APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 Arkansas Public Service Commission Tariff ("TF") Docket Summary Cover Sheet Must be filed with each new TF docket filed at the Commission STYLE OF DOCKET: Tariff Filing to Amend Net Metering Tariff Docket No. 12-060-R DOCKET DESIGNATOR: ✔ TF Does this change company name: ORIGIN: ✔ Original Action Y RELATED DOCKETS: ✔ N LAST RATE CASE DOCKET: Reopened/Reinstated PETITIONER Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation 3641 Wedington Drive P.O. Box 848 Fayetteville, AR 72702 99-250-U Nature of Tariff: See second sheet ATTORNEYS' NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX, E-MAIL Eldridge, III ATTORNEYS'John NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, Counsel, Eldridge & Eldridge, P.A. P.O. Box 580 Fayetteville, AR 72702-0580 FAX, E-MAIL Write a brief statement, limited to the space provided herein describing the case that you are filing. Please provide enough information to assure that the nature of your docket is clear. Tariff filing to amend Net Metering Tariff to comply with Arkansas PSC Docket No. 12-060-R, Order No. 7 and Order No. 8, Amendments to the Net Metering Rules. N/A 1. Number of customers by class affected by this tariff change: ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ N/A 2. Company's current authorized retail revenue requirement: _________________________________________ 3. Estimated annual retail revenue impact if proposal is approved, both in dollars and as a percentage of N/A current retail revenue requirement: ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Estimated monthly impact on an average residental customer in both dollars and percentage increase: N/A _________________________________________________________________________________________ David Hedrick Form completed by:_______________________ Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corp Representing___________________________ 10/18/2013 Date:_____________ APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 Nature of Tariff: Please Choose at least one, but not more than three Auto Adjustment ✔ ✔ Grand Gulf Nuclear Decommissioning Rates Retail Shielded Outdoor Lighting Terms and Conditions Weather Wholesale Wholesale rate adjustment APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Sheet No. Sheet No. 2nd Revision Replacing 1st Revision 44_ 44_ Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation Name of Company Kind of Service: Electric Class of Service: All Classes Schedule No.: NET Title: NET METERING PSC File Mark Only 1. NET METERING 1.1 AVAILABILITY 1.1.1 To any residential or any other customer who takes service under standard rate schedule(s) GS-1, GS3, LP<350 KVA, LP>350 KVA, LP-OFF who has installed a net metering facility and signed a Standard Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities with the Utility. Such facilities must be located on Customer’s premise and intended primarily to offset some or all of Customer’s energy usage. The provisions of the customer’s standard rate schedule are modified as specified herein. 1.1.2 Net-metering customers taking service under the provisions of this tariff may not simultaneously take service under the provisions of any other alternative source generation or cogeneration tariff except as provided in the Net Metering Rules. 1.2 MONTHLY BILLING 1.2.1 On a monthly basis, the net metering customer shall be billed the charges applicable under the currently effective standard rate schedule and any appropriate rider schedules. Under net metering only the kilowatt-hour (kWh) units of a customer’s bill are affected. 1.2.2 If the kWhs supplied by the electric utility exceeds the kWhs generated by the net metering facility and fed back to the electric utility during the billing period, the net metering customer shall be billed for the net billable kWhs supplied by the electric utility in accordance with the rates and charges under the customer’s standard rate schedule. 1.2.3 If the kWhs generated by the net metering facility and fed back to the electric utility during the billing period exceeds the kWhs supplied by the electric utility to the net-metering customer during the applicable billing period, the utility shall credit the net-metering customer with any accumulated net excess generation in the next applicable billing period. RT AT RT AT RT AT RT RT THIS SPACE FOR PSC USE ONLY APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Sheet No. 44a_ Sheet No. ___ ____ Original ____ Replacing __________ Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation Name of Company Kind of Service: Electric Class of Service: All Classes Schedule No.: NET Title: NET METERING PSC File Mark Only 1.2.4 Net excess generation shall first be credited to the net-metering customer’s meter to which the netmetering facility is physically attached (designated meter). AT AT 1.2.5 After application of 1.2.4 and upon request of the net-metering customer pursuant to 1.2.8, any remaining net excess generation shall be credited to one or more of the net-metering customer’s meters (additional meters) in the rank order provided by the customer. AT AT AT 1.2.6 Net excess generation shall be credited as described in 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 during subsequent billing periods; net excess generation credit remaining in the net-metering customer’s account at the close of an annual billing cycle, up to