Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. A-35 Meeting Date x Consent Section Regular Section August 21, 2013 Public Hearing Subject: Approve deletion of capital equipment from County inventory, as indicated in background material. Department Name: Clerk Of The Circuit Court Contact Person: Sharon Sweet-Grant Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 813 307-7143 Assistant County Administrator 08/09/2013 Date Department Director 08/08/2013 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 08/09/2013 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 08/08/2013 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: Approve deletion of capital equipment from County inventory, as indicated in background material. Financial Impact Statement: Background: List Attachments: 2 ITEMS TO BE DELETED FROM COUNTY INVENTORY (for meeting of August 21, 20 13) PROPERTY NUMBER ACQUISITION DATE DESCRIPTION REASON HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 0127947 TRAVEL IR 4/23/2003 TRADED ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMISSION 0116471 0117770 0079401 TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR ANALYZER TEOM W/TRIPOD 9/30/2000 8/7/2001 DONATED DONATED DONATED 7/3/1997 OBSOLETE 7/2/1992 LOST VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 0104516 PRINTER LASERJET HP 6MP FAMILY & AGING SERVICES 0080620 WORKSTATION CORNER WOOD 1 3 ITEMS TO BE DELETED FROM COUN . PROPERTY NUMBER DESCRIPTION NTORY ()? . ....J_/ ,2013)----t?~(V'-p'\ ~'{;J)Jq_ ACQUIS\~i'~ DATE REASON HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 0127947 TRAVEL IR 4/23/2003 TRADED ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMISSION 0116471 0117770 0079401 TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR ANALYZER TEOM W /TRIPOD 9/30/2000 8/7/2001 DONATED DONATED DONATED 1 4 CHIEF ADMIN!S TRAT IVE OFFICER OOARD 01' COUN fY COMMISSIONERS Kevin [kckncr HilL~borougq Victor D Crisr Mark Shorpc Helene Marks flonda CHIEF FINANCIAl ADMINISI RAT OR Office of the County Administrator Michael S Merrill fJEI'UI Y COUNI YADMINISTRA10RS I .ucia E Garsys Sharon D Subodan Ken H:~~<Ul Allligginbotham Lesley "L<s" Miller, Jr Sandr:t l Murman County BonnicM Wi..- MEMORANDUM July 11, 2013 j /? / ~/ ;1" TO: Michelle Miller, Fixed Assets Supervi~ FROM: Ronald Rogers, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Removal of Capital Equipment from Fire Rescue Inventory Please take the appropriate steps to remove the item listed below from Fire Rescue's Capital Inventory The Travel IR's were traded in last year for the current Ahura items that we have. They were supposed to be removed from the inventory at that time, however, the never were 0127947 HCI TRAVEL IR 072060802A If you have any questions concerning these items, please contact Reggie Windham at 3357758 Thank you for your assistance Cc: David Travis, Administrative Chief, Fire Rescue Tim Donahue, Facilities Manager t>ost Office Box 1110 • tampa, Florida 33601 www,hillo; l11 ljjirmalit., -1o1ioll/ Eqfr.a/ Opp01tuni(y I?.tHplv·" Page I of I FAMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen 5 ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: 0000127947 07/25/2013 3:26PM TRAVELIR Category: E EQUIPMENT Department : FR 1 Quantity: FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT Maj/Min Class: RESCUE SAFETY SECURITY AND SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT Loc/Subloc: 00806 01AA 3225 FALKENBURG RD-SABAL PK Vendor ID: Prop Cust: 004 Manufacturer: HCI Model: Serial Number: 072060802A Tax Map No: Own Status: C COUNTY OWNED Control Ind: ROGERS. RONALD (FIRE ) Site Org: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: Disp Date: Disposal Code: Useful Life: Acq. Date: 04/23/2003 Index: FRE03000 Subobject: 6499 Proj/Proj Dtl: SENSEIR FIRE SUPPRES OTHER EQUIPMENT 005 Orig Cost: 40,000.00 Curr Cost: 0.00 Doc Ref: Grant/Grt Dtl: ST FL HMLND DE User Cd: G014- RECORD FOUND https://fox-esacics.internal. hi lise IS Web/PrintPage .aspx 7/25/2013 6 COMMISSION Kevin Ilcckner Lrslq "Ld' Miller, VicLOr D, Crist Sandra L. Mmman K<:n Hagan !vlark Sharpe AI Higginbotham DIVISION DlllECTORS Rkh.trtlllrh.lllll, Esq. L<· & Admin. Jerry CtrnpueU, I~ E. Air MaMgcmml Hoosh.tng "no<t.uti, I! E. \X,l<t<' i\l.lll•tgcmem Elr.thi, P.E. \\~uer M.•n••g~m<'lll \\'etl.lltds 1\ Sro111 Fmrry. Ph. D. Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rilha rd D. Garrit)'• Ph.D. MEMORANDUM DATE: July 16,2013 TO: Michelle Miller, Capital Assets, Clerk of the Circuit Court FROM: Richard D. Gan1ty, Ph.D. SUBJECT: Donation of Items to a n·profit Organization Please take the necessmy actions to remove the following items from the recorded asset inventory for the Environmental Protection Commission, and request Board of County Commissioners approval to donate these items to a nonprofit organization: PCN Description Acquisition Cost Acquisition Date 0116471 TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR $17,590 9/30/2000 0117770 TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR $17,590 8nt2001 0079401 TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR $17,310 2/10/1992 On May 14, 2013, the EPC received a re<1uest from Eckersley M. Sylla, General Director of the Non-Protit Organization (NPO), Guinea Environmental, Medical and Social Services (GEMSS) for air monitming equipment to measure dust levels in his home country, the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Dust from bauxite mining and loading operations at the seaport are impacting the health of the people living in the area. Enclosed is a copy of that request for your information. The GEMSS office is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee and registered as a NPO with the State of Tennessee. A copy of the registration is also enclosed. Our initial contact with Dr. Sylla came via Ms. Kathy Jones, Air Monitoring Manager for the Chattanooga-Hamilton County, Air Pollution Control Bureau, who will help coordinate receipt of the donated equipment. Although still usable, the air monitoring equipment listed above is slated for surplus because it is older and obsolete equipment requiring higher maintenance costs. EPC's legal staff reviewed local and state law for disposal of surplus prope11y by donation and deemed it permissible and in the best interest of the county to transfer tllis propetty to a NPO. EPC staff also reviewed the credibility of G.EMSS and its intended use of the donated equipment. We believe that this action is for a good and wmthy cause in protecting the health of people in West Africa and it is reasonable to assume that it will not result in any unscmpulous action by GEMSS that may hatm the county's interests. Finally, attached is a Multiple FAACS fmm to complete the prope1ty transfer. 1l1ank you for your assistance and if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Alain Watson at 6272600 xl298. Encs. Au ageucy u•lth lltl/ucs of l'lll'ii'OIIII/CIIIfll sfl'wtmlship, iutcgl'ity, ho11esty n111l tl culture offllil'lles.< and coopemtion Roger P. Stewart Center 3629 Queen J1alm Drive, Tampn, FL 3361') • (813) 627-2600 • rl11 Af}iJm.lli,•,· _A,tion!I·~Jilld Opp,,J umity Efli('I(Jro 6 l'rim('Oinn f.:~o.)-,;lut IIJfl~r. 7 MULTIPLE FIXED ASSETS (FAACS) ACTION REQUEST FORM SEND TO: FIXED ASSETS SUPERVISOR-FINANCE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, 12TH FLOOR, COUNTY CENTER PROPERTY ID NUMBER 0116471 0117770 0079401 PROPERTY (ASSEn DESCRIPTION TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR TEOM PM2.5 MONITOR -- PROPERTY (ASSET) DESCRIPTION PROPERTY ID NUMBER ! ' ; ------ ----------- ....,.THIS FORM IS TO BE USED ONLY IF ALL PCN'S ARE COMING FROM AND GOING TO THE SAME LOCATION/SUBLOCACTION...... PRESENT LOCATION: DEPT NAME/NUMBER: NEW LOCATION: DEPT NAME/NUMBER: EPC /87 n/a LOCATION: LOCATION: RPS ---- SUB LOCATION: AMD Lab SUB LOCATION: DEPT LOANED TO: NEW INDEX CODE- FOR FLEETJMAINT BIWNG PURPOSE ONLY: ("'"INDEX COOE IN FAACS WILL!!QI CHANGE-) NON-FINANCIAL RECORD CHANGE: (RECORD UPDATED IN FORMATlON BELOW IN REMARKS SECTION) TRANSFERRED (E) CLASS 0 SERIAL# D MODEL# D MAKEIMFR D VENDOR D AVAILABLE D UNAVAILABLE lEI SURPLUS 0 DISABLED 0 GOOD lEI FAIR SOLD 0 TRADED MISSING 0 CANNIBALIZED STOLEN D ASSETS AVAILABILITY ASSET CONDITION FINANCIAL TYPE OF DISPOSITION (RECORD UPDATED INFORMATION BELOW IN REMARI<S SECTION) ~~~~~-+~~~~~~5L~~~~~~~~---------------------DA~: SIGNATURE RECEIVED BY DATE. 0 0 D DATE: D CONVEYED i.E~ _ _ _ _ _ OPID#. TRANSACTION/BATCH# D JUNKED - - - - - OP 10#: {SIGNATURE) REMARKS: Equipment donated to GEMSS, a nonprofit organization based in Chattanooga, Tennessee FOR FIXED ASSETS USE ONLY: ENTERED BY: POOR 8 Watson, Alain From: Sent: To: Subject: Eckersley Mohamed Sylla <[email protected]> Tuesday, May 1'1, 2013 12:58 PM Watson, Alain An African Non Profit Organisation Requests for Air Monitoring Equipment Dear Mr. Watson, Dear Mr. Watson, it was an opportunity and my privilege to have had a short telephone conversation with you this afternoon. For a brief introduction, my