 24'-0" oc. 2. Horizontal reinf. at floor lines, roof lines, lintel reinf. and every other horiz. bar (or bar set) shall be continuous through joint. 3. Provide vertical wall reinf. each side of joint, #5 bars min. SINGLE MAT NOTE: 1 1. Tension lap splice per schedule _______ . S5.11 TENSION DEVELOPMENT AND LAP SPLICE LENGTH (FOR MASONRY ONLY) 1 NO SCALE For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. CORNER For bar placement, edge distance (d Dim.) see . 5 PLAN DETAIL - CMU WALL CONTROL JOINT 2 CMU WALL INTERSECTIONS NO SCALE Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Center Edge 180º STD. HOOK TYP. AS INDICATED ON PLAN 1. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. 3 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 Placement of Bar Center Edge Center Edge Center Edge Typical Detail Notes: STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document NO SCALE HORIZONTAL REBAR CENTERED IN WALL EMBEDMENT ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. MINIMUM 7 d WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 1 1/2 BOLT DIA. JOB TITLE d t d SAW CUT, SEE DETAIL GRATING SEE ARCH. 2-#5 CONT. _______ S5.11 CONT. FTG AND REINF. SEE PLAN 1' - 0" DOWEL WITH 90 STANDARD HOOK OR EPOXY WITH 6" MIN. EMBED 8 WATERSTOP, TYP. 1'-6" #4 x 1'-6" MATCH U-BARS #4 U-BARS 3 EACH SIDE MIN. BEND ALTERNATE WAYS INTO FOOTING WITH 90° STANDARD HOOK THICKEND SLAB AT NON-BEARING MASONRY WALL NO SCALE L3x2x1/4 LLV WITH 2-1/2" DIA. HILTI KWIK BOLT III WITH 3 1/2" EMBEDMENT EACH SIDE SHEET TITLE CONT. REINF. FROM THICKENED SLAB, SEE_______ 9 MIN. SLAB ON GRADE EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALL NO SCALE S5.11 WATERPROOF MEMBRANE WRAP COMPLETELY AROUND PIT 8" NOTES: 1. For balance of information, see detail. 2. Cont. structural steel with zinc rich paint. 9 ELEVATOR PIT 10 NO SCALE GRID DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF VERT. WALL REINF. FOR LAP 1 SPLICE SCHED. SEE _______ S5.11 S5.02 SLAB ON GRADE 8" STEM WALL WITH 1-#5 AT XX" OC.. VERT. 1-#5 AT 12" OC. HORIZ. 90° STANDARD HOOK 8" CMU EXTERIOR WALL FOOTING 11 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:27 PM NO SCALE CONCRETE LAP 2 SPLICE, SEE _______ NO SCALE BRIDGING AT CMU WALL ROUGHEN AND CLEAN TO 1/4" AMPLITUDE STEM WALL, SEE PLAN 2" CLR. FORMED 3" CLR. AGAINST EARTH DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF VERT. WALL REINF. FOR LAP 1 SPLICE SCHED. SEE _______ Date BRIDGING CONNECTIONS PER JOIST MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS 6 ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT - CMU Description NO SCALE NOTES: 1. Minimum bolt spacing shall be 12 bolt diameters, minimum edge distance shall be 6 bolt diameters. 2. 1" min. grout all around bolts in masonry shell. 3. Grout cell for a minimum of 6" above and below the bolts. 8" CMU OR CONC. WALL S5.11 4 MIN. EMBED UNO 4" 5" 6" 6" 1' - 0" BRIDGING PER JOIST MANUFACTURER NOTE: 1. See plan, joist notes and manufacturer for bridging notes. MASONRY WALL OPENINGS AND DETAILS 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" CMU WALL, FOR SIZE AND REINF., ETC. FINISH GRADE EQ A NOTES: 1. Extend jamb bars full height of wall when width of opening is more than 4'-0". 2. Typical tension lap splice per schedule _______ . 1 BEND ALTERNATE WAYS INTO FOOTING t d EQ 2-#5 VERT. JAMB AND END OF WALL BOLT DIA. S5.11 CMU WALL, SEE PLAN DOUBLE MAT SHELL NO SCALE CONTROL JOINT 3 SEE _______ L3x3x1/4 WITH 3-KWIK BOLT 3 WITH 5" MIN. EMBEDMENT EXPANSION BOLT. SEE JOIST MANUFACTURER FOR LENGTH AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS U-BARS TO MATCH HORIZ. WALL REINF., AS INDICATED ON PLAN CMU WALL t NO SCALE PROVIDE DOWELS TO MATCH JAMB BARS, TYP. LAP SPLICE SEE NOTE 2 FACE OF CMU FLUSH WITH FOUNDATION 5 PLAN DETAIL FOR REBAR PLACEMENT IN CMU 2-#5 TYP. SINGLE MAT EMBEDMENT SCHED. SINGLE CURTAIN HORIZONTAL BAR _______ S5.11 FLOOR LINE STD. 180º HOOK AS INDICATED ON PLAN SEE NOTE 3 3" CLR. A WALL RENIF. HORIZONTAL REBAR IN CONTACT WITH VERTICAL REBAR 3" CLR. 1 _______ S5.11 EMBED. PER SCHED. 1 MASONRY SHOWN, CONCRETE IS SIMILAR DOUBLE CURTAIN HORIZONTAL BAR ~ LAP SPLICE EMBED. PER SCHED. SEE NOTE 2 A 2-#5 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.8 7.8 t 2-#5 EA. JAMB 5 5/8" 7 5/8" 9 5/8" 11 5/8" 15 5/8" NOTE: 1. Where two vertical reinforcing bars occur in a cell, bars shall be secured in place by a bar positioned at the top and bottom, and at intervals not exceeding 200 bar diameters. 