COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 511490 St. Cornelius 160 Ridge Road Chadds Ford, PA 19317 PHONE 610-459-2502 CONTACT PERSON Douglas Kitson SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Standard PRINTER HP LaserJet P2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 13, 2013 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday January 9, 2013 3:00 PM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 160 Ridge Road, Chadds Ford, PA 19317 Phone (610) 459-2502 Web Site: Fax (610) 459-3942 Email: [email protected] REV. MSGR. GREGORY J. PARLANTE Pastor Deacons: Pastor Emeritus: Rev. James E. Locke, Ocean City, NJ In Residence: Rev. Dominic M. Chiaravalle, Rev. Philip J. Lowe Ronald Lewis Harry Morris Steven Santoleri John Todor Richard Wirth Rose Lovell Business Manager Douglas Kitson Office Manager Barbara Rosini School Principal (610) 459-8663 Mary Ann Rusek Coordinator of Religious Education CCD # 484-840-9250 Margie Melchiore Director of Music Page Two January 13, 2013 ALL ARE WELCOME!!!! Saint Cornelius is a fast growing, Faith-filled, Dynamic Catholic Parish Established as a Parish in 1963 by John Cardinal Krol from a mission that dates back to the mid 1800s, we strive to recognize the Presence of Christ in our midst. If you are visiting with us, please know that you are most welcome, and thank you for praying with us. If you are new to the area, we are glad that you have decided to become part of our worshipping community. If you have been searching for a spiritual home, please consider joining us Sunday after Sunday. To register, please come to the Parish Life Center during office hours or call for an appointment. If you are new, please introduce yourself to Msgr. Parlante, Deacon Lewis, Deacon Morris, Deacon Santoleri, Deacon Todor or Deacon Wirth. We’re always in the narthex after Mass. We hope you will find a true Spiritual Home here at St. Cornelius. CELEBRATION OF THE SACRED MYSTERIES Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil - 5:00 pm Daily Mass - Monday thru Friday 7:30 am Sunday - 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am and 7:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - 8:00 am until 10:00 pm and Friday - 8:00 am until 5:00 pm SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Penance - Saturday at 4:00 pm Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - please notify the Parish Life Center when a relative is sick or hospitalized. The sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick are a joy and privilege to administer. If you know you are going to the hospital for surgery, please notify Msgr. Parlante and he will be glad to Anoint you after Mass. Sacrament of Baptism - Congratulations! In co-operation with God’s creative love, you have given your child breath and now you wish to give them Real Life through the sacrament of Baptism. You will be your child’s first teacher in the ways of the Faith. During your pregnancy, to help you prepare for this responsibility, you are requested to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Class. Classes are held the First Sunday of each month at 12:15 pm in the Bethany Room —Prior registration required. Please contact Deacon Wirth at (610) 459-2502. Sacrament of Marriage - The love between a husband and wife images for us the love of Christ and his church. What a powerful and awesome thing is the call to the sacrament of Marriage! To assist couples to enter this sacrament, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires at least six months of formation prior to the reception of the sacrament. Those who wish to receive the sacrament—please call the Parish Life Center to make an appointment to see Msgr. Parlante to begin your sacramental preparation. Congratulations for responding to God’s call to Love. Sacrament of Holy Orders - Jesus said that we are to pray to the Lord of the harvest, that workers will be sent at harvest time. The best way to promote vocations to the diaconate and priesthood is to invite those men whom you would consider would make a good priest or deacon. If you feel the Lord might be asking you to be a priest or deacon, Msgr. Parlante, Fr. Chiaravalle, Fr. Lowe or any of the Deacons will always be available to answer your questions and give direction. DEVOTIONS Sodality of Our Lady: Monday, Mass at 7:30 am followed by Rosary and Novena to St. John Neumann Rosary: Monday through Friday at 8:00 am Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Sunday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Bulletin Deadline is Monday by 9:00am (Closed for Lunch 12 - 1 pm) 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm Page Three The Baptism of the Lord Recently, someone came to me with the idea that the