name is Eckersley M. Sylla originally from Guinea. I would like to statt by saying that, Kathy Jones, Air Monitoring Manager with Chattanooga Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau shares the same office building with me. A few days ago, I had a very productive meeting with Kathy during which I expressed the need for Air Quality monitoring equipment (2.5) as donation to our NPO known as Guinea Environmental, Medical and Social Services "GEMSS" and is head quartered in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Aims of GEMSS: to protect our natural resources, implement services and policies to protect public health, etc. Purpose of GEMSS: we serve humanity. It is compassion that drives us. Our purpose is to provide life saving information and social services to those who need them most. Through our partnerships with government agencies, organizations, and learning institutions throughout the world, we will work together towards providing security and stability to the people of Guinea that will last tor generations to come. GEMSS is concerned about public health particularly residents living within two or more miles radius of the the shipping dock in Conakry from where millions of tons of bauxite is loaded unto ships for abroad. During the loading process cloud of reddish-brown dust/particulates remain suspended in the air for a long period of time. Moreover, residents complain of severe coughing, chest pain, breathing difficulties, head ache, red eyes, dust in nostrils and pain in their lungs. In addition, property degradation such as statutes, zinc on houses etc are seen around the estimated radius. T hope this is the beginning of a long prosperous adventure f{)r the people of Guinea. finally my c_mai 1 address is dremsbka(d), and I can be reached at 423-596-2278. Very many thanks in advance. Sincerely yours, Eckersley Sylla 9 STATE OF TENNESSEE Tre Hargett, Secretary of State Division of Business Services William R. Snodgrass Tower 312 Rosa L. Parks AVE, 6th FL Nashville, TN 37243-1102 Guinea Environmental, Medicaland Social services 4603 PARKSIDE LN CHATTANOOGA, TN 37416-3725 May 17, 2013 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filing information below and notify our office immediately of any discrepancies. SOS Control#: Filing Type: Filing Date: Delayed Effective Date: Status: Duration Term: Public/Mutual Benefit: Business County: 719874 Corporation Non-Profit - Domestic 05/17/2013 9:57AM 05/20/2013 12:00 AM Active Perpetual Mutual HAMILTON COUNTY Formation Locale: Date Formed: Fiscal Year Close: Annual Report Due: Image#: TENNESSEE 05/20/2013 12 04/01/2014 A0177-0710 Document Receipt Receipt # : 1053560 Filing Fee: $104.25 Payment-Credit Card - TennesseeAnytime Online Payment#: 150412482 Registered Agent Address: ECKERSLEY M SYLLA 4603 PARKSIDE LN CHATTANOOGA, TN 37416-3725 $104.25 Principal Address: 4603 PARKSIDE LN CHATTANOOGA, TN 37416-3725 Congratulations on the successful filing of your Charter for Guinea Environmental, Medicaland Social services in the State of Tennessee which is effective on the date shown above. You must also file this document in the office of the Register of Deeds in the county where the entity l1as its principal office if such principal office Is in Tennessee. Visit the TN Department of Revenue website ( to determine your online tax registration requirements. You must file an Annual Report with this office on or before the Annual Report Due Date noted above and maintain a Registered Office and Registered Agent. Failure to do so will subject the business to Administrative Dissolution/Revocation. Secretary of State Phone (615) 741-2286 * Fax (615) 741-7310 * Website: 10 Watson, Alain Subject: Muratti, Rick Tuesday, June 04, 2013 4:06 PM Watson, Alain; Campbell, Jerry Tschantz, Rick donation of monitors Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Flagged From: Sent: To: Cc: Follow up Alain, You asked if we can donate air monitoring equipment to a Tennessee not for profit that will then use the equipment in Africa. It appears we can, if state laws are followed. BUT, as Mike McK discovered, the County has a policy to only donate to Florida not for profits, not out of state non profits. State law is more broad and allows out of state sales. See 125.38, FS below, but you need Board resolution to sell (does not address donation). So we could follow that state law and sell it for $1 (ajkja nominal price) via Board resolution. You did mentioned it was acquired via grant money, but not sure who owns it BOCC or EPC. Reviewing the laws referenced in the County materials you showed me, I did not see any prohibition on out of state nonprofits acquiring our surplus via donation or sale. Thus we could ask County for an exception to their policy. I did not do an exhaustive search of all donation laws, as we will still be at the mercy of the County real estate or facilities folks that control our property to make this happen. But, the main laws clearly would allow it. See other relevant laws in Chp. 274 and 273 below. - RickM 27 4.05 Surplus property.