NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK RESTROOM PAVILION FOR SARASOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT SARASOTA, FLORIDA Appendix A: Project NOA’s/ FL Approvals 10364CS ISSUED: MARCH 1, 2010 This page left intentionally blank This page left intentionally blank SECTION 10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Storage Pavilion This page left intentionally blank __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS – STORAGE BUILDING SECTION PAGE VOLUME I General Requirements Division 1 Summary of Work 011100 Substitution Procedures 012500 Contract Modification Procedures 012600 Payment Procedures 012900 Project Coordination 013113 Project Meetings 013119 Construction Progress Documentation 013200 Submittal Procedures 013300 Reference Standards 014219 Quality Control 014500 Construction Facilities 015200 Product Requirements 016000 Field Engineering 017123 Execution 017300 Cutting and Patching 017329 Construction Waste Management and Disposal 017419 Closeout Procedures 017700 Operation and Management Data 017823 Warranties 017836 Project Record Documents Division 2 Selective Site Demolition Division 3 Cast In Place Concrete Division 4 017839 Site Work 024113 Concrete 033000 Masonry Concrete Unit Masonry Division 5 042200 Metals Metal Fabrications 055000 Woods and Plastics Division 6 Not Used Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 July 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i This page left intentionally blank __________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION PAGE Fluid Applied Roofing 075600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 076000 Joint Sealants 079200 Doors and Windows Division 8 Metal Doors and Frames 081100 Sectional Doors 083613 Door Hardware 087100 Louvers and Vents 089000 Foundation Flood Vents 089543 Finishes Division 9 Portland Cement Plastering 092400 Painting 099100 Division 10 Specialties Signage 101400 Wall and Door Protection 102600 Division 11 Equipment Not Used Division 12 Furnishings Not Used Division 13 Special Construction Not Used Division 14 Conveying Systems Not Used VOLUME II Plumbing Division 22 Not Used Division 23 HVAC Not Used Electrical Division 26 Common Work Results for Electrical Construction 260500 Grounding & Bonding for Electrical Systems 260526 Hangers & Supports for Electrical Systems 260529 Raceway & Boxes for Electrical Systems 260533 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 July 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii This page left intentionally blank __________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION PAGE Identification for Electrical Systems 260553 Lighting Control Devices 260923 Panelboards 262416 Wiring devices 262726 Fuses 262813 Surge Protective Devices 264313 Interior Lighting 265100 Exterior Lighting 265600 Division 31 Earthwork Clearing and Grubbing 311100 Grading 312200 Excavation & Fill 312300 Dewatering 312319 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls 312500 Stormwater Pollution Prevention/NPDES Requirements 318000 Division 32 Exterior Improvements Base Courses 321100 Subbase Courses 321116 Fences and Gates 323100 Paving 324000 Planting 329000 Division 33 Utilities Pipe Removal and Abandonment Division 34 Transportation Maintenance of Traffic Appendix A 339000 349000 Project NOA’s/ FL Approvals _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 July 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page iii This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 011100 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Project Identification: Project consists of the replacement of an existing restroom facility at North Jetty Beach Park with a new storage pavilion. 1. 2. Project Location: North Jetty Beach Park, 1000 Casey Key Road, Nokomis, Florida. Owner: Sarasota County B. Architect Identification: The Contract Documents, dated 03/01/2010, were prepared for Project by TOTeMS, Inc. – 2168 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 34237. C. Project Coordinator: Kim Humphrey. 1.03 A. CONTRACT Project will be constructed under a general construction contract, with one bid number issued for: 1. 1.04 A. 1.05 A. 1.06 North Jetty Beach Park: New Storage Pavilion. WORK SEQUENCE The Work shall be conducted in one phase as illustrated in the Construction Documents. USE OF PREMISES General: Contractor shall have limited use of premises for construction operations, including use of Project site, during construction period. Contractor's use of premises is limited only by Owner's right to perform work or to retain other contractors on portions of Project. Contractor staging, storage, and job trailer location shall be finalized at a Pre-Construction conference and as required by authority having jurisdiction. Keep driveways and entrances clear at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. Schedule deliveries to minimize requirements for on site storage of materials. No work shall commence before 7:00 a.m. or proceed after 7:00 p.m. on any day. PARTIAL OWNER OCCUPANCY SUMMARY OF WORK 011100 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. 1.07 A. The Owner reserves the right to occupy, and place and install equipment, in completed areas prior to Substantial Completion provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Placement of equipment and partial occupancy shall not constitute acceptance of total Work. 1. A Certificate of Substantial Completion will be executed by the Architect for the Work occupied prior to Owner occupancy after the Construction Manager (Contractor) punch list has been reviewed and clarified by the Architect and Owner. 2. Obtain a Certificate of Completion from local building officials prior to Owner occupancy. 3. Prior to partial Owner occupancy, mechanical and electrical systems shall be fully operational. Required inspections and tests shall be fully operational, and Owner shall be trained in the use and maintenance of facility systems by the Contractor. Required inspections and tests shall have been successfully completed. Upon occupancy, the Contractor will provide operation and maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems during a 1 year warranty period. Owner will take over O&M after the 1-year period. SPECIFICATION FORMATS AND CONVENTIONS Specification Format: The Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections using the 2004 CSI/CSC's "MasterFormat" numbering system. 1. B. 03/01/2010 Section Identification: The Specifications use section numbers and titles to help cross-referencing in the Contract Documents. Sections in the Project Manual are in numeric sequence. Consult the table of contents at the beginning of the Project Manual to determine numbers and names of sections in the Contract Documents. Specification Content: The Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. 2. Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be inferred as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural, and plural words shall be interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by Contractor. Occasionally, the indicative or subjunctive mood may be used in the Section Text for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by Contractor or by others when so noted. a. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION END OF SECTION SUMMARY OF WORK 011100 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 012500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling requests for substitutions made after award of the Contract. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 1.03 Division 1 Section "Reference Standards" specifies the applicability of industry standards to products specified. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" specifies requirements for submitting the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Submittal Schedule. DEFINITIONS A. Definitions in this Article do not change or modify the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. B. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction required by the Contract Documents proposed by the Contractor after award of the Contract are considered to be requests for substitutions. The following are not considered to be requests for substitutions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.04 A. Substitutions requested during the bidding period, and accepted by Addendum prior to award of the Contract, are included in the Contract Documents and are not subject to requirements specified in this Section for substitutions. Revisions to the Contract Documents requested by the Owner or Architect. Specified options of products and construction methods included in the Contract Documents. The Contractor's determination of and compliance with governing regulations and orders issued by governing authorities. SUBMITTALS Substitution Request Submittal: The Architect will consider requests for substitution when received after commencement of the Work. 1. 2. 3. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form and according to procedures required for change-order proposals. Use form provided at end of this section. Identify the product or the fabrication or installation method to be replaced in each request. Include related Specification Section and Drawing numbers. Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following information, as appropriate: SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 4. 07/09/2010 Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by the Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include elements, such as performance, weight, size, durability, and visual effect. Product Data, including Drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. Samples, where applicable or requested. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the Contractor's Construction Schedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall Contract Time. Cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Contract Sum. The Contractor's certification that the proposed substitution conforms to requirements in the Contract Documents in every respect and is appropriate for the applications indicated. The Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately. Architect's Action: If necessary, the Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. The Architect will notify the Contractor of acceptance or rejection of the substitution within 7 days of receipt of the request, or one week of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. Acceptance will be formalized in the form of a change order. a. Use the product specified if the Architect cannot make a decision on the use of a proposed substitute within the time allocated. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 A. SUBSTITUTIONS Conditions: The Architect will receive and consider the Contractor's request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Architect. If the following conditions are not satisfied, the Architect will return the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of the Contract Documents. The request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time. The Architect will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly or coordinate activities properly. The request is directly related to an "or-equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents. The requested substitution offers the Owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities the Owner must assume. The Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to the Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by the Owner, and similar considerations. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 9. 10. 11. B. 07/09/2010 The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. Where a proposed substitution involves more than one prime contractor, each contractor shall cooperate with the other contractors involved to coordinate the Work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of products. The Contractor's submittal and the Architect's acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data, or Samples for construction activities not complying with the Contract Documents do not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor do they constitute approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM Project: To: Re: Specification Title: Section: Substitution Request Number: From: Date: . . . Description: Article/Paragraph: Page: Proposed Substitution: Manufacturer: Trade Name: . . Address: . . . Phone: Model No. Attached data includes product description, specifications, drawings, and performance and test data adequate for evaluation of the request: applicable portions of the data are clearly identified. Attached data also includes a description of changes to the Contract Documents that the proposed substitutions will require for its proper installation. The Undersigned certifies: 1. Has investigated proposed Product and determined that it meets or exceeds the quality level of the specified product. 2. Will provide the same warranty for the Substitution as for the specified Product. 3. Will coordinate installation and make changes to other Work that may be required for the Work to be complete with no additional cost to Owner. 4. Waive claims for additional costs or time extension that may subsequently become apparent. 5. Will reimburse Owner and Architect/Engineer for review or redesign services associated with substitution. Submitted By: Signed By: Firm: Address: Telephone: . . . . . Fax: A/E’s REVIEW AND ACTION Submission approved - Make submittals in accordance with Specification Section 01300. Submission approved as noted - Make submittals in accordance with Specification Section 01300. Submission rejected - Use specified materials. Submission request received too late - Use specified materials. Signed by: Supporting Data Attached: Date: Drawings Other Product Data . Samples SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500-4 Tests Reports . NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 012600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 A. SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing contract modifications. 1. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 3. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. Multiple Prime Contracts: Provisions of this Section apply to the work of each prime contractor. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" for requirements for the Contractor's Construction Schedule. Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures" for administrative procedures governing Applications for Payment. Division 1 Section "Substitution Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling requests for substitutions made after award of the Contract. CHANGES IN THE WORK The Architect may periodically issue supplemental instructions authorizing changes in the Work when RFI responses and executed proposal requests require further clarification. PROPOSAL REQUESTS, CONTRACTOR-INTIATED PROPOSALS INCLUDING INTERIM FIELD CHANGE AUTHORIZATIONS, CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES, AND CHANGE ORDERS Proposal Requests: The Contractor will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that will require adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time for review and approval by Owner prior to Contractor preparation of a Change Order. If necessary, the description will include supplemental pricing and labor costs and or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1. 2. Proposal requests received by the Architect and Owner are for information only. Do not consider them as an instruction either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. Owner shall, within 7 days of receipt of a proposal request, request a Change Order to be prepared by the Contractor for consideration and approval by the Board of County Commissioners. a. b. c. B. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. Include a statement indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will have on the Contract Time. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: When latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012600-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 the Contractor may propose changes by submitting an Interim Field Change Authorization (IFCA) for approval by the Owner and Architect. IFCA’s shall be logged sequentially by the Contractor and listed in each Application for Payment, noting the percentage completed and with applicable retainage calculated. Interim Field Change Authorizations are not Change Orders. They are for elements added or removed to the Work that fall within the contracted Owner’s Contingency amount. At the completion of the Work, any unused contingency funds will remain with the Contract and not be paid out as part of any final payment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Include a statement outlining the reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. Comply with requirements in Section "Substitutions" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for a product or system specified. IFCA’s may accompany RFI’s at the Contractor’s option if an RFI contains a Contractor recommended solution. C. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709 for Change Order Proposal Requests. D. IFCA Form: Format similar to AIA Documents G709. 1.05 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. Construction Change Directive: When the Owner and the Contractor disagree on the terms of a Proposal Request, the Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Form G714. The Construction Change Directive instructs the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1. 1.06 The Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of the change in the Work. It also designates the method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. After completion of the change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES A. Per Article II, Contract Price, of the Construction Contract; The contract price includes a 5% contingency amount for change orders that may be authorized at the discretion of the Administrative Agent. Upon full use of the 5% contracted Contingency, and the Owner's acceptance of subsequent Proposal Request(s), the Contractor shall prepare a Change Order for signatures of the Owner and the Contractor on AIA Form G701. Said change order may be implemented after Board of County Commissioners approval. Prior to full use of the Contingency amount, Contractor shall use the Internal Field Change Agreement (IFCA) process. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 012600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012600-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 012900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements governing each prime contractor's Applications for Payment. 1. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section. 1. 1.03 A. Coordinate the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment with the Owner's Construction Schedule, Submittal Schedule, and List of Prime Contracts. Schedules: The Owner's Construction Schedule and Submittal Schedule are specified in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures." SCHEDULE OF VALUES Coordination: Each prime Contractor shall coordinate preparation of its Schedule of Values for its part of the Work with preparation of the Owners' Construction Schedule and Supplementary Conditions Article 9.2. 1. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative schedules and forms, including: a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. Owner's Construction Schedule. Application for Payment forms, including Continuation Sheets. List of subcontractors. List of products. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. Schedule of submittals. Submit the Schedule of Values to the Architect at the earliest possible date but no later than 10 days after execution of Contract. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish the format for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: a. b. c. d. e. 2. Project name and location. Name of the Architect. Project number. Contractor's name and address. Date of submittal. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Related Specification Section or Division. Description of Work. Name of prime contractor. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. Name of supplier. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. Dollar value. 1) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Percentage of Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Break principal subcontract amounts down into several line items. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; the total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment, purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. Provide separate line items on the Schedule of Values for initial cost of the materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Unit-Cost Allowances: Show the line-item value of unit-cost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by the measured quantity. Estimate quantities from the best indication in the Contract Documents. Margins of Cost: Show line items for indirect costs and margins on actual costs only when such items are listed individually in Applications for Payment. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include the total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit margin for each item. a. 1.04 07/09/2010 Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at the Contractor's option. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Project Schedule to the Owner and Architect prior to the next Applications for Payment reflecting executed Change Orders or Construction Change Directives resulting in a change in the Contract Sum. PROGRESS SCHEDULE: Submit a bar-chart type progress schedule as an appendix to the executed contract for construction compatible with PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 the County’s Primavera Contract software for each application for payment. On the schedule, indicate a time bar for each major category or unit of work to be performed at the site, properly sequenced and coordinated with other elements of work. Show completion of the work sufficiently in advance of the date established for substantial completion of the work. Superimpose an S-Curve on the schedule to show the “estimated” total dollar-volume of work performed at any date during the Contract Time, with a column cost of figures in the left hand margin, ranging from zero to the Contract Sum. Submittal Tabulation: With the bar-chart submittal, submit tabulation, by date, of the submittals required during the first ninety (90) days of Construction Time. This tabulation shall include both those submittals required during the initial ninety (90) days of construction to maintain the orderly progression of the work, and those submittals required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. 1.05 A. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by the Architect and paid for by the Owner. 1. The initial Application for Payment, the Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and the final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. B. Payment-Application Times: Submit for review by Owner and Architect, a draft electronic copy of the Application for Payment prior to the 25th day of each month. The period covered by each Application for Payment starts on first day of the month for the Application period and ends on the last day of the month of the Application period. Once this draft copy has been agreed to by County, Contractor, and Architect, proceed to items 1.05 C-G below. C. Payment-Application Forms: Use County required forms modeled using AIA Document G702 and Continuation Sheets G703 as the form for Applications for Payment via the County Primavera Contract Manager interface. Include required Lien Releases as required with each Application for Payment. D. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on the form. After owner and Architect review and applicable adjustments are made to the draft Application for Payment, copies to Architect with adjustments (original signature) with execution by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the Contractor. The Architect will return incomplete applications without action. 1. 2. E. Transmittal: Post 1 notarized original copy of each Application for Payment for action by the Architect via Primavera Contract Manager interface, including required waivers of lien and similar attachments. 1. 2. F. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and the Contractor's Construction Schedule. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives executed and issued prior to the notarized date of the Application. Architect shall print (3) copies of and execute the Application for Payment and distribute back to Contractor and County. Upon receipt of each executed Application for Payment, County shall post a *.pdf version of this to the Primavera Contract Manager interface for the Project record. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanics liens from subcontractors, sub-subcontractors and suppliers for the construction period covered by the previous application. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested, prior to deduction for retainage, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers. 3. The Owner reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payment with the Contractor's waiver of mechanics lien for the period of construction covered by the application. a. 5. G. Submit final Applications for Payment with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, and executed in a manner, acceptable to the Owner. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals, that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment, include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. H. 07/09/2010 List of subcontractors. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. Schedule of Values. Contractor's Construction Schedule. Schedule of principal products. Submittal Schedule. List of Contractor's staff assignments. List of Contractor's principal consultants. Copies of building permits and Notice of Commencement. Copies of authorizations and licenses from governing authorities for performance of the Work. Preconstruction Conference. Notice to Proceed. Contractor training by County on the Primavera Contract Manager interface. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment. 1. 2. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. Administrative actions and submittals that shall precede or coincide with this application include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. Warranties (guarantees) and maintenance agreements. Test/adjust/balance records. Maintenance instructions. Meter readings. Startup performance reports. Changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. Final cleaning. Application for reduction of retainage and consent of surety. Advice on shifting insurance coverage(s). Final progress photographs. List of incomplete Work, recognized as exceptions to Architect's Certificate of Substantial PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY m. I. 07/09/2010 Completion. Population of building asset information into Owner-provided spreadsheet format. Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the final Application for Payment include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Completion of Project closeout requirements. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion. Ensure that unsettled claims will be settled. Ensure that incomplete Work (Contractor and Architect’s) punch lists are accepted and will be completed without undue delay. Transmittal of required Project construction records to the Owner. Certified property survey. Proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. Removal of temporary facilities and services. Removal of surplus materials, rubbish, and similar elements. Change of door locks to Owner's access. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PAR-T 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 012900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900-5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 013113 PROJECT COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 A. SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and supervisory requirements necessary for coordinating construction operations including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 3. 1.03 A. Coordinate construction operations included in various Sections of these Specifications to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations included under different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 2. 3. Schedule construction operations in the sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. Coordinate installation of different components to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. Make provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings. 1. C. Division 1 Section "Project Meetings" for progress meetings, coordination meetings, and preinstallation conferences. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" for preparing and submitting the Contractor's Construction Schedule. Division 1 Section “Closeout Procedures" for coordinating contract closeout. COORDINATION 1. B. General project coordination procedures. Conservation. Coordination Drawings. Administrative and supervisory personnel. Cleaning and protection. Prepare similar memoranda for the Owner and separate contractors where coordination of their work is required. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and assure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: PROJECT COORDINATION 013113-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. 1.04 Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated in, the Work. SUBMITTALS Coordination Drawings: Prepare coordination drawings where careful coordination is needed for installation of products and materials fabricated by separate entities. Prepare coordination drawings where limited space availability necessitates maximum utilization of space for efficient installation of different components. 1. 2. 3. B. Preparation of schedules. Installation and removal of temporary facilities. Delivery and processing of submittals. Progress meetings. Project closeout activities. Conservation: Coordinate construction operations to assure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. 1. A. 07/09/2010 Show the relationship of components shown on separate Shop Drawings. Indicate required installation sequences. Comply with requirements contained in Section "Submittal Procedures." Staff Names: At the Preconstruction Conference, submit a list of the Contractor's principal staff assignments, including the superintendent and other personnel in attendance at the Project Site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities. List their addresses and telephone numbers. 1. Post copies of the list in the Project meeting room, the temporary field office. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL COORDINATION PROVISIONS A. Inspection of Conditions: Require the Installer of each major component to inspect both the substrate and conditions under which Work is to be performed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. B. Coordinate temporary enclosures with required inspections and tests to minimize the necessity of uncovering completed construction for that purpose. 3.02 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place, during handling and installation. Apply protective covering where required to assure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. B. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to assure operability without damaging effects. PROJECT COORDINATION 013113-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. 07/09/2010 Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. Where applicable, such exposures include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Excessive static or dynamic loading. Excessive internal or external pressures. Excessively high or low temperatures. Thermal shock. Excessively high or low humidity. Air contamination or pollution. Water or ice. Solvents. Chemicals. Light. Radiation. Puncture. Abrasion. Heavy traffic. Soiling, staining, and corrosion. Bacteria. Rodent and insect infestation. Combustion. Electrical current. High-speed operation. Improper lubrication. Unusual wear or other misuse. Contact between incompatible materials. Destructive testing. Misalignment. Excessive weathering. Unprotected storage. Improper shipping or handling. Theft. Vandalism. END OF SECTION 013113 PROJECT COORDINATION 013113-3 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 013119 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project meetings, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 1.03 Preconstruction conferences. Progress meetings. Division 1 Section "Project Meetings" for procedures for coordinating project meetings with other construction activities. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" for submitting the Contractor's Construction Schedule. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Schedule a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to the Owner and the Architect, but no later than 15 days after execution of the Agreement. Hold the conference at the Project Site or another convenient location. Conduct the meeting to review responsibilities and personnel assignments. B. Attendees: Authorized representatives of the Owner, Architect, and their consultants; the prime contractors; major subcontractors; manufacturers; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. C. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: 1. Tentative construction schedule. 2. Critical work sequencing. 3. Designation of responsible personnel. 4. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. 5. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. 6. Distribution of Contract Documents. 7. Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. 8. Preparation of record documents. 9. Use of the premises. 10. Parking availability. 11. Office, work, and storage areas. 12. Equipment deliveries and priorities. 13. Safety procedures. 14. First aid. PROJECT MEETINGS 013119-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 15. 16. 17. 1.04 07/09/2010 Security. Housekeeping. Working hours. PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Conduct progress meetings at the Project Site at twice monthly intervals. Owner to notify the Architect and prime contractors of scheduled meeting dates and times. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of the payment request. B. Attendees: In addition to representatives of the Owner and the Architect, each prime contractor, supplier, or other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. C. Agenda: Prepared by Contractor. Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to the status of the Project. 1. 2. Owner's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine where each activity is in relation to the Owner's Construction Schedule, whether on time or ahead or behind schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to insure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. Review the present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. D. Interface requirements. Time. Sequences. Status of submittals. Deliveries. Off-site fabrication problems. Access. Site utilization. Temporary facilities and services. Hours of work. Hazards and risks. Housekeeping. Quality and work standards. Change Orders. Documentation of information for payment requests. Reporting: No later than 3 days after each meeting, Contractor will distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to parties who should have been present. 1. Schedule Updating: Revise the Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue the revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) PROJECT MEETINGS 013119-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 013200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.03 A. Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures" for submitting the Schedule of Values. Division 1 Section "Project Coordination" for submitting and distributing meeting and conference minutes. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" for submitting schedules and reports. Division 1 Section "Quality Control" for submitting a schedule of tests and inspections. Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic files as Project Record Documents at Project closeout. DEFINITIONS Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. 1. 2. B. Preliminary Construction Schedule: Contractor posts to Primavera Contract Manager interface. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Contractor posts to Primavera Contract Manager interface. Submittals Schedule. Daily construction reports: Contractor posts to Primavera Contract Manager interface. Material location reports. Field condition reports. Special reports. Construction photographs. Critical activities are activities on the critical path. They must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. Predecessor activity is an activity that must be completed before a given activity can be started. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be performed and the critical path of Project. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. Critical Path: The longest continuous chain of activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. D. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. E. Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. 2. 3. Float time belongs to Owner. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the following activity. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. F. Fragnet: A partial or fragmentary network that breaks down activities into smaller activities for greater detail. G. Major Area: A story of construction, a separate building, or a similar significant construction element. H. Milestone: A key or critical point in time for reference or measurement. I. Network Diagram: relationships. 1.04 A graphic diagram of a network schedule, showing activities and activity SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article and in-house scheduling personnel to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. B. Preliminary Submittals Schedule: Submit for Owner and Architect record at pre-Construction Conference. Arrange the following information in a tabular format: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scheduled date for first submittal. Specification Section number and title. Submittal category (action or informational). Name of subcontractor. Description of the Work covered. Scheduled date for Architect's final release or approval. C. Construction Schedule: Contractor posts to Primavera Contract Manager interface. Submit for Owner and Architect record at pre-Construction Conference, large enough to show entire schedule for entire construction period. D. Preliminary Network Diagram: Submit for Owner and Architect record at pre-Construction Conference, large enough to show entire network for entire construction period. E. Construction Photographs: Submit (1) set of digital files of each photographic view within seven days of taking photographs. 1. Format: Digital, 8.0 megapixels or higher suitable for printing on 8-by-10-inch (203-by-254-mm). Digital files shall be stored on CD or DVD-Rom media. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. Identification: information: a. b. c. d. e. f. 07/09/2010 On the CD or DVD-Rom case, provide an applied label with the following Name of Project. Name and address of photographer. Name of Architect. Name of Contractor. Date photograph was taken. Description of vantage point, indicating location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. F. Daily Construction Reports: Contractor posts to Primavera Contract Manager interface. Keep on record at Contractor office and at job site at all times during construction. G. Material Location Reports: Keep on record at Contractor office and at job site at all times during construction. H. Daily Field Condition Reports: Keep on record at Contractor office and at job site at all times during construction. I. Special Reports: Submit copies to Owner and Architect at time of unusual event. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Scheduling Consultant Qualifications: An experienced specialist in CPM scheduling and reporting. B. Photographer Qualifications: An individual of established reputation who has been regularly engaged as a professional photographer for not less than three years. C. Pre-Construction Conference: Conduct conference to comply with requirements in Division 1 Sections. Review methods and procedures related to the Preliminary Construction Schedule and Contractor's Construction Schedule, including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Notice to Proceed, Notice of Commencement. Distribution of the Contract Documents. Designation of responsible personnel. Construction schedule. CPM or in-house CPM consultant qualifications. Phasing. Critical work sequencing. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. Parking availability. Office, work, and storage areas. Equipment deliveries and priorities. First aid. Security. Use of premises, office and storage areas, security, housekeeping, and Owner’s needs. Working hours. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. Transmittal, review, and distribution of Contractor’s submittals. Requests for additional information (RFI’s). Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. Maintaining and Preparation of Record Documents. Progress cleaning. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1.06 07/09/2010 COORDINATION A. Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate contractors. B. Coordinate Contractor's Construction Schedule with the Schedule of Values, list of subcontracts, Submittals Schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. 2. C. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. Auxiliary Services: Cooperate with photographer including access to Project site and use of temporary facilities including temporary lighting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. SUBMITTALS SCHEDULE Preparation: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. 1. 2. 3. 2.02 Coordinate Submittals Schedule with list of subcontracts, the Schedule of Values, and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Initial Submittal: Submit concurrently with preliminary bar-chart schedule. Include submittals required during the first 90 days of construction. List those required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. Final Submittal: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Procedures: Comply with procedures contained in AGC's "Construction Planning & Scheduling." B. Time Frame: Extend schedule from date established for commencement of the Work to date of Substantial Completion. 1. C. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each principal element of the Work. Comply with the following: 1. 2. Activity Duration: Define activities so no activity is longer than 20 days, unless specifically allowed by Architect. Procurement Activities: Include procurement process activities for long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than 60 days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement cycle activities include, but are not limited to, submittals, approvals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 4. 5. D. 07/09/2010 Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" in schedule. Coordinate submittal review times in Contractor's Construction Schedule with Submittals Schedule. Startup and Testing Time: Include not less than (7) days for startup and testing. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Architect's administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule, and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Phasing: Arrange list of activities on schedule by phase. Work under More Than One Contract: Include a separate activity for each contract. Work by Owner: Include a separate activity for each portion of the Work performed by Owner. Products Ordered in Advance: Include a separate activity for each product. Include delivery date indicated in Division 1 Section "Summary of Work." Delivery dates indicated stipulate the earliest possible delivery date. Owner-Furnished Products: Include a separate activity for each product. Include delivery date indicated in Division 1 Section "Summary of Work." Delivery dates indicated stipulate the earliest possible delivery date. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 7. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 8. Coordination with existing construction. Limitations of continued occupancies. Uninterruptible services. Partial occupancy before Substantial Completion. Use of premises restrictions. Provisions for future construction. Seasonal variations. Environmental control. Subcontract awards. Submittals. Purchases. Mockups. Fabrication. Sample testing. Deliveries. Installation. Tests and inspections. Adjusting. Curing. Startup and placement into final use and operation. Area Separations: Identify each major area of construction for each major portion of the Work. Indicate where each construction activity within a major area must be sequenced or integrated with other construction activities to provide for the following: a. b. c. d. Structural completion. Permanent space enclosure. Completion of mechanical installation. Completion of electrical installation. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY e. 07/09/2010 Substantial Completion. E. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, and Final Completion. F. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using fragnets to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall project schedule. G. Computer Software: Prepare schedules using a program that has been developed specifically to manage construction schedules. 2.03 A. 2.04 PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Bar-Chart Schedule: Submit preliminary horizontal bar-chart-type construction schedule at time of preConstruction Conference. Preparation: Indicate each significant construction activity separately. Identify first workday of each week with a continuous vertical line. Outline significant construction activities for first 60 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (GANTT CHART) A. Gantt-Chart Schedule: Submit a comprehensive, fully developed, horizontal Gantt-chart-type, Contractor's Construction Schedule within 30 days of date established for commencement of the Work. Base schedule on the Preliminary Construction Schedule and whatever updating and feedback was received since the start of Project. B. Preparation: Indicate each significant construction activity separately. Identify first workday of each week with a continuous vertical line. 1. 2.05 For construction activities that require 3 months or longer to complete, indicate an estimated completion percentage in 10 percent increments within time bar. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using AON (activity-on-node) format. B. Preliminary Network Diagram: Submit diagram within 30 days of date established for commencement of the Work. Outline significant construction activities for the first 60 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work and a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities. C. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's Construction Schedule using a CPM network analysis diagram. 1. 2. 3. 4. Develop network diagram in sufficient time to submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted for use no later than 30 days after date established for commencement of the Work. Conduct educational workshops to train and inform key Project personnel, including subcontractors' personnel, in proper methods of providing data and using CPM schedule information. Establish procedures for monitoring and updating CPM schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. Use "one workday" as the unit of time. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY D. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the preliminary network diagram, prepare a skeleton network to identify probable critical paths. 1. Activities: Indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and relationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. A. Contractor or subcontractor and the Work or activity. Description of activity. Principal events of activity. Immediate preceding and succeeding activities. Early and late start dates. Early and late finish dates. Activity duration in workdays. Total float or slack time. Average size of workforce. Dollar value of activity (coordinated with the Schedule of Values). Schedule Updating: Concurrent with making revisions to schedule, prepare tabulated reports for progress site meetings showing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.06 Sub-networks on separate sheets are permissible for activities clearly off the critical path. Initial Issue of Schedule: Prepare initial network diagram from a list of straight "early start-total float" sort. Identify critical activities. Prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. F. Preparation and processing of submittals. Purchase of materials. Delivery. Fabrication. Installation. Processing: Process data to produce output data or a computer-drawn, time-scaled network. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. Format: Mark the critical path. Locate the critical path near center of network; locate paths with most float near the edges. a. E. 07/09/2010 Identification of activities that have changed. Changes in early and late start dates. Changes in early and late finish dates. Changes in activity durations in workdays. Changes in the critical path. Changes in total float or slack time. Changes in the Contract Time. REPORTS Daily Construction Reports: Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at Project site: 1. 2. 3. List of subcontractors at Project site. List of separate contractors at Project site. Approximate count of personnel at Project site. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 07/09/2010 High and low temperatures and general weather conditions. Accidents. Meetings and significant decisions. Unusual events (refer to special reports). Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses. Meter readings and similar recordings. Emergency procedures. Orders and requests of authorities having jurisdiction. Change Orders received and implemented. Construction Change Directives received. Services connected and disconnected. Equipment or system tests and startups. Partial Completions and occupancies. Substantial Completions authorized. B. Material Location Reports: At weekly intervals, prepare a comprehensive list of materials delivered to and stored at Project site. List shall be cumulative, showing materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for materials or items of equipment fabricated or stored away from Project site. C. Field Condition Reports: Immediately on discovery of a difference between field conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare a detailed report. Submit with a request for information on CSI Form 13.2A. Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. 2.07 SPECIAL REPORTS A. General: Submit special reports directly to Owner and Architect within one day of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. B. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Owner in advance when these events are known or predictable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Scheduling Consultant: Engage a consultant to provide planning, evaluation, and reporting using CPM scheduling. 1. 2. B. In-House Option: Owner may waive the requirement to retain a consultant if Contractor employs skilled personnel with experience in CPM scheduling and reporting techniques. Submit qualifications. Meetings: Scheduling consultant or in-house personnel shall attend all meetings related to Project progress, alleged delays, and time impact. Contractor's Construction Schedule Updating: At team progress site meeting intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. C. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue updated schedule concurrently with the report of each such meeting. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including, but not limited to, changes in logic, durations, actual starts and finishes, and activity durations. As the Work progresses, indicate Actual Completion percentage for each activity. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Architect, Construction Manager, Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. 1. 2. 3.02 07/09/2010 Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. Photographer: Engage a qualified commercial photographer to take construction photographs. B. File format: Digital, 8.0 megapixels or higher suitable for printing on 8x10. C. Date Stamp: Unless otherwise indicated, date and time stamp each photograph as it is being taken so stamp is integral to photograph. D. Preconstruction Photographs: Before starting construction, take four color photographs of Project site and surrounding properties from different vantage points. Show existing conditions adjacent to property. E. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take four color photographs monthly, coinciding with cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. Photographer shall select vantage points to best show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 1. Field Office Prints: Retain one set of prints of periodic photographs in field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Identify photographs the same as for those submitted to Architect. F. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take eight color photographs after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Record Documents. Architect will direct photographer for desired vantage points. G. Digital Files of Construction and Final photographs: provide (1) set of files on CD or DVD-Rom media to Architect at project’s final completion. END OF SECTION 013200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 9 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 013300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples, and other miscellaneous submittals. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures" for submitting Applications for Payment. 2. Division 1 Section "Project Coordination" for submitting Coordination Drawings. 3. Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Submittals Schedule. 4. Division 1 Section "Quality Control" for submitting test and inspection reports and DelegatedDesign Submittals and for erecting mockups. 5. Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties Project Record Documents and operation and maintenance manuals. 6. Division 1 Section "Substitution Procedures" for product substitutions. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information that requires Architect's responsive action. B. Informational Submittals: Written information that does not require Architect's approval. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. 1.04 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. General: Copies of Architectural Floor Plan drawings in digital format will be provided to the Contractor once by the architect prior to construction in accordance with the “Authorization Statement for Electronic Transfer” form. (Example attached herein). Information provided in digital format is for the sole information and use of the authorizing entity. Further copying or transfer of this information is prohibited by copyright. Costs for such files as required by Architect and its consultants shall be paid for by the Owner. B. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. 07/09/2010 Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. C. Submittals Schedule: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for list of submittals and time requirements for scheduled performance of related construction activities. D. Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal review, including time for re-submittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. 1. Initial Review: Allow 14 days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if processing must be delayed to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal. 3. Allow 14 days for processing each re-submittal. 4. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing. E. Identification: Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. 1. Indicate name of firm or entity that prepared each submittal on label or title block. 2. Provide a space approximately 4 by 8 inches (100 by 200 mm) on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. 3. Submittal tracking number: Mark each submittal with a tracking number as follows: 25-05500-1A Re-submittal Designation. Use "A" for first re-submittal, "B" for second, etc. Submittal sequence number for Specification Section. Use a separate number for each transmittal, in sequence, for items within each Spec. Section. Specification Section. Transmittal number. Use a separate transmittal for each item or group of items within the same Section submitted together. 4. Include the following information on label for processing and recording action taken: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of Architect. d. Name and address of Contractor. e. Name and address of subcontractor. f. Name and address of supplier. g. Name of manufacturer. h. Submittal tracking number. i. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. F. Other necessary identification. Deviations: Highlight, encircle, or otherwise identify deviations from the Contract Documents on submittals. G. Copies: Unless additional copies are required for final submittal, and unless Architect observes noncompliance with provisions of the Contract Documents, initial submittal may serve as final submittal. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 07/09/2010 For submittals not requiring raised seal: Post one *.pdf copy of submittal to Architect via County Primavera Contract Manager interface (provide notification of posting date by Contractor to Architect). For submittals requiring raised seal: Submit seven copies of submittal to Architect. Upon approval, Contractor shall post one scanned *.pdf, *.tiff, or *.jpg copy of submittal to Architect via County Primavera Contract Manager interface (provide notification of posting date by Contractor to Architect). For product samples: Submit three submittals to Architect. Copies of approved submittals for maintenance manuals and Project Closeout will be made by Contractor. All submittals shall have (1) copy returned to Owner for Project record by Contractor after each review by Architect has been completed. Owner shall sign off on each submittal at this time. For *.pdf submittals (all except those requiring sign and seal), Contractor shall post the Architect approved and Owner sign-off submittal to the Primavera Contract Manager interface. H. Transmittal: Package each submittal individually and appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal using a transmittal form. Architect will return submittals, without review, received from sources other than Contractor. 