an amount equal to four (4) months’ average usage during the annual billing cycle that is closing, shall be credited to the net-metering customer’s account for use during the next annual billing cycle. AT AT AT AT 1.2.7 Except as provided in 1.2.6, any net excess generation credit remaining in a net-metering customer’s account at the close of any annual billing cycle shall expire. AT 1.2.8 Upon request from a net-metering customer, an electric utility must apply net excess generation to the net-metering customer’s additional meters provided that: AT AT (a) The net-metering customer must give at least 30 days’ notice to the utility, AT (b) The additional meter(s) must be identified at the time of the request and must be in the net-metering customer’s name, in the same utility service territory, and be used to measure only electricity used for the net-metering customer’s requirements. AT AT AT (c) In the event that more than one of the net-metering customer’s meters is identified, the net-metering customer must designate the rank order for the additional meters to which excess kWhs are to be applied. The net-metering customer cannot designate the rank order more than once during the annual billing cycle. AT AT AT AT (d) The net-metering customer’s identified additional meters do not have to be used for the same class of service. AT AT Any renewable energy credit created as a result of electricity supplied by a net-metering customer is the property of the net-metering customer that generated the renewable credit. CT 1.2.9 THIS SPACE FOR PSC USE ONLY APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 12-060-R DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID HEDRICK ON BEHALF OF OZARKS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION 1 Q. Please state your name and business address. 2 A. My name is David Hedrick. My business address is 5555 North Grand Boulevard, Oklahoma 3 City, Oklahoma 73112-5507. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and what is your position? 5 A. I am employed by Guernsey & Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am a Sr. Vice-President 6 and work primarily in the area of Rate Analysis and Cost of Service Studies for rural electric 7 cooperatives. 8 Q. Please summarize your educational and professional background. 9 A. I have earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Central 10 Oklahoma and a Master of Business Administration degree from Oklahoma City University. A 11 copy of my resume and experience is attached to this testimony. 12 Q. Have you testified before this Commission? 13 A. Yes. I have also testified before or provided testimony to regulatory commissions in the states of 14 Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. Attached to my resume is a list of 15 some of the rate cases in which I have been involved. 16 Q. Whom do you represent in this proceeding? 17 A. I represent Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation (OECC). 18 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? 19 A. My testimony is to support changes to OECC’s Net Metering tariff. 20 Q. Why is OECC changing its Net Metering tariff? 1 APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 1 A. The changes incorporate Amendments to Net Metering Rules (Amendments) adopted by the 2 Commission in Docket No. 12-060-R, Order No. 7. Only those changes necessary to conform to 3 the revisions filed by Commission staff in response to Order No. 8 have been made. 4 Q. 5 As revised, does OECC’s Net Metering Tariff conform to rules adopted by the commission in Docket No. 12-060-R as set forth by Commission staff? 6 A. Yes, it does. 7 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 8 A. Yes it does. 2 APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 1 of 6 EDUCATION: M.B.A., Oklahoma City University, 1993 B.S., Mathematics, University of Central Oklahoma, 1986 PERTINENT EXPERIENCE FOR THE PROJECT: Mr. Hedrick specializes in the development of revenue requirements, cost of service, rate design, line extension analysis, special contract development, pole attachment rates, valuation analysis and other financial analysis for electric, water, and wastewater utility systems. He is also responsible for the preparation of rate filings and has presented expert testimony before state regulators, including Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming. Mr. Hedrick’s clients include both distribution providers and wholesale providers. He was instrumental in the development of the CoOPTIONS: family of computer software for use in unbundled utility cost of service studies and financial forecasting. As Manager of the Analytical Solutions Group, Mr. Hedrick has oversight of all studies, analyses and filings that are developed by the group. He continues to represent clients before the appropriate regulatory authority and is responsible for the preparation of rate filings and other analytical studies. SPECIFIC CONSULTING EXPERIENCE: Acquisitions, Consolidations & Valuation Analysis Mr. Hedrick has provided analytical support for consolidation studies in Texas and Wyoming. In addition, he has been involved in the valuation analysis of utility assets for purposes of acquisition and determination of fair market value for clients in Oklahoma and Kansas. Retail Rate Analysis, Cost of Service Studies, and Line Extension Analysis Mr. Hedrick’s rate analysis and cost of service experience includes the following: Arizona Navopache Electric Cooperative, Inc. – Regulated by Arizona Corporation Commission Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. – Regulated by Arizona Corporation Comm. Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. – Regulated by Arizona Corporation Commission Arkansas Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Corporation – Regulated by Arkansas PSC and Oklahoma Corporation Commission Ouachita Electric Cooperative Corporation – Regulated by Arkansas PSC Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation – Regulated by Arkansas PSC Colorado Colorado Rural Electric Association Delta-Montrose Electric Association Empire Electric Association, Inc. Grand Valley Rural Power Lines Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. Corporate Office: 5555 N. Grand Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73112-5507 405.416.8100 www.guernsey.us Direct Contact: 405.416.8157 Cell: 405.623.4380 [email protected] APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 2 of 6 Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. Poudre Valley REA, Inc. San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Yampa Valley Electric Association, Inc. Iowa Corn Belt Power Cooperative Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, Inc. Midland Power Cooperative, Inc. Kansas Ark Valley Electric Cooperative Association Caney Valley Electric Cooperative Association CMS Electric Cooperative, Inc. Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative Association Kansas Electric Power Cooperative Lyon-Coffey Electric Cooperative, Inc. City of Meade Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. Sedgwick County Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Western Cooperative Electric Association, Inc. Louisiana Claiborne Electric Cooperative Mississippi Southern Pine EPA Yazoo Valley EPA Nebraska Dawson County Public Power District New Mexico Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lea County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Oklahoma City of Blackwell Caddo Electric Cooperative Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Choctaw Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cimarron Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc. City of Duncan East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Indian Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kay Electric Cooperative, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 3 of 6 Kiwash Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Inc. City of Mangum Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc. Northfork Electric Cooperative Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc. City of Ponca City Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Southwest Rural Electric Association Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Verdigris Valley Electric Cooperative Texas Bailey County ECA Bandera Electric Cooperative, Inc. Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Inc. Central Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Concho Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cooke County Electric Cooperative Assn. CoServ Electric Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative, Inc. Fannin County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative, Inc. Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. Greenbelt Electric Cooperative, Inc. HILCO Electric Cooperative, Inc. Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lamar County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lighthouse Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc. Magic Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc. Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Navasota Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. North Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc. Nueces Electric Cooperative, Inc. Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative, Inc. San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc. South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc. Southwest Rural Electric Association, Inc., Okla. Southwest Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Swisher Electric Cooperative, Inc. Taylor Electric Cooperative, Inc. Texas Electric Cooperatives, Inc., Statewide Association Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 4 of 6 United Cooperative Services Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc. Wyoming Big Horn REC – Regulated by Wyoming Public Service Commission until 2007 Carbon Power & Light, Inc. – Regulated by Wyoming Public Service Commission until 2007 High Plains Power, Inc. – Regulated by Wyoming Public Service Commission until 2007 Powder River Energy Corporation – Regulated by Wyoming Public Service Commission Wyrulec Company – Regulated by Wyoming Public Service Commission until 2007 Wholesale Rate Analysis and Cost of Service Studies Corn Belt Power Cooperative, Humboldt, Iowa Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Topeka, Kansas Grand River Dam Authority, Vinita, Oklahoma Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, Edmond, Oklahoma Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Anadarko, Oklahoma Central Electric Power Cooperative, Columbia, South Carolina Piedmont Municipal Power Authority, Greer, South Carolina Brazos Electric