2-#5 EACH JAMB TYP. 1 _______ S4.02 HORIZONTAL REBAR IN CONTACT WITH VERTICAL REBAR ACTUAL NORMAL d (inches) THICKNESS THICKNESS (t) 6" CMU 8" CMU 10" CMU 12" CMU 16" CMU ANCHOR BOLT SINGLE CURTAIN HORIZONTAL BAR Concrete Masonry Units #9 NP NP 6.25 8.25 12.25 RAD. 1 1/2 BOLT DIA. d d 1 _______ S4.02 LINTEL REINF. SEE SCHED. ON S4.01 d (inches) #7 #8 NP NP 5 4.625 7 6.625 9 8.625 13 12.625 t VERTICAL REBAR IN CENTER OF CELL CMU (Concrete Masonry Units) NORMAL ACTUAL THICKNESS THICKNESS (t) #3 - #6 6" CMU 5 5/8" 3.25 8" CMU 7 5/8" 5.25 10" CMU 9 5/8" 7.25 12" CMU 11 5/8" 9.25 16" CMU 15 5/8" 13.25 d d t d t d t VERTICAL REBAR PLACED FOR MAXIMUM d WHERE STRAIGHT EXTENSIONS IS NOT POSSIBLE, EXTEND BARS AS FAR AS POSSIBLE AND HOOK SEE NOTE 2 MASONRY TYPICAL DETAILS f'm = 3000 psi TYPICAL VERTICAL JOINT FULL HEIGHT This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 12" f'm = 2500 psi 2-#5 VERT. TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES Rev. 8" f'm = 2000 psi PROVIDE SASH BLOCKS AT CONTROL JOINTS FILL WITH POLYSULFIDE SEALANT EACH SIDE, SEE SPEC'S. TENSION LAP SPLICE BAR SIZE f'm = 1500 psi LAP SPLICE Masonry Design Strength BREAK SHELL AT HORIZ. REINF., TYP. 2-#5 VERT. TENSION CMU Thickness Tension Development and Lap Splice Length ( for Masonry only ) DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.11 BOND BEAM BOND BEAM, SEE PLAN SOLID GROUT BEAM POCKET L4x4x1/4 CONTINUOUS ANGLE SLICE, IF REQD. AT EMBED PLATE CMU WALL CMU WALL 2-#5x5'-0" CENTERED UNDER BEAM VERT. REBAR, SEE NOTE 2. BEARING PLATE 3/4x5x b f + 6-MIN. 12" WITH 2-3/4"x8" HEADED STUDS ON 8" GAGE. FLUSH PLATE TO INSIDE NOTES: 1. Grout around anchor studs shall be placed no more than 2 hours after grout pour immediately below. 2. Provide 1-#5 vert. rebar in each cell continuous to ground under bearing plate, min. 2-cells. BEAM BEARING PLATE PERPENDICULAR TO WALL BOND BEAM L3x2x1/4 LLH CONTINUOUS ANGLE SPLICE, IF REQD. AT EMBED PLATE PLATE 1/2"x6 SQ.; 2 EQUALLY SPACED BETWEEN BEAMS WITH 1-3/4"x5" NELSON STUD 24" #4 DOWELS 24" AT 24" O.C. PLATE 1/2x6 SQ. AT 24" OC WITH 1-3/4"x5" NELSON STUD 1/4 3 CMU WALL 1 NO SCALE PERPENDICULAR CONCRETE SLAB ON DECK 2 NO SCALE 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. BEAM OR CHANNEL 7. CONNECTION PLATE, BOLTS AND WELD, SEE _______ 1 SKEW PLATE AS S5.21 NEEDED For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK CMU WALL CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. PARALLEL CONCRETE SLAB ON DECK 3 NO SCALE 4 W-BEAM SUPPORT AT MASONRY NO SCALE 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 SEE NOTE 1 S5.21 3 1. 8" DO NOT WELD BEAM FLANGE TO PLATE AT X" OC 1' - 4" #4 24" STIFF PLATE 3/8" EACH SIDE SEE_______ 2 1/4 24" BEAM PLATE 5/8x10xBEAM HEIGHT +3"-1'-6" MIN., WITH 6-3/4" DIA. x 5" NELSON STUDS AT 8" GA. 3 8" 1/4 1' - 4" 2 1/4" AT 8" WALL 3" AT 12"' WALL Typical Detail Notes: 1' - 4" PROVIDE 16" DEEP BOND BEAM WITH 2-#5x CONT. Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES PROVIDE 2-3/4" DIA. NELSON THREADED STUDS, WELDED TO BEARING PLATE. INSTALL STUDS IN CENTER OF SHORT SLOTTED HOLES IN BEAM FLANGE STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document CMU WALL SOLID GROUT BEAM POCKET, PLACE GROUT BEFORE ANY UPPER BEAMS ARE STACKED ABOVE SOLID GROUT POCKET 3-#6x4'-0" WITH STAGGERED HOOK 10" MIN. BOLSTER ANGLE SEE _______ --- 1/4 1/4 FOR JOIST ATTACHMENT AT BEARING SEE _______ 12 CMU WALL S5.22 1/2" STEEL DECK _______ S5.22 ROOF DECK 4 4 2-#5 8" 1 1/2" NON-SHRINK GROUT JOIST ATTACHMENT AT BEARING WALL SEE_______ 12 _______ S5.21 2-#5 1/4 _______ --- WEB STIFFENER 3/8" EACH SIDE,SEE _______ 2 BEAM ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. 8" _______ S5.21 3' - 0". 3'-0". 3/8" PLATE x AS REQ'D. ANGLE LEDGER, SEE _______ - 1' - 4" WT4x29xAS REQUIRED WEB STIFFENER 3/8" EACH SIDE, SEE 2 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY CMU WALL PLATE 3/4"x8"x1'-4" WITH 2-3/4" DIA x8" LONG ANCHOR STUDS AT 8" OC. 2' - 0". VERT. REINF. SEE PLAN AND PILASTER SCHEDULE NOTE: 6 1. For additional information, see _______ . BOND BEAM 8" 4" 3-#4 x HAIRPINS 2-#5 MIN. VERT. NOTES: 1. Grout around anchor studs shall be placed a minimum of 2 hours after grout pour immediately below. S5.12 DRAG STRUT STEEL BEAM PARALLEL TO WALL 5 NO SCALE BEAM BEARING PLATE PARALLEL TO WALL NO SCALE CMU WALL NOTE: 1. Coordinate roof slope with plan and arch. 6 PLATE 5/8x12x1'-6" WITH 6-3/4" DIA. x 5" NELSON STUDS AT 8" GA. ROOF JOIST L6x4x5/16x0'-10" LLV NOTE: 1. Coordinate roof slope with plan. 1/4 JOIST BEARING ON TOP OF MASONRY 7 WALL STEEL JOIST SEAT AT 8" MASONRY WALL NO SCALE NO SCALE MASONRY TYPICAL DETAILS 2-#5 3 BEARING PLATE 3/4x6x1'-0" WITH 2-3/4" DIA. x8" EMBED ANCHOR STUDS AT 8" GA., SEE NOTE 1 JOB TITLE 5/16 8" 3'-0". 