1. On an attached separate sheet, prepared on Contractor's letterhead, record relevant information, requests for data, revisions other than those requested by Architect on previous submittals, and deviations from requirements of the Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations. Include the same label information as the related submittal. 2. Include Contractor's certification stating that information submitted complies with requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. Transmittal Form: Provide locations on form for the following information: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Destination (To:). d. Source (From:). e. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. f. Category and type of submittal. g. Submittal purpose and description. h. Submittal and transmittal distribution record. i. Remarks. j. Signature of transmitter. I. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. J. Use for Construction: Use only final submittals with mark indicating action taken by Architect in connection with construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. General: Prepare and submit Action Submittals required by individual Specification Sections. 1. Number of Copies: Submit the number of copies of each submittal required, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will retain at least one copy marked up as a Project Record Document. B. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 07/09/2010 If information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard printed data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Manufacturer's written recommendations. b. Manufacturer's product specifications. c. Manufacturer's installation instructions. d. Standard color charts. e. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. f. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. g. Printed performance curves. h. Operational range diagrams. i. Mill reports. j. Standard product operating and maintenance manuals. k. Compliance with recognized trade association standards. l. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. m. Application of testing agency labels and seals. n. Notation of coordination requirements. C. Shop Drawings: Prepare Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. 1. Preparation: Include the following information, as applicable: a. Dimensions. b. Identification of products. c. Fabrication and installation drawings. d. Roughing-in and setting diagrams. e. Wiring diagrams showing field-installed wiring, including power, signal, and control wiring. f. Shop work manufacturing instructions. g. Templates and patterns. h. Schedules. i. Design calculations. j. Compliance with specified standards. k. Notation of coordination requirements. l. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. 3. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and similar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches (215 by 280 mm) but no larger than 30 by 40 inches (750 by 1000 mm). D. Coordination Drawings: Provide to show attachment to adjacent work. E. Samples: Prepare physical units of materials or products, including the following: 1. Comply and coordinate with Sections that call for mockups. 2. Samples for Selection: a. When indicated, submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. b. When indicated, submit full-size units or samples of size indicated, prepared from the same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with the product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used materials; swatches showing color, texture, and pattern; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 4. 5. 6. 07/09/2010 Preparation: Mount, display, or package Samples in manner specified to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Prepare Samples to match Architect's sample where so indicated. Attach label on unexposed side that includes the following: a. Generic description of Sample. b. Product name or name of manufacturer. c. Sample source. Additional Information: On an attached separate sheet, prepared on Contractor's letterhead, provide the following: a. Size limitations. b. Compliance with recognized standards. c. Availability. d. Delivery time. Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture for a final check of these characteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these characteristics between final submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. a. If variation in color, pattern, texture, or other characteristic is inherent in the product represented by a Sample, submit at least three sets of paired units that show approximate limits of the variations. b. Refer to individual Specification Sections for requirements for Samples that illustrate workmanship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation, and similar construction characteristics. Number of Samples for Selection: Submit three sets of Samples. Architect will retain one Sample set; remainder will be returned marked up as required. a. Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated. F. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Submittals and Samples at Project site, available for qualitycontrol comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set. a. Samples that may be incorporated into the Work are indicated in individual Specification Sections. Such Samples must be in an undamaged condition at time of use. b. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as Owner's property, are the property of Contractor. G. Delegated-Design Submittal: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Quality Control." H. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for Construction Manager's action. I. Submittals Schedule: Documentation." J. Application for Payment: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures." K. Schedule of Values: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures." L. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of entity performing subcontract or supplying products. 2. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. 3. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.02 07/09/2010 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. General: Prepare and submit Informational Submittals required by other Specification Sections. 1. Number of Copies: Submit copies as required of each submittal, unless otherwise indicated for review by Architect. 2. Certificates and Certifications: Provide a notarized statement that includes signature of entity responsible for preparing certification. Certificates and certifications shall be signed by an officer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. 3. Test and Inspection Reports: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Quality Control." B. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." C. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. D. Product Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that product complies with requirements. E. Welding Certificates: Prepare written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) on AWS forms. Include names of firms and personnel certified. F. Installer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that Installer complies with requirements and, where required, is authorized for this specific Project. G. Manufacturer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements. Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required. H. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material complies with requirements. I. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements. J. Preconstruction Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests performed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements. K. Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. L. Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements. M. Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 N. Research/Evaluation Reports: Prepare written evidence, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. Include the following information: 1. Name of evaluation organization. 2. Date of evaluation. 3. Time period when report is in effect. 4. Product and manufacturers' names. 5. Description of product. 6. Test procedures and results. 7. Limitations of use. O. Maintenance Data: Prepare written and graphic instructions and procedures for operation and normal maintenance of products and equipment. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." P. Design Data: Prepare written and graphic information, including, but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regulations, and calculations. Include list of assumptions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. Include load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if any, used for calculations. Include page numbers. Q. Manufacturer's Instructions: Prepare written or published information that documents manufacturer's recommendations, guidelines, and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment. Include name of product and name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Preparation of substrates. 2. Required substrate tolerances. 3. Sequence of installation or erection. 4. Required installation tolerances. 5. Required adjustments. 6. Recommendations for cleaning and protection. R. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspections. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of factory-authorized service representative making report. 2. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for installation of product. 3. Statement that products at Project site comply with requirements. 4. Summary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with requirements and, if not, what corrective action was taken. 5. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance complies with requirements. 6. Statement whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty. 7. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections. S. Insurance Certificates and Bonds: Prepare written information indicating current status of insurance or bonding coverage. Include name of entity covered by insurance or bond, limits of coverage, amounts of deductibles, if any, and term of the coverage. T. Material Safety Data Sheets: Retain copies on site at all times, and submit information as part of Project close out submittals. U. Listed Products: include in each submittal, a copy of the Approved Products as listed in the contract documents. If substitutions to these products are approved by Architect prior to submittal in accordance with Division 1 “Substitution Procedures”, Contractor shall be responsible for updating and informing jurisdictional authority. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. Review each submittal and check for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Architect. B. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stamp. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. 1. 3.02 Stamp or statement shall include the following: "The Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all materials, field measurements, and field construction criteria related thereto or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents.” ARCHITECT'S ACTION A. General: Architect will not review submittals that do not bear Contractor's approval stamp and will return them without action. B. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or modifications required, and return it. Architect will stamp each submittal with an action stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate action taken, as follows: This review was performed for the limited purpose of determining general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the formation given in the Contract Documents. Modifications or comments made on the Submittal during this review do not relieve the Contractor from compliance with the requirements of the drawings and specifications. Approval of a specific item does not include approval of the assembly of which the item is a component. The Contractor is responsible for: quantities and dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the jobsite; information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction; coordination of the work of all trades; and for performing all work in a safe and satisfactory manner. APPROVED TOTeMS Architecture, Inc. Sarasota, Florida PROVIDE AS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT DATE _________________ RESUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM REJECTED BY ___________________ Not a specified product Incomplete Other _____________________ SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. The action stamp above will be appropriately marked and executed to indicate whether the submittal returned is approved for unrestricted release, final-but-restricted release, returned for re-submittal, or not approved. 1. Final Unrestricted Release: When the Architect marks a submittal "Approved," the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with requirements of the Contract Documents. Final payment depends on that compliance. a. Marking: “Approved” 2. Final-But-Restricted Release: When the Architect marks a submittal "Approved as Noted," the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with notations or corrections on the submittal and requirements of the Contract Documents. Final payment depends on that compliance. a. Marking: “Provide As Noted” 3. Returned for Re-submittal: When the Architect marks a submittal "Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit," do not proceed with Work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery, or other activity. Revise or prepare a new submittal according to the notations; resubmit without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain different action mark. a. Do not use, or allow others to use, submittals marked "Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit" at the Project Site or elsewhere where Work is in progress. b. Marking: “Revise and Resubmit” or “Resubmit Specified Item” 4. Not approved: When the Architect marks a submittal “Rejected”, the Work covered by the submittal does not conform to the contract documents. Submittal of specified item is required. D. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return it, or will reject and return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party. E. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents will not be reviewed and may be discarded. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-9 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 AUTHORIZATION STATEMENT For Electronic Transfer Project No.: 09265 Project Name: NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION ORDERED BY: (Type Company name, contact, and address) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE: FEE BASIS: Providing electronic base drawing information. $250 (Minimum $250 per request) Fee Waived for initial one-time transfer of Architectural files TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All documents and information prepared by TOTeMS, Inc. for this project, including information in electronic format, are instruments of our service, and are for use solely with respect to this project. TOTeMS, Inc. retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright for these instruments of service. Use of design information in electronic format from TOTeMS, Inc. does not represent review or approval of the users work by the design professional. Making this information available in electronic format, in no way implies that the recipient is required by TOTeMS, Inc. to use it. Use of information supplied by TOTeMS, Inc. in electronic format is at the sole risk and liability of the user. The user agrees to waive any claim against TOTeMS, Inc. and our employees, and to defend, indemnify, and hold them harmless from any claim or liability that allegedly arises from the use of information furnished in electronic format. The decision to use design information in electronic format obligates the user to verify the accuracy of the design against hardcopy representation of the design bearing the same issuance date. Information supplied in electronic format represents the most current status of the design at the date of the drawing=s issuance. It is the user=s responsibility to verify that the electronic information in their possession stays current throughout the life of the project, and to update the information as required to maintain it current. The user is also responsible to compare design information received in electronic format with field measurements and conditions prior to their making use of the information. Information provided in digital format is for the sole information and use of the authorizing entity. Further copying or transfer of this information in prohibited by copyright. Payment for information in electronic format is due in full prior to transmittal of the information. AUTHORIZATION: APPROVED/ACCEPTED BY: I/We hereby grant permission or have obtained permission for TOTeMS, Inc. to perform the above services. (Type Company name) SIGN HERE: _________________________________________ Print or type signer’s name here: _______________________ SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-10 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 TOTeMS, INC. ____________________________________________________ Project Manager Date: _____________________ SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 013300-11 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 014219 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. B "Indicated": The term "indicated" refers to graphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings; or to other paragraphs or schedules in the Specifications and similar requirements in the Contract Documents. Terms such as "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" are used to help the user locate the reference. Location is not limited. C. "Directed": Terms such as "directed," "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "required," and "permitted" mean directed by the Architect, requested by the Architect, and similar phrases. D. "Approved": The term "approved," when used in conjunction with the Architect's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, is limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. E. "Regulations": The term "regulations" includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. F. "Furnish": The term "furnish" means to supply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations by the indicated entity. In the event the indicated entity is not indicated, unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations shall be performed by the Contractor. G. "Install": The term "install" describes operations at the Project site including the actual unloading, temporary storage, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. H. "Provide": The term "provide" means to furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. I. "Installer": An installer is the Contractor or another entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or contractor of lower tier, to perform a particular construction activity, including installation, erection, application, or similar operations. Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perform. 1. 2. The term "experienced," when used with the term "installer," means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with the special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Trades: Using a term such as "carpentry" does not imply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter." It also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to tradespersons REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 07/09/2010 of the corresponding generic name. Assigning Specialists: Certain Sections of the Specifications require that specific construction activities shall be performed by specialists who are recognized experts in those operations. The specialists must be engaged for those activities, and their assignments are requirements over which the Contractor has no option. However, the ultimate responsibility for fulfilling contract requirements remains with the Contractor. a. This requirement shall not be interpreted to conflict with enforcing building codes and similar regulations governing the Work. It is also not intended to interfere with local tradeunion jurisdictional settlements and similar conventions. J. "Project site" is the space available to the Contractor for performing construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project site is shown on the Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which the Project is to be built. K. "Testing Agencies": A testing agency is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if required, to interpret results of those inspections or tests. 1.03 SPECIFICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT EXPLANATION A. Specification Format: These Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections based on the 2004 CSI/CSC's "MasterFormat" numbering system. B. Specification Content: These Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. 2. Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be interpolated as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the Section Text, subjective language is used for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by the Contractor or by others when so noted. a. 1.04 The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of the date of the Contract Documents. C. Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. D. 07/09/2010 Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of the requirements. Refer uncertainties to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on the Project must be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source and make them available on request. E. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards-producing organization, authorities having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context of the text provision. Refer to Gale Research's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the U.S.," which are available in most libraries. F. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. The following abbreviations and acronyms, as referenced in the Contract Documents, mean the associated names. Names and addresses are subject to change and are believed, but are not assured, to be accurate and up-to-date as of the date of the Contract Documents. AA Aluminum Association 900 19th St., NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 862-5100 AABC Associated Air Balance Council 1518 K St., NW, Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 737-0202 AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association 1827 Walden Office Sq., Suite 104 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4268 (847) 303-5664 AAN American Association of Nurserymen (See ANLA) AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 North Capitol St., NW, Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 624-5800 AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists P.O. Box 12215 (919) 549-8141 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 One Davis Dr. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 ABMA American Bearing Manufacturers Association (Formerly: Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association) 1200 19th St., NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036-2401 (202) 429-5155 ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association 950 North Glebe Rd., Suite 160 Arlington, VA 22203-1824 (703) 522-7350 ACI American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 9094 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094 (248) 848-3700 ACIL ACIL: The Association of Independent Scientific, Engineering, and Testing Firms 1629 K St., NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 887-5872 ACPA American Concrete Pipe Association 222 West Las Colinas Blvd., Suite 641 Irving, TX 75039-5423 (972) 506-7216 ADC Air Diffusion Council (312) 201-0101 11 South LaSalle St., Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60603 AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating Companies 600 N. 18th St. P.O. Box 2641 Birmingham, AL 35291-0992 AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association (See ABMA) AFPA American Forest and Paper Association (202) 463-2700 (Formerly: National Forest Products Association) 1111 19th St., NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-4 (205) 250-2530 (800) 878-8878 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 AGA American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 841-8400 AHA American Hardboard Association 1210 W. Northwest Hwy Palatine, IL 60067-1897 (847) 934-8800 AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 984-5800 AI Asphalt Institute Research Park Dr. P.O. Box 14052 Lexington, KY 40512-4052 (606) 288-4960 AIA The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC 20006-5292 (202) 626-7300 AIA American Insurance Association 1130 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 828-7100 AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association 2700 Prosperity Ave., Suite 250 Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 849-888 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Dr., Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 (800) 644-2400 (312) 670-2400 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 1101 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036-4700 (202) 452-7100 AITC American Institute of Timber Construction 7012 S. Revere Pkwy, Suite 140 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 792-9559 ALA American Laminators Association (See LMA) REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 ALCA Associated Landscape Contractors of America 12200 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 150 Reston, VA 20191 (703) 620-6363 ALI Associated Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 152837 1323 Wall St. Dallas, TX 75315 (214) 565-0593 ALSC American Lumber Standards Committee P.O. Box 210 Germantown, MD 20875 (301) 972-1700 AMCA Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. 30 W. University Dr. Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1893 (847) 394-0150 ANLA American Nursery and Landscape Association (Formerly: American Association of Nurserymen) 1250 Eye St., NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 789-2900 ANSI American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd St., 13th Floor New York, NY 10036-8002 (212) 642-4900 AOAC AOAC International (301) 924-7077 481 N. Frederick Ave., Suite 500 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 AOSA Association of Official Seed Analysts 201 N. 8th St., Suite 400 P.O. Box 81152 Lincoln, NE 68501-1152 (402) 476-3852 APA APA-The Engineered Wood Association (Formerly: American Plywood Association) P.O. Box 11700 Tacoma, WA 98411-0700 (206) 565-6600 APA Architectural Precast Association P.O. Box 08669 Fort Myers, FL 33908-0669 (941) 454-6989 API American Petroleum Institute 1220 L St., NW, Suite 900 (202) 682-8000 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Washington, DC 20005-8029 ARI Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 4301 Fairfax Dr., Suite 425 Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 524-8800 ARMA Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Center Park 4041 Powder Mill Rd., Suite 404 Calverton, MD 20705 (301) 231-9050 ASA Acoustical Society of America 500 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 (516) 576-2360 ASC Adhesive and Sealant Council 1627 K St., NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20006-1707 (202) 452-1500 ASCA Architectural Spray Coaters Association 230 W. Wells St., Suite 311 Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 273-3430 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers-World Headquarters 1801 Alexander Bell Dr. Reston, VA 20191-4400 (800) 548-2723 (703) 295-6000 ASHES American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services - Division of the American Hospital Assoc. One North Franklin, Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60606 (800) 424-2626 (312) 422-3860 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers 1791 Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 (800) 527-4723 (404) 636-8400 ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects 4401 Connecticut Ave., NW, 5th Floor Washington, DC 20008-2369 (202) 686-2752 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th St. (800) 434-2763 (212) 705-7722 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 New York, NY 10017-2392 ASPA American Sod Producers Association (See TPI) ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers 3617 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 210 Westlake Village, CA 91362-3649 (805) 495-7120 ASQC American Society for Quality Control 611 East Wisconsin, Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005 (800) 248-1946 (414) 272-8575 ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering 28901 Clemens Rd. Westlake, OH 44145 (216) 835-3040 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Dr. West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 (610) 832-9500 ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (Formerly: Exchange Carriers Standards Association) 1200 G St., NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 628-6380 AWCI Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industries--International 307 E. Annandale Rd., Suite 200 Falls Church, VA 22042-2433 (703) 534-8300 AWCMA American Window Covering Manufacturers Association (See WCMA) AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute 1952 Isaac Newton Sq. Reston, VA 20190 (703) 733-0600 AWPA American Wood Preservers' Association 3246 Fall Creek Hwy, Suite 1900 Granbury, TX 76049-7979 (817) 326-6300 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 AWPB American Wood Preservers' Bureau (This organization is now defunct.) AWS American Welding Society 550 NW LeJeune Rd. Miami, FL 33126 (800) 443-9353 (305) 443-9353 AWWA American Water Works Association 6666 W. Quincy Ave. Denver, CO 80235 (800) 926-7337 (303) 794-7711 BANC Brick Association of North Carolina P.O. Box 13290 Greensboro, NC 27415-3290 (800) 622-7425 (910) 273-5566 BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association 355 Lexington Ave., 17th Floor New York, NY 10017-6603 (212) 661-4261 BIA Brick Institute of America 11490 Commerce Park Dr. Reston, VA 22091-1525 (703) 620-0010 BIFMA The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association 2680 Horizon Dr., SE, Suite A1 Grand Rapids, MI 49546-7500 (616) 285-3963 CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 CAUS Color Association of the United States 409 W. 44th St. New York, NY 10036-4402 (212) 582-6884 CBM Certified Ballast Manufacturers Association 1422 Euclid Ave., Suite 402 Cleveland, OH 44115-2094 (216) 241-0711 CCC Carpet Cushion Council P.O. Box 546 Riverside, CT 06878-0546 (203) 637-1312 CDA Copper Development Association (800) 232-3282 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-9 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Inc. 260 Madison Ave., 16th Floor New York, NY 10016-2401 (212) 251-7200 CFFA Chemical Fabrics & Film Association, Inc. c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 CGA Compressed Gas Association 1725 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 1004 Arlington, VA 22202-4102 (703) 412-0900 CGSB Canadian General Standards Board Place du Portage Phase III, 6B1 11 Laurier St. Hull, Quebec K1A 1G6 CANADA Mailing Address: Canadian General Standards Board Sales Centre Ottawa K1A 1G5 CANADA (819) 956-3500 (800) 665-2472 (819) 956-0425 CISCA Ceilings and Interior Systems Construction Association 1500 Lincoln Hwy, Suite 202 St. Charles, IL 60174 (630) 584-1919 CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 5959 Shallowford Rd., Suite 419 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-0137 CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute 9891 Broken Land Pkwy, Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21046 (301) 596-2584 CPPA Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe Association 432 N. Superior St. Toledo, OH 43604 (800) 510-2772 (419) 241-2221 CRI Carpet and Rug Institute 310 S. Holiday, Ave. Dalton, GA 30722-2048 (800) 882-8846 (706) 278-3176 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-10 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 933 N. Plum Grove Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758 (847) 517-1200 CSSB Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau 515 116th Ave., NE, Suite 275 Bellevue, WA 98004-5294 (206) 453-1323 CTI Ceramic Tile Institute of America 12061 West Jefferson Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230-6219 (310) 574-7800 CTI Cooling Tower Institute P.O. Box 73383 Houston, TX 77273 (281) 583-4087 DASMA Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association, International (Formerly: National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers) c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 DHI Door and Hardware Institute (Formerly: National Builders Hardware Association) 14170 Newbrook Dr. Chantilly, VA 20151-2223 (703) 222-2010 DIPRA Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association 245 Riverchase Pkwy East, Suite O Birmingham, AL 35244 (205) 988-9870 DLPA Decorative Laminate Products Association (Dissolved in 1995 - Now part of KCMA.) ECSA Exchange Carriers Standards Association (See ATIS) EIA Electronic Industries Association 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 907-7500 EIMA EIFS Industry Members Association 402 N. Fourth St., Suite 102 Yakima, WA 98901-2470 (800) 294-3462 (509) 457-3500 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-11 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 EJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 25 N. Broadway Tarrytown, NY 10591-3201 ETL ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. (Now part of ITS) FCI Fluid Controls Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 FCICA Floor Covering Installation Contractors Association (Formerly: Floor Covering Installation Board) P.O. Box 948 Dalton, GA 30722-0948 (706) 226-5488 FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association (See GANA) FM Factory Mutual System 1151 Boston-Providence Tnpk. P.O. Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062-9102 (781) 762-4300 FTI Facing Tile Institute c/o Stark Ceramics P.O. Box 8880 Canton, OH 44711 (330) 488-1211 GA Gypsum Association 810 First St., NE, Suite 510 Washington, DC 20002 (202) 289-5440 GBI Green Building Initiative 2104 SE Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97214 Email: [email protected] (877) GBI-GBI1 GANA Glass Association of North America (Formerly: Flat Glass Marketing Association) 3310 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS 66611-2279 (913) 266-7013 GRI Geosynthetic Research Institute 33rd and Lancaster Walk (215) 895-2343 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-12 (914) 332-0040 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Rush Building, West Wing Philadelphia, PA 19104 HEI Heat Exchange Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 HI Hydraulic Institute 9 Sylvan Way Parsippany, NJ 07054-3802 (201) 267-9700 HI Hydronics Institute Division of Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association P.O. Box 218 35 Russo Pl. Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 (908) 464-8200 HMA Hardwood Manufacturers Association (Formerly: Southern Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Association) 400 Penn Center Blvd., Suite 530 Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5605 (412) 829-0770 HPVA Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association 1825 Michael Farraday Dr. P.O. Box 2789 Reston, VA 22195-0789 (703) 435-2900 IAS International Approval Services 8504 East Pleasant Valley Rd. Cleveland, OH 44131 (216) 524-4990 IBD Institute of Business Designers (Now part of IIDA) ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. P.O. Box 440 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 394-4424 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission (Available from ANSI) 11 West 42nd St., 13th Floor New York, NY 10036-8002 (212) 642-4900 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-13 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 345 E. 47th St. New York, NY 10017-2394 (800) 678-4333 (212) 705-7900 IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 120 Wall St., 17th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 (212) 248-5000 IGCC Insulating Glass Certification Council (Now part of ITS) IIDA International Interior Design Association 341 Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL 60654-1104 (312) 467-1950 ILI Indiana Limestone Institute of America Stone City Bank Building, Suite 400 Bedford, IN 47421 (812) 275-4426 IMSA International Municipal Signal Association P.O. Box 539 165 E. Union St. Newark, NY 14513 (800) 723-4672 (315) 331-2182 INCE Institute of Noise Control Engineering P.O. Box 3206, Arlington Branch Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (914) 462-4006 IRI Industrial Risk Insurers P.O. Box 5010 85 Woodland St. Hartford, CT 06102-5010 (860) 520-7300 ISA ISA - International Society for Measurement and Control P.O. Box 12277 67 Alexander Dr. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 549-8411 ISS Iron and Steel Society 410 Commonwealth Dr. Warrendale, PA 15086-7512 (412) 776-1535 ISWA Insect Screening Weavers Association (914) 962-9052 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-14 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 P.O. Box 1018 Ossining, NY 10562 ITS Intertek Testing Services (Formerly: Inchcape Testing Services) P.O. Box 2040 3933 US Route 11 Cortland, NY 13045-7902 (800) 345-3851 (607) 753-6711 KCMA Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (Formerly: National Kitchen Cabinet Association) 1899 Preston White Dr. Reston, VA 22091-4326 (703) 264-1690 LGSI Light Gage Structural Institute c/o Loseke Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 560746 The Colony, TX 75056 (972) 625-4560 LIA Lead Industries Association, Inc. 295 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10017 (800) 422-5323 (212) 578-4750 LMA Laminating Materials Association (Formerly: American Laminators Association) 116 Lawrence St. Hillsdale, NJ 07642-2730 (201) 664-2700 LPI Lightning Protection Institute 3335 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite E Arlington Heights, IL 60004-7700 (800) 488-6864 (847) 577-7200 MBMA Metal Building Manufacturer's Association c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 MCAA Mechanical Contractors Association of America 1385 Piccard Dr. Rockville, MD 20850-4329 (301) 869-5800 MFMA Maple Flooring Manufacturers (847) 480-9138 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-15 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Association 60 Revere Dr., Suite 500 Northbrook, IL 60062 MFMA Metal Framing Manufacturers Association (Formerly: Wood and Synthetic Flooring Institute) 401 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 644-6610 MHI Material Handling Institute (A Division of the Material Handling Industry) 8720 Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28217-3992 (800) 345-1815 (704) 522-8644 MIA Marble Institute of America 30 Eden Alley, Suite 301 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 228-6194 MIA Masonry Institute of America 2550 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 388-0472 ML/SFA Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association (A Division of the NAAMM) 8 South Michigan Ave., Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 456-5590 MRCA Midwest Roofing Contractors Association 4840 W. 15th St., Suite 1000 Lawrence, KS 66049 (800) 879-4448 (913) 843-4888 MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry 127 Park St., NE Vienna, VA 22180-4602 (703) 281-6613 NAA National Arborist Association P.O. Box 1094 Amherst, NH 03031-1094 (800) 733-2622 (603) 673-3311 NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 8 South Michigan Ave., Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 456-5590 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-16 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 NAGDM National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers (See DASMA) NAIMA North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (Formerly: Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association) 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310 Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 684-0084 NAMI National Accreditation & Management Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 366 207 S. Washington St. Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 (304) 258-5100 NAPA National Asphalt Pavement Association NAPA Building 5100 Forbes Blvd. Lanham, MD 20706-4413 (301) 731-4748 NAPM National Association of Photographic Manufacturers 550 Mamaroneck Ave. Harrison, NY 10528 (914) 698-7603 NBHA National Builders Hardware Association (See DHI) NCAC National Council of Acoustical Consultants P.O. Box 359 66 Morris Ave., Suite 1A Springfield, NJ 07081 (201) 564-5859 NCCA National Coil Coaters Association 401 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 321-6894 NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association 2302 Horse Pen Rd. Herndon, VA 20171-3499 (703) 713-1900 NCPI National Clay Pipe Institute P.O. Box 759 253-80 Center St. Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (414) 248-9094 NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 800 (800) 229-2652 (301) 657-2652 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-17 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Bethesda, MD 20814-3095 NCSPA National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association 1255 23rd St., NW, Suite 850 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 452-1700 NEBB Natural Environmental Balancing Bureau 8575 Grovemont Circle Gaithersburg, MD 20877-4121 (301) 977-3698 NECA National Electrical Contractors Association 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1100 Bethesda, MD 20814-5372 (301) 657-3110 NEI National Elevator Industry 185 Bridge Plaza North, Suite 310 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (201) 944-3211 NELMA Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association 272 Tuttle Rd. P.O. Box 87A Cumberland Center, ME 04021 (207) 829-6901 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N 17th St., Suite 1847 Rosslyn, VA 22209 (703) 841-3200 NETA InterNational Electrical Testing Association P.O. Box 687 106 Stone St. Morrison, CO 80465-1526 (303) 697-8441 NFPA National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park P.O. Box 9101 Quincy, MA 02269-9101 (800) 344-3555 (617) 770-3000 NFPA National Forest Products Association (See AFPA) NFRC National Fenestration Rating Council Incorporated 1300 Spring St., Suite 120 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-18 (301) 589-NFRC NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Silver Spring, MD 20910 NHLA National Hardwood Lumber Association P.O. Box 34518 Memphis, TN 38184-0518 (901) 377-1818 NIA National Insulation Association (Formerly: National Insulation and Abatement Contractors Association) 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 222 Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 683-6422 NIAC National Insulation and Abatement Contractors Association (See NIA) NKCA National Kitchen Cabinet Association (See KCMA) NLGA National Lumber Grades Authority #406-First Capital Pl., 960 Quayside Dr. New Westminster, BC V3M 6G2 (604) 524-2393 NOFMA National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association P.O. Box 3009 Memphis, TN 38173-0009 (901) 526-5016 NPA National Particleboard Association 18928 Premiere Ct. Gaithersburg, MD 20879-1569 (301) 670-0604 NPCA National Paint and Coatings Association 1500 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005-5597 (202) 462-6272 NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association O'Hare International Center 10255 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 600 Rosemont, IL 60018-5607 (800) 323-9545 (847) 299-9070 NRMCA National Ready Mixed Concrete Association 900 Spring St. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 587-1400 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-19 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 NSA National Stone Association 1415 Elliot Pl., NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 342-1100 NSF NSF International (Formerly: National Sanitation Foundation) P.O. Box 130140 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140 (313) 769-8010 NSSEA National School Supply and Equipment Association 8300 Colesville Rd., Suite 250 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (800) 395-5550 (301) 495-0240 NTMA National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association 3166 Des Plaines Ave., Suite 121 Des Plaines, IL 60018 (800) 323-9736 (847) 635-7744 NUSIG National Uniform Seismic Installation Guidelines 12 Lahoma Ct. Alamo, CA 94526 (510) 946-0135 NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association (See NWWDA) NWWDA National Wood Window and Door Association (Formerly: National Woodwork Manufacturers Association) 1400 E. Touhy Ave., G-54 Des Plaines, IL 60018 (800) 223-2301 (847) 299-5200 PATMI Power Actuated Tool Manufacturers' Institute, Inc. 1603 Boonslick Rd. St. Charles, MO 63301-2244 (314) 947-6610 PCA Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Rd. Skokie, IL 60077-1083 (847) 966-6200 PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 786-0300 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-20 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PDCA Painting and Decorating Contractors of America 3913 Old Lee Hwy, Suite 33-B Fairfax, VA 22030 (800) 332-7322 (703) 359-0826 PDI Plumbing and Drainage Institute 45 Bristol Dr., Suite 101 South Easton, MA 02375 (800) 589-8956 (508) 230-3516 PEI Porcelain Enamel Institute 4004 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 224-B Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 385-5357 PGI PVC Geomembrane Institute P.O. Box 4226 Traverse City, MI 49685 (616) 933-6373 PPFA Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association 800 Roosevelt Rd., Building C, Suite 20 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5833 (630) 858-6540 PPI Plastic Pipe Institute (The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.) 1801 K St., NW, Suite 600L Washington, DC 20006 (202) 974-5306 RCMA Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association Center Park 4041 Powder Mill Rd., Suite 404 Calverton, MD 20705 (301) 230-2501 RCSC Research Council on Structural Connections Sargent & Lundy 55 E. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 269-2424 RFCI Resilient Floor Covering Institute 966 Hungerford Dr., Suite 12-B Rockville, MD 20850-1714 (301) 340-8580 RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association 1400 K St., NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 (800) 220-7620 (202) 682-4800 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-21 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SAE SAE International 400 Commonwealth Dr. Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 For publications: Call (412) 776-4970 (412) 776-4841 SDI Steel Deck Institute P.O. Box 25 Fox River Grove, IL 60021 (847) 462-1930 SDI Steel Door Institute 30200 Detroit Rd. Cleveland, OH 44145-1967 (216) 889-0010 SEFA Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association 1028 Duchess Dr. McLean, VA 22102-2010 (703) 790-8661 SEGD Society for Environmental Graphic Design 401 F St., NW, Suite 333 Washington, DC 20001-2728 (202) 638-5555 SGCC Safety Glazing Certification Council (Now part of ITS) SHLMA Southern Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Association (See HMA) SIGMA Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association 401 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611-4267 (312) 644-6610 SJI Steel Joist Institute 3127 10th Ave., North Ext. Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-6760 (803) 626-1995 SMA Screen Manufacturers Association 2850 S. Ocean Blvd., Suite 114 Palm Beach, FL 33480-5535 (561) 533-0991 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Inc. 4201 Lafayette Center Dr. P.O. Box 221230 Chantilly, VA 20151-1209 (703) 803-2980 SPI Society of the Plastics Industry, (800) 951-2001 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-22 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Inc. Spray Polyurethane Division 1801 K St., NW, Suite 600K Washington, DC 20006 (202) 974-5200 SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau 4709 Scenic Hwy Pensacola, FL 32504-9094 (904) 434-2611 SPRI SPRI (Formerly: Single Ply Roofing Institute) 175 Highland Ave. Needham Heights, MA 02194-3034 (617) 444-0242 SSINA Specialty Steel Industry of North America c/o Collier, Shannon Rill & Scott 3050 K St., NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 (800) 982-0355 (202) 342-8630 SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council 40 24th St., 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4643 (412) 281-2331 SSPMA Sump and Sewage Pump Manufacturers Association P.O. Box 647 Northbrook, IL 60065-0647 (847) 559-9233 STI Steel Tank Institute 570 Oakwood Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047-1559 (847) 438-8265 SWI Steel Window Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1300 Sumner Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (216) 241-7333 SWPA Submersible Wastewater Pump Association 1806 Johns Dr. Glenview, IL 60025-1657 (847) 729-7972 SWRI Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute 2841 Main Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-7974 TCA Tile Council of America 100 Clemson Research Blvd. (864) 646-8453 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-23 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Anderson, SC 29625 TIMA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association (See NAIMA) TPI Truss Plate Institute (Formerly: American Sod Producers Association) 583 D'Onofrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 833-5900 TPI Turfgrass Producers International (Formerly: American Sod Producers Association) 1855-A Hicks Rd. Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (800) 405-8873 (847) 705-9898 UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 (800) 704-4050 (847) 272-8800 UNI Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association 2655 Villa Creek Dr., Suite 155 Dallas, TX 75234 (972) 243-3902 USITT USITT: The American Association of Design and Production Professionals in the Performing Arts 6443 Ridings Rd. Syracuse, NY 13206-1111 (800) 938-7488 (315) 463-6463 USP U.S. Pharmacopeia (Formerly: U.S. Pharmacopoeial Convention) 12601 Twinbrook Pkwy Rockville, MD 20852-1790 (800) 227-8772 (301) 881-0666 WA Wallcoverings Association 401 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611-4267 (312) 644-6610 WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau P.O. Box 23145 Portland, OR 97281-3145 (503) 639-0651 WCMA Window Covering Manufacturers Association (Formerly: American Window Covering Manufacturers Association) 355 Lexington Ave., 17th Floor New York, NY 10017-6603 (212) 661-4261 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-24 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 WEF Water Environment Federation (Formerly: Water Pollution Control Federation) 601 Wythe St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1994 (703) 684-2400 WIC Woodwork Institute of California P.O. Box 980247 West Sacramento, CA 95798-0247 (916) 372-9943 WMMPA Wood Moulding & Millwork Producers Association 507 First St. Woodland, CA 95695 (800) 550-7889 (916) 661-9591 WPCF Water Pollution Control Federation (See WEF) REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-25 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY G. 07/09/2010 WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute 203 Loudoun St., SW Leesburg, VA 20175-2718 (703) 779-2339 WSC Water Systems Council Building C, Suite 20 800 Roosevelt Rd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (630) 545-1762 WSFI Wood and Synthetic Flooring Institute (See MFMA) WWPA Western Wood Products Association Yeon Building 522 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204-2122 (503) 224-3930 Federal Government Agencies: Names and titles of Federal Government standards- or specificationproducing agencies are often abbreviated. The following abbreviations and acronyms referenced in the Contract Documents indicate names of standards- or specification-producing agencies of the Federal Government. Names and addresses are subject to change and are believed, but are not assured, to be accurate and up-to-date as of the date of the Contract Documents. CE Corps of Engineers (U.S. Department of the Army) 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20314 CRD standards are available from: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Distribution Section Services Branch, TIC 3909 Halls Ferry Rd. Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 (202) 761-0660 (601) 634-2696 CFR Code of Federal Regulations (Available from the Government Printing Office) Washington, DC 20401 (Material is usually published first in the "Federal Register.") (202) 512-0000 CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission East West Towers 4330 East-West Hwy Bethesda, MD 20814 (800) 638-2772 CS Commercial Standard (U.S. Department of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 For Commercial standards, contact: (202) 512-1800 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-26 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Ms. Brenda Umberger CS & PS Specialist c/o NIST Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-4036 DOC Department of Commerce 14th St. and Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-2000 DOT Department of Transportation 400 Seventh St., SW Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St., SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-2090 FAA Federal Aviation Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation) 800 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20591 (202) 366-4000 FCC Federal Communications Commission 1919 M St., NW Washington, DC 20554 (202) 418-0126 FDA Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-1544 FHA Federal Housing Administration (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) 451 Seventh St., SW Washington, DC 20410 (202) 401-0388 FS Federal Specification Unit (Available from GSA) 470 East L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Suite 8100 Washington, DC 20407 (202) 619-8925 GSA General Services Administration F St. and 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20405 (202) 708-5082 MIL Military Standardization Documents (U.S. Department of Defense) Defense Printing Service 700 Robbins Ave., Building 4D Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 697-2179 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S. Department of Commerce) (301) 975-2000 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-27 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Building 101, #A1134, Rte. I-270 and Quince Orchard Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20899 1.05 A. 1.06 A. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor) 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 (202) 219-8148 PS Product Standard of NBS (U.S. Department of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 For Product standards, contact: Ms. Brenda Umberger CS & PS Specialist c/o NIST Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (202) 512-1800 (301) 975-4036 RUS Rural Utilities Service (Formerly: Rural Electrification Administration) (U.S. Department of Agriculture) 14th St. and Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-9560 TRB Transportation Research Board, National Research Council 2101 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20418 (202) 334-2934 USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture 14th St. and Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-8732 USPS U.S. Postal Service 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington, DC 20260-0010 (202) 268-2000 GOVERNING REGULATIONS AND AUTHORITIES Copies of Regulations: Obtain copies of the following regulations and retain at the Project site to be available for reference by parties who have a reasonable need: SUBMITTALS Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-28 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 014219 REFERENCE STANDARDS 014219-29 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 014500 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality-control services. B. Quality-control services include inspections, tests, and related actions, including reports performed by Contractor, by independent agencies, and by governing authorities. They do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Architect. C. Inspection and testing services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve the Prime Contractor of responsibility for compliance with Contract Document requirements. D. Requirements of this Section relate to customized fabrication and installation procedures, not production of standard products. 1. 2. 3. E. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 1.03 A. Specific quality-control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. Requirements in those Sections may also cover production of standard products. Specified inspections, tests, and related actions do not limit Prime Contractor's quality-control procedures that facilitate compliance with Contract Document requirements. Requirements for Prime Contractor to provide quality-control services required by Architect, Owner, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching" specifies requirements for repair and restoration of construction disturbed by inspection and testing activities. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" specifies requirements for development of a schedule of required tests and inspections. RESPONSIBILITIES Prime Contractor Responsibilities: Unless otherwise indicated as the responsibility of another identified entity, Prime Contractors shall provide inspections, tests, and other quality-control services specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents and required by authorities having jurisdiction. Costs for these services are included in the Contract Sum. 1. Where individual Sections specifically indicate that certain inspections, tests, and other qualitycontrol services are the Prime Contractor's responsibility, the Prime Contractor shall employ and pay a qualified independent testing agency to perform quality-control services. Costs for these services are included in the Contract Sum. QUALITY CONTROL 014500-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. Where individual Sections specifically indicate that certain inspections, tests, and other qualitycontrol services are the Owner's responsibility, the Owner will employ and pay a qualified independent testing agency to perform those services. a. B. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 3. A. The agency shall notify the Architect and the Prime Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. The agency is not authorized to release, revoke, alter, or enlarge requirements of the Contract Documents or approve or accept any portion of the Work. The agency shall not perform any duties of the Prime Contractor. Coordination: Coordinate the sequence of activities to accommodate required services with a minimum of delay. Coordinate activities to avoid the necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate inspections and tests. 1. 1.04 Provide access to the Work. Furnish incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate inspections and tests. Take adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing or assist the agency in taking samples. Provide facilities for storage and curing of test samples. Deliver samples to testing laboratories. Provide the agency with a preliminary design mix proposed for use for materials mixes that require control by the testing agency. Provide security and protection of samples and test equipment at the Project Site. Duties of the Testing Agency: The independent agency engaged to perform inspections, sampling, and testing of materials and construction specified in individual Sections shall cooperate with the Architect and the Prime Contractor in performance of the agency's duties. The testing agency shall provide qualified personnel to perform required inspections and tests. 1. E. The cost of retesting construction, revised or replaced by the Prime Contractor, is the Prime Contractor's responsibility where required tests performed on original construction indicated noncompliance with Contract Document requirements. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required inspections, tests, and similar services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify the agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Auxiliary services required include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. D. Where the Owner has engaged a testing agency for testing and inspecting part of the Work, and the Contractor is also required to engage an entity for the same or related element, the Contractor shall not employ the entity engaged by the Owner, unless agreed to in writing by the Owner. Retesting: The Prime Contractor is responsible for retesting where results of inspections, tests, or other quality-control services prove unsatisfactory and indicate noncompliance with Contract Document requirements, regardless of whether the original test was Contractor's responsibility. 1. C. 07/09/2010 The Owner is responsible for scheduling times for inspections, tests, taking samples, and similar activities. SUBMITTALS Unless the Prime Contractor is responsible for this service, the independent testing agency shall submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each inspection, test, or similar service to the Architect. If the Prime Contractor is responsible for the service, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each QUALITY CONTROL 014500-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 inspection, test, or similar service through the Contractor. 1. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to the governing authority, when the authority so directs. 2. Report Data: Written reports of each inspection, test, or similar service include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 1.05 A. Date of issue. Project title and number. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. Names of individuals making the inspection or test. Designation of the Work and test method. Identification of product and Specification Section. Complete inspection or test data. Test results and an interpretation of test results. Ambient conditions at the time of sample taking and testing. Comments or professional opinion on whether inspected or tested Work complies with Contract Document requirements. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. Recommendations on retesting. QUALITY ASSURANCE Qualifications for Service Agencies: Engage inspection and testing service agencies, including independent testing laboratories, that are prequalified as complying with the American Council of Independent Laboratories' "Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualification" and that specialize in the types of inspections and tests to be performed. 1. Each independent inspection and testing agency engaged on the Project shall be authorized by authorities having jurisdiction to operate in the state where the Project is located. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: Upon completion of inspection, testing, sample taking and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. Comply with Contract Document requirements for Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities, and protect repaired construction. C. Repair and protection is Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for inspection, testing, or similar services. END OF SECTION 014500 QUALITY CONTROL 014500-3 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 015200 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for construction facilities and temporary controls, including temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection. B. Temporary utilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. D. A. 1.04 A. Temporary project identification signs and bulletin boards. Waste disposal services. Security and protection facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.03 Water service and distribution. Temporary light. Temporary heat. Ventilation. Telephone service. Sanitary facilities, including drinking water. Storm and sanitary sewer. Temporary fire protection. Barricades, warning signs, and lights. Environmental protection. SUBMITTALS Temporary Utilities: Submit reports, field tests, inspections, meter readings, and similar procedures performed on temporary utilities. QUALITY ASSURANCE Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Building code requirements. Health and safety regulations. Utility company regulations. Police, fire department, and rescue squad rules. Environmental protection regulations. State and Federal laws. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. Standards: Comply with NFPA 241 "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations," ANSI A10 Series standards for "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition," and NECA Electrical Design Library "Temporary Electrical Facilities." 1. C. 1.05 07/09/2010 Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service in compliance with NFPA 70 "National Electric Code." Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary Utilities: Prepare a schedule indicating dates for implementation and termination of each temporary utility. At the earliest feasible time, when acceptable to the Owner, change over from use of temporary service to use of permanent service. Inform Owner minimum 24 hours in advance of any planned interruptions to utility service. B. Conditions of Use: Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in appearance. Operate in a safe and efficient manner. Relocate temporary services and facilities as the Work progresses. Do not overload facilities or permit them to interfere with progress. Take necessary fire-prevention measures. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on-site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Provide new materials only as required. If acceptable to the Architect, the Contractor may use undamaged, previously used materials in serviceable condition. Provide materials suitable for use intended. B. Lumber and Plywood: Comply with requirements in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry." 1. 2. 3. C. For signs and directory boards, provide exterior-type, Grade B-B high-density overlay fireretardant plywood of sizes and thicknesses indicated. For fences and vision barriers, provide minimum 3/8-inch- (9.5-mm-) thick exterior fire-retardant plywood, painted to color acceptable to Owner. For safety barriers, sidewalk bridges, and similar uses, provide minimum 5/8-inch- (16-mm-) thick exterior fire-retardant plywood. Paint: Comply with requirements of Division 9 Section "Painting." 1. 2. For job-built temporary fences, and other exposed lumber and plywood, provide exterior-grade acrylic-latex emulsion over exterior primer. For sign panels and applying graphics, provide exterior-grade alkyd gloss enamel over exterior primer. D. Tarpaulins: Provide waterproof, fire-resistant, UL-labeled tarpaulins with flame-spread rating of 15 or less. For temporary enclosures, provide translucent, nylon-reinforced, laminated polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, fire-retardant tarpaulins. E. Water: Provide potable water approved by local health authorities. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY F. 2.02 07/09/2010 Open-Mesh Fencing with fabric liners only as applicable to conform to applicable law. EQUIPMENT A. Job trailer: Provide for duration of construction from mobilization though substantial completion and punch list completion. B. General: Provide new equipment only as required. If acceptable to the Architect, the Contractor may use undamaged, previously used equipment in serviceable condition. Provide equipment suitable for use intended. C. Water Hoses: Provide 3/4-inch (19-mm), heavy-duty, abrasion-resistant, flexible rubber hoses 100 feet (30 m) long, with pressure rating greater than the maximum pressure of the water distribution system. Provide adjustable shutoff nozzles at hose discharge. D. Electrical Outlets: Provide properly configured, NEMA-polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 110- to 120-Volt plugs into higher voltage outlets. Provide receptacle outlets equipped with ground-fault circuit interrupters, reset button, and pilot light for connection of power tools and equipment. E. Electrical Power Cords: Provide grounded extension cords. Use hard-service cords where exposed to abrasion and traffic. Provide waterproof connectors to connect separate lengths of electric cords if single lengths will not reach areas where construction activities are in progress. Do not exceed safe lengthvoltage ratio. F. Lamps and Light Fixtures: Provide general service incandescent lamps of wattage required for adequate illumination. Provide guard cages or tempered-glass enclosures where exposed to breakage. Provide exterior fixtures where exposed to moisture. G. Temporary Toilet Units: Provide self-contained, single-occupant toilet units of the chemical, aerated recirculation, or combustion type. Provide units properly vented and fully enclosed with a glass-fiberreinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material. H. Fire Extinguishers: Provide hand-carried, portable, UL-rated, Class A fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces. In other locations, provide hand-carried, portable, UL-rated, Class ABC, drychemical extinguishers or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA-recommended classes for the exposures. 1. Comply with NFPA 10 and NFPA 241 for classification, extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Use qualified personnel for installation and required permitting of temporary facilities. Locate facilities where they will serve the Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work and surrounding habitat. Relocate and modify facilities as required. B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.02 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. 07/09/2010 General: Engage the appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipment. Comply with company recommendations. 1. 2. 3. Arrange with company and existing users for a time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. Provide adequate capacity at each stage of construction. Prior to temporary utility availability, provide trucked-in services. Obtain easements to bring temporary utilities to the site where the Owner's easements cannot be used for that purpose. B. Use Charges: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to the Owner or Architect except for electrical power costs which shall be provided by the Owner. Neither the Owner nor Architect will accept cost or use charges as a basis of claims for Change Orders. C. Toilets: Provide portable toilet facilities on site in location acceptable to Land Developer and Owner. D. Drinking-Water Facilities: including paper supply. E. Sewers and Drainage: Provide temporary connections to remove effluent that can be discharged lawfully. 1. 2. 3. 3.03 A. Provide containerized, tap-dispenser, bottled-water drinking-water units, Filter out excessive amounts of soil, construction debris, chemicals, oils, and similar contaminants that might clog sewers or pollute waterways before discharge. Connect temporary sewers to the municipal system, as directed by sewer department officials. Maintain temporary sewers and drainage facilities in a clean, sanitary condition. Following heavy use, restore normal conditions promptly. SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION Locate storage sheds, and other temporary construction and support facilities for easy access. 1. Maintain support facilities until near Substantial Completion. Remove prior to Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to the Owner. B. Provide incombustible construction for sheds located within the construction area or within 30 feet (9 m) of building lines. Comply with requirements of NFPA 241. C. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Install secure storage and fabrication sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment involved, including temporary utility service. D. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. 1. 2. 3. E. Install tarpaulins securely, with incombustible wood framing and other materials. Close openings of 25 sq. ft. (2.3 sq. m) or less with plywood or similar materials. Close openings through floor or roof decks and horizontal surfaces with load-bearing, fireretardant wood-framed construction. Where temporary wood or plywood enclosure exceeds 100 sq. ft. (9.2 sq. m) in area, use ULlabeled, fire-retardant-treated material for framing and main sheathing. Temporary Lifts and Hoists: Provide facilities for hoisting materials and employees. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment" and not temporary CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 facilities. F. Project Identification and Temporary Signs: Install and remove project identification, directional and other signs of size indicated and required for partially utilized facility operation. Install signs where indicated to inform the public and persons seeking entrance to the Project. Support on posts or framing of preservative-treated wood or steel. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. 1. 2. Project Identification Signs: 4’x8’ who shall engage an experienced sign producer to apply graphics. Electronic file for the sign shall be prepared by the Contractor. Temporary Signs: Prepare signs to provide directional information to construction personnel, occupied facility users and visitors. G. Temporary Exterior Lighting: Install exterior yard and sign lights so signs are visible when Work is being performed. I. Collection and Disposal of Waste: Collect waste from construction areas and elsewhere daily. Comply with requirements of NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste material and debris and specification Section 017419. Enforce requirements strictly. Do not hold materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 days when the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F (27 deg C). Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste by containerizing properly. Dispose of material lawfully. 3.04 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. Except for use of permanent fire protection as soon as available, do not change over from use of temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion, or longer, as requested by the Architect. B. Temporary Fire Protection: Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of the types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 10 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers" and NFPA 241 "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations." 1. 2. 3. 4. Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but not less than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire-protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit smoking at all Project inside locations. Provide supervision of welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. C. Barricades, Warning Signs, and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements for erection of structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics, and warning signs to inform personnel and the public of the hazard being protected against. Where appropriate and needed, provide lighting, including flashing red or amber lights. D. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure of partially completed areas of construction. Provide locking entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. 1. Storage: Where materials and equipment must be stored, and are of value or attractive for theft, provide a secure lockup. Enforce discipline in connection with the installation and release of material to minimize the opportunity for theft and vandalism. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY E. 3.05 07/09/2010 Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations, and minimize the possibility that air, waterways, and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted or that other undesirable effects might result. Avoid use of tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noise-making tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or firms near the site. OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. Limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses to minimize waste and abuse. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage by freezing temperatures and similar elements. 1. 2. C. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. Protection: Prevent water-filled piping from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. Termination and Removal: Unless the Owner or Architect requests that it be maintained longer, remove each temporary facility when the need has ended, when replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with the temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. 2. Remove temporary paving not intended for or acceptable for integration into permanent paving. Where the area is intended for landscape development, remove soil and aggregate fill that do not comply with requirements for fill or subsoil in the area. Remove materials contaminated with road oil, asphalt and other petrochemical compounds, and other substances that might impair growth of plant materials or lawns. Repair or replace street paving, curbs, and sidewalks at the temporary entrances, as required by the governing authority. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate Owner-provided temporary facilities and areas used during the construction period including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. Replace air filters and clean inside of ductwork and housings. Replace significantly worn parts and parts subject to unusual operating conditions. Replace lamps burned out or noticeably dimmed by hours of use. Other damage (excluding normal wear and tear) incurred after Commencement of the work. END OF SECTION 015200 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 015200-6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following administrative and procedural requirements: selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; product substitutions; and comparable products. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.03 A. DEFINITIONS Products: Items purchased for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. 2. 3. B. Division 1 Section "Alternates" for products selected under an alternate. ‘ Division 1 Section "Reference Standards" for applicable industry standards for products specified. Contract for Construction related to project closeout for submitting warranties for contract closeout. Divisions 2 through 30 Sections for specific requirements for warranties on products and installations specified to be warranted. Division 1 Section “Substitution Procedures”. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation, shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility, except that products consisting of recycled-content materials are allowed, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process, or where indicated as a product substitution, to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: Where a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis of design," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of other named manufacturers. D. Manufacturer's Warranty: Preprinted written warranty published by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. E. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by or incorporated into the Contract Documents, either to extend time limit provided by manufacturer's warranty or to provide more rights for Owner. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. General: Copies of drawings in digital format will be provided to the Contractor once by the Architect prior to construction in accordance with the “Authorization Statement for Electronic Transfer” form. (Example attached herein). Information provided in digital format is for the sole information and use of the authorizing entity. Further copying or transfer of this information is prohibited by copyright. Costs for such files as required by Architect and its consultants shall be paid for by the Owner. B. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. C. Submittals Schedule: Contractor shall coordinate submittals and time requirements for scheduled performance of related construction activities. D. Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal review, including time for re-submittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. 1. Initial Review: Allow 14 days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if processing must be delayed to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal. 3. Allow 14 days for processing each re-submittal. 4. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing. E. Identification: Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. 1. Indicate name of firm or entity that prepared each submittal on label or title block. 2. Provide a space approximately 4 by 8 inches (100 by 200 mm) on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 07/09/2010 Submittal tracking number: Mark each submittal with a tracking number as follows: 25-05500-1A Re-submittal Designation. Use "A" for first re-submittal, "B" for second, etc. Submittal sequence number for Specification Section. Use a separate number for each transmittal, in sequence, for items within each Spec. Section. Specification Section. Transmittal number. Use a separate transmittal for each item or group of items within the same Section submitted together. 4. Include the following information on label for processing and recording action taken: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of Architect. d. Name and address of Contractor. e. Name and address of subcontractor. f. Name and address of supplier. g. Name of manufacturer. h. Submittal tracking number. i. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. F. Other necessary identification. Deviations: Highlight, encircle, or otherwise identify deviations from the Contract Documents on submittals. G. Copies: Unless additional copies are required for final submittal, and unless Architect observes noncompliance with provisions of the Contract Documents, initial submittal may serve as final submittal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For submittals not requiring raised seal: Post one *.pdf copy of submittal to Architect via County Primavera Contract Manager interface (provide notification of posting date by Contractor to Architect). For submittals requiring raised seal: Submit seven copies of submittal to Architect. Upon approval, Contractor shall post one scanned *.pdf, *.tiff, or *.jpg copy of submittal to Architect via County Primavera Contract Manager interface (provide notification of posting date by Contractor to Architect). For product samples: Submit three submittals to Architect. Copies of approved submittals for maintenance manuals and Project Closeout will be made by Contractor. All submittals shall have (1) copy returned to Owner for Project records by Contractor after each review by Architects has been completed. Owner shall sign off on each submittal at this time. For *.pdf submittals (all except those requiring sign and seal), Contractor shall post the Architect approved and Owner sign-off submittal to the Primavera Contract Manager interface. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 H. Transmittal: Package each submittal individually and appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal using a transmittal form. Architect will return submittals, without review, received from sources other than Contractor. 1. On an attached separate sheet, prepared on Contractor's letterhead, record relevant information, requests for data, revisions other than those requested by Architect on previous submittals, and deviations from requirements of the Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations. Include the same label information as the related submittal. 2. Include Contractor's certification stating that information submitted complies with requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. Transmittal Form: Provide locations on form for the following information: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Destination (To:). d. Source (From:). e. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. f. Category and type of submittal. g. Submittal purpose and description. h. Submittal and transmittal distribution record. i. Remarks. j. Signature of transmitter. I. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. J. Use for Construction: Use only final submittals with mark indicating action taken by Architect in connection with construction. K. Substitution Requests: Applicable only if specified products are no longer available or if Contractor seeks to utilize a product or system that meets all the requirements outlined in the Substitution procedures noted herein. Submit three copies of each request for consideration. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. 2. Substitution Request Form: Use form provided at end of Section 012500. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the following, as applicable: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Statement indicating why specified material or product cannot be provided. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. Samples, where applicable or requested. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated. Research/evaluation reports evidencing compliance with building code in effect for Project, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY i. j. k. l. 3. 1.05 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 2. A. Form of Acceptance: Change Order after Contract for Construction, Addendum during bidding phase without a Contract for Construction. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with Contract for Construction submittal procedures. Show compliance with requirements. 1. 1.06 Detailed comparison of Contractor's Construction Schedule using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating lack of availability or delays in delivery. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum. Contractor's certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and is appropriate for applications indicated. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to produce indicated results. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution within 15 days of receipt of request, or 7 days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. L. 07/09/2010 Each contractor is responsible for providing products and construction methods compatible with products and construction methods of other contractors. If a dispute arises between contractors over concurrently selectable but incompatible products, Architect will determine which products shall be used. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. Inspect products on delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weather tight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 8. 9. B. 1.07 07/09/2010 Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage. Protect stored products from damage. Storage: Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and equipment by Owner's construction forces. Coordinate location with Owner. PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of obligations under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. Submit a draft for approval before final execution. 1. 2. 3. C. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed. Specified Form: Forms are included with the Specifications. Prepare a written document using appropriate form properly executed. Refer to Divisions 2 through 30 Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements for project closeout noted in the Contract for Construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. PRODUCT OPTIONS General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged, and unless otherwise indicated, that are new at time of installation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. Where products are accompanied by the term "match sample," sample to be matched is Architect's. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish "salient characteristics" of products. Or Equal: Where products are specified by name and accompanied by the term "or equal" or "or approved equal" or "or approved," comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. Product Selection Procedures: Procedures for product selection include the following: PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. Product: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Product" name a single product and manufacturer, provide the product named. a. 2. Substitutions may be considered. Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Products" introduce a list of names of both products and manufacturers, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. a. 4. Substitutions may be considered. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Manufacturer" or "Source" name single manufacturers or sources, provide a product by the manufacturer or from the source named that complies with requirements. a. 3. 07/09/2010 Substitutions may be considered. Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Manufacturers" introduce a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with requirements. a. Substitutions may be considered. 5. Available Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Available Products" introduce a list of names of both products and manufacturers, provide one of the products listed or another product that complies with requirements. Comply with provisions in "Substitution Procedures" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 6. Available Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Available Manufacturers" introduce a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed or another manufacturer that complies with requirements. Comply with provisions in "Substitution Procedures" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 7. Product Options: Where Specification paragraphs titled "Product Options" indicate that size, profiles, and dimensional requirements on Drawings are based on a specific product or system, provide either the specific product or system indicated or a comparable product or system by another manufacturer. Comply with provisions in "Substitution Procedures" Article. 8. Basis-of-Design Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Basis-ofDesign Product[s]" are included and also introduce or refer to a list of manufacturers' names, provide either the specified product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. a. 9. Substitutions will not be considered, unless otherwise indicated. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, select a product (and manufacturer) that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY a. 10. b. 2.02 A. If no product available within specified category matches satisfactorily and complies with other specified requirements, comply with provisions of the Contract Documents on "Substitution Procedures" for selection of a matching product. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufacturer's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, select a product (and manufacturer) that complies with other specified requirements. a. 11. 07/09/2010 Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "full range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. Unit Prices: Refer to "Unit Prices" provisions in the Contract for Construction that control product selection and for procedures required for processing of such selections. COMPARABLE PRODUCTS Where products or manufacturers are specified by name, submit the following, in addition to other required submittals, to obtain approval of an unnamed product: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evidence that the proposed product does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is compatible with other portions of the Work. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners, if requested. Samples, if requested. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017123 - FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for field engineering services, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Site lay-out work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. The Contractor shall identify existing control points and property line corner stakes. B. Verify layout information shown on the Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks before proceeding to lay-out the Work. Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points. Preserve permanent reference points during construction. 1. 2. 3. C. Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without prior written approval. Promptly report lost or destroyed reference points, or requirements to relocate reference points because of necessary changes in grades or locations. Promptly replace lost or destroyed project control points. Base replacements on the original survey control points. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. Existing utilities and equipment: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities and other construction. 1. Prior to construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connections of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service piping. 3.2 PERFORMANCE A. Working from lines and levels established by the property survey, establish benchmarks and markers to set lines and levels at each story of construction and elsewhere as needed to properly locate each element of the Project. Calculate and measure required dimensions within indicated or recognized tolerances. Do not scale Drawings to determine dimensions. 1. 2. Advise entities engaged in construction activities of marked lines and levels provided for their use. As construction proceeds, check every major element for line, level and plumb. FIELD ENGINEERING 017123 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. Surveyor’s Log: maintain a surveyor’s log of control and other survey work. Make this log available for reference. 1. C. 07/09/2010 Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise the Architect when deviations that exceed indicated or recognized tolerances are detected. On Project Record Drawings, record deviations that are accepted and not corrected. Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes and invert elevations by instrumentation and similar appropriate means. 1. Contractor shall be responsible for providing an as-built survey for all sanitary and stormwater- related site improvements. As-built survey shall be prepared and certified by a Florida registered land surveyor and shall include, at a minimum, all invert elevations, slopes, pipe sizes, top of structure elevations, and inlet elevations. Submit survey to Architect prior to Substantial Completion. D. Building Lines and levels: Locate and lay out batter boards for structures, building foundations, column grids and locations, floor levels and control lines and levels required for mechanical and electrical work. E. Existing Utilities: Furnish information necessary to adjust, move or relocate existing structures, utility poles, lines, services or other appurtenances located in, or affected by construction. Coordinate with local authorities having jurisdiction. END OF SECTION 017123 FIELD ENGINEERING 017123 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017300 EXECUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes general procedural requirements governing execution of the Work including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.03 Construction layout. Field engineering and surveying. General installation of products. Coordination of Owner-installed products. Progress cleaning. Starting and adjusting. Protection of installed construction. Correction of the Work. Contract for Construction regarding progress coordination procedures for coordinating field engineering with other construction activities. Contract for Construction "Submittal Procedures" for submitting surveys. Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching" for procedural requirements for cutting and patching necessary for the installation or performance of other components of the Work. Contract for Construction regarding project closeout for submitting any required final property survey(s), as-built drawings, recording of Owner-accepted deviations from indicated lines and levels, and final cleaning. SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For land surveyor and professional engineer to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. B. Certificates: Submit certificate signed by land surveyor and professional engineer certifying that location and elevation of improvements comply with requirements. C. Landfill Receipts: Submit copy of receipts issued by a landfill facility, licensed to accept hazardous materials, for hazardous waste disposal. Comply with provisions listed in Section 017419 ‘Construction Waste Management and Disposal’. EXECUTION 017300 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 D. Certified Surveys: Submit copies of final property survey signed by land surveyor and professional engineer in quantity as required by the Owner. E. Submit to SWFWMD a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer utilizing the required Statement of Completion and Request for Transfer to Operation Entity form identified in Chapter 40D-1.659, F.A.C., and signed, dated and sealed as-built drawings. 1.04 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Land Surveyor Qualifications: A professional land surveyor who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing land-surveying services of the kind indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Existing Conditions: The existence and location of site improvements, utilities, and other construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning work, investigate and verify the existence and location of mechanical and electrical systems and other construction affecting the Work. 1. B. Existing Utilities: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning site work, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities and other construction affecting the Work. 1. 2. C. Before construction, verify the location and points of connection of utility services. Before construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water-service piping; and underground electrical services. Furnish location data for work related to Project that must be performed by public utilities serving Project site. Acceptance of Conditions: Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer or Applicator present where indicated, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. Record observations. 1. Written Report: Where a written report listing conditions detrimental to performance of the Work is required by other Sections, include the following: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. Description of the Work. List of detrimental conditions, including substrates. List of unacceptable installation tolerances. Recommended corrections. Verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. Examine roughing-in for mechanical and electrical systems to verify actual locations of connections before equipment and fixture installation. EXECUTION 017300 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 4. 5. 3.02 07/09/2010 Examine walls, floors, and roofs for suitable conditions where products and systems are to be installed. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Proceeding with the Work indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPARATION A. Existing Utility Information: Furnish information to local utility and Owner that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with authorities having jurisdiction. B. Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. 2. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. C. Field Measurements: Take field measurements as required to fit the Work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. D. Space Requirements: Verify space requirements and dimensions of items shown diagrammatically on Drawings. E. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions: Immediately on discovery of the need for clarification of the Contract Documents, submit a request for information to Architect. Include a detailed description of problem encountered, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT A. Verification: Before proceeding to lay out the Work, verify layout information shown on Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks. If discrepancies are discovered, notify Architect and Construction Manager promptly. B. General: Engage a land surveyor and professional engineer to lay out the Work using accepted surveying practices. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Establish benchmarks and control points to set lines and levels at each story of construction and elsewhere as needed to locate each element of Project. Establish dimensions within tolerances indicated. Do not scale Drawings to obtain required dimensions. Inform installers of lines and levels to which they must comply. Check the location, level and plumb, of every major element as the Work progresses. Notify Architect and Construction Manager when deviations from required lines and levels exceed allowable tolerances. Close site surveys with an error of closure equal to or less than the standard established by authorities having jurisdiction. EXECUTION 017300 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations. D. Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out control lines and levels for structures, building foundations, column grids, and floor levels, including those required for mechanical and electrical work. Transfer survey markings and elevations for use with control lines and levels. Level foundations and piers from two or more locations. E. Record Log: Maintain a log of layout control work. Record deviations from required lines and levels. Include beginning and ending dates and times of surveys, weather conditions, name and duty of each survey party member, and types of instruments and tapes used. Make the log available for reference by Architect and Construction Manager. 3.04 FIELD ENGINEERING A. Identification: Owner will identify existing benchmarks, control points, and property corners. B. Reference Points: Locate existing permanent benchmarks, control points, and similar reference points before beginning the Work. Preserve and protect permanent benchmarks and control points during construction operations. 1. 2. C. Do not change or relocate existing benchmarks or control points without prior written approval of Architect. Report lost or destroyed permanent benchmarks or control points promptly. Report the need to relocate permanent benchmarks or control points to Architect and Construction Manager before proceeding. Replace lost or destroyed permanent benchmarks and control points promptly. Base replacements on the original survey control points. Benchmarks: Establish and maintain a minimum of two permanent benchmarks on Project site, referenced to data established by survey control points. Comply with authorities having jurisdiction for type and size of benchmark. 1. 2. 3. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. Where the actual location or elevation of layout points cannot be marked, provide temporary reference points sufficient to locate the Work. Remove temporary reference points when no longer needed. Restore marked construction to its original condition. D. Certified Survey: On completion of foundation walls, major site improvements, and other work requiring field-engineering services, prepare a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles, and elevations of construction and sitework. E. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) for Project. Include on the survey a certification, signed by land surveyor that principal metes, bounds, lines, and levels of Project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey. 1. 2. Show boundary lines, monuments, streets, site improvements and utilities, existing improvements and significant vegetation, adjoining properties, acreage, grade contours, and the distance and bearing from a site corner to a legal point. Recording: At Substantial Completion, have the final property survey recorded by or with authorities having jurisdiction as the official "property survey." EXECUTION 017300 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3.05 A. 07/09/2010 INSTALLATION General: Locate the Work and components of the Work accurately, in correct alignment and elevation, as indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. Make vertical work plumb and make horizontal work level. Where space is limited, install components to maximize space available for maintenance and ease of removal for replacement. Conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in finished areas, unless otherwise indicated. Maintain minimum headroom clearance of 8 feet (2.4 m) in spaces without a suspended ceiling. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for installing products in applications indicated. C. Install products at the time and under conditions that will ensure the best possible results. Maintain conditions required for product performance until Substantial Completion. D. Conduct construction operations so no part of the Work is subjected to damaging operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of occupancy. E. Tools and Equipment: Do not use tools or equipment that produce harmful noise levels. F. Anchors and Fasteners: Provide anchors and fasteners as required to anchor each component securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other portions of the Work. 1. 2. Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, mount components at heights directed by Architect. Allow for building movement, including thermal expansion and contraction. G. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed work are not indicated, arrange joints for the best visual effect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. H. Hazardous Materials: hazardous. 3.06 Use products, cleaners, and installation materials that are not considered OWNER-INSTALLED PRODUCTS A. Site Access: Provide access to Project site for Owner's ‘Facilities’, vendors, and construction forces. B. Coordination: Coordinate construction and operations of the Work with work performed by Owner's forces. 1. 2. 3.07 Construction Schedule: Inform Owner of Contractor's preferred construction schedule for Owner's portion of the Work. Adjust construction schedule based on a mutually agreeable timetable. Notify Owner if changes to schedule are required due to differences in actual construction progress. Pre-installation Conferences: Include Owner's construction forces at pre-installation conferences covering portions of the Work that are to receive Owner's work. Attend pre-installation conferences conducted by Owner's construction forces if portions of the Work depend on Owner's construction. PROGRESS CLEANING EXECUTION 017300 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. 07/09/2010 General: Clean Project site and work areas daily, including common areas. Coordinate progress cleaning for joint-use areas where more than one installer has worked. Enforce requirements strictly. Dispose of materials lawfully in compliance with provisions noted in Section 017419 ‘Construction Waste Management’. 1. 2. 3. Comply with requirements in NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste materials and debris. Do not hold materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 days if the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F (27 deg C). Containerize hazardous and unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Mark containers appropriately and dispose of legally, according to regulations. B. Site: Maintain Project site free of waste materials and debris. C. Work Areas: Clean areas where work is in progress to the level of cleanliness necessary for proper execution of the Work. 1. 2. Remove liquid spills promptly. Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the entire work area, as appropriate. D. Installed Work: Keep installed work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. If specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces. E. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. F. Exposed Surfaces: Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. G. Cutting and Patching: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Completely remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials. 1. Thoroughly clean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. H. Waste Disposal: Burying or burning waste materials on-site will not be permitted. Washing waste materials down sewers or into waterways will not be permitted. I. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. J. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. K. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. 3.08 STARTING AND ADJUSTING EXECUTION 017300 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 A. Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunctioning units, replace with new units, and retest. B. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. operation. C. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. D. Manufacturer's Field Service: If a factory-authorized service representative is required to inspect fieldassembled components and equipment installation, ensure compliance with minimum manufacturer qualification requirements for personnel supporting this role. 3.09 Adjust equipment for proper PROTECTION OF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure installed Work is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for temperature and relative humidity. 3.010 A. CORRECTION OF THE WORK Repair or remove and replace defective construction. Restore damaged substrates and finishes. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching." 1. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with matching materials, and properly adjusting operating equipment. B. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to their specified condition. C. Remove and replace damaged surfaces that are exposed to view if surfaces cannot be repaired without visible evidence of repair. D. Repair components that do not operate properly. Remove and replace operating components that cannot be repaired. E. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass or reflective surfaces. END OF SECTION 017300 EXECUTION 017300 - 7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017329 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. 1.3 This Section includes procedural requirements for cutting and patching. DEFINITIONS A. Cutting: Removal of existing construction necessary to permit installation or performance of other Work. B. Patching: Fitting and repair work required to restore surfaces to original conditions after installation of other Work. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Structural Elements: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their loadcarrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. X-ray structural elements for hidden reinforcing locations, prior to cutting precast, pre-stressed structures. B. Operational Elements: Do not cut and patch the following operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended or results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. 1. Primary operational systems and equipment. 2. Air or smoke barriers. 3. Fire-protection systems. 4. Control systems. 5. Communication systems. C. Miscellaneous Elements: Do not cut and patch the following elements or related components in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity, that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. 1. Water, moisture, or vapor barriers. D. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch construction exposed on the exterior or in occupied spaces in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. 1. If possible, retain original Installer or fabricator to cut and patch exposed Work listed below. If it is impossible to engage original Installer or fabricator, engage another recognized, experienced, and specialized firm as applicable. a. b. c. d. Masonry. Roofing. Soffits. Stucco and ornamental plaster. CUTTING AND PATCHING 017329-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications. B. Existing Materials: Use materials identical to existing materials. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will match the visual and functional performance of existing materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patching are to be performed. 1. Compatibility: Before patching, verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. 2. Proceed with installation only after unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of Work to be cut. B. Protection: Protect existing construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. C. Adjoining Areas: Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas. D. Existing Services: Where existing services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services before cutting to avoid interruption of services to occupied areas. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cut existing construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. B. Cutting: Cut existing construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots as small as possible, neatly to size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 2. Existing Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. 3. Concrete, Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a diamond-core drill. 4. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. CUTTING AND PATCHING 017329-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 5. C. 07/09/2010 Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar operations following performance of other Work. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications. 1. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate integrity of installation. 2. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. 3. Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that are removed extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform finish, color, texture, and appearance. Remove existing floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. a. Where patching occurs in a painted surface, apply primer and intermediate paint coats over the patch and apply final paint coat over entire unbroken surface containing the patch. Provide additional coats until patch blends with adjacent surfaces. 4. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or re-hang existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. 5. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weather tight condition. END OF SECTION 017329 CUTTING AND PATCHING 017329-3 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017419 - CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Salvaging nonhazardous construction waste. Recycling nonhazardous construction waste. Disposing of nonhazardous construction waste. DEFINITIONS A. Construction Waste: Building and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes packaging. B. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Recycle: Recovery of demolition or construction waste for subsequent processing in preparation for reuse. D. Salvage: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent sale or reuse in another facility. E. Salvage and Reuse: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent incorporation into the Work. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Develop waste management plan that results in end-of-Project rates for salvage/recycling of 75 percent by weight of total waste generated by the Work. B. Salvage/Recycle Requirements: Owner's goal is to salvage and recycle as much nonhazardous construction waste as possible including the following materials: 1. Construction Waste: a. b. c. d. e. Site-clearing waste. Masonry and CMU. Lumber. Wood sheet materials. Wood trim. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017419 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Metals. Roofing. Insulation. Carpet and pad. Gypsum board. Piping. Electrical conduit. Packaging: Regardless of salvage/recycle goal indicated above, salvage or recycle 100 percent of the following uncontaminated packaging materials: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 1.5 07/09/2010 Paper. Cardboard. Boxes. Plastic sheet and film. Polystyrene packaging. Wood crates. Plastic pails. SUBMITTALS A. Waste Management Plan: Submit copy of the plan within 30 days of date established for the Notice to Proceed. B. Waste Reduction Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment, submit copy of the report. Include separate reports for construction waste. Include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Material category. Generation point of waste. Total quantity of waste in tons. Quantity of waste salvaged, both estimated and actual in tons. Quantity of waste recycled, both estimated and actual in tons. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) in tons. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) as a percentage of total waste. C. Waste Reduction Calculations: Before request for Substantial Completion, submit copy of the calculated end-of-Project rates for salvage, recycling, and disposal as a percentage of total waste generated by the Work. D. Records of Donations: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste donated to individuals and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. E. Records of Sales: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste sold to individuals and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. F. Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable waste by recycling and processing facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. G. Landfill and Incinerator Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills and incinerator facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017419 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1.6 07/09/2010 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: jurisdiction. B. Waste Management Pre-Construction Conference: Review methods and procedures at the preconstruction meeting, related to waste management including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.7 Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having Review and discuss waste management plan. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each type of waste and its disposition. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of containers and bins needed to avoid delays. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and disposal facilities. Review waste management requirements for each trade. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. General: Develop plan consisting of waste identification, waste reduction work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Include separate sections in plan for construction waste. Indicate quantities by weight or volume, but use same units of measure throughout waste management plan. B. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of site-clearing, and construction waste generated by the Work. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for estimates. C. Waste Reduction Work Plan: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. Include points of waste generation, total quantity of each type of waste, quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation procedures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Salvaged Materials for Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this Project, describe methods for preparing salvaged materials before incorporation into the Work. Salvaged Materials for Sale: For materials that will be sold to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Salvaged Materials for Donation: For materials that will be donated to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors and type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed of. Include name, address, and telephone number of each landfill and incinerator facility. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include method that will be used for separating recyclable waste including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location on Project site where materials separation will be located. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION A. General: Implement waste management plan as approved by Architect. Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to implement waste management plan during the entire duration of the Contract. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017419 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. B. Distribute waste management plan to everyone concerned within three days of submittal return. Distribute waste management plan to entities when they first begin work on-site. Review plan procedures and locations established for salvage, recycling, and disposal. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct waste management operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. 2. 3.2 Comply with Division 1 Section "Construction Facilities" for operation, termination, and removal requirements. Training: Train workers, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management procedures, as appropriate for the Work occurring at Project site. 1. 2. C. 07/09/2010 Designate and label specific areas on Project site necessary for separating materials that are to be salvaged, recycled, reused, donated, and sold. Comply with Division 1 Section "Construction Facilities" for controlling dust and dirt, environmental protection, and noise control. RECYCLING CONSTRUCTION WASTE, GENERAL A. General: Recycle paper and beverage containers used by on-site workers. B. Recycling Receivers and Processors: List below is provided for information only; available recycling receivers and processors include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. C. 3.3 WCA of Florida (formerly Meyer and Gabbert Inc.) 8001 Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, Florida 34240 (941) 377-5370 Recycling Incentives: Revenues, savings, rebates, tax credits, and other incentives received for recycling waste materials shall accrue to Contractor. RECYCLING CONSTRUCTION WASTE A. Packaging: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in a dry location. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials. Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from Project site. For pallets that remain on-site, break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. B. Site-Clearing Wastes: Chip brush, branches, and trees on-site or at landfill facility. C. Wood Materials: 1. 2. D. Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Grind or chip into small pieces. Clean Sawdust: Bag sawdust that does not contain painted or treated wood. Gypsum Board: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets and store in a dry location. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017419 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3.4 07/09/2010 DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. 2. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. B. Burning: Do not burn waste materials. C. Disposal: Transport waste materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. END OF SECTION 017419 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 017419 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017700 – CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specifications sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 PROJECT/WORK IDENTIFICATION A. This section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project closeout, including but not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Inspection procedures. Project record document submittal. Operating and maintenance manual submittal. Submittal of attic stock. Submittal of warranties. Final cleaning. Closeout requirements for specific construction activities are included in the appropriate Sections in Divisions 2 - through 26. 1.3 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the portion of the work claimed as substantially complete. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these Contract Documents and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. If 100 percent completion cannot be shown, include a list of incomplete items, the value of incomplete construction, and reasons the Work is not complete. Advise Owner of pending insurance and utility change-over requirements. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar documents specifically required in each section of the specifications. Submit record drawings and Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Project Closeout Manuals in proposed form at Substantial Completion. a. 6. 7. 8. 9. Refer to Section 017823 – "Operation and Maintenance Data" for quantities of O&M manuals to be submitted. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items. Make final change-over of permanent locks and transmit keys to the Owner. Advise the Owner’s personnel of change-over in security provisions. Complete start-up testing of systems, and instruction of the Owner’s operating and maintenance personnel at least 7 calendar days prior to substantial completion. Discontinue or change over and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with construction tools, mock-ups, and similar elements. Prepare and submit contractor’s punch list at least 7 calendar days prior to substantial completion. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700- 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY a. 10. 11. B. 07/09/2010 Architect and Owner will subsequently prepare punch lists supplementing Contractor’s punch list. Submit all required permits, certifications and final approvals for site utility installations. Complete final clean-up requirements, including touch-up painting. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes. Clear and remove all site debris for Owner’s safe and full utilization of site except for items required to achieve final completion. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspection, the Architect will either proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of unfilled requirement. The Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion on A.I.A. Form G704 following inspection, or advise the Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected and reinspected before the certificate will be issued. 1. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. 1.4 FINAL INSPECTION A. When Contractor considers the Work has reached final completion, he shall submit: 1. Written certification that: a. b. c. d. e. 2. Contract Documents have been reviewed. Work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of the Owner=s representative and are operational. Work is completed and ready for final inspection. Revised Operation and Maintenance Manual(s) and project Closeout Manuals in final form five days prior to Final Inspection. a. Refer to Section 017823 – "Operation and Maintenance Data" for quantities of O&M manuals to be submitted. B. Architect will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with reasonable promptness after receipt of such certification. C. Should Architect consider that the Work is incomplete or defective: 1. 2. 3. D. Architect will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective Work. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send a second written certification to Architect that the Work is complete. Inspection will be repeated. Contractor shall bear cost of Architect’s re-inspection, including labor and expenses as set forth in paragraph 1.3.B.1. When the Architect finds that the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he shall request the Contractor to make closeout submittals. 1.5 PROJECT CLOSEOUT MANUALS CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700- 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 A. Collect, identify and collate the following materials from the subcontractors to be bound in a hard cover, 3ring "D" style lay flat binder. Deliver two copies of the finished manuals to the Architect, for delivery to the Owner for approval, as a condition precedent to final certification of payment. B. Indexing: Information shall be provided as follows. The individual entries are to be organized and indexed per the specification Table of Contents. C. Listing of Contractor and Subcontractors: Provide a listing of subcontractors performing work, both on and off site, with the Contractor heading the list. Required information shall include the following: (Example) Division 1 Contractor Company Name Address DBPR License Number Representative’s Name and Title Phone Number Division 2 Termite Control Company Name Address DBPR License Number Representative’s Name and Title Phone Number D. Certificate of Substantial Completion: Insert, at this point, a copy of the fully executed Certificate of Substantial Completion, AIA document G704, as future reference for Owner. E. Testing, Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy: Provide copies of tests, and test and balance reports. See Divisions 15 and 16. Provide copies of Certificates of Inspections from authorities having jurisdiction for each trade, division or portion of work, as required. Provide a copy of the final executed Certificate of Completion. F. Contractor’s Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: Provide certification, on AIA Document G706 that work covered by Contract Documents has been completed, and that payrolls, bills of materials and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the owner or his property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied. G. Contractor’s Affidavit of Release of Liens: Provide certification, on AIA Document G706A, that liens that are or may be filed arising from work covered by Contract Documents have been released or waived, with any exception noted. Provide additional certification from subcontractors, and material and equipment suppliers, with any exceptions noted. Provide a bond satisfactory to cover exceptions. H. Lien Waivers: Provide releases and waivers of liens, from the Contractor and Subcontractors as supporting documents to AIA Document G706A. I. Consent of Surety: Provide a Consent of Surety to Final Payment, on AIA Document G707. J. Warranties, Guarantees, and Bonds: Provide warranties, guarantees, and bonds called for in the Contract Documents. K. Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations. L. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title PROJECT CLOSEOUT MANUAL; and list title of project. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700- 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 1.6 CONTRACTOR’S CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT A. Project Closeout Manuals, as identified herein. B. Project Record Documents, as identified in Section 017839. C. Keys and Keying Schedule, as identified in Section 087100 Door Hardware. 1.7 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Submit the final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions of the Contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Prior to Substantial Completion, arrange for each installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner’s personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. If installers are not experienced in procedures, provide instruction by manufacturer’s representatives. Include a detailed review of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. B. Maintenance manuals. Record documents. Spare parts and materials. Tools. Lubricants. Fuels. Identification systems. Control sequences. Hazards. Cleaning. Warranties and bonds. Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. As part of instruction for operating equipment, demonstrate the following procedures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Start-up. Shutdown. Emergency operations. Noise and vibration adjustments. Safety procedures. Economy and efficiency adjustments. Effective energy utilization. 3.2 FINAL CLEANING A. General: General cleaning during construction is required by the General Conditions. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700- 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. 07/09/2010 Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturers’ instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for Certification of Substantial Completion. a. b. c. d. e. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compound and other substances that are noticeable vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard surfaced finishes to a dust-free condition, free of stains, films and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamps. Clean the site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas clean; remove stains, spills and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted, to a smooth even textured surface. C. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and facilities installed for protection of the Work during construction. D. Compliance; comply with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety standards of cleaning. Do not burn waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner’s property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of a in a lawful manner. E. Where extra materials of value remaining after completion of associated Work have become the Owner’s property, arrange for disposition of these materials as directed. END OF SECTION 017700 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700- 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017823 - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for preparing operation and maintenance manuals, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Operation and maintenance documentation directory. Emergency manuals. Operation manuals for systems, subsystems, and equipment. Maintenance manuals for the care and maintenance of products, materials, finishes, systems, and equipment. Contract for Construction regarding "Submittal Procedures" for submitting copies of submittals for operation and maintenance manuals. Contract for Construction regarding project closeout for submitting operation and maintenance manuals. Contract for Construction regarding project record documents for preparing as-built drawings for operation and maintenance manuals. Divisions 2 through 26 Sections for specific operation and maintenance manual requirements for the Work in those Sections. DEFINITIONS A. System: An organized collection of parts, equipment, or subsystems united by regular interaction. B. Subsystem: A portion of a system with characteristics similar to a system. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: For each phase of the Work: A. Initial Submittal: Include a complete operation and maintenance directory. Comply with the following schedule: 1. Initial submittal review copies of all O&M manuals shall be submitted in electronic form (*.pdf) no later than 60 days prior to Substantial Completion. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. 1.5 07/09/2010 Final Submittal: Submit in electronic form (*.pdf) copy of all O&M manuals in final form at least 30 days before final inspection. Architect will return copy with comments within 15 days before final inspection. 1. Correct or modify each manual to comply with Architect and Engineer review comments. Submit three copies of each corrected manual in electronic form (*.pdf) within 15 days of receipt of Architect's comments. 2. Retain electronic (*.pdf) records of approved O&M manuals for Project Closeout. COORDINATION A. Where operation and maintenance documentation includes information on installations by more than one factory-authorized service representative, assemble and coordinate information furnished by representatives and prepare manuals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTATION DIRECTORY A. Organization: Include a section in the directory for each of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. List of documents. List of systems. List of equipment. Table of contents. B. List of Systems and Subsystems: List systems alphabetically. Include references to operation and maintenance manuals that contain information about each system. C. List of Equipment: List equipment for each system, organized alphabetically by system. For pieces of equipment not part of system, list alphabetically in separate list. D. Tables of Contents: Include a table of contents for each emergency, operation, and maintenance manual. E. Identification: In the documentation directory and in each operation and maintenance manual, identify each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment with same designation used in the Contract Documents. 2.2 MANUALS, GENERAL A. Organization: Unless otherwise indicated, organize each manual into a separate section for each system and subsystem, and a separate section for each piece of equipment not part of a system. Each manual shall contain the following materials, in the order listed: 1. 2. 3. B. Title page. Table of contents. Manual contents. Title Page: Enclose title page in transparent plastic sleeve. Include the following information: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Subject matter included in manual. Name and address of Project. Name and address of Owner. Date of submittal. Name, address, and telephone number of Contractor. Name and address of Architect. Cross-reference to related systems in other operation and maintenance manuals. Table of Contents: List each product included in manual, identified by product name, indexed to the content of the volume, and cross-referenced to Specification Section number in Project Manual. 1. D. If operation or maintenance documentation requires more than one volume to accommodate data, include comprehensive table of contents for all volumes in each volume of the set. Manual Contents: Organize into sets of manageable size. Arrange contents alphabetically by system, subsystem, and equipment. If possible, assemble instructions for subsystems, equipment, and components of one system into a single binder. 1. Binders: Heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, in thickness necessary to accommodate contents, sized to hold 8-1/2-by-11-inch paper; with clear plastic sleeve on spine to hold label describing contents and with pockets inside covers to hold folded oversize sheets. a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. If two or more binders are necessary to accommodate data of a system, organize data in each binder into groupings by subsystem and related components. Cross-reference other binders if necessary to provide essential information for proper operation or maintenance of equipment or system. Identify each binder on front and spine, with printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL," Project title or name, and subject matter of contents. Indicate volume number for multiple-volume sets. Dividers: Heavy-paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each section. Mark each tab to indicate contents. Include typed list of products and major components of equipment included in the section on each divider, cross-referenced to Specification Section number and title of Project Manual. Protective Plastic Sleeves: Transparent plastic sleeves designed to enclose diagnostic software CD’s for computerized electronic equipment. Supplementary Text: Prepared on 8-1/2-by-11-inch white bond paper. Drawings: Attach reinforced, punched binder tabs on drawings and bind with text. a. b. 2.3 07/09/2010 If oversize drawings are necessary, fold drawings to same size as text pages and use as foldouts. If drawings are too large to be used as foldouts, fold and place drawings in labeled envelopes and bind envelopes in rear of manual. At appropriate locations in manual, insert typewritten pages indicating drawing titles, descriptions of contents, and drawing locations. EMERGENCY MANUALS A. Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each of the following: 1. 2. 3. Type of emergency. Emergency instructions. Emergency procedures. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. 07/09/2010 Type of Emergency: Where applicable for each type of emergency indicated below, include instructions and procedures for each system, subsystem, piece of equipment, and component: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fire. Flood. Water leak. Power failure. Water outage. System, subsystem, or equipment failure. Chemical release or spill. C. Emergency Instructions: Describe and explain warnings, trouble indications, error messages, and similar codes and signals. Include responsibilities of Owner's operating personnel for notification of Installer, supplier, and manufacturer to maintain warranties. D. Emergency Procedures: Include the following, as applicable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.4 Instructions on stopping. Shutdown instructions for each type of emergency. Operating instructions for conditions outside normal operating limits. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. Special operating instructions and procedures. OPERATION MANUALS A. Content: In addition to requirements in this Section, include operation data required in individual Specification Sections and the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. Descriptions: Include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. System, subsystem, and equipment descriptions. Performance and design criteria if Contractor is delegated design responsibility. Operating standards. Operating procedures. Operating logs. Wiring diagrams. Control diagrams. Piped system diagrams. Precautions against improper use. License requirements including inspection and renewal dates. Product name and model number. Manufacturer's name. Equipment identification with serial number of each component. Equipment function. Operating characteristics. Limiting conditions. Performance curves. Engineering data and tests. Complete nomenclature and number of replacement parts. Operating Procedures: Include the following, as applicable: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 07/09/2010 Startup procedures. Equipment or system break-in procedures. Routine and normal operating instructions. Regulation and control procedures. Instructions on stopping. Normal shutdown instructions. Seasonal and weekend operating instructions. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. Special operating instructions and procedures. D. Systems and Equipment Controls: Describe the sequence of operation, and diagram controls as installed. E. Piped Systems: Diagram piping as installed, and identify color-coding where required for identification. 2.5 PRODUCT MAINTENANCE MANUAL A. Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each product, material, and finish. Include source information, product information, maintenance procedures, repair materials and sources, and warranties and bonds, as described below. B. Source Information: List each product included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual. C. Product Information: Include the following, as applicable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. Product name and model number. Manufacturer's name. Color, pattern, and texture. Material and chemical composition. Reordering information for specially manufactured products. Maintenance Procedures: Include manufacturer's written recommendations and the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inspection procedures. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. Schedule for routine cleaning and maintenance. Repair instructions. E. Repair Materials and Sources: Include lists of materials and local sources of materials and related services. F. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. 1. Include procedures to follow and required notifications for warranty claims. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.6 07/09/2010 SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL A. Content: For each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system, include source information, manufacturers' maintenance documentation, maintenance procedures, maintenance and service schedules, spare parts list and source information, maintenance service contracts, and warranty and bond information, as described below. B. Source Information: List each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual. C. Manufacturers' Maintenance Documentation: Manufacturers' maintenance documentation including the following information for each component part or piece of equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Maintenance Procedures: Include the following information and items that detail essential maintenance procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E. Standard printed maintenance instructions and bulletins. Drawings, diagrams, and instructions required for maintenance, including disassembly and component removal, replacement, and assembly. Identification and nomenclature of parts and components. List of items recommended to be stocked as spare parts. Test and inspection instructions. Troubleshooting guide. Precautions against improper maintenance. Disassembly; component removal, repair, and replacement; and reassembly instructions. Aligning, adjusting, and checking instructions. Demonstration and training videotape, if available. Maintenance and Service Schedules: Include service and lubrication requirements, list of required lubricants for equipment, and separate schedules for preventive and routine maintenance and service with standard time allotment. 1. 2. Scheduled Maintenance and Service: Tabulate actions for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual frequencies. Maintenance and Service Record: Include manufacturers' forms for recording maintenance. F. Spare Parts List and Source Information: Include lists of replacement and repair parts, with parts identified and cross-referenced to manufacturers' maintenance documentation and local sources of maintenance materials and related services. G. Maintenance Service Contracts: Include copies of maintenance agreements with name and telephone number of service agent. H. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. 1. Include procedures to follow and required notifications for warranty claims. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MANUAL PREPARATION A. Operation and Maintenance Documentation Directory: Prepare a separate manual that provides an organized reference to emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. B. Emergency Manual: Assemble a complete set of emergency information indicating procedures for use by emergency personnel and by Owner's operating personnel for types of emergencies indicated. C. Product Maintenance Manual: Assemble a complete set of maintenance data indicating care and maintenance of each product, material, and finish incorporated into the Work. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Assemble a complete set of operation and maintenance data indicating operation and maintenance of each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. 1. 2. E. Manufacturers' Data: Where manuals contain manufacturers' standard printed data, include only sheets pertinent to product or component installed. Mark each sheet to identify each product or component incorporated into the Work. If data include more than one item in a tabular format, identify each item using appropriate references from the Contract Documents. Identify data applicable to the Work and delete references to information not applicable. 1. F. Prepare supplementary text if manufacturers' standard printed data are not available and where the information is necessary for proper operation and maintenance of equipment or systems. Drawings: Prepare drawings supplementing manufacturers' printed data to illustrate the relationship of component parts of equipment and systems and to illustrate control sequence and flow diagrams. Coordinate these drawings with information contained in Record Drawings to ensure correct illustration of completed installation. 1. 2. G. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to assemble and prepare information for each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. Prepare a separate manual for each system and subsystem, in the form of an instructional manual for use by Owner's operating personnel. Do not use original project record documents as part of operation and maintenance manuals. Comply with Contract for Construction regarding requirements of newly prepared as-built drawings. Comply with Contract for Construction regarding closeout procedures for schedule for submitting operation and maintenance documentation. END OF SECTION 017823 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 017823 - 7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017836 WARRANTIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for warranties required by the Contract Documents, including manufacturers standard warranties on products and special warranties. 1. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. 1.03 Refer to the General Conditions for terms of the Contractor's period for correction of the Work. Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" specifies procedures for submitting warranties. Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" specifies contract closeout procedures. Divisions 2 through 26 Sections for specific requirements for warranties on products and installations specified to be warranted. Certifications and other commitments and agreements for continuing services to Owner are specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Disclaimers and Limitations: Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve the Contractor of the warranty on the Work that incorporates the products. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors required to countersign special warranties with the Contractor. DEFINITIONS A. Standard product warranties are preprinted written warranties published by individual manufacturers for particular products and are specifically endorsed by the manufacturer to the Owner. B. Special warranties are written warranties required by or incorporated in the Contract Documents, either to extend time limits provided by standard warranties or to provide greater rights for the Owner. 1.04 WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS A. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting failed or damaged warranted construction, remove and replace construction that has been damaged as a result of such failure or must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted construction. B. Reinstatement of Warranty: When Work covered by a warranty has failed and been corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustment for depreciation. C. Replacement Cost: Upon determination that Work covered by a warranty has failed, replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition complying with requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replacing or rebuilding defective Work regardless of whether the WARRANTIES 017836-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 Owner has benefited from use of the Work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life. D. Owner's Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Owner are in addition to implied warranties and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise available under the law. Expressed warranty periods shall not be interpreted as limitations on the time in which the Owner can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. 1. E. 1.05 A. Rejection of Warranties: The Owner reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. Where the Contract Documents require a special warranty, or similar commitment on the Work or part of the Work, the Owner reserves the right to refuse to accept the Work, until the Contractor presents evidence that entities required to countersign such commitments are willing to do so. SUBMITTALS Submit written warranties as a single submittal as part of Project Close Out to the Architect prior to the date certified for Substantial Completion. If the Architect's Certificate of Substantial Completion designates a commencement date for warranties other than the date of Substantial Completion for the Work, or a designated portion of the Work, submit written warranties upon request of the Architect. 1. When a designated portion of the Work is completed and occupied or used by the Owner, by separate agreement with the Contractor during the construction period, submit properly executed warranties to the Architect within 15 days of completion of that designated portion of the Work. B. When the Contract Documents require the Contractor, or the Contractor and a subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer to execute a special warranty, prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution by the required parties. Submit a draft to the Owner, through the Architect, for approval prior to final execution. C. Form of Submittal: Compile 3 copies of each required warranty properly executed by the Contractor, or by the Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, or manufacturer. Organize the warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. D. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, commercial-quality, durable 3-ring, vinyl-covered loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11-inch (115-by280-mm) paper. 1. 2. 3. Provide heavy paper dividers with celluloid covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark the tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product, and the name, address, and telephone number of the Installer. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project title or name, and name of the Contractor. When warranted construction requires operation and maintenance manuals, provide additional copies of each required warranty, as necessary, for inclusion in each required manual. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 LIST OF WARRANTIES WARRANTIES 017836-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. 3.02 07/09/2010 Schedule: Provide warranties on products and installations as specified in each Section herein. WARRANTIES A. Submittal Time: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated portions of the Work where commencement of warranties other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated. B. Partial Occupancy: Submit properly executed warranties within 15 days of completion of designated portions of the Work that are completed and occupied or used by Owner during construction period by separate agreement with Contractor. C. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. 1. 2. 3. D. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11-inch (115-by-280-mm) paper. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. Provide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and maintenance manuals. END OF SECTION 017836 WARRANTIES 017836-3 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 017839 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division 0 and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Definitions: Record documents are defined to include those documents or copies relating directly to performance of the work, which Contractor is required to prepare or maintain for Owner’s records, recording the work as actually performed. In particular, record documents show changes in the work in relation to that which is shown and specified by original contract documents; and show additional information of value to Owner’s records, but indicated by original contract documents. Record documents include marked up copies of contract drawings, shop drawings, specifications, addenda and change orders, marked up product data submittals, record samples, and field records for variable and concealed conditions. 1.3 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Mark-up procedure: During progress of the work, maintain a white-print set (blueline or blackline) of contract drawings and notations of actual installations which vary substantially from the work as originally shown. Mark whatever drawing is most capable of showing actual physical condition, fully and accurately. Give particular attention to information on work concealed, which would be difficult to identify or measure and record at a later date. Note alternate numbers, change order numbers and similar identification. Label each sheet Project Record in 2 inch high letters. 1. 2. Update project record prints as variations arise. Review progress of updates with Architect at each monthly application for payment review meeting to confirm that record prints are up-to-date. Architect may decline to certify contractor’s application for payment if record drawings have not been updated. In preparation for certification of substantial completion on last major portion of the work, review completed mark up of record drawings with Architect. Architect may decline to certify substantial completion if record drawings have not been updated. 1.4 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. General: 1. During progress of the work, maintain one copy of specifications, including addenda, change orders and similar modifications issues in printed form during construction, and mark up variations (of substance) in actual work in comparison with text of specifications and modifications as issued. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection of options, and similar information on work where it is concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation. Note related record drawing information and product data, submit to Architect for Owner’s records. Label front cover Project Record in 2 inch high letters. 1.5 RECORD PRODUCT DATA A. General: During progress of the work, maintain one copy of each product data submittal, and mark up significant variations in the actual work in comparison with submitted information. Include both variations in product as delivered to site, and variations from manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 installation. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation. Note related change orders and mark up record drawings and specifications accordingly. Upon completion of mark up, submit complete set to Architect for Owner’s records. Label each data submittal Project Record in 2 inch high letters. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 017839 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 024113 - SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Division 31 Section “Grading”. C. Division 31 Section “Excavation and Fill”. 1.2 SUMMARY A. 1.3 This Section includes the following: 1. Demolition and removal of portions of buildings and structures. 2. Removing below-grade construction. 3. Disconnecting, capping or sealing, and removing site utilities. 4. Demolition and removal of pavements, curbs and gutters, drainage structures, utilities, signage or landscaping. 5. Filling voids in subgrade created as a result of removals or demolition. 6. Disposals of demolished materials. DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or recycled. B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and deliver them to Owner ready for reuse. C. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or recycled. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable State and local codes for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust control, and runoff control. B. Obtain required permits and licenses from appropriate authorities. Pay associated fees including disposal charges. C. Notify affected utility companies before starting work and comply with their requirements. D. Do not close or obstruct roadways, sidewalks, or fire hydrants without appropriate permits. E. Conform to applicable regulatory procedures when hazardous or contaminated materials are discovered. F. Test soils around buried tanks for contamination. SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1.5 07/09/2010 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. Historic items, relics, and similar objects including, but not limited to, cornerstones and their contents, commemorative plaques and tablets, structures, antiques, and other items of interest or value to Owner that may be encountered during building demolition remain Owner's property. Carefully remove and salvage each item or object in a manner to prevent damage and deliver promptly to Owner. 1. 1.6 Coordinate with Owner's historical adviser, who will establish special procedures for removal and salvage. SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For professional engineer refrigerant recovery technician. B. Proposed Environmental-Protection Dust-Control and Noise-Control Measures: Comply with Division 1 “Construction Waste Management and Disposal” requirements that indicate the measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their operation. Identify options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate. C. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: 1. Detailed sequence of demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity. 2. Interruption of utility services. 3. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. D. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by EPA-approved certification program. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6 and NFPA 241. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Portions of buildings and areas adjacent to elements to be demolished will be vacated and their use discontinued or turned off before start of Work. B. Owner assumes no responsibility for buildings and structures to be demolished. 1. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. C. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. 1. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner before start of the Work. SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. D. 1.9 07/09/2010 If materials suspected of containing hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and Owner. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner under a separate contract. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site is not permitted. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Accurately record actual locations of capped utilities and subsurface obstructions that will remain after demolition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. Satisfactory Soils: Comply with Civil Engineering requirements for earthwork. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of building demolition required. B. Review Project Record Documents of existing construction provided by Owner. Owner does not guarantee that existing conditions are the same as those indicated in Project Record Documents. C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and salvaged. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of the element. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Provide, erect, and maintain erosion control devices, temporary barriers, and security devices at locations indicated on Construction Drawings. B. Refrigerant: Remove and store refrigerant according to regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Existing Utilities: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utilities serving buildings and structures to be demolished. 1. Owner will arrange to shut off indicated utilities when requested by Contractor. 2. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. 3. If utility services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with building demolition provide temporary utilities that bypass buildings and structures to be demolished and that maintain continuity of service to other buildings and structures. 4. Cut off pipe or conduit a minimum of 24 inches below grade. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. D. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or structural support to preserve stability and prevent unexpected movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1. Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of demolition. E. Removed and Salvaged Items: Comply with the following: SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.3 07/09/2010 Clean salvaged items of dirt and demolition debris. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. Transport items to Owner's storage area off-site. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. PROTECTION A. Existing Facilities: Protect adjacent landscaping materials, walkways, loading docks, building entries, and other building facilities during demolition operations. B. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after demolition operations are complete. C. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. Notify authority having jurisdiction. Do not resume operations until directed by authority. 3.4 DEMOLITION, GENERAL A. General: Demolish indicated existing buildings and structures completely. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. Maintain fire watch and portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. 2. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. 3. Locate building demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. B. Engineering Surveys: Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards that may result from building demolition activities. C. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct building demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, walkways, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Use water mist and other suitable methods to limit spread of dust and dirt. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose. Comply with governing environmental-protection regulations. Do not use water when it may damage adjacent construction or create hazardous or objectionable conditions, such as ice, flooding, and pollution. 3.5 MECHANICAL DEMOLITION A. Proceed with demolition of structural framing members systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete building demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on the next lower level. B. Remove debris from elevated portions by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. 1. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to minimize ground impact or dust generation. SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. Concrete: Cut concrete full depth at junctures with construction indicated to remain, using power-driven saw, then remove concrete between saw cuts. D. Masonry: Cut masonry at junctures with construction indicated to remain, using power-driven saw, then remove masonry between saw cuts. E. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade: Saw-cut perimeter of area to be demolished at junctures with construction indicated to remain, then break up and remove. F. Below-Grade Construction: Abandon foundation walls and other below-grade construction. Cut belowgrade construction flush with grade. G. Existing Utilities: Cap existing unused utilities and below-grade utility structures that are within 5 feet outside of footprint indicated for new construction or area of Work. Ensure remaining utilities outside this area remain in working order. 1. Fill abandoned utility structures with satisfactory soil materials according to backfill requirements indicated by Civil Engineer. 3.6 EXPLOSIVE DEMOLITION A. 3.7 Explosives: Use of explosives is not permitted. SITE RESTORATION A. Site Grading: Uniformly rough grade area of demolished construction to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes. Grade surface to provide flow of surface drainage after fill placement and compaction. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. B. Filling Voids: Completely fill below grade areas and voids resulting from demolition or removal of structures, underground fuel storage tanks, wells, cisterns, etc., using approved select fill materials consisting of stone, gravel, and sand free from debris, trash, frozen materials, roots, and other organic matter. 3.8 REPAIRS A. General: Promptly repair damage to adjacent construction caused by building demolition operations at no cost to the Owner. B. Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new materials. C. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining construction in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching and refinishing. 3.9 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. General: Refer to Division 1 Section “Construction Waste Management and Disposal”. B. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. C. Disposal: Refer to Division 1 Section “Construction Waste Management and Disposal”. 3.10 CLEANING SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. 07/09/2010 Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by building demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before building demolition operations began. END OF SECTION 024113 SELECTIVE SITE DEMOLITION 024113-6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 033000 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART ONE - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Division-0; Division-1; Division-2; Division-4; Division-5, Division-7; Division-9; Division-13. 1.02 DESCRIPTION The extent of cast-in-place concrete work is shown on the drawings. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE Codes and Standards: Comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards; except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings". ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete". ACI 347 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork". Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual of Standard Practice". Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for correction of concrete work which does not conform to the specified requirements, including strength, tolerances, and finishes. Correct deficient concrete as directed by the Architect. Concrete Testing Service: Contractor shall employ a testing laboratory for material evaluation tests and to perform sampling and testing of concrete during placement. Tests, not specifically indicated to be done at the Owner's expense, including the retesting of rejected materials and installed work, shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Comply with the provisions of Section 01400. Quality Control Testing During Construction: Testing laboratory shall sample and test concrete for quality control during the placement of concrete as follows: Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C-172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C-94. Slump: ASTM C-143; one test for each concrete load at point of discharge; and one test for each set of compressive strength test specimens. Air Content: ASTM C-173 volumetric method for normal and lightweight concrete; one for each set of compressive strength test specimens. Compressive Test Specimen: ASTM C-31; one set of 5 standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Compressive Strength Tests: ASTM C-39; one set for each 50 cu. yds. or fraction thereof, of each concrete class placed in any one day or for each 5,000 sq. ft. of surface area placed; 1 specimen tested at 3 days, 1 at 7 days, 2 specimens tested at 28 days, and one specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. One additional cylinder will be cast and tested at 56 days for 6000 and 7000 psi concrete, as applicable. When the total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 20 cu. yds., the strength test may be waived by the Architect if, in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. Test results will be reported in writing to the Architect and the Contractor on the same day that tests are made. Additional Tests: The testing service will make additional tests of in-place concrete when test results indicate the specified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained in the structure, as directed by the Architect. The testing service may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C-42, or by other methods as directed. Contractor shall pay for such tests conducted, and any other additional testing as may be required, when unacceptable concrete is verified. 1.04 SUBMITTALS General: Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with the provisions of Section 01300. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrications, bending and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with the ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams for bent bars, arrangement of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcement required and openings through concrete structures. Shop drawings must be reviewed and marked approved by the Contractor prior to submittal to the Architect. Mix Design: Submit to Architect five (5) copies of mix design for concrete at least 15 days prior to delivery of concrete to project site. Contractor must review and approve mix design prior to submitting to the Architect. Material Certificates: Provide materials certificates signed by the Manufacturer and the Contractor, certifying that each material item complies with, or exceeds, the specified requirements. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver products to site and store in accordance with Section 01600. PART TWO - PRODUCTS 2.01 FORM MATERIALS Forms: Unless otherwise shown or specified, construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood faced or other acceptable panel type materials, to provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Fiber forms for Round Columns: Fiber round column forms shall be Alton sleek/tubes standard walls, Sonoco Products Sonotube regular 'A' coated or equal, of size required on drawings. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form coating compounds that will not bond with, stain nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces to be cured with water of curing compound. 2.02 REINFORCING MATERIALS Reinforcing Bar: ASTM A-615, Grade 60 deformed. Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Bar: ASTM A-775 Steel Wire: ASTM A-82, plain, cold-drawn steel. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A-185, flat mat welded steel wire fabric. Supports for Reinforcement: Use wire bar type supports complying with CRSI recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. Wood, brick and other devices will not be acceptable. 2.03 CONCRETE MATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C-150, Type 1 unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. Fly Ash (ASTMC618 – Type F) may be substituted for cement. Maximum percentage by weight is 20%. Mix designs submitted shall include cylinder breaks with the exact amount of fly ash proposed in all concrete including the floor plank topping. Normal Weight Aggregates: ASTM C-33, and as herein specified. Provide aggregates from a single source for all exposed concrete. Fine Aggregate: Clean, sharp, natural sand free from loam, clay, lumps or other deleterious substances. Maximum Aggregate Size: Not larger than 3/4” or three-fourths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or bundles of bars, except when approved otherwise by Architect. Maximum aggregate for steel-pan stair fill and thin slabs 3" thick and less, shall be 1/2". Water: Clean, fresh, potable. Air Entraining Admixture: ASTM C-260. Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride for admixtures containing more than 0.1% chloride ions shall not be permitted. Preformed Expansion Joint Material: W.R. Meadows "Ceramar" flexible foam, closed cell or approved equal. Membrane Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C-309, Type 1d with fugitive dye, unless other type acceptable to the Architect. Membrane Curing Compound: (For Vertical Surfaces) Moisture Barrier: Provide 10 mil ‘Stego’ or equal vapor barrier system. 