-A governmental unit shall have discretion to classify as surplus any of its property, which property is not otherwise lawfully disposed of, that is obsolete or the continued use of which is uneconomical or inefficient, or which serves no useful function. Within the reasonable exercise of its discretion and having consideration for the best interests of the county or district, the value and condition of property classified as surplus, and the probability of such property's being desired by the prospective bidder or donee to whom offered, the governmental unit may offer surplus properly to other governmental units in the county or district for sale or donation or may offer the property to private nonprofit agencies as defined ins. 273.01(3) by sale or donation. If the surplus property is offered for sale and no acceptable bid is received within a reasonable time, the governmental unit shall offer such property to such other governmental units or private nonprofit agencies as determined by the governmental units on the basis of the foregoing criteria. Such offer shall disclose the value and condition of the property. The best bid shall he accepted by the governmental unit offering such surplus property. The cost of transfening the property shall be paid by the governmental unit or the private nonprofit agency purchasing or receiving the donation of the surplus property. 11 125.38 Sale of county properly to United States, or state.-lfthe United States, or any department or agency thereof, the state or any political subdivision or agency thereof, or any municipality of this state, or corporation or other organization not for profit which may be organized for the purposes of promoting community interest and welfare, should desire any real or personal property that may be owned by any county of this state or by its board of county commissioners, for public or community interest and welfare, then the United States, or any department or agency thereof, state or such political subdivision, agency, municipality, corporation or organization may apply to the board of county commissioners for a conveyance or lease of such property. Such board, if satisfied that such property is required for such use and is not needed for county purposes, may thereupon convey or lease the same at private sale to the applicant for such price, whether nominal or otherwise, as such board may fix, regardless of the actual value of such property. The fact of such application being made, the purpose for which such property is to be used, and the price or rent therefor shall be set out in a resolution duly adopted by such board. In case of a lease, the term of such lease shall be recited in such resolution. No advertisement shall be required. 27 4.06 Alternative procedure.-Having consideration for the best interests of the county or district, a governmental unit's property that is obsolete or the continued use of which is uneconomical or inefficient, or which serves no useful function, which property is not otherwise lawfully disposed of, may be disposed of for value to any person, or may be disposed of for value without bids to the state, to any governmental unit, or to any political subdivision as defined in s. 1.01, or if the property is without commercial value it may be donated, destroyed, or abandoned. The determination of property to be disposed of by a governmental unit pursuant to this section instead of pursuant to other provisions of law shall be at the election of such governmental unit in the reasonable exercise of its discretion. Property, the value of which the governmental unit estimates to be under $5,000, may be disposed of in the most efficient and cost-effective means as determined by the governmental unit. Any sale of property the value of which the governmental unit estimates to be $5,000 or more shall be sold only to the highest responsible bidder, or by public auction, after publication of notice not less than 1 week nor more than 2 weeks prior to sale in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county or district in which is located the official office of the governmental unit, and in additional newspapers if in the judgment of the governmental unit the best interests of the county or district will better be served by the additional notices; provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to require the sheriff of a county to advertise the sale of miscellaneous contraband of an estimated value of less than $5,000. 