1 1/2" NON-SHRINK GROUT 3' - 0". BEAM 8 ANGLE LEDGER, SEE_______ --- FOR JOIST ATTACHMENT AT BEARING SEE 12 CMU WALL 3" NOTES: 1. Coordinate roof slope with plan. 2. Grout joist pockets solid. SHEET TITLE PILASTER WHERE APPLICABLE; OTHERWISE PROVIDE TYPICAL VERTICAL WALL REINFORCING IN 3-CELLS UNDER BEARING PLATE Description STEEL JOIST POCKET AT 8" MASONRY 9 WALL 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:29 PM NO SCALE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. . Date BEARING PLATE 3/4x8x1'-2" WITH 2-3/4" DIA. x8" LONG ANCHOR STUDS AT 8" GA GROUT AROUND ANCHOR STUDS SHALL BE PLACED AT LEAST 2-HOURS AFTER THE GROUT POUR IMMEDIATELY BELOW Rev. 8" 1' - 4" BOND BEAM _______ S5.22 DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.12 3/16 3/16 SEE SCHEDULE TYP. L2x2x1/4 EXTEND PLATE AS MAY BE REQ'D. FOR CONNECTIONS AISC MIN. 2db SIDED BEAM TO BEAM "D" "D" "D" BENT PL 3/16" x CONT., WITH 1/2"x6" HEADED STUDS AT 12" 1/4 1/4 18" 5-3/4" DIA. 3/8 1/4 21" 6-1" DIA. 1/2 5/16 24" 7-1" DIA. 1/2 5/16 27" 8-1" DIA. 1/2 5/16 30" -33" 9-1" DIA. 1/2 5/16 36" - 40" 10-1" DIA. 1/2 5/16 3-SIDES TYP. 1 FRAMING MEMBER, FOR OWJ SEE D B TYP. A TYP. E 3/16 (C) SEE TABLE 2'-0" MAX. 3-SIDES TYP. B TYP. C 3/16 3/16 3/16 JOIST TOP CHORD JOIST WEB MEMBER SEE NOTE 5 L3x3x1/4 EXTEND ANGLES 4 FLUTES PAST OPENING TYP. 3/16 3/16 D FRAME MEMBER SIZES 3'-6" MIN. CL SEE NOTE 4 CLOSURE PLATE 1/4 ALL AROUND 3/16 OPENING OF ADJ. OPENINGS LONG OPENINGS DIM. > 24" < 60"MAX. SEE NOTE 4 3/16 2-12 A OPENING (A) C6x8.2 (B) L4x3x1/4 LLV (C) L7x4x1/2x0'-3" LLV MIN. 2-12 (B) SEE TABLE TYPICAL OPENING IN STEEL DECK For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. L2 DECK SPAN PERPENDICULAR TO BEAM WWF #4x3'-0" AT 24", 1" CLR. FROM TOP OF CONC. #4 AT 12" AT A #4 AT 24" AT B 1" CLEAR FROM TOP OF CONC. DECK SPAN PARALLEL TO BEAM EDGE OF COMPOSITE SLAB B LONG OPENINGS DIM. 24" MAX. (A) 4 COMPOSITE SLAB CONSTRUCTION 5 NO SCALE FRAME MEMBER EQUALS THICKNESS OF ANGLE 3/16 3/16 B STEEL DECK 8" DIA. OR A SERIES OF PENETRATIONS WITHIN AN 8" SQUARE MAX. IS CONSIDERED TO BE A SINGLE OPENING 7. Note: For information not shown see detail above. SUPPORTING MEMBERS, TYP. SEE TABLE FOR TYP. C FRAMING MEMBERS SIZE 1' - 9" Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. BEAM DECK SPAN PARALLEL TO BEAM NO SCALE E 1' - 0" MAX. DETAILS ARE SIM. WHERE SLAB OPENINGS 6 OCCURE SEE _______ NO SCALE 5'-0" MAX. AT B S5.21 TYPICAL BEAM CONNECTION SCHEDULE AND DETAILS 1/2" DIA. NET EFF. PUDDLE WELDS EACH VALLEY AND AT 12" OC. PARALLEL EDGES, TYP. L13 TYP. L1 Note: For information not shown see detail above. 6. STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS 3/8 1/2"x6" HEADED STUDS, MATCH SPACING OF #4 BARS 1' - 9" Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. * TYPICAL ANGLE TO ANGLE OR ANGLE TO CHANNEL WELD E NOTES: 1. Added framing is not reqd. for openings where long opening dim. is less than 6". 2. For structure required to support mechanical unit gravity use C6x8.2 under entire perimeter uno on plan. As a TYP. minimum provide C6x8.2 under entire perimeter of curb. 3. See mech. for equipment mounting, attachment openings, etc. 4. Composite slab or roofing see plans and arch. drawings. Where hard rock conc. occurs provide 3/4" Dia. x 8" Nelson Headed Studs at 24" oc. 5. Connection at top chord panel point. If not at panel point, field install L2x2x1/4 from point of load to nearest panel point on bottom chord. Shore joist during welding. L3x3x1/4 6 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 4-3/4" DIA. NOTES: 1. All 3/4" dia. bolts shall be A325-N. All 1" dia. bolts shall be A490-N. 2. Provide larger welds where may be required by AISC. 3. Use larger plates and welds where required by brace frame connections or other specific details. 4. d = bolt diameter. 5. Use bshort slotted holes in one end of beam for field tolerences. 