2.04 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete in accordance with applicable provisions of ASTM C-94. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the project for each class of concrete required, complying with ACI 211.1. Submit written reports to the Architect of each proposed mix for each class of concrete at least 15 days prior to start of work. Each mix design shall be identified by a number or code unique to that mix. Design mixes to provide normal weight concrete with the 28 day psi compressive strength as indicated on drawings and schedules. Admixtures: Use air entraining admixture in all exterior exposed concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Add air entraining admixture at the Manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at the point of placement having air content from 3% to 5% unless otherwise approved by Engineer. Use admixtures for water reducing and set control (with written permission of Architect). Slump Limits: Slump range shall be 4"-6" for all structural concrete. 2.05 CONCRETE MIXING Ready-Mix Concrete: Comply with the requirements of ASTM C-94 and as herein specified. 2.06 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES Provide as required. 2.07 FOAM IN PLACE INSULATION For walls indicated to receive core-filled insulation systems, provide by ‘Tailored Foam of Florida’ or prior approved equal by Architect. PART THREE - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL Construct forms complying with ACI 347 to sizes, shapes, lines, and dimensions shown and to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, level, and plumb work in finished structures. Chamfer exposed corners and edges 3/4" as shown, using wood, metal PVC, or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints. Form Ties: Factory fabricated, adjustable length, removable or snap off metal form ties, designed to prevent form deflection, and to prevent spalling concrete surfaces upon removal. Fiber Forms for Round Columns: Install forms in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 PLACING REINFORCEMENT Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, and hangers, as required. Comply with ACI 301 and 318. 3.03 JOINTS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Construction Joints: Locate and install construction joints, which are not shown on the drawings, so as not to impair the strength and appearance of the structure, as acceptable to the Architect. Place construction joints as indicated on the structural drawings. Isolation Joints in Slabs-On-Grade: Construct isolation joints at all points of contact between slabs on ground and vertical surfaces and as shown on the structural drawings. Control Joints in Slabs-on-Ground: Construct control joints in slabs-on-ground to form panels of patterns as shown. See typical detail on structural drawings. Saw cuts shall be made as soon as possible after final troweling without dislodging aggregate, normally 12 hours. Expansion Joints: Provide expansion joints as shown. Install pre-molded filler where specified. See Section 07920 for sealants. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF EMBEDDED ITEMS General: Set and build into the work anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other work that is attached to, or supported by, cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions, and directions provided by suppliers of the items to be attached thereto. 3.05 PREPARATION OF FORM SURFACES Coat the contact surfaces of forms with a non-staining form coating compound before reinforcement is placed. 3.06 CONCRETE PLACEMENT General: Comply with ACI 304, and as herein specified. Subgrades shall be inspected and approved before concrete is placed for concrete poured on grade. Forms and reinforcing shall be inspected and approved prior to concrete placement. Consolidate placed concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by handspading, rodding or tamping. Use equipment and procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with the recommended practices of ACI 309, to suite the type of concrete and project conditions. The use of vibrators or other mechanical devices to move the concrete in the forms is not permitted. Concrete shall be deposited as near its final location as practical. Hot Weather Placing: When hot weather conditions exist that would seriously impair the quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with ACI 305. 3.07 FINISH OF FORMED SURFACES Rough Form Finish: For formed concrete surfaces not exposed to view in the finish work or by other construction, unless otherwise indicated. This is the concrete surface having the texture imparted by the form facing material used, with tie holes and defective areas repaired and patched and fins and other projections exceeding 1/4" in height chipped off, defective areas, honeycomb and tie holes filled and repaired with cement grout. Smooth Form Finish: For formed concrete surfaces exposed to view, or that are to be covered with a coating material applied directly to the concrete, or a covering material bonded to the concrete, such as waterproofing, dampproofing, painting, or other similar system, to have the as-cast concrete surface obtained with selected form facing material, arranged orderly and symmetrically with a minimum of seams. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Repair and patch all defective areas including all fins, joints, concrete or mortar splatter. Projections shall be completely removed and smoothed, and all tie rod holes, stone pockets, wood grain marks, and holes shall be grouted flush and smoothed. All honeycomb cut out and patched with grout and smoothed. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets and similar unformed surfaces occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike-off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces, unless otherwise shown. Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finish: For surfaces designated on the drawings as Detectable Warning or other areas as required by the Architect. Aggregate shall be river gravel, smooth, 1/4" minimum to 3/8" maximum size, washed, color as selected by Architect. Cement, water, admixtures, etc., per this Section (3010). Wash concrete surfaces with water and scrub with stiff bristle brush and/or wet concrete surfaces with water and scrub with acid etch solution exposing aggregate. Do not expose more than 40% of aggregate surface. Prior to performing work prepare one (1) horizontal sample panel 3'-0" x 4'-0" with full aggregate color range for review by Architect. 3.08 MONOLITHIC SLAB FINISHES General: Comply with ACI 301 for the specified finish specification and methods. The use of jitterbugs for finishing slabs will not be permitted. 3.09 TYPE OF FINISHES AND TOLERANCES Floated Finish: For surfaces intended to receive roofing, waterproofing membranes, or sand bed pavers. Class by tolerance (5/16" in 10'-0"). Troweled Finish: For floors intended as walking surfaces or for reception of floor coverings. Class by tolerance 5/16" in 10'-0", 3/8" in 20'-)’, and +/- 3/4" total building. Broom or Belt Finish: For sidewalks, steps, platforms, ramps, or other areas designated on the drawings. Class by tolerance (5/16" in 10'-0"). 3.10 CONCRETE CURING, SEALING AND PROTECTION Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. Begin final curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days in accordance with ACI 301 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at end of final curing period. Curing Methods: Perform curing of concrete by moisture retaining cover curing, by membrane curing, and by combination thereof, as herein specified. Provide Moisture Cover Curing as Follows: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. Provide Membrane Curing to Slabs as Follows: CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Apply membrane forming curing compound to concrete surfaces as soon as final finishing operations are complete (within 2 hours). Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas which are subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. Curing Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by methods specified above, as applicable. Sealing Concrete Floors: Clean surfaces of all foreign material, oil and grease. Apply an additional coat of cure and seal material, same as used concrete surfaces to all floors not receiving other finish. Apply at rate recommended by manufacturer. Do not apply second coat to floors receiving resilient flooring. 3.11 REMOVAL OF FORMS Comply with ACI 301 and 318 and structural notes for removal of forms. 3.12 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or civil specialties, or other trades unless otherwise shown or directed after work of other specialties or trades is in place. Reinforced Masonry: Provide 3,000 psi concrete for reinforced masonry lintels and bond beams where indicated on drawings and as scheduled. Maintain accurate location of reinforcing steel during concrete placement. 3.13 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS Patching Defective Areas: Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar immediately after removal of forms. END OF SECTION CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033000-7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 042200 CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY PART ONE - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Requirements of the construction documents including detail plates, General Requirements of this Project Manual and modifications by Addenda or Change Order, apply to work under this section. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, etc. and services necessary and incidental to the complete fabrication, furnishing and erection of this section as shown, noted, detailed and reasonably implied on the drawings and in the specifications. 1.02 SUBMITTALS Submit the following product data to engineer for review prior to start of work. Data for concrete masonry unit technical requirements. Data for masonry reinforcement. Data for metal ties. Data for mortar mix. Data for foam in pace insulation systems. 1.03 STORAGE AND PROTECTION Masonry units shall be stored at the job site on raised platforms a minimum of four (4) inches above ground. Cover with a non-staining waterproof material. Protect face of units against staining and keep top of walls covered with non-staining waterproof covering when work is not in progress. This covering shall extend down over at least two (2) courses of units then in the wall. When work is all loose mortar and, in drying weather, thoroughly wet. PART TWO - MATERIALS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Concrete masonry units shall be a modular dimension and shall include all special shapes and sizes to complete the work as shown. Units shall be sound and free from cracks, chipped edges or other defects that would interfere with the proper setting or impair the strength or durability of the construction. Where used as the finished surface of exposed masonry walls, shall be free from surface defects that would be noticeable and objectionable at a distance of three (3) feet from the finished wall. Texture of masonry units shall be medium and/or sand finish. Units shall be as approved samples. Hollow Regular Concrete Masonry Units eight (8) inches and over in width shall conform to "Standard Specifications for Hollow Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units" Grade N-1 conforming to ASTM- C90, with a 28-Day strength of not less than 1900 p.s.i. (net section area). Solid Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units shall conform to Grade N-1, ASTM C-145. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY 042200 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Concrete Block six (6) inches and less in width shall be Type-1 Hollow Non Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units, conforming to ASTM C-129. Comply with ASTM C-140 Methods of sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units. Blending of sand or screening in with the aggregate is strictly prohibited. All units shall be free of organic impurities that will cause rusting, staining or pop-outs and shall contain no combustible matter. 2.02 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT Horizontal Reinforcement: shall be equal to "DURO-WALL" or "BLOK-LOK", continuous welded steel reinforcement. For Exterior Walls: Standard, Ladder type (No. 9 ga. side rods and cross rods) mill galvanized coating of 0.80 ounce zinc as per ASTM A641-Class 3. For Interior Walls: Standard ladder (No. 9 ga. side rods and cross rods), mill galvanized coating of 0.40 ounce zinc as per ASTM A641-Class 1. Vertical Masonry reinforcement: Round bar, conforming to ASTM 615, Grade 60, shall be used for vertical masonry reinforcement where shown. 2.03 METAL TIES Prefabricated corners and tees of size, type and material as horizontal reinforcement for exterior and interior walls. 2.04 MORTAR MIX MATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type 1, Domestic. Masonry Cement ASTM C91, Domestic. Sand: ASTM C144. Water: Shall be clean, free from oils, acids, alkali, chlorides, or any other organic matter. 2.05 MORTAR MIX Mixes shall meet ASTM C 270, Proportion Specifications and shall be of the following types: Type S (1800 psi) for exterior above grade loadbearing and non-loadbearing parapet walls and interior loadbearing walls and non-loadbearing partitions. Mix accurately in following proportions by volume: Type S: One (1) part masonry cement, one-half (1/2) part Portland Cement and four (4) parts sand. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY 042200 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.06 03/01/2010 AGGREGATES All aggregates shall conform to ASTM C-33. 2.07 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Concrete masonry units upon delivery to the job site shall comply with limitations for moisture content and shall be maintained in this condition by Contractor prior to laying in structure by storing them above ground and by covering them for protection against wetting. Mortar for masonry walls shall have enough water added to produce, after thorough mixing, a mortar of good working consistency. Cells containing vertical reinforcing bars shall be grouted with cement grout conforming with ASTM C476, having a 28-day compressive strength of not less than 2000 p.s.i., a slump of between seven (7) inches and eleven (11) inches. 2.08 FOAM IN PLACE INSULATION For walls indicated, provide foam in place insulation systems by ‘Tailored Foam of Florida’ or prior approved equal by Architect. PART THREE -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION Mix mortar by methods that will insure accurate proportioning of all ingredients; mix materials by powerdriven mixer until the entire batch is homogenous and of proper consistency. Lay all units plumb, true to line and level to courses laid in a running bond. Work shall be performed by skilled masons, in keeping with the best trade practice. Any unit disturbed after mortar has stiffened shall be removed and re-laid with fresh mortar. All workmanship shall be of highest grade. Bond each course at corners and intersections and break vertical joints at least four (4) inches. No face units less than four (4) inches will be permitted. Lay units with running bond. Concrete masonry units shall be set with fully-mortared joints, both vertically and horizontally. Mortar joints shall be struck flush unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Units with open cells exposed in walls will not be permitted. All cuts shall be uniform 3/8 inch wide. All cuts shall be made with masonry saw. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns, with uniform joint widths and to properly locate openings, returns and offsets. Avoid the use of less than half size units at corners, jambs and wherever possible at other locations. On completion, point up all exposed masonry, fill all holes and joints; remove loose mortar, cut out defective joints; and re-point where necessary. Masonry surface to be exposed either painted or unpainted, shall be thoroughly cleaned. Leave surface free from mortar and other stains at completion of work. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY 042200 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 Joint of dissimilar materials, i.e. concrete beams/columns; concrete block; metals, etc. shall receive backer rods and sealant - NOT MORTAR. All exposed painted concrete blocks shall have sand finish. 3.02 HORIZONTAL MASONRY REINFORCEMENT All walls made of hollow masonry units shall be laid with masonry reinforcement, horizontally, every second block course; lap all joints a minimum of six (6) inches. Additionally, such reinforcement shall be placed in every bed joint below and above openings, extending not less than twenty-four (24) inches beyond such openings. Masonry reinforcement shall be lapped not less than eight (8) inches at corners and intersections, and similar laps will be permissible not closer than twelve (12) feet in straight lengths of wall. 3.03 VERTICAL MASONRY REINFORCEMENT Install round bar, where indicated on the drawings or as specified herein, and fill concrete block cells with concrete in four (4) foot maximum lifts. Vertical reinforcing bars terminating at roof level shall be embedded not less than twelve (12) inches into roof beams and/or slabs. Care shall be taken to prevent mortar droppings from accumulating in cells to be grouted and previously placed floor slabs. Masonry cells to be grouted shall be aligned so as to be continuous and unobstructed vertically. Masonry walls shall be left to cure after laying for not less than twenty-four (24) hours, before grouting. Inspection openings shall be provided at the bottom of each story height in randomly-selected cells to be grouted. Such openings shall be sealed after inspection has verified that the cells have been cleaned out, immediately before grouting. 3.04 METAL TIES Install prefabricated corners at all corners in every 2nd block course, overlapping a maximum of six (6) inches with horizontal reinforcement. Install prefabricated tees at all masonry wall intersections in every 2nd block course, overlapping a minimum of six (6) inches with horizontal reinforcement. 3.05 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All damaged material and faulty workmanship shall be removed and be replaced with new material in the best workmanlike manner at no cost to the Owner and to the full satisfaction of the Architect. END OF SECTION CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY 042200 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 055000 - METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Stainless steel rods, plates and bolts for suspended walkway hanger brackets. Aluminum framing for decorative tube screen construction. SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Specification Sections. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details for metal fabrications. 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. C. Mill Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of stainless-steel certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. D. Samples representative of materials and finished products as may be requested by the Architect. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.5 Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of other construction contiguous with metal fabrications by field measurements before fabrication. COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages and steel weld plates and angles for casting into concrete. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 METALS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces unless otherwise indicated. For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes. FERROUS METALS A. Stainless-Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate: ASTM A 240 or ASTM A 666, Type 316L. B. Stainless-Steel Rods, Bars and Shapes: ASTM A 276, Type 316L. C. Rolled-Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 786/A 786M, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A 36/A 36M or ASTM A 283/A 283M, Grade C or D. 2.3 NONFERROUS METALS A. Aluminum Plate and Sheet: ASTM B 209, Alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T52. B. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T52. C. Aluminum Tubing: ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T52 with sharp corners and excellent finishing, unless otherwise noted on drawings. 1. Size: as indicated on drawings. 2. Wall thickness: 0.125” 3. Length: varies. 4. Include welded aluminum end caps at exposed ends. 2.4 FASTENERS A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 316 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use. 1. 2. 2.5 Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening aluminum. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening stainless steel. B. Stainless-Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head annealed stainless-steel bolts, ASTM F 593; with hex nuts, ASTM F 594 and, where indicated, flat washers. C. Post-Installed Anchors: Torque-controlled expansion anchors or chemical anchors. 1. Material for Exterior Locations and Where Stainless Steel is Indicated: stainless-steel bolts, ASTM F 593, and nuts, ASTM F 594. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Bituminous Paint: Cold applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D1187. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.6 03/01/2010 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. C. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. D. Form exposed work with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges. E. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners or welds where possible. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Phillips flat-head (countersunk) fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Locate joints where least conspicuous. F. Fabricate seams and other connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. G. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. H. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Space anchoring devices to secure metal fabrications rigidly in place and to support indicated loads. 2.7 FINISHES, GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish metal fabrications prior to field assembly. C. Finish exposed surfaces to remove tool and die marks and stretch lines, and to blend into surrounding surface. 2.8 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. Powder Coated finish as selected by Architect. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and levels. B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections. C. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. Provide threaded fasteners for use with concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through bolts, lag screws, wood screws, and other connectors. D. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction. E. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that will come into contact with grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals with the following: 1. 2. 3. Cast Aluminum: Heavy coat of bituminous paint. Extruded Aluminum: Two coats of clear lacquer. Neoprene Washers: Same size as fastener, where indicated on Construction Drawings. END OF SECTION 055000 METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 075600 – FLUID APPLIED ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. 1.3 Fluid applied flexible acrylic waterproofing system over concrete. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Provide waterproofing membrane that prevents the passage of water. REFERENCES A. ASTM D2370 – Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. B. ASTM D1204 – Test Method for Linear Dimensional changes of Non-rigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature. C. ASTM G26 – Practice for Operating Light Exposure Apparatus (Xenon Arc Type) With or Without Water for Exposure on Non Metallic Surfaces. D. ASTM E96 – Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. E. FM 4470 – Wind Uplift Resistance F. ASTM E 108 – Test Methods for Fire Test of Roof Coverings. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate special joint or termination conditions and conditions of interface with other materials. Include details for substrate joints and cracks, sheet flashing, penetrations, and inside and outside corners, and tie-ins with adjoining waterproofing. Product Data: Provide data for rigid material description, physical properties, recommended storage conditions, shelf life, precautions, flexible flashings, joint cover sheet, and joint crack sealants, with temperature range for application of waterproofing membrane. 1. C. Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures and perimeter conditions requiring special attention. Include instructions for evaluating, preparing, and treating substrate. FLUID-APPLIED ROOFING 075600 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 D. Test Data: Provide documentation supporting tests referred to under Item 1.4. E. Sample Warranty: Copy of special waterproofing manufacturer's [and Installer's] warranty stating obligations, remedies, limitations, and exclusions before starting waterproofing. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer specializing in performing the work of this section, who is authorized, approved, or licensed by waterproofing manufacturer to install manufacturer's products. B. Manufacturer shall have been in business and shall have had experience in manufacturing these products for a minimum of 15 years. C. Roofing System: Must meet 8109 psf uplift adhesion resistance as per ASTM E74 Grade B on concrete. D. Source Limitations: Obtain waterproofing materials, protection course through one source from a single manufacturer. 1.7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.8 Products: V.O.C. Requirements shall be less than 90 gram/liter. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver liquid materials to project site in original undamaged containers with seals unbroken, bearing the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of manufacturer Product name and type of contents and products code Net volume of contents Date of manufacture and lot or batch number Storage temperature limits Shelf life expiration date Mixing instructions and proportions of contents Safety information and instructions B. Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location in accordance with the waterproofing manufacturer’s instructions. C. Store materials at temperatures between 40 deg F and 90 deg F. Keep out of direct sunlight. D. Support stored material containers on pallets and cover with tarpaulin tied to bottom of pallets. E. Remove and replace liquid materials that cannot be applied within their stated shelf life. 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not apply if ambient temperatures are expected to fall below 45 deg F or if rain is expected before the application has time to cure. Do not apply waterproofing to a damp or wet FLUID-APPLIED ROOFING 075600 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 substrate, when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent, or when temperatures are less than 5 deg F above dew point. B. 1.10 A. Maintain adequate ventilation during application and curing of waterproofing materials. WARRANTY Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty, signed by waterproofing manufacturer and Installer agreeing to repair or replace waterproofing that does not comply with requirements or that does not remain watertight within specified warranty period. 1. Warranty Period: Ten years after date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following products: 1. Fluid Applied Flexible Acrylic Waterproofing System: a. b. c. 2.2 Sealoflex, Inc. (Basis of design) Hydro-Stop - PremiumCoat Soprema - Alsan WATERPROOFING MATERIALS A. General: Sealoflex CT three-stage, fabric reinforced, flexible, acrylic coating; liquid applied in successive stages to form one continuous, seamless watertight membrane; 45 mil minimum cured total system thickness; comprised of the following: 1. 2. 3. B. 2.3 Saturation Coat: Sealoflex Pink (high flexible water based acylic emulsion coating). Fabric: Sealoflex, polyester, non-woven, stitch bonded and heat set fabric. Finish Coat: Sealoflex Finish Coat (ultraviolet light resistant blend of highly flexible waterbased acrylic co-polymer resin coating). Color as selected from manufacturer’s standard colors. Cured Membrane Characteristics: 1. Tensile Strength, ASTM D2370: 3109 psi. 2. Elongation, ASTM D2370: 61%. 3. Dimensional Stability, ASTM D1204: < 0.44% change. 4. Weathering, ASTM G26: No effect on physical properties after 3600 hours. 5. Moisture Vapor, ASTM E96: 3.2 grain/hr./sq. ft. 6. Wind Uplift, FM 4470: Meets 1-690. 7. Fire Rating, ASTM E108: Class A. AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Surface Primer: Sealobond Primer WB depending on surface conditions. FLUID-APPLIED ROOFING 075600 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 B. Surface Primer: Dampseal 101 must be used if concrete substrate exceeds 8% moisture. C. Surface Primer: Sealoment Plus depending on conditions. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify substrate surfaces are durable, free of frozen matter, dampness, loose particles, cracks, pits, projections, or foreign matter detrimental to adhesion or application of waterproofing system. B. Verify that substrate surfaces are smooth and not detrimental to full contact bond of waterproofing material. C. It is recommended that all concrete be tested for moisture content prior to application of the Sealoflex System. Structural concrete moisture should be < 8%. Cellular Lightweight concrete moisture should be at < 19%. If the moisture content is greater than specified, it is recommended that Dampseal 101 be applied. D. Verify that roof surface has positive drainage. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive waterproofing. B. Clean and prepare surfaces to receive waterproofing by removing all loose and flaking particles, grease, and laitence. C. Do not apply waterproofing to surfaces unacceptable to manufacturer. D. Seal cracks and joints with sealant materials using depth to width ratio as recommended by sealant manufacturer. 3.3 WATERPROOFING APPLICATION A. Start installing waterproofing in presence of manufacturer’s technical representative. B. Apply primers depending upon surface conditions. Allow to cure. C. Apply base coat to the entire area. Embed fabric directly into the coating while still wet. Immediately follow with saturation coat to cover fabric. Overlap adjacent runs of fabric 3” minimum. Allow to dry. D. Apply base and saturation coats at a total rate of 40 sq. ft./gal. E. Continue waterproofing material up vertical surfaces minimum 3”. F. Apply finish coat over waterproofing material at a coverage rate of 70 sq. ft./gal. over entire roof being treated. Allow to dry completely. G. Apply waterproofing system to a minimum 45 mil total cured thickness. FLUID-APPLIED ROOFING 075600 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3.4 03/01/2010 CURING, PROTECTING, AND CLEANING A. Cure waterproofing according to manufacturer's written recommendations, taking care to prevent contamination and damage during application stages and curing. Protect finished waterproofing from inclement weather until cured. B. Protect waterproofing from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. C. Immediately clean unscheduled surfaces receiving waterproofing in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. END OF SECTION 075600 FLUID-APPLIED ROOFING 075600 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 076000 –FLASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Bidding Requirements and Contractual Requirements of Division One shall apply to all work hereunder. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. B. 1.03 Section 061063—Rough Carpentry Retrofitting of penetrations in existing roofing assemblies. SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings, product data and samples under provisions of the Contract for Construction. B. Describe material thickness and profile, joining pattern, joining details, fastening methods and installation details on shop drawings. C. Provide a color selection chart for the coatings on sheet metal items. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. All materials shall be delivered and stored to prevent twisting, bending or abrasion. B. Prevent contact with materials during shipping and storage which may cause discoloration, staining or damage. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer shall specialize in sheet metal flashing work with five years minimum experience. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METAL MATERIALS A. New sheet metal flashing systems adjacent to existing shall match the finish of the adjacent systems, otherwise being of 0.050-inch mill finish aluminum. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners shall be stainless steel screws with soft neoprene washers at exposed fasteners. B. Fasteners for concrete masonry shall be zinc fastener with stainless steel expansion anchor ¼-inch by 1 ½-inch such as Rawl, Zamac, Nailin, Hilti Metal Hit Anchor or an approved equal product. C. Sealant at sheet metal joints shall be one part, non-sag polyurethane sealant such as Mameco’s Vulkem 116 sealant or an approved equal product. 2.01 FABRICATION A. Formed sections are to be true to shape, accurate in size, square and free from distortion or defects. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 076000-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 B. Form pieces in longest practical lengths. C. Hem exposed edges on underside ½-inch, miter and seam corners. D. Fabricate each corner from one piece with minimum 18-inch long legs, weld mitered joint and seal with approved sealant. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Verify openings, pipes, sleeves, ducts, dampers are solidly set, edge strips and reglets as required in place and nailing strips located. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Field measure all site conditions. B. Install starter and edge strips and cleats before starting installation. C. Seam and seal all joints. D. Fit flashings tight in place. Make corners square, surfaces true and straight in planes and lines accurate to profiles. E. Seal metal joints watertight. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Conform to installation recommendations included in SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 5th Edition. B. Repair and make watertight all metal covers, vent base corners and/or seams that are split, cut or otherwise damaged during or prior to construction. END OF SECTION FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 076000-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes joint sealants for the following locations: 1. Exterior joints in vertical surfaces and non-traffic horizontal surfaces as indicated below: a. b. c. d. e. 2. Exterior joints in horizontal traffic surfaces as indicated below: a. b. 3. d. e. Control and expansion joints on exposed interior surfaces of exterior walls where indicated. Perimeter joints of exterior openings where indicated. Vertical control joints on exposed surfaces of interior unit masonry and concrete walls and partitions. Perimeter joints between interior wall surfaces and frames of interior doors and windows. Other joints as indicated. Interior joints in horizontal traffic surfaces as indicated below: a. b. B. Control, expansion, and isolation joints in cast-in-place concrete slabs. Other joints as indicated. Interior joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal non traffic surfaces as indicated below: a. b. c. 4. Control and expansion joints in unit masonry. Control and expansion joints in Portland cement plaster. Perimeter joints between materials listed above and frames of doors and windows. Control and expansion joints in ceiling and overhead surfaces. Other joints as indicated. Control, construction, and isolation joints in cast-in-place concrete slabs where indicated. Other joints as indicated. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 7 Section “Flashing and Sheet Metal” for sealants used in sheetmetal work. 1.3 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide elastomeric joint sealants that have been produced and installed to establish and to maintain watertight and airtight continuous seals without causing staining or deterioration of joint substrates. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product data from manufacturers for each joint sealant product required. B. Samples for initial selection purposes in form of manufacturer's standard bead samples, consisting of strips of actual products showing full range of colors available, for each product exposed to view. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 C. Certificates from manufacturers of joint sealants attesting that their products comply with specification requirements and are suitable for the use indicated. D. Provide and maintain a file of manufacturer’s instructions for each of the products used. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed joint sealant applications similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project that have resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Single Source Responsibility for Joint Sealant Materials: Obtain joint sealant materials from a single manufacturer for each different product required. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels indicating manufacturer, product name and designation, color, expiration period for use, pot life, curing time, and mixing instructions for multi-component materials. B. Store and handle materials in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causes. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: 1. 2. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside the limits permitted by joint sealant manufacturer. When joint substrates are wet. B. Joint Width Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants where joint widths are less than allowed by joint sealant manufacturer for application indicated. C. Joint Substrate Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants until contaminants capable of interfering with their adhesion are removed from joint substrates. 1.8 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequence installation of joint sealants in existing interior concrete pavement to occur prior to application of clear concrete sealing compound where indicated or scheduled on drawings. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, joint filler, and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Colors: Provide color of exposed joint sealants to comply with the following: 1. Provide selections made by Architect from manufacturer's full range of standard colors for products of type indicated. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. 03/01/2010 Interior sealants shall comply with the limits of VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59 Subpart D and specification Section 018113, regarding “Low-Emitting Materials”. Verify compliance with these requirements for all interior products shown in this section. All non-compliant products submitted will be rejected. 2.2 ELASTOMERIC JOINT SEALANTS A. Elastomeric Sealant Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing elastomeric sealants that comply with ASTM C 920, including those requirements referencing ASTM C 920 classifications for Type, Grade, Class, and Uses. B. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the products specified. C. Single Part Pourable Urethane Sealant for use in horizontal joints in floor slabs, sidewalks, and concrete pavement. Provide one of the following: 1. 2. 2. D. Single Part Nonsag Urethane Sealant for use in sealing hollow metal door frames to adjoining wall surfaces, roof flashing and edge metal installations, and general purpose exterior sealing except where silicone is specified: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. “Vulkem 45"; Tremco Incorporated. “NR-201 Urexpan”; Pecora Corp. “Sonolastic SL1"; Sonneborn Building Products. “Vulkem 921”; Tremco Incorporated. “Dynatrol 1”; Pecora Corp. “Sika Flex-1a”; Sika Corp. “Sonolastic NP 1”; Sonneborn Building Products. Medium-Modulus Neutral-Curing Silicone Sealant for perimeter sealing of aluminum windows and storefronts. 1. 791; Dow Corning (accommodates joint movement of ±50 percent). a. Apply to masonry and concrete with Dow Corning 1200 Primer. 2.3 LATEX JOINT SEALANTS A. Acrylic-Emulsion Sealant: Manufacturer’s standard, one part, nonsag, mildew-resistant, acrylic-emulsion sealant complying with ASTM C 834, formulated to be paintable and recommended for exposed applications on interior locations involving joint movement of not more than plus or minus 5 percent. Provide at intersections of interior door and window frames and adjoining wall surfaces. 1. 2. “AC-20"; Pecora Corp. “Sonolac”; Sonneborn Building Products. 2.4 ACOUSTICAL JOINT SEALANT A. Acoustical sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: Manufacturer’s standard nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834 and the following: 1. Product effectively reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. B. 03/01/2010 Install at perimeter joints around all electrical boxes in acoustically-rated walls and all drywall ceilings throughout Music Building 1 and Building 1 Addition, and elsewhere as indicated on drawings. Manufacturer – Provide one of the following: 1. 2. AC-20FTR Acoustical and Insulation Sealant; Pecora Corporation Sheetrock Acoustical Sealant; USG Corp. 2.5 MILDEW – RESISTANT SILICONE SEALANT A. One-part mildew-resistant interior sealant designed to seal nonporous interior building surfaces at kitchen and kitchen support areas including any tubs, sinks, lavatories, and urinals at perimeter intersection with finished walls. B. Manufacturer – Provide one of the following: 1. 2. Dow Corning 786 Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant. Sanitary SCS1700 Sealant; G.E. Silicones 2.6 JOINT SEALANT BACKING A. General: Provide sealant backings of material and type that are nonstaining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers and other joint fillers; and are approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. B. Plastic Foam Joint Fillers: Preformed, compressible, resilient, nonstaining, nonwaxing, nonextruding strips of flexible plastic foam of either material indicated below and of size, shape, and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance: 1. 2. C. Closed-cell polyethylene foam, nonabsorbent to liquid water and gas, nonoutgassing in unruptured state. Proprietary, reticulated, closed-cell polymeric foam, nonoutgassing, with a density of 2.5 pcf (40 kg/cu. m) and tensile strength of 35 psi (240 kPa) per ASTM D 1623, and with water absorption less than 0.02 g/cc per ASTM C 1083. Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible joint filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable. 2.7 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Primer: Material recommended by joint sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint sealant-substrate tests and field tests. B. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or harming in any way joint substrates and adjacent nonporous surfaces, and formulated to promote optimum adhesion of sealants with joint substrates. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. PART 3 - EXECUTION JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting joint sealant performance. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with recommendations of joint sealant manufacturer and the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease, waterproofing, water repellents, water, surface dirt, and frost. Clean concrete, masonry, unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile, and similar porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oilfree compressed air. Remove laitance and form release agents from concrete. Clean metal, glass, porcelain enamel, glazed surfaces of ceramic tile, and other nonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where indicated or where recommended by joint sealant manufacturer based on preconstruction joint sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint sealant manufacturer's recommendations. Confine primers to areas of joint sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS A. General: Comply with joint sealant manufacturer's printed installation instructions applicable to products and applications indicated, except where more stringent requirements apply. B. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations of ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. C. Installation of Sealant Backings: Install sealant backings to comply with the following requirements: 1. Install joint fillers of type indicated to provide support of sealants during application and at position required to produce the cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. a. b. c. 2. Do not leave gaps between ends of joint fillers. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear joint fillers. Remove absorbent joint fillers that have become wet prior to sealant application and replace with dry material. Install bond breaker tape between sealants where backer rods are not used between sealants and joint fillers or back of joints. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 D. Installation of Sealants: Install sealants by proven techniques that result in sealants directly contacting and fully wetting joint substrates, completely filling recesses provided for each joint configuration, and providing uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. Install sealants at the same time sealant backings are installed. E. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and prior to time skinning or curing begins, tool sealants to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated, to eliminate air pockets, and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. Remove excess sealants from surfaces adjacent to joint. Do not use tooling agents that discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces or are not approved by sealant manufacturer. 1. Provide concave joint configuration per Figure 5A in ASTM C 1193, unless otherwise indicated. 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joints occur. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances or from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that they are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so that and installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from original work. END OF SECTION 079200 JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 081100 - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. 2. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Standard hollow-metal steel doors. Standard hollow-metal steel frames. Division 4 Section “Concrete Unit Masonry” for building anchors into and grouting frames in masonry construction. Division 8 Section “Door Hardware” for door hardware and weatherstripping. Division 9 Section “Painting” for field painting primed doors and frames. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Minimum Thickness: Minimum thickness of base metal without coatings. SUBMITTALS A. Approval Numbers: Provide State of Florida Product Approval Numbers for exterior door assemblies. B. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, core descriptions, label compliance, fire-resistance rating, and finishes for each type of steel door and frame specified. C. Shop Drawings: 1. In addition to requirements below, provide a schedule of standard steel doors and frames using same reference numbers for details and openings as those on Drawings: a. Elevations of each door design. b. Details of doors, including vertical and horizontal edge details. c. Frame details for each frame type, including dimensioned profiles. d. Details and locations of reinforcement and preparations for hardware. e. Details of each different wall opening condition. f. Details of anchorages, accessories, joints, and connections. 2. State of Florida Product Approval must be applicable to actual door and frame sizes and configurations indicated on drawings. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 1.5 03/01/2010 Shop drawings shall indicate hardware locations for doors and frames based upon Steelcraft standards. No other locations are acceptable. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by manufacturer. B. Source Limitations: manufacturer. C. Exterior, Hurricane-Resistant Door Assemblies: All doors opening to the outside atmosphere shall resist the cyclonic pressures, static pressures, and missile impact loads as detailed in the Florida Building Code test protocols TAS 201, TAS 202, and TAS 203. 1.6 Obtain standard steel doors and frames through one source from a single DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver doors and frames palletized, wrapped, or crated to provide protection during transit and Projectsite storage. Do not use nonvented plastic. B. Deliver welded frames with two removable spreader bars across bottom of frames, tack welded to jambs and mullions. C. Store doors and frames under cover at Project site. Place units in a vertical position with heads up, spaced by blocking, on minimum 4-inch- high wood blocking. Avoid using nonvented plastic or canvas shelters that could create a humidity chamber. 1. 1.7 If wrappers on doors become wet, remove cartons immediately. Provide minimum 1/4-inch space between each stacked door to permit air circulation. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Field Measurements: Verify openings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for standard steel frames. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. Steelcraft; an Ingersoll-Rand Company. Ceco Door Products. Curries Company; an ASSA ABLOY Group Company. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 4. 5. 2.2 03/01/2010 Hollow Metal, Inc. Windsor Republic Doors MATERIALS A. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; suitable for exposed applications. B. Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1011/A 1011M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; free of scale, pitting, or surface defects; pickled and oiled. C. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; with minimum A60 (ZF180) zinc-iron-alloy (galvannealed) coating designation. D. Supports and Anchors: After fabricating, galvanize units to be built into exterior walls according to ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B. E. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Provide items to be built into exterior walls, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M. 2.3 STANDARD STEEL DOORS A. General: Provide doors of design indicated, not less than thickness indicated; fabricated with smooth surfaces, without visible joints or seams on exposed faces, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with ANSI A250.8. 1. Design: As indicated on Drawings. 2. Core Construction: Manufacturer's standard kraft-paper honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane, mineral-board, or vertical steel-stiffener core that produces doors complying with ANSI A250. 3. Vertical Edges for Single-Acting Doors: Beveled edge a. 4. 5. B. Top and Bottom Edges: Closed with flush (at top), inverted (at bottom), 0.042-inch- thick end closures or channels of same material as face sheets. Tolerances: Comply with SDI 117, "Manufacturing Tolerances for Standard Steel Doors and Frames." Exterior and Interior Doors: Face sheets fabricated from A-60 galvannealed steel sheet. Provide doors complying with requirements indicated below by referencing ANSI A250.8 for level and model and ANSI A250.4 for physical-endurance level: 1. C. Beveled Edge: 1/8 inch in 2 inches. Level 3 and Physical Performance Level A (Extra Heavy Duty), Model 2 (Seamless), 16 gage (.053 inch). Hardware Reinforcement: Fabricate reinforcement plates from same material as door face sheets to comply with the following minimum sizes: 1. Hinges: Minimum 0.123 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches wide by 6 inches longer than hinge, secured by not less than 6 spot welds. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. 3. 4. D. 2.4 03/01/2010 Pivots: Minimum 0.167 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches wide by 6 inches longer than hinge, secured by not less than 6 spot welds. Lock Face, Flush Bolts, Closers, and Concealed Holders: Minimum 0.067 inch thick. All Other Surface-Mounted Hardware: Minimum 0.067 inch thick. Fabricate concealed stiffeners and hardware reinforcement from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. STANDARD STEEL FRAMES A. General: Comply with ANSI A250.8 and with details indicated for type and profile. B. Exterior and Interior Frames: Fabricated from A-60 galvannealed steel sheet. 1. 2. C. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped and continuously welded face corners. Frames for Level 3 Steel Doors: 16 gage (.053 inch) thick steel sheet. Hardware Reinforcement: Fabricate reinforcement plates from same material as frames to comply with the following minimum sizes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hinges: Minimum 0.123 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches wide by 6 inches longer than hinge, secured by not less than 6 spot welds. Pivots: Minimum 0.167 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches wide by 6 inches longer than hinge, secured by not less than 6 spot welds. Lock Face, Flush Bolts, Closers, and Concealed Holders: Minimum 0.067 inch thick. All Other Surface-Mounted Hardware: Minimum 0.067 inch thick. D. Supports and Anchors: Fabricated from electrolytic zinc-coated or metallic-coated steel sheet. E. Jamb Anchors: 1. 2. Masonry Type: Adjustable strap-and-stirrup anchors to suit frame size, not less than 0.042 inch thick, with corrugated or perforated straps not less than 2 inches wide by 10 inches long. Postinstalled Expansion Type for In-Place Concrete Masonry: minimum 3/8-inch- diameter bolts with expansion shields or inserts. Provide pipe spacer from frame to wall, with throat reinforcement plate, welded to frame at each anchor location. F. Fabricate concealed stiffeners and hardware reinforcement from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. G. Plaster Guards: Formed from same material as frames, not less than 0.016-inch thick. 2.5 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate standard steel doors and frames to be rigid and free of defects, warp, or buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles, with minimum radius for thickness of metal. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacturer's plant. To ensure proper assembly at Project site, clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment. B. Standard Steel Doors: 1. Exterior Doors: Provide weep-hole openings in bottom of exterior doors to permit moisture to escape. Seal joints in top edges of doors against water penetration. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. Standard Steel Frames: Where frames are fabricated in sections due to shipping or handling limitations, provide alignment plates or angles at each joint, fabricated of same thickness metal as frames. 1. 2. 3. 4. Welded Frames: Weld flush face joints continuously; grind, fill, dress, and make smooth, flush, and invisible. Provide countersunk, flat- or oval-head exposed screws and bolts for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. Plaster Guards: Weld guards to frame at back of hardware mortises in frames installed in concrete or masonry. Jamb Anchors: Provide number and spacing of anchors as follows: a. b. 5. Single-Door Frames: Drill stop in strike jamb to receive three door silencers. Hardware Preparation: Factory prepare standard steel doors and frames to receive templated mortised hardware; include cutouts, reinforcement, mortising, drilling, and tapping. 1. 2. 3. 2.6 Masonry Type: Locate anchors not more than 18 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c. Provide three anchors per jamb. Postinstalled Expansion Type: Locate anchors not more than 6 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 26 inches o.c. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped doors, drill stops to receive door silencers as follows. Provide plastic plugs to keep holes clear during construction. a. D. 03/01/2010 All locations shall be based upon Steelcraft standards. Reinforce doors and frames to receive nontemplated mortised and surface-mounted door hardware. Comply with applicable requirements in ANSI A250.6 and ANSI/DHI A115 Series specifications for door and frame preparation for hardware. Locate hardware according to ANSI A250.8. STEEL FINISHES A. General: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. 1. B. Galvannealed Steel Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces with nonpetroleum solvent so surfaces are free of oil and other contaminants. After cleaning, apply a conversion coating suited to the organic coating to be applied over it. Clean welds, mechanical connections, and abraded areas, and apply galvanizing repair paint specified below to comply with ASTM A 780. 1. C. Finish standard steel door and frames after assembly. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint for regalvanizing welds in steel, complying with SSPC-Paint 20. Factory Priming for Field-Painted Finish: Apply shop primer specified below immediately after surface preparation and pretreatment. Apply a smooth coat of even consistency to provide a uniform dry film thickness of not less than 0.7 mils. 1. Shop Primer: Manufacturer's standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free primer complying with ANSI A250.10 acceptance criteria; recommended by primer manufacturer for substrate; compatible with substrate and field-applied finish paint system indicated; and providing a sound foundation for field-applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of standard steel doors and frames. 1. 2. 3.2 Examine roughing-in for embedded and built-in anchors to verify actual locations of standard steel frame connections before frame installation. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Remove welded-in shipping spreaders installed at factory. B. Prior to installation and with installation spreaders in place, adjust and securely brace standard steel door frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumb to the following tolerances: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. 