273.01 Definitions.-The following words as used in this act have the meanings set forth in the below subsections, unless a different meaning is required by the context. (1) "Custodian" means any elected or appointed state officer, board, commission, or authority, and any other person or agency entitled to lawful custody of property owned by the state. (2) "Property" means all tangible personal property owned by the state. (3) "Private nonprofit agency" means a nonprofit charitable organization, no part of the net earnings of which inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. which has been held to be taxexempt under the provisions of s. 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and which has as its principal mission: (a) Public health and welfare; (b) Education; (c) Environmental restoration and conservation; (d) Civil and human rights; or (e) The relief of human suffering and poverty. EPC Mission Statement: To protect our natural resources and quality of life for the citizens of Hillsborough County. 2 12 Page 1 of 1 Department of Commerce & Insurance Administration License Roster Search Department of Commerce and Insurance Julie Mix McPeak, Commissioner VERIFV.TN.GOV- License Search and Verification • You can use this website to verify the license status of people In dozens of professions, Including home Improvement contractors, real estate agents, security guards and cosmetologists. For more Information about how to use Verffy.TN.Gov, please read our FAQ's Page by Clicking Here. • VERIFY.TN.GOVonly provides verification for licenses that are required by Commerce and Insurance. If you need to find other license verification services for other state agencies (e.g. health, medical, etc.), please do a search for those services by clicking here. • Insurance Division Information Is located here: Insurance Division Online Data and Tools • After you submit the search form, your results will appear below the form In this window (the form will remain for your reuse) ... lf you cannot see the results below, please scroll further down the search form. license Status ... .. ' EXPIRED-FAILURE TO RENEW License# License ID ". Expiration Date Original Date 31 1994 Profession Code •• Profession Name First Name Middle Name Last Name City State ·•· Zip Code Rank License Activity Description L!Cl::NSI::U PRmt:SS!ONAL GEOLOGIS • ·.. ·' • Department of Commerce and Insurance ~--·---------SQG-JarnesRobertson-f!kwy------- --~------ ----~---~--~~~- - -------~-----· • Nashville, TN 37243-0565 • (615) 741-2241 • [email protected] http://verify. 7/2/2013 13 Watson, Alain From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Muratti, Rick Tuesday, July 02, 2013 12:25 PM Garrity, Rick Tschantz, Rick; Watson, Alain; Campbell, Jerry Donation of Air Monitoring Devices to GEMSS Air Monitoring Hillsborough County Atty. Rick.doc DrG, You asked Alain W to ask me to do more research about Guinea Environmental, Medical and Social Services (GEMSS) and its Director Eckersley Mohamed Sylla (aka Sillah). GEMSS has asked that we donate three of our antiquated (no-longer in use) air monitoring devices called TEOM PM2.5 Monitors. I spoke at length to Ms. Kathy Jones with the Hamilton County Pollution Control Bureau (Chattanooga, TN) and Mr. Sylla. Ms. Jones' government office is located next to GEMSS and she has a comfort level that it is a legitimate organization, but she has only known him for a short period of time. Her office has scheduled some air monitoring equipment training sessions with GEMSS in the near future, because the equipment we plan to donate is the same as what Hamilton County uses now. GEMSS intends to use the devices to monitor particulate matter at a port in Guinea where bauxite is loaded and stored, as it is a major source of pollution and a health concern for locals. Speaking to Mr. Sylla, I learned that GEMSS has been up and running in Guinea for a short period, but it Is a brand new non-profit in Tennessee (as of May 2013). Mr. Sylla worked