6. "D" = Nominal member depth. AT A 1' - 6" MAX. 5. SEE PLAN FOR WWF, UNO PROVIDE 6x6-W2.0xW2.0 DECK L For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. SHEET TITLE 16" 2-12 DECK SPAN PERPENDICULAR TO BEAM 1/4 3/8 #4 AT 24" 1" CLR. FROM TOP CONC. TYP. L13 TYP. MIN. DECK BEARING PER GENERAL NOTES STANDARD 90° HOOK, SKEW AS REQ'D. 3/16 #4 AT 12" AT A #4 AT 24" AT B 1" CLEAR FROM TOP OF CONC. SEE PLAN FOR WWF UNO PROVIDE 6x6W2.0xW2.0 4. Date 3-3/4" DIA. L=SPAN Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. Description 12" - 14" L/5 2" MIN. BEARING SIZE OF FILLET WELD 3/8 AT B 1' - 0" MAX. 3. Rev. 2-3/4" DIA. L/5 The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 SHEAR PLATE THICKNESS AT A 1' - 6" MAX. EQ "D" 8" - 10" BOLT NO. AND SIZE 3 NO SCALE EQ AISC MIN. AISC MIN. 3" 3" NOMINAL MEMBER DEPTH "D" 2 2. TYP. 3/16 SUPPORT OF STEEL DECK AT COLUMNS NO SCALE BEAM CONNECTION SCHEDULE C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:31 PM NOTES: 1. All deck must be supported around columns. 2. Use this detail at contractors option or as required by deck manufacturer or vendor. STIFFENER PLATES BEAM TO BEAM ALIGNMENTS NO SCALE PLAN VIEWS NOTE: 1. Use larger plates and welds as may be req'd. by beam connection schedule. SEE SCHEDULE TYP. PROVIDE PARTIAL HEIGHT PLATE TOP AND STIFF, ('t' TO MATCH 't' OF BOTTOM THICKNESS SHEAR PLATE), THIS SIDE, TO MATCH SHEAR WITH 6 BOLTS OR MORE PLATE THICKNESS BEAM TO COLUMN WEB (A) SEE TABLE SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZE 3" 3" AISC MIN. SEE SCHEDULE TYP. BEAM, SEE PLAN FOR SIZE, TYP. 6" OR LESS CONNECTION 3" MAX. 2d b TYPICAL M AX . For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 1" 3" MAX. SEE SCHEDULE TYP. 2 SIDED BEAM TO BEAM 1/4" TYP. 1. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY BEAM TO COLUMN FLANGE 3" MAX. COLUMN k1 (+1/2") DISTANCE -0" STIFFENER PLATE 3/8" TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OR DETAILED OTHERWISE AISC MIN. AISC MIN. AISC MIN. SEE SCHEDULE TYP. Typical Detail Notes: 3" MAX. AISC MIN. JOB TITLE AISC SHEAR MIN. PLATE 2db 3" 3" 3" 3" AISC MIN. AISC MIN. 3" MAX. TYP. SEE PLAN FOR COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION 3" MAX. 2d b Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES L2x2x1/4 TYPICAL DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.21 1-#4, 1" CLR. FROM TOP OF CONCRETE, TYP. ALL EDGES 3/16 3/16 PROVIDE EDGE OF DECK SUPPORT L5x3x1/4 LLV - LH SERIES L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 - K SERIES 3-12 3-12 WHERE CONCENTRATED LOAD DOES NOT OCCUR AT PANEL POINTS ADD L1 1/2x1 1/2x5/16 EACH SIDE, OR MATCH JOIST WEB MEMBERS, WHICHEVER IS LARGER, FROM POINT OF CONCENTRATED LOAD TO NEAREST PANEL POINT ON OPPOSITE CHORD EDGE PLATE 3/16" OR BENT PLATE VERIFY 6 CONDITION, SEE _______ S5.21 2-12 SECTION A 1 OPENING IN SLAB ON METAL DECK 2 EDGE OF ROOF DECK NO SCALE TYPICAL JOINT REINFORCEMENT DETAIL NO SCALE 3" MAX. NO SCALE 3" MAX. AISC MIN. 23 /4" AISC MIN. CJP, TYP. /4" 11 6" S5.21 HSS COL. SEE SCHEDULE CJP, TYP. _______ S5.21 SEE SCHEDULE 2 - SIDED OR 3 - SIDED 1 SIDED OR 2 - SIDED SEE SCHEDULE 4 - SIDED CUT MIN., TYP. FACE OF WEB OR FLG. TYP. " 1 1/4 BACKING BAR AS REQ'D. BEAM SEE PLAN W BEAM TO TUBE COLUMN DETAIL 5 NO SCALE BEAM TO BEAM RIGID CONNECTION 6 SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZE AS REQ'D. NOTE: 1. Use larger welds and welds as required by beam conn. schedule or by AISC specification section J2 welds. CARRIED COLUMN DETAIL WELD CONT. 14 GA. PLATE DECK WELDING DETAIL NO SCALE Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 4 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document 3-SIDES TYP. SEE NOTE 1 AS REQ'D. STIFF PL 3/8 (SEE NOTE 1) EACH SIDE VERIFY POSITIONS WHERE INTERSECTING MEMBERS MAY OCCUR SEE NOTE 1 1/4 COLUMN ORIENTATION MAY VARY - SEE PLAN OR SCHEDULE FOR SIZE NOTE: 1. Use larger plate and weld as required by beam connection schedule or by AISC specification section J2 welds. 7 SKEWED BEAM CONN. DETAIL SEE PLAN 5/16 3-SIDES TYP. SEE NOTE 1 5/16 3-SIDES TYP. SEE NOTE 1 NO SCALE 3" SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZES TYP. 8 BEAM TO COLUMN 1/8" x 1 = K JOIST 1/4" x 2 = LH JOIST REQUIRED JOIST BEARING 2 1/2" FOR K SERIES, 4" FOR LH AND DLH SERIES. WHERE REQ'D BEARING IS NOT AVAILABLE PROVIDE SPECIAL JOIST SEATS CAP PLATE 3/4" THICK WIDTH TO BE 1" LARGER THAN COLUMN OR MATCH BEAM FLANGE WIDTH, WHICHEVER IS LARGER LENGTH AS REQUIRED, WITH 4-3/4" DIA. A325 BOLTS AS REQ'D. STIFFENER. PLATE 3/8" (SEE NOTE 1) EACH. SIDE VERIFY POSITIONS WHERE INTERSECTING MEMBERS MAY OCCUR 1/4 SEE NOTE 1 COLUMN SEE PLAN OR SCHEDULE FOR SIZE W BEAM SEE PLAN NOTE: 1. Use larger plate and weld as may be req'd. by beam connection schedule or by AISC specification section J2 welds. 