3.3 Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a perpendicular line from head to floor. Drill and tap doors and frames to receive nontemplated mortised and surface-mounted door hardware. INSTALLATION A. General: Provide doors and frames of sizes, thicknesses, and designs indicated. Install standard steel doors and frames plumb, rigid, properly aligned, and securely fastened in place; comply with Drawings and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Standard Steel Frames: Install standard steel frames for doors of size and profile indicated. Comply with SDI 105. 1. Set frames accurately in position; plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. a. b. 2. Remove temporary braces necessary for installation only after frames have been properly set and secured. Check plumb, squareness, and twist of frames as walls are constructed. Shim as necessary to comply with installation tolerances. In-Place Concrete or Masonry Construction: Secure frames in place with postinstalled expansion anchors. Countersink anchors, and fill and make smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. Installation Tolerances: Adjust standard steel door frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumb to the following tolerances: a. b. c. d. C. Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs at floor. Standard Steel Doors: Fit hollow-metal doors accurately in frames, within clearances specified below. Shim as necessary. 1. Non-Fire-Rated Standard Steel Doors: a. b. c. d. 3.4 03/01/2010 Jambs and Head: 1/8 inch plus or minus 1/16 inch. Between Edges of Pairs of Doors: 1/8 inch plus or minus 1/16 inch. Between Bottom of Door and Top of Threshold: Maximum 3/8 inch. Between Bottom of Door and Top of Finish Floor (No Threshold): Maximum 3/4 inch. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating hardware items immediately before final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective work, including standard steel doors or frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise unacceptable. B. Clean grout and other bonding material off standard steel doors and frames immediately after installation. C. Prime-Coat Touchup: Immediately after erection, sand smooth rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touchup of compatible air-drying primer. D. Galvannealed Surfaces: Clean abraded areas and repair with galvanizing repair paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. END OF SECTION 081100 METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081100 - 7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 083613 SECTIONAL DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following types of overhead sectional doors: 1. 2. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. B. Division 8 Section "Door Hardware" for lock cylinders and keying. Division 9 Section "Painting" for field-applied paint finish. Division 26 Sections for electrical service and connections for powered operators, and accessories. Division 26 Sections for disconnect switches and circuit breakers for powered operators. DEFINITIONS Operation Cycle: One complete cycle of a door begins with the door in the closed position. The door is then moved to the open position and back to the closed position. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Structural Performance: Provide overhead sectional doors capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses without evidencing permanent deformation of door components: 1. Wind Load: Uniform pressure (velocity pressure) to meet cladding design loads specified on plans, acting inward and outward. 2. Installation in accordance with listed approved products. Operation-Cycle Requirements: Design overhead sectional door components and operator to operate for not less than 20,000 cycles and for 10 cycles per day. 1. 1.05 Service doors. Insulated service doors. Include tamperproof cycle counter. SUBMITTALS OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. Product Data: For each type and size of overhead sectional door and accessory. Include details of construction relative to materials, dimensions of individual components, profiles, and finishes. Provide roughing-in diagrams, operating instructions, and maintenance information. Include the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Setting drawings, templates, and installation instructions for built-in or embedded anchor devices. Summary of forces and loads on walls and jambs. Motors: Show nameplate data and ratings; characteristics; mounting arrangements; size and location of winding termination lugs, conduit entry, and grounding lug; and coatings. Shop Drawings: For special components and installations not dimensioned or detailed in manufacturer's data sheets. 1. C. 03/01/2010 Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for power, signal, and control systems. Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring and between components provided by door manufacturer and those provided by others. Samples for Verification: Of each type of exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below and of same thickness and material indicated for Work. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Panels: 12-inch (300-mm) length. Bottom Bar: 6-inch (150-mm) length. Guides: 6-inch (150-mm) length. Brackets: 6 inches (150 mm) square. Laminate-Clad Counter Panel Product: 6 inches (150 mm) square, for each type, color, pattern, and surface finish, laminated to core. D. Installer Certificates: requirements. E. Oversize Construction Certification: For door assemblies required to be fire-rated and exceeding limitations of labeled assemblies, submit certification of a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that each door and frame assembly has been constructed to comply with design, materials, and construction equivalent to requirements for labeled construction. 1.06 Signed by manufacturer certifying that installers comply with specified QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who is an authorized representative of the overhead sectional door manufacturer for both installation and maintenance of units required for this Project. B. Source Limitations: Obtain overhead sectional doors through one source from a single manufacturer. 1. C. Obtain operators and controls from the overhead sectional door manufacturer. Listing and Labeling: Provide electrically operated fixtures specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. 1. 2. The Terms "Listed" and "Labeled": As defined in NFPA 70, Article 100. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7. PART 2 - PRODUCTS OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.01 03/01/2010 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: B. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.02 A. Clopay Building Products Co. Overhead Door Corporation. Raynor Garage Doors. Roll-Lite Door Corp.; Div. of Clopay Building Products Co. Wayne-Dalton Corp. DOOR CURTAIN MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION Door Curtain: Fabricate overhead sectional door curtain of interlocking panels, designed to withstand wind loading indicated, in a continuous length for width of door without splices. Unless otherwise indicated, provide panels of material thickness recommended by door manufacturer for performance, size, and type of door indicated, and as follows: 1. Steel Door Curtain Panels: Structural-quality, cold-rolled galvanized steel sheets complying with ASTM A 653, with G90 (ASTM A 653M, with Z275) zinc coating. 2. Insulation: Fill panel with manufacturer's standard rigid cellular polystyrene or polyurethanefoam-type thermal insulation complying with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of 75 and 450, respectively, according to ASTM E 84. Enclose insulation completely within metal panel faces. Inside Curtain Panel Face: To match material of outside metal curtain slat and as follows: 3. a. B. 2.03 A. Galvanized Steel Sheet Thickness: Not less than 22 guage. Bottom Bar: Consisting of 2 angles, each not less than 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 by 1/8 inch (38 by 38 by 3 mm) thick, either galvanized or stainless-steel or aluminum extrusions to suit type of panels. ACCESSORIES Integral Frame and Fascia: Provide welded assemblies of the following sheet metal: 1. Fabricate of not less than 0.064-inch- (1.6-mm-) thick, hot-dip galvanized steel sheet with G90 (Z275) zinc coating, complying with ASTM A 653 (ASTM A 653M). B. Integral Sills: Fabricate sills as integral part of frame assembly of same sheet metal, but not less than 0.078 inch (2.0 mm) thick. C. Weatherseals: Provide replaceable, adjustable, continuous, compressible weather-stripping gaskets fitted to bottom and at top of exterior doors, unless otherwise indicated. At door head, use 1/8-inch- (3-mm-) thick, replaceable, continuous sheet secured to inside of curtain coil hood. 1. 2. Provide motor-operated doors with combination bottom weatherseal and sensor edge. In addition, provide replaceable, adjustable, continuous, flexible, 1/8-inch- (3-mm-) thick seals of flexible vinyl, rubber, or neoprene at door jambs for a weathertight installation. OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY D. 03/01/2010 Push/Pull Handles: For push-up-operated or emergency-operated doors, provide galvanized steel lifting handles on each side of door. 1. Provide pull-down straps or pole hooks for doors more than 84 inches (2130 mm) high. E. Slide Bolt: Fabricate with side locking bolts to engage through slots in tracks for locking by padlock, located on both left and right jamb sides, operable from coil side. F. Fabricate locking device assembly with lock, spring-loaded dead bolt, operating handle, cam plate, and adjustable locking bar to engage through slots in tracks. 1. Locking Bars: Single-jamb side, operable from inside only. G. Chain Lock Keeper: Suitable for padlock. H. Where door unit is power operated, provide safety interlock switch to disengage power supply when door is locked. I. Provide automatic-opening device inoperative during normal door operations, with governor unit complying with requirements of NFPA 80, with easily tested and reset release mechanism, and designed to be activated by the following: 1. 2.04 Governor: Oscillating type. COUNTERBALANCING MECHANISM A. General: Counterbalance doors by means of adjustable-tension steel helical torsion spring, mounted around a steel shaft and contained in a spring barrel connected to door curtain with required barrel rings. Use grease-sealed bearings or self-lubricating graphite bearings for rotating members. B. Counterbalance Barrel: Fabricate spring barrel of hot-formed, structural-quality, welded or seamless carbon-steel pipe, of sufficient diameter and wall thickness to support rolled-up curtain without distortion of slats and to limit barrel deflection to not more than 0.03 in./ft. (2.5 mm/m) of span under full load. C. Provide spring balance of one or more oil-tempered, heat-treated steel helical torsion springs. Size springs to counterbalance weight of curtain, with uniform adjustment accessible from outside barrel. Provide cast-steel barrel plugs to secure ends of springs to barrel and shaft. D. Fabricate torsion rod for counterbalance shaft of cold-rolled steel, sized to hold fixed spring ends and carry torsional load. E. Brackets: Provide mounting brackets of manufacturer's standard design, either cast-iron or cold-rolled steel plate with bell-mouth guide groove for curtain. 2.05 FINISHES, GENERAL A. General: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.06 A. STEEL AND GALVANIZED STEEL FINISHES Factory Primer for Field Finish: Apply manufacturer's standard primer, compatible with field-applied finish according to coating manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning, pretreatment, application, and minimum dry film thickness. 1. 2.07 03/01/2010 Apply to ferrous surfaces except zinc-coated metal. ELECTRIC DOOR OPERATORS A. General: Provide electric door operator assembly of size and capacity recommended and provided by door manufacturer for door and operational life specified, with electric motor and factory-prewired motor controls, starter, gear-reduction unit, solenoid-operated brake, clutch, remote-control stations, control devices, integral gearing for locking door, and accessories required for proper operation. B. Comply with NFPA 70. C. Disconnect Device: Provide hand-operated disconnect or mechanism for automatically engaging sprocket-chain operator and releasing brake for emergency manual operation while disconnecting motor, without affecting timing of limit switch. Mount disconnect and operator so they are accessible from floor level. Include interlock device to automatically prevent motor from operating when emergency operator is engaged. D. Design operator so motor may be removed without disturbing limit-switch adjustment and without affecting emergency auxiliary operator. E. Provide control equipment complying with NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, and NEMA ICS 6, with NFPA 70 Class 2 control circuit, maximum 24-V, ac or dc. F. Door-Operator Type: Provide wall-, hood-, or bracket-mounted, jackshaft, gear-head-type door operator unit consisting of electric motor, enclosed worm-gear running-in-oil primary drive, chain and sprocket secondary drive, and quick disconnect-release for manual operation. G. Electric Motors: Provide high-starting torque, reversible, continuous-duty, Class A insulated, electric motors, complying with NEMA MG 1, with overload protection, sized to start, accelerate, and operate door in either direction, from any position, at not less than 2/3 fps (0.2 m/s) or more than 1 fps (0.3 m/s), without exceeding nameplate ratings or considering service factor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. Type: Polyphase, medium-induction type. Service Factor: According to NEMA MG 1, unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate wiring requirements and electric characteristics of motors with building electrical system. Provide open dripproof-type motor, and controller with NEMA ICS 6, Type 1 enclosure. Provide totally enclosed, nonventilated or fan-cooled motors, fitted with plugged drain, and controller with NEMA ICS 6, Type 4 enclosure where indicated. Remote-Control Station: Provide momentary-contact, 3-button control station with push-button controls labeled "Open," "Close," and "Stop." 1. 2. Provide interior units, full-guarded, surface-mounted, heavy-duty type, with general-purpose NEMA ICS 6, Type 1 enclosure. Provide exterior units, full-guarded, standard-duty, surface-mounted, weatherproof type, NEMA ICS 6, Type 4 enclosure, key operated. OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY I. 03/01/2010 Obstruction Detection Device: Provide each motorized door with indicated external automatic safety sensor able to protect full width of door opening. Activation of sensor immediately stops and reverses downward door travel. 1. Sensor Edge: Provide each motorized door with an automatic safety sensor edge, located within astragal or weather stripping mounted to bottom bar. Contact with sensor immediately stops and reverses downward door travel. Connect to control circuit using manufacturer's standard take-up reel or self-sectional cable. a. b. Provide pneumatically actuated automatic bottom bar. Provide electrically actuated automatic bottom bar. 1) Self-Monitoring Laser Eye Type: device. Provide self-monitoring, 4-wire configured J. Limit Switches: Provide adjustable switches, interlocked with motor controls and set to automatically stop door at fully opened and fully closed positions. K. Provide electric operators with ADA-compliant audible alarm and visual indicator lights. L. Radio Control: Provide radio control system consisting of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. M. 3-channel universal coaxial receiver to open, close, and stop door, 1 per operator. Multifunction remote control. Remote antenna mounting kit. Coordinate RF location with Owner’s vehicle requirements. Provide interface for variable interlock timers for each door connected to exhaust system for apparatus bays. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. 3.02 A. 3.03 A. INSTALLATION General: Install door and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold strips, anchors, inserts, hangers, and equipment supports according to Shop Drawings, manufacturer's written instructions, and as specified. ADJUSTING Lubricate bearings and sliding parts; adjust doors to operate easily, free from warp, twist, or distortion and fitting weather tight for entire perimeter. DEMONSTRATION Startup Services: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to perform startup services and to train Owner's maintenance personnel as specified below: 1. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY a. 2. 3. 4. 5. 03/01/2010 Test door closing when activated by detector or alarm connected fire-release system. Reset door-closing mechanism after successful test. Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules related to startup and shutdown, troubleshooting, servicing, preventive maintenance, and procedures for testing and resetting release devices. Review data in the maintenance manuals. Refer to Division 1 Section "Contract Closeout." Review data in the maintenance manuals. Refer to Division 1 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data." Schedule training with Owner with at least 3 days' advance notice. END OF SECTION 083613 OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOORS 083613- 7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE PART I - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work in this section shall include furnishing of all items of finish hardware as hereinafter specified or obviously necessary to complete the building, except those items that are specifically excluded from this section of the specification. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Steel Doors and Frames 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Furnish labor and material to complete hardware work indicated, as specified herein, or as may be required by actual conditions at building. B. Include all necessary screws, bolts, expansion shields, other devices, if necessary, as required for proper hardware application. The hardware supplier shall assume all responsibility for correct quantities. C. Hardware shall meet the requirements of Federal, State and Local codes having jurisdiction over this project, notwithstanding any real or apparent conflict therewith in these specifications. D. Fire-rated openings: 1. Provide hardware for fire-rated openings in compliance with A.I.A. (NBFU) Pamphlet No. 80, NFPA Standards NO. 101, UBC 702 (1997) and UL10C. This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardware. Provide only hardware that has been tested and listed by UL for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements of the door and door frame labels. 2. Where panic exit devices are required on fire-rated doors, provide supplementary marking on door UL label indicating Fire Door to be equipped with fire exit hardware and provide UL label on exit device indicating “Fire Exit Hardware”. E. Fasteners: 1. Hardware as furnished shall conform to published templates generally prepared for machine screw installation. 2. Furnish each item complete with all screws required for installation. Typically, all exposed screws installation. 3. Insofar as practical, furnished concealed type fasteners for hardware units that have exposed screws shall be furnished with Phillips flat head screws, finished to match adjacent hardware. 4. Door closers and exit devices to be installed with closed head through bolts (sex bolts). F. Exterior openings 1. Provide hardware for hurricane openings in compliance with local jurisdiction. This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardware. Provide only hardware that has been tested and listed by local authority for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements of the door and door frame. Coordinate Section (08710) Finish Hardware with the Steel Doors and Frames (08110). Door Hardware 087100-1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1.04 03/01/2010 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The supplier to be a directly franchised distributor of the products to be furnished and have in their employ an AHC (Architectural Hardware Consultant). This person is to be available for consultation to the architect, owner and the general contractor at reasonable times during the course of work. B. The finish hardware supplier shall prepare and submit to the architect six (6) copies of a complete schedule identifying each door and each set number, following the numbering system and not creating any separate system himself. He shall submit the schedule for review, make corrections as directed and resubmit the corrected schedule for final approval. Approval of schedule will not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing all necessary hardware, including the responsibility for furnishing correct quantities. C. No manufacturing orders shall be placed until detailed schedule has been submitted to the architect and written approval received. D. After hardware schedule has been approved, furnish templates required by manufacturing contractors for making proper provisions in their work for accurate fitting, finishing hardware setting. Furnish templates in ample time to facilitate progress of work. E. Hardware supplier shall have an office and warehouse facilities to accommodate the materials used on this project. The supplier must be an authorized distributor of the products specified. F. The hardware manufactures are to supply both a pre-installation class as well as a post-installation walk-thru. This is to insure proper installation and provide for any adjustments or replacements of hardware as required. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Wrap, protect finishing hardware items for shipment. Deliver to manufacturing contractors hardware items required by them for their application; deliver balance of hardware to job; store in designated location. Each item shall be clearly marked with its intended location. 1.06 WARRANTY A. The material furnished shall be warranted for one year after installation or longer as the individual manufacturer’s warranty permits. B. The manufacturer against failure due to defective materials and workmanship shall warrant overhead door closers in writing for a period of ten (10) years. Commencing on the Date of Final Completion and Acceptance, and in the event of failure, the manufacture is to promptly repair or replace the defective with no additional cost to the Owner. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. To the greatest extent possible, obtain each kind of hardware from only one manufacturer. C. All numbers and symbols used herein have been taken from the current catalogues of the following manufacturers. Door Hardware 087100-2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 PRODUCT ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Ives Schlage Locks Best Access Von Duprin LCN Ives Hager, Stanley, Bommer None (Owners Standard) None (Owners Standard) None (Owners Standard) None (Owners Standard) Rockwood, Hager 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Hinges Locks & Latches Keying Exit Devices Door Closers Wall Stops/Floor Stops, Flushbolts Kick Plates Threshold/Weather-strip Silencers Key Cabinet Standalone Access Control Ives National Guard Ives Lund Alarm Lock - Trilogy Series Rockwood, Hager Pemko, Zero Rockwood, Hager Key Control None (Owners Standard) C. If material manufactured by other than that specified or listed herewith as an equal, is to be bid upon, permission must be requested from the architect seven (7) days prior to bidding. If substitution is allowed, it will be so noted by addendum. 2.02 FINISH OF HARDWARE: A. Exterior Hinges to be Stainless Steel (32D), Interior Hinges to be Satin Chrome (26D). Door Closers to be Aluminum. Locks to be Stainless Steel (32D), Exit Devices to be Stainless Steel (32D). Overhead Holders to be Stainless Steel (32D), Flat Goods to be Stainless Steel (32D) and the Thresholds to be Mill Finish Aluminum. 2.03 HINGES AND PIVOTS: A. Exterior butts shall be Stainless Steel. Butts on all out swinging doors shall be furnished with nonremovable pins (NRP). B. Interior butts shall be as listed. C. Doors 5’ or less in height shall have two (2) butts. Furnish one (1) additional butt for each 2’6” in height or fraction thereof. Dutch door shall have two (2) butts per leaf. 2.04 KEYING: A. Equip locks and cylinders with Best Access small format interchangeable core cylinders. B. All bittings shall be issued by lock manufacture per owners instructions and keyed to the owners existing master key system. C. Provide Two (2) each change keys per lock and Six (6) each grand master, master keys, two (2) construction and two (2) permanent control keys. D. Hardware supplier to provide temporary cylinders or cores during the construction phase. The contractor is to change out the temporary cylinders for the permanent cylinders. 2.05 LOCKSETS: A. Locksets shall be Heavy Duty Cylindrical type, unless specified otherwise, in “ND” Series, Lever designs as manufactured by Schlage Lock Company. 1. Acceptable substitutions: A. None (Owners Standard) Door Hardware 087100-3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.06 EXIT DEVICES: A. Exit devices shall be Von Duprin 98 Series in types and functions specified. All devices must be listed under “Panic Hardware” in accident equipment list of Underwriters Laboratories. All labeled doors with “Fire Exit Hardware” must have labels attached and be in strict accordance with Underwriters Laboratories. B. Exit devices shall be tested to ANSI/BHMA A156.3 test requirements by a BHMA certified testing laboratory. A written certification showing successful completion of a minimum of 1,000,000 cycles must be provided. C. Surface strikes shall be roller type and come complete with a plate underneath to prevent movement. And shall be provided with a dead-latching feature to prevent latch bolt tampering. 1. 2.07 03/01/2010 Acceptable substitutions: A. None (Owners Standard) DOOR CLOSERS: A. Closers shall be LCN 1461 Series having non-ferrous covers, forged steel arms separate valves for adjusting backcheck, closing and latching cycles and adjustable spring to provide up to 50% increase in spring power. Closers shall be furnished with parallel arm mounted on all doors opening into corridors or other public spaces and shall be mounted to permit 180 degrees door swing wherever wall conditions permit. Furnish with non-hold open arms unless otherwise indicated. B. Door closer cylinders shall be of high strength cast iron construction to provide low wear operating capabilities of internal parts throughout the life of the installation. All door closers shall be tested to ANSI/BHMA A156.4 test requirements by a BHMA certified testing laboratory. A written certification showing successful completion of a minimum of 10,000,000 cycles must be provided. C. Door closers shall utilize temperature stable fluid capable of withstanding temperature ranges of 120 degrees Fahrenheit to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, without requiring seasonal adjustment of closer speed to properly close the door. Closers for fire-rated doors shall be provided with temperature stabilizing fluid that complies with the standards UBC 7-2 (1997) and UL 10C. D. Door closers shall incorporate tamper resistant non-critical screw valves of V-slot design to reduce possible clogging from particles within the closer. Closers shall have separate and independent screw valve adjustments for latch speed, general speed, and hydraulic backcheck. Backcheck shall be properly located so as to effectively slow the swing of the door at a minimum of 10 degrees in advance of the dead stop location to protect the door frame and hardware from damage. Pressure relief valves (PRV) are not acceptable. 1. Acceptable substitutions: A. None (Owners Standard) 2.08 TRIM AND PLATES: A. Kick plates, mop plates, and armor plates, shall be .050 gauge with 32D finish. Kick plates to be 10” high, mop plates to be 4” high. All plates shall be two (2) inches less full width of door. B. Push plates, pull plates, door pulls, and miscellaneous door trim shall be shown in the hardware schedule. 2.09 DOOR STOPS: A. Doorstops shall be furnished for all doors to prevent damage to doors or hardware from striking adjacent walls or fixtures. Wall bumpers equal to Ives WS407 Series are preferred, but where not Door Hardware 087100-4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 practical furnish floor stops equal to Ives FS436 or FS438 series. Where conditions prohibit the use of either wall or floor type stops, furnish surface mounted overhead stops equal to Glynn Johnson, 450 Series. 2.10 THRESHOLDS AND WEATHERSTRIP: A. Thresholds and weather-strip shall be as listed in the hardware schedule. 2.11 DOOR SILENCERS: A. Furnish rubber door silencers equal to Ives SR64 for all new interior hollow metal frames, (2) per pair and (3) per single door frame. PART III - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. All hardware shall be applied and installed in accordance with the Finish Hardware schedule. Care shall be exercised not to mar or damage adjacent work. B. Contractor to provide a secure lock-up for hardware delivered to the project but not yet installed. Control the handling and installation of hardware items that are not immediately replaceable, so that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses both before and after installation. C. No hardware is to be installed until the hardware manufactures have provided a pre-installation class to insure proper installation of the specified products. A post installation inspection by a manufacturer’s representative will be provided to insure proper installation. 3.02 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Contractor shall adjust all hardware in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions. Prior to turning project to owner, contractor shall clean and make any final adjustments to the finish hardware. 3.03 PROTECTION: A. Contractor shall protect the hardware, as it is stored on construction site in a covered and dry place. B. Contractor shall protect exposed hardware installed on doors during the construction phase. 3.04 HARDWARE SCHEDULE: A. The following schedule is furnished for whatever assistance it may afford the contractor; do not consider it as entirely inclusive. Should any particular door or item be omitted in any scheduled hardware group, provide door or item with hardware same as required for similar purposes. Quantities listed are for each pair of doors or for each single door. B. This hardware schedule was prepared by. Ingersoll Rand Security Technology 4385 SE 57th Lane Ocala, FL 34480 Ph: 352-732-6795 Hardware Group No. 1 – 101, Door Hardware 087100-5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Quantity Description 3 EA HINGE 1 EA STOREROOM LOCK 1 EA SFIC RIM CYLINDER 1 EA WALL STOP 3 EA SILENCERS Model Number 3PB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80BD JUP 80-159 WS407CCV SR64 End Section 087100 Door Hardware 087100-6 03/01/2010 Finish 630 626 626 630 GRY Mfr IVE SCH SCH IVE IVE NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 089000 - LOUVERS AND VENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 1.3 Fixed, extruded-aluminum louvers. Division 8 Section "Metal Doors and Frames" for louvers in hollow-metal doors and frames. DEFINITIONS A. Louver Terminology: Definitions of terms for metal louvers contained in AMCA 501 apply to this Section unless otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. B. Drainable-Blade Louver: Louver with blades having gutters that collect water and drain it to channels in jambs and mullions, which carry it to bottom of unit and away from opening. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Provide louvers capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated without permanent deformation of louver components, noise or metal fatigue caused by louver blade rattle or flutter, or permanent damage to fasteners and anchors. Wind pressures shall be considered to act on vertical projection of louvers. 1. 2. 1.5 Wind Loads: Determine loads based on pressures as indicated on structural plans. Missile Impact Loads: Provide large and small hurricane missile protection in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Section 1626 – Impact Tests for Windborne Debris. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated B. Shop Drawings: For louvers and accessories. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other Work. Show blade profiles, angles, and spacing. 089000-1 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 1. For installed louvers and vents indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data including anchorage to structure (fastener size, type, and spacing) signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of metal finish required. D. Qualification Data: For professional engineer. E. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency or by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, for each type of louver. 1. 1.6 Provide State of Florida Product Approval number or NOA. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain louvers and vents through one source from a single manufacturer where indicated to be of same type, design, or factory-applied color finish. B. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. C. 1.7 AWS D1.2, "Structural Welding Code--Aluminum." SMACNA Standard: Comply with recommendations in SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" for fabrication, construction details, and installation procedures. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify louver openings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 1. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating louvers without field measurements. Coordinate construction to ensure that actual opening dimensions correspond to established dimensions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements including masonry opening details indicated on drawings, provide products by one of the following: 1. Louvers: a. b. c. d. Construction Specialties, Inc. (Basis of Design) Ruskin Company; Tomkins PLC. Greenheck, Inc. Industrial Louvers, Inc. 089000-2 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.2 03/01/2010 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M), alloy 6063-T5 or T-52. B. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 209M), alloy 3003 or 5005 with temper as required for forming, or as otherwise recommended by metal producer for required finish. C. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B 26/B 26M, alloy 319. D. Fasteners: Of same basic metal and alloy as fastened metal or 300 Series stainless steel, unless otherwise indicated. Do not use metals that are incompatible with joined materials. 1. 2. Use types and sizes to suit unit installation conditions. Use Phillips pan-head screws for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. E. Post installed Fasteners for Concrete and Masonry: Torque-controlled expansion anchors, made from stainless-steel components, with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 4 times the loads imposed, for concrete, or 6 times the load imposed, for masonry, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488, conducted by a qualified independent testing agency. F. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D 1187. 2.3 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Assemble louvers in factory to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Maintain equal louver blade spacing to produce uniform appearance. C. Fabricate frames, including integral sills, to fit in openings of sizes indicated, with allowances made for fabrication and installation tolerances, adjoining material tolerances, and perimeter sealant joints. 1. Frame Type: Channel, unless otherwise indicated. D. Include supports, anchorages, and accessories required for complete assembly. E. Where indicated, provide subsills made of same material as louvers or extended sills for recessed louvers. F. Join frame members to each other and to fixed louver blades with fillet welds concealed from view, unless otherwise indicated or size of louver assembly makes bolted connections between frame members necessary. 2.4 FIXED, EXTRUDED-ALUMINUM LOUVERS A. Horizontal Hurricane-Resistant Louver: 1. Products: a. 2. Construction Specialties, Inc. Model DHC-5704 (Basis of Design) Louver Depth: 5" overall assembly including missile protection system. 089000-3 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 3. Frame and Blade Nominal Thickness: As required to comply with structural performance requirements, but not less than 0.060 inch for blades and 0.075 inch for frames. 4. Performance Requirements: b. 2.5 Free Area: Not less than 33%, based upon actual louver size indicated on drawings. LOUVER SCREENS A. General: Provide screen at each exterior louver. 1. Screen Location for Fixed Louvers: Interior face. 2. Screening Type: Insect screening (Not required with Construction Specialties louver due to missile screen). B. Secure screens to louver frames with stainless-steel machine screws, spaced a maximum of 6 inches from each corner and at 12 inches o.c. C. Louver Screen Frames: Fabricate with mitered corners to louver sizes indicated. 1. 2. 3. D. Metal: Same kind and form of metal as indicated for louver to which screens are attached. Reinforce extruded-aluminum screen frames at corners with clips. Finish: Same finish as louver frames to which louver screens are attached. Type: Rewirable frames with a driven spline or insert for securing screen mesh. Louver Screening for Aluminum Louvers: 1. Insect Screening: Aluminum, charcoal, 18 x 16 square mesh, 0.011-inch wire. 2.6 FINISHES, GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish louvers after assembly. 2.7 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. B. High-Performance Organic-Coating Finish: AA-C12C42R1x (Chemical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: acid-chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; Organic Coating: as specified below). Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. 1. Fluoropolymer Two-Coat Coating System: Manufacturer's standard two-coat, thermocured system consisting of specially formulated inhibitive primer and fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70 percent polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; complying with AAMA 2605. 089000-4 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 a. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer’s full range. Color shall match approved storefront and windows. Contractor shall provide available finish samples for these (3) elements at the same time. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and openings, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. 1. 3.2 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. 3.3 Coordinate setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to Project site. INSTALLATION A. Locate and place louvers and vents level, plumb, and at indicated alignment with adjacent work. B. Use concealed anchorages where possible. Provide brass or lead washers fitted to screws where required to protect metal surfaces and to make a weathertight connection. C. Form closely fitted joints with exposed connections accurately located and secured. D. Provide perimeter reveals and openings of uniform width for sealants and joint fillers, as indicated. E. Repair finishes damaged by cutting, welding, soldering, and grinding. Restore finishes so no evidence remains of corrective work. Return items that cannot be refinished in the field to the factory, make required alterations, and refinish entire unit or provide new units. F. Protect galvanized and nonferrous-metal surfaces from corrosion or galvanic action by applying a heavy coating of bituminous paint on surfaces that will be in contact with concrete, masonry, or dissimilar metals. G. Install concealed gaskets, flashings, joint fillers, and insulation as louver installation progresses, where weathertight louver joints are required. Comply with Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for sealants applied during louver installation. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of louvers and vents that are not protected by temporary covering, to remove fingerprints and soil during construction period. Do not let soil accumulate until final cleaning. B. Before final inspection, clean exposed surfaces with water and a mild soap or detergent not harmful to finishes. Thoroughly rinse surfaces and dry. 089000-5 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. 03/01/2010 Restore louvers and vents damaged during installation and construction so no evidence remains of corrective work. If results of restoration are unsuccessful, as determined by Architect, remove damaged units and replace with new units. 1. Touch up minor abrasions in finishes with air-dried coating that matches color and gloss of, and is compatible with, factory-applied finish coating. END OF SECTION 089000 089000-6 LOUVERS AND VENTS NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 SECTION 08 95 43 - OPENINGS/VENTS/FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.0 A. 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS The Drawings and General Provisions of the Contract, including the Conditions of the Contract (General Section 00 72 00, Supplementary Section 00 73 00, and other Conditions, if any) and Divisions 1 as appropriate, apply to the Work specified in this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Certified Flood Vents specified or indicated on the drawings to complete the project. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 03 15 00: Concrete Forming and Accessories 2. Section 04 05 23 Masonry Accessories 3. Section 06 48 00: Wood Frames and Framing (If applicable) 4. Section 08 36 00: Panel doors / Overhead Doors (If applicable) 5. Section 10 70 00: Exterior Specialties C. Substitutions: 1. Approval of alternative and/or substitute products shall be considered only under terms and conditions specified in Sections 00 26 00 Procurement Substitution Procedures, Section 00 43 25, Section 01 40 00 Quality Requirements, Section 01 60 00 Product Requirements, and 01 80 00 Performance Requirements. This paragraph applies when specific manufacturers’ names follow a specified manufacturer’s name in Part 2.3, or when no manufacturers’ names follow a specified manufacturer’s name in Part 2.3. 2. Requests for substitution shall be in writing and received by the Architect at least ten days prior to the bid date. The acceptance of any substitutions shall be by addendum. Unauthorized substitutions shall not be accepted. 3. The quality of all vents has been clearly indicated by the manufacturer’s name and product number. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1. ASCE/SEI 24-98, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, Latest 2. ASCE/SEI 24-05, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, Latest B. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 1. FEMA, 44-CFR, Part 59-60 and 60.3 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Latest FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS 089543 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 C. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration (FEMA/FIA) 1. FEMA/FIA-TB 1-2008, Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas, Latest D. International Code Council National Evaluation Service (NES) 1. NER-624, National Evaluation Report No. NER-624. July 2007 E. International Code Council National Evaluation Service (NES) 1. ESR-2074, National Evaluation Report No. ESR-2074. February 2008 F. International Code Council ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Automatic Foundation Flood Vents (AC-364). October 2007 G. Federal Emergency Management Association’s MEMO W-08-001. January 2008 H. International Building Code, Latest I BOCA National Code, Latest J. Standard Building Code K. International Residential Code, Latest L. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. Standard No. 101, “Life Safety Code”, Latest M. Governing Codes: a. Where conflict occurs between above codes and standards, the most stringent requirement governs. N. Underwriter’s Laboratories: a. Test for Fire Dampers in conjunction with flood vents. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 00: B. A complete and detailed description of all Foundation Vents shall be submitted with all pertinent data from the NES Testing Service showing the vents are Certified. Catalog cuts and drawings shall be submitted as well as installation instructions. Vents submitted for approval without all of the above shall be considered incomplete and will NOT be reviewed. C. 1.4 A. WARRANTY Any and all vents manufactured shall be subject to a one year limited warranty. See manufacturer’s data for complete details. FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS 089543 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 A. 2.2 A. 2.3 MANUFACTURER Products listed are manufactured by the following: 1. Smart VENT, Inc. 450 Andbro Drive Pitman, NJ 08071 PH: 1-877-441-8368 / Fax: 1-856-612-5000 GENERAL Items are specified by use of manufacturer’s catalog numbers. Vents by other named manufacturers are still required to meet all the criteria listed for the product and will be reviewed for acceptance against specified items. MATERIALS A. General: 1. Vents shall be constructed of Stainless Steel formed and smooth-welded construction. The frame shall be rigid and designed to be installed in masonry or framed walls, stud walls or garage doors that range in thickness from 2” to 16”. It shall have a pivoting door assembly that is fitted with two patented sealed floats that immediately and automatically release the door upon contact with rising water to relieve unbalanced lateral forces on foundation walls. The door shall swing open to provide two horizontal slot openings with a total combined unobstructed area of 76 square inches. The lower slot provides a 3” clear opening. One Single unit shall be used to relieve 200 square feet of enclosed area. The Double or “Stacking Model” shall be used to relieve 400 square feet of enclosed area per unit. B. Flood Vent Types: 1. Flush or Solid Insulated Door: Flood VENT Model # 1540-520 2. Accessories: a. 8”-12” Adjustable Sleeve/Trim #1540-531-12 b. 12”-15” Adjustable Sleeve/Trim #1540-531-15 c. 8”-12” Sleeve Only #1540-532-12 d. 12”-15” Sleeve Only #1540-532-15 e. 16” x 16” x 6” adjustable sleeve 6” to 9” wall thickness #1540-531Stacker (Note: Sleeves should be used in ‘un-filled’ masonry Fire Walls and where ‘air-space’ is required on Exterior Walls) f. Interior Trim Flange #1540-533 g. Interior Trim Flange #1540-573 h. Interior Trim Flange/Sleeve #1540-573-9 FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS 089543 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY i. j. k. C. 07/09/2010 Vinyl Buck(s) #1540-800 Series For poured concrete walls Sizes range from 5.5” to 12” Specify wall thickness for exact or nominal sizes Use in conjunction with SV models #1540-510 or #1540-520 encased in Buck Vinyl Buck Extension #1540-800 - 2” Powder-Coating #38/10130 – Black, White, Gray, or Wheat Check with Factory for availability of other colors. Openings Size Requirements (RWO): 1. Single units can be installed in an 8 ¼” x 16 ¼” opening or 8 ¾” x 14 ½” opening. 2. Double units require a 16 ¼” x 16 ⅜” opening. 3. Quad Units require a 33” x 16 ⅜” opening. 4. Designed to fit openings in modular masonry construction; and can easily be adapted to framed walls or garage doors D. Natural Ventilation: 1. Free Area (Natural Ventilation): Screen shall have ¼ inch x ¼ inch (6.35mm x 6.35mm) square perforations. 2. Single models #1540-510 and #1540- 514 each yield 51 square inches (32.903 sq. mm) of net free area to supply natural ventilation. 3. Stacking models #1540-511 yield 102 square inches (65.806 sq. mm) of natural ventilation. E. Flood Relief: 1. There shall be a minimum of two vents on different sides of each enclosed area. 2. Single models #1540-510, #1540-514, #1540-520, #1540-524, 1540-570, and #1540-574 shall each disperse 200 sq. ft. (18.6 sq. m) of water in an enclosed area. 3. Stacking models #1540-511, and #1540-521 shall each disperse 400 sq. ft. (37.2 sq. m) of water in an enclosed area. 4. The Quad models #1540-550 (2 ea #1540-511) and #1540-560 (2 ea. #1540-521) shall each disperse 800 sq. ft. (74.4 sq. m) of water in an enclosed area. F. Installation: 1. Stainless Steel straps, four for each vent, and masonry or concrete Urethane base adhesive. 2. Adjustable wrench for thru-bolted models and screwdriver for stud wall models. 3. NOTE: caulk may be used to seal certain areas that require extra attention; but, only Fire-Rated caulk shall be used on Fire-Rated walls or openings. G. Maintenance Tools: Follow Smart VENT Manufacturer’s Maintenance Procedure 1. Requires thin blade to release float pins. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS 089543 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/2010 A. General Contractor to verify vents are ready to receive work, and dimensions are as indicated on shop drawings or as instructed by manufacturers. B. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.2 A. INSTALLATION General: 1. Install each vent in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions 2. 3. 4. 5. and recommendations spaced evenly around foundation perimeter, maximum 12 inches above grade to bottom of vent. Install one single height flood vent for every 200 sq. ft. of enclosed space below floodplain. Install one double height flood vent for every 400 sq. ft. of enclosed space below floodplain. Install one quad flood vent for every 800 sq. ft. of enclosed space below floodplain. Adjust flood vents for proper operation. ****END OF SECTION**** FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS 089543 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 092400 - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Metal lath and accessories. Plastic accessories. Portland cement plaster. Stucco finishes. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product Data for each product specified. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver cementitious materials to Project site in original packages, containers, or bundles, labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name, and lot number. B. Store materials inside, under cover, and dry, protected from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, aging, corrosion, and damage from construction traffic and other causes. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements, General: Comply with requirements of ASTM C 926 for application standards and recommendations of plaster manufacturer for environmental conditions before, during, and after plaster application. B. Warm-Weather Requirements: Protect plaster against uneven and excessive evaporation and from strong flows of dry air, both natural and artificial. Apply and cure plaster as required by climatic and job conditions to prevent dry out during cure period. Provide suitable coverings, moist curing, barriers to deflect sunlight and wind, or combinations of these, as required. C. Exterior Plaster Work: Do not apply plaster when ambient temperature is below 40 deg F. D. Protect contiguous work from soiling and moisture deterioration caused by plastering. Provide temporary covering and other provisions necessary to minimize harmful spattering of plaster on other work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. Expanded-Metal Lath: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (AMICO). California Expanded Metal Products Co. Dale//Incor Industries, Inc. Dietrich Industries, Inc. Flannery, Inc. Fry Reglet Corporation. Gordon, Inc. Metalex (Keene Products). National Gypsum Co. Pittcon Industries. Stockton Products. Unimast, Inc. United States Gypsum Co. Western Metal Lath Co. Plastic Accessories: a. b. c. 4. Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (AMICO). California Expanded Metal Products Co. Dale//Incor Industries, Inc. Marino/Ware; Division of Ware Industries, Inc. Phillips Manufacturing Company. Unimast, Inc. Western Metal Lath Co. Metal Accessories: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. 3. 03/01/2010 Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (AMICO). Plastic Components, Inc. Vinyl Corp. Stucco: a. b. c. d. e. California Stucco Products Corp. Florida Stucco Corp. Highland Stucco. IPA Systems, Inc. United States Gypsum Co. 2.2 METAL SUPPORTS FOR SUSPENDED CEILINGS A. Suspended Furring: 1. 2. B. Main Runners (Carrying Channels): Cold-rolled channels, 1-1/2 inches deep. Cross Furring: Cold-rolled channels, ¾ inch deep. Tie Wire: 1. 2. 3. For tying main runners directly to beams or joists (where wire hangers are used between beams or joists), use double loop of 0.1205-inch diameter wire. For tying furring directly to concrete structure without main runners, use 0.0800-inch diameter wire. For saddle tying cross furring to main runners use 0.0625-inch diameter wire, or double strand of PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 0.0475-inch diameter wire. C. Rod Hangers: ASTM A 510 (ASTM A 510M), mild carbon steel, ASTM A 153/A 153M, hot-dip galvanized. 1. D. Diameter: ¼-inch Flat Hangers: Commercial-steel sheet, 1 by 3/16 inch, with ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180), hot-dip galvanized zinc coating. 2.3 LATH A. Expanded-Metal Lath: Comply with ASTM C 847 for material, type, configuration, and other characteristics indicated below. 1. Material: Fabricate expanded-metal lath from sheet metal conforming to the following: a. 2. Galvanized Steel: Structural-quality, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653, G60 (ASTM A 653M, Z180) minimum coating designation, unless otherwise indicated. Flat Rib Lath: Comply with the following requirements: a. Configuration: Rib depth of not more than 1/8 inch. 1) B. Weight: 3.4 lb/sq.yd. Paper Backing: Where paper-backed lath is indicated on drawings, provide the following material factory bonded to back of lath. Comply with FS UU-B-790, Type I, grade and style as indicated below: 1. Vapor-Permeable Paper: Grade D, Style 2. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. General: Comply with material provisions of ASTM C 1063 and the requirements indicated below; coordinate depth of accessories with thicknesses and number of plaster coats required. 1. 2. B. Cornerbeads: Small nose cornerbeads fabricated from the following metal, with expanded flanges of largemesh diamond-metal lath allowing full plaster encasement. 1. 2. C. Zinc Alloy: Minimum 0.0207 inch thick. PVC Plastic: Minimum 0.035 inch thick. Casing Beads: Square-edged style, with expanded flanges of the following material: 1. 2. D. Zinc-Alloy Components: ASTM B 69, 99 percent pure zinc. Plastic Components: ASTM D 4216, high-impact polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for building products. Zinc Alloy: Minimum 0.0207 inch thick. PVC Plastic: Minimum 0.035 inch thick. Control Joints: Prefabricated, of material and type indicated below: 1. 2. Zinc Alloy: Minimum 0.0207 inch thick. PVC Plastic: Minimum 0.035 inch thick. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. E. One-Piece Type: Folded pair of nonperforated screeds in M-shaped configuration, with expanded or perforated flanges. Reveals, Drip Screeds, Control Screeds, and Channel Screeds: Shapes as indicated on drawings, of material indicated below. 1. 2. F. 03/01/2010 PVC Plastic: Minimum 0.035 inch thick. Aluminum: Extruded alloy 6063 T5, clear anodized finish. Lath Attachment Devices: Material and type required by ASTM C 1063 for installations indicated. 2.5 PLASTER MATERIALS A. Base-Coat Cements: Type as indicated below: 1. Portland cement, ASTM C 150, Type I. B. Stucco Finish Coat: Manufacturer's standard factory-packaged stucco, including Portland cement, aggregate, and other proprietary ingredients. C. Sand Aggregate for Base Coats: ASTM C 897. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fiber for Base Coat: Alkaline-resistant glass or polypropylene fibers, ½ inch long, free of contaminates, manufactured for use in Portland cement plaster. B. Water for Mixing and Finishing Plaster: Potable. C. Bonding Agent: ASTM C 932. D. Acid-Etching Solution: Muriatic acid (10 percent solution of commercial hydrochloric acid) mixed 1 part to not less than 6 nor more than 10 parts water. E. Steel drill screws complying with ASTM C 1002 for fastening metal lath to wood or steel members less than 0.033 inch thick. F. Steel drill screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening metal lath to steel members 0.033 to 0.112 inch thick. G. Type W, wafer head, galvanized screws, 1 inch long, for fastening metal lath to wood members. 2.7 PLASTER MIXES AND COMPOSITIONS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 926 for base- and finish-coat mixes as applicable to plaster bases, materials, and other requirements indicated. B. Base-Coat Mixes and Compositions: Proportion materials for respective base coats in parts by volume per sum of cementitious materials for aggregates to comply with the following requirements for each method of application and plaster base indicated. Adjust mix proportions below within limits specified to attain workability. C. Fiber Content: Add fiber to following mixes after ingredients have mixed at least 2 minutes. Comply with fiber manufacturer's written instructions but do not exceed 1 lb/cu. ft. of cementitious materials. Reduce aggregate quantities accordingly to maintain workability. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY D. Two-Coat Work Over concrete unit masonry: ½" total thickness; base-coat proportions as indicated below: 1. E. Base Coat: 1 part Portland cement, 3/4 to 1-1/2 parts lime, 3 to 4 parts aggregate; 3/8" thickness. Three-Coat Work over Metal Lath: 7/8" total thickness; Base-coat proportions as indicated below: 1. 2. F. Scratch Coat: 1 part Portland cement, 0 to 3/4 parts lime, 2-1/2 to 4 parts aggregate; 3/8” thickness. Brown Coat: 1 part Portland cement, 0 to 3/4 parts lime, 3 to 5 parts aggregate; 3/8” thickness. Job-Mixed Finish Coats: Proportion materials for finish coats in parts by volume for cementitious materials and parts by volume per sum of cementitious materials to comply with the following requirements: 1. Proportions using sand aggregates as indicated below: a. G. 03/01/2010 1 part Portland cement, 3/4 to 1-1/2 parts lime, 3 parts sand; 1/8" thickness. Stucco Finish Coat: (May be used in lieu of above described job mixed finish coat). Add water only; comply with stucco manufacturer’s written instructions; 1/8" thickness. 2.8 MIXING A. Mechanically mix cementitious and aggregate materials for plasters to comply with applicable referenced application standard and with recommendations of plaster manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF LATH AND FURRING, GENERAL A. Standards: Comply with ML/SFA 920, "Guide Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring," and with requirements of ASTM C 1063. B. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in work and for support of fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, and similar work to comply with details indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, to comply with applicable written instructions of lath and furring manufacturer. C. Isolation: Where lathing and metal support system abuts building structure horizontally and where partition or wall abuts overhead structure, sufficiently isolate from structural movement to prevent transfer of loading from building structure. Install slip- or cushion-type joints to absorb deflections but maintain lateral support. 1. D. Frame both sides of control joints independently and do not bridge joints with furring and lathing or accessories. Install additional framing, furring, runners, lath, and beads, as required to form openings and frames for other work as indicated. Coordinate support system for proper support of framed work that is not indicated to be supported independently of metal furring and lathing system. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEM A. Suspend ceiling hangers from building structure as follows: 1. Install hangers plumb and free of contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions; offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 03/01/2010 effective means. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with the location of hangers required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to limit deflection to 1/360 of span while supporting ceiling loads. Rod and Flat Hangers: Secure to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to fasteners that are secure and appropriate for substrate and hanger, in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fail. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal forms. Secure to fastener devices that extend through forms. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Attach hangers to structural members. Do not connect steel framing to or suspend it from ducts, pipes, or conduit. B. Installation Tolerances: Install steel framing components for ceilings so members are level to within ¼ inch in 10 feet measured lengthwise on each member and transversely between parallel members. C. Sway-brace suspended steel framing with hangers used for support. D. Install steel framing components for ceilings in sizes and spacings indicated but not less than that required by the referenced steel framing and installation standards. 1. 2. 3. Hanger Spacing: 48 inches o.c. Main Runner (Carrying Channel) Spacing: For suspended ceilings, 36 inches o.c. Cross-Furring Spacing: For suspended ceilings, 16 inches o.c. 3.3 LATHING A. Install metal lath for the following applications where plaster base coats are required. Provide appropriate type, configuration, and weight of metal lath selected from materials indicated that comply with referenced ML/SFA specifications and ASTM lathing installation standards. 1. Suspended and furred ceilings and soffits using 3.4-lb/sq. yd. minimum weight, flat rib lath. a. Wafer head screws shall penetrate wood framing a minimum of 3/4 inch. Spacing shall be 6 inches o.c. max. 2. Vertical metal framing and furring using 3.4-lb/sq. yd. minimum weight, diamond-mesh with paper backing. 3.4 PREPARATIONS FOR PLASTERING A. Clean plaster bases and substrates for direct application of plaster, removing loose material and substances that may impair the Work. B. Etch concrete and concrete unit masonry surfaces indicated for direct plaster application. Scrub with acidetching solution on previously wetted surface and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Repeat application, if necessary, to obtain adequate suction and mechanical bond of plaster (where dash coat, bonding agent, or additive is not used). C. Apply bonding agent on concrete and concrete unit masonry surfaces indicated for direct plaster application; comply with manufacturer’s written instructions for application. D. Install temporary grounds and screeds to ensure accurate rodding of plaster to true surfaces; coordinate with PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 scratch-coat work. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF PLASTERING ACCESSORIES A. General: Comply with referenced lathing and furring installation standards for provision and location of plaster accessories of type indicated. Miter or cope accessories at corners; install with tight joints and in alignment. Attach accessories securely to plaster bases to hold accessories in place and in alignment during plastering. Install accessories of type indicated at following locations: 1. 2. 3. External Corners: Install corner reinforcement at external corners. Terminations of Plaster: Install casing beads, unless otherwise indicated. Control Joints: Install at locations indicated or, if not indicated, at locations complying with the following criteria and approved by Architect: a. b. c. d. e. Where an expansion or contraction joint occurs in surface of construction directly behind plaster membrane. Distance between Control Joints: Not to exceed 18 feet in either direction or a length-to-width ratio of 2-1/2 to 1. Wall Areas: Not more than 144 sq. ft. Horizontal Surfaces: Not more than 100 sq. ft. in area. Where plaster panel sizes or dimensions change, extend joints full width or height of plaster membrane. 3.6 PLASTER APPLICATION A. Plaster Application Standard: Apply plaster materials, composition, and mixes to comply with ASTM C 926. B. Do not use materials that are frozen, caked, lumpy, dirty, or contaminated by foreign materials. C. Do not use excessive water in mixing and applying plaster materials. D. Flat Surface Tolerances: Do not deviate more than plus or minus 1/8 inch in 10 feet from a true plane in finished plaster surfaces, as measured by a 10-foot straightedge placed at any location on surface. E. Sequence plaster application with installation and protection of other work so that neither will be damaged by installation of other. F. Plaster flush with metal frames and other built-in metal items or accessories that act as a plaster ground, unless otherwise indicated. Where interior plaster is not terminated at metal frame by casing beads, cut base coat free from metal frame before plaster sets and groove finish coat at junctures with metal. G. Corners: Make internal corners and angles square; finish external corners flush with cornerbeads on interior work, square and true with plaster faces on exterior work. H. Finish Coats: Apply finish coats to comply with the following requirements: I. 1. Float Finish: (Typical Finish) Apply finish coat to a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch to completely cover base coat, uniformly floated to a true even plane with “sand float” finish. 2. Lightly Textured Finish: Apply only where specifically indicated on drawings. 3. Prepared Finish: Apply factory-prepared finish coats according to manufacturer's written instructions. Moist-cure plaster base and finish coats to comply with ASTM C 926, including written instructions for time PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 between coats and curing in "Annex A2 Design Considerations." 3.7 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, patch, replace, repair, and point up plaster as necessary to accommodate other work. Repair cracks and indented surfaces. Point-up finish plaster surfaces around items that are built into or penetrate plaster surfaces. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, check cracking, dry outs, efflorescence, excessive pinholes, and similar defects. Repair or replace work as necessary to comply with required visual effects. 3.8 CLEANING AND PROTECTING A. Remove temporary covering and other provisions made to minimize spattering of plaster on other work. Promptly remove plaster from door frames, windows, and other surfaces not to be plastered. Repair surfaces stained, marred or otherwise damaged during plastering work. When plastering work is completed, remove unused materials, containers, equipment, and plaster debris. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure plaster work is without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 092400 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING 092400 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 099100 - PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of the following: 1. 2. 3. Exposed exterior items and surfaces. Exposed interior items and surfaces. Surface preparation, priming, and finish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. B. Paint exposed surfaces, except where the paint schedules indicate that a surface or material is not to be painted or is to remain natural. If the paint schedules do not specifically mention an item or a surface, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces whether or not schedules indicate colors. If the schedules do not indicate color or finish, the Architect will select from paint manufacturer’s standard colors and finishes available. C. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. 1. 1.3 Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or other coderequired labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. DEFINITIONS A. General: Standard coating terms defined in ASTM D 16 apply to this Section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.4 Flat refers to a lusterless or matte finish with a gloss range below 15 when measured at an 85-degree meter. Eggshell refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 5 and 20 when measured at a 60-degree meter. Satin refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 15 and 35 when measured at a 60-degree meter. Semigloss refers to medium-sheen finish with a gloss range between 30 and 65 when measured at a 60degree meter. Full gloss refers to high-sheen finish with a gloss range more than 65 when measured at a 60-degree meter. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each paint system specified. Include block fillers and primers. 1. Material List: Provide an inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. PAINTING 099100 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. B. 1.5 Manufacturer's Information: Provide manufacturer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material proposed for use. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for each type of finish-coat material indicated. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Engage an experienced applicator who has completed painting system applications similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Source Limitations: Obtain block fillers, primers, and undercoat materials for each coating system from the same manufacturer as the finish coats. C. Benchmark Samples (Mockups): Provide a full-coat benchmark finish sample of each type of coating and substrate required on the Project. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P5. 1. The Architect will select one room surface to represent surfaces and conditions for each type of coating and substrate to be painted. a. b. 1.6 Wall Surfaces: Provide samples on at least 100 sq. ft. of wall surface. Small Areas and Items: The Architect will designate an item or area as required. 2. After permanent lighting and other environmental services have been activated, apply coatings in this room or to each surface according to the Schedule or as specified. Provide required sheen, color, and texture on each surface. 3. Final approval of colors will be from job-applied samples. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to the Project Site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Product name or title of material. Product description (generic classification or binder type). Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and number. VOC content. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain containers used in storage in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 1. 1.7 03/01/2010 Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. PROJECT CONDITIONS PAINTING 099100 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 A. Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 and 90 deg F. B. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 45 and 95 deg F. C. Do not apply paint in rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. 1. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Unless otherwise specified, paint materials and systems specified herein are those of PPG Pittsburgh / Porter Paint Co. (Porter). Subject to compliance with requirements, equivalent materials and systems by one of the following manufacturers are also acceptable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2 Sherwin Williams Scott Paints Sikkens Porter Paints Benjamin Moore and Co. (Moore). ICI Paints PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, undercoats, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. C. Colors: Provide color selections made by the Architect. 2.3 LEAD CONTENT A. 2.4 The paint shall comply with the latest requirements of the Federal Government for maximum allowable lead content. Such compliance shall be stated on the MSDS and container clearly identifying the product. VOC COMPLIANCE A. Chemical Components of Field-Applied Interior Paints and Coatings: Provide products that comply with the following limits for VOC content, exclusive of colorants added to a tint base, when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24) and the following chemical restrictions; these requirements do not apply to primers or finishes that are applied in a fabrication or finishing shop: 1. 2. Flat Paints and Coatings: VOC content of not more than 50 g/L. Nonflat Paints and Coatings: VOC content of not more than 150 g/L. PAINTING 099100 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 4. 03/01/2010 Aromatic Compounds: Paints and coatings shall not contain more than 1.0 percent by weight of total aromatic compounds (hydrocarbon compounds containing one or more benzene rings). Restricted Components: Paints and coatings shall not contain any of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. Acrolein. Acrylonitrile. Antimony. Benzene. Butyl benzyl phthalate. Cadmium. Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Di-n-butyl phthalate. Di-n-octyl phthalate. 1, 2-dichlorobenzene. Diethyl phthalate. Dimethyl phthalate. Ethylbenzene. Formaldehyde. Hexavalent chromium. Isophorone. Lead. Mercury. Methyl ethyl ketone. Methyl isobutyl ketone. Methylene chloride. Naphthalene. Toluene (methylbenzene). 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane. Vinyl chloride. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the Applicator present, under which painting will be performed for compliance with paint application requirements. 1. 2. B. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. Start of painting will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. 1. Notify the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. PAINTING 099100 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3.2 03/01/2010 PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of the size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. C. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. 2. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete and concrete masonry surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. b. 3. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. a. 4. D. Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or sealer immediately on delivery. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with the Steel Structures Painting Council's (SSPC) recommendations. a. 5. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause the finish paint to blister and burn, correct this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces where moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire-brush, clean with solvents recommended by paint manufacturer, and touch up with the same primer as the shop coat. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is free of oil and surface contaminants. Remove pretreatment from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. Materials Preparation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. PAINTING 099100 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. 3. 3.3 03/01/2010 Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. APPLICATION A. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. The number of coats and the film thickness required are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding coats until the previous coat has cured as recommended by the manufacturer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer's written instructions, sand between applications. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color, and appearance. Give special attention to ensure edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. Allow sufficient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. All metal surfaces shall be sprayed except that piping, conduit, and ductwork may be brushed or rolled. 1. 2. 3. D. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in the schedule. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, convector covers, grilles, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain the system integrity and provide desired protection. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint where visible through registers or grilles. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for the surface or item being painted. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. PAINTING 099100 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY E. 03/01/2010 Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. Exposed conduit and fittings. Exterior switchgear. F. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. G. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. H. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. I. Transparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce a glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish free of laps, runs, cloudiness, color irregularity, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. 1. Provide satin finish for final coats. J. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling, such as laps, irregularity in texture, skid marks, or other surface imperfections. K. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner reserves the right to invoke the following test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems necessary during the period when paint is being applied: 1. 2. The Owner will engage the services of an independent testing agency to sample the paint material being used. Samples of material delivered to the Project will be taken, identified, sealed, and certified in the presence of the Contractor. The testing agency will perform appropriate tests for the following characteristics as required by the Owner: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Quantitative material analysis. Abrasion resistance. Apparent reflectivity. Flexibility. Washability. Absorption. Accelerated weathering. Dry opacity. Accelerated yellowness. Recoating. Skinning. Color retention. Alkali and mildew resistance. PAINTING 099100 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3. 3.5 03/01/2010 The Owner may direct the Contractor to stop painting if test results show material being used does not comply with specified requirements. The Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint from the site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces previously coated with the rejected paint. If necessary, the Contractor may be required to remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces if, on repainting with specified paint, the 2 coatings are incompatible. CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from the site. 1. 3.6 After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping. Be careful not to scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage by painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work after completing painting operations. 1. 3.7 At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1. PAINT SCHEDULE A. General: Provide the following paint systems for the various substrates, as indicated. Provide an equal substitute for any product shown below that does not comply with the limits of VOC content listed in this specification. Exterior and Interior Hollow Metal Doors and Door Frames: Semi-Gloss Acrylic Enamel Finish. 2. a. Prime Coat: Porter Paints/PPG: 215 PORTER GUARD DTM Acrylic Metal Primer/ Finish (135g/L); 3.0 Dry Mils. b. Intermediate Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 6029 ACRI-PRO 100 SEMI-GLOSS Exterior Acrylic Paint (184 g/L VOC); 1.2 Dry Mils. c. Finish Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 6029 ACRI-PRO 100 SEMI-GLOSS Exterior Acrylic Paint (184 g/L VOC); 1.2 Dry Mils. Exterior Galvanized Metal: Acrylic Gloss Exterior Paint. Preparation: Wipe down with naptha; apply Porter: 5 Galva-Prep; wash clean. a. Prime Coat: Porter Paints/PPG: 215 PORTER GUARD DTM Acrylic Metal Primer/ Finish (135g/L); 3.0 Dry Mils. b. Intermediate Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 2909 ACRI-PRO 100 SEMI-GLOSS Exterior Acrylic Paint (104 g/L VOC); 2.0 to 3.0 Dry Mils. PAINTING 099100 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY c. 03/01/2010 Finish Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 2909 ACRI-PRO 100 SEMI-GLOSS Exterior Acrylic Paint (104 g/L VOC); 2.0 to 3.0 Dry Mils. 3. Exterior Siding/ Soffit/ Trim: Finish unprimed surfaces with minimum one coat high quality, alkaliresistant primer and one coat of either 100% acrylic or latex or oil based, exterior grade topcoat or two coats high quality, alkali-resistant, 100% acrylic or latex, exterior grade topcoat within 90 days of installation. Follow paint manufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. 4. Exterior Stucco and Cementitious Board, Acrylic Exterior Paint. 5. a. Prime Coat: Porter Paints/PPG: 335 ACRI-PRO 100 Acrylic Primer (101g/L); 1.2 to 1.5 Dry Mils. b. Intermediate Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 3729 ACRI-PRO 100 Satin Exterior Acrylic Paint (151 g/L VOC); 1.3 Dry Mils. c. Finish Coat: Porter Paints/PPG; 3729 ACRI-PRO 100 Satin Exterior Acrylic Paint (151 g/L VOC); 1.3 Dry Mils. Concrete Block Waterproofing at Openings; Flat Waterproofing Coating. a. Main Coat: Sherwin Williams Waterproofing. 1) 6. Interior Concrete/ Concrete Block: a. Prime Coat: Block Filler. 1) b. Porter: 9549 Porter Guard WB Acrylic Epoxy. Exterior Exposed Concrete: a. Main Coat: Waterproofing. 1) b. BASF Hydrozo Clear 40 VOC. Finish Coat: Anti-Graffiti System. 1) 8. Porter: 896 Acri-Fil Block Filler. First and Second Finish Coats: Semi-Gloss Acrylic Epoxy. 1) 7. Loxon. BASF Tag Guard. Aluminum Fabrications: a. Finish: Powder coat: AAMA 2605-98, Superior Performing Coatings, minimum 1.2 mil. film thickness. 1) Metal treatment: ASTM D 1730, Amorphous Chromium Phosphate Treatment (>430 mg/m2). Non-Chrome pre-treatments not permitted. PAINTING 099100 - 9 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 2) Gloss (60 deg.): ASTM D 523/60 deg. +/- 5 units. 3) Humidity resistance: ASTM D 4585, 4000 h/38 deg/100%, few blisters, (No. 4 ASTM D714). 4) Salt spray resistance: ASTM B 117, 3000 h/5% NA. CL, few blisters, no removal of film. 5) Natural weathering: a) b) c) d) Florida/10 year, 45 deg South/wash: a color change <5 Hunter Units. ASTM D 4214: Chalking < No.8. Gloss retention: min. 50%. Erosion: >10% film loss. 6) Color: as selected by Architect from manufacturer’s full line. END OF SECTION 099100 PAINTING 099100 - 10 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 101400-SIGNAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. RELATED SECTIONS Division 09 ‘Painting’. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: 1. 2. 1.04 Dimensional characters (letters and numbers). Signage accessories. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each type of sign. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, and large-scale sections of typical members and other components. Show mounting methods, grounds, mounting heights, layout, spacing, reinforcement, accessories, and installation details. 1. Provide message list for each sign, including large-scale details of wording, lettering, and braille layout. C. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of sign material indicated that involves color selection. D. Samples for Verification: For each type of sign, include the following Samples to verify color selected: 1. 2. 3. E. 1.05 A. Panel Signs: Full-size Samples of each type of sign required. Dimensional Characters: Full-size Samples of each type of dimensional character (letter and number) required. Show character style, material, finish, and method of attachment. Casting: Show representative texture, character style, spacing, finish, and method of attachment. Maintenance Data: manuals. For signage cleaning and maintenance requirements to include in maintenance QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by signage manufacturer. SIGNAGE 101400 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 B. Source Limitations: Obtain each sign type through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with code provisions as adopted by authorities having jurisdiction. 1. D. 1.06 A. 1.07 A. Interior Code Signage: Provide signage as required by accessibility regulations and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. These include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Illuminated Exit Signs: Refer to Division 26. b. Required signs at spaces typical within jurisdiction for the Project. c. Signs as scheduled on the drawings. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. PROJECT CONDITIONS Field Measurements: Where sizes of signs are determined by dimensions of surfaces on which they are installed, verify dimensions by field measurement before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. COORDINATION For signs supported by or anchored to permanent construction, advise installers of anchorage devices about specific requirements for placement of anchorage devices and similar items to be used for attaching signs. 1. For signs supported by or anchored to permanent construction, furnish templates for installation of anchorage devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. 2. 3. 2.02 A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the manufacturers specified. Basis-of-Design Product: The design for each sign is based on the product named. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or a comparable product by one of the other manufacturers specified. PANEL SIGNS General: Provide panel signs that comply with requirements indicated for materials, thicknesses, finishes, colors, designs, shapes, sizes, and details of construction. SIGNAGE 101400 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. B. Produce smooth panel sign surfaces constructed to remain flat under installed conditions within tolerance of plus or minus 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) measured diagonally. Manufacturers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. C. 03/01/2010 Allenite Signs; Allen Marking Products, Inc. American Graphics Inc. Andco Industries Corp. APCO Graphics, Inc. ASI Sign Systems, Inc. Best Manufacturing Co. Grimco, Inc. Innerface Sign Systems, Inc. Kaltech Industries Group, Inc. Mills Manufacturing, Inc. Mohawk Sign Systems. Seton Identification Products. Signature Signs, Inc. Supersine Company (The). U.S. Stamp & Sign (Wall mounted signs). Cast-Acrylic Sheet: Manufacturer's standard and as follows: 1. Color: As selected by Owner from manufacturer's full range. D. Brackets: Fabricate brackets and fittings for bracket-mounted signs from extruded aluminum to suit panel sign construction and mounting conditions indicated. Factory-paint brackets in color matching background color of panel sign. E. Graphic Content and Style: Provide sign copy that complies with requirements indicated on Drawings for size, style, spacing, content, mounting height and location, material, finishes, and colors of signage. F. Tactile and Braille Copy: Manufacturer's standard process for producing copy complying with ADA Accessibility Guidelines and ICC/ANSI A117.1. Text shall be accompanied by Grade 2 braille. Produce precisely formed characters with square cut edges free from burrs and cut marks. 1. 2. G. 2.03 A. Panel Material: Opaque acrylic sheet, Photopolymer. Raised-Copy Thickness: Not less than 1/32 inch (0.8 mm). Colored Coatings for Acrylic Sheet: For colors, provide Pantone Matching System (PMS) colored coatings, including inks and paints, that are recommended by acrylic manufacturers for optimum adherence to acrylic surface and are nonfading for application intended. DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERS Manufacturers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. American Graphics Inc. A.R.K. Ramos. ASI Sign Systems, Inc. Charleston Industries, Inc. Gemini Incorporated. Grimco, Inc. Innerface Sign Systems, Inc. SIGNAGE 101400 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. B. Kaltech Industries Group, Inc. Metal Arts; Div. of L&H Mfg. Mills Manufacturing, Inc. Mohawk Sign Systems. Signature Sign Signs, Inc. Southwell Co. (The). Exterior Character Sign Schedule: 1. 2.04 03/01/2010 Electrical Room. FINISHES, GENERAL A. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. B. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. B. Verify that items, including blocking, anchor inserts, and electrical power provided under other sections of Work are sized and located to accommodate signs. C. Examine supporting members to ensure that surfaces are at elevations indicated or required to comply with authorities having jurisdiction and are free from dirt and other deleterious matter. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 A. INSTALLATION General: Locate signs and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of types described and in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. Install signs level, plumb, and at heights indicated, with sign surfaces free from distortion and other defects in appearance. Exterior Wall Signs: Install signs on walls adjacent to latch side of door where applicable. Where not indicated or possible, such as double doors, install signs on nearest adjacent walls. Locate to allow approach within 3 inches (75 mm) of sign without encountering protruding objects or standing within swing of door. Provide a silicone construction sealant in addition to the manufacturer’s adhesive at the rear face of sign before applying to wall surface. SIGNAGE 101400 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 B. Bracket-Mounted Units: Provide manufacturer's standard brackets, fittings, and hardware as appropriate for mounting signs that project at right angles from walls and ceilings. Attach brackets and fittings securely to walls and ceilings with concealed fasteners and anchoring devices to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. C. Dimensional Characters: Mount characters using standard fastening methods recommended in writing by manufacturer for character form, type of mounting, wall construction, and condition of exposure indicated. Provide heavy paper template to establish character spacing and to locate holes for fasteners. 1. 3.03 A. Flush Mounting: Mount characters with backs in contact with wall surface. CLEANING AND PROTECTION After installation, clean soiled sign surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. Protect signs from damage until acceptance by Owner. END OF SECTION 101400 SIGNAGE 101400 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 03/01/2010 SECTION 102600 WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: 1. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 1.03 Corner guards. Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" for wood blocking and grounds for surface-mounted wall guards, corner guards, and handrails. Division 4 Section “Concrete Unit Masonry.” SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include physical characteristics, such as durability, resistance to fading, and flame resistance, for each impact-resistant wall protection system component indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show locations, extent, and installation details of each impact-resistant wall protection system component. Show methods of attachment to adjoining construction. C. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of sections of vinyl plastic material showing the full range of colors and textures available for each impact-resistant wall protection system component indicated. D. Samples for Verification: For the following products, showing the full range of color and texture variations expected in each impact-resistant wall protection system component. Prepare Samples from the same material to be used for the Work. 1. Wall and Corner Guards: 12-inch- (300-mm-) long Samples of each type of impact-resistant wall protection system component required. Include examples of joinery, corners, and field splices. E. Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency indicating compliance of each impact-resistant wall protection system component with requirements indicated, based on tests performed by testing agency within the past five years. F. Maintenance Data: For each impact-resistant wall protection system component to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION 102600 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 1.04 03/01/2010 Include recommended methods and frequency for maintaining optimum condition of vinyl plastic covers under anticipated traffic and use conditions. Include precautions against using cleaning materials and methods that may be detrimental to vinyl plastic finishes and performance. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has completed installation of impact-resistant wall protection system components similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing impact-resistant wall protection system components similar to those required for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. C. Source Limitations: Obtain each color, grade, finish, and type of impact-resistant wall protection system component from a single source with resources to provide components of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. D. Product Options: Information on Drawings and in Specifications establishes requirements for systems aesthetic effects and performance characteristics. Aesthetic effects are indicated by dimensions, arrangements, alignment, and profiles of components and assemblies as they relate to sightlines, to one another, and to adjoining construction. Performance characteristics are indicated by criteria subject to verification by one or more methods including preconstruction testing, field testing, or in-service performance. E. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of impact-resistant wall protection system and are based on the specific system indicated. Other manufacturers systems with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division 1 Section "Substitution Procedures." 1. F. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide impact-resistant wall protection system components with the following surface-burning characteristics, as determined by testing materials identical to those required in this Section per ASTM E 84 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify impact-resistant wall protection system components with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 1. 2. G. 1.05 A. Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architects approval. If modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review. Flame Spread: 25 or less. Smoke Developed: 450 or less. Impact Strength: Provide impact-resistant wall protection system components with a minimum impact resistance of 25.4 ft-lbf/in. (1356 J/m) of width when tested according to ASTM D 256, Test Method A. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Store wall surface-protection materials in original undamaged packages and containers inside a wellventilated area protected from weather, moisture, soiling, extreme temperatures, and humidity. WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION 102600 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1. 2. 1.06 A. 1.07 A. 03/01/2010 Maintain room temperature within the storage area at not less than 70 deg F (21 deg C) during the period plastic materials are stored. Keep sheet material out of direct sunlight to avoid surface distortion. Store rigid plastic corner-guard covers in a vertical position, and rigid plastic wall guard and handrail covers in a horizontal position for a minimum of 72 hours, or until the plastic material attains the minimum room temperature of 70 deg F (21 deg C). PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not install wall surface-protection system components until the space is enclosed and weatherproof and ambient temperature within the building is maintained at not less than 70 deg F (21 deg C) for not less than 72 hours before beginning installation. Do not install rigid plastic wall surface-protection systems until that temperature has been attained and is stabilized. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra materials described below, before installation begins, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Impact-Resistant Wall Protection System Units: Full-size units of maximum length, including vinyl plastic cover and aluminum retainer, equal to 2 percent of each type, color, and texture of each type of unit installed, but not less than two units. a. Include accessory components as required. Replacement materials shall be from the same production run as materials installed. Package replacement materials with protective covering, identified with appropriate labels. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering impactresistant wall protection system products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide impact-resistant wall protection system products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.02 Balco, Inc. Construction Specialties, Inc. IPC Door and Wall Protection Systems, Inc. Koroseal Wall Protection Systems, Inc. Pawling Corporation. Wilkinson Company, Inc. MATERIALS WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION 102600 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY A. Extruded Rigid Plastic: Textured, chemical- and stain-resistant, high-impact-resistant, PVC or acrylicmodified vinyl plastic; thickness as indicated; with a minimum impact resistance of 25.4 ft-lbf/in. (1356 J/m) of width when tested according to ASTM D 256, Test Method A. 1. 2. 3. B. 2.03 A. 03/01/2010 Color and Texture: Match Architect's samples. Color and Texture: As indicated by referencing manufacturer's designations. Color and Texture: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range for these characteristics. Stainless Steel: 316 Type, satin finish. CORNER GUARDS Surface-Mounted, Plastic and Stainless Steel Corner Guards: Embossed, resilient plastic PVC or acrylicmodified vinyl sheet corner guards; stainless steel as indicated. Provide 90-degree turn, unless otherwise indicated; and formed edges. Pawling CG-12 Cornerguard (basis of design for Plastic). 1. 2. 3. Wing Size: 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 inches (63.5 by 63.5 mm) x 1/8” radius. Length: 48”. Mounting Method: Countersunk screws with mounting holes 0.10 inch (2.5 mm) o.c. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Examine areas and conditions in which impact-resistant wall protection system components and impactresistant wall covering materials will be installed. 1. Complete finishing operations, including painting, before installing impact-resistant wall protection system components. B. Impact-Resistant Wall Covering Materials: Wall surfaces to receive impact-resistant wall covering materials shall be dry and free from dirt, grease, loose paint, and scale. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 A. 3.03 A. PREPARATION General: Before installation, clean substrate to remove dust, debris, and loose particles. INSTALLATION Install impact-resistant wall protection system components level, plumb, and true to line without distortions. 1. Do not use materials with chips, cracks, voids, stains, or other defects that might be visible in the finished Work. WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION 102600 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. Install aluminum retainers, mounting brackets, and other accessories according to the manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 3.04 03/01/2010 Where splices occur in horizontal runs of more than 20 feet (6.1 m), splice aluminum retainers and plastic covers at different locations along the run. CLEANING A. General: Immediately on completion of installation, clean plastic covers and accessories using a standard ammonia-based household cleaning agent. Clean metal components according to the manufacturer's written instructions. B. Remove excess adhesive using methods and materials recommended by the manufacturer. C. Remove surplus materials, rubbish, and debris, resulting from installation, on completion of work and leave installation areas in neat, clean condition. END OF SECTION 102600 WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION 102600 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 SECTION 260500 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 The electrical work included in all other divisions are the responsibility of the contractor performing the Division 26 work unless noted otherwise. 1.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Provide power and lighting for the construction of a park building. 1.3 SCOPE A. The work under this section includes basic electrical requirements, which are applicable to all Division 26 sections. This section includes information common to two or more technical specification sections or items that are of a general nature, not conveniently fitting into other technical sections. Included are the following topics: B. Section Includes: 1. GENERAL a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. Project Overview Scope Related Work Reference Standards Regulatory Requirements Quality Assurance Protection of Finished Surfaces Approved Electrical Testing Laboratories Sleeves for Raceways and Cables Grout Sealing Owner Furnished Equipment Work by Owner Provisions for Future Work Intent Omissions Submittals Project/Site Conditions Work Sequence and Scheduling Work by Other Trades Request and Certificate for Payment Certificates and Inspections Operating and Maintenance Data Training of Owner Personnel COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY y. 2. Excavation and Backfill Concrete Work Cutting and Patching Building Access Equipment Access Coordination Sleeves: Installation for Electrical Penetrations Sealing Housekeeping and Clean Up RELATED WORK a. 5. Access Panels and Doors Identification Sealing EXECUTION a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 4. Record Drawings PRODUCTS a. b. c. 3. Applicable provisions of Division 1 govern work under this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS a. Abbreviations of standards organizations referenced in this and other sections are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 6. ANSI American National Standards Institute ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials EPA Environmental Protection Agency ETL Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IES Illuminating Engineering Society ISA Instrument Society of America NBS National Bureau of Standards NEC National Electric Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NESC National Electrical Safety Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS a. b. 7. 07/09/10 All work and materials are to conform in every detail to applicable rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFPA 70), other applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, the National Electrical Safety Code, and present manufacturing standards (including NEMA). All Division 26 work shall be done under the direction of a currently certified State of Florida Certified Master Electrician. QUALITY ASSURANCE COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY a. b. c. 8. Where equipment or accessories are used which differ in arrangement, configuration, dimensions, ratings, or engineering parameters from those indicated on the contract documents, the contractor is responsible for all costs involved in integrating the equipment or accessories into the system and the assigned space and for obtaining the performance from the system into which these items are placed. Manufacturer references used herein are intended to establish a level of quality and performance requirements unless more explicit restrictions are stated to apply. All materials, except medium voltage equipment and components, shall be listed by and shall bear the label of an approved electrical testing laboratory. If none of the approved electrical testing laboratories has published standards for a particular item, then other national independent testing standards, if available, applicable, and approved by DSF, shall apply and such items shall bear those labels. Where one of the approved electrical testing laboratories has an applicable system listing and label, the entire system, except for medium voltage equipment and components, shall be so labeled. CONTINUITY OF EXISTING SERVICES AND SYSTEMS a. b. 9. No outages shall be permitted on existing systems except at the time and during the interval specified by the Owner and Architect. This will require written approval. Any outage must be scheduled when the interruption causes the least interference with normal institutional schedules and business routines. No extra costs will be paid to the Contractor for such outages which must occur outside of regular weekly working hours. If required by the serving utility, include these costs in bid. This Contractor shall restore any circuit interrupted as a result of this work to proper operation as soon as possible. PROTECTION OF FINISHED SURFACES a. 10. Furnish one can of touch-up paint for each different color factory finish furnished by the Contractor. Deliver touch-up paint with other "loose and detachable parts" as covered in the General Requirements. APPROVED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORIES a. The following laboratories are approved for providing electrical product safety testing and listing services as required in these specifications: 1) 2) 1.4 07/09/10 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc. SLEEVES FOR RACEWAYS AND CABLES A. Steel Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, galvanized steel, plain ends. B. Cast-Iron Pipe Sleeves: Cast or fabricated "wall pipe," equivalent to ductile-iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop, unless otherwise indicated. C. Sleeves for Rectangular Openings: Galvanized sheet steel. 1. Minimum Metal Thickness: a. For sleeve cross-section rectangle perimeter less than 50 inches and no side more than 16 inches, thickness shall be 0.052 inch. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY b. 1.5 07/09/10 For sleeve cross-section rectangle perimeter equal to, or more than, 50 inches and 1 or more sides equal to, or more than, 16 inches, thickness shall be 0.138 inch. GROUT A. Nonmetallic, Shrinkage-Resistant Grout: ASTM C 1107, factory-packaged, nonmetallic aggregate grout, noncorrosive, nonstaining, mixed with water to consistency suitable for application and a 30minute working time. 1.6 SEALING 1. 1.7 Sealing of sleeves/openings between conduits, cable trays, wireways, troughs, cablebus, busduct, etc. and the structural or partition opening shall be the responsibility of the contractor whose work penetrates the opening. WORK BY OWNER A. Asbestos abatement and PCB equipment (other than light fixture ballasts) removal and disposal, if required, will be by the Owner under separate contract. B. Electrical testing not described in these contract documents will be by the Owner under separate contract. 1.8 INTENT A. The Contractor shall furnish and install all the necessary materials, apparatus, and devices to complete the electrical equipment and systems installation herein specified, except such parts as are specifically exempted herein. B. If an item is either called for in the specifications or shown on the plans, it shall be considered sufficient for the inclusion of said item in this contract. If a conflict exists within the Specifications or exists within the Drawings, the Contractor shall furnish the item, system, or workmanship, which is the highest quality, largest, or most closely fits the Owners intent). Refer to the General Conditions of the Contract for further clarification. C. It must be understood that the details and drawings are diagrammatic. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions at the site and be responsible for their accuracy. D. All sizes as given are minimum except as noted. E. Materials and labor shall be new (unless noted or stated otherwise), first class, and workmanlike, and shall be subject at all times to the Owner’s and Architect’s inspections, tests and approval from the commencement until the acceptance of the completed work. F. Whenever a particular manufacturer's product is named, it is intended to establish a level of quality and performance requirements unless more explicit restrictions are stated to apply. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 1.9 07/09/10 OMISSIONS A. No later than ten (10) days before bid opening, the Contractor shall call the attention of the Owner and Architect to any materials or apparatus the Contractor believes to be inadequate and to any necessary items of work omitted. 1.10 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for all equipment and systems as indicated in the respective specification sections, marking each submittal with that specification section number. Mark general catalog sheets and drawings to indicate specific items being submitted and proper identification of equipment by name and/or number, as indicated in the contract documents. Failure to do this may result in the submittal(s) being returned to the Contractor for correction and resubmission. Failing to follow these instructions does not relieve the Contractor from the requirement of meeting the project schedule. B. On request from the Architect, the successful bidder shall furnish additional drawings, illustrations, catalog data, performance characteristics, etc. C. Submittals shall be grouped to include complete submittals of related systems, products, and accessories in a single submittal. Mark dimensions and values in units to match those specified. Include wiring diagrams of electrically powered equipment. D. The submittals must be approved before fabrication is authorized. E. Submit sufficient quantities of submittals to allow the following distribution: 1. 2. 3. 1.11 Operating and Maintenance Manuals Architect Engineer 3 copies 2 copies 1 copy PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Install Work in locations shown on Drawings, unless prevented by Project conditions. B. Prepare drawings showing proposed rearrangement of Work to meet Project conditions, including changes to Work specified in other Sections. Obtain permission of Owner and Architect before proceeding. C. Tools, materials and equipment shall be confined to areas designated by the Owner and Architect. 1.12 A. 1.13 A. WORK SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULING Install work in phases to accommodate user Owner's occupancy requirements. During the construction period coordinate electrical schedule and operations with the Owner and Architect. WORK BY OTHER TRADES Every attempt has been made to indicate in this trade's specifications and drawings all work required of this Contractor. However, there may be additional specific paragraphs in other trade specifications and COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 addenda, and additional notes on drawings for other trades which pertain to this Trade's work, and thus those additional requirements are hereby made a part of these specifications and drawings. B. Electrical details on drawings for equipment to be provided by others are based on preliminary design data only. This Contractor shall lay out the electrical work and shall be responsible for its correctness to match equipment actually provided by others. 1.14 REQUEST AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT A. Within 10 days after Notice to Proceed, the successful bidder will submit to the Owner and Architect in a form prescribed below and by the General Conditions of the Contract, Scheduling and Coordination of Work, Reports, Records and Data, and Payments to Contractor, a cost breakdown of the proposed values for work performed which, if approved by the Owner, will become the basis for construction progress and monthly payments. The cost breakdown items shall reflect actual work progress stages as closely as feasible. B. In addition, if payment will be requested for approved off-site stored material, then that material shall be listed as a line item and the Contractor may be compensated by the Owner. 1.15 SALVAGE MATERIALS A. No materials removed from this project shall be reused. All materials removed shall become the property of and shall be disposed of by the Contractor. 1.16 CERTIFICATES AND INSPECTIONS A. Obtain and pay for all required installation inspections. 1.17 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Assemble material in three-ring or post binders, using an index at the front of each volume and tabs for each system or type of equipment. In addition to the data indicated in the General Requirements, include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.18 A. Copies of all approved submittals. Manufacturer’s wiring diagrams for electrically powered equipment. Records of tests performed to certify compliance with system requirements. Certificates of inspection by regulatory agencies. Parts lists for manufactured equipment. Preventative maintenance recommendations. Warranties. Additional information as indicated in the technical specification sections. RECORD DRAWINGS The Contractor shall maintain at least one copy each of the specifications and drawings on the job site at all times. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 B. The Owner will provide the Contractor with a suitable set of contract drawings on which daily records of changes and deviations from contract shall be recorded. Dimensions and elevations on the record drawings shall locate all buried or concealed piping, conduit, or similar items. C. The daily record of changes shall be the responsibility of Contractor's field superintendent. No arbitrary mark-ups will be permitted. D. At completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit the marked-up record drawings to the Owner and Architect prior to final payment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 IDENTIFICATION A. See Electrical section 260553 – Identification for Electrical Systems. 2.2 NON-RATED PENETRATIONS: A. Conduit Penetrations Through Below Grade Walls: 1. B. In exterior wall openings below grade, use a modular mechanical type seal consisting of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the uninsulated conduit and the cored opening or a water-stop type wall sleeve. Conduit and Cable Tray Penetrations: 1. At conduit and cable tray penetrations of non-rated interior partitions, floors and exterior walls above grade, use urethane caulk in annular space between conduit and sleeve, or the core drilled opening. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. 3.2 Perform all excavation and backfill work to accomplish indicated electrical systems installation. Blasting will not be allowed. CONCRETE WORK A. Confirm with the Construction Manager or General Contractor that the Division 3 Contractor will perform all cast-in-place concrete unless noted otherwise elsewhere. Provide all layout drawings, anchor bolts, metal shapes, and/or templates required to be cast into concrete or used to form concrete for the support of electrical equipment. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 3.3 07/09/10 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. 3.4 Refer to Division 1, General Requirements, Cutting and Patching. BUILDING ACCESS A. 3.5 Arrange for the necessary openings in the building to allow for admittance of all apparatus. When the building access was not previously arranged and must be provided by this contractor, restore any opening to its original condition after the apparatus has been brought into the building. EQUIPMENT ACCESS A. 3.6 Install all piping, conduit, ductwork, and accessories to permit access to equipment for maintenance. Coordinate the exact location of wall and ceiling access panels and doors with the General Contractor, making sure that access is available for all equipment and specialties. Where access is required in plaster or drywall walls or ceilings, furnish the access doors to the General Contractor and reimburse the General Contractor for installation of those access doors. COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall cooperate with other trades in locating work in a proper manner. Should it be necessary to raise or lower or move longitudinally any part of the electrical work to better fit the general installation, such work shall be done at no extra cost to the Owner, provided such decision is reached prior to actual installation. The Contractor shall check location of electrical outlets with respect to other installations before installing. B. The Contractor shall verify that all devices are compatible for the surfaces on which they will be used. This includes, but is not limited to light fixtures, panelboards, devices, etc. and recessed or semirecessed units installed in/on architectural surfaces. C. Coordinate all work with other contractors prior to installation. Any installed work that is not coordinated and that interferes with other contractor's work shall be removed or relocated at the installing contractor's expense. D. Verify system completion to the testing consultant. Demonstrate the starting, interlocking and control features of each system so the testing contractor can perform its work. E. Comply with NECA 1. F. Measure indicated mounting heights to bottom of unit for suspended items and to center of unit for wall-mounting items. G. Headroom Maintenance: If mounting heights or other location criteria are not indicated, arrange and install components and equipment to provide maximum possible headroom consistent with these requirements. H. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components of both electrical equipment and other nearby installations. Connect in such a way as to facilitate future disconnecting with minimum interference with other items in the vicinity. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY I. 07/09/10 Right of Way: Give to piping systems installed at a required slope. 