for Alabama equivalent of the DEP in the early 1990s. He then moved to Tennessee. Mr. Sylla was a PG in Tennessee for many years (see TN.GOV on-line info below) but it has expired. He ran his own environmental company (Dynamic Environmental) and did a lot of work for the City of Chattanooga and for some churches in Chattanooga. He said he has done a project with EPA Region IV and the UN FAO. See the attached letters of reference. I called the City of Chattanooga General Services Dept, but only got a voice mail and did not leave a message. I suspect it will be hard to confirm a letter of · r~cQmmendatlon from 1999,_bJ.I_tj_Q9_k~j~git. . ____________ -· ·--Mohamed Sylla is a very common name in Guinea apparently, so hard to Google for more info. With that information, I would recommend we move forward with the donation of equipment to GEMSS. Let me know if Alain or I need to get you more info. Sincerely, Rick Muratti 14 VEF~IFY.TN.GOV ~ License Search and VE;rification • Yout<~n u\(' thiH~eb;it(' to verily the lit.<"n>e stJtu~ olpcop!c in duJ~n~ of (HOit.''~lon'. induding home inlpr ovcmc!H cunlr ntt<lf;, real f~HUe 38t'lllS, 5eWrity suarM Md (0Sfi\etologi~ts. 01 lllOf(' in for mat ion al>out how to liS(' Verify.l N.Gov, plea-..e I I'IHI !Hif I 1\( f•.J';•lW r by Clic!dng I krP. • VFRIFYJN.GOV only provid'.:s wriflculion for lb:mcslhJI ~rcrcquircd by Commerce and Insurance. If you need to find othe.r lkwsc wtifi<o~tion ~c.-vit.;s 101 otlttr ~wtc ott-n<:ic; (('~. 1\Nith. rlledkal. etc). p!ea'" do'' ;,o:Jr(h lor tho;c ~~tvk<:s by< li• : ;,,~ t· ·' \·· • tn-:,,!( 1\11 ~j- r. )i\•;,:(Hl_kth".-f l!l~rk~;\ Iii 1(}(:1tC'rl ht:rt1: h~·~~ . J ~lf!f l:_l):yi ··k~l) ( )f'l;,\~: P.11 ;1 ·l(d t~"\.•b • After you submit the scm ch fm m. }'l:l\J! Jcwlt~ ""i!l.i!PR~tilfJ~lQW ttwJQt.n.J wimiQW lthdorm will remain !Ol your rrusc) ... il YQ\.1 !:,)ilil&UJ:'t:..lMJ.t.s.u!tiJJ:d(!tLJ.ili:;)5!:-illlilliuJJ~·iul.l.hl..~tdtfuim. llPC Mission Statement: To protect our natural resources and quality of life [or the citizens of /l{l/sborough County. This e-mail message and Its attachments may contain confidential or privileged Information. /[you are not the Intended recipient, please rwtiJY the sender Immediately and delete this message. lrlComln,q and outgoing EPC communications may be public records and subject to public Inspection From: Eckersley Mohamed Sylla [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 9:25 AM To: Murattl, Rick Subject: Air Monitoring Hillsborough Co. Attorney Good morning Rick, Attached are the recommendation documents from Dr. Sandilands and from the City of Chattanooga we discussed yesterday. Please you may contact Dr. Sandilands for any additional information you may require to facilitate gemss/people of Guinea. Thank you very much Sir and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Eckersley M. Sylla 2 15 MISSION CONSORTIUM OF CHURCHES INTERNATIONAl_; 3111 CALHOUN AVENUE CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. 37407 [email protected] 423-394-5271 Office 423-847-0814 Fax June 30th, 2013 Letter of Reference Dr. Eckersley M. Syllah/Siltah To Whom it May Concern: I have known Dr. Sylla both personally and professionally for over fourteen (14) years. Dr. Sy1la is a registered professional Geologist in the State of Tennessee who in that capacity volunteered as environmental technical advisor to Pinewood and Alton Communities in 1999. Dr. Sylla has provided expert environmental services to Chattanooga and sunounding area. I have worked together with him on several community projects including coal-tar removal from Chattanooga Creek also conducted surface and sub-smface investigations on Charles A Bell Elementary School and wrote the Environmental Site Assessment Report Phase II. Personally, I admire his honesty and integrity in his dealings with the public. Dr. Sylla ---------rs--a man of strong-cunvictions-and is willing to-giveills all to his-friends-and family.-Professionally, I know Dr. Sylla's experience and qualifications as a geologist/environmentalist are excellent. His work ethics and professional honor assure that his work will be of the highest standards. Therefore, I highly reconm1end Dr. Sylla for any position he may apply for. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely. In His Grace Presiding Bishop Dr. Mark H. Sandilands 16 <!ttttt nf <n:4attunnnga Department of General Services Chattanooga, TN 37402 Rayburn Traughber • Administrator Dlvlslo11a: Building Maintenance Econ./Com. Development Electronic Shop Employee Benems Fleet Managemenl Divisions: Purchasing Occupational Safety Record Management Real Property M~~nagement Street Lighting February 25 1 1999 SUBJECT: DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTAL To whom it may concern: The City of Chattanooga is pleased to present this Letter of Reference for Mr. E. Mohamed Sillah, P.G., Dynamic Environmental. Mr. Sillah has performed several Environmental Site Assessments and clean-up projects for the City of Chattanooga. In the two years that we have been acquainted with Mr. Sillah, we are extremely pleased with the superior quality of his work. Dynamic Environmental exemplifies the utmost in technical competence and professionalism, while meeting all of our requirements and expectations. In our opinion, Mr. Sillah would perform with the same quality standards for anyone who contracts with him. Yours ~ru~ R~Wau~ Administrator Suite 201 • City Hall Ann&x (423) 767-4928 Page 1 of 1 FAMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen 17 ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: 0000116471 07/25/2013 3:26 PM TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR E EQUIPMENT EP Maj/Min Class: TESTMEAS AIRMONTR Loc/Subloc: 00837 03AM Vendor ID: 141630188 Prop Cust: 060 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMISSION AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT 3629 QUEEN PALM DR ROGER STEWART 01 RUPPRECHT & PATASHNICK CO INC GARRITY. RICK (EPC) Manufacturer: RUPRCHT&PATASHNK Model: Serial Number: 140AB232070008 Tax Map No: Own Status: C COUNTY OWNED 1400A Control Ind: Site Org: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: Disp Date: Disposal Code: Usefu I Life: Acq. Date: 09/30/2000 Index: EPE05083 Subobject: 6499 Proj/Proj Dtl: 1 Quantity: Category: Department : 005 Orig Cost: AMBIENT AIR OTHER EQUIPMENT Grant/Grt Dtl: 17,590.00 Curr Cost: Doc Ref: EP2006 0.00 POEP00184162 01 User Cd: G014- RECORD FOUND AMISWeb/PrintPage.aspx 7/25/2013 Page I of I 18 FAMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: 0000117770 Category: 07/25/2013 3:26PM TEOM PM 2.5 MONITOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMISSION Department : EP Maj/Min Class: TESTMEAS AIRMONTR 03AM AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT 3629 QUEEN PALM DR ROGER STEWART Loc/Subloc: 00837 Vendor ID: 141630188 Prop Cust: 060 Manufacturer: TEOM Model: Serial Number: 140AB236560105 Tax Map No: Own Status: C COUNTY OWNED RUPPRECHT & PATASHNICK CO INC 01 GARRITY. RICK (EPC) 1400A Control Ind: Site Org: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: Disp Date: Disposal Code: Useful Life: Acq. Date: 08/07/2001 Index: EPE05183 Subobject: 6499 Proj/Proj Dtl: 1 Quantity: E EQUIPMENT 005 Orig Cost: AMBIENT AIR OTHER EQUIPMENT GrantjGrt Dtl: 17,590.00 Curr Cost: Doc Ref: EP2106 0.00 POEP01184055 01 User Cd: G014 - RECORD FOUND https://fox -esacics. internal. AMI S Web/PrintPage.aspx 7/25/2013 Page I of I FAMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen 19 ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: Category: 0000079401 E 07/25/2013 3:27 PM ANALYZER TEOM W/TRIPOD Quantity: EQUIPMENT 0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMISSION Department : EP Maj/Min Class: TESTMEAS AIRMONTR 03AM AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT 3629 QUEEN PALM DR ROGER STEWART Loc/Subloc: 00837 VendoriD: FAACSCON Prop Cust: 060 Manufacturer: RUPPRECHT & PATA Model: Serial Number: 1400AB216259707 Tax Map No: Own Status: N NON-COUNTY OWNED FAACS CONVERSION 01 GARRITY. RICK (EPC) Site Org: 1400A Control Ind: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: BD MIN BK 424 Disp Date: 09/12/2011 Disposal Code: J Useful Life: 005 Acq. Date: 02/10/1992 JUNKED/OBSOLETE Index: EPE40100 Subobject: 6400 Proj/Proj Dtl: WATER MONITO OFFICE EQUIPMENT & F Orig Cost: 17,310.00 Curr Cost: 0.00 Doc Ref: Grant/Grt Dtl: User Cd: G126- ASSET HAS BEEN DISPOSED https://fox-esacics. internal.hi MIS Web/PrintPage.aspx 7/25/2013 20 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 29, 2013 TO: Michelle Miller, Fixed Assets Supervisor FROM: SUBJECT: frank Guida / ~ Director Victim Assistance Program State Attorney's Office, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit 813-274-1302 Removal of Equipment from Victim Assistance Inventory Please take necessary actions to remove the item listed below from our inventory. This item is outdated and no longer functioning. The item will be disposed of through the State Attorney's Office via Quick Silver. Property