parking the parking lot island lot island on the onleft the side left side of the ofchurch the church needed needed a pathway. a pathway. This person who wishes to remain anonymous presented plans, architectural design and even paver samples along with a generous check that covered the cost of our two new pathways on the left side of our parking lot. This project is just one example of the generosity of the people of St. Cornelius who give so much of their time, talent and treasures. In the last year or so people have stepped up to the plate to run the giving tree, our faith-based faith based nursing program, Just Faith initiatives, our generosity to St. Peters, Peter’s,our ourBereavement Bereavementprogram programand andthe thelist listcould couldgo goon onand andon. on. Each Eachof oftheir their initiatives began with an idea and a willingness to make the idea a reality. Today we end our Christmas season with the Baptism of the Lord. Our celebration of the Lords’ birth was extremely beautiful here at St. Cornelius and many people gave of themselves to parking cars, music ministry, decorating the grounds and the church or just being. Our Penance service on December 20 was a real expression of faith and it was so wonderful to see so many young people and children receive the sacrament. I know that many people have returned to Church this Christmas season and I hope and pray they return every Sunday after Sunday to experience Jesus. ROOF UPDATE The roof on the Parish Life Center has been completed at a cost of $81,707. To date our stewardship collection has collected $55,535. We still need $26,172 to cover the costs. I am very grateful to those who have contributed to the stewardship collection and if you have not yet done so, please consider making a donation to offset the costs. Mothers’ Home Dear Monsignor Parlante, Please extend our sincere thanks to all of your parishioners who donated to our mothers during this past Christmas Season. The amount of the gift certificates, SEPTA tokens, diapers, baby clothing and items as well as individual gifts was overwhelming. Your parishioners were so generous to the cause of our mothers who are trying to improve their life choices not only for themselves, but also for the future of their infants. I was very grateful for the generous supply of baby items that we will use for our residents who currently reside here and for future residents who will benefit from all the donations. May God richly reward the thoughtfulness and generosity of each and every donor. May you all be blessed with God’s peace, love and joy throughout the new year! With warm regard, Helen McBlain St. Thomas Aquinas Rectory Dear Rev. Msgr. Parlante, Christmas is over, winter is upon us again but the warmth, and love that you have given us this year especially during these difficult economic times is overwhelming! The warmth and love you and your parish provided continues to be a source of peace this time of year. The couple that did the deliovery were clearly filled with the Spirit! It was absolutely a pleasure to be in their company! Our families would not have experienced a family meal or be able to weather the cold winter ahead without the generosity of your parish. Please note that without the generosity of your parish many families would have not experienced Christmas this year as in many years past. Monsignor Parlante please know that there are smiles on many faces this Christmas Season because of you! Yours in Christ, Mrs. Burhedita Thompson Msgr Hugh J. Shields Coordinator of Religious Ed Page Four January 13, 2013 Ash Wednesday Schedule February 13, 2013 7:00 AM Mass 9:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Liturgy of the Word 5:00 PM Liturgy of the Word 7:00 PM Liturgy of the Word Tuesdays during Lent: Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM, followed by a lecture series The Year of Faith: The Creed Made Real. When Pope Benedict XVI announced the Year of Faith he charged every parish to proclaim the Creed as the symbol of faith. To help make the Creed real and alive we will break open the Creed part by part. Thursday nights 7:00 PM Soup and Discussion: Thursday, February 14 Love in the 21st Century: The Marriage Covenant Thursday, February 21 Living in the Market Place: Role of the Bystander in the World Thursday, February 28 How hard is it to follow your conscience: The dilemma of our time Thursday, March 7 Small Church – Big World: How to Stay and Invite Others to Proclaim the Faith Thursday, March 14 Shame and Scandal: Struggles with the Church, how do we Overcome? Thursday, March 21 Open Mic: Ask any question The format for our Thursday nights will be to meet at Walker Hall in the School for a soup supper, followed by a small presentation