10 BEAM TO BEAM AND COLUMN NO SCALE NOTE: 1. Coordinate roof slope with plan. 11 JOIST ATTACHMENT AT BEARING 12 NO SCALE Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:34 PM Description NO SCALE DECK NOT CENTERED WELDS AT DECK PARALLEL TO BEAMS NOTE: 1. See steel deck welding schedule, notes and other details. 9 8. 2" MIN. LESS THAN 2" STIFF. PL3/8 (SEE NOTE 1) EACH SIDE VERIFY POSITIONS WHERE INTERSECTING MEMBERS MAY OCCUR For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. JOIST SEE PLAN 2" MIN. 1 1/2" 7. 2" MIN. WELD 1 1/2" MIN. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. DECK SPLIT (PREFERRED) 3-SIDES TYP. SEE NOTE 1 TYPICAL ELEVATION 1/2" MAX. SEE BEAM CONNECTION SCHEDULE FOR PLATE SIZE, BOLTS, ETC. 1/4 3/16 PLAN - OVER 60° CENTERLINE OF COLUMN AND BEAM WELD DECK CENTERED 6. 3/16 3/16 SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZE PLATE 3/8" MIN. OR WEB THKNS. MIN. OR BEND WEB NO SCALE WELD CAP PLATE 3/4" THICK WIDTH TO BE 1" LARGER THAN COLUMN OR MATCH BEAM FLANGE WIDTH, WHICHEVER IS LARGER LENGTH AS REQUIRED, WITH 4-3/4" DIA. A325 BOLTS Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. S5.21 NO SCALE CENTERLINE OF COLUMN SEE PLAN OR SCHEDULE 5. BRIDGING AT STEEL BEAM CAP PLATE 3/4" THICK WIDTH TO BE 1" LARGER THAN COLUMN OR MATCH BEAM FLANGE WIDTH, WHICHEVER IS LARGER, LENGTH AS REQUIRED WITH 4-3/4" DIA. A325 BOLT BEAM SEE PLAN 3" CJP OVER 30° SEE BEAM CONNECTION 1 SCHEDULE _______ UP TO 30° BEAM SEE PLAN FOR SIZE BRIDGING CONNECTIONS PER JOIST MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS NOTE: 1. See plan, joist notes and manufacturer for bridging notes. 1 1/2" NOTE: 1. Drill stress relieving hole prior to slotting tube, hole shall be 1/8" larger than plate width. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. PLAN - UP TO 30° TO 60° W-SHAPES SHOWN OTHER SHAPES SIMPSON SEE PLAN, TYP. CONNECTION PLATE 3/8" UNO. SEE SCHEDULE 4. CENTERLINE OF COLUMN 3" TYP. SEE SCHEDULE SEE SCHEDULE FOR NUMBER OF BOLTS AND SIZE OF PLATES FOR ADDITIONAL INFO SEE DETAIL 1 CUT MIN., TYP. S5.21 PLAN - UP TO 30° BEAM SEE PLAN FOR SIZE 3" MIN. BOLTS, CONN. PLATE, WELDS, ETC. SEE_______ 1 BRIDGING PER JOIST MANUFACTURER PLATE 3/8xAS REQ'D.x 0'-11 1/4" PLATE 3/8xAS REQ'D.x0'-8" BOLTS, CONN. PL, WELDS, ETC. SEE_______ 1 Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. NO SCALE BOLTS PER SCHEDULE, ADD BOLTS AS MAY BE REQ'D. FOR EVEN NUMBER BEAM SEE PLAN /4" 3 2 /4" 11 23 /4" 1/4" CAP PLATE, FLUSH WITH BEAM WHERE APPLIES W BEAM 3 3. This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 3/16 The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. SHEET TITLE SEE PLAN CONT. BENT PLATE 3/16 6 OR _______ S5.21 TYPICAL CONCENTRATED LOAD TO OCCUR AT PANEL POINTS 2. Date ANGLE TO BEAM BEAM, SEE PLAN For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 2" MIN. DECK BEARING SEE PLAN FOR DECK SIZE, WELDING, DIRECTION, ETC. 1. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 3-12 3/16" x 4" SQ. PLATE WITH 1/2" DIA. MB. TOP AND BOTTOM STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS ". -0 2' 3/16 Typical Detail Notes: JOB TITLE ". -0 2' 2-#4x4'-0" IN CENTER OF CONCRETE, TYPICAL ALL CORNERS TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES 3/16 2" ± BEARING CONT. BENT PLATE 3/16 PLAN TYPICAL PANEL POINTS 1' - 6" MAX. 2" A 1/8 1/8 TYP. EACH END 3" 2'-0" TYP DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.22 1/2" 1/4 1/4 OR AISC MIN. Typical Detail Notes: ROOF DECK AND ATTACHMENT SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN 2 2 L3x3x1/4 BRACE AT 15'-0" OC. MAX. ROOF DECK DIRECTION OF DECK MAY VARY, SEE PLAN 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. GUSSET PL 3/8 3" 3" JOIST JOIST, SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN L3x3x1/4 BRACE AS RECOMENDED BY JOIST MANUFACTURER, TYP. 3/16 3/16 3/16 3-SIDES 2 GIRDER SEE PLAN 2 2 PLATE 3/4xCOLUMN WIDTH +6"xJOIST BEARING WIDTH 1/4 1/4 1/4 x1/4 L3x3 JOIST GIRDER, SEE PLAN TYP. TYP. W BEAM 3/16 BRACE L3x3x1/4 WITH 2-3/4" DIA. BOLTS EACH END DO NOT WELD STABILIZER PLATE 3/4x6x1'-0" ROOF W BEAM 3/16 3/16 TYP. SEE PLAN 1/4 1 JOIST CONNECTION TO GIRDER NO SCALE TYPICAL GIRDER AT INTERIOR COLUMN NO SCALE PL 3/8" 2 DIAGONAL BRACE CONNECTION NO SCALE 3 DIAGONAL BRACE CONNECTION NO SCALE W BEAM 4 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 2-3/4" DIA. THRU BOLTS FOR ERECTION ONLY EACH GIRDER 1/8" x 1 = K JOIST 1/4" x 2 = LF JOIST Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES STAMP PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY CJP BEAM KINKED BEAM CONNECTION 5 This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. Rev. 100% DD SET 02/21/14 C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:35 PM Description Date SHEET TITLE STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS JOB TITLE NO SCALE DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.23 0.0451 33 45 S125 1.25" 54 0.0566 16 0.0566 33 45 68 0.0713 14 0.0713 33 97 0.1017 12 0.1017 43 0.0451 18 54 0.0566 68 97 2.5" U50 .50" F-SECTIONS F125 1.25" T125 1.25" T150 1.5" T200 2" T-SECTIONS STEEL STUD/JOIST SECTION IDENTIFICATION 1 NO SCALE 2-ROWS OF 3 EACH SIDE 12-TOTAL 1-ROW OF 4 TOP AND BOTTOM 8-TOTAL Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 8 INCHES 2-ROWS OF 3 EACH SIDE 12-TOTAL 1-ROW OF 3 TOP AND BOTTOM 6-TOTAL 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6 INCHES 2-ROWS OF 3 EACH SIDE 12-TOTAL 1-ROW OF 3 TOP AND BOTTOM 6-TOTAL 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. 12 INCHES 0.0451 50 65 2-ROWS OF 4 EACH SIDE 16-TOTAL 16 0.0566 50 65 0.0713 14 0.0713 50 65 0.1017 12 0.1017 50 65 TYPICAL TRACK TYPICAL STUD TYPICAL TRACK TYPICAL STUD OR TRACK TYPICAL CORNER SCREW AT 30" OC. STUD TO STUD TYPICAL STUD 'A' EXAMPLE CALL OUT: 600S162-54 600: SIZE = 6" S: SECTION DESIGNATION (STYLE) = S STUD 162: 1.625" FLANGE WIDTH 54: .054 THICKNESS Refer to: STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 3. 45 TYPICAL TRACK NOTES: 1. Fy = The minimum yield strength of the connected parts Fu = The minimum tensile strength of the connected parts 2. When connecting materials of different thickness or tensile strengths, use the weld size for the lighter ga. section. 3. Weld procedures are based on Section E2 of the AISI Code and AWS D1.3. 4. Steel stud sections must be at least 18 ga. minimum for welding. TYPICAL STUD TRACK 6" STUD OR TRACK 16 GA. MIN. SCREW AT 30" OC. STUD TO STUD TYPICAL TRACK 2 STEEL STUD/JOIST WELDING NO SCALE 4 INCHES 2-ROWS OF 2 EACH SIDE 8-TOTAL 1-ROW OF 3 TOP AND BOTTOM 6-TOTAL NOTE: 1. All connections are to be made with #10 screws uno. TYPICAL INTERSECTION PLAN DETAILS AT WALL INTERSECTIONS R E E N I G T I N E ED 10 INCHES 3 NO SCALE 4 CONNECTION SCHEDULE NO SCALE ANGLE 1 1/2x1 1/2x GA. x STUD WIDTH (-) 0'-2" WITH 3-SCREWS TO WEB OF STUD STUD FRAMING SHOT PIN EACH SIDE OF SPLICE SCREW TYPICAL EACH SIDE OF STUD TO TRACK EQ STEEL STUD TO BEAR ON TRACK, TYP., UNO. SCREW EACH SIDE AT EACH STUD 5 _______ S5.31 B- SCREWS, SEE _______ CONNECTION 4 SCHEDULE S5.31 7/8" MIN. BETWEEN SCREWS AND END OF HEADER WEB BOXED HEADER, SEE SCHEDULES 3-SCREWS. MIN. _______ 4 A- SCREWS, SEE _______ CONNECTION 4 SCHEDULE S5.31 STEEL STUD BOX HEADER S5.31 JAMB STUDS SCREW EACH SIDE OF JAMB SCREW AT 24" OC. TYP. EACH SIDE OF TRACK ADDITIONAL HEADER STUDS IF SPECIFIED NOTE: 11 1. For connection to jamb, see _______ . 9 NO SCALE USE THIRD STUD WHERE APPLICABLE USE THIRD STUD WHERE APPLICABLE SCREW AT 12" OC., TYP. 6" STRAPxJAMB WIDTHxSAME GA. AS JAMB. EACH SIDE OF JAMB AT OC. C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:39 PM USE THIRD STUD WHERE APPLICABLE JAMB STUD 6" SCREW AT 12" OC., TYP. STAGGERED JAMB STUD/TRACK 4-SCREWS AT EACH STUD STRAP OPTION PLAN VIEW USE THIRD STUD WHERE APPLICABLE JAMB STUD WELD OPTION PLAN VIEW TYPICAL JAMB CONSTRUCTION NO SCALE TRACK OPTION ELEVATION TRACK OPTION PLAN VIEW FASTENER SPACING STUD SPACING S250 1 3/4" 2 1/2" S362 S400 3" S600 4" S800 6" 14 12 _______ S5.31 BOXED HEADER TO JAMB CONNECTION NO SCALE SEE SCHEDULE BELOW NO SCALE 10 BOXED HEADER CONNECTION NOTE: 1. For alternate, see FOR TYPICAL HEADER CONSTRUCTION, SEE BOXED HEADER, SEE SCHEDULES 10 _______ S5.31 T200x16 GA.x MATCH HEADER WIDTH S5.31 UPTURNED T125 TRACK UNO., USE SAME GA. AND DEPTH AS WALL UNO. S5.31 SILL CONNECTION FOR TYPICAL HEADER CONSTRUCTION, SEE _______ 10 JOB TITLE B- SCREWS, 13 SEE CONNECTION _______ S5.31 SCHEDULE EQ. 13 _______ S5.31 . 11 BOXED HEADER TO JAMB CONNECTION ALTERNATE NO SCALE 1/2" . . 1/2" SCREWS AT TRACK TO JAMB, SEE_______ AND PLANS 4 1/2" . S5.31 A- SCREWS, EACH SIDE OF HEADER, 4 SEE CONNECTION _______ S5.31 EQ. SCHEDULE . 1/2" JAMB STUDS Date BOXED HEADER TRACK TOP AND BOTTOM, CUT FLANGE AND BEND WEBS, 3" MIN., FOR CONNECTION TO JAMB SCREW AT 24" OC. TYP. AT EACH HEADER STUD JAMB STUDS NO SCALE 1. 1/2" NO SCALE 8 TYPICAL STUD WEB STIFFENER EQ. . EQ. . EQ. . NO SCALE UPTURNED T125 TRACK UNO., USE SAME GA. AND DEPTH AS WALL UNO. TURN DOWN WHERE NEEDED 7 TRACK SPLICE 1 1/2" . NO SCALE 6 TRACK TO STRUCTURE HEIGHT +1" 5 PLAN VIEW . EQ. . 