Cooperative, Waco, Texas Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Amarillo, Texas Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, Richmond, Virginia Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania South Mississippi Electric Power Association, Hattiesburg, Mississippi Minnkota Power Cooperative, Grand Forks, North Dakota Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative, Rockwall, Texas Special Projects Development of Distributed Generation Procedures and Guidelines Manual: Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Anadarko, Oklahoma KAMO Electric, Vinita, Oklahoma Texas Electric Cooperatives, Austin, Texas Energy Policy Act of 2005 / EISA 2007 - Testimony in Support of Cooperative Staff’s Position in Consideration of new PURPA Standards: Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Stillwater, Oklahoma Cotton Electric Cooperative, Walters, Oklahoma Farmers Electric Cooperative, Greenville, Texas Grand River Dam Authority, Vinita, Oklahoma Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Van Alstyne, Texas HILCO Electric Cooperative, Itasca, Texas Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Hulbert, Oklahoma Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Tahoka, Texas Magic Valley Electric Cooperative, Mercedes, Texas Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Woodward, Oklahoma Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Norman, Oklahoma Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Azle, Texas Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Hooker, Oklahoma APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 5 of 6 United Electric Co-op Services, Cleburne, Texas Testimony before Colorado State House and Senate Committees in support of the Colorado Rural Electrification Association with regard to HB1169, Mandating Net Metering for Electric Cooperatives. The “Fresh Look” review of East Kentucky Power Cooperative on behalf of the cooperative’s distribution members as required by the Kentucky Corporation Commission. 2011 - 2012 Development of Pole Attachment Rental Rates for Cable and Communication Providers Texas Electric Cooperative Association Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative City of Bridgeport, Texas City of Burnet, Texas City of Cuero, Texas City of Estes Park, Colorado City of Gonzales, Texas City of Llano, Texas City of Riviera, Texas City of Shiner, Texas City of Yoakum, Texas Education and Training Mr. Hedrick provides educational seminars and training for cooperative staff and boards of directors, statewide associations, and professional organizations on the topics of Rate Analysis, Cost of Service, Rate Design, Line Extension Policy, and related issues. Expert Witness Mr. Hedrick has provided expert testimony related to the development of revenue requirements, cost of service, rate design, and special contract issues in Arizona, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. Financial Forecasting & Analysis Mr. Hedrick prepares and provides training in the development of financial forecast models for electric cooperatives and municipal utility systems. Software Sales & Support Mr. Hedrick provided assistance in the development of software for GUERNSEY’s 10-year Financial Forecast, Cost of Service, and Financial Performance Analysis programs. Mr. Hedrick is proficient in the use of these software packages and provides support to client users. Strategic Planning & Analysis Mr. Hedrick has provided assistance to electric cooperative boards of directors in the development of strategic goals and objectives. APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 8:10:52 AM: Recvd 10/18/2013 4:32:04 PM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 94 DAVID W. HEDRICK SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT / MANAGER, ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS Page 6 of 6 Publications and Presentations: Articles: Hedrick, David W. “Retail Rate Development: The Role of the Cooperative Board.” Management Quarterly, published by NRECA’s Education and Training Department. (Spring 2005): 20-35. Presentations Made by Mr. Hedrick: “Knowledge is Power: Financial Forecasting.” Seminar written and presented by Guernsey personnel annually since 2006 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. Hedrick has been a presenter for this seminar numerous times. “Knowledge is Power: Understanding Rates and Cost of Service.” Seminar written and presented by Guernsey personnel annually since 2005, in Oklahoma City, Okla., as well as other locations. Mr. Hedrick has been a presenter numerous times. “Distributed Generation Net Metering Issues.” Written for and presented at TEC Engineers Association Annual Meeting. September 2006. “Net Metering Issues.” Written for and presented at G&T Planners Association Meeting, Tucson. Arizona, September 2006. “Development of Distributed Generation Policies and Procedures.” Written and presented for Texas Electric Cooperatives’ Managers Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, December 2, 2004. “Rate Design in a Restructured Environment.” Written and presented for Texas Electric Cooperatives Accountants Association. Austin, Texas, April 19, 2000. EXPERIENCE RECORD: 1981-Present – C. H. Guernsey & Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2013 – Senior Vice President, Board of Directors 2008-2013 – Vice President for Guernsey 2000-Present – Manager, Analytical Solutions Group
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