3.7 SLEEVE INSTALLATION FOR ELECTRICAL PENETRATION A. Electrical penetrations occur when raceways, cables, wireways, cable trays, or busways penetrate concrete slabs, concrete or masonry walls, or fire-rated floor and wall assemblies. B. Concrete Slabs and Walls: Install sleeves for penetrations unless core-drilled holes or formed openings are used. Install sleeves during erection of slabs and walls. C. Use pipe sleeves unless penetration arrangement requires rectangular sleeved opening. D. Fire-Rated Assemblies: Install sleeves for penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies unless openings compatible with firestop system used are fabricated during construction of floor or wall. E. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces of walls. F. Extend sleeves installed in floors 2 inches (50 mm) above finished floor level. G. Size pipe sleeves to provide 1/4-inch (6.4-mm) annular clear space between sleeve and raceway or cable, unless indicated otherwise. H. Seal space outside of sleeves with grout for penetrations of concrete and masonry 1. Promptly pack grout solidly between sleeve and wall so no voids remain. Tool exposed surfaces smooth; protect grout while curing. I. Interior Penetrations of Non-Fire-Rated Walls and Floors: Seal annular space between sleeve and raceway or cable, using joint sealant appropriate for size, depth, and location of joint. Comply with requirements in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants.". J. Roof-Penetration Sleeves: Seal penetration of individual raceways and cables with flexible boot-type flashing units applied in coordination with roofing work. K. Aboveground, Exterior-Wall Penetrations: Seal penetrations using steel pipe sleeves and mechanical sleeve seals. Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between pipe and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals. L. Underground, Exterior-Wall Penetrations: Install cast-iron pipe sleeves. Size sleeves to allow for 1inch annular clear space between raceway or cable and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals. M. Pipe sleeves for conduits 6" in diameter and smaller, in new poured concrete construction, shall be schedule 40 steel pipe, plastic removable sleeve or sheet metal sleeve, all cast in place. N. In wet area floor penetrations, top of sleeve to be 2 inches above the adjacent floor. In existing wet area floor penetrations, core drill sleeve openings large enough to insert schedule 40 sleeve and grout the area around the sleeve. If a pipe clamp resting on the sleeve supports the pipe penetrating the sleeve, weld a collar or struts to the sleeve that will transfer weight to the existing floor structure. Wet areas for this paragraph are rooms or spaces containing air handling unit coils, converters, pumps, chillers, boilers, and similar waterside equipment. COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 9 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY O. 07/09/10 Pipe penetrations in existing concrete floors that are not in wet areas may omit the use of schedule 40 sleeve and use the core drilled opening as the sleeve. 3.8 SEALING A. Non-Rated Surfaces: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.9 When the opening is through a non-fire rated wall, floor, ceiling or roof the opening must be sealed using an approved type of material. Use galvanized sheet metal sleeves in hollow wall penetrations to provide a backing for the sealant. Grout area around sleeve in masonry construction. Install escutcheons or floor/ceiling plates where conduit, penetrates non-fire rated surfaces in occupied spaces. Occupied spaces for this paragraph include only those rooms with finished ceilings and the penetration occurs below the ceiling. In exterior wall openings below grade, assemble rubber links of mechanical seal to the proper size for the conduit and tighten in place, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Install so that the bolts used to tighten the seal are accessible from the interior of the building or vault. At interior partitions, conduit penetrations are required to be sealed for all clean rooms, laboratories, and most hospital spaces, computer rooms, dormitory rooms, tele/data/com rooms and similar spaces where the room pressure or odor transmission must be controlled. Apply sealant to both sides of the penetration in such a manner that the annular space between the conduit sleeve and the conduit is completely filled. HOUSEKEEPING AND CLEAN UP A. The Contractor shall clean up and remove from the premises, on a daily basis, all debris and rubbish resulting from its work and shall repair all damage to new and existing equipment resulting from its work. When job is complete, this Contractor shall remove all tools, excess material and equipment, etc., from the site. END OF SECTION COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 260500 - 10 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 SECTION 260526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 1.2 This Section includes methods and materials for grounding systems and equipment. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Field quality-control test reports. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with UL 467 for grounding and bonding materials and equipment. 1.4 RECEIVING, STORING AND PROTECTING A. Receive, store, and protect, and handle products according to NECA 1 Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUCTORS A. Insulated Conductors: Copper wire or cable insulated for 600 V unless otherwise required by applicable Code or authorities having jurisdiction. B. Bare Copper Conductors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Solid Conductors: ASTM B 3. Stranded Conductors: ASTM B 8. Tinned Conductors: ASTM B 33. Bonding Cable: 28 kcmil, 14 strands of No. 17 AWG conductor, 1/4 inch in diameter. Bonding Conductor: No. 4 or No. 6 AWG, stranded conductor. Bonding Jumper: Copper tape, braided conductors, terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches wide and 1/16 inch thick. GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260526 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 7. 2.2 07/09/10 Tinned Bonding Jumper: Tinned-copper tape, braided conductors, terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches wide and 1/16 inch thick. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A. Provide NRTL-listed THHN/THWN insulated copper wire. B. Use solid grounding conductors 10 AWG and smaller where not subject to vibration or repeated flexing. C. Use stranded grounding conductors for 8 AWG and larger. D. Use stranded grounding conductors where subject to vibration or repeated flexing. grounding conductors in flexible conduit at motor connections. E. Color code grounding conductors as follows: 1. Equipment ground: a. b. 2.3 Use stranded Conductors 6 AWG and smaller: Green colored insulation. Conductors 4 AWG and larger: Green colored insulation or black colored insulation with 3/4 inch wide band of water and oil-resistant green plastic adhesive tape. CONNECTORS A. Listed and labeled by a nationally recognized testing laboratory acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for applications in which used, and for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and other items connected. B. Bolted Connectors for Conductors and Pipes: Copper or copper alloy, bolted pressure-type, with at least two bolts. 1. C. Exothermic Weld Grounding Connections: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Provide molds and welding material for making exothermic weld connections. In interior locations and in vaults, use low smoke emission type welding material. Match mold and weld material to material types, shapes and sizes to be joined. Manufacturer: ERICO Cadweld Compression Grounding Connections: 1. 2. 2.4 Pipe Connectors: Clamp type, sized for pipe. Use two-hole heavy-duty compression lugs for bolted connections to ground bars, ground plates, and equipment ground pads. Manufacturer: Burndy “Hyground”. GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. Ground Rods: Copper-clad steel, 3/4 inch by 10 feet (19 mm by 3 m) in diameter. GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260526 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATIONS A. Conductors: Install solid conductor for No. 8 AWG and smaller, and stranded conductors for No. 6 AWG and larger, unless otherwise indicated. B. Underground Grounding Conductors: Install bare copper conductor, No. 2/0 AWG minimum. Bury at least 24 inches below grade. C. Conductor Terminations and Connections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.2 Pipe and Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: Bolted connectors. Underground Connections: Welded connectors, except at test wells and as otherwise indicated. Connections to Ground Rods at Test Wells: Bolted connectors. Connections to Structural Steel: Welded connectors. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING A. Install insulated equipment grounding conductors with the following items, in addition to those required by NFPA 70: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3.3 Feeders and branch circuits. Lighting circuits. Receptacle circuits. Single-phase motor and appliance branch circuits. Flexible raceway runs. Armored and metal-clad cable runs. INSTALLATION A. Grounding Conductors: Route along shortest and straightest paths possible, unless otherwise indicated or required by Code. Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or damage. B. Ground Rods: Drive rods until tops are 2 inches below finished floor or final grade, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. C. Interconnect ground rods with grounding electrode conductor below grade and as otherwise indicated. Make connections without exposing steel or damaging coating, if any. For grounding electrode system, install at least three rods spaced at least one-rod length from each other and located at least the same distance from other grounding electrodes, and connect to the service grounding electrode conductor. Test Wells: Ground rod driven through drilled hole in bottom of handhole and shall be at least 12 inches deep, with cover. 1. Test Wells: Install at least one test well for each service, unless otherwise indicated. Install at the ground rod electrically closest to service entrance. Set top of test well flush with finished grade or floor. GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260526 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY D. Bonding Straps and Jumpers: Install in locations accessible for inspection and maintenance, except where routed through short lengths of conduit. 1. 2. 3. E. 2. Metal Water Service Pipe: Install insulated copper grounding conductors, in conduit, from building's main service equipment, or grounding bus, to main metal water service entrances to building. Connect grounding conductors to main metal water service pipes, using a bolted clamp connector or by bolting a lug-type connector to a pipe flange, using one of the lug bolts of the flange. Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, connect grounding conductor on street side of fitting. Bond metal grounding conductor conduit or sleeve to conductor at each end. Water Meter Piping: Use braided-type bonding jumpers to electrically bypass water meters. Connect to pipe with a bolted connector. Bonding Bushings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.4 Bonding to Structure: Bond straps directly to basic structure, taking care not to penetrate any adjacent parts. Bonding to Equipment Mounted on Vibration Isolation Hangers and Supports: Install so vibration is not transmitted to rigidly mounted equipment. Use exothermic-welded connectors for outdoor locations, but if a disconnect-type connection is required, use a bolted clamp. Grounding and Bonding for Piping: 1. F. 07/09/10 Install bonding bushings on metallic conduit containing circuits rated 100 amperes and higher. Install bonding bushings on metallic conduits entering enclosures through concentric, eccentric or oversize knockouts. Install bonding bushings on metallic conduits that terminate to a metallic enclosure without effective electrical connection such as locknuts or threaded bushings. Bond conduit bonding bushing lug to the equipment ground bar or ground lug in switchgear, panelboards, transformers, motor control centers, starters, disconnect switches, cabinets, etc. Size bonding jumpers in accordance with the NEC. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Attach grounds permanently before permanent building service is energized. B. Perform the following tests and inspections and prepare test reports: 1. 2. After installing grounding system but before permanent electrical circuits have been energized, test for compliance with requirements. Test completed grounding system at each location where a maximum ground-resistance level is specified, at service disconnect enclosure grounding terminal, and at ground test wells. a. b. C. Measure ground resistance not less than two full days after last trace of precipitation and without soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance. Perform tests by fall-of-potential method according to IEEE 81. Report measured ground resistances that exceed the following values: 1. 2. 3. Power and Lighting Equipment or System with Capacity 500 kVA and Less: 10 ohms. Power and Lighting Equipment or System with Capacity 500 to 1000 kVA: 5 ohms. Power and Lighting Equipment or System with Capacity More Than 1000 kVA: 3 ohms. GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260526 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 4. D. 07/09/10 Power Distribution Units or Panelboards Serving Electronic Equipment: 1 ohm(s). Excessive Ground Resistance: If resistance to ground exceeds specified values, notify Architect promptly and include recommendations to reduce ground resistance. END OF SECTION GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260526 - 5 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 SECTION 260529 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. 2. 1.2 Hangers and supports for electrical equipment and systems. Construction requirements for concrete bases. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Delegated Design: Design supports for multiple raceways, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. B. Design supports for multiple raceways capable of supporting combined weight of supported systems and its contents. C. Design equipment supports capable of supporting combined operating weight of supported equipment and connected systems and components. D. Rated Strength: Adequate in tension, shear, and pullout force to resist maximum loads calculated or imposed for this Project, with a minimum structural safety factor of five times the applied force. E. Do not drill or otherwise compromise structural members. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For steel slotted support systems. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details and include calculations for the following: 1. C. 1.4 Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing details of fabricated hangers, and supports. Provide detail drawings along with catalog cuts, templates, and erection and installation details, as appropriate. Submittals shall be complete in detail; shall indicate thickness, type, grade, class of metal, and dimensions; and shall show construction details, reinforcement, anchorage, and installation with relation to the building construction. Welding certificates. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.1/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code Steel." HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY B. 07/09/10 Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUPPORT, ANCHORAGE, AND ATTACHMENT COMPONENTS A. Steel Slotted Support Systems: assembly. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comply with MFMA-4, factory-fabricated components for field Cooper B-Line, Inc.; a division of Cooper Industries. ERICO International Corporation. Thomas & Betts Corporation. Unistrut; Tyco International, Ltd. Metallic Coatings: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and applied according to MFMA-4. Nonmetallic Coatings: Manufacturer's standard PVC, polyurethane, or polyester coating applied according to MFMA-4. Painted Coatings: Manufacturer's standard painted coating applied according to MFMA-4. Channel Dimensions: Selected for applicable load criteria. B. Raceway and Cable Supports: As described in NECA 1 and NECA 101. C. Conduit and Cable Support Devices: Steel hangers, clamps, and associated fittings, designed for types and sizes of raceway or cable to be supported. D. Support for Conductors in Vertical Conduit: Factory-fabricated assembly consisting of threaded body and insulating wedging plug or plugs for non-armored electrical conductors or cables in riser conduits. Plugs shall have number, size, and shape of conductor gripping pieces as required to suit individual conductors or cables supported. Body shall be malleable iron. E. Structural Steel for Fabricated Supports and Restraints: ASTM A 36/A 36M, steel plates, shapes, and bars; black and galvanized. F. Mounting, Anchoring, and Attachment Components: Items for fastening electrical items or their supports to building surfaces include the following: 1. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Threaded-steel stud, for use in hardened portland cement concrete, steel, or wood, with tension, shear, and pullout capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials where used. a. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) Hilti Inc. ITW Ramset/Red Head; a division of Illinois Tool Works, Inc. MKT Fastening, LLC. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc.; Masterset Fastening Systems Unit. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2. Mechanical-Expansion Anchors: Insert-wedge-type, zinc-coated steel, for use in hardened portland cement concrete with tension, shear, and pullout capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials in which used. a. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) 2) 3) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.2 07/09/10 Cooper B-Line, Inc.; a division of Cooper Industries. Hilti Inc. ITW Ramset/Red Head; a division of Illinois Tool Works, Inc. Concrete Inserts: Steel or malleable-iron, slotted support system units similar to MSS Type 18; complying with MFMA-4 or MSS SP-58. Clamps for Attachment to Steel Structural Elements: MSS SP-58, type suitable for attached structural element. Through Bolts: Structural type, hex head, and high strength. Comply with ASTM A 325. Toggle Bolts: All-steel springhead type. Hanger Rods: Threaded steel. FABRICATED METAL EQUIPMENT SUPPORT ASSEMBLIES A. Description: Welded or bolted, structural-steel shapes, shop or field fabricated to fit dimensions of supported equipment. B. Materials: Comply with requirements in Division 05 Section "Metal Fabrications" for steel shapes and plates. 2.3 COATINGS A. Provide products for use indoors protected with zinc coating or with treatment of equivalent corrosion resistance using approved alternative treatment, finish, or inherent material characteristic. B. Provide products for use outdoors or in damp or corrosive indoor locations with hot-dip galvanized coating or with treatment of equivalent corrosion resistance using approved alternative treatment, finish, or inherent material characteristic. 2.4 RACEWAY SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Provide supports as described below for the installation of raceway systems. B. Use pressed steel, single bolt hangers to support individual RGS, IMC or EMT conduit runs from threaded rods or beam clamps. Manufacturer: Steel City “6H Series”. C. For individual runs of EMT up to 1-inch trade size above accessible ceilings, use spring steel conduit clips with positive snap closure. Manufacturer: ERICO CADDY “M Series”. D. Use malleable iron conduit clamps to secure individual RGS, IMC or EMT conduit runs across, parallel, or perpendicular to beams, channels and angle supports. Manufacturer: Steel City “RC, EC, and PC Series”. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 E. Use two-piece carbon steel riser clamps for individual vertical conduits passing through floors. Manufacturer: Kindorf “C-210 Series”. F. Use snap-on type one-hole steel straps to secure individual conduits up to 2-inch trade size to flat, dry interior surfaces. Manufacturer: T&B “1210 Series” for RGS and IMC and “4100 Series” for EMT. G. Use one-hole malleable iron straps to secure individual conduits up to 4-inch trade size to flat, dry interior surfaces. Manufacturer: T&B “1275 Series”. H. Use one-hole malleable iron straps and conduit spacers to secure individual conduits to flat exterior or damp flat interior surfaces. Manufacturer: T&B “1275 Series” straps with 1350 Series” spacers. I. Support multiple parallel horizontal conduits with trapeze hangers fabricated from framing channel materials specified below. 2.5 OUTLET BOX SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Provide pre-fabricated sheet steel brackets to support outlet boxes from metal studs in dry-wall construction. B. Provide brackets for single-outlet boxes that are inset to allow for dry-wall ring and have a far-side support leg. Manufacturer: ERICO CADDY “H Series”. C. Provide brackets for multiple outlet boxes that are inset to allow for dry-wall rings and span from stud to stud. Manufacturer: ERICO CADDY “RBS Series”. 2.6 FASTENERS A. Provide fasteners of the types, materials, and construction features as follows: 1. Pre-set concrete inserts: a. b. c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Continuous inserts: Design load 2000 lbs per ft of insert length with safety factor of five (5) in 3000 psi concrete. Manufacturer: B-Line “B221” Spot inserts: NRTL-listed with design load of 1000 lb. Manufacturer: B-Line “B2506” Metal deck bolts: Adjustable with bolt sizes from 3/8 inch to 3/4 inch. Manufacturer: BLine “B3019” Expansion anchors: NRTL listed carbon steel wedge type studs. Manufacturer: Hilti “Kwik Bolt III”. Note restrictions on use of expansion bolts in Part 3 of this Section. Toggle bolts: All steel-spring head type. Masonry screw anchors: Case hardened steel. Manufacturer: Hilti “Kwik-Con II”. Powder-Driven Threaded Studs: Heat-treated steel, designed for the intended service. Note restrictions on use of powder-driven fasteners in Part 3 of this Section. Beam clamps: NRTL-listed, or compliant with Federal Specification WW-H-171E, or compliant with Manufacturers’ Standardization Society SP-69 and SP-58. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.7 07/09/10 FRAMING CHANNEL SYSTEMS A. Provide U-channel framing systems that conform to the Metal Framing Manufacturers’ Association standards publication MFMA-4 and are fabricated using minimum 12-gage steel, with 9/16-inch-diameter holes, from 1-1/2 to 1-7/8 inches on center, in the surface opposite the “U” opening. B. Provide fittings and accessories that mate and match with U-channel and are of the same manufacturer. Use two-piece, single bolt type conduit straps on U-channel supports. C. Manufacturers: Unistrut, B-Line, Superstrut. 2.8 FABRICATED SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Provide shop- or field-fabricated supports or manufactured supports assembled from U-channel components. B. Provide steel brackets fabricated from angles, channels, and other standard structural shapes. Connect with welds and machine bolts to form rigid supports. 2.9 SLEEVES AND SEALS A. Provide pipe sleeves of one of the following: 1. Sheet Metal: Fabricate from galvanized sheet metal; round tube closed with snap-lock joint, welded spiral seams, or welded longitudinal joint. Fabricate sleeves from the following gage metal for sleeve diameter noted: a. b. c. 2. 3. 3-inch and smaller: 20-gage. 4-inch to 6-inch: 16-gage. over 6-inch: 14-gage. Steel Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe two pipe sizes larger than the penetrating raceway. Plastic Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 80 PVC plastic pipe two pipe sizes larger than the penetrating raceway. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Locate each item of rigid electrical equipment entirely on one side only of a building expansion joint. B. Piping, cable trays, etc., which cross an expansion joint to rigid electrical equipment, shall have flexible joints that are capable of accommodating calculated thermal displacements. C. Conform to manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for selection and installation of hangers, and supports. D. Do not use wire or perforated strap for permanent electrical supports. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 E. Attach each item of electrical equipment as shown. F. Provide and install electrical conduit, busways, cable trays, etc. which cross an expansion joint to rigid electrical equipment, with flexible joints as shown. G. Do not support conduits, busways, cable trays, etc. from ceiling suspension wires. 3.2 APPLICATION A. Comply with NECA 1 and NECA 101 for application of hangers and supports for electrical equipment and systems except if requirements in this Section are stricter. B. Maximum Support Spacing and Minimum Hanger Rod Size for Raceway: Space supports for EMT, IMC, and RMC as stated in NFPA 70. Minimum rod size shall be 1/4 inch in diameter. C. Multiple Raceways or Cables: Install trapeze-type supports fabricated with steel slotted support system, sized so capacity can be increased by at least 25 percent in future without exceeding specified design load limits. 1. 2. 3. D. 3.3 Secure raceways and cables to these supports with single-bolt conduit clamps using spring friction action for retention in support channel. Support three or more parallel runs of horizontal raceways together on trapeze hangers. Do not support conduits from ceiling suspension wires. Spring-steel clamps designed for supporting single conduits without bolts may be used for 1-1/2-inch and smaller raceways serving branch circuits and communication systems above suspended ceilings and for fastening raceways to trapeze supports. SUPPORT INSTALLATION A. Comply with NECA 1 and NECA 101 for installation requirements except as specified in this Article. B. Raceway Support Methods: In addition to methods described in NECA 1, EMT, IMC, and RMC may be supported by openings through structure members, as permitted in NFPA 70. C. Strength of Support Assemblies: Where not indicated, select sizes of components so strength will be adequate to carry present and future static loads within specified loading limits. Minimum static design load used for strength determination shall be weight of supported components plus 200 lb. D. Mounting and Anchorage of Surface-Mounted Equipment and Components: Anchor and fasten electrical items and their supports to building structural elements by the following methods unless otherwise indicated by code: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To Wood: Fasten with lag screws or through bolts. To New Concrete: Bolt to concrete inserts. To Masonry: Approved toggle-type bolts on hollow masonry units and expansion anchor fasteners on solid masonry units. To Existing Concrete: Expansion anchor fasteners. Instead of expansion anchors, powder-actuated driven threaded studs provided with lock washers and nuts may be used in existing standard-weight concrete 4 inches thick or greater. Do not use for anchorage to lightweight-aggregate concrete or for slabs less than 4 inches thick. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 6. 7. 8. E. 3.4 07/09/10 To Steel: Beam clamps (MSS Type 19, 21, 23, 25, or 27) complying with MSS SP-69. To Light Steel: Sheet metal screws. Items Mounted on Hollow Walls and Nonstructural Building Surfaces: Mount cabinets, panelboards, disconnect switches, control enclosures, pull and junction boxes, transformers, and other devices on slotted-channel racks attached to substrate. Drill holes for expansion anchors in concrete at locations and to depths that avoid reinforcing bars. INSTALLATION OF FABRICATED METAL SUPPORTS A. Comply with installation requirements in Division 05 Section "Metal Fabrications" for site-fabricated metal supports. B. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal supports accurately in location, alignment, and elevation to support and anchor electrical materials and equipment. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. 3.5 PAINTING A. Touchup: Clean field welds and abraded areas of shop paint. Paint exposed areas immediately after erecting hangers and supports. Use same materials as used for shop painting. Comply with SSPC-PA 1 requirements for touching up field-painted surfaces. Apply paint by brush or spray to provide minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. B. Touchup: Comply with requirements in Division 09 for cleaning and touchup painting of field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint on miscellaneous metal. C. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and apply galvanizing-repair paint to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 - 7 This page left intentionally blank NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 SECTION 260533 RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Conduits and fittings B. Outlet boxes C. Pull and junction boxes D. Surface metal raceways E. Wireway 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For surface raceways, wireways and fittings, floor boxes, hinged-cover enclosures, and cabinets. B. Shop Drawings: For custom enclosures and cabinets. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. 1.4 RECEIVING, STORING, AND PROTECTING A. Receive, store, and protect, and handle products according to NECA 1 – Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 1 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 COATINGS A. 2.2 Provide products with zinc coating or with treatment of equivalent corrosion resistance using approved alternative treatment, finish, or inherent material characteristic that is suitable for the environment in which the product will be installed and used. INTERMEDIATE METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS (IMC) A. Furnish intermediate metal conduit (IMC) that meets the requirements of UL1242 – Intermediate Metal Conduit, ANSI C80.6 – Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit (EIMC). B. Furnish zinc-plated, threaded, malleable iron fittings and conduit bodies that meet the requirements of UL514B – Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes, and ANSI/NEMA FB1 – Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. 2.3 RIGID METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS (RMC) A. Furnish rigid metal conduit (RMC) that meets the requirements of UL6 – Rigid Metal Electrical Conduit, NEMA C80.1 – Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit (ERSC). B. Furnish zinc-plated, threaded, malleable iron fittings and conduit bodies that meet the requirements of UL514B and ANSI/NEMA FB1. 2.4 PLASTIC-COATED STEEL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Furnish PVC exterior coated, urethane interior coated, RMC or IMC that meets the requirements of NEMA RN 1 – PVC Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit. B. Use factory-fabricated elbows. C. Furnish 40 mil PVC exterior coated, urethane interior coated, zinc-plated, threaded, malleable iron fittings and conduit bodies meeting the requirements of UL514B – Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes and NEMA RN 1 PVC. 2.5 RIGID NON-METALLIC CONDUIT AND FITTINGS (RNC) A. Furnish rigid non-metallic conduit (RNC) that meets the requirements of UL651 – Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit, NEMA TC 2 – Electrical Plastic Tubing and Conduit. B. Furnish non-metallic, solvent-welded socket fittings that meet the requirements of UL514C – NonMetallic Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes, and NEMA TC 3 – PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 2 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.6 07/09/10 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING AND FITTINGS (EMT) A. Furnish galvanized electrical metallic tubing (EMT) that meets the requirements of UL797 – Electrical Metallic Tubing, NEMA C80.3 – Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT). B. Furnish compression or set-screw type fittings that meet the requirements of UL514B – Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes, and ANSI/NEMA FB1 – Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. Furnish insulated throat connectors. 2.7 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Furnish galvanized steel flexible metal conduit that meets the requirements of UL1 – Flexible Metal Electrical Conduit. B. Furnish zinc-plated malleable iron fittings that meet the requirements of UL514B – Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes, and ANSI/NEMA FB1 – Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. Furnish insulated throat connectors. 2.8 LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Furnish liquid-tight flexible metal conduit that meets the requirements of UL360 – Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit, Electrical. B. Furnish zinc-plated malleable iron or zinc-plated steel liquid-tight fittings that meet the requirements of UL514B – Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes, and ANSI/NEMA FB1 – Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. Furnish insulated throat connectors. 2.9 INSULATING BUSHINGS A. Provide NRTL listed insulating bushings with 105 ºC rated insulation. B. Manufacturer: O-Z/Gedney, Type IB. 2.10 GROUNDING BUSHINGS A. Provide NRTL listed, galvanized malleable iron, 150ºC rated insulated throat grounding bushings with lay-in type ground cable lugs. B. Manufacturer: O-Z/Gedney, Type BLG. 2.11 EXPANSION FITTINGS A. Furnish NRTL listed expansion fittings with hot dipped galvanized malleable iron body, factory installed packing and a bonding jumper. B. Manufacturer: O-Z/Gedney, Type AX, TX or EXE with Type BJ bonding jumper. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 3 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 2.12 07/09/10 CORROSION PROTECTION TAPE A. Furnish pressure-sensitive, 10 mil thick. PVC based tape for corrosion protection of metal conduit and fittings. B. Manufacturer: 3M, Type 50. 2.13 RACEWAY MEASURING TAPE A. Furnish raceway measuring tape with permanently printed measurements in one-foot increments and minimum 1200 lb average breaking strength. B. Manufacturer: Greenlee “39243”. 2.14 SURFACE METAL RACEWAY A. Furnish surface metal raceway that meets the requirements of UL5 – Surface Metal Electrical Raceways and Fittings. B. Furnish surface metal raceway fabricated from cold rolled galvanized steel with a thickness of not less than 0.040 inches and coated with a baked enamel finish. C. Furnish fittings required for a complete installation. D. Manufacturer: Wiremold “500” or “700” series. 2.15 OUTLET BOXES A. Provide outlet boxes selected for specific installations using the guidance in NEMA OS 3, Selection and Installation Guidelines for Electrical Outlet Boxes, and the requirements of this Section. B. For dry locations provide galvanized steel outlet boxes that comply with UL Standard 514-A – Metallic Outlet Boxes and ANSI/NEMA OS1 – Sheet-Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports. 1. 2. 3. 4. For luminaire outlets use 4 inch x 1-1/2 inch deep octagonal boxes with fixture stud attachment as required to support luminaires. For flush outlets in stud walls or above-grade cast-in-place concrete walls use 4 inch square x 11/2 inch deep boxes; provide deeper boxes or multiple gang boxes as required to fit devices. Provide raised device covers that match the thickness of the wallboard and the number of devices. Provide supplemental box supports to prevent movement of the box. For flush outlets in above-grade masonry walls use masonry boxes with conduit knockouts. Provide boxes with depth suitable for the masonry unit size. Provide multiple gang boxes as required by the number of devices. For surface outlet boxes in EMT raceway systems, use 4 inch x 2-1/8 inch deep square boxes. Provide deeper boxes or multiple gang boxes as required to fit devices. Provide square surface covers that match the installed device and have not less than two holes for securing the device to the cover. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 4 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. For damp or wet locations and for surface-mounted RMC or IMC raceway systems, provide outlet boxes that comply with UL Standard 498 and 514, ANSI/NEMA FB1. 1. 2. 2.16 07/09/10 For lighting fixture outlets use 4 inch x 2-1/16 inch deep round cast malleable iron boxes with threaded hubs. For flush or surface wall-mounted outlets, use 4-11/16 square, 2-11/16 inch deep cast malleable iron boxes with threaded hubs. Provide multiple gang boxes as required to fit devices. Provide gasketed cast malleable iron or cast copper-free aluminum covers that match the installed device and have not less than two holes for securing the device to the cover. PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES A. For dry locations in clean, non-contamination environments use galvanized sheet steel pull and junction boxes that comply with UL Standard 50 Type 1 and the NEC as to size and construction. Use boxes not less than 4 inches square x 1-1/2 inches deep with screw-secured covers. Provide larger boxes as required by the number and size of conduits and conductors. B. For dry locations in dusty or possible contamination (e.g. beryllium, explosives, or uranium) environments use galvanized steel pull and junction boxes that comply with UL Standard 50 Type 12 and the NEC as to size and construction. Use boxes not less than 6 inches square x 4 inches deep with gasketed covers. Provide larger boxes as required by the number and size of conduits and conductors. C. For damp or wet, non-corrosive locations, in conduit runs up to 3/4 inch trade size, provide 4-11/16 inches square, 2-11/16 inches deep cast malleable iron pull and junction boxes with threaded hubs and gasketed cast malleable iron or cast copper-free aluminum covers. D. For damp or wet, non-corrosive locations, in conduit runs 1 inch trade size and larger, provide galvanized sheet-steel pull and junction boxes and covers that comply with UL 50 Type 3R. E. For damp or wet, non-corrosive locations that are subject to hose-directed water, provide pull and junction boxes and covers that comply with UL 50 Type 4. F. For damp or wet, corrosive locations provide pull and junction boxes and covers that comply with UL 50 Type 4X. G. For locations subject to occasional submersion provide pull and junction boxes and covers that comply with UL 50 Type 6. H. Provide connection points for equipment grounding conductors in each box. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Install complete systems of raceways and boxes for wiring systems. B. Install raceways and boxes according to NECA 1 Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction, NECA 101 Standard for Installing Steel Conduits (Rigid, IMC, EMT), NECA 111 Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceways (RNC, ENT, LFNC), the NEC, the manufacturer’s instructions, and requirements in this Section. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 5 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 C. Raceway termination points and box locations shown on the Drawings are in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Verify locations before rough-in. D. Raceway routing is shown on the Drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Coordinate routing with structure and with work of other trades. Route as required for a complete wiring system. E. Ground and bond raceways and boxes as required in Section 260526 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. F. Support raceways and boxes in accordance with the requirements of Section 260529 Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems and the NEC. G. Identify raceways and boxes as required in Section 260553, Identification for Electrical Systems. H. Arrange raceway and boxes to maintain headroom and present neat appearance. I. Install knockout closures in unused openings in boxes or raceways. 3.2 CONDUIT INSTALLATION A. For low-voltage wiring systems (less than 600 volts) use conduit materials according to the NEC and the following: 1. Outdoors - underground: 2. Direct buried: Use RNC, plastic-coated RMC, tape-wrapped RMC, or tape-wrapped IMC. Do not use RNC where subject to physical damage. Install with 24 inches minimum cover from top of conduit to finished grade or top of paving. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. Outdoors - exposed: Use RMC or IMC. Outdoor corrosive locations (including cooling towers): Use plastic-coated RMC and fittings. Outdoors - concealed: Use RMC or IMC for concealed outdoor work. Do not use bare RMC or IMC in direct contact with earth. EMT may be used for concealed outdoor work where not in contact with earth, not encased in concrete, and where not exposed to deteriorating agents. Indoors – exposed outside of designated electrical rooms or telecommunications rooms: a. b. c. d. e. 7. Concrete encased: Use RNC, plastic-coated RMC, RMC, or IMC for concrete encased underground work. Install with 24 inches minimum cover from top of encasement to finished grade or paving. Located less than 8 ft above the floor: Use RMC or IMC. Exposed to severe physical damage: Use RMC or IMC. Exposed to moisture: Use RMC or IMC. Exposed to corrosives: Use plastic-coated RMC and fittings. Located more than 8 ft above the floor, not exposed to deteriorating agents, and not subject to severe physical damage: Use RMC, IMC, or EMT. Indoors – concealed: a. b. c. Within drywall partitions and above false ceilings: Use RMC, IMC, or EMT. Within masonry or cast-in-place concrete walls or floors: Use RMC or IMC. Direct-buried under building floor slabs on grade: Use RNC, plastic-coated RMC, tapewrapped RMC, or tape-wrapped IMC. Locate top of conduits not less than 12 inches below the bottom of the concrete slab. Install warning tape approximately 6 inches above the conduits; install multiple warning tapes above parallel conduit runs wider than 18 inches. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 6 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY d. 8. Concrete encased under building floor slabs on grade: Use RNC, plastic-coated RMC, RMC, or IMC. Locate top of concrete encasement not less than 12 inches below the bottom of the concrete slab. Install warning tape approximately 6 inches above the concrete encasement; install multiple warning tapes above concrete encasements wider than 24 inches. Connection to vibrating equipment (including transformers and hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric solenoid or motor-driven equipment) - Use a minimum of 18 inches; maximum length as determined by the NEC: a. b. c. d. 9. 07/09/10 Outdoors: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit. In mechanical rooms: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit. Wet, damp, or corrosive indoor locations: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit. Dry indoor locations: Use flexible metal conduit. Connections to luminaires: Use 3/8 inch flexible metal conduit or metal-clad cable in 6 foot maximum lengths for tap conductors to luminaires above suspended ceilings. B. Use 3/4-inch or larger conduit to enclose multiple conductors larger than 12 AWG. C. Conceal conduits, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, with finished walls, floors and ceilings. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, install concealed conduits with a minimum of bends in the shortest practical distance considering the type of building construction and obstructions. D. Position parallel underground conduits with not less than 7-1/2 inches center-to-center separation. E. Install expansion fittings where embedded conduits cross building expansion joints. F. Use conduit hubs to fasten conduit to boxes in damp and wet locations. G. Use sealing locknuts, hubs, or similar water-resistant fittings on conduits entering the top of switchgear, switchboards, motor control centers, panelboards, cabinets, pull boxes, and similar enclosures that are exposed in structures with automatic fire sprinkler systems. H. Install insulating bushings or connectors with an insulated throat to protect conductors or cables at conduit terminations. I. Install conduits with the following limits of bends and distance between pull points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J. 50 ft with 3 equivalent 90 degree bends. 100 ft with 2 equivalent 90 degree bends. 150 ft with 1 equivalent 90 degree bend. 200 ft straight run with no bends. Provide large sweep radius elbows for 90 degree elbows (minimum) unless otherwise noted. Stub-Up Connections: 1. 2. 3. Extend conduits through concrete floor for connection to freestanding equipment with an adjustable top or coupling threaded inside for plugs, and set flush with the finished floor or equipment pad. Extend conductors to equipment with rigid steel conduit; flexible metal conduit may be used 6 inches above the floor. Where equipment connections are not made under this Subcontract, install threaded insert plugs set flush with the floor. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 7 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY K. 07/09/10 Install conduit sealing fittings according to the manufacturer's written instructions. Locate fittings at suitable, approved, accessible locations and fill them with NRTL-listed conduit sealing compound. For concealed raceways, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a blank cover plate having a finish similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. Install raceway sealing fittings at the following points and elsewhere as indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where conduits enter or leave NEC Class I hazardous locations. Where conduits pass from warm locations to cold locations, such as the boundaries of refrigerated spaces and air-conditioned spaces. Where conduits go between areas where air pressure differential must be maintained. Where conduits enter an enclosure protected by a clean agent total flooding fire suppression system. Where otherwise required by the NEC. L. Join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by manufacturer. Wipe nonmetallic conduits dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of cement to entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum. M. Install plastic-coated RMC and fittings according to the NEC and manufacturer's instructions. Use only fittings approved for use with that material. Patch all nicks and scrapes in PVC coating after installing conduits. N. Do not use RNC 90 degree elbows larger than 2 inch trade size; use plastic-coated RMC, tape-wrapped RMC, or tape-wrapped IMC for 2-1/2 inch trade size and larger 90 degree elbows. O. Maintain the following minimum clearances between conduit and surfaces with temperatures exceeding 104 degrees F (40 degrees C): 1. 2. 6” at perpendicular crossings. 12” between parallel runs. P. Avoid moisture traps in conduit system; provide junction boxes with drain fitting at low points in conduit system. Q. Install corrosion protection tape on metal conduits and fittings in contact with soil using half-lapped wrappings. R. Install grounding bushings at the following locations: 1. 2. 3. At every entry to enclosures on metallic conduits containing circuits rated 100 amperes and higher. On metallic conduits entering enclosures through concentric, eccentric or oversize knockouts. On metallic conduits that terminate to a metallic enclosure without effective electrical connection such as locknuts or threaded bushings. S. Install conduit measuring tape in empty raceways. Leave not less than 12 inches of slack at each end of the tape. Secure each end of tape. T. Install exposed raceways parallel or at right angles to nearby surfaces or structural members and follow surface contours as much as possible. 1. 2. Run parallel or banked raceways together on common supports. Make parallel bends in parallel or banked runs. Use factory elbows only where elbows can be installed parallel; otherwise, provide field bends for parallel raceways. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 8 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY U. Join raceways with fittings designed and approved for that purpose and make joints tight. 1. Use insulating bushings to protect conductors. V. Tighten set screws of threadless fittings with suitable tools. W. Terminations: 1. 2. X. 3.3 Where raceways are terminated with locknuts and bushings, align raceways to enter squarely and install locknuts with dished part against box. Use two locknuts, one inside and one outside box. Where raceways are terminated with threaded hubs, screw raceways or fittings tightly into hub so end bears against wire protection shoulder. Where chase nipples are used, align raceways so coupling is square to box; tighten chase nipple so no threads are exposed. Install raceway sealing fittings at suitable, approved, and accessible locations and fill them with UL-listed sealing compound. For concealed raceways, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a blank cover plate having a finish similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. Install raceway sealing fittings at the following points: 1. 2. Y. 07/09/10 Where conduits pass from warm to cold locations, such as boundaries of refrigerated spaces. Where otherwise required by NFPA 70. Install hinged-cover enclosures and cabinets plumb. Support at each corner. OUTLET BOX INSTALLATION A. Install outlet boxes with centers at the following heights unless noted otherwise on the Drawings: 1. Receptacle, telephone and data outlets: a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. Common Areas (such as conference and break rooms): 18 inches above finished floor. Offices and Workstations: 18 inches above finished floor. Receptacle, telephone and data outlets at lab benches and counters -- center 44 inches maximum above finished floor; coordinate locations to be above, or completely within, bench and counter backsplashes. Light switches: center 48 inches above finished floor and within 6 inches of door frame. Thermostats: center 48 inches above finished floor. Wall mounted emergency lights: 80 inches above finished floor or 12 inches below the ceiling; whichever is lower. B. Coordinate outlet box locations with modular furniture and associated hangers. C. Where the Drawings show outlets as adjacent, align outlet boxes with each other and group them symmetrically. D. Orient boxes to accommodate wiring devices oriented as specified in Section 262726 Wiring Devices. E. Install a multi-gang box where more than one device is mounted together. Do not use sectional type boxes. F. Install box with plaster ring for single or multiple device outlets. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 9 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY G. Use flush mounted outlet boxes in finished areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Install flush outlet boxes and fittings in walls and ceilings so that front edge is flush with the finished surface. Repair broken wall or ceiling surfaces so no gaps or open spaces exceed 1/8 inch at the edge of boxes or fittings. Locate flush mounting box in masonry wall to require cutting of masonry unit corner only. Coordinate masonry cutting to achieve neat opening. Do not install flush mounting boxes back-to-back in walls; install with minimum 6 inches separation. Install with minimum 24 inches separation in acoustic rated walls. Secure flush mounting boxes to interior wall and partition studs. Accurately position to allow for surface finish thickness. Install stamped steel bridges to fasten multiple flush mounting outlet boxes between studs. Install flush mounting box without damaging wall insulation or reducing its effectiveness. H. Install adjustable steel channel fasteners for hung ceiling outlet box. I. Do not fasten boxes to ceiling support wires or other piping systems. J. Support boxes independently of conduit. K. Install partitions in boxes as follows: 1. 2. 3. L. 3.4 07/09/10 Between 277 volt devices. Between 277 volt light switches devices and 120 volt devices. Between either 120 volt or 277 volt devices and low voltage control switches. Install a blank cover plate on each outlet box in which no device is installed. PULL AND JUNCTION BOX INSTALLATION A. Install pull and junction boxes as shown on the Drawings and as required for splices, taps, wire pulling, and compliance with regulatory requirements. B. Install indoor pull and junction boxes in accessible locations above accessible ceilings and in unfinished spaces. Position boxes so covers can be removed. Place boxes to maintain headroom. C. Install a concrete collar around handholes not placed in sidewalks or pavement. 3.5 WIREWAY INSTALLATION A. Install wireways at locations indicated on the Drawings. B. Mount plumb and level. 3.6 SURFACE METAL RACEWAY INSTALLATION A. Install surface metal raceway at locations indicated on the Drawings. B. Use flat-head screws, clips, and straps to fasten raceway channel to surfaces. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 10 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY C. 3.7 07/09/10 Mount plumb and level. ADJUSTING A. Adjust flush-mounted outlets to make front flush with finished floor, wall, or ceiling material. B. Install knockout closures in unused openings in boxes. 3.8 CLEANING A. Clean interior of boxes to remove dust, debris, and other material. B. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. C. Repair damage to paint or PVC finishes with matching touch-up coating recommended by the manufacturer. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. 3.10 Provide final protection and maintain conditions to ensure that coatings and finishes are without damage or deterioration at final inspection. INSTALLATION A. Comply with NECA 1 for installation requirements applicable to products specified in Part 2 except where requirements on Drawings or in this Article are stricter. B. Keep raceways at least 6 inches away from parallel runs of flues and steam or hot-water pipes. Install horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping. C. Complete raceway installation before starting conductor installation. D. Support raceways as specified in Division 26 Section "Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems." E. Arrange stub-ups so curved portions of bends are not visible above the finished slab. F. Conceal conduit and EMT within finished walls, ceilings, and floors, unless otherwise indicated. G. Raceways Embedded in Slabs: 1. 2. 3. H. Run conduit larger than 1-inch trade size, parallel or at right angles to main reinforcement. Where at right angles to reinforcement, place conduit close to slab support. Arrange raceways to cross building expansion joints at right angles with expansion fittings. Change from ENT to RNC, Type EPC-40-PVC, rigid steel conduit, or IMC before rising above the floor. Raceway Terminations at Locations Subject to Moisture or Vibration: Use insulating bushings to protect conductors, including conductors smaller than No. 4 AWG. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 11 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY 07/09/10 I. Install pull wires in empty raceways. Use polypropylene or monofilament plastic line with not less than 200-lb tensile strength. Leave at least 24 inches of slack at each end of pull wire. J. Install raceway sealing fittings at suitable, approved, and accessible locations and fill them with listed sealing compound. For concealed raceways, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a blank cover plate having a finish similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. Install raceway sealing fittings at the following points: 1. 2. K. Where conduits pass from warm to cold locations, such as boundaries of refrigerated spaces. Where otherwise required by NFPA 70. Expansion-Joint Fittings for RNC: Install in each run of aboveground conduit that is located where environmental temperature change may exceed 30 deg F, and that has straight-run length that exceeds 25 feet. 1. Install expansion-joint fittings for each of the following locations, and provide type and quantity of fittings that accommodate temperature change listed for location: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. L. 3.11 A. Outdoor Locations Not Exposed to Direct Sunlight: 125 deg F temperature change. Outdoor Locations Exposed to Direct Sunlight: 155 deg F temperature change. Indoor Spaces: Connected with the Outdoors without Physical Separation: 125 deg F temperature change. Attics: 135 deg F temperature change. Install fitting(s) that provide expansion and contraction for at least 0.00041 inch per foot of length of straight run per deg F of temperature change. Install each expansion-joint fitting with position, mounting, and piston setting selected according to manufacturer's written instructions for conditions at specific location at the time of installation. Recessed Boxes in Masonry Walls: Saw-cut opening for box in center of cell of masonry block, and install box flush with surface of wall. INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CONDUIT Direct-Buried Conduit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Excavate trench bottom to provide firm and uniform support for conduit. Prepare trench bottom as specified for pipe less than 6 inches in nominal diameter. Install backfill as specified. After installing conduit, backfill and compact. Start at tie-in point, and work toward end of conduit run, leaving conduit at end of run free to move with expansion and contraction as temperature changes during this process. Firmly hand tamp backfill around conduit to provide maximum supporting strength. After placing controlled backfill to within 12 inches of finished grade, make final conduit connection at end of run and complete backfilling with normal compaction as specified. Install manufactured duct elbows for stub-ups at poles and equipment and at building entrances through the floor, unless otherwise indicated. Encase elbows for stub-up ducts throughout the length of the elbow. Install manufactured rigid steel conduit elbows for stub-ups at poles and equipment and at building entrances through the floor. a. Couple steel conduits to ducts with adapters designed for this purpose, and encase coupling with 3 inches of concrete. RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 12 NORTH JETTY BEACH PARK STORAGE PAVILION SARASOTA COUNTY b. 6. 07/09/10 For stub-ups at equipment mounted on outdoor concrete bases, extend steel conduit horizontally a minimum of 60 inches from edge of equipment pad or foundation. Install insulated grounding bushings on terminations at equipment. Warning Planks: Bury warning planks approximately 12 inches above direct-buried conduits, placing them 24 inches o.c. Align planks along the width and along the centerline of conduit. END OF SECTION RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260533 - 13 This page left intentionally blank
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