7 _______ S5.31 STUD TO TRACK CONNECTION A 1. 1/2" S5.31 STRAP OPTION ELEVATION STEEL TRACK . 1 1/2" NOTE: 1. For track splice, see For structural design notes, see sheet LG0.02 thru LG0.0?. STUD FRAMING SHOT PIN AT 12" OC. STAGGERED, 2" PITCH MIN., UNO. NOTE: 6 1. For track to structure, see_______ . SILL TRACK 18 GA. UNO. CUT FLANGE AND BEND WEB FOR CONNECTION TO JAMB 1. HEADER + TRACK SCREW TYPICAL EACH SIDE OF STUD TO TRACK TOP OR BOTTOM TRACK, HEADER OR SILL Light Gauge Typical Detail Notes: TACK WELD ANGLE TO TRACK STEEL TRACK ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. DETAIL NOTES 4" STEEL STUD TO BEAR ON TRACK, TYPICAL, UNO. STEEL TRACK SECTION A EQ T125 TRACK, MATCH STUD GAUGE AND DEPTH, TYP., UNO. 6" MIN. STUD FRAMING STUD FRAMING, SEE PLANS PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document OR THIS FOR LIGHT GUAGE ONLY PROJECTS STUD FRAMING SCREW EACH SIDE AT EACH STUD STAMP 12 STEEL STUD TYPICAL DETAILS S250 1-ROW OF 4 TOP AND BOTTOM 8-TOTAL 33 BOXED HEADER TO JAMB CONNECTION ALTERNATE 13 NO SCALE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. 2" The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. SHEET TITLE S200 2. 45 TRACK SCREWS TO JAMB Description 1.625" For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. STUD SCREWS TO JAMB Rev. S162 1. DEPTH OF TRACK OR STUDS 100% DD SET 02/21/14 1.375" Typical Detail Notes: 1. 1/2" S137 TYPICAL STUD Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 18 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 0.0451 WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY 43 U-SECTIONS T-SECTIONS F-SECTIONS FLANGE WIDTH 2-SCREWS AT 30" OC. STUD TO STUD SCREW AT 30" OC. STUD TO STUD EQ. . EQ. . EQ. . U-SECTIONS S-SECTIONS DESIGNATION TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES 1 1/2" . S-SECTIONS Fu (ksi) HEIGHT +1" SHAPE Fy (ksi) HEADER + TRACK `A' SECTION THICKNESS WELD SIZE (in.) (mils) (in.) (ga.) DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.31 KWIK BRIDGE PUNCH SYSTEM AISC MAX 1 1/2"x16 GA. CRC, AT 8'-0" OC. MAX., UNO. ~ 2-SCREWS BETWEEN STRAPS AND BLOCKING, TYP. 1 1/2"x16 GA. CRC, AT 8'-0" OC. MAX., UNO. OR STUD FRAMING OR 1. For structural design notes, see sheet S0.02 thru S0.0?. 2. The dimensions shown here apply to structural elements only, see arch. plans for any dimensions not shown. 3. Contractor shall field verify existing structural conditions. If any discrepancies are found, contractor shall contact the Architect and Structural Engineer before performing alteration work. 4. For all top of footing, top of slab, and slab on grade construction, see foundation plan. 5. Columns and base plates are called out on plans and coordinated in the schedule shown on S4.01. 6. Sub-grade material below slabs and footings shall be constructed as indicated by geo-tech report. 7. For structural framing sizes, bottom of deck and top of steel elevations, see plans. 8. For floor deck size, attachment, span direction,and finish floor elevations, see plans. 9. For typical bearing wall construction, see plans. Coordinate location with plans and architectural. 10. For interior and exterior wall finishes, see architectural. 11. For all typical construction details not shown on this sheet, see all "S5" series drawings. S5.32 BRIDGE CLIP WITH 2-SCREWS TO STUD AND 2-SCREWS TO BRIDGING CHANNEL WALL COVERING NOTES: 1. Blocking to occur at each end of wall or adjacent to each opening and at 8'-0" OC max. horiz. and at 8'-0" max. vert. 2. Contractors options: continuous CRC per _______ in lieu of stud and 3 strap bridging. S5.32 2" x 20 GA. STEEL STRAP BOTH SIDES 2 BRIDGING FOR STUD WALLS NO SCALE NO SCALE STUD WALL 4-SHOT PINS 1 1 NOTE: 1. See steel stud manufacturers association (SSMA) for bridging requirements at interior nonstructural walls. SCREW OPTIONS NOTE: 1. Use this detail or approved manufacturer's alternate. 1 1 BRIDGE CLIP AISC MAX AISC MAX WELD OPTIONS 3 COLD-ROLLED CHANNEL BRIDGING NO SCALE CLOSURE PLATE, BY OTHERS, 12 GA. MIN. CLOSURE PLATE, BY OTHERS, 1/4" MIN. 1" MAX. CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, BY OTHERS SPAZZER BAR, SEE NOTE 1 3" MIN. UNO. VERTICLIP SLB OR EQUAL WITH 2-SCREWS CENTERED IN SLOT AT EACH STUD AND ONE ON EACH SIDE OF JAMBS, COORDINATE APPROPRIATE CLIP SIZE WITH STUD SIZE. 1" MAX. STIFFCLIP LB OR EQUAL WITH 4-SCREWS MINIMUM, AT EACH STUD AND ONE ON EACH SIDE OF JAMBS, COORDINATE APPROPRIATE CLIP SIZE WITH STUD SIZE. CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK, BY OTHERS 1/2" CLOSURE PLATE, BY OTHERS, 12 GA. MIN. VERTICLIP SLB OR EQUAL WITH 2-SCREWS CENTERED IN SLOTS AT EACH STUD AND ONE ON EACH SIDE OF JAMBS, COORDINATE APPROPRIATE CLIP SIZE WITH STUD SIZE. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This document is preliminary in nature and is not a final, signed and sealed document ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS USED ON THIS PLAN ARE COPYRIGHT C OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. THE RE-USE OF ANY DETAILS AND CONCEPTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOCHSA ENGINEERING OF IDAHO. DETAIL NOTES Light Gauge Typical Detail Notes: 1. For structural design notes, see sheet LG0.02 thru LG0.0?. METAL DECK, BY OTHERS 4-SHOT PINS STUD FRAMING STAMP OR THIS FOR LIGHT GUAGE ONLY PROJECTS 1" MAX. 4-#12 SCREWS 2 1/2" MIN. PLAN DETAILS BLOCKING OR BRIDGING AT STEEL STUD WALLS AISC MAX STUD FRAMING FRAMING SCREWS AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER Boise, Idaho Las Vegas, NV Dubai, UAE Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Typical Detail Notes: STEEL FRAMING SCREW AT EACH INTERMEDIATE STUD TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES STUD FRAMING STUD FRAMING S5.32 SOLID BLOCKING GA. TO MATCH STUDS WITH WEB BENT AND ATTACHED TO STUDS WITH 2-SCREWS SEE _______ 2 2-#10 SCREWS TO PUNCH SYSTEM 201 N. Maple Grove Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone (208) 342-7168 Fax (208) 342-3079 20 GA. x 2" CONT. 2 STRAP TYP., SEE _______ KWIK BRIDGE PUNCH SYSTEM WIGWAM SKILLED NURSING FACILITY SOLID BLOCKING SAME GA. AS STUDS (C-RUNNER) AT EACH END OF WALL ADJACENT TO WALL OPENINGS STUD FRAMING STUD FRAMING NOTE: 1. For walls less than 16'-0" in height, and gyp. board on both sides, no spazzer bar needed. For walls 16'-0" to 30'-0" use spazzer bar at mid-height NO SCALE 5 VERTICLIP SLB CONNECTION NO SCALE STUD FRAMING 6 STIFFCLIP CONNECTION NO SCALE VERTICLIP AT LIGHT GA. FRAMING 7 JOB TITLE 4 SPAZZER BAR BRIDGING NO SCALE BOTH ENDS BACK TO BACK T125 TRACK, USE 16 GA. AND DEPTH AS WALL UNO. BOTTOM BEARING CONDITION T125 TRACK WITH SCREW AT EACH SIDE OF EACH STUD. MATCH STUD DEPTH AND GAUGE T200-43 SLOTTED SLIP TRACK WITH SCREW EACH SIDE AT EACH STUD, CENTERED IN SLOTS. MATCH STUD DEPTH AND GAUGE ROOF DECK, BY OTHERS 8-SCREWS TOTAL EACH SIDE OF SPLICE CENTER OF SPLICE 2-SCREWS AT EACH PLATE 2-#10 SCREWS, AT 12" OC. STUD FRAMING STUD FRAMING T125-54 MIN. TRACK AT SPLICE. TRACK TO MATCH STUD SIZE STUD FRAMING, SEE PLAN TOP BEARING CONDITION 9 _______ S5.32 2-WELDS EACH SIDE OF SPLICE 2 2 STUD FRAMING STUD FRAMING if stud wall does not land on flute. NOTE: 1. Plate not required when roof deck spans opposite of shown above direction. SCREW OPTION 8 STUD TO ROOF DECK NO SCALE STUD SLIP CONNECTION TO ROOF NO SCALE 9 BACK TO BACK TRACK DETAIL NO SCALE 10 TYPICAL STUD SPLICE DETAIL WELD OPTION 11 NO SCALE 1" MIN. TYP. CONCRETE SLAB OVER METAL DECK, BY OTHERS 1" MIN. TYP. SHOT PIN, AT EACH FLUTE T200 SLOTTED SLIP TRACK WITH SCREW EACH SIDE AT EACH STUD CENTERED IN SLOTS. MATCH STUD DEPTH AND GAUGE STUD ALIGNMENT NOT WITH DECK FLUTE SLOTTED SLIP TRACK AT CONCRETE DECK NO SCALE 12 Rev. STUD ALIGNMENT WITH DECK FLUTE 3/4" GAP, MAX C:\Users\jgowans\Documents\134112 Wigwam SNF_JGowans.rvt 2/21/2014 2:59:42 PM 3/4" GAP, MAX T200 SLOTTED SLIP TRACK WITH SCREW EACH SIDE AT EACH STUD CENTERED IN SLOTS. MATCH STUD DEPTH AND GAUGE 100% DD SET 02/21/14 Description CONCRETE SLAB OVER METAL DECK, BY OTHERS CENTER OF SPLICE Date NOTE: 1. Use plate and connection shown on STEEL STUD TYPICAL DETAILS 2-ROWS OF 4-SCREWS AT WEB ROOF DECK, BY OTHERS 2-SCREWS AT 16" OC. T125-54 MIN. TRACK AT SPLICE. TRACK TO MATCH STUD SIZE This drawing package is being submitted for approval only. Any materials ordered or constructed based on this drawing package prior to final approval from the Architect and Engineer-of-Record is at risk of the contractor. The contractor is advised to obtain final approved drawing package prior to ordering material and/or construction. ROOF DECK, BY OTHERS 1 1/2" SHEET TITLE 1 1/2" PLATE 18 GA. x6x 3-FLUTES WIDE AT 48" OC. WITH SCREW TO VALLEY OF DECK FLUTES 4-SCREWS EACH FLANGE, BOTH SIDES 3' - 0" MIN. 2-SCREWS AT 16" OC. 3' - 0" MIN. T125 TRACK WITH SCREW AT EACH SIDE OF EACH STUD. MATCH STUD DEPTH AND GAUGE DATE: 02-10-14 JOB No. 134112.00 DESIGN BY: DH/RM DRAWN BY: JG SHEET No. S5.32
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