and open discussion on the topic for that evening. More information to follow as we get closer to Lent. FAST AND ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF PENANCE FOR LENT The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are 14 years of age or older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons 18 years of age and older, up to and including their 59th birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single meal on Ash Wednesday and on to Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. All faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. All are encouraged to participate in “Operation Rice Bowl,” which has aided countless hungry persons here in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and our world. Catholic Social Services Delaware County On behalf of our clients, Catholic Social Services, in Chester, Delaware County, send a very special THANK YOU for your very generous Christmas Donation of Gift Cards. May God’s goodness return to you each day, for so generously helping those in need. Page Five The Baptism of the Lord ST. CORNELIUS BOOK STUDY On October 11, 1962, Pope John XXIII knelt at the altar in St. Peter Basilica and intoned the hymn, Veni, Creator Spiritus, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Vatican II had begun. In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, the Book Study will examine the important documents of Vatican II as they apply to the Church today and to our personal spiritual lives. Please come join others interested in Vatican II as we continue to explore selected documents of the Council. All are welcome to the discussion. You can download the documents free of charge from ii_vatican_council/index.htm Or, you can purchase a book with the complete documents: “Vatican Council II: Constitutions, Decrees, Declarations" Austin Flannery, O.P., Editor. Amazon has the book for $16.37 or used for $12.92 +3.99 shipping. The Book Study meets every other week on Wednesday in the Parish Life Center at 9:15 AM. If you have any questions, please call Mary Bell, 610-399-0414. BIBLE STUDY DID YOU MAKE A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION TO READ THE BIBLE??? Please join us on January 8 and each Tuesday this winter and Spring to study EXODUS We’ll read about Moses, Pharaoh, the plagues, the Covenant, Passover celebration, and the long road to the Promised Land. We will study the impact of all these events on our Catholic faith and liturgy. Everyone is welcome. No previous study of the bible is necessary. We will meet weekly in the Parish Life Center on Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Please come together with Bible Study friends to explore the Book of GENESIS. If you have any questions, please call Mary Bell, 610-399-0414. SENIOR SEMINAR: TRUSTS AND WILLS Thursday, February 7, 2013 - 9:30 AM Parish Life Center A free 40 minute presentation followed by a Q&A period offered by Senior Care Ministries: a group of volunteer, Christian professionals. All are welcome, especially seniors and their adult children. Each attendee will receive valuable information to help make plans and decisions regarding trusts, wills and power of attorney. Please pre-register by calling the St. Cornelius nurse line @ 215-901-5176 with your name and telephone number or email: [email protected] Sponsored by St. Cornelius’s Faith Community Health Ministry PLEDGECONNECT—is a service that simplifies how you make your church contributions. With PledgeCon- • nect you can now have your contribution deducted automatically from your credit card or withdrawn from your bank account weekly, monthly, or whichever interval works best for you. How can you begin making offertory contributions through PledgeConnect? • • Making your contribution through Pledgeconnect allows for more consistent collections for our church. This helps to minimize the challenges we face by the ups & downs caused by missed Mass- • es, vacations, illness, weather or when members simply forget to bring a check or cash for their contribution. No More Checks! Scheduling your payments through PledgeConnect eliminates your need to write weekly checks, and provides you a record of your contribution on your bank or credit card statement. You Choose! You can set your donation for the amount and interval that works for you: weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. Enrolling is easy. Simply go to the following website: saintcornelius Page Six January 13, 2013 REGISTRATIONS: Saint Cornelius School is now accepting registrations for grades PK3-8 for next school year. All registration information is posted on the school’s website at Parents can call school at 610-459-8663 to schedule a tour or to have your child spend a morning in a classroom. There will be a formal Open House on Wednesday, January 30th between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. for any interested parent. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: will open this year with a special liturgy on January 27th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Please consider coming out and joining us for this special event. Catholic Schools: Raise the Standards. BOXTOPS AND CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS We are still collecting box tops and Campbell soup labels for the school. Items can be dropped off at school or at the Parish Life Center. These labels are used to purchase P.E. equipment for our students, so we truly appreciate all the extra help from our parishioners. Mary Rusek Rusek--Coordinator 840--9250 CCD # 484 484--840 CONFIRMATION: We have started to measure the students for Confirmation gowns. The measurements are written directly on the registration form. Please send in your child’s registration form as soon as possible. Tuesday Stations of the Cross and Thursday Adult Faith Formation. The topics to be covered concern each of us as parents (of youngsters and of mature children). Check the Bulletin and plan your Tuesdays and Thursdays for CONFIRMATION RETREAT: Sunday, March 17, 2013. some excellent reflections and discussions with MonAttendance is a requirement for Confirmation. But better signor. than that, it’s a time for sharing and fellowship and learn- ASH WEDNESDAY: Ash Wednesday is February 13. ing to know and love God. There will be no CCD classes on Tuesday, February 12 or SECURITY: There is a need for more hall and door moni- Wednesday, February 13 so that all CCD families can go tors to provide the best security that we can for our most to Church to receive ashes. precious children. Can you help? You can call to find out CCD REGISTRATION: In Lent we will begin registration what’s involved at 484-840-9250 or show up on the even- for September CCD. ing of CCD at the Office for instruction. Thank you for help us to protect our children. Mrs. Mary Rusek, LENT: Ash Wednesday will be here before we know it. Coordinator of Religious Education Monsignor Parlante has some great things planned for Prayer Shawl Ministry... Our ministry is devoted to making shawls, lap robes, baby blankets, etc. for our parishioners. We cover all occasions; joyous, healing, bereavement, or whatever your particular need is at the time. Our ministry meets every Monday, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome to this ministry. Don’t let the lack of these skills hold you back; we will teach you. Come join the fun. To request a shawl, etc., please call Mary Jo Shell at 610-361-8198 or Jane Mangelli, 610-399-4645. For more information about joining the world-wide Prayer Shawl Ministry, call Joan Broge, 610-358-2086. Page Seven The Baptism of the Lord We Gather…We Form…We Send Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New Year’s resolutions : are fun to make and difficult to maintain but not impossible. This year, pick one of the following worthy resolutions, and stick with it. Here’s to your health! 1. Lose weight: The fact that this is perennially among the most popular resolutions suggests just how difficult it is to commit to but you can succeed if you don’t expect overnight success. 2. Stay in Touch: Feel like old friends (or family) have fallen by the wayside? It’s good for your health to reconnect with them. Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don’t. 3. Quit smoking: Fear that you’ve failed too many times to try again? Talk to any ex-smoker, and you’ll see that multiple attempts are often the path to success. 4. Save Money: Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride your bike to work, or explore carpooling. (That means more money in your pocket and less air pollution.) 5. Get more sleep: You probably already know that a good night’s rest can do wonders for your mood—and appearance. A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. 6. Cut Back on Alcohol: Drinking alcohol in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression and memory loss. 7. Cut Your Stress: Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress. Start by changing one bad habit at a time. Knights of Columbus District Free Throw Contest Friday January 25 between 6:00 & 7:30 pm Parish Life Center No pre-registration required, just show up. Open to boys and girls ages 10-14 Entire family welcome. Free pizza and soda. The actual free throw shoot takes about 10 min. All participants receive a certificate. Questions? Call (610) 368-5549 "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth." -- Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Eucharistic