ID 0104516 Description Printer Lase1jet HP 6MP Thank you for your assistance and feel free to call me if you have any questions. MULTIPLE FIXED ASSETS (FAACS) ACTION REQUEST FORM 21 SEND TO: FIXED ASSETS SUPERVISOR-FINANCE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, 12TH FLOOR, COUNTY CENTER PROPERTY ID NUMBER **"THIS FORM IS TO BE USED ONLY IF ALL PCN'S ARE COMING FROM AND GOING TO THE SAME LOCATION/SUBLOCACTION*** PRESENT LOCATION: DEPT NAME/NUMBER: ------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: NEW LOCATION: DEPT NAME/NUMBER: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOCATION: SUB LOCATION: SUB LOCATION: DEPT LOANED TO: NEW INDEX CODE- FOR FLEETIMAINT BILLING PURPOSE ONLY: r·INDEX CODE IN FAACS WILL NOT CHANGE.. ! TRANSFERRED D CLASS D SERIAL# MODEL# D MAKE/MFR D VENDOR NON-FINANCIAL RECORD CHANGE: (RECORD UPDATED INFORMATION BELOW IN REMARKS SECTION! D D -- ASSETS AVAILABILITY ASSET CONDITION AVAILABLE D DISABLED D GOOD D UNAVAILABLE D FAIR D D SURPLUS POOR ;& - FINANCIAL TYPE OF DISPOSITION SOLD D TRADED D JUNKED D MISSING D CANNIBALIZED D CONVEYED D (RECORD UPDATED INFORMATION BELOW IN REMARKS SECTION) STOLEN D j RELEASED BY (PRINTED NAME) (SIGNATURE) 7 RECEIVED BY -,:-_La._.;;/ 4LA,"'~ £~.-.£ ~--¥ (PRINTED NAME) DATE: L7z9/t?oPID# DATE (SIGNATURE) REMARKS FOR FIXED ASSETS USE ONLY ENTERED BY DATE TRANSACTION/BATCH# OP ID#: Page 1 of 1 22 FAMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: 0000104516 07/31/2013 9:24AM PRINTER LASERJET HP 6MP Category: E EQUIPMENT Department : sv Maj/Min Class: DATAPROC PRINTER COMPUTER PRINTER 03VA 419 PIERCE ST- COURTHOUSE Loc/Subloc: 00100 Vendor ID: 942376431 Prop Cust: 001 Manufacturer: HEWLETI PACKARD Model: Serial Number: USBB102019 Tax Map No: Own Status: c Control I nd: 01 VANSTAR CORPORATION DONAHOE. WAVERLY (STATE ATIY) COUNTY OWNED Site Org: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: Disp Date: Disposal Code: Useful Life: Acq. Date: 07/03/1997 Index: SVE01010 Subobject: 6402 Proj/Proj Dtl: 1 Quantity: STATE ATIORNEY (PART II) LASERJET6M 005 1,100.31 Orig Cost: VICTIM ASSIS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0.00 Curr Cost: Doc Ref: Grant/Grt Dtl: P043561 01 User Cd: G014- RECORD FOUND 7/31/2013 23 u n l\0\R I l t ll' JL1N t :t llvlr\ II\.\IUI':ll'\ kl'\·in [)nkun \'ictor I l. ( :ri<t 1\.l'll I L1gan :\llli1-.r,gJnhtHh.u11 !nit'\' "ln" ~[dlci, lr. Hillsborough County Florida ~J!Idta l. ~1uJttLitl \1.rr k Slw[h' ( )flicc· of rlw County ;\dmini,tr;ltor lvlich:lcl S. J\:lcrrill UIIFF :\llMlN!STRAl'l'v'F t >l'l'lCF!Z Hclc·nc• 1\Lnk< CHIEF FlNi\Nc:!AI. 1\l ll\!!NI\1 IZAI UIZ 1\unnici'v!. \\ 1i<e llU'UTY COliN I Y 1\l ll\\INI\IR.\1 O!ZS l.uc'i.t F. C:.I\W< Sh.tron [), Suh;~dan MEMORANDUM DATE: July 30, 2013 TO: /~chelle/ ~i~~r,Jd Assets Section, Clerk of the Circuit Court 1 FROM: ~mew Ban~-;Division Director, Division of Aging Services SUBJECT: Removal of Item from Department Inventory The recorded property listed below has been misplaced during the reconfiguration of Fiscal and Support Services and the Department of Family & Aging Services Departments on the 25th Floor of the County Center. The equipment was never recovered, and the current book value of the item is o.oo. We request your assistance in seeking Board approval for removing the property from our inventory. PROPERTY NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE ACQUITED 0080620 Workstation Corner Wood 07/02/1992. Should you have any questions, please contact Mary Ellen Guszkiewicz at 307-3665. Post Offin· Box 1110 • Tampa, Florida_)}(,() I \\'\\"\\'.hi llsh,Houghctntn [,, /,!'·If' 1'.'1 I 'J/o / (. 1,/ I 1' /.u; ·,,·,r Page 1 of 1 F AMIS Web Print Mainframe Screen 24 ASSET MANAGEMENT 6.0 PRODUCTION SYSTEM FACL6410 Property Master Non Financial Inquiry Property ID: 0000080620 Category: E Department : AG Maj/Min Class: FURNTURE 07/31/2013 9:28AM WORKSTATION CORNER WOOD Quantity: EQUIPMENT Loc/Subloc: 00103 Vendor ID: FAACSCON Prop Cust: 023 Manufacturer: UNK WRKSTATN WORKSTATION 25AP 601 E KENNEDY BL 01 FAACS CONVERSION MCKAY. MARY JO (AGING SVC) Model: Serial Number: Own Status: Tax Map No: c Control Ind: COUNTY OWNED Site Org: Old Prop ID: Disposal Desc: Disp Date: Disposal Code: Useful Life: Acq. Date: 07/02/1992 Index: AGE10101 Subobject: 6400 Proj/Proj Dtl: 1 AGING SVCS DEPT (CLSD) SERVICES TO OFFICE EQUIPMENT & F 010 Orig Cost: 1,199.00 Curr Cost: 0.00 Doc Ref: Grant/Grt Dtl: User Cd: G014 - RECORD FOUND 7/31/2013
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