Adoration has begun for the New Year. Why not make a weekly holy hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament as part of your Year of Faith, as well as a celebration of our parish’s Golden Anniversary. No special prayers or actions are required, just your time and devotion. Adoration is offered in the daily mass chapel each Monday until 10 p.m. and each Friday until 5 p.m. For more information please call Jean Wysocki at 610-388-2048 or Sue Miller at 484-480-5882. Come spend some time with the Lord! The Ministry of Consolation is a St. Cornelius community response to the needs of people grieving the death of a significant person/persons in their lives. The ministry honors the words and example of the Lord Jesus: "Blessed are they who mourn; they shall be consoled" (Matthew 5:4) A team of eight St. Cornelius church members have been trained to set-up and facilitate support groups for the consolation ministry. Monthly Consolation Group (Starts January 20, 2013): An open invitation to anyone mourning the loss of a loved one: Please join us in the chapel on the third Sunday of every month at 5:30 pm. This will be a special time for sharing and caring, praying and honoring the person(s) we still miss and love. No registration needed. For questions call Dave Ripsom at 610-358-3227. Guided Workbook Weekly Consolation Support Group (Starts Sunday Feb 3 and meets weekly for eight weeks through March 24, 2013.) Trained facilitators will lead the workbook sessions to be held after the 11am Mass at the Parish Life Center. Registration required. Contact Linda Bower at 610-388-7047 or Angela Shinal at 610-388-1783 CYO Baseball /Softball Brandywine Valley Baseball Academy’s professional instructors are offering free individual hitting, pitching and fielding evaluation for all St Cornelius parishioners 7 to 14. They have private and group lesson available at substantial discounts. Private instruction starts at $30 per half hour and group sessions are as low as $10 per hour. In 2013 we are trying to start a girls’ softball team. If you would be interested in coaching or playing, please let us know. Please contact Bill Rizzo for details [email protected] Page Eight January 13, 2013 Tax Contributions Parishioners who desire a statement of their 2012 contributions must call the Parish Office during business hours at 610-459-2502. You have heard the old adage ~ “The Church never gets a vacation from its bills.” The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. January 6, 2013 $29,325 Thank you for your time, talents and treasure!! Celebrate Life A Sanctuary Drama of the Life of Jesus! All parishioners from high school age to senior citizens are invited to participate in our sanctuary drama this coming Fall. You do not need to be a member of our music ministry to sing with us. Anyone interested please contact Margie Melchiore at [email protected] Mr. & Mrs. Henry and Kathleen Giedzinski Baptized in Christ, Cora Grace, Daughter of Robert and Jennifer Prybolsky Let us pray for our new Christian Our next meeting will be Saturday, January 26, at 2:30pm in the Parish Life Center when we will have Tim Irwin as our guest speaker. Tim will speak about his Journey to Catholicism. We will then attend the 5pm Mass. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you are able to join us. Former NY Giant guard and superbowl champion Chris Godfrey founded the organization Life Athletes, a pro-life and pro-sexual abstinence before marriage organization for athletes. Godfrey visits schools in New York City promoting Christianity, pro-life issues, and sexual abstinence before marriage. Did you know that Chris Godfrey is a Knight of Columbus? For information about becoming a Knight call (610) 358-1036 or email [email protected] 50th Anniversary Celebration of St. Cornelius Our committee has been hard at work planning the festivities to celebrate 50 years of God’s Grace in our Chadds Ford community. The theme for our jubilee year is From Generation to Generation Joyful ♦ Hopeful ♦ Faithful The Sunday before Memorial Day, May 19, 2013, we will have our Parish Fun Day, including games, food, beverages and friendship after the 11:00 AM Mass. On October 19, 2013, we will have our Parish Dinner Dance at the Mendenhall Inn. Cost for the event will be $70.00 per person. This dinner will include a 1 hour open bar, with hors d'oeuvres, sit down dinner, dessert, coffee, and dancing to a live band. Mark your calendars to Save the Date for October 19, 2013. More information will follow in coming months as we continue our celebration year. Also, two musical events are being planned: A sanctuary musical play based on the life of Jesus, and music to celebrate life to highlight the musical talents of so many of our parishioners. ICE & SNOW — BLESS THE LORD Snow might be beautiful to look at, but in our area it is usually treacherous to drive in. Our snow removal company places us lower on the priority list when school is closed. If school is not in session, the snow removal company will not be able to plow the roads and shovel the sidewalks in time for the daily Mass. On these days, I will celebrate Mass in my private chapel in the pastoral residence; there will be no public Mass on these days. However, on the weekend, we are first on the priority list and Masses will be celebrated as usual - unless the state declares an emergency. Our School Closing # - Delaware County #489 on KYW1060 Remember - Safety comes First Page Nine The Baptism of the Lord Feast Days and Mass Readings READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 (St. Anthony) Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 This Week’s Mass Intentions Sat. 5:00 pm - Marci Donnelly Sun. People of St. Cornelius Mon. 7:30 am Isabelle Skutnik Tue. 7:30 am Bernardette Kelly Wed. 7:30 am - Josephine DeMatteo Thur. 7:30 am - Tom Tobin Fri. 7:30 am - John Kane Sat. 5:00 pm - Claire Armstrong TABERNACLE CANDLES: For the good health of Jason Land (1/13) Pancake Breakfast The Knights of Columbus will hold their second of this fraternal year All You Can Eat Breakfast on Sunday morning, January 27th in the St. Cornelius School's Walker Hall. Join fellow parishioners after the 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. Masses, anytime from 8 a.m to 1:30 p.m. All proceeds from our full course breakfast, including eggs, pancakes, meats, juices, coffee and desserts, benefit Knights of Columbus local charities. Bring the kids, the whole family, for good food, good fellowship, and maybe a few surprises! PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL AND THOSE WHO CARE FOR THEM Frank Acquarola, Pauline Ausman, Dan Barret, Katie Boyle, Paula Brogan, Charles Bullock, Jeff Burke, Edmund Butler, John Camero, Sr., Barry Carpenter, Rosalie Celona, Scotty Compton, Helen Cornacchia, Paul Daniel Crowley, Jesse Cugini, Michael Dadd, Lewis T. D’Ambrosio, David Davis, Anne Dennis, Marie DiMedio, Rose DiPrinzio, Danielle Dobitsch, Stella Domalewski, Bill Edick, Steve Emrich, Michael Fecile, Frank Gallagher III, Carolyn Gerbereux, Matthew Granger, Thomas Green, Margaret (Peggy) Gregory, Alexandra Graham, Joe Greim, Cathy Griffith, Jean Hackett, Anne Haines, John Halloran, Tom Hannan, 1st Lt. Ryan Hennessey, Kristi Hertzog, Art Hindle, Hillary Hopkins, Hope Huber, Keith Hughes, Mark Kelly, Judy Lagana, Fr. Andrew Latsko, Jason LeChette, Jerome Linenhard, Edward McCarthy, John McConaghey, James McCrosson, Pat McFadden, Linda Makowski, Sue Malone, Jr., Melissa Masse, Jimmy Middleton, Lou Milone, Cindi Faulkner Moore, Greg Moskal, Melanie Moss, Betty Nolan, Regina O’Donnell, Marie Ouly, Patricia Patten, Joseph Phelan, Vincent Pryce, Alberta Pullman, Hanna Reif, Don Rieck, Debbie Roberts, Maria Rowan, Hope Santo, Steve Santoleri, Jimmy Sapp, Melanie Schultz, Ethan Schwartz, Joseph Scibilia, Cathy Serra, Sue & Bill Shank, Norm Shapero, Ed Shell, Ruth Spincic, Mary Jane Stahler, Evelyn Steiner, Kevin Sullivan, Mark Swankaski, Vincent Taddei, Robert Tangi, Barbara Turner, Kimberly Van Pelt, Eddie Walker, Joan Walsh, Shirley West, Patrick Williamson, Tommy Williamson, Molly Zahner If your loved one can be removed from the prayer list, please contact the Parish Life Center. Let us pray for our Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces. Especially for: PFC Chris Ariza RAdm Kenneth Braithwaite SSGT James J. Bygrave, Jr. SPC Mike Canfield PILGRIM STATUE Cpl Michael Castle 01 - 13 - 13 Lewis Fr. Joseph Coffey (Chaplain) 01 - 20 - 13 Santoleri Sgt Matthew Collins 01 - 27 - 13 Weber STC Daniel Concepcion Please consider having Mary in your home for a week. Call Cpl Thomas Coyle Diane at 610-388-0362 for more information. Maj Robert B. Cusick, Jr. CAPT Joshua deFreitas PERPETUAL NOVENAS AT HM4(FMF) Michael ST. CORNELIUS Docherty SgtMaj Joseph Fanning The novena of the Miraculous Medal and a noveCAPT Matthew Gibbons na to St. John Neumann are prayed each Monday Ens Patrick Gibbons morning; the Marian Movement of Priests is Ens John Paul Gibbons prayed each Friday; and the rosary is recited daily, all SPC Logan Hannum following daily Mass (about 8 am) Everyone is welcome! Lt. Carl A. Hansen Lt. Ryan Hennessey Devin J. Hunt LTC Christopher Jones PO1 Nathan R. Keller Dan Kohli Capt Michael Leak SFC Sean McGlensey SSGT Jonathan McGrath Ens Ryan A. McGuckin Maj Brian J. O’Shea Capt James O’Shea Lt. Neal F. Schubert HM3 Charles Schwartz MSG Thomas Stone SPC Brian D. Trent Cpl Mark Truex Capt Jennifer Wynn
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